ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage

Page created by Bonnie Robles
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage

                                     Volume No. 33
     ASEAN Social Security Association

              Special Feature:
             Initiatives during

Expanding Social
Security Coverage
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage

02   ASSA Chairperson’s Statement

03   ASSA
               Secretary      General’s

04   36th ASSA Board Meeting in Brunei
     Darussalam, 18-19 September 2019

07   ETF responding to COVID-19

09   Health Insurance Cards Delivery for
     Cambodian Veterans

10   Cambodia will launch Pension
     Scheme for Persons defined by the
     provisions of the Labour Law
     including Personnel Serving in the
     Air and Maritime Transportation as
     well as Domestic Workers

11   NSSFC: Pensioner ATM Utilizing

     Anticipating the spike in lay off,
     BPJAMSOSTEK       provides    the
     Express Service

13   Roundtable Meeting to increase
     social security coverage

14   During & Post-Movement Control
     Order – The EPF Experience

15   Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic:
     SOCSO's Proactive Measures
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage

           Measures taken by Social Security
           Board, Myanmar to deal with the
                        COVID-19 Pandemic

           ECC      expands    coverage   to
           land-based        OFWs        and
                   self-employed SSS members

           GSIS at 83: Responding to the Times,
             Transitioning to the New Normal       20
           Pag-IBIG Fund launches Virtual
           Pag-IBIG to provide 24/7online
                        service to members

           Social security in the time of
                                 COVID-19          23
                 The CPF Nomination Scheme
           COVID-19       highlights   the
           importance of UHC to cope with

           Thailand Social Security Measures
             and Initiatives Against COVID-19      29
           Viet Nam Social Security – A
               journey for social security cause   31
           Promoting ASSA – ISSA Networking
                               ASSA Directory
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
Brunei                                          ASSA Chairperson’s Statement

Dear ASSA Colleagues,                     order to overcome any challenges           we have endured in recent months.
                                          that has been thrown at us. Some
What a year it has been since our last    organizations were forced into the         Lastly, I wish all ASSA members the
Board Meeting in Brunei Darussalam!       realms of conducting services              very best and I look forward to our
All of us are currently in the midst of   remotely and many of us had to think       upcoming meeting.
unprecedented times in which none         outside the box in order for us to
of us has probably experienced            ensure the continuity of our               Best regards
before. It has truly been a challenge     businesses.
for us all and I am very sure we have
had our hands full for the past few       That being said, it did not dampen
months.                                   our spirits nor our adaptability to
                                          persevere through these tough times.
Most of us had to quickly reroute our     Viet Nam Social Security (VSS),            Mr. Omar Mohd Dali
priorities due to the COVID-19            through its dedication, promoted and
                                          enhanced the network between
                                                                                     ASSA Chairman
pandemic occurring all over the
world. Some of us were forced to          ASSA and ISSA by hosting a Round           Managing Director
shut physically while some of us had      Table meeting with ISSA Secretary          Employee Trust Fund
to cater to the sudden                    General, Mr. Marcelo Abi-Ramia, to         Brunei Darussalam
needs of those that                       discuss and share ideas to further
were        protected                       strengthen the bond between ISSA
under the social                            and ASSA and to potentially
security     system.                         collaborate in the future.
But it is during
these toughest of                           It is now more important than ever
times that we are                          to consider extending social security
reminded      of    the                   to the workforce in the informal
necessity to be                           sector as it is apparent that due to
agile     in                              unpredictable circumstances such as
                                                 the COVID-19 outbreak, they
                                                     are indeed the ones that
                                                       are most vulnerable due
                                                        to      the      economic
                                                        devastation that has
                                                         impacted the whole
                                                          world. We saw plenty of
                                                          job losses and closures
                                                          of big and small
                                                          businesses and it is our
                                                          responsibility        to
                                                           ensure     that     the
                                                           wellbeing     of    our
                                                            people is taken care
                                                            of. We need to be
                                                             prepared for future
                                                              events such as what

ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
ASSA Secretraty General’s Statement                                                          Brunei

One year has passed since                 their dedication in accommodating          the unexpected coming months. Stay
the 36th ASSA Board                       and giving assurances that our ASSA        strong together in enduring this
                                          event must continue to go on even          difficult time and stay safe.
Meeting     in       Brunei
                                          during these difficult times. I very am
Darussalam, and since then so             honored that this year we will still
much has changed. The world is            have the opportunity to continue our
currently grieving and every country      ASSA tradition even though it will be
is facing a universal challenge brought   done virtually. It is important that we
upon by the COVID-19 pandemic.            too evolve digitally, as an association,
No sector is free from its impact.        to continue the ASSA spirit of             Mr. Md Adfarul Maz Adanan
                                          achieving cooperation from all ASSA        ASSA Secretary-General
On behalf of the Employee Trust           member through persistent efforts of
Fund Brunei, we would like to             sharing knowledge as well as good
                                                                                     Senior Manager of Operations
express our deepest thoughts,             practices.                                 Employee Trust Fund
prayers and well-wishes to everyone                                                  Brunei Darussalam
affected during these challenging         We have included a special edition
times and also to acknowledge and         topic in this newsletter regarding
commend all front liners.                 information on measures taken by
                                          ASSA member organization in
The past plenary dialogues including      dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.
last year’s theme “ICT: Empowering        While the world is still racing to
Innovative Social Security” has           formulate the vaccine; there is so
demonstrated relevance during this        much to learn from one another on
global pandemic outbreak situation.       how each country deals with this
During lockdown and interruption of       pandemic. To ensure the continuity of
operations, organizations had to          services, fiscal packages to support
immediately activate their Business       businesses,       protecting     jobs,
Continuity Plan (BCP). One of the         temporary benefits for vulnerable
strategies was to accelerate the          groups and many more will be part of
digital transformation and to quickly     the items that is being shared within
shift towards technology reliance as      this newsletter.
to enable employees to work from
home safely while enforcing social        Moving forward, we should
distancing. This        technological     continue to identify the emerging
transition has shown a huge               issues of social security and
requirement for computing devices         develop knowledge sharing
and video conferencing platforms.         efforts encompassing around
The new norm is certainly here to         the possible key challenges by
stay in which the world is embracing      foreseeing         disruption
the full scale of digitalization and      indications ahead of us.
enabling more innovation through
the use of smart technologies.            Finally, I would like to
                                          thank all for their
We would like to acknowledge and          support           and
give praise to the National Social        e n o r m o u s
Security Fund (NSSF), Cambodia for        patience in

ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
36th ASSA Board Meeting, Brunei Darussalam
          Brunei                                                                18-19 September 2019

                                                                                                                                                    YB Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang
                                                                                                                                                    Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, the Minister of Culture, Youtrh and
                                                                                                                                                    Sports presenting his opening speech.

ETF’s Chairman, YB Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji
Abidin, the Minister of Culture,Youtrh and Sports, and guuests from Ministry of Finance and Economy as well as from the Ministry of Culture,Youth
and Sports with ASSA Board Members. and Board representatives.

Mr. Omar bin Mohd Dali, Deputy Managing Director of ETF Brunei represented ETF
to receive a Recognition Award from ASSA Chairperson, Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh.
                                                                                                                                                    YB Major General (Rtd) Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang
                                                                                                                                                    Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, the Minister of Culture, Youtrh and
                                                                                                                                                    Sports presented a token of appreciation to Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh.

                                                                                   Mr Markus Ruck presented his topic of The Future of Work and
                                                                                   Social Protection during the Pleanry Session.

ETF Chairman takes a look at a booth by Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam as well as                                                                         Representative of ETF, Brunei presenting her topic for Good Practices session.
Dynamik Technologies.
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
36th ASSA Board Meeting, Brunei Darussalam
                         18-19 September 2019                                                                                                                                                    Brunei

                                                                           36th ASSA Board Members and Board representatives takes a photo oppurtunitiy

Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh, Vice Minister and Director General of Viet Nam Social Security handing over the ASSA emblem   Mr. Dao Viet Anh, Deputy Director General of Viet Nam Social Security handing over the ASSA emblem to the newly
to the newly appointed Chairwoman, Mrs. Hajah Chairani binti Haji Sulaiman, Acting Managing Director of Employee   appointed Secretary General, Mr. Omar bin Mohd Dali, Deputy Managing Director of Employee Trust Fund Brunei
Trust Fund Brunei

                                                                                                                   Dr. Nguyen Thi Minh nominated Mr. Ouk Samvithyea, Executive Director General of the National Social Security Fund
                                                                                                                   (NSSF), Cambodia as the next ASSA Vice Chairman.
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
36th ASSA Board Meeting, Brunei Darussalam
Brunei              18-19 September 2019
ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
Employee Trust Fund                                                                       Brunei

                                      ETF responding to COVID-19

The    World      Health                     contribution payment processes were           under the Micro, Small and Medium
Organization (WHO) declared                  simplified and communication made             Enterprises (MSMEs) with less than 100
the    Coronavirus    Disease    2019        easier using the on-line messaging            employees.
(COVID-19) outbreak a Public Health          features.
Emergency of International Concern on        To create awareness of these new              In addition to this, another stimulus
30th January 2020 before it was              changes, ETF has utilized all of its          package was also introduced that
announced as a pandemic on 11th March        communication channels to disseminate         provided 25% salary subsidies for local
2020. Brunei Darussalam was not              the latest information. All related           employees in MSMEs with less than 100
exempted from the COVID-19 outbreak          developments were made available              employees for a period of three months.
when the first imported case was             online through ETF’s website, official        This package was introduced to ease the
detected on 9th March 2020.                  Facebook page and Instagram account, as       financial burden as well as to enhance the
                                             well as the local media.                      cash flow of businesses as a result of the
Following the first case in Brunei                                                         business slowdown. Additionally, the
Darussalam         and       the WHO         Fiscal Stimulus Packages                      fiscal stimulus packages were also
announcement, the Employee Trust Fund                                                      extended to individuals who are
(ETF) immediately activated its Business     During the pandemic, the Government           self-employed under the SCP scheme,
Continuity Plan (BCP) on 12th March          of Brunei Darussalam introduced               whereby the Government provided full
2020 where the workforce was divided         measures to address the impact of             SCP contributions for self-employed
into several teams and stationed to the      COVID-19 in Brunei Darussalam. This           individuals for a period of 6 months.
BCP office as well as other branches. As     was carried out with a “Whole of Nation
the number of reported active cases          Approach”- united in addressing the           ETF Workforce       Deal            with
increased, the management of ETF took        impact and challenges arising from the        Precautionary Measures
an additional step by assigning 50% of the   spread of COVID-19 in Brunei. The steps
workforce to work from home, effective       undertaken are focused on 3 main              The strict precautionary measures under
from 16th March 2020, in order to            components, namely, maintaining the           the directive of the Ministry of Health
mitigate the spread of the infection.        well-being of the public, protecting jobs     that were practiced throughout the
                                             and providing support for individuals as      nation has helped to flatten the
Subsequently, ETF took another step to       well as supporting and assisting              COVID-19 cases curve in Brunei. Brunei
safeguard its members, employers and         businesses.                                   started to slowly lift restrictions in
staff by temporarily closing all its                                                       phases. This allowed ETF to resume its
branches to minimize physical contact.       In relation to this economic stimulus         counter operations in all branches on
All counter transaction processes were       packages were introduced with the main        2nd June 2020 and the whole workforce
converted to online procedures. Those        focus to assist businesses as well as         were allowed to return to work as
who prefer the traditional method of         providing support for individuals. ETF        normal in their office premises.
branch services were still able to send      was entrusted to assist the Ministry of
physical applications such as withdrawal     Finance and Economy, Brunei to process
applications to any of our drop-off boxes    the fiscal stimulus applications and
that were made available outside ETF         pay-outs.
                                             Some of the stimulus packages that were
With the temporary closure of our            introduced, effective 1st April 2020, was a
counters, members and employers were         six -month deferment of mandatory
still able to perform normal transactions    contributions to the Employee Trust
via our ETF online platform, e-Amanah.       Fund    (TAP)       and    Supplementary
To assist the public when using the          Contributory Pension (SCP) for local
platform, a more user-friendly e-Amanah      employees       earning      less      than
2.0 beta version was launched where          BND$1,500.00 per month in all sectors

ASSA - Expanding Social Security Coverage
Brunei                                     Employee Trust Fund

To mitigate against the future spread of
the virus, the workforce is reminded to
oblige with the new safety measures such
as maintaining general social distancing,
compulsory body temperature checks
when entering and leaving the office
premises, and the provision of hand
sanitizers and face masks for all staff.

In addition to the above measures,
anyone entering ETF premises are
required to scan their QR Code using
the contact tracing mobile application
developed by the Government of Brunei
called     BruHealth Application. This
application was designed to help the
Ministry of Health, Brunei with contact
tracing in the case of any outbreak.

Although the situation in Brunei is
currently under control, ETF will
continue to monitor the extent and the
impact of COVID-19 and will act
appropriately and swiftly to ensure that
the safety and wellbeing of its staff and
members are being looked after.

National Fund for Veterans                                          Cambodia

          Health Insurance Cards Delivery for Cambodian Veterans

Since the end of 2019 to the
early of 2020, NFV has been
working devotedly with NSSF to deliver
the Health Insurance Cards for
Cambodian retired armies, police officers
and their dependents.

This marks a new milestone for the
veterans in Cambodia where they now
can enjoy a long-awaited health
insurance scheme. The establishment of
the new scheme is in line with the
government      strategies    of   Social
Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025
which aspires to lower out-of-pocket
payment and thusly alleviate the poverty
within the scope of veterans.

NFV is the main operator of social
security scheme for Veterans in
Cambodia; however, the implementation
of the health insurance scheme is done
by NSSF who is the sole operator for the    veterans are 100% subsidized by the
nationwide social health insurance.         government.This is done with the motive
Consequently, this effort would not be      of our Royal Government of Cambodia
achievable without NSSF as the main         to incentivize and uphold the roles of
actor of administering and overseeing       veterans to be worthy of the good deeds
the overall scheme. The cards are both      they had done for the cause of the
issued and maintained under NSSF, while     nation.
NFV provides the data of our
beneficiaries and proposed for the cards’

There are 2 types of card handed over to
the beneficiaries. The Health Insurance
Card (HIC) provided to the retirees,
invalidities and disabilities, while the
Health Equity Card (HEC) provided to
the dependents of the deceased (one for
each family). Up to now, we have
delivered 63,695 of HIC and 33,296 of
HEC respectively.

HIC is to be contributed 50% by
individual in the future; however,
currently there is no contribution made
as both of the schemes provided for the

Cambodia                                         National Social Security Fund

     Cambodia will launch Pension Scheme for Persons defined by the
     Provisions of the Labour Law including Personnel Serving in the
      Air and Maritime Transportation as well as Domestic Workers
                                                                                            Pension Scheme, Chapter V on
                                                                                            Conditions and Formalities             and
                                                                                            Procedures of Benefit Claim and
                                                                                            Provision of Compulsory Pension
                                                                                            Scheme, Chapter VI on           Voluntary
                                                                                            Pension Scheme, Chapter VII on
                                                                                            Co-Regulations, and Chapter VIII on
                                                                                            Penalties. Part III states Transitional
                                                                                            Provisions including Chapter IX with 3
                                                                                            articles (from article 38 to article 40).
                                                                                            Part IV states Final Provisions including
                                                                                            Chapter X with 1 article (article 41).

                                                                                            The main goal of this meeting aims to
                                                                                            collect more key inputs in a bid to
                                                                                            determine the broad, comprehensive
                                                                                            conditions before submitted it to the
 Cambodia promulgated the                      Government in charge as Director of the      National Social Protection Council and
 sub-decree concerning Launch of               National Social Security Fund of the         the Royal Government for check and
 Retirement Pension Scheme and                 Ministry of Labour and Vocational            decision.
 Invalidity Pension for Civil Servants of      Training.
 the Kingdom of Cambodia, dated 06
 October 1997. In a bid to ensure equity       The main goal of this meeting aims to
 and social solidarity and promote the         collect more key inputs in a bid to
 welfare and livelihood of all citizens, the   determine the broad, comprehensive
 National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of       conditions before submitted it to the
 Cambodia is preparing and will launch         National Social Protection Council and
 Pension Scheme for Persons Defined by         the Royal Government for check and
 the Provisions of the Labour Law              decision.
 including Personnel Serving in the Air
 and Maritime Transportation as well as        This draft sub-decree on Social Security
 Domestic Workers in 2020 in line with         Scheme on Pension consists of 10
 the new law on Social Security Scheme         chapters with 41 articles and 04 main
 adopted in 2019.                              parts. Part I states General Provisions
                                               including Chapter I with 04 articles (from
 On 12 February 2020, NSSF convened            article 1 to article 4) that enumerate
 the tripartite meeting on the Draft           purpose, objective, scope, and definition.
 Sub-Decree concerning “Social Security        Part II states Implementation Provisions
 Scheme on Pension for Persons Defined         including 07 chapters (from Chapter II to
 by the Provisions of the Labour Law           Chapter VIII) with 33 main articles (from
 including Personnel Serving in the Air        article 5 to article 37)—Chapter II on
 and Maritime Transportation as well as        Competent Institution, Chapter III on
 Domestic Workers”         joined    by        Formalities and Procedures of the
 representatives    of    the     Royal        Registration for Compulsory Pension
 Government, employers, and trade              Scheme, Chapter IV on Contribution
 unions and presided over by H.E. Ouk          Rate and Formalities and Procedures of
 Samvithyea, Delegate of the Royal             Contribution Payment of Compulsory

National Social Security Fund for Civil Servants                                          Cambodia

                          NSSFC: Pensioner ATM Utilizing Inspection

 ATM     gives      plenty        of          issue on time, prevent the risk, and many
 advantages. For the beneficiaries of         kinds of fraudulence. Today, there are
 NSSFC, they can access the service           about 25% of NSSFC’s pensioners
 round the clock and feel convenience.        (around 15,000 pensioners) who utilize
 Especially, they can access the bank from    the ATM card. With the sturdy
 anywhere. But the majority of                prevention and protection system, there
 beneficiaries of NSSFC are aging. It is      are less than 50 cases related to the ATM
 risky for the entity that allows them to     utilizing are occurred each year.
 access ATM.

 In early 2012, the NSSFC launched its
 pension payroll initiative through banking
 services. At the same time, the ATM
 transaction was also approved for
 utilizing. But, NSSFC confronts many
 issues that emerged from the ATM
 utilizing. Under the issues, the Board of
 Directors urgently halted the ATM

 Dozens of the solutions presented by the
 technical working group, with the
 strategic commitment to curb the risks
 of ATM utilizing, The ATM utilizing was
 reconsented to access by early 2016.
 Coinciding, the ATM Utilizer Inspection
 Program was also formed and implement.
 With the ATM Utilizer Inspection
 Program, we can effectively resolve the

Indonesia                                                BPJS Ketenagakerjaan

                     Anticipating the spike in lay off, BPJAMSOSTEK
                               provides the Express Service

Jakarta, June 30th 2020. A
negative impact for business in the
Indonesian Economy due to Covid-19
that turned into a Global Pandemic
resulted in massive layoffs in many
business sectors. It pushed every
business to terminate work contract
establishments for their workers. As a
result, it will also increase the number of
claim applications for provident fund
benefit (Jaminan Hari Tua/JHT) organized
by           BPJAMSOSTEK              (BPJS

President Director of BPJAMSOSTEK,
Agus Susanto, revealed that at the end of
June 2020, the claim application already
reached 1,12 million applications
nationwide with a nominal value of IDR
14.34 Trillion and and still rising.
Compared only in June 2020, the number         BPJAMSOSTEK branch office still              the same time.This method increases the
of claims processes has reached 283            provides the offline services but keep on    ability to collect claim applications up to
thousand cases with a nominal value of         referring to the safety and health           five-time as much and obedient to the
IDR 3.5 trillion, and there was an             protocol stated by the government.           physical distancing regulation at the same
increase of 129% in terms of cases and                                                      time. It is already implemented in all
nominal compared to June 2019. He              Agus stated that this offline service        branch offices nationwide with adequate
expressed that the institution he is           would remain a contactless service. In       space availability. For branch offices with
running has been prepared to face the          the branch office, the applicant will be     insufficient space availability, we conduct
situation, even with a massive wave of lay     sent to a chamber with a video               the One to One method with physical
off by providing several application           conferencing system connected to the         distancing regulation applied.
channels.                                      officer in charge to begin the application
                                               process, such as data verification and       Furthermore, there is one more scheme
He is talking about The Lapak Asik             authentication.                              that could be done for submitting the
Protocol, the Physical Contactless                                                          application, namely Lapak Asik Collective.
Services Protocol, that provides three         This service is called a One to Many         The scheme is only applicable for
different ways of submitting the               methods, where a Customer service            medium to the large scale of the
application: online, offline, and collective   officer could minister 4 to 6 people at      corporation that recently undertook a
application submission system.                                                              massive lay off from a minimum of 30% of
                                                                                            their total numbers of employees. Using
Since it was introduced in March 2020                                                       this scheme, the corporation could
and can be accessed via the internet at                                                     accommodate its employees to submit,     The                                                  the claim application through a dedicated
Lapak Asik protocol has been through                                                        person in the corporate office.
some improvement. Recently, one who
has difficulties in accessing the site can
directly come to the branch office nearby
to get the offline service. The

Lao Social Security Organization                                                                        Laos

           Roundtable Meeting to increase social security coverage

National   Social     Security
Organization cooperated with ILO
held meeting on 5 May 2020 to discuss
strategies to increase social security
coverage among private sector workers
in Lao PDR. Co Chair by Excellency Mr.
Padeumphone Sonthany Vice Minister of
Labour and Social Welfre and Kristina
Kurths Project Technical Advisor, ILO.
There are Representatives from the
government, employers, workers and
civil society.

Participants     shared     ideas    and
experiences on how to improve access
to health care and income security,
particularly in cases of work injury and
occupational diseases.The workshop was
organised by the ILO project
“Occupational Safety and Health in Lao
PDR’s Supply Chains”, funded by the EU,    National Social Security Fund.                social security fund membership” says
in cooperation with the Ministry of                                                      Mr. Thongphim Vongrapha, Vice Director,
Labour and Social Welfare and the          “As LNNCI, it is our obligation to            Social Protection Department, LFTU.
National Social Security Fund.             encourage our members to pay
                                           contributions into social security. We        Highlighting    the     importance    of
“A substantial number of private sector    welcome this workshop as an                   knowledge sharing, participants also
employees are currently not covered by     opportunity to agree among government,        developed a joint action plan to improve
social security. This leaves them          employers and workers on a way                social security registration and payment
unprotected against the consequences of    forward to improve the level of social        of contributions, as well as data
work accidents and diseases, which can     security coverage in Lao PDR” explains        collection.
cause long-term financial burden to them   Mr. Rasphone Xaybandith, Vice President,
and their families. The Lao PDR            Employers’ Committee, LNCCI.                  The workshop was funded by the Vision
Government is committed to address                                                       Zero Fund (VZF), a G 7 multi-donor
this situation in a strategic effort by    In addition to improved stakeholder           initiative, which is administered by the
working closely with other line            cooperation        and       coordination,    ILO. The aim of the VZF is to reduce
ministries, social partners and other      participants emphasized that law              work-related accidents, injuries and
organisations as relevant”, says His       enforcement and awareness raising were        diseases and improve access to
Excellency Mr. Padermphone Sonthany,       critical to address the challenge of social   employment injury insurance in global
Vice Minister, Ministry of Labour and      security coverage in the private sector.      supply chains. The Vision Zero Fund in
Social Welfare, Lao PDR.                                                                 Lao PDR is currently funded through a
                                            “Workers in private businesses need to       contribution from the EU.
While the private business sector in Lao   understand better their right to be
PDR plays an increasing role in the        covered by social security and the
country’s economic growth, only 2,287      benefits they are entitled to. LFTU is
private businesses are currently paying    ready to contribute to information
contributions into the fund, covering      campaigns and other initiatives that
117,509 employees, according to the        highlight the importance and benefits of

Malaysia                                                 Employees Provident Fund

                 During & Post-Movement Control Order – The EPF

 The Employees Provident                      into the MCO at the beginning of April,       a maximum of three months respectively,
 Fund (EPF) is the federal statutory          allowing members to withdraw RM500            to the period of July to November 2020.
 body which is in charge of a mandatory       per month (or less if desired) for 12
                                              months from their EPF Account 2 which         Plans for the future of EPF and its
 savings scheme for employees in
                                              caters for specific withdrawal.               members centres around the social
 Malaysia, assuming the role as custodian
                                                                                            wellbeing and livelihood of Malaysians.
 of the citizens’ retirement savings. With
                                                        (ii)     Following that, the EPF    With the pandemic hitting the most
 the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                              Members Investment Scheme (MIS) saw           vulnerable parties the hardest, EPF’s
 the Malaysian government implemented
                                              a reduction in upfront fees and service       initiatives hope to achieve their intended
 the Movement Control Order (MCO)
                                              fees starting 1 May 2020 for a period of      objectives and help alleviate the
 on 18 March 2020 as a preventive                                                           monetary pressure on employees,
 measure to curtail the spread of the         12 months, to enable members to
                                              diversify their retirement portfolio at a     employers and the government alike.
 virus in the country. The EPF, with the
 majority of our members and                  lower cost with the current market
                                              outlook being an opportune time to            Approach towards the post MCO period
 stakeholders greatly affected by these                                                     will be daunting and uncertain, hence the
 ramifications, has had a unique              make strategic investments.
                                                                                            EPF strives to be dynamic in response to
 experience in coordinating, managing and                                                   the upcoming recovery period which will
 implementing initiatives as part of the                (iii)    Employers,        from
                                              multi-national       corporations       to    be crucial to all stakeholders. This
 institution’s   rapid   response       and                                                 includes relying on public feedback,
 contribution to the country’s efforts.       small-medium enterprises, were not
                                              forgotten as well with the EPF providing      evidence-based      policymaking      and
                                              an extension for employers’ mandatory         designing needs-focused programmes to
 Prior to the MCO, the EPF had already                                                      smoothen the transition to the new
 introduced a reduction in the statutory      contribution payments from the 15th to
                                              the 30th day of each month for May to         normal in all our business practices.
 contribution rate of members from 11%
 to 7%, with an opt-out option for            July 2020. This extension hopes to
 employees to remain at 11% by informing      alleviate the cash flow of businesses and
 the EPF through their employers. This        allow a certain degree of flexibility for
 initiative was intended to inject more       employers to manage their finances
 cash into the consumer economy in view       during the economic recovery process.
 of the slowing growth rate of the
 national economy due to the COVID-19
 outbreak. This is not a new measure as
 the government and EPF had previously
 resorted to this method in 2001, 2003,
 2009 and 2016. Essentially, it is a short
 term cash boon at the expense of
 long-term welfare.

 The EPF abided by the MCO and closed
                                              Photo credit: myMetro
 the organisation’s non-essential services
 throughout the period. Nevertheless, the              (iv)    As a complementary
 vulnerability of the citizens’ wellbeing     policy for employers, SMEs with 200
 brought to light new needs and               employees or less are also eligible for the
 opportunities which were met with a          Employer       COVID-19         Assistance
 slew of initiatives from the EPF.            Programme (e-CAP) which allows a
                                              deferment and restructuring of the
        (i)    Firstly, the i-Lestari         employer’s share of EPF contributions
 programme was launched just 2 weeks          for the months of April to June 2020 for

Social Security Organisation                                                                     Malaysia

                      Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic: SOCSO's
                                  proactive measures

Considering the scale and                   experienced loss of employment but did        of 305,503 Wage Subsidy applications for
graveness of the COVID-19                   not meet the Contributing Qualifying          2.47 million employees. SOCSO’s data
                                            Conditions (CQC) set for the EIS.             shows that the majority of employers
pandemic, the Government of                                                               who applied for the Wage Subsidy are
Malaysia, through its ministries and
                                            On 16th of March 2020, the Government         those with less than 75 workers, in line
agencies including Social Security
                                            announced the Employment Retention            with the Government’s aim to assist the
Organisation          (SOCSO),       has
                                            Programme (ERP), administered by              micro and small enterprises. Among the
implemented proactive measures to
                                            SOCSO. The ERP provides immediate             challenges faced by employers include
soften the impact of the pandemic on the
                                            financial assistance for employees who        the inability to operate during the
nation. As a background, the Government
                                            are instructed to take no-pay leave by        Movement Control Order (MCO),
announced the Movement Control
                                            employers who have been economically          reduction of sales and demand, as well as
Order from 18th March to 12th May
                                            affected by the pandemic. All private         high administration cost.
2020 and followed by the Conditional
                                            sector employees with monthly salary of       To further assist SOCSO’s beneficiaries,
Movement Control Order starting from
                                            RM4,000 and below, who are on no-pay          SOCSO has revised its benefit payment
13th May 2020 to 9th June 2020. Since
                                            leave for a minimum of 30 days are            schedule and announced advanced
the start of the pandemic, SOCSO has
                                            eligible for ERP. The period of assistance    benefit payments for the month of March
improved the existing Employment
                                            ranges from 1 to 6 months, depending on       until August. Additionally, SOCSO has
Insurance      System    (EIS)  benefits,
                                            the no-pay leave notice issued. This          extended the final date of contribution
introduced the Employment Retention
                                            involves an initial allocation of RM120       payment for employers, from the 15th of
Programme         (ERP), Wage    Subsidy
                                            million and was later increased to RM240      each month to the end of the month,
Programme (WSP), and Prihatin
                                            million, as applications exceeded the         starting from the month of April to
Screening Programme (PSP). In addition
                                            estimated employees targeted to receive       September.
to that, SOCSO has also revised its
                                            the ERP benefits. As of 31st May 2020,
contribution and benefit payment
                                            SOCSO received 37,009 applications for        SOCSO has also adapted its internal
schedule to assist employers and
                                            the ERP, involving 332,513 affected           operations to align with the Movement
beneficiaries who are in financial
                                            employees.                                    Control Order announced by the
difficulties during the MCO.
                                                                                          government starting from 18th March
                                            Under the Prihatin Rakyat Economic            2020. A        Pandemic       Management
As part of the Economic Stimulus
                                            Stimulus       Package        (PRIHATIN)      Committee was established to discuss
Package 2020 “Bolstering Confidence,
                                            announced on 23rd March 2020, the             and decide on issues related to the
Stimulating Growth & Protecting Jobs”
                                            Government introduced the Wage                pandemic. In SOCSO’s offices across the
announced on the 27th of February
                                            Subsidy Programme (WSP) that aims to          country, specific measures are put in
2020, SOCSO increased the rate of
                                            help     companies      continue      their   place such as social distancing, document
benefits    under    the     Employment
                                            operations and avoid employees being          dropboxes, and         limited     function
Insurance System (EIS) for insured
                                            laid off. On 6th April, the WSP was           counters. SOCSO employees carrying
persons who experience loss of
                                            expanded with an increase in budget to        out essential operations are divided into
employment. As part of the EIS, eligible
                                            RM13.8 billion. This subsidy is given for a   two teams (Team A and Team B) that are
insured person may receive Training Fee
                                            period of 3 months for local employees        rotated weekly with a full sanitation
and Training Allowance under the
                                            earning RM4,000 and below, for a              process carried out in the office after
Employment Services benefits. The
                                            maximum of 200 employees. The rate of         each rotation, whereas employees who
Training Fee was increased from
                                            WSP consists of three tiers (RM1,200,         are categorised as non-essential are
RM4,000 to RM6,000 while Training
                                            RM800 and RM600) depending on the             requested to work from home. At the
Allowance was increased from RM10 to
                                            workforce size of an enterprise.              same time, meetings are carried out
RM30 per day. In addition, SOCSO has
                                            Employers who receive WSP benefits are        online using applications such as Webex
also introduced the SIP Plus 600 which is
                                            subject to the condition of retaining their   and Microsoft Teams.
a temporary financial incentive worth
                                            employees for at least 6 months. As of        In addition to the mentioned initiatives,
RM600 a month for a maximum of 3
                                            31st May 2020, SOCSO received a total         SOCSO has also conducted multiple
months to insured persons who

Malaysia                                             Social Security Organisation

 CSR programmes for different target
 groups during the Movement Control
 Order period. SOCSO provided multiple
 meals a day to 338 policemen, army
 members and volunteer corps, as well as
 delivered staple groceries to 485 families
 of SOCSO’s beneficiaries. Simpang
 Renggam, a district that was placed under
 the Enhanced Movement Control Order
 (EMCO) due to high reported cases of
 COVID-19 was delivered staple
 groceries, benefitting 130 residents who
 were not allowed out of their homes.
 Members of SOCSO Rehabilitation
 Centre also produced 510 PPE for health
 officials. As a sign of solidarity, 1,571
 SOCSO employees agreed to donate a
 percentage of their salary for a social
 security donations fund which will be
 used for upcoming CSR programmes.
                                              Photo credit: Berita Harian

 In conclusion, we are only experiencing
 the first of multiple waves COVID-19
 impacts. Social Security Organisations
 across the region need to prepare
 themselves beyond COVID-19 to reduce
 the impact of the upcoming economic
 recession. Active      Labour     Market
 approaches especially, need to be
 adopted to prevent the possibility of the
 largest tsunami no one desires, an
 economic depression. These are difficult
 times, but Social Security Organisations
 play an imperative role in supporting the
 government and our people the best as
 we can.

Social Security Board                                                                                                                                       Myanmar

                                             Measures taken by Social Security Board,
                                           Myanmar to deal with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Issuing social assistance benefit to employees from Myanmar Brilliant Sky, Hlaing Tharyar Township,Yangon Region on 21st May,   Issuing social assistance benefit to employees from Marga Manufacturer,Yangon Region on 25th May, 2020.

The              Union                    Government,                                    Reducing the time limitation for                                         If the unemployment period exceeds six
according to the Notifications No.                                                       paying contributions of employers                                        months, the insured worker who
(23/2020) issued by the State President                                                  and employees                                                            becomes unemployed due to COVID-19
Office on dealing with COVID-19, the                                                                                                                              outbreak will be allowed to enjoy
Central Committee for 2019 Novel                                                         Employers and employees shall pay their                                  medical care for one year and medical
Coronavirus was formed with (27)                                                         contributions not later than 3 months                                    costs and travel expenses for admission
members and chaired by Union Minister                                                    after the end of respective month instead                                for one year starting from the day of
for the Ministry of International                                                        of paying contributions within 15 days                                   being unemployed under the notification
Cooperation. The National Central                                                        after the end of the respective month                                    No. (64/2020) issued by the Ministry of
Committee for COVID-19 was also                                                          under the notification No. (63/2020)                                     Labour, Immigration and Population on
                                                                                         issued by the Ministry of Labour,                                        20 March 2020.
formed with (22) members and chaired
                                                                                         Immigration and Population on 20 March
by The State Counsellor according to the
                                                                                         2020.                                                                    Measures for the economic impact
Notification No. (45/2020) on 13 March                                                                                                                            relating to Coronavirus Disease
2020. The Committee for Controlling                                                      Allowing Benefits during                               the               2019 (COVID-19) outbreak
and Emergency Response to COVID-19                                                       Unemployment period
was also formed with (11) members and                                                                                                                             Under the Announcement No. (1/2020)
chaired by Deputy President (1)                                                          During the unemployment period, the                                      issued by the Ministry of Planning,
according to the Notification No.                                                        insured worker will be allowed to enjoy                                  Finance and Industry on 18 March 020.
(53/2020) issued on 30 March 2020. The                                                   benefits under the health and social care                                The CMP business groups, hotel and
policies and measures are being                                                          Insurance System which are the right to                                  travel agency groups and small and
undertaken to prevent, control and                                                       take medical treatment not exceeding six                                 medium enterprises groups will be
respond to COVID-19 pandemic with                                                        months, cash benefits for sickness,                                      defined as the priority sector groups to
the cooperation of respective Ministries.                                                benefits relating to maternity, benefits for                             save because these business groups were
                                                                                         funeral expenses and the right to receive                                mostly hit by economic impact due to
Under the theme of ‘Overcoming as                                                        medical costs and travel expenses for                                    COVID-19.
One;’ the COVID-19 Economic Relief                                                       admission not exceeding six months
Plan with (7) goals was implemented                                                      under the Directive No. (1/2020) issued                                  The COVID-19 Fund has been
with the cooperation of respective                                                       by the Ministry of Labour, Immigration                                   established with (50) billion Kyats from
Ministry on 27 April 2020.                                                               and Population on 20 March 2020.                                         the State Revolving Fund and (50) billion

Myanmar                                                                                                       Social Security Board

 Kyats from the Social Security Fund. The                                            Security Board. The insured workers                                          In conclusion, we need to cooperate in
 total of (100) billion Kyats has been                                               who are being quarantined under the                                          sharing information, sharing experiences
 deposited at Myanmar Economic bank.                                                 direction by the Ministry of Health and                                      and good practices on policies and
                                                                                     Sports will be allowed to enjoy the                                          procedures for enterprises and worker
 Our Social Security Board has withdrawn                                             medical leave with medical certificate and                                   regarding the actual condition and
 50 billion kyats from Social Security                                               enjoy the cash benefit for this period                                       information on COVID-19, standing
 Account CS-009477 and transferred to                                                under the Directive No. (10/2020) and                                        continuously economic among member
 Myanmar Economic Bank at Naypyitaw                                                  the Directive No. (11/2020) by the Social                                    countries: no less income and
 on COVID – 19 Fund Account                                                          Security Board, Ministry of Labour,                                          employment, occupational safety and
 OA-013379 by the approval of Cabinet                                                Immigration and Population.                                                  health,    continuously     implementing
 Meeting No. (7/2020).                                                                                                                                            coordination process beyond the
                                                                                     Supporting the insured workers                                               COVID-19 crisis.
 With this Fund, the Myanmar                                                         with social security assistance
 citizens-owned CMP business groups,
 hotels and travel agency groups and small                                           Under the Notification No (83/2020)
 and medium enterprises groups who                                                   issued by the Ministry of Labour,
 were mostly hit by economic impact due                                              Immigration and Population on 28 April
 to COVID-19 may get the loan for one                                                2020:
 year with 1% interest rate. The interest                                                 (a) Factories and establishments will
 rate and loan period will be reviewed                                               be inspected under the instructions by
 depending on the situation of economic                                              the Ministry of Health and Sports from
 crisis.                                                                             20 April to 15 May , 2020 and they will be
                                                                                     allowed to reopen their operations if
 Allowance of medical leave and                                                      only terms and conditions are met.
 giving cash benefits during medical
 leave period                                                                             (b) For this reason, factories and
                                                                                     establishments will be shut down
 The insured pregnant woman will be                                                  temporarily to be inspected and the
 allowed to enjoy the medical leave with                                             insured workers from these will be
 medical certificate and enjoy the cash                                              allowed to enjoy the 40 percent of their
 benefit for this period under the                                                   wages which is payable contribution as
 Directive No. (9/2020) issued on 3 March                                            the social assistance benefit for their off
 2020 and the Order No. (594/2020)                                                   days period.
 issued on 6 April 2020 by the Social

     Issuing social assistance benefit to employees from Bellmart Myanmar Garment Co.,Ltd, Bago Region on 28th May, 2020.   Issuing social assistance benefit to employees from Myanmar Wise Pacific Co.,Ltd, Bago Region on 21st May, 2020.

Employees’ Compensation Comission                                                                       Philippines

                      ECC expands coverage to land-based OFWs and
                              self-employed SSS members

The                 Employees’                jockeys, individual farmers, and fisher       Employees’ Compensation Program is a
Compensation Commission                       folks; workers in the informal sector such    show of our support and recognition of
                                              as market and ambulant vendors,               their significant contribution to our
(ECC) has expanded the coverage of            transport workers, and those similarly        workforce.”
the Employees’ Compensation Program
                                              situated; contractual and job order
(ECP) to the land-based Overseas                                                            For her part, Director Banawis
                                              personnel engaged by the government
Filipino Workers       (OFWs)   and                                                         expressed that, “We are happy that our
                                              through a Contract of Service and who
self-employed members of the Social                                                         land-based OFWs as well as the
                                              are not covered under the GSIS Law; and,
Security System (SSS).                                                                      self-employed compulsory members of
                                              any other self-employed as determined
                                              by the Social Security Commission is          the SSS who suffer from work-related
The coverage under the ECP covers all                                                       contingencies such as sickness, injury
                                              subject for compulsory coverage.
SSS-registered land-based OFWs and                                                          and/or death are now covered under the
self-employed compulsory members not                                                        EC Program. This way, we can protect
                                              In the board resolutions issued by the
over 60 years of age.                                                                       and promote their welfare.”
                                              ECC, both the land-based OFWs and
                                              self-employed workers can also claim the
An OFW, as defined under R.A. 10022 or                                                      Reporting by Carlo Katigbak
                                              benefits under the ECP which include
Migrant Workers & Overseas Filipinos
                                              loss of income benefits, medical benefits,
Act of 2009, refers to a person who is to
                                              rehabilitation services, death and funeral
be engaged, is engaged or has been
                                              benefits and cash assistance should they
engaged in a remunerated activity in a
                                              suffer from work-related contingencies
State of which he/she is not a citizen or
                                              such as sickness, injury, and/or death.
on-board a vessel navigating the foreign
                                              These EC benefits are filed at the SSS,
sea other than a government ship used
                                              except for cash assistance which is filed
for military or non-commercial purposes
                                              directly at the ECC.
or on an installation located offshore or
on the high seas.
                                              As of September 2019, there are about
                                              37.79 million covered members under
ECC Executive Director Stella Zipagan
                                              the SSS. About 7 percent of the covered
Banawis said that sea-based OFWs or
                                              members of the SSS or 2.6 million are
seafarers have long been covered under
                                              self-employed workers. While, 3 percent
the EC Program. But, it is only now that
                                              or 1.2 million are OFWs. Meanwhile,
we have included the land-based OFWs
                                              according to a survey conducted by the
under the EC Program.
                                              Philippine Statistics Authority in 2019,
                                              there are estimated 2.2 million
On the other hand, the ECC considered
                                              documented OFWs including both
as self-employed workers those
                                              sea-based and land-based workers.
professionals who have their own
business    offices; partners, single
                                              The guidelines for the implementation of
proprietors of businesses, and directors
                                              the inclusion of the land-based OFWs
or trustees of the Board of corporations
                                              and self-employed workers are currently
duly registered with appropriate
                                              being prepared by the ECC in
government agencies.
                                              coordination with the SSS.
Likewise, actors, directors, scriptwriters,   ECC Chairperson and Labor Secretary
and news correspondents who do not            Silvestre Bello III said, “This move by the
fall within the definition of the term        Commission to include the land-based
‘employee’ in Section 8(D) of the SS Law;     OFWs and self-employed compulsory
professional athletes, coaches, trainers,     members of the SSS under the

Philippines                               Government Service Insurance System

                                    GSIS at 83: Responding to the Times,
                                     Transitioning to the New Normal


                                                                                                 Understanding the financial needs of its
                                                                                                 members and pensioners during the
                                                                                                 crisis, GSIS raised the credit limit of the
                                                                                                 COVID-19        Emergency      Loan      to
                                                                                                 Php40,000 from Php20,000 to enable
                                                                                                 more members and pensioners to renew
                                                                                                 their previous emergency loan. It also
                                                                                                 relaxed the terms and conditions of the
                                                                                                 program to qualify more borrowers to
                                                                                                 avail of the loan.

                                                                                                 To help borrowers reserve their limited
                                                                                                 resources for urgent needs, the pension
                                                                                                 fund granted a three-month moratorium
                                                                                                 on all loan payments (including housing
                                                                                                 loan) for the months of March, April and
                                                                                                 May. The payment break will not incur
                                                                                                 penalty or additional interest. All loan
 May 31, 2020 marks the 83rd                     later extended to cover the COVID-19
                                                                                                 term, as a result of the moratorium will
 anniversary of the Government                   Emergency Loan. The pension fund has
                                                                                                 be effectively extended by three months.
 Service Insurance System (GSIS) in the          so far disbursed a total of Php10.12
                                                                                                 GSIS also granted payment relief to
 Philippines. The 83rd year of the state         billion in loans to more than 200,000
                                                                                                 other clients. The three-month loan
 pension fund takes place in the face of an      members and pensioners this year.
                                                                                                 moratorium was extended to inactive
 unprecedented world health emergency                                                            members (already out of government
 that has changed the landscape of               ContactlessTransactions                         service) who availed of the Program for
 delivering public service. At the onset of                                                      Restructuring and Repayment of Debts
 the crisis, GSIS President and General          After successfully shifting to digital filing   and housing loan borrowers. In the same
 Manager Rolando Ledesma Macasaet has            of loans, GSIS is now moving to                 manner, GSIS granted lessees of its
 identified the thrusts of GSIS in serving       contactless methods of accepting                properties a 30-day grace period from
 its clients against the backdrop of the         application for claims and benefits when        the lifting of the Enhanced Community
 COVID-19 crisis: Migration to digital           the quarantine measures have been               Quarantine (ECQ) to pay their accrued
 technology; contactless and flexible            relaxed starting June 1.                        GSIS rentals (during ECQ) without
 transactions; and sensitivity to the needs                                                      interests, penalties, and other fees.
 of members and pensioners. Allow us to          Under       contactless     transactions,
 share our story with you.                       members, pensioners and other clients           Keeping Pensioners Safe
                                                 may apply for benefits through postal
 Digital Loan Application                        mail or delivery courier; drop boxes            Safeguarding the well-being of its elderly
                                                 located in GSIS branch offices                  pensioners who are most vulnerable to
 To serve the urgent financial needs of                                                          COVID-19 is one of GSIS’s priorities.
                                                 nationwide; or email. These methods are
 GSIS members and pensioners during                                                              Thus, the pension fund granted their
                                                 applicable for the following benefits:
 the crisis, we swiftly switched from                                                            April and May 2020 pensions ahead of
                                                 retirement; life insurance (maturity or
 manual to digital filing of loans right after                                                   the usual eighth-of-the month release
                                                 cash surrender regular or optional
 the government imposed quarantine                                                               and will do so again in the coming
                                                 policies); survivorship; death; funeral;
 measures in March. It was initially                                                             months; began accepting pension loan
                                                 employees compensation; pre-need and
 available to borrowers of Conso-Loan,                                                           and emergency loan applications via
 policy loan and pension loan and was            pension accrual.

Government Service Insurance System                                                                          Philippines

email; granted them a three-month loan        Kindness Campaign                               employees.       Thus, it has installed
moratorium; extended the deadline for                                                         handwashing facilities, disinfecting foot
the physical appearance requirement or        The COVID-19 sparked an outpouring of           baths, sanitation tents, directional
Annual       Pensioners’    Information       kindness in the GSIS community.                 signages, and physical barriers in its
Revalidation (APIR) until 30 June for         Executives and employees reached out            frontline counters and booths. It also
pensioners whose birthday fall on March,      to those at the forefront of the battle         implements regular disinfection activities,
April, and May and allowed those who          against the virus and the disadvantaged –       transport biosecurity, and strict ingress
were not able to comply before March          healthcare workers, janitors, security          and egress protocols in its building
2020 to undergo online APIR.                  guards, stranded construction workers,          facilities. These social distancing and
                                              colleagues, and neighbors.                      biosecurity measures are all geared at
Pension is life for many retirees. As the                                                     preventing the spread of the virus.
country shifts into the ‘new normal’, GSIS
is set to allow submission of application                                                     Transitioning to the New Normal
for the commencement of their pension
via email. This provides them an easier                                                       As GSIS transitions to the new normal,
and safer alternative than going to a GSIS                                                    its priority remains to promote the
office since they have a high risk of                                                         safety and health of its customers and
getting infected with the virus. Retirees                                                     employees.    Thus, it has installed
under Presidential Decree 1146,                                                               handwashing facilities, disinfecting foot
Republic Act 8291 (GSIS Act of 1997),                                                         baths, sanitation tents, directional
and Republic Act 7699 (Portability Law)                                                       signages, and physical barriers in its
who will start receiving their monthly                                                        frontline counters and booths. It also
pension may benefit from this new                                                             implements regular disinfection activities,
method of filing. Also covered by the                                                         transport biosecurity, and strict ingress
new guidelines are surviving spouse or        Food, face masks, alcohol, hygiene kits,
guardian of the children of deceased          cash to fund the purchase of ventilators
GSIS retirees, members, or pensioners.        and other forms of assistance were
                                              extended to them by GSIS employees
                                              through organizations such as the
                                              Research Institute for Tropical Medicine,
                                              hospitals, health centers, and barangay

                                              Adopting COVID-19 Shelters

                                              The Philippines needs all the help it can       and egress protocols in its building
                                              get to curb the spread of COVID-19.             facilities. These social distancing and
Honoring Fallen Public Frontliners            GSIS will be refocusing its corporate           biosecurity measures are all geared at
                                              social responsibility initiatives by            preventing the spread of the virus.
Government         frontliners    providing
                                              extending financial support to Local
healthcare service or assistance to
                                              Isolation and General Treatment Areas
COVID-19         patients      are     now
                                              for COVID-19 cases (LIGTAS COVID)
automatically covered by an additional
                                              Centers. These are community isolation
Php500,000 life insurance under the
                                              units) within a barangay, municipality, city,
Bayanihan Fund for Frontliners (BFF) in
                                              or province that serves as a temporary
recognition of their          heroism and
                                              shelter to COVID-19 cases who will
self-less dedication to government
                                              require quarantine or isolation.
service. GSIS is set to release P12.9
million in life insurance benefits to the     Transitioning to the New Normal
beneficiaries of eight government health
workers who recently succumbed to the         As GSIS transitions to the new normal,
COVID-19 virus.                               its priority remains to promote the
                                              safety and health of its customers and

Philippines                       Home Development Mutaul Fund (Pag-IBIG)

                    Pag-IBIG Fund launches Virtual Pag-IBIG to provide
                              24/7online service to members

 In celebration of its 39th                   for an MP2 Savings account, and              specially designed activation process,
                                              monitoring their loan application status.    which they can access through Pag-IBIG
 Anniversary     last     12                  Members may access even more services        Fund’s online chat facility.
 December 2019, Pag-IBIG Fund                 by creating their own Virtual Pag-IBIG
 launched the Virtual Pag-IBIG -- an online   accounts. With an account, members can       The Virtual Pag-IBIG may be access via
 portal that allows its members to access     have access to their savings records, view   the Pag-IBIG Fund website at
 their services anytime, anywhere.            their loan balances and get the latest
 Providing the basic services of a physical   news and updates about Pag-IBIG Fund.        tualpagibig/.
 branch, the Virtual Pag-IBIG serves as a
 personal online branch for the members       Personalized access
 where they can access their accounts,
 view their records, track the status of      Virtual Pag-IBIG makes use of Pag-IBIG
 their loans, and pay their loan              Fund’s Loyalty Card Plus as a primary
 amortizations or remit their savings.        access to creating an online account.
                                              Initially packaged as a discount and
 The launch, which was held at the            reward membership card, wherein
 Philippine International Convention          Pag-IBIG members and card holders can
 Center, was led by Pag-IBIG Chief            avail of rebates and benefits from partner
 Executive Officer Acmad Rizaldy P. Moti      establishments, the Loyalty Card Plus has
 and Secretary Eduardo D. del Rosario,        partnered with international commercial
 who heads both the Department of             banks to upgrade their functionality akin
 Human     Settlements    and     Urban       to atm cards or debit cards. Through the
 Development (DHSUD), and the                 Virtual Pag-IBIG, members can also
 11-member Pag-IBIG Fund Board of             monitor and view the last ten
 Trustees.                                    transactions made with their Pag-IBIG
                                              Fund Loyalty Card Plus.
 "Pag-IBIG Fund is celebrating its 39th
 anniversary this month with the theme        The Virtual Pag-IBIG also features an
 ‘Serving the Nation with Excellence and      online payment facility that allows
 Innovation.’ And what better way to          members to pay for their loans and remit
 mark our 39th year than with the             their monthly savings through PayMaya
 unveiling of one of the most innovative      or with their Visa, Mastercard, or JCB
 services in our history, the Virtual         credit cards. It also has a real-time chat
 Pag-IBIG. With this new service, it’s like   facility that allows members to talk to a
 having your own personal Pag-IBIG Fund       Pag-IBIG Fund service personnel to
 branch at your fingertips. With just a       address any concern.
 smartphone and an internet connection,
 our members can now do their                 Other ways         to   access Virtual
 transactions with Pag-IBIG Fund online,      Pag-IBIG
 anytime, wherever they are,” Moti said.
                                              Pag-IBIG Fund members who do not
 Virtual Pag-IBIG Services                    have a Loyalty Card Plus can still create
                                              their Virtual Pag-IBIG account but will
 By logging into the Virtual Pag-IBIG, Moti   have to visit the nearest Pag-IBIG Fund
 said that one can immediately enjoy the      to validate their biometrics and account
 agency’s services such as securing a         details. Overseas Filipino Workers
 Pag-IBIG Fund Membership ID (MID)            (OFWs), on the other hand, has a
 number, taking the initial step to enroll

Social Security System                                                                    Philippines

                                 Social security in the time of COVID-19

"Providing meaningful social                     These modifications include the              On June 15, 2020, the SSS also opened its
security protection to its                       suspension of its Annual Confirmation of     COVID-19 Calamity Loan Assistance
members and their beneficiaries,                 Pensioners Program; the extension of         Program wherein just 10 days from its
especially in times of financial difficulties,   filing periods for sickness notifications,   implementation, nearly P585.5 million
has always been at the core of the               sickness      benefit     claims,     and    calamity loans were already released to
services of the Social Security System           unemployment benefit claims; the             35,264 members.
(SSS)," said SSS President and CEO               moratorium on short-term and housing
Aurora C. Ignacio.                               loan payments; and the extension of          Intensifying digital transformation
                                                 contribution payment deadlines.
"When the coronavirus disease 2019                                                            "The COVID-19 pandemic emphasized
(COVID-19) hit the Philippines earlier           Back when community quarantine               the importance of using digital
this year, our priority was clear: we must       restrictions were stricter, the SSS          technologies for transactions," said
ensure the uninterrupted delivery of our         installed drop boxes in its branches to      Ignacio. "It is a good thing that a few years
services," she added.                            continuously accommodate member              back, we have already started to digitalize
                                                 transactions and it has made more            our services."
The SSS, a state-run social security             services available online.
institution      for    the        country's                                                  Before the pandemic, SSS members may
private-sector workers, provides its             As of June 27, the SSS' tentative data       already view their records, submit salary
members with benefit programs for                showed that from January to May this         loan applications, submit maternity
sickness, maternity, disability, retirement,     year, its benefit disbursements to over      notifications      (for     self-employed,
death, funeral, and unemployment. It also        3.04 million members and pensioners          voluntary, and Overseas Filipino Worker
provides salary, calamity, housing,              reached P79.94 billion. It also showed       members), inquire about the status of
educational assistance, and pension loans.       that for the same period, it has released    their benefit claims, update their contact
                                                 P10.15 billion loans to around 472,000       information, generate payment reference
Recognizing      the      health   and           members while its pension loan releases      numbers and so forth, using the My.SSS
socio-economic impact of the pandemic,           to 32,807 pensioners hit P1.46 billion.      web portal and SSS Mobile App.
the SSS is even more motivated to
extend its services to its members and

Adapting to the pandemic

The threat of COVID-19 has
necessitated the practice of public health
measures such as physical distancing,
wearing of masks, limiting mass
gatherings, and movement restrictions.

Since March, a community quarantine is
implemented in the Philippines to
prevent the virus from spreading.

These events have caused challenges for
members and pensioners intending to
avail of SSS benefits. With that in mind,
the SSS implemented temporary
modifications to its programs.
                                                 Photo credit: Business Mirror

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