AANWINSTEN FEBRUARI 2019 - KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties Deze folder in je inbox?

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AANWINSTEN FEBRUARI 2019 - KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties Deze folder in je inbox?
KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties

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AANWINSTEN FEBRUARI 2019 - KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties Deze folder in je inbox?
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AANWINSTEN FEBRUARI 2019 - KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties Deze folder in je inbox?
HANDSCHRIFTEN                                                • Möglichkeiten und Grenzen gedruckter und
                                                              digitalisiertercUrkundenpublikationen in der
                                                              Erforschung von Urkunden-Initialen - Péter Kóta
                                                             • Die Subskriptionszeichen in den Schreiberzeilen
                                                              der St. Galler Privaturkunden des frühen
                                                              Mittelalters: Eine Erstaufnahme - Bernhard Zeller
                                                             • „Emblematische“ Notarssignete der Frühen
                                                              Neuzeit - Magdalena Weileder
                                                             • Das Aufkommen verzierter Initialen in den
                                                              Papsturkunden des hohen Mittelalters - Otfried
                                                             • Scribes, Pen-flourishers and Illuminators in
                                                              Papal Charters from the Great Western Schism to
                                                              the Age of the Councils (1378–1447) - Francesca
                                                             • Illuminierte Ablassurkunden im spätmittel­
                                                              alterlichen Westfalen - Étienne Doublier
                                                             • Le diplomatiste et les chartes ornées - Olivier
                                                             • Formes et fonctions de l’emblématique dans
Bartz, Gabriele, en Gneiss, Markus. Illuminierte              les chartes ornées: L’exemple du corpus français
Urkunden: Beiträge aus Diplomatik,                           - Laurent Hablot
Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities. Köln:                • Some Illustrated French Documents (13th and
Böhlau, 2018.                                                 early 14th centuries) and their Cultural Contexts -
                                                              Alison Stones
Plaatskenmerk: 091 diplomatiek ILLUM.
                                                             • The Study of Illuminated Charters, Past, Present
 Verluchte oorkonden.                                         and Future: Some Thoughts from England -
“Illuminierte Urkunden sind lange Zeit als Stiefkinder der    Elizabeth Danbury
 Forschung behandelt worden. Nicht zuletzt durch den         • The Illuminated Charters of the Visconti and
 Einsatz digitaler Hilfsmittel sind sie im vergangenen        Sforza:cCommissions, Artists and Workshops -
                                                              Laura Alidori Battaglia
 Jahrzehnt zunehmend in das Licht der Öffentlichkeit
 getreten. Das neu geweckte Forschungsinteresse              • Pergamene dalla cancelleria dei Visconti e
                                                              Sforza negli archivi del Canton Ticino (Svizzera) -
 konzentriert sich auf die veränderte Performativität von
                                                              Marina Bernasconi Reusser
 Urkunden durch den Zusatz von Schmuckelementen.
                                                             • Visualizing the Promise to the Serenissima
 Der reich bebilderte Band präsentiert Aufsätze von           in Venetian Fourteenth-Century Illuminated
 Forscherinnen und Forschern aus elf Ländern, die             Documents: Image, Text, and Ritual - Marina
 illuminierte Urkunden aus den unterschiedlichen              Vidas
 Blickwinkeln ihrer Disziplinen untersuchen.”                • Painting in Documents: The case of Venice -
                                                              Helena Szépe
Inhoudsopgave                                                • Überlegungen zur Entstehung des
   • Illuminierte Urkunden als Forschungsthema:               Braunschweiger Wappenbriefs von 1438 -
    Zur Genese eines interdisziplinären Projekts und          Henning Steinführer
    einleitende Worte zum Tagungsband - Gabriele             • Visuelle Strategien der Authentifizierung in
    Bartz & Markus Gneiß, unter Mitarbeit von                 hochmittelalterlichen Urkunden(-abschriften)
    Martina Bürgermeister                                     Nord­spaniens: Illuminierte Urkunden als
   • Automatic Detection of Illuminated Charters -            Instrumente der Rechtssicherung und der
    Vincent Christlein                                        Erinnerung - Susanne Wittekind
   • Bilder, Metadaten und unterschiedliche                  • Political and Artistic Trends in Late Medieval
    Quellen: Über Herausforderungen bei der                   and Early Modern Georgian Illuminated Charters -
    Zusammenführung von heterogenen Objekten                  Eter Edisherashvili
    des kulturellen Erbes unter besonderer                   • The Functions of Illuminated Charters from
    Berücksichtigung illuminierter Urkunden - Lisa            Latvian and Lithuanian Archives in a European
    Dieckmann                                                 Context - Anastasija Ropa and Edgars Rops

                                                                                 Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 3
AANWINSTEN FEBRUARI 2019 - KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties Deze folder in je inbox?
• Illuminierte Urkunden zwischen Diplomatik,              • Seals as Conceptual and Ritual Tools in
     Kunstgeschichte und Digital Humanities:                   Chinese Buddhism, ca. 700-1000 CE, Paul Copp
     Ergebnisse und Perspektiven - Torsten Hiltmann           • Imprinting Powers: The Astrological Seal and
                                                               Its Doctrinal Meanings in the Latin West, Nicolas
                                                              • Medieval Solution to an Early Modern Problem?
                                                               The Royal Animal Seals of Jambi, Annabel Teh
                                                              • Expressing New Rule: Seals from Early Islamic
                                                               Egypt and Syria, 600-800 CE, Petra M. Sijpesteijn
                                                              • The Formulation of Urban Identity on Byzantine
                                                               Seals, Claudia Sode
                                                              • A Mark of Quality: The Rise and Fall of the Cloth
                                                               Seal, John Cherry
                                                              • Archeology and Sigillography in Northern
                                                               Europe, Michael Andersen
                                                              • Medieval Treaties and the Diplomatic Aesthetic,
                                                               Jessica Berenbeim

Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte Miriam. Seals: Making and
Marking Connections across the Medieval World.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2018.
Plaatskenmerk: 091 diplomatiek ZEGEL
 Verzamelde essays over zegelkunde.
“By placing medieval sealing practices in a global and
 comparative perspective, the essays gathered in this
 volume challenge the traditional understanding of
 seals as tools of closure and validation in use since
 the dawn of civilization. Far from being a universal
 technique, sealing is revealed as a flexible idiom,
 selectively deployed to mediate entangled identities:
 the introduction of Buddhism in early medieval China;
 the Islamization of Sasanian and Byzantine cultures;
 the balancing of Christian orthodoxy against classical   Cartelli, Antonio. Bibliografia dei Manoscritti in
 and Muslim science; the development of civic con-        scrittura Beneventana. Roma: Viella, 1993.
 sciousness in Byzantium; the efforts of tradesmen to     Plaatskenmerk: 091 paleo (45) (01)
 brand merchandise for export; and the advancement
 of diplomacy from northern Europe to Indonesia. This      Bibliografie van Beneventijnse handschriften
 examination of documentary seals, archaeologically       “Anche quest’anno la Campania ha dato il suo con-
 recovered seal dies, and commercial and concep-           tributo alla conoscenza della produzione libraria
 tual seals from cultures across the medieval world        beneventana. Dieci frammenti di codici, di cui riferisce
 shows how skillful manipulation of their iconography,     Giuliana Capriolo, che rinforzano o avevano rinforzato
 inscriptions, technology, and metaphorical meanings       il dorso di alcune cinquecentine, sono conservati nei
 disseminated information, negotiated influences,          conventi francescani di Baronissi e di S. Maria degli
 asserted hegemony, and forged connections.”               Angeli a Nocera Superiore, due località della provincia
                                                           di Salerno. Si conferma così l’uso dei codici beneven-
Inhoudsopgave                                              tani come materiale di scarto, utile per proteggere altri
   • Cultural Transactions: An Introduction to             libri, ritenuti più preziosi, in età moderna.
    Medieval Seals from a Global Perspective, Brigitte
    Bedos-Rezak                                           Se questa è stata la triste sorte di tanti esemplari pro-
                                                          dotti in area beneventana, ben diverso appare il destino

 4 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
AANWINSTEN FEBRUARI 2019 - KU Leuven Bibliotheken Bijzondere Collecties Deze folder in je inbox?
di un codice assolutamente unico nel panorama della            easy availability of modern editions obscures both the
teoria musicale medievale, il Cassinese 318, riprodotto        creation and circulation of histories in the Middle Ages.
in facsimile e illustrato da una eletta schiera di special-
                                                               This collection of essays returns to the processes
isti per le cure di Mariano Dell’Omo e Nicola Tangari:
                                                               involved in writing history, and in particular to the
se ne dà conto, a pochi mesi dalla pubblicazione, in
                                                               medieval manuscript sources in which the works of
questo volume della nostra bibliografia.
                                                               such historians survive. It explores the motivations of
Nel corso del 2019 dovrebbe poi essere compiuto il             those writing about the past in the Middle Ages, and
lavoro del Brill Companion to the Beneventan Zone,             the evidence provided by manuscripts for the circum-
una sintesi dello stato dell’arte in tutti gli aspetti della   stances in which copies were made. It also addresses
cultura scritta beneventana nel territorio italomeridio-       the selection of material for copying, combinations of
nale e dalmata, su iniziativa e a cura di Richard Gyug         text and imagery, and the demand for copies of partic-
e Andrew Irving. La maggioranza dei contributi è stata         ular works, shedding new light on how and why history
affidata a studiosi non italiani, a riprova dell’interesse     was being read, reproduced, discussed, adapted, and
che questa tipologia grafica desta fuori dei nostri            written.”
confini e, viceversa, del modesto richiamo che essa
esercita su chi si dedica a questo genere di ricerche          Inhoudsopgave
all’interno del nostro paese.”                                    • Introduction: Making and Reading History
                                                                   Books in the Anglo-Norman World
                                                                  • Did the Purpose of History Change in England
                                                                   in the Twelfth Century? - Michael Staunton
                                                                  • England’s Place within Salvation History:
                                                                   An Extended Version of Peter of Poitiers’
                                                                   Compendium Historiae in London, British Library,
                                                                   Cotton MS Faustina B VII - Andrea Worm
                                                                  • Computus and Chronology in Anglo-Norman
                                                                   England - Anne Lawrence-Mathers
                                                                  • A Saint Petersburg Manuscript of Excerptio
                                                                   Roberti Herefordensis de Chronica Mariani Scotti
                                                                  - Gleb Schmidt
                                                                  • Autograph History Books in the Twelfth Century
                                                                  - Laura Cleaver
                                                                  • Paul the Deacon’s Historia Langobardorum in
                                                                   Anglo-Norman England - Laura Pani
                                                                  • Durham Cathedral Priory and its Library of
                                                                   History, c. 1090 - c. 1150 - Charlie Rozier
Cleaver, Laura, en Andrea Worm (ed). Writing                      • King John’s Books and the Interdict in England
History in the Anglo-Norman World: Manuscripts,                    and Wales - Stephen D. Church
Makers and Readers, C.1066-c.1250. Woodbridge,                    • Artistic Patronage and the Early Anglo-Norman
Suffolk: York Medieval, 2018.                                      Abbots of St Albans - Kathryn Gerry
Plaatskenmerk:091: 930.21 (41/44) “10/12”                         • Matthew Paris, Cecilia de Sanford and the Early
                                                                   Readership of the Vie de Seint Auban - Laura
 Anglo-Normandische                     historiografische
                                                                  • New Readers, Old History: Gerald of Wales and
                                                                   the Anglo-Norman Invasion of Ireland - Caoimhe
“History was a subject popular with authors and readers            Whelan
 in the Anglo-Norman world. The volume and richness of
                                                                  • Bibliography
 historical writing in the lands controlled by the kings of
 England, particularly from the twelfth century, has long
 attracted the attention of historians and literary schol-
 ars, whilst editions of works by such writers as Orderic
 Vitalis, John of Worcester, Symeon of Durham, William
 of Malmesbury, Gerald of Wales, Roger of Howden,
 and Matthew Paris has made them well known. Yet the

                                                                                       Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 5
• Writing the Germanic Languages: The Early
                                                                 History of the Digraphs th, ch and uu - Annina
                                                                • The New Heathens: Anti-Jewish Hostility in
                                                                 Early English Literature - George Younge
                                                                • Latin Composition in Medieval Norway - Aidan
                                                                • Translating Europe in Medieval Wales - Helen
                                                                • Charms among the Chants: Verbal Magic
                                                                 in Medieval Bulgarian Manuscripts - Svetlana

Conti, Aidan, Orietta da Rold, en Philip Shaw.
Writing Europe, 500-1450: Texts and Contexts.
Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 2015.
Plaatskenmerk:091: 003 “5/14”
 Essays over middeleeuwse tekstuele cultuur.
“Medieval Europe was characterized by a sophisticated
 market for the production, exchange and sale of written
 texts. This volume brings together papers on a range of
 topics, centred on manuscript studies and textual criti-
 cism, which explore these issues from a pan-European
 perspective. They examine the prolonged and varied
 processes through which Europe’s different parts           Critten, Rory G. Author, Scribe, and Book in Late
 entered into modern reading, writing and communi-          Medieval English Literature. Cambridge: Boydell &
 cative practices, drawing on a range of approaches         Brewer, 2018.
 and perspectives; they consider material culture, mul-     Plaatskenmerk:091 =20 (41) “14/15”
 tilingualism in texts and books, book history, readers,
 audience and scribes across the Middle Ages.”               Concepten van auteurschap en het boek aan de
                                                             hand van vier vijftiende-eeuwse Engelse schrijvers.
                                                            “Thomas Hoccleve, Margery Kempe, John Audelay and
   • Preface - Orietta Da Rold and Aidan Conti and
                                                             Charles d’Orléans present themselves as the makers
    Philip A. Shaw
                                                             not only of their texts, but also of the books that trans-
   • Medieval Manuscript Studies: A European
                                                             mitted their writing. This new study argues that they
    Perspective - Orietta Da Rold and Marilena
    Maniaci                                                  elaborated a “self-publishing pose” with the aim of
   • The Digipal Project for European Scripts and            regaining their audiences’ confidence in the face of the
    Decorations - Stewart Brookes and Peter A.               compromised social, physical and material conditions
    Stokes and Matilda Watson and Debora Matos               they inhabited. Dr Critten shows that while the strat-
   • Italian Giant Bibles: The Circulation and Use of        egies of self-presentation that these authors develop
    the Book at the Time of the Ecclesiastical Reform        draw on trends in contemporary literature and book
    in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries - Nadia            history (such as the proliferation of the “go, litel bok”
                                                             motif and the increasing popularity of the single-author
   • Isolation or Network: Arengas and Colophon              codex), their approach to writing differs fundamentally
    Verse in Frisian Manuscripts around 1300 - Rolf H.
                                                             from that pursued by their immediate predecessors,
                                                             Chaucer and Gower, and by their most prominent peer,
                                                             Lydgate. Rather, in their unusual insistence on their

 6 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
co-identity with their manuscripts, they demonstrate a
new awareness of the socially instrumental potential of
Middle English writing.”

                                                              Denoël, Charlotte, en Kathleen Doyle.
                                                              Enluminures médiévales: Chefs-d’oeuvre de la
                                                              Bibliothèque Nationale de France et de la British
                                                              Library, 700 et 1200. Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale
Dannenberg, Lars-Arne, en Maria Müller. Studien               De France, 2018.
zur Stadtchronistik (1400-1580): Bremen und                   Plaatskenmerk: 091 (41/44)
Hamburg, Oberlausitz und Niederlausitz,
Brandenburg und Böhmen, Sachsen und
                                                               Topstukken uit de BnF en de BL.
Schlesien. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 2017.
                                                              “Cet ouvrage richement illustré présente plus de
Plaatskenmerk: 091 diplomatiek (43)                            cinquante manuscrits enluminés conservés dans les
 Stedelijke oorkonden uit vroegmodern Duitsland.               collections de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et
“Stadtchroniken gehörten vom Spätmittelalter bis               de la British Library. Exécutés entre 700 et 1200, ces
 in die Neuzeit zu den beliebten Darstellungsformen            manuscrits témoignent des liens artistiques et intel-
 der städtischen Geschichte. Anders als Urkunden               lectuels étroits qui se sont noués pendant cinq siècles
 oder Verwaltungsakte bringen sie Stadtgeschichte in           entre l’Angleterre et la France. Au fil des pages, bibles,
 Zusammenhänge, können Beziehungen herstellen und              Évangiles, psautiers, vies de saints ou encore herbiers
 Sachverhalte einordnen. Durch die Zusammenschau               et recueils épistolaires donnent à voir la richesse et la
 der Fürstentümer im ostmitteldeutschen Raum, das              diversité de la production artistique médiévale, dans un
 heißt der Länder der böhmischen Krone sowie deren             chatoiement d’or et de couleurs.”
 Nachbarn, offenbaren sich vielfältige Verflechtungen
 untereinander. Ein einleitender Beitrag zur Historiografie
 Hamburgs und Bremens öffnet den Untersuchungsraum
 auch in den Norden Deutschlands.”

                                                                                       Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 7
complex relationship between emotions and different
                                                            textual forms.”

                                                               • Introduction: Medieval Emotion and Texts as/in
                                                                Media — MARY C. FLANNERY
                                                               • Moved by Music: Problems in Approaching
                                                                Emotional Expression in Gregorian Chant —
                                                                DANIEL J. DICENSO
                                                               • Swelling in Anger: Somatic Descriptors in Old
                                                                English and Old Norse Literature — SARAH
                                                               • Lancelot in the Friend Zone: Strategies for
                                                                Offering and Limiting Affection in the Stanzaic
                                                                Morte Arthur — AMY BROWN
                                                               • Adapting Romance: Emotional Interpolations,
                                                                Cognitive Evaluation, and Interreligious Empathy
                                                               — MARCEL ELIAS
Flannery, Mary Catherine (ed.). Emotion and                    • ‘Think of me, I think of you. Love me, I love you’:
Medieval Textual Media. Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.                The Role of Runic Sticks in the Formation and
Plaatskenmerk: 091: 159.942                                     Maintenance of Emotional Bonds in Medieval
                                                                Norway (c.1000-1300) — KIMBERLEY-JOY
 De wederzijdse beïnvloeding tussen emoties en                  KNIGHT
 tekst.                                                        • Spiritual Comfort and Reasonable Feeling:
“A collection of essays exploring how medieval theo-            Annotating The Chastising of God’s Children in
                                                                Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C 57 —
 ries of emotion and cognition inform the creation and
                                                                MARLEEN CRÉ
 reception of various artefacts, and how attention to a
                                                               • The Materiality of Metaphors: Why the Affectus
 variety of media can reshape the study of medieval             Needs Shoes in The Doctrine of the Hert —
 emotion.                                                       SARAH BRAZIL
Text is one of the most valuable and plentiful sources of      • Guided Emotional Response in A Talkyng of the
information available to scholars interested in medieval        Love of God and The Tretyse of Love — DIANA
emotion. The medieval world may have vanished cen-
                                                               • Playing for Emotion: Middle English Abraham
turies ago, and its human subjects with it, but a wealth
                                                                and Isaac Plays — CHARLOTTE STEENBRUGGE
of textual traces remains: sermons, romances, poems,
                                                               • ‘The Weder is Went’: Emotional Form in a Middle
plays, treatises, songs, inscriptions, graffiti, and much       English Carol — SEETA CHAGANTI
more. But how is emotion communicated and shaped
                                                               • Afterword — RITA COPELAND
by these different textual forms? That is the question
at the heart of this collection of essays, which aims
to open up our sense of what texts can contribute to
the history of emotions by considering the variety of
ways that texts can function as vehicles — media — for
The essays in this volume examine how literary and
dramatic texts, chant, manuscript annotations, and
material inscriptions mediate emotion — how they
bring it about, communicate it, process it, and shape it
via forms that act on various senses. Ranging between
the eighth and fifteenth centuries and comprising
contributions from scholars of musicology, Old English
and Old Norse studies, material culture, Middle English
literature, drama, and manuscript studies, the essays
contained in this volume serve as a window onto the

 8 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
Gippert, Jost. Georgische Handschriften.                   Horobin, Simon, en Linne R. Mooney. Middle
Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 2018.                          English Texts in Transition: A Festschrift
                                                           Dedicated to Toshiyuki Takamiya on His 70th
Plaatskenmerk: 091 (479.22) SLAV
                                                           Birthday. Woodbridge: York Medieval, 2014.
 Georgische handschriften.                                 Plaatskenmerk: 091 =20
“Nur wenige Sprachen auf der Welt können auf eine mehr      Laat-middeleeuwse Engelse handschriften.
 als 1500-jährige Geschichte ununterbrochener schrift-     “This exciting collection of essays is centred on late
 licher Tradition zurückblicken – das Georgische, die       medieval English manuscripts and their texts. It offers
 Sprache des christlichen Landes südlich des Kaukasus,      new insights into the works of canonical literary writers,
 ist eine davon. Seit ihrer Christianisierung im vierten    including Geoffrey Chaucer, John Gower, William
 Jahrhundert haben Georgier im stetigen Austausch           Langland, Walter Hilton and Nicholas Love, as well as
 mit benachbarten Völkern einen ungeheuren Reichtum         lesser-known texts and manuscripts. It also considers
 an literarischem Kulturgut geschaffen, das sich in         medieval books, their producers, readers, and col-
 unzähligen handschriftlichen Büchern niederschlug.         lectors. It is thus a fitting tribute to one the foremost
 Diesen Schatz dem interessierten deutschsprachi-           scholars of the history of the book, Professor Toshiyuki
 gen Publikum zu erschließen, soll das vorliegende          Takamiya, whom it honours.”
 Buch dienen, das in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem
 Nationalen K.-Kekelidze-Handschriftenzentrum Tbilisi      Inhoudsopgave
 entstanden ist und in das Beiträge zahlreicher Autoren       • Introduction - Linne R Mooney
 eingeflossen sind.”                                          • The Early History of the Scriveners’ Company
                                                               Common Paper and its So-Called ‘Oaths’ -
Inhoudsopgave                                                  Richard Firth Green
   • Die georgischen Schriften                                • Corpus Christi College Oxford MS 201 and its
   • Geographie und Chronologie der georgischen                Copy of Piers Plowman - Simon Horobin
    Handschriftenproduktion                                   • Did John Gower Re-dedicate his Confessio
   • Georgische Handschriften und ihre materielle              Amantis Before Henry IV’s Usurpation? - Terry
    Basis                                                      Jones
   • Inhalt, Form und Navigation                              • Le Songe Vert, BL MS Add 34114 (the Spalding
   • Die Produktion der Codices                                Manuscript), Bibliothèque de la ville de Clermont
                                                               MS 249, and John Gower - Robert F. Yeager
   • Umlauf und Aufbewahrung
                                                              • Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 33: Thoughts on
   • Manuskripte, Oralität und andere Medien
                                                               Reading a Work in Progress - Phillipa Hardman
                                                              • The Rawlinson Lyrics: Context, Memory and
                                                               Performance - John C. Hirsh

                                                                                    Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 9
• Linguistic Boundaries in Multilingual               Kwakkel, Erik. Books before Print. Amsterdam:
   Miscellanies: The Case of Middle English             Amsterdam UP, 2018.
   Romance - Ad Putter and Gareth Griffith
                                                        Plaatskenmerk: 091 hss 2018
  • What Six Unalike Lyrics in MS Harley 2253 Have
   Alike in Manuscript Layout - Eric G Stanley           Inleiding tot het handschrift.
  • Evidence for the Licensing of Books from            “This beautifully illustrated book provides an accessible
   Arundel to Cromwell - Susan Powell                    introduction to the medieval manuscript and what it
  • Bishops, Patrons, Mystics and Manuscripts:           can tell us about the world in which it was made and
   Walter Hilton, Nicholas Love and the Arundel and      used. Captured in the materiality of manuscripts are
   Holland Connections - Michael G. Sargent              the data enabling us to make sense of the preferences
  • The Choice and Arrangement of Texts in MS            and habits of the individuals who made up medieval
   Pepys 2125, Magdalene College, Cambridge:             society. With short chapters grouped under thematic
   A Tentative Narrative about its Material History -
                                                         headings, Books Before Print shows how we may tap
   Mayumi Taguchi
                                                         into the evidence and explores how manuscripts can
  • ‘Thys moche more ys oure Lady Mary longe’:
   Takamiya MS 56 and the English Birth Girdle           act as a vibrant and versatile tool to understand the
   Tradition - Mary Morse                                deep historical roots of human interaction with written
  • Bookish Types: Some Post-Medieval Owners,            information. It highlights extraordinary continuities
   Borrowers and Lenders of the Manuscripts of The       between medieval book culture and modern-world
   Wise Book of Philosophy and Astronomy - Carrie        communication, as witnessed in medieval pop-up
   Griffin                                               books, posters, speech bubbles, book advertisements,
  • Laurentius Guglielmus Traversagnus and the           and even sticky notes.”
   Genesis of Vaticana Codex Lat. 11441, with
   Remarks on Bodleian MS Laud Lat. 61 - James J        Inhoudsopgave
   Murphy                                                  • Filling the Page: Script, Writing, and Page
  • The Travels of a Quire from the Twelfth Century         Design
   to the Twenty-First: The Case of Rawlinson B 484,        • Introduction
   fols. 1-6 - Natalia Petrovskaia
                                                            • 1. Medieval Script
  • William Elstob’s Planned Edition of the
                                                            • 2. Cracking Codes: Abbreviations in Medieval
   Anglo-Saxon Laws: A Remnant in the Takamiya
   Collection - Timothy Graham
                                                            • 3. The Empty Part of the Page
  • Gutenberg Meets Digitisation: The Path of a
   Digital Ambassador - Takako Kato and Satoko              • 4. Footnotes Before Print
   Tokunaga                                                 • 5. The First Page of the Manuscript
  • An Updated Bibliography of Toshiyuki Takamiya           • 6. The Last Page of the Manuscript
  - Satoko Tokunaga                                        • Enhancing the Manuscript: Binding and
                                                            • Introduction
                                                            • 7. Dressing Up the Manuscript
                                                            • 8. Hugging a Manuscript
                                                            • 9. Judging a Book by its Cover
                                                            • 10. Mary Had a Little Book
                                                            • 11. Drawing with Words
                                                            • 12. Speech Bubbles
                                                            • 13. Model Books
                                                           • Reading in Context: Annotations,
                                                            Bookmarks, and Libraries
                                                            • Introduction
                                                            • 14. Getting Personal in the Margin
                                                            • 15. Helping Hands on the Page
                                                            • 16. Smart Bookmarks
                                                            • 17. Location, Location
                                                            • 18. Combating Book Theft

10 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
• The Margins of Manuscript Culture
    • Introduction
    • 19. The Incredible Expandable Book
    • 20. Books on a Diet
    • 21. Books on a Stick
    • 22. Slips, Strips, and Scraps: Messaging
    • 23. Slips, Strips, and Scraps: Scholarly Notes
    • 24. Medieval Name Tags
    • 25. Posters Before Print
    • 26. Medieval Book Apps
   • Contextualizing the Medieval Manuscript
    • Introduction
    • 27. Where are the Scriptoria?
    • 28. Desktops
    • 29. Second-Hand Books Before Print
    • 30. Manuscripts on the Move
                                                           Morelli, Gianni. Le miniature del codice purpureo
    • 31. The Skinny on Bad Parchment                      di Rossano: Memoria di bellezza. Rossano (CS):
    • 32. Destroying Medieval Books (and Why               ConSenso, 2016.
     That’s Useful)
                                                           Plaatskenmerk: 091 rossano GRIEKS
   • Epilogue: The Legacy of the Medieval Book
                                                            Miniaturen in de Codex Petropolitanus Purpureus.
                                                           “Nella sua attenta e appassionata ricerca “Le min-
                                                            iature del codice Purpureo di Rossano. Memoria di
                                                            bellezza”, Gianni Morelli cerca di dare delle risposte ad
                                                            alcuni quesiti fondamentali inerenti il codice Purpureo
                                                            Rossanese: come e quando il documento è arrivato a
                                                            Rossano, qual è il luogo e la data della sua produzione,
                                                            chi ha eseguito un lavoro così raffinato e a quale tra-
                                                            dizione iconografica si è ispirato, dove è andata a finire
                                                            la seconda parte dell’opera? L’autore cerca di rispon-
                                                            dere in parte a queste domande dividendo il suo lavoro
                                                            in tre parti: nella prima parte parla della tradizione, che
                                                            influenzò la composizione del Codex Rossanensis, di
                                                            illustrare la vita di Gesù attraverso immagini ricorrendo
                                                            a profeti dell’Antico Testamento che spiegano il mistero
                                                            del Nuovo Testamento; nella seconda parte il Morelli
Marchiaro, Michaelangiola, en Stefano Zamponi. I            ricostruisce la storia del volto con barba di Cristo, così
Manoscritti Datati Della Biblioteca Nazionale
                                                            come compare nel Codice Purpureo di Rossano e in
Centrale Di Firenze. 4: Fondo Magliabechiano.
Firenze: SISMEL, 2018.                                      quello Sinopense; nella terza parte lo studioso esegue
                                                            un’analisi interpretativa del Codice tenendo presente il
Plaatskenmerk: 091 (45) DATUM
                                                            solo Vangelo di Giovanni.”
 Gedateerde handschriften uit Firenze.
“Questo volume – quarto della serie dedicata alla
 Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze – contiene
 la descrizione di 192 manoscritti datati conservati nel
 fondo Magliabechiano. Il volume è introdotto dalla
 storia del fondo ed è corredato da 196 tavole in bianco
 e nero.”

                                                                                   Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 11
• Reflecting a Heavenly Light: Gold and other
                                                           Metals in Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript
                                                           Illumination — Nancy Turner
                                                          • Gold or Brass, Silver or Tin: the Analysis of
                                                           Metals in Medieval Book Illumination — Robert
                                                           Fuchs, Cologne Institute for Conservation
                                                          • Pigmenta: Materials for Writing, Painting and
                                                           Healing — Lea Olsan
                                                          • The Use of Copper Sulphates in Sixteenth-
                                                           Century Flemish Illumination: Simon Bening
                                                           as a Case Study — Giulia Bertolotti and Paola
                                                          • ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES
                                                          • Between Tradition and Innovation: Giving Light
Panayotova, Stella, en Paola Ricciardi. Art and            to a Visionary Text in the Lorvão Beatus — Maria
Science: II. Turnhout: Brepols, 2018.                      João Melo, Maria Adelaide Miranda, Rita Castro,
Plaatskenmerk: 091: 75 techniek                            João Lopes and Jorge Sarraguça
                                                          • Scientific Study of Cistercian Illuminated
 De materialen en technieken van verluchte                 Manuscripts: Techniques, Aesthetics and Religion
 handschriften.                                           — Catarina Miguel, Angela Nuñez-Gáitan, Maria
                                                           Luisa Carvalho and Cristina Barrocas-Diasa
“This ground-breaking publication presents the papers
                                                          • Mapping and identification of the pigments
 delivered at the international Conference held in
                                                           used in two illuminations from the Laudario
 Cambridge in December 2016 to mark the end of the         of Sant’Agnese attributed to the Master of the
 Fitzwilliam Museum’s acclaimed bicentenary exhibition     Dominican Effigies — John K. Delaney, Kathryn
 COLOUR: THE ART AND SCIENCE OF ILLUMINATED                Dooley, Damon Conover, Lisha Glinsman, Giorgio
 MANUSCRIPTS. It is the [second] of two volumes in         Trumpy and Michelle Facini
 which medievalists and scientists share the results of   • The Benefits of Scanning Illuminated
 their research, and combine here to elucidate both the    Manuscripts with MA-XRF and MA-rFTIR — Stijn
 materials and techniques of production of illuminated     Legrand, Paola Ricciardi and Koen Janssens
 manuscripts, as well as the artists’ collaboration and   • RESTORATION AND FORGERY
 their aesthetic objectives.”                             • The Psalter-Hours of Isabelle of France in the
                                                           Nineteenth-Century — Stella Panayotova
Inhoudsopgave                                             • The Spanish Forger Exposed: an
   • VISION, COLOUR AND MEANING                            Interdisciplinary Study of Two of His Paintings
                                                          — Christina Currie, Steven Saverwyns and
   • Vision and Colour in the Works of Giotto and
                                                           Dominique Vanwijnsberghe
    His Contemporaries — Donal Cooper
   • Robert Grosseteste’s De iride and its
    Addendum in the Vatican Manuscript Barb. Lat.
    165: Transmission, Reception, Meaning — Cecilia
    Panti and Greti Dinkova-Bruun
   • Seeing a Pink Elephant: Creating Meaning
    through Colour in the Medieval Bestiary —
    Elizabeth Morrison
   • The Colours of Fortune — Deirdre Jackson
   • Recipes and Reception: Late Mediaeval English
    Colour. Recipes and Amateur Illuminators — Mark
   • Looking for Lichen, Fooled by Folium and
    Tricked by Tyrian: A Brief Tour and New Research
    on Purple in Manuscripts — Cheryl Porter,
    Maurizio Aceto, Elisa Calà, Angelo Agostino, Gaia
    Fenoglio, Ambra Idone and Monica Gulmini

 12 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
• The Velislav Bible in the Context of Late
                                                                  Medieval Biblical: Retellings and Mnemonic Aids -
                                                                  Lucie Doležalová
                                                                 • The Books of Genesis and Exodus in the
                                                                  Picture Bibles: Looking for an Audience - Lenka
                                                                 • The Life of Antichrist in the Velislav Bible -
                                                                  Pavlína Cermanová
                                                                 • The Antichrist Cycle in the Velislav Bible and the
                                                                  Representation of the Intellectual Community -
                                                                  Kateřina Horníčková
                                                                 • Ibi predicit hominibus: In Search of the Practical
                                                                  Function of the Velislav Bible - Milena Bartlová
                                                                 • The Velislav Bible: Critical Edition with
                                                                  Commentary - Anna Kernbach

Panušková, Lenka. The Velislav Bible, Finest
Picture-Bible of the Late Middle Ages: ‘Biblia
Depicta’ as Devotional, Mnemonic and Study Tool.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2018.
Plaatskenmerk: 091 (437.1) ILLUM.

 Bundel over de verluchtte Velislav Bijbel.
“The Velislav Bible is one of the most beautiful medi-
 eval Bohemian manuscripts. It is a heavily illustrated
 manuscript that contains only short selections of the
 text, that instruct the reader about the story depicted.
 The last picture in the manuscript shows a man kneel-
 ing before St. Catherine, identified as Velislav, hence
 the name of the manuscript. The Bible comprises
 stories from the Books of Genesis and Exodus, visions
 of Daniel, and the stories of Samson as well as of          Reilly, Diane J. The Cistercian Reform and the Art
 Judith. The narrative of the Antichrist precedes the        of the Book in Twelfth-century France.
 Christological part. The New Testament continues with       Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2018.
 the Book of Revelation, stories following the Ascension     Plaatskenmerk: 091: 271.12
 of Christ, and key events from the lives of St. Peter and
 St. Paul. The manuscript closes with the legend of St.      Cisterciënzische verluchte handschriften.
 Wenceslas, the patron saint of Bohemia. The essays          “This book is a study of the programmatic oral per-
 in The Velislav Bible, Finest Picture-Bible of the Late      formance of the written word and its impact on art
 Middle Ages: Biblia depicta as Devotional, Mnemonic          and text. Communal singing and reading of the Latin
 and Study Tool analyze the manuscript from historical,       texts that formed the core of Christian ritual and belief
 textual, art-historical, and iconographic perspectives.      consumed many hours of the Benedictine monk’s day.
 However, a shared concern of all the authors is to think     These texts-read and sung out loud, memorized, and
 about its functions. An edition of the Latin titulis is      copied into manuscripts-were often illustrated by the
 being published here for the first time.”v                   very same monks who participated in the choir liturgy.
                                                              The meaning of these illustrations sometimes only
                                                              becomes clear when they are read in the context of the
   • Studying the Velislav Bible: An Overview - Anna
                                                              texts these monks heard read. The earliest manuscripts
    Kernbach and Lenka Panušková
                                                              of Cîteaux, copied and illuminated at the same time
   • Image and Text in the Velislav Bible: On the
    Interpretation of an Illuminated Codex - Anna             that the new monastery’s liturgy was being reformed,
    Kernbach and Lenka Panušková

                                                                                    Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 13
demonstrate the transformation of aural experience to
visual and textual legacy.”

                                                           *Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. Codex Sinaiticus:
                                                            Geschichte und Erschliessung der “Sinai-Bibel”.
Rossignol, Sébastien, en Anna Adamska.                      Leipzig: Leipziger U-Verl, 2007.
Urkundenformeln im Kontext: Formen der                     Plaatskenmerk: 091 leipzig GR
Schriftkultur im Ostmitteleuropa des Mittelalters
(13.-14. Jahrhundert). Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2016.
                                                            De vroeg-Christelijke Sinaï-bijbel.
Plaatskenmerk: 091 diplomatiek “12/13”                     “Der Codex Sinaiticus ist ein unbezahlbarer Schatz.
                                                            Christen in der ganzen Welt bewundern ihn als die
 Arenga’s in Oosteuropa.                                    erste vollständige Fassung des neuen Testaments. Er
“Die hier publizierten Beitrage widmen sich dem             gehört zu den ersten gebundenen Büchern überhaupt.
 mittelalterlichen Urkundenwesen in den polnischen         Der    Leipziger   Bibelforscher   Konstantin    von
 Furstentumern und in Bohmen und untersuchen mit           Tischendorf machte 1859 auf seiner dritten Reise in
 besonderem Augenmerk auf die Arenga das Formular          das Katharinenkloster auf dem Sinai die bedeutend-
 der von Fursten, den Erzbischofen von Gnesen/             ste Entdeckung seiner Karriere: „Ich wußte, daß ich
 Gniezno und Adeligen ausgestellten Urkunden in seiner     das größte Kleinod in meinen Händen hielt, das für
 Genese und Aussage, die Kriterien der Anwendung           die Bibelforschung gefunden werden konnte [...]. Von
 einzelner Formeln, die Rolle der Schreiber und Notare     einer solchen Stunde, solchen Erfahrungen, läßt sich
 wie auch der Formelbucher und stellen die Ergebnisse      keine Schilderung geben. Die Nacht war kalt; doch
 in den Kontext aktueller Forschungen zu Schriftlichkeit   setzte ich mich sogleich daran, den Barnabasbrief
 und Kommunikation. Die in deutscher und englischer        abzuschreiben.”
 Sprache abgefassten Studien eroffnen den Zugang zu
 wichtigen, aber auf internationaler Ebene viel zu wenig
 rezipierten Ergebnissen der ostmitteleuropaischen

 14 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties

Simeoni, Giulia. “Forme mutate in nuovi corpi”: Le
metamorfosi di Ovidio illustrate nel codice
Panciatichi 63. Padova: Padova UP, 2017.
Plaatskenmerk: 091 firenze
                                                               Martín Abad, Julián. Cum figuris: Texto e imagen
 De metamorfozen van Ovidius in Florence, Ms.                  de los incunables Españoles : Catálogo bibliográf-
                                                               ico y descriptivo. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 2018.
 Paniatichi 63.
“The manuscript Panciatichi 63, preserved in the               Plaatskenmerk: 093: 76 (46)
 Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence, contains
                                                                Afbeeldingen in Spaanse incunabelen (catalogus).
 the vernacular version of Ovid’s vMetamorphoses
                                                               “Nunca se acometió la tarea de traducir al español
 written by the notary Arrigo Simintendi from Prato. The
                                                                el Handbuch der Iberischen Bilddrucke des xv.
 fourteenth century florentine manuscript is the only
                                                                Jahrhunderts de Martin Kurz(Leipzig, 1931), y menos
 illustrated vernacular copy, the first to be different from
                                                                aún la realización de un repertorio de ese estilo,
 the medieval literary tradition reinterpreting ovidian
                                                                salvando sus limitaciones, quizás la mayor la falta
 work in allegorical or moralizing terms. The drawings
                                                                de auténticas descripciones de las estampas y de
 depict the mythical fables of the poem, forming a
                                                                reproducciones. Pero hoy día, la creación de un
 commentary of images which follows the reading of
                                                                auténtico repertorio de incunables españoles ilustra-
 the text. In this journey through the world of myths,
                                                                dos,asumiendo la metodología del ilustre incunabulista,
 the author highlights the figurative choices made by
                                                                superando los ruidos y silencios que el largo tiempo
 the illustrator who draws on the artistic culture of his
                                                                (bibliográfico) ha producido, enriqueciendo las noticias
 period to animate divinities, nymphs and heroes of
                                                                bibliográficas y los detalles de interés iconográfico con
 the classical tradition. Between stylistic analysis and
                                                                las reproducciones imprescindibles, recuperando las
 iconographic research emerges the complexity of the
                                                                referencias a las reproducciones facsimilares y digitali-
 mythological illustrations in this unique and fine ver-
                                                                zadas, era una tarea necesaria y posible,como lo pone
 nacular manuscript.”
                                                                bien de manifiesto el presente repertorio. Además, en
                                                                esta obra, se acometen otras tareas imprescindibles
                                                                y difíciles: depurar la Bibliografía ibérica del siglo xv
                                                                de Konrad Haebler (1903-1917),repertorio del que
                                                                depende casi exclusivamente Kurz, y la bibliografía
                                                                gráfica de Francisco Vindel Angulo, El Arte tipográfico
                                                                en España durante el siglo xv (1945-1954), así como
                                                                controlar plenamente las reproducciones ofrecidas
                                                                en dos importantes instrumentos de consulta, The
                                                                Illustrated incunabula short-title catalogueon CD-ROM
                                                                [1998] e Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe
                                                                1455-1500, cuya edición se inició en 1992.

                                                                                      Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 15
Como señala el autor en su documentada introducción,         vor 1500 ist besonders schwer zu erhalten, da sie
en este nuevo instrumento de consulta se ha fijado           in den großen Frühdruckbibliographien nicht in der
como objetivo:ser fiable en la identificación de las 438     Tiefe erschlossen sind, wie das Otto Mazal in seinem
ediciones controladas bibliográficamente, exhaustivo         Verzeichnis gelang. Im vorliegenden Band findet
en la localización de los ejemplares conservados,            man also auch entlegene Werkfassungen und wenig
suficiente en cuanto a la secuencia de referencias bibli-    bekannte Verfasser bequem, und es konnten falsche
ográficas imprescindibles y rico en detalles descriptivos    spätmittelalterliche   Zuschreibungen      apokrypher
de las estampas y en el control de reproducciones dis-       Literatur an Kirchenväter aufgeklärt werden.”
ponibles. Y para facilitar la consulta del repertorio se
incluyen al final varios Índices: onomástico y de títulos;
temático e iconográfico; y un tercero recogiendo el
primer uso de los grabados y su utilización posterior en
la misma o diferente edición; y, finalmente, las varias
correspondencias de los números de las noticias de
los repertorios de incunables imprescindibles y los
números de las noticias de las mismas ediciones en el
presente repertorio.”

Mazal, Otto. Incunabula patristica: Bibliographie
der Wiegendrucke christlicher Autoren der Antike.
Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2012.
Plaatskenmerk: 093.3: 276
 Christelijke verzamel-incunabelen uit de oudheid.
“Otto Mazals großes – und nachgelassenes – bibliog-
 raphisches Gesamtverzeichnis aller bekannten und
 nachweisbaren Frühdrucke der patristischen Literatur,
 also der Werke spätantiker Kirchenväter, wird nun
 fortgesetzt: Nach drei Bänden für die Inkunabel-
 Überlieferung der patristischen Autoren gilt der vierte
 Band den Sammel-Inkunabeln, die nach Art von mod-
 ernen Readern kürzere patristische Texte verschiedener
 Autoren versammeln oder, jeweils mit anderer, jüngerer
 oder zeitgenössischer Literatur zusammengebunden,
 Texte frühchristlicher Autoren enthalten. Ein Überblick
 gerade über die Inhalte dieser Sammelbände der Zeit

 16 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
OUDE DRUKKEN                                                    • Publishers, Editors and Artists in the Marketing
                                                                 of News in the Dutch Republic Circa 1700:
                                                                 the Case of Jan Goeree and the Europische
                                                                • Research in Digitized Early Modern
                                                                 Dutch Newspapers and the News Value of
                                                                • Anything but Marginal: the Politics of Paper Use
                                                                 and Layout in Early Modern Dutch Newspapers
                                                                • A Sense of Europe: the Making of This
                                                                 Continent in Early Modern Dutch News Media
                                                                • Supply and Speed of Foreign News to the
                                                                 Netherlands during the Eighteenth Century: a
                                                                 Comparison of Newspapers in Haarlem and
                                                                • The Early 1730s Shipworm Disaster in Dutch
                                                                 News Media
                                                                • The Varying Lives and Layers of Mid-
                                                                 Eighteenth-Century News Reports: the Example
                                                                 of the 1748 Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle in Dutch
                                                                 News Media
Koopmans, Joop W. Early Modern Media and the
News in Europe: Perspectives from the Dutch                     • The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake and Tsunami in
Angle. Leiden: Brill, 2018.                                      Dutch News Sources: the Functioning of Early
                                                                 Modern News Dissemination
Plaatskenmerk: 094.3: 05 (492) “16/17”                          • Wars in Early Modern News: Dutch News Media
 Zeventiende-eeuws nieuws in de Republiek.                       and Military Conflicts
“During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the           • Dutch Censorship in Relation to Foreign
 Dutch Republic was one of the main centers of media             Contacts (1581–1795)
 in Europe. These media included newspapers, pam-               • Spanish Tyranny and Bloody Placards:
                                                                 Historical Commonplaces in the Struggle
 phlets, news digests, and engravings. Early Modern
                                                                 between Dutch Patriots and Orangists around
 Media and the News in Europe brings together fifteen            1780?
 articles dealing with this early news industry in relation
 to politics and society, written by Joop W. Koopmans
 in recent decades. They demonstrate the important
 Dutch position within early modern news networks in
 Europe. Moreover, they address a variety of related
 themes, such as the supply of news during wars and
 disasters, the speed of early modern news reports, the
 layout of early newspapers and the news value of their
 advertisements, and censorship of books and news

   • Introduction
   • Storehouses of News: the Meaning of Early
    Modern News Periodicals in Western Europe
   • The Presentation of News in the Europische
    Mercurius (1690–1756)
   • The Glorification of Three Prussian Sovereigns
    in the Europische Mercurius (1690–1756)                   Stello, Annika, en Udo Wennemuth. Die Macht des
                                                              Wortes: Reformation und Medienwandel.
   • Politics in Title Prints: Examples from the Dutch
                                                              Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2016.
    News Book Europische Mercurius (1690–1756)
                                                              Plaatskenmerk:094.3: 28 (43)

                                                                                   Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 17
Drukken uit de Reformatie (Baden)
“Wie in kaum einer anderen Epoche offenbart sich in
 der Reformation die „Macht des Wortes“ in gespro-
 chener und geschriebener Form. Anhand von zentralen
 Drucken der Reformationszeit aus den Beständen der
 Badischen Landesbibliothek und der Evangelischen
 Landeskirche in Baden werden wesentliche Anliegen
 der Reformation und ihre Wirkungsgeschichte in ihrem
 jeweiligen Kontext vorgestellt.”

 18 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
ex libris
grafische industrie

                      Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 19

Gaudriault, Raymond. Filigranes et autres car-
actéristiques des papiers fabriqués en France aux
XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles: Supplément. Angoulême:
AFHEPP, 2017.                                               Bollmann, Stefan, en Kristien Hemmerechts,.
                                                            Vrouwen die schrijven leven gevaarlijk.
Plaatskenmerk: 09: 676 WM (44)                              Amsterdam: AUP, 2018.
Watermerken.                                                Plaatskenmerk: 094.6: 028-055.2
“Ce SUPPLÉMENT est celui d’un premier ouvrage,
Filigranes et autres caractéristiques des papiers fabri-    Portretten van vrouwelijke schrijfsters.
qués en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.                 “Vrouwen die schrijven leven gevaarlijk is een
                                                            iconografie van schrijvende vrouwen met portretten
Raymond GAUDRIAULT y avait consacré sept années
                                                            van vooraanstaande en karaktervolle schrijfsters van
de recherches dans les Archives nationales, départe-
                                                            de middeleeuwen tot nu. Hildegard von Bingen, Jane
mentales et municipales, de consultations dans les
                                                            Austen, Colette, Virginia Woolf, vrouwen die verkozen te
Bibliothèques, d’études de collections, de rencon-
                                                            schrijven en daardoor hun wereld wat minder gevaarlijk
tres avec des conservateurs, des chercheurs, des
                                                            te maken.
historiens, des collectionneurs. Il l’a publié, avec le
concours de Thérèse Gaudriault en 1995, aux éditions        Vrouwen werden lange tijd niet geacht boeken te schri-
conjointes du CNRS et J. Telford. Ce travail a fait date    jven. Ze moesten gewoon maar kinderen op de wereld
dans l’étude des filigranes : il a été et demeure l’ou-     zetten. Als vrouwen anders schreven dan mannen, dan
vrage le plus complet sur les papiers et les papetiers du   was dat omdat ze anders leefden en moesten vechten
XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles en France, avec 2000 modèles        voor de tijd die nodig was om te schrijven. Ze moesten
de marques reproduites, 6000 papetiers répertoriés et       een onwankelbaar zelfvertrouwen en bijzonder veel
1200 monogrammes de papiers relevés.                        geduld hebben. Ze moesten opboksen tegen de onmo-
                                                            gelijke eisen van familie en maatschappij. De tweespalt
Le supplément ajoute à l’ouvrage original 200 marques,
                                                            tussen artistieke onafhankelijkheid en het maatschap-
350 noms de papetiers et 750 monogrammes ; ils ont
                                                            pelijke conformisme was voor vele vrouwen onleefbaar.
été recueillis par Raymond Gaudriault entre 1995 et
                                                            Velen borgen hun ambities op. Andere vrouwen, zoals
2003. Le texte publié ici a été rédigé et complété par
                                                            George Sand of George Elliot, maten zich een man-
l’auteur lui-même qui souhaitait sa publication.
                                                            nelijk pseudoniem aan. En nog anderen weerstonden
Il constitue une documentation complémentaire               alle vooroordelen en konden door te schrijven een vrij,
extrêmement précieuse, indispensable pour les cher-         open en authentiek leven leiden. Schrijven was voor
cheurs et historiens du papier et des écrits anciens.       vrouwen tot voor honderd jaar ronduit gevaarlijk, en
L’Association Française pour l’Histoire et l’Étude du       ook nu nog houdt het risico’s in.
Papier et des Papeteries (AFHEPP) en a compris l’im-
portance et a décidé de faire de ce fascicule le premier
numéro de ses CahierS…”

20 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
Vrouwen die schrijven leven gevaarlijk verscheen eerder    zweite Band ist den Entwicklungen im Rahmen bes-
in het Duits. Voor de Nederlandse vertaling schreef        timmter Regionen und Kulturen gewidmet, wobei die
Kristien Hemmerechts het voorwoord.”                       Buchmalerei Ausgangs- und Angelpunkt bildet.”
                                                           Met hoofdstukken over Noordeuropa, Engeland,
                                                           de Noordelijke Nederlanden (Anne Korteweg), de
                                                           Zuidelijke Nederlanden (Dgmar Thoss en Christine
                                                           Beier), Frankrijk, het Iberisch Schiereiland, Joodse
                                                           boekcultuur, Duitstalig middeneuropa, Polen, de
                                                           Bohemen, Hongarije, Slovenië, Kroatië, en Italië.

Beier, Christine. Geschichte der Buchkultur. 5:
Gotik.   Graz:     Akademische   Druck-    Und
Verlagsanstalt, 2016.

Plaatskenmerk: 09 (035)

Laatmiddeleeuwse boekcultuur.
“Der Doppelband zur Buchkultur der Gotik ist der
                                                           Keiderling, Thomas. Lexikon der Medien- und
letzte der Reihe, in dessen Fokus das handgeschrie-        Buchwissenschaft: Analog - Digital. Deel 3: N-Z.
bene Buch steht. Er behandelt die Jahrhunderte,            Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2018.
in denen die Herstellung von Handschriften zuneh-
                                                           Plaatskenmerk: 09 (031) =30
mend kommerzialisiert wurde, ihren quantitativen
Höhepunkt erreichte und schließlich durch den              Woordenboek boekwetenschap (Duits).
Buchdruck abgelöst wurde. Neben dem fast unüber-           “Die von internationalen Experten verfassten Artikel
schaubaren religiösen Schrifttum gewann in dieser          dieses Lexikons behandeln in alphabetischer
Epoche die profane Literatur an Boden, und obwohl          Anordnung die ganze Bandbreite sowohl der ›alten‹
Latein weiterhin als Schriftsprache dominierte, spielten   analogen Medien von der Papyrus-Buchrolle angefan-
nun auch die Volkssprachen eine Rolle. Den klöster-        gen, über die verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen der
lichen Büchersammlungen traten bedeutende Adels-,          Printmedien bis hin zu den heutigen ›neuen‹ digitalen
Universitäts- und Stadtbibliotheken an die Seite,          Medien online und offline. Beide Bereiche – analog und
und bürgerlicher Buchbesitz ist ebenfalls nachweis-        digital – führen hier eine symbiotische Partnerschaft
bar - Zeugnis für die Ausbreitung von Schreib- und         und stellen gegenseitig unter Beweis, wie schwierig
Lesefähigkeit, für steigendes Bildungsniveau. Die          das Leben des einen ohne den anderen heute wäre.
Veränderungen fanden ihren Niederschlag in der             Drei Bände zu je etwa 320 Seiten.”
Buchmalerei, die der Buchkultur der Gotik ihren
besonderen Glanz und Charakter verleiht.
Vielfalt und Komplexität des Buchwesens im späten
Mittelalter werden anhand von zentralen Beispielen
vorgestellt, die als Wegweiser durch die umfangreiche
Überlieferung dienen können. Im ersten Band stehen
die Leistungen des spätmittelalterlichen Buchwesens
in gesamteuropäischer Perspektive im Mittelpunkt, der

                                                                                 Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 21
literary history and criticism and appraises the place of
                                                             textual studies and scholarly editing today.”


                                                                • The Evidence for Literary Knowledge
                                                                • Textual Criticism, the Humanities, and J. M.
                                                                • The Semiotics of Bibliography
                                                                • Some Functions of Textual Criticism
                                                                • Long Distance Revision
                                                                • Text as Communication
                                                                • The Archive and the Critical Edition: Intentions
                                                                • How Literary Works Exist
                                                                • Convenient Scholarly Editions
                                                                • Scholarly Editing as a Cultural Enterprise
Shillingsburg, Peter L. Textuality and Knowledge:               • Work and Text in Non-Literary Text-Based
Essays. University Park, Pennsylvania:                          Disciplines
Pennsylvania State UP, 2017.
                                                                • Publishers’ Records and the History of Book
Plaatskenmerk: 09: 01                                           Production
                                                                • Cultural Heritage, Textuality, and Social Justice
Conceptuele essays over bibliografie en de beteke-
nis van teksten.
“In literary investigation all evidence is textual, depen-
dent on preservation in material copies. Copies,
however, are vulnerable to inadvertent and purposeful
change. In this volume, Peter Shillingsburg explores
the implications of this central concept of textual
Through thirteen essays, Shillingsburg argues that lit-
erary study depends on documents, the preservation
of works, and textual replication, and he traces how
this proposition affects understanding. He explains the
consequences of textual knowledge (and ignorance) in
teaching, reading, and research—and in the generous
impulses behind the digitization of cultural documents.
He also examines the ways in which facile assump-
tions about a text can lead one astray, discusses how
differing international and cultural understandings of
the importance of documents and their preservation
shape both knowledge about and replication of works,
and assesses the dissemination of information in the
context of ethics and social justice. In bringing these
wide-ranging pieces together, Shillingsburg reveals
how and why meaning changes with each successive
rendering of a work, the value in viewing each sub-
sequent copy of a text as an original entity, and the
relationship between textuality and knowledge.
Featuring case studies throughout, this erudite col-
lection distills decades of Shillingsburg’s thought on

22 | Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties
BIBLIOTHEKEN                                              first to be considered here) is While the Billy Boils:
                                                          The Original Newspaper Versions, edited by one of
                                                          Australia’s leading textual scholars, Paul Eggert, with
                                                          explanatory notes by Elizabeth Webby. The compan-
                                                          ion volume is Eggert’s Biography of a Book: Henry
                                                          Lawson’s While the Billy Boils, whose subject is
                                                          ‘the life of an Australian literary classic’ (ix). Eggert’s
                                                          intention is to show ‘that it can be productive, as a
                                                          form of literary study, to follow the lives of works over
                                                          time, both at the hands of the author and of his or her
                                                          collaborators in publication, and in the reception of
                                                          readers’ (9).”
                                                          Peter Pierce, JASAL 13:3 (2013) 1-6.

* Eggert, Paul. Biography of a Book: Henry
Lawson’s While the Billy Boils. Sydney: Sydney UP,
Plaatskenmerk: 094.6: 028 (94)

Paul Eggert bekijkt wat een boek is, aan de hand
van een concrete case-study. “The life narrative of
Henry Lawson’s 1896 novel offers a perspective for
appreciating the cultural history of his own country,
and his own time. In Paul Eggert’s hands, however,
                                                          König, Christian, en Andreas Brandtner. Mit einem
this ‘biography’ also becomes a new model for under-
                                                          Bücherhaufen fing es an..: Geschichte der
standing how books work, indeed how reviving the          Universitätsbibliothek Mainz. Göttingen: V&R
concept of a ‘work’ can help us apprehend a text in       Unipress, 2018.
historical and discursive context. Scholars of author-
ship, publishing, reading, and the material book will     Plaatskenmerk: 094.6: 027.1 (43) mainz
look to Eggert’s rigorous and sensitive methodology for   Geschiedenis van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Mainz.
guidance in recognizing what happens when a literary      “1946 aus dem Nichts heraus gegründet, präsentiert
work encounters the real world and travels through it     sich die Universitätsbibliothek Mainz heute als moderne
in unanticipated ways. Students of book culture will      Dienstleistungseinrichtung mit einem Gesamtbestand
welcome Eggert’s articulation of how the practices of     von mehr als 3,5 Millionen Printmedien und gut 110.000
close reading, bibliographical description, and archi-    E-Books und E-Journals sowie mit einem umfangreichen
val excavation can demonstrate how discourse was          Informations- und Schulungsangebot. Christian König
created, mediated, and interpreted as Lawson’s book       zeichnet diese Entwicklung von den Anfängen bis 2011
took on a life of its own.”                               nach und beleuchtet insbesondere den ersten Aufbau
                                                          der Bibliothek in der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit
“One of Australia’s greatest works of fiction, Henry
Lawson’s While the Billy Boils, has a chequered and       sowie ihren Strukturwandel von einem zwei- zu einem
curious history that both precedes its publication        weitgehend einschichtigen Bibliothekssystem. Der
as a book on 29 August 1896, then stretches forth         Beitrag von Andreas Brandtner zur strategischen
into the present, through many different editions         Positionierung,      Organisationsentwicklung       und
and changes of critical fortune for its author. The       Übernahme neuer Aufgaben zwischen 2011 und 2018
writing, publication, distribution and reception of
                                                          schreibt den Band bis in die unmittelbare Gegenwart
Lawson’s short story collection are the subject
of a pair of new books. The first of these (and the       fort.”

                                                                                  Aanwinsten Bijzondere Collecties | 23
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