A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome

Page created by Adam Barber
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
a.y. 2018-2019
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
International Students Office                 Campus X (accommodation)                     Other Useful Numbers
Tel. +39 06 7259-2567/2566/3231               Tel. +39 06 95222501                         Taxis +39 06 3570 or 06 4994
international.students@uniroma2.it            booking.roma@campusx.it                      or 06 6645 or 06 8822 (only
                                              www.campusx.it                               white taxis are legal in Rome)
Erasmus Office                                                                             Rome – City Services +39 060606
Tel. +39 06 7259-2555/2225                    Service for Students with                    Questura (Police Headquarters)
erasmus.ateneo@uniroma2.it                    Disabilities and Learning                    +39 06 46861
http://torvergata.llpmanager.it/              Disorders                                    Policlinico Tor Vergata
                                              CARIS Commission School                      (Hospital) +39 06 20901
International Relations Unit                  of Engineering, “Didattica
Tel. +39 06 7259-2556                         Building” – ground floor                     Laziodisu – Regional Agency for
relazioni.internazionali@uniroma2.it          Via del Politecnico 1                        the University Studies’ Right
                                              00133 Roma                                   Tel. +39 06 204101
International Students Recruitment Unit       Tel. +39 06 72597483                         www.laziodisu.it
Tel. +39 067259-2324                          Tel. +39 06 2022876
recruitment@uniroma2.it                       segreteria@caris.uniroma2.it                 Stage and Placement
                                              www.caris.uniroma2.it                        Tel. +39 06 7259-2627/3650/3066
Welcome Office                                                                             stage@placement.uniroma2.it
Tel. +39 06 7259-2817/3234                    Useful Emergency Number: 112                 placement@uniroma2.it
welcome@uniroma2.it                                                                        www.placement.uniroma2.it

By car                                      Main public transportation                     From the airport
                                            (Metro and Bus ticket cost 1,50 euro)          Fiumicino Airport Leonardo da Vinci
Take Exit number 19-20 from the Grande                                                     By car
Raccordo Anulare (GRA), the highway         Metropolitana – Linea “A”                      >From the Roma – Fiumicino Highway
ring surrounding the city Direction:        (Orange) to Anagnina station                    enter into GRA, direction NAPOLI, then
Romanina – 2°Università                     > Get off atAnagnina (last stop) and take       take Exit 19-20 (Romanina – 2° Università)
                                              the Bus 20 Express to reach:                 By train
                                              Central Administration Offices,              >Take the Leonardo Express from
By train                                      School of Low, School of Economics;           Fiumicino Airport to Roma Termini (Rome
                                              Engineering; Humanities and Philosophy;       main railway station). There you can
RomaTermini                                   Mathematical, Physical and                    catch the Metro Line A from Termini
Once there, take the subway Line A toward     Natural Sciences; Medicine and Surgery        to Anagnina, getting off at the last stop,
Anagnina, the last stop. Once there,        > Get off at Anagnina (last stop) and           Anagnina
take Bus number 20 or 500 (depending on       take the bus 500 to reach: Medicine          >Train from Fiumicino Airport Railway
your final School destination) that will      and Surgery; Mathematical, Physical           to Roma Tuscolana station, walk for
take you in a few minutes to the              and Natural Sciences;                         5 minutes to the Metro Line A stop,
Tor Vergata Campus.                         > Get off at Anagnina (last stop) and           Ponte Lungo, take it towardAnagnina,
                                              take the bus 506,507,509 to reach:            and exit at the last stop, Anagnina
                                              Central Administration Offices,              Ciampino Airport
                                              School of Low,                               >Take the Blue Bus ATRAL or ATAC
                                                                                             bus to Anagnina Metro Station.
                                            Linea “C” – Get off at Torre Angela              From there take the Bus service
                                            and take Bus 500, 506 and 20 Express             (see main public transportation)

                                            Cotral extra-urban lines: Cotral services
                                            connect many municipalities of lower Lazio
                                            with the Anagnina underground station,
                                            crossing the university campus "Tor Vergata"
Useful website
Tourism in Rome: http://www.turismoroma.it/?lang=en
Foreign Embassies and Consulates in
Italy: https://embassy.goabroad.com/embassies-in/italy
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
Accommodation                                                 online procedures to manage students careers; Matlab,
>Laziodisu provides students with scholarships and            Media Library online (MLOL), Digital-library,LabView
 accommodation upon selection, a room will be                 (National Instruments), Microsoft Imagine Premium
 assigned for 11 months: www.laziodisu.it
                                                              Library System and Services
>CampusX Roma: Inside the University campus area,             Each School has its own library offering to Tor Vergata
 Campus X offers 1500 beds, 15.000 square metres              students a free access to soft and hard copies.
 of green areas and additional services such as: shuttle      Opening hours: 9,00 am – 10,30 pm Monday-Friday
 bus from/to school buildings, Policlinico Tor Vergata                        10,00 am – 8,00 pm Saturday and Sunday
 and subway; outdoor and indoor sport areas;
 barbecue, relax, free time and study areas.                  Internship and Placement
 http://www.campusx.it/en/roma-2/                             Service dedicated to connect students and graduates
                                                              of the University of Tor Vergata with the job world and
> Fondazione RUI: accommodation reserved                      enter the workforce with job opportunities and
  to deserving students: http://www.rui.it                    internships in Italy and abroad
Restaurants and Meal Services                                 Career Day
2 restaurants, 7 bars and 1 Laziodisu dining-hall             Two important appointments for students and gradua-
                                                              tes to meet up with companies looking for talents are
Tor Vergata Shuttle Service                                   held during each Academic Years in collaboration with
Two free shuttle buses are available for students from        the Alumni Associations of Economics (ALET) and with
Tor Vergata train station and from Anagnina                   the Association of former Engineering students
underground station to the 6 schools of the Campus.           (ALITUR)
Assistance Service for Students with Disabilities             Sports and Cultural Activities
In accordance with the Italian law, assistance for            Here are some of the activities and opportunities
students with disabilities or learning disorder is provided   available for students at Tor Vergata:
                                                              > University Sports Center (CUS Roma Tor Vergata),
Digital Services                                                promoting and developing sport activities for all
There are several student-oriented digital services             students (sporting facilities accessible also for
which foster communication and relationships within             students with disabilities)
the University and outside of it.                             > Botanic Garden and the Garden Golf University,
Among them we include WiFi connection, free access              Rome’s first night-lit field with a Golf School
to Microsoft Office 365, an institutional e-mail account,     > Tor Vergata Sailing Club, a sports association
OneDrive cloud workspace, Lync online, share points             to practice sailing
to create and share documents, Office web apps;
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
> ”Archeologia Per Roma” Museum is the first                     Psychological Counseling and Sex Counseling
  didactic and interactive museum of Archaeology                 Service
  in Rome                                                        The Psychological Counseling Center provides
                                                                 students with information about their psychological and
> The concert season organized by the Roma                       aptitude level using interviews and psychometric
  Sinfonietta and the AssociazioneCulturaleMusicad’Oggi          assessment.
                                                                 The Sex Counseling Service, which is unique in Italy,
> The Choir of the University, involving teachers,               free and open to the entire university community, has
  students and staff                                             the aim to meet the help requests for sexual, emotional,
                                                                 or relational problems, as well as for sexual orientation,
Cost Reductions and Discounts                                    gender identity or for any abuse related to sexuality.
“Agevola” is the University service providing discounts for
students at shops, restaurants, cinemas, and for many            White Code Room: basic health careservice for
other cultural activities in Rome                                foreign students and those coming from other Italian
                                                                 regions.The White Code is a free service to have
IaD School – Distance learning                                   access to the primary health care. It is offered to foreign
The IaD School builds methodological and technological           students and those students not resident in the Region
skills through online and/or blended teaching and learning.      of Lazio.

The Italian university system
The italian university system is based on three cycles, according to the “Bologna Process” which ensures comparability
in the standard and quality of higher education qualifications among European HE Institutions,
• Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science (Bachelor Degree) – B.A./B.Sc. –duration 3 years–180 ECTS
• Master of Arts or Master of Science – M.A. /M. Sc. – duration 2 years – 120 ECTS
• One –cycle Degree – Undergraduate M.A./M.Sc. – duration 5/6 years – 300/360 ECTS
• Doctoral degree – PhD – duration 3 years

The system also offers otherpost-graduate course (tipically 1 years, 60 ECTS):
• First Level Specialising Master (access with B.A./B.Sc.)
• Second Level Specialising Master (access with M.A./M.Sc. or Undergraduate M.A./M.Sc)
• Post-Graduate Training Course (so called “Corsi di Perfezionamento”, for access please contact the course staff)
• Specialization School (access with M.A./ M.Sc. or Undergraduate M.A./M.Sc.)
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
Scholarships                                                    Education and research
Tor Vergata international students can apply for                According to the U-Multirank of the European Union,
scholarships:                                                   the University of Rome Tor Vergatastands out in teaching
> Laziodisu (www.laziodisu.it)                                  & learning performances by placing itself amongst the top
> Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs                           500worldwide Universities in the QS World Universities
 (http://www.esteri.it/mae/en/ministero/servizi/stranieri/op    Ranking and amongst the top 14 Italian Universities.
  portunita/borsestudio_stranieri.html/)                        In addition, the University of Rome Tor Vergata places
> The University of Rome Tor Vegata provides its students       among the top 100 Universities with less than 50 years
  with grants and awards for financial support. Details are     in accordance with the THE (Times Higher Education)
  available on the website www.uniroma2.it                      and with QS Ranking Top 50-Under 50.
                                                                Moreover, the University of Rome Tor Vergatahas been
Welcome weeks                                                   ranked in the top 500 University in the world and 8th
Our Staff welcomes students in September, helping and           among the Italians by the QS Graduate Employability
supporting them with Stay Permit and other administrative       Ranking that measures the employment status
issues necessary to study in Italy. We also provide             of graduates.
information about life at Tor Vergata, public transportation,   Furthermore, the University of Rome Tor Vergata obtained
bank accounts, and other useful services for students.          the 8th position among the Italian universities about
Info at: welcome@uniroma2.it                                    the performance in the global ranking carried out by
                                                                Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR).
International Agreements
University of Rome Tor Vergata has several joint research       Languages
programs and more than 500 bilateral agreements with            The University Language Center (CLA) supports the
Partner Universities all over the world. This implies           teaching and learning of seven foreign languages (English,
excellent Erasmus+ opportunities, Overseas studying             French, Spanish, German, Russian, Polish and
abroad scholarships for undergraduate and graduate              Portuguese). The Center for Italian Language and
students and joint research opportunities.                      Culture of the University of Rome Tor Vergata (CLICI),
                                                                an independent section of CLA, promotes the diffusion
Startup Incubator                                               of Italian language and culture through cultural and
The University of Rome Tor Vergata started an ongoing           educational initiatives (conferences, congresses, courses,
dialogue with institutions and businesses, offering support     etc.). Italian language courses will be taught for free to all
to the creation and development of innovative enterprises.      international students.
Tor Vergata has a Startup Incubator, which is free
and aimed at students wanting to start or grow
entrepreneur-driven ventures.
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
Course taught in English
                                                                           Course taught in Italian and English
                   via Columbia, 2 - 00133 Roma                       Course taught in Italian and
                   www.economia.uniroma2.it                           curriculum in English
                                                                      Possibility of dual degree
                                                                    M Possibility of distance learning courses
                                                                      Multilingual course

                                                                > Economics and european planning on sustainable territorial
                                                                   development (blended)
                                                                > Economics, law and intercultural migration
                                                                > Foreign trade and internationalization of companies
                                                                > Health economics and management (blended)
Bachelor Degree                                                 > Innovation and management of public administrations (blended)
> Business Administration and Economics                         > International cooperation and urban development
> Economics and Finance                                           (Mundus Urbano) (Double Title, in cooperation with
> Economics and Management                                        Darmstadt, Germany)
> Global Governance                                             > Public procurement management (blended)
                                                                > Public procurement management (Joint Title, in cooperation
Master of Science                                                 with University of Belgrade)
> Business Administration                                       > Public procurement regulation (blended)
> Economics                                                     > Reporting innovation sustainability (blended)
> Economics and Management                                      >Transport engineering and management
> European economy and business law
> Finance and banking                                           Ph.D.
> Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries                > Contracts, services and markets theory
                                                                > Economics and finance
First Level Specialising Master                                 > Management
> Accounting analysis administration (blended)
> Economics and management of tourist and cultural activities
> Economics of culture: policy, government and
  management (blended)
> Economics, communication and media management
> Economics, management and social innovation (blended)
> Management of the organizations and social doctrine
  of the Church
> Marketing and management of sport (blended)
> Real estate economics and management

Second Level Specialising Master
> Anti-corruption (blended)
> Antitrust e regulation of markets
> Big data in business
> Business administration - executive (blended)
> Customer experience e social media analytics (blended)
> Development economics and international co-operation
> Digital competences in data protection, cybersecurity
  and privacy
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
> Orthopaedics techniques (qualify)
                                                                        > Orthoptic and ophtalmologic assistance (qualify)
                                                                        > Pediatric nursing (qualify)
                                                                        > Physiotherapy (qualify)
                                                                        > Podiatry (qualify)
                  via Montpellier,1 - 00133 Rome                        > Professional education (qualify)
                  www.med.uniroma2.it                                   > Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques (qualify)
                                                                        > Speech and Language Therapy (qualify)
                                                                        > Sport and Exercise Sciences (qualify)

                                                                        Master of Science
                                                                        > Health Professions of Rehabilitation Sciences
                                                                        > Health Professions of Technical Sciences (diagnostic)
                                                                        > Medical Biotechnology
                                                                        > Nursing and Midwifery Sciences
                                                                        > Physical activity and health promotion
                                                                        > Science and Sport Practise
                                                                        > Science and Technology of Preventive and Adapted Exercise
                                                                        > Science of Human Nutrition
Bachelor Degree
> Audioprothesic Techniques (qualify)                                   One-cycle Degree
> Biomedical Laboratory techniques (qualify)                            > Medicine and Surgery
> Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion techniques (qualify)   > Medicine and Surgery
> Childhood neuro and psycomotricity (qualify)                          > School of Dentistry
> Dental Hygiene (qualify)
> Dietistic (qualify)                                                   First Level Specialising Master
> Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques (qualify)             > Administrator of radiological and imaging information systems
> Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques (qualify)                         > Applied physiotherapy in manual therapy
> Midwifery (qualify)                                                   > Critical care nursing
> Neurophysiopathology techniques (qualify)                             > Management for coordination functions in prevention
> Nursing (qualify)                                                       and safety techiniques at workplace
                                                                        > Management of nursing care for nurses and health
                                                                          care professions
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
> Management of risk of infection related to health care             > Hematology
> Nutrition and cosmesis                                             > Hygiene and preventive medicine
> Paliative care and Pain terapy (Joint Title, in cooperation        > Infectious and Tropical Diseases
  with Campus Biomedico)                                             > Internal Medicine
> Ph. E. Souchard Method®. Reeducation, evolution and research       > Medical Genetics
> Regenerative surgery and medicine in wound care management         > Medical oncology
> Research, clinic and rehabilitation of diabetic foot:              > Microbiology and virology
  multidisciplinary management approach                              > Neurology
> Skin lesions and wound care                                        > Neurosurgery
> Sports therapist                                                   > Nuclear Medicine
> Stomacare and rehabilitation of incontinence                       > Occupational medicine
> Technical manager in top level sports (blended)                    > Ophthalmology

                                                                                                                                       Last update September 2018
> The causality between medicine and jurisprudence in the field of   > Orthopedics and traumatology
  work, environment and health                                       > Otolaryngology
> Theory and methodology of physical training in soccer (blended)    > Pathological anatomy
                                                                     > Pediatric surgery
Second Level Specialising Master                                     > Pediatrics
> Advanced pediatric allergology and immunology (blended)            > Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
> Aesthetic medicine                                                 > Plastic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery and Cosmetic Medicine
> Applied nutrition, safety and food quality (Joint Title, in        > Psychiatry
  cooperation with Campus Biomedico)                                 > Radiotherapy
> Autism spectrum disorders: assessment-diagnosis-habilitation-      > Respiratory diseases
  integration (e-learning)                                           > Rheumatology
> Child neurology (e-learning) (blended)                             > Sports medicine and physical exercise
> Clinical acupunture                                                > Thoracic surgery
> Clinical epidemiology in pediatrics (blended)                      > Urology
> Colorectal and IBD surgery                                         > Vascular surgery
> Cytogenetics and cytogenomics (Joint Title, in cooperation
  with Roma Tre University)                                          Specialization School - Non-Medical Graduates
> Diabetes mellitus                                                  > Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry
> Digital dentistry                                                  > Food Science
> Endocrinology and diabethology in pediatrics (blended)             > Medical Genetics
> Endodontics                                                        > Medical physics
> Endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain
> Endovascular technique                                             Specialization School - Dental Area
> Environmental prevention and occupational health and               > Child Dentistry
   safety governance for complex health structures and business      > Oral surgery
> Forensic genetics                                                  > Orthodontics
> Habilitation to act as “medico competente” according
   to art. 38, Law n. 81/08
> Implant dentistry
> International security/safety, global strategies and medical
  maxi-emergency in the non conventional events: analises and
> Laparoscopic colorectla surgery
> Laser and other light sources: diagnostic applications and
  treatment in dermatology and aesthetic medicine
  (active second year)
> Management in biotechnology: science and industry
> Management of acute stroke
> Master in diagnosis and integrated therapy of Alzheimer’s
  disease and other dementia
> Neonatal surgery
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
> Obstruction sleep apnea syndrome: diagnosis, management
  and legal features (active 2nd year)
> Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics
> Pediatric anesthesiology (blended)                                                       via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 - 00133 Rome
> Pediatric dermatology (blended)
> Personalized nutrition: molecular and genetic basis
> Plastic estetic surgery of facial distrect
> Psychobiology of nutrition and eating behavior (Joint Title, in
cooperation with Campus Biomedico)

Post-Graduate Training Course
> Aesthetic medicine: the facial district
> Antiretroviral therapy (blended)
> Cochlear implants and implantable prosthesis in hearing loss
  treatment: from childhood to adulthood (blended)
> Conservative esthetic dentistry
> Local intradermo therapy (mesoterapy) (blended)
> Nursing and midwifery in operating room                             Bachelor Degree
> Orthodontics                                                        > Applied Chemistry
                                                                      > Biological Sciences
> Pediatric electroencephalography                                    > Biotechnology
> Play therapy: playful and expressive interventions for childcare:   > Chemistry
  methods and experiences (blended)                                   > Material Science
> Traditional chinese medicine and surgery                            > Mathematics
> Urorehabilitation                                                   > Media Science and Technology
                                                                      > Physics
Ph.D.                                                                 Master of Science
> Experimental medicine and systems                                   > Bioinformatics
> Immunology, molecular medicine and applied biotechnology            > Biotechnology
                                                                      > Chemistry
> Medical biotechnologies and translational medicine                  > Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Applied Anthropology
> Medical-surgical sciences                                           > Molecular and Cell Biology and Biomedical Sciences
> Microbiology, immunology, infectious diseas,                        > Physics (curriculum Astrophysics    and curriculum Physics for
  organ transplant and related diseases                                 instrumentation and technology and curriculum Physics of
> Molecular biochemistry and biology                                    complex system and big data)
                                                                      > Pure and Applied Mathematics
> Neuroscience                                                        > Science and Technology of Materials (curriculum Materials
> Nursing sciences and public health                                    for Photonics)
> Tissue Engineering and Remodeling Biotechnologies for Body
  Functions                                                           One-cycle Degree
                                                                      > Pharmacy
                                                                      First Level Specialising Master
Specialization School - Medical Area                                  > Management of clinical trials in hematology and oncology
> Anesthesia, Reanimation, Intensive Care and Pain
> Cardiovascular diseases                                             Second Level Specialising Master
                                                                      > Space science and technology
> Child Neuropsichiatry                                               > Training for trainer in science teaching (blended)
> Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistr
> Clinical Radiology                                                  Ph.D.
> Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted Diseases                       > Astronomy, astrophysics and space science
                                                                        (in cooperation with Sapienza University and INAF)
> Digestive System Diseases                                           > Chemical sciences
> Endocrinology and metabolic diseases                                > Evolutionary biology and ecology
> Food Science                                                        > Materials for health, environment and energy
> Forensic Medicine                                                   > Mathematics
> General surgery                                                     > Molecular and cellular biology
                                                                      > Physics
> Gynecology and Obstetrics
> Heart Surgery
A.y. 2018-2019 - Tor Vergata University of Rome
> Organization and development of human capital
                                                                   in the international context
             via Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Rome                     > Protection against CBRNe events (basic course)
             www.ing.uniroma2.it                                 > Social communication (blended)
                                                                 > Social farming (blended)

                                                                 Second Level Specialising Master
                                                                 > Business engineering (blended)
                                                                 > Economic intelligence (blended)
                                                                 > Electronic systems and technologies for security,
                                                                   defense and intelligence
                                                                 > Engineering and international space law in communications,
                                                                   navigation and sensing satellite systems
                                                                 > Engineering for the public administrations (blended)
                                                                 > Fusion energy - science and engineering
                                                                 > Geospatial science & technology - geo - g.s.t. (blended)
                                                                 > Protection against CBRNe events (advanced course)

Bachelor Degree                                                  Post-Graduate Training Course
> Building Engineering                                           > Security manager (blended)
> Civil and Environmental Engineering
> Electronic Engineering                                         Ph.D.
> Energy Engineering                                             > Civil engineering
> Engineering Sciences                                           > Computer science, control and geoinformation
> Informatics                                                    > Design, manufacturing and operations engineering
> Informatics engineering M                                      > Electronics engineering
> Internet Engineering                                           > Enterprises engineering
> Management Engineering M                                       > Industrial engineering
> Mechanical Engineering
> Medical Engineering

Master of Science
> Automation Engineering
> Building Engineering
> Chemistry for Nano-Engineering (Joint degree, in cooperation
   with Aix Marseille University-France and Wroclaw University               via Columbia, 2 - 00133 Rome
   of Science and Technology-Poland )                                        www.giurisprudenza.uniroma2.it
> Civil Engineering
> Electronic Engineering
> Energy Engineering
> Environmental and Territorial Engineering
> ICT and Internet Engineering
> Informatics
> Informatics engineering
> Management Engineering
> Mechanical Engineering
> Mechatronics Engineering
> Medical Engineering

One-cycle Degree
> Architecture and Building Engineering
                                                                 Bachelor Degree
First Level Specialising Master                                  > Governance and International Relations
> Audio and entertainment engineering (e-learning too)
> Data science (blended too)                                     One-cycle Degree
> Design, application, regulation of uav                         > Law
  (unmanned aerial vehicles)
> Engineering and management of shipping and logistics
Second Level Specialising Master                                         > Art History
> Administrative law (Joint Title, in cooperation with                   > Art History in Rome, from Late Antiquity to the Present
  Sapienza University, Roma Tre, LUISS and National                      > Cultural Tourism Planning
  School of Administration-SNA)                                          > Euro-american Languages and Literatures
> Business administration and accounting for corporate lawyer:           > History and Sources Studies (curriculum European History)
  civil and tax issues of profit statement                               > Information, Communication and Publishing Sciences
                                                                         > Italian Literature, modern Philology and Linguistics
> Decision making, lobbying and anti corruption legislation              > Music and Performing Arts
  in italy and europe (blended)                                          > Pedagogical Sciences M
> Privacy and data protection officer (blended too)                      > Philosophy
> Roman law and modern legal systems
> Tax litigation: between administrative background                      One-cycle Degree
  and civil regulation (e-learning)                                      > Conservation and restoration of cultural heritage (qualify)
> The tax law in international relationships (e-learning)                First Level Specialising Master
                                                                         > Artlab - languages of graphical art (blended)
Ph.D.                                                                      (Joint Title, in cooperation with Accademia delle Belle arti of Rome)
> Law and protection: contemporary experience,                           > Audiovisual translation and adaptation/ dialogue writing for dubbing
  comparison, roman law                                                    and subtitling (blended)
> Public law                                                             > Education coordinator in early childhood services (e-learning)
                                                                         > Hospitality and marketing and territories (blended too)
Specialization School                                                    > Indexing physical, multimedia and electronic documents
                                                                            in the modern era (blended too)
> Legal professions School                                               > Intermediator of penitentiary distress (blended)
                                                                         > Learning specific disorders and educational support (e-learning)
                                                                         > MusicArTherapy in the Globality of Languages
                                                                         > Sonic arts (e-learning too)
                                                                         > The culture of nutrition and food and wine traditions (blended too)
                                                                         > Travel photo report (blended too)
                                                                         Second Level Specialising Master
                                                                         > Educational sciences and technologies (e-learning)
                                                                         > Institutional communication (blended too)
                                                                         > Internet of humans and things (blended too)
                                                                         > Management and leadership of schools - mundis (blended)
                via Columbia, 1 - 00133 Roma                             > Sociology: theory, methodology, research (Joint Title, in
                                                                            cooperation with Roma Tre University)
                www.lettere.uniroma2.it                                  > Teaching italian language and culture to foreigners (e-learning)
                                                                         > Teaching of literature for skills (e-learning)
                                                                         Post-Graduate Training Course
                                                                         > Contemporary Philosophy: models and categories
                                                                         > Ancient classic and their fortune: archeology, philology and history
                                                                         > Comparative studies: linguistics, literature and art history
                                                                         > Cultural heritage, educational and territory
                                                                         > History and philosophical and social science
                                                                         > Philosophy (in cooperation with Roma Tre University)

 Bachelor Degree
 > Communication studies
 > Education and Learning Sciences M
 > Humanities
 > Languages in the information society
 > Modern Languages and Literatures
 > Philosophy
 > Sciences of the Cultural Heritage
 > Tourism Sciences M
 Master of Science
 > Archaeology, Philology, Literature and History of the Ancient World
Phone + 39 06 72592817/3234
                                                   unitorvergata       unitorvergata

“Today the University of tomorrow”

The University of Rome Tor Vergatais           Masters, One-cycle), 140 postgraduate
designed in six Schools (Economics;            courses, 47 specialization schools and
Engineering; Humanities and Philosophy;        32 PhD programmes.
Law; Medicine and Surgery; Mathematical,
Physical and Natural Sciences) which are       The University of Rome Tor Vergata is
located in six different buildings on a vast   resolutely active in promoting the
600-hectare campus.                            international aspect of studies and
                                               research, through both the graduate and
The University was founded in 1982 and it      PhD programmes.
represents the most important institution in   Moreover, the University offers more than
the South-East area of Rome.                   500 agreements with the most prestigious
Designed on the British Campus prototype,      Universities in the world about joint
the University of Rome Tor Vergata hosts       research programmes and students and
significant Research Institutions such as      staff mobility programmes.
CNR (National Council of Research) and
ASI (Italian Space Agency) that make the       In addition to the traditional academic aims
University of Tor Vergata one of the most      such as the high level of education and
dynamic Institution concerning didactic and    training, the research and the sustainable
research.                                      development, the University of Rome
In addition, within the campus area the        Tor Vergata has been hardly working to
hospital Policlinico Tor Vergata (PTV) has     develop new strategies regarding the Third
been performing from several years and         Mission aiming to improve the network with
now it represents a regional, national and     institutions, factories and agencies for a
international benchmark.                       social innovation and a territorial
Besides 18 departments, 6 libraries, 350
classrooms, 29 computer labs and the
congress center Villa Mondragone, for the
A.Y 2018/2019 the University of Rome Tor
Vergata offers to its 33,000 students 106
graduate programmes (Bachelors,
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