Page created by Ken Frazier
Within this document, you will find a compilation of professional profiles of graduating seniors who have yet to secure employment
following graduation. Each profile includes the following information:

                   Preferred method of contact                                                    Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?

                   Availability to connect                                                        Desired industry/field

                   Graduation date                                                                Career aspirations

                   Major/minor                                                                    Click to download résumé

                   Post-graduation city/state                                                     Click to view LinkedIn profile

Phi Delta Theta wants to do everything it can to support these young men. Whether you are a young or seasoned professional, assisting our
graduating seniors offers an opportunity to transmit the Phi Delta Theta experience greater than it was transmitted to you.

   Use the contact information in an individual’s profile, reach out to a graduating senior who has the desire to enter a career field that is familiar to you.
   Discuss best practices for a young professional entering the workforce.

   Connect a graduating senior to someone within your network who has experience within the industry or field he is hoping to enter.

   Find individuals whose location is near you to welcome and connect graduating seniors to the network of young professionals in your city.

   Inform a graduating senior of any career opportunities you are aware of within his desired industry or field.

   Provide résumé feedback to individuals who are hoping to enter your industry.

   MISSED THE DEADLINE?                                                                LOOKING TO NETWORK?
   Fill out the form and you will be included in an updated edition.                           Make sure that you have claimed your myPhiDelt account
                                                                                               to connect with fellow chapter brothers. You can set your
                                                                                       account with an indicator that you are willing to network allowing
                                                                                       other Phi Delts to connect with you.

   CATCH A MISTAKE OR WANT TO BE TAKEN                                                       Join the very active Phi Delt LinkedIn networking group.
   OFF THE LIST?                                                                             More than 23,000 other Phis have joined and want to
                                                                                       connect with you!
   Email to have it corrected.

Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                                      |2
ALABAMA ALPHA                                      CALIFORNIA OMEGA                               FLORIDA ALPHA
University of Alabama                              Santa Clara University                         University of Florida
Jarrett C. McMillan                            6   Edison Yang                               8    Cole Hetrick                       11
                                                   James Burrill                             8    Jose Plasencia                     11
University of Alberta                              CALIFORNIA PHI                                 FLORIDA IOTA
Sadman Sakib Ahmed                             6   Chapman University                             University of Central Florida
                                                   Michael Bowen                             8    Garrett B. Kaminski                11
ARIZONA ALPHA                                                                                     Anthony Ahari                      11
University of Arizona                              CALIFORNIA PI                                  Ryan Kaneshiro                     11
Anthony Tivnan Jr.                             6   San Diego State University
Joshua Slovin                                  6   Cooper Welsh                              8    FLORIDA KAPPA
                                                   Nicholas Urry                             8    Florida International University
ARIZONA BETA                                       Keyan Torabi                              8    Mark Broughton                     11
Arizona State University                           Jacob Chester Stulbarg                    9
Chase Walther                                  6                                                  GEORGIA ALPHA
Logan Farrington                               6   CALIFORNIA PSI                                 University of Georgia
                                                   Loyola Marymount University                    Alex Morettini                     11
ARKANSAS ALPHA                                     Nolan Kieffer                             9
University of Arkansas                             Dylan Rivers                              9    GEORGIA EPSILON
Andrew William Kutchka                         6   Cameron Addis                             9    Georgia Southern University
                                                                                                  Michael Kauffman                   12
ARKANSAS BETA                                      CALIFORNIA RHO                                 Aidan Owens                        12
Arkansas State University                          University of La Verne                         Harris Tuck                        12
Tyler Jones                                    7   Zion Grant-Freeman                        9
William Fielding Belk                          7   Aaron Arellano                            9    GEORGIA GAMMA
                                                   Adrian Cano                               9    Mercer University
CALIFORNIA CHI                                     Marwan Hassan                             9    Nicholas Ryan Faist                12
University of San Francisco                                                                       William English                    12
Aidan Jordi-Donnelly                           7   CALIFORNIA UPSILON
Napat Tantaviwattana                           7   California State University, Fresno            GEORGIA THETA
                                                   Adam Morris                               10   Augusta University
CALIFORNIA DELTA                                   Luis Alcaraz                              10   James Ekechukwu                    12
University of Southern California                  Parker Allan Fritsch                      10   Jediah Marquette Persaud           12
Andrew Bialock                                 7                                                  Kingsley Barrett                   12
Michael DeLucia                                7   CALIFORNIA ZETA
Ryan Ross                                      7   California State University, Northridge        IDAHO ALPHA
                                                   Miguel Lucero-Hernandez                   10   University of Idaho
CALIFORNIA EPSILON                                 Matthew Gassman                           10   Reilly Dahlquist                   13
University of California, Davis
Dylan Stanton Zuver                            7   COLORADO ALPHA                                 ILLINOIS ETA
Nicholas McLean                                8   University of Colorado Boulder                 University of Illinois
                                                   Erast Davidjuk                            10   Muhammad Khan                      13
CALIFORNIA KAPPA                                   Garrett Potter                            10
University of California,San Diego                 Michael Corrigan                          10   INDIANA BETA
Digvijay Jani                                  8                                                  Wabash College
                                                   COLORADO GAMMA                                 Reed Wiley Mathis                  13
                                                   Colorado State University
                                                   Paul DeCelles                             11

Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                         |3
INDIANA EPSILON                                     MISSISSIPPI ALPHA                        NEW YORK ALPHA
Hanover College                                     University of Mississippi                Cornell University
Zach Stringer                                  13   Charles David Stouffer              15   Elijah Gordon                             17

INDIANA IOTA                                        MISSISSIPPI BETA                         NEW YORK ETA
Valparaiso University                               Mississippi State University             Rochester Institute of Technology
Randall Eichmann Jr.                           13   Harrison Broadaway                  15   Jacob Girardin                            17
                                                    James Long                          15   Darrick Fang Yee                          17
IOWA DELTA                                          Walter Wayne Morris                 15   Kevin Metzler                             18
Drake University                                                                             Maximilian Italiaander                    18
Kaleb Gleason                                  13   MISSOURI ALPHA                           Riley Wood                                18
                                                    University of Missouri                   Michael McNaught                          18
IOWA GAMMA                                          Clayton Compere                     15
Iowa State University                               Keegan Ruckman                      15   NEW YORK KAPPA
Jacob Weisshaar                                13                                            Hofstra University
                                                    MISSOURI BETA                            Jordan Rattray                            18
KANSAS DELTA                                        Westminster College
Wichita State University                            William Glenn Harper                16   NEW YORK LAMBDA
Peyton Smith                                   14                                            St. John’s University
                                                    MISSOURI IOTA                            Samuel Katzap                             18
KENTUCKY ALPHA–DELTA                                Lindenwood University                    Jonathan Martinez                         18
Centre College                                      Cameron James Marcum                16   Connor Lewis                              18
Graham Parks                                   14   Sergio Guerra Justiniano            16
                                                                                             NORTH CAROLINA DELTA
KENTUCKY IOTA                                       NEBRASKA ALPHA                           North Carolina State University
University of Louisville                            University of Nebraska–Lincoln           Jack Littlefield                          19
Nicholas McClain                               14   Patrick Harmon                      16
                                                    John Andersen                       16   NORTH CAROLINA EPSILON
KENTUCKY KAPPA                                      Peter Rasmussen                     16   University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Northern Kentucky University                        Ben Hohensee                        16   Donovan F. Twyne III                      19
Joseph Broering                                14
                                                    NEVADA ALPHA                             NORTH CAROLINA GAMMA
MARYLAND ALPHA                                      University of Nevada, Reno               Davidson College
University of Maryland                              Sean Patrick Merker                 16   Alex Fenton                               19
Maxwell Secular                                14   Eric Henry Kregel                   17
                                                                                             NORTH DAKOTA ALPHA
MASSACHUSETTS EPSILON                               NEVADA BETA                              University of North Dakota
Northeastern University                             University of Nevada, Las Vegas          Carter Anderson                           19
Griffin Byer                                   14   Matthew Guanga                      17
                                                    Nicholas Vespia                     17   NORTH DAKOTA BETA
MICHIGAN BETA                                                                                North Dakota State University
Michigan State University                           NEW HAMPSHIRE BETA                       Keith Braddock II                         19
Justis Kimerer                                 14   Southern New Hampshire University
                                                    William Angarella                   17   NOVA SCOTIA ALPHA
MICHIGAN DELTA                                                                               Dalhousie University
Kettering University                                NEW JERSEY DELTA                         Maneesh Raj Purohit                       19
Kenneth Reed                                   15   Stockton University                      Juan Sebastian Penagos                    19
Stosh Grzywna                                  15   Justin Schaff                       17   Tyler Burton                              20
                                                                                             Moe Osman                                 20

Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                           |4
OHIO GAMMA                                          PENNSYLVANIA OMICRON                      TEXAS ZETA
Ohio University                                     Shippensburg University                   Texas Christian University
Aaron Hladky                                   20   Jahir Yohance Holmes                 22   William Ian von Schroeter         25
Nathaniel Patrick Merten                       20
                                                    PENNSYLVANIA RHO                          VIRGINIA BETA
OHIO LAMBDA                                         Carnegie Mellon University                University of Virginia
Kent State University                               Justin Wang                          22   William C Peterson                25
Patrick Ruane                                  20   Roger Cheng                          23
Jack King                                      20                                             VIRGINIA ETA
                                                    QUEBEC ALPHA                              Virginia Polytechnic Institute
OHIO MU                                             McGill University                         Patrick Fitzhugh                  25
Ashland University                                  Patrick Bisson                       23
Christian Fagan                                20                                             VIRGINIA KAPPA
                                                    SOUTH CAROLINA BETA                       Radford University
OHIO THETA                                          University of South Carolina              Zachary Haun                      25
University of Cincinnati                            Mitchell Volmert                     23
David Herier Jr.                               20   Thomas O’Keefe                       23   VIRGINIA LAMBDA
Hezakiah Nurani Andrus                         21   Christian Short                      23   George Mason University
                                                    Joseph Chapman                       23   Corwin Oless Matthews             25
OKLAHOMA ALPHA                                                                                Hever Castro                      25
University of Oklahoma                              SOUTH CAROLINA GAMMA                      Akhil Srirama                     25
Carson Stock                                   21   Clemson University
                                                    Luke Andreasik                       23   WASHINGTON ALPHA
OKLAHOMA BETA                                                                                 University of Washington
Oklahoma State University                           TENNESSEE ETA                             Antyush Bollini                   25
Cayden Germany                                 21   Middle Tennessee State University         Liam Sullivan                     26
Kaneikawaiola Porter                           21   William Carter                       24
Trevor Rzeszutko                               21   Noah Jeffrey Dyer                    24   WISCONSIN ALPHA
                                                                                              University of Wisconsin–Madison
ONTARIO DELTA                                       TENNESSEE GAMMA                           Ellis Becker                      26
York University                                     University of Tennessee, Knoxville        Alexander Henoch                  26
Flavio Natola                                  21   Joseph DeLay                         24
                                                                                              WISCONSIN GAMMA
ONTARIO EPSILON                                     TEXAS KAPPA                               Ripon College
Carleton University                                 University of Texas at Arlington          Zachary Gustafson                 26
Matthew Gagné                                  21   Robert Blaze McDonald                24

OREGON BETA                                         TEXAS NU
Oregon State University                             Texas A&M University
Nathan Dank                                    22   Elijah Amador                        24
Ethan James Campbell                           22   Brannon Farrow                       24
Marco Predovic                                 22
                                                    TEXAS TAU
PENNSYLVANIA ETA                                    University of Texas at El Paso
Lehigh University                                   Nicholas Randazzo                    24
Blake Wilkey                                   22
                                                    TEXAS UPSILON
PENNSYLVANIA IOTA                                   University of Texas at Dallas
University of Pittsburgh                            John Squire                          24
Ryan Michael Estatico                          22
Joseph Galante                                 22

Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                    |5
ALABAMA ALPHA                            May 13, 2022                                     Someday, I would like to lead research
           UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA                     Business management                              and development in renewable energy
                                                     Phoenix, Boston, Austin, Miami                   aircraft. My main passions within the
      Jarrett C. McMillan                            Yes                                              field are in the realms of wing design and                    Financial services, investment banking,          propulsion systems.
      770.367.4638                                   venture capital, and private equity
      Text                                           I aspire to own an athletic financial services   Logan Farrington
      No preference                                  firm with a sports agent department that
      May 5, 2022                                    would serve two crucial roles to future          602.810.4759
      Commerce and business administration           athletes. Using this platform, I would           Text
      with a sales minor                             like to build a nonprofit which aims to          Weekday hours or evening
      Any                                            close the wealth gap for minorities and          May 9, 2022
      Yes                                            provide wealth education to underserved          Biochemistry
      Construction, marketing and                    communities.                                     Any
      advertising, sports                                                                             Yes
      Seeking an entry-level position in             Joshua Slovin                                    Biotechnology, chemicals, pharmaceuticals
      construction project management. I have a                            After graduation, I want to work in research
      strong work ethic, am highly motivated, and    847.899.9032                                     before pursuing a master’s or PhD, then
      have great leadership skills.                  Email                                            continue in industry.
                                                     No preference
                                                     May 13, 2022
             ALBERTA ALPHA                           Finance                                              ARKANSAS ALPHA
            UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA                    Florida ( Miami, Fort Lauderdale); Chicago,          UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS
                                                     Scottsdale, New York City
      Sadman Sakib Ahmed                             Yes                                              Andrew William Kutchka                           Financial services, investment         
      780.655.2976                                   management, real estate                          479.739.8399
      Email                                          A finance major interested in the investment     Email
      No preference                                  real estate field in commercial real estate.     No preference
      April 30, 2022                                 I am also looking into the financial service     May 14, 2022
      Chemical engineering                           industry as well as private equity. I have       History/political science
      Any in Alberta, British Colombia, Ontario      financial planning background from my            Any
      Yes                                            internships as well as in my major taking        Yes
      Chemicals, mining and metals, oil              classes from the CFP board.                      Law practice, legal services,
      and energy                                                                                      legislative office
      The goal is to thrive at what I am doing and                                                    I intend to complete my JD and practice law
      enjoy while doing so. I have a diverse skill          ARIZONA BETA                              after. My end goal is to serve as a federal
      set and I can adapt easily. I want to put         ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY                      judge or a legislator.
      my knowledge of chemical engineering
      into practice and bring more value to the      Chase Walther
      company I work for while growing my own
      small, already-existing business.              928.293.5237
                                                     Phone                                             Preferred method of contact
                                                     No preference                                     Availability to connect
             ARIZONA ALPHA                           May 9, 2022                                       Graduation date
            UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA                    Aerospace engineering                             Major/minor
                                                     Phoenix, Arizona or any                           Post-graduation city/state
      Anthony Tivnan Jr.                             Yes                                               Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?                            Airlines/aviation, aviation and aerospace,        Desired industry/field
      781.664.0402                                   defense and space                                 Career aspirations
      Email                                          I want to work in the aerospace industry—in       Click to download résumé
      Workday hours                                  either commercial or military aviation.           Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                           |6
ARKANSAS BETA                                Yes                                              MS applied data science, BS
        ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY                        Hospitality, marketing and                       computer science
                                                         advertising, sports                              Any
      Tyler Jones                                        I currently am a co-founder of a startup         Yes                          in San Francisco called Cratos Chargers.         Capital Markets, computer software,
      501.626.1557                                       My aspirations are to bring that to a place      information technology and services
      Email                                              were I can move onto the agency side of          I hope to leverage cutting-edge
      No preference                                      a marketing group or create a hospitality        technologies to make impactful, data-driven
      May 7, 2022                                        group that takes modern day marketing to         decisions. I see working in any form of data
      Fine arts theatre                                  impact and enhance the hospitality sector.       science to be the next step in predictive
      Any                                                                                                 decision-making, and I want to be part of
      Yes                                                Napat Tantaviwattana                             this transition across any industry.
      Broadcast media, commercial real estate, 
      public relations and communications                415.425.9303                                     Ryan Ross
      My career goals are to provide for my              Email                                  
      family and to be the best at what I do. I find     Workday hours                                    858.245.4491
      pride in working hard and being able to            May 20, 2022                                     Email
      see the impact that I make on individuals          Finance                                          No preference
      in a positive manner, and to be able to live       Any                                              May 13, 2022
      comfortably and support my family since            Yes                                              Human biology/health innovation
      they have assisted me through the years.           Banking, financial services,                     Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New
                                                         investment banking                               York, Boston, Seattle, Philadelphia, Chicago
      William Fielding Belk                              To gain experience in the field of finance,      Yes                            specifically in investment banking.              Biotechnology, hospital and healthcare,
      901.831.7222                                                                                        medical devices
      Email                                                                                               I have strong interests in healthcare
      Workday hours                                         CALIFORNIA DELTA                              technology and medical devices. I plan to
      August 12, 2022                                  UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA                  attend medical school in the future.
      Exercise science
      Tennessee, Arkansas, Florida                       Andrew Bialock
      Yes                                                             CALIFORNIA EPSILON
      Health, wellness and fitness, medical              619.827.5152                                     UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS
      practice, sports                                   No preference
      My goal is to become a doctor of physical          No preference                                    Dylan Stanton Zuver
      therapy. Once completing my graduate               May 13, 2022                           
      studies, I would start working at a physical       Business administration                          626.665.0165
      therapy clinic. Eventually, I want to open my      Los Angeles, San Francisco, San                  Email
      own practice or become the team doctor for         Diego, New York                                  No preference
      a professional team or organization.               No                                               March 19, 2022
                                                         Entertainment, marketing and advertising,        Wildlife, fish, and conservation biology
                                                         media production                                 Any
             CALIFORNIA CHI                              I’m interested in the film industry. I’ve been
       UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO                       working in film/TV development and hope           Preferred method of contact
                                                         to get into producing.                            Availability to connect
      Aidan Jordi-Donnelly                                                                                 Graduation date                                Michael DeLucia                                   Major/minor
      518.514.8103                                                        Post-graduation city/state
      Email                                              585.880.3661                                      Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      Evening                                            Email                                             Desired industry/field
      May 20, 2022                                       No preference                                     Career aspirations
      Marketing                                          May 13, 2022                                      Click to download résumé
      San Francisco, San Diego, Austin, Miami                                                              Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                               |7
Yes                                              Email                                                CALIFORNIA PI
      Environmental services, music, sports            Evening                                       SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY
      Unsure of my goals but I know that I aspire      June 10, 2022
      to teach the public about wildlife ecology       Mechanical engineering and aerospace         Cooper Welsh
      and be a connection point for young              engineering                        
      scientists that are stuck in the city, longing   Any                                          303.249.8449
      to learn about the wild side of life.            Yes                                          Text
                                                       Airlines/aviation, aviation and aerospace,   Evening
      Nicholas McLean                                  defense and space                            May 13, 2022                            I want to pursue postgrad opportunities in   Business marketing
      661.212.7899                                     research for aerospace engineering as an     California (preferably San Diego), Colorado
      Email                                            industry researcher.                         No
      No preference                                                                                 Consumer goods, marketing and
      June 9, 2022                                     James Burrill                                advertising, staffing and recruiting
      Computer engineering                                        My ideal future is to deal with marketing
      Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, San Francisco        978.821.1403                                 products and services although I have
      Yes                                              Phone                                        interned at a staffing and recruiting
      Computer Hardware, computer software,            No preference                                company and really enjoyed that as well.
      semiconductors                                   June 12, 2022
      Eager to learn more about computer               Electrical engineering/economics             Nicholas Urry
      engineering and driven to specialize in          Boston, New York, San Francisco, San Diego
      digital systems and embedded systems.            Yes                                          916.462.7151
      Prepared to gain more experience in writing      Financial services, investment               Email
      code in hardware description languages           management, management consulting            No preference
      and in traditional software engineering          I hope to pursue a career that sits at       May 13, 2022
      languages.                                       the intersection of technology, financial    Environmental science/business
                                                       markets, and business development.           administration
                                                                                                    San Diego, Los Angeles, San
          CALIFORNIA KAPPA                                                                          Francisco, Seattle
         UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA,                          CALIFORNIA PHI                          Yes
                SAN DIEGO                                    CHAPMAN UNIVERSITY                     Environmental services, legal
      Digvijay Jani                                                                                 services, utilities                              Michael Bowen                                I want to make a positive contribution to the
      714.499.3505                                                environment and society
      Email                                            415.250.1234
      No preference                                    No preference                                Keyan Torabi
      June 12, 2022                                    No preference                      
      Chemical engineering/biology                     May 22, 2022                                 310.938.1555
      and chemistry                                    Business administration/marketing            Text
      San Diego, Seattle                               Seattle, Austin, Denver, Salt Lake, San      Workday hours
      Yes                                              Francisco, San Diego, Miami                  May 14, 2022
      Biotechnology, chemicals, medical devices        Yes
      I hope to find a career in the pharmaceutical    Consumer goods, marketing and                 Preferred method of contact
      industry pursuing drug development.              advertising, sports                           Availability to connect
                                                       I am extremely passionate about my            Graduation date
                                                       development as a leader and marketing         Major/minor
         CALIFORNIA OMEGA                              professional. I have found myself taking      Post-graduation city/state
           SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY                      initiative, establishing brand awareness/     Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
                                                       positioning, and using business skills        Desired industry/field
      Edison Yang                                      to improve operations in my previous          Career aspirations                         experiences.                                  Click to download résumé
      669.204.4156                                                                                   Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                         |8
Business management                             Recording arts/screenwriting                   Aaron Arellano
      San Diego or Los Angeles                        Los Angeles, Seattle, New York,      
      Yes                                             Atlanta, Nashville                             949.382.8512
      Business supplies and equipment,                Yes                                            Email
      management consulting, professional             Motion pictures and film, music, sports        Workday hours
      training and coaching                           I want to own my own audio company.            May 28, 2022
      I want to gather experience in various          I hope to start out as a freelance audio       Broadcast journalism/political science
      areas of the business field while starting      engineer and build a reliable client           Any
      my career so I can either start my own          base. Then, I’d like to employ other audio     Yes
      company, or work my way up in a major           engineers with concentrations in specific      Broadcast media, media production,
      corporation in the United States. I want to     fields, such as film, music, or podcasting.    online media
      be a CEO, or a manager of a major firm. I                                                      I aspire to be a fixture in broadcast news/
      want to coach soccer on the side.               Cameron Addis                                  media. I want to contribute to the return of
                                                                          civil political discourse. May that be through
      Jacob Chester Stulbarg                          510.334.3455                                   my talents of reporting, writing, editing,                             Email                                          anchoring, producing, etc. I can be in front
      650.554.8111                                    No preference                                  of the camera or behind it. As long as its
      Email                                           May 13, 2022                                   news or current events.
      Workday hours                                   Marketing
      May 15, 2022                                    Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City      Adrian Cano
      Communication/Spanish                           Yes                                  
      San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles           Design, graphic design, marketing and          909.678.0172
      Yes                                             advertising                                    Text
      Law enforcement, military, public safety        I hope to join a progressive, fast-growing     Weekends
      My career aspirations are to be a firefighter   visual/product design company.                 May 31, 2022
      paramedic.                                                                                     Kinesiology/psychology
                                                           CALIFORNIA RHO                            Yes
             CALIFORNIA PSI                               UNIVERSITY OF LA VERNE                     Health, wellness and fitness, real
     LOYOLA MARYMOUNT UNIVERSITY                                                                     estate, sports
                                                      Zion Grant-Freeman                             I aspire to be a fitness influencer and
      Nolan Kieffer                                              building my own gym and program.                       951.213.5419
      720.545.4580                                    Phone                                          Marwan Hassan
      Email                                           Weekends                             
      No preference                                   May 27, 2022                                   310.848.0799
      May 22, 2021                                    Psychology                                     Text
      English/Spanish                                 Washington, DC, New York City, Chicago,        Evening
      Los Angeles                                     Toronto, Minneapolis, Denver, Boston,          June 1, 2022
      No                                              Seattle, Pittsburgh                            Computer science/photography
      Consumer services, human resources,             Yes                                            Any
      logistics and supply chain                      Government relations, law enforcement,
      I am looking for a position with growth         public policy                                   Preferred method of contact
      opportunities that will foster new              Through La Verne’s Bachelor of Psychology       Availability to connect
      relationships.                                  Program, gained hands-on experience             Graduation date
                                                      through student-centric, growth-oriented        Major/minor
      Dylan Rivers                                    research assistant positions. Recognized for    Post-graduation city/state                             possessing a strong passion for continuing      Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      253.380.6684                                    education initiatives.                          Desired industry/field
      Text                                                                                            Career aspirations
      Evening                                                                                         Click to download résumé
      May 8, 2022                                                                                     Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                          |9
Yes                                                Washington, DC, or surrounding area           May 5, 2022
      Photography, real estate, retail                   Yes                                           BS Chemical engineering/BA economics
      I would like to work for a real estate firm.       Environmental services, hospital and          Austin, Denver, Nashville, Miami
                                                         healthcare, public safety                     Yes
                                                         Attending Georgetown to earn a master’s       Chemicals, marketing and advertising, oil
       CALIFORNIA UPSILON                                in emergency and disaster management.         and energy
 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO                     Aim to work for a government agency or        I aspire to combine my experience in
                                                         professional sports organization to prevent   business and engineering to build new
      Adam Morris                                        major incidents.                              systems or products. I am looking to gain                                                                           more experience in either technical or
      559.545.7185                                                                                     business roles in industry.
      Text                                                   CALIFORNIA ZETA
      Weekends                                        CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRIDGE          Garrett Potter
      May 21, 2022                                                                           
      Pre-med biology/chemistry                          Miguel Lucero-Hernandez                       303.957.6278
      Any/California                                                    Email
      Yes                                                661.468.6946                                  No preference
      Chemicals, hospital and healthcare,                Email                                         May 5, 2022
      medical practice                                   Evening                                       Neuroscience (major); molecular, cellular,
      I want to go to physician’s assistant school       May 20, 2022                                  and developmental biology (major)/
      to further my career in the medical field and      Electrical engineering                        business (minor)
      become a PA myself. I would like to gain           San Diego, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles         Any, currently in Colorado
      some experience in the medical field for a         Yes                                           Yes
      few years before I continue my education           Medical devices, nanotechnology,              Biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, research
      by joining the PA program.                         renewables and environment                    Neurodegenerative disease research, ALS,
                                                         To be on the frontlines of the renewable      Alzheimer’s, and frontotemporal dementia
      Luis Alcaraz                                       energy sector, pushing the boundaries of      being my most specific interests.                            sustainability with my life’s work.
      559.547.1286                                                                                     Michael Corrigan
      Email                                              Matthew Gassman                     
      Workday hours                                                303.968.4480
      May 21, 2022                                       805.479.1128                                  Email
      Construction management/                           Phone                                         No preference
      general business                                   No preference                                 May 5, 2022
      San Jose, San Diego, Fresno, Seattle, New          May 22, 2022                                  Finance / Information Management
      York (any city), Miami                             Business management                           Boston, New York, Chicago, Denver, Any
      Yes                                                Any                                           Yes
      Automotive, construction, real estate              Yes                                           Banking, capital markets, financial services
      To work in the construction industry               Investment management, management             Investment banking, private equity.
      and become a project manager or                    consulting, real estate
      superintendent in the next few years.              To be able to look back and be proud of my
      I aspire to form my own construction               work and that I tried everything.
      company. To make my family proud because                                                          Preferred method of contact
      I am a first-generation student.                                                                  Availability to connect
                                                            COLORADO ALPHA                              Graduation date
      Parker Allan Fritsch                              UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO BOULDER                  Major/minor                                                                       Post-graduation city/state
      559.908.3330                                       Erast Davidjuk                                 Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      Text                                                             Desired industry/field
      No preference                                      720.438.8784                                   Career aspirations
      May 21, 2022                                       Email                                          Click to download résumé
      Environmental/occupational health safety           No preference                                  Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                            | 10
COLORADO GAMMA                               Construction, real estate, transportation/           FLORIDA KAPPA
        COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY                      trucking/railroad                            FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY
                                                       Construction, specifically, is in general
      Paul DeCelles                                    contracting.                                   Mark Broughton                                                                   
      574.339.9266                                                                                    305.613.5437
      Email                                                    FLORIDA IOTA                           No preference
      Weekends                                         UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA                  No preference
      May 15, 2022                                                                                    August 21, 2022
      Economics/business, real estate,                 Garrett B. Kaminski                            Organizational communications
      and history                                                    minor business
      Any                                              321.412.6521                                   Miami, Houston, Los Angeles , Phoenix
      Yes                                              Email                                          Yes
      Banking, financial services, government          No preference                                  Airlines/aviation, investment management,
      administration                                   May 7, 2022                                    real estate
      Some of my future plans include earning an       Health services administration                 Obtaining a career where I can use
      MBA and becoming a leader in the world of        Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Melbourne             my exceptional interpersonal and
      business or economics. I am also interested      Yes                                            communication skills to resolve issues and
      in finance and government related fields         Health, wellness and fitness, hospital and     foster relationships between the company
      such as policy analysis.                         healthcare, human resources                    and customers.
                                                       My career goals in to become successful in
                                                       healthcare management in a hospital.
             FLORIDA ALPHA                                                                                  GEORGIA ALPHA
            UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA                      Anthony Ahari                                       UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA
      Cole Hetrick                                     954.918.1789                                   Alex Morettini                          Phone                                
      813.368.3902                                     Workday hours                                  678.325.9881
      Phone                                            June 5, 2022                                   Email
      Evening                                          Finance                                        No preference
      April 29, 2022                                   Any                                            December 1, 2022
      Administration/real estate and                   Yes                                            Finance
      professional selling                             Banking, commercial real estate,               Southeast US, any
      Tampa, St. Petersburg                            investment banking                             Yes
      Yes                                              Commercial real estate or land                 Investment banking, investment
      Investment management, real                      development company.                           management, venture capital and
      estate, wholesale                                                                               private equity
      I’d like to make my life’s living through        Ryan Kaneshiro                                 I would like to start my career in corporate
      managing strategic investments and having                               finance/investment banking.
      a portfolio of various properties. I intend to   808.347.4426
      start my journey through commercial real         Email
      estate and wholesale.                            Workday hours
                                                       August 10, 2022                                 Preferred method of contact
      Jose Plasencia                                   Health sciences (pre-clinical)                  Availability to connect                               Any                                             Graduation date
      305.335.8662                                     Yes                                             Major/minor
      Text                                             Medical devices, medical practice, mental       Post-graduation city/state
      No preference                                    healthcare                                      Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      April 29, 2022                                   Medical school, specializing in                 Desired industry/field
      Psychology/Innovation                            orthopedic surgery.                             Career aspirations
      Any                                                                                              Click to download résumé
      Yes                                                                                              Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                           | 11
GEORGIA EPSILON                            further mankind in their quest to explore       May 12, 2022
      GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY                     the unknown.                                    Cybersecurity
                                                                                                      Anywhere in the Eastern US
      Michael Kauffman                                                                                Yes                             GEORGIA GAMMA                               Computer and network security, computer
      678.673.9006                                           MERCER UNIVERSITY                        networking, information technology
      Email                                                                                           and services
      Workday hours                                   Nicholas Ryan Faist                             Cybersecurity
      December 13, 2021                     
      Marketing                                       770.309.9855                                    Jediah Marquette Persaud
      Peachtree City, Atlanta                         Email                                 
      Yes                                             Workday hours                                   254.423.2900
      Legal services, marketing and                   May 16, 2022                                    Email
      advertising, sports                             Biomedical engineering/chemistry, biology       No preference
      My goal is to eventually study law and          and history                                     May 13, 2022
      become a contract attorney. In the              Any                                             Graphic design/French
      mean time, I am looking for a sales or          Yes                                             Charleston, Augusta, Nashville, Atlanta,
      marketing position.                             Hospital and healthcare, medical                London, Paris, any
                                                      devices, research                               Yes
      Aidan Owens                                     I plan to eventually seek a medical             Apparel and fashion, graphic design,                           doctorate and hopefully specialize in           photography
      912.515.9725                                    emergency medicine.                             It is my dream to become an art director. I
      No preference                                                                                   have big visions regarding projects such as
      No preference                                   William English                                 publications, events, or clothing ensembles.
      May 11, 2022                                                    I am a graphic designer and photographer
      Psychology/criminology and                      678.887.1086                                    with a background in clothing and French.
      criminal justice                                Text                                            It is therefore a deep passion to experience
      Any                                             No preference                                   culture and manifest it by design.
      Yes                                             May 16, 2022
      Market research, research, writing              Mechanical engineering/mathematics              Kingsley Barrett
      and editing                                     Any                                   
      I hope to continue furthering my knowledge      Yes                                             407.580.2130
      after graduation getting critical experience    Aviation and aerospace, defense and space,      Text
      not found within the classrooms. There is no    mechanical or industrial engineering            No preference
      dedicated field in which my heart is set, but   I strive to overcome challenges and             May 13, 2022
      my mind is set on continuing to build the       problem solve. Because of this, I want a        Kinesiology
      best version of myself.                         career where I can approach projects from       Marietta, Dallas, Charlotte, Orlando, any
                                                      different perspectives and work in a variety    Yes
      Harris Tuck                                     of fields. I want my work to push me to learn   Leisure, travel and tourism, marketing and                          something new and a working environment         advertising, sports
      770.712.9598                                    that promotes asking for assistance
      No preference                                   when needed.
      No preference                                                                                    Preferred method of contact
      May 11, 2022                                                                                     Availability to connect
      Manufacturing engineering                            GEORGIA THETA                               Graduation date
      Any                                                   AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY                         Major/minor
      Yes                                                                                              Post-graduation city/state
      Aviation and aerospace, defense and space,      James Ekechukwu                                  Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      mechanical or industrial engineering                             Desired industry/field
      My main goal is to eventually work at           706.726.1212                                     Career aspirations
      an aerospace company and helping                Email                                            Click to download résumé
                                                      No preference                                    Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                           | 12
I would like to become a physical therapist     May 14, 2022                                  Hospital and healthcare, human
      for a sports teams; professional, collegiate,   Political sciences/economics, classics        resources, retail
      high school, etc.                               Indianapolis, Chicago, Raleigh, Washington,   Senior administrator or HR director
                                                      DC, Austin
                IDAHO ALPHA                           Information technology and services, media               IOWA DELTA
              UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO                     production, public policy                              DRAKE UNIVERSITY
                                                      The pursuit to be in a job, location, and a
      Reilly Dahlquist                                good support group around me wherever I       Kaleb Gleason                       start after graduation are the fundamental
      208.539.6743                                    desires I have. Continuing to immerse         641.670.8321
      Email                                           myself into fields I am both an active        No preference
      Workday hours                                   participant and learner are a must.           No preference
      May 14, 2022                                                                                  December 20, 2022
      Finance, economics, trading and capital                                                       Political science/law, politics, and society
      management                                          INDIANA EPSILON                           Any
      Any                                                     HANOVER COLLEGE                       Yes
      Yes                                                                                           Government administration, human
      Financial services, investment banking,         Zach Stringer                                 resources, legal services
      investment management                                             I am open to all opportunities that
      I want to become a financial analyst with an    859.468.6362                                  come my way.
      ambition to advance to fund management.         Phone
      Interested in alternative investments           Workday hours
      and how this emerging frontier affects          May 28, 2022                                           IOWA GAMMA
      all markets.                                    Business and communications                        IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY
                                                      Yes                                           Jacob Weisshaar
                ILLINOIS ETA                          Broadcast media, media production, public
            UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS                    relations and communications                  515.867.6326
                                                      I have always had a passion for               Phone
      Muhammad Khan                                   entrepreneurship and media production. I      Workday hours                          hope to get into marketing or production;     May 8, 2022
      815.909.6391                                    I also enjoy public speaking and              Marketing/management
      Text                                            broadcasting. I hope to one day start a few   information systems
      Evening                                         businesses I have developed plans for. No     Des Moines, Minneapolis, Chicago, Kansas
      May 15, 2022                                    matter what, I hope to make the world a       City, Denver, Phoenix
      Molecular biology                               little bit better.                            Yes
      Chicago, Schaumburg, Naperville                                                               Insurance, marketing and
      No                                                                                            advertising, wholesale
      Higher education, hospital and healthcare,              INDIANA IOTA                          The field of insurance, marketing, sales
      medical practice                                    VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY                     and similar fields. I would like to rise up in
                                                      Randall Eichmann Jr.                           Preferred method of contact
                                                                Availability to connect
               INDIANA BETA                           815.412.5954                                   Graduation date
                 WABASH COLLEGE                       Email                                          Major/minor
                                                      No preference                                  Post-graduation city/state
      Reed Wiley Mathis                               May 15, 2022                                   Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?                            Healthcare administration                      Desired industry/field
      317.681.2629                                    Frankfort, Illinois and Chicago area           Career aspirations
      Text                                            Yes                                            Click to download résumé
      No preference                                                                                  Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                         | 13
one of these companies into a leadership/      Electrical engineering                       MASSACHUSETTS EPSILON
      management position at some point and          Nashville                                       NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY
      continue working.                              No
                                                     Construction, electrical/electronic           Griffin Byer
                                                     manufacturing, utilities            
              KANSAS DELTA                           My goal is to work together with a team to    650.504.9569
          WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY                   solve problems and do meaningful work.        Email
                                                     I am open to all opportunities within the     Workday hours
      Peyton Smith                                   realm of electrical engineering.              May 13, 2022                                                                        Finance/marketing
      816.786.7742                                                                                 New York, Chicago, San Diego, Boston
      Email                                              KENTUCKY KAPPA                            Yes
      No preference                                  NORTHERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY                  Commercial real estate, financial services,
      May 14, 2022                                                                                 investment management
      Marketing/real estate                          Joseph Broering                               I’d love to source sustainable investments
      Kansas City, Dallas, Scottsdale, Eugene                       that will have a real impact on the world
      Yes                                            859.412.7247                                  while also becoming successful.
      Commercial real estate, marketing and          Email
      advertising, real estate                       No preference
      My goal is to find an opportunity where I      May 7, 2022                                         MICHIGAN BETA
      can grow and progress within the company,      Computer science/CIT and data science           MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY
      I am eager to learn new things and would       Any, Midwest preferred
      be happy to assist in new ventures.            Yes                                           Justis Kimerer
                                                     Computer networking, computer software,
                                                     information technology and services           517.902.3319
    KENTUCKY ALPHA–DELTA                             Continue to advance as a software             Phone
                 CENTRE COLLEGE                      developer/engineer and develop                No preference
                                                     meaningful applications that provide value    May 7, 2022
      Graham Parks                                   to the people that use them.                  Economics/quantitative data analytics                                                                      Any
      859.213.6713                                                                                 Yes
      Text                                              MARYLAND ALPHA                             Computer software, financial services,
      No preference                                     UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND                     market research
      May 22, 2022                                                                                 To be part of a team where I can grow
      Behavioral neuroscience                        Maxwell Secular                               and learn new skills, but also be a part of
      Any                                                        something bigger than myself.
      Yes                                            929.777.1134
      Medical devices, medical practice, research    Text
      I am looking to expand my experience in the    No preference
      medical field in any way possible. I am open   May 20, 2022
      to a variety of professions.                   Marketing
                                                     New York, Washington, DC, Miami
                                                     Yes                                            Preferred method of contact
             KENTUCKY IOTA                           Marketing and advertising, market              Availability to connect
          UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE                   research, sports                               Graduation date
                                                     Would like to combine passion for sports       Major/minor
      Nicholas McClain                               with education in business and marketing.      Post-graduation city/state                    Gained experience as a sports marketing        Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      859.325.1728                                   intern, would like to get proficiency          Desired industry/field
      Email                                          wherever possible in the field.                Career aspirations
      No preference                                                                                 Click to download résumé
      May 14, 2022                                                                                  Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                        | 14
MICHIGAN DELTA                            Denver, Dallas, any                               May 13, 2022
             KETTERING UNIVERSITY                     Yes                                               Aerospace engineering
                                                      Commercial real estate, financial services,       Any
      Kenneth Reed                                    investment management                             Yes                            Obtain cross functional investment and real       Airlines/aviation, aviation and aerospace,
      810.423.4157                                    estate skills to provide myself with the most     defense and space
      Email                                           career potential across investment and real       Assist in deep space exploration efforts,
      No preference                                   estate industries.                                the defense industry, or improve air (and
      June 18, 2022                                                                                     possibly space) travel.
      Mechanical engineering/business,
      innovation and entrepreneurship                     MISSISSIPPI BETA
      Greater Flint and Greater Detroit area          MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY                           MISSOURI ALPHA
      Yes                                                                                                   UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI
      Defense and space, mechanical or industrial     Harrison Broadaway
      engineering, military                                                 Clayton Compere
      Aerospace or military defense sector. Want      662.231.4909                            
      to become a well-rounded engineer who           Email                                             417.569.6502
      can understand complex systems and how          No preference                                     Phone
      they work.                                      May 13, 2022                                      Workday hours
                                                      Biomedical engineering/mathematics                May 20, 2022
      Stosh Grzywna                                   Any                                               Finance/real estate                          Yes                                               Any
      586.219.0856                                    Biotechnology, medical devices, research          Yes
      No preference                                   Research and development of novel                 Investment banking, real estate, venture
      Weekends                                        biomedical treatments to induce beneficial        capital and private equity
      December 17, 2022                               reactions in the human body. Particular           I have experience as a commercial
      Electrical engineering/applied                  research interest in orthopedics and the          property underwriter. I am really interested
      optics, acoustics                               immune system; however, I am open.                in a position working for a real estate
      Preferably Michigan or nearby states. Would                                                       syndication.
      also consider Arizona, Utah, Colorado           James Long
      Yes                                                                Keegan Ruckman
      Automotive, defense and space, electrical/      601.201.5362                            
      electronic manufacturing                        Email                                             816.853.2197
      I am very interested in working for an          No preference                                     Phone
      electric vehicle manufacturer. I see these      May 13, 2022                                      No preference
      vehicles as the way of the future and I         Kinesiology                                       May 15, 2023
      would love to be apart of it. Additionally, I   Any                                               Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
      am very passionate in the field of optics and   Yes                                               Any
      am considering getting a master’s in optics     Health, wellness and fitness, medical             Yes
      or photonics.                                   practice, sports                                  Automotive, aviation and aerospace,
                                                      Be a strength and conditioning coach at           defense and space
                                                      the collegiate level. After graduation in May,
         MISSISSIPPI ALPHA                            I plan on getting certified with my CSCS in        Preferred method of contact
         UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI                    order to further my education/availability to      Availability to connect
                                                      the field. One day, I’d love to be an assistant    Graduation date
      Charles David Stouffer                          coach at an institution.                           Major/minor                                                                            Post-graduation city/state
      404.654.7307                                    Walter Wayne Morris                                Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      Email                                                              Desired industry/field
      No preference                                   678.899.0781                                       Career aspirations
      December 18, 2022                               No preference                                      Click to download résumé
      Managerial finance/real estate                  No preference                                      Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                             | 15
To pursue a engineering career in a design       Business administration (BS)/sports           I am currently working in the insurance
      and development position.                        management (BA)/international                 industry and hope to pursue this field or
                                                       business (minor)                              other related fields.
             MISSOURI BETA                             Yes                                           Ben Hohensee
            WESTMINSTER COLLEGE                        Automotive, computer software, information
                                                       technology and services                       402.326.6143
      William Glenn Harper                             My career goals and aspirations are           No preference                       centered on self growth. I want to become a   No preference
      214.830.8027                                     product owner in the next years.              December 9, 2022
      No preference                                                                                  Finance/entrepreneurship and marketing
      No preference                                                                                  Any
      May 14, 2022                                        NEBRASKA ALPHA                             Yes
      Business communication/philosophy               UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA–LINCOLN                 Capital markets, management consulting,
      Missouri (preferred), Kansas, Iowa,                                                            venture capital and private equity
      Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska              Patrick Harmon                                I’d like to immerse myself into the VC/
      Yes                                                         private equity industries, and eventually be
      Business supplies and equipment,                 630.841.1036                                  a part of top-level management. I’d love to
      machinery, management consulting                 Email                                         explore different cultures and locations that
      To pursue a career in B2B industrial or          Workday hours                                 will diversify my résumé and perspectives.
      manufacturing sales, but I am open to other      May 10, 2022
      things as well. I want to work and help          Finance/accounting
      businesses succeed more then anything;           Omaha area                                           NEVADA ALPHA
      whether that is in sales or another area.        No                                             UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO
                                                       Accounting, banking, financial services
                                                       An analyst                                    Sean Patrick Merker
              MISSOURI IOTA                                                                
           LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY                       John Andersen                                 702.526.6680
      Cameron James Marcum                             402.210.1987                                  No preference                        Email                                         May 12, 2022
      573.855.9392                                     Workday hours                                 Mechanical engineering
      Email                                            May 14, 2022                                  Reno
      Workday hours                                    Interior design                               Yes
      May 6, 2022                                      Any                                           Airlines/aviation, automotive, aviation
      Sports management                                Yes                                           and aerospace
      Any                                              Architecture and planning, design,            It is a dream of mine to make a tangible
      Yes                                              real estate                                   difference in this world before I leave it. I
      Investment management, management                Architect; I plan on getting my master’s      want to use my engineering degree to make
      consulting, sports                               after a few years of experience.              this difference, happy to come into work
      The field of sports agency as it has been a
      passion of mine for some time. I have heavy      Peter Rasmussen
      ties to sports and the impact it has on our                              Preferred method of contact
      society in which we live in and I feel that I    402.596.5959                                   Availability to connect
      share the quality to make a difference.          No preference                                  Graduation date
                                                       No preference                                  Major/minor
      Sergio Guerra Justiniano                         May 15, 2022                                   Post-graduation city/state                    Finance/business analytics                     Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      636.634.7888                                     Lincoln                                        Desired industry/field
      Email                                            No                                             Career aspirations
      Workday hours                                    Insurance, investment management,              Click to download résumé
      May 6, 2022                                      real estate                                    Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                          | 16
every single day knowing that I am working      digital marketing and advertising realm,              NEW YORK ALPHA
      on something bigger than myself.                fintech, and mental healthcare.                          CORNELL UNIVERSITY

      Eric Henry Kregel                                                                                 Elijah Gordon                            NEW HAMPSHIRE BETA                      
      916.990.7138                                 SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY                    631.987.0973
      Email                                                                                             No preference
      No preference                                   William Angarella                                 No preference
      May 13, 2022                                                     May 29, 2022
      Geography (climate, water and ecosystems)       603.717.5481                                      Policy analysis and management/business
      Any                                             Email                                             Any
      Yes                                             No preference                                     Yes
      Environmental services, public                  April 24, 2022                                    Entertainment, events services, sports
      policy, research                                Computer information systems/game                 Partnership consulting in the sports and
      Work as a hydrologist or a water                and media art                                     entertainment industry.
      resource specialist within a federal or         Any
      state agency where I am able to help            Yes
      the public. Also interested in working for      Computer games, computer software,                        NEW YORK ETA
      environmental NGOs.                             information technology and services             ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY
                                                      Use my creative background and
                                                      problem-solving skills to work in an              Jacob Girardin
                NEVADA BETA                           environment that will both allow me to  
    UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS                   teach others what I know and expand my            860.898.0371
                                                      own horizons from those I work with.              Text
      Matthew Guanga                                                                                    No preference                                                                          December 12, 2021
      702.465.2564                                       NEW JERSEY DELTA                               Applied mathematics/anthropology
      Phone                                                STOCKTON UNIVERSITY                          and sociology
      Evening                                                                                           Any
      May 14, 2022                                    Justin Schaff                                     Yes
      Journalism                                                       Financial services, information technology
      Any                                             732.644.4391                                      and services, investment banking
      Yes                                             Phone                                             Looking to work as a data scientist/analyst
      Consumer electronics, gambling and              Weekends                                          in the financial sector, as financial systems
      casinos, marketing and advertising              May 15, 2022                                      are one of my favorites things to learn and
      Video production in news station/anchor.        Marketing                                         read about.
      Social media marketing for company.             New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
                                                      Delaware, New York                                Darrick Fang Yee
      Nicholas Vespia                                 Yes                                                             Entertainment, marketing and                      412.651.0123
      702.217.5347                                    advertising, sports                               Email
      Email                                           Experienced customer service
      No preference                                   representative with a demonstrated history         Preferred method of contact
      May 15, 2022                                    of working in retail sales and food industry.      Availability to connect
      Psychology/neuroscience                         Skilled in communication, marketing, event         Graduation date
      Milwaukee                                       planning, tourism, and social media. Strong        Major/minor
      No                                              support professional with a bachelor of            Post-graduation city/state
      Hospital and healthcare, marketing and          applied science in business and marketing.         Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      advertising, mental healthcare                                                                     Desired industry/field
      Attending graduate school to be a clinical                                                         Career aspirations
      mental health counselor, experienced in                                                            Click to download résumé
                                                                                                         Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                             | 17
Evening                                          Electrical engineering/public policy               NEW YORK LAMBDA
      May 6, 2022                                      New England/Northeast                                  ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY
      Psychology/create writing                        Yes
      Any                                              Aviation and aerospace, defense and space,       Samuel Katzap
      Yes                                              electrical/electronic manufacturing    
      Law enforcement, mental health                   As a kid I dreamed about supporting space        718.404.4559
      care, military                                   exploration and helping to build the Star        Email
      My interests are in studying conflict and        Trek future.                                     Evening
      working with law enforcement, at risk                                                             May 11, 2022
      population, and military personnel. I want to    Michael McNaught                                 Finance/statistics
      focus on conflicts resolution and counseling                     Austin, New York City, San Francisco, Miami
      methods to help people who have to face          201.788.2476                                     Yes
      conflict more frequently live healthy lives. I   Email                                            Investment banking, management
      plan on pursuing a PhD.                          Workday hours                                    consulting, sports
                                                       May 8, 2022                                      Work three to five years in a highly
      Kevin Metzler                                    Industrial Design                                competitive big four or bulge bracket                               Rochester, New Jersey, New York City,            bank to develop immense professional
      443.800.2583                                     New York State, California, Maine,               experience. From there acquire an MBA
      Email                                            Connecticut, Chicago, Boston, Pittsburgh,        from a top ten program in quant. Analysis,
      No preference                                    Philadelphia, Florida                            post grad will work in a more player
      May 6, 2022                                      Yes                                              development role for a MLB team.
      Applied mathematics/economics                    Animation, design, entertainment
      Any                                              In the next five years I’d like to see myself    Jonathan Martinez
      Yes                                              as a well established designer with a side
      Gambling and casinos, higher                     business that can specialize in creating         609.742.7246
      education, research                              artwork, comics, animations and more.            Email
      My goal is to use math modeling to better                                                         Workday hours
      predict outcomes and compare calculated                                                           May 13, 2022
      results to real outcomes.                            NEW YORK KAPPA                               Marketing
                                                             HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY                         New York City
      Maximilian Italiaander                                                                            No                  Jordan Rattray                                   Investment banking, management
      860.921.1866                                                      consulting, marketing and advertising
      Email                                            352.657.9657                                     I want to utilize the leadership I learned
      No preference                                    Text                                             from my experience in Phi Delta Theta.
      May 7, 2022                                      No preference
      Exercise science/communications                  May 23, 2023                                     Connor Lewis
      any                                              Engineering/fine arts                  
      Yes                                              Manhattan, New York, or any                      781.664.3029
      Health, wellness and fitness, hospital and       Yes                                              Email
      healthcare, sports                               Architecture and planning, design,               No preference
      After graduation I plan to get certified as      government administration
      an exercise physiologist in hopes to work        Since the day I was born, I have built a great    Preferred method of contact
      in cardiac rehabilitation or as an exercise      love and care for the world around me. From       Availability to connect
      specialist in a clinical setting.                humans to skyscraper buildings, the world         Graduation date
                                                       around us is a beautiful place even with          Major/minor
      Riley Wood                                       the many societal conflicts behind closed         Post-graduation city/state                         doors. My love for art has sprung me into         Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      413.522.8725                                     the architectural world and design.               Desired industry/field
      Email                                                                                              Career aspirations
      No preference                                                                                      Click to download résumé
      May 7, 2022                                                                                        Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                             | 18
May 22, 2022                                    NORTH CAROLINA GAMMA                            Yes
      Sports management/business law                          DAVIDSON COLLEGE                        Hospital and healthcare, performing arts,
      Boston, New York City                                                                           religious institutions
      No                                               Alex Fenton                                    Becoming a licensed therapist/
      Entertainment, law practice, sports                           psychologist. Help build up a community
      My career aspirations are to become a            828.315.1983                                   that allows for lives to flourish.
      sports agent.                                    No preference
                                                       No preference
                                                       May 15, 2022                                    NOVA SCOTIA ALPHA
    NORTH CAROLINA DELTA                               Economics/math                                       DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY
   NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY                     Any
                                                       Yes                                            Maneesh Raj Purohit
      Jack Littlefield                                 Hospital and health care, management                          consulting, research                           902.412.5941
      704.676.1025                                     I would love to work in healthcare but also    Email
      Text                                             have substantial education experience          Weekends
      Evening                                          in economics/math where I see my self          May 17, 2022
      May 9, 2022                                      exploring research, development, and           Neuroscience
      Sport management/business administration         management.                                    Halifax, Toronto, and Calgary
      Charlotte, Raleigh, Denver, and                                                                 Yes
      Washington, DC                                                                                  Hospital and healthcare, medical practice,
      Yes                                              NORTH DAKOTA ALPHA                             mental health care
      Events services, sporting goods, sports           UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA                    My main career goals are to become an
      My dream is to find my way into the front                                                       emergency physician or psychiatrist.
      office of a professional sports organization.    Carter Anderson
      I would like to find any opportunity where                          Juan Sebastian Penagos
      I can gain more experience on how a sport        763.202.5604                         
      organization operates.                           Email                                          289.829.2563
                                                       Workday hours                                  Email
                                                       May 5, 2022                                    No preference
  NORTH CAROLINA EPSILON                               Operations/supply chain management             June 3, 2022
        UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA                   Minneapolis                                    Marine biology/ocean sciences;
                AT CHARLOTTE                           No                                             aquaculture and the environment
      Donovan F. Twyne III                             Import and export, warehousing, wholesale      Any                                To find a company where I can learn and        Yes
      919.964.0084                                     improve my skills. I hope to work my way       Environmental services, fishery, research
      No preference                                    up within this company. It is a goal of mine   Gain experience in aquaculture practices
      No preference                                    mentor future college graduates once I am      and research in the field/lab. Pursue
      May 14, 2022                                     establish within the field.                    graduate studies on the conservation
      Organizational management                                                                       of coral reef ecosystems and teach the
      Yes                                               NORTH DAKOTA BETA
      Commercial real estate, executive office,       NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY                    Preferred method of contact
      law practice                                                                                     Availability to connect
      To gain valuable industry experience while       Keith Braddock II                               Graduation date
      enhancing the company’s productivity and                          Major/minor
      reputation.                                      701.629.8728                                    Post-graduation city/state
                                                       Text                                            Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
                                                       No preference                                   Desired industry/field
                                                       May 21, 2022                                    Career aspirations
                                                       General Psychology Major. Theatre Minor         Click to download résumé
                                                       Any                                             Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                           | 19
public and/or scholastic institutions of the   Nathaniel Patrick Merten                       Yes
      importance of conservation.                                       Hospital and healthcare, medical devices,
                                                     513.213.0085                                   public policy
      Tyler Burton                                   Email                                          Work as an environmental health specialist                           No preference
      647.974.2713                                   April 30, 2022
      Email                                          Finance/data analytics                                        OHIO MU
      No preference                                  New York City                                         ASHLAND UNIVERSITY
      June 3, 2022                                   No
      Marine biology with certificates in data       Banking, capital markets, investment           Christian Fagan
      analytics and aquaculture                      management                           
      Halifax, Mississauga, New York City            Hello! My name is Nate Merten and I’m          419.612.5021
      No                                             currently in my final semester at Ohio         Email
      Computer software, environmental               University studying finance and data           No preference
      services, fishery                              analytics. I have an insatiable curiosity      May 7, 2022
      I aspire to work to have an impact towards     and an intrinsic motivation to seek out        Cybersecurity
      a more sustainable future through data         challenges and develop new skills and          Columbus, Cleveland
      analysis of marine bioinformatics.             knowledge. My future aspirations include       Yes
                                                     taking the CFA exam.                           Aviation and aerospace, banking, computer
      Moe Osman                                                                                     and network security                                                                      To start my career off working in some
      902.294.0072                                          OHIO LAMBDA                             type of Infrastructure or cybersecurity
      Email                                               KENT STATE UNIVERSITY                     engineering role, eventually making my
      No preference                                                                                 way into management later in my career to
      April 20, 2023                                 Patrick Ruane                                  eventually end up as a CISO.
      Major/data analytics and financial   
      mathematics                                    330.623.9824
      Halifax                                        Email                                                     OHIO THETA
      Yes                                            No preference                                     UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI
      Banking, financial services, logistics and     May 14, 2022
      supply chain                                   Business management                            David Herier Jr.
      Quantitative finance.                          Ohio                                 
                                                     Yes                                            937.926.3731
                                                     Executive office, management consulting,       Phone
                OHIO GAMMA                           wine and spirits                               Evening
                 OHIO UNIVERSITY                     To further myself in any and all ways in the   April 30, 2022
                                                     business world and end up in management        IT application development and
      Aaron Hladky                                   as quickly as I can work my way up to it,      cybersecurity                             and I am not picky about what kind of field    Cincinnati
      513.203.2578                                   I end up in. Long-term goals would be to       Yes
      Email                                          continuously improve myself in all aspects
      Workday hours                                  and to be happy doing it.
      April 30, 2022                                                                                 Preferred method of contact
      Accounting/finance                             Jack King                                       Availability to connect
      Cincinnati                                                   Graduation date
      Yes                                            440.319.6069                                    Major/minor
      Accounting, banking, capital markets           Email                                           Post-graduation city/state
      Become a CPA after graduation and work in      Workday hours                                   Would you relocate anywhere for an ideal job?
      public accounting as either an auditor or a    December 17, 2022                               Desired industry/field
      tax accountant.                                Public h ealth                                  Career aspirations
                                                     Ohio, Washington, Colorado, Utah, Michigan,     Click to download résumé
                                                     Pennsylvania                                    Click to view LinkedIn profile
Phi Delta Theta Graduating Seniors Directory                                                                                                         | 20
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