ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn

Page created by Patricia Peterson
ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
ANGLICANNEWS                                      a magazine for the Anglican Community of Canberra & Goulburn Vol. 37 No. 1 February 2020

     FROM BISHOP MARK                     NEW JINDABYNE CHURCH                         40 YEARS FOR MU                        JOIN AN EfM Group
              Bishop Mark's                            Read about a new                       Mothers' Union has                       Learn how you can
              reflects on the                          church initiative in                   a 40th Birthday                          join an Exploring
              bushfires                                Jindabyne                              celebration                              Faith Matters group

                            page 2                                  page 5                                  page 5                                  page 6

On Fire Fronts for Jesus

                                        The site of St Saviour's Church in Quaama, with the bell tower still standing
  It has been a summer like no          Diocese, including three in the 29th, before conditions changed                 during the morning. They parted
other for the Diocese of Canberra &     Cobargo district.                       and spared the town. The Currowan       the pews to make sleeping cubicles,
Goulburn. Beginning in November,          Many of our churches have been Fire to the east also began to spread          one family camped in the vestry,
fires have been burning across the      providing emergency relief and rapidly on the 26th November.                    others in the hall and office. Then
Diocese for almost three months,        pastoral care to those affected in a A bushfire-generated firestorm             they waited, glued to the Fires Near
from Batemans Bay to the Victorian      multitude of ways by the fires.         formed and reached the town of          Me app that showed the frightening
border, to the east and west of                                                 Nerriga on 21 December where            extent of the growth and size of fires
                                          ‘In the first chapter of his second
Braidwood, south of Canberra,                                                   27 homes were lost and four             as they began to join up. Later they
                                        letter to the Corinthians the Apostle
around Cooma and Adaminaby,                                                     homes were also lost in Araluen.        lost power and communications.
                                          Paul praises “the God and Father
and in the west at Batlow and                                                   Braidwood Life Centre, a joint            Over a period of 10 days the
                                         of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father
Tumbarumba. Around one third                                                    venture with the Anglican Church,                         continued page 3
                                          of compassion and the God of all
of Parishes, and more than half of                                              has been tirelessly providing food,
                                         comfort who comforts us in all our
those in NSW, have been impacted                                                clothing and other support since
                                           troubles so that we can comfort
by fires.                                                                       these fires broke out to its east and
                                             those in any trouble”. Recent
  It is estimated around 1000 homes                                             west. Volunteers worked on many
                                          troubles in our Diocese have put
have been destroyed across the                                                  projects such as putting together
                                          many of us under great pressure.
Diocese and several hundreds more                                               back packs of supplies for children
                                            At the same time we have seen
damaged, with final figures yet to                                              needing to return to school.
                                         God’s promise fulfilled as servants
be released. There has also been                                                  When Moruya received the
                                        of Christ have displayed Christ-like
extensive damage to commercial                                                  evacuation orders on New Year’s Eve,
                                            compassion in caring for their
and agricultural infrastructure,                                                The Reverend Linda Chapman went
                                            neighbours and communities.’
including major losses to pine                                                  into town and opened the church
                                                    ~ Bishop Mark
plantations and orchards in the                                                 and parish hall for others who began
foothills of the Snowy Mountains.         One of the first fires in the Diocese to arrive that morning shaken and
The pines typically take 35 years and   started in the Tallaganda National anxious. A young family, partners
the orchards between five-seven         Park to the west of Braidwood on of those out fighting the fires, some
years to reach maturity. Tragically,    26th November 2019 and threatened parishioners and others including             An exhausted firefighter sleeping in
several lives have been lost in the     Braidwood on the evening of the various animals found their way in                     St John's Moruya
ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
ANGLICANNEWS February 2020

Bishop Mark Writes ...
  Sometimes everyday words fail to            has been re-assuring – the capacity
capture the essence of what we have           of human beings for service and
experienced.                                  sacrifice, the beauty and necessity of
  Visiting Cobargo in the aftermath           genuine community. Some of what
of the devastating bushfires Monica           has been revealed has been sobering
and I noticed a sign in the bookshop          – the illusion of our invincibility as
window – ‘Post-apocalyptic fiction            affluent Westerners, the dreadful
moved to current affairs section’. It’s a     impact our lifestyle is having on our
reminder of how events have pushed            natural environment.
our post-Christian society back to              Apocalyptic events foreshadow the
the half-remembered resources of              coming of a new world. What world
theological and Christian language.           might the fires foreshadow? Perhaps
We’ve contrasted disasters of                 a world where we learn to trust
‘biblical proportions’ and wept over          and acknowledge God in all things.
those who’ve ‘laid down their lives           Perhaps a world where we commit
for others’.                                  ourselves to renewing our local
  What of ‘apocalyptic’? I believe it’s       community organisations so we                     will do, not what I or we think others   followers and disciples them into a
used to convey the unprecedented              have capacity to respond to similar               should do. It touches on our prayers,    life of poverty, meekness, mercy and
scale of the fires and their capacity         disasters in the future. Perhaps                  our purchases and our priorities.        persecution we get a glimpse of what
to produce feelings of horror and             a world where we move beyond                        Many of us will be reading through     repentance looks like.
dread. There is, however, the literal         polarization to develop a holistic and            Matthew’s gospel in our churches this      The fires have brought terrible
meaning of apocalyptic – that is,             shared response to climate change.                year. In that gospel Jesus begins his    tragedy to our Diocese and its
to unveil or uncover. Drawing on                Apocalyptic events call us to                   public ministry with an apocalyptic      people. So many have led the way in
this background, I want to consider           repentance. By repentance I mean                  announcement – ‘Repent, for the          caring for the wounded and weeping
three ways in which the fires have            something more than standard                      kingdom of heaven has come near’         with those who weep. Wouldn’t it be
indeed been apocalyptic.                      New Year’s resolutions. Repentance                (Matthew 4:17). What has been long       great if we could also lead the way in
  Apocalyptic events reveal what has          is nothing less than a change of                  hidden is coming into plain view.        heeding the summons to repent and
been hidden or forgotten. I believe the       mind that re-aligns our lives in light            A new world is coming, with God          so receive the new life that Jesus is
fires have brought into view truths           of the new world that is coming.                  as King. It’s time to get ready for it   always willing to give us?
and realities easily overlooked.              Repentance is always lived out in the             and repent. As Jesus calls His first
Some of what has been revealed                first person. It’s about what I and we

                  Clergy Moves
 Following the completion of his ministry extension on 11.01.2020
 Bishop Trevor Edwards resigned as Assistant Bishop of C&G from
 that date. A number of wonderful farewells have been held for +Trevor
 and he has been granted an ATO (12.01.2020).
 The Venerable David Ruthven has resigned as Rector of Wagga Wagga
 Parish and Archdeacon of Wagga Wagga and various committees
 effective from 01.03.2020. David will take up a new appointment
 as Rector of North Pine Anglican Church in the Diocese of South
 Queensland. David has served Jesus and this Diocese faithfully and
 skillfully over many years including in recent times as the Chair
 of The Episcopal Election Nominations Committee, Chair of The
 Riverina Anglican College and Deputy Chair of the Diocesan Schools                              The Reverend Gaynor Elder has been licensed as Hon Acting Chaplain
 Commission. Thank you David.                                                                    (Deacon) p/t The Canberra Hospital (30.01.2020).
 The Reverend Jonathan Cole has resigned as Assistant Priest Canberra                            The Right Reverend Allan Ewing has been licensed as Locum Rector
 (from 23.01.2020) to take up a teaching position at The Googong                                 Woden from 29.11.2020 (30.01.2020).
 Anglican School.
                                                                                                 The Reverend Tim Hall has been licensed as Assoc Priest Gungahlin
 The Reverend Sallyanne Hart retired in December 2019.                                           (4.02.2020).
 The Reverend Wendy Bloomfield has been licensed as Hon Assoc                                    The Reverend Trent McGrath will be licensed as Chaplain & Missioner
 Priest (p/t) at Kaleen-Giralang-Lawson from 01.02.2020 (30.01.2020).                            (Deacon) Snowy Mountains Ministry (08.02.2020).
 The Reverend James Coats has been licensed as Assoc Chaplain,                                   The Reverend Guy Matthew’s three year term as Area Dean South
 Canberra Grammar School from 01.01.2020 (06.02.2020).                                           Canberra expired and we thank him for his excellent service.
                                                                                                 The Reverend Dave McLennan was elected Area Dean, for the South
       The Venerable Carol Wagner will be                                                        Canberra Deanery by his peers on 6.02.2020 & licensed from that date.
    consecrated on the 22nd of February 2020                                                     In light of the impending consecration of Archdeacon Carol Wagner
        at 11am in St Saviour's Cathedral.                                                       as Assistant Bishop The Reverend Rebecca Newland has agreed to
                                                                                                 serve as Archdeacon, The South Coast, Monaro and Alpine (ie the
                                                                                                 South Coast & Parishes of Southern Monaro, Berridale & Cooma).
                                  AnglicanNews                                                   The Parish of Queanbeyan will return to the Archdeaconry of South
Editor: Alison Payne                    Address: GPO Box 1981, Canberra, ACT 2601                Canberra.
Phone: 02 6245 7154                                 Advertising: enquiries to the editor.        The Venerable Dr Brian Douglas has had his South Canberra
Email:                                  ISSN 2207-6484            Archdeacon’s license amended to include the parish of Queanbeyan
Articles for each edition need to be submitted by the 25th day of the previous month.
Any statements or opinions expressed in articles published in this newspaper are                 from February 2020.
attributed to the identified author and are not necessarily endorsed by or representative        The Reverend Dr Guerin Tueno has been licensed as Acting Rector
of the Diocese or its officers.
                                                                                                 Locum Weston from 01.01.2020 (30.01.2020).

ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
ANGLICANNEWS February 2020

continued from page 1
district had three evacuation orders.
Linda wrote: ‘During one of the
worst days, when we were refugees
in our own church, I wrote up a list
of activities for the day in order to
keep us occupied. The kids loved the
pom-pom making. And I invited
people to meditate at various times
during the day. I cleared a space
in the parish office and a few of
us gathered there. Amid fear and
anxiety, swirling orange smoke,
and the constant sound of planes
filling up with water from the river,
we joined in wordless prayer. As we
finished one session, and remained
sitting in silence, I knew God in the
stillness at the heart of it all. Our
little evacuation centre became a
place of grounded care.’
  Elsewhere on the South Coast,
St Saviour’s Anglican Church at
Quaama, in the Parish of Cobargo/
Bermagui was destroyed, along with
the homes of two parishioners. You
can read the story from Locum
Priest, Reverend Mandy Wheatley, at             Bishop Designate Carol Wagner, Sue and Reverend Mandy Wheatley at the Narooma Evacuation Centre          hearing their stories of escape; of family lost their home and much volunteers were mobilised to serve
australia/cobargo-quaama-brogo-           panic, disbelief and confusion at farm property. Acting Rector Ken in local evacuation centres. At the
lessons-from-the-fires-of-hell/           the intensity of the fire; of losing Day says, ‘2 Corinthians chapter five height of the emergency the centres
  Over 30 Anglican parishioners and       farms, sheds, animals, feed for verse 14 says “Christ's love compels in Batemans Bay, Narooma and
more than 20 families with children       their stocks and also losing their us” in reaching out to those affected Bega each registered over 4000
at the South Coast Anglican Schools       homes. At St Peter’s Anglican by fires’. On Thursday the 9th of evacuees. Several church buildings
have lost houses. Principal of            School Broulee the administration January 2020 they had an ‘open day’ were also opened to provide respite
Sapphire Coast Anglican College,          building was destroyed, as well as to enable people to come and share and temporary accommodation for
Mrs Tracey Gray, took up the              teaching and maintenance staff in fellowship, to have a quiet time tourists and locals. Diocesan clergy
gruelling task of calling staff and       spaces, communications, outdoor in the church, to enjoy food, and to served as Disaster Recovery and RFS
families in fire affected areas,          equipment and grounds.                 request a time of prayer. This was Chaplains alongside their regular
                                            Fires then started in the west also repeated on Sunday the 12th of pastoral duties.
                                          of the Diocese, and on the 4th January. They had available clothing,          In the first week of January
                                          of January the Dunn’s Road fire drinks and food on many large the Diocese launched a Bishop’s
                                          destroyed twenty properties as well tables, which helped many.              Bushfire Appeal (see advertisement
                                          as fruit orchards in Batlow. The fires   Tarcutta and Adelong also assisted for details) in conjunction with
                                          miraculously went around either Blazeaid, an organisation that Anglicare. The Appeal will close at
                                          side of the small wooden church rebuilds farm fences, which set up the end of February. To date nearly
                                          in Wondalga. Batlow has pulled a large camp of over 100 volunteers $200,000 has also been raised
                                          together and the parish has been at the Adelong showground. They which will be used to provide direct
                                          providing assistance to parishioners donated money to the Camp to assist assistance and support longer-term
                                          and those in the community who with breakfast, dinner, and other pastoral responses. The Diocese has
                                          lost their homes. Donations have meals and snacks for the volunteers, also received over $100,000 in funds
                                          come from afar with a member of plus other expenses, and food that from external groups, which is being
                                          Lavender Bay church in Sydney the parish ladies cooked. In addition distributed to affected families and
                                          sending $500 to Batlow, raised from they supplied a dinner for the 100 individuals through parishes and
                                          selling succulent plants.              people on one evening.               schools. The Diocese will also be
 Janet Brandon, Merimbula/Eden              In Tarcutta and Adelong, many          From the outset of the crisis supporting bushfire affected parishes
            volunteer                     families were evacuated and one Anglicare            Disaster    Recovery                 continued on page 4
 • dealing with people’s shock and ongoing trauma and counselling services to             • the housing needed and land to locate emergency housing
   aid this                                                                               • reconnection of basic services such as power and water
 • people with pre-existing illnesses exacerbated by the fires: mental and physical       • good communication and cooperation between all those involved in assistance
 • people hosting evacuees                                                                • addressing loss of income to businesses, farms and parishes from loss of
 • rest and recovery for the volunteers and fire fighters who have worked long              tourists
   hours and days                                                                         • rain and good weather to contain fires
 • wisdom and strength for clergy and church leaders and for rest and resilience          • continued safety in areas burnt out
 • additional chaplains to provide support and gospel opportunities                       • enrolments at both South Coast Anglican Schools in view of loss of income in
 • peace for those returning to burned areas and wisdom dealing with general                those areas
 • the way Anglicare and other associations have come together to support those           • the vast and ongoing efforts of the volunteers of RFS and Emergency Services
   in need                                                                                • the opportunities to share the love of Jesus
 • all the volunteers from churches and other community organisations who have            • for the rain that has since fallen across much of the Diocese, extinguishing or
   been working long hours with high expectations                                           aiding control of many fires

ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
ANGLICANNEWS February 2020
continued from page 3
by giving them a six month respite        seats! Classes at St Peter’s Anglican
from their Diocesan contributions.        Church in Broulee were able to
  Prayer has been a major part of
the Diocesan response. In the first
                                          commence only a couple of days
                                          later than scheduled.                            BUSHFIRE APPEAL
                                                                                              Thank you
half of January the Bishop convened
a video conference meeting with                ‘Please pray that God will be
affected parishes to collect prayer            merciful in helping us learn
points which were then used               important lessons from these times.
throughout the Diocese. At least one       I’m praying that as a Diocese our
online prayer meeting has been held         trust in God’s word, our care for                  Thank you to everyone who has donated to
and another is planned for March 17        God’s world and our commitment                   Anglicare’s Bushfire and Emergency Relief Appeal.
(more details to come).                     to God’s mission will be stronger
  In good news, the congregation in          because of what we have gone
                                                                                          Your donations have already been used to bolster supplies at
Quaama met for the first time after                 through together.’                    our existing emergency relief hubs on the South Coast. We
the fire on Sunday January 26 in the                  ~ Bishop Mark                       have also just employed a case manager to assist in providing
community hall – and ran out of                                                           direct emergency assistance in Bega, Quaama, Cobargo, Tilba
                                                                                          and Bermagui.

                                                                                          Anglicare is working with the Anglican Diocese of Canberra
                                                                                          and Goulburn to develop a long-term support plan as we are
                                                                                          aware that rebuilding and recovery will take many months.
                                                                                          This includes trauma support and pastoral care.

            Anglicare Team at ‘Pop Up’ Relief Centre at Moruya

                                                                                                  “Our property was impacted by the fires in December
                                                                                                  but we know that many families have lost even more
                                                                                                    than us. While rebuilding will take time and we are
                                                                                                      still coming to terms with the shock of what we
                                                                                                   experienced, we are encouraged by the support and
                                                                                                              resilience of the local community.”
                                                                                                                               – Matt and Helen Austin

                                                                                          Anglicare NSW South, NSW
                                                                                          West & ACT offer emergency                                    1/51 Vulcan Street, Moruya.
                                                                                          relief and housing assistance                                 Open: Mon – Fri 9am-5pm
                                                                                          through our offices at:                                       Phone: 02 4474 7900
        Anglicare Volunteers at Batemans Bay Evacuation Centre
                                                                                                    Donate here or on
                                                                                             Contact Details
                                                                                             Name ...........................................................................................................
                                                                                             Address .......................................................................................................
                                                                                             Suburb or Town ........................................................                 State.................
                                                                                             Postcode......................             Phone .............................................................

                                                                                             Card Details
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                                                                                             Name on Card................................................................. CCV ................
                                                                                             Signature .......................................................          Expires                   /
                                                                                             A receipt will be sent to you shortly. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
                                                                                                   Enclose this completed form in an envelope and post
Dr Fiona Kotvojs, a parishioner who with her husband Alan has been volunteering                         to us at GPO Box 360, Canberra ACT 2600
  with RFS, gave the address at the Narooma Australia Day Dinner. She shared of
                                                                                          Anglicare respects and honours our supporters and clients and their right to have their
  her experiences on New Year’s Eve and as a member of the RFS and concluded              privacy protected. Anglicare is committed to complying with the National Privacy Principles
 ‘This last month has shown us, that regardless of our differences; what unites us        contained in the Privacy Act 1988. Full policy available online:
is greater than what divides us’, encouraging listeners to not forget this and work       ABN 69 198 255 076 * ARBN 067 887 156, Registered in NSW, Ltd Liability
 together to heal the broken, restore our community and resolve our challenges.

ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
ANGLICANNEWS February 2020

A new church for Jindabyne
                                                                                      as the Young Adults Pastor at St         us all the way here.’
                                                                                      Faith’s Narrabeen for two years, and       ‘The support we have received
                                                                                      before that as an Associate Pastor       from BCA, the Diocese, the Parish,
                                                                                      in Sydney’s West for three years         the broader Christian community,
                                                                                      after completing his BD at Moore         and those already on the ground in
                                                                                      Theological College. Passionate          Jindabyne has been so generous. We
                                                                                      about Jesus, the Bible, cultural         are incredibly thankful to know that
                                                                                      engagement, and what God is doing        God has not only put it on our hearts
                                                                                      in and through the church both           to further the cause of Christ here in
                                                                                      locally and globally, Trent and his      the Snowy’s but also on the hearts of
                                                                                      family are committed to establishing     many grace-filled saints.’
                                                                                      a healthy gospel-saturated, Bible-         Trent’s background in hospitality
                                                                                      based church in Jindabyne. As those      and Alice’s background in outdoor
                                                                                      who already love the mountains,          recreation should serve them well as
                                                                                      particularly snow sports, it was a       they seek to make connections with
                                                                                      quick decision for Trent and Alice to    the residents who work and play in
                                                                                      consider this new ministry position.     the mountains seasonally and year-
  Trent and Alice McGrath, and their     Aid Australia in partnership with               ‘We already co-owned a residence      round.
three children, have moved from          the Canberra Goulburn Anglican               in Jindabyne because of our love of        ‘We’re praying that God will use
Sydney’s Northern Beaches to the         Diocese Exploratory Ministries               the area as a summer and winter          all of who we are to shine the light
village of Jindabyne to make Jesus       Chaplaincy Unit (EMCU) to foster             getaway for the family. When we          of Christ and proclaim the gospel
known in the Snowy Mountains.            a year-round, long-term, self-               became aware of the state of the         of grace in the Snowy’s. We hope in
Pastor Trent was commissioned as         sustaining church in Jindabyne               church and the huge opportunity          God that we will see people come to
Chaplain to the Snowy Mountains          that grows and serves the Snowy              to revitalise it and reach the area      faith in Jesus through this ministry
Ministry (SMM) on February 8 at a        Mountains communities; a mission             for the renown of Jesus, we both felt    and those who profess faith in him to
service held at the Anglican Church      that Trent and Alice are eager to            convinced and called by the Holy         be strengthened and live as sent ones
in Jindabyne.                            pursue under Jesus’ leadership and           Spirit to see how far God might          both locally and across the globe.’
  The SMM is a gospel-centred            with local Christian partnership.            take us on the application process. It   Please join together in this prayer for
initiative supported by Bush Church        Prior to this role, Trent served           seems as though he wanted to take        the McGrath’s and Jindabyne.

Mothers' Union 40th Birthday Celebration
                                                                                      interviewing Anne Downing as the           There was an interesting display of
                                                                                      only remaining original member.          photographs and notes – ‘Looking
                                                                                      Patricia Stoddard spoke about the        Back’ – and then after the service
                                                                                      history of the branch ‘Looking Back’     members enjoyed a delicious lunch
                                                                                      and the Diocesan President, Joan         with Bishop Mark and Monica (our
                                                                                      Eberlé, spoke about Mothers’ Union       Patron). Following the birthday
                                                                                      ‘Looking Forward’. We welcomed           cake, Reverend Joan Smith officially
                                                                                      visitors from Newcastle, Junee and       admitted them both to Mothers’ Un-
                                                                                      Goulburn to celebrate this occasion      ion.
                                                                                      of forty years of faithful service to      We give thanks for Reverend Dr
                                                                                      our organisation: Cynthia and Keith      Tim Watson and to Bishop Mark
                                                                                      Groundwater (now live in Melba)          and Monica Short for their support
                                                                                      and Phyllis and John McLaren from        and commitment to our MU in the
                                                                                      Junee, Reverend Anne Wentzel and         diocese and to the worldwide or-
                                                                                      Kerrie Knowlman for Goulburn and         ganisation in 85 countries with over
 Dorothy Mackenzie, President of Hackett Branch                                       Lorrainne Phillips and her friend        four and half million members.
                                                                                      Cheryl from Newcastle.
  Holy Cross Anglican Church,            women from Ainslie Parish wished
Hackett, celebrates 40 years since it    to also be members. Six years later in
was first formed as a branch of An-      1985, the name was changed. Today
glican Mothers’ Union Australia.         the branch has 15 active members.
  Mrs Jean Bromwich, a MU member           It is with great joy and anticipa-
of the Sydney Diocese, approached        tion that we celebrated forty years
the Rector, Reverend Geoff Sibley,       of this Branch’s faithful service to
regarding the forming of a Branch        Mothers’ Union and to our Diocese
of MU and on 17th April 1979 17          on Tuesday, 26th November 2019,
women attended a meeting where it        with a Service of Holy Communion
was decided to form a Branch. The        at Holy Cross Hackett, and a special
Rector appointed Mrs Bromwich,           lunch with Bishop Mark and his wife
President; Mrs Anne Downing be-          Monica, in their new home. We of-
came Secretary and Mrs Jenny Blunt       ficially admitted Bishop Mark and
the Treasurer.                           Monica to our Correspondence
  The first admission service of 12      Group on this special occasion. The
members was held on 22nd Novem-          Reverend Doctor Tim Watson (a
ber, 1979. At first the Branch meeting   member of Hackett Branch) led a re-            Lorraine Phillips and friend, Cheryl, with Helen Lloyd in background
was called ‘Canberra Northside’ as       flection at the Communion Service,
ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
ANGLICANNEWS February 2020

An invitation to join Exploring Faith Matters
                                                                                      discussion groups led by trained        confidentiality, respect, diversity
                                                                                      mentors.     Through       individual   and trust are observed. Most groups
                                                                                      study, sharing our discoveries, and     develop through discussion and
                                                                                      exploring our faith together, we        shared fellowship.
                                                                                      learn to think theologically. We          There are several active EfM
                                                                                      connect what we come to know of         groups in Canberra. We are taking
                                                                                      the Christian tradition with our        applications from new students
                                                                                      ordinary daily activities.              now, and weekly meetings will
                                                                                        EfM offers a four-year program        commence 10 February with a
                                                                                      where participants enrol for one        ‘taster’ meeting for people to see
                                                                                      year at a time. Participants commit     whether EfM might be for them. For
                                                                                      to: reading and reflection in           further information, please contact
                                                                                      preparation for the weekly meeting;     Kay Pendlebury (0409 313 153 or
                                                                                      attendance and participation in the
                                                                                      meetings; preparedness to share         Details of the EfM curriculum are at
  Exploring Faith Matters (EfM)           tradition; to build a coherent              experiences, ideas and questions
challenges us to begin a journey of       theology or understanding of God;           in a small group where norms of
exploration of the Christian faith—       to reflect theologically; to discern
to make sense of our own faith            what it means to follow Christ.
journey with that of the Christian          We do EfM in small reading and

What's Happening
    Music Relief for
 Braidwood & Villages
  It’s been a tough time for Braid-       on Sunday 15 March from 2pm,
wood and the villages of Mon-             has also offered 50% of the concert                       Our society is based on the masks that we wear”
garlowe, Charleys Forest, Majors          takings to a nominated Braidwood                                (Australian author, John Marsden)
Creek, Reidsdale, Araluen and out         bushfire relief fund. May we encour-         The workplace can be a dog eat dog world. Any hint of weakness or
to Nerriga and Sassafras with severe      age all your readers to come and             vulnerability is quickly sniffed out. So while we all carry burdens and
bushfire destruction and water re-        support these wonderful musicians            troubles, workplace culture demands that we wear a mask and cover
strictions. The support from within       and their extraordinary generosity.          it up. Yet at the same time our culture prizes authenticity. We live in a
the communities themselves and            For details of the 2020 Summer/Au-           time of “you do you”.
also from outside with fresh RFS,         tumn Concert Series at St Andrew’s           Join us at the 2020 Life@Work conference as we discover how only
SES and international firefighting        Anglican Church, Braidwood visit             the Christian faith helps us take off the mask and be real with our
crews has been tremendous and             colleagues, both for our good and theirs, and ultimately for God’s glory.
tiring. In planning the Summer/           lief-for-braidwood-and-villages/
Autumn Concert Series at St An-             Readers interested in St Andrew’s                        Speakers Michael Spence and Andrew Laird
                                                                                                          March 13 2020 6:00pm - 8:15pm
drew’s Anglican Church, we have           musical programs are encourage
                                                                                                         March 14 2020 10:00am-12:30pm
been overwhelmed with a wonder-           to join our mailing list for regular
ful selection and also tremendous                   St Mark's National Theological Centre 15 Blackall Street Barton
generosity.                               Make a lovely day or evening trip to
  Firstly, one of Australia’s most out-   Braidwood! You’ll be made very wel-              For further details and to register:
standing contemporary jazz collabo-       come. Tickets can be purchased on
rations, a super group comprising         the day at the door, cash only.
Mike Nock, Jonathan Swartz, Julien                              by Anne Sanders
Wilson and Hamish Stuart offered
to perform in Braidwood for FREE
as a gesture of goodwill to our fire-
ravaged, water-deprived region and
those who have supported the mon-
umental bushfire effort here. They
are touring their new album THIS
WORLD which has such prescient
new works entitled ‘We shall rise
again’ and ‘And in the night comes
rain’. A collection was taken up at
the end of the concert and all the
proceeds donated to a nominated
Braidwood bushfire fund. They per-
formed on Monday 10 February.
  Australian born and Italy-based
organist, David Chynoweth, who
will be performing at St Andrew’s            Organist David Chenowyth

ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn ANGLICANNEWS - Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn
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