DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT - Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity

Page created by Clara Zimmerman
DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT - Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity

        WORKBOOK      1
DIRECTOR OF RECRUITMENT - Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity
GROUP 1                                          GROUP 4                                         GROUP 7
                       Beta Pi Associate Chapter                        Beta                                            Zeta Beta
                       Frostburg State University                       Truman State University                         University of Cincinnati
                       Eta Nu Associate Chapter                         Omega                                           Phi
                       University of Wisconsin-Madison                  Missouri State University                       Southeastern Louisiana University
                       Lambda Associate Chapter                         Alpha Epsilon                                   Epsilon Xi
                       Black Hills State University                     Henderson State University                      Saint Louis University
                       Zeta Omega Associate Chapter                     Psi                                             Theta
                       The Ohio State University                        Central Michigan University                     Northwest Missouri State University
                       Zeta Tau Associate Chapter                       Beta Upsilon                                    Alpha
                       Iowa State University                            Cleveland State University                      University of Central Missouri
                       Zeta Upsilon Associate Chapter                   Zeta Mu                                         Zeta Associate Chapter
                       University of Nebraska-Lincoln                   William Woods University                        Northeastern State University
                       Eta Lambda Associate Chapter                     Beta Chi                                        Epsilon Rho
                       University of Maryland-College Park              University of Nebraska at Kearney               Salisbury University
                       Eta Mu Associate Chapter                         Beta Zeta                                       Epsilon Tau
                       University of Kansas                             University of Central Oklahoma                  University of North Carolina at Charlotte
                                                                        Gamma Beta                                      Delta Alpha
                       GROUP 2                                          University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point           East Carolina University
                       Alpha Phi                                        Beta Kappa                                      Epsilon Upsilon
                       Southeast Missouri State University              University of Wisconsin-La Crosse               Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
                       Alpha Lambda
                       Concord University                               GROUP 5                                         GROUP 8
                       Epsilon Mu                                       Beta Xi                                         Beta Alpha

                       Marshall University                              Winona State University                         University of Missouri
                       Gamma Rho                                        Alpha Chi                                       Zeta Pi
                       Cameron University                               University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign      University of Arizona
                       Mu                                               Epsilon Sigma                                   Beta Theta
                       Southeastern Oklahoma State University           Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville       Purdue University
                       Epsilon Zeta                                     Beta Gamma                                      Eta Epsilon Associate Chapter
                       Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott    Youngstown State University                     Texas Tech University
                       Upsilon                                          Epsilon Lambda                                  Sigma
                       University of Arkansas-Monticello                Plattsburgh State University of New York        University of Central Arkansas
                       Epsilon Omega                                    Gamma Theta                                     Epsilon Chi
                       Florida Institute of Technology                  University of Missouri-St. Louis                Auburn University
                       Epsilon Theta                                    Alpha Omega                                     Chi
                       Plymouth State University                        Missouri University of Science and Technology   Western Michigan University
                                                                        Zeta Phi Associate Chapter                      Zeta Alpha
                       GROUP 3                                          Carroll University                              Arizona State University
                       Delta Phi                                        Kappa                                           Epsilon Phi
                       Fitchburg State University                       University of Wisconsin-Whitewater              University of Alabama
                       Epsilon Delta                                    Gamma Xi
                       University of Massachusetts-Lowell               University of Wisconsin-Platteville
                       Beta Iota
                       California University of Pennsylvania            GROUP 6
                       Delta Psi Associate Chapter                      Gamma Pi
                       Robert Morris University                         Stephen F. Austin State University
                       Delta Upsilon                                    Zeta Sigma
                       Penn State Erie-Behrend College                  Colorado State University
                       Delta Pi                                         Zeta Psi Associate Chapter
                       University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown            University of Colorado Boulder
                       Gamma Tau                                        Zeta Lambda
                       Millersville University                          University of Nevada-Reno
                       Epsilon Omicron                                  Delta
                       Monmouth University                              Emporia State University

                       Epsilon Pi                                       Zeta Kappa
                       University at Buffalo, The State University of NY Kansas State University
                                                                        Pittsburg State University
                                                                        Zeta Omicron
                                                                        Michigan State University

                                 2         Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity,Gamma
                                                                      Inc.      Chi
                                                                      Michigan Technological University
                                           © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
                                                                        Gamma Phi
                                                                        University of Southern Indiana
                   Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity
            8741 Founders Road | Indianapolis, IN 46268
Phone: (317) 644-1920 | Web: | Email:
                                 4   Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                     © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
Thursday, January 07
                                     On Your Own Time Pre-Assessment Survey Sent via Email

                                     Friday, January 08
                                     On Your Own Time State of the Fraternity Address Sent via Email

                                     Saturday, January 09
                                     10:00 – 11:30 AM               Presidents Track                         Zoom link sent via email
                                                                    Director of Finance & Operations Track
                                                                    Director of Recruitment Track
                                                                    Standards Board Chairman Track

                                     11:45 – 12:15 PM               Keynote Address                          Zoom link sent via email
                                                                    Josh Orendi, Co-Founder and
                                                                    Chief Business Development Officer,
                                                                    Phired Up & TechniPhi

                                     12:15 – 12:45 PMLunch and Roundtable Discussions                        Zoom link sent via email


                                     12:45 – 1:15 PM Keynote Address                                         Zoom link sent via email
                                                     Josh Orendi, Co-Founder and
                                                     Chief Business Development Officer,
                                                     Phired Up & TechniPhi

                                     1:15 – 2:05 PM                 Breakout Session 1                       Zoom link sent via email
                                                                    Presidents Track
                                                                    Director of Finance & Operations Track
                                                                    Director of Recruitment Track
                                                                    Standards Board Chairman Track

                                     2:15 – 3:05 PM                 Breakout Session 2                       Zoom link sent via email
                                                                    Presidents Track
                                                                    Director of Finance & Operations Track
                                                                    Director of Recruitment Track
                                                                    Standards Board Chairman Track

                                     3:15 – 4:05 PM                 Breakout Session 3                       Zoom link sent via email
                                                                    Presidents Track
                                                                    Director of Finance & Operations Track
                                                                    Director of Recruitment Track
                                                                    Standards Board Chairman Track

                                     4:05 – 4:30 PM                 Track Closing                            Zoom link sent via email

                                     Wednesday, January 13
                                     8:00 - 9:00 PM                 Spring Semester Kickoff                  Zoom link sent via email

                                     Monday, January 11 - Friday, January 22
                                     Pre-scheduled                  Chapter Meetings with Staff Liaisons     Zoom link sent via email

                                 6       Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                         © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy

                                                                            ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
      Webb Academy
                      January 9, 2021


                    Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity
             8741 Founders Road | Indianapolis, IN 46268
 Phone: (317) 644-1920 | Web: | Email:

                                     The primary objective of the Director of Recruitment is to serve as a member of the Executive
                                     Cabinet and ensure the longevity of the chapter through purposeful recruitment and retention
                                     efforts and promotion of benefits of membership.

                                     KEY ROLES

                                       •     Lead, manage, and support the Academic Coordinator, Diversity Coordinator,
                                             Newsletter Coordinator, Recruitment Coordinator, Retention Coordinator, Social
                                             Media Coordinator, and Website Coordinator.
                                       •     Lead the Recruitment Division while creating a supportive environment for existing
                                             members to thrive.
                                       •     Meet regularly, both individually and as a division, with coordinators.
                                       •     Attend all Executive Cabinet Meetings.
                                       •     Develop, submit, and oversee budget for areas of responsibility.

                                     It is through his efforts and leadership that the Director of Recruitment will grow the
                                     organization in both intellect and membership to advance the goals of the chapter and ensure
                                     that the fraternity endeavors forward.

                                     The Director of Recruitment leads, manages, and supports several coordinators including:

                                       •        Academic Coordinator
                                       •        Diversity Coordinator
                                       •        Newsletter Coordinator
                                       •        Recruitment Coordinator
                                       •        Retention Coordinator
                                       •        Social Media Coordinator
                                       •        Website Coordinator


                                 8       Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                         © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
                       10        Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                 © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy

                                 Academic Coordinator

                                   •    Maintain an academic program that will foster a culture of academic achievement
                                        within the chapter.
                                   •    Refer members to the Standards Board that do not meet minimum academic
                                   •    Organize and host educational related workshops.
                                   •    Provide academic support to members upon request.
                                   •    Distribute academic resources to members of the chapter each semester, including but
                                        not limited to, writing and tutoring center hours and costs, academic advising center
                                        locations and hours, etc.
                                   •    Report both individual grades, chapter grades, and community statistics (rankings,
                                        council GPAs, and all-male average) to Headquarters Staff each semester.

                                 Position notes:



                                 Diversity Coordinator

                                   •    Develop and maintain efforts for a diverse and inclusive chapter environment through active
                                        conversations and programs related to understanding and respecting human differences.
                                   •    Promote multicultural campus and community events within the chapter.
                                   •    Plan or partner for a diversity related program once per academic year.
                                   •    Serve as a liaison between the chapter and the primary campus diversity office.

                                 Position notes:


                       12           Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                    © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
Newsletter Coordinator

  •   Design and disseminate regular communication and updates to chapter stakeholders
      via newsletter and other mass communication methods.
  •   Promote the benefits of membership and positive image of the fraternity within the
      campus and community.
  •   Disseminate information, events, and outcomes of campus-based events (Homecoming,
      Greek Week, Parents Weekend, etc.).

Position notes:


                                                                                              ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.

Recruitment Coordinator

  •   Organize and coordinate recruitment efforts and plan, which may include organization
      presentations, recruitment meetings, and interest meetings.
  •   Use ChapterBuilder and train members of the Recruitment Team on ChapterBuilder.
  •   Invite full-chapter membership to ChapterBuilder.
  •   Review and research latest recruitment practices and efforts and participate in
      Headquarters organized recruitment workshops and programs.
  •   Promote the benefits of membership and positive image of the fraternity within the
      campus and community.

Position notes:


Retention Coordinator

                                   •    Monitor overall member success, involvement, and chapter contributions.
                                   •    Partner with Academic Coordinator to identify high-risk members and provide
                                        assistance, guidance, and support for improvement.
                                   •    Meet once per semester with campus Dean of Students Office to review campus-based
                                        student support services.
                                   •    Assist with development of workshops and chapter programs to increase member
                                   •    Listen to and mediate chapter grievances.

                                 Position notes:



                                 Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

                                   •    Partner with campus and community resources to better promote the opportunities
                                        and brand of Sig Tau.
                                   •    Promote the benefits of membership and positive image of the fraternity within the
                                        campus and community.
                                   •    Design and disseminate regular communication and updates to chapter stakeholders
                                        via social media and other mass communication methods.
                                   •    Create a marketing strategy and follow the Fraternity Branding Guide to promote
                                        recruitment activities, benefits of fraternity, and other chapter programs.

                                 Position notes:


                       14           Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                    © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
Website Coordinator

  •   Promote the benefits of membership and positive image of the fraternity within the
      campus and community.
  •   Maintain accurate information for chapter website and submit content to Headquarters
      Staff for Fraternity-wide publications and platforms.

Position notes:


                                                                                              ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
Notes on Understanding Your Role:

                                 Spring 2021 – Fall 2021

                                 JANUARY 2021                                   DUE DATE
                                 Virtual Webb Academy Attendance                 January 9, 2021
                                 President, Director of Finance,
                                 Director of Recruitment, Standards Board Chairman
                                 Spring Billing Cycles Set-Up in Vault          January 15, 2021

                                 MARCH 2021
                                 Spring Association Report Due                  March 1, 2021 $200 Late Fee

                                 APRIL 2021
                                 Spring Initiation Report Due                   April 1, 2021   $200 Late Fee
                                 Fall Roster Update Due                         April 15, 2021
                                 Chapter Standards Report Due                   April 15, 2021  Admin. Suspension

                                 MAY 2021
                                 National Dues & Fees Balances Due              May 31, 2021
                                 National Dues & Fees, Member Safety,

                                 JUNE 2021
                                 Summer Conference Attendance                   TBD

                                 JULY 2021
                                 Fall Billing Cycles Set-Up in Vault            July 15, 2021

                                 OCTOBER 2021
                                 Member Safety Balance Due   October 1, 2021 Admin. Suspension & Surcharge
                                 Fall Association Report Due October 1, 2021 $200 Late Fee
                                 Form 990: Tax Organizer Due October 1, 2021 Admin. Suspension & 5% Surcharge

                                 NOVEMBER 2021
                                 Fall Initiation Report Due                     November 1, 2021    $200 Late Fee
                                 Spring Roster Update Due                       November 15, 2021
                                 Annual Officer Elections                       Chapter Discretion

                                 DECEMBER 2021
                                 Officer Updates in Vault Due                   December 1, 2021

                                 How do you plan on revisiting these deadlines with your Executive Cabinet regularly so that you
                                 don’t miss any items on this list?

                       16             Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                      © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy

Social Excellence [n]: A state of perpetual generosity, curiosity, positivity, and openness to
limitless possibility. A desire to intentionally connect with others. The ability to engage in
deep, meaningful conversation. Acting in a responsible and respectable manner with high
expectations of others. Being authentic and living everyday with integrity as the best version
of oneself. Being confident and vulnerable. Being fun and compassionate. Being open, kind,
and bold. The highest level of societal participation and contribution.


                                                                                                  ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.




                                 As a member of the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC),
                                 Sigma Tau Gamma supports year-round recruitment because we believe any
                                 students who want to experience fraternity have the right to participate.

                                 Throughout the history of the fraternity movement, the term “rush” has described
                                 the various activities used by fraternity men to entice first year students to join
                                 their chapters. Today the word “recruitment” is more accurate in describing a
                                 carefully crafted plan of action by successful chapters in communicating the
                                 benefits of fraternity membership to potential new members.

                                 Recruitment is a deliberate process that should involve every member of the
                                 chapter with an emphasis on personal development and fraternity values.

                                 In accordance with NIC Standards, Sigma Tau Gamma observes the
                                 following policies:

                                   1.   In order to join a chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma, a potential new
                                        member (PNM) must have a minimum GPA of 2.5/4.0.
                                   2.   Alcohol and drug use are prohibited during recruitment events or
                                   3.   Membership in Sigma Tau Gamma is open to any male who meets the
                                        requirements of membership.

                                 Common Terms

                                 Continuous Recruitment/24-7: Recruitment is a constant process that happens every day,
                                 regardless of the time of year.

                                   •    Continuous recruitment efforts recognize the reality of relationships. There is no
                                        set time to build relationships that result in a mutual interest in affiliation. Men and
                                        chapters should be free to associate with each other at a time that is mutually beneficial
                                        and agreeable to them.
                                   •    Sigma Tau Gamma and the NIC support Continuous Recruitment.

                                 Notes on Continuous Recruitment:


                       18           Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                    © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
Summer Recruitment: Coordinated either by an IFC or individual chapter and occurs when the
campus is not in session. Events can take place on the campus, in a chapter house, or at another
designated location.

  •    Recruitment practices that bring chapter members to the PNM are ideal for building
       individual friendships. Summer recruitment can and should involve the parents of PNMs.
  •    Sigma Tau Gamma and the NIC support Summer Recruitment.

Notes on Summer Recruitment:


                                                                                                    ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.

Deferred Recruitment: PNMs are required by the campus to wait a certain amount of time or
complete a designated number of credits before being allowed to join a fraternity .

  •    This allows students to become acclimated to the college setting allowing a less
       stressful transition from high school while promoting a safer new member experience.
  •    Sigma Tau Gamma and the NIC do not support Deferred Recruitment as it is an
       inequitable application of student policy and an infringement on the associational
       rights of students of organizations. Independent research shows the following:
            •        Fraternity members exhibit higher levels of growth, learning, and
       		            development than non-fraternity men, and the difference in growth is
       		            most pronounced during a man’s first semester of college.
            •        Fraternity members have higher campus retention rates than non-
       		            fraternity men.
            •        The graduation rate among fraternity men is higher than non-fraternity men.
            •        A successful fraternity experience provides men with a sense of
       		            community and support network that aids in a successful transition to
       		            the collegiate experience.

Notes on Deferred Recruitment:


                                 Formal Recruitment: A designated and coordinated recruitment period usually organized
                                 by an IFC. Usually, PNMs are required to register for recruitment, attend a certain number of
                                 recruitment events, and cannot accept a bid until a designated date.

                                   •     This process promotes a fair approach, allowing all chapters to meet the men going
                                         through recruitment without creating additional barriers to joining. This process is
                                         easier for a chapter, who waits for the men to come to them.
                                   •     Sigma Tau Gamma and the NIC support Formal Recruitment when it does not
                                         create additional barriers to joining and is used in conjunction with Continuous and
                                         Summer Recruitment.

                                 Notes on Formal Recruitment:



                                 In the fall, my campus operates in

                                 ________________________________________________recruitment model(s).

                                 In the spring, my campus operates in

                                 ________________________________________________recruitment model(s).

                                 My campus                does or does not          allow summer recruitment.
                                                               (circle one)

                       20            Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                     © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
•    Please be sure to understand and adhere to local, state, and CDC guidelines regarding
     gathering size and other COVID19 restrictions.
•    Understand the guidelines of your university and follow them closely.
•    Contact Sigma Tau Gamma Headquarters for continued Recruitment support.
•    Understand the state of your chapter’s membership. How many brothers do you currently
     have and how many will graduate over the coming year? How many people do you need to
     recruit to sustain and ensure the longevity of your chapter?

Top 15 Things to Know for Recruitment This Year
1. We must continue to recruit
 • Despite the circumstances, we must help Sigma Tau Gamma continue to endeavor
      forward by recruiting Noble Gentlemen. Your chapter needs members to survive.
 • At minimum, we must replace the brothers that we will lose this year due to graduation
      or other circumstances.
 • This is how we exhibit the Principle of Excellence.

2. Make the best of every situation
 • Yes, digital recruitment feels weird. The sooner you accept the situation, the quicker you

                                                                                                         ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
     can start endeavoring forward.
 • Everyoneisinthesameboat.Everyorganizationonyourcampusandeveryindustry around
     the world is having to adapt.
 • Reframe your attitude and realize the silver lining of this situation... every chapter on
     your campus is brought to a level playing field. Take advantage of this and use your
     passion and recruitment training for Sigma Tau Gamma to separate yourself from others.

3. Retention is equally as important
 • We need to continue to add fresh life to our chapters. BUT, before that... we need to
      focus on making sure we take care of the brothers we already have.
 • 2020 has been hard on all of us. Please take the time to invest in your brothers so that
      you maintain who you already have.
 • This is the Principle of Brotherhood at its finest.

4. Focus on building authentic connections with potential new members
 • Think about this... an incoming freshman on your campus just had their senior year
      ripped away from them. They had no prom, they could not walk the stage at graduation,
      they may have missed out on their senior sports season. They are hurting and long for a
      place to call home.
 • If you take a genuine interest in the potential new members you speak to and focus on
      building an authentic connection, that is the best way to recruit them into your chapter.

 • Zoom should be utilized as one of the primary settings of recruitment in a socially distant world.
 • Secure a Premium Zoom account that allows for you to host up to 300 participants with
     no time-limit!
 • Some universities already provide enrolled students with a premium account. Contact
     campus professionals to see if you have access already.
 • If your university does not provide a premium Zoom account, the cost is $149.99. This
     would be best paid for with your chapter’s recruitment budget.

6. Take advantage of the Digital Recruitment Classroom
 • The Digital Recruitment Classroom is a resource that every chapter and every brother
      have access to.
 • This resource educates and trains brothers on the art of fraternity recruitment.
 • This resource takes you step by step on how to recruit. It starts with the basics of
      recruitment and ends with discussing the art of digital recruitment.
 • Every chapter President and Director of Recruitment has been sent the PDF that                       21
      contains the unique Sig Tau link.
•    Chapters are guaranteed to improve their recruitment results if brothers take
                                       advantage of this resource and complete it in its entirety.
                                  •    Access the Digital Recruitment Classroom

                                 7. Know your chapter identity
                                  • Now, more than ever, it is important to know who your chapter is, what you stand for,
                                       and where you are going.
                                  • It is critical that you and your members know your identity. “Who are we?” This could
                                       be a brotherhood bonding activity as brothers discuss chapter identity moving forward.

                                 8. Know YOUR Sig Tau story
                                  • Every brother has a unique story as to how they become a brother of Sigma Tau Gamma.
                                       Do some reflecting and identify what YOUR Sig Tau story is.
                                  • This is one of the most affective personal recruiting tools you can have. If you know your
                                       story, you can then relate it to potential new members as you try to recruit them into
                                       your chapter.

                                 9. Don’t wait for potential new members to come to you, you must go get them
                                 • If you think that potential new members are going to text you first, send you an Instagram
                                      DM, or reach out first, then you are going to have a rude awakening when no one does.
                                 • You must own responsibility of chapter recruitment efforts. You must be willing to make that
                                      first form of outreach to a potential new member. Text messages, e-mails, Instagram DM’s,

                                      Twitter messages, and phone calls are things that you will need to be comfortable with.

                                 10. Invest in your Social Media presence
                                  • Since in person gatherings are restricted, the money you would be spending can now be
                                       allocated to boosting your social media presence.
                                  • Boostyourposts,payforadvertisements,andputmoneyintoyouronlinepresence.             Since
                                       we cannot rely on in-person interactions, we must make our online avenues as nice and
                                       appealing as possible.

                                 11. Look to other Sig Tau chapters for inspiration, support, and feedback
                                  • We are all on the same team. We all took the same oath and live by the same six Principles.
                                       Do not be afraid to reach out to other chapters for inspiration, support, and feedback.
                                  • Our chapters do not work collaboratively as much as they could. There is so much
                                       unlocked potential. Work together so Sig Tau can continue to strive for excellence.

                                 12. Use ChapterBuilder
                                  • Conducting virtual recruitment requires organization. That is what ChapterBuilder brings
                                       to the table.
                                  • It allows for your entire chapter to be on the same page. Track your potential new
                                       members you are in contact with, track interactions, vote, and streamline your entire
                                       recruitment process onto one platform.
                                  • Make sure all your brothers have access and know how to use it. Contact Sig Tau
                                       Headquarters for help and/or training sessions.

                                 13. Use your Chapter Fund to set up a Recruitment scholarship
                                  • Some chapters have a Chapter Fund through the Sigma Tau Gamma Foundation. Each
                                       year, a chapter has access to 7% of the entire fund.
                                  • A chapter could use this Chapter Fund money to set up a recruitment scholarship aimed
                                       at bringing in names for you to contact and recruit.

                                 14. You are going to do it wrong
                                 • This is the first time we are doing recruitment in an entirely digital setting. You are going
                                       to face technical difficulties. You must accept that things will go wrong and that you must
                                       adapt, improvise, and overcome the circumstances.
                                 • Do not beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself.

                       22        15. Do  not
                                  • © 2021,
                                                  A. Webb Academy
                                                     use the
                                                                   Inc.of recruitment
                                                               potential new members name and remember the reason why we are
                                        looking to add brothers into Sig Tau. The basics go a long way, so do not forget them!
Top Digital Recruitment Event Ideas
1. Video Game Tournaments/Livestreaming Multiplayer Games
• Organize a 2K or FIFA tournament with your brothers and potential new members and
     stream it virtually on Zoom, Twitch, or Instagram!

2. Virtual Alumni Networking Night
• Invite your chapter alumni to join you in a Zoom meeting as you host potential new
      members and discuss the life-long membership aspect of Sigma Tau Gamma.

3. Virtual Sporting Event Watch Parties
• WatchtheNBAPlayoffs,NHLPlayoffs,NFL,andtheMLBseasontogetheronZoom.

4. Online Trivia/Game/Poker Night
• Host an online trivia/game/poker night and consider using part of your recruitment
     budget to buy a VISA gift card for the winning potential new members.

5. Virtual House Tour and/or Chapter Presentation
• Have a great house you want to show off? Do a virtual tour.

6. Share a Meal via Zoom
• Consider using a portion of your recruitment budget to pay for meals of potential new

                                                                                                    ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
     members. Order Postmates, Grub Hub, or UberEATS at the same time and enjoy a meal
     with potential new members!

7. Zoom Presentation & Discussion
• Consider doing a virtual information session where you deliver your “pitch” of Sigma Tau
     Gamma as you discuss your chapter identity, what your chapter does, and who we are as
     a national fraternity.

8. Virtual Group Workout
• Consider brothers to lead a virtual group workout to get the gains going physically and
     in recruitment!

9. Virtual Philanthropy Projects
• Consider hosting an online fundraising event with your brothers and potential new members!

10. Games & Apps Built for Online Group Interaction
• Try online games like Kahoot or The Jackbox Party Pack.

Extending a Bid
•    First, make sure that you have enough bid cards. If you need more, please visit the Sig Tau
     Marketplace to purchase enough for your chapter.
•    Your goal with extending a bid is to make is safe and memorable.
•    Despite COVID-19, we can still make the act of extending a bid safe and memorable.
•    Consider an Instagram live stream where you announce your bids like the NBA draft.
•    Consider hand delivering a bid from the Chapter President, Director of Recruitment, and/
     or the brother they got closest with during recruitment!


                                        Aligned with Sig Tau’s purpose, values, and goals. They qualify for membership.

                                        Fit with the group. We know them, trust them, and think they belong with us.

                                        Risk assessed for quality control, to minimize/avoid high risk members.

                                 If you evaluate based on all three of these things, then you can say with 100% confidence that your
                                 chapter seeks quality gentlemen of a noble disposition. Because you’ve done the work to prove it.

                                                                                                            HERE!

                                                                                          

                                           2.5+ cumulative GPA (enforce Academic Success Plan for those below 3.0)

                                           Does what he says he will do. Shows up when he says he will show up.
                                           Communicates in a timely and respectful manner.

                                           3.0+ cumulative GPA (OR) recipient of award or scholarship (OR)
                                           demonstrates/communicates overcoming adversity or struggle.

                                           Involved in another student organization (OR) team member in varsity or
                                           collegiate athletics (OR) involved in student government.

                                           Can speak to meaningful service he has performed (OR) member of a service
                                           organization (OR) member of the US Armed Forces (OR) registered voter.

                                           Demonstrates desire to build noble generations of men. 3+ brothers vouch
                                           for him during bidding process.
                       24            Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                     © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy

Names List
•     You can’t recruit who you don’t know, so you need names. Tactics include: Recruitment
      scholarships, sorority referrals, tabling with a hook, mind joggers (getting names from
      current members).
•     You should aim for ten times as many names as your recruitment goal.
•     Invitations
•     You’ve got to meet folks one-on-one. Phone calls work best. It takes sixty seconds to ask
      someone to meet up with you.

Small Activities
•     Don’t scare people off. Start with small activities and small groups. Big events are fine, but
      they are better for people who already know you or other men in the chapter.

•     Don’t let anyone walk away without a referral. Even if they won’t join, they might know

                                                                                                        ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
      someone who will.

Values-Based Selection Process
•     New members must be in alignment with our six principles. Be sure to train your entire
      chapter on how to find the right men and how to ask questions of potential new members
      that lead to a values-based recruitment.

•     You need to know what someone is going to say before you offer them a bid. A pre-
      close is important. Ask, “If we offered you a bid, what would you say?” This will open the
      conversation to get the potential new member to ask more questions.

•     Offering someone a bid should be memorable. Pick the right place, the right time, and the
      right people.

New Member
•     Keep every promise you make during recruitment. If expectations don’t match reality,
      they will feel lied to and disheartened.


                                 ChapterBuilder is a professional recruitment software offered to all Sig Tau
                                 chapters free of charge to assist in recruitment efforts. ChapterBuilder will help
                                 you stay more organized during recruitment and ensure that there aren’t any
                                 PNMs that slip through the cracks.

                                 It is an expectation that every chapter utilize ChapterBuilder.

                                 Get the edge over a spreadsheet.

                                 Leads Generator – ChapterBuilder will help populate your list with qualified
                                 PNMs. Build interest forms and view referrals.

                                 Performance Tracking – An interactive dashboard gives you personalized data
                                 on your chapter and recruitment efforts that has never been available until now.

                                 Automated Alerts – ChapterBuilder is recruiting, even when you’re not. You’ll
                                 receive alerts from ChapterBuilder when it’s time to follow up with PNMs.

                                 Virtual Coach – ChapterBuilder will analyze your recruitment activity and
                                 inform your leadership team so you’re always performing at your highest level.

                                 Teamwork – ChapterBuilder gets everyone in the chapter involved in

                                 Mobile Ready – Recruitment happens on the go. ChapterBuilder is mobile-
                                 friendly, so you can access your data anywhere in the world.

                                 Beautiful – Design matters. Besides, you deserve something more attractive
                                 than a spreadsheet.

                                 Expertise – ChapterBuilder was designed by recruitment experts using the
                                 most current, proven methods from top performing fraternities and sororities
                                 across the world.

                                 Mass Communication – Easily text, call, and email hundreds of PNMs directly
                                 from the app. Enjoy the benefit of having a local phone number to use solely for
                                 recruitment purposes.

                       26           Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                    © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
Sigma Tau Gamma Associate and Initiation Reporting
                                                    EASY AS 1, 2, 3…
     ADD ASSOCIATES                                                    MONITOR REGISTRATION
 1   Add associate members to Vault as
     soon as they are given a bid.                               2     Within 24 hours of being added to Vault, associate
                                                                       members will receive an email to complete their
                                                                       registration. They must all complete registration before
                                                                       you can submit the Association Report!

                                                                       [ TIP ] Get associate members to complete registration
                                                                       during the first new member meeting via their phone or
                                                                       a laptop.

                         To add associate members to your
                         roster, log into Vault via mySigTau
                         ( - MYSIGTAU).
                         Click on the Vault icon from the
                         OmegaFi Apps Grid in the top, right
                         hand corner of the screen.
                         Finally, in Vault, select Chapter>Add
                         New Members. Add members in mass        Track associate member
                         or individually, but don’t forget to    registration completion via
                         include ALL new member information      Vault>Chapter>Member
                         (phone number, email, etc.)             Initiation reporting
                                                                                                 Select ‘Send Reminder Email” or the
                                                                                                    envelope icon to email individual
                                                                                                     associate members reminder to
     SUBMIT                                                                                                    complete registration.

     Submit an Associate Report prior to each                        SUBMIT INITIATION REPORT
     Association Ceremony. Associate Reports are

                                                                                                                                         ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
     due by October 1 in the fall, and March 1 in the                Submit an Initiation Report two weeks prior to the
     spring. Late reporting will result in a $200 fine               Initiation Ceremony to receive membership materials
     assessed to the chapter.                                        prior to the ceremony. Submit one Initiation Report per
     Remember, you are unable to submit the report                   Initiation Ceremony.
     until associate members complete registration                   Initiation Reports are due on November 1 in the fall, and on
     - work with them early so you don’t miss the                    April 1 in the spring. Late reporting will result in $200 late
     deadline!                                                       fee assessed to the chapter.

  Submit Associate Report via
  Vault > Chapter > Member
  Initiation Reporting > Create
  Associate Report
  1.    Select the term and year
                                                                         Submit an Initiation Report via Vault > Chapter > Member
  2. Add Planned Initiation
                                                                         Initiation Reporting > Create Initiation Report
                                                                         1.    Select the term and year
  3. Select Association Date
                                                                         2. Add Initiation Date
  4. Submit
                                                                         3. Select Associates who will initiate
  Remember: The chapter is responsible for                               4. Save and Continue to Report Submission
  ensuring all associate members are current                             5. Review Initiated Members, Held and Disassociated
  with dues and fees prior to initiation.                                      Members to ensure your report is accurate
                                                                         6. Submit to Sigma Tau Gamma for Approval

For more information or with questions, contact:
Your OmegaFi Chapter Services Representative at 800.276.6342 or your HQ Staff Liaison.

Sigma Tau Gamma Associate and Initiation Reporting
                                                                               EASY AS 1, 2, 3…

                                                                                                                 Chapter officer adds
                                                                                                                 associates to the chapter’s
                                                                                                                 official roster via Vault
                                                                    SIGMA TAU GAMMA

                                                                                                                 (accessed through mySigTau)
                                               Enjoy successful                                                  immediately after the
                                               recruitment!                                                      associate accepts a bid.
                                                                  JOIN    TODAY!

                                       6     Chapter officer
                                             submits the
                                                                                                           3       Associates receive an
                                                                                                                   email within 24 hours with
                                                                                                                   instructions to establish

                                             Initiation Report                                                     access to mySigTau.
                                             via Vault.

                                                           Chapter officer submits an
                                                           Associate Report via Vault.
                                                           Sigma Tau Gamma approves
                                                           associates for initiation.

                                                                                                        Associates log into
                                                                                                        mySigTau to complete

                                 For more information or with questions, contact:
                                 Your OmegaFi Chapter Services Representative at 800.276.6342 or your HQ Staff Liaison.

                       28        Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                 © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy
Effective RecruitmentDynamic
                       System Recruitment System
                   A Proactive System for Maximizing Membership Recruitment
                          A Product of Phired Up Productions –

                                                                                  maybe        never      always
                                       Pool of Prospective Members
   # Non-Greek Undergraduate Men: __________                                       70%          15%        15%

   Referrals          Summer             Member             Membership          Marketing          Rush
                      Recruitment        Positioning        Drives              for Names

                                         Names List
                   Managed By: __________                  Goal #: __________
                                                                                          Chapter goal is ______
                                                                                          names ON the list by ______
                      72 hour max                           2 week max
                                                                                          Chapter goal is to pre-close:
                   Invitation by                            Invitation by                 ______ men by ______

                                                                                                                           ACADEMY OF PRINCIPLED LEADERS.
                  Referral Source                           Round Table                   ______ men by ______
                                                                                          ______ men by ______

            Telephone              Letter              Electronic        In Person        Chapter will move ______
                                                                                          names up the list every week
                                      Small Activities
Activities List                  Introduce him to your friends                            Chapter goal is ______
1.                                                                                        accepted bids by ______
4.                                    Ask for Referrals
5.                            Invite his friends to ‘hang out’ too
6.                                                                              Value             Standard
9.                         Values-based Selection Process
                              Based on written selection criteria

                                   100% bid acceptance rate

    Not Right                                      New
      Now                       Bid               Member

 Property of Phired Up Productions, LLC
 From Dynamic Recruitment Workbook (2006)                                         


                                 Identify the goal you WANT to accomplish, SHOULD accomplish, and MUST accomplish during
                                 your term as Director of Recruitment.

                                                                    WANT TO ACCOMPLISH

                                                                    SHOULD ACCOMPLISH

                                                                         MUST ACCOMPLISH

                       30             Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity, Inc.
                                      © 2021, Earl A. Webb Academy

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