ABIES Journal June 2021 - Edito: ABIES Days 2021 Next trainings and events (in English) Prochaines formations (en français) Job offers - AgroParisTech

Page created by Clifford Ward
ABIES Journal
                  June 2021

Table of contents
Edito: ABIES Days 2021                   p.2

Next trainings and events (in English)   p.2

Prochaines formations (en français)      p.3

Job offers                               p.3

        The ABIES 2021 days were held by videoconference from May 6th to 7th. As a
reminder, the ABIES days are organised by doctoral students for doctoral students with the
objective of promoting the exchange of knowledge between doctoral students and also to
encourage scientific emulation within the doctoral student community. These days were
organised by a team of five doctoral students from different years: Yannick DONGMO
ZANGUE (2nd year), Emma DUTILLOY (1st year), Manon GUIVIER (1st year), Olivier
HULLOT (2nd year), Elie PERRAUD (1st year). They gathered about 80 PhD candidates
during the two days, coming from most of the ABIES research units.
        Placed under the theme of "transitions", the ABIES days were an opportunity to
question the appropriation of this notion in life sciences. Professor Philippe LESCOAT's
introduction to the conference set the tone for the richness of the exchanges that followed
        The exchanges were structured around four sub-themes, namely: support for transition
players, with Claire BILLY from the National Biodiversity Office as guest speaker; transition
tools, with Andreas RUDINGER, Associate Researcher at IDDRI and consultant in an energy
policy consultancy firm, as guest speaker; transition evaluation, with Antoine
CORNUEJOLS, Professor at AgroParisTech, as guest speaker; and finally the circular
economy, with Marion NOEL, Chemical and Materials Engineer at Carbiolice, as guest
        In concrete terms, each session was organised as follows: At the beginning of the
session, the guest shared his or her expertise on the theme (30 minutes presentation and 20
minutes of questions); then three doctoral students took turns presenting their work related to
the session (15 minutes presentation and 15 minutes of questions).
        The oral presentations by the doctoral students were all of a very high standard, with
an obvious effort to make them understandable to non-specialists and very nice illustrations,
sometimes also animations.
        In addition to the oral presentations, the participants of the ABIES days had the
possibility to view posters prepared by other PhD candidates to summarise their thesis
activity. With the format of the distance learning days, the posters were in a video format of
about 5 minutes.
        Prizes were awarded for the posters and oral presentations:
- The best oral presentation, by Juan BUCETA, received a prize of €1,000 and the next 4
(Victor MOINARD, Juliette CHASSAIN, Tianzhu LIU, Siddharth SHARAN) of €500
- The two best posters (Maria-De-Lourdes TOVILLA-COUTINO and Hasna TOUKABRI)
 received a prize of €500
        The days were also punctuated by more playful moments with the organisation of
games between PhD candidates. Many doctoral students took part in the various games made
available to them. This animation session was a pleasant moment of relaxation and chat
between PhD candidates in a good atmosphere.

Next trainings and events (in English)
    Presentation skills June 25th juin, July 2nd et 9th (online)

    MyJobGlasses (English and French) – Free schedule

 We are part of the IDEAL project with several French and European partners, and we
      decided to offer the opportunity to doctoral students to attend some training offered by
      one of the other partners. Feel free to browse the online catalog and directly contact
      the organizer indicated on the website https://ideal-phd-project.eu/

     Workshop – Image analysis beyond border June 18th (online) More information

     Workshop - Healthy diets and sustainable food systems – what is it and how do
      we get there? June 14th to 16th https://www.eugloh.eu/events/healthy-diets-and-

Prochaines formations (en français)
       Liste des formations proposées par ABIES (en plus de celles proposées par les
       établissements d’inscription). Pour rappel de la part de l’école doctorale : une
       fois inscrit, votre participation est obligatoire, sauf cas de force majeure. Un
       doctorant qui aura annulé sa participation sans raison valable (et qui aura, au
       passage, pénalisé le formateur et les doctorants en liste d’attente) sera considéré
       comme non-prioritaire pour les formations suivantes.

     Communiquer sur sa thèse - 23, 24 et 25 juin 2021 (AgroParisTech, campus Maine)

     Insertion professionnelle, objectif deuxième emploi les 15, 16 et 17 juin 2021
      (AgroParisTech, campus Maine)

     Gestion et Ouverture des Données de la Recherche- 2 juillet après-midi et 8 juillet
      après-midi 2021 (distanciel)

     Symposium Doc'J 2021 – 15 juin 2021. En ligne et ouvert aux doctorants en dehors
      du Centre de Jouy. https://www.inrae.fr/evenements/symposium-docj-2021

Job offers

   Poste d'ATER rattaché à l'unité pédagogique « Biomathématiques, Biostatistique,
    Bioinformatique » de la faculté de pharmacie de Paris et à l’UR 7537 — BioSTM
    «Biostatistique, Traitement et Modélisation des données biologiques ».

   Offre de post-doctorat à l'UMR INRAE - AgroParisTech Economie Publique portant sur
    l'Évaluation économique des services écosystémiques rendus par la biodiversité urbaine.
    Ce poste d'une durée de 18 mois.

    Ces propositions sont téléchargeables à l’adresse suivante :

   Un post-doctorat sur des problématiques de recherche participative à SADAPT :

   L’UMR Selmet recrute un.e économiste des transitions vers des économies circulaires
    en élevage.

    Il s’agit d’un poste CDI au CIRAD avec une première affectation à La Réunion.


    Clôture le 20/06/2021

   Ibacon is looking for an Ecological Modeller - Effect Modelling (m / f / d) to strengthen
    its Ecological Modelling department. The focus of the position includes the development,
    establishment, and application of ecological models (e.g. Mechanistic Effect Models
    (MEMs), Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models, TKTD models) and, if required, also
    new models.

    Details and application procedure can be found here:

    You can contact recruitment@ibacon.com for more information.

   Justus Liebig University Giessen, Department of Plant Breeding (Prof. Rod Snowdon)
    wishes to hire a postdoctoral scientist (crop genetics/bioinformatics) with relevant
    expertise in analysis of genome sequence data in Brassica or other polyploid plants. In a
    3-year project funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the postdoc will
    initially be responsible for generating and analysing a species-wide long-read genome
    resequencing dataset (Nanopore WGS, 100 accessions) and developing a pangenomic
    structural variant (SV) atlas for B. napus. The project will have close links and strong
    synergy to highly complementary datasets on 3D genome structure and function which
    are being generated in the new Sofia Kovalevskaya Research Group of Dr. Agnieszka
    Golicz (independent group leader in the same department), along with other
    complementary datasets for common analysis (mRNA and siRNA expression,
    methylation, etc.). First authorship publication of high-impact publications associated
    with these datasets is expected and encouraged. Presentations at major conferences
    (PAG, International Rapeseed Congress Sydney 2023, international Brassica meetings)
    and contact within the international Brassica research community will also be encouraged
    and supported.

    The postdoc will be hired for three years beginning as soon as possible, with payment
    according to the German public sector salary scale, level E13.

    If you are potentially interested please contact rod.snowdon@agrar.uni-giessen.de for
    further information about the application process.

Project summary:
    SV-Atlas: Exploring the structural variant landscape in the highly dynamic genome of a
    recent allopolyploid crop species

    The recent allopolyploid crop species Brassica napus (oilseed rape, canola) has an
    unusually dynamic genome. Using long-read sequencing, we recently discovered that up
    to 10% of all genes in any given B. napus genotype are affected by functionally relevant,
    genome-wide gene conversions and deletions with high relevance for crop evolution and
    breeding (Chawla et al. 2020, Plant Biotech J, doi: 10.1111/pbi.13456bl). Because of
    their predominant size range (100bp~5kb), the great majority of genome-wide structural
    variants (SV) were undetectable by short-read sequencing in the highly-duplicated B.
    napus genome, hence their mechanisms and evolutionary consequences have not yet been
    studied. Based on robust methods developed in extensive preliminary work, we plan a
    detailed survey of the SV landscape in the B. napus pangenome, using long-read
    sequencing in 100 genetically diverse, homozygous accessions from a well-characterised
    global species collection. Assembly of a B. napus “Pangemome SV Atlas” will provide a
    valuable public tool to address the mechanisms of small-scale SV in polyploid genomes
    and re-visit extensive short-read datasets from previous studies. By identifying sequence
    motifs associated with genome-wide SV breakpoints and investigating SV patterns in the
    context of 3D genome structure and chromatin interactions, we aim for novel biological
    insight into the mechanisms underlying small-scale homoeologous exchanges, as a basis
    for predictive models that help to potentially harness the power of SV in breeding. In a
    practical case study, we will use the SV Atlas to associate SV in flowering pathway genes
    to ecogeographical adaptation traits. This will give novel insight into the role of SV in
    polyploid evolution and adaptation.

   Référent(e) Scientifique - Docteur(e) Chimie/Agro-alimentaire - Accompagnement à la
    sous traitance R&D
    Nous recrutons actuellement un(e) Docteur(e) R&D spécialisé(e) en agroalimentaire
    pour septembre 2021.

    Nous sommes une jeune start-up, nous accompagnons les industriels agroalimentaires
    dans l’externalisation de leur recherche et développement.
    Nous souhaitons améliorer et faciliter les relations entre entreprises et laboratoires de

    YesWeLab développe une solution dans la prestation d’experts en chimie et en
    agroalimentaire. Les professionnels peuvent accéder et commander instantanément des
    analyses/prestations de laboratoires de recherche partenaires sur yeswelab.fr .

    Envie de relever de nouveaux challenges en rejoignant une entreprise dynamique ?
    Vous aurez en charge la valorisation et la formalisation des projets R&D de nos clients en
    vue de leur trouver des partenaires en mesure de réaliser la prestation.

    Vos missions :
     Comprendre et identifier les besoins R&D des clients,
     Accompagner, orienter les clients vers la bonne prestation, de l’idée à la réalisation,
     Analyser et diagnostiquer la bonne méthode d’analyse,
     Proposer des recommandations concernant les analyses identifiées par les clients,

 Définir le cahier des charges du client,
 Evaluer la faisabilité technique des projets des clients,
 Rédiger des documentations techniques et scientifiques pour le laboratoire de
 Travailler en collaboration avec clients et chercheurs pour proposer la meilleure
  expérience utilisateur,
 Publier et participer à des conférences scientifiques,
 Publier du contenu scientifique.

Vous pourrez également être amené(e) à encadrer des juniors et les accompagner dans
leur montée en compétences.

D’un naturel curieux, vous faites preuve d’une très bonne organisation, vous êtes
Vous avez un excellent sens de la communication, qui vous permettront d’être à l’aise
dans vos échanges avec des interlocuteurs variés.
Vous êtes autonome, proactif(ve), et appréciez vous rendre sur le terrain.
Vous êtes motivé(e) pour intégrer une structure en plein développement, au sein d’une
équipe à taille humaine et dynamique, où la polyvalence sera un atout essentiel.

Localisation : Rennes
Rémunération envisagée : selon profil

Contact : a.quincet@yeswelab.fr

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