Review One year in review 2021: systemic vasculitis - Clinical ...

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                      One year in review 2021: systemic vasculitis
          F. Ferro1, L. Quartuccio2, S. Monti3, P. Delvino3, F. Di Cianni1, S. Fonzetti1,
                G. La Rocca1, C. Posarelli4, E. Treppo2, R. Talarico1, C. Baldini1

  Rheumatology Unit, Department of            ABSTRACT                                    current clinical research is focusing on
Clinical and Experimental Medicine,           Large- and small-vessel vasculitis are      searching for a biomarker “signature”
University of Pisa;                           complex potentially life-threatening        able to reveal the complex sequence of
 Rheumatology Clinic, Department of
                                              systemic autoimmune diseases that have      events leading from inflammation to
Medical and Biological Sciences,
University Hospital Santa Maria della         recently been subjected to considerable     lymphoma.
Misericordia, Udine;                          immunologic and clinical research.          From this perspective, it is widely rec-
  Department of Rheumatology, University      Following the other reviews of this se-     ognised that genetic background can
of Pavia, IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo         ries, here we aim to summarise some         influence the phenotype and outcome
Foundation, Pavia;                            of the most significant studies that have   of HCV-related diseases. De Re et al.
  Ophthalmology Unit, Department of           been recently published on the patho-       (4) lately highlighted an epistatic con-
Surgical, Medical, Molecular Pathology
                                              genesis, clinical features and novel        tribution of IFNL4 and PDCD1 genes
and Emergency, University of Pisa, Italy.
                                              treatments of systemic vasculitis.          in patients with MC. Particularly, PD-
Francesco Ferro, MD
                                                                                          1[ACG]-IFNL4[C] is positively as-
Luca Quartuccio, MD, PhD
Sara Monti, MD                                Introduction                                sociated with MC (OR=4.237), and
Paolo Delvino, MD                             Systemic vasculitis are complex and         the opposite haplotype PD-1[GTA]-
Federica Di Cianni, MD                        heterogeneous diseases potentially          IFNL4[T] (OR=0.458) is negatively
Silvia Fonzetti, MD                           leading to severe morbidity and mor-        associated with MC. The association
Gaetano La Rocca, MD                          tality. Following the previous annual       between PDCD1 polymorphisms and
Chiara Posarelli, MD, PhD                     reviews (1-3) of this publishing series,    the risk of HCV-related lymphopro-
Elena Treppo, MD
                                              we will here provide a critical digest of   liferative disorders should be further
Rosarai Talarico, MD
Chiara Baldini, MD, PhD                       the most relevant literature on epide-      investigated.
Please address correspondence to:
                                              miology, classification, pathogenesis,      Besides genetics, several biological
Francesco Ferro,                              clinical features and novel treatments      biomarkers have been also investigat-
Reumatologia, Dipartimento di                 of small- and large-vessel (LVV) sys-       ed. Basile et al. (5) confirmed that se-
Medicina Clinica e Sperimentale,              temic vasculitis. All the articles were     rum levels of IgG3 subclass were high-
Università di Pisa                            critically analysed in order to select      er in HCV-MC patients compared with
Via Roma 67,                                  the most relevant contributions on          rheumatoid arthritis (RA)-patients, re-
56126 Pisa, Italy.                            theese topics.                              inforcing the key role of IgG3 as the in-
                                                                                          itial trigger of cryoglobulins formation
Received on April 25, 2021; accepted in       Cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis                and, in turn, in the vasculitic process
revised form on May 4, 2021.
                                              Pathophysiology advances in hepatitis       underlying cryoglobulinaemic vascu-
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2021; 39 (Suppl. 129):     C virus-cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis        litis (CV). Another Italian study (6),
                                              Mixed cryoglobulinaemia (MC) syn-           demonstrated that levels of soluble (s)
© Copyright CLINICAL AND
                                              drome is the prototype of hepatitis C       CD138, k-free and λ-free chains were
                                              virus (HCV)-driven autoimmune and           significantly higher in HCV-non Hodg-
Key words: large-vessel vasculitis,           lymphoproliferative disorders. The          kin lymphoma (NHL) patients than in
cryoglobulinaemia, ANCA-associated            HCV trigger effect leads to permanent       healthy controls. However, free k and λ
vasculitis                                    clones of B-lymphocytes producing           and the k/λ ratio were inversely related
                                              oligoclonal or monoclonal IgM with          with sCD138; the authors suggest that
                                              rheumatoid factor (RF) activity, en-        sCD138 may reflect more closely the
                                              coded by the VH1-69 heavy chain gene        lymphoma risk of the disease while the
                                              paired with VK3-20 light chain vari-        prognostic value of the free light chains
                                              able gene, thus representing the com-       (FLC) remain uncertain being altered
                                              mon link for inflammatory and lym-          by the presence of a monoclonal IgM
                                              phoproliferative alterations. Indeed,       component.
                                              HCV-MC patients display a 35-fold           Regarding epigenetic biomarkers, it
                                              higher risk of developing lymphoma          was observed a downregulation of
Competing interests: none declared.           than the general population, therefore      miR-26b in HCV-CV and HCV-NHL

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patients, and a restoration of micro-          and a strong immunoregulatory mecha-       glomerular filtration rate (GFR), pro-
RNAs (miRNAs) miR-26b levels in                nism that delay the lymphomagenesis        teinuria and age (13).
CV patients after treatment-induced            process (9). On the contrary, old pSS      Despite these comforting results, we
clinical remission of vasculitis. The          lymphoma patients presented very           know that cryoglobulins and RF can
functional effectors of miR-26b are the        early lymphoma, suggesting an immu-        be detected in most cases after DAAs
lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1,            nosenescence incapable to contrast the     therapy, reflecting the persistence of
overexpressed in pre-lymphomatous              lymphomagenesis (9).                       B-cells autoreactive clones. These
conditions, therefore the downregula-          Finally, among recent literature con-      “dormant” cells may be reactivated by
tion of miR-26b could be an indicator          tributions on non-infectious MC cases      events that perturb B-cell homeostasis,
of a molecular mechanism of tumor              classified as idiopathic or essential MC   therefore, even in the DAA era, relapses
progression (7). The first miRNA with          (EMC), the study by Del Padre M et al.     of MC or cases refractory to treatment
an accepted oncogenetic role was miR           (10) is worth to be quoted. The authors    are described. In these patients, rituxi-
17-92, known as oncomiR-1. Lorini et           (10) showed that when compared to          mab (RTX) might be used as additional
al. (7) analysed the expression levels of      HCV-MC patients, EMC patients had          therapy (14). The timing of anti-CD20
miR 17-92 in 20 CV patients pre- and           lower circulating CD21low B-cells,         treatment and dosages are still debated
post-antiviral therapy. A significant re-      mainly naïve-like CD21lowCD27-             in MC patients, and the identification
duction in the expression levels of miR        cells. CD21low B-cells of EMC and          of serological biomarkers of mini-
17-92 following viral eradication was          HCV-MC shared functional features of       mal residual disease (MRD) in RTX-
observed, even if they did not reach           exhaustion and had defective prolifera-    treated MC patients could improve
levels comparable to those pre-therapy         tive responses to ligation of Toll-like    the MC-management. High levels of
in the control group (HCV patients             receptor 9 (TLR9), supporting a com-       FLCs, heavy/light chains (HLCs), and
without CV) (7).                               mon pathogenetic mechanism with au-        vascular growth factor (VEGF) allow
                                               toantigen-driven clonal expansion and      to recognise a MRD in RTX-treated
New insights in hepatitis C virus-             exhaustion of selected RF producing        patients, representing a possible sig-
negative cryoglobulinaemic vasculitis          B-cells (10).                              nature of “dormant” B cell clones’
Concerning HCV-negative cryoglo-                                                          activity (14), and the re-treatment of
bulinemia, the vast majority of HCV-           New insights in                            these patients could prevent a relapse.
negative CV cases has been described           HCV-cryoglobulinaemic                      Despite the safety and effectiveness of
in primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS)            vasculitis therapy                         RTX (15), a retrospective French study
(8) being the presence of cryoglobu-           The introduction of DAAs has radi-         revealed a low risk (3.4%) of CV exac-
linemia a well recognised risk factor          cally transformed the management of        erbation within two weeks after RTX.
for lymphoma development. Lately,              HCV-CV and has changed the epide-          These CV-flares have been reported
a multicentre study on 1997 consecu-           miology of MC. A large observational       more frequently in patients with renal
tive pSS patients explored lymphoma            longitudinal French cohort study (11)      involvement, B-cell lymphoprolifera-
incidence and risk factors in individu-        has shown a 1.5 fold decrease in inci-     tion, a higher level of cryoglobulin and
als with early disease-onset (young            dent MC cases between 2011-2014 and        lower level of C4 (16).
≤35years) in comparison with patients          2015-2018 periods. Furthermore, in the     Lastly, non-infectious RTX-refractory
with late disease-onset (old ≥65years).        2016-2018 period, HCV was no longer        CV showed usually an overexpression
Cryoglobulinaemia remains an inde-             the leading cause of MC whereas sys-       of BAFF levels. Thus, several case se-
pendent lymphoma-associated factor             temic autoimmune disease (i.e. sys-        ries have further supported the efficacy
in younger pSS patients in addition to         temic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and        of sequential therapy by anti CD20
other traditional lymphoma risk factors        pSS) represent the main causes of MC       treatment and belimumab in the case of
such as: low C4, lymphadenopathy, and          and CV (11).                               pSS-refractory CV (17-19).
SGE. By contrast, in older pSS patients        Lately, DAAs have confirmed their ef-      In the upcoming years, we speculate
SGE, low C4 and male gender but not            ficacy in virological response achieve-    that the incidence of HCV-MC will
cryoglobulinaemia were identified as           ment (sustained virological response       continue to decline along with its mor-
independent lymphoma-associated fac-           [SVR] rates greater than 95%) and in       tality, thus major interest could move
tors. Moreover, young pSS lymphoma             the reduction of the mean cryocrit level   on different clinical phenotypes of non-
patients presented two different peaks         and RF level in MC patients at the end     infectious MC and their risk of NHL
of incidence for lymphoma: the first           of treatment (EOT) (12). Importantly,      development and mortality (20), estab-
one within 3 years from pSS onset and          results from the RENALCRYOGLOB-            lishing an era of precision medicine.
the second one after 10 years of disease       ULINEMIC study indicated that DAA
duration. The first peak was explained         treatment improves also kidney surviv-     Take home messages
by a strong B cell response along with         al and reduces mortality in HCV-MC         • Novel genetic and epigenetic bio-
classical risk factor for lymphoma,            compared with control patients treated       markers that can be useful to predict
while the second one was assigned to           with pegylated interferon-ribavirin          lymphoma risk in HCV-CV have
a longstanding stimulation of B-cells          (IFN±RBV), regardless of the initial         been identified;

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• The value of cryoglobulinaemia as           improving the early diagnosis and            arterial wall whereas positron emission
  an independent lymphoma risk fac-           treatment of GCA. These guidelines           tomography (PET) shows an increased
  tor has been demonstrated in young-         recommends either temporal artery            uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
  er pSS patients with HCV-negative           biopsy (TAB) or ultrasound of tempo-         in active vasculitis. A whole-body ex-
  CV but not in the older ones;               ral artery as confirmatory diagnostic        amination is suggested with particu-
• Important progresses have been              test for cranial GCA. Indeed, a diag-        lar attention to aorta and aortic main
  made to speculate on the positioning        nostic approach has been proposed to         branches and extracranial cephalic
  of DAA and RTX, alone or in com-            perform either one or both these tests,      arteries. The homogeneous segmental
  bination, in therapeutic algorithms         depending on the estimated probability       FDG uptake of those vessels higher
  in HCV-CV.                                  of GCA diagnosis. In the absence of          than liver uptake indicates LVV; but
                                              clinical features of cranial GCA, imag-      lower uptake intensity and non-homo-
Large-vessel vasculitis                       ing of the extracranial vessels should       geneous distribution patterns should
Pathophysiology advances in                   be considered in order to evaluate the       be suspicious of an alternative diagno-
large-vessel vasculitis                       involvement of aorta and its proximal        sis (31). High-resolution ultrasound is
During the last twelve months, interest-      branches (24).                               important to identify smaller arteries
ing efforts have been made towards the        Moreover, the recognition of GCA has         while MRI and PET/CT display bet-
identification of molecular biomarkers        been further improved by highlighting        ter extracranial arteries. Unfortunately,
involved in the pathogenesis of LVV.          possible unusual manifestation at the        imaging sensitivity decreases with
In particular, both angiogenic induc-         onset of the disease such as concomi-        treatment so an important issue affect-
ers (VEGF, FGF-2, angiopoietin 1, -2,         tant pericardial disease (25). Patients      ing all these tools is represented by a
soluble VCAM-1) and inhibitors (an-           developing pericardial effusion as ini-      corrected timing (32).
giostatin, endostatin, pentraxin-3) have      tial disease manifestation might repre-      As well known, another main issue,
been implied in LVV angiogenesis dys-         sent a clinical phenotype of GCA with        particularly related to CDU is the inter-
regulation. When analysed in peripher-        less cranial symptoms and a better prog-     operator reproducibility; nevertheless,
al blood samples, only VEGF was sig-          nosis, but more studies are required to      the introduction of artificial intelligence
nificantly higher in Takayasu’s arteritis     confirm this hypothesis. In the frame-       algorithms improved the detection of
(TAK) patients compared to healthy            work of outcome for GCA, Hočevar et          the halo sign on CDU images. Data
controls (no difference was found in gi-      al. identified jaw claudication, smoking     from 137 patients were retrospectively
ant cell arteritis (GCA) patients), while     and increasing age as factors most sig-      collected and analysed using the VIA
angiostatin, endostatin and PTX3 were         nificantly predictive of cranial ischae-     software. A sensitivity of 60% and a
significantly higher in both GCA and          mic complications in GCA (26).               specificity of 95% was reached after the
TAK patients. These biomarkers also                                                        definition of an image positivity thresh-
correlated with disease activity evalu-       New insights in LVV imaging                  old. The main confounding factors
ated by using PET scan and clinical           Temporal artery biopsy (TAB) repre-          identified were the presence of a throm-
indices (21).                                 sents the gold standard for GCA diag-        bus and the acquisition modalities and
In addition to angiogenic biomarkes,          nosis. Recently, however, ultrasonog-        even if further validation is needed, the
the role of inflammatory cells in patho-      raphy (US) has been recognised at least      approach seems promising (33).
genesis of TAK has been also the ob-          equivalent to histology in confirming        Other imaging techniques have been
jective of several studies (22, 23). TAK      the diagnosis of LVV (27). Moreover,         evaluated for diagnosis of GCA such
patients showed a decreased number            the sensitivity and specificity of color     as 3T-MRI with 2D sequences and full-
of peripheral blood natural killer (NK)       duplex ultrasonography (CDU) highly          field optical coherence tomography
cells, as well as a reduced production        increases when considering also axil-        (FF-OCT). Rodriguez-Régent et al.
of granzyme B and perforin compared           lary artery (28). Notably, even not well     evaluated the diagnostic performance
to control group. More specifically,          predictive of future ischaemic events,       of fat-suppressed 3D T1-weighted
granzyme B-expressing NK cells were           US findings seems to strongly correlate      black-blood MRI (CUBE T1) with 3D
lower in active TAK compared to inac-         to the clinical features, final diagnosis    TOF coregistration. The examination
tive TAK. On the other hand, T helper-        and outcome of GCA (29). Ultrasound          was performed in 32 patients with clin-
like Treg cells were lower in peripheral      may also be important during follow-         ically suspected GCA and 10 patients
blood of TAK patients with respect to         up to evaluate the effect of steroids        with diagnosis of GCA. CUBE showed
healthy controls, suggesting these cells      treatment; major findings displayed          a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity
might play a role in TAK pathogenesis.        a change along temporal circulation          of 100%, suggesting a reproducible use
                                              with reduction of the hyperechoic wall       of MRI along the diagnostic process of
New insights in LVV clinical features         thickening than in axillary arteries (30).   GCA (34).
The guidelines on diagnosis and treat-        Specifically, ultrasonography (US),          FF-OCT uses white light interference
ment of GCA from the British Society          magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)             microscopy to obtain high resolution
for Rheumatology have lately repre-           and computed tomography (CT) dem-            images of biological structures and also
sented an important step forward in           onstrate a concentric thickening of the      of subcellular metabolic contrast in the

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tissue depth. Maldiney et al. reported         guidelines on diagnosis and treatment       were observed in 75% and 66% of
their experience applying high defini-         of GCA (24) confirming the important        GCA and TAK patients, respectively.
tion interference microscopy for path-         evidence-based advances to support          No significant increase of relapse risk
ological diagnosis of GCA. FF-OCT              the management of LVV.                      in the year following tocilizumab dis-
revealed its potential for qualitative         In a recent meta-analysis of 34 studies     continuation was observed.
and quantitative evaluation of arterial        (8 RCTs), including 2505 GCA patients       Given the suppression of inflammatory
wall identifying architectural change          treated with glucocorticoids (GC)           markers provoked by the inhibition of
and fibrous tissue formation. This pre-        alone, about half of the patients expe-     the interleukin (IL)-6 pathway, imag-
liminary report encourages further re-         rienced one or more than one relapses       ing modalities, such as CDU of tem-
searches to confirm the role of this de-       during follow-up. Notably, relapse rate     poral arteries/large vessels and 18FDG
vice, especially using a handheld acqui-       was significantly higher for patients       PET-CT, may play a crucial role in the
sition probe to image the artery directly      enrolled in RCTs compared to patients       follow-up of patients receiving tocili-
(transcutaneous approach), rapidly and         from observational studies (65.8% vs.       zumab. In a recent study enrolling 22
with a non-invasive examination (35).          41.7%), mainly due to a shorter dura-       consecutive GCA patients, tocilizumab
The role of imaging in Takayasu arteri-        tion of GC therapy (39).                    induced remission in 91% of patients,
tis (TAK) has been widely recognised           In order to decrease the risk of relapse    confirming its effective GC-sparing
especially regarding management, nev-          during GC tapering and minimise             role, as well as a significant reduction
ertheless diagnosis remains difficult          chronic GC exposure, several studies        of quantitative assessment of both CDU
and delayed. In this regard, Kenar et          have focused on maintenance treat-          halo thickness of TA/large vessels and
al. defined disease activity according to      ment strategies and GC-sparing regi-        18FDG PET-CT vascular uptake (44).
vascular imaging (Rad-Active) and ver-         mens in GCA. Song et al. performed          A recent multicentre, randomised, dou-
ified its agreement with other disease         a meta-analysis of 6 RCTs assessing         ble-blind, placebo-controlled trial evalu-
activity indexes; 76% of agreement was         the efficacy and safety of tocilizumab,     ated the efficacy of different therapeutic
observed with physician global assess-         tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-inhibitors      schedules of sirukumab, a selective,
ment and 83% with with Kerr’s criteria,        and abatacept for the treatment of GCA      high-affinity human anti-IL-6 mono-
confirming the key role of imaging in          (40). Relapse rate and risk of serious      clonal antibody, in patients with active
TAK to detect disease activity (36).           adverse events (AE) was significantly       GCA (45). Despite early study termina-
Finally, Goel et al. explored the pos-         lower with tocilizumab than with pla-       tion resulting in short treatment duration,
sibility of an angiographic-based dis-         cebo, whereas no significant benefit in     the proportion of patients with relapses
ease classification, potentially helpful       terms of remission rate was observed        at 52 weeks was significantly lower with
in identifying three novel cluster of          between groups receiving TNF-inhibi-        sirukumab than with placebo.
patients based on arterial damage. Pa-         tors, abatacept, and placebo.               Despite some initial promising results
tients in cluster one presented more dis-      To determine if the results of the Gi-      on the effectiveness of ustekinumab
ease in the abdominal aorta, renal and         ACTA study (41) could be rationally         (46), a recent open-label trial was pre-
mesenteric arteries; patients in cluster       extended to real-world clinical practice,   maturely interrupted, as 7 out of the ini-
two had more bilateral disease and the         Calderón-Goercke et al. conducted a         tial 10 patients relapsed soon after GC
carotids and subclavian arteries are           comparative study between the GiAC-         discontinuation (47).
more involved. Finally, patients in clus-      TA trial (251 patients) and a multicentre   In a multicentre retrospective case-con-
ter three had asymmetric disease with          series of GCA patients treated with to-     trol study, Quartuccio et al. analysed the
less territories involved. These three         cilizumab in a real-world scenario (134     rate of GC-related AE in 114 GCA pa-
clusters still require validation and          patients)(42). Sustained remission rate     tients treated with an immunosuppres-
their aetiological and prognostic value        did not differ between the two groups       sant within 3 months from diagnosis,
need to be confirmed through further           (54.6% in the GiACTA trial vs. 70.4%        compared to 51 GCA patients who re-
research but it is surely an interesting       in clinical practice group). Neverthe-      ceived GC monotherapy or an immuno-
topic to be explored (37). Globally, all       less, a higher cumulative GC dose and       suppressant after at least 3 months high-
these data further confirmed how the           a higher proportion of patients treated     lighting the significantly higher rate of
role of imaging in LVV is of undoubt-          with a conventional immunosuppres-          GC-related AE and relapses in patients
ful importance in order to confirm the         sive agent was observed in the clinical     treated with monotherapy (48).
diagnosis and avoid important delay in         practice group, contributing to a higher    A recent case series of 14 GCA patients
their management.                              risk of serious infections.                 suggested some benefits from adjunc-
                                               In order to mitigate GC-related AE,         tive treatment with leflunomide, with
New insights in LVV treatment                  tocilizumab monotherapy, adminis-           64% of patients achieving remission at
In 2020, the publication of the 2018           tered for 1 year without concomitant        6 month (49). In a retrospective study
update of the EULAR recommenda-                GC, was tested in an open-label study       including 37 patients with LV-GCA
tions for the management of LVV (38),          including 12 patients with newly diag-      followed for ≥2 years, the introduction
has been followed by the release of            nosed LVV (8 GCA, 4 TAK), followed          of mycophenolate mofetil at diagnosis
the British Society for Rheumatology           for 2 years (43). Complete responses        yielded a GC-sparing effect, with rela-

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tively low relapse rates (16.2 and 27%         significantly higher rates of remission      ent ANCA serotypes (i.e. proteinase 3
at 1 year and 2 years, respectively) (50).     at 12 months in patients treated with        (PR3)-ANCA and myeloperoxidase
These promising results require confir-        leflunomide (ranging 77.4–84.6% vs.          (MPO)-ANCA) has been further under-
mation in larger cohorts or clinical trials.   38.2–53.5%) (58, 59).                        lined by two recent original papers. The
The evidence published during the last         Finally, an observational study enroll-      first one by Lee et al. (66) showed that
12 months regarding TAK confirmed              ing 68 patients with TAK compared            PR3 antibody production may even pre-
the long-term efficacy and safety of to-       the effectiveness of leflunomide (40         cede the development of vasculitis. The
cilizumab. A 96-week extension of the          patients) versus methotrexate (28 pa-        second one by van Dam et al. (67) dem-
TAK treated with tocilizumab (TAKT)            tients). Prevalence of complete remis-       onstrated that the increased production
trial including 28 patients treated with       sion at 6 months was achieved by a sig-      of PR3 antibodies also predicts relapses
weekly tocilizumab showed a steroid-           nificantly higher proportion of patients     in patients treated with rituximab pin
sparing effect, improvement in imaging         treated with leflunomide compared to         pointing the crucial role of ANCA se-
findings (17.9% of patients) or stable         methotrexate (72.5% vs. 53.6%). How-         rotypes in the pathogenesis of ANCA
imaging findings (67.9% of patients)           ever, the benefit was not confirmed          and also their potential usefulness as
compared to baseline (51). A French            during longer follow-up, despite a           therapeutic biomarkers in the manage-
open-label trial in naïve patients with        lower frequency of relapses in patients      ment of AAV patients. Besides ANCA,
TAK assessed the chances of glucocor-          treated with leflunomide (60).               great attention has been paid to neutro-
ticoids discontinuation after 7 infusions                                                   phils and to the alternative complement
of tocilizumab which was achieved by           Take home messages                           pathway. Moiseev et al. (68) evaluated
54% of patients. However, after dis-           • Angiogenic inducers (VEGF, FGF-2,          complement components in 59 AAV
continuation of tocilizumab, approxi-            angiopoietin 1, -2, soluble VCAM-1)        patients and performed a meta-analysis
mately half of the patients relapsed             and inhibitors (angiostatin, endosta-      on the topic highlighting that plasma
suggesting that long-term maintenance            tin, pentraxin-3) have been implied        MAC, C5a and factor B were increased
treatment is necessary (52).                     in LVV angiogenesis dysregulation          in patients with active AAV compared
Newer therapeutic options are desir-             opening new avenues for targeted           to patients in remission thus support-
able in the treatment of TAK. Indeed,            therapies;                                 ing the role of the alternative pathway
the drug retention rate in patients with       • Ultrasonography (US) has been rec-         of the complement system in AAV
TAK is relatively low, with 43% of               ognised at least equivalent to histol-     patients. Activation of the alternative
treatment courses being stopped by 24            ogy in confirming the diagnosis of         complement pathway results in gen-
months. In this scenario, TNF inhibi-            LVV and crucial in the follow-up to        eration of C5a, which in turn can prime
tors have been reported to have a longer         monitor disease activity; moreover,        neutrophils through the C5a receptor.
retention rate compared to tocilizumab           other imaging techniques such as           The potential of C5aR antagonism as
(53). Infliximab has been confirmed to           3T-MRI with 2D sequences and full-         a therapeutic option for vasculitis has
ensure a glucocorticoid sparing effect           field optical coherence tomography         been largely explored recently with the
in an open-label study including 23 pa-          (FF-OCT) have been evaluated for           avacopan, an orally administered C5a
tients with TAK (54).                            diagnosis of GCA;                          receptor inhibitor (69). Noteworthy,
Recently, small case reports are report-       • Therapeutic goals have shifted from        novel therapies may also be identified
ing the potential effectiveness of to-           symptom control towards GC-spar-           exploring neutrophils and other im-
facitinib in the management of TAK.              ing regimens in GCA.                       mune cells immunemetabolisms. Ac-
These interesting findings warrant fur-                                                     cording to the study by Leacy et al.
ther confirmation in larger studies (55,       ANCA vasculitis                              (70) priming events may alter the me-
56). A number of studies published in          Pathophysiology advances in                  tabolism of immune cells (i.e. increased
the past 12 months have assessed the           AAV vasculitis                               glycolysis), fostering the inflammatory
role of conventional immunosuppres-            ANCA vasculitis (AAV) are complex            immune response and the interaction
sants, especially leflunomide in the           potentially life-threatening systemic        between ANCA and neutrophils; pre-
management of TAK. In a case series            autoimmune diseases that have recent-        liminary data suggest that inflammation
of 56 patients with TAK, leflunomide           ly been subject of considerable immu-        can be therefore modulated through a
treatment was associated with com-             nologic and clinical research (61-64).       metabolic inhibition.
plete remission in approximately 70%           New insights into AAV pathogenesis
of patients at 12 months, including a          are on the rise, paving new avenues for      New insights into AAV clinical
good response rate in patients refrac-         targeted therapies. As highlighted in a      features and treatment
tory to previous lines of treatment,           comprehensive review by Kronbichler          Recent literature widely underlines that
including cyclophosphamide (57).               et al. (65) a variety of different genetic   AAV are disabling disorders leading to
Two observational studies conducted            and environmental factors have been          severe disease-related and treatment
in China compared the effectiveness            implicated in the pathogenesis of AAV.       related organ-damage with important
of leflunomide versus cyclophospha-            Lately, the importance of recognising        long term sequelae (71). During the past
mide in patients with TAK reporting            the specific pathogenetic role of differ-    few months it has been generally em-

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phasised that the clinical presentation        provement of current therapeutic strat-        sustained remission at week 52.
and the outcome of the patients more           egies to optimise remission induction          Avacopan improved eGFR and al-
closely reflect the ANCA serotype rath-        and maintenance therapeutic strate-            buminuria in vasculitis probably by
er than the traditional definition GPA or      gies. In this regard, during the last few      preventing the chemoattraction, ac-
MPA (72). Still, there is an unmet need        months, a number of important studies          tivation of neutrophils and the con-
for phenotype identification in order to       have been carried out (74, 75) to pave         sequent damaging of the glomeruli.
ameliorate the management of AAV.              new ways for lesser toxic induction            A better quality of life was observed
From this perspective, this year great         regimens based on low-dose glucocor-           in both treatment groups. The mean
efforts have been made and two studies         ticoids (Table I).                             daily glucocorticoid dose in the Ava-
specifically deserve to be mentioned.          a. PEXIVAS (76). A recent large mul-           copan group was one third of that
Wojcik et al. (62) applied latent class           ticentre study primarily aimed at           in the prednisone and Avacopan re-
analysis (LCA) to subcategorise GPA               defining the role of plasmapheresis         duced the incidence of glucocorti-
and MPA AAV patients included in the              in patients with severe AAV, has re-        coid-related toxicities from 80.5% to
multicentre POLVAS registry. The au-              cently shown that plasma exchange           63.5%.
thors identified four different subgroups         do not benefit in patients with glo-     c. RITAZAREM (77). In this trial pa-
of patients potentially candidate to dif-         merulonephritis or pulmonary haem-          tients with relapsing GPA and MPA
ferent therapeutic approaches: a group            orrhage. However, indeed PEXI-              were prospectively randomised to
presenting anti-MPO autoantibod-                  VAS has addressed the question of           receive remission-induction therapy
ies positivity (defined as severe MPO             glucocorticoid dose for induction of        with rituximab and a higher or lower
AAV) and three different subgroups                remission in AAV. Patients were ran-        dose of glucocorticoids. A proportion
among anti-PR3 positive patients that             domly assigned or to a standard or to       of patients around 90% achieved re-
differ in renal involvement severity              an accelerated prednisone-tapering          mission at the fourth month. Notably,
(no renal, mild renal and severe renal            schedule defined as around 50% of           71% of them received the lower dose
involvement) and number of organs in-             standard dose over 3 months and             of glucocorticoids regimen. Smith et
volved (less or more than 3). Particu-            around 60% over 6 months. The au-           al. concluded that rituximab, in con-
larly the authors identified a subgroup           thors observed a significative reduc-       junction with relatively lower doses
of young GPA patients characterised by            tion in severe infections in the low-       of glucocorticoids, was effective at
multiorgan involvement, high relapse              dose glucocorticoid group during the        reinducing remission also in patients
rate, relatively high risk of death, but          first year. Noteworthy, lower doses         with AAV relapsing disease.
no end-stage kidney disease that may              of prednisone were as effective as the   Overall, these data encourage the use
require prompt diagnosis and aggres-              higher dose regimens in preventing       of lower doses of prednisone to foster
sive treatment. Similarly, Matsumoto et           death or end stage renal disease in      better long-term outcomes for patients.
al. (73) investigated the association be-         AAV patients.                            Likewise, during the last few months
tween AAV patients’ clinical character-        b. ADVOCATE (69). Activation of             less toxic drugs such as mycophenolate
istics and immune cell profiles in AAV.           the alternative complement pathway       mofetil (MMF) have been evaluated as
Cluster analysis according to peripheral          has been identified as a key mecha-      alternative options to CYC as remis-
immune cell populations (i.e. plasma              nism in the pathogenesis of AAV          sion-inducing therapy. From this per-
cells, plasmablasts, activated T cells,           vasculitis; preclinical data as well     spective Kuzuya et al. (78) performed
CD14++ CD16+ monocytes, eosinophils               as CLEAR and CLASSIC phase II            a meta-analysis of four randomised
and neutrophils) indicated three sub-             trial data have shown that AVACO-        controlled trials (RCTs) with mycophe-
groups: antibody production-related,              PAN (68) a selective oral inhibitor of   nolate mofetil (MMF). In these studies
cytotoxic activity-related and neutrocy-          C5a receptor may replace glucocor-       patients with a newly diagnosed disease
tosis/lymphocytopenia-related. The an-            ticoids in the control of AAV-related    (79), relapsing disease(80) and an early
tibody production-related or cytotoxic            renal involvement thus reducing          onset of disease (81) were enrolled. Pa-
activity-related group was associated             glucocorticoid toxicity. The ADVO-       tients with life-threatening AAV were
with CNS involvement, and the neutro-             CATE trial, a randomised, double-        excluded MMF was compared with in-
cytosis/lymphocytopenia-related group             blind, phase 3 trial has evaluated       travenous (79, 81) and oral CYC (80).
was associated with high incidence of             the efficacy of Avacopan in patients     Data showed that remission rates were
kidney involvement and severe infec-              with AAV treated with rituximab or       similar between CYC and MMF groups.
tions. Incidence of disease relapse was           cyclophosphamide. Patients were          However, Jones et al. (79) found that
comparable among the three groups.                randomised to receive Avacopan or        patients in the MMF treatment group,
The authors concluded that immuno-                standard glucocorticoids in addition     particularly PR3-ANCA-positive pa-
profiles may help to stratify homogene-           to standard immunosuppression. The       tients, were more likely to relapse than
ous subsets of AAV patients useful to             authors demonstrated that Avacopan       ones in the CYC. In conclusion, ac-
select more appropriate treatment.                was not inferior to glucocorticoids      cording to this meta-analysis, MMF
Indeed, one of the most relevant unmet            in obtaining remission at week 26        was suggested as an alternative drug
need in AAV is represented by the im-             and superior to glucocorticoids for      for non-life-threatening MPO positive

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Table I. Low-dose glucocorticoids regimes in clinical trials.

Trial                Eligibility criteria   Study design                       First outcome: results      Second outcome: results

Pexivas                 704 patients        All: CYC or RTX plus:                  Death/ESKD              Death from any cause
                      ANCA vasculitis                                                                      ESKD
                      (new or relapse)      PLEX + standard GC                                             Sustained remission
                                            PLEX + reduced GC                                              Serious adverse events (SAEs)
                    eGFR  GC reduce

Advocate                331 patients        All: CYC or RTX plus                Remission (week 26):       GC-induced toxic effects:
                                                                                 Avacopan = PDN            Avacopan < PDN
                      ANCA vasculitis       Avacopan (30 mg twice daily) +
                                            PDN-matching PBO            Sustained remission (week 52) GC Toxicity index aggregate
                      eGFR ≥15 ml/min                                          Avacopan >PDN          Improvement score:
                                            PDN + avacopan-matching PBO                               Avacopan < PDN
                                                                                                      Effects on eGFR (change from baseline):
                                                                                                      Avacopan > PDN

Ritazarem               188 patients        All: RTX                           Remission (month 4th):      • SAEs:
(induction phase)                                                                                          Schedule IA:18,5%; IB: 12,7%
                      ANCA vasculitis       Schedule 1A:                         GC cumulative dose        • Serious infections:
                        (relapse)           GC starting dose: 1 mg/kg/day        (patients remission)      Schedule IA:0%; IB:3,7%
                                            GC cumulative dose: 3010 mg                    =               • Non-serious infections:
                                                                                 GC cumulative dose        Schedule IA: 22%; IB:35.1%
                                            Schedule 1B:                       (patients not remission)    • IgG 60 years, ANCA positivity,
strategies, RTX still retains a central           treatment for 18 months, were ran-                previous relapse, ENT involvement,
role within the AAV therapeutic arma-             domly assigned to receive an extra 18             lower prednisolone dose and absence
mentarium (77, 82, 83). A significant             months RTX maintenance course with                of concomitant immunosuppression.
effort has been made during the past              the MAINRITSAN regimen (fixed 500                 For infection risk, five predictors were
twelve months in order to better define           mg dose on D0, D14, M6, M12, M18)                 retained in the model: male sex, pres-
RTX regimens for induction and main-              or placebo. Relapse-free survival at 28           ence of structural lung disease, diabetes
tenance of AAV. Indeed, RTX indica-               months (the primary endpoint) was sig-            mellitus, occurrence of infections dur-
tions have been addressed by the most             nificantly higher in the extended treat-          ing rituximab treatment and lower IgG
recently published recommendations                ment group, moving the authors to pro-            level. These models could guide the cli-
on AAV management (84-87), which                  pose extending maintenance duration               nician decision making, by separating
take into account the experience of the           in patients at high risk for relapses (i.e.       patients into low- and high- risk groups
last trials and are briefly summarised in         with PR3 ANCAs, and patients with                 for relapse and infection respectively.
Table II. Nevertheless, despite the most          previous relapse).                                The second open question is related to
recent advances, several issues about             These results have been acknowledged              the most appropriate dosing intervals
RTX use remain a matter of debate.                by the main study groups on AAV, who              for RTX.
The first open question is related to             unanimously suggest prolonging the                The MAINRITSAN2 trial explored
how long clinicians should push main-             maintenance treatment with RTX in pa-             the potentialities of an individually tai-
tenance immunosuppressive treatment               tients considered at high risk for relapse        lored RTX-infusion schedule based on
with RTX.                                         (Table II) (84-87). From this perspec-            ANCA positivity and CD19+B-cell lev-
Long-term follow-up data from the                 tive, McClure et al. (89) generated a             els, suggesting that in the near future a
MAINRITSAN trial showed a progres-                risk prediction models to identify those          single-patient individualised treatment
sive reduction in relapse-free survival           patients who were at higher risk of re-           approach could be guided by serum bio-
after RTX cessation, with around 60%              lapses when stopping maintenance im-              markers (90). In a recent post hoc anal-
relapse-free survival rate 32 months              munosuppression, taking into account              ysis of the MAINRITSAN2, Charles et

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2021                                                                                                  S-9
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Table II. Recommendations for the use of rituximab (RTX) in ANCA-associated vasculitis.

Recommendations                       RTX for induction               RTX for maintenance                             RTX duration

BSR consensus guidelines (84)        No specific regimen              500 mg or 1000 mg                                   5 yrs
                                                                   every 6 months for 2 years

French recommendations (85)            375 mg/m2/week                       500 mg                                    4 years
                                (4 infusions 1-week intervals).      D0, D14, M6, M12, M18             (PR3-AAV severe or relapsing MPO-AAV)
                                                                    (MAINRITSAN regimen)                              2 years
                                                                                                             (newly severe MPO-AAV)

CanVasc 2020 (86)]                   No specific regimen          no specific dose recommended                             2 years
                                                                        every 4-6 months                    2 years (plus additional 18 months):
                                                                                                   (patients with previous relapse(s), pre-existing
                                                                                                organ damage, PR3-ANCA and/or persistent ANCA)

FVSG recommendations (87)              375 mg/m2/week                       500 mg                    18 months: patients in first remission.
                                (4 infusions 1-week intervals).      D0, D14, M6, M12, M18             Beyond 18 months: patients with previous
                                                                    (MAINRITSAN regimen)                               relapse(s)

al. (91) suggested that omitting the D14         with the depth of B cells depletion.               of the available data. On the other hand
rituximab remission-maintenance dose             More in detail, they individuated a cut-           the BSR GL for maintenance of remis-
may not modify the short-term relapse-           off value of 550 ng/mL above which                 sion with RTX recommend employing
free rate of ANCA vasculitis.                    100% of patients displayed B-cell de-              B-cells ablation therapy with the same
However, a clear and solid correla-              pletion in contrast with 51% of patients           modalities as in GPA and MPA.Cur-
tion between ANCA titres, circulating            with RTX levels below 550 ng/mL.                   rently there are two ongoing RCTs on
CD19+ B-cell and relapse risk has not            The third open question is related to the          the use of RTX respectively for induc-
been proved yet. As a result of this, the        use of RTX in EGPA. Currently there                tion (REOVAS) and remission mainte-
last recommendations do not support              are no available prospective controlled            nance (MAINRITSEG) of EGPA. Their
the use of tailored-administration strat-        trial on RTX use for induction or remis-           results are impatiently awaited to better
egy as a first-line maintenance treat-           sion maintenance in EGPA patients.                 define the role of anti-CD20 therapy in
ment, suggesting that more data on this          After performing a systematic literature           such a complex disease.
field are needed.                                review, Akiyama et al. analysed the re-
On this respect, van Dam et al. em-              sults of seven studies (mainly retrospec-          Take home messages
ployed highly-sensitive flow cytom-              tive) for a total of 171 EGPA patients             • PR3-ANCA and MPO-ANCA have
etry (HSFC), traditionally used to detect        treated with RTX (94). Patients were                 different roles in the pathogenesis of
minimal residual disease in haemato-             mostly refractory to the standard ther-              AAV;
logic neoplasia, to perform a phenotypic         apy or had relapsing disease, although             • C5aR antagonism represents a valid
analysis of the B-cell compartment in            14 of them had newly diagnosed EGPA.                 therapeutic option for AAV;
patients undergoing RTX treatment for            RTX was used for induction of remis-               • Induction regimens based on low-
either induction or remission mainte-            sion with the RAVE trial regimen (375                dose glucocorticoids seem to be asso-
nance (92). They showed that RTX in-             mg/m2 x 4/weekly), or the RA regimen                 ciate with a significative reduction in
duced strong reductions in circulating B-        (1000 mg x 2 biweekly). The remission                severe infections and adverse events;
cells, but never resulted in complete B-         rates were 36 to 100%, a result that is            • Plasma exchange do not benefit in
cell depletion when the serum samples            similar to that observed for the use of              patients with glomerulonephritis or
were analysed by HSFC, in contrast to            RTX in GPA and MPO patients induc-                   pulmonary haemorrhage;
conventional low-sensitive flow cytom-           tion. A trend for higher remission rates           • RTX regimens for induction and
etry. This “minimal residual autoimmun-          in ANCA positive patients was noted, a               maintenance of AAV should be better
ity”, driven mainly by memory B-cells            difference that reached statistical sig-             defined in the near future in terms of
and plasma cells, may explain some in-           nificance in one of the studies included             maintenance duration, dosing inter-
stances of relapse where conventional            in the review. Moreover all the studies              vals, and use in EGPA.
flow cytometry would mistakenly indi-            reported a successful reduction of the
cate a complete B-cell depletion.                GC dose, namely from a median dose                 References
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S-12                                                                                                             Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2021
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