Hamilton City Council - East Ward - *Edited to recommended word count What is your personal connection

Hamilton C ity C ouncil – East Ward
*Edited to recommended word count
C andidate          What is your personal connection               In light of recent changes to the Local                         What is your opinion on C ouncil investing funds
                    with the arts, if any?                         Government Act, do you believe that C ouncils                   in future arts infrastructure?
                                                                   should have arts policies or strategies?

Ross MacLeod        I have been involved in theatre and film in    The primary concern arts wise of the changes to the             The public is especially wary of big construction project
                    Hamilton and the Waikato for over a            LGA is the shift of focus from intangibles such as              and with good reason given the expenditure over the past
                    decade now. Over this time I have worked       community worth to financial areas. Art and the                 decade. In respect to the Theatres review the gifting of the
                    with a number of different groups in           benefits from it is not an easily quantified area so there      Meteor to a trust for operation (I am on this trust) is an
                    various capacities. I have been writing,       is a risk that it will be passed over in increased efforts      option without large expenditure but the required
                    directing and producing my own work for        to balance the books. It will force councils to be more         upgrades to the Founders theatre are a more expensive
                    several years as well as collaborating with    cautious with how they approach the arts, and within            figure, which will have to be approached carefully. If this
                    others. At present I am a member of            Hamilton that approach is already overcautious.                 goes ahead it is imperative that the rebuild be to required
                    Apocalypse Lounge, a Hamilton Theatre                                                                          specs, something which has been dealt with far too
                    collective dedicated to producing new          There is also the risk of increased national level              casually in the past, leading to inadequate spaces for
                    work and fostering new writing and             government having an influence over Council                     excessive cost.
                    directing talent. I am also a street           decisions. If debt is particularly bad and the Ministry         There is a strong call for a public art gallery at present and
                    performer, specializing in stilt walking and   steps in it is likely that the arts sector will be one of the   I agree this is something that needs to be explored. I
                    fire twirling. I am a current board member     first to suffer severe cuts.                                    would be extremely hesitant however to look at building
                    of the Hamilton Community Arts Council         In light of this risk it is perhaps safer if the council        an entirely new space for this purpose. I believe that a far
                    and the One Victoria Trust.                    invests in fostering existing arts, moving them towards         better option would be to examine the current vacant
                                                                   self sustainability where possible so as to avoid Council       spaces in the central city, to come together with volunteer
                                                                   owned assets being lost. *Edited                                and community groups and repurpose a space to the
                                                                                                                                   needs of the venue.*Edited

Rob Pascoe          Recent pro bono work with the Meteor           My understanding of the legislative changes is to               Creating a unique Hamilton centres on having leisure
                    assisting with budgets, cash flow              encourage Councils to be more business-like in their            activities that citizens value. Assuming there are
                    projections, and advice on governance          operations and in dealing with citizens they represent.         competent groups able and willing to take responsibility
                    matters. Meeting with the steering             If a community has an active arts sector then the role          and manage these, then the Council should assist these
                    committee and the Mayor and interested         Council would play is to collaborate with the various           groups on a collaborative basis ( in partnership where
                    councilors, and then with Council staff on     arts groups to assist in developing with them an overall        appropriate with other groups such as business,
                    ownership options.                             strategy and business plan. Those able to prove good            philanthropic trusts etc.) to provide the infrastructure so
                                                                   governance should then be able to take control of               desired outcomes can be developed. Where appropriate
                                                                   council owned assets, and develop/ maximise the use             Council should assist with or solely fund the capital assets
                                                                   of these to achieve the best possible outcomes for              needed.
                                                                   their groups and the theatre /art public.

Ian Hanley          As Mayor/Councillor I do support the arts.     I support an active Arts role for Council and have              Councils should not only invest funds in arts infrastructure,
                    As Dean of Waikato in St Peter’s Cathedral     recently written that if Mayor, I would propose the sale        but should seek arts input in to art issues. Defining that
                    I encouraged music and theatre in the          of Hamilton City Council’s 50 per cent share in the             could be quite fun! Additionally, creative conversations
Cathedral and events at the Meteor              airport. In part some of those funds could be used to           between business, Tainui, the community in all its rainbow
                    Theatre. More recently I visited Creative       develop the Museum site, in to what I would suggest             colours, arts groups and Council may well attend to the
                    Waikato and added very small pieces to          could be, with permission, “The Wallace Art Gallery             Theatre/Arts challenges existent in our City Arts Venues
                    the people’s sculpture! I also attended the     and Waikato Museum.” This would be a fabulous City              and future development. There may be some interesting
                    Embassy Park Review and the Spark               project. Lastly, how might we see the Taonga, which is          and productive partnerships formed.
                    Festival.                                       our River from an arts perspective? Should that
                                                                    conversation include the arts community? I believe it           “Creative minds find creative solutions.” Part of that
                                                                    should.                                                         journey is being able to express “Hamilton is...............”
                                                                    *Edited                                                         That may then help us to define what Hamilton should
                                                                                                                                    look and sound like in one hundred years?!
Philip Yeung        I don't have any direct personal                Yes, there should be an arts strategy or policy for the         I would like HCC to invest in city's arts infrastructure like an
                    connection with arts, but I have been           city. This will enhance the social and cultural well-being      art gallery within the city. I want to see more investment in
                    promoting arts (arts and craft and              of the communities. A strategy or policy will provide           public arts displays throughout the city. This will have a
                    performing arts) with the ethnic                opportunities for artists to flourish and lift the profile of   positive impact on tourism industry with economic
                    communities for the past 12 years. A            Hamilton being a creative arts city.                            benefits.
                    painting from a refugee to a handmade
                    jewelry from an immigrant, arts and craft
                    items from around the world, made in
                    Hamilton are what I promote.

Gordon Chesterman   In my 9 years on council I have always          Yes councils should.                                            Hamilton needs a contemporary art gallery. Had council
                    voted in support of arts and culture                                                                            under Mayor Evans not frustrated the trustees we would
                    initiatives, comparing support council                                                                          have retained the Chartwell Collection. What the Trustees
                    gives to professional and amateur sport                                                                         wanted was a dedicated gallery. Instead the collection
                    and talking balance. There is no                                                                                disappeared to Auckland. Regrettably, the city doesn't
                    comparison in terms of the spend. I have a                                                                      have the money. Founders Theatre is woefully inadequate
                    personal historic and contemporary NZ art                                                                       and can't take the full complement of NZ Ballet, nor the
                    collection, sculptures, and a pottery                                                                           NZ Symphony orchestra. Founders was built 50 years ago
                    collection by the late Bryce Stevens. I                                                                         and is out of date ( city population has gone from 55,000
                    regularly attend exhibitions at the Arts Post                                                                   to 145,000 ). Replacing the theatre would cost over $50
                    and Museum. My Wellington-based                                                                                 million. Both projects require the support of the
                    daughter and her husband (Drama School                                                                          community to attract funding.
                    graduate) are professional actors and
                    performers and have been involved with all
                    of Sir Peter's Jackson's recent films.
Vaughan Mikkelson
Javed Chaudhry      Antique collection, Listening music,            Certainly, I believe its mandatory for City Council to          Keeping in view of Council's current financial standing I
                    watching dramas and movies, Admire              keep up the vivacity of the city, art and culture are one       don't think would enable to allocate much funds at this
                    creative art                                    of the imperative picks. The council need to take lead          stage but must be included in long term strategic
                                                                    to frame arts policies and then together with all the art       planning. Exploring the possibilities to attracting partners /
                                                                    stakeholders develop plan of operation.                         investors would be viable approach. Moreover, it's prudent
                                                                                                                                    to execute arts activities in an entrepreneurial manner.
Peter Humphreys   I enjoy been able to have access to the          We are caught up with the change to the Act which in       Having been involved with the first ever Wearable Arts
                  exhibitions, street entertainment and            part says the new purpose of local government is: “To      Award in Nelson I have watched this event grow and I
                  theatrical shows. I don’t have any formal        enable democratic local decision making and action         have seen the difference this event made to Nelson and
                  connection to the arts.                          by, and on behalf of communities” The current              later to Wellington. I have been to the theatre and
                                                                   interpretation by the Chief Executive is that Council do   watched a play by people with disabilities and have seen
                                                                   not have a role beyond roads and water. This needs to      the human benefits of this. The investment in the arts is
                                                                   be challenged by the democratic elected councillors        sometimes not commercially profitable; the cultural,
                                                                   because creating a liveable city is more than              educational and community benefits are however
                                                                   infrastructure, it is also about the arts. Great cities    immeasurable. The investment in theatres and cultural
                                                                   around the world invest in creating an environment         events allow people from all walks of life to express
                                                                   where people want to live.                                 themselves. The council with individuals and business have
                                                                                                                              a crucial role in this investment.

Jamie Strange
Jason Howarth     I have always been a strong supporter of         Yes I do. In Hamilton particularly there seems to be       I would like to see one “arts hub”. Where there is a large
                  the performing arts. While at school I was       multiple organisations that a representative of some       well-resourced theatre (Founders/Clearance), then
                  involved in different productions at both        part of the arts community. The arts groups need to        attached a smaller playhouse(Gallagher performing arts
                  Founders and the Clearance street                work collectively together, to ensure there is a united    centre/ Riverlea theater) as well as shared green rooms
                  theaters. While at high school I was             front when approaching the council                         and actors suites. Art studios (painting/sculpture), displays
                  privileged to be part of the Les Miserable                                                                  halls linking the different areas. Thought it seems like an
                  production directed by John Drummond.                                                                       adventurous goal, with correct and united planning, it will
                                                                                                                              attract government funding and lift the cultural profile of

Rex Bushell       I am a member of the friends of the              Most definitely.                                           It must happen. It cannot happen in the short term
                  Museum. We (my wife and I) have a small                                                                     because of the Council debt however that does not mean
                  interesting collection of art at home.                                                                      it cannot be planned for and a time line developed. I
                  M. Taugaroa, a Cook Island artist. A                                                                        understand there are plans already drawn up for an art
                  numbered print “moment of awakening. A                                                                      gallery and a location identified. It just needs the will
                  particularly fine piece of art. Malcolm Warr,                                                               inside council to start a path to make it happen.
                  two of his screen prints. Robyn Kahukiwa, a
                  numbered print. Colin Gibbs, a local artist.
                  An interesting original work “the white
                  stone” based on a J.K.Baxter poem.
                  KateJones-Madill, a Tauranga artist.
                  Numbered print. Kathryn Furniss, an
                  Oamaru artist. Print.

Jim Parlane        I enjoy the arts and would like to one day      We should have policies and strategies relating to the     It is a strategic investment that could become self funding
                  invest in them, particularly paintings. I have   arts. I agree with the policy of a well known Asian        by way of tourism.
schemes in mind but at present have no         architect from Wellington whose name escapes me at
                   money to carry them out.                       present, that all new buildings should have 1% of their
                                                                  budges spent on visual art work.

Anjum Rahman       I’m a consumer of arts rather than a           In light of recent changes to the Local Government Act,      What is your opinion on Council investing funds in future
                   producer – unless writing on political blogs   do you believe that                                          arts infrastructure?
                   counts as creative endeavour! I regularly      Councils should have arts policies or strategies?            Arts infrastructure is crucial to both the social and
                   attend events at the Hamilton Gardens          Yes. I believe much of the current arts policy comes         economic well-being of the city and will attract visitors to
                   Festival and enjoy a good film. I believe      under “local public services”. Also, providing suitable      the city. Adequate venues are required for both visual and
                   creative endeavour brings much to our          venues is part of Hamilton City Council’s responsibility     performance art, for example the current stage at
                   community: social commentary and an            to provide “good-quality local infrastructure”. I            Founders Theatre cannot accommodate some large
                   opportunity to re-evaluate ourselves as        support the Hamilton Arts Agenda, and would hope to          orchestral/choral performances or full ballet productions. I
                   individuals and as a society. A sense of       continue with the work outlined in the Hamilton Arts         support the proposal by the One Victoria Street Trust
                   confidence and purpose for many young          Forum Action Plan should I become a Councillor.              regarding the Meteor Theatre, and agree that Founders
                   people whose strengths lie in creative                                                                      Theatre needs refurbishment. There is also need for a
                   expression. Vibrancy, beauty, colour and                                                                    dedicated contemporary art gallery. Funds should be
                   activity. Jobs and economic prosperity.                                                                     raised through a mix of funding from funding bodies, the
                   Places, spaces and times where people                                                                       Council, central government and commercial sponsorship.
                   gather and develop a sense of
                   togetherness, shared values or even just
                   shared experiences.

Adrienne Hagan     I am a Drama, Media Studies teacher and        The HCC has an arts policies and strategies currently. I     There is going to be a move in the new council to limit
                   HOF Arts at Te Aroha College. I usually        would hope that council continues to financially, as well    spending and make cuts. The plan is to cut the annual
                   focus on my student’s educational              as spiritually, support the arts in its 10 year plan.        Public Art Fund by $52,450, but to re-instate it in Year 4
                   requirements. Connections with the Arts        The 2012 Local Government Act removal of one phrase          (2015/16). I would advocate for this to happen. We will
                   community are inspiring for me and my          for another is just semantics - “to promote the social,      have to hang on, tooth and nail, to the Contestable
                   students. I have produced and directed         economic, cultural and environmental well-being” is          Performing Arts Fund of $100,000 per year for ten years.
                   plays. For example: 2013 That Face by          replaced with “to enable democratic local decision           I will have to take more advice on the discussion to sell the
                   Polly Stenham; 2012 Noises Off by Michael      making and action by, and on behalf of, communities”         underperforming and technically lacking Clarence Street
                   Freyn; 2011, Wednesday to Come by              and “to meet the current and future needs of                 Theatre as I believe the public will expect some kind of
                   Renee; 2010 When Sun and Moon Collide          communities for ….local public services…” . The Arts         trade off. The Meteor Community Trust (The Meteor
                   by Briar Grace-Smith; 2009 Rosie by Pat        community will have to push itself forward to ensure it      Proposal) is a great idea in principal, I would help advocate
                   Spillane. I have helped organize three Te      continues to get a slice of the pie. Local public services   for council funding to help support it through the
                   Aroha College Arts Festivals at to             include theatres, Waikato Museum, libraries and              Contestable Performing Arts Fund. The Founders Theatre
                   celebrate and showcase student work-           hopefully a public art gallery. *Edited                      needs to be upgraded extensively. In my opinion we need
                   visual arts (photography, print, painting),                                                                 to lobby Government to help us with that. The Ratepayers
                   media arts (short films), musical arts and                                                                  purse is tapped out and is used to run basic infrastructure
                   dramatic arts at our school. *Edited                                                                        and service the debt.

Margaret Forsyth   I don’t have a personal connection with the    Yes, the (referenced) legislation quite clearly gives        I have a ‘whole of city’ approach to decision making and
                   arts other than I enjoy and appreciate all     direction to councils in that ‘other community               support proposals that are evidence based, backed up
kinds of art as an enrichment of my life.       infrastructure’ must be given regard. Council business      with a business case. With this in mind, I am supportive of:
                 I enjoy art that I can hang on my wall at       is to make policy and drive strategies therefore I          1: a dedicated city art gallery
                 home. I enjoy going to art galleries when I     believe HCC should have arts policies and strategies.       2: the continuation and enhancement of private and
                 travel in NZ or overseas. I enjoy attending                                                                 philanthropic partnerships to deliver public art to the city
                 local art exhibitions and purchasing local                                                                  3: Hamilton theatres and the roles they have in the city.
                 art.                                                                                                        4: a public art trail interpretive plan
                 I enjoy theatre as well but am more likely                                                                  5: a permanent art work (street art or other) on the Wintec
                 to attend an exhibition or concert as                                                                       Wall
                 opposed to live theatre. The last                                                                           6: street furniture or functional art
                 professional production I went to was Lion                                                                  7: continuing to develop an Arts precinct in the CBD (Arts
                 King at Convent Garden last year – it was                                                                   Post, Museum environs).
                 unbelievable! In Hamilton I attended the
                 Smokefree Rockquest regional finals at                                                                      Once again thank you for the opportunity to submit my
                 Clarence St and the Stage Challenge                                                                         views. I am no art expert but strongly support art because
                 regional finals at Claudelands – both                                                                       I believe it enhances our lives in a physical, emotional,
                 amazing shows.                                                                                              cultural, intellectual, spiritual and even economic way –
                 The last concerts I attended were Six60                                                                     maybe not all at the same time but even in any one way,
                 and NZSO at the Founders Theatre earlier                                                                    art has the ability to transform.
                 this year.

Roger Hennebry   I appreciate art but not all modern art         Yes                                                         Yes, arts should have a budget

James Casson     No connection                                   I certainly do. A council without such a policy is          I agree with this, but again have to take into consideration
                                                                 planning to fail in this important area. I am we'll aware   prudent and proper use of public money in such
                                                                 that Hamilton has a strong Arts community and I would       ventures. I will stand for council being accountable to the
                                                                 like to promote the Arts as much as financially possible    community and to spend its money wisely. If the arts can
                                                                 without causing hardship in other equally important         be supported financially after taking these into account
                                                                 areas. A delicate balancing act which has to be taken       then I fully support such funding.
                                                                 head on.

Jack Gielen      Ive been an opera singer with contamis,         I believe council should have positive art policies         I also believe council should invest funds into our art
                 Ive done Elvis impersonations and love          encouraging community involvement. We need to               infrastructure.
                 poetry and art                                  protect and foster creative expression in people.

Matiu Dickson    I weave traditional Maori weaving, kete,        The arts are the soul or wairua of the community. It        More can be done. In the past the arts has been the poor
                 whariki and kakahu. I gave some pieces          should reflect the past and the creative future. It is      cousin and where there has been a need for financial cuts,
                 for the Matariki Exhibition held at your        important for identity and the healthy expression of the    the arts has been clobbered. I think this is because there
                 gallery this year. I am a composer of Maori     arts reflects a community comfortable with itself in        are few, if any, councillors who appreciate the arts or who
                 song, modern and traditional. I have            every way. A caring, diverse and creative side of the       have an input to its retention and growth. I will keep my
                 judged at the national Maori performing         community. All cultures have the right to have their art    interest and involvement because it is my relaxation and
                 arts festival, Te Matatini, the last time was   exhibited, understood and respected.                        part of my identity.
this year in Rotorua. I judged the modern
                      action song. I am an expert in the singing
                      of the traditional songs of my tribe in
                      Tauranga, Ngaiterangi. I love all Maori art
                      and lately have been teaching my skills to
                      groups of interested people, Maori and

Garry Mallett
Possum Warren Allen
Karina Green
Basil Wood
David Natzke
Tony Dixon            I take part in many singing events,           A difficult one now with the changes. I recognize that      Again a tricky one, especially in our current financial
                      particularly Irish and Scottish songs. A      the arts play an important part in the mental, spiritual    predicament. From past experience, I have found that
                      quick plug here for the Celtic community’s    and physical health of our communities. I would             groups and clubs were stronger and more positive when
                      production of “The Highland Clearances”       continue to promote the arts as a vital part of our city,   they had to raise their own funds. When clubs looked for
                      at the Hamilton Fringe Festival at the end    but I am only one voice of many.                            others to assist funding they lost their drive. However, I still
                      of the month. I dabble in painting for                                                                    believe there is a place for council involvement on behalf
                      relaxation once in a while.                                                                               of the wider community.

Charlie Gower         I have little artistic talent, and so limit   While concerned about the micro-industry within             As a tourist in other centres, I'm always keen to sample
                      myself to being a grateful recipient of       council writing a ever growing mountain of policies I do    their public offerings in the arts, and see the provision of
                      others' creativity.                           accept the need for a strategic approach to investment      public art facilities as a measure of a city's maturity. I'm
                                                                    in the arts sector.                                         keen to see Hamilton develop our arts infrastructure (not
                                                                                                                                just public art), subject always to available finance and
                                                                                                                                public support.
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