Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15

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Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
Report of the President and Executive Committee
                         Report of the UEFA Administration

Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15

         I. Report of the President and Executive Committee    1
              Committee Reports                               19

         II. Report of the UEFA Administration                39

Cover photos: © Sportsfile, UEFA and UEFA via Getty Images
Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
I. Report of the President
                         and Executive Committee
                              1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015

WE CARE ABOUT FOOTBALL                Zurich, 25 February 2016
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Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
    During a busy and challenging year, UEFA, the        maintained an overall sense of continuity and
    UEFA President and the body’s Executive              commitment to progress.
    Committee have continued their mission to
    help guide European football forward with            Just as women’s football continues to flourish
    care and dedication.                                 on the field and enjoy positive momentum in
                                                         its overall development, UEFA continues to be
    UEFA’s 60th anniversary in 2014 brought with         committed to bringing women into senior and
    it a significant opportunity to celebrate the        decision-making roles within the game, and in
    achievements of the past and set the course          June 2015, the Executive Committee
    for the future. The European organisation’s          reappointed the chairwoman of the UEFA
    objective is always to seek dialogue,                Women’s Football Committee, Karen Espelund
    cooperation and consultation with its member         (Norway), as one of its members for a further
    associations and other stakeholders – not only       four-year term.
    to develop and protect football, but also to set
    high standards of excellence and transparency        During the year under review, the committee
    in governance, and maintain values and               has taken UEFA’s policies and visions forward in
    visions, all of which are essential for the game’s   key areas such as financial fair play, the fight
    well-being.                                          against match-fixing, racism and
                                                         discrimination, and cooperation with key
    The period under review provided a host of           stakeholders. Consequently, the relationship
    highlights for European football. The UEFA           with UEFA’s member associations – valued
    competitions at all levels and in all categories     partners in UEFA’s achievements for more than
    provided some unforgettable matches,                 six decades – remains a vital cornerstone of
    spectacular goals and brilliant individual           UEFA’s mission. Likewise, relations with the
    performances, while off the field, decisions         clubs have been strengthened, while dialogue
    and measures were taken with a view to               with Europe’s political authorities continues to
    ensuring that European football’s future will be     be encouragingly fruitful. There is also every
    a healthy one.                                       indication that the plans being put into place
                                                         to develop and cultivate UEFA competitions,
    The 2014/15 period was also notable for              particularly at national team level, will prove
    elections. At the 39th Ordinary UEFA Congress        successful.
    in Vienna in March 2015, Michel Platini was
    re-elected by acclamation for a third four-year      In line with the key values that underpin UEFA’s
    term as UEFA President. The Congress agenda          activities and dialogue with the political,
    also included elections for seven seats on the       economic, social and sporting worlds, the
    UEFA Executive Committee, resulting in the           Executive Committee is determined to help
    election of three new members: Sándor Csányi         ensure that the growth and evolution of
    (Hungary), Fernando Gomes (Portugal) and             football, as a hugely popular sport and vibrant
    Davor Šuker (Croatia). Four other members            social force, will continue in the years to come.
    were re-elected: Peter Gilliéron (Switzerland),      Consequently, football will always come first
    Boris Mihaylov (Bulgaria), Ángel María Villar        and be at the heart of the committee’s
    Llona (Spain) and Grigoriy Surkis (Ukraine).         decisions and measures on behalf of the game.

    Thus, the Executive Committee elections in
    Vienna not only resulted in new faces, but also

Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

National team competitions                        EURO 2016 drew ever nearer, and preparations
                                                  moved on apace. At its meeting in Prague in
UEFA has taken on board the wish of its           June 2015, the Executive Committee approved
member associations to further promote and        the draw procedures for the play-offs and final
develop national team football and its            tournament. Meanwhile, stadium construction
competitions for the long term, as expressed      and renovation work at the ten venues
in particular in the Resolution on National       reached the final stages; the ‘500 days to go’
Team Football 2018–2022 adopted by the            milestone was reached; the tournament
54 UEFA member associations at the UEFA           mascot was unveiled and given the name
Congress in 2014.                                 Super Victor in a vote in which more than
                                                  107,000 and social media fans took
To that end, the ‘Week of Football’ concept       part; and the search for 6,500 volunteers
was put into action for the European Qualifiers   began. When the first ticket application phase
for EURO 2016, which got under way in             opened on 10 June 2015, demand was
September 2014, enabling football enthusiasts     expected to be massive for what will
to watch more international football than ever    undoubtedly be a memorable festival of
before; key decisions were taken for EURO         football – the first EURO to feature 24 teams.
2020, the ‘EURO for Europe’; and the course
was set for launching the UEFA Nations League     Looking ahead to EURO 2020, the Executive
in September 2018.                                Committee chose the 13 host cities from

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Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15

    among 19 bidders at its meeting at the Espace       provide adequate competition for national
    Hippomène in Geneva on 19 September 2014,           teams.The UEFA Nations League format was
    where the successful bidders were announced         approved by the Executive Committee at its
    at a ceremony afterwards.                           meeting in December 2014. This new
                                                        competition will be composed of four divisions,
    The host cities for the ‘EURO for Europe’ are:      with each division divided into four groups of
    Semi-finals and final: London (England);            three or four teams. It will feature promotion
    Three group games and one quarter-final:            and relegation, and will culminate in a
    Baku (Azerbaijan), Munich (Germany), Rome           final four tournament every odd year. The first
    (Italy), St Petersburg (Russia); Three group        league will be played from September to
    games and one round of 16 game: Amsterdam           November 2018, with the final four
    (Netherlands), Bilbao (Spain), Brussels             tournament the following June. Meanwhile,
    (Belgium), Bucharest (Romania), Budapest            the EURO 2020 qualifiers will be played from
    (Hungary), Copenhagen (Denmark), Dublin             March to November 2019, finishing with ­
    (Republic of Ireland), Glasgow (Scotland).          play-offs in March 2020. The winner and
                                                        runner-up in each of the ten EURO qualifying
    EURO 2020 will fulfil the Executive                 groups will qualify automatically for EURO
    Committee’s desire for member associations          2020. The four remaining EURO 2020 places
    across the continent to be involved in the          in the 24-team field will go to the winners
    organisation of European football’s premium         of play-offs. Based on results in the UEFA
    national team event.                                Nations League, 16 teams will take part in
                                                        these play-offs in four groups of four.
    In a further initiative, the creation of the UEFA
    Nations League, fulfils the desire of UEFA and      In women’s national team football, the
    its member associations, and especially that        Executive Committee appointed the Nether­
    of the UEFA President, to improve the quality       lands as hosts of Women’s EURO 2017, which
    and standing of national team football,             will be the first to feature 16 teams and
    and responds to the concerns of the member          therefore constitute a better opportunity for
    associations that friendly matches do not           players to gain experience.

Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

The Czech Republic staged a great final         investment in youth development and local
tournament of the European Under-21             community programmes.
Championship, which will become a 12-team
event for the 2017 tournament in Poland.        Both competitions also continued to attract
Looking back at the year under review, the      huge public interest. Some 6.5 million fans
youth competitions showcased talented           were present at Champions League matches,
youngsters, and excellent final tournaments     while around 6 million attended matches in
were staged by Hungary (U19s), Norway           the Europa League.
(Women’s U19s), Bulgaria (U17s), and Iceland
(Women’s U17s). In addition, amateur players    The Olympiastadion in Berlin hosted the
enjoyed their moment in the spotlight when      2014/15 Champions League final between
the Republic of Ireland hosted a successful     Juventus and FC Barcelona, while the Europa
UEFA Regions’ Cup final round.                  League final between FC Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk
                                                and Sevilla FC was staged at the National
                                                Stadium in Warsaw. With four goals in Berlin,
Club competitions                               and five goals in Warsaw, both finals provided
UEFA’s club competitions continued to enjoy     wonderful entertainment for millions of fans.
commercial and sporting success. Gross          Berlin also hosted the UEFA Women’s
commercial revenue from the 2014/15 UEFA        Champions League final, at the city’s Friedrich-
Champions League and the 2014 UEFA Super        Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark. 1. FFC Frankfurt won
Cup totalled some €1,465.6m, while revenue      the title on home soil by beating French
from the UEFA Europa League amounted to         opponents Paris Saint-German. The match
€253m. The main beneficiaries of this revenue   attracted a sell-out crowd of 18,300 and
were the clubs who took part. In addition,      underlined the impressive progress of the elite
solidarity payments from the Champions League   women’s game.
were made to the clubs eliminated in the
qualifying stages of both the Champions         UEFA rewards on-field excellence over a season
League and the Europa League, as well as to     at its late-August events in Monaco, which
non-participating top division clubs, for       herald the start of the following season. Real

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Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
Madrid CF’s Cristiano Ronaldo was voted the       trial period. The committee also approved the
    2013/14 UEFA Best Player in Europe by a panel     introduction of a new format for the 2015/16
    of European football journalists, while the       season with a view to enhancing the quality
    2013/14 UEFA Best Women’s Player in Europe        of the competition and increasing the number
    Award went to VfL Wolfsburg’s German              of associations represented, thus giving
    international Nadine Kessler.                     development opportunities to more players.
                                                      The competition will be extended from 32 to
    The UEFA Super Cup is now giving national         64 teams, allowing domestic youth champions
    associations across Europe the chance to stage    to take part alongside the youth teams of the
    the start-of-season match between the             32 clubs taking part in the Champions League
    previous season’s Champions League and            group stage.
    Europa League winners. Cardiff City Stadium
    in Wales, was an impressive setting for Real      The Meo Arena in Lisbon, Portugal, staged the
    Madrid win over Sevilla in an all-Spanish         UEFA Futsal Cup finals in April 2015, and the
    encounter watched by a 30,854 crowd in            event proved a resounding public success. A
    August 2014.                                      record 29,207 spectators watched the four
                                                      matches – including an individual match record
     © Getty Images                                   of 12,076 fans for the semi-final between FC
                                                      Barcelona and Sporting Clube de Portugal.
                                                      Kairat Almaty (Kazakhstan) won the title for
                                                      the second time in three years.

                                                      Further development and improvement are key
                                                      words in the Executive Committee’s approach
                                                      to UEFA’s club and national team competitions,
                                                      to ensure that each competition can make
                                                      constant and meaningful progress.

                                                      Referee instruction and training is paramount
                                                      in helping match officials to deliver top
                                                      performances. In August 2014, 106 male and
    The UEFA Youth League finals were held for        female referees from the highest categories
    the second time at the Colovray Stadium in        came to Nyon for their annual summer
    Nyon in April 2015, and the local public again    gathering. This meeting was followed a few
    turned out in healthy numbers to watch            months later by the traditional winter courses
    talented young players looking to reach the       in Athens in February 2015, when experienced
    game’s summit in the coming years. England’s      match officials and newcomers to the
    Chelsea FC took the title by beating Ukraine’s    international list attended UEFA’s advanced and
    FC Shakhtar Donetsk 3-2 in an attractive final.   introductory courses. Fitness work – vital for
                                                      the modern-day top referee – video-clip
    These and other promising youth players           reviews of incidents and decisions, technical
    will benefit from the decision taken by the       and instructional sessions and feedback
    Executive Committee at its meeting in             between referees and the UEFA Referees
    September 2014 to make the Youth League a         Committee are essential components of each
    permanent competition following a successful      course agenda.

Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

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The introduction of additional assistant referees   which comprises the UEFA President and four
(AARs) in the major UEFA club and national          UEFA vice-presidents, as well as representatives
team competitions has provided an extra pair        of the European Club Association (ECA), the
of eyes on both goal lines to help referees take    European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL)
correct decisions on penalty-area incidents.        and the professional players’ union FIFPro
UEFA staged its inaugural AAR training course       Division Europe.
in September 2014, demonstrating the
importance attached to this aspect of refereeing
– one which has proved its worth since AARs         Financial fair play
were incorporated into the Laws of the Game         In June 2015, at the Executive Committee’s
in July 2012.                                       meeting in Prague, a two-year consultative
                                                    process with key stakeholders, including the
Vanishing spray paint, used by the referee to       European Club Association (ECA), culminated
mark the spot from which a free-kick is taken       in the approval of revised UEFA Club Licensing
and the minimum required distance for the           and Financial Fair Play Regulations for 2015–
defensive wall, was also introduced in UEFA         18, which it was felt would encourage
competitions in 2014/15, and has given the          increased growth and development, inclusivity
referee easier control of free-kick situations.     and market stimulation. The requirements
                                                    were broadened and refined, and took into
The Executive Committee remains committed           account the economic environment and
to assisting Europe’s referees in maintaining       experience gathered since financial
the consistently high standards that they have      fair play measures were introduced in 2009.
set over the years.
                                                    The updated financial fair play regulations
                                                    address situations where clubs have undergone
Off the field                                       business restructuring or takeovers, and
The Executive Committee examines, discusses         occasions where clubs wish to invest sustainably
and takes decisions on matters that encompass       within the spirit of financial fair play.
the entire European football landscape. Many        Subsequently, club monitoring will increase
of these issues are debated within the              and broaden in scope. Furthermore, the
Professional Football Strategy Council (PFSC),      amendments consider disadvantages faced by

Report of the President and Executive Committee Report of the UEFA Administration 2014/15
© Sportsfile

    clubs due to sudden economic shocks or              when it was deemed necessary to do so. UEFA
    severe market structural deficiencies, and also     and the Executive Committee remain confident
    strengthen criteria relating to overdue             that the financial fair play measures, now
    payables.                                           adapted to current circumstances, provide solid
                                                        foundations for the future of European club
    Expanded club licensing criteria within the         football.
    regulations are aimed at encouraging
    inclusivity, promoting integrity and increasing
    awareness. Refinements will improve youth
    education and coaching quality by requiring         UEFA and the European football family are
    educational programmes focusing on                  united in making the fight against match-fixing
    the dangers of match-fixing and enhancing           their number one priority, given the threat
    the minimum standard of youth coaching              it poses to the integrity of the game and the
    qualifications. In addition, fostering the          smooth running of competitions.
    development of youth and women’s football           The Council of Europe Convention on the
    is further encouraged with expenditure on           Manipulation of Sports Competitions, which
    youth and women’s football now also excluded        opened for signature in September 2014, has
    from the break-even calculation.                    been hailed by UEFA as a significant milestone
                                                        in intensifying the campaign against match-
    The new regulations are seen as reinforcing         fixing. It is felt that it will help promote
    financial fair play, and the overall objective of   coordination between the police and judicial
    bringing stability and discipline to clubs’         authorities in different countries, and facilitate
    financial management remain unchanged. It is        more structured cooperation and information
    felt that a period of austerity is changing to      exchange between state bodies and sports
    one with more opportunities for sustainable         bodies. UEFA has regularly urged public
    growth and development. The financial fair          authorities to support sports bodies in tackling
    play measures have the backing not only of the      the issue of match-fixing, arguing that sports
    entire European football family, but also of the    bodies cannot do so alone.
    European political authorities. In addition, the
    Club Financial Control Body (CFCB) has              The UEFA match-fixing working group met
    continued to keep a firm watch in monitoring        in Barcelona in September 2014. This second
    club finances, and has taken disciplinary action    official gathering brought together UEFA

Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

integrity officials with state and national        Anti-doping and medical
football association prosecutors, police and       ­developments
crime prevention officials, and betting and
gambling experts from numerous European            UEFA’s activities in the anti-doping sector have
countries – strengthening the relationship         the full support of the Executive Committee.
between sports and law enforcement bodies.         In September 2014, the committee ratified
In particular, the need was stressed for local     the introduction of steroid profiling through
governments to introduce laws enabling             athlete biological passports (ABPs) for the
information related to match-fixing to be          2015/16 season. ABPs monitor players over
shared across borders.                             time, and so might indirectly reveal the effects
                                                   of doping. As such, they will help UEFA’s
Soon afterwards, UEFA launched further             testing programme stay at the vanguard of the
initiatives – an integrity app, an integrity       fight against doping.
reporting platform and freephone number, and
e-learning opportunities for young players.        UEFA strives to guarantee that its comprehensive
UEFA has also stepped up its comprehensive         education and testing programmes remain at
education drive, and has given regular             the forefront of recognised good practice in all
presentations to young players, referees and       areas of prevention and detection. Education
coaches to warn them of the dangers linked to      sessions for young players in particular warn
the manipulation of football matches. The          them about how doping can ruin their careers
UEFA betting fraud detection system continues      at the onset.
to monitor betting patterns at some 32,000
European matches each year, and UEFA’s zero-       The health of players is of paramount
tolerance policy towards match-fixing means        importance and, during the review period, the
that anyone found guilty of such offences can      Executive Committee approved a new
expect harsh punishment.                           procedure to deal with concussions, which was
                                                   implemented immediately for UEFA
Furthermore, UEFA has reiterated its               competitions. If concussion is suspected, the
determination to curb violence in and around       referee can halt the game for up to three
stadiums at football matches, and called for       minutes, to allow the injured player to be
greater support from public authorities amid       assessed by the team doctor. The player is only
concerns, among others, about increased            permitted to continue playing if the team
expressions of nationalism and extremism in        doctor specifically confirms to the referee that
stadiums.                                          he or she is fit to carry on.

The Executive Committee also reasserted its
firm opposition to third-party ownership (TPO),    Social responsibility
and welcomed FIFA’s introduction of a
worldwide ban on TPO from 1 May 2015. The          The Executive Committee maintained a close
previous month, UEFA and FIFPro Division           interest and involvement in UEFA’s social
Europe had formally launched a complaint           responsibility work.
with the European Commission, questioning
TPO’s legality within European law, arguing        As arguably the world’s most popular sport,
that it was harmful to the interests of players,   football has a crucial role to play in promoting
clubs and fans, and undermined the integrity       social development and using its influence.
of the game.                                       UEFA’s social responsibility activities involve
                                                   long-term strategic partnerships that promote


     anti-discrimination and diversity, social             Subsequently, the former Dutch international
     integration and reconciliation, active and            Clarence Seedorf was appointed as UEFA
     healthy lifestyles, and football for all abilities,   Global Ambassador for Diversity and Change.
     as well as funding football foundations and           In this role, he will be lending his expertise to
     charity programmes.                                   ensure that UEFA remains fully in touch with
                                                           this important topic.
     During the review period, the committee
     continued to support UEFA’s zero-tolerance            In December 2014, the Executive Committee
     stance towards racism, intolerance and                approved changes to UEFA’s Respect Fair Play
     discrimination in football. Each October, the         reward criteria from the 2015/16 season, from
     third matchdays in the group stages of the            when winning associations will now be
     Champions League and Europa League, as well           awarded prize money to allocate to fair play or
     as national team qualifiers played in that            respect-themed projects in their respective
     period, provide an excellent platform for the         countries, rather than receiving places in the
     European football family to show its opposition       Europa League.
     to these phenomena, and racist and
     discriminatory conduct on and off the field           The UEFA Captains of Change programme got
     continues to be sanctioned by the UEFA                under way in January 2015. The programme
     disciplinary authorities.                             nurtures diversity and a more inclusive
                                                           environment within football management in
     The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) hosted a       Europe. UEFA wishes to influence the culture of
     UEFA Respect Diversity conference in Rome in          football organisations and progressively open
     September 2014, organised by UEFA, its                them at all levels to a wider range of people of
     partner FARE (Football Against Racism in              different origins and backgrounds. Participants
     Europe) and the players’ union FIFPro. National       in this unique programme are especially
     associations, leagues, clubs, political and           encouraged to develop projects that can effect
     governmental organisations, and other bodies          change within football bodies. Former
     came together to raise awareness of all aspects       French international Christian Karembeu is
     of racism and discrimination in football.             the ambassador for this new programme.

Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

April 2015 brought the launch of the UEFA           opportunity to underline the progress and
Foundation for Children – set up on the             results achieved across the continent over the
initiative of the UEFA President, Michel Platini,   past decade – new association headquarters,
and emphasising UEFA’s desire to use football       renovated offices with state-of-the-art
as a force for good in society. The aim of the      equipment, new national team training centres
foundation is to help children – through sport      and modern stadiums, and comfortable
and, especially, football – by providing support    spectator facilities.
in areas such as health, education, access to
sport, personal development, integration and        Furthermore, more funds than ever before
defending children’s rights. Under the              have been earmarked for UEFA’s associations
foundation’s auspices, various humanitarian         for the period from 2016 to 2020, to
and development programmes for children are         support their activities and fund long-term
to be undertaken around the world, or further       investment. At the Congress in Vienna in
developed, as in the case of the existing           March 2015, details were presented about the
football programme for Syrian refugees at the       increase in HatTrick payments – to finance,
Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan, organised           among other things, the fight against match-
by the UEFA foundation and the Asian Football       fixing, grassroots development, running costs
Development Project (AFDP).                         and good governance, coaching and referee
                                                    education, the implementation of club
                                                    licensing, and the development of association
                                                    infrastructure. From HatTrick IV, which runs
                                                    from 2016 to 2020, each UEFA member
                                                    association will be entitled to receive a
                                                    maximum €11.1m over four years, a rise of
                                                    €1.6m compared with HatTrick III.

                                                    The HatTrick programme also provides annual
                                                    solidarity funding which enables associations
                                                    to take part in UEFA’s youth, women’s
                                                    and amateur competitions. It funds the UEFA
                                                    Women’s Football Development Programme
                                                    (WFDP), as well as knowledge-sharing
 © UEFA Foundation                                  and educational programmes that are helping
                                                    associations and their staff to enhance their
                                                    management skills for the overall well-being
Development programmes                              of the game.
Football’s constant development is a core
element of UEFA’s mission. The Executive            The Women in Football Leadership Programme
Committee has followed this mission in,             (WFLP) continues to emphasise UEFA’s
among other things, helping to foster the           commitment to help women move into senior
overall progress of the national associations.      positions within football. Viviane Reding,
The UEFA HatTrick programme continues to            European Parliament member and former
provide invaluable sporting and infrastructure      European Commission vice-president, thanked
assistance to the 54 member associations,           UEFA for its pioneering initiative when she
thereby improving overall standards across          visited the House of European Football in
Europe. The programme celebrated its tenth          October 2014 as part of the programme. UEFA
anniversary in 2014, and this was the ideal         also hosted the first Women in Sport

conference in Nyon in February 2015, aiming           can use to reach more informed decisions. The
     to inspire steps towards realising the full           UEFA Research Grant Programme was
     potential of women in the sporting sector.            established seven years ago to facilitate such
     Giving crucial impetus to women’s football
     remains a key aspect of UEFA’s agenda, and the        In 2014, to celebrate its 60th birthday, UEFA
     Women’s Football Development Programme                launched a special edition of the UEFA
     sees UEFA and the national associations               Research Grant Programme to support projects
     cooperating in areas such as promotion,               developed for and in conjunction with its
     grassroots development, marketing and                 member associations. Following the success of
     encouraging women and girls to take up the            this special edition (2015/16), UEFA would like
     game as players or become involved in other           to keep the same format for 2016/17, in order
     capacities. Role models are vital, and prominent      to continue encouraging collaboration
     players Camille Abilly, Verónica Boquete, Laura       between national associations and the
     Georges and Lotta Schelin were named UEFA             academic community.
     women’s football development ambassadors
     during the period under review, joining former        In addition, seven seasons of the UEFA
     German international Steffi Jones in this role.       Certificate for Football Management (CFM)
     UEFA hopes that their involvement will boost          have been concluded. Member associations are
     work with Europe’s national associations, and         hosting this programme, which is open to
     motivate more girls in particular to play football.   their staff, clubs, leagues and neighbouring
     UEFA brings together its national associations
     and stakeholders in a wide variety of areas
     to exchange information and share advice for          Stakeholder relations
     the common good. The Study Group Scheme
     enables exchanges of technical know-how;              UEFA is one of six continental football
     the UEFA Football Doctor Education                    confederations, and contributes fully to the
     Programme transmits vital medical expertise;          work undertaken by the world governing
     the KISS knowledge-sharing programme                  body, FIFA. UEFA elects three FIFA vice-
     fosters solidarity among the football family;         presidents, one of whom is proposed by the
     and referee and coaching courses help nurture         four British associations – England, Scotland,
     progress in those two areas. New ventures             Northern Ireland and Wales – and five
     launched in 2014/15 included the UEFA                 members of the FIFA Executive Committee.
     Football Law Programme, specially designed            The UEFA President is an ex-officio FIFA vice-
     for legal specialists from associations, clubs        president.
     and other stakeholders to learn about recent
     football law developments, and the UEFA               During the 2014/15 period, the Executive
     Executive Master for International Players            Committee discussed a variety of issues,
     (MIP), which is designed to give former players       including UEFA’s participation in the FIFA Task
     the tools to stay in the game in football             Force for the International Match Calendar
     administration and management.                        2018–2024 and the 2022 World Cup –
                                                           discussions relating also to the dates for the
     Over the last few years, UEFA has developed           2022 tournament. The Executive Committee
     many ties with the academic community,                debated, among other topics, the
     resulting in research activities that regularly       implementation of revised FIFA Standard
     produce findings the European football family         Statues, and third-party ownership (TPO)

Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

of footballers, which culminated in FIFA          UEFA continued to pursue dialogue with
introducing a ban on TPO from 1 May 2015.         supporter groups, and at their annual
The European national associations were fully     consultative meeting in March 2015, UEFA
involved in the consultation process with UEFA    assured the supporter groups of its continuing
and were kept informed before proposals           commitment to working in partnership in order
were submitted to FIFA.                           to ensure due care and attention to the sport’s
In March 2015, at the Congress in Vienna, the
UEFA President outlined some of the priorities    Relations with the European Union remained
for his third mandate – one being the inclusion   extremely positive. In October 2014, UEFA
of representatives of certain stakeholder         and the European Commission signed a
groups within the UEFA Executive Committee –      historic agreement that represents a
a principle approved by the Congress.             significant milestone. This ‘Arrangement for
                                                  Cooperation’, as it is called, cements a joint
Shortly afterwards, UEFA and the European         commitment to structured cooperation in key
Club Association (ECA) announced the renewal      areas, including the fight against match-
of their memorandum of understanding until        fixing, violence, racism and discrimination,
31 May 2022, strengthening the partnership in     measures relating to financial fair play and the
place since 2008. The new memorandum              promotion of grassroots football. It also
includes the 2018–21 UEFA club competition        acknowledges the need to address the third-
cycle and EURO 2020, granting long-term           party ownership of players and recognises the
stability and security to the European football   legitimacy of sports arbitration bodies to
family, while providing clubs with a greater      resolve disputes in the area of sport. All in all,
role in top-level governance.                     this agreement enhances UEFA’s reputation as
                                                  a democratic and responsible governing body
A consultation process between UEFA and the       acting in the general interest of European
ECA also resulted in a new distribution system    football.
for the European club competitions for
the 2015–18 cycle. There are substantial
rises in the revenues generated by the
Champions League and Europa League.
All Champions League and Europa
League revenues will be centralised into
one single pot containing at least a record
€2.24bn each year. More funds will
go to Europa League participants, thanks
to a favourable fixed ratio set with
the Champions League. Very importantly,
solidarity payments will increase
dramatically, with no less than €79m
reserved for clubs that do not qualify for
the group stages (+62%) and no less
than €112m for non-participating clubs
(+35%). All this due to the fact that
solidarity has been allocated a fixed share
(8.5%) of the overall revenue of the two
                                                                                                 © Union européenne

Ordinary meetings
     The Executive Committee held five ordinary        member associations at UEFA and association
     meetings during the 2014/15 period, and           events, and were kept up to date on
     was therefore in a perfect position to give its   member association matters by the UEFA
     immediate attention to topics and issues          administration. Each committee member
     pertaining to European football.                  is responsible for following specific
                                                       associations, and each of UEFA’s 19 standing
     The committee also convened in Geneva on          committees is chaired by a member of the
     19 September 2014 to appoint the 13 host          Executive Committee and has another
     cities to stage matches at EURO 2020.             Executive Committee member as deputy
     Following the UEFA administration’s three-        chairman/woman.
     month assessment of the 19 bids initially
     received, evaluation reports were provided to     The following list gives a full overview of the
     the Executive Committee ahead of the              items dealt with and decisions taken by the
     selection of the 13 hosts.                        Executive Committee at the meetings held in
                                                       the period under review.
     The UEFA President and Executive Committee
     members maintained regular contact with the

     Meeting summaries

     18/19 September 2014, Nyon and Geneva             • Approval of a new procedure to deal with
                                                         concussions, to be implemented with
     • Selection of the 13 host cities of EURO 2020.     immediate effect in UEFA competitions.
     • Appointment of venues for the 2016 UEFA         • Approval of the introduction of athlete
       Champions League and UEFA Europa                  biological passports (ABPs) in UEFA’s anti-
       League finals and the 2016 UEFA Super             doping programme, starting with the
       Cup: Champions League – Stadio Giuseppe           2015/16 Champions League season (group
       Meazza, Milan (Italy); Europa League – St.        stage onwards).
       Jakob-Park, Basel (Switzerland); Super Cup –    • Receipt of a report on a meeting between
       Lerkendal Stadio, Trondheim (Norway).             the Russian Football Union and the Football
     • Ratification of the distribution mechanism        Federation of Ukraine, at which the situation
       for prize money unconditionally withheld          of Crimean clubs was discussed.
       due to non-compliance with financial fair       • Lifting of a ban on UEFA competition
       play rules.                                       matches being played in Israel.
     • Reiteration of the committee’s full             • Approval of the system for making solidarity
       opposition to third-party ownership of            contributions to clubs for players participating
       players; request to FIFA to implement the         in the European Qualifiers and EURO 2016,
       necessary measures to prohibit it.                as per the system used for EURO 2012.
     • Confirmation that the UEFA Youth League         • Ratification of a code of conduct on
       would become a permanent competition              integrity in football setting out guiding
       with a different format as from the 2015/16       principles for all players, referees, clubs and
       season; number of teams competing                 other officials.
       increased from 32 to 64.                        • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015–17
                                                         European Women’s Championship.

Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

4 December 2014, Nyon

• Approval of the competition formats of the        • Approval of the 2015 UEFA Coaching
  UEFA Nations League and European                    Convention.
  Qualifiers 2018–22.                               • Approval of the 2015 UEFA Anti-Doping
• Appointment of the Netherlands as hosts of          Regulations.
  Women’s EURO 2017.                                • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015–17
• Decision to prohibit Crimean clubs from             European Under-21 Championship.
  playing in competitions organised by the          • Approval of the consolidated annual
  Russian Football Union as from 1 January            financial statements of the UEFA group and
  2015, and for the region to be considered           standalone financial statements of UEFA for
  as a ‘special zone’ for football purposes until     2013/14 for final approval by the Congress
  further notice.                                     in Vienna on 24 March 2015.
• Approval of an agreement with CAA Eleven          • Approval of the draft programme and
  to reflect UEFA’s new sporting concept for          agenda of the 39th Ordinary Congress in
  national team football for the 2018–22              Vienna.
  period.                                           • Approval of the reports of the UEFA
• Decision to launch a mark of recognition for        President/Executive Committee and the
  female players having played 100 matches            UEFA administration for final approval
  for their national team.                            by the Congress in Vienna.

26 January 2015, Nyon                                   − 2016/17 European Women’s Under-19
                                                          Championship final tournament (Northern
• Receipt of the list of candidates standing for          Ireland);
  election at the 39th Ordinary UEFA Congress           − 2017/18 European Women’s Under-19
  in Vienna.                                              Championship final tournament
• Approval of the budget for 2015/16 for                  (Switzerland);
  approval by the Congress in Vienna.                   − 2016/17 European Women’s Under-17
• Approval of the final programme and                     Championship final tournament (Czech
  agenda of the 39th Ordinary Congress in                 Republic);
  Vienna.                                               − 2017/18 European Women’s Under-17
• Appointment of final tournament hosts:                  Championship final tournament
  − 2014/15 UEFA Futsal Cup finals (Sporting              (Lithuania).
    Clube de Portugal);                             •   Update on preparations for EURO 2016,
  − Futsal EURO 2018 (Slovenia);                        ahead of the 500-days-to-go milestone on
  − 2015–17 European Under-21                           27 January 2015.
    Championship final tournament (Poland);         •   Admission of Gibraltar to the UEFA Referee
  − 2016/17 European Under-19                           Convention.
    Championship final tournament (Georgia);        •   Receipt of a report on the Breaking the
  − 2017/18 European Under-19                           Glass Ceiling seminar held in Amsterdam on
    Championship final tournament (Finland);            12 December 2014, staged in partnership
  − 2016/17 European Under-17                           with the Royal Netherlands Football
    Championship final tournament (Croatia);            Association and FARE.
  − 2017/18 European Under-17                       •   Approval of revised Regulations governing
    Championship final tournament (England);            the UEFA Order of Merit.

22/23 March 2015, Vienna                           • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015/16
     • Acceptance of a new financial distribution         Women’s Champions League.
       system for clubs competing in the                • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015/16
       Champions League and Europa League,                Under-19 Championship and European
       with a view to increasing solidarity payments      Under-17 Championship.
       and payments to clubs in the Europa League       • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015/16
       for the 2015–18 cycle.                             European Women’s Under-19 Championship
     • Agreement to increase the number of teams          and European Women’s Under-17
       entering the 2016/17 Women’s Champions             Championship.
       League, allowing the top 12 national             • Approval of the Regulations of the European
       associations in the rankings to enter their        Qualifying Competition for the 2016 Futsal
       domestic champions and runners-up.                 World Cup.
     • Confirmation of the competition format of        • Admission of Gibraltar to the UEFA
       the European Qualifiers for the 2018 World         Grassroots Charter.
       Cup.                                             • Approval of a new agreement with TEAM
     • Approval of the Regulations of the                 Marketing to better reflect the increasing
       Champions League, Europa League and                revenues and strength of UEFA club
       Super Cup (all 2015–18).                           competitions versus the performance of
     • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015/16         TEAM. This new agreement covers club
       Youth League.                                      competitions from the 2015/16 season to
     • Approval of the Regulations of the 2015/16         the end of the 2020/21 season and, subject
       Futsal Cup.                                        to TEAM’s ongoing performance, will also
                                                          include seasons 2021/22 to 2023/24.

     29 June 2015, Prague
     • Approval of the new UEFA Club Licensing              president); Marios N Lefkaritis (Cyprus,
       and Financial Fair Play Regulations (2015–18).       second vice-president); Giancarlo Abete
     • Appointment of venues for the 2017 UEFA              (Italy, third vice-president); Grigoriy Surkis
       Champions League and UEFA Europa                     (Ukraine, fourth vice-president); Michael van
       League finals and the 2017 UEFA Super                Praag (Netherlands, fifth vice-president).
       Cup: Champions League – Millennium               •   Approval of the draw procedures for the
       Stadium, Cardiff (Wales); Europa League –            EURO 2016 play-offs and final tournament.
       Friends Arena, Stockholm (Sweden); Super         •   Approval of the fixture list procedure
       Cup – Nacionalna Arena Filip II, Skopje              for the European Qualifiers for the 2018
       (FYR Macedonia).                                     World Cup.
     • Appointment of hosts of the Ordinary UEFA        •   Confirmation of dates of the 2017 European
       Congress in 2017 and 2018: Helsinki                  Under-21 Championship final tournament in
       (Finland) and Bratislava (Slovakia).                 Poland (16–30 June 2017).
     • Admission to the UEFA Coaching                   •   Approval of amendments to the 2015 UEFA
       Convention of Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania             Organisational Regulations.
       and Montenegro (all at Pro level).               •   Approval of amendments to the 2015 UEFA
     • Reappointment by acclamation of Karen                Fair Play Regulations.
       Espelund (Norway) as the female                  •   Approval of the composition of the UEFA
       representative on the UEFA Executive                 committees and expert panels, the Control,
       Committee for a further four-year term.              Ethics and Disciplinary Body, the Appeals
     • Appointment of UEFA’s vice-presidents:               Body and the Governance and Compliance
       Ángel María Villar Llona (Spain, first vice-         Committee for the 2015–19 period.

Report of the President and Executive Committee 2014/15

UEFA congress in Vienna
The 39th Ordinary UEFA Congress took place         British national associations, and Wolfgang
in the Austrian capital, Vienna, on 24 March       Niersbach (Germany) was elected as a member
2015.                                              of the FIFA Executive Committee.

Michel Platini was re-elected by acclamation       The Congress approved the principle of
for a third four-year term of office as UEFA       including representatives of other stakeholder
President. Three new members were elected to       groups as UEFA Executive Committee
the Executive Committee: Sándor Csányi             members, pending the necessary amendments
(Hungary), Fernando Gomes (Portugal) and           to the UEFA Statutes. Which stakeholders and
Davor Šuker (Croatia). Four members were           how many were to be decided. The required
re-elected: Peter Gilliéron (Switzerland), Ángel   amendments to the UEFA Statutes would be
María Villar Llona (Spain), Boris Mihaylov         proposed to the next Ordinary or Extraordinary
(Bulgaria) and Grigoriy Surkis (Ukraine). Three    UEFA Congress.
members retired from the committee: Şenes
Erzik (Turkey), Sergey Fursenko (Russia) and       The Congress was informed of an increase in
Mircea Sandu (Romania). Şenes Erzik, also          HatTrick assistance payments for the HatTrick
stepping down as UEFA first vice-president,        IV cycle. Each UEFA member association will be
became a UEFA honorary member.                     entitled to receive a maximum €11.1m over
                                                   four years – a rise of €1.6m compared with
As UEFA President, Michel Platini was              HatTrick III.
automatically re-elected as a FIFA vice-
president. Ángel María Villar Llona (Spain) was    The Congress also approved the annual UEFA
re-elected as a FIFA vice-president by             consolidated statement of accounts and
acclamation, David Gill (England) was elected      UEFA association accounts for 2013/14 and
as the FIFA vice-president representing the four   the budget for the 2015/16 financial year.

                                                                                              © UEFA

UEFA Executive Committee (from March 2015)

     President: Michel Platini (France), President       Peter Gilliéron (Switzerland), 2011
     since 2007, Executive Committee member              Fernando Gomes (Portugal), 2015
     since 2002                                          Allan Hansen (Denmark), 2009
     First Vice-President: Ángel María Villar Llona      František Laurinec (Slovakia), 2009
     (Spain), vice-president since 2000, Executive       Avraham Luzon (Israel), 2009
     Committee member since 1992                         Borislav Mihaylov (Bulgaria), 2011
     Second Vice-President: Marios N. Lefkaritis         Wolfgang Niersbach (Germany), 2013
     (Cyprus), vice-president since 2007, Executive      Davor Šuker (Croatia), 2015
     Committee member since 1996
     Third Vice-President: Giancarlo Abete (Italy)       European members of the FIFA Executive
     vice-president since 2011, Executive                Committee
     Committee member since 2009
     Fourth Vice-President: Grigoriy Surkis (Ukraine),   Vice-Presidents:
     vice-president since 2013, Executive                Michel Platini (France)
     Committee member since 2004                         Ángel María Villar Llona (Spain)
     Fifth Vice-President: Michael van Praag             David Gill (England)
     (Netherlands), vice-president since 2015,
     Executive Committee member since 2009               Members:
                                                         Michel D’Hooghe (Belgium)
     Members:                                            Şenes Erzik (Turkey)
     Sándor Csányi (Hungary), 2015                       Marios N. Lefkaritis (Cyprus)
     Karen Espelund (Norway), 2012                       Vitaly Mutko (Russia)
     David Gill (England), 2013                          Wolfgang Niersbach (Germany)

      © UEFA

Committee Reports

National Associations Committee
                                                                              In addition to the above-
                                                                              mentioned topics, the
                                                                              committee was given
                                                                              updates on national
                                                                              association matters, including
                                                                              changes in top management,
                                                                              and on the good governance
                                                                              incentive scheme 2014/15.

                                                                              Meeting: 12 February 2015

                                                                            The following members left
                                                                            the committee during the
                                                                            2014/15 season:
                                                                            Marco Casagrande (Finland),
                                                         © AFP/Getty Images
                                                                            Sándor Csányi (Hungary),
                                                                            Sergio Di Cesare (Italy), Şenes
     The National Associations Committee primarily       Erzik (Turkey), Rotem Kamer (Israel), Adalbert
     dealt with the outcomes of the 2014 round           Kassai (Romania), Sayan Khamitzhanov
     tables of UEFA’s Top Executive Programme            (Kazakhstan), Anatolii Konkov (Ukraine), Alex
     (TEP). The discussions focused, in particular, on   Miescher (Switzerland), Karl-Erik Nilsson
     football matters such as the UEFA national          (Sweden), Georgios Sarris (Greece) and Nikolay
     team competition cycles 2014–18 (European           Tolstykh (Russia).
     Qualifiers) and 2018–22 (UEFA Nations
     League). Other topics were HatTrick funding
     for 2016–20 (HatTrick IV) and football political
     matters such as governance, including UEFA
                                                         Composition of the committee on 1 July 2015
     governance topics (inclusion of stakeholders
     on the Executive Committee, for example) and        Chairman:              Marios N. Lefkaritis (Cyprus)
                                                         Deputy Chairman:       Fernando Gomes (Portugal)
     FIFA-related issues. The committee provided
                                                         1st Vice-Chairman:     Gregory Dyke (England)
     feedback and direction regarding follow-up at       2nd Vice-Chairman:     Armand Duka (Albania) - new
     the Congress in Vienna and at the TEP strategy      3rd Vice-Chairman:     Andrii Pavelko (Ukraine) - new

     meeting in Malta on 15/16 September 2015.           Members:               Ofer Eini (Israel) - new
                                                                                Virgar Hvidbro (Faroe Islands)
                                                                                Yerlan Kozhagapanov
                                                                                (Kazakhstan) - new
     The latest developments in activities by                                   Patrick Nelson (Northern Ireland)
     European national associations and UEFA to                                 - new
                                                                                Hugo Quaderer (Liechtenstein)
     assist associations outside Europe were also                               - new
     presented. Initiatives were organised with all of                          Charles Robba (Gibraltar) - new
                                                                                Kjetil P. Siem (Norway)
     UEFA’s sister confederations (in agreement                                 Alexey Sorokin (Russia) - new
                                                                                Radu Visan (Romania) - new
     with FIFA) over the course of 2014/15, in the                              Servet Yardimci (Turkey) - new
     fields of coaching, refereeing, governance,                                Dimitar Zisovski (FYR Macedonia)
     competitions, stadiums and security, marketing      Co-opted Members:      Noël Le Graët (France)
                                                                                Tomislav Karadžić (Serbia) - new
     and more.

Committee Reports 2014/15

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee held regular
meetings during the period under
review, as part of its duty to advise
and support the Executive Committee
on all financial matters for the benefit
of European football.

UEFA’s financial performance was
monitored by comparing the budget
with forecasts and actuals. These
analyses were presented at each
meeting. Other committees and the
administration submitted ad hoc
budget requests, which were decided
on by the Finance Committee. It also
thoroughly reviewed the budget for
the financial year 2015/16 and                                                                    © UEFA via Getty Images

submitted its recommendations to the
Executive Committee. This budget included          Meetings: 18 September and
a major increase in revenue thanks to the          20 November 2014, and 26 January,
24-team EURO 2016 and the new club                 22 March and 29 June 2015
competitions cycle.
The external auditors performed their annual       The following member left the committee
audit of UEFA and UEFA Events SA related to        during the 2014/15 season:
the 2014/15 financial statements, and UEFA’s       Mircea Sandu (Romania).
internal control system was also examined.
Their report and recommendations were
presented to and discussed by the committee.
More information on finances can be found in
the 2014/15 UEFA Financial Report.

Regular updates on UEFA’s financial assets
were presented to the committee, as was an
overview of UEFA’s property portfolio and
counterpart risk management. The                   Composition of the committee on 1 July 2015
organisation continued to operate in a difficult
                                                   Chairman:    Marios N. Lefkaritis (Cyprus)
environment, with interest rates close to zero
                                                   Members:     Giancarlo Abete (Italy)
for short-term money market investments. The                    David Gill (England) - new
committee continued to adhere to an                             Allan Hansen (Denmark)
                                                                Wolfgang Niersbach (Germany)
investment strategy with a prudent approach.

Referees Committee
     Since 2013 the Referees Committee has
     extended its education and development
     programmes to as wide a range of match
     officials as possible. The assistant referees’
     courses continued in 2014/15, with around
     350 assistants attending specialist courses in
     the past two seasons. Getting to know so
     many assistant referees also helped the
     Refereeing Officers in appointing them to
     UEFA matches. Previously this was left almost
     exclusively to the national associations, but
     now UEFA appoints the assistant referees –
     and additional assistant referees – for all UEFA
     matches officiated by an elite category referee.

     The Centre of Refereeing Excellence (CORE)
     has continued to go from strength to strength,
     with the benefits seen in each year’s new crop                                                                  © Sportsfile
     of international referees. At the winter course
     in Athens in February, those new referees who
     had passed through CORE showed themselves          Meetings: 12 December 2014 and
     to be better prepared on the whole than their      2 June 2015
     non-CORE counterparts. For instance, the body
     fat percentages of the CORE alumni was on          Composition
     average lower than the non-CORE referees and       The following members left the committee
     all CORE alumni had sufficient knowledge of        during the 2014/15 season:
     English. Consequently, the committee is            Şenes Erzik (Turkey), Jozef Marko (Slovakia)
     confident that CORE is providing a return on       and Kurt Zuppinger (Switzerland).
     investment to UEFA.

     Another area of efficient investment in
     resources is in UEFA referee observer training.
     With over 200 observers assessing UEFA
     referees, it is important that their assessments   Composition of the committee on 1 July 2015
     are consistent and give the Referee Committee
                                                        Chairman:                 Angel María Villar Llona (Spain)
     an accurate picture of the referees’               Deputy Chairwoman:        Karen Espelund (Norway)
     performance. Since 2006 all UEFA referee           Chief Refereeing Officer: Pierluigi Collina
     observers have participated in a training course   Refereeing Officers:      Marc Batta
                                                                                  Hugh Dallas
     every two years. The third cycle of courses was
                                                        Members:                  Dagmar Damková (Czech
     completed in spring 2015.                                                    Republic)
                                                                                  David R. Elleray (England)
                                                                                  Herbert Fandel (Germany)
     Recognition of the Referee Committee’s good                                  Bo Karlsson (Sweden)
                                                                                  Nikolay Levnikov (Russia)
     work was born out with the appointment of                                    Vladimir Sajn (Slovenia)
     European referees for the men’s and women’s                                  Jaap Uilenberg (Netherlands)
                                                                                  Kyros Vassaras (Greece)
     World Cup finals in 2014 and 2015 respectively.

Committee Reports 2014/15

National Team Competitions Committee
During the reporting period, the national team      ship finals in the Czech Republic, which
competitions cycle 2018–22 was the dominant         attracted over 160,000 spectators to the 15
theme for the National Team Competitions            matches, including a spectacular final attended
Committee. Several items concerning the EURO,       by over 18,000 people. The current edition,
the European Qualifiers and the Under-21            which will culminate in Poland in 2017 with a
competition were also on the agenda.                first 12-team final tournament, also retained
                                                    the committee’s attention, since the reporting
Following the creation of the UEFA Nations          period included the bidding procedure,
League, the committee started to analyse            approval of the competition regulations and
future formats in more detail: it approved a        the qualifying draw.
number of competition principles regarding
the newly born Nations League and the               Meetings: 25 September and
restyled European Qualifiers, and discussed         2 December 2014, and 6 May 2015
how to optimise the remaining friendly
matches, including their rights centralisation.     Composition
The future of national team football will           The following members left the committee
dominate the agenda of the next meetings            during the 2014/15 season:
and include questions such as scheduling            Giancarlo Abete (Italy), Harry Been
parameters and draw criteria for EURO 2020,         (Netherlands), Armand Duka (Albania), Alex
which will be played across 13 host countries.      Horne (England), Zoran Laković (Serbia),
                                                    Campbell Ogilvie (Scotland) and Willy Sagnol
The committee approved the procedures for           (France).
the play-off draw on 18 October in Nyon and
the final draw on 12 December in Paris.
As the qualifying competition entered its final
rounds, the preparations for EURO 2016
in France continued to be closely monitored.
                                                    Composition of the committee on 1 July 2015
With the 2018 World Cup preliminary draw on         Chairman:          Wolfgang Niersbach
25 July 2015, UEFA was required to issue the                           (Germany)
                                                    Deputy Chairman:   Sándor Csányi (Hungary)
fixture list for the European teams the following
                                                    1st Vice-Chairman: Geir Thorsteinsson (Iceland)
day. Ahead of the St Petersburg events,             2nd Vice-Chairman: Mahmut Özgener (Turkey)
the committee was therefore asked to approve        3rd Vice-Chairman: Miroslav Pelta (Czech
the principles for the European Qualifiers
                                                    Members:           Jesper Møller Christensen
2016–18 fixtures. While for UEFA and its                               (Denmark) - new
                                                                       Ludovic Debru (France) - new
member associations the 2016–18 edition will                           John Delaney (Republic of Ireland)
be a continuation of the current European                              Martin Glenn (England) - new
                                                                       Yngve Hallén (Norway)
Qualifiers project, the UEFA-FIFA cooperation is                       Rotem Kamer (Israel) - new
highly innovative: the UEFA administration will                        Alfred Ludwig (Austria)
                                                                       Alan McRae (Scotland) - new
be involved in operational matters concerning                          Alex Miescher (Switzerland) - new
match preparations, but the final decision-                            Maciej Sawicki (Poland)
                                                                       Håkan Sjöstrand (Sweden) - new
making power stays with FIFA.                                          Michele Uva (Italy) - new
                                                                       Bert van Oostveen (Netherlands)
                                                                       - new
The committee monitored the preparation and                            Bjorn Vassallo (Malta)
                                                                       Damir Vrbanović (Croatia)
staging of the European Under-21 Champion­

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