Page created by Brenda Grant
                                                       OCT 2021
                                                     VOL.47 NO.7


Print Post Approved PP349181/00104
                                                                                                                                                12 NUCLEAR SUBMARINES FOR AUSTRALIA.
Managing Director/Publisher                                                                                                                        REALLY?
Marilyn Tangye Butler
Phone: +61 (0) 410 529 324                             AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT
                                                                                                                                                         A decision of enormous consequences with
Email:                                                                                            OCT 2021
                                                                                                                                VOL.47 NO.7              little analysis

Kym Bergmann                                                                                                                                    16 COLLINS CLASS LOTE AND CAPABILITY
Phone: +61(0)412 539 106                                                                                                                           ENHANCEMENTS
                                                                                                                                                         The project just became even more important
Vladimir Karnozov                                                                                                                               18 AUKUS – A VIEW FROM LONDON
Arie Egozi
Mark Farrer                                                                                                                                              A lot of enthusiasm
Mike Yeo
Geoff Slocombe
George Galdorisi
                                                         ARE NUCLEAR SUBMARINES                                                                 20 INDIA’S PROJECT 75I SUBMARINES
                                                           THE BEST OPTION FOR                                                                           Several unhappy foreign bidders
Australia                                                      AUSTRALIA?
Ventura Media Asia-Pacific Pty Ltd
PO Box 88, Miranda                                 THE COLLINS CLASS             UNITED KINGDOM'S              INDIA’S APPROACH                 23 THE COLLAPSE OF AFGHANISTAN AND WHO
NSW 1490 Australia                                  KEEPING IT CURRENT
                                                     IN TODAY'S WORLD
                                                                                      REACTION TO
                                                                                    AUKUS AGREEMENT
                                                                                                                  TO CONVENTIONAL
                                                                                                                     SUBMARINES                    BENEFITS
ABN 76 095 476 065
                                                                                                                                                         Pakistan’s joy might be premature
                                                 Cover Description: Submarine HMAS Rankin sails on the surface
Subscriptions                                    in the waters north of Darwin during AUSINDEX 21.
Rose Jeffree                                     Credit: CoA / Yury Ramsey
Phone: + 61 (0)2 9526 7188
                                                                                                                                                26 SUBMARINE WEAPONS CONTINUE TO
Fax: + 61 (0)2 9526 1779
Email:              REGULARS			                                                                                           Torpedoes and missiles becoming more lethal

ADVERTISING OFFICES:                               04 EDITOR’S LETTER
                                                             Have we forgotten how to govern ourselves?                                         30 AGNOSTIC COMMUNICATIONS LESSONS
Australia, NZ & Asia Pacific,                                                                                                                      FROM ASTUTE
USA, Canada & South America                                                                                                                              A different approach to procurement
Graham Joss
Sales Director                                     NEWS
Phone +61 2 9526 7188                                                                                                                           32 FUTURE ROLES FOR RAN UNMANNED
Fax +61 2 9526 1779                                6         Thales Australia to make Boxer CRV parts                                              VEHICLES
Mobile +61 (0) 419 492 836
                                                   8         Boeing selects Australia for final assembly site                                            A technology megatrend

Europe                                                       Celebrating 15 years of Classic Hornet support
Diana Scogna                                                                                                                                    35 SUBMARINE TORPEDO SELF-DEFENCE
Mobile: +33 6 6252 2547                                                                                                                                  A vital capability
Fax: +33 1 7079 0534                               10 Penske local assembly of Redback IFV
Email:                                powerpack

Israel                                             11 Lockheed Martin supports F-35 bilateral exercise
Asa Talbar
Talbar Media
Phone: +972-77-562-1900
Fax: +972-77-562-1903

                                                                                                                   ‹‹ Cyber security update
Times Printers
ISSN 1446-6880
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                                                                                                                                                                                   Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021 3

                                                         HAVE WE FORGOTTEN
                                                         HOW TO GOVERN
                                                         RAN to issue an RFT urgently to reputable builders     is whether it will be done. Another example from
                                                         for a new submarine based on a firm, fixed price       the past: in the late 1980s the Australian Defence
                                                         contract. Instead we had more political interference   Minister Kim Beazely had come to an agreement
                                                         and the three-way Competitive Evaluation Process,      regarding access to certain software features of the
                                                         leading to the selection of Naval Group. Now we        radar on our Classic Hornets with his counterpart,
KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA                                 have even more political interference to scrap that    US Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger.
                                                         and start again – with a 20-year gap before work       However, when Australian officials went to a follow

   t is only a fortnight after the announcement          on a new class can actually begin.                     up meeting at the Pentagon they were told “our
   that Australia would build a fleet of nuclear            This mess has been characterised by a lack          Defense Secretary has been misinformed” and
   submarines and many commentators are                  of clear planning and direction. Rather than a         refused to budge – and likely to be repeated for
already pronouncing the deal dead on arrival. This       structured approach, billions of dollars – literally   access to nuclear technology.
pessimism seems entirely justified because the           – has been thrown around at a series of bright            The Covid roll out has been similarly poorly
idea has been cooked up by a group of backroom           ideas. One early example is that Labor – when          handled. Everyone can agree on the basics –
advisors rather than as the result of detailed           finally prodded into action in 2011 – awarded          not enough vaccines ordered with insufficient
analysis and planning. This disturbing pattern is        $250 million dollars for what turned out to be a       diversity of supply. Uncertainty about eligibility
also seen in the Federal government’s shambolic          totally wasted bunch of study contracts. One of        and distribution; incorrect priorities; lack of
vaccination roll out.                                    these went to a large company that spent two           accountability; evasion of responsibility and so
   The idea of building our own nuclear submarines       years and about $30 million just pondering the         on. Government cheerleaders are like a hyped-up
might sound like an appealing idea to the general        overlap between Australian OH&S laws and               sports commentator at a marathon where the first
public and the Prime Minister’s announcement was         matters of submarine design rather than doing          10 runners have already crossed the finishing line:
initially greeted with a level of enthusiasm. However,   any actual work – which was typical of dozens of       “Go Australia! The Australian runner is surging,
this seems to have been based on the assumption          similar contracts.                                     moving from 80th to 54th place! Unbelievable! An
that there was actually a detailed, costed plan to          A great deal more has been wasted since then,       absolute triumph!”
get from where we are to where we want to be. It         culminating in the decision to write off the $2.4         Nuclear submarines and the Covid response are
doesn’t exist – and notably Greg Sheridan in ‘The        billion spent on the Attack class without having a     two enormously complex multi-billion-dollar efforts
Australian’ has already concluded that we will not       plan to shield Australian defence industry from the    that directly affect the future of the nation and yet
be getting any nuclear submarines. Ever.                 consequences. As usual, the large companies will       their management has been awful. There are some
   This has been a failure of government at              survive – but that is not necessarily the case for     politicians who believe that reducing the Australian
multiple levels. What should have happened is            SMEs, many of which have invested heavily using        Public Service numbers to 1993 levels is a matter
that the RAN needed to articulate the need for a         their own scarce cash to develop skills necessary      of pride rather than a deep national shame – and
New Generation Collins class in the mid-2000s            for the Attack program. The order to cease work        now we are starting to see what “small government”
and the government of either John Howard                 has switched off the funding tap instantly since       looks like in practice.
or Kevin Rudd should have signed off on a                many of them have been contracted on a time and           The staff of Ministers used to be hired for
sole source contract. This would have been a             materials basis.                                       their competence and ability to get things
stretched version of the submarine containing an            Where to go to from here is completely up in        done. Now they are recruited for their ability to
Air Independent Propulsion system and numerous           the air with the options to be studied by a working    wedge the opposition, come up with daily petty
other improvements such as new diesel engines.           group of Australia, the US and the UK. What the        announcements and dominate the news cycle.
Instead, Navy and Defence sat around looking for         UK can contribute is anyone’s guess having fouled      The Public Service once was a powerhouse of
guidance, which was never supplied.                      up their own Astute submarine program and lied         policy advice – a huge resource that could be
   Stepping into the vacuum, Tony Abbott at least        outrageously to Australia about the status of the      harnessed when used properly. Now it is shunned
tried to fix the problem – but with the high-level       Type 26 frigate – the basis of the Hunter class,       by politicians and treated as nothing more than a
solution of buying submarines directly from Japan,       which is already two years late.                       service delivery agency for the latest bright idea
which proved to be unworkable. Not a fan of the             The US absolutely has the technical competence      that has popped into the Minister’s brain.
Collins, what he should have done was direct the         to help Australia build submarines, but the question      Welcome to the 21st century.

4 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021
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   Boxer 30mm main armament firing (CoA photo)

AUSSIE DEFENCE INDUSTRY                                   “This contract is a great testament to               cannon components for the new Boxer 8x8
                                                       the Morrison Government’s commitment to                 Combat Reconnaissance Vehicles.
                                                       strengthening Australia’s sovereign defence                “First samples of the weapon components
COMPONENTS FOR BOXER                                   industrial capability and maximising opportunities      manufactured by Thales Australia in Lithgow have
VEHICLES                                               for local business in defence manufacturing,”           been given the green light, passing stringent
28 September 2021                                      Minister Price said.                                    quality control checks by Rheinmetall in Germany.
Thales Australia has been contracted by                   “Australian industry will play a vital role in the      “The manufacturing partnership will create about
Rheinmetall Defence Australia to manufacture           delivery of the Boxer vehicles.                         10 new jobs and provide support for the 130 jobs
critical weapons components for the Australian            “Rheinmetall will use suppliers across the           already at the Lithgow site.
Army’s new Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance             country to design, build, assemble, test and               “The Lithgow Arms Factory is part of the fabric
Vehicles, signifying a strong show of support for      support the Boxer vehicles for the Army.                of the Lithgow region, and plays a key role in
our defence industry.                                     “We are backing Aussie businesses and                our national defence capability, ensuring our ADF
   Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price today   supporting local jobs.”                                 personnel have access to world-class military
announced Thales would draw on its extensive              Minister for Veterans’ Affairs and Defence           weapons.”
experience and Australian supplier base to assist      Personnel Andrew Gee welcomed the                          Rheinmetall Defence Australia will deliver and
with the manufacture of components for the             announcement, which is a boon for jobs and              support 211 Boxer 8x8 Combat Reconnaissance
Boxer’s 30mm cannon.                                   investment in the Lithgow community.                    Vehicles – a key investment under the 2020 Force
   The components will then be assembled at               “In 1912, the Lithgow Small Arms Factory,            Structure Plan – under the LAND 400 Phase 2 –
Rheinmetall’s Military Vehicle Centre of Excellence    which would become Thales Australia, began              Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle project to replace
in Redbank, Queensland, officially opened by           producing SMLE 303 rifles carried by Australian         the Australian Army’s Australian Light Armoured
Prime Minister Scott Morrison in October last year.    forces in WW1,” Minister Gee said.                      Vehicles.
   Minister Price said partnerships with local            “More than a century later, the tradition of the        The Boxer vehicles will provide enhanced
defence industry were critical to ensuring our         Australian Defence Force employing not only             mobility, firepower and protection in environments
industrial base effectively supported Australia’s      Australian-made but Lithgow-made weapons                ranging from regional stability missions to high
national security.                                     continues, with Thales Australia to deliver 30mm        threat operations.

6 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021
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                                                                                                                  location for the company’s first final assembly
                                                                                                                  production facility is indicative of Boeing’s global
                                                                                                                  focus and support for Australia’s sovereign defence
                                                                                                                  capability growth, supply chain and export
                                                                                                                     “We are confident in the future production outlook
                                                                                                                  for this world-class, innovative aircraft,” said
                                                                                                                     “We’re thinking long-term about this investment,
                                                                                                                  which could assist Australia to gain future work
                                                                                                                  share in other global defence and aerospace
                                                                                                                  opportunities, in addition to the Loyal Wingman
                                                                                                                     “The Wellcamp Aerospace and Defence Precinct
                                                                                                                  location is attractive due to its access to a flight
                                                                                                                  line, clear flying days, commercial flight access
                                                                                                                  from major cities and ability to support the rapid
                                                                                                                  pace at which the Airpower Teaming System
                                                                                                                  program is growing.
                                                                                                                     “Sustainable aerospace is a critical focus
                                                                                                                  for Boeing, and Wagner Corporation’s use of
                                                                                                                  sustainable construction methods supports our
The Boeing Airpower Teaming System during first flight testing at Woomera Range Complex. (Boeing photo)           vision to create a leading sustainable aerospace
                                                                                                                  manufacturing facility from the ground up, including
BOEING SELECTS AUSTRALIA                                   support approximately 300 jobs during construction     renewable technologies and human-centric design,”
                                                           and will create highly skilled jobs, furthering        Carpendale said.
FOR COMPANY'S FIRST FINAL                                  Queensland’s status as a centre for defence               Wagner Corporation Chairman John Wagner said
ASSEMBLY FACILITY OUTSIDE                                  industries.                                            Boeing’s selection of Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport
NORTH AMERICA                                                  Treasurer and Minister for Investment Cameron      for its newest uncrewed aircraft production facility
22 September 2021                                          Dick said today’s announcement reinforced the          was a major boost for the region.
Boeing, in partnership with the Queensland                 strength of the state’s almost 25-year relationship       “Attracting investment and global companies
Government, has selected Toowoomba as the                  with Boeing.                                           such as Boeing to Toowoomba is recognition of
preferred site for the company’s first aircraft                “This announcement follows our success with        the strategic advantages the Wellcamp Airport site
assembly facility of its kind outside of North             Australia’s first commercial drone flight testing      offers, including access to the future Inland Rail,”
America.                                                   facility at Cloncurry Airport last December, of        Wagner said.
   Boeing Australia will establish the facility in         which Boeing was a first user. It’s the result of
the Wellcamp Aerospace and Defence Precinct at             an arrangement our government entered into             CELEBRATING 15 YEARS OF
Wellcamp Airport to produce and assemble the               with Boeing Australia last year to support the         CLASSIC HORNET SUPPORT
Boeing Airpower Teaming System (also known as              establishment of the primary final assembly facility
Loyal Wingman), the first military combat aircraft         for the Boeing Loyal Wingman here in Queensland,       After 15 years, the highly successful ‘LITENING
designed, developed and manufactured in Australia          subject to defence orders. It’s expected the project   pod’ collaboration between Northrop Grumman and
in half a century. The aircraft made its first flight in   could generate up to $1 billion for Queensland’s       BAE Systems Australia has come to end, as the
February 2021.                                             economy over 10 years, with more than just             Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) prepares for the
   The partnership to establish the facility will create   defence industries to benefit,” said Dick.             completion of service of its Classic Hornet fleet.
new opportunities for Toowoomba, bringing jobs                 This project delivers on the vision of the            BAE Systems has been subcontracted to Northrop
and skill development to the region and the state.         Queensland Defence Industries 10-year Roadmap          Grumman, the Original Equipment Manufacturer of
   “In choosing Wellcamp Airport, Boeing have              and Action Plan, which aims to significantly           the ‘LITENING’ pods used on the F/A-18A/B Classic
taken an important step towards delivering their           increase defence revenue and generate 3,500 new        Hornets, since 2006. During this time, the LITENING
purpose-built final assembly facility. This has the        full-time jobs by 2028.                                Pods have been used at RAAF base Williamtown
potential to greatly improve our state’s advanced              The uncrewed aircraft is designed to operate as    (New South Wales), RAAF base Tindal (Northern
manufacturing capability and help shape a                  a team, using artificial intelligence to extend the    Territory), plus many local and international
workforce of Queenslanders with the skills to build        capabilities of crewed and uncrewed platforms.         deployments and operations. The completion of the
some of the world’s most cutting-edge aircraft,” said          Boeing Defence Australia Vice President and        LITENING Support contract is a result of the RAAF
Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk.                             Managing Director Scott Carpendale believes the        transitioning from the Classic Hornet to the 5th
   Wagner Corporation expects that this facility will      selection of Wellcamp Airport as Boeing’s preferred    Generation, F-35 Air Vehicle.

8 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021
LITENING is an integrated targeting                                                                                              when and where they were needed on
                                              Classic Hornet with LITENING pod (BAE Systems / CoA image)
pod that mounts externally to the                                                                                                   the Classic Hornet fleet.
aircraft. It contains an electro-optical                                                                                                Importantly, this also saved on
infrared sensor system for targeting                                                                                                freight costs, shipping resources
and surveillance that enables                                                                                                       and turnaround time for Northrop
aircrews to detect, acquire, identify                                                                                               Grumman.
and track targets at long ranges. It                                                                                                    There have been many notable
enables a wide range of missions,                                                                                                   achievements during the 15 years of
including precision targeting, close air                                                                                            support, including the achievement
support, intelligence, surveillance and                                                                                             of 100,000 ‘Elapsed Time Indicator’
reconnaissance, and humanitarian                                                                                                    (operational flying hours) for the
assistance. The LITENING pods                                                                                                       LITENING Pod fleet in early 2021.
contain high resolution sensors and                                                                                                     BAE Systems Aircraft Sustainment
powerful processors that are at the                                                                                                 and Training Director Andrew
heart of the capability.                                                                                                            Chapman, Director, said:
   In a successful demonstration of                                                                                                     “This has been a great program
Australian Industry Capability and                                                                                                  that really demonstrates the
collaboration, BAE Systems has                                                                                                      importance and benefits that come
been able to significantly grow the                        Systems LITENING Pod team proposed they could                            from collaboration.
workshop capability and the value provided to both         increase their capabilities and work scope and,             “It’s also a reflection of how we work with our
Northrop Grumman and the RAAF over this time.              in conjunction with Northrop Grumman, quickly            partners across programs that we lead such as
   The company started out as a ‘nil fault found’          evolved to an ‘Intermediate Level’ maintenance           Hawk Lead In Fighter and sustainment of the F-35
screening facility, simply testing and sending             facility and were approved to carry out repairs to the   Joint Strike Fighter.
faulty parts back to Northrop Grumman in the USA           LITENING pods from their own base in Williamtown.           “We are proud of the way that Defence industry
for repair. Recognising early on the opportunity              The benefits to the RAAF were clear – more            has been able to work together delivering the best
to deliver more quickly, and efficiently, the BAE          LITENING pods were serviceable and available             possible support Australia’s Defence Force.”

                                                 With our defence business spanning Australia, UK, USA and Canada, BMT stands ready to
                                             support the next exciting chapter for the Royal Australian Navy. For over three decades we have
                                                supported conventional and nuclear submarine acquisition, sustainment and modernisation.
                                       AUSTRALIA                                            UNITED KINGDOM                                         UNITED KINGDOM

       COLLINS CLASS                                           ASTUTE CLASS                                            VANGUARD CLASS
       SUBMARINE SUSTAINMENT                                   SUBMARINE PROGRAM                                       SUBMARINE MODERNISATION
                                       AUSTRALIA                                            UNITED KINGDOM                                         UNITED KINGDOM

       ATTACK CLASS                                            DREADNOUGHT CLASS                                       TRAFALGAR CLASS
       SUBMARINE PROGRAM                                       SUBMARINE PROGRAM                                       SUBMARINE SUSTAINMENT
             Whole Life Warship
             Capability Management                                    CANADA                                                  NORWAY

                                     VICTORIA CLASS SUBMARINE                                ULA CLASS
                                     MODERNISATION & PROGRAM                                 SUBMARINE MODERNISATION


                                                                                                               generated by the mtu engine.
   Penske main motor (Hanhwa photo)
                                                                                                                   Penske Australia’s assembly of the Redback’s
                                                                                                               X1100 transmission will also expedite the
                                                                                                               establishment of a viable local deep-maintenance
                                                                                                               hub for other X1100 Allison cross-drive units
                                                                                                               users locally and internationally. The new
                                                                                                               maintenance hub will negate the need for these
                                                                                                               transmissions to be exported for overhaul and
                                                                                                               make a practical contribution to Australia’s
                                                                                                               sovereign defence support capability applicable
                                                                                                               across multiple programs.
                                                                                                                   Once the engine and transmission units are
                                                                                                               assembled and tested, they will be delivered to
                                                                                                               Hanwha’s armoured vehicle manufacturing facility
                                                                                                               in Greater Geelong where an on-site Penske
                                                                                                               Australia team will support assembly of the
                                                                                                               powerpack ahead of vehicle installation with HDA.
                                                                                                                   Hanwha Defense Corporation, as the design
                                                                                                               authority for the powerpack, will enable the
                                                                                                               knowledge, skills and intellectual property transfer
                                                                                                               to the Australian companies.
                                                                                                                   The strong Australia, South Korea connection in
                                                                                                               what is a fundamental part of the Redback program
                                                                                                               has been 18 months in the making. Bringing
                                                                                                               together companies from Australia and South Korea
                                                                                                               is one of the key objectives of Hanwha Defense
                                                                                                               Australia’s Industry Development Strategy.
                                                                                                                   “It is great to have a company like Penske
                                                                                                               Australia as part of Team Redback,” said Mr
PENSKE TO DRIVE LOCAL                                 Australia under a technology transfer agreement          Richard Cho, Managing Director of Hanwha
ASSEMBLY OF COMPLETE                                  with STX Engine of South Korea. STX Engine, under        Defense Australia, “and it is particularly satisfying
                                                      licence from mtu, have localised and modified the        the see Penske working so closely with two South
POWERPACK MODULES FOR                                 engine over several decades and will be directly         Korean companies on such an important aspect of
THE HANWHA REDBACK                                    involved in knowledge and skills transfer.               our Redback program.
INFANTRY FIGHTING VEHICLE                                 The mtu engine variant for the Redback is a              “Penske is a globally renowned powerhouse
29 September 2021                                     high speed, water-cooled, twin-turbo, four- stroke,      in the automotive and transport industries and
                                                      direct injection, intercooled diesel, the same as that   Hanwha Defense Australia is proud to be working
Penske Australia will assemble mtu engines and        used in Hanwha’s K9 self- propelled howitzer and         with them to establish Australian defence support
Allison transmissions and integrate them locally      comes with a proven reputation for performance           capabilities that will have broad applications
into complete powerpacks for the Hanwha Redback       and reliability.                                         across various vehicles and fleets,” Mr Cho said.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle should it be selected for       In a similar arrangement, Penske Australia will          “We are proud to be a part of team Redback,”
service in the Australian Defence Force.              also conduct local assembly and testing of the           said Mr Hamish Christie-Johnston, Managing
    Penske Australia will also embed a team           Allison X1100 series cross drive transmission            Director of Penske Australia, “and are very much
of specialist technicians within Hanwha’s             under licence using kits supplied by SNT                 looking forward to making a further contribution
manufacturing facility to support the assembly        Dynamics, a South Korean company and long-               to Australia’s local defence capabilities as part of
and integration of the powerpack into the Redback     term supply partner of Allison.                          Hanwha’s Land 400 Phase 3 offer.
vehicles during production.                               The Allison variant selected for the Redback is a        “Engine and transmission assembly and
    The Redback is under consideration by the         cross-drive transmission with proven technology,         powerpack integration play to Penske Australia’s
Commonwealth under an ongoing tender process          operational in Hanwha’s K9 self-propelled                core strengths, and we will certainly make every
for Project LAND 400 Phase 3, which is an $18         howitzers fleets around the globe as well as the         effort and investment necessary in facilities and
billion to $27 billion project tasked to acquire up   X1100 series transmission fitted to the Abrams           personnel to ensure that the Redback has the
to 450 Infantry Fighting Vehicles.                    M1A1 main battle tank which has been in-service          reliable power and drive it requires.
    The 1000hp eight-cylinder mtu MT881Ka-500         with the ADF since 2007. It is more than capable             “It’s great to be part of a program that will
diesel engines will be built and tested locally       of handling the Redback’s 40-plus tonne combat           generate such a formidable local capability,”
enabling the in-country sustainment by Penske         weight and the staggering 3030 Nm of torque              Mr Christie-Johnston said.

10 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021
LOCKHEED MARTIN SUPPORTS                                                                                        and in Australia and look forward to working with
U.S. INDO PACIFIC COMMAND                                                                                       them to build on the capabilities the F-35 has
IN BILATERAL EXERCISE WITH                                                                                      proven thus far.”
                                                                                                                   In the 21st century battlespace, dominance will
AUSTRALIA                                                                                                       be determined by the ability to securely connect
FORT WORTH, Texas, 29 September 2021
                                                                                                                high-tech platforms into one cohesive network that
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II and Virtual                                                               spans every domain – air, land, sea, space and
Aegis Weapon System (VAWS) demonstrated the                                                                     cyber. This recent demonstration strengthens the
ability to share real-time sensor data from Fort                                                                U.S. military’s interoperability with its allies against
Worth, Texas, to Honolulu, Hawaii, and on to the                                                                the heightened strategic threat environment.
Australian Defence Force during a recent military                                                               Only the F-35 has the ability to reach into
exercise between the United States and Australia.                                                               austere environments to provide critical real-time
   In partnership with U.S. Indo Pacific Command,                                                               information back to allied defense forces.
Lockheed Martin’s participation in Talisman Sabre                                                                  Starting with Talisman Sabre in 2019, Lockheed
2021 (TS21) continued the military/industry                                                                     Martin has collaborated with U.S. Indo-Pacific
team’s experimentation efforts to improve joint                                                                 Command on experimentation to enhance kill
interoperability between U.S. services and allies.   Lockheed Martin Australia’s Next Generation Deployable     webs, which are a multitude of sensors that
                                                     Facility deployed to RAAF Base Williamtown in support of
   The exchange of real-time F-35 data with non-F-   Talisman Sabre 2021. (Lockheed Martin photo)               collect, prioritize, process, and share data, then
35 platforms outside of the United States via the                                                               fuse it into a continuously updated display of
F-35’s multi-function advanced data link directly    proven that its sensor fusion capabilities make            information for joint forces. The demonstrations
supports goals presented in the Pacific              it the most advanced node in the 21st century              conducted during TS21 are further proof of
   Deterrence Initiative. This initiative includes   warfare network-centric architecture,” said Bridget        Lockheed Martin’s ability to quickly connect
using large-scale exercises to pursue innovative     Lauderdale, Lockheed Martin vice president and             advanced technology, provide commanders more
experimentation in support of building joint         general manager of the F-35 program. “We                   options to meet their objectives, and ensure
all-domain information sharing capabilities.         are proud to deliver on the expectations of our            warfighters have the information needed to quickly
   “With this demonstration, the F-35 has            customers in the Indo-Pacific Command theatre              make critical decisions in the battlespace.

                                                                   KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

  The more that is known about the circumstances leading up to the September 16 announcement that Australia will acquire
   nuclear powered submarines the clearer it is that this was a high-level political decision. There is nothing wrong with that,
   but this one seems to be almost completely lacking in substance with Defence having to simultaneously wrap up existing
        contracts with Naval Group and Lockheed Martin while also starting work on how to go down the nuclear path.

                                                                                                                     – more nuanced – Taiwan.
                                                                                                                        The role of the UK in the region is far less
                                                                                                                     significant, though it is a member of the Five Power
                                                                                                                     Defence Agreement with Australia, Singapore,
                                                                                                                     Malaysia and New Zealand. The FPDA is a remnant
                                                                                                                     of low intensity conflict between Indonesia and
                                                                                                                     Malaysia between 1963 and 1966. While still active,
                                                                                                                     it has little practical utility. The UK has few – if any -
                                                                                                                     direct strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific.
                                                                                                                        Given the already guaranteed involvement of
                                                                                                                     the US, what Australia seems to have gained in
                                                                                                                     strategic terms is the addition of the UK – but at the
                                                                                                                     exclusion of France, which sounds like a very bad
                                                                                                                     deal. Whatever one thinks of the French – and on
   JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM (Sept. 1, 2021) The Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USS Missouri              various internet chat groups there has been a lot
   (SSN 780) departs Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam for a scheduled deployment in the 7th Fleet area of              of uncontrolled anonymous glee about them being
   responsibility, Sept. 1, 2021. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Amanda R. Gray)
                                                                                                                     kicked out of the submarine deal – they at least have a
                                                                                                                     substantial long-term presence in the APAC through

         ccording to the British media, the first         – and all CASG, including the Attack class team –          New Caledonia, French Polynesia and a number of
         indication that Australia was up to something    only knew what was happening the night before the          other external territories.
         was when our Chief of Navy VADM Noonan           announcement. Another part of the arrangement was             What Australia has gained in principle is access to
invited his UK counterpart First Sea Lord Sir Tony        that Australia was given the job of gently and tactfully   US and UK nuclear submarine propulsion technology,
Radakin for a chat at the London High Commission          explaining this to the French – and we can see how         which in turn, is the based on a 1958 agreement
in March. Without any forewarning or preparation, the     well that went.                                            between those two countries. The US had established
Australian asked whether the UK and the US would be                                                                  an early lead with the development of the world’s first
prepared to help Australia develop a fleet of nuclear     AUKUS AGREEMENT                                            nuclear reactor in 1942, followed by the atomic bomb
submarines to better counter the growing threat of        For those analysts arguing that this is the deal of a      in 1945 and then the launch of the USS Nautilus in
China.                                                    century and a fundamental realignment of forces in         1954 – and transferred that propulsion technology to
   The First Sea Lord apparently passed the buck to       Asia to combat the growth of China, it appears to be       Britain as a counterweight to the growing threat of the
Sir Stephen Lovegrove, the Permanent Secretary of         nothing quite so ambitious. The entire document is         Soviet Union.
the Ministry of Defence who then set up ‘Operation        6 paragraphs. That is nothing like a binding security         Even today it is unclear whether the UK is actually
Hookless’ – a Top Secret effort to bring the Biden        treaty, such as ANZUS that commits Australia, New          independent regarding naval reactors, though
Administration on board and which involved a very         Zealand and the United States to each other’s defence.     Rolls Royce have been building them for decades.
small number of people. It appears that the UK            Instead it is a technology sharing arrangement: https://   Some sources say that the US continues to own
negotiated with Washington on Australia’s behalf –          the intellectual property and that they are effectively
which sounds a bit colonial and fits other parts of the      The US is already heavily committed to the security     being manufactured under license. Others disagree
narrative.                                                of the Asian region by not only being physically present   – though the Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) fuel for
   Meanwhile in Australia, the handful of people who      with major bases in Japan, South Korea and Australia       those reactors comes from the US.
knew about the deal kept the information to themselves    but also due to a network of treaties. In addition to         While the USN is undoubtedly in a strong position
and the impending move to completely scrap SEA            ANZUS, these include the Quad with Japan, India and        to help Australia develop our own fleet of nuclear
1000 and kick out the French was kept secret.             Australia, as well as strong bilateral ties with many      submarines, the ability of the UK to do so is far less
Several sources have indicated that most of Defence       other nations such as Singapore, the Philippines and       clear. The current generation of Astute class SSN

12 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021

attack submarines have had a troubled history, with         not fall into the wrong hands.                               to France for a short time – hardly a major impediment
the US – in the form of prime contractor Electric Boat         The inspection process for a nuclear reactor is           to naval operations.
– having to step in quite early in the piece to sort out    detailed and lengthy, involving x-raying all components.         In a scathing address to the National Press Club
the program.                                                This needs to take place in a secure environment,            via video link on September 29, former Prime Minister
   It is possible that the same RN people assuring          which is why nuclear submarine bases are massive             Malcolm Turnbull agreed with this assessment – and
Australia of unlimited support for our future submarines    structures with concrete and lead walls a couple of          added that the Morrison government had destroyed
are the same ones who misled us only four years ago         metres thick. Australia has nothing remotely like these      Australia’s credibility and trustworthiness with the
about the status of the Type 26 Global Combat Ship          facilities – and they will be necessary just to regularly    shock announcement. He said the government
– the design on which the Hunter class is based. This       inspect the future submarines, even without the need         position is that HEU reactors being used in the Virginia
strategically vital surface combatant is already two        for nuclear refuelling.                                      and Astute classes don’t need to be refuelled for the
years late and facing a raft of technical issues.              Problems with nuclear propulsion systems                  life of the submarine is questionable:
   UK Inc insisted that the Type 26 was a fully mature      occasionally occur. The Virginia class submarine USS             “This is a sort of breezy assurance that a naval
low risk design that could be easily adapted to             Minnesota was taken out of commission in 2015                nuclear reactor powered with weapons grade uranium
Australian requirements. This was not true. In addition,    for two years when engineers discovered a cracked            is something like a battery you might pick up from
lavish commitments were made about a massive                elbow pipe in the reactor. Because the submarine was         Bunnings for your Makita power tool set.
amount of Australian industry content for the Hunter        designed without access hatches in the pressure hull             “When you look at it, you have to say that a
class that have been progressively unravelling. Similar     for the reactor a way had to be found to cut out and         responsible government would have had an open and
promises about the use of Australian systems on future      replace the defective part, which turned out to be a         honest discussion with our partner France. Maybe
UK warships have so far amounted to next to nothing.        massive undertaking.                                         we should have built our first three submarines with
   So much for the UK being a trusted technology               Another issue is that HEU can only be produced            diesel-electric propulsion and then moved to LEU later
partner.                                                    with a huge industrial effort – and the US will run out      for the balance of the fleet. The fact that there was no
                                                            of it by 2050. For this, and a number of other reasons,      discussion – and this extraordinary subterfuge and
THE TRUTH ABOUT NAVAL                                       there is an active debate about whether the USN              deceit – has left us with so many unresolved questions.
NUCLEAR REACTORS                                            should move from HEU reactors to commercial grade            Anyone who questions it – such as the Labor Party –
                                                            Low Enriched Uranium (LEU), which uses less than             are essentially accused of being unpatriotic.”
    At the heart of the AUKUS deal is the assertion         20% U-235, compared with greater than 90% for
that US and UK naval nuclear reactors are the best in       weapons grade material.                                      THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR
the world because they arrive as sealed modules and            The current debate favours the continued use of           SUBMARINES
once installed never need to be refuelled, giving the       HEU for the Virginia class and the Colombia SSBNs
submarines unlimited power for their entire 30-year life.   under development – but after that a switch to LEU           The countries that have acquired nuclear powered
This has been stated by both Prime Minister Morrison        might occur. The USN is actively funding LEU reactor         attack submarines are the US; UK; France; Russia
and Defence Minister Dutton as the main attraction of       research, though this is turning into a political football   and China – with India in the process of joining the
going nuclear.                                              with Democrats in favour but Republicans opposed.            club. They have done so for a variety of reasons, mainly
    This assertion has also been made in the media          HEU reactors have the benefit that the higher energy         because they need – or think they need – global reach.
– including by APDR – but on closer examination it          density of their fuel means that they are more compact,      This partly relates to having a nuclear triad, with SSNs
is wrong, or at the very least vastly understates the       but this is not an insurmountable advantage.                 needed to protect one’s own ballistic missile firing
complexity of the situation.                                   One of the ironies in the current situation is that       SSBNS – and having the need to hunt enemy SSBNs.
    The stuff powering US and UK reactors is weapon’s       France is a world leader in the development of               This logic applies to all of the countries listed above.
grade uranium. It comes from decommissioned                 LEU naval reactor technology. In 1959 it sought                 Australia does not have a nuclear triad and we
nuclear warheads, the material from which has been          to join the US-UK program but was excluded and               certainly have no intention of projecting power around
repurposed since the end of the Cold War to power           decided to pursue its own path. A key early decision         the world, at least not under any sane government.
submarines. The isotope involved – Uranium 235 – is         was to harmonise military programs with the civil            Our justification for going nuclear is therefore slightly
one of the most dangerous and deadly substances on          nuclear sector. This was given a further boost in 1974       unusual and only hinges on a couple of factors. These
earth, with significant exposure being fatal to humans.     when because of the oil price crisis, France decided         are that our submarines need to travel great distances
It’s use, handling and storage is highly regulated.         to massively expand its use of atomic energy and             and that they remain underwater for longer than can be
    It is correct that the core itself for current          as a consequence remains at the forefront of the             achieved using diesel-electric propulsion.
generation reactors such as the US SG9 or the UK            development of LEU technology.                                  Neither of these factors automatically leads to the
PWR2 does not need to be refuelled – but all the               The downside that LEU naval reactors need to be           conclusion that we need nuclear SSNs.
associated machinery of pipes, pumps, shielding,            refuelled every 10 years or so seems to have been
metal rods and so on must be regularly checked to           overstated. The procedure is scheduled to take place         THE ROLE OF AIR INDEPENDENT
safeguard against corrosion and cracking. A nuclear         during the submarine’s Full Cycle Docking and takes          PROPULSION
accident, particularly involving HEU, could have            about five days to complete. If Australia had pursued
catastrophic consequences and must be protected             a nuclear-powered Barracuda submarine rather than            One of the most startling omissions in the current
against at all costs. Stringent safeguards must be in       seek to convert it to diesel-electric propulsion all that    debate about nuclear versus diesel electric propulsion
place to make sure that even a small quantity does          would have been required was a once in a decade visit        – with many commentators favouring nuclear – is

                                                                                                                                             Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021 13

that the performance difference between the two           comes on-line in about 2040 it will not be able to         on trivial subjects. If they had succeeded in building
have been narrowing rapidly for 20 years. This is         go anywhere near the Chinese coast – which would           up some enthusiasm for their bid it would have made
because several navies have added AIP systems             seem to cancel out the need for it to have extreme         Australia think twice about cancelling “the deal
to their conventional submarines, increasing their        range in the first place.                                  of the century”- but remarkably they managed to
underwater endurance from a day or two to a                                                                          achieve the opposite effect.
fortnight – and more. Countries that have this            NUCLEAR POWERED SUBMARINE                                     At the same time, the company was so awash
capability include: Sweden; Germany; Spain; Italy,        TOP SPEED                                                  with Australian money that on at least two occasions
Singapore; Japan and South Korea. China, Russia                                                                      they sponsored a yacht in the annual Sydney-
and India all have extremely active AIP programs.         One of benefits of a nuclear reactor is that it            Hobart race, along with a luxury cruiser to observe
   The RAN, almost uniquely, has ignored the              can continually produce huge amounts of power,             the departure with handpicked guests no doubt
performance benefits of AIP, which combined with          whether it uses HEU or LEU. This translates into           drinking champagne and nibbling on canapes. A
new battery technologies such as lithium ion is           being able to maintain enormous top speeds for             more offensive middle finger gesture to Australian
revolutionising the performance of conventional           days at a time – something that is well beyond the         taxpayers could hardly be imagined with Naval
submarines – particularly for underwater endurance.       means of a diesel-electric submarine. AIP does             Group sending the message: “Haha suckers – look
This resistance to the technology is from a submarine     not help in this regard – it increases underwater          at what we are doing with your money.”
service that has never actually fired a single torpedo    endurance but the technology is optimised for low             If anyone thinks that this is the French way, it is
during hostilities.                                       speed patrols.                                             not. Other companies such as Thales and Safran
   Whether it is by using an internal combustion             This is unarguably a major benefit of having a          Electronics and Defense have always behaved
engine, such as the Stirling developed in Sweden,         submarine like a Virginia or an Astute – but there         impeccably, aware of their corporate responsibilities
or hydrogen fuel cells, or any of the other               must be questions about whether this characteristic        and willing to explain how their activities benefit the
methodologies, AIP has become a low cost, low risk        alone is worth the extra tens of billions of dollars, an   ADF in particular and Australia at large.
way of dramatically improving the indiscretion rates      Australian industry hiatus of more than a decade –            Another unfortunate casualty of the cancellation
of highly capable conventional submarines. All AIP        possibly longer – and all the attendant complexity         of the Attack program is combat system prime
variants are quieter than nuclear reactors because        and disruption of joining the nuclear club, including      contractor Lockheed Martin Australia, which has
they do not need to continually operate pumps             a loss of sovereignty.                                     made impressive progress on that part of the
circulating cooling fluid.                                                                                           project, along with numerous local suppliers. This
                                                          NAVAL GROUP GETTING EXACTLY                                looks to be a huge waste of talent, unless Defence
WHY IS EXTENDED RANGE                                     WHAT THEY DESERVE                                          can come up with some sort of gap filler work during
NECESSARY FOR AUSTRALIA?                                                                                             the next 18 months study period.
                                                          The company has been humiliated on the world
The usual reason given is that Australian submarines      stage by having a massive contract cancelled               THE WAY FORWARD
need to operate far from home with vast transit           without warning – and even worse, the preferred               In answering a question from APDR about
times. This has become code for the need to patrol        solution is coming from the Anglosphere. However,          whether France could be brought back in, Malcolm
off the coast of China to be able to sink enemy           in life you reap what you sow – and Naval Group has        Turnbull said:
warships including SSBNs as they are leaving their        brought this sorry situation entirely upon themselves.        “I certainly think it would be worth trying. It’s pretty
home ports. While this might be in the interests of          Whatever the considerable technical merits of the       obvious that Washington has been embarrassed by
Washington, it is not clear why this should also be       company, since being awarded the contract they             the blundering, deceitful way that Scott Morrison
a priority for Australia - particularly given the large   have behaved with the most appalling arrogance,            has handled this. It may be too late because the
number of choke points throughout the Indonesian          obviously believing that the program was too               damage has been enormous because there was so
archipelago that are much closer to home.                 big to fail. The official Australian line of “cultural     much trust in it…. Maybe a new government could
   Another way of addressing the range issue, if it       differences” being a major problem is code for             do that.”
is really that important, would be to forward base        dealing with a company whose French senior                    Replacing the Collins class has been such a mess
Australian submarines on the US island of Guam. A         management seemed indifferent to Australian                for so long that we probably have no alternative
further way is through an increased use of stealthy       industry content in particular. While there had            other than to let the US sort it out for us –
autonomous unlimited endurance Uninhabited                been a recent shakeup of the structure, this was           though there are no easy or obvious solutions. The
Underwater Vehicle (UUV) technology, which is the         far too late.                                              Virginia class is reaching the end of production and
way of the future.                                           Naval Group’s treatment of the Australian media         their replacement – the SSN(X) program due to
   Additionally, this all needs to be seen against        was a microcosm of how they took a lot of initial good     come online in 2031 – is poorly defined. It seems
the backdrop of the Chinese Navy – the PLA(N)             will and managed to turn it into a situation where they    unlikely that the USN, let alone the RN, has spare
– massively increasing its anti-submarine warfare         are now completely friendless. Unlike every other          submarines that they could lease to Australia.
capabilities. These include the extensive use of          prime contractor awarded a major contract, they               What is likely to happen is that rather than being
seafloor sonar arrays and submarine hunting teams         refused to provide any meaningful information about        able to stand up to China we will be weakened, with
of uninhabited surface vessels using dipping sonar        the $2.4 billion they have received, ignored requests      only the refurbished Collins class providing Australia
and lightweight torpedoes to prosecute contacts.          for briefings and disdained engagement, preferring         with an undersea deterrent capability for the next
   By the time an Australian nuclear submarine            instead to issue rare written press releases usually       30 years.

14 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021

   HMAS Rankin at sea during AUSINDEX 21.
   Credit: CoA / Yury Ramsey
                                                                       KYM BERGMANN // CANBERRA

  The decision that Australia will acquire nuclear submarines has enormous ramifications, the consequences of which are only
now being worked through. High on that list will be the need to keep the Collins class in service for even longer than anticipated
because of the timescales involved from changing technology direction so abruptly. The earliest that an Australian designed and
                               built nuclear submarine could enter service would be around 2040.

         here has been some speculation that with this       one finishing 25 years ago, many have been upgraded        even longer given the lethargic pace at which many
         timeline in mind the government will seek to        and they are still formidable platforms. Whether the       Australian infrastructure projects move – especially
         lease some existing nuclear submarines to           US is interested in leasing them – something that has      ones involving state governments. For a country
start training crews and have an interim capability          never been done previously – is still to be seen, let      happily watching the Sydney-Melbourne rail link
available. This is fine in theory, but the reality is that   alone the terms and conditions that might be attached      degrade to one of Third World standard, it would be
the USN does not appear to have any spare Virginia           to such a deal.                                            a surprise if a brand new, heavily regulated nuclear
class SSNs and the Royal Navy definitely cannot                 However, to enter service in Australia a couple of      submarine base could be created from nothing in less
spare an Astute since only four out of a total order of      obvious things are needed: crews able to operate           than a decade.
seven are in service.                                        them and facilities where they could be docked.               The Collins class have quite a lot of hull life left for
   It is possible that the USN would be able to find         While neither issue is insurmountable, time is needed.     several reasons including a sound basic design and
some older Los Angeles class SSNs, which are being           For a while mixed RAN-USN crews could be used              early restrictions on the depth to which they could
progressively retired. Despite construction of the final     while local expertise is built up. Facilities could take   dive. The proposed Life Of Type Extension program

16 Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021

will tackle areas of obsolescence and will seek to make      intercept array and – very recently – the towed array.      the weight and diameter of the towed array. We think
a number of improvements to the platform, including          Given that the sonar suite collects by far the largest      we have a world leading capability edge thanks to
things such as potentially replacing the diesel engines      amount of data used by the combat system, the               our work with DSTG and also some quite remarkable
and batteries. Unfortunately, the prime contractor           importance of the work cannot be understated. There         Australian SMEs. It’s our intention to start incorporating
ASC – administered as part of the Department of              are some other sensors such as those on the masts           some of this new technology into the next evolution of
Finance – is so constrained by regulations that it is        – optronic, radar and ESM – but these are only used         the product. We plan to do this in a low risk fashion
unable to comment on what the program might look             during the very brief intervals when the submarine is       and might not introduce every possible change in the
like. This inflexibility does not bode well.                 on, or close to, the surface at periscope depth             first iteration, but do so in a series of steps.”
                                                                                                                             The core enabling technology for modern sonars are
                                                                                                                         piezo-ceramics which convert the energy from sound
 The Collins class have quite a lot of hull life left for several reasons                                                waves travelling through water into precise electrical
 including a sound basic design and early restrictions on the depth                                                      signals. This is a domain in which Thales has invested
                                                                                                                         a great deal of effort, with Mr Stephen continuing:
                      to which they could dive.                                                                              “Our Acoustics Centre of Excellence in Rydalmere,
                                                                                                                         Western Sydney, has some incredibly smart people,
   The other program of direct relevance is the multi-          If anything, the sonar suite is becoming even more       with skills from electronics, mechanical engineers,
phased SEA 1439, which is a rolling upgrade of               critical for Australian submarine operations with each      mathematicians, material scientists – and many
the sensors and systems of Collins to keep the               element of it needing to be operating at full capacity      others. The reason we have such a diverse and
submarines moving with the times with upgraded               before the start of a deployment.                           talented group of technical people is because of the
communications, and ESM suite. The current SEA                  In essence, due to changes in technology, the            complexity inherent in sonar systems. We need all of
1439 Phase 6 is the replacement of the sonar suite,          arrays are becoming lighter and more sensitive.             these disciplines to develop next generation products
which remains easily the most important of the               This particularly benefits the towed array, which is a      – and we have been investing heavily through self-
sensors being responsible for the vast majority of data      linear array structure full of copper wire and sensors      funded R&D.
collected by the submarine, particularly when dived.         streamed out for hundreds of metres behind the                  “Over the past 20 years working on Collins, we have
   The key supplier of this is Thales Australia, who         submarine providing a huge aperture for detecting           also developed an extensive organisational ecosystem
supplied the original ‘Scylla’ system starting in 1987 –     sounds. Thales Australia has been working closely           that includes SMEs, local suppliers and academia, as
judged at that time to be easily the best available in the   with DSTG on many improvements, including the               well as our strategic alliance with DSTG.
world. Under SEA 1439 Phase 6 it is being upgraded,          possibility of replacing copper with optic fibre, which         “What makes a submarine so potent is its ability to
with work on the first submarine now complete. It is         is both lighter, more robust and much more efficient        detect without itself being detected. For the last 10
entirely possible that further upgrades will be needed       for data transmission.                                      years we have been developing the next generation
since the Collins fleet will have to keep operating until       Troy Stephen, Thales Australia Vice President,           transducer – the heart of an acoustic sensor – and
2040 – and possibly for some time beyond that.               Underwater Systems, explained:                              it’s amazing technology that we’ll deliver to the RAN
   The sonar upgrades are coordinated closely with              “These developments have the potential to reduce         and to our allies.”
the Combat System Manager, Raytheon Australia
and with ASC, who are responsible for the submarine
platform and its availability – especially for mid-cycle
and full-cycle dockings. The amount of work being
carried out is substantial with the replacement of
the large flank arrays running down each side of the
submarine and the huge cylindrical array – one of the
largest and most capable in the world – sitting in the
bow and responsible for the distinctive shape of the
Collins class. The other significant part of the mix is
the towed array although there are others, such as an
active obstacle avoidance sonar.
   Thales Australia was awarded the design contract in
2018 and now HMAS Waller – the first of class to be
upgraded – is undertaking sea trials. Work is currently
underway on the next two submarines on the list. As
well as replacing the external arrays, all of the onboard
computers and racks of equipment responsible for
the advanced signal processing needed are being
swapped out with contemporary electronics.
                                                             The Member for Fremantle, Mr Josh Wilson MP (right) and the Shadow Minister for Defence Industry and Member for
   The project is going well and the company has been        Burt, Mr Matt Keogh MP, look on at Collins Class Submarine, HMAS Collins, during a boat transfer from Fleet Base West
awarded additional work upgrading the high frequency         to HMAS Collins as part of the Australian Defence Force Parliamentary Program. Credit: CoA / Damian Pawlenko

                                                                                                                                              Asia Pacific Defence Reporter OCT 2021 17
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