Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast

Page created by Wendy Rhodes
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
              Holiday Planner 2018
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
Welcome to Australia's
Travel through thousands of years of history and 1100 kilometres
of stunning coastline. Discover uninterrupted stretches of white
sandy beaches, untouched coral reefs just metres from the shore,
breathtaking gorges and brilliant carpets of colourful wildflowers.
Along the way, you’ll also find some of the best known and loved
holiday destinations and attractions on Western Australia’s Coral
Coast. From the Pinnacles, Kalbarri National Park and Shark
Bay World Heritage Area to the dolphins of Monkey Mia and the
incredible Ningaloo Reef, where you can swim with the world’s
largest fish – the whale shark.

     image: Swedish tourist Felicia Kervefelt visiting Port Gregory’s Hutt Lagoon - @FeliciaKervefelt
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
S                     TOP 10
 IT IN   E RA RIE                       THINGS                        LOCAT
                                                                            IO   NS
                                        TO D O

Australia’s CORAL COAST map    2    try a 4WD adventure       24    the INDIAN OCEAN drive      28
travelling the CORAL COAST     4    find a UNIQUE stay        24    visit WILDFLOWER country    38
short & sweet itinerary ideas 8     Explore secret BEACHES    25    the Geraldton region        44
the ultimate BUCKET LIST       11   Discover CREATURES               the KALBARRI region         52
tasty FOOD trail              16    great and small25               the SHARK BAY region        60
fun-filled FAMILY itinerary   18    enjoy FAMILY fun          26    the Ningaloo region         68
experience WILDFLOWER trails20      WALKING or DRIVE trails   26
natural Events and activities 22    the ultimate #INSTA SPOTS 27
                                     World Heritage, MARINE AND
                                     NATIONAL Parks            27

                                                     FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA
                                                     Facebook & YouTube | Australias Coral Coast
                                                     Instagram | @australiascoralcoast

#australiascoralcoast                                                                              1
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
                                                                                Disclaimer The information contained in this holiday
                                                                                planner has been provided as a guide only. Although
                                                                                every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
                                                                                of the information contained in this publication,
                                                                                Australia’s Coral Coast does not take responsibility for
                                                                                any injury, irregularity, loss or damage arising from
                                                         ONE MILE               the provision of any services, or failure to deliver such

                           Australia’s CORAL COAST map
                                                          JETTY                 services. Australia’s Coral Coast does not endorse
                                                                                or provide warranty, either express or implied, as
                                                                                to the conduct or practice of the advertisers in this
                                                                                publication. Australia’s Coral Coast does not accept
                                                                                responsibility for changes or withdrawal of prices,
                                                                                details or services, which are subject to change.
                                                                                The map featured is not comprehensive and is for
                                                                                illustration purposes only.
                                                                                Acknowledgements Australia’s Coral Coast is
                                                                                proudly supported by Tourism Western Australia.
                                                                                Images used in this planner are courtesy of: Apertunity
                                                                                Productions, Belinda Sheridan, Ben Teo Photography,
                                                                                Caleb Davenport, Carnarvon Visitor Centre, Chris
                                                                                Lewis, COImages, Coral Bay Eco Tours, Coral Coast
                                                                                Helicopter Services, Dan Avila, David Kirkland, Dongara
                                                                                Port Denison Visitor Centre, Elements Margaret
                                                                    Wooramel    River, Elise Hassey, Felicia Kervefelt, Flight Seeing
                                                                    Roadhouse   Imagery, Funtavia, Gascoyne Food Council, Geraldon
                                                                                Air Charters, Henderson Photography, Jewels Lynch
                                                                                Photography, Kalbarri Visitor Centre, Karijini Eco
                                                                                Retreat, Katrin Lehr - Vielunterwegs, Lauren Bath
                                                                                Photography, Lobster Shack, Mackerel Islands, Matt
                                                                                Hutton Photography, Michael Bond MB AUS, Michelle
                                                                                McKoy, Moritz Maschek, Paul Bester, Paul Pichugin,
                                                                                Paul Shepherd, Prue Wheeler - Sealife Differently,
                                                                                Rebina Criddle, Richard Rossiter, Sail Ningaloo, Salty
                                                                                Wings, Samantha Walton, Samille Mitchell, Sean
                                                                                Scott Photography, Sharon Graham, Shawn Peach
                                                                                Photography, Summersite, Theaker Von Ziamo,
                                                                                Tourism Western Australia, Trevor King and Vertical
                                                                                Project, Tully Clayton, Wildflower Country, Will Wardle
                                                                                Photography, Wooramel River Retreat.
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast

                                                                                                       PINK LAKE


                               220        20
                                                Jurien Bay
                           2hr 30min    30min
                               349       149         129
                           3hr 45min 1hr 45min   1hr 15min
                                415       215        195       66
                           4hr 30min 2hr 30min       2hr     30min
                                577       411       387        218      152
                                6hr      5hr     3hr 45min 1hr 45min     1hr
                               838       631        604       473       409       377
                           8hr 30min 6hr 30min      6hr        5hr   4hr 15min    4hr
                               905       690         671      540       478       445         325
                                9hr      7hr         7hr   5hr 30min 4hr 45min 4hr 30min      3hr
                               1,132     929        900       774       708       667         564       240
                                                                                                               Coral Bay
                           11hr 30min 9hr 30min     9hr        8hr      7hr    6hr 45min   5hr 30min 2hr 30min
                              1,260     1,093      1,068      900       835       802         691       367        150
                               13hr      11hr   10hr 30min     9hr   8hr 30min    8hr         7hr    3hr 45min 1hr 30min             New Norcia
                                 Distance (kilometres)
                                 Driving times

                          To convert from km to miles multiply by 0.621

                         Self guided travel itineraries are available online at
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
travelling the CORAL COAST

GETTING THERE                               TRAVELLING TIPS
By Air                                      Road safety
Air services operate to towns in the        Take breaks! Coral Coast has long stretches       Drive on the left-hand
Coral Coast from Perth. Virgin Australia    of road, so be sure to stop for regular              side of the road
Regional ( fly to    breaks. The maximum speed limit is 110
Geraldton. QantasLink (       kilometres per hour on the open road and
also offer services to Geraldton and        50 kilometres per hour in built up areas.
Exmouth (Learmonth). Regional               Take note of the speed limit signs along
Express ( offers             your journey.
flights to, Monkey Mia (Shark Bay)
and Carnarvon.                              Road rules
                                            Western Australia’s Coral Coast observes
Flight schedules and operators are
                                            the same driving laws and regulations as
subject to change.
                                            the rest of Australia. Vehicles travel on the
Visit for
                                            left-hand side of the road and wearing of
up to date information.
                                            seat belts is compulsory for all passengers.
By Road                                     Driving under the influence of alcohol or
                                                                                            Road closures
The Coral Coast region starts at            drugs is an offence.
                                                                                            Sealed roads are easily accessible, except
Cervantes (less than two-hour drive         Be prepared: Make sure your vehicle is in       in case of heavy rains when they could be
north of Perth). Excellent road             top condition before you set out. Food          closed due to flooding. Unsealed roads
conditions throughout the region make       and fuel are generally available every 100      are more unpredictable and can be closed
the area an ideal self-drive destination.   – 300 kilometres along the main highway,        during very wet periods. Get an update
Hire cars are available from Perth          so be sure to plan ahead. Please note that      on local road and weather conditions
and in all major towns in the region.       LPG Autogas is not available in all regional    from Main Roads Western Australia or
A range of 4WD camper trailers are          areas. Some areas of Australia’s Coral Coast    contact the local visitor centre.
available for hire. A one-way rental        are remote, so if you plan to explore off-
fee is often charged within the region      road, ensure you are well prepared with a       Road trains
unless returned to a designated depot       first aid kit and a spare tyre.                 Some road trains (giant trucks) are more
such as Broome or Darwin. A range of        If your vehicle breaks down or becomes          than 50 metres in length. Take care when
package tours are also available, from      bogged, stay with the vehicle. A car is         overtaking road trains and only do so when
adventurous four wheel drive vehicles       easier to spot in the event of a search.        you can clearly see the road ahead. Be
to luxury coaches.                                                                          aware that dust and stones can be kicked
                                                                                            up on unsealed roads, obscuring vision and
TransWA operate regular passenger
                                                                                            potentially damaging your vehicle.
coach services throughout the region.
Check with the local visitor centres                                                        Wandering stock and wildlife
listed on                                                          Many cattle stations are unfenced
or contact the WA Visitor Centre on                                                         and it is not uncommon to encounter
1300 361 351.                                                                               wandering stock and wildlife. Watch out for
                                                                                            kangaroos, cows and various other animals,
                                                                                            particularly at dawn and dusk, as these are
                                                                                            the most dangerous times.

Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
take a JOURNEY along                             National Park Fees
                                                Australia’s CORAL COAST                            Visitor fees apply to enter National Parks
                                                                                                   within Australia’s Coral Coast. A range of
                                                                                                   National Park passes are available from
                                                                                                   Parks and Wildlife.
                                                                                                   Day Pass: This pass covers entry into one
                                                                                                   or more parks on any one day. Passes are
                                                                                                   available from rangers in the parks. In some
                                                                                                   parks, a system of self-registration applies.
                                                                                                   Fees: $13 per car (up to eight legally seated
                                                                                                   people), $7 for seniors, aged pensioners
                                                                                                   and veterans (cards must be sighted) and

HEALTH & SAFETY                                                                                    $7 per motorcycle.
                                                                                                   Holiday Park Pass: This pass entitles entry
                                                                                                   into as many parks as required for any
Healthy travelling                                                                                 four-week period. Fee: $46/vehicle (up to
Always carry adequate supplies of                                                                  eight people).
water and a comprehensive first aid kit.
                                                                                                   Annual All Park Pass: This pass entitles
Use appropriate insect repellents and
                                                                                                   you to unlimited access to all parks in
cover arms and legs with loose clothing,
                                                                                                   WA. Valid for one vehicle, with up to eight
particularly at dawn and dusk. Netted hats
                                                                                                   legally seated people. Fees: $92 adults
can be useful when bushwalking and can
                                                                                                   or $58 for seniors, aged pensioners and
often be purchased at fuel stations.
                                                                                                   veterans (cards must be sighted). Park
Bushfire safety                                                                                    passes do not include camping. Separate
The hot and dry conditions in parts of                                                             fees apply. For more information visit
Western Australia’s Coral Coast mean
                                                  Sun protection                          or contact
there is a risk of bushfires. The lighting of     The sun is almost always shining on              Parks and Wildlife on +61 8 9219 9000.
                                                  Australia’s Coral Coast so ensure you’re
fires can be extremely dangerous. Care
                                                  sun smart, particularly between 10:00am          Pre-Booking Campsites in
should be taken at all times and a campfire                                                        National Parks
should never be left unattended. Safety           and 3:00pm, when UV radiation is most
                                                  intense. Travellers should always wear a wide    There is a number of camping sites in the
information is available from Fire and
                                                  brimmed hat, long-sleeved shirt, sunglasses      Cape Range National Park which can now
Emergency Services Authority of Western
                                                  and at least an SPF 30+ sunscreen when           be pre-booked before your arrival through
Australia (FESA). Check signs for areas
                                                  outdoors. It is also recommended that you This
allowing campfires.
                                                  drink at least two litres of water each day.     ensures (particularly at busy times such as
Cyclone safety                                                                                     School holidays, Easter or Christmas) that
Cyclones can affect Western Australia
                                                  Safety at the Beach                              you can access your favourite locations
during the summer months - generally              • When in place, swim between the red            right on the Ningaloo Reef! Other National
from December to March. Tropical cyclone            and yellow flags that mark the safest          Parks offer camping however do not
advice is issued on local TV and radio              areas to swim                                  currently offer pre-booking online.
stations whenever a cyclone is expected.          • Always swim under supervision, with a
                                                    friend or other swimmers                       Flying Drones in National Parks
Read tide charts                                  • Read and obey safety signs                     Western Australia’s Parks and Wildlife
Before entering the water, take note to see       • If you are unsure of conditions, seek advice   recognises that remotely piloted aircrafts
if there are any signs warning of rip tides.      • Don’t swim under the influence of              or ‘Drones’ are becoming increasingly
Please be careful at the following locations:       alcohol or drugs                               popular, especially when capturing
• Turquoise Bay (drift snorkelling),              • Don’t run and dive in the water                incredible National Parks and marine life. If
   Cape Range National Park                       • Conditions change regularly so                 your drone is less than 2kg and you are not
• The Blowholes  (king waves), Carnarvon            check before you enter the water               flying it for commercial purposes (i.e. to sell
• Quobba Station (king waves), Carnarvon          • If you get into trouble in the water,          or use footage for profit), please check the
                                                    don’t panic - signal for help, float and       Parks and Wildlife website before use, as
If you are undertaking any activity by the
                                                    wait for assistance                            you may be flying it in an area of Aboriginal
water, check the local tide charts available
                                                  • Float with a rip current or undertow,          significance or with protected wildlife/flora.
at visitor centres and service stations.
                                                    do not swim against it                         See and search

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                           5
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
CLIMATE                                                                               IMPORTANT CONTACTS
Australia’s Coral Coast enjoys a warm climate all year round. Covering
                                                                                      Royal Automobile Club (RAC) Ph: 13 11 11
approximately 1100 kilometres of coastline, from Cervantes to Exmouth,
the region enjoys a Mediterranean climate in the south and a sub-tropical             Emergency breakdown service
climate in the north. The best time to visit is between March to October              Main Roads Ph: 13 81 38
with the majority of wildlife on offer to see, however there is something             Road conditions and other information about WA roads
to experience all year round – depending on your travel habits or budget.
                                                                                      Emergency Services Ph: 000 (landline) or 112 (mobile/cell phone)
Visitors should wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen between 10am and 3pm
to avoid sunburn. Cyclones sometimes affect the northern part of Australia’s          Police, ambulance and fire brigade
Coral Coast during summer. Cyclone warnings are broadcast on local radio              Bureau of Meteorology Ph: +61 8 9263 2222
stations. Contact the Bureau of Meteorology on 1300 659 210 for advice.
                                                                                      WA weather and warnings
Average seasonal temperatures (ºC)                                                    More information
                                                                                      See or contact us via Facebook for
                                      Dec - Feb   Mar - May   Jun - Aug   Sep - Nov   further information on travelling within Australia’s Coral Coast.
Cervantes & Jurien Bay                  30          26          20          23
Geraldton & Port-Denison
                                                                            26        NATIONAL TOURISM ACCREDITATION
Monkey Mia & Denham (Shark Bay)          31         29          23          26                 The National Tourism Accreditation symbol indicates
                                                                                               tourism businesses that have achieved accreditation and
Carnarvon                                31         29          23          26
                                                                                               are committed to providing excellent customer service.
Coral Bay & Exmouth                     37          33          25          32

                                                                                                                    Broome, Kimberley
                                                                                                                    & Beyond
                                                                                                                    Package holiday & destination specialists
                                                                                                                    Specialising in self-drive, accommodation,
                                                                                                                    tours and value packages with flights for
                                                                                                                    individuals, families or groups. Contact us
                                                                                                                    to create your ideal itinerary to the Coral
                                                                                                                    Coast and beyond.
                                                                                                                    Tel : 1300 357 057 / +618 6382 2169

Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast
TOURS & CHARTERS | GENERAL SERVICES                                                                                                                                                          AUSTRALIA’S CORAL COAST

            Let us do
            the driving
                   Kick back, relax and explore WA’s scenic Coral
                   Coast on one of our luxury road coaches.

                  We operate five-star road coach services to more than 240 destinations throughout Western Australia, including Geraldton, Kalbarri and Jurien Bay.
                  All coaches are fully accessible and equipped with on-board entertainment, air conditioning, USB ports and toilet facilities.
                  Don’t forget, all seniors, WA Pensioner and Health Care Card holders, WA full-time students and children under 16 years of age are entitled to a 50% concession.
                  Plan your journey by visiting

                                                                                                                                                                 Bringing WA closer
                                        OV           N

                                                                                      Public Transport






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                 TRAN172_Coral Coast Planner_82x194.indd 1                                                                                                                                                            4/10/2017 12:56 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                      Enjoy the freedom

                                                                                                                                                                                       Caravan Parks in Australia’s
                                                                                                                                                                                       Coral Coast offer a range
                                                                                                                                                                                       of accommodation, from
                                                                                                                                                                                       camping sites for tents,
                                                                                                                                                                                       powered sites for vans, to

                                             rn Australia                                                                                                                              fully self-contained cabins

                                        Weste                                                                                                                                          . . . the choice is yours!

                                                                                                                                                                                      FOR YOUR NEAREST CARAVAN PARK VISIT
                                  Photo: Dongara Tourist Park                                                                                                               

The experience you come back for!
A wholly Western Australian owned company operating with over 12 years’ experience ADAMS (and subsidiary ADAMS Pinnacle Tours with over 36 years’ operation) is proudly regarded as
Western Australia’s leading coach tour operator. Renowned for our custom-designed fleet of 5-star touring vehicles, ADAMS covers the whole Coral Coast region, in 5 star air-conditioned
luxury comfort. Whether it be one of our daily tours to the magical Pinnacle Desert with a combined offering of either the historical charm of New Norcia or the only 4WD experience on the
Lancelin Sand dunes, a magnificent seasonal Wildflower tour, through to our express 2 Day luxury coach tour to Geraldton and Pink Lake, a 5 star, premium experience is assured.
With unique custom made itineraries possible for groups, the Coral Coast is the real Australia. Our driver guides are an elite group of highly trained environmentally aware professionals
with extensive touring and charter experience who will share their experience and stories of
Western Australia with customers to ensure every tour is ‘the experience you come back for’.

150 Bellefin Drive, Malaga 6090 • Tel: 61 8 6270 6060 •

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                                                                                                              7
Australia's CORAL COAST - Holiday Planner 2018 - Australia's Coral Coast

              short & sweet ITINERARY ideas

              WHEN: All year round


                                                        One NIGHT away

          Overnight               Lake
                                                        DURATION: 2 days, 1 night
                                                        WHEN: All year round

                                                        HIGHLIGHTS: Beaches, nature, animals, photography, food – anything & everything!

                                                        BASE YOURSELF: Cervantes or Jurien Bay

                                                        It doesn’t have to take a long time to discover Western Australia’s Coral Coast. If

                                                        you’re after an enjoyable weekend away a short and sweet trip up the coast is it!
                                                        Day 1                                          Driving south from Green Head, stop into
                                                        Head north via the Indian Ocean Drive          Lake Thetis and the Thrombolites found
                                                        towards Jurien Bay, an easy 2.5 hour drive     near Cervantes. Similar to the Stromatolites
                                                        north of Perth.                                of Shark Bay, there is a 1.5km walking loop
                                                        If you’re looking for a good coffee,           with boardwalk out to view these ancient
                                                        BettyVan is a pop-up coffee truck which        micro-organisms
                                                        frequents Cervantes and Jurien Bay             Visit the Lobster Shack for a delicious
                                                        between 7 to 11am. Find her on Facebook        seafood lunch. Here you can take a tour to
                                                        @bettyvancoffee for the exact location.        learn about how the Western Rock Lobster
                                                        Stop in to the Visitor Centre to purchase      industry operates in Western Australia.
                                                        a National Park Pass. Spend some time          Use your Park pass to explore Nambung
                                                        bushwalking amongst wildflowers (July to       National Park, the home of the Pinnacles.
                                                        September) at Lesueur National Park.           Stop into the Interpretative Centre to learn
                                                        Consider visiting the stunning Sandy Cape      more about the area before returning back
                                                        for a swim, sandboarding or simply a sunset.   to Perth.
                                                        Overnight: Jurien Bay or Cervantes

                                                        Day 2
                                                        Wake up early and explore a little more.
                                                        Take a tour in Jurien Bay where you can
                                                        interact with Australian Sea Lions in their
                                                        natural habitat and snorkel in the crystal
                                                        clear calm waters. Drive North to Three
                                                        Bays Walkway where you can enjoy a
                                                        beach walk or swim in the sheltered bays
                                                        of Dynamite, South and Anchorage Bay.


                   enjoy a relaxing
                SUNSET STROLL
                  on the Irwin River                                                  Houtman

                                                                                                  Day 1

A long WEEKEND roadtrip
DURATION: 3 days, 2 nights
                                                                                                                         STOCKYARD GULLY
                                                                                                                         NATIONAL PARK

WHEN: All year round                                                                                             Sandy

HIGHLIGHTS: Beaches, food, heritage, nature, animals, photography                                    Day 2                   Lake
BASE YOURSELF: Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Dongara-Port Denison & Geraldton
It’s surprising how far you can travel and what you can see with just three days

road tripping on Australia’s Coral Coast.

Day 1                                           Day 2

Wake up early and head north via the            Wake up early to enjoy a beach breakfast

Indian Ocean Drive towards Dongara-Port         at the Seaspray Café and take the morning
Denison, a four hour drive from Perth.          to go crabbing off the Port Denison Marina.
Dongara-Port Denison is an RV                   For those who love to walk, take to the
friendly town and there is plenty of            Thungara Trails – six different trails that
accommodation from hotels to campsites.         traverse the ocean and river with scenic
If visiting on a Saturday, stop into the        views, spotting flora and fauna.
                                                                                                 If you have a 4WD, visit the Stockyard
Weekend Markets to pick up some local           Go north-east and spend some time at             Gully National Park to see the fascinating
treasures.                                      Ellendale Pool, a stunning water hole carved     below ground river system of caves, once
A great way to explore this seaside town is     out by the Greenough River. Picnic, swim,        forming part of the stock-route for sheep
by water. Hire a kayak and learn about the      kayak or stay overnight for a small fee!         and cattle. Take care in the caves if it’s been
birdlife of the twin towns visiting the Irwin   When travelling the Indian Ocean Drive,          raining, due to potential flooding.
River and surrounds.                            keep an eye out for Echidnas which can           Visit Nambung National Park, home of
When in Port Denison visit the Illegal Rum      often be spotted during the day between          the Pinnacles. Explore by car or on foot
Tender Distillery (join their morning tour      Dongara and Jurien Bay.                          via the designated walking trails. Return
for a behind the scenes look at turning         Arriving in Jurien Bay, consider hiring          back to Perth.
water in rum!).                                 snorkel gear and picking up the “swim
Before sunset find the 15 ANZAC soldier         cards” for the Jurien Bay Underwater
silhouettes made out of 2D metal art            Interpretive Snorkel trail, accessed 25
as a visual memorial. The sculptures            metres out from the Old Jetty piles on the
can be seen, opposite the Lookout on            beach. The Swim Cards (available from
Ocean Drive, next to Nunn’s Pool in             local shops) outline which fish species and
Port Denison.                                   coral you will see on the trail.
Finish your Saturday evening enjoying a         Enjoy the evening with fish and chips on
sunset from the balcony of Southerlys           the beach or marina.
Harbour View Bar and Restaurant while           Overnight: Jurien Bay or Cervantes
sampling the local seafood off the menu
or if visiting in Summer kick-back at the       Day 3
Drive-In Cinema.                                Spend the morning swimming in the
                                                turquoise waters of Jurien Bay or consider
Overnight: Dongara-Port Denison                 hiring a SUP or kayak.

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                             9
Shark Bay, FLY AWAY
                                  DURATION: 3 days, 2 nights
      Day 1, 2 & 3                WHEN: All year round
                                  HIGHLIGHTS: Beaches, nature, animals, history and heritage
                                  BASE YOURSELF: Monkey Mia or Denham
                                  When you throw in a flight, a three-day break on Australia’s Coral Coast can feel
                                  like so much more. Regular flights to Monkey Mia leave from Perth, usually around
                                  midday, which leaves you the afternoon to relax.

                                  Day 1                                           Enjoy your dinner and then count the
                                  Flight: Depart Perth for Shark Bay              stars from the beach. With very little
                                  Fly to Monkey Mia airport from Perth.           light pollution, Shark Bay is a great place
                                  Arrange to either hire a car before flying      to absorb the immense vastness of
                                  (stay in Denham) or airport-transfer (stay      constellations on show.
                                  in Monkey Mia).                                 Overnight: Shark Bay
                                  Upon arrival, we suggest you ease into          Day 3
                                  ‘Shark Bay time’ by enjoying an afternoon       Wake up early to feed the dolphins of
                                  swim or beverage near the beach.                Monkey Mia. As they are wild animals,
                                  Enjoy your dinner and then take part            timing differs daily but the first feeding is
                                  in an Aboriginal Night Tour with Wula           from approximately 7.45am.
                                  Gura Nyinda. A great way to learn about         Make the most of your final day by
        Abrolhos                  the Malgana people and to discover the          booking a morning Wildlife Cruise,
         Islands                  history of the Gathaagudu (two waters).         sailing around Shark Bay spotting
                                  Overnight: Shark Bay                            dugongs, turtles and rays.

                                  Day 2                                           Flight: Depart Shark Bay for Perth
                     Day 1
                                  With a full day in Shark Bay there is just
                                  too many choices of things to see, do
                                  and experience but here’s a few of our
                                  favourite Full-Day Tours:
                                        STOCKYARD GULLY
                                  • Dirk      Hartog Island 4WD Eco Tour
                                    NATIONAL PARK

                                  • François Peron National Park 4WD Eco

                                    Tour or Kayaking Tour
                        Day 2     • Dive
                                      ThetisShark Bay either Steep Point

                                    or Dirk Hartog Island or Ocean Park
                                    Aquarium Shark Tank

                                  • Stromatolites and Shell Beach, learn why

                                    these attractions are World Heritage listed

the ultimate BUCKET LIST

                              Day 4 & 5

                                                   DURATION: 14 days, 13 nights
                                                   HIGHLIGHTS: Everything! This
                                                   itinerary gives you the best of the
                                                   best that the Coral Coast has to offer
                          Day 6 & 7                both on the land and in the water.

                                                   Day 1
                                                   Perth to Dongara
                                                   (354km – 4 hours)
                                                   Travel north along the Indian Ocean Drive
                                                   (continues north from Wanneroo Road),
                                                   through the coastal towns of Cervantes,
           Day 3                                   Dongara, Port Denison and Greenough.
                                                                                                  Day 3
                                                                                                  Geraldton to Carnarvon
                                                   Top tips:
                                                                                                  (Approx 480km – 5 hours)
                                                   • Walk the unique limestone spires of the
                                                     Pinnacles Desert                             Continue north to Carnarvon, a popular
                                       Wooramel    • Visit the Lobster Shack for a factory tour   holiday spot for sun seekers.
       Day 8, 9 & 10                   Roadhouse
                                                     and late lobster lunch                       Top tips:
                                                   • Sand board the dunes of Dongara              • Explore, sample and buy fresh fruit and
                                                   • Walk the Thungara trails in Dongara-           vegetables along the ‘Fruit Loop’ trail
                                                     Port Denison                                 • Enjoy an evening stroll along The Fascine,
                                                   Overnight: Dongara-Port Denison                  taking in the magnificent sunset views
                                                                                                  • Head out for a fresh seafood meal at the
                                                   Day 2                                            local pub
                                                   Dongara to Greater Geraldton                   Overnight: Carnarvon
                         Day 11 & 12               (65km – 45 minutes)
                                                   Wake up early and drive to Geraldton.
                                                                                                  Day 4
                                                                                                  Carnarvon to Exmouth
                                                   Top tips:
                                                                                                  (Approx 365km – 3.5 hours)
                                                   • Book a full or half day scenic flight tour
                                                     of the Abrolhos Islands                      Travel north to Exmouth where the nearby
                                                   • Drive out to Coalseam Conservation Park      pristine Ningaloo Reef is located just
                   Abrolhos            Day 2
                                                     (from July to September) for everlasting     metres from the shore in some places.
                                                     wildflower displays                          Top tips:
                    From Perth Day 1               • Walk the city’s Street Art trail with a      • Visit the local microbreweries
                                                     great coffee in hand                         • Watch an unforgettable sunset from
                                                   • Enjoy a historic tour of HMAS Sydney II        Vlamingh Head Lighthouse on the west
                                                     Memorial, St Francis Xavier Cathedral          side of the Cape
                                                     and Monsignor Hawes Centre                   • Bush walk or simply enjoy a 360° view
                                                   Overnight: Geraldton                             from Shothole Canyon before driving
                                  Day 13
                                                                                                    into Exmouth
                                                                                                  Overnight: Exmouth

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                      11
Day 5                                        Day 6                                          Day 7
Exmouth                                      Exmouth to Coral Bay                           Coral Bay
Spend the day in Exmouth and soak up         (Approx 150km – 2 hours)                       Coral Bay is known for its giant manta ray
paradise.                                    Depart Exmouth early for your drive to Coral   swimming tours, so get out on the water.
Top tips:                                    Bay. On your way south, stop into Bullara      Top tips:
• Spend the day snorkelling on the reef      Station for coffee and scones.                 • Any day of the year, try a Manta Ray
• Swim with the world’s largest fish, the    Top tips:                                        swim tour, plus meet the friendliest baby
  whale shark (from March to July)           • Bill’s Bay - the main beach is a               reef sharks at Asho’s Gap
• Join an eco-tour for whale watching          snorkellers’ paradise with calm, protected   • Join a whale shark tour (from March to
  (August to November) and turtle spotting     waters and hundreds of fish and coral          June) to swim with the world’s largest fish
• Dive the Navy Pier                           species just metres from the shore           • Bag a big one on a fishing charter tour
• Safari tour or boat cruise the Cape        • Explore further out by glass bottom          Overnight: Coral Bay
  Range National Park which features           boat, cruising yacht or kayaking tour
  deep canyons, limestone ranges and         • Enjoy an afternoon quad bike and             Day 8
  spectacular gorges                           snorkel tour, taking you to the harder to    Coral Bay to Shark Bay
Overnight: Exmouth                             reach (and best) snorkelling spots           (Approx 590km – 6.5 hours)
                                             Overnight: Coral Bay                           Wake up early and head south along the
                                                                                            North West Coastal Highway to Shark Bay.
                                                                                            Top tips:
                                                                                            • Take in the interpretative signage of the
                                                                                              Shark Bay World Heritage Drive, stopping
                                                                                              at the Stromatolites of Hamelin Pool and
                                                                                              Shell Beach before arriving in Denham
                                                                                            • Visit the cliff top lookout at Eagle Bluff
                                                                                              for superb ocean views
                                                                                            Overnight: Denham or Monkey Mia

Day 11                                         Day 13
                                                 Shark Bay to Kalbarri                          Kalbarri to Jurien Bay
                                                 (Approx 375km – 4.5 hours)                     (Approx 350km – 3.5 hours)
                                                 Head south to Kalbarri to explore this town    Take the coastal/scenic drive south from
                                                 situated on two bodies of water.               Kalbarri and then take the Indian Ocean
                                                 Top tips:                                      Drive to Jurien Bay.
Day 9                                            • Explore the magnificent Murchison River      Top tips for the drive:
Dirk Hartog Island                                 on a kayaking tour                           • Be sure to take a photo at Port Gregory’s
Spend the day (or a little longer if you have    • Take in the dramatic sights of Kalbarri’s      stunning Pink Lake
time and a booking!) on Dirk Hartog Island.        coastal cliff look outs, and spot            • Take a short swim break at Little Bay, a
                                                   humpback whales (July – November)              sheltered beach accessed out of Horrocks
Top tips:
                                                 • Meet the coloured parrots and other          • Taste scones and great coffee at
• An important historic site, Dirk Hartog
                                                   birds of Rainbow Jungle, solve the             Oakabella Station, near Northampton
  Island was the first recorded location of
                                                   outdoor maze or see a movie at the           • Drive through picturesque Chapman
  a European landing on Australian soil
                                                   outdoor cinema                                 Valley. If it’s a weekend we suggest
• The island is home to rare and endangered
                                                 Overnight: Kalbarri                              stopping into the Burnt Barrel for a cold
  wildlife and is a major attraction for those
                                                                                                  hand-crafted beer and barbecue lunch
  seeking an exclusive beach for snorkelling,    Day 12                                         • In Jurien, pick up fish and chips or a pizza
  swimming or kayaking                           Kalbarri                                         and head to the Old Jetty for dinner
• Experience the island and its dramatic
                                                 Wake up early to enjoy some of the action-     Overnight: Jurien Bay or Cervantes
  cliffs by air or access it by land and
                                                 packed activities on offer such as:
  barge crossing from Useless Loop,
  outside of Denham. 4WD only                    Top tips:                                      Day 14
Overnight: Shark Bay or Dirk Hartog Island       • Take a pot-pulling tour to catch your        Jurien Bay to Perth
                                                   own Western Rock Lobster                     (Approx 220km – 2.5 hours)
Day 10                                           • Quad bike morning or afternoon at            Enjoy your final day with an easy trip home.
Shark Bay                                          Wagoe Beach
                                                                                                Top tips:
Spend some time in this stunning World           • From late-2018, traverse the twin Skywalks
                                                                                                • Join a morning tour to explore
Heritage Area.                                     at the West Loop in the National Park
                                                                                                  Stockyard Gully Caves or a wildflower
Top tips:                                        Overnight: Kalbarri                              mecca, Mt Lesueur National Park
• Meet the famous Monkey Mia dolphins,                                                          • Explore Jurien Bay’s snorkel trail made
  with the first feeding from 7.45am                                                              of reef balls, full of resident and visiting
• Visit the Aquarium or if you dive, spend                                                        fish populations
  the day diving Shark Bay’s best sites                                                         • Get the rush with a skydive experience
• Visit Shark Bay’s Discovery Centre                                                              over the green and blues of Jurien Bay
  which explores history and heritage via                                                       • Look out for the BettyVan Coffee signs
  soundscapes, film footage, interactive                                                          to grab a brew from the retro-style
  multimedia and artefacts                                                                        travelling coffee cart – check out their
• See the stars and learn about the                                                               Facebook page for the day’s location
  Indigenous culture of the local Nhanda
  and Malgana Aboriginal people on a
  night tour
Overnight: Denham or Monkey Mia

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                       13
take a FLY\DRIVE trip
      Two World Heritage Sites – Ningaloo & Shark Bay
      DURATION: 9 days
      WHEN: March – November
      SPECIAL EVENT SEASON: Whale Shark season (March to July) and Gascoyne Food Festival (August)
      HIGHLIGHTS: Food, landscapes, water, nature, animals and photography
      BASE YOURSELF: Exmouth, Coral Bay, Carnarvon, Denham or Monkey Mia

Discover Western Australia’s
magnificent Ningaloo and Shark
Bay World Heritage Areas on this
fly / drive itinerary. There’s so much
to see and do in this pristine part
of the world, from swimming with
whale sharks and snorkelling the
world’s largest fringing reef in the
Ningaloo Marine Park, to walking
along a beach made entirely of
shells and interacting with wild
dolphins in Shark Bay.

                                                     Day one                                        • Drive into the Cape Range National Park
                                                     Perth to Exmouth                                 either on tour with Ningaloo Safari Tours
              Day 1, 2 & 3                                                                            or self-drive and jump on the Yardie
                                                     (Learmonth Airport)
                                                                                                      Creek Boat Tour to see the incredible red
                                  Arrive/Depart      Take a morning flight from Perth to              gorges
                                                     Exmouth (Learmonth Airport) with Qantas.       • Stop at Milyering Visitor Centre for the
                                                     Pick up your hire car and stop off at            tide info, then experience drift snorkelling
                                                     • Shothole and Charles Knife Canyon on           at Turquoise Bay
                                                       your way into Exmouth, enjoy the 360         • Get into some serious fishing on a game-
                                                       views over the Gulf and the Reef               fishing or billfish full-day tour
                             Day 7 & 8
                                                     If you haven’t already done so before          Overnight: Exmouth
                                                     arriving, book your full-day tour to explore
                                                     the Ningaloo Reef.                             Day four
                                                     Overnight: Exmouth                             Exmouth to Carnarvon
                                                                                                    367 kilometres
                                                     Day two                                        Take an early morning dip at Bundegi Beach
                                                     Explore Exmouth                                near Exmouth town before heading south
                                                     Get up early to spend a day in and on          to Carnarvon, a subtropical oasis where
                                                     the water:                                     fresh produce and seafood are plentiful.
                Day 4                                • Take a Whale Shark tour between
                                                       mid-March and July to swim with the          Spend the afternoon:
                                                       world’s largest fish and other marine life   • Visit the Space and Technology Museum,
                                                       on the Ningaloo Reef                           open daily
                                                     • Dive the Navy Pier                           • Go Heli-Snorkelling to picnic on private
                                                                                                      swimming beaches along Ningaloo Reef
              Day 5 & 6                  Wooramel    Overnight: Exmouth                             • Get takeaway local seafood and enjoy a

                                                     Day three                                        sunset at the Fascine waterways
                                                     Explore Exmouth                                Overnight: Carnarvon
                                                     Get up early, pack a picnic lunch and
                                                     snacks for a day in the National Park.

see two world heritage sites –
          NINGALOO & SHARK BAY (monkey mia)

Day five                                      • Take a Scenic Flight to see Useless Loop       • Sail away to relax on Ningaloo waters
Carnarvon to Shark Bay                          and Dirk Hartog Island from above              • Join a glass bottom boat tour to see the
300 kilometres                                • Join a 4WD day tour to François Peron            reef without getting wet
                                                National Park for some rugged adventure        Overnight: Coral Bay
Head south on the North West Coastal          • Dive for the day at Steep Point,
Highway and turn right onto the Shark Bay       Australia’s most western point                 Day nine
World Heritage Drive.
                                              Overnight: Denham or Monkey Mia                  Coral Bay to Learmonth
On your way in to Shark Bay, stop in at the                                                    Airport
following landmarks                           Day seven                                        116 kilometres
• Hamelin Pool Stromatolites, the oldest      Monkey Mia to Coral Bay                          Take one last morning dip in the crystal
  “living” fossils in the world               564 kilometres
• Shell Beach, 70 kilometres of beach                                                          waters of Coral Bay before departing for
                                              Leave Shark Bay in the morning and head          Learmonth Airport for your afternoon flight
  made entirely of billions of tiny shells.
                                              north. Stop for lunch in Carnarvon and           back to Perth.
• Eagle Bluff for spectacular ocean views
                                              • Explore the Heritage Precinct and have         On your way to the airport, stop in at
  and spot marine life in the water below.
                                                lunch at the Sunset Café while taking in       Bullara Station for homemade scones and
• Meet sea life at Ocean Park Aquarium
                                                the views of the Indian Ocean                  barista coffee!
  and enjoy a bite to eat overlooking
                                              • Drive the “Fruit Loops” to buy fresh fruit,
  Tinkerbell Flats
                                                vegetables and other treats for the road
Enjoy a drink on the foreshore at Denham
                                              Continue your journey to Coral Bay
                                                                                                 BONUS NIGHT
or Monkey Mia and watch the sun set over
the Indian Ocean.                             Overnight: Coral Bay
Overnight: Denham or Monkey Mia               Day eight                                          If you’ve got a spare night or seeking
                                                                                                 a special overnight spot, why not try
Day six                                       Explore Coral Bay                                  the Station Stay Way - a collective
Explore Shark Bay                             Get up early to spend a day in the Bay:            of outback stations with great
                                              • Home to a resident population of Manta           accommodation options.
Wake up early to meet the Monkey Mia
                                                Rays. Interact with them any day of the year     Try Wooramel (between Shark Bay
bottlenose dolphins who visit the shores
                                              • Kayak and snorkel the Blue Maze and              and Carnarvon), Quobba (out of
daily from 7.30am. Afterwards, get up close
                                                Asho’s Gap                                       Carnarvon) or Bullara (between Coral
to more of Shark Bay’s natural attractions:
                                              • Quad bike and snorkel the secret and             Bay and Exmouth).
• Cruise the Bay spotting marine life on a
                                                hard to reach spots only the locals know
  wildlife cruise

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                    15
tasty FOOD trail
      DURATION: 6 days
      WHEN: March – October
      SPECIAL EVENT: Gascoyne Food Festival (August)
      HIGHLIGHTS: Western Rock Lobster, craft beer,
      distilleries and Aboriginal bush tucker tour

             Day 3 & 4


                                            Day 1                                             Day 2
                                            Perth to Dongara                                  Geraldton to Carnarvon
                                            (Approx 354km – 4 hours)                          (Approx 475km – 5 hours)
             Day 5 & 6                      Travel north along the Indian Ocean Drive         Wake up early and have breakfast at one of
                                            (continues north from Wanneroo Road),             Geraldton’s favourites:
                                            through the coastal towns of Cervantes,           • Jaffle Shack
                                            Dongara, Port Denison and Greenough.              • Piper Lane Café
                                            Check out the following places:                   • Salt Dish
                                            • Morning Tea: Enjoy a great cup of               Continue north to Carnarvon, a popular
       Abrolhos          Day 2                coffee and cake at House Blend Café             holiday spot for food lovers. $104 million
        Islands                               in Jurien Bay                                   worth of fruit and vegetables are grown
                                            • Lunch (Monday or Tuesday): Dine                 annually in Carnarvon.
                                              at the Central Greenough Café and               Whilst driving on the North West Coastal
                    Day 1
                                              Visitor Centre.                                 Highway, stop off at either:
                                            • Lunch (Wednesday – Sunday): Visit the           • Town of Nanson where the Burnt Barrel
                                              Hampton Arms Inn for rustic home-style            Outback BrewBQ specialises in low and
                                              lunch and a browse of their bookshop.             slow smoked meats coupled with beer
                                              The first hotel in the area built in 1863, it     which is brewed onsite (open Friday-
                                              was restored 17 years ago. Enjoy scones           Sunday only).
                                              with fresh cream and homemade jam.              • The Billabong Homestead’s Red Car
                                            Dinner in Geraldton: enjoy a pre-dinner             Café to fuel up, have a meal and rest up.
                                            drink at the Sunset Bar at the Broadwater         Take an evening stroll along The Fascine
                                            Resort Hotel as the sunsets over Champion         (Carnarvon’s waterway) showcasing
                                            Bay. Enjoy dinner at:                             magnificent sunset views before heading
                                            • The 'Broady'                                    out for seafood meal at Sails Restaurant at
                                            • Salt Dish (dinner on Friday & Saturdays)        the Best Western Carnarvon.
                                            Overnight: Geraldton                              Overnight: Carnarvon

fresh and DELICIOUS food

Day 3                                         Day 4                                           Day 6
Carnarvon                                     Carnarvon to Kalbarri                           Dongara to Perth
There’s so much to eat in Carnarvon:          (445km – 4.5 hours)                             (350km – 3.5 hours)
• Visit the Carnarvon Heritage Precinct       Enjoy a great coffee and breakfast from the     Enjoy a leisurely breakfast at the Starfish
  and visit Sunsets Café at One Mile Jetty    Port Hotel before setting off to Kalbarri.      Café, right on Port Denison’s South Beach.
  for lunch                                   Arriving in Kalbarri, enjoy a pub lunch.        Travel south from Port Denison and join
• Explore and sample the abundant fresh       For dinner, try one of the favourites:          the 11am distillery tour at Illegal Rum
  produce along the Gascoyne Food Trail       • The Edge Restaurant                           Tender Co with a behind the scenes look
  – pick up a chocolate-coated frozen         • The Jetty Seafood Shack                       at the distilling process.
  banana or mango smoothie                                                                    On your way home, stop in at Jurien Bay
                                              Overnight: Kalbarri
• Between May to October, every Saturday                                                      to experience the beachfront and tasty
  morning, the Growers’ Markets are run       Day 5                                           treats from the Jurien Bay Bakery or if
  by the growers themselves in front of the   Kalbarri to Dongara                             you’re seeking a full lunch, don’t forget the
  Carnarvon Visitor Centre.                   (220km – 2.5 hours)                             Cervantes Lobster Shack for the freshest
• Cook your own dinner and pick up                                                            Western Rock Lobster. During Wildflower
  a selection of seafood from Pickles         Wake up early for a full breakfast at the
                                              Gorges Café or Angie’s Café, both are           season (July - September) explore Lesueur
  Point Seafood & Boatyard or Norwest                                                         National Park (near Green Head) and if you
  Seafood (April – October).                  very welcoming and relaxing places for a
                                              coffee or a meal.                               didn’t make it on the way up from Perth –
For a real outback dinner, book                                                               don’t forget a visit to the Pinnacles!
accommodation at Wooramel River               As you travel through Northampton, turn off
Retreat located between Carnarvon and         to Nanson where the Burnt Barrel Outback
Shark Bay. On Wednesday nights, the           BrewBQ specialises in low and slow smoked
team offer an Australian camp oven dinner     BBQ coupled with beer which is brewed
or enjoy a Homestead Hamper – a bush          onsite (open Friday- Sunday only).
picnic dinner.                                Dinner in Dongara-Port Denison: It’s got
Overnight: Carnarvon and surrounds            to be Southerlys Harbour View Bar and
                                              Restaurant in Port Denison to enjoy fresh
                                              top quality dining with friendly service,
                                              hearty serves and a great selection of brews.
                                              Overnight: Dongara or Port Denison

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                  17
fun-filled FAMILY itinerary

      Day 3 & 4

                                      DURATION: 7 days                              Day 2
                                      WHEN: All year round                          Dongara to Geraldton
                                                                                    Wake up and visit the Seaspray Café
                                      HIGHLIGHTS: National parks, wildlife,
                                                                                    located opposite the beach.
                  Day 5, 6, 7         beaches and local delights
                                                                                    Make your way north to Greenough (41km
                                      Day 1                                         – 30mins) and stop in at the Greenough
                                                                                    Wildlife Park to meet the emus, kangaroos
                                      Perth to Dongara                              and friendly reptiles. You may get to cuddle
                                      (Approx 354km – 4 hours)
                                                                                    a rescued baby joey and learn about the
       Houtman                        Travel north along the Indian Ocean Drive     importance of the protection of Australian
       Abrolhos         Day 2
        Islands                       (continues north from Wanneroo Road),         wildlife. Perhaps enjoy an afternoon picnic
                                      through the coastal towns of Cervantes,       on the banks of nearby Ellendale Pool
                                      Dongara, Port Denison and Greenough.          before continuing north to Geraldton.
                       Day 1          First stop is The Pinnacles of Nambung        Kids will love the Playground and Water
                                      National Park followed by Lake Thetis.        Park, located at the Geraldton foreshore.
                                      Once you’ve worked up an appetite head        It offers hours of free family fun. Or if
                                      to the Lobster Shack for a factory tour and   you’re feeling a little more adventurous try
                                      seafood lunch.                                Ultimate Watersport’s many activities on
                                      Travel north to the twin towns of Dongara     offer like jet skiing, jet packing and tubing -
                                      and Port Denison to sample some sweet         located on the Geraldton foreshore.
                                      bakery treats from the Dongara Bakery.        Take the kids to the Museum of Geraldton
                                      For dinner head to Southerleys Harbour        to learn about the Batavia shipwreck
                                      View Bar and Restaurant where you can         through interpretive displays or enjoy
                                      challenge the kids to a game of pool while    a walking tour of the Monsignor Hawes
                                      waiting for your meals.                       designed, St Francis Xavier Cathedral.
                                      Overnight: Dongara or Port Denison            On your way to your overnight
                                                                                    accommodation in Geraldton, enjoy a tasty
                                                                                    dinner at the Sunset Bar at the Broadwater
                                                                                    Resort Hotel.
                                                                                    Overnight: Geraldton

Day 3                                            to François Peron National Park and show          to feed the cheeky local pelicans. Be there
Geraldton to Shark Bay                           the kids the spectacular landscape where          by 8.45am and watch the greedy pelicans
(Approx 433km – 5 hours)                         the red dirt meets the ocean.                     compete for a fishy treat.
Continue north to Shark Bay, home of the         Learn about the Aboriginal culture of the         Explore the magnificent Murchison River
Monkey Mia dolphins and one of the two           Nhanda and Malgana people on an after             gorges of Kalbarri National Park by walking
Coral Coast World Heritage Sites.                dinner night tour.                                trails or have your photo taken in the iconic
                                                 Overnight: Monkey Mia or Denham                   natural red rock Nature’s Window frame in
As you travel through Northampton to
                                                                                                   Kalbarri National Park.
Nanson in the Chapman Valley, enjoy lunch
at the Burnt Barrel Outback BrewBQ
                                                 Day 5                                             Visit Rainbow Jungle - the Australian
(open Wed – Sun) which specialises in slow
                                                 Shark Bay to Kalbarri                             Parrot Breeding Centre is a beautiful parrot
                                                 (Approx. 399km – 4 hours)                         habitat, where you will find the largest
cooked smoked Kansas-style barbecue
coupled with beer which is brewed onsite.        Head south to Kalbarri and stop off at            parrot free-flight aviary in the country.
There’s lots of space for the kids to run        Shell Beach, 70 kilometres of white               Overnight: Kalbarri
around while parents enjoy the expansive         cockle shells and turquoise water and the
view over the rolling hills.                     Stromatolites of Hamlin Pool (considered          Day 7
                                                 the oldest ‘living fossils’). If its wildflower   Kalbarri to Perth
Stop off at the Billabong Roadhouse to                                                             (Approx. 573km – 6 hours)
                                                 season (July – September) on the eastern
fuel up and rest your legs as you continue                                                         Whilst heading south towards Perth on the
                                                 approach to Kalbarri you will find flower
north to Shark Bay.                                                                                scenic coastal drive, check out the stunning
                                                 displays at Galena Bridge rest area and
Overnight: Denham or Monkey Mia                  Warribanno Chimney road.                          views of the Coastal Cliff walkways.
Day 4                                            Overnight: Kalbarri                               Be sure to stop in for a photo at Port
                                                                                                   Gregory’s stunning Pink Lake called Hutt
Shark Bay                                        Day 6                                             Lagoon (just south of Kalbarri) before
Spend some time at the Monkey Mia foreshore
early this morning where you’re likely to meet
                                                 Kalbarri                                          continuing your journey to Perth.
                                                 Wake up early and join a quad bike tour           For a rest stop on the way home, stretch
the famous Monkey Mia dolphins, with the
                                                 to explore the area or perhaps get on the         your legs at one of the coastal lookouts
first feeding starting from 7.45am.
                                                 water and join a whale watching charter           and beaches such as Tea Tree beach
Visit the nearby Ocean Park Aquarium or          (late June - November).                           (Leeman), Dynamite Bay (Green Head), or
join one of the many tours on offer such as
                                                 Kids love nothing more than to head down          Sandy Cape (Jurien Bay).
a wildlife cruise looking for dugongs. For
                                                 to the Kalbarri foreshore (near the Grey          Visit for
the more adventurous, take the 4WD out
                                                 and Wood St intersection) for their chance        more itineraries.
#australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                        19
             experienceWILDFLOWER trails
1, 2 & 3

              These are just a few wildflower itineraries and ideas. For more trails and
              information search ‘Wildflowers’ on


                                 STOCKYARD GULLY
                                 NATIONAL PARK     Day 1

                                                           The WEEKEND wildflowers

                 Day 2               Lake
                                                           DURATION: 2 days minimum
                                                           WHEN: July – October
                                                           HIGHLIGHTS: colourful Kangaroo Paw species in Badgingarra National Park,

                                                           orchids in Lesueur National Park

                                                           BASE YOURSELF: In/around Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Badgingarra and Eneabba

                                                           Day 1                                             Day 2
                                                           Depart Perth and head north along the             Just west of Green Head is the Lesueur
                                                           Brand Highway towards Badgingarra where           National Park. Known for its incredible
                                                           you can wander through the two kilometre          floral diversity representing 10% of
                                                           Badgingarra Nature Trail. This trail will         Western Australia’s total flora, the park
                                                           show off:                                         features more than 900 species, many of
                                                           • Smokebush, purple star flower,                  which are not found anywhere else in the
                                                             yellow buttercups, banksias plus black,         world. Try the following locations:
                                                             red and green kangaroo paws, one-               Drummonds at the foot of Gairdner
                                                             sided bottlebrush, melaleucas and               Range offers an 8km hike (return) to the
                                                             feather flowers                                 messa of Mt Lesueur. The initial section is
                                                           Travelling north to Eneabba, continue 22km        flat with the ascent a switchback climb.
                                                           north to Western Flora Caravan Park with          Cockleshell Gully Road provides great
                                                           guided wildflower tours daily until 4.30pm.       views of the park, it’s an 18km bitumen
           Placeholder                                     There’s often plenty of colour appearing          scenic drive showing
                                                           beside the walking tracks around the park:        • Propeller banksias, magenta starflower,
                                                           • Catspaw, various orchids, hakeas, wattle,         smokebush, verticordias, hakeas,
                                                             yellow myrtle, smokebush, droseras,               grevilleas and leschenaultias.
                                                             dampiera, daviesia and native buttercups        Heading south along the Indian Ocean
                                                           If you are travelling by caravan, book ahead      Drive towards Perth, turn off to the
                                                           for a site at Western Flora and keep exploring!   Pinnacles of Nambung National Park. You
                                                           Overnight: Cervantes, Jurien Bay or Western       will find
                                                           Flora Caravan Park (caravan/camping)              • Acacias, hibbertias, various orchids,
                                                                                                               catspaws, blue tinsel lilies, myrtle,
                                                                                                               banksias and casuarinas
                                                                                                             Overnight: Cervantes or Jurien Bay or
                                                                                                             continue to Perth

Day 2 & 3


                                                                  The EVERLASTINGS trail

                        Day 1
                                                                  DURATION: 3 days minimum
                                                                  WHEN: June – October
                                                                  HIGHLIGHTS: Wreath flowers around Mullewa and fields of colourful
                                                                  everlastings in the Coalseam Conservation Park.
                                        STOCKYARD GULLY
                                        NATIONAL PARK
                                                                  BASE YOURSELF: In/around Dongara-Port Denison, Geraldton and Kalbarri
                                                                  Day 1                                           Day 2
                                            Thetis                Head inland to Mingenew and Three               Take a walk in Geraldton’s Chapman River
                                                                  Springs for an abundance of unique wreath       Regional Park home to flowers, birds and
                                                                  flowers, everlastings, hakea and more -         reptiles. Join the guided walks offered on

                                                                  check with local information centres.           the weekend, ask the visitor Centre for

                                                                  Travelling north between Mingenew and           times and dates.

                                                                  Mullewa is a wildflower “must-do” - the         Just north of Geraldton is the Chapman

                                                                  Coalseam Conservation Park. The park            Valley and Yuna where wildflowers

                                                                  is THE hot-spot for everlasting carpets         flourish on the roadside. If travelling on
                                                                  in stunning white, pink and yellow              the weekend, stop into Nanson and visit
                                                                  everlastings as far as the eye can see.         the Burnt Barrel for a gourmet outback
                                                                  In Mullewa explore the Everlasting Cultural     barbecue and crafted beer.
                                                                  Trails, rich with blooming flora and history.   Heading north to Kalbarri, make sure to
                                                                  When entering, look along the highway           stop at Northampton’s Elephant Lookout
                                                                  for bush flowers and orange daviesia (the       for a number of wild orchids.
                                                                  bacon and egg flower). East of Mullewa          Overnight: Kalbarri
                                                                  is Pindar where wreath flowers are              Day 3
                                                                  common along the roadside and Canna
                                                                                                                  Visit the Kalbarri National Park, home to
                                                                  where orchids and everlasting fields
                                                                                                                  breathtaking coastal cliffs and deep river
                                                                  bloom. West of Mullewa is Tenindewa
                                                                                                                  gorges. The National Park has roughly 800
                                                                  where yellow gentlemen’s buttons and
                                                                                                                  species of native flora, many of which are
                                                                  everlastings grow wild.
                                                                                                                  endemic species, including the coveted
                                                                  Overnight: Dongara-Port Denison or              Kalbarri spider orchid. Don’t forget the
                                                                  Geraldton                                       Coastal Cliffs, the walkways and trails are lit
                                                                                                                  up with colour. Grab a wildflower map from
                                                                                                                  the Kalbarri Visitor Centre to assist you.
                                                                                                                  Overnight: Kalbarri

           #australiascoralcoast                                                                                                                             21
natural EVENTS and activities
  Home to two of Western Australia’s three natural World-Heritage sites,
  many events on Australia’s Coral Coast occur seasonally.

  BEST TIME to visit
  Year round
  Year round from 10am to 2pm
  March – October
  March – October
  March - September
  March – October
  April – September

BEST SPOTS Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Kalbarri, Shark Bay, Carnarvon
BEST SPOTS Cervantes, Geraldton, Kalbarri
DEEP SEA FISHING January - September
BEST SPOTS Abrolhos Islands, Kalbarri, Carnarvon, Coral Bay, Exmouth
SURFING March - October
BEST SPOTS Dongara, Kalbarri, Geraldton, Red Bluff and Gnaraloo
WINDSURFING October - April
BEST SPOTS Leeman, Dongara, Denham, Geraldton and Carnarvon
WILDFLOWERS July – October
BEST NATIONAL PARKS Nambung, Lesueur, Coalseam, Shark Bay, Cape Range
BEST TOWNS Mullewa, Coorow, Three Springs, Chapman Valley, Kalbarri

MANTA RAYS Year round Best spot Coral Bay
DOLPHINS Year round Best spot Kalbarri, Monkey Mia and Ningaloo
AUSTRALIAN SEA LIONS Year round Best spots Cervantes, Jurien Bay, Leeman,
Green Head, Geraldton and Abrolhos Islands
DUGONGS Year round Best spot Shark Bay and Ningaloo
WHALE SHARKS March – July Best spots Coral Bay & Exmouth
HUMPBACK WHALES July – October Best spots Kalbarri, Dirk Hartog Island,
Ningaloo and Mackerel Islands
ORCAS July – October Best spots Exmouth
EMUS Year round Best spots Denham town, Shark Bay, Exmouth town
KANGAROOS Year round Best spots Nambung and Cape Range National Parks
BIRDLIFE Year round Best spots Stockyard Gully, Kalbarri and Cape Range
National Parks, Abrolhos Islands
BLACK FOOTED ROCK WALLABIES Year round Best spots Cape Range and
Kalbarri National Parks
TURTLE NESTING December – February TURTLE HATCHING January – March
Best spots Dirk Hartog Island, Ningaloo and Mackerel Islands

                                                                            PRODUCE SEASON
                                                                            in Carnarvon
                                                                            BANANA, PAPAYA All Year Round
                                                                            SEAFOOD All Year Round
                                                                            TOMATO, CHILLI, CUCUMBERS,
                                                                            BUTTERNUT PUMPKIN All Year Round
                                                                            WINTER VEGETABLES May - August
                                                                            MELONS October - April
                                                                            GRAPE November - January
                                                                            MANGO AND TROPICAL FRUITS
                                                                            November - March

#australiascoralcoast                                                                                         23
TOP 10
          T H I N G S
          TO D O

try a 4WD adventure
1. Lucky Bay, Kalbarri
2. Hill River, Jurien Bay
3. François Peron National Park, Shark Bay
4. Oyster Bridge, Coral Bay
5. Quobba, Red Bluff & Gnaraloo, Carnarvon
6. Bowes River Mouth, Horrocks
7. Cliff Head at Arrowsmith, near Dongara
8. Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay
9. Stockyard Gully, Leeman
10. Sandy Cape, Jurien Bay

find a UNIQUE stay
1. Sal Salis, Exmouth
2. Wooramel River Retreat, between
  Shark Bay and Carnarvon
3. Direction Island, Mackerel Islands
4. Oakabella Homestead, Northampton
5. Sail Ningaloo, Coral Bay
6. Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay
7. Ningaloo Bed & Breakfast, Exmouth
8. Coral Coast Sunset Deck, Port Denison
9. Western Flora Caravan Park, Eneabba
10. Bullara Station Stay, Coral Bay

Explore secret BEACHES
                         1. Little Bay, Horrocks
                         2. Urchin Point on Dirk Hartog Island,
                              Shark Bay
                         3. Sandy Bay in Cape Range National
                              Park, Exmouth
                         4.   Five Fingers Reef, Coral Bay
                         5.   The Thong Shack, Shark Bay
                         6.   Blue Holes, Kalbarri
                         7.   South Beach, Port Denison
                         8.   Sandy Cape, Jurien Bay
                         9.   Shell Beach at Quobba Station,
                         10. Muiron Islands, Exmouth

                                  great and small
                         1.   Whale Sharks, Exmouth & Coral Bay
                         2.   Echidnas, Indian Ocean Drive
                         3.   Thorny Devils, Kalbarri to Exmouth
                         4.   Dolphins, Kalbarri to Exmouth
                         5.   Wedge Tail Eagles, Kalbarri to Exmouth
                         6.   Endangered Australian Sea Lions,
                              Cervantes to Geraldton
                         7. Black Footed Rock Wallabies, Exmouth
                         8. Manta Rays, Coral Bay & Exmouth
                         9. Western Rock Lobsters,
                              Cervantes to Kalbarri
                         10. Dugongs, Shark Bay to Exmouth

#australiascoralcoast                                            25
TOP 10
          T H I N G S
          TO D O

enjoy FAMILY fun
1. Space and Technology Museum, Carnarvon
2. Foreshore Pirate Playground, Denham
3. Greenough Wildlife Park, Greenough
4. Exmouth’s Water Spray Gardens, Exmouth
5. Rainbow Jungle and Maze, Kalbarri
6. Ocean Park Aquarium, Shark Bay
7. Drive-In Movies, Dongara-Port Denison
8. Ellendale Pool, Geraldton
9. ‘Aquarium’ at the Blowholes, Carnarvon
10. Foreshore Youth Precinct, Geraldton

DRIVE trails
1. Yamaji Drive Trail, Greater Geraldton area
2. Mandu Mandu Gorge, Exmouth
3. Turquoise Way Trail (bike and walk),
4. Street Art Trail, Geraldton
5. The Loop Hike, Kalbarri
6. Heritage Walk, Northampton
7. Thungara Trails, Dongara-Port Denison
8. Mt Lesueur Mesa Hike, Green Head
9. Wildflower Drive, various – see itineraries
10. Three Bays Walkway, Green Head

the ultimate
                         #INSTA SPOTS
                         1. The Pink Lake at Hutt Lagoon,
                            Port Gregory
                         2. Turquoise Bay, Exmouth
                         3. Monkey Mia Dolphins, Shark Bay
                         4. Wildflowers of Coalseam
                            Conservation Park, Mingenew
                         5. King Waves Kill sign at Quobba,
                         6. The Pinnacles Desert, Cervantes
                         7. Bottle Bay, Shark Bay
                         8. Leaning Trees, Greenough
                         9. Nature’s Window, Kalbarri
                         10. ANZAC Soldiers, Dongara-Port Denison

                         World Heritage,
                         MARINE AND
                         NATIONAL PARKS
                         1. Shell Beach, Shark Bay
                         2. Ningaloo Reef, Carnarvon to Exmouth
                         3. Stromatolites, Shark Bay
                         4. Yardie Creek, Exmouth
                         5. Natural Bridge & the Coastal Cliffs, Kalbarri
                         6. Jurien Bay Marine Park, Jurien Bay
                         7. Abrolhos Islands, Geraldton
                         8. Turtle Bay at Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay
                         9. Kennedy Range National Park, Carnarvon
                         10. Cervantes Islands, Cervantes

#australiascoralcoast                                             27
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