AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

Page created by Ian Herrera
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ
DigiFarm Presentation
Leesa Shrader
AgriFin Programs Director

May 2021
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

Mercy Corps AgriFin Program Objectives

                            Mercy Corps AgriFin is a 6-year, $30 million
                            program working in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia,
                            Zambia and Nigeria

                            MCAF will support the expansion of digitally-
                            enabled services to over 2 million farmers,
                            delivered by growing ecosystems of diverse
                            service providers

                            TARGET GROUP

                            MCAF works with underserved smallholder
                            farmers living on less than $2.50/day

                            With outreach to 40% women
                           With outreach to 50% women & youth focus
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ
DigiFarm Platform Approach
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

Human Centered Design – A First for Safaricom
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

  HCD – Mapping the Dairy Ecosystem
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

         DigiFarm Product Roadmap

          Over the past four years, MCAF has worked with Safaricom to develop the
          product roadmap for DigiFarm, evolving through five major product launches

   PHASE 1 – MVP              PHASE 2 – Digital Input          PHASE 3 – DigiSoko         PHASE 4 – Smart Farm           PHASE 5 -
  Launch April 2017                   Credit                 Launch December 2018           Launch Sept 2019         Development 2020
    To 200k SHF               Launch December 2017               To 930k SHF                 To 1.24 M SHF             Target 500k on
                                  To 913k SHF                                              42k on Marketplace       Marketplace end 2020

BUY INPUTS                     FINANCIAL SERVICES            MARKET ACCESS                 MARKET ACCESS            MARKET ACCESS
• Individual ordering          • 30 day input loan           • Links to buyers             • Smart Farming &        • Smart Farming &
• Discount code system         • 60 day input loan           • Related marketing and         Decision Agriculture     Decision Agriculture
• Pay via M-Pesa (only)        • 90 day input loan             sign up facility              Tools                    Tools
• Sample Products                                            • DigiFarm Village Advisor    • DVA Incentives         • Logistics solutions
• Find Nearest Depot                                           field force launched                                 • Pop Up Aggregation
                               BUY INPUTS                    • Buyer web portal                                       Models
                                                                                           FINANCIAL SERVICES
LEARN                          • Loan checkoff                                             • Safaricom assumes      • DVA Incentives
• Arifu: Pull-based content    • Pay via AgroVet             FINANCIAL SERVICES               lending
• Arifu: Dairy                                               • 120 day input loan          • Agrodealer financing   FINANCIAL SERVICES
• Arifu: Horticulture                                        • Cash harvest loan                                    • Layaway Savings
• Arifu: Major Crops                                         • Harvest yield insurance    BUY INPUTS                   Product (with bank
                               • Arifu: Financial literacy
                                                             • Credit life insurance      • Buy direct from            partner)
                                                                                            manufacturers           • Credit Line lending
SMCAFRICOM SERVICES            • Arifu: Loan product info
                                                                                                                    • Agrodealer lending
• Promotional messaging        • iCow: Livestock info        LEARN
                                                                                          LEARN                     • Link to bank financing
• Link to M-Pesa, MShwari                                    • iShamba: multi value
                                                                                          • Decision Agriculture
                               REGISTRATION                     chain push content                                   BUY INPUTS
                                                                                             support content
REGISTRATION                   • Client profile tool                                                                 • Irrigation solutions
                                                                                          • Insurance support
• Farmer pre-registration        expanded
                                                             BUY INPUTS                                              • Post Harvest Loss
• Field force registration                                   • iProcure franchising
                                                               model to new
LANGUAGE SUPPORT              GOVERNMENT PARTNERSHIP           agrodealers                 REGISTRATION             LEARN
• English and Kiswahili       • Partnered with Makueni       • Soil Testing                • Farmer Android App     • Decision Agriculture
                                county government to                                       • DVA Android App           support content
                                onboard all farmers and      REGISTRATION                                           • Irrigation Learning
                                share data                   • Client profile tool                                  • Locust Response
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

         DigiFarm Business Model, Impact and Implications

                                               Existing Products                                                                 Planned/Potential Products
             20-40% increase 10-30% increase     20% increase   50% increase 100% increase to - 20-25% increase 70% increase     14% decrease in     50-100%     20-50% increase
INDICATIVE                                        income and     income and    50% decrease       income and     income and
               income and      income and                                                                                          SHF poverty,  increase income income + cancer
  IMPACT        production      production         production     production    income and         production     production      increased farm  and production    prevention
 RESULTS                                                                         production                                         productivity

                                                   Input                                            Crop         Decision                                           Harvest
 SERVICE                         Quality                           Soil           Market                                                           Irrigation
              eLearning                           Credit &                                                        Ag &              Savings
                                 Inputs                           Testing        Linkages        Insurance                                         Solutions         Loss
                                                 Scorecard                                                       Weather                                           Solutions

OUTREACH        325,000          100,000          35,480          10,000          45,000           45,000          45,000
                 SHF              SHF              SHF             SHF             SHF              SHF             SHF

                  $136.5         $134 per         $134 per                        $335 per
               increase per     SHF/ year =      SHF/ year =      $335 per       SHF/ year =
                                                                                                $80 increase
                                                                                                 per year =
                                                                                                                 $80 increase
                                                                                                                  per year =
                                                                                                                                    Ongoing impact studies to
                SHF/ year =                                        year =
                                  $4.8             $3.4                            $2.3          $200,000        $200,000              verify COMBINED
                 $44.3                                             $335k
 RESULT                          million          million                         million             for             for
                                increase         increase
                                                                                 increase        DigiFarmers     DigiFarmers        service impacts in 2021
               increase                                          per year                        to date for 2   to date for 2
                                per year         per year             for
                                                                                 per year        seasons per     seasons per
               per year              for              for                             for
                    for                                          DigiFarmers                         year            year
                                DigiFarmers      DigiFarmers                     DigiFarmers

RISK LEVEL       LOW              LOW              HIGH            LOW             HIGH             LOW             LOW                           CRITICAL         CRITICAL
                                                                                                                                   FOR DFS,         FOR              FOR
  COST         MEDIUM          LOW/ZERO            HIGH            LOW             HIGH         LOW/ZERO         LOW/ZERO           DATA &        CLIMATE          CLIMATE,
                                                                                                                                    WOMEN          RISK &          GROWTH,
REVENUE      LOW/ZERO           MEDIUM           MEDIUM         LOW/ZERO           HIGH          MEDIUM          LOW/ZERO                         GROWTH            SAFETY

                              2017                              2018                            2019                                   2020 +
AGRIFIN BRIEF: DigiFarm Presentation - Leesa Shrader May 2021 - GIZ

DigiFarm Outreach: DigiFarm is nearing parity on active use of the digital platform for
women – after a long journey

 Farmer registration on DigiFarm by
             gender [%]
                                                                  DigiFarm service active use by gender [%]
                                                        54%                     52%                             51%
                                                                 46%                      48%           48%


                                                         Learn module            Input Loans         Access to markets
    Male farmers                     Female farmers                                Male   Female

                                                         40% of the          Total loan amount           32% of the
     Active and inactive usage                        sample had used                                 sample had used
                                                                              in the sample is
   varies during the year, driven                     the learn module       slightly higher for        the access to
  by seasonality; most users stay                       at least once;         men (7%), but          markets module
     engaged on the platform                             most users             average loan             with more
    between seasons through                               (including          amount is fairly        women (3%) than
             eLearning                                women) used the           even for both          men using the
                                                      module 1-5 times            genders                 module
 Source: Busara data analytics for DigiFarm, 2020


DigiFarm Farmer Impacts
Users expanded farm businesses, saved more,
gained knowledge of good farm practices, and
built capacity to respond to external shocks.

•   Farmers who have being using multiple services from DigiFarm have reported positive impacts in more dimensions.
    Bundled services are driving enhanced impacts.

•   Significantly improved farming profit from October last year and February at a time when 90% of Kenyan
    smallholders are reporting reduced income due to COVID disruption

•   Access to input credit and Arifu elearning are the most used and valued. Flexibility and convenience of Arifu learning
    and quality of inputs boost farmer trust and value.

•   Farmers hold different attitudes towards selling online, but shared positive market access views. Fair prices and
    ability to repay using revenues from this market are most appreciated by the users.

•   Users also seeking digital solutions from other providers.

•   More users start using mobile wallet as the primary saving platform.

•   Onboarding and training from DVAs significantly drive use of DigiFarm services

•   Access to DigiFarm Village Advisors is highly preferred and valued. Clear demand for more direct human support.

DigiFarm Impacts: Focus on Women

DigiFarm is reaching nearly 50% women through its active portfolio of farmers.
2021 Impact research shows DigiFarm has enhanced women farmers agricultural
productivity, yields, and incomes, specifically:
    • Improved farm practice and increased effective input use through e-learning
    • Increased yields and farm productivity linked to enhanced access and use of
      certified, quality inputs on credit
    • Increased incomes through guaranteed market
    • Increased agricultural decision-making power for women e.g. on planting and
      input decisions as well as greater household financial decision-making power
    • Women have increased control over their finances and financial decision-making
      as earnings from sales through DigiFarm are sent directly to their cell phones.
    • With increased income, women farmers can afford to hire extra help at the farm
      and increase time for other activities
    • DigiFarm saves women farmer’s time to respond to challenges and off-take
      Increased yields enable women farmers to retain more food for consumption and
      increased incomes helps them diversify meals, increasing food security and
Thank You!
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