Abby Lindquist soprano - JUNIOR RECITAL Elizabeth Loparits piano

Page created by Chester Perry
Abby Lindquist soprano - JUNIOR RECITAL Elizabeth Loparits piano

Abby Lindquist soprano
  Elizabeth Loparits piano

             Saturday, March 6, 2021
                    4:00 p.m.
Abby Lindquist soprano - JUNIOR RECITAL Elizabeth Loparits piano

“Nun beut die Flur,” from The Creation                                   Joseph Haydn

Clair de lune                                                          Claude Debussy
Mandoline                                                                 (1862-1918)
Nuits d’étoiles

När du sluter mina ögon                                             Gunnar de Frumerie
Du är min Afrodite                                                         (1908-1987)
Lasse liten                                                                Jean Sibelius
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte                                       (1865-1975)

“Quel guardo il cavaliere,” from Don Pasquale                        Gaetano Donizetti

                                   UNCW is an EEO/AA Institution.
Artist Biography
ABBY LINDQUIST is a junior at UNCW pursuing a B.A. in Vocal Performance with a minor in Ger-
man. She is a member of Phi Eta Sigma honor society. In her time at UNCW, Abby has performed on
the Honors Recital, participated in master classes with Liz Pierce and Sophie Amelkin, and received a
music department scholarship in 2019 and the Henriksen Scholarship in 2020. In spring of 2019, she
performed under the baton of Erwin Ortner in the Laudate Dominum choral conference in St. Polten,
Austria. As a part of UNCW Opera Outreach Program, Abby has performed the roles of First Spirit in
Mozart’s Magic Flute and will be performing the role of Belinda in Purcell’s Dido and Aenas in April 2021.
Abby has been part of the chorus in Opera Wilmington`s productions of Amahl and the Night Visitors and
La Bohème. She is a member of the UNCW Chamber Choir and a choral scholar at St. Paul`s Episcopal
Church in Wilmington.
                       Presented in partial fulfillment for the Bachelor of Arts in Music.
                              Abby Lindquist is a voice student of Nancy King.
Translations i
“Nun beut die Flur,” from The Creation
Text: Gottfried van Swieten
GABRIEL                                            GABRIEL
Nun beut die Flur das frische Grün                 Fresh greenery has now appeared on the meadows
Dem Auge zur Ergötzung dar.                        Offering delight to the eyes.
Den anmutsvollen Blick                             The lovely view is
Erhöht der Blumen                                  Lifted higher by the gentle decoration
  sanfter Schmuck.                                    of the flowers.
Hier duften Kräuter Balsam aus,                    Herbs smell of balm here;
Hier sproßt den Wunden Heil.                       The cures for wounds are sprouting here.
Die Zweige krümmt                                  The branches bend down
  der goldnen Früchte Last;                           under the weight of golden fruit;
Hier wölbt der Hain zum                            The group of trees forms a vault here
  kühlen Schirme sich,                                and offers cool protection,
Den steilen Berg bekrönt ein dichter Wald.         The steep mountain crowns a thick forest
                                                   Translation © Malcolm Wren

Clair de lune
Text: Paul Verlaine

CLAIR DE LUNE                                      MOONLIGHT
Votre âme est un paysage choisi                    Your soul is a chosen landscape
Que vont charmant masques et bergamasques          Bewitched by masquers and bergamaskers,
Jouant du luth et dansant et quasi                 Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Tristes sous leurs déguisements fantasques.        Sad beneath their fanciful disguises.
Tout en chantant sur le mode mineur                Singing as they go in a minor key
L’amour vainqueur et la vie opportune,             Of conquering love and life’s favours,
Ils n’ont pas l’air de croire à leur bonheur       They do not seem to believe in their fortune
Et leur chanson se mêle                            And their song mingles
   au clair de lune,                                  with the light of the moon,
Au calme clair de lune triste et beau,             The calm light of the moon, sad and fair,
Qui fait rêver les oiseaux dans les arbres         That sets the birds dreaming in the trees
Et sangloter d’extase les jets d’eau,              And the fountains sobbing in their rapture,
Les grands jets d’eau sveltes parmi les marbres.   Tall and svelte amid marble statues.
                                                   English Translation © Richard Stokes

Translations ii
Text: Paul Verlaine
MANDOLINE                                    MANDOLIN
Les donneurs de sérénades                    The gallant serenaders
Et les belles écouteuses                     and their fair listeners
Échangent des propos fades                   exchange sweet nothings
Sous les ramures chanteuses.                 beneath singing boughs.
C’est Tircis et c’est Aminte,                Tirsis is there, Aminte is there,
Et c’est l’éternel Clitandre,                and tedious Clitandre too,
Et c’est Damis qui pour mainte               and Damis who for many a cruel maid
Cruelle fait maint vers tendre.              writes many a tender song.
Leurs courtes vestes de soie,                Their short silken doublets,
Leurs longues robes à queues,                their long trailing gowns,
Leur élégance, leur joie                     their elegance, their joy,
Et leurs molles ombres bleues                and their soft blue shadows
Tourbillonnent dans l’extase                 Whirl madly in the rapture
D’une lune rose et grise,                    of a grey and roseate moon,
Et la mandoline jase                         and the mandolin jangles on
Parmi les frissons de brise.                 in the shivering breeze.
                                             Translation © Richard Stokes

Nuit d’Etoiles
Text: Théodore de Banville
NUIT D’ETOILES                              NIGHT OF STARS
Nuit d’étoiles,                             Night of stars,
Sous tes voiles,                            Beneath your veils,
Sous ta brise et tes parfums,               beneath yoru breeze and fragrance,
Triste lyre                                 Sad lyre
Qui soupire,                                That sighs,
Je rêve aux amours défunts.                 I dream of bygone loves.
La sereine mélancolie                       Serene melancholy
Vient éclore au fond de mon cœur,           Now blooms deep in my heart,
Et j’entends l’âme de ma mie                And I hear the soul of my love
Tressaillir dans le bois rêveur.            Quiver in the dreaming woods.
Nuit d’étoiles …                            Night of stars...
Je revois à notre fontaine                  Once more at our fountain I see
Tes regards bleus comme les cieux;          Your eyes as blue as the sky;
Cette rose, c’est ton haleine,              This rose is your breath
Et ces étoiles sont tes yeux.               And these stars are your eyes.
Nuit d’étoiles…                             Night of stars...
                                            Translation © Richard Stokes

Translations iii
Text: Stéphane Mallarmé
APPARITION                                              APPARITION
La lune s’attristait. Des séraphins en pleurs           The moon grew sad. Weeping seraphim,
Rêvant, l’archet aux doigts, dans le calme des fleurs   dreaming, bows in hand, in the calm of hazy
Vaporeuses, tiraient de mourantes violes                Flowers, drew from dying viols
De blancs sanglots glissant sur l’azur des corolles.    White sobs that glided over the corollas’ blue.
   – C’était le jour béni de ton premier baiser.          – It was the blessed day of your first kiss.
Ma songerie aimant à me martyriser                      My dreaming, glad to torment me,
S’enivrait savamment du parfum de tristesse             grew skilfully drunk on the perfumed sadness
Que même sans regret et sans déboire laisse             That – without regret or bitter after-taste –
La cueillaison d’un Rêve au cœur qui l’a cueilli.       The harvest of a Dream leaves in the reaper’s heart.
J’errais donc, l’œil rivé                               And so I wandered, my eyes fixed
   sur le pavé vieilli,                                   on the old paving stones,
Quand avec du soleil aux cheveux, dans la rue           When with sun-flecked hair, in the street
Et dans le soir, tu m’es                                And in the evening, you appeared laughing
   en riant apparue                                       before me
Et j’ai cru voir la fée                                 And I thought I glimpsed the fairy
   au chapeau de clarté                                   with her cap of light
Qui jadis sur                                           Who long ago crossed
   mes beaux sommeils d’enfant gâté                       my lovely spoilt child’s slumbers,
Passait, laissant toujours de ses mains mal fermées     Always allowing from her half-closed hands
Neiger de blancs bouquets d’étoiles parfumées.          Qhite bouquets of scented flowers to snow.
                                                        Translation © Richard Stokes

När du sluter mina ögon
Text: Pär Lagerkvist

NÄR DU SLUTER MINA ÖGON                                 WHEN YOU CLOSE MY EYES
När du sluter mina ögon                                 When you close my eyes
med din goda hand                                       with your good hand
blir det bara ljust omkring mig                         everything turns to light around me
som i soligt land.                                      like in a land of sunshine

Du i skymning vill mig sänka,                           You want to bring me twilight
men allt blir till ljus!                                but everything turns to light!
Du kan intet annat skänka mig                           You cannot give me anything
än ljus blått ljus.                                     but light, only light.
                                                        Translation by Helene Lindqvist

Translations iv
Du är min Afrodite
Text: Pär Lagerkvist

DU ÄR MIN AFRODITE                                YOU ARE MY APHRODITE
Du är min Afrodite den ur havet födda,            You are my Aphrodite, born out of the sea,
så ljus som vågens                                as light as the wave’s foam of ocean spray
driva av skum i solen lyftad                      lifted in the sunlight.
Och mitt djupa dunkla hav                         And you are my deep dark sea, my life,
Mitt liv min skumma grav Mitt hjärtas oro tunga   My dark grave, my heart’s unrest, a heavy peace,
ro allt som i solen ej fått bo                    all that has never been allowed to live in the sun.

Lasse liten
Text: Zachris Topelius
LASSE LITEN                                       LITTLE LASSE!
Världen är så stor, så stor,                      The world is so vast, so vast,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Större än du nånsin tror,                         Vaster than you ever think,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Där är hett och där är kallt,                     There it’s warm and there it’s cold,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Men Gud råder överallt,                           But God rules over all,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Många mänskor leva där,                           Many people live there,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Lycklig den som Gud har kär,                      Happy he who is loved by God,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
När Guds ängel med dig går,                       When God’s angel with thee goes,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse,
Ingen orm dig bita få,                            No snake may bite thee,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Säg, var trives du nu mest,                       Say, where do you thrive most,
Lasse, Lasse liten?                               Lasse, little Lasse?
Borta bra men hemma bäst,                         Away is good but home is best,
Lasse, Lasse liten!                               Lasse, little Lasse!
Lasse, little Lasse                               English Translation © Maria Forsström
Translations iv
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte
Text: Johan Ludvig Runeberg
Flickan kom ifrån sin älsklings möte,          The maiden came from her lover’s tryst,
kom med röda händer. Modern sade:              Came with red hands. The mother said:
“Varav rodna dina händer, flicka?”             “Whence redden your hands, maiden?”
Flickan sade: “Jag har plockat rosor           The maiden said: “I have picked roses
och på törnen stungit mina händer.”            And stung my hands on the thorns.”
Åter kom hon från sin älsklings möte,          Again she came from her lover’s tryst,
kom med röda läppar. Modern sade:              Came with red lips. The Mother said:
“Varav rodna dina läppar, flicka?”             “Whence redden your lips, maiden?”
Flickan sade: “Jag har ätit hallon             The maiden said: “I have eaten raspberries
och med saften målat mina läppar.”             And with the juices painted my lips.”
Åter kom hon från sin älsklings möte,          Again she came from her lover’s tryst,
kom med bleka kinder. Modern sade:             Came with pale cheeks. Her mother said:
“Varav blekna dina kinder, flicka?”            “Whence pale your cheeks, maiden?”
Flickan sade: “Red en grav, o moder!           The maiden said: “Make me a grave, o mother!
Göm mig där och ställ ett kors däröver,        Hide me there and put a cross on top,
och på korset rista, som jag säger:            And on the cross carve, what I say:
En gång kom hon hem med röda händer,           Once she came home with red hands,
ty de rodnat mellan älskarns händer.           Since they had reddened between her lover’s hands.
En gång kom hon hem med röda läppar,           Once she came home with red lips,
ty de rodnat under älskarns läppar.            Since the reddened under her lover’s lips.
Senast kom hon hem med bleka kinder,           Lastly she came home with pale cheeks,
ty de bleknat genom älskarns otro.”            Since they had paled with her lover’s unfaithfulness.
                                               English Translation © Maria Forsström
Translations v
“Quel guardo il cavaliere,” from Don Pasquale
Libretto: Giovanni Ruffini / Gaetano Donizetti
“Quel guardo il cavaliere                                 “I look at the knight
in mezzo al cor trafisse,                                 in the middle of his heart he was pierced,
piegò il ginocchio e disse:                               he bent his knee and said:
Son vostro cavalier!                                      I am your cavalier!
E tanto era in quel guardo                                And so much was in that look
sapor di paradiso,                                        tasty of paradise,
che il cavalier Riccardo,                                 that the Cavalier Riccardo,
tutto d’amor conquiso,                                    all of love conquered,
giurò che ad altra mai                                    he swore that to another never
non volgeria il pensier.”                                 I do not want to think about it. “
Ah, ah! Ah, ah!                                           Ah, ah! Ah, ah!
So anch’io la virtù magica                                I know magic virtue too
d’un guardo a tempo e loco,                               of a time and place guard,
so anch’io come si bruciano                               I know how they burn themselves
i cori a lento foco;                                      slow-focus choirs;
d’un breve sorrisetto                                     of a short smile
conosco anch’io l’effetto,                                I also know the effect,
di menzognera lagrima,                                    of liar tear,
d’un subito languor.                                      of an immediately languor.
Conosco i mille modi                                      I know the thousand ways
dell’amorose frodi,                                       of love frauds,
i vezzi e l’arti facili                                   the easy ways and the arts
per adescare un cor.                                      to lure a cor.
Ho testa bizzarra,                                        I have a weird head,
son pronta, vivace...                                     I’m ready, lively ...
brillare mi piace,                                        I like to shine
mi piace scherzar.                                        I like joking.
Se monto in furore,                                       If I mount in fury,
di rado sto al segno,                                     I’m rarely at the sign,
ma in riso lo sdegno                                      but in laughter the indignation
fo presto a cangiar.                                      I’ll soon be able to change it.
Ho testa bizzarra,                                        I have a weird head,
ma core eccellente.                                       but excellent heart.

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                                  and we’ll send you news about department events.
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                                          UNCW is an EEO/AA Institution.
CONCERTS · RECITALS                               virtual
Tori Thomas soprano...................................... Saturday, January 16....... 7:30........ senior recital
Abby Lindquist soprano......................................Saturday, March 6........... 4:00......... junior recital
William Rose piano.............................................Sunday, March 7............. 7:30:......... junior recital
Cayleigh McClendon mezzo soprano.................Sunday, March 14........... 7:30......... junior recital
Zoe Lloyd oboe...................................................Saturday, March 27.......... 7:30......... junior recital
Jack Fishback jazz guitar....................................Sunday, March 28........... 4:00......... junior recital with combo
UNCW Combo..................................................Monday, April 5.............. 6:00......... jerald shynett, director
Anthony Bailey tenor.........................................Friday, April 9................. 7:30......... senior recital
Cypress Duo........................................................Saturday, April 10............ 7:30......... justin hoke, guitar/amanda hoke, flute
David Robertson classical guitar......................Sunday, April 11.............. 4:00......... senior recital
Tina Langevin soprano.......................................Friday, April 16............... 7:30......... senior recital
Jay Killman jazz guitar.......................................Saturday, April 17............ 7:30......... senior recital with combo
Luis Barragan-Higuera piano ..............................Sunday, April 18.............. 7:30......... senior recital
UNCW Classical Guitar Ensemble......................Monday, April 19............ 7:30......... justin hoke, director
Tanya Hanano mezzo soprano............................Saturday, April 24............ 7:30......... senior recital
UNC-WOOP!: Dido and Aeneas..........................Sunday, April 25.............. 2:00......... nancy king, artistic director
Department of Music Honors Recital..................Wednesday, April 28........ 7:30......... nancy king, artistic director

                        WORKSHOPS · LECTURES · PRESENTATIONS                                                         virtual
		                        GUITAR MASTER CLASS                                       COMPOSER Q & A
		                        Wednesday, April 7 · 1:00 pm                          Wednesday, April 14 · 1:00 pm
                                                   Carlos Rafael Rivera clinician
                                     Contact Dr. Justin Hoke for more information:
                                               MUSIC EDUCATION SPEAKER SERIES
                           “Navigating EdTPA”                                     “Planning Your Professional Future”
                       Dr. Morgan Soja guest speaker                   Jazzmoné Sutton guest speaker, b.m. music education, 2010
                         Friday, February 12 · 3:30                                     Friday, March 12 · 3:30
                                                      “Navigating through Praxis 2”
                                                       Dr. Daniel Johnson speaker
                                                           Friday, April 9 · 3:30
                              Contact Dr. Daniel Johnson for more information on the series:
                                               “The World of Salsa: Music and Dance”
                                                      Dr. César Leal, guest speaker
                                                           April 8 • 12:30 p.m.
                                     Contact Dr. Helena Spencer for more information:
                                                     “Hamilton, Hip Hop and Race”
                       Student presentations · 1:30 / Dr. Loren Kajikawa guest speaker · 3:30 · Friday, April 16
                                   Contact Dr. Helena Spencer for more information:
                                             NOTE: EVENTS SCHEDULE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE

                            The UNCW Department of Music is committed to diversifying our curricula and programs
                                    to include more voices of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color).
     We aspire to provide you experiences that more accurately reflect the world we live in, and we are committed to taking action to achieve this.
                       We hope you will join us for our events, and continue to support our young artists, faculty, and guests.
UNCW Opera Outreach Project
                          Henry Purcell’s

      Dido & Aeneas
               with chamber orchestra
       Elizabeth Stovall / Nancy King directors
               Aaron Peisner conductor
               Sunday, April 25 streaming
                         2:00 pm
Viewing available on the Department of Music YouTube channel.
                                   Guido Reni:
     Aeneas takes leave of Dido (Der Abschied des Aeneas von Dido), circa 1630
•     •      •
                      We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s recital.

           We invite you to learn more about the Department of Music
              and to join our growing community of music lovers.

To receive news about department activities and events, sign up for our mailing list:
         just send your name and email address to
          Or email us if you have a question and we’ll be happy to help.

           We look forward to more recitals, and hope you will join us.

                                  Dr. Nancy King
                          UNCW DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC

                                        •     •      •

                                 UNCW is an EEO/AA Institution.
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