Page created by Mitchell Smith



         As of Feb 28, 2020
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                     Quantity   Amount

 1       ALUMNI CLASS SCHOLARSHIP                                                  2      $300

         Each graduating class leaves a sum of money, which is added to the Alumni Scholarship
         Fund. From this fund the Alumni Scholarship is awarded each year. It is available to a girl or
         boy who plans to go to college and is awarded on the basis of financial need, academic record
         and character.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 1 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 3       ANNA JAQUES - HOSPITAL SCHOLARSHIP                                        6      $500 each

         Six scholarship awards are available to young men and women interested in pursuing their
         education in a health care related field, which includes pre-med students, nurses, therapists,
         technicians, dieticians and other allied occupations. Scholarship selection is based on
         scholastic standing, character, merit, financial need and references of the applicant. Contact
         Olivia Ryan, Human Resources at 978-463-1035 or if you have any questions.

         To Apply: AJH Scholarship Program application form and criteria available in Naviance.

         DUE DATE: Monday, March 2, 2020

 4       ANNA JAQUES - ROBERT COFFYN CLARK SCHOLARSHP FUND                         2      $1,000 each

         At the bequest of the late Robert Coffyn Clark, two scholarships will be awarded to students
         who intend to pursue a career in nursing. It was Mr. Clark's stipulation that preference for this
         scholarship should be given to students from Newburyport and Triton High Schools.
         Scholarship selection is based on scholastic standing, character, merit, financial need and
         references of the applicant. Contact Olivia Ryan, Human Resouces at 978-463-1035 or if you have any questions.

         To Apply: AJH Scholarship Program application form and criteria available in Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Monday, March 2, 2020

 5       ANNA JAQUES - FOLLANSBEE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                             1      $500

         This scholarship fund was established by the family of the late Everett M.H. and Laura F.
         Follansbee for students interested in pursuing education in a health care related field including
         dieticians, pre-med students, nurses, therapists, technicians, and other allied occupations.
         Scholarship selection is based on scholastic standing, character, merit, financial need and
         references of the applicant and is offered to first year students who have been accepted by a
         two- or four-year accredited school or college. Contact Olivia Ryan, Human Resources at
         978-463-1035 or if you have any questions.

         To Apply: AJH Scholarship Program application form and criteria available in Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Monday, March 2, 2020

                                                                                                        Page 1
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                        Quantity   Amount

 6       ANNA JAQUES - HOSPITAL AID ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP                           3      $1,000 each

         This scholarship fund was established by AJH Hospital Aid Association. Three scholarships
         are available for students who intend to pursue education in the health care field. Scholarship
         selection is based on scholastic standing, character, merit, financial need and references of
         the applicant and is offered to first year students who have been accepted by a two- or
         four-year accredited school or college. Contact Olivia Ryan, Human Resources at
         978-463-1035 or if you have any questions.

         To Apply: AJH Scholarship Program application form and criteria available in Naviance.

         DUE DATE: Monday, March 2, 2020

 7       ANNA JAQUES - MEDICAL STAFF MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                             2      $1500

         This scholarship is offered by the members of the AJH Medical staff to a high school senior
         pursuing a post-secondary education in the health / medical field. Scholarship, need,
         leadership qualities, volunteer work (particularly in a hospital or other health care facility), and
         other extracurricular activities will be considered. Emphasis will also be placed on the
         applicant's typed essay.

         To Apply: Application form and instructions available in Naviance. Contact Patty Douglass at if you have any questions.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 3, 2020

 8       AVAKIAN AVIATION SCHOLARSHIP                                                 1      $200

         This scholarship is given in Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Avakian. The Avakian Aviation
         Scholarship is to be awarded to a member of the graduating class who wishes to continue
         his/her education in the field of aviation. The student must have established plans to pursue
         his/her studies in pilot training, as a flight attendant, or any type of airframe or engine

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 8 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.
         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 9       BOOSTERS CLUB - BRADLEY FULLER MEMORIAL                                      1      $1000

         This scholarship is awarded to a boy or girl on the basis of scholarship, character, citizenship,
         and who has been accepted by a two- or four-year accredited school or college. The girl or
         boy must attend Newburyport High School and also have been active in a high school athletic

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Application form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                      Quantity   Amount

 10      BOOSTERS CLUB - DERON GULAZIAN MEMORIAL                                   1     $1000
         This scholarship is awarded to a boy or girl on the basis of scholarship, character, citizenship,
         and who has been accepted by a two- or four-year accredited school or college. The girl or
         boy must attend Newburyport High School and also have been active in a high school athletic

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Application form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

 11      BOOSTERS CLUB - JAMES G. ZAFRIS MEMORIAL                                  1       $1000

         This scholarship is awarded to a boy or girl on the basis of scholarship, character, citizenship,
         and who has been accepted by a two- or four-year accredited school or college. The girl or
         boy must attend Newburyport High School and also have been active in a high school athletic

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Application form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

 12      FLORENCE EVANS BUSHEE FOUNDATION, INC. SCHOLARSHIP                                Qty & amounts vary

         The Foundation awards scholarships to boys and girls graduating from Newburyport High
         School, Triton Regional High School, Governor Dummer Academy, & Pentucket Rigional High
         School that meet the following requirements: 1) must have financial need; 2) must have been
         accepted at a 2- or 4-year institution of higher learning; 3) Special consideration will be given
         to scholastic standing. This is a renewable scholarship. (Gap year student would need to
         apply the spring after graduation). Contact if you have any

         To Apply: Must apply using the Bushee Foundation's online application at
         DUE DATE: Friday, May 1, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                     Quantity   Amount

 13      GEORGE A. CASHMAN COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD                                1       $3,000

         The Rotary Club of Newburyport established this award at Newburyport High School in
         recognition of George A. Cashman's lifetime of service to others and unwavering commitment
         to the Rotary's belief in "Service Above Self". This scholarship will be awarded to a NHS
         senior who exhibits exemplary service to the community. Must have financial need; students
         that have accepted full-ride scholarships do not qualify; Top four finalists will be invited to
         participate in an interview with the Rotary Club Scholarship Review Committee.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary in
         the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 3, 2020

 16      FRANK & RUBY COUSINS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS                               2       $1,000 each

         This scholarship will be awarded to one male and one female member of the graduating class
         of Newburyport High School who:
         1. intends to enter an institution of higher learning in the fall
         2. is in need of financial assistance.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to Principal's secretary in the
         NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 1, 2020

 17      MARTIN B. CRANE FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP                                       1       Qty & amounts vary

         This scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating senior who will be attending an
         accredited degree-granting institution of higher learning and who evidences financial need.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 17 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.
         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 18      POP CROWLEY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                         1       $100

         This scholarship will be awarded to a boy or girl who will be going on to college. The recipient
         of this scholarship will be someone who has not necessarily had an easy time in high school.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 18 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.
         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

 20      CHRISTOPHER G. & MARY DOLLAS SCHOLARSHIP                                 1      $300

         One scholarship will be awarded to a boy or girl in the graduating class who will be majoring in
         English, theatre, or communications.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary in
         the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2020

 21      GARRY F. DOYLE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                      1      $2000

         This scholarship was established in memory of Garry F. Doyle, a stand-out athlete in baseball
         and basketball at NHS, Class of 1974. More than just an athlete, Garry's true qualities were
         demonstrated through his sincerity, kindness and generosity to others and his inner strength
         to never give up in the face of adversity. This scholarship will be awarded to any graduating
         NHS senior who has also experienced adversity in their life, but also whose character best
         exemplifies that of Garry. The applicants should demonstrate a true need for financial
         assistance in order to further their education.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary in
         the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 10, 2020

 22      MARTIN W. DUGAN CHARITABLE SCHOLARSHIP TRUST                                    Qty & amounts vary

         This scholarship has been established to provide assistance to the youth of Newburyport,
         Newbury, and West Newbury for educational pursuits at institutions for higher learning in any
         of the following fields: science, technology, preparation for the Roman Catholic Priesthood,
         law, or medicine. Contact Carl Nelson at: if you have any

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form and instructions are available in Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 23      NEWBURYPORT ELKS LODGE NO. 909                                                  Qty & amounts vary

         The Newburyport Lodge of Elks #909 awards scholarships based not only upon academic
         achievement and financial need, but also upon the recipients involvement in extra curricular
         activities, community service, personal recommendations, and an essay, as well as neatness
         and following the directions called for in the application. Questions may be directed to
         Katherine at or 508-451-0819.

         To Apply: Criteria, instructions and application are available to download from Naviance. Mail
         completed application to the sponsor at address provided.
         DUE DATE: Monday, April 13, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                     Quantity   Amount

 25      CLAIRE EMERSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                      1       TBA

         The NHS Class of 1960 has established this scholarship in the memory of Miss Claire
         Emerson, who was a devoted English and Mathematics teacher at Newburyport High School
         for many years. The purpose of this scholarship is to award a scholarship(s) each year to one
         or more graduating seniors at NHS who have been admitted to an accredited two- or four-year
         institution of post secondary education and who has demonstrated financial need. A
         Committee from the Class of 1960 will be formed to select the recipient(s) of this scholarship.
         This scholarship will be awarded during the student's second semester of the freshman
         college year upon the Committee's receipt of a tuition bill from the college.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form available in Naviance. Submit completed application to
         Principal's secretary in NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Monday, April 13, 2020

 27      BRADLEY & MARJORIE FULLER SCHOLARSHIP                                    1       $1000

         This scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating senior at Newburyport High School
         in fond memory of Bradley and Marjorie Fuller. Qualifications for this scholarship are that the
         student must be a male or female member of the graduating class of NHS and have:
         1. been admitted to an accredited 4-year college or university;
         2. demonstrated excellent scholarship;
         3. demonstrated the characteristics of outstanding leadership, helping others and active
         involvement in the School or community (please attach activity information); strong
         commitment to activities in which he or she has been involved.

         To Apply: Submit completed NHS External Scholarship Application form to Principal's
         Secretary in NHS Main Office no later than 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

 31      KRISTEN B. HAMMER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                   1       $250

         This scholarship will be awarded to the NHS graduating senior who best exemplifies the
         qualities which Kristen possessed. That girl or boy must be a dedicated and hard-working
         student who has refused to give up in the face of adversity. The scholarship will be awarded
         more for demonstrated effort than for academic achievement. Financial need will also be a
         consideration. The recipient must have firm plans to continue his/her education at an
         accredited school or college.

         To Apply: Essay topic and instructions available to download from Naviance. Submit essay
         and NHS External Scholarship application form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS Main
         Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                      Quantity   Amount

 33      CHRISTOPHER & PATRICIA HODSON MEMORIAL                                     1     $16,000
         The Christopher & Patricia Hodson Memorial Scholarship has been established in the memory
         of Patricia Hodson, a teacher at the Rupert A. Nock Middle School for many years. Mrs.
         Hodson received her degree in education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
         This scholarship will be awarded to a senior at NHS who will be attending the University of
         Massachusetts at Amherst, majoring in EDUCATION. (NOTE: Award will be payable in equal
         installments over four years directly to the college; 1st semester college transcript will be

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 33 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 34      EXCHANGE CLUB - MARIA IACONO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                          1      $1000

         This scholarship has been established to honor the memory of Maria Iacono, and is offered by
         the Exchange Club of Greater Newburyport. Overcoming personal difficulties is the main
         criteria for selection. The recipient is eligible for consideration for the New England District
         Exchange Club $2,000 scholarship and the National Exchange Club $10,000 scholarship.
         The requirements are as follows:
         1. must be a Newburyport High graduate of the current year
         2. must show substantial evidence of overcoming personal difficulities ***
         3. must have been accepted at a school of higher education
         4. must write two 250-word statements (required)(see Section 2 on ACE application)

         To Apply: Requires the A.C.E. Award Official Entry form and NHS External Application form.
         The sponsor's application form is available from your Guidance Counselor or available for
         download in Naviance. Submit application to Principal's secretary in NHS Main Office by

         DUE DATE: Monday, March 16, 2020

 35      INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS SCHOLARSHIP                                        1      $20,000

         This scholarship is awarded to a graduating NHS senior that is applying/accepted for
         admission at an accredited college or university, and is in the top 50 of the class (verify with
         Guidance). The recipient will demonstrate traits consistent with the bank's vision: having a
         positive affect on other people or his/her community through leadership, volunteerism,
         innovation, service and academic achievement.

         To Apply: Application available in Naviance or sponsor's website. Mail completed application
         package to the bank's office as instructed on the bottom of the application form.
         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 1, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                     Quantity   Amount

 36      EDITH M. KENDALL SCHOLARSHIP                                              1      $400

         The Edith M. Kendall Scholarship is awarded to a student in the graduating class who
         demonstrates consistent excellence in scientific studies or medical concepts and who plans to
         further his/her post high school education in a scientific or medical field.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 36 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 38      LABADINI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND                                        3      $5,000 each

         This scholarship shall be available to any graduating senior who has been accepted as a full
         time student at a school of higher education in a 2 or 4 year program. Applicants must attend
         one of the following high schools: Newburyport, Triton Regional, Pentucket Regional,
         Amesbury, Masconnomet, Ipswich, or Whittier Regional. Preference in awarding the
         scholarships will be given to applicants based on financial need as well those that major in
         the following fields: 1) Hotel, restaurant or tourist management or culinary arts ; 2) any field
         related to the above; 3) any business degree; 4) any other degree. Contact if you have any questions.

         To Apply: Application form is available to download from Naviance. Submit application to the
         NHS Main Office no later than 3:00PM on March 18. Finalists are required to participate in a
         ten-minute interview at on Tuesday, March 31.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, March 18, 2020

 39      TRAVIS ELIOT LANDRETH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                1      $1000

         This scholarship has been established in loving memory of Travis Eliot Landreth, NHS Class
         of 1994. Travis represented the U.S. on two world teams, was USATF Jr. National Champion
         at 5000 meters, Big East XC Champion and All-American at the University of Connecticut, and
         who was a member of the NIKE Farm Team. The recipient of this scholarship must be of good
         character and of good academic standing, along with having been an active member of the
         NHS Cross Country and/or Track Team who plans to attend at an accredited four-year
         college. In addition, the recipient should possess the qualities of warmth, humor, enthusiasm,
         dedication, perseverance, and a deep love of running that made Travis such a special person.
         Particular consideration will be given to distance runners.

         To Apply: Submit completed NHS External Scholarship Application form to Principal's
         Secretary in the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Tuesday, March 31, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

 41      NICOLE LEMIEUX KNIGHT SCHOLARSHIP                                        1      $5,000

         Established to honor the memory of Nicole Lemieux Knight, a 1986 graduate of NHS. As a
         high school standout, Nicole exhibited strong leadership, intelligence and well-rounded
         excellence. She served as president of her senior class and editor of the yearbook. She
         finished near the top of her class academically and played field hockey. This scholarship will
         be awarded annually to the male or female member of the graduating class of NHS who
         demonstrates a creative vision for his/her life pursuits. Special consideration given to
         applicants with a demonstrated financial need. Visit for more information.

         To Apply: Essay topic, criteria and instructions available in Naviance. Submit essay and NHS
         External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS Main office by

         DUE DATE: Monday, April 6, 2020

 42      PETER G. MARSTON SCHOLARSHIP                                             1      $200

         This scholarship is awarded in memory of Peter G. Marston, Class of 1979. The award is
         based upon good sportsmanship and financial need. It will be granted to a student going to
         college who has taken part in the athletic program of Newburyport High School.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 42 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 44      NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION                            1      $250

         This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior at Newburyport High School and must
         be a current, active member of the National Honor Society. Recipient will be selected on the
         basis of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. See Mr. Cole if you have any

         To Apply: No application or action required. All seniors in the National Honor Society
         automatically eligible. (Due Date field not applicable.)
         DUE DATE:

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                   Quantity   Amount

 45      RUTHANNE ARBEIT MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                    1      $750

         This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of Ida and David Arbeit, and will be
         awarded by the Newburyport Art Association to one graduating senior art student from
         Newburyport High School who will be a full time college student pursuing a degree in the
         visual arts and/or art education.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application is available in Naviance. PowerPoint Portfolio cd also

         DUE DATE: Friday, March 27, 2020

 46      HEMPHILL FAMILY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP                                  1      $2000
         This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of the Hemphill Family, and will be
         awarded by the Newburyport Art Association to one graduating NHS senior who has been
         accepted into a 4-year program to study fine art, design or art education.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application is available in Naviance. PowerPoint Portfolio cd also

         DUE DATE: Friday, March 27, 2020

 47      NEWBURYPORT DEMOCRATIC CITY COMMITTEE                                   1      $1000
         This scholarship is offered in recognition of the legacy of George Cashman who devoted his
         life to civic activities and community service. The Newburyport Democratic City Committee
         offers this scholarship to a NHS graduating senior and resident of Newburyport who will be
         attending a two- or four-year accredited college in the Fall of 2020. All applicants will be
         required to participate in an interview with members of the scholarship committee. If you have
         any questions, contact Diane Hawkins-Clarke at

         To Apply: Sponsor's criteria, essay topic and application available for download in Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Monday, April 6, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                   Quantity   Amount

 48      NEWBURYPORT ELEMENTARY PTO SCHOLARSHIP                                  2      $1,000 each

         This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior who has been accepted at an
         accredited post secondary institution of higher learning. Applicant must have attended either
         the Bresnahan, Brown or Kelley Elementary schools during grades 2-4. In addition, applicant
         must excel in academics and demonstrate financial need. Preference given to applicants that
         have attended Newburyport Public schools for their entire education. If you have any
         questions, contact

         To Apply: Submit an NHS External Application form to the principal's secretary in the NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

 49      NHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIPS                                            minimum 10K awarded

         Several scholarships will be awarded to Newburyport High School graduating seniors
         accepted to an institution of higher education. Recipients will be students that have
         demonstrated service to the school or community, have a good academic record and have
         financial need.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form available to dowload from Naviance. Submit THREE
         (3) copies of completed application form to the Principal's Secretary in the NHS Main Office
         by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 2, 2020

 50      OLIVER J. & EDITH H. AUDET SCHOLARSHIP                                         Qty & amounts vary
         This scholarship is given in memory of Oliver J. and Edith H. Audet by their son, Harold H.
         Audet. Edith Hudson Audet graduated with the Class of 1909 of Newburyport High School.
         Oliver J. Audet was the owner of Newburyport Press Herald and most of the NHS books
         published before WWII were printed by his company. This scholarship will be awarded to a
         NHS graduate entering a two- or four-year program at a community college or a
         vocational/technical career. Examples are: Chef, Baker, CNA, RN, Dental Hygienist,
         Veterinary Technician, Hotel Management, Food Service Technician, etc. This opens up an
         opportunity for a student who is considering a 2-year community college. Applicants must be
         graduates of NHS and residents of the greater Newburyport area. Applicant must submit a
         brief, typed essay.

         To Apply: Application form availablet to download from Naviance. Submit THREE (3) copies
         of completed application form to the Principal's secretary in the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 2, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

 51      NEWBURYPORT CHORAL SOCIETY /                                             1      $1000

         Newburyport Choral Society - Betty Gillette Scholarship is a competitive scholarship named for
         one of the beloved founding members who sang with the chorus from 1934 to 2009. Each
         year a scholarship is awarded to an area High School senior who is planning to major in music
         at college. Contact 978-462-0650 or email if you have any

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form and instructions available to download from Naviance
         or the sponsor's website.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, March 25, 2020

 52      NHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION - BARBARA ANN MCGLEW NURSING                             up to $500

         The Barbara Ann McGlew Nursing Scholarship is awarded annually to a member of the senior
         class who is planning to enter the field of nursing. The student may be enrolled in either a 2-
         or 4-year nursing program.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 52 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 53      NHS BAND SCHOLARSHIP                                                     2      $500 each

         Graduating seniors of the Newburyport High School Band are invited to apply for the NHS
         Band Parents' Association Scholarships. Two $500 awards will be granted to qualifying
         applicants. The following criteria are considered:
         1. Leadership;
         2. Dedication;
         3. Participation / contribution to the band;
         4. Spirit and enthusiasm / attitude;
         5. Musicianship.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the NHS Band Director
         (Steve Cohen) in the Main Office or email at
         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 23, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                       Quantity   Amount

 54      NEWBURYPORT LIONS CLUB SCHOLARSHIP                                          2      $1,000 each

         This scholarship is awarded to one male and one female member of the graduating class of
         Newburyport High School who (1) has been accepted to a degree granting college or trade
         school; and (2) is in need of financial assistance; and (3) will begin classes in the Fall of 2020.
         Applicants must have a 2.0 GPA or higher. This scholarship money will be awarded 2nd
         semester upon the student's providing satisfactory evidence of successful completion of the
         first semester of collegiate work.

         To Apply: Submit NHS External Scholarship Application form to Principal's secretary in NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 10, 2020

 55      NEWBURYPORT POLICE RELIEF ASSOCIATION INC.                                  1      $500
         This scholarship is awarded to a male or female member of the graduating class of
         Newburyport High School who (1) has been accepted at a two- or four-year college or trade
         school preferably to pursue a career in Criminal Justice; and (2) is in need of financial
         assistance and (3) has been doing well in school.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 55 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 56      NORMAN H. RUSSELL MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                      1      $3,000
         This scholarship is awarded by the Rotary Club of Newburyport to a boy or girl in the
         graduating class. Top four finalists are required to participate in a 10-15 minute interview with
         representatives of the Rotary Club of Newburyport. The scholarship will be awarded to one or
         more students on the basis of the following criteria:
         (1) be of high scholastic standing; (2) have been an excellent school citizen; (3) have been
         accepted at an accredited 2- or 4- year college/institution of high learning; (4) have a clearly
         defined plan of study at an institution of higher learning and can demonstrate they have
         attempted through savings, odd-job earnings or other means that he/she is earnestly striving
         to help himself/herself meet a demonstrable need for funds in order to continue his/her
         education; (5) must have financial need; students that have accepted full-ride scholarships do
         not qualify.

         To Apply: Submit an NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary
         in the Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Friday, April 3, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                      Quantity   Amount

 57      NEWBURYPORT TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP                             2       $1,000 each

         The Newburyport Teachers' Association Scholarship is open to a boy or girl who is planning to
         attend college. It is not limited to students who plan to attend a teachers college nor is it
         limited to students who plan to become teachers. The chief qualifications are academic
         standing, character, and need.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's Secretary in
         the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 14, 2020

 58      JOHN & HELEN NICHOLSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND                                           Qty & amounts vary

         This scholarship has been established to help one or more NHS graduating senior(s) each
         year who have demonstrated financial need. This scholarship will be paid directly to the
         college, university, vocational school or other educational institution. (no longer renewable)

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Application form to the Principal's Secretary at NHS.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 24, 2020

 60      JOHN CALVIN NOYES SCHOLARSHIP                                                     Qty & amounts vary

         The John Calvin Noyes Scholarships are made available through the will of the late Alice M.
         Coker. The qualifications are as follows:
         1. Applicants must be residents of Massachusetts who are seniors at Newburyport High
         2. Applicants must have been accepted at an accredited institution of higher learning;
         3. Applicant must demonstrate a clear-cut plan of academic education;
         4. If tuition is less than the amount of the scholarship, the balance will be paid to the
         institution of higher learning and the individual for legitimate expenses;
         5. Preference will be given to students planning careers in teaching, history and government,
         nursing, science, engineering and business education, but any student may apply with any

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 60 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.
         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

                                                                                                          Page 14
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                   Quantity   Amount

 61      MARJORIE S. NOYES SCHOLARSHIP                                                  appx $300

         This scholarship is given by members of the Newburyport High School Class of 1928 in fond
         memory of their teacher, Marjorie S. Noyes. Miss Noyes was a dedicated member of the
         English Department and served as its Chairman. Criteria for this scholarship requires that the

         1. be in excellent academic standing;
         2. be accepted at an accredited college;
         3. has chosen a field of study related to the study of English

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 61 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Princpal's secretary in the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 62      THE ROBERT K. O'BRIEN '58 SCHOLARSHIP                                   1      $1,000 (tuition)

         Scholarship to benefit a NHS graduate who has committed to attend Worcester State
         College. Established by Robert K. O'Brien of Newburyport, a '58 graduate of WSC, and his
         wife Barbara (Hickey). Mr. O'Brien, whose parents set an example of integrity, hard work &
         industriousness, grew up in Worcester. After graduating from WSC with an Education degree,
         Mr. O'Brien had a distinguished career at State Mutual Life Insurance (now Allmerica
         Financial) where he rose steadily through the ranks. After his retirement in 1989 he founded
         his own company Health Reinsurance Management Partnership in Danvers. Because Mr.
         O'Brien values hard work & because of the special relationship he has developed with NHS,
         this scholarship will be given to a student majoring in Math or Science with a minor in
         elementary education. Contact Louise Taylor at 508-929-8033 with any questions.
         To Apply: Must apply online at:

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 15, 2020

                                                                                                           Page 15
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

 63      ODD FELLOWS OF NEWBURYPORT SCHOLARSHIPS                                  4      $1,000 each

         Four scholarships are offered by the Quascacunquen Lodge No. 39 as a way of honoring the
         following members of the lodge who have served it well:
         1. Arthur Kendall Gordon Memorial Scholarship
         2. Paul Ashton Cooper Memorial Scholarship
         3. Herbert Clark Hammond Scholarship
         4. Charles Henry Teague, Jr. Scholarship

         These scholarships will be awarded to 2 female and 2 male graduating students of
         Newburyport High School who display genuine effort in obtaining the best possible grades for
         themselves, who have financial need and are of sound moral character. These awards will be
         payable to the college after proof of enrollment is provided.

         To Apply: Submit NHS External Scholarship Application form to Principal's secretary in NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Monday, March 30, 2020

 65      JOHN J. O'NEIL SCHOLARSHIP                                               1      $500

         This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating student/athlete who is in financial need and
         who best exemplifies the ability to balance the competing interests of educational and athletic
         achievement. The scholarship will be awarded in memory of the late John J. O'Neil,
         co-founder of the Newburyport Pioneer League and longtime coach at Immaculate

         To Apply: Submit a completed NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's
         secretary in the NHS Main office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 2, 2020

 66      VICKI PEARSON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                       2      $750 each

         This scholarship, established to honor the memory of Vicki Pearson, is awarded annually to a
         graduating senior of Newburyport High School who has been accepted to a degree granting
         institution of higher education. The recipient must show evidence of financial need as
         demonstrated by the yearly income of parents or guardians, as well as the size of the
         student's family. Preference is given to applicants who exhibit evidence of a history of
         community and/or volunteer work.

         To Apply: Complete an External Scholarship Application form and mail to Mr. Pearson c/o
         Scholarship Committee, 43 Moulton Street, Newburyport, MA 01950.
         DUE DATE: Saturday, April 11, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

 68      PUTNAM FREE SCHOOL FUND                                                         Qty & amounts vary

         Each year several scholarships are awarded to Newburyport High School graduates by the
         Trustees of the Putnam Free School. The applicant must plan to enter a two- or four-year
         degree-granting college. Special considerations are given to financial need, scholastic
         standing especially in Math and/or English, extra curricular activities, and merit. This is a
         renewable scholarship. Awards announced in mid-August. If you have any questions, contact
         Priscilla Osgood, Fund Secretary at

         To Apply: Sponsor's application available to download in Naviance. Gap year students are
         eligible to apply the year after graduation.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, July 1, 2020

 69      MARSHA REILLY SULLIVAN SCHOLARSHIP                                      1       Amount Varies

         This scholarship is given in memory of Marsha Reilly Sullivan who served as an elementary
         school librarian in the Newburyport Public Schools. It will be awarded to a graduating senior
         from Newburyport High School who has been accepted to an accredited four year college.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form and essay topic available to download from Naviance.
         Submit form, essay and External Application form to NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 2, 2020

 70      RALPH RIGANATI SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND                                   1       $1500

         This scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior from Newburyport High School who
         will be entering into the field of music and/or business which were Ralph's main interests.
         Requires sponsor's application as well as a brief handwritten statement describing applicant's
         contribution(s) to their community and/or school.

         To Apply: Application and instructions are available to download from Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Monday, April 6, 2020

 72      SAFFORD SCHOLARSHIP                                                     3       $1,000 each

         This scholarship will be awarded annually to a senior boy or girl who has enrolled in a program
         of higher education leading to a Bachelor's or Associate's degree at an accredited college or
         university in the United States. The student must be academically acceptable and should have
         a definite need for this assistance.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 72 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Principal's secretary in the Main Office.
         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                     Quantity   Amount

 74      SMOLSKI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                              1      $1000

         This scholarship has been established to honor the memory of Thomas R. Smolski and Jane
         M. Smolski who were graduates of Newburyport High School and strong supporters of the
         Newburyport High School Athletic community. Tom served as a coach for NHS in football,
         baseball and softball for over 15 years, while Jane was a secretary at the high school and
         strong supporter of the NHS boosters. This scholarship will be awarded to a student in the
         graduating class who is in financial need and best exemplifies the qualities that both Tom and
         Jane possessed. The student must be hardworking and dedicated both in the classroom and
         the community. Also, the scholarship will not be solely based on academic achievement, but
         on effort and perseverance inside and outside of the classroom. The recipient must be
         accepted to a two- or four-year college.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary by
         3:00PM in the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 3, 2020

 75      SWASEY FUND, INC. SCHOLARSHIP                                             1      $5000

         The Swasey Fund Scholarship is designed to assist graduating high school students
         interested in pursuing an education in any health or allied health care field. Recipients are
         selected by a Scholarship Committee based on scholastic standing, character, merit and
         financial need. Applicants must be residents of Newburyport, West Newbury, Newbury, or

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form available in Naviance. Mail completed application
         directly to sponsor no later then the second Thursday in April (4-9).

         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2020

 76      NICKOLETTA MATTHEWS STASZEWSKI                                            1      $1500
         This scholarship has been established in loving memory of Nicki Staszewski. Nicki graduated
         from Newburyport High School in 1975, and from Westfield State College in 1979 with a
         degree in elementary education. Nicki had a passion for teaching and especially for children
         with special needs. Nicki dedicated 25 years of her life to teaching. She was a special
         educator for the Greater Newburyport Collaborative and taught at the Rupert Nock Middle
         school for 21 years. Preference will be shown to NHS students majoring in education,
         special education or mathematics. NHS students with outstanding Clipper Pride and Spirit will
         also be considered.

         To Apply: Instructions available to download from Naviance. Submit application pkg to NHS
         Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Friday, April 3, 2020

                                                                                                         Page 18
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                       Quantity   Amount

 77      JOHN W. TATUM SCHOLARSHIP                                                   1      $1000

         This scholarship will be awarded to a Newburyport High School senior planning to attend a
         two- or four-year degree granting institution for any major. If the senior is planning to attend a
         nursing program which does not grant a degree, that also qualifies.

         To Apply: Submit NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary in
         the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 1, 2020

 78      MAYOR ALBERT H. ZABRISKIE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                              1      $300

         This scholarship has been established to honor the memory of Albert H. Zabriskie who was in
         public service for over 40 years as President of the Newburyport City Council, Mayor,
         Chairman of the Newburyport School Committee, State Representative & Chairman of the
         Newburyport Water Commission. Applicant must:
         1. be a senior at Newburyport High School and a resident of Massachusetts;
         2. have been accepted at an accredited institution of higher learning;
         3. show a commitment to the school and community as shown by the example of Albert H.
         4. Preference will be given to a student who plans a career in political science, social science
         or public service; however, any student may apply;
         5. Academic standing will be a factor, but the student not in the top of the class standing but
         who demonstrates motivation and leadership will receive equal consideration.

         To Apply: If qualified, circle # 78 on the NHS Internal Scholarship Application form. Submit
         completed form to the Main Office.

         DUE DATE: Monday, May 4, 2020

 85      EMMA L. ANDREWS LIBRARY & COMMUNITY CENTER                                  1      $1,000 each
         This scholarship is offered in memory of Emma Andrews who was a teacher and a tireless
         advocate of children’s literacy. Emma Andrews helped to establish the South End Reading
         Association on January 1, 1900. This association eventually became the Emma Andrews
         Branch Library in later years. Applicants should be a high school senior planning to pursue a
         degree in Education, English or Library Science at the college level and must reside in

         To Apply: Sponsor's criteria, essay topic and instructions available to download from
         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 14, 2020

                                                                                                          Page 19
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                   Quantity   Amount

 91      YWCA NANCY DIGREZIO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                1      Amounts Vary

         The Nancy DiGrezio Memorial Scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of former
         YWCA board member Nancy DiGrezio, a long-time local advocate for social justice. It is
         available to a high school senior who lives or attends school within the YWCA Greater
         Newburyport's service area, and who is a leader and peacemaker among his or her peers;
         whose actions exemplify tolerance and understanding of differences; and who, by his or her
         example, empowers other students to respond to acts of intolerance and discrimination.

         To Apply: Sponsor's instructions and application is available in Naviance or YWCA website.
         Mail completed application to sponsor.

         DUE DATE: Monday, March 9, 2020

 92      MARY ALICE ARAKELIAN SCHOLARSHIP                                        2      $10,000 each

         The Mary Alice Arakelian Foundation was started by Nicholas Arakelian in the 1960s in
         memory of his wife Mary Alice, whom Nick hired as a young bookkeeper out of Newburyport
         High School in the early 1930s. Two scholarships, in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded
         to NHS graduates who are going on to a four-year college or university, have financial need,
         and are within the top 50 students of the class. NOTE: Recipients are eligible to receive an
         additional $10,000 their sophomore, junior and senior years of college if they maintain a 2.5
         GPA and provide the Mary Alice Arakelian Foundation committee with a transcript following
         their freshman, sophomore and junior year.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application, requirements and instructions are available to download in

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 1, 2020

 95      CHARTWELLS SCHOLARSHIP                                                  1      $1000

         This scholarship is given by Chartwells Food Service Management Company to a graduating
         NHS senior. Acceptance into a college or culinary school, pursuing a career in the
         foodservice industry or nutrition is welcomed but not necessary. Contact if you have any questions.
         Essay Criteria: Chartwells is committed to promoting sustainability. With this said, the
         student must submit a one-page, typed essay which emphasizes awareness of the many
         health benefits of eating well, of buying locally grown produce and includes what
         sustainability means to you.
         To Apply: Submit typed essay, along with a NHS External Scholarship Application form to
         the Principal's secretary in the NHS Main office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Monday, April 13, 2020

                                                                                                       Page 20
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                     Quantity   Amount

 96      MATTHEW J. MCCARTHY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                  1      $1000

         This Scholarship Fund was created in memory of Matthew J. McCarthy to assist deserving
         students with their college expenses. The recipient of the scholarship will be a student who
         demonstrates extraordinary school spirit, be an integral part of multiple student activities, and
         be well respected among both teachers and peers. Eligibility: Any male or female senior
         attending a Cape Ann League School or Haverhill High School that needs financial assistance
         to attend college or a technical school.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form, essay topic and instructions are available in Naviance.
         If you have any questions, contact or 978-346-8574.

         DUE DATE: Saturday, April 4, 2020

 97      NEWBURYPORT YOUTH SOCCER                                                  2      TBA

         This scholarship will be awarded to graduating seniors at Newburyport High School who
         played in the Newburyport Youth Soccer league and graduated as a member in good standing
         of the High School varsity soccer team. Scholarships will be awarded to 1 boy and 1 girl player
         that demonstrate excellence both in the class room and on the soccer field. Qualified
         applicants must:
         1. demonstrate the characteristics of outstanding leadership and character;
         2. have been admitted to an accredited 2 or 4-year college or university or trade school;
         3. demonstrate excellent academics;
         4. have played at least 1 year (two seasons) in the Newburyport Youth Soccer league.

         To Apply: Write a letter of application that will be reviewed by the NYSA Board. Email your
         letter to: Be sure to include your contact information in the letter
         (name, address, telephone #). The email subject line should list: NYSA Scholarship.

         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2020

 99      NEWBURYPORT MARINAS                                                       2      $900 each

         The Newburyport Marinas scholarship will be awarded to 2 members of the graduating class
         at Newburyport High School who have enrolled in a program of higher education leading to a
         Bachelor's or Associate's degree at an accredited College or University in the United States.
         Scholarship preference will be given to any student looking to pursue a marine related career.
         The students must be academically acceptable, have a definite need for the assistance and
         plans to begin classes in the fall after graduation.

         To Apply: Submit a NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary in
         the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

100      THE VIRGINIA PAQUETTE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                               1      $500

         Virginia Paquette caring member of the Newburyport Public School staff, working as an IA for
         12 years before her untimely passing in 2010. Virginia dedicated herself to the children of
         Newburyport & truly loved every minute spent in classrooms at the Bresnahan & Brown
         Schools. She unselfishly volunteered many hours beyond the school day to ensure that ALL
         students fully experienced every opportunity that our school system offer. This scholarship
         was created for NHS graduating seniors to honor Mrs. Paquette's service, sincerity &
         selflessness by her family, friends, colleagues & students. Special consideration will be given
         to students pursuing a career in education or a related field that involves working with &
         improving the lives of children.

         To Apply: Instructions & essay topic available to download from Naviance.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 8, 2020

117      LOUIS T. FESTO JR. MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                  1      $1000

         This scholarship has been established by the family and friends of Louis Festo to continue his
         legacy. A 1974 NHS graduate. "Louie" led the Clippers to their 1973 Cape Ann championship
         as a three-year starter and all-star quarterback. In addition to being a dedicated athlete, Lou
         was a gifted musician who entertained countless individuals throughout his lifelong career as a
         songwriter and guitarist. His compassion brought joy to so many more. One scholarship will
         be awarded to either a member of the NHS Football team who plans to compete at the
         collegiate level, OR to a student who plans to pursue a career in the music field.

         To Apply: Criteria and instructions are available to download from Naviance. Application
         needs to be mailed to sponsor.

         DUE DATE: Friday, May 1, 2020

118      JOHN BATTIS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                         1      varies

         This scholarship is named in memory of the late John Battis, a talented and dedicated
         Newburyport musician and teacher. It was created by the Music for Music Foundation, a group
         dedicated to preserving music in local schools. Will be awarded to first-year students who
         have been accepted by any school of higher learning with a major or minor in music or a
         music-related field (see page 2 of application).

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form is available to download from Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

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Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                    Quantity   Amount

119      MUSIC FOR MUSIC SCHOLARSHIP                                              1      varies

         The scholarship is named on behalf of the music performers and audiences who have raised
         funds to assist local students continuing toward their goal of music training and education. It
         was created by the Music for Music Foundation, a group dedicated to preserving music in local
         schools. One scholarship will be awarded for first-year students who have been accepted by
         any school of higher learning with a major or minor in music or a wide range of music-related
         fields (see page 2 of application).

         To Apply: Sponsor's application form is available to download from Naviance.

         DUE DATE: Wednesday, April 22, 2020

120      RE/MAX ON THE RIVER CHARITABLE SCHOLARSHIP                               1      $2000

         This annual scholarship will be granted to a student who is planning to attend a 2- or 4-year
         institution to further their education. Applicant must be a student at Newburyport High School
         and have completed the necessary requirements to graduate as required by the school.
         He/she must have shown a commitment to giving back by involving themselves in charitable

         To Apply: Application, criteria and instructions are available to download from Naviance.

         DUE DATE: Thursday, April 9, 2020

122      JUST GIVE BACK                                                           1      $500

         This is a national charitable fund that will recognize a graduating NHS senior who
         demonstrates a strong commitment to civic participation, as demonstrated by involvement in
         community service. Applicants must have a recommended minimum 20-30 hours of
         community service during the school year.

         To Apply: Sponsor's application and instructions are available in Naviance. Submit
         application to Principal's secretary in Main Office by 3:00PM.
         DUE DATE: Tuesday, March 31, 2020

123      ANNA JAQUES - DONNA MAY WELCH AWARD                                      1      $1000

         This scholarship fund was established by the Anna Jaques Hospital Aid Association in the
         memory of Donna May Welch. Available to students who intend to pursue a health related
         career. Selection is based upon scholastic standing, character, merit, financial need and
         references of the applicant. Contact Olivia Ryan, Human Resources at 978-463-1035 or if you have any questions.

         To Apply: AJH Scholarship Program application form and criteria available in Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Monday, March 2, 2020

                                                                                                     Page 23
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                   Quantity   Amount

125      MATT EATON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                         1      $1000

         This scholarship is awarded to a boy or girl who exemplifies Leadership as a team player,
         Citizenship through community service, and Character by reaching out to others in need. The
         applicate must attend NHS, have been accepted by a two- or four-year accredited college and
         have been active in a high school athletic program for two years or more.

         To Apply: Complete a NHS External Scholarship Application form along with a letter of
         recommendation (preferably from someone whose life you have touched in a postive way) to
         the Principal's secretary in the NHS Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

126      THE CHILDREN'S CASTLE SCHOLARSHIP                                       1      $500

         The Children's Castle, a preschool in West Newbury, was established in 1984. Over the years,
         hundreds of Newburyport children attended their program as preschoolers and continued their
         education in the Newburyport school system. This scholarship was created by the
         Directors/Founders to show their appreciation to those families who had children in their
         programs and to help support and encourage students entering the field of Early Childhood
         Education. Criteria, in order of preference: (1) be an NHS student pursuing a degree in Early
         Childhood Education; or (2) pursuing a degree in Elementary Education; (3) be an alumni of
         The Children's Castle; and (4) community / school involvement with children.

         To Apply: Sponsor's criteria and instructions available in Naviance. Email questions to
         Debbie at

         DUE DATE: Saturday, April 11, 2020

128      STEPHEN M. BOY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                     2      $1,000 each

         This scholarship has been created by family and friends in memory of Stephen M. Boy who
         passed away in December 2012. A 2006 graduate of NHS, Stephen was a student athlete
         and played football, hockey and lacrosse. He was the lacrosse goalie from 2003-2006 and
         was described by his coach as one of the "founding fathers" of NHS lacrosse. After
         graduation Stephen continued his education at Saint Anselm College where he lettered in
         lacrosse and later went to UNH and studied political science. Two scholarships will be
         awarded; one each to a graduating senior girl and boy who reside in Newburyport and are
         current members of the NHS lacrosse teams. Applicants should display the qualities of
         Stephen that include leadership and compassion for others.

         To Apply: Criteria, instructions, and application form are available to download in Naviance.
         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 14, 2020

                                                                                                      Page 24
Newburyport High School Scholarship Booklet - 2020

Number    Scholarship Name                                                   Quantity   Amount

129      NORA AND JOSEPHINE CONNORS ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP                        1       $1500

         This scholarship is established by Dr. Paul E. Fortin, class of 1948, in memory of his mother,
         Josephine Connors Fortin and his aunt and legal guardian, Nora Connors Ring. Paul was
         orphaned at an early age and abandoned by his father, leaving the responsibility of parenting
         to his aunt. Both Josephine and Nora were instrumental in shaping Paul's life and he is
         offering this scholarship in their honor.
         Criteria: (1) graduating senior of NHS who is hardworking and responsible; (2) pursuing a
         career in science, mathematics and/or engineering; (3) has a minimum 2.8 overall GPA, with a
         combined 3.2 GPA in STEM courses; (4) actively involved in school and/or community
         services; (5) special consideration will be given to a student who was orphaned by one or both
         parents at an early age.

         To Apply: Submit an External Scholarship Application form to the Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Tuesday, April 7, 2020

130      DAVID PAUL KOLMAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP                                 1       $1000

         This scholarship was created in memory of David Kolman, a 1988 graduate of NHS who
         passed away in November 2009. Dave furthered his academic career through a full athletic
         scholarship to the University of Rhode Island. Dave was a larger than life guy who was a
         confident leader. He demonstrated this when he was voted captain of both his high school and
         college football teams. This non-renewable scholarship will be awarded to a male or female
         athlete who fits the following criteria: Newburyport resident, must have a 2.0 GPA or higher,
         and accepted to either a 2 or 4 year college or university, and begins classes in the Fall of

         To Apply: Submit an NHS External Scholarship Application form to the Principal's secretary
         in the Main Office by 3:00PM.

         DUE DATE: Friday, April 10, 2020

                                                                                                   Page 25
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