Apical ballooning syndrome (Tako-Tsubo or stress cardiomyopathy): A mimic of acute myocardial infarction

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Apical ballooning syndrome (Tako-Tsubo or stress cardiomyopathy): A mimic of acute myocardial infarction
Apical ballooning syndrome (Tako-Tsubo or stress
cardiomyopathy): A mimic of acute myocardial
Abhiram Prasad, MD, FRCP, FESC, FACC, Amir Lerman, MD, FESC, FACC, and Charanjit S. Rihal, MD, FACC,
Rochester, MN

   Apical ballooning syndrome (ABS) is a unique reversible cardiomyopathy that is frequently precipitated by a stressful event and
has a clinical presentation that is indistinguishable from a myocardial infarction. We review the best evidence regarding
the pathophysiology, clinical features, investigation, and management of ABS. The incidence of ABS is estimated to be 1% to
2% of patients presenting with an acute myocardial infarction. The pathophysiology remains unknown, but catecholamine
mediated myocardial stunning is the most favored explanation. Chest pain and dyspnea are the typical presenting symptoms.
Transient ST elevation may be present on the electrocardiogram, and a small rise in cardiac troponin T is invariable. Typically,
there is hypokinesis or akinesis of the mid and apical segments of the left ventricle with sparing of the basal systolic function without
obstructive coronary lesions. Supportive treatment leads to spontaneous rapid recovery in nearly all patients. The prognosis is
excellent, and a recurrence occurs in b10% of patients. Apical ballooning syndrome should be included in the differential
diagnosis of patients with an apparent acute coronary syndrome with left ventricular regional wall motion abnormality and
absence of obstructive coronary artery disease, especially in the setting of a stressful trigger. (Am Heart J 2008;155:408-17.)

   An association between emotional or physical stressful                               apical ballooning syndrome (ABS), Tako-Tsubo cardio-
triggers and adverse cardiovascular events such as death                                myopathy, and stress or ampulla cardiomyopathy.12-21
and myocardial infarction has been recognized for many                                  It has also been referred to as the Broken Heart Syndrome
years.1,2 At a population level, earthquakes, wars, and                                 in the popular press. The syndrome overlaps with the
major sporting events have all been linked to a surge in                                aforementioned conditions in that it is a reversible
cardiovascular mortality.3-6 Among hospitalized patients,                               cardiomyopathy that is frequently precipitated by a
noncardiac surgery is one of the most frequent trigger for                              stressful event and has a clinical presentation that is
cardiovascular events, with the highest risk in those                                   indistinguishable from a myocardial infarction. This
undergoing vascular surgery due to coexisting severe                                    distinct cardiac syndrome was originally described in
coronary artery disease.7 Myocardial dysfunction may                                    1990 in the Japanese population and was called “Tako-
occur in critically ill patients with sepsis due to a                                   Tsubo cardiomyopathy,” named after the octopus trap-
pathogen-induced proinflammatory immune response,8                                      ping pot with a round bottom and narrow neck, which
and a reversible cardiomyopathy in critically ill patients                              resembles the left ventriculogram during systole in these
has also been reported in the absence of sepsis.9 Similarly,                            patients.12 Sporadic case reports followed22 until the last
neurologists have recognized an association between                                     5 years or so during which several cases series have been
subarachnoid hemorrhage and a reversible cardiomyo-                                     reported from around the world, including Europe,18,23
pathy that has been termed neurogenic stunning,                                         North America,14,16,24-26 and Australia.27 In 2006, the
characterized by acute brain injury and the absence of                                  American Heart Association incorporated ABS into its
coronary artery disease.10,11                                                           classification of cardiomyopathies as a primary acquired
   Recently, there has been an increasing awareness of a                                cardiomyopathy.28
unique cardiac syndrome that has been described as the                                     Apical ballooning syndrome is underrecognized and
                                                                                        often misdiagnosed. It is an important differential
                                                                                        diagnosis of an acute myocardial infarction. We review
From the The Division of Cardiovascular Diseases and Department of Internal Medicine,   the best evidence regarding the pathophysiology, clinical
Mayo Clinic and Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN.
Submitted September 26, 2007; accepted November 2, 2007.
                                                                                        features, investigation, and management of ABS.
Reprint requests: Abhiram Prasad, MD, FRCP, FESC, FACC, Cardiac Catheterization
Laboratory, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905.
E-mail: prasad.abhiram@mayo.edu                                                         Incidence
0002-8703/$ - see front matter
© 2008, Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.
                                                                                          The precise incidence of ABS is unknown due to its
doi:10.1016/j.ahj.2007.11.008                                                           novel nature, varied presentation, and evolving
Apical ballooning syndrome (Tako-Tsubo or stress cardiomyopathy): A mimic of acute myocardial infarction
American Heart Journal
Volume 155, Number 3
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   Figure 1

                                              Diffuse T-wave inversion with QT prolongation.

                                                                        approximately 90% of all reported cases have been in
   Figure 2
                                                                        women. The mean age has ranged from 58 to 75 years,
                                                                        with b3% of the patients being b50 years.15,34 The reason
                                                                        for the female predominance is unknown but raises the
                                                                        intriguing question as to whether withdrawal from
                                                                        estrogens contributes to the pathogenesis. It has been
                                                                        suggested that ABS may be not be diagnosed in males
                                                                        because of the higher prevalence of coronary artery
                                                                        disease, but this seems unlikely given the consistent sex
                                                                        disparity among all published studies.

                                                                        Clinical presentation
                                                                           The clinical presentation in most patients is indis-
                                                                        tinguishable from an acute coronary syndrome; 50%
                                                                        to 60% present with chest pain at rest, which has an
Kinetics of cardiac troponin T release in patients with ABS versus      angina-like quality. Dyspnea may also be the initial
acute anterior STEMI treated with mechanical reperfusion within         presenting symptom, but syncope or out-of-hospital
3 hours of symptom onset. ULN, Upper limit of normal.                   cardiac arrest is rare.15,34 Intensive care unit patients
                                                                        are likely to present with pulmonary edema, ischemic
                                                                        changes on the electrocardiogram, or elevated
                                                                        cardiac biomarkers. In general, hemodynamic com-
diagnostic criteria. Nevertheless, several studies have                 promise is unusual, but mild to moderate congestive
estimated that approximately 1% to 2% of all patients                   heart failure is frequent. Hypotension may occur
presenting with an initial primary diagnosis of either an               because of the reduction in stroke volume and,
acute coronary syndrome or myocardial infarction have                   occasionally, because of dynamic left ventricular out-
ABS.14,29-32According to American Heart Association                     flow tract obstruction. Cardiogenic shock has been
statistics, there are 732 000 hospital discharges with a                reported as a rare complication.
primary diagnosis of an acute myocardial infarction in the                 A unique feature of ABS is the occurrence of a
Unites States each year.33 Thus, a conservative estimate of             preceding emotional or physical stressful event in
the annual rate of ABS in the United States may be 7000 to              approximately two thirds of patients (Table I).15,34,35
14 000 cases.                                                           Importantly, such a trigger can not be identified in all
                                                                        individuals, despite a careful history, and hence, its
                                                                        absence does not exclude the diagnosis. A rise in the
Age and sex                                                             incidence of ABS was reported after the Central Niigata
  Apical ballooning syndrome is a unique cardiomyo-                     Prefecture earthquake in Japan in 2004,36 an observa-
pathy in that it usually occurs in postmenopausal women.                tion that leads us to believe that some of the
Recent review of the published case series reveals that                 cardiovascular morbidity and mortality associated with
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410 Prasad, Lerman, and Rihal                                                                                                             March 2008

  Figure 3

Diastolic and systolic freeze frames from a left ventriculogram of a patient with classic ABS illustrating hyperdynamic basal contraction but akinesis
of the mid and apical segments (arrows).

  Figure 4

Diastolic and systolic freeze frames from a left ventriculogram of a patient with the apical sparing variant of ABS. Function at the base and apex is
preserved with akinesis of the mid segments (arrows).

natural disasters, wars, and sporting events may be                           presentation may determine whether it is detected.
related to a stress cardiomyopathy.                                           Second, there is potential for selection bias for patients
                                                                              presenting with ST-segment elevation who are likely to
Electrocardiogram and cardiac                                                 undergo prompt coronary angiography and assessment of
                                                                              left ventricular function. Typically, the elevation is
biomarkers                                                                    present in the precordial leads, but it may be seen in the
  The most common abnormality on the electrocardio-                           inferior or lateral leads. Nonspecific T-wave abnormality,
gram (ECG) is ST-segment elevation, mimicking an                              new bundle-branch block, and in some cases, a normal
ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).13 However,                        ECG may be the finding at presentation. When anterior
there is significant variability in the frequency (46%-                       ST-elevation is present, the magnitude of ST shift is usually
100%) of this finding in the published literature.15 At least                 less in ABS than that seen in a STEMI. The 12-lead ECG by
2 reasons may account for the variability in the reported                     itself is insufficient for differentiating ABS from
frequency of ST-segment elevation. First, the elevation is                    STEMI.37,38 Characteristic and common evolutionary
transient, and hence, the time from symptom onset to                          changes that may occur over 2 to 3 days include
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resolution of the ST-segment elevation, development of          Table I. Stressors reported to trigger ABS
diffuse and often deep T-wave inversion that involves
                                                              Emotional stress13-15,34
most leads, and prolongation of the corrected QT interval       Death or severe illness or injury of a family member, friend, or pet
(Figure 1). Transient pathological Q waves may rarely           Receiving bad news—diagnosis of a major illness, daughter's divorce,
develop. The T-wave inversion and QT interval prolon-             spouse leaving for war
gation typically resolve over 3 to 4 months but may occur       Severe argument
                                                                Public speaking
as early as 4 to 6 weeks and, in some cases, be present
                                                                Involvement with legal proceedings
beyond 1 year.39,40                                             Financial loss—business, gambling
  Most if not all patients have a modest rise in cardiac        Car accident
troponin T that peaks within 24 hours.14,16,18 The              Surprise party
magnitude of increase in the biomarkers is less than that       Move to a new residence
                                                              Physical stress13-15,34
observed with a STEMI and disproportionately low for the
                                                              Non-cardiac surgery or procedure—cholecystectomy, hysterectomy
extensive acute regional wall motion abnormalities that         Severe illness—asthma or chronic obstructive airway exacerbation,
characterize ABS (Figure 2). Circulating brain natriuretic        connective tissue disorders, acute cholecystitis, pseudomembranous
peptide, a marker of ventricular dysfunction, is invariably       colitis
elevated and correlates with the left ventricular end-          Severe pain—fracture, renal colic, pneumothorax, pulmonary embolism
                                                                Recovering from general anesthesia
diastolic pressure.21                                           Cocaine use79
                                                                Opiate withdrawal80
                                                                Stress test—dobutamine stress echo, exercise sestamibi81
Coronary angiogram and                                          Thyrotoxicosis82
cardiac imaging
   Most patients with ABS either have angiographically        of delayed gadolinium hyperenhancement) from myo-
normal coronary arteries or mild atherosclerosis.15,34        cardial infarction and myocarditis in which delayed
Obstructive coronary artery disease may rarely coexist by     hyperenhancement is present.16,23,26,46
virtue of its prevalence in the population at risk.
   The characteristic regional wall motion abnormalities
involve hypokinesis or akinesis of the mid and apical         Diagnosis
segments of the left ventricle (Figure 3). There is              The diagnosis should be considered in the differential
sparing of the basal systolic function. Importantly, the      diagnosis of any patient with acute myocardial infarction.
wall motion abnormality typically extends beyond the          However, the classic situation is a postmenopausal
distribution of any single coronary artery. Transthoracic     woman presenting with chest pain or dyspnea that is
echocardiography can detect the regional wall motion          temporally related to emotional or physical stress, with
abnormality; however, visualization of the true ana-          positive cardiac biomarkers or an abnormal electrocar-
tomic apex can be difficult, particularly in acutely ill      diogram. Apical ballooning syndrome should also be
patients. The diagnosis is frequently made in the cardiac     considered in the differential diagnosis of inpatients,
catheterization laboratory during left ventriculography       including those in the intensive care unit, who develop an
because the patients are initially suspected of suffering     acute reduction in left ventricular systolic function in
from an acute coronary syndrome and are referred for          association with ≥1 of the following: hemodynamic
urgent or emergency coronary angiography. The right           compromise, pulmonary edema, troponin elevation, or
ventricle may reveal similar regional wall motion             ECG evidence of ischemia or infarction. There may be a
abnormality in approximately 30% of patients who tend         higher prevalence of males in the intensive care unit
to be sicker and more likely to develop congestive heart      population.16,47,48
failure.41,42 Recently, variants of ABS have been                We have previously proposed the Mayo Clinic criteria
described, occurring in a significant minority of patients    for the diagnosis of ABS that can be applied at the time of
with a clinical presentation similar to that of classic       presentation.15 The criteria have evolved over time as our
ABS.43,44 In these patients, there is preserved function      understanding of the cardiomyopathy improves.49 All 4
of the apex with wall motion abnormality that involves        criteria must be present. Table II illustrates a modified
the mid segments (apical sparing variant) (Figure 4).         version of the criteria. In the current version, we no
It is possible that this is simply a manifestation of early   longer exclude patients who develop typical ballooning
recovery of function at the apex in some patients with        in the setting of intracranial bleeding, including those
classical ABS. A rare variant presents with hypokinesis       with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurogenic stunning in
of the base of the heart with preserved apical function       this situation has the same features as ABS50,51 and is
(inverted Tako-Tsubo).45 Cardiac magnetic resonance           likely a manifestation of the same spectrum of disease.
appears to be a useful imaging modality for document-         The diagnosis of ABS is most likely to be made at
ing the extent of the regional wall motion abnormality        institutions with cardiac catheterization laboratories
and differentiating ABS (characterized by the absence         where primary percutaneous coronary intervention is
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412 Prasad, Lerman, and Rihal                                                                                                              March 2008

  Table II. Proposed Mayo Clinic criteria for ABS                                       may be present in as many one fifth of patients,13,16 but
                                                                                        symptomatic obstruction is uncommon. Dynamic out-
1. Transient hypokinesis, akinesis, or dyskinesis of the left ventricular mid
   segments with or without apical involvement; the regional wall motion                flow-tract obstruction may be associated with systolic
   abnormalities extend beyond a single epicardial vascular distribution; a             anterior motion of the mitral leaflet and mitral
   stressful trigger is often, but not always present. ⁎                                regurgitation.52 In the absence of heart failure, a
2. Absence of obstructive coronary disease or angiographic evidence of                  cautious trial of intravenous fluids and β-blockers may
   acute plaque rupture. †
3. New electrocardiographic abnormalities (either ST-segment elevation
                                                                                        help by reducing the hypercontractility of the base of
   and/or T-wave inversion) or modest elevation in cardiac troponin.                    the left ventricle and increase cardiac filling, thereby
4. Absence of:                                                                          reducing the obstruction.53,54 Alternatively, an infusion
  Pheochromocytoma                                                                      of phenylephrine may be effective by increasing the
  Myocarditis                                                                           afterload and left ventricular cavity size in patients in
In both of the above circumstances, the diagnosis of ABS should be made with caution,   whom β-blocker or intravenous fluids are contraindi-
and a clear stressful precipitating trigger must be sought.                             cated. Inotropes would be contraindicated in the
⁎ There are rare exceptions to these criteria such as those patients in whom the
regional wall motion abnormality is limited to a single coronary territory.             presence of dynamic outflow tract obstruction.55 In
† It is possible that a patient with obstructive coronary atherosclerosis may also      contrast, cardiogenic shock due to pump failure is
develop ABS. However, this is very rare in our experience and in the published
literature, perhaps because such cases are misdiagnosed as an acute coronary            treated with standard therapies, which include ino-
syndrome.                                                                               tropes and intraaortic balloon counterpulsation.
                                                                                           As with acute myocardial infarction, ABS may rarely
performed for STEMI and an early invasive strategy is                                   lead to mechanical and arrhythmic complications.
practiced for non STEMI. The absence of obstructive                                     Mechanical complications reported include free wall
coronary artery disease and characteristic regional wall                                rupture56 and severe mitral regurgitation.52 Atrial and
motion abnormality is likely to lead to the diagnosis.                                  ventricular arrhythmias may occur, but ventricular
Diagnosing ABS in patients presenting at hospitals with-                                tachycardia and fibrillation is rare.13 Anticoagulation
out cardiac catheterization laboratories requires a high                                should be considered during the initial presentation if
index of suspicion. Establishing the diagnosis is particu-                              severe left ventricular systolic dysfunction is present and
larly important if fibrinolytic therapy is being considered                             continued for a few weeks with warfarin if there is slow
for a presumed diagnosis of STEMI. Inappropriate                                        functional recovery to prevent thromboembolism. Left
administration of fibrinolytics to a patient with ABS may                               ventricular thrombus may rarely be present during the
lead to harm, and it would be reasonable to transfer a                                  acute phase, and anticoagulation is clearly indicated in
patient suspected of the cardiomyopathy for emergency                                   this circumstance.57
coronary angiography.                                                                      In our practice, in the absence of contraindications, we
                                                                                        empirically recommend chronic β-blocker therapy with
Management                                                                              the aim of reducing the likelihood of a recurrent episode.
   Since the presentation mimics an acute coronary                                      Initiation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or
syndrome, initial management should be directed                                         angiotensin receptor blocker therapy before discharge is
towards the treatment of myocardial ischemia with                                       reasonable. This is particularly important because the
continuous ECG monitoring, administration of aspirin,                                   diagnosis may not be certain at the time of discharge and
intravenous heparin, and β-blockers. The optimal man-                                   these drugs would be indicated for nonreversible left
agement of ABS has not been established, but supportive                                 ventricular dysfunction. Inhibitors of the renin angioten-
therapy invariably leads to spontaneous recovery. Once                                  sin system can be discontinued once there is complete
the diagnosis has been made, aspirin can be discontinued                                recovery of systolic function in ABS. Annual clinical
unless there is coexisting coronary atherosclerosis. The                                follow-up is advisable because the natural history of ABS
efficacy of β-blocker therapy has not been formally                                     remains unknown.
tested. If tolerated, it is reasonable to initiate β-blockers
empirically because excess catecholamines have been
implicated in the pathogenesis. The role of combined α-1                                Prognosis
and β receptor blockade with drugs such as labetalol or                                   The systolic dysfunction and the regional wall motion
carvedilol is unknown.                                                                  abnormalities are transient and resolve completely within
   Congestive heart failure is the most common com-                                     a matter of days to a few weeks. In our experience14 and
plication occurring in approximately 20% of patients34                                  in other large series,13,16,25 complete recovery is seen in
and is more likely in the presence of right ventricular                                 virtually all patients by 4 to 8 weeks. This is such a
involvement.41,42 Diuretics are effective in most cases.                                uniform finding that an alternative diagnosis should be
It is important to exclude dynamic left ventricular                                     considered in patients in whom the cardiomyopathy does
outflow tract obstruction with echocardiography in                                      not resolve. Patients with ABS generally have a good
patients with severe heart failure or significant hypo-                                 prognosis in the absence of significant underlying
tension. Aysmptomatic intracardiac pressure gradient                                    comorbid conditions.35 The ejection fraction should be
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   Figure 5

                                               Proposed pathophysiology of ABS.

measured in approximately 4 to 6 weeks after discharge            conjunction with a rise in catecholamines.61 Moreover,
from the hospital to document recovery of cardiac                 wall motion abnormalities and depressed ejection frac-
function. Inhospital mortality from ABS is very low and           tion have been observed in diseases associated with high
unlikely to be N1% to 2%. Overall, the long-term survival is      catecholamines such as a pheochromocytoma62,63 and
similar to that of the general age-matched population.35          subarachnoid hemorrhage.64 Wittstein et al25 have
The subgroup of patients in whom there is a physical              reported very high levels of catecholamines in ABS at the
trigger such as major surgery or illness appear to have a         time of presentation, which remained elevated for 7 to
worse prognosis, most likely related to the underlying            9 days. Endomyocardial biopsies in a subset of their
condition. The recurrence rate of ABS is no N10%.35               patients demonstrated contraction band necrosis, a
                                                                  feature of catecholamine toxicity. However, neither the
                                                                  elevation in circulating catecholamines21,47 nor the
Pathophysiology                                                   contraction band necrosis17,25,58,59 has proven to be
  The pathophysiology of ABS is not well understood.              consistent finding. Interestingly, in a rat immobilization
Several mechanisms for the reversible cardiomyopathy              stress model of ABS, investigators have been able to
have been proposed, including catecholamine-induced               induce ST-segment elevation and apical ballooning that
myocardial stunning, ischemia-mediated stunning due to            can be prevented by the administration of combined
multivessel epicardial or microvascular spasm, and                alpha and β adrenoreceptor antagonist.65
myocarditis (Figure 5). Myocarditis is extremely unlikely            Early Japanese literature suggested that ABS may result
to be the mechanism since studies reporting endomyo-              from ischemia due to multivessel epicardial spasm.66 This
cardial biopsy data have consistently shown the absence           has not been confirmed in the recent larger series or in
of myocarditis.17,24,58,59 Furthermore, cardiac magnetic          our experience, and we believe that epicardial spasm is
resonance imaging does not show regional delayed                  unlikely to be the underlying cause of ABS in most cases.
gadolinium hyperenhancement, which is a feature of                It is possible that the routine administration of nitrates for
myocarditis.16,23,26                                              ischemic chest pain may obscure the presence of spasm.
  Catecholamines may play a role in triggering the                Tsuchihashi et al13 have reported that coronary spasm
syndrome because many patients have emotional or                  may be induced with acetylcholine provocation in 21% of
physical triggers. There is an increasing awareness of the        patients in their series. However, the clinical relevance of
close interaction between cortical brain activity and the         this finding is questionable because endothelial dysfunc-
heart.60 In clinical studies, mental stress has been              tion is highly prevalent in postmenopausal women.
demonstrated to reduce left ventricular ejection fraction            Microvascular dysfunction measured using angio-
and, rarely, induce regional wall motion abnormalities in         graphic techniques such as myocardial blush grade can
American Heart Journal
414 Prasad, Lerman, and Rihal                                                                                      March 2008

be detected in at least two thirds of the patients at the      myocarditis in the past. Others believe that ABS may
time of presentation, and its severity correlates with the     indeed be a “novel” cardiomyopathy with a true rise in
magnitude of troponin elevation and ECG abnormal-              incidence. It is speculated that the decreasing use of
ities.67 Similarly, the TIMI frame count is prolonged in all   hormone replacement therapy among postmenopausal
3 major epicardial coronary vessels in the acute setting,      women may have contributed to its emergence. A
indicating the presence of impaired microvascular              protective role of estrogens is possible because the
flow.14,19 Single photon emission computed tomography          cardiomyopathy predominantly occurs in postmenopau-
using thallium and sestamibi tracers and positron              sal women. Experimental data indicate that estrogen
emission tomography using 13 N-ammonia have consis-            supplementation may abolish the deleterious effect of
tently demonstrated impaired perfusion in the regions of       mental stress on cardiac function in ovariectomized
the wall motion abnormality.68,69 However, the meta-           rats.71,73 Similarly, clinical investigations have found that
bolic defect measured as fatty acid or glucose metabo-         chronic estrogen supplementation attenuates the hemo-
lism in these studies has generally been larger than the       dynamic and catecholamine responses to mental stress,74
perfusion defect. This may be either because the               and catecholamine mediated vasoconstriction.75
primary abnormality in ABS is metabolic dysfunction and          An intriguing hypothesis that merits further investiga-
not impaired perfusion or because the microcirculation         tion is that ABS is not a unique cardiomyopathy, but
recovers more rapidly than the myocardial metabolism.          myocardial stunning resulting from a spontaneously
At this time, it is unknown whether the impairment in          aborted myocardial infarction in the territory of a large
microvascular function is the primary mechanism for the        left anterior descending (LAD) artery.76 To support their
injury or an epiphenomenon.                                    hypothesis, Ibanez et al have published data on five
   It has been suggested that development of a severe          patients demonstrating the presence of plaque rupture by
intracardiac gradient due to the basal hypercontractility      intravascular ultrasound that was not detected by
may be a primary mechanism for the disease. A geometric        angiography.77 However, there are several reasons why
predisposition in elderly females with a sigmoid inter-        this mechanism is unlikely to account for the pathophy-
ventricular septum or hypovolemia in the postoperative         siology of most cases of ABS. First, the regional wall
patients may lead to outflow tract or midventricular           motion abnormality in typical cases is far greater than
obstruction in the presence of excessive catecholamines.       what can be accounted for by even a large wrap-around
The resulting elevation in wall stress, oxygen require-        LAD. Second, plaque rupture has not been reported in
ment, and ischemia in the apical segments could cause          any large case series. Third, extensive regional wall
apical ballooning.70 However, if this was the case, one        motion abnormality of the right ventricle in one third of
would expect to document an intracardiac gradient more         patients cannot be explained on the basis of LAD territory
often than it has been reported in the literature or seen in   ischemia. Fourth, the female predominance would be
our experience.13,16                                           unusual for a manifestation of coronary atherosclerosis.

Controversies                                                  Conclusions
  There is debate over the most suitable nomenclature            Apical ballooning syndrome is a distinctive reversible
for ABS.71,72 Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy12 and ABS13            cardiomyopathy that mimics an acute coronary syn-
were the original names proposed by the Japanese.              drome. It should be included in the differential diagnosis
Most non-Japanese-speaking physicians are not familiar         of patients with an apparent acute coronary syndrome
with the meaning of Tako-Tsubo. Apical ballooning              with regional wall motion abnormality and absence of
syndrome has become popular because it is descriptive          obstructive coronary artery disease.
of the appearance of the left ventricle. However, ABS            One of the hallmarks of ABS is that it is almost
does not account for the less common variants. Some            exclusively seen in postmenopausal women. This is
have favored using stress cardiomyopathy or neuro-             unique to the medical field and warrants further
genic stunning.71 These descriptions also are not all          investigation regarding the potential mechanisms. The
encompassing because a stressor is absent in one third         central hypothesis that a catecholamine surge is respon-
of patients, and the role of the nervous system in the         sible for the cardiomyopathy is challenged by the sex
pathophysiology remains to be established.                     disparity. If this was the predominant mechanism, one
  There is also divergence of opinion as to the reason for     would expect similar incidence in men and women. In
the apparent increase in incidence of ABS. We believe          fact, males have a greater adrenergic response to mental
that it is not a new disease entity but that its recognition   stress.57 Thus, additional hypotheses should be enter-
has increased because of the greater use of cardiac            tained to explain the phenomenon. It is possible that, in
imaging, coronary angiography, and sensitive cardiac           women, estrogen plays a protective role on the vascular
biomarkers such as troponin. In addition, such cases may       bed from the adverse effects of catecholamine surges.
have been diagnosed as aborted myocardial infarctions or       Thus, a relative deficiency of estrogen after menopause
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                                                                                                                          Prasad, Lerman, and Rihal 415

may predispose them to developing ABS. An alternative                                  to heart failure (in Japanese). Tokyo: Kagakuhyoronsha Publishing
potential mechanism for the female predisposition is that                              Co; 1990. p. 56-64.
women are more likely to have microvascular disease                              13.   Tsuchihashi K, Ueshima K, Uchida T, et al. Angina Pectoris–
                                                                                       Myocardial Infarction Investigations in Japan. Transient left ventri-
than men.78 Thus, the preexisting microvascular dys-
                                                                                       cular apical ballooning without coronary artery stenosis: a novel
function in women may certainly lead to myocardial
                                                                                       heart syndrome mimicking acute myocardial infarction. Angina
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syndrome with normal epicardial coronary arteries.                                     outcomes, and impaired myocardial microcirculation in patients with
   Future research also needs to explore why (1) a very                                transient left ventricular apical ballooning syndrome: a case-series
small proportion of the population appears to be at risk                               from a U.S. medical center. Am J Cardiol 2004;94:343-6.
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the classic variant, there is sparing of the basal segments
                                                                                       infarction. Ann Intern Med 2004;141:858-65.
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                                                                                 16.   Sharkey SW, Lesser JR, Zenovich AG, et al. Acute and reversible
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