ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry

Page created by Mary Mann
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
The Association for Clinical Biochemistry & Laboratory Medicine | Issue 660 | August 2019

                                                                           In this issue
                                                                           Meet the


                                                                           FiLM and

                                                                           Final call for

                                                                           STP Elective:
                                                                           Sierra Leone


                                                                           for Randox
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
About ACB News
The Editor is responsible for the final
content; advertisers are responsible for the
content of adverts. Views expressed are not
necessarily those of the ACB.
                                               The bi-monthly magazine for clinical science
Lead Editor
Mr Ian Hanning
Retired                                        Issue 660 • August 2019
Formerly Department of Clinical Chemistry
Hull Royal Infirmary
                                               General News                                     page 4
Associate Editors
Mrs Sophie Barnes
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Charing Cross Hospital
                                               Microbiology News                               page 12
Dr Gina Frederick
Pathology Laboratory
                                               Deacon's Challenge Revisited                    page 14
Royal Derby Hospital
Mrs Nicola Merrett
                                               Trainees News                                   page 16
Department of Laboratory Medicine
University Hospital Southampton NHS
Foundation Trust                               Meeting Reports                                 page 21
Dr Christopher Pitt
Department of Biochemistry
                                               BIVDA News                                      page 25
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
Dr Derren Ready
                                               Corporate Members’ News                         page 26
National Infection Service
Public Health England
Email:                 ACB News Crossword                              page 27
Situations Vacant Advertising
Please contact the ACB Office:
Tel: 0207-403-8001
Fax: 0207-403-8006

Display Advertising & Inserts
PRC Associates Ltd
1st Floor Offices
115 Roebuck Road
Surrey KT9 1JZ
Tel: 0208-337-3749
Fax: 0208-337-7346

ACB Administrative Office
Association for Clinical Biochemistry
& Laboratory Medicine
130-132 Tooley Street
London SE1 2TU
Tel: 0207-403-8001
Fax: 0207-403-8006

ACB President
Professor Neil Anderson
Tel: 024-7696-5397
Twitter: @ACBPresident

ACB Home Page
Printed by Swan Print Ltd, Bedford
ISSN 1461 0337
© Association for Clinical Biochemistry &
Laboratory Medicine 2019
Front cover: Professor Neil
Anderson, incoming President
of the ACB, with Professor Ian
Young, Past President

                                                                     Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
4 | General News

Tooley Street                                   Condolences
                                                It is with regret that we have been
Update                                          informed of the sad news of the death of
There have been some significant changes        ACB Retired Member Dr Alistair Munro.
in the Tooley Street Office. The Executive         Dr Munro joined the Association in 1979
commissioned a review of staffing and           and lived in Worcester, having previously
structures, which was carried out at the        worked at Worcestershire Royal Hospital
beginning of the year by Sue Thorn,             until his retirement in 2011. Dr Munro
a consultant who specialises in medical and     held the position of West Midlands
scientific associations and who was for         representative of the Clinical Practice
many years Chief Executive of the Society       Section from 2006-2010. ■
for Endocrinology.
   Sue’s recommendations were accepted
and a key one was the appointment of a
Chief Executive to be based in Tooley
Street. Sue was appointed as Interim CEO,        This month’s puzzle
working part time, until a permanent CEO
is appointed. The role was advertised in
July with interviews to be held in August.
   In addition, Christine went on maternity
leave in May and has had a little boy, Leo.
She will be away until next year.
   Two new staff have been appointed to
improve capacity. These are Cinzia Jones
and Sakinah Williams (pictured below, left
to right respectively).
   Mike Lester has been given a shift of role
to focus on Member Services, IT and ACS.
   Cheryl will continue to focus on events
and accounts and Nic will continue to
spend much of his time on SSIEM.
   It is anticipated that these changes will
improve staff cover and reduce the
overload. ■                                      Solution for June 2019

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
6 | General News

     There’s More to Quality Management
              than Accreditation
Thursday 12th September 2019
This seminar is for anyone working in Laboratory Medicine struggling to get to grips with
the advantages of a Quality Management System. It brings together the cream of Laboratory
Medicine and Quality Management professionals in the UK. They will share with you their
expertise; explaining the Value Proposition Concept and how it applies to Laboratory
Medicine from the point of view of laboratories, the diagnostic industry and the patient!
09:00   Arrival and Registration
09:50   Introduction to the day Jonathan Middle (AQMLM)
10:00   History of the Value Proposition Concept Jonathan Middle (AQMLM)
10:40   Overview of Value in Laboratory Medicine Chris Price (Oxford University)
11:20   Short break
11:40   The Value of Accreditation John Ringrow (UKAS)
12:20   Lunch
13:20   The IFCC Task Force: Impact of Laboratory Medicine on Clinical Management
        and Outcomes (TF-ICO) Mike Hallworth (IFCC)
14:00   The Value of ‘Lab Tests On Line’ Danielle Freedman (Luton & Dunstable)
14:40   Value of the Diagnostic Industry Doris Ann Williams (BIVDA)
15:30   Tea
15:50   The Patient’s Perspective Ian Watson (Aintree)
16:30   Close and departure
   The meeting will be fully accredited for the Royal College of Pathologists CPD scheme
           and recognised by the Institute of Biomedical Science CPD scheme.

                                    Delegate Fees:
                   Book today to take advantage of our early bird fees.
                          Members: £50 Non-members: £75*
                          BMS and Clinical Scientist Trainees:
                               £50 – please ask for details
           For more information or to register:
  *By opening an AQMLM account today and booking the meeting, you will automatically
    be enrolled as an AQMLM member until September 2020; giving you access to many
               member benefits and exclusive discounts for future meetings.
    The Venue: The Birmingham Research Park is 4 miles from Birmingham City Centre,
 adjacent to the University of Birmingham campus and the new Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
                          It is easily accessible by rail, road and air.

                                Birmingham Research Park
                                      Vincent Drive
                                         B15 2SQ

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
8 | General News

Meet the President . . .
Professor Neil Anderson
                                               and how we can build on the excellent
                                               work carried out by Past President Gwyn
                                               McCreanor on prescribing and patient
                                               group directions.
                                                 It was an incredible honour being asked
                                               to become President of the Association
                                               that I have been a member all of my
                                               professional life. I have nothing but praise
                                               for the past Presidents and especially Ian
                                               Young who has led the Association with
                                               distinction and passion. One thing that
                                               immediately struck me on assuming the
                                               role, is the incredibly good standing the
                                               Association is held in. The fact that
                                               individuals, groups, organisations and
                                               Government all want to hear our view is a
                                               credit to all members of the Association
                                               but especially those that are office holders.
                                                 There are many areas of focus for the
I was born in Belfast and came over to         ACB in the future, especially as this is
England in the late 70s at the height of       against a background of service
the troubles. I went to University in          rationalisation, standardisation across
London and Aberdeen before joining the         pathways and professional development.
West Midlands Training Scheme for Basic        Three areas I would like the ACB to focus
Grade Clinical Biochemists in 1988.            on in the coming two years are:
Currently I am a Consultant Clinical           ◆ Greater engagement with the
Biochemist and the Clinical Director of           membership, through meetings,
Clinical Diagnostic services at University        surveys and in particular in developing
Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire. In            a new website. There is an opportunity
addition I am the Lead Healthcare Scientist       to develop a website which will engage
for the Trust and hold a visiting                 with members, to teach and educate
Professorship at Coventry University.             and to serve as a focus for scientific
  I am passionate about Clinical Scientists       reference. We are also changing the
taking significant leadership role in Trusts      way the ACB Office operates, again to
and Healthcare systems in order to raise          focus on the interaction with the
the profile of what we do and how we              membership.
can influence every clinical pathway.
I would like to see Clinical Scientists and    ◆ The meetings we run – Focus, FiLM and
laboratories leading the translation of           the Regional meetings – are highly
novel techniques and processes into               regarded, with excellent speakers and
practice and finally looking at the               relevant themes. However, with so
enhanced role that Clinical Biochemists can       many calls on our time and reduced
play in the direct delivery of patient care       sponsorship opportunities, how can we

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
General News | 9

   ensure they continue to grow and           and took one of the great train journeys
   develop to meet the needs of the           from Kandy to Colombo. A stunning trip.
   membership and wider profession.
                                              What makes you happy?
◆ How the ACB can shape the future in         Aside from doing stuff with my family,
   considering emerging areas. The two        my two English Pointer dogs provide hours
   areas I believe that we should lead on     of pleasure.
   are: the development of enhanced
                                              What makes you sad?
   clinical roles for Clinical Biochemists
                                              The over simplification of complex things
   and the translation of novel diagnostic
                                              and the person who thought it would be a
   tests and processes. We will aim to
                                              good laugh to leave the above dogs loose
   produce and publish position papers in
                                              by the side of a motorway when they were
   both of these areas.
                                              5 months old.
On to the interesting stuff:                  What is your favourite meal?
Favourite sport                               Breakfast
I like all sports but I am passionate about
                                              Most important lesson life has taught you?
Irish Rugby for which I am punished for
                                              Speak up, if you don’t your voice is not
being a relentless optimist.
Best ever holiday
                                              Tell us a joke
An extended family holiday to Sri Lanka,
                                              Most are better after a few drinks at
where we met up with a Sri Lankan friend
                                              Focus, but one that made me laugh
from work. The welcome I received from
                                              recently was: What do you call a hen that
his family and friends was incredible.
                                              can count her eggs? . . .
Whilst there we went to see some test
                                              Answer: A mathemachicken! ■
match cricket, a tea plantation, a safari

                                                       Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
ACBNews - Association for Clinical Biochemistry
10 | General News

Update on FiLM and Focus
Sue Thorn, Interim CEO, ACB
The debrief meeting for FiLM and Focus          Content-wise, both 2019’s meetings were
was held in June, chaired by Sarah            appreciated by delegates, with almost all
Robinson, and the consensus was that          sessions being highly scored on the
both meetings had been successful.            feedback forms. A few highlights from
There are always ideas to take away for       delegate feedback were:
improvement and the planning for 2020
will take these factors into account.
                                              Feedback on FiLM
  We have appointed a Professional            ◆ ‘Great program, excellent speakers
Conference Organiser to help with both           and topics’.
meetings in 2020 and 2021 and this will       ◆ ‘This meeting completely exceeded
ensure that we have up-to-date systems          expectations! … although the
for online registrations and abstract           interesting programme was what first
processing, which should deal with many         attracted me to the meeting, the
of the concerns. Focus 2020 will take place     content and quality of the speakers
in the ICC Waterfront in Belfast on             really did surprise me and surpassed
13th-15th May 2020. The conference              my expectations’.
dinner will be at the Titanic Museum and      ◆ ‘Always a great meeting. Very
the welcome evening will be at The Dark         relevant and thought provoking’.
Horse. FiLM will again be at Austin Court     ◆ ‘Overall excellent meeting!
in Birmingham on 28th and 29th January          Keep it up!’

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
General News | 11

Feedback on Focus                               A wonderfully logical scientific
                                                approach to investigation of a
◆ Immunoassay interferences and their
                                                fascinating case, and beautifully
    impact on patient care by Dr Carmen
    Wiley – ‘An elegant tour of the subject
                                              ◆ Lies, damned lies and statistics in
    and brought me bang up to date!’
                                                research – improving efficiency in
◆   Adjusted serum calcium by Dr Emma
                                                research and reducing the impact of
    Ritchie – ‘ Lectures like this are very
                                                misconduct – examples from vitamin D
    beneficial especially regarding tests
                                                research by Prof Alison Avenell –
    that we do day in and day out and
                                                ‘Best talk of the meeting’; ‘Truly
    challenge our thinking’.
                                                eye-opening, both fascinating and
◆   Urine acidification: what the data
                                                shocking’; ‘Excellent!’
    shows by Dr Ravinder Sodi – ‘Likely to
    change process within own lab based
                                              A review of all meetings is planned over
    on this information’.
                                              the next year to ensure that our
◆   Novel psychoactive agents by
                                              meetings provision is relevant to all
    Dr Duncan Stephen – ‘Fascinating!’;
                                              sectors of the membership. This will be
    ‘Really enjoyed this, was very
                                              informed by a survey of members so
                                              please do respond when the survey
◆   Severe hypoglycaemia due to insulin
                                              comes out. Any changes will be
    autoimmune syndrome: diagnostic
                                              implemented from 2022. ■
    difficulty due to anti-insulin IgA by
    Dr David Church – ‘A worthy winner!

                                                       Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
12 | Microbiology News

 The Diggle Microbiology Challenge
 These multiple-choice questions, set by Dr Mathew Diggle, are designed with Trainees in
 mind and will help with preparation for the Microbiology Part 1 FRCPath exam.
 Question 14 from June’s ACB News
 Plasmodium falciparum:
 A)   Attacks only senescent erythrocytes
 B)   Produces multiple infection of erythrocytes
 C)   Enlarges the size of the erythrocytes
 D)   Produces schuffner’s dots
 E)   Characteristically produces clinical relapses
 B) P. falciparum can infect any age of reticulocyte/erythrocyte leading to a higher
 parasitaemia. P. vivax and P. ovale produce dormant hypnozoites which can lead to clinical
 relapse and also enlarge erythrocytes. P. vivax produces Schuffner’s dots, P. malariae prefers
 mature erythrocyte.
 Question 15
 A 22-year old female medical student recently returned from Tanzania presents with a
 history of haematuria. On investigation schistosomal serology is shown to be positive.
 Select the treatment of choice:
 A)   Albendazole
 B)   Ivermectin
 C)   Mebendazole
 D)   Praziquantel
 E)   Suramin
 The answer to Question 15 will appear in the next issue of ACB News – enjoy! ■

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
14 | Deacon's Challenge Revisited

Deacon’s Challenge
No 3 - Answer
A solution containing a substance of molecular weight 400 at a concentration of 3 g/L
transmitted 75% of incident light of a particular wavelength in a 1 cm cuvette. Calculate
the % of incident light of the same wavelength that would be transmitted by a solution
of the same substance at a concentration of 4 g/L and calculate the molar absorption
coefficient for that substance at this wavelength.

There are several ways to approach this problem. The simplest is to do the second part
first and calculate the molar absorption coefficient.
        Absorbance          =    log10      Io       = e x l x c        (i)
where Io      =    intensity of incident light = 100%
        I     =    intensity of transmitted light = 75%
        e   =      molar absorption coefficient = ?
        l   =      path length of cuvette = 1 cm
        c   =      molar concentration = conc (g/L) =  3                 =    0.0075 mol/L
                                           MW         400
Substitute these values into equation (i) and solve for e:
        log10     100    =       e x 1 x 0.0075
        log10 1.333     =        0.0075 e

        e =       log10 1.333         =     0.1249     =   16.7 litres cm-1 mol-1
                    0.0075                  0.0075
For the first part of the question substitute the new concentration (4 g/L) expressed in
molar terms, and the molar absorption coefficient into equation (i) and solve for I:
        c   =     conc (g/L)      =        4     =   0.01 mol/L
                    MW                    400
        log10 100       =       16.7 x 1 x 0.01

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
Deacon's Challenge Revisited | 15

      log10 100 = 0.167
      100     =   antilog 0.167
      I   =        100        =    100    =    68%
              antilog 0.167       1.469

Question 4
In a Cancer Clinic where the prevalence of ovarian malignancy is 40%, a tumour
marker has a specificity of 88% and a sensitivity of 92%. Calculate the predictive
value of a positive test result.
If this test was used as a screening tool in all patients attending a General
Gynaecological Clinic with a cancer prevalence of 0.4%, what would be the
predictive value of a positive test in this population?
                                                                FRCPath, November 2000

                                                       Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
16 | Trainees News

Clinical Biochemistry MSc
Final Call for Birmingham
Jonathan Berg, Black Country Pathology Services
The Universities of Surrey and Birmingham           proceedings. Their successful educational
pioneered postgraduate education for                approach lay in the considerable
Clinical Biochemistry from the 1970s in the         professional input from clinical scientists
United Kingdom. The Surrey course was               working in hospital laboratories across the
established by the formidable Professor             Midlands. In later years the course became
Vincent Marks with the equally pioneering           totally organised by senior laboratory
Professor Tom Whitehead heading up the              professionals with Peter Gosling in
University of Birmingham training.                  particular putting huge effort in to take
The two courses became predominant and              the course forward. The very light touch
produced many excellent NHS scientists              from the University of Birmingham was
who helped develop and lead Clinical                perhaps recognition of the dedication of
Biochemistry in the huge growth period              those who organised and delivered the
from the 1970s on to the Millennium.                course. More recently the University has
  In the 1970s the Birmingham course had            taken a more central role with Dr Vivek
lecturers Larry Kricka and Roy Pover                Dhir and Dr Alex Richter in particular
heading things up and Professor                     putting in huge efforts to ensure success in
Whitehead casting a watchful eye on                 recent years.

The final examinations meeting for Birmingham MSc: Jonathan Berg (Professorial Lead), Vivek Dhir and
Alex Richter (University Course Organisers and Tutors), Frances Boa (External Examiner) and Rachel
Webster (Year 3 Course Lead)

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
Trainees News | 17

  In the last few years the move to
national training programmes has seen the
Birmingham course contribute, but things
have not been easy. The National School of
Healthcare Science allowed Trainees to
choose between two courses. A failed
Nottingham course saw a rushed move to
rebase the Midlands MSc at the University
of Birmingham and course organisers put
huge efforts into re-establishing the
course. However, the low numbers making
Birmingham their preference meant that
the course has become financially
unsustainable. This leaves the course at
Manchester as the only source of Clinical
Biochemistry STP MSc training in the
United Kingdom.
  The final cohort of six Birmingham
students successfully completed their MSc
in July 2019. All of them have secured jobs
well before they sat their final year exams.
The course ended with an informal dinner.
Speaking for a few seconds at the dinner
Professor Jonathan Berg said that the
                                               Daniel Isemede, Vivek Dhir (University of
strong bond that these Trainees had
                                               Birmingham course organiser), Anthony Jackson,
formed with each other was clear and           Jonathan Berg (Professorial Lead), Rachel Webster
would certainly be maintained as their         (Final Year Lead), Frances Boa (External Examiner),
careers developed. He encouraged them to       Kathleen Rice, Lauren Hughes, Freya Hassall and
take forward all they had learnt, including    Robert Williams
not accepting the ‘norm’, as they move
into more senior positions and help lead
our profession into the future! ■

                                                          Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
18 | Trainees News

STP Elective Placement –
New Experiences in
Sierra Leone
Michaela Fitzpatrick-Milton, King’s College London*
For my STP elective placement, I wanted to             During the Sierra Leone civil war
experience healthcare science in a                   (1991–2002) the hospital was ransacked
different part of the world, somewhere               and destroyed. As a result of the ongoing
without the same resources that we have              destruction, staff members fled, and the
in the UK. This is what led me to the Nixon          hospital eventually closed. At the end of
Memorial Hospital in Sierra Leone. Sierra            the war some of the staff returned. Over
Leone is situated in West Africa, on the             the following decade significant efforts
Atlantic Ocean, and is renowned for its              were made to rebuild the hospital. The
significance during the abolition of the             nursing school re-opened in 2006 and the
transatlantic slave trade. In 1787, 400              hospital began providing inpatient and
formerly enslaved African Americans,                 outpatient care to children and adults,
Afro-Caribbeans, Africans, Southeast                 along with a community health
Asians, and Black British people settled in          programme. The operating theatre was
the Province of Freedom, now known as                later refurbished and doctors from local
the capital city, Freetown. They travelled           towns and those visiting from further
there from London, under the protection              afield came to support the ongoing clinical
of the Committee for the Relief of the               work. Technical teams have assisted in
Black Poor. The story of the Nixon                   improving water supplies and setting up
Memorial Hospital begins in 1930, when a             solar powered lighting for the wards.
British nurse was residing with her                  However, in 2014 the Ebola epidemic hit
husband, a Methodist minister, in                    West Africa. Very sadly the hospital lost
Segbwema which is a town in the Kailahun             five staff members to Ebola, including four
District in the Eastern Province of Sierra           nurses. The Ebola crisis had a significant
Leone. She started treating sick people              impact on the hospital’s ability to provide
from the community on the veranda of                 care to the community and the nursing
their bungalow and it became clear that              school was forced to close. On 17th March
there was a need for medical care in the             2016, the WHO declared the country
region. In 1950 Alderman John Nixon,                 Ebola-free and since then the hospital has
previously Lord Mayor of Newcastle,                  continued to progress.
contacted the Methodist Missionary                     Friends of Nixon is a London based
Society to donate money for medical                  charity that supports the work of the
services to a developing country in                  Nixon Memorial Hospital. They facilitate
memory of his late wife. This money went             improvements in the healthcare it offers
towards building a hospital in Segbwema.             by providing funding for training
In later years the Nixon Hospital became             opportunities, supplying medical
renowned for its clinical excellence and             provisions, and initiating community work
established nursing school.                          and sustainable projects. When enquiring

* Based at Southampton General Hospital at the time of this elective

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
Trainees News | 19

about the possibility of doing my elective
at Nixon Memorial Hospital, Friends of
Nixon put me in touch with the lab there.
Before my trip, I wrote to them asking if
there was anything they might need that I
could bring with me. They asked for slides
for preparing blood films for Malaria
diagnoses as well as gloves for personal
protective equipment, all of which my
department at Southampton General
Hospital were kindly able to donate. When
I arrived I was warmly welcomed by all the     The solar panels in the hospital grounds that
lab staff, including four trained lab          provide electricity for the wards and the lab
technicians and one volunteer. Sierra
Leone used to be a British Colony so           from phlebotomy and blood transfusion,
English is the official language, however      through to biochemistry and even
due to the historical cost of education        microbiology. Although their resources are
many adults are not able to speak English      limited, they make a massive difference to
all that well. The main languages in the       the treatment of so many patients.
Eastern province are Krio (a form of              Many of the tests employed in the
broken English) and Mende, which is the        laboratory would not be considered
main tribe in the region. The language         sufficient to provide a diagnosis for these
barrier made communication with patients       diseases in the UK. For example, a positive
and staff members tricky for me but            malaria MPS test in the UK would be
everyone there was eager to teach me           confirmed by inspection of a thin blood
Mende and Krio and with their help and         film under a microscope. However, due to
encouragement I managed to learn a little.     limitations in sourcing slides to prepare
   Testing in the lab covers MPS testing for   films the Nixon lab are not always able to
malaria, the Widal test for Typhoid,           provide this. During my visit the blood
glucose for diabetes and hypoglycaemia,        fridge was not working. Every time a
sputum staining for tuberculosis, urine        transfusion was required, family members
dipstick analysis, urine and stool             were grouped and following a match the
microscopy, and blood grouping for blood       patient was immediately transfused after
transfusions. All of these use point of care   donation as there was nowhere to
methodologies, which involved going to         refrigerate the units. The lab had
the patient bedside to collect samples and     contacted an engineer a month prior to
perform the tests, or patients coming into     my visit to try and repair the fridge, but
the lab to have samples taken. There was       due to travel problems, cost and a lack of
one manual centrifuge that could only two      trained engineers this was just not
samples at one time. On my first day there,    possible. I remembered my training in
the lab manager asked me to take a blood       blood transfusion and the extent of
sample from a patient, shaking my head I       testing and regulations involved prior to
said, “I’m sorry I have zero training in       any transfusion, as well as the amount of
phlebotomy”, “Ah, but in Africa we do          blood units that are requested and not
everything” he replied, and he was right.      necessarily even used. It made me
Seeing the way they practice healthcare        appreciate how lucky we are to have that
science with the absolute bare minimum         standard of service in the UK, and to have
was truly inspiring. They cover everything     it for free.

                                                          Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
20 | Trainees News

                                                hospital admission the average cost is
                                                £3.50 and for a child it is around £1.50.
                                                Basic surgeries can cost the equivalent of
                                                hundreds of pounds. In terms of lab tests,
                                                testing and treatment for malaria, HIV and
                                                tuberculosis is subsidised by the
                                                government, however all other tests are in
                                                the range of £1-£2 per test. Payments are
                                                also required for any drugs prescribed
                                                through the pharmacy. These prices may
                                                not seem like a lot but this is a significant
                                                cost for the people of Segbwema, and
                                                often people aren’t able to pay. For this
A member of the laboratory team performing
sputum staining for Tuberculosis                reason, it’s not uncommon that when
                                                people get sick they delay seeking
  One of the most common tests                  medical help until it’s almost too late.
performed in the lab is haemoglobin               With the help and support of Friends of
measurement on the HemoCue point of             Nixon, the Nixon Memorial Hospital
care analyser. This helps to assess whether     continues to improve the care it provides
or not a blood transfusion is required in       to the community of Segbwema, if you
patients presenting with anaemia, often as      are interested in finding out more
a result of malaria. Unfortunately, a few       about current projects or how you can
days into my visit the HemoCue stopped          help please visit:
working. We carried out some basic    
troubleshooting and cleaning to see if we         I am very thankful to Rob Burnie from
could resolve the issue, but we had no          Friends of Nixon for the opportunity to
luck. We drove to the nearest main town,        visit Nixon Hospital and to all of the staff
Kenema, to see if we could find someone         there who made me feel so welcome and
who might be able to fix it, but again we       part of the team during my stay in
had no luck. In its place, we resorted to       Segbwema. I am also extremely grateful to
spotting patients’ blood onto filter paper      my department and colleagues at
and using the haemoglobin colour chart to       Southampton General Hospital for
estimate the haemoglobin level which was        supporting me with my elective
very subjective and inaccurate. When I          placement. ■
returned back to the UK, I told Friends of
Nixon about the faulty Hemocue, and
they’ve since been able to source a brand
new analyser and send it out to the lab.
  The most significant thing I learnt from
this experience is the true benefit of a free
healthcare system like the NHS. In Sierra
Leone many people are not able to find
work due to a lack of industry and lack of
education. It is therefore very difficult to
earn money. Healthcare is free and
subsidised by the government but only for
pregnant women, lactating mothers, and
                                                Performing stool analysis
children under 5 years of age. For an adult

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
Meeting Reports | 21

ACB Wales Spring Meeting
Helen Bailey, Trainee Clinical Scientist, CAVUHB and
Anthony Jackson-Crawford, Trainee Clinical Scientist, ABUHB
Towards a national LFT pathway                    Our second industry partner talk was
Dr Andrew Yeoman (Consultant                    given by Mark Pugh (Clinical Marketing
Hepatologist, ABUHB) began the day with         Manager, Siemens Healthcare) on the topic
a summary of the different approaches to        of the ELF test in the NAFLD liver pathway.
investigating and managing patients with        Specifically, this looked at the role of ELF
abnormal LFTs. He then further described        testing in categorising patients with an
the ongoing Gwent Liver Plan project,           indeterminate FIB-4 score, and was a really
which is assessing the use of an ALT:AST        useful adjunct to our other LFT pathway
ratio in identifying patients in need of        talks throughout the day.
further investigation, including FibroScan.     MGUS: What is the significance?
He concluded with a discussion around
                                                To close the AM session, Dr Ali Mahdi
efforts to determine a single, All Wales
                                                (Consultant Haematologist, ABUHB)
approach to LFT investigations.
                                                discussed the challenges of monitoring
IgG4-related disease: the mysteries,            MGUS patients, potential solutions to
the management and the diagnosis                patient over monitoring, and a rare
Next, our guest speaker Professor Eleanor       phenomenon of monoclonal gammopathy
Barnes (Hepatology and Experimental             of clinical significance. Incidental small
Medicine, Oxford) gave us a tour through        paraproteins are fairly common and the
what is currently known about the               majority of patients will not progress to
pathophysiology of IgG4 related disease.        smouldering or multiple myeloma,
Of particular interest was her leadership in    but will have lifelong monitoring. Using
the generation of an IgG4-related disease       specific risk factors, low risk patients can
registry of patients and samples, recruiting    be identified and hence not undergo
patients from across the UK and mainland        monitoring.
Europe, to study the clinical course,           Fatty Liver – The patient story
response to treatment and prognosis of
                                                After lunch, Dr Soha Zouwail (Consultant
patients diagnosed with IgG4-related
                                                Chemical Pathologist, CAVUHB) presented
                                                an insightful interview from an
Industry partner talks                          asymptomatic patient, with raised ALT,
Our first industry partner talk was about       who went on to develop liver cirrhosis and
risk stratification of cardiovascular disease   hepatocellular carcinoma. Thankfully, due
in asymptomatic individuals using high          to being diagnosed with NAFLD and
sensitivity troponin, given by Gordon           closely monitored throughout their disease
Avery (Medical Affairs Manager, Abbott          progression they were able to have a
Diagnostics). Data showing that increases       lifesaving liver transplant. The patient
in troponin in an asymptomatic patient          stressed how significant the monitoring
can indicate a future increased risk of         was, and emphasised the empowering
cardiac events were shown and discussed.        nature of information.

                                                         Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
22 | Meeting Reports

Liver plan – The UHW experience               Update on diagnosis and
Dr Zouwail took to the floor again to         management of porphyria
present UHW’s experience on                   To conclude, Dr Mike Badminton
implementing the liver plan discussed         (Consultant Metabolic Specialist, CAVUHB)
earlier in the morning. In the small pilot    discussed the pathophysiology, diagnosis
project, the use of fibrosis scoring tools    and management of porphyria, with real
(FIB-4 and NFS) appeared to predict           case examples. Exciting future treatments
patients with intermediate or advanced        including RNA interference therapy
fibrosis, confirmed by FibroScan.             (Givosiran) and gene therapies were also
The suggestion of using targeted              discussed. To reiterate the main learning
screening, so high risk patients are          point; in acute attacks send an urgent
diagnosed along with patients with            urine PBG and in cutaneous porphyria
abnormal liver blood tests was discussed.     cases send a plasma EDTA, both protected
The challenges with implementation are        from light. The Cardiff Porphyria team are
access to FibroScan instruments with          always happy to be contacted to answer
inevitable referral increases, and agreeing   any questions. ■
an All Wales consensus for a defined
patient pathway.

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
Meeting Reports | 23

ACB Retired Members’
Ruth Lapworth
Two excellent presentations were given to      third leading cause of death. Diagnostic
the 30 retired members who attended the        errors are experienced in 5% of patients.
eighth meeting of the Retired Members’         Laboratory causes include inappropriate
Group at the ACB Conference Suite in           testing (over or under test utilisation) as
Tooley Street on 13th May 2019.                well as misinterpretation of results. It is
  The first speaker, Mr Mike Hallworth,        also recognised that communication of
gave a thought-provoking overview on           results to the requesting physician is of
“Outcomes – based Laboratory Medicine”.        huge importance in terms of patient
Mike explained that his interest in this       welfare. However, the associated problem
area was a consequence of the publication      of information overload experienced by
of his editorial ‘The 70% claim: what is the   junior medical staff in secondary care is a
evidence base?’ in the Annals of Clinical      major issue.
Biochemistry 2011; 48: 487-88. His view is        Mr Hallworth concluded by confirming
that as a profession, while we are             that traditionally we have focused our
convinced of the value of laboratory           professional work on aspects of service
medicine in effective and safe patient care,   provision such as quality assurance,
there is very little evidence to support its   standardisation and method development
contribution to the overall process of         rather than outcome studies. The purpose
diagnosis and patient management.              and role of biomarkers in clinical pathways
  He stated that although laboratory           need to be clearly defined if improvements
medicine is the single highest volume          in diagnosis and patient management are
activity in terms of throughput, tests have    to be made.
not been assessed in terms of their               The second presentation given by
contribution to the integrated value chain     Dr Dennis Wright on “Big Data and
ie the process starting with the patient       Machine Learning in Laboratory Medicine”
and ending with an outcome. In those           challenged the audience to think
studies where performance of tests has         differently about data and the way in
been assessed this has usually been            which it could be utilised in laboratory
reported as compliance against guidelines      medicine. In his talk Dennis shared some of
rather than the entire value chain.            the concepts and tools used in machine
  Mr Hallworth then highlighted a recent       learning which he had gained from a book
study reported in the April 2019 edition of    by Aurélien Géron entitled Hands-On
ACB News describing a novel integrated         Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and
healthcare project to optimise pathways        TensorFlow (O’Reilly Media. 2017).
for patients with acute coronary                  He began by explaining that the Oxford
syndrome. His view is that it is essential     English Dictionary definitions of
that tests are used appropriately and that     ‘intelligence’ and ‘learning’ mean that the
there are better evaluations linking them      preferred term for the tool used in
to specific outcomes.                          manipulating data is machine learning
  The second part of Mike’s presentation       rather than artificial intelligence.
focused on medical errors which are the           The importance of handling big data

                                                        Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
24 | Meeting Reports


Dr Dennis Wright with Mike Hallworth

and machine learning has been recently        clinical benefit. A study at Moorfields Eye
highlighted in an independent report:         Hospital has successfully used images from
Preparing the healthcare workforce to         optical coherence tomography to identify
deliver the digital future by Dr Eric Topol   macular degeneration with the same
on behalf of the Secretary of State for       accuracy as specialists using the same
Health and Social Care. The report            images and clinical findings. Dr Wright’s
published in February 2019 makes              view is that recurrent neural networks
recommendations that will enable NHS          (currently used to analyse time series in,
staff to make the most of innovative          for example, the stock exchange or
technologies such as genomics, digital        automatic translation) could have a role to
medicine, artificial intelligence and         play in predicting laboratory results where
robotics to improve services, helping to      serial measurements are routinely used in
ensure a sustainable NHS.                     patients to monitor treatment.
  Dr Wright described some of the                The next meeting will be held on
approaches to machine learning such as        Monday 4th November 2019 at the
supervised and unsupervised learning,         ACB Conference Suite.
the use of image recognition matrices,           It may be possible to hold a meeting
recurrent neural networks and                 outside London in 2020, either in Belfast at
reinforcement learning. He then gave an       Focus or in Birmingham. A survey will be
impressive demonstration of the use of        sent out later in the year to assess if there
image recognition with a Raspberry Pi         is sufficient interest for a meeting to be
computer to identify a banana!                held at either of these locations. ■
  Image recognition may however be of

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
BIVDA News | 25

Industry Insights:
Transparency of Industry
Activity and Credentialing
Doris-Ann Williams, Chief Executive, BIVDA
Many of you will be aware of the greater       be a good fit and were enthusiastic to
need for transparency between industry         work with us.
and healthcare professionals around the          The scheme has been worked on and
world. This is obviously laudable in           polished and was finally launched about a
principal but leads to frustration as          year ago after gaining accreditation from
sponsorship of meeting and meeting             the PSA (Professional Standards Authority).
attendees is becoming more and more            As the only credentialing scheme to have
complicated. The diagnostics industry itself   this approval we felt we were in a strong
has a strong code of practice to adhere to     position to provide a good service to the
in regards to this as well as covering         NHS at very low cost to industry. The NHS
commercial activity.                           Chief Scientist, Professor Dame Sue Hill,
  A further complication for us is the         wrote to all NHS Trust Chief Executives to
credentialing organisations which have         encourage them to use the LSI Register.
been springing up. These are mainly              However, the other commercial
commercial organisations and work with         organisations developed appointment
individual Trusts to help monitor industry     systems which has again given them a
meetings with NHS staff. All very well and     more attractive edge to the LSI Register.
good except these each demand annual           Disappointingly, the NHS seems reluctant
fees from companies to provide credentials     to do more to encourage use of the LSI
to each member of staff and with the           Register. We have pressed ahead and from
proliferation of these organisations it is     the start of August, the LSI Register also
becoming very expensive for companies.         offers an appointment scheme to Trusts.
  I suspect that many of you will have           Ideally all industry staff going into an
been oblivious to this so far, merely          NHS hospital will be credentialed so you
expecting that industry visitors report to     will be able to ascertain from looking
Pathology reception to sign in. But some       them up that they are appropriately
three years ago, in anticipation of these      trained. This includes service engineers as
organisations multiplying, BIVDA set up a      well as commercial and technical staff.
committee with other life science industry     Each person will have a photo ID with
associations including the Association for     QR code and GS1 Compliant barcode to
the British Pharmaceutical Industries          make looking for them on the LSI Register
(ABPI) to look at finding one scheme           straightforward.
which NHS England could recognise                BIVDA and its members fully support the
(and hope the devolved Nations would           need for transparency and maintaining
as well).                                      professional standards when working with
   After discussions it was agreed that        our NHS colleagues. It is becoming more
this should be a register of company           and more difficult and costly for industry
employees which was held independently         to meet with its end users so if you can
from both industry and the NHS. The            encourage use of the LSI Register in your
Academy of Healthcare Science seemed to        own Trust this would be very helpful. ■

                                                        Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
26 | Corporate Members’ News

Randox RX series gains NGSP
Certification for Direct HbA1c
On 1st July 2019, Randox Laboratories         ◆ Latex enhanced immunoassay
announced its achievement in being              method – the Randox assay utilises
awarded the Manufacturer Certification          an immunoassay method making it
by the National Glycohaemoglobin                simple and quick to perform.
Standardization Program (NGSP); for direct    ◆ Liquid ready to use reagents – for ease
HbA1c testing on three of its clinical          of use and convenience.
chemistry analysers; the RX modena,           ◆ Excellent stability – all reagents are
RX imola and RX daytona+.                       stable to expiry date when stored at
   NGSP is recommended for laboratories         +2-8ºC or 28 days on board the
conducting diabetes-related clinical trials     analyser at approximately 10°C.
and is only granted on the basis of 98%
                                              Advantages of the RX series Direct
accuracy. With the global prevalence of
                                              HbA1c Testing
diabetes mellitus increasing rapidly,
affecting roughly 8% of the total             ◆ Fully automated on-board haemolysis
population, the achievement of this              function for HbA1c testing.
certification emphasises that Randox RX       ◆ Continuous loading and STAT sample
series clinical chemistry analysers             functionality to enhance productivity
correlate with global standards and             in the laboratory (analyser dependent).
deliver accurate, reliable and precise        ◆ Low sample volumes required.
results for direct HbA1c testing; helping     ◆ 1200 tests per hour including ISE
clinicians make informed decisions for          (RX modena).
patients with diabetes.                       About Randox Laboratories
   The Randox automated immunoturbidi-
                                              As one of the world leaders in the in vitro
metric HbA1c test exhibits high accuracy
                                              diagnostic industry with over 35 years’
and reproducibility with the added
                                              experience, Randox is leading the charge
advantages of using liquid reagents
                                              in moving from a one-size-fits-all
with good stability, and on-board
                                              approach towards decisions, practices and
pre-treatment of samples; therefore,
                                              products tailored to the needs of the
offering an improved method for the
                                              individual. This innovative approach to
rapid direct measurement of HbA1c in
                                              diagnostics has facilitated the
human blood.
                                              development of revolutionary products
Randox Direct HbA1c Assay Features            designed specifically to enhance a
◆ Sample type – suitable for use with         patients’ quality of life. ■
   whole blood samples.             

Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
Crossword | 27

ACB News Crossword
Set by Rugosa
Across                                           Down
1   Doubtful pharmacists reject scrip for a      1  Surprised at the French seal way of
    common medical condition (6)                    reproduction (7)
4   God of Healing assembly: April Fools’ Day    2  Analyses tries (5)
    (not Fridays) (6)                            3  Silver team name new colour (7)
9   Greenhouse effect payments are held          5  Raise trivial objections about the wizard
    back (4)                                        proprietary mood changer (6)
10 One must inform the patient of this test      6  Haematological problem, fractures a weak
    result, perhaps graciously (10)                 ilium, loses weight (9)
11 Inventor of once widely-used lab equipment    7  Reactive chemical toxin promotion wrong (7)
    developed numbness (not MS) (6)              8  Cagy about abnormal anatomies developed
12 Double support for growth in a tea garden        by men (13)
    (4-4)                                        14 Two bends in minimal fusion of metal (9)
13 Official authorisation, removal or sale (9)   16 Detective cut out identification in description
15 Send out partial remittances (4)                 of standard cells (7)
16 Treatment of some dangerously hard rugby      18 One proposed candidate French name (male),
    play (4)                                        one French born (female) (7)
17 Male French friend has no current             19 Quarantine can avoid potential escalation (7)
    identification for compound (9)              20 Relaxed sport, sauntered, run out (6)
21 Review spiels or articles giving away         23 Send money raised for stopwatch (5)
    important plot details (8)
22 Technique organisation (6)
24 Not left in isolation developing charging
    process (10)
25 What does new name stand for? (4)
26 Mademoiselle leads Monsieur around (6)
27 No male emerged curious about academic
    award (6)

                                                        Solution for June

                                                             Issue 660 | August 2019 | ACB News
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