Page created by Linda Gibbs

         SEPTEMBER 2022–JUNE 2023

The Arts and Cultural Heritage Division invites you
to EXPLORE THE ARTS with M-NCPPC, Department
of Parks and Recreation, Prince George’s County.
Our 2022-2023 season is full of wonderfully creative              Our four arts centers – BRENTWOOD ARTS EXCHANGE,
opportunities to enjoy music, theater, visual art exhibitions,    HARMONY HALL ARTS CENTER, MONTPELIER ARTS
dance and movement classes, films, and much more! This            CENTER, and PRINCE GEORGE’S PUBLICK PLAYHOUSE –
brochure lists just some of the wonderful programs that we        work with county, regional, and national artists to bring you
offer. Throughout the year, please check arts.pgparks.com for     the very best in arts and cultural experiences. Our mobile
even more exciting programs.                                      arts activities service, ARTS ON A ROLL, makes hands-on
                                                                  arts experiences accessible through affordable, on-demand
Every year, the Arts and Cultural Heritage Division presents
                                                                  services. We support the growth and development of our
hundreds of concerts, exhibitions, performances, classes,
                                                                  youngest residents with arts summer day camps and year-
camps, festivals, heritage celebrations, and other creative
                                                                  round youth programs. We celebrate our shared heritage with
programs that support the rich cultural life of Prince George’s
                                                                  numerous SPECIAL EVENTS. We also support local artists
County. We are unique as one of the largest presenters of the
                                                                  through PUBLIC ART, employment opportunities, studio
arts within parks and recreation departments across the nation.
                                                                  residencies, exhibition, and performance opportunities, and
We are proud to have our county’s support to serve residents
                                                                  our very own craft retail store! If you haven’t participated in our
with a wide range of arts experiences in every community
                                                                  programs or attended one of our events in the past, the time
through our four arts centers, at numerous Department of
                                                                  has never been better! PLEASE DISCOVER AND JOIN IN OUR
Parks and Recreation sites, at free community events, and by
                                                                  CREATIVE COMMUNITY!
partnering with community-focused arts organizations.

                                                                       M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                      1

    In the simplest of terms, public art can be described as art in    Current Sites of Facilities Public Art Installations:
    any media whose form, function, and meaning are created for
                                                                       •   College Park Aviation Museum Campus
    the public through a public process of some kind. It can also
                                                                       •   Glenn Dale Splash Park
    be said that public art is a part of our public history, part of
                                                                       •   Harmony Hall Regional Center
    our evolving culture, and part of our collective memory. Here,
                                                                       •   Lincoln Vista Recreation Center
    at M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince
                                                                       •   North Forestville Community Center
    George’s County, public art is alive and well and has become
                                                                       •   Palmer Park Community Center
    an active and major component of placemaking as new Parks
                                                                       •   Parks & Recreation Administrative Building (PRA)
    and Recreation facilities have been designed and built, and
                                                                       •   Peppermill Community Center
    existing facilities have been renovated throughout the County.
                                                                       •   Southern Area Aquatics & Recreation Complex
    The active engagement and participation of community
                                                                       •   Southern Regional Aquatic Wellness Center
    stakeholders in the creation of public artworks is central to
                                                                       •   Southern Regional Technology & Recreation Complex
    conducting Public Art projects that express and resonate with
                                                                       •   Tucker Road Ice Rink
    the diverse voices of the County. For more information about
                                                                       •   Westphalia Community Center
    the public Art Program and to view requests for proposals as
                                                                       •   William Beanes Community Center
    released, visit art.pgparks.com.
                                                                       Planned New Sites:
                                                                       •   Executive Office Building (EOB)
                                                                       •   Marlow Heights Community Center
                                                                       •   Park Police and ITC Headquarters
                                                                       •   The Show Place Arena


The Visual Arts Program provides opportunities for all            Current Ongoing and Rotating Exhibition Sites:
artists that live, work, or maintain their studio in Prince
                                                                  • Prince George’s Publick Playhouse
George’s County. It presents over 20, year-round exhibition
                                                                  • Reception Area and Conference Room of the Youth &
opportunities in several Department of Parks and Recreation
                                                                    Countywide Sports Division and Aquatics & Athletic
venues throughout the County. The Visual Arts Program also
                                                                    Facilities Division
supports artists by purchasing their artworks, through direct
                                                                  • Reception Area of the Offices of the Deputy Directors
purchases and dedicated purchase awards resulting from its
                                                                  • Reception Area of the Parks and Recreation Administrative
two annual countywide exhibitions. These purchases not only
                                                                    Building (PRA)
support the work of artists, but also contribute to and enhance
                                                                  • Southern Area Aquatics & Recreation Center
the Department’s mission to display works of Prince George’s
                                                                  • The Prince George’s Ballroom
County artists throughout its many facilities at which there is
                                                                  • The Prince George’s Sports & Learning Complex
significant public access.
                                                                  • The Show Place Arena at the Prince George’s
In addition to exhibitions, the Visual Arts Program also takes      Equestrian Center
the lead on helping to produce two annual projects: the Black     • Watkins Nature Center
History Month teen internship & poster and the Hispanic
Heritage Celebration teen internship & poster. A notable first    Notable New Exhibitions Include:
for this year is the partnership with The Pyramid Atlantic Art    The first outdoor sculpture exhibition at the historic Oxon Hill
Center on the creation of the Hispanic Heritage poster.           Manor featuring the work of 12 sculptors, in collaboration with
All the Visual Arts programs, events, and opportunities,          The Washington Sculptor’s Group, for an exhibition period of
including exhibitions, lectures, receptions, and workshops,       two years.
are provided free of charge to artists and the public. For more   Eight large-scale, printed reproductions of local artist’s work,
information, please visit arts.pgparks.com/2877/Visual-Arts.      on display along the concourse of The Show Place Arena, for
                                                                  an exhibition period of one year.

                                                                  Potential New Sites:
                                                                  •   Kentland Community Center
                                                                  •   M-NCPPC Executive Suite at Bowie Baysox Stadium
                                                                  •   Newton White Mansion
                                                                  •   Snow Hill Manor
                                                                  •   Tucker Road Ice Rink

                                                                       M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                   3
THE BRENTWOOD ARTS EXCHANGE, The Maryland-                              canvas, or block printing. Or add a fun, creative project to
National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC)                 your child’s birthday party, like painting a flowerpot, t-shirt
component of the public-private partnership of the Gateway              or hot chocolate mug, printmaking for kids, or paint your
Arts Center, serves as an anchor for arts-based community               own canvas.
development in the Prince George’s County’s Gateway Arts
District. We support artists and the community by welcoming          Exhibitions
everyone to experience contemporary art exhibitions                  At the core of the Brentwood Arts Exchange programs
featuring prominent regional artists; intimate concerts by local     are its two contemporary art galleries. The 2,500-square-
musicians; affordable art classes for all ages; and a unique         foot Main Gallery presents a broad range of exhibitions
shopping experience in our Artisan Shop, featuring functional        showcasing work by fine artists of various disciplines in the
art by local artisans.                                               Washington, D.C., - Baltimore region. The 800-square-foot
                                                                     Lab Gallery, which doubles as an event space, encourages
3901 Rhode Island Avenue, Brentwood, MD 20722
                                                                     new approaches to two-dimensional work and presents solo
301-277-2863; BrentwoodArts@pgparks.com
                                                                     and group exhibitions by exceptional artists. Additionally, our
Hours: Mon.-Fri., 10 am-7 pm; Sat., 10 am-4 pm; Sun., closed
                                                                     Artisan Shop hosts mini-exhibition Front Window Features,
                                                                     presenting small artworks and high-quality craft work. We are
Directions                                                           proud to create a platform for discussions around important
From the Capital Beltway (I-495), take Exit 22/MD 295
                                                                     issues concerning our collective place in the world during
(Baltimore-Washington Parkway towards Washington). Take
                                                                     unpredictable times.
the exit toward MD-450 W/Annapolis Rd. Keep right at the
fork, follow signs for Bladensburg and merge onto MD-450
W/Annapolis Road. Continue on MD-450 W/Annapolis Road.
                                                                     Curatorial Development
Take Bladensburg Road to Rhode Island Avenue in Brentwood.           Exhibition Project
                                                                     Brentwood Arts Exchange is proud to announce this
Rental Opportunities                                                 ambitious new project, welcoming independent curator
Brentwood Arts Exchange features three unique and                    Irene Clouthier to lead a group of selected curators to create
affordable spaces perfect for hosting events of all types            several exhibitions in our Lab Gallery. Clouthier has over 15
and sizes.                                                           years of curatorial experience and has been a successful
                                                                     working artist for over 30 years. Her insight and attention to
•   MAIN GALLERY: This contemporary art space can
                                                                     cultural diversity will provide young curators an opportunity
    accommodate 50 people seated and 125 people standing.
                                                                     to transform conceptual ideas into tangible exhibitions. This
    The main gallery features 6 shows annually and provides a
                                                                     project will also help young curators to navigate the process
    beautiful and thought-provoking setting for an event, from
                                                                     of communicating with established artists, scheduling, and the
    corporate parties or meetings, holiday parties, individual
                                                                     responsibilities and working closely with a professional
    birthdays, graduations, baby or bridal showers, lectures,
                                                                     art center.
    book signings, workshops, film screenings, concerts,
    and more.
                                                                     Live Music in The Lab Gallery
•   LAB GALLERY: Perfect for a more intimate occasion, our           In an ever-changing environment, we savor moments of
    secondary art exhibition space can accommodate 20                companionship and shared experience. We are thrilled
    people seated and 40 people standing. This gallery also          to invite you back into our Lab Gallery for our 2022-2023
    has a rotating exhibition schedule to provide your guests        season, where we can come together in an intimate setting
    with inspired displays of different artworks.                    and connect over live music. Our music calendar will offer
                                                                     an eclectic mix of various genres of music, with a common
•   CLASSROOM: The classroom at Brentwood Arts
                                                                     thread of the wide community of performance artists in the
    Exchange is perfect for Saturday birthday parties for kids
                                                                     greater Gateway Arts District. Past offerings in our music
    or team building creative exercises for adults and can
                                                                     series have included such acts as Ellington Carthan, Pompeii
    accommodate 30 people seated or 50 people standing.
                                                                     Graffiti, and the rock opera The Haunted Boy, played by local
    This classic workspace is available during gallery open
                                                                     legend Tom Liddle and his eight-piece ensemble. Brentwood
    hours and provides a backdrop of inspiration and
                                                                     Arts Exchange is proud to present a new local music program
    enjoyment, along with functionality.
                                                                     titled: Round Robin Night. This collection of shows will invite
•   ADD AN ART ACTIVITY: Brentwood Arts Exchange can                 three local musicians from different genres to play together
    provide an entertaining and stimulating creative activity to     to create improvisational ideas and sounds for the audience.
    any rental! Inspire your adult guests with projects like paint   The Listening Room and Round Robin Night Music Series are
    your own wine glass, mosaic masterpieces, painting on            curated by local musician and educator Kirsten Lies-Warfield.

                                                                          M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                     5
Listening Room Series: Music from
    the Neighborhoods
    The Listening Room, our longest standing music series, will
    provide a platform for local performing artists from diverse
    musical genres, representing the limitless creativity in the
    greater Gateway Arts District.

    Artisan Shop
    The Brentwood Arts Exchange Artisan Shop has grown
    into a shopping destination in the Gateway Arts District,
    featuring a constantly evolving lineup of craft and functional
    art by over 40 local artists. From ceramics to jewelry, leather
    bags, accessories, hand blown glass, woodwork, and more,
    the Artisan Shop is a great place to find unique items while
    supporting the local creative economy.                            EXHIBITIONS
                                                                      Mon., Jul. 11-Sat., Sep. 10, 2022
                                                                      Opening Reception: Sat., Jul. 16, 5-8 pm
                                                                      Artist and Curator Talk: Sat., Aug. 27, 2-4 pm

                                                                      LIGHTS OUT: A Group
                                                                      Video Exhibition
                                                                      The Brentwood Arts Exchange will turn off the lights and
                                                                      exhibit video artworks from selected artists around the
                                                                      region will illuminate the space. With a range of concepts,
                                                                      images, and techniques streaming from our projectors
                                                                      and monitors, the main gallery transforms into a moving,
                                                                      glittering experience for the audience.

                                                                      Mon., Sep. 19-Sat., Nov. 26, 2022
                                                                      Opening Reception: Sat., Sep. 24, 5-8 pm
                                                                      Artist and Curator Talk: Sat., Nov. 5, 2-4 pm

                                                                      Three visionary artists, Deborah Renee Grayson, James
                                                                      Terrell, and William Watson each approach the depiction
                                                                      of portraiture and figuration in dramatically different ways,
                                                                      through medium, color, and scale. Though each of these
                                                                      artists’ vibrant perspective of black bodies has a unique
                                                                      point of view, the collective work positions the viewer
                                                                      firmly within the extraordinary world around us and the
                                                                      environment we live in.

Mon., Dec. 5, 2022-Sat., Jan. 21, 2023                              May 8-Jun. July 1, 2023
Opening Reception: Sat., Dec. 17, 5-8 pm                            Opening Reception: Sat. May 13, 5-8 pm
Artist and Curator Talk: Sat., Jan. 7, 2-4 pm                       Artist and Curator Talk: Sat. May 20, 2-4 pm

Here Not Here                                                       LEVEL UP: A Juried
Artists Pixie Alexander, Maggie Gourlay, Caroline MacKinnon,
Louisa Niel, Rebecca Perez, and Shelley Picot, working in
                                                                    Exhibition for Graduate
various disciplines, investigate ideas surrounding visual           Artists
footprints, traces, and afterimages which occupy our collective
                                                                    The Brentwood Arts Exchange is excited to invite graduate
mind. This exhibition seeks to envision the enduring imprint
                                                                    artists from across the DMV and Baltimore areas to apply for
of the past and the present, floating between the ethereal and
                                                                    participation in a group exhibition to define what the future
the familiar, creating an immersive, comforting experience.
                                                                    of contemporary art will look like in the area for the years
                                                                    to come! Any graduate student, or one year post graduate
Mon., Feb. 6-Fri., Apr. 22, 2023                                    student (master’s or bachelor’s degree) will be eligible
Opening Reception and Rituals for Cleansing Racial                  to apply (spring 2023 is the deadline), and all disciplines
Violence by Liz Ann Miller: Sat., Feb. 18, 5-9 pm
                                                                    will be considered. This exhibition will be juried by Mary
Artist and Curator Talk: Sat., Mar. 25, 2-4 pm
                                                                    Early, a working artist and director of HEMPHILL Artworks,

FREEDOM: Selected                                                   in Washington, D.C. Ms. Early serves on the boards of
                                                                    Hamiltonian Artists and Washington Sculptors Group and
Work from The Uhuru                                                 handles the work of contemporary artists and artists estates,
                                                                    including William Christenberry, Renée Stout, and the artists
Quilters Guild                                                      of the Washington Color School. She has a particular interest
The Uhuru Quilters Guild, a group of 80 predominantly African       in public art and community engagement, as well as the
American quilters who meet monthly to share work, challenge         materials and processes of contemporary sculpture.
skills, and inspire future projects, has a mission to promote the
work and accomplishments of African American quilters and
preserve the traditions, culture, and history of quilting. This
exhibition will include a collection of masterful quilts, varying
in size, technique, and imagery, inviting the audience to the
power of functional art.

Included in the opening reception of this exhibition will be a
live performance from artist Liz Ann Miller titled Rituals for
Cleansing Racial Violence, a fascinating visual experience
celebrating the importance of hair as it relates to African
American culture.

                                                                         M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                7
                                                               Fri., Nov. 4, 2022, 8-11 pm

                                                               Kundalika performs a unique cross-cultural musical
                                                               conversation between Indian classical melody (inspired
Fri., Sep. 9, 2022, 8-11 pm                                    by traditional ragas) and other musical traditions such

Vibe Collective                                                as bluegrass, jazz, and Manding. Kundalika pieces are
                                                               heavily improvised, and each show reflects the vibe of
Whether you sit back with a cool beverage or heat it up        the audience that is in the room. Featuring Deep Shenoy,
on the dance floor, the classic and original arrangements      Hindustani guitar; Uasuf Guye, djembe; Sachin Khandari,
of Afro-Cuban jazz by the Vibe Collective will inject some     bass; Alex Martin, acoustic guitar; Graham Smith-White,
sunshine into your soul!                                       banjo, and Ananth Virakthi, Karnatak vocal.
Ticket: $15/person                                             Ticket: $15/person

Fri., Oct. 14, 2022, 8-11 pm                                   Fri., Dec. 9, 2022, 8-11 pm

Jess Eliot Myhre, Sam                                          Abe Mamet
McNormally, and Sarah                                          Abe Mamet is a French horn player from Denver, Colorado,
                                                               who has lived in Washington, D.C. since 2017. Mamet has
Fridrich                                                       worked with Frank Lacy in NYC and AFree symphony in D.C.
                                                               With his small ensemble work, Mamet presents 21st-century
Jess Eliot Myhre is a New Orleans based, award-winning
                                                               American music informed by his positionality within the wide-
singer-songwriter who can rock a washboard, clarinet,
                                                               ranging Jewish diaspora, as well as his family’s long roots in
guitar, or bass. Mount Rainier resident Sam McCormally is
                                                               jazz on the East Coast.
a composer, songwriter, singer, and multi-instrumentalist
and a composer of numerous films. McCormally is also the       Ticket: $15/person
founding member of Ugly Purple Sweater, an indie rock band
from Washington, D.C. Sarah Fridrich studied jazz piano at
University of Maryland, College Park. She was a student of
Washington area jazz piano masters Ron Elliston and Jon
Ozment. She was recognized as a Finalist in the Mid-Atlantic
Song Contest for her original song “Anvil”.
Ticket: $15/person

Fri., Feb. 10, 2023, 8-11 pm                                     Fri., Apr. 14, 2023, 8-11 pm

More AM Than PM                                                  Emory Grey
Since 2012, More AM Than FM has brought fury and                 Emory Grey is a new project by Erin Frisby, founder of
friendship, a lot of Rock & Roll swagger, and a little bit of    the nonprofit record label This Could Go Boom! After
Southern Maryland stomp to basements, DIY spaces, stages         touring extensively with Miss Shevaughn & Yuma Wray
such as The Black Cat, Comet Ping Pong and the 9:30 Club,        and FuzzQueen, Frisby settled in Washington D.C. where
and festivals like WFSU and The Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn          she co-founded the post-punk rock band, The OSYX. Erin
Fall Fest. The tightknit trio of Selena Benally, Mel Mast, and   studied opera and her musical projects have been featured in
Anjalee Sharma revels in a locked in loyalty, chemistry, and a   Alternative Sound, Sound Opinions, Magnet Magazine, Curve
melding of minds.                                                Magazine, Queer Country, The Huffington Post, PopMatters,
Ticket: $15/person                                               and The Washington Post.
                                                                 Ticket: $15/person
Fri., Mar. 10, 2023, 8-11 pm
                                                                 Fri., May. 12, 2023, 8-11 pm
Maureen Andary,
Sara Curtin, and Knox                                            Uasuf Gueye Trio
                                                                 The Uasuf Gueye Trio performs the music of the royal courts of
Engler                                                           13th century Manding West Africa. By combining the traditional
                                                                 repertoire of the oral historians of Manding with innovative
Maureen Andary, a songwriter with a creative writing degree
                                                                 jazz and blues arrangements, they can create an intoxicating
from New York University and musical theater training, has
                                                                 listening experience that has been described as “history in
served as an Artist-in-Residence at the Strathmore Center for
                                                                 motion.” Whether creating a cool ambiance or an incredibly
the Performing Arts and has performed at such distinguished
                                                                 stimulating performance, the Uasuf Gueye Trio is guaranteed to
venues as the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the
                                                                 transform any evening into a journey into the soul.
Mansion at Strathmore, The Birchmere, and Lincoln Center.
Born and raised in Washington, D.C., Sara Curtin’s 2017          Ticket: $15/person
album Or So It Seemed was described by Washington City
Paper as “a full portrait of a human being: nuanced, complex,
and contradictory.” She writes honest, autobiographical
songs which invite the listener to explore the human
experience. North Carolina native, Knox Engler, has up to
this point released albums featuring his guitar chops in the
genre of music known as math core. Recently transplanted
to Washington, D.C., he is developing his singer-songwriter
catalog with a new album forthcoming.
Ticket: $15/person

                                                                       M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                9
                                                              Sat. Oct. 8, 2022, 5-10 pm

                                                              Sonic Frontiers Fall
 FRONTIERS:                                                   Mini Festival
                                                              Tickets: $10; fee waived for drop-in performers

                                                              Sat. Apr. 22, 2023, 5-10 pm

 ELECTRONIC                                                   Sonic Frontiers Spring
 MUSIC                                                        Mini Festival
                                                              Tickets: $10; fee waived for drop-in performers

 With intriguing soundscapes and dazzling visuals, Sonic
 Frontiers curates eclectic, improvisatory experiences with
 live electronic music and projection art. With a focus on
 community engagement, members of The DC Modular
 Collective will host fall and spring mini-electronic music
 festivals at Brentwood Arts Exchange, presenting featured
 headliners, inviting drop-in performances, and offering
 hands-on education, demonstrations, and insight into this
 unique art form.

                                                             Sat., Dec. 10, 2022, 9 am-6 pm

                                                             Holiday Craft Fair and
EVENTS                                                       Mead Tasting Lounge
                                                             Instead of getting stuck at crowded malls this holiday season,
                                                             get festive and shop local at our annual Holiday Craft Fair
                                                             and Mead Tasting Lounge. Arts on a Roll will be activating
Fri., Nov. 25, 2022, 9 am-6 pm
                                                             our classroom, leading your young shoppers in holiday
Black Friday Sale                                            crafting, games, and activities, so don’t be afraid to make this
                                                             a family outing. When you need a break from shopping, head
Expect holiday music, hot chocolate, and 20% off every       outdoors to a heated courtyard tent to enjoy holiday carols
single gorgeous, handcrafted item in the store! Enjoy a      from a live brass band and sample the latest brews from
stress-free shopping experience and support local artists,   Maryland Meadworks.
who still receive their normal commission. Come join us,
and let’s kick off the holidays together with Black Friday
                                                             Sat., Apr. 15, 2023, 11 am-3 pm
shopping done right.

                                                             DIY Maker’s Day
                                                             Our Fine Craft Store artists are some of the most creative
                                                             makers in town. Join us for a day of artist demonstrations
                                                             to celebrate creativity and gain inspiration for your next DIY
                                                             art project. Meet the artists behind your favorite handcrafted
                                                             items and learn how these talented creators transform leather
                                                             and found objects into chic accessories or combine quilting
                                                             with expressive journaling. To celebrate artists and shoppers
                                                             alike, everything in the Fine Craft Store will be marked 15%
                                                             off, and exclusive additional items from each presenting artist
                                                             will be available for sale.

                                                                 M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                    11
                                                              Sat., Nov. 19, 2022, 2-4 pm

                                                              Coast into
 WORKSHOPS                                                    Thanksgiving
                                                              Brentwood Arts Exchange, in collaboration with Arts on a Roll,
                                                              wants your Thanksgiving dinner table to stand out in style with
                                                              colorful mosaic coasters and centerpiece trivets. Professional
 Sat., Oct. 22, 2022, 2-4 pm
                                                              instructors will be on hand to lead families through the process

 Calabash Carnage:                                            so you can make a new keepsake that adds flare to your feast!
                                                              This workshop is FREE and coasters are provided.
 Pumpkin Carving
 Workshop                                                     Sat., Dec. 17, 2022, 2-4 pm

 If you’re planning on carving up pumpkins this Halloween     Let’s Get Ornamental
 season, come to Brentwood Arts Exchange and get              The holidays are about being together, and there’s no better
 creative with family, friends, and neighbors. Our annual     way to do it than creating together. Come enjoy a family
 pumpkin carving extravaganza has become a favorite           friendly workshop and create handmade ornaments from a
 tradition in the community, so grab your friends, or get     variety of materials. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will
 ready to make new ones, and join us for this fun, FREE       be there to lend a helping hand. This workshop is FREE and all
 event! Pumpkins are available for purchase at $5 each.       materials are provided.

Sat., Feb. 11, 2023, 2-4 pm

Unshrink My Heart:
Valentine’s Shrinky
Grab the whole family and let us help you make handcrafted
Valentine keepsakes for your loved ones. Using super fun
shrinkable sheets called Shrinky Dinks®, create original cards,
jewelry, key chains, and more! This workshop is FREE and
each participant will receive two sheets of blank Shrinky
Dinks® for crafting and creating.

Sat., Apr. 1, 2023, 2-4 pm

Eggtastic Easter
Join us for our annual Easter Egg Dyeing Egg-stravaganza,
and celebrate the season by creating bright, beautiful, colorful
Easter eggs. Participants will receive two eggs to paint and
design at this FREE family-friendly workshop.

                                                                   M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION   13
10701 Livingston Road
Fort Washington, MD 20744
301-203-6070; HarmonyHallArts@pgparks.com
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am-8 pm; Sat., 10 am-4 pm

Located in Southern Prince George’s County within the
Broad Creek Historic District, just off of Indian Head Highway.
Limited public transportation is available.

From the Capital Beltway (I-495), take Exit 3A (Indian Head
Highway) South. Follow Indian Head Highway (Route 210)
South for approximately four miles and make a right onto Fort
Washington Road. Make the next right turn onto Livingston
Road. The center is on the left.

Rental Opportunities
The Center is a multifaceted arts facility that also provides
rental opportunities to a variety of arts and non-arts
organizations, groups, and individuals. Call or email for more
                                                                  Sat. Sep. 10-Oct. 22, 2022
information about renting the space.                              Opening Reception: Sat., Sep. 17, 2022, 3-5 pm

                                                                  Somos Vecinos
                                                                  This group exhibition will highlight visual artists from
                                                                  the Latinx community of Prince George’s County and
                                                                  neighboring areas.
                                                                  All ages

                                                                  Sat. Nov. 12-Dec. 30, 2022
                                                                  Opening Reception: Sat. Dec. 3, 1-3 pm

                                                                  Harmony Hall Arts
                                                                  Center’s Instructor &
                                                                  Student Exhibition
                                                                  Harmony Hall Arts Center is proud to present an exhibition
                                                                  featuring the works of our instructors and students. The
                                                                  exhibition highlights the diversity and talent of our visual
                                                                  arts department. The works on view touch upon various
                                                                  themes and ideas, day-to-day and complex topics, and
                                                                  encourage viewers to engage with participating artists.
                                                                  All ages

                                                                       M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION               15
 Sat., Dec. 3, 2022, 12 noon

 Holiday Open House
 Explore all that Harmony Hall Arts Center has to offer through our
 variety of classes and facilities. During our Instructor & Student
 Exhibition happening in our gallery, we will also host a Holiday
 Open House. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet our
 instructors and learn about our classes in ceramics, painting,       Wed., Sep. 14, 2022, 12 noon
 drawing, dance, and voice that we provide for the community.
 All ages; FREE
                                                                      Latin Dance with
                                                                      Carolina Hernandez
 Sat., Jan. 21-Mar. 11, 2023
                                                                      Ready to learn some new moves or dust off your dance
 Opening Reception and Artist Talk: Sat. Jan. 21, 2-4 pm
                                                                      skills? Join us for a Latin Dance workshop, led by

 Christopher Batten:                                                  choreographer and dance instructor Carolina Hernandez.
                                                                      She will take you through salsa, bachata, and merengue
 Refracted Life                                                       moves that will get your heart pumping. No experience
                                                                      needed. Space is limited; advance registration is
 This solo show explores the intricacies of various human
 interpersonal relationships. A wide spectrum of colors is used
 throughout the body of work to connote aspects of the human          Ages 60 and better; FREE
                                                                      PARKS DIRECT: HHAC-SPEC-GA-20220914
 psyche. Pattern is incorporated in some of the works to
 suggest the multilayered qualities of relationships (i.e. mother/
 daughter, husband/wife, older brother/younger brother, etc.)
 and the complex ways in which our individual psyches impact
 those relationships. Hue, chroma, and gesture are utilized
 to promote narratives within each piece and invite viewers
 to ponder how their psyches either prolong or dissolve their
 interpersonal relationships.

TEEN EVENTS                                                       AFTERNOON
Sat., Mar. 18, 2023, 9:30 am-5 pm
Art Spark: Teen Arts                                              Wed., Sep. 21, 2022, 2 pm
Summit 2023                                                       Kiki Sanchez
This annual event invites teens in Prince George’s County and
beyond to ignite their creativity at a weekend celebration for    Enjoy our first Afternoon Tea of the season with Kiki
the arts. Teens will come together for artistic exploration and   Sanchez. A native of Lima, Peru and later settled in Miami,
expression, participating in workshops and masterclasses,         Florida, Sanchez has mastered the sounds of Latin jazz
enjoying performances from leading industry professionals,        through his piano playing and original arrangements. We
and collaborating to shape the artistic voice of their            know you’ve missed the opportunity to socialize in the
generation. Registration will open in January 2023.               tradition of this series and we are very delighted to bring
                                                                  them back. Grab those tickets and bring your friends as we
Ages 13-18
Fee: $25 registration fee/person                                  look forward to hosting you again.
                                                                  All ages
                                                                  Tickets: $20/person

                                                                  Wed., Oct. 12, 2022, 2 pm

                                                                  Majid Khaliq: The Rite
                                                                  of Strings
                                                                  As we celebrate Arts and Humanities Month across
                                                                  America, we bring you artist and educator Majid
                                                                  Khaliq. Whether it is through teaching music to youth or
                                                                  composing his next album, this nationally renowned jazz
                                                                  violinist creates and educates daily. With his quartet, you
                                                                  will be entertained through original compositions, avant-
                                                                  garde arrangements, and the musical improvisations
                                                                  between violin, piano, drums, and bass. Tell a friend and
                                                                  buy your tickets now.
                                                                  All ages
                                                                  Tickets: $20/person

                                                                      M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION               17
Wed., Nov. 9, 2022, 2 pm                                          Wed., Feb. 15, 2023, 2 pm

 Darden Purcell                                                    Yusef Chisholm and
 Darden Purcell is a Washington, D.C. based jazz vocalist
 and an active featured soloist with symphony orchestras, big
                                                                   Common Knowledge
 bands, and small ensembles. She is also a band leader and         Yusef Chisholm has honed his craft throughout the years in
 vocal instructor. Purcell has shared the stage with many top      the metropolitan area. Whether as a music educator where he
 jazz artists and is a former Washington, D.C. Air Force Band      has taught and inspired students through our public-school
 vocalist, with the groups High Flight and the Airmen of Note,     music programs or as a musician, you might have heard him
 performing nationally and internationally. Darden is completely   accompanying other great musicians in this area. Experience
 at ease and in control; this is music-making at the highest       Yusef Chisholm the bandleader with Common Knowledge
 level. Don’t miss out on this incredible performance!             bringing you bold new compositions with exceptional jazz
                                                                   music artistry. Come and groove with one of Prince George’s
 All ages
                                                                   very own creative and celebrated residents.
 Tickets: $20/person
                                                                   All ages
                                                                   Tickets: $20/person
 Wed., Dec. 14, 2022, 2 pm

 Esther Williams                                                   Wed., Mar. 15, 2023, 2 pm

 Esther Williams presents an exciting program of jazz standards
 and Rhythm & Blues with a touch of Gospel thrown in. Esther
                                                                   The Ladies of
 Williams is a name you’re sure to remember once you’ve seen       Latin Jazz
 this sensuous talented entertainer. It is said that in just one
                                                                   Celebrate Women’s History Month through music! Enjoy the
 set, Williams will take you from a whispered, heart-warming
                                                                   sounds of these talented musicians with a variety of original
 ballad to a swinging, jazzy standard, right into something that
                                                                   and Latin jazz standards. These ladies are making history as
 gets into your body and makes you move. Along with her
                                                                   they forge through the music industry. We might just have to
 husband, Davey Yarborough, Williams shares a passion for
                                                                   move the tables as it will be hard not to get on your feet. Bring
 and commitment to music and art in the Washington, D.C.
                                                                   your partner and partake in this wonderful musical experience.
 metropolitan community. Together, they have developed the
 Washington Jazz Arts Institute, teaching young musicians to       All ages
                                                                   Tickets: $20/person
 excel in an exciting and stimulating environment.
 All ages
 Tickets: $20/person

Wed., Apr. 19, 2023, 2 pm

Zachary Smith & the
Dixie Power Trio
Formed in 1992, Zachary Smith & the Dixie Power Trio has        Sat., Sep. 24, 2022, 8 pm
developed a reputation as the East Coast’s premier “Louisiana
variety band,” capable of playing authentic sounding New        Leonardo Garcia
Orleans jazz, zydeco, Cajun, street parade, and Louisiana-
style funk. The four-piece trio (we blame Cajun math) has       y Son Horizonte
carved out a niche as a fun and exciting ensemble capable       Ready to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month? Well,
of entertaining audiences of all ages. The group has shared     prepare yourself for the music of Leonardo Garcia y Son
concert stages with many Louisiana luminaries, including The    Horizonte. This award-winning ensemble of musicians
Neville Brothers, Terrance Simien, Dr. John, Wynton Marsalis,   with a wide variety of original compositions and authentic
Chubby Carrier, Beausoleil, the Dirty Dozen, the Olympia        arrangements will bring you Latin music as you’ve never
Brass Band, Cowboy Mouth, Galactic, and John Cleary. Come       heard before. They play rich rhythmic salsa and fuse it with
out and enjoy yourself with us!                                 soulful R&B classics like “Ribbon in the Sky,” “What You
All ages                                                        Won’t Do,” and “Sweet Love.” What you don’t want to do, is
Tickets: $20/person                                             miss this show. Get your tickets now!
                                                                All ages
Wed., May 17, 2023, 2 pm                                        Tickets: $30/adult; $25 seniors & students

A Cappella Voices
A Cappella Voices, formerly Part Harmony, presents the
authentic old school doo-wop with some new faces. Be
prepared to sit back and enjoy that timeless rhythm and blues
sound that surrounds you with memories with those close-
harmony vocals that bring a smile to your face and a warm
feeling to your heart.
All ages
Tickets: $20/person

                                                                    M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                19
Sat., Nov. 5, 2022, 8 pm                                           Fri, Dec. 16, 2022, 8 pm

 Stan the Man Hampton                                               Happy Holidays with
 Out of Jamaica, New York, Stan “The Man” Hampton has been
 entertaining audiences throughout the country for over 40
                                                                    Secret Society Live!
 years. Hampton is a gifted entertainer who was blessed with a      If you’re from the area, you might have grooved with the
 soulful voice reminiscent of the great Teddy Pendergrass. He       Secret Society band before. However, on this not so silent
 has the look, style, and the sound that will take you back         night, we have a special treat for you: Happy Holidays with
 to the days when “Teddy” was performing before sell-               Secret Society Live! These talented musicians will bring you
 out crowds around the world. So, spend an evening                  holiday hits in musical arrangements, only the way they do.
 enjoying the soulful stylings of Stan “The Man” Hampton and        Soul, funk, R&B, go-go, you name it, they can play it. Buy your
 his Tribute to “Teddy Pendergrass.”                                tickets now, bring a friend, and let’s celebrate the season right.

 All ages                                                           All ages
 Tickets: $30/adult; $25 seniors & students                         Tickets: $30 adult; $25 seniors & students

                                                                    Sat., Jan. 14, 2023, 8 pm
 Sat., Nov. 19, 2022, 8 pm

 A Tribute to Al Green                                              Tribute to Barry White
 featuring Jerome                                                   Jourdan Carroll is just one of those singers that you never
                                                                    want to forget. Walking away from his soulful voice at the end

 Mackall                                                            of a show gives you hope and admiration for his talent. Carroll
                                                                    has worked his entire life on his voice. His voice is so deep
 Performing since the age of nine, Jerome Mackall has shared        and mesmerizing it is often associated with the voice of the
 the stage with such greats as Tyrone Davis, Johnnie Taylor,        legendary Barry White. With notes so low that some could
 Gene Chandler, The Stylistics, and many more. He has               claim the ground was shaking, he made his star-like debut
 mastered the vocal stylings of the great Al Green. Mackall’s       in his early teens. After being noted so many times for his
 tribute to the music of Al Green has mesmerized audiences          resemblance to Barry White, he decided to bring it into his
 both locally and nationally over the past ten years. His           shows. This only increased his popularity and fame as old fans
 rendition of the hit “Let’s Stay Together” will take you back to   of Barry White now had a new and refreshing voice to bring
 the ‘70s. Come out and take a stroll down memory lane with         the ‘70s soul star back to life. Carroll has captured the
 Jerome Mackall’s Tribute to Al Green!                              charismatic persona of Barry White, as well as his penchant
 All ages                                                           for impromptu comments while performing. This show is a
 Tickets: $30/adult; $25 seniors & students                         “must-see” event for anyone who is a Barry White fan or a
                                                                    lover of classic R&B.
                                                                    All ages
                                                                    Tickets: $30/adult; $25 seniors & students

Sat., Jan. 28, 2023, 7 pm                                         Sat., Feb. 25, 2023, 8 pm

SKIBA and Friends                                                 A Tribute to the Music
Known as the Washington metropolitan area’s funniest
rising comics, Skiba (Skee-buh) has been bringing the gift
                                                                  of Marvin Gaye
of laughter to audiences. With his crazy antics, insightful       Marvin Gaye was a major force in 20th-century music -- a
perspective, and enormous energy, Skiba’s vivid storytelling      singer of rare sensitivity, a versatile pianist, expert drummer,
translates easily overlooked behaviors and moments into           writer of startling originality, and a producer capable of
humor. Skiba is a co-host on The Raheem DeVaughn Show on          seamlessly integrating a multitier of melodic strands. Don’t
iTunes and TV One’s NewsOne Now with Roland Martin.               miss this sensation tribute by the BRENCORE ALLSTARS
                                                                  Band as they perform some of Marvin’s greatest hits such
All ages
                                                                  as “What’s Going On,” “Distant Lover,” “Got to Give it Up,”
Tickets: $30/adult; $25 seniors & students
                                                                  “Sexual Healing,” and more. Hurry and purchase your seats
                                                                  before this event sells out!
Sat., Feb. 11, 2023, 8 pm
                                                                  All ages

The Delfonics                                                     Tickets: $30/adult; $25 seniors & students

The Delfonics were formed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in
                                                                  Sat., Mar. 11, 2023, 8 pm
1965. Their lineup featured brothers, William and Wilbert Hart
Ritchie Daniels, and Randy Cain. The Delfonics were most
popular in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and their most
                                                                  The Intruders
notable hits include “La-La (Means I Love You),” “Didn’t I Blow   The Intruders were one of the most popular R&B groups of
Your Mind,” “Break Your Promise,” “Ready or Not,” “When You       the ‘70s. As one of the first groups to have hits under the
Get Right Down to It,” and many others. This current group        direction of Gamble and Huff, they were a major influence on
of Delfonics, led by co-founder Wilbert Hart, continues the       the development of Philadelphia soul. The Intruders are noted
tradition of presenting their classic ballads with the smooth,    for having 24 R&B chart hits, including their signature song,
sweet harmony that has made The Delfonics an R&B favorite         the million-selling Top 10 smash, “Cowboys to Girls.” Other
for over 40 years. Take a stroll down memory lane with Wil        hits include the Top 10 R&B smashes “Love Is Like A Baseball
Hart’s Delfonics and experience an evening of old-school R&B      Game,” “Together,” “I’ll Always Love My Mama,” “United,” and
at its best!                                                      “I Wanna Know Your Name.” The Intruders remain as one of
                                                                  the most popular groups on the famed ‘70s Soul Tour. Come
All ages
                                                                  and take a stroll down memory lane with the mighty Intruders.
Tickets: $45/adult; $40 seniors & students
                                                                  It will be a show to remember!
                                                                  All ages
                                                                  Tickets: $40/adult; $35 seniors & students

                                                                      M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                    21
Sat., Apr. 8, 2023, 8 pm                                          Sat., Apr. 22, 2023, 8 pm

 Harold Melvin’s                                                   The Dells Revue
 Blue Notes                                                        The Dells was founded in 1953 in Harvey, Indiana by Marvin
                                                                   Junior, Verne Allison, John Funches, Chuck Barksdale, and
 Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes was one of the most              Michael and Lucius McGill. They recorded their first hit, “Oh,
 popular Philadelphia soul groups of the 1970s. The group is       What A Night” in 1956 and went on to score many other major
 most noted for several hits on Gamble and Huff’s Philadelphia     hits such as “Stay In My Corner,” “Standing Ovation,” “Always
 International label between 1972 and 1976. The group scored       Together,” and many others. The Dells was inducted into the
 several major R&B and pop hits including million-selling          Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2004. Although the group’s last
 singles and albums. Among the Blue Notes’ most important          performance was in 2012, they left their many fans wanting to
 and successful recordings are love songs such as “If You          hear more of their timeless hits. The Dells Revue (no relations
 Don’t Know Me By Now” (#1 Billboard R&B), their breakout          to the original Dells) was subsequently formed, and meticulous
 single, “I Miss You,” “The Love I Lost” (#1 R&B Billboard), and   care was taken to maintain the integrity and the unique
 socially-conscious songs such as “Wake Up Everybody” (#1          sound and stylings of the original group. Band members
 Billboard R&B), and “Bad Luck.” Come see a performance by         James Burris, Bernard Taylor, James Reed, Gerard Burrell,
 one of Philadelphia’s finest!                                     and Gerard Giddiens will bring the spirit of the original Dells
 All ages                                                          live onstage on their Heartbeat Tour. Audience members are
 Tickets; $40/adult; $35 seniors & students                        guaranteed to leave this show thinking, “Oh, What A Night!”
                                                                   All ages
                                                                   Tickets: $45/adult; $40 seniors & students

Sat., May 6, 2023, 8 pm                                           Sat., May 20, 2023, 8 pm

The Urban Guerilla                                                Heatwave
Orchestra                                                         Heatwave is a Dayton, Ohio-based funk/disco band formed in
                                                                  1975 by the late Johnnie Wilder Jr. and Keith Wilder (vocals).
The Urban Guerilla Orchestra, affectionately known as             The Wilder brothers were American servicemen based in West
UGO, hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Under the             Germany who formed the group in Europe following their
leadership of trumpeter, Henri McMillian, UGO is comprised        discharge from the U.S. Army. They are internationally known
of instrumentalists and vocalists who have worked with artists    for their singles “Boogie Nights,” “The Groove Line,” “Mind
such as Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Aretha Franklin,           Blowing Decisions,” “Ain’t No Half Steppin,” and “Always and
Boyz II Men, Gladys Knight, and countless others. They are        Forever.” Don’t miss this exciting performance!
undoubtedly one of the best bands performing throughout
                                                                  All ages
the United States today. They have traveled all over the world
                                                                  Tickets: $45/adult; $40 senior & student
and are widely recognized for being the official band of The
Soul Train Cruise. The UGO is comprised of consummate
                                                                  Sat., June 3, 2023, 8 pm
professionals with decades of experience and world-class
musicians who record and tour with major national acts. They
will deliver an energy-packed musical experience that will rock
                                                                  Dion Parson & 21st
you every second of the performance.
                                                                  Century Band
All ages
                                                                  Celebrating Caribbean Heritage Month, we present to you the
Tickets: $40/adult; $35 seniors & students
                                                                  21st Century Band! Led by Grammy award-winning drummer
                                                                  and composer Dion Parson, the 21st Century Band is a
                                                                  powerhouse ensemble of musicians that bring you their special
                                                                  brand of Caribbean jazz. Can you hear the sounds of reggae,
                                                                  calypso, steel pan, zouk, and chutney in the air? Imagine no
                                                                  more, because either you already know or you’re about to find
                                                                  out! Get your tickets, grab your partner, and tell them we are
                                                                  jammin’ tonight down at Harmony Hall Arts Center!
                                                                  All ages
                                                                  Tickets: $35/adult; $30 seniors & students

                                                                      M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                  23
Montpelier Arts Center welcomes aspiring creators and               Take a Class or Workshop at
appreciators of art! Art intersects life at Montpelier Arts
Center, a multifaceted, community-oriented facility that has
                                                                    Montpelier Arts Center offers many workshops and classes
been a complete arts destination for more than 40 years,
                                                                    for children, teens, and adults. Spark a new passion or
offering exhibitions, classes, performances, and studios.
                                                                    rekindle an old love for animation, ceramics, drawing, graphic
Approximately 18 professional artists maintain open studio
                                                                    design, painting, photography, printmaking, rug hooking,
hours for the public from 10 am-5 pm daily, seven days a
                                                                    sculpture, sewing, watercolor, writing, and more! There are
week. The three galleries housed at the Arts Center introduce
                                                                    several ways to view class offerings. All classes are listed on
changing exhibitions by local and national visual artists
                                                                    PARKS DIRECT at pgparksdirect.com and can be located
who work in a variety of media and styles. Nationally and
                                                                    by browsing under Visual Arts, Performing Arts, or Lifestyle
internationally recognized performers hold concerts in a
                                                                    and Learning. Using the Advanced Search feature allows
quaint, intimate setting. Classes in the visual and literary arts
                                                                    you to search for classes specific to Montpelier Arts Center
are offered year-round for adults, teens, and children.
                                                                    and occurring within a selected date range. Contact the Arts
For more information or to receive Montpelier Arts Center’s         Center at MontpelierArts@pgparks.com to receive the full
e-newsletter, send an email to MontpelierArts@pgparks.com.          class booklet either as a PDF or by mail.

Information and Directions                                          Montpelier Arts Center Welcomes
9652 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD 20708
                                                                    Aspiring Art Creators and
Contact: 301-377-7800; arts.pgparks.com;
MontpelierArts@pgparks.com.                                         Appreciators!
                                                                    Schedule a Field Trip to visit the galleries and artist studios at
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:30 am-5 pm (closed major holidays).      the Arts Center! Call 301-377-7800 for details or to schedule
Gallery Hours: Seven days a week, 10 am-5 pm (closed major          a guided tour. Montpelier Arts Center galleries are open seven
holidays). For visits to the galleries after 5 pm (Mon.-Thu.),      days a week, from 10 am-5 pm. Customize your tour by calling
please call 301-377-7800 in advance. Admission is FREE to           ahead of time.
the galleries and gallery receptions.
                                                                    Artist Opportunities at Montpelier!
Visitor Guidelines: The galleries and studios at Montpelier
                                                                    Montpelier Arts Center is proud to support the arts and
Arts Center are free and open to the public, seven days a
                                                                    welcomes artists of all ages to showcase their work in our
week. Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied
                                                                    exhibitions and programs. For detailed information on the
by an adult when visiting the galleries. No photography or
                                                                    programs listed, contact Montpelier Arts Center by phone at
videography is allowed in the galleries without permission from
                                                                    301-377-7800 or by email at MontpelierArts@pgparks.com.
the artists or the Arts Center.
                                                                    11th Annual Artists on the Rise: Juried Teen Exhibition
Tours: Guided tours of the Arts Center include the exhibitions
                                                                    The 11th Annual Artists on the Rise: Juried Teen Exhibition
on view and visits with the artists working in their studios.
                                                                    will take place at Montpelier Arts Center in April 2023. This
Tours can be arranged by calling the Arts Center during office
                                                                    competition is open to all artists ages 13-18 who reside in
hours (9:30 am–5 pm). A tour of the Arts Center can often be
                                                                    Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, D.C., and who are currently
arranged in conjunction with a tour of the Montpelier Mansion.
                                                                    home-schooled or enrolled in middle or high school. Jurors will
To schedule a tour with the Mansion, call 301-377-7817; or
                                                                    award prizes and cash honoraria based on artistic excellence.
email MontpelierMansion@pgparks.com.
                                                                    For more information, please contact Montpelier Arts Center at
Directions: Montpelier Arts Center is located off Route 197         301-377-7800 or MontpelierArts@pgparks.com.
and Muirkirk Road in Laurel, Maryland, one-quarter mile
west of the Baltimore-Washington Parkway. From the Capital          MAIN GALLERY CALL FOR PROPOSALS
Beltway (I-495), take the Baltimore-Washington Parkway              Montpelier Arts Center aims to showcase a diverse array of art
(MD-295) North, and exit at Route 197 (Laurel-Bowie Road)           from different genres, media, and cultures to stimulate public
towards Laurel. Continue on Route 197 to Crystal Plaza              interest, excitement, and dialogue about the arts. We welcome
Shopping Center/Muirkirk Road. Turn left onto Muirkirk Road;        interested artists, curators, and groups to submit exhibition
Montpelier Arts Center Drive is the first right.                    proposals to MontpelierArts@pgparks.com. (Please note
                                                                    this is an open call for proposals and no guarantee submitted
Parking: There is plenty of FREE parking available at the
                                                                    proposals will be selected for exhibition.)
Arts Center.

Online ticketing: Visit arts.pgparks.com for more information.

                                                                        M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                   25
LIBRARY GALLERY COMPETITION                                       Resident Artists
 Montpelier Arts Center is pleased to invite artists to enter
                                                                   RESIDENT ARTISTS PROGRAM
 its annual competition to be selected for 2-month-long
                                                                   Montpelier Arts Center houses resident artists who work in a
 exhibitions to be held in the Library Gallery for the 2023–2024
                                                                   diverse array of media and styles. All are professional artists,
 season. Artists must reside in Maryland and may apply for
                                                                   and several teach the Arts Center’s classes and programs.
 solo or group exhibitions. An honorarium will be awarded
                                                                   Artists work in their studios throughout the week and can
 to each artist/group selected for exhibition. Apply online at
                                                                   be visited by groups or individuals interested in purchasing
                                                                   their work or learning more about the artistic process. On a
 For details, please call 301-377-7800 or email
                                                                   revolving basis, resident artists exhibit new work in the Arts
                                                                   Center’s Resident Artist Gallery.
                                                                   CURRENT RESIDENT ARTISTS
 The 2023–2024 Montpelier Arts Center Recital Competition
                                                                   Linda Bernard, Ceramics*
 is seeking classical musicians. These Sunday afternoon
                                                                   Patricia Phillips Bowden, Painting
 recitals are free to the public and will take place in the Main
                                                                   Nikki Brooks, Painting
 Gallery. The competition is open to all musicians residing in
                                                                   David Brosch, Traditional Etching*
 the United States and will take place in spring 2023; winners
                                                                   Melissa Burley, Sculpture
 will be awarded honoraria and presented in a recital during the
                                                                   Patrick Cromwell, Printmaking
 2023–2024 season.
                                                                   Barry Goldstein, Sculpture
 TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES                                            Christopher Kirages, Sculpture
 Montpelier Arts Center is interested in providing new and         Bao-Yen Nguyen, Painting
 inspiring avenues for students in the visual and literary arts.   Sushama Parikh, Sculpture, Ceramics, and Batik
 We are currently seeking instructors that possess a thorough      Julie Polt, Printmaking
 knowledge of the elements, processes, skills, and forms of        Sharon Sefton, Printmaking
 their medium with the ability to express that knowledge           Michael Stewart, Printmaking
 clearly to a diverse audience, from young children to             Jeremy Wright, Ceramics, Sculpture*
 older adults. If interested, please email your resume, a          *These artists are also class instructors at Montpelier Arts Center.
 proposal/syllabus, and images or a link to your website to
                                                                   JURYING FOR STUDIO SPACE
                                                                   Join a thriving community of professional artists in the
                                                                   Montpelier Resident Artist Program. Reasonably priced
                                                                   studios that vary in size are rented to qualified artists.
                                                                   Individual studio spaces at Montpelier Arts Center are located
                                                                   on the first and second floors. The printmaking studio is a
                                                                   shared workspace on the first floor.

                                                                   Resident Artists who maintain studios at the Arts Center are
                                                                   also eligible for solo exhibitions in the Resident Artist Gallery
                                                                   on a rotating basis and have access to the studios seven days
                                                                   a week. If space is available, Montpelier Arts Center holds an
                                                                   annual jury for studio space every spring.

                                                                   All interested are encouraged to visit the center, call
                                                                   301-377-7800, and apply online in the spring at

                                                             Fri., Sep. 2-Sun., Oct. 23, 2022
                                                             Public Reception: Sat., Sep. 17, 2-4 pm
                                                             Tintype Demo & Lecture: Sat., Oct. 15, 2-4 pm

                                                             Dreamer’s House and
Main Gallery                                                 Anomalies in Time:
The Main Gallery features artwork from local, regional,
national artists who have been invited to share their work
                                                             Photographs by Regina
with our community.                                          DeLuise and Jay Gould
                                                             Light and lens are at the heart of this exhibition. Two
                                                             photographers working with large format, 8x10 cameras and
                                                             processes that span the history of the medium. DeLuises’
                                                             exquisite photographs explore the passage of time, moments
                                                             of stillness, and interior space. Meanwhile, Gould’s work
                                                             embraces the historic collodion process to explore the
                                                             paradoxes of time, memory, and illusion.

                                                             Wed., Nov. 2, 2022-Fri., Jan. 6, 2023
                                                             Public Reception: Sun., Nov. 6, 3-5 pm

                                                             The 34th Annual Prince
                                                             George’s County
                                                             Juried Exhibition
                                                             The Annual Prince George’s County Juried Exhibition, now in
                                                             its 34th year, draws on the vast core of visual artists that live,
                                                             work, or maintain a studio in Prince George’s County. This
                                                             exhibition also serves to foster an inclusive spirit among the
                                                             participating artists as well as showcase their talents, skills,
                                                             and diverse use of mediums.

                                                                 M-NCPPC, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION                      27
Sat., Jan. 28-Sun., Mar. 26, 2023                                   Sat., May 6-Sun., Jun. 4, 2023
 Public Reception: Sun., Feb. 5, 2-5 pm                              Public Reception: Sun., May 7, 1-3 pm

 Annual Black History                                                The 54th Annual
 Month Exhibition                                                    Laurel Art Guild Juried
 This year’s exhibition will explore “Anti-Black Violence and
 Resistance in the Diaspora,” the annual theme set by the
 Association for the Study of African American Life and              Organized by the Laurel Art Guild, this annual exhibit is juried
 History. This theme will be placed in local context, highlighting   by a regional professional and showcases works by artists
 important narratives from the history of African Americans          ages 18 and older who live in the Washington metropolitan
 in Prince George’s County and the surrounding region. This          area and surrounding states. The exhibit includes paintings,
 exhibition is curated by the M-NCPPC Black History Program.         drawings, photographs, wall-hung sculptures, collages, and
                                                                     more. Cash prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third
                                                                     places and three merit awards. Get involved in your local
 Tue., Apr. 4-Sun., Apr. 30, 2023
                                                                     arts activities and enjoy the support and camaraderie of your
 Public Reception: Sat., Apr. 15, 1-3 pm
                                                                     fellow artists. Find more information at laurelartguild.org.

 The 11th Annual Artists                                             Sat., Jun. 10-Sun., Aug. 6, 2023
 on the Rise: Juried                                                 Public Reception: Sat., Jun. 10, 2-4 pm

 Teen Exhibition                                                     Artist Talk/Luncheon: Thu., Jun. 15, 12 noon

 Montpelier Arts Center strives to foster a positive, creative       The 42nd Annual
 environment in which young and emerging artists realize
 their full potential as creative individuals. Every year, from
                                                                     Invitational Sculpture
 the results of a juried competition, Montpelier spotlights the
 talents of teen visual artists, ages 13-18, from the Washington
 metropolitan area. See the artists of tomorrow, today! To enter     3-D printing has been used to turn digital computer files into
 the competition for 2023, interested teens may submit work for      3-Dimensional objects of all types. Some of the practical
 consideration online at montpelierartscenter.submittable.com,       examples that have been created with 3-D printing are objects
 beginning in winter 2022.                                           such as mechanical prototype models, medical tools, game
                                                                     miniatures, and buildings. Along with the practical, individuals
                                                                     have been taking the technology and creating works of art.
                                                                     The 42nd Annual Montpelier Arts Center Sculpture Exhibition
                                                                     is a celebration of this intersection of technology and art. To
                                                                     register for the Artist Talk/Luncheon, please call 301-377-7800
                                                                     by Fri., Jun. 9, 2023.

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