APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation

Page created by Eugene Powers
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
APRIL 2023
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Calendar Highlights                                             Beth Tzedec Shofar

                           Calendar Highlights
Saturday, April 1           Wednesday, April 12       Saturday, April 22
Yom HaAliyah                Pesach VII                Earth Day
9:00am Shabbat              Office Closed             9:00am Shabbat
Morning Service             Candle Lighting: After    Morning Service
6:00pm Shabbat              9:20pm                    10:00am Learners
Evening Service                                       Minyan
Shabbat Ends: 9:00pm        Thursday, April 13        10:15am Family Shabbat
                            Pesach VIII               Morning
Monday, April 3             Office Closed             6:00pm Shabbat
6:30pm Keruv Class          Yom Tov Ends: 9:22pm      Evening Service
                                                      Shabbat Ends: 9:39pm
Wednesday, April 5          Friday, April 14
Erev Pesach / Fast of       Candle Lighting: 8:12pm   Sunday, April 23
the First Born              TORAH: Shemini            9:30am Shul School
Office Closes at 12:00pm                              10:00am Holy Fit!
Candle Lighting: 7:57pm     Saturday, April 15        1:00pm Kesher Club
                            9:00am Shabbat
Thursday, April 6           Morning Service           Monday, April 24
Pesach I                    6:00pm Shabbat            6:30pm Keruv Class
Office Closed               Evening Service
6:00pm Second Seder         Shabbat Ends: 9:26pm      Tuesday, April 25
Dinner                                                Yom HaZikaron
Candle Lighting: After      Sunday, April 16          4:00pm B’nai Mitzvah
9:09pm                      9:30am Shul School        Class

Friday, April 7             Monday, April 17          Wednesday, April 26
Pesach II                   6:30pm Keruv Class        Yom HaAtzma’ut
Office Closed                                         4:00pm Teen Learning
Candle Lighting: 8:01pm     Tuesday, April 18         Project
TORAH: Pesach               Yom HaShoah
                            4:00pm B’nai Mitzvah      Thursday, April 27
Saturday, April 8           Classes                   3:30pm Homework Club
Pesach III
9:00am Shabbat              Wednesday, April 19       Friday, April 28
Morning Service             12:00pm Hazak Lunch &     Candle Lighting: 8:35pm
6:00pm Shabbat              Learn                     TORAH: Acharei Mos-
Evening Service             4:00pm Teen Hang          Kedoshim
Shabbat Ends: 9:13pm        3:30pm Homework Club
                                                      Saturday, April 29
Sunday, April 9             Thursday, April 20        Cassidy Mandleman’s
Pesach IV                   3:30pm Homework Club      Bat Mitzvah
10:15am Matzah Brei                                   9:00am Shabbat
                            Friday, April 21          Morning Service
Monday, April 10            Candle Lighting: 8:24pm   6:00pm Shabbat
Pesach V                    TORAH: Tazria-Metzora     Evening Service
                                                      Shabbat Ends: 9:52pm
Tuesday, April 11
Pesach VI                                             Sunday, April 30
Candle Lighting: 8:07pm                               9:30am Shul School 2.0
                                                      1:30pm Tales from the
  2 | April 2023                                            Beth Tzedec Congregation
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                                     Masthead & Contents

Executive Officers
President                                 Contents
Lorne Pearl
Vice President/Treasurer
Joshua Inhaber
                                     4    Rabbi Cantor's Corner
                                          Explore the meaning and metaphor of a popular
                                          Pesach song.
Jeffrey Dworkin
                                          A Message from the President
Board of Directors                   6    Asking new questions for new generations.
Lorie Abernethy
Lou Bracey
                                          National Minyan League Update
Eddy Lang
Saul Prince                          8    Our Commissioner is sharing fun facts for your seder
Cheryl Baron Shiell
Heather Khan Lister
                                          Programs and Events
Klara Meyers
Gerald Pfeffer                       10   Upcoming fun and festivites at Beth Tzedec.

Synagogue Professionals & Staff           Online Programs and Events
Senior Rabbi and Cantor
Rabbi Cantor Russell G. Jayne
                                     12   If spring showers are keeping you indoors, Rabbi
                                          Russ has selected a number of online events you
Assistant Rabbi                           might enjoy
Rabbi Ilana Krygier Lapides
Chief Executive Officer                   Purim Highlights from Around the Shul
David Inhaber
Director of Education
                                     14   Photos of our Beth Tzedec community Purim
Ari Cohen
Director of Engagement                    Bat Mitzvah Profile
Jonah Potasznik
Director of Marketing
                                     17   Get to know Cassidy Charlie Mandleman, in
                                          preparation for her upcoming simcha.
Linda Dow
Hazzan Sheini                             Tributes & Donations
Elliott Steinberg
Memorial Park Manager
                                     18   An update on our community members.

Max Lipsman
Ken Hillaby                                Beth Tzedec gratefully acknowledges
Executive Assistant/Events Manager            the generous support provided
Jennifer Girvitz                           by major endowment gifts, including:
Office Manager
Jennifer Preece                                Steven Blitz Endowment Fund
Operations                                  Leo & Goldie Sheftel Rabbinical Chair
Bill Barkaie                              Norman & Beulah Martin Cantorial Chair
Operations                                Cyngiser Family Jewish Film Festival Fund
Adi Charikar
Honourary Shamash
Bert Glow

    Beth Tzedec Congregation                                               Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 3
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Rabbi Cantor's Corner                                                                  Beth Tzedec Shofar

Seeing Ourselves in an Old Goat
Exploring the meaning and metaphor of one of the
most popular and playful songs to share around
the seder table.

By Rabbi Cantor Russell G. Jayne
Leo & Goldie Sheftel Rabbinical Chair | Norman & Beulah Martin Cantorial Chair

    The folksong, “Chad Gadya” (“One                           great depth of meaning in its
Goat” or “The Only Goat”) is one of the                        symbolism, and literally hundreds of
most famous songs in the Hagaddah.                             explanations have been written on it
It has been set to dozens of melodies                          over the centuries. The most common
all over the Jewish world, and each                            popular explanation goes as follows:
community seems to have their own                              The goat symbolizes the oppressed
way of singing and engaging with the                           Jewish people, bought by the father
text. Yet, despite how much fun it is to                       (God) for two coins (the two Tablets of
sing, it has such an obscure and                               the Law). The subsequent animals
confusing text that most of the time,                          and people in the song represent the
even if we can get ourselves back to                           nations who persecuted the Jewish
the table to sing it after the meal, we                        people over the centuries. The
just accept the song for its comedic                           devouring cat represents Assyria; the
value, and pay very little heed to the                         dog, Babylon; the stick represents
deeper meanings hidden within the                              Persia; the fire, the Greeks; the water
text.                                                          is Rome; the ox, the Saracens; the
    Composed of ten stanzas, the song                          shochet (ritual slaughter), the
runs as follows:                                               Crusaders; and the Angel of Death,
A father bought a goat for two zuzim                           the Turks who subsequently ruled
(low value ancient coins);                                     Palestine. The end of the song
a cat came and ate the goat;                                   expresses the hope for messianic
a dog then bit the cat;                                        redemption with God destroying the
the dog was beaten by a stick;                                 foreign rulers of the Holy Land and
the stick was burned by fire;                                  vindicating Israel as The Only Goat.
water quenched the fire;                                           There are also spiritual elements to
an ox drank the water;                                         the song. The Vilna Gaon (1720-1797)
a shochet (ritual slaughterer)                                 interpreted it as illuminating the
slaughtered the ox;                                            many sins of the Jewish people over
the shochet was killed by the Angel of                         the centuries. For instance, in his view,
Death who                                                      fire was the idolatry of the people
is then killed by God.                                         which brought about the destruction
    So what are we to make of this                             of the First Temple. Water was the
text? Our tradition teaches that the                           spirit of K’lal Yisrael which led them
poem is a very significant work with                           back to their homeland after

   4 | April 2023                                                                   Beth Tzedec Congregation
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                               Rabbi Cantor's Corner

Babylonian exile, and the ox                each other. It may be a puzzling way
symbolized Roman rule and the Sinat         to end the joyous meal but one that is
Chinam (baseless hatred) which led          fraught with meaning. The song of
to the destruction of the Second            Chad Gadya reminds us that in
Temple.                                     Jewish history, all creatures, all
   Even modern artists and                  animals, all events are connected. The
commentators have added their               goat and the cat, the fire and the
voices to the mix. In his video             water, the slaughterer and the
commentary to the Haggadah, the             redeemer, they are all part of the
great writer and thinker, Elie Wiesel,      story."
teaches us that, though the song is a          So this year, bring yourselves back
confusing one, if looked at correctly, it   to the seder table and end your
has a wonderful lesson to share at the      evening with a song that will not only
seder table. Wiesel comments, "And          wake up the kids and get everyone
here we are, concluding the seder           laughing, but that also has a
with "Chad Gadya", a beautiful song,        wonderful history, deep meaning,
which is not just about a father who        and, let’s be honest, is just a blast to
buys a goat for his child. It's a song      sing!
about God's creatures destroying               Chag Sameach! Happy Passover!

  Beth Tzedec Congregation                                          Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 5
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
A Message from the President                                         Beth Tzedec Shofar

New Questions for New Generations
Each generation reads the story and comes up with
new questions and even new answers that are
meaningful to them, that give them ownership of the
seder, and that they can pass on to the next

By Lorne Pearl
President, Beth Tzedec Congregation

    Chag Pesach Sameach!                      is for all Jews of all time. But how do
    It’s a great time of year where           we keep it relevant and alive from
winter turns to spring, the days get          generation to generation? By asking
longer, and our roof acts like wet            questions and finding the answers to
matzah when it encounters melting             those questions.
snow. We are excited to host many                 For the Beth Tzedec Board, that
events this year, including a Matzah          has been the basis of our Strategic
Brei breakfast on April 9, and our            Plan refresh project. We received
family seder on the second night of           feedback from many congregants
Passover. Rabbi Russ does a                   and have done additional research to
wonderful job of bringing the                 create a plan of investment for the
Haggadah to life, entertaining all ages       next three to five years. We have
with interesting insights, beautiful          already implemented several our
songs and bringing us together as a           ideas and seen success with all the
kehillah.                                     hard work our team of clergy and
    An aspect of the seder that I always      professional staff have put in. I am
remember is that the story isn’t being        looking forward to publishing the
told only to the people who were              plan before the AGM with a full
there when they left Egypt, and it’s          presentation at the meeting - and yes,
not just for the people who lived at          it includes plans for our building.
the time of the Rabbis in the                     I wish everyone a happy and
Haggadah; the story is for all Jews of        healthy Passover.
all time. It’s a tradition of evolution. As
each family and each generation
molds the seder to reflect how they
observe their Judaism, it’s still a seder.        Interested in helping to shape the
Each generation reads the story and                    future of Beth Tzedec?
comes up with new questions and
even new answers that are                            Consider joining our Board of
meaningful to them, that give them                      Directors! Email Lorne at
ownership of the seder, and that they              president@bethtzedec.ca to learn
can pass on to the next generation.                    more about the process.
    Just like the seder, the synagogue

   6 | April 2023                                                 Beth Tzedec Congregation
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar         Tales from the Bench

Beth Tzedec Congregation   Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 7
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
National Minyan League                                                  Beth Tzedec Shofar

Fun Facts for the Seder Table
Spice up your conversation this Passover with
some interesting seasonal trivia - perfect for
livening up the party!

By Susan Inhaber
Commisioner, National Minyan League

Here are some fun facts that you can            Tucson, Arizona (pictured below),
sprinkle throughout your seder this             weighing 488 pounds and measuring
year!                                           106” in diameter. The ingredients
    Passover is an oldie. Share this fun        included more than 1,000 eggs, 25
fact as you start the seder. What is            pounds of chicken fat, and 125 pounds
the oldest continuously celebrated              of matzo meal. For the chicken soup
Jewish holiday? Passover! The very              alone, chefs used 320 chickens, 80
first Passover was celebrated in Egypt          pounds of carrots, 40 pounds of
more than 3,300 years ago and                   celery, and 40 pounds of onions. After
marked the first holiday the Jews ever          Guinness officials weighed the giant
celebrated.                                     matzah ball, festival attendees had a
    The world’s biggest matzah ball             chance to sample bites of it. It’s
was really big. Mention this while              unclear whether this one took the
soup is being served. You thought               official honour, but I wonder if it was
your mother made them big? Well,                light and fluffy.
she has some stiff competition. In                 How many matzah balls would
2009, Chef Anthony Sylvestry made a             you like in your soup? Use this fact
matzah ball measuring 22.9” wide and            when people start complaining that
weighing a whopping 267 lbs! [source]           they are getting stuffed. In 2008,
    The following year, it was                  competitive eating champion, Joey
challenged by another made in                   Chestnut (yes, he of hot dog eating
                                                fame) devoured 78 matzah balls in
                                                eight minutes. Gulp! Although I am
                                                sure they were the more conventional
                                                size, eating just three would do me in!
                                                   Passover is a day of
                                                commemoration. Mention this when
                                                talking about freedom and turmoil in
                                                the world today. Over 2,000 years ago,
                                                a nation of Jews escaped Egypt

                                      APRIL BONUS DATES
        Sunday, April 9 | Sunday, April 16 | Sunday, April 23 | Sunday, April 30

  8 | April 2023                                                    Beth Tzedec Congregation
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                            National Minyan League

through the splitting of the Red Sea.
This festival commemorates that
   During Passover 1865, Abraham
Lincoln was assassinated at Ford’s
Theatre in Washington, D.C. Many
Jewish Americans were in synagogue
that Shabbat morning, at that exact
time, to observe Passover and to
celebrate the end of the Civil War.       Cleaning up is a real chore. Share this
Shocked, Rabbis offered prayers           fun fact as you clear the table.
(which was unheard of to be recited       Some Ethiopian Jews break all their
for non-Jewish people up to that          cooking dishes at Passover and make
point) and impromptu sermons to           a new set to symbolize making a true
mark the tragedy. Let’s pray that from    break from the past and to celebrate
this Passover going forward, there will   renewal. You think cleaning the
be true peace in the world and            dishes is tough? Imagine making a
freedom for all.                          brand-new set before each Passover!
   Inviting guests to your seder is an    Gives a whole new spin to the
important mitzvah. When you talk          business of preparing for the holiday,
about other seders happening in the       doesn’t it?
city, mention this fact. Nepal is home       Why can’t you just eat the regular
to the world’s largest Passover seder.    stuff? Use this fact after finding the
Anywhere from 1000 to 1500 guests         Afikomen. While you can buy matzah
attend the seder hosted by Chabad.        year-round, matzah made for
But why Nepal? The country is a           Passover must be made specifically
popular destination for young Israeli     for the holiday. A special process
travelers who have recently finished      makes Kosher matzah acceptable for
their army service, and when it comes     Passover use (it must be heavily
time for Passover, some want to be        guarded from moisture) …and boxes
reminded of their mom’s chicken           made specifically for the holiday are
soup or experience the familiar           marked with a “kosher for Passover”
crunch of matzah. Other attendees         label. So, double check when you are
simply hear of this massive event and     purchasing your matzah to make sure
feel compelled to travel to Nepal to      that it truly is Kosher for the holiday.
experience the holiday in such a          Did you know that matzah must be
unique way. Rabbis fly in to lead the     made in less than 18 minutes for it to
seder, and many participants show up      be considered matzah and not
in advance to help prepare for the        leavened bread? [source]
guests. Now that’s a lot of company!         I hope these tidbits add to the
Not to be outdone, Thailand is now        discussion at your seder table this
looking to take the crown by hosting      year.
an even bigger seder. So, if you             Wishing you and your family a
happen to be in the area, feel free to    meaningful and fun Passover. Chag
join either one. [source]                 Sameach.

  Beth Tzedec Congregation                                        Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 9
APRIL 2023 - BETH TZEDEC Congregation
Programs and Events                                                 Beth Tzedec Shofar

Programs and Events
Matzah Brei                                Holy Fit!
Sunday, April 9                            Sunday, April 23
10:15am to 11:30am                         10:00am to 3:00pm
Join us for a special breakfast            Embrace the connection between
following Morning Minyan, prepared         mind and body as we develop our
by Beth Tzedec’s Board of Directors.       spiritual selves, in pursuit of both
We’ll schmooze and share a kosher-         physical and mental well-being. Join
for-Passover meal with our                 Rabbi Ilana and Janine Herman for a
community. Register by Wednesday,          special yoga and nutrition workshop
April 5. Click here to register.           designed to help elevate your
                                           everyday life. We are coming together
Hazak Lunch & Learn:                       to nourish and revitalize ourselves as
Judaism & Tattoo Culture                   we share lunch, a yoga practice and
Wednesday, April 19                        community with one another. Click
12:00pm to 2:00pm                          here to learn more.
As tattoos continue to grow
increasingly mainstream, some Jews         Tales from the Bench
have started to embrace them as a          Sunday, April 30
way to honour ancestors and express        1:30pm
their cultural and religious identity.     The Honourable Judge Lipton will
Join Joanne Monica Kanarek as we           entertain us with stories from his
dive into questions, discussions, and      many years serving on the bench.
myths surrounding Judaism,                 Click here to register.
community, cultural representation,
and tattoo culture. Click here to          Homework Club
register and learn more.                   Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays,
                                           3:30pm to 5:00pm
Teen Wednesdays                            Homework Club is an engaging space
Wednesdays, April 19 & 26                  for students in Grades 1-6 to work on
4:00pm to 5:30pm                           schoolwork in a relaxed, supportive
Nearly every Wednesday until June,         space with the help of older students
we're inviting teens in grades 8 to 12     and mentors. Snacks will be provided,
to participate in free weekly              as well as fun activities to participate
programming dedicated to learning,         in with friends, once homework is
connecting and living their Jewish         done! Click here to register.
                                           Curious about Homework Club, but
Join us for Teen Hang (April 19) or        not ready to make a commitment?
Teen Learning Project (April 26) to        We're offering limited sessions this
chill, create, and learn with other Beth   month due to Passover, so there is no
Tzedec teens. Click here to register       charge to partipate in Homework
and learn more.                            Club in April.

  10 | April 2023                                               Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar             Sharing Shabbat

Beth Tzedec Congregation   Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 11
Online Programs                                                          Beth Tzedec Shofar

Online Programs from Maven
Beth Tzedec congregants are invited to access exciting online
programs and courses from American Jewish University. Simply create
an account to access their entire library of learning opportunities.
Learn Modern and Prayerbook                  History of Ancient Israel with Rabbi
Hebrew                                       Mark Goodman
Maven is offering a number of                Tuesdays, April 18 to June 6 at 1:00pm
different online Hebrew classes              $280
beginning in April. Whether you're a         Investigate the emergence of the
beginner, intermediate or advanced           ancient Israelites by examining
language learner - or you're just            archaeological findings and biblical
looking to get comfortable with the          stories with AJU’s Rabbi Mark
Hebrew side of your siddur - there's a       Goodman. Click here to register.
class that would be perfect for you.
Click here to select a Hebrew class.         Netflix's New WWII Series: Anna
                                             Winger on 'Transatlantic'
Pursuing Racial Justice: A Modern            Thursday, April 20 at 1:00pm
Exodus with Rabbi Lawson                     No charge
Tuesday, April 11 at 1:00pm                  Anna Winger, the creator of
No charge                                    'Unorthodox', joins Maven for an
Explore themes of the Exodus and             exclusive interview on her new Netflix
reflect on ways we can celebrate the         miniseries, ‘Transatlantic.' Click here
colorful diversity of American Jewry         to register.
and fight racial injustice in our midst.
Click here to register.                      Zionism, Americanism, and the
                                             Modern State of Israel
Fight or Die: 80th Anniversary of the        Tuesday, April 25 at 1:00pm
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising                       No charge
Tuesday, April 18 at 1:00pm                  On the day before Israel celebrates its
No charge                                    75th anniversary, discover the Zionist
Explore the history of Polish Jewish         trailblazers who made their dream of
revolts leading up to the Holocaust in       a Jewish homeland become a reality.
remembrance of the 80th anniversary          Click here to register.
of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising.
Click here to register.                      Tour Global Jewish Life: Majorca
                                             Thursday, April 27 at 1:00pm
Essential Travel Phrases for Your Trip       $21
to Israel                                    Explore the secret Jews of Majorca
Wednesdays, April 19 to May 17 at 11:30am    through stories, architecture, and
$173                                         historical evidence throughout the
Learn common phrases for your next           island. Click here to register.
trip to Israel in just 5 weeks! Click here
to register.

  12 | April 2023                                                   Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                                 Online Programs
                                         The Trump Presidency, American
                                         Jewry and Israel
                                         Available on Demand | No charge
                                         A new collection of essays unpacks
                                         President Trump’s unique relationship
                                         with American Jewry and the State of
                                         Israel. Click here to register.

                                         Friendly Fire: How Israel Became Its
                                         Own Worst Enemy
 Bob Dylan: About Man and God
                                         Available on Demand | No charge
 and Law
                                         Former Shin Bet Director, Knesset
 Available on Demand | No charge
                                         and Cabinet Member Ami Ayalon on
 Many of our assumptions about
                                         Israel’s foundational myths and
 spiritual intention, sensual
                                         national security concerns. Click here
 pleasure, and the essence of work,
                                         to register.
 community, country, race, and the
 divine have germinated in Bob
                                         The State of Hate
 Dylan’s need to know what’s
                                         Available on Demand | No charge
 blowing in the wind.
                                         This discussion explores the state and
                                         evolution of hatred and antisemitism
 In a moment when the world we
                                         and the ADL’s role in combating
 thought we knew seems like
                                         prejudice. Click here to register.
 uncharted territory, join author
 Stephen Arnoff and Rabbi Sherre
                                         Talking About What Nobody Talks
 Hirsch for a conversation on sixty
                                         About in Jewish-Iranian Culture
 years of Bob Dylan's popular
                                         Available on Demand | No charge
 music seen through a new lens,
                                         Discussing the origins, taboos and
 offering both a map and a
                                         ramifications of a culture that prized
 manifesto for empathy and
                                         secrecy in a modern world that
 purpose for anyone seeking a life
                                         doesn’t. Click here to register.
 of meaning inspired by the songs
 they love.
                                         Eradicating the Stigma of Addiction
                                         in the Jewish World
 Click here to register.
                                         Available on Demand | No charge
                                         Carl Erik Fisher writes about the
American Shtetl: Satmar Hasidism         history of addiction during a growing
Blossoms in Upstate New York             overdose crisis and gives us the best
Available on Demand | No charge          prescription of all: understanding.
Meet Kiryas Joel, a Hasidic              Click here to register.
community that established a
thriving town and a way of life shaped   Jewish Luminaries: Joanna Landau
by both self-segregation and             and the Quest of Rebrand Israel
unwitting assimilation. Click here to    Available on Demand | No charge
register.                                Meet the entrepreneur who wants to
                                         transform Israel’s brand perception
                                         worldwide. Click here to register.
  Beth Tzedec Congregation                                       Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 13
Purim Photos                                             Beth Tzedec Shofar

Purim Highlights from Around the Shul
Thank you to everyone who shared the fun and excitement of Purim
with us last month! With hundreds of participants and over fifty
volunteers, we had such a great time celebrating with you.

  14 | April 2023                                    Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                       Purim Photos

Help make future holiday celebrations special by
 joining one of our Volunteer Action Groups!
         Click here for more info.
  Beth Tzedec Congregation                         Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 15
Upcoming Programs         Beth Tzedec Shofar

16 | April 2023     Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                               Bat Mitzvah Profile

Cassidy Charlie Mandleman
April 29, 2023 | Iyyar 1, 5783

   Cassidy Charlie Mandleman will be called to
the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, April 29.
Mazel Tov to Cassidy and her parents, Colin and
Aviva and older sister, Cecily.
   Cassidy loves to dance and this will be her
9th year of Jazz and Tap at Airdrie Dance Academy. In fact, she will be
missing her year-end recital in order to celebrate her bat mitzvah. You’ll
always find her tapping around the house and practicing endless pirouettes.
Cassidy and her sister, Cecily also enjoy spontaneous dancing and singing
   Cassidy has a warm personality and she is very compassionate and
empathetic towards everyone she meets. Cassidy loves animals and for her
mitzvah project, she made and donated cat toys to Tails for Tails to Tell – a
local cat shelter.
   When she’s not practicing dance, Cassidy enjoys spending weekends
catching up with friends, crocheting and snuggling her cat, Kao.
   Cassidy is in seventh grade at Meadowbrook Middle school in Airdrie.
During the summer, she enjoys spending time at the cabin on Gambier
Island. This summer, she enjoyed hatching chickens and ducks!
   We are very proud of all of Cassidy’s hard work preparing for her bat
mitzvah and we are very excited to celebrate with our friends and family.

    Share your good news with the Beth Tzedec community
    Are you or your family celebrating a milestone, lifecycle event or major
    accomplishment? We want to celebrate with you!

    Send your news and pictures to Linda at ldow@bethtzedec.ca and we'll
    wish you a Mazel Tov in an upcoming issue of the Shofar.

   Beth Tzedec Congregation                                       Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 17
Tributes and Donations                                                 Beth Tzedec Shofar

Tributes and Donations
                                              Debbie and Nelson Halpern, on the
              MAZEL TOV                       passing of his aunt Esther Halpern
Therese Nagler, on her 90th birthday          By Wylma and Irwin Freedman
By Sheila Riesenberg                          Debbie and Nelson Halpern, on the
    Bert Glow                                 passing of her cousin Susan Switzer
    Faith Dubisky                             By Wylma and Irwin Freedman
Arlein Chetner, on her 90th birthday          Ron and Helmi Switzer, on the
By Bert Glow                                  passing of his sister Susan Switzer
    Susan, David Inhaber and family           By Wylma and Irwin Freedman
Bert Glow, on his 90th birthday                   Elaine and Stuart Myron
By Nat & Harriette Alexander                      Milt, Maxine and the Fischbein
   Jeff Eichler                                      Family
   Jackie and Roy Shaw                            Saul Prince
Jerald Cheyfetz, on his birthday                  Jean, Sandy and Paula Barron
By Bert Glow                                      Therese Nagler
Elaine Roberts, on her birthday                   Giezelle and Michael Pash
By Bert Glow                                      Sandy and Irvin Adler
                                              Mark Swartz and family, on the
                                              passing of his wife Helen
                                              By Saul Prince
                                              Debby Smolkin, in memory of her
                                              By Sondra and Joe Spier
                    CORRECTION                Darlene Switzer-Foster and family,
                                              on the passing of her sister Susan
  Two of the Tribute listings in our          Switzer
  March Shofar were unfortunately             By Sheila Riesenberg
  misplaced. We apologize for the                 Elaine and Stuart Myron
  confusion and are reprinting the                Milt, Maxine and the Fischbein
  listings here.                                     Family
   .                                              Reva Faber
               SYMPATHY                           Jean, Sandy and Paula Barron
  Rob, Cheryl, Danielle and Jared                 Therese Nagler
  Milner, on the passing of his                   Joel, Sally and the Grotsky Family
  mother Catherine                                Giezelle and Michael Pash
  By Jan Simon                                Rob and Cheryl Milner, on the
  Rob, Beth and the Ordman Family,            passing of his mother Catherine
  on the loss of his mother Mary              By Sondra and Joe Spier
  By Alrene, David, Michael and Erin
  Holmes                                                    GET WELL
                                              Ron Switzer
  If you spot a typo or error in any of our   By Elaine and Stuart Myron
  publications, please email Linda at            Walter Moscovitz
  ldow@bethtzedec.ca so that we can              Milt, Maxine and the Fischbein
  issue a correction.                              Family

  18 | April 2023                                                  Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                           Tributes and Donations
       CHAG PURIM SAMEACH                             KIDDUSH FUND
Milt and Maxine Fischbein,
By Bob and Cheryl Sheill                             MAZEL TOV
Nat and Harriette Alexander              Adi Charikar, on his new job
By Bob and Cheryl Sheill                 By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch
Lenny and Harriet Waghelstein
By Bob and Cheryl Sheill                               SYMPATHY
                                         Geela Blitt and family, on the passing
            YOUTH PROGRAMMING            of Morris
                                         By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch
            MAZEL TOV
Therese Nagler, on her 90th birthday                IN HONOUR OF
By Delsie Dworkin and family             Judy Chetner
Helen Zenith, on her 75th birthday       By Gigi Soros
By Renee and Bruce Fogel
                                         LEV SHALEM SABBATH & FESTIVAL BOOK FUND
Larry and Deb Katz,                                   MAZEL TOV
By Dianne and Robin Lipton               Bert Glow, on his 90th birthday
                                         By Milt and Maxine Fischbein
             CYNGISER FAMILY                Arlein and Judy Chetner and
         JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL FUND            family
             MAZEL TOV                            ETZ HAYIM BOOK FUND
Therese Nagler, on her 90th birthday
By Wylma Freedman                                    MAZEL TOV
Sidney Cyngiser, on his 99th birthday    Arlein Chetner, on her 90th birthday
By Milt and Maxine Fischbein             By Arlene and David Holmes
              SYMPATHY                       SIDDUR SIM SHALOM FOR WEEKDAYS
Mark Swartz, on the passing of his
wife, Helen                                           MAZEL TOV
By Wylma and Irwin Freedman              Stuart Myron, on his birthday
Geela Blitt and family, on the loss of   By Milt, Maxine and the Fischbein
her husband Morris                            Family
By Lenny and Hilda Smith
Darlene Switzer-Foster and family,
on the passing of her sister Susan
By Lenny and Hilda Smith
                                                       MAZEL TOV
             GET WELL
Felice Rosenbaum                          MAZEL TOV TO: Parents Lisa Libin
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch             and Jeremy Yanofsky, brother
Noel Hershfield                           Elliott Yanofsky and grandparents
By Harvey Cyngiser
                                          Marilyn Libin and Norm and
                                          Marlene Yanofsky on the occasion
                                          of Samara’s Bat Mitzvah on the
                                          evening of Friday, March 10.

  Beth Tzedec Congregation                                      Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 19
Tributes and Donations                                             Beth Tzedec Shofar

              SYMPATHY                                   SYMPATHY
Mark Swartz, on the passing of his       Ron, Helmi Switzer and family, on the
wife Helen                               loss of his sister Susan
By Elaine, Stuart, Ian and Adam          By Harriet and Phil Libin
      Myron                              Darlene Switzer-Foster and family,
Bruce Abugov and family, on the          By Harriet and Phil Libin
passing of his brother                   Lola Pawer and family, on the
By Giezelle and Michael Pash             passing of her son
                                         By Harriet and Phil Libin
            RABBI'S TZEDAKAH FUND           Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch

             MAZEL TOV
Yolanda Cea, on her retirement           Yahrzeit Fund
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch
                                         Hyman Belzberg, beloved husband
                SYMPATHY                 By Jenny Belzberg
Geela Blitt and family, on the passing   Aron Eichler, beloved father
of Morris                                By Jeff and Rich Eichler
By Fran Sheftel Kolinsky                 Markus Eichler, beloved grandfather
Gerard Rostoker, on the passing of his   By Jeff and Rich Eichler
wife                                     Hendrika Zuidema, beloved
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch            grandmother
Ron, Helmi Switzer and family, on the    By Cheryl Zack
loss of his sister Susan                 Judge Bernard Laven, beloved father
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch            and grandfather
   Dr. Malcolm and Bernadette Miller     By Lori Gray / Shel, Blair and Craig
Darlene Switzer-Foster and family,            Laven and families
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch
   Dr. Malcolm and Bernadette Miller
                                                   MEMORIAL NOTICES
Mark Switzer
By Dr. Malcolm and Bernadette Miller      Susan Switzer, sister of Darlene (Bill
Josh Switzer                              Foster) Switzer-Foster, Lorne
By Dr. Malcolm and Bernadette Miller      (Nadine) Switzer, Ronald (Helmi)
                                          Switzer, John (Christine) Switzer and
      CHAG PURIM SAMEACH                  Mark Switzer. Susan passed away on
Therese Nagler, on her 90th birthday      March 1, 2023.
By Reva Faber
                                          Murray Abugov, son of Doreen
             LEO & GOLDIE SHEFTEL
             RABBINIC CHAIR FUND          Abugovz”l and Jack Abugovz”l, brother
                                          of Marilyn (Rich) Thompson and
             MAZEL TOV                    Bruce (Alma) Abugov. Murray passed
Therese Nagler, on her 90th birthday      away on March 20, 2023.
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch
Jennifer Moscovitz, on her birthday       Doreen Abugov, wife of Jack
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch             Abugovz”l, mother of Marilyn (Rich)
Arlein Chetner, on her 90th birthday      Thompson, Bruce (Alma) Abugov
By Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch             and Murray Abugovz”l.
   Harriet and Phil Libin

  20 | April 2023                                              Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                                   Yahrzeit Fund
Leah Shapiro, beloved grandmother       Samuel Goldstein, beloved father
By Ruth Shapiro                         By Miriam Reder
Joseph Shapiro, beloved father          Nicolae Halmos, beloved father
By Ruth Shapiro                         By Ritta Vladut
Daphne Lazarus, beloved mother          Bill Steinberg, beloved brother
By Eva Falla                            By Norman Steinberg and family
Pola Price, beloved mother              Beni-Jo Slutker, beloved sister-in-law
By Dr. Lorne Price                      By Rosslyn Steinberg and family
Roza Profis, beloved mother-in-law      Zelick Slutker, beloved brother
By Alex Shkolnik                        By Rosslyn Steinberg
Lazar Profis, beloved brother-in-law    Mendel Belzberg, beloved father
By Alex Shkolnik                        By Jean Barron
Inda Ginzberg,                          Mariam Nahametz, beloved mother
By Alex Shkolnik                        By Sara Profis
Sam Rajesky, beloved father             Mariam Nahametz, beloved mother
By Irwin, Allan and Leah Rajesky        By Helen Libenson
Samuel Martin, beloved father-in-law    Charles (Karcsi) Feher, beloved father
By Beulah Martin                        and grandfather
Isaac Malekar, beloved father and       By Susan Inhaber and family
grandfather                             Ev Wise, beloved sister-in-law
By Akiba, Yerusha Charikar and family   By Gerald Wise
Joe Goldstein, beloved father           Sadie Fishman, beloved mother
By Ken Goldstein                        By Arthur Fishman
Esther Zuidema, beloved aunt            Lou Pomerance, beloved father
By Cheryl Zack                          By Cheryl Pomerance
Marjorie Silver, beloved mother         Evelyn Viner, beloved mother and
By Randi, Aaron and Alan Silver         grandmother
Elka Ullman, beloved grandmother        By Shirley Katz and family
By Phillip Ullman                       Stella Goldenberg, beloved mother
Saul Ullman, beloved grandfather        By Jeanette Berger
By Phillip Ullman                       Jack Goodman, beloved father
Mary Berman, beloved mother and         By George Goodman
Bubba                                   Marcus Diamond, beloved uncle
By Aaron, Leonard and Jed Berman        By Marni Besser
Sherry Berman, beloved wife and         Isobel (Belle) Viner, beloved sister-in-
mother                                  law
By Aaron, Leonard and Jed Berman        By Fran Viner
Max Bobroff, beloved father             Jack Brownstone, beloved father
By Wayne Bobroff                        By Rochelle Rabinovitz
Lillian Steinfeld Hendin, beloved
mother-in-law                                    SPECIAL YAHRZEIT FUND
By Sheila Steinfeld                     Leo Friedman, beloved husband
Meyer Posen, beloved grandfather        By Arla Diamond
By Cheryl Zack                          Harry Diamond, beloved father
Mary Jean Blau, beloved mother          By Arla Diamond
By Linda Hoffman                        Hymey Hanson, beloved father
David Blau, beloved father              By Annette, Candice and Dorothy
By Linda Hoffman                        Hanson
Lou Pomerance, beloved husband          Sam Rajesky, beloved father
By Edith Pomerance                      By Irwin, Allan and Leah Rajesky

  Beth Tzedec Congregation                                      Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 21
Yahrzeit Fund                                                      Beth Tzedec Shofar

Gordon Chafetz, beloved father
By Al Chafetz
Carley Elaan Levin, beloved daughter
By Alan Levin
Dr. Carl Saftan, beloved father
By Laura and Dr. Jaclyn Sagran
Louis Silver, Q.C., beloved father-in-
law and grandfather                      Become a Volunteer or a Paid Interpreter
By Lisa, Josh, Rebecca and Aiden         in the Little Synagogue!
Larry Ross, beloved brother              Heritage Park is looking for individuals
By Therese Nagler                        with a knowledge of Jewish faith,
Lily Fishman, beloved aunt               culture and history, 15 years or older,
By Walter Moscovitz                      who would be interested in
Kalman Jablonka, beloved son             volunteering or employment as paid
By Al Jablonka                           Interpreters in the Little Synagogue.
Evelyn Busheikin, beloved mother
By David Busheikin                       To apply for paid work as a Synagogue
Howard Phillips, beloved father and
                                         Exhibit Interpreter, please forward your
By Jamie, Karen and Michelle Phillips    resume and cover letter as soon as
Evelyn Viner, beloved mother and         possible to hr@heritagepark.ca.
grandmother                              Additional information can be found
By Karen, Jamie and Michelle Phillips    on our website; www.heritagepark.ca
Evelyn Viner, beloved mother             under the “Join Our Team” section.
By Arlene Viner-Holmes                   Please mention your interest in the
Stanley Verner, beloved father           Little Synagogue on your application.
By Hope Rajesky
                                         If you are interested in becoming a
           KIDDUSH YAHRZEIT FUND         Synagogue Volunteer, please visit;
Lou Pomerance, beloved brother-in-       https://www.heritagepark.ca/join-our-
law                                      team/volunteer-information.
By Bert Glow

  22 | April 2023                                              Beth Tzedec Congregation
Beth Tzedec Shofar                                                                LIFE & LEGACY

                                   Beth Tzedec is proud to take part in the Harold Grinspoon
                              Foundation LIFE & LEGACY program, coordinated locally by Calgary
                                 Jewish Federation and the Jewish Community Foundation of
                                  Calgary. We are working in partnership with organizations
                               throughout the Calgary Jewish community to raise endowment
                                              funds through after-lifetime gifts.

 Todah rabah to the following individuals and families who have generously committed
          to after-lifetime gifts that will support our synagogue in perpetuity:
               Anonymous (7)                                     Lily and Bill Lister
    Judith and Christopher Baron-Bown                             Ellen Magidson
              Sharon Batshaw                                      Sahbra Markus
               Jenny Belzberg                                Elaine and Stuart Myron
           Melissa and Daniel Blitt                           Beth and Rob Ordman
         Marnie and Darren Bondar                                      Al Osten
             Val and Lou Bracey                                      Lorne Pearl
         Maxine and Milt Fischbein                                   Earl Raber
          Sarah and Ben Ginzberg                    Kimberly Rothenberg and Leonard Seidman
             Benjamin Grintuch                            Brenda and Garry Sapoznikow
        Cheryl and Jason Gurevitch                             Betty Ann Sherwood
         Sheila and Ralph Gurevitch                            Cheryl and Bob Shiell
          Susan and David Inhaber                                 Deborah Shnay
                Josh Inhaber                                        Sandy Shuler
            Russell George Jayne                             Deborah and Adam Silver
                Barbara Joffe                                  Becky and Brad Spier
      Diana Kalef and Elliott Steinberg                       Helen and Mark Swartz
             Barb and Ron Krell                               Darlene Switzer-Foster
                  Eddy Lang                                    Ida and Sam Switzer
            Harriet and Phil Libin                           Mira and Joey Tappenden

                                        Did you know?
 The estimated value of LIFE & LEGACY commitments in support of Beth Tzedec’s future has
 topped $1.52 million and continues to grow. To date, close to $17.7 million has been raised in
  support of organizations throughout Jewish Calgary, and more than $1.26 billion has been
  raised by participating agencies throughout North America. Regardless of your age, stage
and income level, you can give a gift to the future, supporting your Shul, your community and
                                          your people.

                                   Be remembered forever!
  If you have already designated Beth Tzedec as a beneficiary in your will, trust, retirement
  account or life insurance policy or you would like to plan your legacy gift, please contact
             Beth Tzedec President Lorne Pearl at president@bethtzedec.ca or
                         CEO David Inhaber at ceo@bethtzedec.ca.

   Beth Tzedec Congregation                                                    Nisan-Iyyar 5783 | 23
Skip the Depot Fundraiser         Beth Tzedec Shofar

24 | April 2023             Beth Tzedec Congregation
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