ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...

Page created by Judith Cross
ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
A D M I S S I O N S 2020–21
ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
BEING THE CHANGE                                                                               ®

                                                                                 Walking the walk.
       Our students embrace JMU because of its uncommon vibe that allows         Guiding the debate.
       them to weave their individuality into the fabric of a caring, thriving
                                                                                 Crafting the knowledge.
       community of learners.
                                                                                 Helping the cause.
       A true fellowship of doers makes this place home. We celebrate hard
       work. We find the right answers. We teach each other how to think.        Saving the day.
       We are family.                                                            Fueling the dream.

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ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
Enrollment                                                            Academics
                                                                                                                    91% undergraduate                                                   student

              1                           1                            1
                                                                                                                    student body                                            16:1        faculty

       #                            #                            #                                                  19,943 undergraduate
                                                                                                                    1,925 graduate students

graduation rate in the U.S.     most recommended           best college in Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                         76 undergraduate degree programs
 for large, master’s-level    public school in the U.S.       for getting a job                                                                                          Average class size = 25
                                                                                                       76%                             24%
   public universities           Wall Street Journal and         U.S. Department                                                                                         89% of classes have fewer than 50 students
                                                                                                       In-State                Out-of-State
                                    Times Higher Ed           of Education statistics
      National Center for
                                                               compiled by Zippia
     Educational Statistics                                                                         Students from 48 states and 66 countries
                                                                                                                                                                                   4 Libraries
                                                                                                    58/42 female/male undergrad student body                                       1.5 million library
                                                                                                    22% minorities within student body                                             visits a year
                                                                                                    2% international

                                                                                                     90% Freshman                                                       28% of students
                                                                                                     retention rate                                                     study abroad

                                                                                                  Location                                                              About Us
                                                                                                                  Harrisonburg, VA                                          Founded in 1908
                                                                                                                                                                            Public university
                                                                                                             #1 most Instagrammed
                                                                                                                                                                          Mascot: Duke Dog
                                                                                                             location in Virginia
                                                                                                                                                                            Colors: purple and gold
                                                                                                                                                                            NCAA Division 1
                                                                                                  1 national park and
                                                                                                  1 national forest
                                                                                                  near campus

                                                                                                                                              66          Washington

                                                                                                                                       Richmond          64

                                                                                        Bristol                                                               Norfolk

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ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
80           %              JMU graduates succeed
                                           because they have a
                                           remarkable combination
                                           of being able to work in teams and
               of our undergraduates       independently. This is the founda-
                                           tion of a JMU education.
               do research, a practicum,
               an internship or student    You will learn new, fun ways of
               teach by the time           thinking. Your journey will be filled
               they graduate.              with intellectual challenges that will
                                           build your confidence and fill you
                                           with more than just knowledge.

                                           Some examples…

                                              With an average class size of 25
                                           and an emphasis on oral and written
                                           communication, problem-solving,
                                           research, and creative thinking,
                                           College of Arts and Letters students
                                           receive personal attention and gain
                                           skills relevant to any career.

                                              Thanks to more than 250 student
                                           performances and art exhibitions
                                           each year, every College of Visual
                                           and Performing Arts student is
                                           given chances to grow, create,
                                           perform and connect with faculty
                                           starting their freshman year.

                                           At JMU, we do learning—and have
                                           been since we opened our doors
                                           in 1908.

                                           You will be expected to embrace
                                           the constant pursuit of ideas.

4                                                                                   5
ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
     at JMU make students their top priority.

     JMU professors invest themselves fully in the teaching process. This
     means the kind of heart-and-soul effort that drives learning.
     Welcoming undergraduates in real-world research. Holding office hours
     for you to come see them whenever you need them.

     Mentors await you. You will receive guidance from top professors in
     their respective fields. You will be challenged. And supported.

       75% of recent College of Science and Mathematics students were
     involved in faculty-mentored research.

       80% of College of Integrated Science and Engineering students have
     conducted a research or real-world application project by graduation.

     What do professors offer JMU undergraduate students? Real attention,
     partnerships and lessons to take with you for the rest of your life.

     Our graduates say the relationships they forged with JMU
     professors made a significant difference that continues to last long
     past graduation.

                                       Engineering major and All-American

                                       safety Adam Smith says that Dr. Kyle

                                       Gipson challenged him in ways that

                                       Smith knows will stay with him forever.

                                            Read their story at            of JMU classes are taught by
                                                                                      professors, a rarity for schools
                                                                                      our size.

6                                                                                                                        7
ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
                                  is one of JMU’s signatures
                                  because we know you need it
                                  to succeed in work and life.

                                  Our culture allows unique combinations of academic
                                  programs that foster collaboration and results. We have new-
                                  age classrooms that help learning come alive. Innovation at
                                  JMU is more than just a buzz word.

                                     One of the winning teams in a JMU 24-hour hackathon
                                  event created a virtual reality program that simulated claus-
                                  trophobia in hopes of helping sufferers learn to deal with it.
                                  The hackathon brings together students from all over the
                                  university in three- to five-person teams to attack real-world
                                  problems and compete for cash prizes.

                                     An autonomous vehicle course offers undergraduate
                                  students the opportunity to work in multidisciplinary teams
                                  to build a self-driving vehicle.

                                  Collaboration among students and professors from major
                                  fields of study across the university changes everyone
                                  involved. These gatherings of minds produce answers to
                                  complex problems.

                                  Innovation—what you learn, where you learn, how you
                                  learn and from who you learn—changes you for the better.
    Kristen Connors (’20)

    has focused her myriad

    interests into a career

    path in biomedical

    illustration.                 #                 JMU is the most innovative
                                                    university in the South,
        Read her story                              according to U.S. News &
    at                                World Report

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ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
Hands-on learning
      at JMU is real-life problem-solving.

      Reading and lectures are important facets of the learning equation.
      At JMU, your focus will also be on learning by experience.

        86% of College of Business students complete one or more intern-
      ships or other practical experiences relevant to their program of study.

        From freshman year to graduation, the average College of Education
      student logs over 500 hours of real experience in school classrooms and
      related settings.

        100% of Honors College graduates complete an undergraduate
      research or scholarly project with thesis.

      You will have access to your professors and great academic
      programs that have an eye on the future. You will share classes with
      undergrads who are just as hungry to learn and grow as you are. You will
      have opportunities that most schools never provide their undergrads.

      Get ready to take part in the kinds of real-life problem-solving that will
      change so much of how you see the world.

                      Learning happens everywhere at JMU. The satisfaction
                          of understanding is beautiful, and you get to ex-

                             perience that time and time again.

                                                   During her junior year,
                                                                                     internships are available annually
                                                   Jenna Harvey (’21) played a       through Handshake, JMU’s online
                                                   huge role in discovering a        career services management system.
                                                   black hole. (Yes. You read that

                                                   right!)    Read her story at


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ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
14,000+                      Community
hours of community service
                              is unique here, and that’s a great
by JMU students each year
                              thing for you.

                              You have unlimited opportunities to make a difference in
                              the world. Internships. Community service. Endless choices to
                              promote the greater good.

                              Serving the community is a significant passion for so many
                              JMU students and faculty.

                              There is an unparalleled sense of community at JMU, one
                              that spills over to Harrisonburg, the Rockingham County area
                              and beyond. Examples are everywhere.

                                Alternative Break Program offerings include about 60 differ-
                              ent service trips a year, featuring wonderful opportunities for
                              groups of 10-12 students.

                                From Big Brothers/Big Sisters to volunteering with the Harri-
                              sonburg Rescue Squad and everything in between, 66% of JMU
                              students report participating in volunteer efforts during their
                              time here.

                              What’s in it for you? You will find your place. You will stretch
                              yourself in unexpected ways. You will grow.

                              The result? A better you.

                              Whether it’s dancing with Parkinson’s

                              patients or founding and teaching dance

                              classes for sexual abuse victims, Abby

                              Wiegand is using her gifts to help people

                              help themselves.        For more on Abby’s

                              JMU journey, visit

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ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
Study abroad
        takes you to places that change how
        you see everything.

        When you study abroad, it broadens your horizons.
        Studying abroad increases your willingness to take stands and
        to be involved. It expands your desire to make a difference.
                                                                               Kyle Miller calls his London
        JMU offers a wealth of opportunities to study abroad, one reason why
                                                                               study abroad experience,
        28% of our students choose this experience before they graduate.
                                                                               including an intense internship,
          Five JMU Semester Programs                                           “even more positively life-

                                                                               changing than I ever expected.”
          60+ summer short-term programs

          19 educational exchange partners from across the globe,
        including Oxford, Cambridge and St. Andrews
                                                                                   Check out the video

        When you seize the opportunity to study in a different country,        at
        your world changes. Your comfort zone expands. You find
        yourself taking on challenges after you return home because of the
        experiences you have abroad. Immersion in a different language,
        culture, food and lifestyle help you to see yourself
        in ways that you never knew existed.

                     JMU sends more students on short-
                     term study abroad programs—those
                     shorter than a semester in length—
                     than any of our peers nationally.

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ADMISSIONS 2020-21 - James Madison ...
Adventure here                                                                                   Chill here                                               Live here
                                                                                                                               On a warm day, grab a blanket and               Wayland Hall is among 25
                              Hike, bike, snowboard, kayak or
                                                                                                                               relax on the Quad, or toss a Frisbee           residence halls that house
                              whatever else makes your heart
                                                                                                                               with friends. You certainly won’t be                freshmen on campus.
                              happy. The beautiful area has it
                                                                                                                               alone. Since our doors opened in
                              all, and it’s all within your reach.
                                                                                                                               1908, the Quad has been the place
                                                                                                                               to make memories.
Study here
With 1.5 million annual
visits, JMU’s libraries are
much more than just                                                                 Eat here                                                                          Cheer here
books. From favorite                                                                                    Play here                                                     There is nothing quite like
study spots to resourc-                                                D-Hall is among 28 amazing
                                                                                                        The University Recreation                                     Bridgeforth Stadium on
es that span the centu-                                               on-campus choices whenever
                                                                                                        Center truly needs to be                                      a fall football Saturday.
ries, our libraries have                                             you need some delicious food.      seen to be believed. Over the                                 We have FCS national
just what you need.                                                     There is a reason why JMU       course of a busy day, UREC                                    championship trophies
                                                                            dining is #8 in the U.S.!   has as many as 6,500 visitors.                                from 2004 and 2016 to
                                                                                                                                                                      prove it!

It’s all here. Get ready to be surprised.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                         17
We know that happy minds
                                           thrive. JMU classes are so
                                           demanding that you need to find
                                           ways for balance. We have much
                                           in store for you.

                                           Clubs. Alternative Break trips.
                                           A cappella groups. Faith-based
                                           organizations. Movies. Concerts.
                                           (You get the idea.) And let’s also
                                           mention national-class food, our
                                           Quad on a sun-drenched day, any
                                           home football Saturday.

                                           We throw purple and gold streamers
                                           at every touchdown. We rock out
                                           to the JMU Pep Band during bas-
                                           ketball games, and you’ll start new
                                           traditions now that the spectacular
                                           Atlantic Union Bank Center is open

                                           for basketball.

                                           And don’t forget so many different
                                           outdoor recreation choices that we
                                           need a whole book to include even
                                           half of them.
     With more than 450 clubs and
     organizations on campus, you will     We all bleed purple and gold.

     find something that will pique your
     interest and help you grow.

18                                                                           19

 Food is so big here, it has its own traditions. Cheesy Thursday                                                          34 different types of group exercise classes, totaling 135
 is grilled cheese and soup, mac and cheese, and cheesecake. Buffalo Mash,                                                classes per week, 3,600+ classes per year and over 52,000 individual
 a bowl of mashed potatoes and chicken tenders covered in buffalo sauce,                                                  participations per year.
 is a tried-and-true Friday staple.

                                                                             The approximate number of
                                                                             residence hall programs each
                                                                             year: About 1,000 of them occurring on
                                                                             weekends (average of over 33 programs
                                                                             per weekend). And about 100 of these
                                                                             involve faculty participation.

                                                                                                                      130+ demonstration cooking classes
                                                                                                                      at UREC for 1,300+ participants.

20                                                                                                                                                                                               21

                                                               JMU Dukes know how to win. And the JMU Nation always shows
                                                               up. Whether it’s the CAA softball championship tournament or a different
                                                               venue, the stage really doesn’t matter. Dukes support Dukes.

There’s so much to do here. Think fun and teamwork, learning
and doing good, and friendships that last a lifetime.

                                                               Crazy numbers of students take part in JMU intramurals, non-varsity
                                                               club sports teams that play against other colleges and, of course, our 17
                                                               NCAA Division-I sports. In all, we’re talking close to 8,000 Dukes.

22                                                                                                                                    23
There’s a peace about this                                     2,200
place that grows on you.                                       Our University Recreation Center
                                                               handles 2,200 adventure equip-
                                                               ment rentals a year for students
                                                               pursuing their own adventure
     Nestled between the Blue Ridge and Allegheny
     mountain ranges in the western part of Virginia,
     Harrisonburg is a breath of fresh air and a bit of a
     surprise to first-time visitors. The same is often said
     about JMU.

     Our Shenandoah Valley is a wonderland of outdoor
     opportunity that needs to be seen to be appreciated.
     The same is true for Harrisonburg, only two hours
     from Washington, D.C. A bustling downtown complete
     with restaurants, shops and culture a short walk from
     campus awaits you.

     Shenandoah National Park sunrises. Massanutten
     Resort ski runs. JMU arboretum strolls. Reddish Knob
     sunsets. The list of things to do is as long as your

     Conveniently accessible from Interstate 81, JMU
     is easy to get to. From local and regional charter
     buses to a JMU community ride-sharing network,
     you will find it easy to get wherever you need to go.
     Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport is a 20-minute
     drive, and another airport and an Amtrak station are
     an hour away.

24                                                                                                25
98         %
     of JMU’s Class of 2019
     were employed, in grad-    Alumni success will happen
     uate school or pursuing    for you because students
                                are prepared to adapt
     career-related endeavors
                                and grow.
     within six months of
     graduation.                  2018 College of Arts and Letters
                                graduates were employed by 569
                                unique employers in 32 states,
                                Washington, D.C., and 17 countries.

                                  95% of school principals say that
                                JMU’s College of Education grad-
                                uates “have a positive impact on
                                students through effective teaching

                                JMU alumni land big jobs because
                                they know how work gets done. Our
                                graduates can work in teams. And
                                also on their own. They can follow.
                                And they can most definitely lead.

                                We recognize that a vibrant educa-
                                tion is a stepping stone to successful
                                careers and a full life.

26                                                                    27
Career success
      JMU graduates are explorers. They are unafraid
      to try new ideas, test established boundaries,
      experiment with change.

      Every JMU Duke knows what hard work looks like,
      what trying again feels like, what success tastes like.

      Join us and you will, too.

      Samantha Dawkins (’20), Goldman Sachs
      Samantha had a job offer before she graduated. That happened
      through a combination of her hard work and connections she
      made, starting with a networking program she learned of fresh-
      man year from JMU professor Hui Sono.

      Dan Richardson (’12), U.S. Department of
      Justice Dan’s meteoric rise from his days at JMU to his most
      recent post—U.S. Supreme Court law clerk—has, in his words,
      been predicated on a simple idea that remains at the core of
      everything he does: making the government work.

      Brianna Keefe (’16), food entrepreneur
      Brianna is owner and founder of Toastique, a gourmet toast
      and juice bar in Washington, D.C. Her entrepreneurial drive is on
      display each day, highlighted by the elegance and uniqueness of
      Toastique’s culinary offerings.

      Romina Sasia (’17, ’18M), elementary school
      dual language program teacher                                       Brian Riley (’03), Amazon HQ2 Recruiter Head of
      Romina is another shining example of the best JMU has to offer.     recruiting programs and strategy for Amazon HQ2 at its East Coast head-
      Her dedication and commitment to changing the lives of children     quarters in Arlington, Virginia, Brian knows first-hand the importance that
      is the very foundation on which JMU was founded in 1908.            JMU places on training students to solve problems by looking at every
                                                                          angle and being relentless in the pursuit of the best answer.

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To learn more about all
 academic programs, visit
                            Programs of Study                                                                         WE’RE HERE FOR YOU
                            Accounting                             International Business                             Your visit experience will be packed full of opportunities!
                            Anthropology                           Journalism
                            Architectural Design                   Justice Studies                                    Whether you visit us virtually or in person, we are here to welcome
                            Art History                            Kinesiology                                        you to our beautiful campus. You will find that we are a community
                            Art, Studio                            Management                                         that learns, adapts and succeeds.
                            Biology                                Marketing
                                                                                                                      Check us out today! Prepare to be surprised.
                            Biophysical Chemistry                  Mathematics
                            Biotechnology                          Medical Arts and Design
                            Business (see specific majors)         Medical Humanities
                            Chemistry                              Middle Grades Education
                            Communication Sciences and Disorders   Music
                            Communication Studies                  Music Industry
                            Computer Information Systems           Musical Theatre
                            Computer Science                       Nursing
                            Dance                                  Philosophy and Religion
                            Dietetics                              Physics
                            Digital Video and Cinema               Political Science
                            Earth Science                          Pre-Athletic Training
                            Economics                              Pre-Dentistry
                            Education (see specific majors)        Pre-Forensic Studies
                            Elementary Education                   Pre-Law
                            Engineering                            Pre-Medicine
                            English                                Pre-Occupational Therapy
                            Environmental Humanities               Pre-Optometry
                            Finance                                Pre-Pharmacy
                            Foreign Languages                      Pre-Physician Assistant            2020-21 TUITION                                     FINANCIAL AID
                            Geographic Science                     Pre-Theology                       AND FEES                                            To determine your eligibility for assistance, please complete the Free
                                                                                                      (full-time students per year)                       Application for Federal Student Aid (available Oct. 1). FAFSA forms
                            Geology                                Pre-Veterinary
                                                                                                                                                          received by the Department of Education before our priority filing date of
                            Graphic Design                         Psychology                         In-State                                            March 1 will receive first consideration.
                            Health Sciences                        Public Policy and Administration   Tuition                                    $7,250
                                                                                                                                                              You must include your Social Security Number on your admissions
                                                                                                      Comprehensive Fees                        $5,080
                            Health Services Administration         Quantitative Finance                                                                   application if you wish to apply for financial aid. Our federal school code
                                                                                                      Room and Board*                           $11,588
                                                                                                      Total                                    $23,918    is 003721.
                            Human Resource Development             Science, Technology and Society
                                                                                                                                                              In addition to financial aid offerings, the university has made a commit-
                            History                                Secondary Education                                                                    ment to keep its costs reasonable, while providing a high-quality education.
                            Hospitality Management                 Social Work                        Tuition                               $24,150            More at:
                            Inclusive Early Childhood Education    Sociology                          Comprehensive Fees                    $5,080
                            Independent Scholars                   Special Education
                                                                                                      Room and Board*
                            Industrial Design                      Sport and Recreation Management                                                        Scholarship opportunities are very competitive due to limited resources
                            Information Technology                 Statistics                         *Includes $240 internet connection fee              and the high caliber of students admitted to JMU. Some scholarship
                                                                                                                                                          opportunities require an additional application.
                            Integrated Science and Technology      Teaching English to Speakers of
                                                                                                                                                             More at:
                            Intelligence Analysis                         Other Languages
                            Interdisciplinary Liberal Studies      Theatre
                            Interdisciplinary Social Science       Writing, Rhetoric and Technical
                            International Affairs                         Communications

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It’s easy to apply!

FRESHMAN                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TRANSFER
APPLICATION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ADMISSION
CHECKLIST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     To be eligible to apply for transfer admission, a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              student must have completed or be in the process
REQ U I RE D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of completing at least 24 credits post-high school
Just two items are required to complete your application:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     graduation. Priority consideration is given to those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              who have completed an associate degree or those
       APPLI C ATI O N
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              with at least 48 college credits earned.
       Apply online at
       TR ANS C RI P T S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JMU reviews an applicant’s high school and college
       Official transcripts from your high school must
       be sent by the application deadline. Senior-
                                                                     FRESHMAN ADMISSION                                                                                                                            2020 FRE SH M EN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              course work, grades and grade point average. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              more college courses completed, the less emphasis
       year schedule must be included.                                                                                                                                                                             APPLI C ATI O N STAT S                                                                                                                                     is placed on high school performance. Competitive
                                                                     JMU seeks to select the strongest candidates                          Cambridge International, Governor’s Schools, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Applications: 24,413                                                                                                                                  applicants should have a minimum 3.0 cumula-
                                                                     from a high quality applicant pool. Our application                   addition to honors-level courses.
O P TI O N AL                                                                                                                                                                                                           Applicants accepted: 78%                                                                                                                              tive college GPA and have successfully completed
                                                                     review focuses primarily on high school courses and
The following items will be considered in the review of your                                                                               GR A D E S                                                                                                                                                                                                                         college-level course work in the areas of language
                                                                     grades. These two factors are the most consistent                                                                                                  Applicants enrolled: 5,194
application if you choose to submit them.
                                                                                                                                           JMU evaluates your grades throughout your entire                                                                                                                                                                                   (English, foreign language, or speech communica-
                                                                     indicators of academic success in college. Each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tions), mathematics, social science and lab science.
    E X TR ACURRI CUL AR AC TI VITI E S                              applicant’s academic record is evaluated within                       high school career in core academic courses only
What have you done in clubs, organizations and                       the context of the applicant’s school curriculum.                     rather than an overall GPA. A competitive applicant                        accepted:                                                                                                                                               More at:
athletics beyond just being a member? JMU is                                                                                               is an A/B student in core academic course work.

                                                                     Students may submit additional materials, such as
looking for quality involvement rather than quantity.                a personal statement, letter of recommendation,
Community service and part-time jobs count, too.                                                                                           FI N E A N D PE RFO RM I N G A RT S                                                                                                                                                                                                REQ U I RE D A PPLI C ATI O N ITE MS
                                                                     extracurricular activities and/or standardized test
List them on your application.                                                                                                             REQ U I RE M ENT S                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Online application
                                                                     scores that may be helpful in the review process
                                                                                                                                           Most fine and performing arts areas require an
    ONE LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION                                     but are not required.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Official high school transcript
                                                                                                                                           additional application as well as an audition or                        2020 AD M IT TED
One letter of recommendation will be accepted and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 All official college transcripts
                                                                     H I GH S CH O O L C O URSE S                                          portfolio review. For details, visit:                      FRE SH M E N
must be requested by the applicant through the
                                                                     Competitive applicants should take rigorous course                                                                                                 Mostly A’s and B’s in core academic areas
application. JMU will contact the recommender                                                                                              C O LLEGE C RED IT
                                                                     work within the core academic areas (English, for-                                                                                                 Ranked in top third of high school class                                                                                                              2020 TR ANSFER
with instructions for submitting a letter.                                                                                                 Students can earn college credit for AP, IB, Dual
                                                                     eign language, social studies, mathematics* and lab                                                                                                (46% reported ranks)                                                                                                                                  APPLI C ATI O N STAT S
    PERS O N AL STATEM ENT                                                                                                                 Enrollment and Cambridge International courses
                                                                     sciences). This typically means taking college-level                                                                                               Standardized tests are optional                                                                                                                           Applications: 2,673
Is there something important we should know about                                                                                          taken in high school.
                                                                     courses that are offered, such as Advanced Place-                                                                                                  (76% submitted scores)
you? The personal statement section on the applica-                                                                                           More at:                                                                                                                                                                                              Applicants accepted: 62%
                                                                     ment, International Baccalaureate, Dual Enrollment,                                                                                                SAT Mid-50% range: 1150-1310
tion is your opportunity to tell us in 500 words or less.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Applicants enrolled: 1,084
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ACT Mid-50% range: 24-30
                                                                     * Mathematics requirement: One full year beyond Algebra II in a course for which Algebra II is a prerequisite. Course recommendations may
JMU no longer requires SAT/ACT scores. If you choose                 include Pre-Calculus, Math Analysis, Trigonometry, Probability/Statistics, Finite Math, Advanced Functions and Modeling, Computer Math and                                                                                                                                                               TR ANSFER APPLI C ATI O N
to submit a test score, your official test results must              Calculus. Courses that do not meet this requirement include Algebra Functions & Data Analysis, Computer Science, AP Computer Science and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              D E AD LI N E S
be sent to us electronically from the testing agency                 Consumer Mathematics.
and arrive by the application deadline. If you do not                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Spring      Summer    Fall
submit test scores, you will not be penalized in the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Oct. 15       Feb. 1 March 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  NON-DISCRIMINATION                                                               CLERY ACT
application, scholarship or Honors College review
                                                                                     FRESHMAN APPLICATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  James Madison University prohibits discrimination on the basis of age,           In accordance with the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security
processes.                                                                                                                                                                                                        disability, race or color, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  religion, sex (including sexual harassment, assault and other forms of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Act, the JMU Annual Security and Fire Safety report contains infor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mation regarding campus security and personal safety and is available

Student-athletes who do not want test scores used during the                              DEADLINES                                                                                                               misconduct), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  status, parental status (including pregnancy), marital status, family medical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or genetic information, in its employment, educational programs, activities,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   on the Public Safety website at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A copy of this report can be requested at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Office of Public Safety: MSC 6810, James
admissions application review do not need to submit them
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and admissions. JMU complies with all applicable federal and state laws          Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807
directly to the Office of Admissions. For NCAA Division I athletic
eligibility purposes, JMU Intercollegiate Athletics will receive
                                                                                           Nonbinding                                               Regular                                                       regarding non-discrimination, affirmative action, and anti-harassment.           or by calling 540-568-6913.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The responsibility for overall coordination, monitoring and information dis-
your test scores directly from the NCAA Clearinghouse.                                     Early Action                                             Decision                                                      semination about JMU’s program of equal opportunity, non-discrimination,        JMU CARES ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT                                          PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  affirmative action, and Title IX is assigned to the Title IX office and the

                                                                                       Nov. 15                                                 Feb. 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  That’s why we have an extensive                                          This photographic content was created before the COVID-19 pandemic began.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Office of Equal Opportunity. Inquiries or complaints may be directed to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  environmental stewardship program and                                    In the imagery you see here, campus life looks much different than it does
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Title IX Coordinator: Amy Sirocky-Meck,, 540-568-5219,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         or to the Director of the Office of Equal Opportunity: James    why we choose to produce our admissions                                  during the pandemic. Masks and social distancing are all part of steps Dukes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Robinson,, 540-568-6991, (JMU 2018)                     materials responsibly.                                                   take to care and support each other and the world.
Office of                                                          Non-Profit Organization
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    Harrisonburg, VA 22807


                                    In this time of uncertainty, we are more committed
                                    than ever to helping you find your way.

                                    Your options include:
                                      Scheduling a one-on-one conversation with a JMU
                                      admissions counselor
                                      Joining JMYou to connect with others
                                      Calling us 540-568-5681

                                    If you have questions, ask. We are here to help.
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