Page created by Dean Pope


 3   About the ACA

4    Vision, Mission, Values

 5   Message from the Executive Director

 6   Strategic Plan

 7   Message from the President

 8   Club & School Statistics

 9   Athlete Statistics

10   Alberta Zones

11   Coach-in-Training Statistics

12   Coach Statistics

13   All-Star Coach Program Report

14   Scholastic Coach Program Report

15   Officials Statistics

16   Judging Program Report

19   ASAA Commissioner Report

20   Sanctioned Competitions

21   2020 True North Cheer & Dance Championships

27   Award Nominees & Recipients

34   2020/21 Season Program & Services Emphasis'

35   2019/20 Member Clubs & Schools

39   Sponsors & Supporters

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                        PAGE 02
2019-20 Board of Directors
ABOUT                                       Front row (left to right): Annie Pham, Amanda Trundle,

                                            Michelle Morrell. Back row (left to right): Carter

                                            Buchanan, Kaylynn McCormack, Travis Pang, Deanna

                                            Kibblewhite, Trevor Robertson.

The sport of cheerleading in Alberta has

continued to grow over the past decade.

Over 30 years ago (1984), cheerleading
                                               Through training and
was first recognized as a sport with the
                                               mentoring of coaches
Alberta Schools Athletic Association. The

Alberta Cheerleading Association (ACA)         and officials, the ACA
was officially registered as a not-for-

profit organization under the Societies        cultivates skilled,
Act in 1988.
                                               dedicated, and
The ACA continues to promote, foster,

and regulate cheerleading in Alberta to
                                               ambitious leaders while
develop leadership, respect in sport and
                                               helping to build the sport
long-term athletes of all ages and

genders.                                       in Alberta.

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                           PAGE 03
VISION                       To be the most progressive and innovative cheerleading organization.

MISSION                      The Alberta Cheerleading Association is dedicated to promoting,

                             developing, and regulating cheerleading across Alberta.

EXCELLENCE and INTEGRITY in all that we do: We commit to our members and stakeholders
to provide accountability for our decisions, transparency in our operations, and respect in our


PASSION for cheerleading: We are passionate about developing the sport of cheerleading,
promoting participation in cheerleading for life as an athlete, coach, official, administrator,

supporter, or enthusiast.

Dynamic   LEADERSHIP: We strive to advance competencies within cheerleading, recognizing
the importance of continuous improvement and innovation.

SAFETY for all: We commit to providing safe, comfortable environments for participation that
foster equality, and sportsmanship, breaking stereotypes to show cheerleading as a sport that

is safe and inclusive for all.

Contributing to   COMMUNITY: We celebrate being a member of the cheerleading and
amateur sport communities, work collaboratively to achieve common visions, and recognize

the importance of giving back to communities supporting the development of our sport.

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                           PAGE 04
For over 30 years, the Alberta Cheerleading                     Hiring of a Judging and Coaching Coordinator,

Association has overcome many challenges but has                Kim Houle, to oversee the administration of all

steadily grown with a clear mission to promote and              coaching and judging programs.

develop cheerleading in Alberta. Despite the COVID-             Hiring of a new Legality Consultant, Melissa

19 pandemic hitting us fast and the hardships in front          Kolodenko, to provide scholastic rule

of us, our membership’s collective unity allows us to           clarification and to assist with the development

be there for one another and identify ways to push              of new programs.

forward during these times of uncertainty.                      Providing virtual ICU credentialing sessions to

                                                                enable those across Alberta to credential with

As the pandemic unfolds, the ACA is continuing to               ease.

explore avenues to support our members. One way in              Improved administrative processes and

which we have done this is by building a dedicated              communications for all programs and services.

page on our website for COVID-19 Resources. We                  Holding meetings with members to answer

have also connected with event producers to discuss             questions and identify areas for improvement.

concerns and ideas for next season. We have joined              Collaborating with Cheer Canada to

Cheer Canada and PSOs in regular, open discussion               implement a new membership registration

to further grow and improve cheerleading. Currently,            process.

with the assistance of Cheer Canada, we are working             Updating of our website and clarification of

on Return to Play documents to help our sport restart           information to better assist our members.

and operate within this changing environment.                   Improvement of True North floor layouts,

                                                                volunteer roles, awards and athlete gifts to give

Each day, I am inspired by the enthusiasm and                   our participants a better experience.

capabilities of our incredible staff, board of directors,

and members. We are a formidable team, and I could          Although there is much uncertainty ahead at this

not be prouder of all that we have accomplished and         time, I look ahead to the year feeling inspired and

all that is still left to be discovered.                    invigorated as we continue on our journey to

                                                            promote and develop cheerleading across Alberta.

This report profiles just a few of the highlights of

2019/20. It is clear as we look back that we have           We will get through this, together.

much as an organization to celebrate, and I would like

to share with you some of our successes.
                                                            MICHELLE MORRELL
                                                            Executive Director

  2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                                     PAGE 05
In 2019, the ACA Board of Directors found renewal and expansion with the inclusion of many new

faces and roles. On June 22, 2019, the Board of Directors and Executive Director updated the

2019-2022 Strategic Plan during a Board governance and planning retreat.

The four main goals of the Strategic Plan and a summary of 2019/2020 accomplishments are:

        Introduce and Advance Programs and Services
   1    Accomplishments:

                Include coach session in judges' training.

                Improve ACA certification program (to be released)

                Offer ICU credentialing virtually.

                Improved judges training, education and scheduling.

        Increase Member Engagement and Partnerships
  2     Accomplishments:

               Improved communication through email, newsletters and social media.

               Convening of member meetings to educate and vocalize needs and concerns.

               Issuance of surveys before and after events.

               Increased timeliness of response to member inquiries.

               Development of an annual report.

        Improve Operational Effectiveness
  3     Accomplishments:

               Hiring of new staff and contractors, and restructuring of roles.

               New membership registration program.

               Recording of administrative procedures.

               Advancement of relationship with Alberta Sport Connect.

               Hiring of a new bookkeeper.

               Development of an Executive Director annual performance evaluation process.

               Implementation of a Board Evaluation Questionnaire and Board Exit Interview.

        Define and Improve Relationship with Cheer Canada
   4    Accomplishments:
                Participation in meetings with Cheer Canada and PSOs.

                Information exchange and inquiries with Cheer Canada.

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                        PAGE 06
The ACA began the 2019/2020 season with a review

of our Strategic Plan to continue to guide               Working with our Executive Director, we developed

cheerleading in Alberta! In June 2019, the Board and     a Board Evaluation Questionnaire. The purpose is

Executive Director updated the 2019/2022 Strategic       to identify any issues that require clarification or

Plan during a Governance and Planning retreat. The       improvement, close gaps in procedure or policy,

four main goals of the Strategic Plan are:               and identify topics for future review or

    Introduce and Advance Programs and Services          implementation. A Director exit interview was also

    Increase Member Engagement and Partnerships          created to collect feedback on the overall

    Improve Operational Effectiveness                    experience for Directors and will be used to

    Define and Improve ACA’s Relationship with           improve the Board’s efficiency and effectiveness.

    Cheer Canada                                         Lastly, the Board reviewed our Executive Director

                                                         on her role with the ACA.

The ACA is passionate about developing the sport of

cheerleading and promoting participation for life as     With our season being cut short from COVID-19, we

an athlete, coach, official, administrator, supporter,   would like to thank all members for your ongoing

or enthusiast. The passion for our sport can be heard    support and effort to make cheerleading a priority

and felt from the mat to the boardroom. This             for our youth. We are very optimistic about our

2019/2020 season, the Board met 11 times to discuss      sport this upcoming season and are finding ways to

our strategic plan, to make policy and governance        make sure we follow guidelines while continuing

decisions, and to discuss day-to-day matters to          the growth of cheerleading in Alberta.

support our ED and Staff.

                                                         On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you to

The Board embraced collaboration and the voice of        all of our members who have volunteered on our

our membership by actively heading Scholastic, All-      Committees and Task Groups - we could not do the

Star, and Event Producer meetings and attended           work we do without your help! Congratulations to

Cheer Canada PSO meetings. We took the feedback          all of our teams on wonderful and safe routines this

from our members, fellow PSOs, and Cheer Canada          season. To our coaches who volunteer countless

to effectively help our cheer community by listening,    hours in pursuit of our sport, thank you!

supporting, and actioning where required.

                                                         KAYLYNN MCCORMACK
The Board and ED believed it was essential to hire

staff and consultants to assist with improving our       President

coaching and judging programs. I want to thank our

staff and consultants for the extensive time and

effort they have put into the 2019/20 season.
                                                                                                 PAGE 07
                                   CLUBS & SCHOOLS
         + 2 Schools
         from 2018/2019

         - 1 Club
         from 2018/2019

 93 schools and clubs in 2019/20      27 CLUBS

        92 in 2018/2019.
                                      66 SCHOOLS

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                      PAGE 08

                                             3098 ALL-STAR

                                             1469 SCHOLASTIC

                       68%                      -    161 Athletes
                                                from 2018/19 (4728)


      4396                            7                               164

     -   192                      +   7                     +   27
     from 2018/19 (4588)          from 2018/19 (0)          from 2018/19 (137)

AGE                        0-12    13-18       19-54         55+

SCHOLASTIC                 16%    16%         0% (28)       0%

ALL-STAR               46%        18%         4%             0%
TOTAL                  62%        34%          4%            0%
                                                             (1)       PAGE 09

Cheerleading is in
100% of Alberta Zones!

      SOUTH | 7                   NORTH CENTRAL | 21
  1   3 Clubs & 4 Schools
                              5   4 Clubs & 17 Schools

      SOUTH CENTRAL | 6           EDMONTON | 37
  2   4 Clubs & 2 Schools     6   3 Clubs & 34 Schools

      CALGARY | 9                 NORTH EAST | 6
  3   5 Clubs & 4 Schools
                              7   4 Clubs & 2 Schools

      CENTRAL | 5                 NORTH WEST | 2
  4   2 Clubs & 3 Schools
                              8   2 Clubs

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                        PAGE 10

                                    118 ALL-STAR

          148                       30 SCHOLASTIC



      143                     0                    5

AGE                  0-12     13-18   19-54    55+

SCHOLASTIC           3%       13%     5%       0%

ALL-STAR             16%      56%     7%       0%

TOTAL                19%      69%     12%      0%
2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                        PAGE 11

                                            212 ALL-STAR

                                            142 SCHOLASTIC

                     60%                        -   1 Coach
                                                from 2018/19 (355)


      327                            0                                 27

     +   11                                                   -   12
     from 2018/19 (316)         No change 2018/19 (0)          from 2018/19 (39)

AGE                       13-18     19-54           55+

SCHOLASTIC                4%        36%             0%
ALL-STAR                  12%       48%             0% (2)

TOTAL                     16%       84%             0% (2)
2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                            PAGE 12

ICU CERTIFICATES                                        REMOTE (VIRTUAL)
 Improvements have been made to our Facilitator
 Tracking Sheets to capture all information for the
                                                          A remote (virtual) credentialing system was
 ICU – this saves time for closeout of data sent to
                                                          piloted in December 2019. 10 coaches from
 the ICU for a crosscheck.
                                                          around the Province participated. The
 Certificate preparation is now done monthly. This
                                                          process proved successful as it is easy for
 enables the ICU to prepare certificates promptly

                                                          facilitators to administer and comfortable
 and to expedite coaches' receipt time.

                                                          for coaches.
 We have implemented electronic and paper

 systems to track certificates issued and to allow        Remote credentialing will continue for

 confirmation that coaches have received them             coaches outside of the geographic area

 through a proof of receipt.                              where our facilitators are located.

 We have worked with the ICU so that coaches              A policy will be developed for Remote

 credentialing for the first time will receive a hard

 copy certificate; however, for subsequent levels,
                                                          We are currently utilizing the remote system

 coaches will receive the next level label only to
                                                          for ALL credentialing due to COVID-19.
 adhere to their original certificate. This will

 reduce mailing costs for the ACA. Coaches must

 retain their original certificate and keep it in a

 safe place.

 ALL-STAR COACH                                       CREDENTIALING LEVELS COMPLETED
     11   EDMONTON                                       34   NOVICE

     14                                                  39
                                28                                                        114
           CALGARY                                            INTERMEDIATE

     1    LETHBRIDGE                                     16   MEDIAN

     1    ATHABASCA                                      9    ADVANCED

     1    REMOTE (VIRTUAL)                               16   ELITE/PREMIER

               + 10 Sessions                                      -   17 Credentials
               from 2018/2019                                     from 2018/2019

  2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                            PAGE 13

EXAMINATIONS                                                 Online Exams:
                                                             Content updated, additional questions added to assist
   The online exam system was changed to a

                                                             with variety in exam banks, Premier Level exam created
   more user-friendly program, ClassMarker,

                                                             and access to exams will be set up through a main
   which is also used by ICU.
                                                             portal (similar to ICU) so that coaches don’t have to
   A new practical exam testing system was
                                                             wait for an email with the individual exam link.
   piloted using Jotform. The system is user

   friendly and removes the need for physical
                                                             Practical Field Experience Form:
                                                             Currently, coaches certifying at Level 3 require 100
                                                             hours of coaching at Level 2, but there is no

                                                             requirement for Level 2 coaches. To be consistent with

                                                             industry standards, those who wish to certify at Level 2
The ACA Coach Certification course is
                                                             will be required to have 100 hours of coaching at Level
currently under review and will be released
                                                             1. A PFE form will be required.

within late Spring/early Summer. The review
                                                             Certificates are now issued electronically immediately

                                                             upon completion of requirements.

   Manual:                                                   In Research/Development Stage:
     Content and formatting updated.
                                                                 Virtual Course Training option
   Practical Exam:
                                                                 Teacher/Staff Advisor Guide/Checklist
     Content updated and added specific
                                                                 Premier Division Coach Guide
     requirements for number of skills for each level.

   Course Schedules:                                             Performance Cheer Online Certification

                                                                 Coach in Training Program
     Updates will be made to course layout to ensure

     the best use of time possible for coach learning.

SCHOLASTIC COACH                                         SCHOLASTIC COACH
     3   EDMONTON
                                                            37 L E V E L 1

     2   CALGARY                        7                   22    LEVEL 2                         80
     1   ATHABASCA
                                                            5    LEVEL 3

                                                            5    ICU 4 TO ACA 3 CROSSOVERS

            -   1 Session                                   11   RECERTIFICATION (ANY LEVEL)

            from 2018/2019

   2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA
                                                                Certifications                        PAGE 14
                                                                 from 2018/2019

                                  36 EDMONTON

           40                     3 CALGARY

                  90%             1 LETHBRIDGE


      36                      0                  4


2- YEARS                      50%
3+ YEARS                      50%
2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                      PAGE 15
In October 2019, two judges, Mia Heitland and       All judges were given competition dates at

Adam Ferland, attended Cheer Canada's               judges' training and were asked to block off

Scoring Instructor's Training in Ottawa, Ontario.   dates in their calendar.

The two-day training provided over 20 hours of

training and covered all aspects of judging.        From those that attended judges' training,   40
                                                    became certified to judge through the

The ACA held three judges training sessions in      successful completion of Cheer Canada's

2019/20. Each session was facilitated by our        Judging Certification Exam.

Cheer Canada trained instructors. This was the

first year that training was offered not only in    For the 2019/20 season, 32 judges judged two

Edmonton but also in Calgary and Lethbridge.        or more competitions, seven judges judged

                                                    one to two competitions, and two judges did

Edmonton and Calgary training included              not judge any competitions.

sessions for coaches to further educate coaches

to understand scoring methods.                      Although the season ended early due to

                                                    COVID-19, there were   532 judging positions
                                                    filled in 2019/20.


     54 EDMONTON                                        22 EDMONTON

     9 CALGARY                      67                  7 CALGARY                    29

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                         PAGE 16

JUDGES' FACEBOOK GROUP                              JUDGES' MATERIALS
In 2019/20, the Judges' Facebook Group was          Time, effort and money were put into building

consistently utilized to increase communication     two fully stocked materials bins for our judges

with judges. The group enabled sharing of           so that all materials they would need were

information on an ongoing basis to keep judges      available to them at each event. These

informed, provided training and tips, notified of   materials were organized and easy for judges

event sign ups, provided updates from the cheer     to access.

world, and answered judging related questions.

In addition, questions and accompanying videos
                                                    JUDGES' POSITIONS
were regularly posted for judges to practice        Much work was put into defining judging roles

their skills (typically on a weekly basis).         more clearly. Role and responsibility

                                                    documents were developed for Supervisory,

COMMUNICATION                                       Score Check, and Safety Judges and the

                                                    Tabulation team. This assisted all involved to
To improve communication, we were active in
                                                    have a better understanding of the roles. We
the Judge Facebook group, sent regular emails
                                                    will add this information to our Judges
to judges, provided event schedules and
                                                    Training sessions to further educate current
information further in advance of competitions
                                                    and new judges.
than previously (goal was 5-7 days ahead of the

event), asked for judge and event
                                                    There was an emphasis placed on judging as
producer feedback after each competition, and
                                                    a job/professional position this season. This
provided summaries of feedback to judges post-
                                                    led to increased accountability and
event to continually educate, develop and
                                                    professionalism within our judging team.
support our judging team.
                                                    There is still more work to be done, but this

                                                    year, we saw a lot of improvement.

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                           PAGE 17

To assist with improvements in judges
                                                  Although we are developing initiatives
scheduling for competitions, a new sign up
                                                  to increase the understanding of
system (SignUpGenius) was introduced. This        judging roles and grow our numbers of
system allowed us to easily share event           certified judges, we need help from the
information with judges and enable them to        cheer community in Alberta!
sign up for positions in specific sessions at

competitions. For background, the ability to      Not only do we need additional judges,
sign up for an event was made available once      but we also need judges from outside
the ACA received the order of performance         of Edmonton to join our judging team.
from the event producer. This enabled us to       Our event producers bear a high cost
verify how many positions were required for       for travelling judges, and we want all
each session. While the timing was dependent      event producers to thrive to enable a
upon information being received from event        great experience for athletes.
producers, there were significant

improvements in this area. Judges could sign-     We know that many knowledgeable
up for the sessions they were available for,      and experienced individuals across
ensure they had no affiliations and indicate      Alberta could greatly contribute in a
their preference for judging position (e.g.,      judging capacity. We encourage you to
building). This information was then compiled,    reach out to us for more information if
judges were checked for affiliations, and
                                                  you are interested in judging - we are
confirmation was made to ensure they passed
                                                  here for you and need your help to
the judging exam in which they would be
                                                  grow cheerleading in Alberta!
judging. Panels were then built for each event.

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                   PAGE 18

May 27, 2020

Re: ASAA Commissioner Report to ACA Membership

At the 2019 APM in Red Deer our new ASAA Cheerleading Policy was passed. Thank you to all

the coaches who participated in creating this policy.

Unfortunately, Metro Edmonton Zones and ASAA Provincials needed to be cancelled due to

COVID-19. The ASAA spent most of March and April trying to find ways to potentially still run

the championships, but eventually had to concede that it would be far more difficult to do

and would not replicate the championship in a way that would honour our athletes or

coaches.The host for the 2020 ASAA Provincials was Harry Ainlay High School and the 2021

championships was slated to be hosted by Morinville Community High School, however due to

the cancellation the hosts have been shifted in order to allow those hosts who lost out on

2020 to still run a championship. The next two hosts will be Harry Ainlay High School for 2021

and Morinville Community High School for 2022.

Potential changes for 2020/21 are the division names in the ASAA registration system. I know

this has caused a lot of grief over the past few years, but we are now planning on aligning

the names of the ASAA divisions with those of Cheer Canada. The reason we hadn’t already

done so was to allow time to make sure Cheer Canada would not make any other changes to

names or divisions. This is being brought in as a Notice of Motion at the ASAA AGM in June.

If you have any questions regarding ASAA policy or divisions, please feel free to contact me

at or Joel Bundock at

ASAA Commissioner

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                          PAGE 19
               In 2019-2020, 16 competitions were sanctioned by the ACA.

          10 of these competitions were held and 6 were postponed/cancelled

                                     due to COVID-19.

                                   Competitions Held:
                    Inspire Cheer & Dance Championships (Edmonton)

                  Cold Snap Cheer & Dance Championships (Edmonton)

                  Imagine Cheer and Dance Championship (Lethbridge)

                            PAC Battle of Champions (Calgary)

                        Victoria Cheer Championships (Edmonton)

                          Rise Up Cheer Challenge (Stony Plain)

                            Edwin Parr Cheerfest (Athabasca)

                     Red Deer Cheer & Dance Challenge (Red Deer)

                  True North Cheer & Dance Championships (Edmonton)

                     Cheerific Western Cheer Challenge (Edmonton)

                        Postponed/Cancelled Due to COVID-19:
                           Stampede City Showdown (Calgary)

             Metro Senior High Edmonton Zone Cheerleading Championships


          ACA Elementary/Junior High Edmonton Zone Competition (Edmonton)

                 ASAA Senior High Provincial Championships (Edmonton)

           ACA Elementary/Junior High Provincial Championships (Edmonton)

                         All-Star Cheer Extravaganza (Edmonton)

            The Elementary/Junior High and Senior High Zones and Provincials

              remain important competitions for school teams. Although the

          competitions were cancelled due to COVID-19, we would like to thank

         our hosts for their contributions and for continuing to host in 2021. Thank

         you St. Oscar Romero Catholic High School for hosting Zones and Harry

          Ainlay School for hosting Provincials. We look forward to working with

                                    you again in 2021!

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                            PAGE 20
DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS                                                               OVERVIEW

The 2020 True North Cheerleading and Dance            205      58 SCHOLASTIC | 28%

Championships was held at the Edmonton Expo                    147 ALL-STAR | 72%

Centre in Edmonton from February 28th to                            +    2 Teams
                                                                     from 2018/2019 (203)
March 1st, 2020.

This event has raised the profile of the sport of              ATHLETES
cheerleading in Alberta, which has helped us to                985 SCHOLASTIC | 32%

                                                               2111 ALL-STAR | 68%
grow and change attitudes about the true
                                                                     -   76 Athletes
athleticism and leadership that these athletes
                                                                        from 2018/2019 (3172)


In addition, this event is the ACA’s major            371      101 SCHOLASTIC | 27%

                                                               270 ALL-STAR | 73%
fundraiser for the year. Funds raised assist our

organization to pay for operating costs, provide
                                                                    -    1 Coach
                                                                     from 2018/2019 (372)
education and training of coaches and judges,

offer annual scholarships and meet the needs

of school and all-star cheerleading programs in                            2019                 2020

the Province.
                                                    PROVINCES             #       %        #      %
                                                    Alberta               178     88%      183    89%
                                                    Saskatchewan          14      7%       17     8%
                SPECTATORS                          Manitoba              7       3%       3      1%
    5004                                                                  4       2%       2      1%
                    -   497 Spectators              British Columbia

                     from 2018/2019 (5501)          TOTAL                 203     100%     205    100%

   2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                           PAGE 21

In 2020, the ACA incorporated numerous improvements to our True North Cheer & Dance

Championships. These improvements were made for you, our dedicated clubs, schools,

coaches, CITs, athletes and judges who continue to support us and encourage us to keep

raising the bar.

Our post-competition survey results received 196 responses from spectators, coaches, and

athletes. 80% of respondents stated that True North met or exceeded their expectations, which

we are very thankful for.

Some of our 2020 improvements included:

   Re-designed floor plans in both the competition hall and warm-up hall.

   Improved medals for second and third place winners.

   Award blankets for all first-place winners.

   Food trucks.

   Additional vendors - we had 25!

   Improved volunteer management and the addition of a new role - "Head Volunteer".

   Improved athlete gifts (scrunchies) and throwaways (sunglasses, re-usable straws,


Thanks to your input and our observations, we have many more improvements planned for our

next True North competition. We are looking forward to continuing to improve and extend our

sincere thanks to all those that attend and support the ACA.

We would like to thank our long-time Platinum Sponsor, Total Spirt Cheerleading. Their

sponsorship and friendship have been truly appreciated, and we love the True North gear that

they create! Thank you Total Spirit!

  2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                            PAGE 22

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA         PAGE 23
CHAMPIONSHIPS                       THE DETAILS



 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA             PAGE 24


 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA         PAGE 25


 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA         PAGE 26
   Annually, the ACA recognizes the outstanding work and achievements of individuals and

   teams who have contributed to the sport of cheerleading in Alberta.

   Although we may not be presenting awards in person this year, we have recognized all

   nominees and recipients through social media and our website. All recipients will be

   receiving a physical award.

   Please review and send congratulations to the 2019/20 awards nominees and recipients!

(High School and Post-Secondary)
This award is given to an individual who has demonstrated continued commitment to the

sport of cheerleading. Nominees should be active role models within the school and wider

communities and somebody who possesses positive attributes such as leadership, teamwork,

inclusion, hard work and integrity.

High School Scholarship Nominees                       Post-Secondary School Scholarship Nominees
  Alyssa Evans, Rundle College                           Alivia Ziolkowski, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

  Brianna Sams, Alberta Cheer Empire                     Caitie Benedictson, Perfect Storm Athletics – Calgary

  Hope Forster, Jasper Place High School                 Jane Gosling, Cheerific

  Jaidyn Boyd, Perfect Storm Athletics – Calgary         Julianna Durham, University of Alberta

  Olivia Drier, Deep Blue Athletics                      Nicole Chang, University of Alberta

  Rubie Shatford, Ross Sheppard High School              Paulla Conway, Sister Annata Brockman

  Megan Campbell, Perfect Storm Athletics – Sherwood     Vanessa Havery, Perfect Storm Athletics - Calgary


  2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                                      PAGE 27

Athlete of the Year                                  All-Star Athlete of the Year Nominees
                                                       Abby Zinken, Premier Academy – Red Deer

(Scholastic and All-Star)
                                                       Alissa Van Diemen, Perfect Storm Athletics –

This award is given to an individual who has           Lethbridge

demonstrated continued commitment and                  Alivia Ziolkowski, Perfect Storm Athletics –

excellence in the sport of cheerleading
                                                       Bronwyn Edmonds, Extreme Cheer Sensation
through their role as a cheer athlete.
                                                       Brook Pawlick, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

                                                       Callie Kowlazyk, Deep Blue Athletics

Scholastic Athlete of the Year Nominees                Carolin Bastien, Alberta Cheer Empire

  Adriel Dawood, VF Chargers Junior High Cheer         Hallie Jutras, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

  Team                                                 Hanna Ruis, Deep Blue Athletics

  Brenna Karczmarczyk, Edwin Parr Jr. High School      Jada Scott, Perfect Storm Athletics – Lethbridge

  Jacob Raw, Paul Kane High School                     Kaitlin Taylor, Deep Blue Athletics

  Jason Hamlett, St. Oscar Romero High School          Lauren Ell, Calgary Stars

  Kayle Mak, Paul Kane High School                     Madison Taylor, Deep Blue Athletics

  Lore Pasaran Ugarte, Victoria School of the Arts     Morgan Lachance, Matrix Cheer Allstars

  Meaghan Sager, Harry Ainlay High School              Naomi Quefelec, Perfect Storm Athletics – Calgary

  Niamh Russell, Austin O’Brien High School            Reagan Marsters, Perfect Storm Athletics -

  Rubie Shatford, Ross Sheppard High School            Edmonton

  Rylee Harding, Coalbanks Elementary School           Rhea Madsen, Alberta Cheer Empire

  Shyanne Boon, Morinville Community High              Sara Yaremko, Perfect Storm Athletics – Sherwood

  School                                               Park

                                                       Shailyn Rockey, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

                                                       Tori Jack, Perfect Storm Athletics - Lethbridge

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                                      PAGE 28

Novice Coach of the                                      Scholastic Novice Coach of the Year Nominees
                                                           Emma Shebansky, Christ the King

Year                                                       Kendra Stamper, Christ the King

                                                           Natasha Danyliuk, Johnny Bright School
(Scholastic and All-Star)
                                                           Shauna Stamper, Christ the King
This award is given to new (within first three

years of being fully certified) coaches who have         All-Star Novice Coach of the Year Nominees
demonstrated continued commitment, support                 Alex Cross, Perfect Storm Athletics – Edmonton

and excellence in the sport of cheerleading                Carley Spears, Premier Academy - Bonnyville

through their role as a coach.                             Jenna Livingston, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

                                                           Tamara Nawrot, Premier Academy - Bonnyville

Coach of the Year                                        All-Star Coach of the Year Nominees
                                                           Annie Pham, Alberta Cheer Empire

(Scholastic and All-Star)                                  April LaChance, Matrix Cheer All-Stars

This award is given to an individual who has               Dannica Robertson, Champions Dance and

demonstrated continued commitment, support                 Cheerleading

and excellence in the sport of cheerleading                David Liska, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

through their role as a coach.                             Erin Phelan, Alberta Cheer Empire

                                                           Jenelle Adams, Deep Blue Athletics

                                                           Jenna Jelinski, Ultimate Cheer Fusion

Scholastic Coach of the Year Nominees                      Jessica Haggath, Sabres Cheer

   Breanne Kruger, W.P. Wagner High School                 Jodi Poirier, Calgary Stars

   Brittany Ringuette, G.H. Primeau Junior High School     Kaylynn McCormack, Perfect Storm Athletics –

   Julie Arsenault, Michael Strembitsky School             Edmonton

   Sarah Allen, VF Chargers Junior High Cheer Team         Leanne Livingston, Perfect Storm Athletics – Edmonton

   Wanda Semashkewich, Edwin Parr Jr. High School          Melissa Kirkendall, Premier Academy - Bonnyville

                                                           Nicole Colby, Deep Blue Athletics

                                                           Nicole Kennedy, Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

   2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                                     PAGE 29
Rookie Judge of the Year
                                                      Annie Pham

                                                      Cady Paproski
This award is given to a judge in their first or

                                                      Dana Boschee
second year of judging who has demonstrated a
                                                      Katelyn Cabalo
high level of officiating skills and shown
                                                      Maegan Shtokal

enthusiasm to learn and grow into their role.
                                                      William Kwok

Judge of the Year
                                                     Adam Ferland

                                                     Breanne Cunningham
This award is given to a judge with three or

                                                     Christie Roethlingshoefer
more seasons of judging experience. The
                                                     Holly Elliott
recipient will have demonstrated excellence in
                                                     Jenna Lau

their officiating and will have upheld
                                                     Melissa Kolodenko

professional standards throughout the season.        Mia Heitland

                                                     Sara Hyland

Teacher Advisor of the
                                                     Jamie Iversen, Riverview Middle School

This is a NEW award given to a Teacher Advisor

who has demonstrated outstanding service and

commitment in a scholastic cheerleading

program through teaching, advising, and


  2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                          PAGE 30
Supporting School &
Community Spirit Award
This award was created to recognize school or club       Cheer Force Jets | BRONZE

                                                         Perfect Storm Athletics – Calgary | BRONZE
teams who are working to increase school and/or
                                                         Perfect Storm Athletics – Edmonton | SILVER
community spirit by cheering at events or volunteering

their time in their community.

Team Sportsmanship
This award is given to teams who have                    Christ the King

                                                         Drumheller Dynos Legacy
demonstrated continued levels of sportsmanship,
                                                         Salisbury Composite High School
positive attitudes and fair play, and have positively
                                                         Premier Academy - Bonnyville

contributed to the school and/or wider community.


 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                            PAGE 31

High School Scholarship
OLIVIA DRIER | Deep Blue Athletics

Post-Secondary School Scholarship
NICOLE CHANG | University of Alberta

Team Sportsmanship Award

Supporting School & Community Spirit Award

Rookie Judge of the Year

Judge of the Year

Teacher Advisor of the Year
JAMIE IVERSEN | Riverview Middle School

 2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                  PAGE 32

Novice Coach of the Year | Scholastic
KENDRA STAMPER | Christ the King School

Novice Coach of the Year | All-Star
MELISSA KIRKENDALL | Premier Academy - Bonnyville

Coach of the Year | Scholastic
WANDA SEMASHKEWICH | Edwin Parr Jr. High School

Coach of the Year | All-Star
ANNIE PHAM | Alberta Cheer Empire

Athlete of the Year | Scholastic
JASON HAMLETT | St. Oscar Romero Catholic High School

Athlete of the Year | All-Star
ALIVIA ZIOLKOWSKI | Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton

  2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                            PAGE 33

We have many plans for 2020/2021. Although some of these plans may change due to

COVID-19, we are pleased to provide you with an overview of some of the things we are are

focusing on:

   Planning session to review our governance structure and update our   Strategic Plan.
   Review of   I.D. Card process.
   Review of, and improvements to, the    Membership Registration process.
   Development of guidelines and policies for   Worlds Bids.
   Development of an event    Cancellation and Refund Policy.
   Implementation of 2020/21    Music Policy.
   Release of new   Competition Policy.
   Review of ways to improve   Judges Training and Scheduling.
   Review of   ACA and Event Producer Roles and responsibilities for judging and Cheer

   Development of new event    Sanctioning Guidelines and policies.
   Development of    Judge-in-training and Coach-in-training programs.
   Development of    Teacher/Staff Advisor information.
   Improved support and processes for    ACA Zones and Provincials.

In addition to the above, to assist members financially during COVID-19, the ACA

Membership fees will not be increasing for the 2020/21 season; however, they will likely

increase for the 2021/22 season.

True North fees will not be changing; however, crossover athlete fees will increase, and there

may be a minimum team requirement for those competing for Worlds Bids.

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                         PAGE 34
                                                              Stronger Together

                           Adrenaline Athletics | Clairmont

                      Alberta Cheer Empire - North | Edmonton

                      Alberta Cheer Empire - South | Edmonton

            Calgary Stars Gymnastics and Cheerleading Centre | Calgary

                    Champions Dance & Cheerleading | Calgary

                            Cheer Force Jets | Cold Lake

                         Deep Blue Athletics | Spruce Grove

                        Diamond Elite Cheerleading | Okotoks

                        Dynasty Cheer All Stars Inc. | Calgary

                  Dynos Legacy All-Star Cheerleading | Drumheller

                        Extreme Cheer Sensation | Lethbridge

            Grande Prairie Gymnastics (Gymniks All Stars) | Grande Prairie

                         Matrix Cheer All-Stars | Strathmore

             Northern Cheerleading (Norfort Gymnastics) | Fort McMurray

                     Perfect Storm Athletics - Calgary | Calgary

                   Perfect Storm Athletics - Edmonton | Edmonton

                   Perfect Storm Athletics - Lethbridge | Lethbridge

              Perfect Storm Athletics - Sherwood Park | Sherwood Park

         Premier Academy Cheerleading and Tumbling - Bonnyville | Bonnyville

     Premier Academy Cheerleading and Tumbling - Fort McMurray | Fort McMurray

         Premier Academy Cheerleading and Tumbling - Red Deer | Red Deer

                Rocky Rush Cheerleading Club | Rocky Mountain House

                            Royalty Elite Athletics | Leduc

                  Sabres Cheer Sport & Tumbling | Rochfort Bridge

                   Stingerz Elite Allstar Cheerleading | Drumheller

                        Ultimate Cheer Fusion | Medicine Hat

                    University of Calgary Cheerleading | Calgary

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                    PAGE 35
                                                            Stronger Together

            Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School | Sherwood Park

                       Ardrossan Jr. Sr. High | Ardrossan

                    Austin O'Brien High School | Edmonton

                       Bessie Nichols School | Edmonton

                   Buck Mountain Central School | Buck Lake

                          Christ The King | Edmonton

                    Clover Bar Junior High | Sherwood Park

                  Coalbanks Elementary School | Lethbridge

                      D.S. Mackenzie School | Edmonton

                   Dan Knott Junior High School | Edmonton

                     Dr. Donald Massey School | Edmonton

                 Dr. Margaret - Ann Armour School | Edmonton

                      Dr. Morris Gibson School | Okotoks

                         Ecole Dickinsfield | Edmonton

                          Ecole Joe Clark | High River

                        Edwin Parr Jr. High | Athabasca

                        Edwin Parr Sr. High | Athabasca

                      Ellerslie Campus School | Edmonton

                     FFCA South Middle School | Calgary

                  Frank Maddock High School | Drayton Valley

                  G.H. Primeau Junior High School | Morinville

                    George McDougall High School | Airdrie

                     Harry Ainlay High School | Edmonton

                  Holy Trinity Catholic High School | Edmonton

                   HW Pickup Middle School | Drayton Valley

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                           PAGE 36
                                                          Stronger Together

                    Jasper Place High School | Edmonton

                John D. Bracco Junior High School | Edmonton

                      Johnny Bright School | Edmonton

                     Joseph M Demko School | St. Albert

                  Keheewin Elementary School | Edmonton

                  Kenilworth Junior High School | Edmonton

                        Kim Hung School | Edmonton

                 Landing Trail Intermediate School | Gibbons

                       Landing Trail School | Gibbons

                         Lillian Osborne | Edmonton

                      Londonderry School | Edmonton

                      MacEwan University | Edmonton

                      McNally High School | Edmonton

                   Michael Strembitsky School | Edmonton

                   Millwoods Christian School | Edmonton

                Morinville Community High School | Morinville

                    Okotoks Junior High School | Okotoks

                    Onoway Jr/Sr High School | Onoway

                   Ottewell Junior High School | Edmonton

                Park Meadows Elementary School | Lethbridge

                     Paul Kane High School | St. Albert

                      Progressive Academy | Edmonton

                       Renert School Cheer | Calgary

                      Riverview Middle School | Devon

                   Ross Sheppard High School | Edmonton

                         Rundle Academy | Calgary

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                         PAGE 37
                                                          Stronger Together

                 Saint Oscar Romero High School | Edmonton

               Salisbury Composite High School | Sherwood Park

                    Senator Riley Middle School | High River

             Sherwood Heights Junior High School | Sherwood Park

               Sir George Simpson Junior High School | St. Albert

              Sister Annata Brockman Catholic School | Edmonton

                      Spruce Avenue School | Edmonton

             St. John Bosco Catholic Elementary School | Edmonton

                University of Alberta Cheerleading | Edmonton

                VF Chargers Junior High Cheer Team | St. Albert

                    Victoria School of The Arts | Edmonton

                    W.D. Cuts Junior High School | St. Albert

                     W.P. Wagner High School | Edmonton

                    Westmount Jr. High School | Edmonton

                  Whispering Hills Primary School | Athabasca

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                         PAGE 38

The ACA would like to thank Alberta Sport Connection

(ASC) for their grant support in 2019/20. We received

$39,193.00 in funding which was a $2,053 increase from

the 2018/19. Although there has been some changes with

ASC this past year, they are always ready to help us out

through information and advice!

                                         The ACA continued to grow our partnership with Total

                                       Spirit Cheerleading, as a Platinum Sponsor of our 2020

                                      True North Cheer and Dance Championships. Total Spirit

                                       also provided us with True North gear to give out to our

                                             members through contests. Thank you Total Spirit!

Our continued True North DJ, A/V and Judges

scoring hardware provider Cheerific, provided the

live feed to the coaches' lounge at True North.

Thank you Cheerific for being onsite for all of the

ACA's large sanctioned events!

                                          Although there was no casino in 2019/20, we are

                                         thankful for the support the AGLC has provided us

                                    over the years and the funds that we have carried over

                                       to help us in 2019/20! We are looking forward to our

                                                      2020 or 2021 casino once re-scheduled.

2019/20 ANNUAL REPORT | ACA                                                          PAGE 39
     11759 Groat Rd, NW

   Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6

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