John Paul College, Rotorua

Page created by Charlie Simon
John Paul College, Rotorua
John Paul College, Rotorua
                   Whitworth Road, Rotorua. Ph: 07 3478 795 Fx: 07 3461 271
                  Term 2, Issue 15                                               17th May 2021
                                 Ma te pono Me te aroha – Through Faith and Love
                             2021 School Theme : Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui
                                        Be Strong, Be Brave, Be Steadfast

Dear Parents/ Caregivers
Kia Ora, Malo e Lelei, Talofa, Greetings
I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the generous sponsors of our school production, Chicago, and encourage you to
support them. Opening night last Friday exceeded everyone’s expectations. The recurring comment was that it had the
feel and look of a professional show you would experience in a large city. Certainly, the students were flawless in their
performances. All performances have now been sold out!!!
From time to time, I am asked what school fees are used for. It is a reasonable and legitimate question in these tough
economic times. The starting point is that the Government provides an operational and staffing entitlement that covers
the basics. It falls short however of parental expectations of a JPC education. The school fees are in part for the
     • The employment of additional teachers to provide more subject choices and reduce class size.
     • Release time for deans and counsellors to support the pastoral care and mental well-being of students.
     • Purchase school vans to transport students to camps, tertiary providers and sporting events.
     • The purchase of IT equipment to enhance learning in and outside the classroom.
     • The employment of a Sports Director to assist all students undertaking a sport.
     • Professional Development for staff to ensure their skills and knowledge are the best they can be to support the
         learning of all tamariki.
In case of general contact or medical emergency please ensure all addresses, contact numbers, medical and emergency
information is kept up to date on our system. There have been times recently when parents and/or emergency contact
numbers have been called and the numbers are not correct. Please email any contact detail changes to your child’s
form teacher or to Your child’s welfare is our priority as is making contact with parents in
necessary times.
God bless
Patrick Walsh

JPC– Examination Centre Manager
John Paul College is seeking an Examination Centre Manager to run the NCEA and NZ Scholarship examinations in
The smooth and successful running of an exam centre is important for all students participating in these examinations.
The position requires you to complete an online training programme and attend a one-day training session with NZQA
in August. The position requires you to complete several administrative tasks to plan and prepare for the exams from
August to October. You must be available to work for the entire exam period (Friday 6 November to Wednesday 2
A high level of organisational skills with great attention to detail, strength in following processes precisely, confidence
leading people of all ages, proficiency in using a computer and learning to use new computer programmes are
essential qualities for this role.
For further information, please email
Please send your CV and cover letter to
Applications close Friday 21st May 2021

                          TEACHER ONLY DAY TOMORROW

                                                  IMMUNISATION FORMS
                                 A reminder to parents and caregivers to please fill in and
                                             return immunisation forms ASAP!
John Paul College, Rotorua
We sincerely thank our sponsors
   of the jpc 2021 school production of ‘chicago’

We encourage the community to support our sponsors
John Paul College, Rotorua
                                       (Accessed through the side door of the administration building)
                                           The Uniform Shop is open Mondays and
                                                     Wednesdays 8am - 2pm).
                                                Uniforms can be ordered online
        EVENTS CALENDAR               
       check regularly for updates          Amy Duckett - Uniform Shop Manager E:
14-29th School production: Chicago
21st      Pink Shirt Day
27th      ‘Loves Me Not’ Prog Yr 13   We are conducting an enquiry into the merits of Horizontal
31ST-June 7th Shakespeare Nationals   vs. Vertical Form Class/Whanau systems at John Paul
JUNE                                  College. If anyone in the wider community would like to have
1, 3, 4th Yr 10 Retreats compulsory   input into this, they can email Tim Bell directly on
7th       Queen’s Birthday            -
10th      Yr 10 parish Mass
16th      Yr 7 / 8 Vision testing
21/22nd Y12 ABL Camp
28-Jul 2 Matariki celebrations
JULY                                  “STAY INFORMED”
5-7th     Yr13 Business trip          “Download free today!!”
26-30th Yr12 Retreats compulsory      The JPC APP is available for
                                      you to download free of charge
                                      onto your phone or device from

                                              ➢        ‘App Store’ on your Apple device
                                              ➢        ‘Play Store’ on your Android device

                                              ➢      Search ‘School Apps’ and download
                                                  the app
           AT A GLANCE                ➢Add ‘John Paul College’ as a connected school.
   8-11th Mid Year Exams              The JPC app contains a wide range of useful
   25th   Jnr Reports issued          information for you to stay informed. In addition to this,
   29th   Jnr Parent Evening          it can be used as a communication tool with the College
   July                               i.e report an absentee, read the newsletter, receive
   8th    Snr Reports issued          notifications/alerts etc
   28th   Snr Parent Evening
   9-30th ICAS Exams                     NB: If previously downloaded, you may need to
   September                           update your version of the app to 2.4.0 which can be
   9th    CAT Algebra                  done in the Play store on Android devices or the App
   15-23 Prelim Exams                                 store on Apple devices.
   18th   Option selections due
   23rd   Option Evening                                       Thank you for keeping us all safe
   25th   Snr Reports issued
   1st    2022 Options Due In
John Paul College, Rotorua
Kia ora tātou. Warm greetings to you all from the Counsellors.
This is a day of standing in support of tolerance and inclusion and against bullying. The day started in Canada in 2007
when two senior students took a stand against homophobic bullying of a younger student who had worn a pink shirt to
You may like to view the following videos for further information about the origins of the day.

                                        The Pink Shirt Day Story - YouTube
                                 › watch

This is a full mufti day so please encourage your young person to wear LOTS OF PINK! There will be a prize for the
best dressed individual student and a best group prize. A gold coin donation is welcomed but voluntary this year. All
proceeds go to the NZ Mental Health Foundation.

The Atawhai Committee will also be running some lunchtime activities through the week in the lead up to Friday.
Thanks to them for their organisational help.

On another note, what a great day of presentations we had last Wednesday with visiting speaker, Dr Emma Woodward
talking with staff, students and the wider JPC community about Anxiety and ways of managing it and its effects.

Emma shared information about the neuro-science behind anxiety and linked this in an understandable way to how
we can manage stress when it threatens to tip over into anxiety. Here are her 5 Top Tips:
    1. Stay calm.
       We all have a window of tolerance – the zone where we function the most effectively. We need to know
       where the edges of that window are and stay within them. Mindfulness is very helpful for this.
    2. Beware the avoidance trap. The emotional brain can only learn that something is safe by doing it.
    3. Focus on well-being. Increase positive emotions by noticing the good. Practice gratitude. Practice self-
       compassion. When you mess up, don’t beat yourself up. Instead say “That’s not like me, next time I will do
    4. Put down your screens. Screens interfere with the brain’s ability to cope.
    5. Eat, sleep, move. 90% of Serotonin (feel-good hormone) is produced in our gut. Not eating right will reduce
       our own anti-anxiety meds. Get plenty of sleep. Move your body – exercise leads to the release of “feel
       good” hormones.
Many thanks to RECT (Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust) for funding the evening community presentation.
Nga mihi nui kia koe
Nancy Macmillan Ph 3478795 Extn 8854
Neil Carter Ph 3478795 Extn 8808
John Paul College, Rotorua
Anchor AIMS Games School Sporting Championships – set to take place in Tauranga, New Zealand from 4 –
10 September 2021.

These events will require parent assistance with travel etc.
   • BMX - $100 per rider.
   • Cross Country - $25 per runner. Relay - $25 per school.
   • Golf 18 holes or 9 holes - $100 per player.
   • Gymnastics - $75 per student.
   • Mountain Biking (MTB) - $75 per rider.
   • MultiSport - $75 per student.
   • Squash - $75 per player.
   • Swimming - $65 per swimmer. (Must have qualifying time.)
   • Tennis - $75 per player.
   • Badminton and Climbing - $75 per student (via Mrs Clapperton)

                         Team sports are being organised by staff in charge of the code.
                       Schools are restricted to one team entry per gender, per sports code.
                          Registration for the 17th Games will close June 9, 2021.
                    The AIMS Games Trust has a strict NO REFUND policy from this date!
                      The non-refundable payment MUST be made at the JPC accounts
                            before entry can be accepted for individual sports.

      Entries must be sent to Mr Faulkner (JPC Coordinator for AIMS Games) -

                          AIMS Games site for more info:

Last week saw the start of the competition season, with our first 1XV game against RBHS
3rds. The game was tough and physical with RBHS possession in the first half coming
from our mistakes. JPC were up 6-0 at the half time break. Four minutes into the second
half saw a lengthy injury break and after 25 minutes the game restarted. We found
ourselves in defense mode for much of this half. A solid try was scored by Francois. With a
try by Boys High not long after that. With five minutes before the end of the game luck was
upon RBHS when a kick was charged down and a run away try scored. The final score 12-11 to RBHS.

This week the 1XV travelled to Taupo to play Taupo-nui-a-Tia College. The game started well with good possession
and early points were put on the board by Campbell Haigh. The half time score was 10-7 to JPC. After the half time
break we found ourselves up against the wall, having to defend our line time and time again. TNT’s back line sparked
up and scored four tries to one in the second half leaving a final score of 31-15 to Taupo Nui-a-Tia College. Thank
you to the under 16 boys who helped out this week on the bench due to illness and injuries.

The under 16’s had a default win this week.

Our newest team this season, the under 14’s, played Lakes High and it was an excellent win for them 38-25. The
boys thoroughly enjoyed getting out there and having a good run showing their skills.

“Thank you to our supporters who travelled this week, van driver and coaches in all the grades”.

Next week sees the following games:
       Under 16 v Whakatane High U16             4pm     Friday @JPC
       Under 14 v Trident High U14               10:30   Saturday @ JPC
       1XV v Tauranga BOys High 2XV              12pm    Saturday @Tauranga Boys College

We are still needing more players for all our teams this season if you are keen come along to training Tuesday
or Thursday 3:30 on the JPC field.
John Paul College, Rotorua
The fees for the 2021 season have been set and invoices will be going out to
parents/caregivers. The fees are as follows:

JPC Black and JPC Green             $170
The breakdown - $100 Rotorua Hockey Association - affiliation fees, umpire and game fees
               - $55                               - turf practice fees
               - $15                               - JPC uniform/equipment fee

JPC Mixed                                 $175

The breakdown - $100 BoPHA/NZ Hockey affiliation fees, umpire fees and administration
              - $60 game fee and Term 1 RHA turf practice fee
              - $15 JPC uniform/equipment fee

N.B. The JPC Mixed team uses the JPC turf.

JPC 1st X1 Boys’ and Girls’           $280
The breakdown - $100 BoPHA & NZ Hockey affiliation, umpire & admin fees
              - $56 Game fee
              - $50 RHA practice turf fee
              - $30 School van use
              - $24 Pre season tournament fee
              - $20 JPC Uniform/equipment fee

N.B. Each team has had three school van trips per season included in the above fees.
If a team uses the school van more than the three times, the team will be invoiced over and above the 2021 season fee.

The JPC 1st x1 Boys’ and Girls’ teams have been entered in the NZ Hockey Secondary Schools Tier 3 tournaments in
Hamilton during Term 3.

The two teams will also be invoiced for a $100 deposit.

The playing uniform for the Year 7 & 8/Intermediate teams are: black shorts, the JPC sports socks and the team top

The girls’ 1st X1 and girls in the mixed team, wear the black skorts. These are available now from Ms Northey. The
players will be invoiced for the skorts. The 1st X1 girls wear the white socks and the girls in the mixed team., the JPC
sports socks.

The boys in the secondary teams, wear the black shorts, JPC sports socks and the team shirt provided.
Ms B Northey
HoF Health & P.E
TiC: Hockey                   E:

                                  2021 AUSTRALIAN MATHEMATICS COMPETITION
Dear Parent/Guardian

The 2021 Australia Mathematics Competition will be held on Wednesday the 4th of August. This competition is open to
all students from year 7 to 13. The cost is $7.50.

Payment for the competition must be paid to Mrs Boyce in the accounts office by midday, Friday the 21st of May.
Please enclose registration with payment and give to the accounts office.

Thank you for your support
Lara Cordonni
Mathematics Faculty

Registration Australia Mathematics Competition

Name            ___________________________________________________________

Form Class      ________                 Maths Teacher ____________________________
John Paul College, Rotorua
 congratulations 
      To our achievers – well done!
The examiner was Mrs Pauline Prendergast of Wellington.
Grade 5
Harrison Roberts-Brake – Honours Plus                    Lauren Smith – Honours
Sophia Choi – Honours                                    Viggo Lass – Honours
Ben Clarke – Honours                                     Jasmine Hulton – Merit Plus

Grade 6
Nishali Patel – Honours Plus                             Annahbelle Brown – Honours Plus
Gargi Vaidya – Honour Plus                               Anusha Sharma – Honours Plus
Nikita Pola – Honours Plus                               Conner Potter – Honours Plus
Emma Beck – Honours Plus                                 Hannah Shilton – Honours Plus
Ella Broadley – Honours Plus                             Tate Tisdall – Honours Plus
Molly Blezard-James – Honours Plus                       Hannah Seo – Honours
Tiare Savea – Honours                                    Johnathan Morell – Honours
Ranithu Rodrigo – Honours                                Lily Kautz- Honours
Karim Efremov – Merit Plus                               Ava Hook – Merit Plus
Ihita Nath – Merit Plus

Grade 7
Nancy Farmer – Merit Plus

Grade 8
Leo Schweizer – Honours Plus                             Carys Chapman – Honours Plus
Veronica Chen – Honours                                  Soo Jung Jin – Merit Plus
Hollie Cook – Merit Plus                                 Jasmine Hagan - Merit
Lillian Muir - Credit Plus

Associate Diploma (ASB)
Harper Lass - Pass with Distinction                  Madeline Potter – Pass with Distinction
Matthew Veitch – Pass with Distinction               Mia Page – Pass with Distinction
Hannah Muir – Pass with Distinction                  Ashleigh Pola - Pass
Dana Kuchler – Pass
Recommended by the Examiner for the Civic Arts Scholarship were Leo Schweizer, Madeline Potter, Matthew
Veitch and Mia Page.

Recommended for the Jillian Carpenter Scholarship for Excellence was Harrison Roberts-Brake. Congratulations
to all students for some outstanding results.
HoD Drama - Gabrielle Thurston

During the school holidays there was a National Division 1 long course age group swimming championship in
Out of the masses of kids only 8 qualified from Rotorua to go to this swim meet.
Out of the 8 swimmers going from Rotorua 4 were from JPC- Karolina Joyce qualified with 10 events, Mikulash
Joyce qualified with 5 events, Ava Tremain with 4 and Dion Wright with 3. They all got top 10 placing.
These are massive achievements as it is incredibly hard to qualify, and most swimmers never will.
It is even more exciting that Mikulash got a bronze medal during his first National Age Group meet in 50m breast. It
was thought racing and long days and it is brilliant to bring a medal from Division 1 swim meet.
I believe this should be celebrated.                                                            Submitted by parent
John Paul College, Rotorua
 congratulations 
     To our achievers – well done!
On Friday 17 of our Year 7 and 8's competed in the BOP climbing competition held at Rocktopia, Tauranga. The day
started off with getting an hour of clip and climbing warm up done. Practicing on their speed wall gave us an extra
added bonus before the competition even started. The competition was set out into 3 different disciplines - top rope
climbing, bouldering and speed climbing. All of our students did incredibly well, having fun and helping others along
the way. Many of our students dominated the bouldering section with a few students dominating the speed as well.
The scores of the 3 events were then combined to give the overall winners.

Congratulations to
Hannah Hickson - Yr 7 and 8 girls CHAMPION (1st)         Hamish Chapman - Yr 7 and 8 boys 2nd

I am really pleased with the effort and enthusiasm given by all. Everyone worked incredibly hard and had loads of

Talita Clapperton
TIC Climbing

2021 Hillary Challenge Qualifying event.

The JPC senior Adventure Racing Team travelled to the Taupo area to compete in
the Hillary Challenge qualifying event. The top 5 open division teams from this race
are invited to the Hillary Challenge Final.

Our team of Gisele Howard, Ciara Griffiths, Megan Williams, Poppy Martin,
Sam Flinn, Leo Schweizer, Joshua Blundell and Marcus Brennan (Reporoa
 College) had to work very hard over a tough, mostly foot, course mixed with a bit of
mountain biking to score as many points over 6 hours of racing as they could. Maps
were given to them as they raced so they had to plan, strategise and race with tough
penalties for not making it to the finish line before 6 hours but arrive too early and
you have missed out on points.

Our young team of year 11/12’s came an impressive 3rd place, the winners (Sacred
Heart/Francis Douglas College) are the current National Champions to put that into
perspective.The teamwork displayed and commitment to racing hard the whole time
was outstanding.

For their 3rd place finish and most importantly, their qualification in the weeklong
Hillary Challenge at the Outdoor Pursuit Centre at Tongariro. This event will see our
team compete against the top 12 teams from New Zealand and involves mountain
biking, running, navigation, rock climbing, rafting, kayaking, problem solving and
overnight travel.
Paul Billing
Teacher in Charge          E:
John Paul College, Rotorua
Suitable for new or existing team managers involved in sport at a secondary, senior or representative level.
REGISTER Belinda Muller              Ph: 021 246 1019       E:
       ∙ The role of a team manager
       ∙ Responsibilities of a team manager ∙ How to be an effective team manager ∙ Pre- season
A forum for managers to network with their peers, reflect on their current knowledge and identify areas for
improvement. Take home resources included. Tailored workshops available on demand for sports codes.

YEAR 10 RETREATS will take place on the following dates:
     - Tuesday 1 June: 10DB & 10CT with John Peters and another staff member
     - Thursday 3 June: 10PM & 10NK with Denis Tutaka and another staff member
     - Friday 4 June: 10JA with Anita Mathews & 10PG with Whaea Mercia
Belinda Muller | BAAttendance      at retreats is a compulsory requirement of the school curriculum.
                        (Psychology),   Grad Dip (Sport & Exercise)
All Retreats will be based at St Mary's Parish Hall on Seddon Street, from 8.45am - 2.45pm. The theme for Year 10
Retreats is "You Do You" which will be about making positive choices / peer pressure. Retreats will be facilitated by
The NET team, who have made a positive start with Year 9 Retreats. We are fortunate to have them based here in
Rotorua for the year.
Some further information for you:
       • students can wear mufti
       • students must bring a packed lunch
       • bus students will need to come to school and a staff member from the Retreat Day will either transport or
            walk with them and back in the afternoon
       • students
 Belinda           need to bring
           has experience        a penwith
                            working     / pencil  to complete
                                              athletes        written activities
                                                        from regional   to national
       • students  with
 representative level,  co-curricular activities can  change to another  day where there is a clash
Bernadette Fredricksen
Campus Minister / Lasallian Facilitator

          PINK SHIRT DAY
            THIS FRIDAY
     Prizes for best individual &
      best groups in pink mufti
      Voluntary gold coin donation gratefully
    accepted – proceeds will go to the NZ Mental
                 Health Foundation
                                                                Measles is a serious disease that can make you very sick.
                                                                If you are aged between 15 – 30 you might need to get
 FAITH IN ACTION WINTER WARMTH DRIVE                            immunised against measles. It’s about 8 times more
     Duvets/inners, blankets, sleeping bags, sheets,            contagious than COVID-19 so spreads fast. Getting
                   towels, pillow cases                         immunised is the best way to protect you, your whānau and
             Jackets, beanies, socks, gloves                    community from catching and spreading measles.
          The items can be new or used and clean.               PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST MEASLES – IT’S
          We will be collecting over Term 1 and 2 .             EASY AND FREE
    The items can be dropped off to Mrs Sue Rowles at
                          reception.                            ∙ Say yes if a health professional offers you a free measles
Please contact us via our teacher Mrs                               immunisation. We will be in school on 3rd June offering
Aislabie if you have any            the vaccine. Complete the consent form which will be
queries. Thank you in anticipation for supporting this very         handed out early in term 2 and return to the school.
worthy cause                                                        ∙ You can ask your GP for a measles immunisation. It’s
                                                                ∙ You can also get a free immunisation at some pharmacies
                                                                    if you’re 16 or older. Check if your local pharmacy
                                                                    offers the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
                                                                    immunisation. If it does, you can just turn up. You don’t
                                                                    need an appointment.
                                                                ∙ Some countries only immunise against measles and
                                                                    rubella. So, even if you were immunised against
                                                                    measles overseas, make sure you get your free MMR
                                                                    vaccine in New Zealand so you’re protected from
                                                                    mumps too.
John Paul College, Rotorua
                                 Mrs Sheryl Hewitson – Careers & Transition Coordinator
                                 Mrs Sherry Brewer - Junior School Careers Advisor E:
                                 Mrs Jan Thompson – Careers Assistant E:
                                 Ms Rachael Hindrup – Gateway Coordinator E:

20th            Massey University Virtual Info Evening - details below
20th            Rotorua: Force Information Evening, 1224 Arawa St 6:30pm - 7:30pm
21st            Waikato University Open day - Hamilton
23-24th         Otago University Open Day
26th            Victoria University Information Evening in Tauranga 6-8pm – register
28th            Waikato University Open Day – Tauranga

1st             Lattitude Online Information Session 5:30pm (Global Volunteering) - register here
2nd             Chiropractic Career Talk 7- 9pm - register at
8th             Feed Your Future Event - Tauranga 5:30pm
29th            Auckland University Open Day Online - details below

Seniors are invited to join the following groups:
JPC Year 11 Careers 2021
JPC Year 12 Careers 2021
JPC Year 13 Careers 2021
This is the main way our department communicates news, events and updates. We also communicate via the
Careers Dept section of the school website, and through daily student notices. Parents and students can access
careers information via the school website

The Royal New Zealand Air Force will be conducting an exercise at Rotorua Airport over the period 17 - 28 May and
are looking at having a targeted 'Recruiting Day' on Saturday the 22nd.

Are you are interested in coming along with your family, and meeting with and getting an insight into different roles
within the RNZAF? The roles on display won't just be that of aircrew such as pilots etc., but some of the Air Force's
ground crew trades like Logistics, Communication & IT, Engineering and other support roles.

Students will have to find their own way to the airport. Timings at this stage are from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Please
register your interest asap with Careers. Places limited.

Our Year 10 - 13 students attended the Rotorua Careers Expo last week. The students explored study and job
opportunities presented by tertiary providers, local businesses, iwi and community organisations; and especially enjoyed
the interactive stands.
                           MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for
                           any student planning to start university in 2022. The comprehensive list includes scholarships
                           offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students. A list of
                           privately-funded, Maori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list.
                           Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has
                           also published a list of tips for scholarship success.
                           For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page

Studylink helps students make informed choices about their student finance, how to apply for it and manage it online.
Follow this link for help with what you need to do when you are starting to study:

nurture talented young Kiwis from a range of disciplines. They are looking for the legends of tomorrow; the sporting greats,
the performers, the change-makers.
MTF Finance will award six $5,000 cash prizes nationwide over two rounds throughout a year moving forward.
Applications are open to New Zealanders aged 13-21 years.
Winners will be chosen from three categories:
      ·      Sport
      ·      Academia and entrepreneurship
      ·      Music and arts

                                      DRIVERS LICENSING 2021 COURSE DATES
                                              9am-2pm. $85 per course
                                  Dates subject to change – contact Lillian to confirm
          MAY-18-19-20                        JUNE-15-16-17                          JULY-13-14-15
         AUGUST-17-18-19                      SEPT-14-15-16                          OCT-12-13-14
         NOV-23-24-25                         DEC-14-15-16
Course covers:
Test questions in an easy format, Vehicle scenarios – who gives way, Key Road, Safety issues, Legal responsibilities, what to expect
at the test, Road Safety Laws and Regulations, Online AA tests
                                                Contact: Lillian Emery 027 411-4104
                                    (A registered supplier to WINZ–enquire if you require assistance)
DUNEDIN TERTIARY OPEN DAYS are fast approaching, and there is two action packed days for you to experience all
that is on offer at both the University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic Campuses.
Head online to the Open Days webpage where you can find out about all the presentations, lectures, campus and
accommodation tours, information sessions and more that are happening on both campuses on Sunday 23 and Monday
24 May.                    You can also download the Open Days booklet here.
         If students are yet to book their trip down, go online to: and check out the accommodation
deals on offer for Dunedin the weekend of Open Days. From here they will also be able to book airport shuttles,
through SuperShuttle for only $15 one way (using the special code: OPENDAY).
         In the meantime, if you have any further questions about the event, please get in touch: Or
if you have specific questions regarding study at Otago – please reach out to one of our Schools’ Liaison
         Your students and their whānau can join us on Thursday 20 May for our Virtual Undergrad Info Evening to get a
better understanding of what Massey has to offer, from wherever they are:
-Ask about study options and career pathways
-Meet with experts in the field they are interested in - creative arts, sciences, business, health or humanities and social
-Find out about scholarship opportunities
-Have a peek at campus life and accommodation options
Register now:
In the meantime check out our website for virtual tours of our accommodation, and see our scholarships page.
         We are looking forward to welcoming your students for Open Day 2021. This year we will be holding Open Day
Online on 29 June and Open Day On Campus on 28 August. Please see our website to register for updates for these
events. Our Open Day page on our website will also shortly be updated with further details, the Open Day programme
and regional buses.
         We encourage students to register for updates - a great way for students to receive up to date information from
the University and information that relates to their specific areas of interest.
         | Te Rāngai Pūkaha will once again be co-hosting STEMinism – Engineering and Technology Evening,
alongside UC student clubs Women in Engineering and Women in Technology.
         This free event is aimed at female students in Year 11-13 who are interested in finding out more about STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) study and career options.
         We will be streaming this event online so that students and whānau residing outside of Otautahi Christchurch
are also able to attend.
         Register at this link
                         HERE FOR $5 PER WEEK
                          (or $10 for a double space)

  (or $10 for a double space)
You can also read