A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea

Page created by Juan Gordon
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea
A Voice For All
Community Engagement Policy 2021

1                   City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea
Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners........................................................3
Our promise to our community........................................................................4
Purpose of this Policy.......................................................................................4
About our Council.............................................................................................5
WHAT IS COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT......................................................6
Our commitment .............................................................................................6
OUR APPROACH TO COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT.....................................7
How we engage.................................................................................................7
Types of community engagement ...................................................................7
Levels of community engagement ..................................................................9
WHY WE ENGAGE...................................................................................10
WHO WE ENGAGE .................................................................................11
Our diverse community .................................................................................11
WHEN WE ENGAGE................................................................................13
IMPLEMENTATION, MONITORING AND REPORTING................................14
Keeping in touch with our community...........................................................14
SUPPORTING INFORMATION..................................................................15
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................17
RELATED POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND GUIDELINES...................................18

Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners
The City of Whittlesea recognises the rich Aboriginal heritage of this country and acknowledges the Wurundjeri
Willum Clan as the traditional owners of this place.

     3                                                                                                        City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea

“In 2040 the City of Whittlesea is a place that opens its arms to every
resident, where all walks of life are celebrated and supported. Our
community is compassionate and welcoming. We are healthy and can
easily access the support services we need. People of all backgrounds,
ages and abilities feel that they are an essential part of the community.
We work together, making our community a better place for all.”
Whittlesea 2040 Community Vision, Page 13

Good community engagement is               There has never been a more vital time         Purpose of this Policy
central to realising our Whittlesea 2040   for Council to engage well with local
                                                                                          This Community Engagement Policy
community vision to work together to       communities. A number of significant
                                                                                          outlines our commitment to actively
make our community a better place          global and local factors have informed
                                                                                          involve the community in decision-
for all.                                   Whittlesea’s approach and are
                                                                                          making so we can deliver better quality
Community is the heart of our City and     summarised in the diagram below.
                                                                                          outcomes and reach our Whittlesea
everything Council strives to achieve is                                                  2040 Vision for:
done to improve the lives of those who     Our promise to our community
                                                                                          • A connected community
live, work, study and visit here.          In adopting the Policy, Council commits
                                                                                          • A sustainable environment
This includes providing meaningful         to engage its community in a deliberative,
opportunity for our community to           proactive and flexible way. This will ensure   • A strong local economy
provide input into Council’s decision-     the decision-making of Council is fully        • Liveable neighbourhoods
making processes and hear their views,     informed of our community’s views              • A high performing organisation.
ideas and feedback about activities and    ideas and suggestions, and all options
issues that are important to them.         have been carefully considered.

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                                  4
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea
The policy is built on a set of core           adhere to legislative requirements        recover best from emergencies do so
principles and commitments that will           under the Local Government Act 2020       when efforts are community led.
help guide the planning, development,          (it’s the law!)                           We want to foster new governance
implementation, evaluation and                 The City of Whittlesea has a strong       models and support citizen leadership
continuous improvement of our                  network of community and volunteer        and participation for now and in the
community engagement processes,                organisations and we want to build        future. This is particularly important
tools and activities.                          on what’s working to improve our          while our Council is made up of a
It describes our approach to                   engagement practice.                      Panel of Administrators who are
community engagement (why, who,                Over the next few years our community     committed to fostering and elevating
what, when, how) to help us meet               will be recovering from the impacts       the voice of citizens as part of the City
our responsibilities to include the            of the COVID pandemic. Evidence           of Whittlesea’s decision-making and
community in decision-making and               identifies that communities who           engagement.

        Recover from
        the effects of
        the Covid-19                                                                                     It’s the law!

         citizen                                                                                       Builds on our
     leadership and                                                                                     strengths

About our Council
The City of Whittlesea is governed by a        the Local Government Act and therefore    The Panel of Administrators remains in
Panel of Administrators, appointed by the      undertakes the role of the Council.       place at the City of Whittlesea until the
Victorian Government on 19 June 2020.          Our Administrators are community-         October 2024 local government elections.
Led by the Chair of Administrators, Ms         focused and committed to their role       Our Administrators are committed to
Lydia Wilson, and Administrators Ms Peita      as community representatives.             playing a strong representational role and
Duncan and The Hon Bruce Billson, the          They actively participate in community    establishing governance arrangements
Panel carries out the role, responsibilities   engagement activities and respond to      that foster local community leadership,
and functions of councillors as set out in     feedback.                                 representation and trust.

    5                                                                           City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea
We believe community engagement           Through a range of approaches and         • be conducted with persons/
is at the core of good governance         opportunities, we will seek to empower      groups that are representative of
and leadership and empowers our           our community to play a role in             the persons/groups affected by
community to play an active part in       influencing the future planning of our      the matter with which Council is
decision-making for their City.           City, and the delivery of our services.     engaging the community
It is defined as a planned process that   To do this, we will engage in a           • inform participants of how
provides a range of opportunities         meaningful way when it is convenient        community engagement will
for public involvement in Council’s       for you, in a safe and accessible           influence Council decision-making
decision-making, relationship building    environment, where you feel heard.          on the matter that is the subject of
and community strengthening.                                                          the engagement
Community engagement is essentially       Principles                                • specify how the community will
based on two-way conversations.                                                       be informed of the outcome and
                                          The City of Whittlesea embraces
The City of Whittlesea will seek the                                                  how their input has influenced a
                                          the Charter for Human Rights and
needs, views and ideas from its                                                       decision
                                          Responsibilities and goes beyond the
community into activities and issues      five principles set out in the Local      • be evaluated to improve future
that affect them.                         Government Act. Our community               engagements
                                          engagement will:                          • always be open and welcoming
Our commitment                            • where appropriate, be planned and
                                                                                      of input through structured
                                                                                      opportunities, programs and
We believe good community                   delivered in a coordinated way
                                                                                      processes or less structured via
engagement leads to better decision-      • have a clearly defined objective and      views and aspirations expressed
making, helping foster the long-term        scope                                     when engaging with Council
relationship between community
                                          • give participants access to             • close the loop with participants.
and Council and ultimately quality
                                            objective, relevant and timely
outcomes for our City.
                                            information to inform their
This Community Engagement Policy is         contributions
our commitment to actively involve the
                                          • provide the community with
people who matter the most – those
                                            reasonable support and
living, working, studying and doing
                                            adjustments so that they can
business with the City of Whittlesea.
                                            meaningfully participate

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                            6
A Voice For All Community Engagement Policy 2021 - City of Whittlesea
How we engage
Council uses the Engagement Triangle (below) as a way of defining the intent and purpose of our community engagement at
the beginning of every process. Based on the overarching objectives of informing decisions, building capacity and strengthening
relationships, it allows us to identify key stakeholders and determine the best methods for engagement.

                                                                          Inform decision making
                                                                          To provide opportunities for the community to
                                                                          contribute to decision making processes.

                                                                          Build relationships
                                                                          To build new relationships and/or improve
                                                                          relationships with the community, by learning
                                                                          about local communities that will increase
                                                                          Council’s understanding about important issues.

                                                                          Strengthen community
                                                                          To inform the community on a specific theme or issue
                                                                          to increase knowledge or change behaviours, identify
                                                                          community led solutions and foster local leadership.

How we engage is important to ensure        Sometimes different engagement             opportunity to participate at different
as many people as possible can have         methods will be applied at different       levels throughout the process.
their say.                                  project stages. We might consult           Under the Victorian Charter for Human
We will use a range of community            to gather ideas at an early stage of       Rights and Responsibilities, Council is
engagement methods to suit different        a design project, and then involve         committed to ensuring that all forms
situations, issues, settings and            or collaborate with community to           of engagement are accessible, safe and
communities based on:                       finalise priorities.                       inclusive.
                                            Examples of the types of engagement
• the engagement purpose – for
                                            methods we apply for different levels      Consultative engagement
  example to inform, improve a
                                            of engagement are outlined below.          Consultative engagement occurs when
  strategy, or generate support
• the scale of the engagement such                                                     views, opinions or ideas are invited on
  as individual, small group, large         Types of community                         a specific project, draft policy, plan or
  group or community-wide                   engagement                                 document.

• equity, access and inclusion – who is     Council undertakes a range of              Participation at this level usually
  most affected or if there are harder to   community engagement activities            includes a broad range of community
  reach community members that need         which can be broadly defined               members and stakeholders.
  different channels to be implemented      as consultative or deliberative            Examples of consultative engagement
• context – for example, investigate        engagement practice.                       include:
  if there is already low trust, high       Engagement can occur at multiple           • surveys
  complexity, high emotion or low           stages throughout a process and can
                                                                                       • polls
  interest in the issue or project          include both types of engagement
                                            providing the community with an            • ideas boards
• any legislative requirements.

   7                                                                          City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
Partnership engagement                    Unstructured engagement                     term community vision, financial plan
                                                                                      and asset plan, as well as a four-year
Partnership engagement includes           The City of Whittlesea welcomes
                                                                                      Council Plan.
how Council engages with community        feedback anytime, anywhere. Our
in an on-going way through the            range of communications channels            In addition, Council has a statutory
hundreds of local community               exist to hear your views whether they       requirement to develop a four-year
advisory committees, groups and           come via social media, our website,         Municipal Health Plan as prescribed in
networks we engage in. Examples           phone calls or provided verbally to an      the Public Health and Wellbeing Act
include Council’s Youth Advisory          Administrator/Councillor or officer.        2008.
Committee, Whittlesea Reconciliation                                                  More broadly, Victorian local
Working Group, Whittlesea Disability      Submission processes                        government is also governed by the
Network and Whittlesea Community          The submission process generally applies    Victorian Charter of Human Rights and
Futures forum.                            to legislative requirements such as the     Responsibilities that sets out the basic
                                          Victorian Government land-use planning      rights, freedoms and responsibilities
Deliberative engagement                   applications or Council processes such      of all people in Victoria. It is about
Deliberative engagement is an             as service requests or complaints.          the relationship between government
approach that encourages community        This policy does not apply to               and the people it serves; and ensures
members to critically test, weigh up      community engagement processes              that we take relevant human rights
and consider a range of information,      prescribed for these functions.             into account when making decisions
perspectives, inputs and evidence                                                     and ensuring that our processes are
to reach a consensus or make              However, wherever possible, Council         inclusive and accessible.
recommendations.                          will go beyond legislative requirements
                                          for consultation on those matters.          Council invites the community to
Deliberation can be scaled to                                                         participate in the development of
suit a project based on its scope,        We will consider the Victorian Charter      strategic plans under the guiding
complexity or impact and may require      of Human Rights and Responsibilities        principles set out on page 7 of the
independent facilitation to ensure a      and make reasonable adjustments             Community Engagement Policy.
fair and equitable process.               to our engagement processes and
                                          methods to ensure that people of            Beyond planned engagement
Under the Local Government Act 2020       all abilities and backgrounds can
a Community Engagement Policy is                                                      Council will always respect, gather
required to give effect to deliberative                                               and be receptive to unstructured
engagement practices that can be          Statutory requirements                      community input and insights that
applied when Council develops a                                                       come via multiple channels including,
draft Community Vision, Council Plan,     Under the Local Government Act 2020         but not limited to, the website,
Financial Plan, Asset Plan, and any       Council has a statutory obligation to       social media and inbound customer
new law.                                  develop four key strategic plans: a long-   service calls.

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                                 8
Levels of community engagement
Council’s approach to community engagement is guided by the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Spectrum
of Engagement, which is recognised world-wide as the best practice tool for community engagement.
The IAP2 Spectrum identifies five levels of engagement with corresponding goals and actions. It makes clear the role of the
community in decision-making at each level.

       1. INFORM               2. CONSULT                     3. INVOLVE                4. COLLABORATE             5. EMPOWER

                                                 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION GOAL

 To provide the          To obtain public                To work directly with          To partner with           To place final
 public with balanced    feedback and analysis,          the public throughout          the public in each        decision making
 information to assist   alternatives and/or             the process to ensure          aspect of the             in the hands of the
 them understanding      decisions.                      that public concerns           decision including        public.
 the problem,                                            and aspirations are            the development
 alternatives,                                           consistently understood        of alternatives and
 opportunities and/or                                    and considered.                identification of
 solutions.                                                                             preferred solution.

                                                  PROMISE TO THE PUBLIC

 We will keep you        We will keep you                We will work with              We will work              We will implement
 informed.               informed, listen to and         you to ensure that             together with you to      what you decide.
                         acknowledge concerns            your concerns and              formulate solutions
                         and aspirations and             aspirations are directly       and incorporate
                         provide feedback on how         reflected in the               your advice and
                         public input influenced         alternatives developed         recommendations
                         the decision. We will seek      and provide feedback           into the decisions to
                         your feedback on drafts         on how public input            the maximum extent
                         and proposals.                  influenced the decision.       possible.


 • FAQs                  • Surveys                       • Workshops                    • Community              • Delegated
 • Information sheets    • Focus groups                  • Information sheets              Reference Groups          decision making
                                                                                        • Consensus building         (e.g. community
 • Updates on           • Community Panel               • Deliberative opinion
                                                                                                                     makes the
    Council websites                                        polling                     • Participation in
                                                                                           decision making
                                                                                                                  • Community
                                                                                        • Co-designing

                                  WHAT THIS MEANS FOR THE CITY OF WHITTLESEA

        INFORM                   CONSULT                        INVOLVE                    COLLABORATE               EMPOWER

 • Information          • Surveys (Vox Pop,            • Stakeholder meetings        • Partnership groups      • Independently
    signage                 intercept survey,            • Surveys                      • Steering groups            governed refer-
 • Publications             polling, online, phone,                                                                  ence groups
                                                         • Focus groups                 • Workshops
                            hard copy)                                                                            • Citizens
 • Social media                                          • Workshops                    • Focus groups
                         • Ideas boards                                                                              assemblies/
 • Website                                               • Online forums                • Participatory
                         • Online interactive                                                                       juries
 • Mail                                                  • Drop-in community              budgeting
                            mapping tools
 • Information                                             discussions                 • Citizens’ assemblies
                         • Drop-in sessions (E.g.
    sessions with                                        • Advisory committees         • Co-design
                            Listening post, festival
    residents                                                                              workshops
                            stall)                       • Detailed interactive
                         • Walking tour or field trip      mapping, ranking            • Deliberative polling
                                                            and prioritising tools
   9                                                     • Working groups            City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
Understanding our community’s                 a place for all. The benefits of good   Local decision making, volunteering
needs, priorities, concerns and ideas         community engagement are grouped        and leadership
leads to better outcomes.                     under Whittlesea 2040 ‘Participating
                                                                                      • greater transparency in Council’s
Research and practice indicate increasing     Community’ key directions below.
social connections, civic participation and
                                              Well informed                           • genuine and meaningful
social cohesion in communities directly
                                                                                        conversations between Council and
contributes to a broad range of positive      • more informed communities and           the community
health, social and economic outcomes.           more good ideas and potential
                                                solutions shared                      • building community resilience
Council's decisions and actions impact                                                  and capacity that leads to
on the lives of all people who live, work     • better understanding of the             empowerment
and study in the City of Whittlesea.            needs and priorities of our diverse
Citizen participation in decision-making        community
                                                                                      Vibrant community groups
can influence not only the planning and       • community awareness about
delivery of Council services, but it can        Council’s scope of work and           • stronger relationships with our
also inform many of the determinants            decision-making powers and              community and stakeholders
of health and wellbeing.                        processes                             • creating better public value and
This is essential to achieving the            • informing and assisting advocacy        social capital
Whittlesea 2040 community vision of             priorities                            • enhancing social cohesion

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                              10
People who live, work and play in          Our diverse community                     The three distinct areas are:
the City of Whittlesea are entitled
to provide input into decisions that       • A growing population                    Rural areas (north of the municipality)
affect them.                                  • 230,238 in 2019, growing 3.6%        Whittlesea township, Donnybrook and
                                                annually since 2016                  rural balance
To deliver great projects for the
community we need to understand            • A large Aboriginal and Torres Strait    • Older age profile
community needs and aspirations and          Islander community                      • High home ownership
what is important to them to lead             • 1,635 Aboriginal and/                • Less multicultural diversity
a happy and healthy life in the City            or Torres Strait Islander            • More trades workers
of Whittlesea.                                  residents, the second largest        • Higher levels of civic engagement &
The City of Whittlesea is one of                Indigenous community in                volunteering
Melbourne’s largest and most                    Greater Melbourne2
diverse municipalities. Our                                                          • Higher sense of community
neighbourhoods span metropolitan           • A culturally diverse place              • Higher levels of physical activity
suburbs, growth areas and rural               • 35.5% of residents were born
communities. Our population is                  overseas (33.8% across Greater       Growth areas
fast-growing, and is expected to                Melbourne)                           Wollert, Epping North, Doreen, Mernda
almost double by 2040, with an                • 44% speak a language other           and South Morang
extra 55,823 homes built across                 than English at home (32.3%          • Young couples & families
the municipality.                               across Greater Melbourne)            • Higher incomes but also large
Our community is proud of its                 • The most common languages              mortgages
diversity. We have the second largest           are Macedonian (5.1%), Arabic        • More professionals
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander           (5%), Italian (5%), Greek (3.7%)
population in Metro Melbourne                                                        • Challenge of balancing work/family life
                                                and Punjabi (3.2%)
and almost half of our residents                                                     • Longer commute times
speak a language other than English        • A family area                           • High impact of traffic on stress &
at home.                                      • 54.6% are family households            lifestyle
More and more families are calling              (43.5% across Greater                • Higher levels of food insecurity &
the City of Whittlesea home. Over               Melbourne), and one-quarter            budgeting
half of our households are families             of residents are children and
                                                                                     • More likely to volunteer
with children and there are about               young people (aged 0-17 years)
                                                                                     • Higher perceptions of safety
71 babies born every week. While the       • Diverse support needs
population is ageing, our community           • 5.7% of people are living with       Established (south of the municipality)
will continue to mainly have younger            a severe or profound disability      Thomastown, Lalor, Bundoora, Mill Park
families.                                       (4.9% across Greater Melbourne)      and Epping
We will see more homes built and
                                           • A thriving economy                      • Older age profile
a mix of new housing types will be
needed for our community’s growing            • 18,720 registered businesses         • High home ownership
and diverse needs.                              in 2020, an increase of 41%          • More low-income households
                                                from 2016
With almost half of local workers also                                               • More multicultural communities
                                              • 49.4% of local workers also live
living in the LGA and more local jobs                                                • Find it easier to get to destinations
                                                in the City of Whittlesea.
being created, the City of Whittlesea is                                               by car and public transport
a great place to live and work, now and    Our unique geography is also important    • Lower levels of civic engagement
into the future.                           in understanding the differences          • Lower sense of community
                                           in community profiles, which can
                                           influence how we engage, where            • Lower perceptions of safety
                                           we engage and what we engage on.          • Lower levels of physical activity

  11                                                                        City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
Demographic information is important to consider when planning our community engagement activities. For example, we are
likely to translate information into our top 10 languages, provide translators, consider locations and methods.
On some occasions we may identify and target individuals and groups that have an interest in a specific decision by
background, location and demographic. However, our community engagement will be broad and inclusive of everyone who
would like to have their say.
Below are examples of some of the groups we engage with regularly.

 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander      Advisory Committees                           Business owners and operators
 Community, and Traditional Owners

 Children and young people                  Community advocacy groups                     Council service users

 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse      LGBTIQ+ community                             Neighbourhood Houses and
 communities (CALD)                                                                       community centres

 Non-resident property owners               Not-for-profit groups                         Older people

 Owner occupiers                            People experiencing homelessness              People with a disability

 Renters                                    Schools, kindergartens and childcare          Special interest groups

 Sports and recreational club members       Young people                                  Visitors

Accessible and inclusive engagement
In line with our responsibilities under     include Aboriginality, age, disability,        • using a range of communication
the Victorian Human Rights and              ethnicity, gender identity, race, religion,      channels and accessible formats
Responsibilities Charter, Council will      sexual orientation and other attributes.       • making information about
ensure that all participants in our         To inform our community throughout               our projects available on our
community engagement processes feel         the engagement process, we will                  Engage Whittlesea digital
valued, respected and welcome.              provide access to objective, relevant            engagement platform or provided
Every effort will be made to ensure that    and timely information by:                       in other formats as required.
our diverse communities can access,
                                            • providing information, data and/             Consideration will always be given to
understand, and contribute their views
                                              or evidence relating to the matter           time, location and format of face-to-
in a way that is appropriate, productive,
                                              online                                       face or online engagement activities to
and respectful.
                                            • supplying information in plain               ensure accessibility and participation.
In planning every engagement, we will         language along with translated and
make every effort to address potential        accessible formats and summary
barriers to participation that may            documents where appropriate

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                                  12
Broadly speaking, we invite our             A mix of face-to-face and online           When community engagement
community to engage with us at any          engagement tools and activities will       may be limited
time and in any way that is appropriate,    be developed to ensure everyone can
                                                                                       There are times when Council’s level
respectful and constructive.                participate.
                                                                                       of engagement with the community
There are many occasions where we           When we actively seek feedback             and key stakeholders will be limited. In
will initiate community engagement          through structured community               some circumstances, Council may only
based on a project, idea or activity that   engagement, Council will:                  be able to inform the community and
may impact the community and seek                                                      stakeholders of Council’s decisions and
                                            • provide notice with time to read
feedback. This includes:                                                               actions. This may occur when:
                                              information prior
• where a proposed change to Council        • show sensitivity to social issues and    • Council is not the lead agency
  activities or strategic direction may       trends                                   • an immediate resolution is required
  significantly affect the community
                                            • schedule engagement on multiple          • specialist or technical expertise is
  in terms of the economy, lifestyle,
                                              issues where possible to avoid             required
  environment, wellbeing or amenity
                                              community fatigue and duplication        • an initiative involves confidential or
  of the municipality
                                              of effort                                  commercial information
• when developing new or reviewing
                                            • conduct engagement activities in         • there are clear and defined
  existing policies, strategies or plans
                                              locations and at times that enable         legislative responsibilities that must
• introducing a new service,                  the community to easily participate.       be met
  discontinuing an existing service or
  substantially changing or reviewing        Council will promote opportunities for    • developing or reviewing internal
  a service that may significantly          the community to actively participate        policies and procedures
  affect how services are provided          in the following processes:                • there is a risk to public safety.
• proposals for changing the way in
                                            Mandatory engagement
  which public space looks, is used or                                                 Block out periods
  enjoyed                                   Council is required to undertake
                                                                                       Council will avoid carrying out formal
• when the community raises an              community engagement under a
                                                                                       consultation around key dates such as
  issue with Council for a decision         range of prescribed regulations and
                                                                                       Christmas/New Year, long weekends
  (or outcome) and there could be           legislation, including the engagement
                                                                                       and school holidays, unless it allows
  competing community interests             requirements set out under the
                                                                                       specific groups more opportunity to
                                            Local Government Act 2020 as well
• planning and development of                                                          participate.
                                            as a broad range of other relevant
  major projects and capital works,                                                    In the lead up to Council elections
                                            Acts. (Refer to page 11, Statutory
  including public buildings, centres                                                  (‘caretaker’ period), community
  or other infrastructure                                                              engagement will not be conducted
                                            Engagement will be undertaken
• urban development/redevelopment                                                      on matters that are potentially
                                            to ensure we meet our statutory
  proposals, such as structure plans,                                                  controversial.
                                            obligations. In many instances, Council
  that may significantly alter the                                                     Community engagement regarding
                                            will go above and beyond the minimum
  existing amenity or characteristics                                                  planning permit applications and on
                                            requirements to gain a strong
  of a geographic area                                                                 operational issues, like canvassing
                                            understanding of our community’s
• any circumstance where Council            wants and needs to ensure we are           residents’ views on small-scale traffic
  needs more information or                 achieving the best possible outcomes       treatments, can be conducted during
  evidence to make an informed              for our community.                         a caretaker period as it is unlikely to
  decision.                                                                            impact the election.

  13                                                                          City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
A Community Engagement Strategy and          • Making it clear at the start of the   • The City of Whittlesea commits
Implementation Plan 2021-25 will be            community engagement process            to completing a review of the
developed by July 2021 to coincide with        when and how they can expect to         Community Engagement Policy
the Council Plan 2021-25. The Strategy         be updated on progress.                 in collaboration with community
will identify Key Performance Indicators     • Reaching out to participants at the     no later than 15 months after this
(KPIs), activities and timeframes required     end of the process to advise them       policy is adopted. This timetable
for the implementation of this policy.         of the outcome, including how their     will enable both Council and
A progress report including the details        participation influenced decision-      community to benefit from one
of the evaluation of this policy and the       making.                                 year of the policy in operation to
Implementation Plan will be provided                                                   inform the review process.
                                             • Where appropriate, asking
to Council each year.                          participants to help evaluate our     • Following this initial review, the
                                               process so that we can continue to      City of Whittlesea will continue
                                               improve.                                to evaluate, review and report to
Keeping in touch with our
                                                                                       Council on the overall effectiveness
community                                    • The Community Engagement
                                                                                       of this Policy and Implementation
                                               Strategy and Implementation Plan
We will keep in touch with the                                                         Plan on an annual basis.
                                               2021-2025 will ensure the effective
community during our engagement
                                               delivery of this policy.
processes and report back by:

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                           14
Accessibility means identifying and         Community development is                    Deliberative engagement means that
eliminating obstacles and barriers          defined by the United Nations               we provide our community with enough
to ensure anyone can access or use          as "a process where community               time and information to enable their
places, services and information,           members come together to take               critical reasoning, and consideration of
regardless of their ability, location,      collective action and generate              options as part of a decision-making
culture, time, resources or any other       solutions to common problems".              process to demonstrate:
differentiating factor.                     Community engagement                        • Influence – promise of influence
Communication channel refers                (also known as stakeholder                    over policy and decision-making
to the way in which Council                 engagement, public participation            • Inclusion – participation that is
may communicate engagement                  or community consultation) involves           representative of the community
opportunities with you such as              our community in decisions that               and inclusive of diverse viewpoints
social media, website, Local Scoop,         impact and interest them. It can              and values
local newspapers, advertising and           take many forms including:
                                                                                        • Deliberation – open dialogue and
promotional material.
                                            • sharing information and providing           discussion, access to information
Community can refer to a geographic           updates                                     and movement towards consensus.
location (community of place),              • seeking feedback and gathering
similar interest (community of practice)                                                Diverse communities refer to the
or an affiliation or identity (such as an                                               different communities that exist within
                                            • dialogue and deliberation.                the City of Whittlesea including those with
industry or sporting club). The City of
Whittlesea community is defined as          Community member is a participant           a common interest such as business or
individuals or groups who live, work,       in a community engagement                   sporting associations or people who share
play, visit, study or invest in our City.   process. Outside of community               something in common, such as all abilities,
For example:                                engagement, these same people               gender or a culturally and linguistically
                                            are customers as they interact              diverse (CALD) background.
• community defined by place:
  e.g. the Thomastown or Mernda             with Council.                               International Association for Public
  community                                 Community strengthening refers              Participation (IAP2) is an international
                                            to a sustained effort of building           organisation dedicated to advancing
• community based on common
                                            cohesive and inclusive communities.         the practice of public participation.
  interests and activities: e.g.
  skateboarding or gardening                This process aims to increase the           Representative engagement describes
  community                                 connectedness, active engagement            actively seeking out and involving
                                            and partnership among members               individuals or groups impacted
• community based on a shared
                                            of the community, community                 by Council’s activities, projects or
  culture, perspective or other
                                            groups and organisations in order           decision-making to ensure diversity of
  identity: e.g. Aboriginal community,
                                            to enhance social, economic and             viewpoints and values are considered.
  Hindi speaking community, youth
                                            environmental wellbeing.                    Stakeholders is a term used to define
  or elderly community, religious
  community.                                Council refers to the City of Whittlesea    individuals, groups of individuals,
                                            as an organisation as well as the           organisations or political entities that are
                                            Administrators/Mayor/Councillors,           interested in or impacted by a Council
                                            Senior officers and Council officers.       outcome or decision, relationship building
                                            Deliberation means long and careful         or community strengthening processes.
                                            consideration or discussion.                Each person within our community has
                                                                                        the potential to be a stakeholder in
                                                                                        Council’s engagement activities.

  15                                                                           City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
IAP2 Core Values
The International Association for Public   4. Public participation seeks out and      Other relevant legislation includes:
Participation (IAP2) is an international      facilitates the involvement of those
                                                                                      • Equal Opportunity Act 2010
organisation advancing the practice           potentially affected by or interested
of public participation. The IAP2             in a decision.                          • Disability Act 2006
framework is underpinned by seven          5. Public participation seeks input        • Privacy and Data Protection Act
core values that are aimed at ensuring        from participants in designing how        2014
organisations make better decisions           they participate.                       • Planning and Environment Act 1987
which reflect the interests and                                                       • Road Management Act 2004
                                           6. Public participation provides
concerns of potentially affected people
                                              participants with the information       • Multicultural Victoria Act 2011
and entities. These values are:
                                              they need to participate in a           • Subordinate Legislation Act 1994
1. Public participation is based on the       meaningful way.
   belief that those who are affected                                                 • Public Health and Wellbeing Act
                                           7. Public participation communicates         2008
   by a decision have a right to be           to participants how their input
   involved in the decision-making                                                    • Matters subject to s.223 of the
                                              affected the decision.
   process.                                                                             Local Government Act 1989
2. Public participation includes           Related legislation                        • Gender Equality Act 2020
   the promise that the public’s                                                      • Charter of Human Rights and
                                           Council is required to meet a variety
   contribution will influence the                                                      Responsibilities Act 2006
                                           of legislative obligations such as the
   decision.                                                                          • Public Administration Act 2004
                                           Local Government Act 2020 which
3. Public participation promotes           identifies principles for when and how     • Child Safe Standards, Victorian
   sustainable decisions by recognising    we engage with our community and             Commission for Children and Young
   and communicating the needs             key stakeholders based on their level        People
   and interests of all participants,      of impact or interest in a decision
   including decision-makers.              being made.

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                               16
Roles                Responsibility

General              The design, delivery, reporting and evaluation of community engagement is the responsibility of
                     employees as appropriate to their role and function.

Administrators/      • Adopt the Community Engagement Policy.
Councillors          • Support community engagement work of Council, including participation in engagement processes
                        and membership of committees and groups.
                     • Play an important conduit role between community members and Council organisation.
                     • Consider evidence in decision-making.
                     • Treat all participants in Council consultation processes in an equal, fair and respectful manner.
                     • It is a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020 that the role of the Chair Administrator/Mayor
                        leads engagement with the community on the development of the Council Plan (s 18c).

Executive            • Endorse any associated community engagement operational guidelines and toolkits.
Leadership Team      • Communicate with Administrators/Councillors, staff and the public.
                     • Sponsor and support Council’s community engagement projects and processes.

Managers             • Identify community consultation and engagement requirements in a timely manner as part of annual
                        service planning.
                     • Annual resource allocation (staff time and operating budget) for community engagement and
                        consultation projects within their department.
                     • Work with Corporate Affairs to develop and implement community engagement strategies and plans.
                     • Support staff to build capacity and skills to undertake community consultation in line with their roles
                        and position description.

Public Affairs       • Lead and coordinate the implementation, maintenance and review of the Community Engagement
Department              Policy, strategies, policies, guidelines and toolkits.
                     • Advise and coordinate departments with community engagement planning, activity delivery and
                        program evaluation.
                     • Develop supporting community engagement and communications materials and lead the
                        dissemination of these through available and relevant channels. This includes the development of
                        surveys in partnership with the Research team.
                     • Build capacity within the organisation in community engagement planning and delivery.
                     • Maintain a Council-wide annual consultation calendar/schedule.
                     • Manage the community consultation knowledge repository – which collates community feedback
                        from across Council’s consultations each year.
                     • Undertake engagement and consultation on projects and programs as required.

All business units   • All staff contribute to community engagement processes in line with this Policy and ensure this is
undertaking             also upheld by contractors as required.
community            • Development of capabilities and knowledge of community engagement and consultation in line with
engagement              their roles and position description.

 17                                                                           City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy
This policy is informed by the City of Whittlesea:
• Civic Participation Survey, February 2019
• Household Survey, August 2019
• Community Building Strategy 2019
• Social Inclusion Audit, May 2019
• Community Attitudes and Liveability Survey, August 2018
• What our community told us: Whittlesea 2040 Community Engagement Report, July 2018
And by:
• The Community Satisfaction Survey 2017,2018, 2019, and 2020, Local Government of Victoria
• The Local Government Performance Reporting Framework
• Public Participation and Community Engagement: Local Government Sector, Victorian Auditor-General’s Report, May 2017
This policy is integrated with existing organisational priorities as documented in these City of Whittlesea policies, strategies,
plans and Charters:

 Whittlesea 2040: A Place         Anti-Racism Strategy              Positive Ageing Strategy         Reconciliation Action Plan
 for All                                                            2016-25                          2017-20

 Community Building               Reconciliation Policy 2015        Community Building Strategy      Community Building Strategy
 Policy 2019                                                        2019                             Action Plan 2019-21

 Early Years Policy 2017          Thriving Children, Young          Multicultural Action Plan        Equal and Safe Strategy 2019
                                  People and Families               2020-2024
                                  Strategy 2020

 YouthPlan 2030+                  Thriving Children, Young          Aboriginal Inclusion Charter     Public Transparency Policy
                                  People and Families Action                                         2020
                                  Plan 2020-2022

 Disability Action Plan           Health and Wellbeing
 2017‑2021                        Partnership Plan 2021-2025

All City of Whittlesea policies comply with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities and the Victorian Child
Friendly Cities and Communities Charter.

Privacy                                                                                    Complaints
We would like to collect personal information to stay in touch with community              Community members can contact
members during or after an engagement. We may use it to communicate with                   Council to complain about a specific
you on other projects and some information we collect may be used for our own              community engagement process, or
planning and research to improve our services to the community. We will not                a lack of community engagement in
disclose your personal information to third parties unless disclosure is required          decision-making, by calling 03 9217
or authorised by law. We will also protect the quality and integrity of your               2170 or emailing info@whittlesea.vic.
personal information and will securely store the information collected to prevent          gov.au . Complaints about Community
unauthorised access and improper use in accordance with the Privacy and Data               Engagement are considered in line with
Protection Act 2014.                                                                       Council’s Complaint Handling Policy.

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy                                                                                      18
Street address
Council Offices
25 Ferres Boulevard
South Morang VIC 3752

Call us
Phone: 9217 2170
National Relay Service: 133 677
(ask for 9217 2170)
Free telephone interpreter service: If you speak a language
other than English, please call 131 450

Email us

Visit our website

Postal address
City of Whittlesea
Locked Bag 1
Bundoora MDC VIC 3083

City of Whittlesea Community Engagement Policy      July 2021   20
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