ASN TV Debuts in San Diego, CA - ASN TV Highlights - WebsEdge

Page created by Edgar Marsh
ASN TV Debuts in San Diego, CA - ASN TV Highlights - WebsEdge
ASN Kidney Week 2018 San Diego, CA October 23 - 28

ASN TV Debuts
in San Diego, CA
WebsEdge will be producing ASN TV in San Diego,
CA for ASN Kidney Week 2018. Where participants
                                                                        ASN TV Highlights
have the opportunity to share knowledge of the                                                                   At the UCSF PKD Center of
latest scientific and medical advances in                                                                        Excellence, we are innovating
nephrology.                                                                                                      care for PKD patients by
                                                                       listening to our patients needs and empowering them to maximize their
ASN TV serves as a unique platform to highlight Kidney Week            health. We have brought together PKD-focused specialists from many
2018. The TV program will have session highlights, interviews with     disciplines to care for the complexities that PKD patients face at every
                                                                       stage of disease – from early to late. We have research programs
key speakers as well as interviews with delegates sharing their        targeted toward different PKD patient stages that are designed to
insights and reactions from around the conference.                     improve health for many aspects of this challenging condition.
                                                                       UCSF Polycystic Kidney Disease Center of Excellence
The program will also show feature films from universities,
institutions and organizations to highlight case studies,
programmes and ongoing initiatives that are making a difference
in the field of nephrology.

 Where to find ASN TV
 Twitter: @WebsEdge_Health
 Facebook: @WebsEdgeHealth
 Follow along with ASN Kidney Week 2018 on twitter:
 #KidneyWk     @ASNKidney      @WebsEdge_Health
ASN TV Debuts in San Diego, CA - ASN TV Highlights - WebsEdge
The Kidney Research                                  For over 50 years, the                               The Renal Service at
                           Institute is a world-                                Division of Nephrology at                            Texas Children’s Hospital
                           class collaborative                                  the University of Michigan                           is one of largest
                           research organization                                has been internationally                             programs in the world,
in Seattle, WA. It's made up of passionate                                      recognized for the                                   and provides diagnostic,
investigators conducting a wide range of studies       excellence of its rich and diverse research,            therapeutic and long-term care for infants,
designed to improve the lives of people with           education programs and clinical care. Our               children and adolescents with all forms of
kidney disease. This film highlights several of the     multidisciplinary research programs, totaling over
organization's ongoing studies, including              $16 million in annual funding, are at the forefront
sending kidney chips into space, groundbreaking        of science with a focus on precision health
                                                       reducing the burden of kidney disease around the
                                                       world. Key research programs include the Kidney
                                                       Precision Medicine Program, the United States
                                                       Renal Data System and several clinical trials
                                                       (CRIC, NEPTUNE, CUREGN, APOLLO and
                                                       others). The George M. O’Brien Kidney
                                                       Translational Research Center at the University of
                                                                                                               congenital and acquired kidney diseases. Care
                                                                                                               is provided with an integrated, comprehensive,
                                                                                                               patient and family centered focus by a team of
work with kidney tissue regeneration, research                                                                 physicians, advance practice providers, nurses,
into the links between kidney disease and                                                                      dietitians, pharmacists, social workers, child-life
cardiovascular health, and creating a portable                                                                 specialists, psychologists, and quality of life
dialysis machine at the Center for Dialysis                                                                    leaders. Through its unique and comprehensive
Innovation. It also showcases the organziation's                                                               Quality of Life program that encompasses
dedication to involving patients in the research                                                               multiple different aspects, from school liaisons
process, as well as its nephrology Fellowship          Michigan, funded continuously by the National           to dedicated music therapists, every effort is
Program, which trains and energizes the next           Institutes of Health since 1987, assists                made to reduce the burden of kidney diseases
generation of kidney scientists.                       investigators and clinicians worldwide in kidney        of our youngest population.
Kidney Research Institute                              disease research. We provide state-of-the-art care      Renal Services at Texas Children's
                                                       to patients from across the country in all areas of     Hospital
                                 Founded by one        kidney disease - acute and chronic kidney
                                 of the giants of      diseases, cystic diseases of the kidney, diabetes,                           The UNC Kidney Center
                                 medicine and          fluid and electrolyte disorders, glomerulonephritis                           has a progressive
                                 nephrology, the       and glomerular diseases, lupus, hypertension,                                approach to care,
                                 Division of Renal     kidney and pancreas transplantation, kidney-                                 research and education.
Diseases and Hypertension at the University of         related metabolic disorders, kidney stones, and         Kidney disease is now recognized as a
Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus has had a             rare and genetic kidney diseases.                       "hidden epidemic" affecting more than 850
long legacy in academic medicine. Their mission        University of Michigan George M. O'Brien                million people worldwide. The UNC Kidney
is to provide the highest levels of medical care to    Kidney Translational Core Center
patients, train the next generation of academic
leaders and expand on cutting-edge basic and                                         Children’s National has
                                                                                     a dedicated, multi-
                                                                                     disciplinary transplant
                                                                                     team, comprising of
                                                                                     physicians, surgeons,
                                                       nurses, coordinators, pharmacists, psychologists,
                                                       nutritionists, social workers, and child life
                                                       specialists. These specialists offer compassionate
                                                       and thoughtful care to children with end-stage          Center is dedicated to creating a better
                                                       renal disease, before and after transplant.             tomorrow for these patients, pursuing
                                                       Division of Nephrology at Children’s                    research that is identifying the causes of
clinical investigation in nephrology. With a large     National Health System                                  Glomerulonephritis (GN), as well as new ways
and diverse faculty, the division covers all aspects                                                           to improve the delivery of care for Chronic
of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, from                                                                       Kidney Disease (CKD). We’re on the cusp of
glomerular diseases to polycystic kidney disease                                                               major breakthroughs that will transform the
and transplant. Over the years, the Division has                                                               lives of millions and we are training our
grown enormously in their research, education,                                                                 physicians to care for them. Guided by a
and clinical missions, however, one thing that has                                                             legacy of titans in the field, our robust clinical,
not changed is their commitment to excellence.                                                                 translational and basic research enterprise
Division of Renal Diseases and                                                                                 encompasses acute, chronic, and autoimmune
Hypertension at the University of                                                                              diseases of the kidney. We promote early
Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus                                                                               detection through our outreach efforts,
ASN TV Debuts in San Diego, CA - ASN TV Highlights - WebsEdge
recognizing the vital connection between                                     The main mission of the
nephrologists and primary care providers. We                                 Renal Research
are also fostering a new culture of clinical                                 Institute is to combine
research for the industry, helping clinics and                               scientific research with    Faculty investigators in the Division of
patients become “research ready.” Because           clinical practice in the field of nephrology with    Nephrology at IU School of Medicine conduct
global health impacts our clinical practice and     the goal of improving patient outcomes. The         innovative research to ensure that patients have
daily life, our work knows no borders. We           work done at RRI spans clinical research,           access to the
believe the future is filled with hope.                                                                  latest advances in
The UNC Kidney Center and Division of                                                                   this field. Research
Nephrology & Hypertension at the                                                                        here has advanced
University of North Carolina’s School of                                                                important
Medicine                                                                                                discoveries on how
                                                                                                        to treat high blood
                                                                                                        pressure, sudden
                                                                                                        (acute) kidney
                                                                                                        injury, polycystic kidney disease and kidney
                                                                                                        stones, and this team is leading the nation in
The Big Data Center of CMUH holds the high-         mathematical modelling, epidemiology,               alternative dialysis strategies, including daily
quality medical data, including structured and      statistics, and basic sciences. There is also a     dialysis. This division’s mission is to advance
unstructured data, and is capable to expend         vast diversity of professional backgrounds of       science in order to improve the lives of patients
the value of these data by integrating it to the    the RRI team which include biochemists,             and ensure the highest quality of care.
                                                    engineers, medical doctors, mathematicians,         Indiana University Division of Nephrology
                                                    statisticians, and epidemiologist. Furthermore,
                                                    there is a state-of-the-art laboratory located at
                                                    the RRI office, which opens a wealth of
                                                    possibilities in biomarker testing, bench
                                                    research, and much more. This expansive
                                                    collection of expertise allows for research
                                                    questions to be tackled from many
                                                    perspectives. Our ability to be able to conduct
                                                    research and then transform those results into
universal Taiwan’s National Health Insurance        clinical practice gives RRI an edge in the effort
Database, the government-based registry data        to improve patient outcomes.
and the environmental data. With these high         Renal Research Institute
dimensional and high-quality data, we can                                                               In rural America and particularly West Virginia,
extract and generate real-world evidence for                                       The Division of      where kidney disease is highly prevalent and
clinical practice and health policy-making.                                        Renal Medicine at    specialty physicians are not, outreach is a key
   Take the renal medicine at CMUH as                                              Brigham and          component of medical opportunity for many
examples. We now can use the serial repeated        Women’s Hospital provides quality care to           patients. Optimizing access to care, both a
measurement ofeGFR to track the disease             patients will all types of acute and chronic        challenge and a priority, has formed the
course and predict patients’ risk of developing     diseases of the kidney, while maintaining an        cornerstone of our vision as practicing
adverse outcomes for each patient who               outstanding research program to create new          nephrologists in the Section of Nephrology at the
received care at our hospital.                      knowledge relevant to the normal and                West Virginia University School of Medicine. In our
   One example is the CKD Vigilant                                                                      quest to meet the needs of the many West
Information System. We found the first year                                                              Virginians who live distant to medical care, we
eGFR variability is very useful in predicting the                                                       formed the Rural Nephrology Initiative which
disease progression, CVD, and mortality for                                                             began with one on-campus clinic and two
patients receiving CKD care in our hospital.                                                            outpatient dialysis units. Since 2003, this initiative
We develop a real-time automated risk                                                                   has grown into 12 outreach clinics and nine dialysis
alarming system to help nephrologist’s                                                                  units in northcentral West Virginia. In May of 2016,
everyday practice.                                                                                      the 50,000th outreach patient visit mark was
   Another example is the Acute Kidney Injury                                                           reached, an achievement which translates to more
Detection System (AKIDS). We link our on-                                                               than 6 million miles saved in driving for patients
site data with the on-cloud national data to                                                            from more than 30 West Virginia counties.
obtain the complete health information. Then        diseased kidney,and educating the next              Meanwhile, the Section has grown in number from
we develop a detection algorithm to screen          generation of leading academic kidney               4 to 11 faculty and 0 to 9 advanced practitioners
for AKI and make referral recommendation            physicians and scientists.                          through whose collective effort and dedication
for every outpatient in our hospital. Our             We are recognized internationally for our         increasing numbers of West Virginians continue to
system can also help identify the window for        outstanding faculty who have made seminal           be reached for kidney disease care and the chance
clinicians to avoid nephrotoxic agents in           contributions to the field of nephrology and for     to optimize their medical outcomes.
patients with AKI.                                  exceptional clinical care.                          West Virginia University School of
Renal Medicine Center at China Medical              Division of Renal Medicine at Brigham               Medicine, Department of Medicine,
University                                          and Women's Hospital                                Section of Nephrology
ASN TV Debuts in San Diego, CA - ASN TV Highlights - WebsEdge
The Division of
                            Nephrology at the
                            University of
                            Missouri is
                            committed to            The Pediatric Kidney Transplant Program at
excellence in innovation and patient care. It’s a   Miami Transplant Institute program has
philosophy that’s shaped the division               performed over 400 pediatric kidney
throughout history and guides it into the future.   transplants starting nearly 4 decades ago. The
                                                    multi-disciplinary team includes pediatric
                                                    transplant nephrologists, surgeons, and
                                                    individuals from pharmacy,
                                                    nursing/coordinators, and social workers.
                                                       As an academic center the program has
                                                    trained over 100 surgical transplant fellows
                                                    and residents, pediatric nephrology fellows,      innovative translational research supported by
                                                    residents and medical students. Recently          private foundations and by the National
                                                    they performed the largest volume of living       Institute of Health.
                                                    and deceased donor kidney transplants in             The Pediatric Kidney Transplant Program
                                                    Florida and are ranked within the top five        performs combined organ transplants, for
   The Missouri Kidney Program has been             programs in the country. Importantly their        example liver and kidney as well as heart
around for more than 45 years, serving the          outcomes (one month, one year and three-          and kidney transplants together. They have
Mid-Missouri population and performing more         year KT survival) are consistently above the      an active living donor program that also
than 1130 transplants. Our inter-disciplinary       national average.                                 includes paired organ donation swaps. For
approach is a key feature of our nephrology            Congenital anomalies, often with complex       patients who are highly sensitized, they offer
department in how we treat both adults and          urological features, and focal segmental          desensitization protocols. Importantly, for
pediatric patients. We provide a stimulating        glomerulosclerosis are the most common            their adolescent population, they have
and diverse environment for specialized             causes of pediatric end stage renal disease.      developed tools to assess and improve
training and research. Our fellows receive          The program has a particular interest in          adherence.
comprehensive training in transplant, pediatrics    studying focal segmental glomerulosclerosis       Pediatric Kidney Transplant Program -
and all types of dialysis options including         with a team of physician-scientists involved in   Miami Transplant Institute
peritoneal dialysis. And as a global leader in
nephrology, we’ve hosted an Annual Dialysis
Conference for 38-years which attracts
experts from across the globe.
University of Missouri School of
Medicine, Division of Nephrology

Kidney transplantation is the best therapeutic
option for patients with chronic renal failure.
Access to transplantation may be limited by
immunological barriers, clinical conditions or
technical complexity. Transplanting the difficult

patient is always challenging, and success can
only be achieved by combining experience and
innovation. Barcelona’s Hospital Clinic has
performed the first kidney transplant in Spain
in 1965 and has been pioneering and
innovating in kidney transplantation ever since.
Institute of Nephrology and Urology
Clinic at Barcelona University Hospital
ASN TV Debuts in San Diego, CA - ASN TV Highlights - WebsEdge
The Center for Kidney and                                                                          The University of Toledo Medical
                    Genitourinary Disorders at                                                                         Center Division of Nephrology
                    Children’s Hospital, New                                                                           provides comprehensive
                    Orleans is the only program                                                                        diagnostic and therapeutic
                    in the state of Louisiana and                                                                      services to patients with acute
                    the Gulf Coast region                                                              and chronic renal disease, hypertension, and fluid
providing the full spectrum of services for                                                            electrolyte and acid-based disorders. Emphasis is
infants, children, and adolescents with kidney                                                         placed upon early diagnosis and treatment of
disease. The program represents an enduring                                                            renal diseases and a multidisciplinary approach
collaboration between Children’s Hospital, the                                                         to the prevention of renal function through
LSU Health New Orleans Department of                                                                   dietary intervention and control of blood pressure.
Pediatrics and the Tulane Transplant Institute.                                                        The University of Toledo Division of

                                                    division is to educate the next generation of
                                                    nephrologists and scientists. Trainees
                                                    participate in all aspect of divisional and as a
                                                    result, the division has produced many
                                                    outstanding young investigators.
                                                    Columbia University Division of
   We deliver the best multidisciplinary care in
a family-centered approach at the region's
premier freestanding, comprehensive
Children's Hospital. We pride ourselves on
providing state of the art destination therapies
for kidney disease including Louisiana's only
pediatric dialysis unit and largest pediatric
kidney transplant program. Our innovative
approaches to care include robotic surgery and
telemedicine services. We are committed to
the academic mission of teaching the next
generation of pediatricians and pediatric
nephrologists and collaborating with sister
institutions around the country in ground-
breaking research.
Children's Hospital (CHNOLA) and LSU
Health New Orleans

                                  The division of
                                  Nephrology at
University has a long history of doing
outstanding fundamental research and pivotal
clinical studies. Our goals are to combine
cutting edge research with expert
multidisciplinary care to transform the way we
care for patients with kidney failure.
   Our major strength is to introduce Precision
Medicine into the practice of Nephrology by
using genetics, genomics and data sciences to
provide the right treatment for the right patient
at the right time. This is achieved in
partnership with a large number of
departments and institutes at Columbia
University and around the world.
   By keeping the emphasis on the patient, we
are able to focus on collaborating to make
progress and engaging the top experts to help
solve ongoing problems. Another focus of the
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