Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26

Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
Vol. 8, No. 26                                               A Unique Way of Life                                                       May 7 - 27, 2021

This past Wednesday the
“official” ribbon cutting was
held for the new Associate
Parking Garage. While it has
been open for parking since
December, finishing touches
like signage, landscaping and
the traffic roundabout were
completed afterward.
   Alex Tonarelli, Ocean Reef
Club President, took the
opportunity to thank Members
and the Board for their
support, along with all the key
                                      Aerial view of the completed Associate Parking Garage.
players who worked together
to complete the project on
time and on budget. WGI, FL           Transportation program making
Lemark, LaRocco and General           sure that our valued associates
Asphalt were all instrumental         get to their workplace safely
in the conception, engineering        and efficiently. “I can tell you
and construction of the Garage        first hand our Associates are
and collaborated with Vaughn          appreciative of not having to
Roberts, SVP of Projects and          search for parking, and we have
Finance, on the Club side.            opened up 400 parking spots for
Laura Ciampa, VP of Human             Members,” remarked Tonarelli,
Resources and Mic O’Keeffe,           adding, “This project has been a
VP of Recreation & Sports led         win-win for the community and
the development and logistics         that’s why we wanted to be sure
for the Associate Shuttle             we celebrated it.”                         Chairman Ray Larkin and Club President Alex Tonarelli with Board Directors and

An Ocean                              is constructed, complete with
                                      a beautiful view overlooking
                                                                                 visible from the dining room as
                                                                                 well as the Reef Lounge. The
                                                                                                                             Vasquez, who has been with
                                                                                                                             the Club for 50 years, recalled

Room Tradition                        Buccaneer Island, painting is
                                      underway, furniture has arrived,
                                                                                 newly-renovated Ocean Room
                                                                                 will now feature not one, but
                                                                                                                             there once being two aquariums
                                                                                                                                                    Continued On | 3

Reborn                                light fixtures are secured, and
                                      the artwork has been selected!
                                                                                 two of these aquariums. At
                                                                                 approximately 400 gallons each,
                                         The aquariums, another                  the aquariums will represent
Construction on the newly-            aspect of the indoor décor and             two differing marine habitats –
renovated Ocean Room is               one that is a long-standing                the Atlantic reef and the Pacific                         PRSRT STD
                                                                                                                                          U.S. POSTAGE
nearing its final stages and is       Ocean Room tradition, have                 reef.                                                         PAID
scheduled to be completed next        also recently been installed.                As are most things at Ocean                            Permit No. 55
                                                                                                                                          Key Largo, FL
month. With the foundation            Members will remember the                  Reef, the idea for these two                                  33037
and structure finalized, the          aquarium that for many years,              tanks spawned out of a tale
interior is starting to take shape.   marked the entrance to the                 of Reef history. Director of
Harper’s Bar at Reef Lounge           former Ocean Room and was                  Club Security & Safety Sonny
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
2 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

OR “See”

Jake Hinkebein, son of Bill and Anne Hinkebein, took this dramatic photo of the Card        George Overend shared his close-up point of view, also captured Sunday from the
Sound brush fires from their Harbour House 4th floor patio on the night of Sunday, May 2.   fourth floor of Harbour House Building 4.

                               What have you discovered on your walk, biking or on a daily golf cart ride that you never noticed before?
                                                     Email and share your discoveries.

                                                                                            Gotta Question?
                                                                                            What is the recipe
                                                                                            for the Beach Bar’s
CONTACT US                                     SPECIAL CONSULTANT TO
Ocean Reef Press                               THE OCEAN REEF PRESS                         green drink called The
                                               Arthur Birsh, Rest in Peace
35 Ocean Reef Drive, Suite 200
Key Largo, FL 33037
                                                                                            Cucumber Smile? I
                                               GENERAL INFORMATION
Publisher Richard Weinstein
Managerial Editor Molly Carroll
                                               E-mail Updates                               am in North Carolina
                                               To receive the Friday email
Editor Holly Houser                            containing links to The Ocean Reef           craving ORC and want
Production Design Lacy Alexander
Distribution Original Impressions
                                               Press and This Week at The Reef via
                                               e-mail, send your e-mail address to
                                                                                            to make one!                                 The Cucumber Smile along
Editorial (305) 367-5882                                                                        with many other Ocean Reef                                                                           While nothing compares to the              favorites can be found in the
Advertising (305) 367-5806                     INFORMATION
                                                   Published each Friday Nov – Apr.
                                                                                            real deal, making a homemade               “Flavors of The Reef” recipe                        ◆
                                               ◆   Summer editions: May 28, June 25,        Cucumber Smile is a great way              book, available at the Gift Shop
DEADLINES                                          July 30, Aug. 27, Oct. 1, Oct. 29        to feel like you’re right here on          or The Burgee Shop. If you are
Advertising Friday at 5 p.m.                   ◆   The editorial content of this            Buccaneer Island! We asked the             off The Reef but you’d like a
Editorial Monday before issue at Noon              newspaper is prepared and edited         Beach Bar to share their recipe:           copy of the book, call the shops
                                                   by the Ocean Reef Press Staff. The       • 2 oz. Stoli Cucumber Vodka
                                                   sale of advertising and printing of
                                                                                                                                       and they can take your order
EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD                                                                    • 1 ½ oz. Lemonade Puree                   and ship to you anywhere. Just
Jody Steele, Chairman                              this newspaper is performed by
                                                   Ocean Reef Club. Ocean Reef Club         • ½ oz. Strawberry Puree                   call PBX at 305-367-2611 and
Terry Baxter, Joan Birsh, Sarah Cart,
Susan Bohan, Mary Brady,                           does not guarantee the accuracy,         • 3-4 Cucumbers                            ask for the Gift or Burgee Shop.
Teresa Holmes, Jim Leenhouts,                      completeness, or usefulness of           • Handful of Mint                            Happy blending!
                                                   any facts or opinions published            For a frozen cocktail, blend
Gertrude Mann                                                                                                                            EDITOR’S NOTE: If you
                                                   herein. Ocean Reef Club is not
                                                   responsible for any content errors
                                                                                            with some ice, top with club               would like to submit a question,
                                                   contained in any advertising             soda, and garnish with a                   email the Ocean Reef Press at
                                                   materials published herein.              remaining cucumber slice!        
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 3

Ocean Room                                                                                                                       to corals that are native to
                                                                                                                                 the different oceans, with
                   Continued from | 1                                                                                            the Atlantic reef aquarium
in The Ocean Room many                                                                                                           displaying local, endangered
years ago, with one being a                                                                                                      species of coral. Roberts said,
Pacific reef theme and the                                                                                                       “The Club has partnered
other an Atlantic. Vaughn                                                                                                        with the Coral Restoration
Roberts, Sr. Vice President                                                                                                      Foundation (CRF) to feature
Finance, Administration &                                                                                                        corals from CRF’s Carysfort
Projects, mimicked this concept                                                                                                  Reef nursery for educational
in the new plans saying,                                                                                                         display. The Atlantic aquarium
“By presenting two feature                                                                                                       will feature the endangered
aquariums again in the new                                                                                                       staghorn, elkhorn, boulder star
Ocean Room, in a way, we are                                                                                                     and mountainous star corals.”
drawing on the rich history of                                                                                                      Over the coming months, the
this Ocean Reef icon.”                                                                                                           fish will be introduced gradually
  To fill these tanks with the          Jeff Turner, President of Reef Aquaria Design, and Member Diane Hill review various      as a precautionary method to
proper sea life, the Club relied        corals, fish and live rock that are reserved for the new aquariums at Ocean Reef.        ensure the water chemistry
on Reef Aquaria Design (RAD),                                                                                                    in the tanks is correct and
which specially built the tanks,          “We researched which species              get to see up close the species              providing the best environment
and recommendations from                would work well together and                that are local to our home at                for the marine life to thrive.
RAD President Jeff Turner,              then traveled to RAD to finalize            Ocean Reef. These featured                   The sensitive Atlantic corals
local Aquarium Consultant               the fish list,” said Hill. “The             tanks will provide more than                 will be introduced next season.
Luke Popp, and the expertise of         Pacific tank will be home to                just beauty and entertainment,                  As The Ocean Room project
Diane Hill, who designed her            the fish everyone expects to see            but also an interactive and                  nears completion, look for
own 1200-gallon aquarium in             – the Nemo’s and the Dory’s.                educational experience.”                     updates in upcoming editions of
her Ocean Reef home.                    Then on the Atlantic side, we                 The tanks will also be home                the Ocean Reef Press.

A Close Call at                         active fires were close by near the
                                        storage buildings and Skeet areas.

the Range                               Trees and brush had burned
                                        around the Five Stand Area and
                                        the Archery Range. However,
                                        mulch continued to burn and it
                                        was apparent that the fire could
                                        spread further. Corey “saved the
                     by Jody
                                        day” and jumped in to the Gator
                                        (utility vehicle) and guided the
                                        fire crew with trucks and a water
                                        pumper in to the Range through
                                        the brush. The smoldering areas
The Card Sound Shooting Range           were extinguished and doused
was just too close to the fires that    with water. It was a successful
closed Card Sound Road these            fight to the end. The Range was
past few weeks. Thanks to the           saved!                                      Aerial photo showing the aftermath at the Card Sound Shooting Range following
Miami Dade Fire Department,                All were amazed that the                 recent brush fires.
the Forestry Fire Service, and the      Tiki Hut and Shooting Stands
quick thinking of Cordell Carr          were intact. The able fire crews
(Corey), Assistant Rangemaster a        shared that they had surveyed
disaster was avoided.                   the property throughout the fire
   On the morning of                    and had designated it an area to
Wednesday, May 5th, we were             watch carefully. They did about
all glad to know that Card Sound        300 specific water drops over
Road had opened. Concerned              the Range and other areas close
about the Range, Carmen                 by which prevented enormous
Sferrazza, Rod and Gun Club             damage to the environment.
Board Member and Corey                     Minor repairs will be done over
entered the Range property.             the summer and the Card Sound
They saw that the fire crew had         Shooting Range will be back next
cut the lock to the main gate and       Season thanks to all that bravely
had set up a Command Center             helped save it and were on the
nearby. There was evidence              spot when needed.
of burnouts along the road and                                                      The Forestry Fire crew extinguishes burning mulch on the Range’s skeet field.
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
4 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

                      A ILY
                 L E   27
             A B      0
         A IL 67.2
       AV 05.
   U RS L 3

                                                             R E SID E NC E C L U B
                                                                 A n E x c lu s i v E c l u b    w i t hi n y o u r   club

                    L U X U R I O U S . S PAC I O U S . H O M E .

                          48 EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCES | ONE THIRD SOLD OUT

                                                                The newest and only opportunity of its kind within Ocean
  Open Floorplans
                                                                Reef, the condominiums at Residence Club offer one,
  Expansive Terraces
                                                                two and three bedroom open floorplans with expansive
  Spacious Kitchens & Living Areas
                                                                terraces and a private lifestyle. Upgrade your way of life
  Full-time Concierge
                                                                with the best of both clubs. Priced from $1.6 million.
  24/7 Front Desk Attendant

                                                                                         CALL TO SCHEDULE A PRIVATE TOUR
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 5

                                            OR C ME M B E R S – NE WS V I E WS & T I D B I T S

MEMBERABILIA                                                                 Then there were the emails
                                                                           and text messages. Because a lot
                                                                                                                        out of concern he came by on
                                                                                                                        the last day of Arthur’s life.

After Words                                                                of us (I am part of this group)
                                                                           have forgotten how to write
                                                                           script, I discovered a digital
                                                                                                                           The Cultural Center also
                                                                                                                        proved to be an asset. John
                                                                                                                        Hunt and his wonderful staff
                                                                           letter of condolence can be a                made the Compass Room
                                                                           perfectly good substitute for                (I call it the Playbill Room)
                                                                           a hand-written note. It also                 available for the celebration
                    by Joan
                    Birsh                                                  has the advantage of being                   of Arthur’s life. They arranged
                                                                           longer, more immediate and                   for microphones and set up our
                                                                           equally effective in conveying               continuous slide show. They
                                                                           expressions of sympathy. I                   also handled all the logistics
                                      young couple came 3000               have read and reread them all –              required by Covid.
I recently lost my dear                                                    always with the Kleenex close                   The staff of the Ocean Reef
                                      miles from California. And
husband Arthur and I am                                                    by.                                          Press prepared and printed
                                      not in time for the “Toast” but
now experiencing – what                                                      I’ll be forever thankful                   the program for “Let’s Toast
                                      2 days later in time to cheer
so many fellow Ocean Reef                                                  that the Ocean Reef Medical                  Arthur” under the direction of
                                      and comfort me, my son Tom
Members have faced or                                                      Center was here for me at the                my dear friend Molly Carroll,
                                      arrived from Thailand, where
will face in the future – a                                                time of Arthur’s death.                      Managerial Editor (who did that
                                      he had been stranded for
profound grief for a beloved                                                 Arthur was healthy and                     and so much more). It was to
                                      over a year by Covid travel
partner with no remedy                                                     skeptical of the medical                     my mind perfect, exactly what
except time. But like aspirin                                              establishment for most of                    Arthur would have wanted.
                                         I know I was lucky. Not
for a headache, there is                                                   his life. So Dr. Carlos Smith                   In times of crisis there are
                                      everyone has such a large
something that is not a cure                                               was not only Arthur’s first                  friends who become family.
                                      contingent of family members,
but does temporarily relieve                                               doctor (in 60 years) but his                 Molly Carroll and my next-
                                      who are able to care for a
the pain. And that is the                                                  last. He was compassionate                   door neighbors Craig and Em
                                      grieving parent or grandparent.
loving concern of family and                                               and understanding of Arthur’s                Wierda are all three “children
                                      But all of us at Ocean Reef
friends.                                                                   fervent desire that at 88                    of my heart.” I am deeply
                                      have another dependable
   In the weeks before Arthur’s                                            he wished to avoid further                   grateful to them and to so many
                                      support group. And that is the
death, two of his three children                                           medical interference (including              others who have expressed their
                                      friends and acquaintances we
(Andy and Joanne) made                                                     resuscitation or hospitalization).           love and respect for Arthur and
                                      have made in the Ocean Reef
separate visits and the third,                                             Arthur was convinced these                   have been so sympathetic for
son Philip, was with him on                                                measures would only extend his               my loss.
                                         When a spouse or close
the day he died. Philip handled                                            death – not his life. Dr. Smith                 Thank you Ocean Reef.
                                      family member dies, you are
all the immediate details of                                               agreed to honor his requests but             This is a great place to live!
                                      suddenly aware that living
an expected but still sudden
                                      at The Reef is like living in
death. He stayed on until my
                                      a small town where you are
son Andrew and his wife Sheila
                                      surrounded by concerned
arrived to take care of me and
                                      friends and neighbors.

                                                                                       Mom’s Day Out
solve many of the problems
                                         I gratefully received chicken
I previously dealt with by
                                      soup, cheese platters, sandwich
plaintively calling “Arthur”. (e.g.                                                     IN THE FISHING VILLAGE
                                      platters, homemade banana
How much are the pool people
                                      bread, Dockside cakes and a
paid? Where is the key to the
                                      profusion of plants and flowers
                                                                                                   SATURDAY, MAY 8
Safe Deposit box? What can                                                                              11 A.M. – 2 P.M.
                                      that served as a reminder that
I do – my printer won’t start?
                                      Arthur was respected and loved                   Moms, head to the Fishing Village with the family for
Note: the last was easy – plug                                                          great deals, raffles and giveaways at select stores.
                                      and my loss was shared by
it in).
   Andrew and Sheila also
                                         For many days after Arthur’s                        Dockside Living • J. McLaughlin • Lilly Pulitzer
planned “take-out” meals,
                                      death my mailbox contained a                 The Dive Shop • Pak Mail • Leggiadro • Zoe’s Empire • Reef Gallery
(thank you Reef Eats), shopped
                                      stack of beautiful cards. I loved               Vineyard Vines • The Dress Code • Southern Conch Design
at Wynn’s for food for breakfast
                                      going through them and they                    Gloss by Anne • The Burgee Shop • Reel Conch • Biz Levington
and lunch, arranged airport
                                      continue to bring me solace.
pick-ups and watched endless                                                                                  Also Enjoy:
                                      I was struck by a frequent
episodes of Schitt’s Creek with me                                                     Complimentary Music • Champagne • Arts & Crafts
                                      appearance of phrases like
on TV.
                                      “great man”, “bigger than life”,
   At the Celebration of
                                      “kind and generous”. Words of                                                   Shopping Alert!
Life (we called it “Let’s
                                      praise I felt accurately described                                    25% off ladies apparel in all Club retail
Toast Arthur”) 4 of our 5                                                                                    shops for Mother’s Day Weekend.
                                      Arthur. And how wonderful that
children and all 10 of our
                                      so many OR friends thought so
grandchildren arrived – one
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
6 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

                              MEMB ER NEW S
                                                                                                                                  OUT AND A B O U T

                                                                                                          Marcia Martell tells the ORP: Terry Baxter is known for capturing
                                                                                                          marvels around The Reef... In this case, we turned the table on
On April 24th, Legacy Member Ashley Carr (daughter of Vicki Carr, granddaughter                           him. Our granddaughter Maisie talked about him all week after he
of Allen Krowe) was married to Bojan Micic in an intimate ceremony at Greenberg                           entertained her with his artistic skills!
Park. They recently moved from New York to Miami and look forward to making many
more memories at Ocean Reef as husband and wife. Photo by Carol Ellis.

        46’ Valhalla                                   41’ Valhalla                             37’ Valhalla                                   AVAILABLE NOW!              33’ Valhalla

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                             water toys not included                                                                   Trailer not included!
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                                                                            SELECT PRE-OWNED LISTINGS:
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                                 Glenn Clyatt, a familiar face around the Fishing Village at Ocean Reef®, is the yacht sales professional
                                 at this location. Glenn brings unparalleled insight, industry expertise, and uncompromising service
                                 to our clients. Call Glenn today to learn how HMY can assist you with all your yachting needs.

                                 31 OCEAN REEF DRIVE, KEY LARGO                                   |    786.258.2434                |    HMY.COM
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 7

                                                         NEWS F R OM T HE M E D I C A L C E NT E R

Summer Sun                                                                                •   Dark amber, copper and
                                                                                              brown tints reduce glare
                                                                                                                                            where the sun is reflecting
                                                                                                                                            off the water. Some sunglass

Eye Care                                                                                      and block blue light. They
                                                                                              can also increase contrast
                                                                                                                                            brands offer interchangeable
                                                                                                                                            lens giving you a choice of
                                                                                              and visual acuity. They are                   customizing the lens color to
The sun’s angle in relation                                                                   great for judging distances.                  match the outdoor activity.
to the earth varies according                                                             • Green tints can block some                        American Cancer Society
to the season and during the                                                                  blue lights and reduce glare.                 warns, “UV rays become
summer months the sun is in a                                                                 They can also increase                        more intense in the spring,
more direct angle, resulting in a                                                             contrast, visual sharpness                    even before temperatures get
greater amount of UV radiation.                                                               and enhance shadow,                           warmer and people in some
Always use your sunblock lotion                                                               making them great for golf                    areas may get sunburned
and hat and sunglasses. UV                                                                    and tennis.                                   when the weather is still cool
rays are strongest between the              various lens tints:                           • Red and pink tints increase                     because they may not think of
hours of 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.            • Gray and black tints are                        contrast by blocking blue                     protecting themselves if it’s not
so be extra careful during that                 best for perceiving colors                    light and enhance depth                       hot out.”
time span. Higher altitudes also                at their purest form. They                    perception. They are also                       Visit us on the web at www.
increase the strength of UV                     reduce brightness and                         soothing for the eyes and           
rays.                                           glare. They make a great all                  more comfortable than                           Your support of All Charities
  The many choices of sunglass                  -purpose lens.                                others for longer wear-times.                 provides important funding for the
lens color are specifically suited          • Blue lens sunglasses                          Consider wrap around style                      Medical Center at Ocean Reef. Become
to enhance and improve vision                   eliminate glare and help                  sunglasses to protect your eyes                   a Patron Supporter, call (305) 367-
in certain settings and activities.             define contours. They also                from the sun seeping into the                     5996 to learn more.
Below is a guideline on the                     enhance color perception.                 sides, especially when boating

                                                                   V I S I T I NG S P E C I A L I S T S

                  Please bring your identification and insurance cards to each visiting specialist appointment. They bill separately from the Medical Center.
                         To schedule with a visiting dermatologist, please call their office directly. For all other specialists, please call 305-367-6702.

Audiology                                   Debra Price 305-670-1111                      Orthopaedic Sports Medicine                       Plastic Surgery
Daisy Elwick                                May 14, 21                                    Michael Swartzon                                  Ramiro Perez
May 13, 20                                                                                May 14                                            May 17
Cannabis & Pain Medicine                    Heberto Valdes                                Orthopaedic Surgery                               Podiatry
Michelle Weiner                             May 7                                         Joseph Fernandez                                  Pedro Abrantes
May 14, June 18, July 23                                                                  May 21                                            May 21, June 18
                                            General Surgery
                                                                                          Derek Papp
Cardiology                                  Soni Chousleb                                                                                   Pulmonary & Sleep Disorders
                                                                                          May 27, June 24, July 22
Jorge Cuello                                June 1, July 6                                                                                  Raul Valor
May 12, 26, June 9, July 2                                                                James Voglino                                     May 21, June 11
                                            Gastroenterology                              May 7
Colorectal Surgery                          Sandra Rodriguez                                                                                Spine Care & Pain Management
Dan Ruiz                                    May 11, June 29, July 22                      Psychology                                        Ronald Tolchin
May 17, June 21, July 19                                                                  Joseph Mora                                       May 11, 18
                                            Gynecology                                    May 17
Dermatology                                 Jason James
Alysa Herman 305-444-4979                   May 13
May 20                                      Jila Senemar
Caitlin Martin Lutz 305-740-6181 ext.       June 8
3117                                                                                       CHARTER PLANE FROM OCEAN REEF!
May 19                                      Ophthalmology                                      Serving Florida and Southeast • Experienced and Professional Captain
                                            Zachary Segal
Varee Poochareon 305-740-6181 ext.
                                            May 18
May 12, 19, 26                              Orthopaedic Hand Surgery
                                            Roberto Miki
                                            May 21

                              A A MEETIN G S
                Friday, May 7: 7:30 a.m., Carysfort Hall Bonefish Room
           All other Friday AA Meetings are held in the Yacht Club Room.                                                                               Enter “Key Largo FL” to
                                                                                                    Fully licensed and insured U.S. Air Carrier       select Ocean Reef Airport.
                       Mondays: 7:30 p.m., Yacht Club Room
                      Location for May 17 is to be determined.
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
8 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

We’ll find what you want in a home.
And what you never knew you could have.
6 SUNRISE CAY DRIVE | NEW OCEAN FRONT                             19 SUNRISE CAY DRIVE | OCEAN FRONT                          40 CARDINAL LANE | OCEAN VIEW

6 Bedrooms, 6 Full/2 Half Baths | $19,975,000 | 1843              5 Bedrooms, 6 Full/1 Half Baths | $15,995,000 | 2101        56,100 Sq. Ft. Vacant Homesite | $7,900,000 | 1198
Denise Haney 305.394.6838    Karyn Thiele 305.394.4185     Russell Post
Rick Haney   305.394.4645      Mary Lee     917.603.3252   305.367.2027      

13 SOUTH BRIDGE LANE | CANAL FRONT                                212 ANDROS ROAD | VILLA CAY                                 311 CARYSFORT ROAD | VILLA CAY

                                             Artist’s Rendering
5 Bedrooms, 6 Baths | $5,250,000 | 2031                           3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths | $4,595,000 | 1984                     3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths | $4,500,000 | 1993
Jay Rourke                                                        Cassy Everhart 305.522.2332      Helena Morton
786.493.8105                    Morgan Smith 305.321.1143       305.522.2196     

3 MAHOGANY LANE | GOLF COURSE                                     PUMPKIN CAY 61B | OCEAN FRONT                               HARBOUR HOUSE 20 | CANAL FRONT

                                            Artist’s Rendering

5 Bedrooms, 5.5 Baths | $3,495,000 | 2107                         2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths | $3,300,000 | 2153                     3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths | $3,250,000 | 2187
Cassy Everhart 305.522.2332            Mary Lee                                                    Cassy Everhart 305.522.2332
Morgan Smith 305.321.1143             917.603.3252          Morgan Smith 305.321.1143

RESIDENCE CLUB 222 | GOLF COURSE                                  MARINA SLIP DS-12 | FLOATING DOCKAGE                        45 THATCH PALM WAY | GOLF COURSE

  PENDING                                                          NEW LISTING - PENDING

2 Bedrooms, 2 Full/1 Half Baths | $2,678,165 | 1886               90’ x 21’8” Dockage | $2,200,000 | 2195                     38,969 sq. ft. Homesite | $1,200,000 | 2020
Russell Post                                                      Eric Woodward                                               Mary Lee
305.367.2027                305.394.4461             917.603.3252    

Russell Post, Licensed Real Estate Broker                                                                                                    Each office is independently owned and operated.
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 9

6 KNOLL LANE | CANAL FRONT                                       MARINA VILLAGE 18A | 80’ DOCKAGE                         421 SOUTH HARBOR | GOLF COURSE

                                                                                                                                                                      Artist’s Rendering

4 Bedrooms, 4 Full/ 2 Half Baths | $7,150,000 | 2155             3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths | $6,400,000 | 2190                  4 Bedrooms, 4 Full/1 Half Baths | $5,595,000 | 1978
Marcy Aultman                                                    Molly Taylor                                             Cassy Everhart 305.522.2332
305.522.0582                 508.524.4633         Morgan Smith 305.321.1143

  NEW PRICING                                                                                                                 SOLD

                                                                                                     Artist’s Rendering
3 Bedrooms, Office, 3 Baths | $3,699,000 | 2177                  5 Bedrooms, 6 Baths | $3,750,000 | 2093                  3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths | $3,600,000 | 2162
Barbara Sibley                                                   Jay Rourke                                               Susan Bryan 305.522.7700
305.394.0061               786.493.8105           Karyn Thiele 305.394.4185

RESIDENCE CLUB 118 | GOLF COURSE                                 RESIDENCE CLUB 122 | GOLF COURSE                         PUMPKIN CAY 7B | CANAL FRONT

      SOLD                                                         NEW MODEL

2 Bedrooms, 2 Full/1 Half Baths | $3,250,000 | 2168              2 Bedrooms, 2 Full/1 Half Baths | $3,250,000 | 2196      3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths | $3,195,000 | 2189
Russell Post                                                     Russell Post                                             Karyn Thiele    305.394.4185
305.367.2027               305.367.2027       Susan Bryan     305.522.7700

ANGELFISH CAY 14B | CANAL FRONT                                  FAIRWAY LAKES 20B | GOLF COURSE                          MARINA SLIP FS-29 | FLOATING DOCKAGE

                                                                     SOLD                                                     SOLD

1 Bedroom, 1 Bath | $1,100,000 | 1717                            2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths | $999,000 | 2140                    70’ Dockage | $650,000 | 1877
Molly Taylor     508.524.4633         Eric Woodward                                            Jay Rourke
Rick Romeo       304.667.7896   305.394.4461          786.493.8105          

Russell Post, Licensed Real Estate Broker                                                                                                Each office is independently owned and operated.
Associate Garage Celebrated - Vol. 8, No. 26
10 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

Mother’s                                   over half-mile long, rushing
                                           through a narrow canyon, with
                                                                                            be nowhere in sight. So, writing
                                                                                            a ‘Mother’s Day and Apple Pie’
                                                                                                                                   of victimhood. My question is,
                                                                                                                                   where are the leaders who can

Day Amid                                   nearly vertical rock walls. The
                                           first canoe to enter, promptly
                                                                                            piece in these tumultuous times,
                                                                                            seems strangely out of place.
                                                                                                                                   move us beyond this ‘Russian
                                                                                                                                   firing squad’ mentality in which

Whitewater!                                overturned, dumping people
                                           and gear into the churning river.
                                                                                               If there was mention of the
                                                                                            importance of the suffragette
                                                                                                                                   we only seem to be shooting each
                                                                                                                                   other? Where are the Scott Peck’s
                                           Needless to say, that when it came               movement in my high school or          of “The Road Less Traveled,” who
                                           our turn, we didn’t want to follow               early college history classes, I was   acknowledge the true hardness of
                                           their example.                                   probably sleeping. The conflict        life, but show us a path forward
                                              We had been instructed that to                in the late sixties, between the       through the tumultuous waters
                        By Rev. Dr.
                        Bob Henley         have any chance of successfully                  iconic Miss America Pageant            we’re experiencing? I ask this for
                                           negotiating whitewater, where                    competition, and the Women’s           the sake of our daughters and
                                           you start makes all the difference.              Liberation Movement, with its          sons, and our granddaughters and
                                           We did what we were told,                        call to end what were considered       grandsons.
                                           guiding the canoe into that                      unfair beauty standards, left our         Let me return to the point
The summer before my ninth-                ‘v-shaped’ area of smooth water,                 heads spinning. Then there was         that, “where you start makes all
grade year of high school, I had           and once you’re in it, you paddle                the glass-ceiling. My mother           the difference.” I know that the
a life changing experience. The            like mad! While our run would                    finally cracked it, but only by        reactions and messages from
director of our local YMCA                 never qualify for an instructional               enduring years of emotional pain,      many churches, in response
led a group of us on a fourteen-           video, we made it out the other                  in our small-town S&L business.        to these times, have been as
day canoe trip through the                 end, upright, wetter, and wiser.                 Her success was ‘sunk’ by poor,        confusing and cacophonous as the
Rainy Lakes area of Northern                  So, what does that have to do                 prior lending decisions of others      issues they seek to address.
Ontario. There were many                   with Mother’s Day? Well, I’m                     during the financial crisis of the        I’m not talking about the church
‘mini-adventures’ that took place          glad you asked. Since the start                  early 1980’s.                          as an answer, but rather a man.
through the nearly three-hundred           of my nearly three-quarters of                      Today, the focus is on the          This man, if we will listen, has
miles of travel by canoe and over          a century of life, understanding                 term – Intersectionality. The          elevated our understanding of
portages through these pristine            and defining the role of women                   Oxford Dictionary defines it as        gender identity, and empowered
wilderness waters.                         in society has been a whitewater                 “the interconnected nature of          us to regard everyone we meet
   One stands out in my memory.            experience. These ‘rapids’ have                  social categorizations such as         as a person of value, equal to
It was negotiating our very first          steadily increased in intensity, and             race, class and gender, regarded as    ourselves. He taught us to truly
whitewater. These rapids were              the bottom of the run seems to                   overlapping and interdependent         love one another. I’m talking
                                                                                            systems of discrimination or           about the person of Jesus.
                                                                                            disadvantage.” In short, according        I learned that from the many
                   WYNN'S                                                                   to one article, “everyone has
                                                                                            their own unique experiences of
                                                                                                                                   important women in my life.
                                                                                                                                   On this Mother’s Day, in the
                 OCEAN REEF                                                                 discrimination and oppression….        whitewater of our times, I am
                                                                                            It is everything and anything that     grateful that they pointed me
                 A TASTE OF SUMMER                                                          can marginalize people.” The           toward that ‘v-shaped’ entry point.
                                                                                            irony that I, labeled a privileged,    I’m pretty sure that, if we would
  WYNN'S DELI                                                                               white-male elite, am writing           listen, this man, and no other,
  SPEND $25 OR                                                                              this, on Mother’s Day weekend,         could bring us through this time
  MORE IN THE DELI                                                                          doesn’t escape me!                     - upright, wetter, and wiser – but
  SECTION AND                                                                                  We seem to be overturning,          together. Happy Mother’s Day!
  GET 10% OFF!                                                                              drowning in a white-water culture

                                                                                            Chapel News                            Catholic Mass*
                                                                                                                                   12 p.m. • Cultural Center

                                                       GRAB & GO                            May 7-27                               Check Chapel website for availability
                                                                                                                                   after May 15.
                                                     Ge t t o t h e b e a c h f a s t e r   Ocean Reef Chaplain
                                                      w i t h Wy n n ' s Gr a b & Go        Rev. Dr. Robert Henley                 Wednesdays
                                                                section. There is           305-367-2049 •           Intercessory Prayer
                                                     something for everyone
                                                                                                                                   8 a.m. • Card Room at the Tennis &
                                                                                            Sundays                                Games Center
                                                                                            Sunday Worship Service*
                                                                                            10 a.m. • Cultural Center              Episcopal Communion Service
                                                                                                                                   9 a.m. • Card Room at the Tennis &
Wynn's Market is a family grocery store                                                     Catholic Mass Online                   Games Center
and purveyor of fine foods. We have                                                         10 a.m. • Stream by visiting
been serving the Naples community
since  and are proud to
                                                                                                                                   Men’s Book Study
                                                                                            Sunday Service Online                  8 a.m. • Card Room at the Tennis &
bring the same uality and
                                                                                            10 a.m. • Stream by visiting           Games Center
service to the   cean
Reef® community.
                                                                                                                                   *Reservations required by visiting
                                                                                            Kids Matter                  
              26 DOCKSIDE LN, KEY LARGO, FL 33037                                           10 a.m. • Card Room at Tennis
                                                                                            & Games Center
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 11

                                     The Keys AHEC Health             through the Foundation’s         doses distributed to the DOH.
                                   Center provided rapid              Community Grant.                 Through the COVID-19 Relief
                                   Covid-19 testing, medical,           And of course we can’t         Fund, ORCF is supporting
                                   oral, mental health and            celebrate Nurses Week without    40+ events at 300+ shots each
                                   telehealth services to nearly      applauding the nursing           over six months throughout
                                   3,000 students this past year,     students and faculty from the    the Keys, funding at least
                                   thanks in part to Foundation       College of the Florida Keys      12,000 shots in arms. With
It’s National Nurses Week!         grants. The Center provides all    (CFK) who played such an         expenses covered, the team is
In honor of our local              children daily access to quality   important role in Ocean Reef’s   only limited by the number of
compassionate caretakers,          health care at convenient times    vaccination effort. They built   available doses!
the Ocean Reef Community           and locations throughout           on experience gained at Ocean      Thank you to the Ocean Reef
Foundation highlights two          the year, creating affordable,     Reef and continued vaccination   Community for your generous
non-profit partner projects this   barrier-free access to primary     efforts with Monroe County’s     support of the Foundation’s All
week, the Keys AHEC Health         care sites at Key Largo School,    Department of Health,            Charities Weekend that makes
Center and the College of the      Plantation Key School, and         effectively becoming the mass    grants like these possible each
Florida Keys vaccination effort.   Coral Shores High School           vaccinator for the majority of   year.

                              COLLABORATIVE SMALL SPACES FOR RENT
                                     AT THE PLAZA BUILDING.

                                         GROUND FLOOR RETAIL SPACES
                           STARTING AT $2,500 PER MONTH FOR SMALLER UNITS
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                                   Sell Your Products at Ocean Reef ®
                                              TEMPORARY OR LONG TERM
                                                   DRY USES ONLY

                                          CALL RUSS CHINNICI 917-750-6701
                                                       BITCOIN NOW ACCEPTED
12 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

Proposed for                                                Congdon and Frank Paige.
                                                              Trish & Alan Wingate are
                                                                                                                          Scott Frith are applying for
                                                                                                                          Social Membership Waitlist.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Vergara and Carlos Vergara.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Tanja & Thomas Felton

Membership                                                  Social Members applying for
                                                            Equity Membership. Mr. and
                                                                                                                          Mr. Frith & Mrs. McCullough
                                                                                                                          are residents of Philadelphia,
                                                                                                                                                                                         are applying for Social
                                                                                                                                                                                         Membership Waitlist. Mr. &
Through May 13, 2021                                        Mrs. Wingate are purchasing
                                                            Dock E-16 from Norman
                                                                                                                          Pennsylvania. They are
                                                                                                                          members of Fitler Club. Their
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mrs. Felton are residents of
                                                                                                                                                                                         Mequon, Wisconsin. They are
The following individuals are                               Tripp & E-17 and the equity                                   sponsors are Robert Kurz on                                    members of The Town Club,
being considered for Membership                             from Jennifer Willis. Mr. and                                 behalf of the Membership                                       Ozaukee Country Club and
in Ocean Reef Club. Any                                     Mrs. Wingate are residents                                    Committee and Frank McKee                                      River Wildlife Hunt Club.
communication concerning these                              of Norfolk, Nebraska. Their                                   on behalf of the Membership                                    Their sponsors are Christy &
nominations should be directed                              sponsors are Jorge Guarch                                     Committee.                                                     Tim Sheehan, Kristin & John
to the Executive Director of                                on behalf of the Membership                                     Maressa Grieco & Joseph                                      Sheehan and Pamela Coleman.
Membership, Islande Dillon,                                 Committee and Frank McKee                                     Musumeci are applying for                                        Marianne & James Reardon
at 305-367-5896 or idillon@                                 on behalf of the Board of                                     Social Membership Waitlist.                                    are applying for Social                                              Directors.                                                    Mr. Musumeci & Mrs. Grieco                                     Membership Waitlist. Mr. &
                                                                                                                          are residents of Palm Beach                                    Mrs. Reardon are residents of
Equity Membership
                                                            Waitlist Social Membership                                    Gardens, Florida. They are                                     Sudbury, Massachusetts. They
Lori & James DeNooyer are                                   Social Membership is currently                                members of Harvard Club.                                       are members of Beverly Yacht
Social Members applying for                                 waitlisted. Posted applicants,                                Their sponsors are Jorge Guarch                                Club and Sippican Tennis Club.
Equity Membership. Mr. and                                  once approved, will be added to                               on behalf of the Membership                                    Their sponsors are William
Mrs. DeNooyer are purchasing                                the waitlist.                                                 Committee and Charlie                                          Henneberry and John Menzel.
425 South Harbor from                                         Alyson & Matthew Booth                                      Johnston on behalf of the                                        Nancy & Robert Arnold are
Douglas Kinney and equity                                   are applying for Social                                       Membership Committee.                                          applying for Social Membership
from resale list. Mr. and Mrs.                              Membership Waitlist. Mr. &                                      Kimberly & Adrian Vergara                                    Waitlist. Mr. & Mrs. Arnold
DeNooyer are residents of Lake                              Mrs. Booth are residents of                                   are applying for Social                                        are residents of Chatham, New
George, New York. They are                                  Dallas, Texas. Their sponsors                                 Membership Waitlist. Mr. &                                     Jersey. They are members of
members of Lauderdale Yacht                                 are Lori & Cory Martin, Tim                                   Mrs. Vergara are residents                                     Fairmount Country Club. Their
Club, Key West Yacht Club                                   Smith and Frank McKee on                                      of Jupiter, Florida. They are                                  sponsors are Bernard Klepach
and Aero Club East Africa.                                  behalf of the Membership                                      members of Jonathan’s Landing.                                 and Jorge Guarch on behalf of
Their sponsors are Jackie & Jeff                            Committee.                                                    Their sponsors are Steven                                      the Membership Committee.
                                                              Bridget McCullough &                                        Smith, Danielle & Carlos

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Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 13

Summer                                 (I have read all of these too).
                                       “Ocean Prey” unites the two
                                                                                                                saga following a British shipping
                                                                                                                magnate and his sons from the

Reading                                lawmen in what might be
                                       the best police procedural he
                                                                                                                early 1900’s to the 1980’s. This
                                                                                                                should keep you busy until
                                       has produced yet. Wry and                                                Christmas.
                                       fast moving, Davenport faces
                                       a ruthless underwater drug
                                       smuggling gang. You will gasp        Harlan Coben – “Win.”
                      by Terry
                      Baxter           for air trying to turn the pages     Windsor Horne Lockwood III
                                       fast enough.                         has been a recurring character
                                                                            in Coben’s many best sellers – as
                                                                            the unflappable “fixer.” Now he
This is a time of year I love.                                              steps into the protagonist role,
                                                                            which fits well. Rich, supremely      Then, if you need to tune-out
All of the big name best selling                                                                                Neanderthal plots and yearn for
writers aim for the summer                                                  self-confident, and following
                                                                            his own code of morality, Win       romance, turn to Sandra Brown
market. An ad for their last                                                                                    (“Thick as Thieves” is her most
book as a new paperback is                                                  brings his own brand of justice
                                                                            to a decade-old family mystery.     recent). She combines heavy
a dead giveaway that a new             Michael Koryta – “Never Far Away.”                                       doses of both romance and
hard-cover surprise is coming.         A vulnerable woman hides                                                 mystery.
I have recently read these early       from her past in the wilds of
comers below, so I can promise         northern Maine. (As we all
they won’t disappoint. (Unless         know, her past will catch up).
you are a gentle soul looking          Strong suspense and wilderness
for romance, biography, or             adventures. “Never Far Away” is
human struggles). I gravitate          a thrilling collision between old
to mystery, suspense, and              sins and new dreams.
thrillers. I am sure my friend                                              Jeffrey Archer – “The Clifton
Susan Bohan can supply                                                      Chronicles.” (Seven volumes,
some more tender suggestions.                                               available in paperback)
Neanderthals, read on.                                                      I read this whole series this
                                                                            winter, a page-turning family

                                       C.J. Box – “Dark Sky.”
                                       More wilderness adventures,
                                       this time in Wyoming. Game
                                       Warden Joe Pickett (featured in
Michael Connelly – “The Night Fire.”   21 previous CJ Box books…I
Connolly’s world-weary LAPD            have read them all) is assigned to
detective Harry Bosch is teamed        accompany an arrogant Silicon
with female partner Renee              Valley CEO on an elk hunt. It
Ballard for the third book.            will probably not surprise you
Harry’s trainer and mentor has         that Pickett and his client become
passed away and his widow gives        the hunted, but many twists and
Harry the unsolved cold-case           turns will keep you riveted.
file that had always haunted her
husband. A beautifully written
and authentic police procedural.
NY Times review, “Best crime
novel of the year.”                                                                  2008 HATTERAS 68 CONVERTIBLE
                                                                                             “REEL HAWK”
                                                                                                      Asking $1,994,000
                                       Jack Carr – “Devil’s Hand.”
                                       This is a “save-the-world-                                    Located at Ocean Reef ®
                                       from-annihilation” thriller, but             Over $400,000 in Updates & Upgrades in last 2 years
                                       unusually well researched and            All New Electronics, Seakeeper Gyro Stabilizers & much more.
                                       authentically presented. Jack                Pristine Condition – Current Service & Ready For Action!
John Sandford – “Ocean Prey.”          Carr is a former Navy Seal who
Sanford has written 31 “Prey”          knows the territory, and writes                    Contact Jimmy Rogers, CPYB for more info
novels starring Lucas Davenport        with a gripping suspense that               • 727-453-0422
(I have read them all), and 12         will make you late for dinner.
with detective Virgil Flowers
14 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

                                           RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN SIDE-BY-SIDE OCEANFRONT CONDOS

PUMPKIN CAY 63B                                                                                                                                      $3,500,000
2 Beds / 2 Baths / Oceanfront                                                                                                                               (2152)

PUMPKIN CAY 61B                                                                                                                                      $3,300,000
2 Beds / 2 Baths / Oceanfront                                                                                                                               (2153)

31 OCEAN REEF DRIVE                                                                                                                             $29,000,000
A “trophy” commercial property nestled on a 4-way intersection in the heart of the exclusive Ocean Reef Club, a world-class private club boasting its own
state-of-the-art private Medical Center, private airport, world class marina, prestigious golf courses, world-renowned private residences, hotel and conference
center located in Key Largo, Florida.The “Plaza Office and Retail Building Complex” is comprised of 3 buildings containing approximately 29,279 sq. ft. of office,
retail and medical offices situated on 2 acres of highly desirable land.                                                                                  (2180)

Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 15

19 SUNRISE CAY                                                                                                                                                                  $15,995,000
5 Beds / 6 Baths / 2 Half Baths / 2 Double Lots / Oceanfront                                                                                                        Co-listed with Karyn Thiele

45 THATCH PALM                                                              $1,200,000             PUMPKIN CAY 43B                                                                $3,600,000
Vacant Lot                                                                         (2020)          4 Beds / 3 Baths / Oceanfront                                                          (2181)

                                                                                      MARINA SLIPS
                                                                201 OCEAN REEF DRIVE, HS-5 (1838) SOLD .............................................................................. $1,000,000

                                                                201 OCEAN REEF DRIVE, E-16 (2174) PENDING..................................................................... $2,500,000

                                                                201 OCEAN REEF DRIVE, E-17 (2175) PENDING..................................................................... $2,500,000
       Mary Lee | 917-603-3252                                             MARY LEE

                                                                | 305-367-2027
                                                  Russell Post, Licensed Real Estate Broker. Each office is independently owned and operated.

16 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

Creative                                   classes, was putting the finishing
                                           touches on her delicate berry            Library Corner                          NO N F ICT IO N

Season Comes                               colander. Suzanne Kitchings
                                           was very new to the skill but            by Susan Bohan

to a Close                                 her lovely hands seemed quite
                                           adept as she created her very            Many are on their way north,
                                                                                    but for those enjoying the slower
                                           first bowl in sherbet shades.
                                              Everyone is looking forward           pace of The Reef, we have a few
                                           to getting back to normal class          new books in the Library. So
                                                                                                                            “On the House: A Washington
                                           size and hosting their favorite          whether you have been waiting
                                                                                                                            Memoir” by John Boehner
                       by Susan                                                     for the latest Baldacci thriller or
                                           instructors but all congratulate                                                 Most anticipated political
                                           the Board and Executive                  enjoy the slower pace of the lives
                                                                                                                            insider’s version of Washington
                                           Director Sherri Harris for their         of 2 very different first ladies, the
                                                                                                                            political theatre.
                                           hard work and imaginative ways           Library remains open right now
                                           of keeping Members safe while            four days a week, Monday to
The final class of the Art League          having fun.                              Thursday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Season was “Paint on Pottery”                 Your support of All Charities
and the group was sad to see               provides important funding for the Art   F ICTION
the sessions end. Under the                League. Become a Patron Supporter,
tent Debbie Newcomer, who                  call (305) 367-5996 to learn more.
enjoys many different types of                                                                                              “Broken Horses: A Memoir” by
                                                                                                                            Brandi Carlile
                                                                                                                            Singer-songwriter will have you
                                                                                                                            laugh out loud with heartfelt
                                                                                                                            stories and heartbreak.
                                                                                    “2034: A Novel of the Next World
                                                                                    War” by Elliot Ackerman and
                                                                                    Admiral James Stavridis
                                                                                    Fictional confrontation of an
                                                                                    unpredictable war begun by
                                                                                    accident and its ramifications.

                                                                                                                            “Tiger Girl and the Candy Kid:
                                                                                                                            America’s Original Gangster
                                                                                                                            Couple” by Glenn Stout
                                                                                                                            Two kids in the heart of the Jazz
                                                                                                                            Age in this rags to riches tale with
                                                                                                                            tragedy and criminal compulsions.
                                                                                    “A Gambling Man” by David
                                                                                    Straight talking WWII
                                                                                    Veteran Archer reappears
Berry colander by Debbie Newcomer                                                   and instantly becomes
                                                                                    embroiled in the underbelly of
                                                                                    corruption in Las Vegas.
                                                                                                                            “Lady Bird Johnson: Hiding in
                                                                                                                            Plain Sight” by Julia Sweig
                                                                                                                            A riveting portrait of an under-
                                                                                                                            estimated political genius well
                                                                                                                            ahead of her time.

                                                                                    “The Last Passenger” by Charles
                                                                                    Finch (Charles Lenox mystery)
                                                                                    In 1855, this witty and thrilling
                                                                                    story is utterly satisfying.

                                                                                                                            “The Triumph of Nancy Reagan” by
                                                                                       Your support of All Charities        Karen Tumulty
                                                                                       provides important funding for       Engaging addition to the
                                                                                       the Ocean Reef Cultural Center.      literature of the consequential
                                                                                       Become a Patron Supporter, call      Age of Reagan.
                                                                                       (305) 367-5996 to learn more.
Bowl by Suzanne Kitchings
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 17

A Year at The                                                                                                    prepare for two special end-
                                                                                                                 of-year events, Field Day and

Academy                                                                                                          Closing Ceremonies. As Mr.
                                                                                                                 Murphy notes, “Validating
                                                                                                                 and celebrating our children’s
By Jody Steele
                                                                                                                 achievements at the end of
                                                                                                                 the school year is such an
As the school year wraps up,                                                                                     important part of The Academy
it is heartening to know that                                                                                    experience. Our children,
The Academy at Ocean Reef                                                                                        parents, and staff have gone
has had an extraordinary year.                                                                                   through a lot this year, and we
The enrollment of students                                                                                       look forward to celebrating our
expanded for a number of                                                                                         accomplishments together in
reasons. Children of Member                                                                                      June…IN-PERSON.”
grandparents and parents were
suddenly without a traditional
in-person school environment
and Zoom became a new way of
life in many homes. Applicants                                                                                        The Academy at Ocean
for admission began to rise early                                                                                      Reef is a coeducational
in the Spring of 2020 as families                                                                                     independent school for
discovered that an accredited                                                                                       Toddlers – Grade 8 serving
school with a strong academic                                                                                          the entire Ocean Reef
curriculum and after school                                                                                            community. For more
sports program was an option.       Isabelle Rogers, Second Grader, and Charlotte Rogers, Toddler Class.            information on enrollment
                                                                                                                      in the Summer Toddler
Planning for all…                   Arriving from Boston…                       Celebrations for now…                  Program or 2021-2022
Jerome Murphy, Head of              The Rogers family (Alex and                 Jerome Murphy and staff are          school year, call 305-367-
School, along with his capable      Alexis) had first visited Ocean             bursting with pride as the         2409 or visit
faculty and staff, shifted          Reef in January 2019 for a                  school year comes to a close.
into an active team ready to        business conference. They                   Plans are already under way to
welcome new students and            immediately “fell in love” with
families for the 2020-2021          The Reef during a chilly and
Season at The Reef. A well          rainy week and soon purchased
thought out back-to-school          a home. Not knowing what was
plan was designed and included      ahead, they planned to spend
numerous safety protocols           vacation weeks and holidays
and precautions intended            with their three children at
to help sustain a yearlong          The Reef. After their oldest
appropriate educational             was enrolled in virtual learning
program for all students. A         classes in Boston (in pretty
new toddler program serving         much a closed down city),
children aged 2-3 was added         they made the big move. They
to meet the needs of incoming       are now year-round residents
families. Class enrollment was      and are ever grateful to The
intentionally limited across all    Academy for creating a “new
grade levels, leading to waiting    normal” family experience for
lists in many grades throughout     them in the midst of a very
the school year.                    tough time. Isabelle, in second
                                    grade, has enjoyed developing
A welcome to new students…          skills in golf, tennis, and
With all in place, The Academy      pickleball and making friends
eagerly greeted over 20 new         of all ages. Alexis shared that
families and 40+ new students       the academic program and the
in September of 2020. The           teachers are superb and Friday
excitement was “over the top”       afternoons at the beach with
as happy children streamed into     other Academy families has
the building met by teachers        been fun for the entire family.
ready and eager to teach in         Summer camp at The Reef as
person. Every family has their      well as The Academy’s new
own story and there are many        Toddler Summer University are
ready to share their joy of what    all part of their upcoming plan
happened next…one of these          while Alex Rogers continues
experiences follows…with more       to work remotely for the time
to come.                            being.
18 | Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021

      7 FRIDAY                             Mimosa and Flow with Mom
                                           10am • Member Fitness Center
                                                                                   12 WEDNESDAY                         Guided Paddleboard Tour
                                                                                                                        10am • Meet at Pool Desk
      Zoe’s Empire Trunk Show                                                      Cardio Tennis Clinic
      8:30am-2pm • The Spa                 Mom & Me Cardio Tennis Clinic           9am • Tennis & Games Center          Backgammon Lessons
                                           11am • Tennis & Games Center                                                 10am • Tennis & Games Center
      Guided Paddleboard Tour                                                      HIIT Class
      10am • Meet at Pool Desk             Mother’s Day Brunch                     9am • Member Fitness Center          Gameio Tennis Clinic
                                           12pm • Carysfort Ballroom                                                    10am • Tennis & Games Center
      Backgammon Lessons                                                           Mat Pilates with Spine Correctors
      10am • Tennis & Games Center         Advanced Croquet Open Play              10am • Member Fitness Center         Silver Fit Class
                                           2:30pm • Croquet Lawn                                                        10am • Member Fitness Center
      Gameio Tennis Clinic                                                         Golf Clinic With Dave Vihlen
      10am • Tennis & Games Center         Kayak Races with Mom                    10am • Driving Range                 Latin Cardio Dance Class
                                           3:30pm • Meet at Business Center                                             10am • Member Fitness Center
      Silver Fit Class                                                             Pickleball Clinic
      10am • Member Fitness Center                                                 11am • Tennis & Games Center         Golf Clinic With Dave Vihlen
                                           10 MONDAY                                                                    3pm • Driving Range
      Advanced Croquet Open Play                                                   Aqua Cardio
      2:30pm • Croquet Lawn                Cardio Tennis Clinic                    11am • Member Fitness Pool
                                           9am • Tennis & Games Center                                                  15 SATURDAY
      Pickleball Battle Royal                                                      Basketball
      4pm • Tennis & Games Center          Cycle Class                             3:30pm • Basketball Courts           Cardio Tennis Clinic
                                           8am • Member Fitness Center                                                  8 & 9am • Tennis & Games Center

      8 SATURDAY                           HIIT Class
                                           9am • Member Fitness Center
                                                                                   13 THURSDAY                          Dynamic Flow Yoga
                                                                                                                        9am • Member Fitness Center
      Latin Cardio Dance Class                                                     Outdoor HIIT/Strength Circuit
      9am • Member Fitness Center          Gameio Tennis Clinic                    7am • MFC Parking Lot                Latin Cardio Dance Class
                                           10am • Tennis & Games Center                                                 9am • Member Fitness Center
      Gameio Tennis Clinic                                                         Cardio Tennis Clinic
      10am • Tennis & Games Center         Vinyasa Yoga                            9am • Tennis & Games Center          Guided Eco-Kayak Tour
                                           10am • Member Fitness Center                                                 10am • Meet at Pool Desk
      Guided Eco-Kayak Tour                                                        Cycle & Strength Class
      10am • Meet at Pool Desk             Gianni Member Appreciation              9am • Member Fitness Center          Kids Pickleball Clinic
                                           Dinner                                                                       11am • Tennis & Games Center
      Mom’s Day Out in the Fishing         5:30pm • Gianni Ristorante              Gentle Yoga
      Village                                                                      9am • Member Fitness Center
      11am-2pm • Fishing Village                                                                                        16 SUNDAY
                                           11 TUESDAY                              Canasta Lessons
                                                                                                                        Cardio Tennis Clinic
      Junior Tennis Clinic                                                         12:30pm • Tennis & Games Center
      11am • Tennis & Games Center         Outdoor HIIT/Strength Circuit                                                8 & 9am • Tennis & Games Center
                                           7am • MFC Parking Lot                   Raw Bar Lobster Bake
      Pickleball Organized Play                                                    5-9pm • Raw Bar                      Cycle Class
      4pm • Tennis & Games Center          Master Swim Class                                                            8am • Member Fitness Center
                                           8am • Member Fitness Pool               Islander Member Appreciation
                                                                                   Dinner                               Paddleboard Yoga
      9 SUNDAY                             Cardio Tennis Clinic
                                           9am • Tennis & Games Center
                                                                                   5:30pm • Islander                    9am • Member Fitness Pool
                                                                                                                        Beginners Sailing Clinic
      Cardio Tennis Clinic
      8 & 9am • Tennis & Games Center      Cycle & Strength Class
                                           9am • Member Fitness Center
                                                                                   14 FRIDAY                            9:30am • Meet at Pool Desk
                                                                                                                        Guided Eco-Kayak Tour
      Cycle Class                                                                  Cardio Tennis Clinic
                                           Vinyasa Yoga                                                                 10am • Meet at Pool Desk
      8am • Member Fitness Center                                                  9am • Tennis & Games Center
                                           9am • Member Fitness Center
                                                                                                                        Gameio Tennis Clinic
      Beginners Sailing Clinic                                                     HIIT Class
                                           Gameio Tennis Clinic                                                         10am • Tennis & Games Center
      9:30am • Meet at Pool Desk                                                   9am • Member Fitness Center
                                           10am • Tennis & Games Center
                                                                                                                        Aerial Yoga
      Mother’s Day Brunch                                                          Gentle Yoga
                                           Silver Fit                                                                   11am • Member Fitness Center
      10am • Carysfort Ballroom                                                    9am • Member Fitness Center
                                           10am • Member Fitness Center

                                               For full list of events pick up a copy of This Week at the Reef!

                                           SHOPPING DEALS                          MOM’S DAY OUT IN                     MOTHER’S DAY
                                           May 7 – 9                               THE FISHING VILLAGE                  BRUNCH
                                           Enjoy 25% off ladies apparel in         Saturday, May 8                      Sunday, May 9
                                           participating Club Retail Shops,        11 a.m. – 2 p.m. • Fishing Village   Seatings at 10:00a.m. &
                                           including Golf, Fitness, Tennis,        Enjoy deals, raffles and giveaways   12:00 p.m. • Carysfort Ballroom
                                           Burgee Shop & The Gift Shop. Also       at various stores along with com-    Treat Mom to a special brunch on
                                           enjoy 25% off all retail purchases at   plimentary music, massages until 1   a day just for her!
                                           The Spa. Excludes hard goods            p.m., champagne and more!            Reservations: 305-367-5931

                                           SPA SPECIAL                             MOM & ME CARDIO
                                           May 8 & 9
                                           Moms receive a complimentary            TENNIS CLINIC
                                           upgrade to Massage and Facial spa       Sunday, May 9
                                           services, and a special gift with       11 a.m. • Tennis & Games Center
                                           the purchase of a $100 gift card.       Complimentary for Moms!
                                                                                   Details: 305-367-6583
Ocean Reef Press | May 7 - 27, 2021 | 19

CLUB SHOPPING                                                                    WINING & DINING
                      Member Fitness Center                                        M ONDAY, M AY 1 0 - SU ND AY, M AY 1 6
               Shop the latest trends in workout attire.
                   Monday – Friday • 6am – 6pm                                                          Fitness Café
                  Saturday & Sunday • 7am – 4pm                                                 Monday – Friday • 7am – 4pm
                                                                                               Saturday & Sunday • 7am – 3pm
                        Ocean Reef Gift Shop
                Sundries, gifts, newspapers, and more.                                          Gianni Ristorante Breakfast
                   Sunday – Tuesday • 7am – 6pm                                               Monday – Saturday • 7am – 11am
                      Wednesday • 7am – 4pm                                                        Sunday • 7am – 12pm
                       Thursday • 12pm – 6pm                                                           Reef Treats
                   Friday & Saturday • 7am – 8pm                                         Monday – Thursday & Sunday • 7am – 9pm
                              Golf Shop                                                      Friday & Saturday • 7am – 10pm
    All your golfing needs from apparel to equipment and more.                                           Rum Runner
                      Daily • 7:30am – 5:30pm                                                         Daily • 9am – 4pm
                         Tennis Pro Shop                                                             Beach Bar & Grill
    All your tennis needs from apparel to equipment and more.                               Beverage Service Daily • 11am – 8pm
                       Daily • 8:30am – 5pm                                                 Food Service Daily • 11:30am – 5pm
                             The Spa                                                                     Raw Bar
 Luxury skin & body care products, unique accessories & gift items.                              Lunch Daily • 11am – 4pm
              Sunday & Monday • 9:30am – 4:30pm                                                  Dinner Daily • 4pm – 9pm
              Tuesday – Saturday • 8:30am – 5:30pm
                                                                                                       Reef Hut
                           The Burgee Shop                                                Lunch Monday – Saturday • 11am – 4pm
                   Sunday – Thursday • 9am – 5pm
                    Friday & Saturday • 9am – 8pm                                                 Port O’Call Wine & Spirits
                                                                                                    Daily • 11am – 8pm
                            Peter Millar
                  Thursday – Monday • 10am – 5pm                                                          Palm Court
                                                                                                  Daily • 11:30am – 3:30pm
                     Port O’Call Wine & Spirits
Wines by the glass, artisanal cheese and charcuterie boards available.                                  Reef Eats
                         Daily • 11am – 8pm                                                          305-501-5530
                                                                                    Dinner Monday – Thursday & Sunday • 4pm – 10pm
                                                                                            Friday & Saturday • 4pm – 11pm
                                                                                                    Town Hall Waterside
MOVIES                                                                                        Thursday – Sunday • 5pm – 10pm
                                                                                                      Burgee Bar
    General Admission $12 • Donors $10 • Children (under 12) $6                     Dinner Monday – Thursday & Sunday • 5pm – 10pm
                  Movie Hotline: 305-367-6306                                               Friday & Saturday • 5pm – 11pm
                                                                                       Cocktails Sunday – Thursday • 5pm – 11pm
                                                                                            Friday & Saturday • 5pm – 12am
                  Sound of Metal (R)
                                                                                                   Islander & Sushi Bar
                  Friday, May 7: 4:30 & 7:30pm                                           Monday – Thursday & Sunday • 6pm – 9pm
                  Wednesday, May 12: 4:30 & 7:30pm                                           Friday & Saturday • 6pm – 10pm
                  Runtime: 2h                                                                        Gianni Ristorante
                  Premise: A heavy-metal drummer’s life is thrown into                   Monday – Thursday & Sunday • 6pm – 9pm
                  freefall when he begins to lose his hearing.                               Friday & Saturday • 6pm – 10pm
                                                                                          G the Bar Opens 30 min before dinner.
                  Mank (R)
                                                                                   Visit for menus and weekly specials.
                  Friday, May 14: 4:30 & 7:30pm                                             For dining reservations, call 305-367-5931.
                  Wednesday, May 19: 4:30 & 7:30pm
                  Runtime: 2h 11m
                  Premise: Social critic and alcoholic screenwriter
                  Herman J. Mankiewicz races to finish the screenplay of
                  Citizen Kane (1941).

                  Judas and the Black Messiah (R)
                  Friday, May 21: 4:30 & 7:30pm
                  Wednesday, May 26: 4:30 & 7:30pm
                  Runtime: 2h 6m
                  Premise: Bill O’Neal infiltrates the Black Panther Party.
                  As Party Chairman Fred Hampton ascends, \a battle
                  wages for O’Neal’s soul.

   Cultural Center Museum: Daily 9am-4pm • Open During Movies                                HOME, MARINA & INN ROOM
           Library Hours: Monday – Thursday • 10am-2pm                                         DELIVERY AVAILABLE
 Your support of All Charities provides important funding for the Ocean Reef                    Visit for
Cultural Center. Become a Patron Supporter, call (305) 367-5996 to learn more.                  the full menu of Reef favorites.
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