April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club

Page created by Rodney Fischer
April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
P.O. Box 669, Monument, CO 80132
                                Volume XXIX / Issue 9 / April 2022

                        April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter

        Welcome to Spring! We’re looking
forward to more hours of sunshine, more
time outside and more time with friends.
We hope you have lots of plans for the
warmer weather too. Just make sure you
plan it all between snowstorms.

        At the March luncheon/business
meeting, we danced our boots off learning
to line dance to country music with Cindy’s
Dance Factory. The Program committee
did a wonderful job decorating with a
cowboy theme and many of our members
dressed the part.
                                                  2022-2023 Executive Board. Plus, we’ll be
        Also, at the March luncheon, the          entertained by a wonderful local musician, so
CIA committee collected gift cards, home          don’t miss it! Registration ends Sunday the
baked cookies, and thank you cards to             10th.
give to our area’s first responders. Then
they personally delivered them to area fire            Thank you to the members who have
and police departments. We’ve heard from          donated funds in lieu of our Spring Show bake
the committee that all of the first               sale. So far $3,422 has been raised to add to
responders were so appreciative of both           the funds available to our Grant committee for
the gifts and the thought. In fact, we just       this year’s Grantees. Donations continue to be
received a thank you note from the                accepted so if you still want to contribute, just
Monument Police Commander himself.                mail your check to PO Box 669, Monument,
See below.                                        CO 80132 or go onto our website and click the
                                                  “Make a Donation” button.
   At the April luncheon/business
meeting, the Nominating Committee will            Your Co-Presidents,
present their nominations for TLWC’s              Cindy Beley and Billie Healy

April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
Yeehaw - Line Dancing Lessons
                                                                At Our March Luncheon

           TLWC April Luncheon/
             Business Meeting
          Wednesday, April 20, 2022                               If you were unable to attend our
                                                           March Luncheon, you missed a lot of
                 11:00 - Social Time                       Yeehaws and Cotton-Eyed Joes! We were
                   11:30 - Lunch                           maybe a bit tired from all the line dancing,
                                                           but we sure had a great time learning new
           Wedgewood Black Forest                          steps and waving our red bandanas. There
  12375 Black Forest Rd., Colorado Springs, CO             were lots of western boots and cowboy hats
                                                           on the dance floor.
                       Part 1                                     The lessons were courtesy of Cindy
  Jaime Garcia (Dir. of Development) and Melissa
                                                           Swift of Cindy’s Dance Factory, who has
Evans-Bagnall (Board of Directors) of Silver Alliance,
                                                           been teaching dance for over 30 years.
one of our grant recipients, will share some exciting
         happenings at the Senior Center.
                        Part 2
We’ll present a video by Jonathan Lowry, a talented,
 new local musician. He’s from Texas and attended
Texas State University, majoring in Music Education.
He plays many instruments, including the piano since
 the age of 5. His favorites include the piano, guitar,
               trombone, and mandolin.

     Grilled Chicken with Pesto Cream Sauce
           Assorted Salads and Veggies
           Gluten free option is available.
           (Please contact Maureen Kral
              if you need this options)
  Hot Coffee/Tea Beverage Station (Self Serving)

            Deadline for Reservations
             Sunday, April 10, at 6pm

   Reservations for members and guests can be
    made by emailing: reservations@tlwc.net
    or contacting Maureen Kral: 719/661-7607

    Luncheon Reservation Payment Options
       1. Cash or check made out to TLWC at
          the luncheon - $35                           2
       2. Credit card at the luncheon - $37
April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
Our Tri-Lakes Cares Food Drive                         Thanking Our Local Heroes
         Partnership Continues                                  TLWC’s mission to thank local police
                                                         departments and firefighters for their service with
        Tri-Lakes Cares is so appreciative of our        our personalized thank you cards, gift cards, and
efforts to collect much needed food and house-           cookies was a resounding success.
hold items for the less fortunate members of our
community. TLWC will hold our second of two                      Our members generously donated over
such drives at the April 20th luncheon. If you are       $1,200 in gift cards plus dozens of cookies for
unable to attend the luncheon, you may drop              our faithful and tireless servants. Additionally,
items at the Monument Park n Ride the day after          each department was given a large ‘thank you’
the luncheon, April 21, from 5 pm - 6:30 pm.             card signed by our members. The donations
Monetary donations (checks only) are always              were collected at our March luncheon and at
greatly appreciated in lieu of listed items.             Serrano’s. Judy Sawyer and Sandra Sciadini
                                                         visited the stations to personally express our
   Here is a list of their most needed items             appreciation and deliver cards and cookies.
          Shelf-Stable Milk Alternative
                                                                We are grateful for all our members who
                 Instant Potatoes
                                                         donated to the success of this outreach in honor
                 Spaghetti Sauce
                                                         these local heroes.
               Canned Beef Stew
                 Canned Chicken
                Skillet Dinner Kits
                  Pancake Syrup
                   Pancake Mix
                    Bottled Juice
                   Vegetable Oil
     Youth Snacks-Pudding, Goldfish, etc.
               Chicken Stock/Broth
           Canned Mixed Vegetables
                    Pinto Beans
                   Paper Towels
               Kitchen/Trash Bags
             Multi-Purpose Cleaner
           Dish/Laundry/Hand Soap
                    Body Wash
                 Flushable Wipes
               Diapers (Sizes 4-6)
                    Baby Wipes
          Current Overstocked Items
Toilet Paper - Dog Food - Canned Beans & Corn
Nancy Pokorny & Pam Cutcliff
Co-Presidents Elect                                  3
April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club

April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
Salvation Army Charity                           Providing Lunches for the
          Fashion Show                                    Working Homeless
                                                      We are approaching our second year of
                                                          providing lunches for the working
                                                         homeless. Every month a group of
                                                     hardworking ladies assemble and deliver
                                                       around 50 bag lunches to the Springs
                                                     Rescue Mission. Sandwiches, chips, fruit,
 TLWC helps our community in many ways,               drinks, and cookies give these men and
  and we also assist other dedicated non-                  women a tasty lunch to enjoy.
    profits to better the lives of others.
                                                      Thank you to all our friends for being so
The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary held a             generous with donations and time.
 Charity Fashion Show Event at The Pinery at
  The Hill in Colorado Springs on March 19.
    TLWC had sixteen members attend to
support this wonderful non-profit that provides
   programs for families in need. Everyone
found it nice to attend a full-on event following
         the last two years of isolation.

   Before lunch we were able to browse the
   silent auction items and make some fun
  purchases. Lunch included a fashion show
from Macy’s followed by a live auction. It was
   a lovely day assisting another non-profit                Win a $25 Gift Card to
                 organization.                                   Starbucks
                                                         Read this issue of the Pine Cone
                                                              and find the answer:

                                                        Q. Which of our members was an
                                                              outrigger canoeist?

                                                             Email your answers to:
                                                      and you’ll be entered into the drawing.
                                                      The winner need not be present when
                                                       her name is drawn at our April 20th

                                                           Good luck & enjoy this issue
                                                               of the Pine Cone.

April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
Stitch ‘N Chat                             The Garden Club Participates
                                                             in a Learning Tour of
                                                                YWAM Emerge
                                                     The Garden Club recently had an interesting
                                                     tour at YWAM Emerge in Black Forest. Ture
                                                     Rider provided an in-depth tour of the
                                                     greenhouse facility, their history and vision.

                                                     YWAM Emerge has a passion to help grow
                                                     food sustainably and support job creation
                                                     through aquaponics. They have a 22,000 sq.
                                                     ft green house with several different
                                                     aquaponic systems producing thousands of
                                                     heads of organic lettuce each month which
                We’re Back!                          they sell to local restaurants to fund their
                                                     charitable programs and give to local food
       The Stitch 'n' Chat group meets on            banks. .
the 4th Monday of the month from 1 pm -
3:30 pm to work on sewing or quilting                   We’ve never seen this much lettuce!
projects. On March 28 we resumed a quilt
project that started back in 2019, before
our unwelcome break for Covid.
       It's great to be back at our machines
and to be among friends who share an
interest in using beautiful fabrics to create
one of a kind sewn items. The inspiration is
endless; smiles and laughter abound.
We're a small group at present,
        Come join! Just go to your member
profile online at tlwc.net, click on 'edit
profile', and add Stitch 'n' Chat to your list
of interest groups. You'll then begin
receiving our monthly meeting reminders.

April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club

       The Nominating Committee,                     STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS
consisting of Pam Cutcliff, Nancy Pokorny            (Appointed by the Co-Presidents)
(Co-Presidents Elect), Kathy Wentzel
(Committee Chair), RaeJean Claybaugh,                        Grant Committee
Charlie Ann Hayes, Lori Marriner and Jan                     Anne Campbell
McKinley, are pleased to announce the
proposed slate of officers for the TLWC                       Interest Groups
2022-2023 year.                                                Judy Crusius

        At the May 2021 Business
                                                            Kathy Sera-Budney
Luncheon, Pam Cutcliff and Nancy Pokorny
                                                             Susan McGinnis
were elected as Co-Presidents Elect and
will serve as Co-Presidents for 2022-2023.                      Newsletter
                                                               Jan McKinley
        Upon election by the membership,
the following slate of officers have agreed to               Public Relations
serve in 2022-2023.                                           Sue Leggiero

       >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                          Reservations/Communications
                                                              Maureen Kral
      (Elected by the Membership)                           Web Administrator
                                                              Cindy Beley
            Co-Presidents Elect
                Pam Perry                                SPECIAL COMMITTEES
              Shelley Pruett                         (Appointed by the Co-Presidents)
              1st VP–Programs                           Historian/Propery Manager
               Pam Sherfesee                                  Robbie Larson
         2nd VP-Charitable Events                              Nominating
               Nancy Pfohl                                     Millie Town
                Treasurers                                 SOS/Caring in Action
  Charitable Events Treasurer: Geri Bush                       Ann Cook
     Operating Treasurer: Pam Acuff                         Charlie Ann Hayes
                  Secretary                                   Club Activities
                 Billie Healy                                  Lori Forman
                                                            Diana Heckethorn
     (Appointed by the Co-Presidents)                   >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
              Marsha Cook

April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
Koko Pavich
                                                                    Penelope Allen
If you were in Europe, would you want to              It would take a book, not a short article, to tell
spend your time pet sitting? Well, for Koko           Penelope Allen’s story. Penelope spent her
(Karla) Pavich, she did exactly that while her        early years in China, where her father, who
husband was stationed in Germany with the             spoke several Chinese dialects, was
Air Force. She tended cows in Scotland,               stationed. She attended a
chickens in Spain, and cats in Switzerland.           Taiwanese/American bilingual school there,
Obviously, Koko, is an animal lover, so much          although she admits that languages aren’t
so that since she has recently lost her family        her forte. When the Air Force Academy
cat, she is hoping to pet sit for others.             opened, her dad moved the family to the
                                                      Monument area and took a position as a
Koko was born in Bentwaters, England where            physicist there.
her father was stationed in the United States
Air Force. Like most military kids, Koko and          Penelope attended Denver University and
her three siblings moved frequently. Little did       completed her education with a Ph.D. from
she know that she would meet her husband,             the University of Colorado, Boulder. She has
an ROTC scholarship recipient with plans to           since worked at every level as a teacher and
enter the Air Force, in Utah where she was            principal for District 11 and Professor of
working as a paralegal. Once again, Koko              Education for the University of Colorado at
along with her husband and two daughters,             Colorado Springs. Besides her career,
found herself traveling the world. This time          Penelope and her husband, who met when
spending three tours in both Germany and              they were both teachers, have three
Arkansas. Their last assignment was Hawaii            sons One is now an engineer, the second is
where Koko was a hospice nurse, a hiker, and          a local realtor, and the third works for the
an outrigger canoeist. (An outrigger canoe is         State Department. They in turn have given
a type of canoe featuring one or more lateral         her four grandchildren.
floats known as outriggers which are fastened
to one or both sides of the hull.)                    Despite her long and successful career in
                                                      education, Penelope’s first love is with the
Koko and her husband moved to Monument                animal kingdom. She was Director of the
in 2019 to be near their two daughters; Sara,         Colorado Wildlife Association for 45 years
a thirty-year old nurse in Denver who was             and still runs what she calls an assisted living
recently married, and Samantha, a twenty-             home for her eight aging chickens, who have
seven-year-old HR worker who plans to be              mostly stopped producing eggs.
married in the fall. Despite being busy with
                                                      Penelope has belonged to TLWC for longer
wedding plans, Koko still has time to play the
                                                      than she can count and is an active member
piano, garden, and hike. She is currently the
                                                      of at least five interest groups of which the
Chairperson of the Membership Committee
                                                      garden club and book club are her favorite.
and is happy to be a part of TLWC.
April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
The mission of Tri-Lakes Women’s
       Club is to support the Tri-Lakes
    community charitable and educational
         endeavors. TLWC raises and
      distributes funds to assist qualified
        organizations and promote the
      education of its members and the
       community through instructional

        Our club is a non-profit 501(C)3
       organization and that designation
         makes us all about charity and
         education. However, we like to
     accomplish our mission by having fun
        and making new friends. Please
    volunteer for one of our many positions
          and find out how this works.

April 2022 Co-Presidents Letter - Tri-Lakes Women's Club
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