Page created by John Armstrong
This document is a brief overview of activities available to you over the course of the
academic year, and these are all published on our Socs Database with days, timings and
venues. New activities will be introduced as the term progresses and if you want to know
more about an activity, speak to the member of staff in charge, your Tutor or Miss Ward,
Activities Co-ordinator. In addition to the Activities Programme, there is also a range of less
regular but equally valuable opportunities to get involved in life outside the classroom.
Such opportunities include various School Councils, ad hoc events such as debates, charity
events, the Partnership projects and, of course, House events including singing, drama and
the Newcastle Competition.

There are over 300 activities on offer throughout the academic year available for you to
select from. The activities ultimately fall into five main categories as detailed below, but
each provides a number of core skills including characteristics of leadership, team work,
curiosity, resilience and creativity.




Every Lower School pupil is required to sign up to a minimum of three activities per term.
For Fourth Form and Remove pupils, this will include a compulsory weekly sport session
after School and a Friday after school session (Martlet for the Fourth Form and a Leadership
option for Remove pupils). Please click here to view the Friday Afternoon Activities

You need to select your activities carefully and make sure they are from different groups to
ensure you are broadening your knowledge, challenging yourself and ultimately helping to
prepare yourself for a future beyond Mill Hill School and Mill Hill International.

           Engineering and Robotics Club,
           Debating and Medics Society,
           Science Club, Touch Typing

           Charities Committee, Combined
           Cadet Force, Community and
           Charity based projects

           Art and Media Clubs, Drama
           Productions and Dance

           Choir, Music Clubs (Jazz Band, Strings,
           Wind Band) and Theory Clubs

           Rugby, Hockey, Football, Gym –
           Fit for Life, Cricket and Tennis


1807 History Society                        Biology Olympiad (Seniors) (Spring
                      Aimed at Sixth Formers who are              Term)
                      interested in studying History or History   Open to our Sixth Form pupils the British
                      related degree courses at university,       Biology Olympiad is a highly recognised
                      but with keen Fifth Formers welcome,        international competition coordinated by
                      the 1807 History Society provides an        the Royal Society of Biology, consisting
                      opportunity to discuss historical topics,   of two one hour multiple choice papers
                      issues and theories beyond the confines     taken online under staff supervised exam
                      of the taught syllabuses and produce        conditions in late January. The course
                      a magazine, The 1807, that provides         challenges and stimulates pupils with an
                      pupils with a platform to showcase their    interest in Biology to expand and extend
                      interests.                                  their talents.

                      Astronomy Club                              It enables pupils to demonstrate
                      ‘Space is big. You just won’t believe       their knowledge and to be publicly
                      how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big    recognised by the award of medals and
                      it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long    certificates. It is hoped that competing
                      way down the road to the chemist’s,         in the Olympiad will encourage pupils
                      but that’s just peanuts to space.’-         already interested in this valuable,
                      Douglas Adams. Learn to observe and         wide-ranging and rewarding subject to
                      understand the heavens with your naked      continue their study beyond A-level.
                      eye, optical, and radio telescopes.
                      The Astronomy Club follows the GCSE         Business Enterprise
                      Astronomy curriculum, and you will be       What do Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates,
                      able to sit a GCSE Astronomy exam after     Elon Musk and Evan Spiegel have in
                      two years earning a rare qualification      common? They all started their journey
                      which demonstrates a keen interest in       to becoming billionaires whilst still being
                      science. (All pupils)                       under 30.

                      Biology Olympiad and Dissection Club        Business enterprise is an activity for
                      (Juniors)                                   budding entrepreneurs who want to
                      The first half of the term centres on       develop their business skills and begin to
                      Dissection. For the second half of          learn the skills and attributes for running
                      the term, the club focus is on the          a successful company. Entrepreneurs
                      Junior Biology Olympiad, which is           require patience, cooperation and
                      a competition open to pupils in the         resilience, not to mention teamwork
                      Remove and Fifth Form. This provides        and positive communications. Pupils
                      preparation for an online competition       will have the opportunity to learn
                      of two 30-minute papers with questions      the basics of business by taking on
                      set on the school curriculum in late        positions of responsibility, creating
                      March, but also rewarding those pupils      their own products, developing their
                      whose knowledge of the subject has          own marketing resources, pitching for
                      been increased by reading books and         investment, and selling to customers.
                      magazines, watching natural history         The sessions will involve workshops
                      programmes, taking notice of the news       developing these skills and Apprentice
                      media for items of biological interest.     style challenges including the Tenner
                                                                  Challenge, a national competition, so
                                                                  that pupils learn how to make profit
                                                                  from an initial investment. All pupils will
                                                                  benefit enormously from the experience,
                                                                  learning the importance of hard work,
                                                                  good organisation, astute accounting
                                                                  skills and adaptability – all key to being
                                                                  successful in business. (Remove only)
Business Society                            Coding Club
                      An opportunity for Business A Level         In Coding Club we will be tackling
                      pupils to raise their awareness of the      interesting projects and solving
                      happenings in the business world and to     problems using Python. Some
                      increase their knowledge of the current     experience in coding is preferred but not
                      trends across industries. This will be      required. This is a perfect opportunity
                      achieved through talks and discussions      for those taking (or intending to take)
                      with business professionals and by          Computer Science or ICT for GCSE to
                      completing a range of skills based          extend their skills and to get a head start
                      activities. There are normally two guest    in coding. This club is for Fourth Form,
                      speakers per term. (Sixth Form)             Remove and Fifth Form pupils.
                                                                  (Fourth Form, Remove & Fifth Form)
                      Chemistry - Top of the Bench Challenge
                      - Royal Society of Chemistry                Crest Award
                      ‘Top of the Bench’ is a competition         CREST Award - A perfect introduction
                      for those excited and enthused by           to STEM project work for young people.
                      Chemistry. It is one of the longest         Teams of pupils design their own
                      standing activities for school children     investigation and record their findings,
                      which is organised by RSC members           giving them a taste of what it is like to
                      and has run for more than 20 years.         be a scientist or engineer in the real-
                      Each year teams of 13-16 year-olds          world. Pupils choose the topic and type
                      compete for the ‘Top of the Bench’          of project they want to run. Pupils are
                      Trophy commencing with regional heats       encouraged to collaborate with a CREST
                      which take place in the Autumn Term.        mentor – an academic or person from
                      Each Local Section Committee decides        industry with expertise in their project’s
                      on the format of the regional heat which    theme. CREST Awards are highly sought
                      can include quizzes, presentations, and     after, and are a good way to enhance a
                      practical experiments. The regional         pupil’s UCAS personal statement or CV.
                      winners then have a chance to compete       (Remove)
                      against each other in the UK final in the
                      Spring Term. (Fourth Form, Remove &         Economics for Oxbridge
                      Fifth Form)                                 This session is for those who intend
                                                                  to apply to read an Economics related
                      Chemistry - Cambridge Chemistry             subject at Oxford or Cambridge. This
                      Challenge and the Royal Society of          activity aims to stretch and challenge
                      Chemistry Olympiad                          the most able pupils who aspire to study
                      These UK competitions are excellent for     at the top universities in achieving the
                      pupils serious about reaching A* grades     best possible outcomes in support of
                      in Chemistry at A Level or hoping to read   their applications. (Sixth Form)
                      any Chemistry related course beyond
                      Mill Hill. These competitions stretch       Economics Society
                      and challenge post-16 chemistry pupils’     An opportunity for Economics A
                      chemical knowledge and understanding        Level pupils to discuss, debate and
                      in contemporary real world contexts.        further develop their understanding of
                      Both competitions lead to external          economic theory. In these sessions we
                      certificates from the Royal Society of      will explore how theory can be applied
                      Chemistry and Cambridge University.         to real world economic issues and
                      Sessions tackle how to solve problems       events. (Sixth Form)
                      which is useful examination practice.
                      Both competitions have a written test of
                      chemical knowledge: the RSC Olympiad
                      in January and the Cambridge Challenge
                      in June. (Sixth Form)

English Fourth Form Scholarship                English – Writers’ Society
                      An exciting introduction for Fourth Form       Are you interested in writing short
                      pupils (including English scholars) to a       stories, poetry, flash fiction, creative
                      diverse range of disciplines and interests     non-fiction, and more? Then join
                      relating to the study of English. Engage       Writers’ Society to hone your creative
                      in debate, creative writing, performance       skills. Alongside using prompts and
                      and critical thinking on anything from         entering competitions, you will have
                      fairy tales to rap lyrics and begin to         the opportunity to write for Quill,
                      see what English can be beyond the             the School’s creative writing and art
                      classroom.                                     anthology. Everyone is welcome!
                                                                     (All pupils)
                      English GCSE Scholarship
                      An enriching weekly session for GCSE           Film Club
                      pupils (including scholars) to stretch         If you love watching films, this is the
                      their understanding and perception of          club for you. Each week, the Film Club
                      what English is beyond the curriculum.         will pick from a selection of films by
                      A chance to engage in debate, writing,         watching their trailers, then go away and
                      performance, and critical thinking to          watch the film before the next session.
                      help pupils broaden their horizons             Then we’ll discuss what we liked or
                      in the discipline and enrich their             disliked, as well as looking at cinema-
                      understanding of literature and related        specific points of interest. You will be
                      disciplines such as film, drama and            able to nominate films based on each
                      television - the perfect activity for          week’s category and vote on each one.
                      anyone looking to boost their English,         All films will be available on Netflix or
                      including those considering A Level            Google. (Sixth Form)
                      English. (Remove & Fifth Form)
                                                                     French Drama Club
                      English A Level Scholarship                    The French Drama activity is in
                      An engaging enrichment session for A           preparation for the annual inter-school
                      Level English pupils (including scholars)      French theatre competition hosted by
                      to supplement their core studies and           King Alfred School. Open to Fifth and
                      engage in a diverse range of critical,         Sixth Form pupils, rehearsals will initially
                      creative and literary disciplines that         take place on a Monday lunchtime but
                      come under the umbrella of English.            will be more frequent in the build-up to
                      This session aims to open pupils’ minds        the performance. Pupils will rehearse
                      to the opportunities that post-school          and perform an extract from a French
                      English study can offer as well as enrich      play and will be judged by a panel on
                      and develop their critical skills in support   the night in the hope of winning some
                      of their studies across the board.             amazing prizes.

                      English Society                                French Cinema Club
                      An informal and friendly weekly session        Aimed at pupils studying A Level, pupils
                      for any pupils who are interested in           will be watching and discussing a range
                      anything and everything related to             of classic, cult and contemporary French
                      English, both in school and beyond, be         films. Screenings will include some
                      it traditional literature, debate, poetry      of the alternative films on the A Level
                      slams, current affairs, protests and           syllabus and there will be subtitles. It
                      movements, creative writing, film or           will give you a chance to see discuss
                      television and drama. Pupils can bring         and enjoy the breadth of the French
                      along any ideas, interests and topics          cinematic oeuvre from mid-20th century
                      and have their voices heard in this forum      onwards. Refreshments will be provided.
                      and be part of the discussion as to how
                      English can help us understand and
                      engage with these issues. (All pupils)
General Knowledge Competition                Language Leaders Course (RLO)
                      This competition is run with teams of        The Language Leaders course
                      four pupils organised on a House basis.      teaches young people how to lead
                      Each round will have three contests          others through basic languages
                      (involving six Houses). Your Head of         activities by working to develop their
                      House will help in selecting a team,         communication, organisation and
                      further details to follow.                   motivational skills. Having developed
                                                                   these skills pupils will have the
                      Geography Society                            opportunity to put them into practice by
                      There are two Societies, one for Sixth       leading small groups. (Remove)
                      Form and one for Lower Lchool, this
                      is an opportunity for pupils to explore      Law Society
                      and debate current affairs and run           Led by Sixth Formers, this is a Society
                      discussions based on issues they are         which will focus on preparing those
                      inspired by, such as global development      pupils who are wanting to explore a
                      and international conflict. Pupils will      Law Degree and career in this field.
                      also have the chance to enter national       Sessions will cover how to prepare
                      Geography competitions such as the           for Law University, applications, areas
                      RGS Young Geographer of the Year             to consider when selecting courses,
                      and help coach a team to victory in the      study strategies for Law, practicing
                      north London Worldwise quiz run by the       LNAT, reconnecting with OM’s in the
                      Geographical Association. It is pupil-led    Law profession along with discussions
                      and we welcome new members.                  and debates on the morality of certain
                      (All pupils)                                 legislation. The Society will be under the
                                                                   guidance of Mr Parker, a Law graduate,
                      HAT Group                                    with contacts in the field. (Sixth Form)
                      This group is aimed at Sixth Formers
                      who are considering studying History
                      or related subjects at university. We        Martlet (Fourth Form Programme,
                      spend time practising History Aptitude       Autumn Term, Fridays after school)
                      Tests and analysing unseen documents         During the Autumn Term the Fourth
                      as preparation for the increasingly          Form is divided into groups, and each
                      competitive entry to top university          week pupils will participate in a rotation
                      courses.                                     of activities testing skills and initiative.
                                                                   Activities include First Aid, Nutrition,
                      History Film Club                            taster sessions for Duke of Edinburgh
                      History Film Club is open to all             Award plus learning about some of the
                      pupils from all year groups and              School’s key historical facts. Pupils will
                      offers the chance to watch films and         need PE kit for some sessions so please
                      documentaries which aim to enhance           read the timetable on Firefly carefully.
                      their study of this fascinating subject.     During the Spring Term, the Fourth Form
                                                                   will be introduced to the Combined
                      Introduction to Italian                      Cadet Force.
                      Are you a budding linguist? Ever fancied
                      learning Italian? Why not dip a toe into     Maths Challenge
                      this wonderful Romance language. This        Pupils will have opportunities to apply
                      course is aimed at teaching the basics       and improve their maths skills by solving
                      of Italian through a variety of fun tasks.   challenging problems or puzzles and
                      Benvenuti a tutti! (Remove & fifth Form)     participating in competitions. (Remove
                                                                   & Fifth Form)

Maths Challenge (Hans Woyda)                  Medics Society
                      The Hans Woyda is a prestigious and           Medics Society will be geared to
                      hotly contested maths competition run         Lower and Upper Sixth pupils who
                      in London. 64 schools from across the         are interested in a career in Medicine,
                      city compete in head to head knockout         Dentistry or Veterinary Medicine, and will
                      rounds consisting of a variety of tricky      be compulsory for those pupils who are
                      maths questions, all of which are timed       intending to apply to Medicine only. It
                      and culminate with finals in the spring       will discuss topics relevant to a career in
                      term. We are currently in the process of      Medicine, including understanding the
                      selecting two Sixth Formers from MHS          NHS, how to apply for Medicine, UKCAT
                      and two younger pupils from MHI. At           and BMAT tests, work experience and
                      the moment we are running training            personal statements. It will be partly be
                      sessions at MHI for all pupils who are        run by pupils themselves; theywill be
                      interested and look forward to getting        expected to make presentations and
                      MHI and MHS pupils and teachers               contribute to discussions.
                      together to work on some tricky maths
                      together! (Sixth Form)                        Model United Nations
                                                                    Aimed at Sixth Form, the MUN
                      Please see some examples of the 30            activity will help you to develop an
                      second non calculator questions below:        understanding of the workings of the
                      Find the square root of 1234321               Model United Nations and develop your
                                                                    skills of presentation and debate. We
                      Find the smallest number which gives a        attend a schools’ Model United Nations
                      remainder of 1 when divided by each of        conference in March at Haileybury
                      2,4,5 and 10                                  School and spend the sessions
                      Find 3 consecutive positive integers          preparing for that event.
                      whose squares sum to 110
                                                                    Philosophy Club
                      Maths Society                                 Open to all Fourth Form and Remove
                      Maths Society is a thriving discussion        pupils who have an interest in ethics or
                      and presentation forum, consisting            philosophy and current affairs. This club
                      of a group of pupils who share a              encourages philosophical discussion
                      passion for Mathematics. Sessions             on a range of topics depending on the
                      often involve exploring and discussing        interests of the pupils and endeavours
                      interesting problems/puzzles outside          to build a culture of critical and creative
                      the curriculum. Pupils also have              thinking. This is a fun, enjoyable and
                      opportunities to present a topic that         informative club which aims to create a
                      shows use of Maths in real life or in other   forum for debate and free expression. As
                      subject areas. Open to all year groups.       Socrates said ‘the unexamined life is not
                      (All pupils)                                  worth living’.

                      Maths STEM Club
                      An opportunity to achieve the British
                      Science Association’s - CREST Bronze,
                      Silver or Gold Award, specifically for
                      Science, Technology, Engineering and
                      Mathematic project (STEM). CREST
                      Awards is endorsed by UCAS for
                      inclusion in personal statements.
                      (All pupils)

Physics GCSE Olympiad                         Spanish Conversation Club
                      Open to Remove and Fifth formers the          At the Spanish Conversation Club, you’ll
                      British Physics Olympiad is a highly          speak with Argentine pupils on video
                      recognised international competition,         calls and practice having meaningful
                      consisting of a one hour written              conversations on topics ranging from
                      paper. Lunchtime sessions seek to             South American culture to current
                      prepare for the paper, usually sat in the     affairs. (Remove, Fifth Form & Sixth
                      Spring Term. High scoring candidates          Form)
                      could achieve Gold, Silver or Bronze
                      standard, all will receive a certificate of   Physics Olympiad (A Level)
                      participation. Excellent for those with       There are few things so fine as the
                      an interest in studying Physics at A-level    satisfaction of solving a particularly
                      and beyond as the questions are of a          knotty problem. The Physics Olympiad
                      similar layout to Physics aptitude tests      Club will give you a chance to hone your
                      set as entry to Oxford and Cambridge.         analytical and lateral thinking skills. We
                      Superb evidence of going beyond               practice Physics Olympiad problems
                      the curriculum when writing a UCAS            and provide a good preparation for
                      statement. (Remove)                           Y13’s competing in the British Physics
                                                                    Olympiad in November and the AS
                      Politics and International Relations          Challenge for year 12’s in March. Whet
                      Society                                       your mind on Tuesday Lunchtimes.
                      Politics Society provides a weekly            (Lower & Upper Sixth Form)
                      opportunity for the key political issues
                      of the day to be discussed in an              Spanish Theatre
                      informal way. The pupils set the agenda       This activity prepares the A Level pupils
                      and pupils of all ages and political          for the theatre competition. The study of
                      persuasions are encouraged to attend.         the text and the performance will help
                      (All pupils)                                  them to improve their understanding
                                                                    of literary texts, their pronunciation of
                      RS Magazine                                   Spanish and their range of vocabulary. It
                      The RS Department is launching a new          is also great fun and involves team work.
                      magazine called Oriel. If you’d like to
                      submit an article or support the team         Touch Typing
                      with editing or production, please            Touch typing gives you a huge
                      contact Mr Cambridge. (All pupils)            advantage in school and in life. You can
                                                                    improve your typing speed and accuracy
                      Science Club                                  using step-by-step video teaching. This
                      Join the Science Club if you would            course can increase your efficiency by
                      like to be part of a group of pupils          up to 63%. (All pupils)
                      that get to explore and experiment on
                      scientific ideas that aren’t taught in the    UK Linguistics Olympiad
                      classroom. You will get the opportunity       The UK Linguistics Olympiad is a national
                      to choose and plan what you would like        competition for all pupils of any ability
                      to do. Some examples include making           in which competitors solve linguistic
                      Coke bottle rockets, making slime,            problems in languages from all over the
                      dissecting organisms and much more.           globe. Round One normally takes place
                      (Fourth Form, Remove & Fifth Form)            in January.


Age UK ICT                                  Charities Committee and Charities
                       Open to all year groups, these sessions     The group will be researching charities
                       are about working with AGE UK to help       both locally and nationally to decide
                       support elderly people in our community     where they wish to direct their focus.
                       with learning about basic computer          Supporting charitable initiatives will test
                       tasks. Perhaps you could help them to       pupils’ resourcefulness and creativity
                       learn to do online shopping or help them    in raising funds and potentially looking
                       type an email to their grandchildren.       at initiatives to support areas that have
                       These sessions take place at MHI.           been affected by Covid 19. The group
                       (All pupils)                                will liaise regularly with the School’s
                                                                   wider Charity Committee and will also
                       CCF Army, Navy, RAF                         work in conjunction with the Community
                       There are three sections in the CCF –       Action group engaging in an array of
                       Army, Navy and RAF which pupils can         exciting and challenging charity based
                       join during their time at MHS. Fourth       activities throughout the year. (Remove)
                       Formers will be introduced to the CCF
                       during the Spring Term as their Friday      Community Action
                       after School activity and Remove pupils     The Community Action Group will
                       can select as their Remove Leadership       work together on a number of exciting
                       Option. Pupils in the Fifth and Sixth       initiatives designed to get pupils
                       Form will become NCO’s and will hold        engaged with their local community in
                       positions of responsibility leading the     a positive way. Millhillians have much
                       younger pupils.                             to give our local area and this activity
                                                                   will provide pupils with the opportunity
                       Pupils will be issued with Army MOD kit.    to partner with the Good Neighbours
                       Please bear in mind that this must not be   scheme to plan and host parties
                       worn outside of School and pupils will      and entertainments for local elderly
                       need to change out of before leaving        residents. The Community Group also
                       School premises. (Remove, Fifth form &      undertake projects closer to home
                       Sixth Form)                                 around the school community. Service
                                                                   to others is at the heart of the values Mill
                       CCF Cadre                                   Hill aims to instil in our pupils and this
                       A programme for method of instruction       option provides an excellent way into
                       for Fifth Form cadets with the aim for      this aspect of school life. (Remove)
                       them to teach junior cadets in the spring

                       CCF Corps of Drums
                       This is a Marching Band which regularly
                       appears on official days such as Call
                       to Remembrance, and has previously
                       participated in the Lord Mayor’s Parade.
                       Learn to play drum, fife and bugle.
                       (All pupils)

Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE)               Equalities Society
                       The DofE Silver Programme offers             Led by the Upper Sixth, Equality
                       Remove pupils the opportunity to gain        Society aims to ensure conversations
                       recognition for their commitment             about Race, Sexism, LGBTQ+, Disability
                       to activities and for teamwork and           and Neurodivergence are integrated
                       resilience shown during an arduous           into the curriculum. The group are
                       expedition. The DofE Silver is a             focussed on making changes across the
                       tremendous challenge both in terms           Foundation through sourcing speakers
                       of endurance during the expedition,          and organising training, to meeting with
                       and organisation to gather the required      Belmont, to create a dialogue in school
                       evidence of activities over the year. It     about important societal issues.
                       is also an opportunity for participants      (All pupils)
                       to gain experience working in teams,
                       cooking food and being independent.          Leaders of the Planet
                       To complete the award pupils must            What better way to join forces with
                       show they have participated in three         the likes of David Attenborough than
                       other weekly activities over the year.       getting involved with environmentally
                       To recognise this level of commitment,       sustainable projects? This year we have
                       pupils will not be required to select        brought you bee keeping, tree planting,
                       another Friday leadership activity,          Eco video Chapel service, Life on Earth
                       however they are strongly encouraged         Competition among other things and
                       to as Charity, Eco and Community             we also adopted three wolves and
                       activities all fit into the volunteering     raised money for The British Beekeepers
                       section which can be difficult to            Association and Wolf Watch. Join us for
                       complete.                                    more exciting and inspiring projects.
                                                                    (All pupils)
                       Pupils must be prepared to plan and
                       complete an arduous team expedition,         LGBT Society
                       navigating independently and being self-     The Mill Hill School LGBT society is a safe
                       sufficient. Expeditions are likely to take   and inclusive space for all pupils, where
                       place at the end of the Easter holiday       issues relating to the LGBT community
                       (Practice) and the start of summer half      are discussed. Everyone is welcome to
                       term. If these dates are inconvenient,       join this group. (All pupils)
                       teams may arrange their expedition
                       directly with our expedition provider.

                       Eco Society
                       The society follows a number of Green
                       initiatives, including tree planting, bee
                       keeping and recycling projects.
                       Engineering and Robotics Club
                       New for this term, this activity will be
                       pupil-led and is open to the Fourth
                       Form who have interests in Engineering,
                       Manufacturing and Robotic control.
                       (All pupils)


ARTiculation                                 Debating – The Burnet News Club (RLO )
                      ARTiculation is a National Art History       Do you love news and current affairs?
                      speaking competition where you prepare       Or do you just find the news to be full
                      a ten minute presentation on the subject     of meaningless jargon and confusing
                      of an artist or artwork. It looks great on   statistics? Either way, the Burnet News
                      your UCAS application and is a lot of        Club could be just the activity for you.
                      fun for those passionate about Art. This     This programme is curated by the
                      activity is open to Lower Sixth only.        prestigious Economist Magazine with
                                                                   support from many other charities
                      Art Life Class                               and news organisations. The aim
                      Life Class is for drawing, painting and      is empowering young people to
                      recording the form of a nude model,          have a better understanding of and
                      essential for portfolio building and a       engagement with the news and to
                      fascinating and exciting activity for        develop the skills to interrogate bias
                      those who love to draw. This is open to      and misguided thinking. Have your
                      Sixth Form only and there will be a cost     say about modern issues such as ‘fake
                      for this activity.                           news’ or ‘social media echo chambers’,
                                                                   or just come along and find out what
                      Art and Science Club                         these things, and others, are all about.
                      There are so many connections between        (Remove)
                      Art and Science; in this club we will
                      explore these visually through drawing,      Drama - Theatre Workshop
                      photography, conducting experiments          Theatre Workshop is all about the joy
                      and generating reactions together.           of acting and developing your skills
                      (All pupils)                                 as a performer through the practical
                                                                   exploration of fundamental acting
                      Colour Me Calm                               techniques and methodologies. We
                      Do you need some ‘headspace’? Come           will explore a range of play texts, from
                      and relax for 30 minutes out of a busy       classical to contemporary, and learn how
                      week. All materials provided. (All pupils)   to craft your own creative interpretation
                                                                   of a role. (Fifth Form & Sixth Form)
                      Debating Society
                      Open to all year groups, sessions will       Drama - Directing Theatre & Playwriting
                      run separately for Lower and Upper           How can we guide actors towards their
                      School pupils. This society is about         best possible performance? How can a
                      the passion for debating, freedom of         director communicate their vision? How
                      speech and critical thought. Anyone          do we develop engrossing plots and
                      is welcome to take part, regardless          three-dimensional characters? Enhance
                      of previous experience or academic           your directing and playwriting skills
                      disciplines being studied. We will           through a series of practical workshops,
                      run in-school debates on topical and         and increase your confidence through
                      controversial issues which you will have     friendly and encouraging work-sharing
                      the opportunity to research and develop      sessions with fellow budding directors
                      expert knowledge on the motion. Our          and playwrights. (Fifth Form & Sixth
                      workshops will run each week and are         Form)
                      a great way to develop your debating,
                      public speaking and analytical skills. We
                      will also be hoping to compete in the
                      inter-schools debating competition.
                      (All pupils)

Drama - Creativity Sessions -                 Pupils will have the opportunity to
                      The Black Studio                              learn the basics of business by taking
                      An exciting opportunity to develop            on positions of responsibility, creating
                      drama and theatre skills through a            their own products, develop their own
                      wide variety of workshops, exercises          marketing resources. This might lead
                      and collaborative projects. Challenge         some business to get to the point where
                      yourself, increase your confidence, and       they can start selling to customers
                      stretch your imagination. Participants        and look to pitch for investment.
                      must commit to regular attendance.            The sessions will involve workshops
                      Good listening and focus skills are           developing these skills and Apprentice
                      essential. This activity is directed to       style challenges including the Tenner
                      (Fourth Form & Remove)                        Challenge a national competition, so
                                                                    that pupils learn how to make profit from
                      Engineering and Robotics Club                 an initial investment.
                      New for this term, this activity will be
                      pupil led and is open to the Fourth           The fundamental aim is to encourage
                      Form who have interests in Engineering,       pupils to believe that they have the
                      Manufacturing and Robotic control.            ability to create exciting innovative and
                      (Fourth Form)                                 potentially profitable businesses which
                                                                    can be either a brilliant steppingstone
                      English – Writers’ Society                    in their future career path or be the
                      Are you interested in writing short
                                                                    business that sustains them through
                      stories, poetry, flash fiction, creative
                                                                    their adult life. “ (All year groups)
                      non-fiction, and more? Then join
                      Writers’ Society to hone your creative
                                                                    German Board Games
                      skills. Alongside using prompts and
                                                                    We will play fun and traditional German
                      entering competitions, you will have
                                                                    board games, everyone can join in but
                      the opportunity to write for Quill,
                                                                    it is ideal for pupils who are studying
                      the School’s creative writing and art
                      anthology. Everyone is welcome!               German. Along the way pupils will learn
                      (All pupils)                                  a few German words relating to the
                                                                    games you play and it will be dynamic
                      Enterprise Club                               and interactive. (All pupils)
                      “What do Mark Zuckerberg Bill Gates
                      Elon Musk Evan Spiegel have in                Horticultural Club
                      common? They all started their journey        Our main aim is to promote an interest
                      to becoming Billionaires whilst still being   in plants and horticulture. The activity
                      under 30.” Innovation and Enterprise is       encourages pupils to grow a variety
                      an activity for budding entrepreneurs         of species and develop techniques for
                      who want to develop their business skills     propagation and care for plants over
                      and enhance the attributes for running a      time. The idea of ‘growing your own’
                      successful company.                           allows pupils to be aware of where
                                                                    fruit and vegetables come from and to
                      This activity is aimed at pupils who have     develop basic horticultural skills.
                      a deep desire to establish their own          (All pupils)
                      business or currently have a business
                      concept and would like support in             Jewellery Making Club
                      getting their idea off the ground. We         New for this term, this club is open to
                      would like to develop an innovation           all Fourth Form and Remove, pupils
                      and entrepreneurial hub where like-           will experiment with pewter casting,
                      minded entrepreneurs can gather to            metalwork and plastics.
                      share ideas and skill sets to help develop
                      and enhance their own ideas as well as
                      explore the key fundamentals for making
                      a business successful.                                                                    15
                      Jigsaw Club                                 Puzzle Club
                      Come and relax with some jigsaw             Come and test out your logic skills by
                      challenges in the comfort of School         completing puzzles such as Sudoku,
                      House with Miss Bull. (All pupils)          Kakuro and Nonograms, all resources
                                                                  will be provided just bring along a pen or
                      Lego Robotics                               pencil. (All pupils)
                      Lego and robotics combine to solve
                      some of the world’s problems together.      Technology Leaders
                      In this activity you will work as a team    The Technology option offers Remove
                      to compete in First Lego Leagues ‘City      pupils the opportunity to work on a
                      Shaper’ Competition, this will involve      number of exciting hardware projects
                      designing, programming and building         across the year, designed to get
                      a Lego robot to complete an obstacle        pupils engaged with technology. This
                      course as well as designing a real          option will allow pupils to develop a
                      world solution to one your society’s        proficiency in programming through the
                      problems. You will then present your        use of hardware including Raspberry
                      ideas to the judges and meet the other      Pi (a small computer that you can use
                      teams for the final competition. (All       to learn programming through fun,
                      pupils)                                     practical projects) and Lego MindStorm
                                                                  (a hardware and software structure
                      Meditation                                  which is produced by Lego). This option
                      Guided meditation sessions utilising        is designed to help equip pupils with
                      a range of resources to take a siesta       a range of highly-transferable skills
                      from the busy routine. Music, guided        including problem solving, planning and
                      talk and breathing exercises are            analytical thinking.
                      just one of the few ways pupils will
                      explore what works for them to then         Video / Film Production Society
                      incorporate it into their own schedules.    This activity is a way to get experience
                      (All pupils)                                on real cinema cameras, learning
                                                                  how to create a range of videos, from
                      Origami                                     promotional material, to your very own
                      For beginners to expert level. Come         film/short-film. Over these sessions,
                      and learn how to fold origami-style.        we will establish a production crew,
                      You will learn how to read folding          featuring lighting, sound engineers,
                      instructions and folding techniques.        grips, focus pullers, directors and
                      From there on, you can go wherever          cinematographers, to be Mill Hill’s latest
                      your imagination takes you. Fold single     pupil-run video team; responsible for the
                      figures, like cranes or dragons, or start   edited videos produced in the School
                      folding building blocks for modular         (running alongside the live-streaming
                      origami and create stars and more.          team). You will have the opportunity to
                      As legend goes, folding one thousand        learn ‘camera basics’, such as ISO and
                      paper cranes will grant you a wish. (All    aperture, as well as more advanced
                      pupils)                                     composition, lighting, editing and how
                                                                  to turn your ideas into film. In many
                      Photography Club                            weeks there will be challenges set,
                      This club is for anyone keen to learn       that pupils work together to solve. For
                      new photographic skills or develop          example, to film somebody walking up
                      existing ones, in a visual art context.     the side of the Science Block, or being
                      Activities will lead us inside and          chopped in half! (All pupils)
                      outside the classroom, by the end of
                      the term you will have been able to
                      build a small portfolio of your own
                      (All pupils)                                                                         16
                      Warhammer Club
                      Warhammer is a great hobby to de-
                      stress and produce something to be
                      proud of. We build, paint and battle
                      armies from the Warhammer Worlds
                      which include genres from Science
                      Fiction to Fantasy. Come along for
                      painting tutorials or to challenge your
                      friends to a game. We have a selection
                      of club models and tools which are
                      available for you to use. Even if you
                      have never heard of Warhammer
                      before we will be able to teach you
                      how to play and make your own force
                      in no time. (All pupils)


Aural Development Drop In                  Chapel Winds
                   For anyone working towards a grade         An ensemble that meets every Thursday
                   exam who needs help with their aural       morning to play music to accompany
                   development.                               the morning Chapel Service.

                   Big Band                                   Close Harmony Singing
                   The Senior Jazz Group performs every       For singers who enjoy singing modern
                   term. Please see any of the Music staff    repertoire with like-minded people in
                   to arrange an audition.                    harmony.

                   Camerata                                   Guitar Ensemble
                   An ensemble for experienced musicians      An ensemble playing a variety of
                   playing repertoire from the Baroque        musical styles.
                   and Classical eras.
                                                              Jazz Band
                   Chamber Music                              A Jazz Band open to anyone who plays
                   Multiple small ensembles rehearsing        an instrument. Please see any of the
                   and performing music. See a member         Music School staff to join up.
                   of the music staff to get involved in
                   bespoke music ensembles.                   Main Choir
                                                              A choir for all levels of ability,
                   Chapel Choir                               performing varied styles. All welcome.
                   For Chapel Choir, experience and/or
                   music-reading ability is required. Entry   Music Theory
                   is by audition. Please see a member        This clinic is an on-line academic drop-
                   of the Music School staff for more         in session. Use this self-study session to
                   information.                               work towards a theory exam or GCSE or
                                                              A Level composition.
                   Chapel Strings
                   An ensemble that meets every               String Orchestra
                   Wednesday morning to play music            All string players and all abilities
                   to accompany the morning Chapel            welcome.


There is a wide range of sporting              Chess
                    activities listed below, all delivered         Having become a popular and thriving
                    by our large, internal and external            club over the last few months, why not
                    experienced and professional sports            come along to learn how to play the
                    team. The core sports (Rugby, Hockey,          game or to further develop your tactical
                    Football and Cricket) are term specific,       chess skills, there will be sessions for
                    however there are lots of opportunities        both Lower and Senior School.
                    for pupils to join pre-term training
                    practices to help prepare those of you         Cricket
                    who are competing in fixtures. For those       Cricket is a core sport for boys and girls
                    pupils not wishing to compete, there are       in the Summer Term. Throughout the
                    many other ways to take part in sport on       Autumn and Spring Terms, Cricket Nets
                    a recreational basis.                          sessions are run in preparation for the
                                                                   Summer Term. These clubs will start
                    Aikido                                         after half term. (All pupils)
                    Tracing its origins to the time and
                    techniques of the Samurai, Aikido is           Cross Country
                    an elegant and complex martial art.            Cross Country is open to all who want
                    Training in Aikido is challenging however      to improve their fitness, speed and
                    dedicated training can improve fitness,        stamina, but pupils attending should
                    mental health and promotes resilience.         have a basic level of fitness where they
                    Committed and respectful pupils are            are able to run at least 20 minutes or two
                    invited to join. Sessions will take place at   miles without stopping. The sessions will
                    MHI. (Remove, Fifth Form & Sixth Form)         vary between those that work on specific
                                                                   aspects of running and those which
                    Badminton                                      are a straightforward cross country run
                    Racquets are provided but please bring         always incorporating proper and safe
                    your own if you have one. There are four       warm-ups. We may well, on occasion,
                    courts and, depending on numbers, a            use the gyms for strengthening work.
                    mixture of doubles and singles matches         (All pupils)
                    will be played. Players of all standards
                    are welcome and basic coaching is              Eton Fives
                    available for beginners and recreational       Eton Fives is a rare sport similar to
                    players. Please remember that full             Squash, however, it is played in a three-
                    school PE/games kit is required.               sided court with hands protected by
                    (All pupils)                                   padded gloves. It is a fast game played
                                                                   in pairs and pupils will learn how to play
                    Basketball                                     the game and then compete against
                    Having become a very popular sport,            other schools and possibly at the
                    sessions are available for all year            national championships.
                    groups and will cater for all levels of
                    ability. Advanced skill sessions focus         This is an opportunity for boys and girls
                    on shooting, movement, ball-handling,          to come and play one of the School’s
                    defence and offence skills. The aim of         traditional sports with a view to possible
                    these sessions are to prepare players          fixtures later in the year. (All pupils)
                    for Senior Team competitions. There is a
                    healthy number of fixtures in the School
                    calendar. (All pupils)

Football                                    Gym – Fit for Life
                    Football is a core sport for boys in        These sessions are available for all pupils
                    the Spring Term. We have links with         during lunch and after school sessions
                    Tottenham Hotspur, whose coaches            but only once you have attended the
                    join us in both the Autumn and Spring       Mill Hill gym induction programme.
                    Terms to develop players across             The sessions will be supervised, by our
                    the age and ability ranges. We play         experienced sports team and advice will
                    block fixtures throughout the spring        be available to develop your personal
                    term and our senior teams enter the         fitness through utilising cardiovascular
                    ISFA National Cup and the London            and/or strengthening gym equipment.
                    Independent Schools Cup. The 1st XI -       Pupils can follow their own programme
                    squad training and preparation for the      of exercise should they wish, but can
                    ISFA National Cup games begins this         also receive 1-to-1 coaching from
                    term. (Invite only)                         experienced coaches many of whom
                                                                have experience in professional rugby,
                    There is also an opportunity for girls      football and cricket.
                    to hone their Football skills with the
                    coaches from Tottenham Hotspur in the       There will also be a number of Virtual
                    Autumn Term. If there is demand, then       Gym sessions offering Body Combat,
                    we may look to seek future competitive      Spin and Yoga sessions through the Les
                    fixtures. (All girls)                       Mills Sports programme. (All pupils)

                    GCSE Sports                                 Hockey
                    To prepare and assess pupils in the         Hockey is the core sport for the girls in
                    practical component of the GCSE PE          the Autumn Term and for boys in the
                    course in various sports including Table    Spring Term. As well as your games
                    Tennis, Badminton, Trampolining and         lesson, Hockey teams all practice at least
                    Swimming, these sessions will take          once a week in preparation for a full
                    place during a Monday lunchtime.            programme of (mostly) Saturday fixtures.
                    This will involve some video footage        If you are selected for a team squad you
                    to provide competitive analysis. For        are required to attend these sessions.
                    further information please contact the      There are also lunchtime Hockey Skills
                    PE Department. (Remove & Fifth Form)        sessions available and an invitational
                                                                Hockey Academy which is commencing
                    Golf                                        this term. (All pupils)
                    Sessions will are run by our
                    experienced Golf coach both on and          Netball
                    off site at the local Metro Golf Centre     This is core sport for girls in the Spring
                    which has a driving range and a short       Term. This term we have entered a teams
                    game facility. Pupils who sign up must      in the U15 and U16 Netball National Cup,
                    have some experience of having played       so training sessions will be aimed at
                    Golf, but there will also be a session      preparing the girls for this event. Some
                    for the more advanced players. These        pupils from the Fourth Form may be pre-
                    pupils will receive separate invitations.   selected to join in this session. (Fourth
                    (All pupils)                                Form, Remove & Fifth Form)

Rugby                                       Sports Leaders
                    Rugby is the boys’ core sport in the        The Sports Leaders Programme looks to
                    Autumn Term. As well as your games          develop pupils coaching, management
                    lesson, Rugby teams also practice at        and leadership skills using sport as
                    least once a week in preparation for a      the vehicle. Pupils will engage on a
                    full programme of (mostly) Saturday         journey of self-discovery that will focus
                    fixtures. If you are selected for a team    on enhancing their understanding of
                    squad you are required to attend these      the rounded skill sets it stakes to be
                    sessions. We also offer girls’ sessions     an excellent sporting practitioner. This
                    and if demand is there then we will look    is an exciting year-long module based
                    to source some competitive fixtures.        course that will cover topics such as
                    Both Touch and Rugbys 7’s are also          sports coaching philosophy, plan-do-
                    played during the Spring Term.              review mapping, coaching games
                    (All pupils)                                and skills, practical delivery and many
                                                                more. Throughout the course pupils will
                    Sport Video Analysis                        have an amazing opportunity to plan,
                    As we continue to raise the level of        lead, manage and coach in events run
                    our coaching across all our sports we       by the Foundation, culminating in an
                    are focusing more on match analysis,        experience that will shape their desire
                    especially for 1st team players in Rugby,   to have a continued healthy, positive
                    Hockey, Cricket and Netball. This           and optimistic impact on sport and
                    activity will involve pupils recording      themselves in the future. (Remove)
                    weekend games and doing some light
                    editing before the footage is discussed     Sports Scholars
                    with the players following the games.       Sports scholars and those involved in
                    (All pupils)                                the athletic development performance
                                                                pathway will gain the technical and
                    Sarries Skills Club                         physical knowledge required to excel
                    An opportunity arises for some of our       in their athletic endeavours. This will
                    Sixth Form pupils to get involved as        primarily revolve around our four key
                    volunteers, with an exciting community      pillars of athletic development: strength
                    action programme that is run down           and conditioning, physiotherapy,
                    at Saracens Rugby Club on Monday            nutrition and mental skills. Sessions
                    evenings. The ‘Sarries Skills Club’ has     will include educational and
                    been developed specifically for those       practical sessions. For instance on
                    who have autism and are recognised as       life at the Olympics, recovery and
                    low functioning and at the severe end       injury management with our GB
                    of the autistic spectrum. They would        physiotherapist. On fuelling for optimal
                    really like Mill Hill pupils to volunteer   training and performance with our
                    and if you are interested then please       qualified nutritionist. Mental skills
                    fill in the form which requires parental    sessions on visualisation, mediation and
                    consent. (Lower Sixth)                      goal setting. And technical coaching
                                                                from our strength and conditioning
                                                                coaches on training for speed, agility,
                                                                power, strength and fitness for both
                                                                injury prevention and performance
                                                                optimisation. (Invite only)

Swimming Team                                Volleyball
                    We are looking to build on our               A recent addition to the programme,
                    current swimming talent so this is an        the Volleyball Club has had a great
                    opportunity for swimmers from all year       start. With some specialist coaching,
                    groups to get back in the water and          we are now looking to further develop
                    develop their swimming technique.            the skills with a view to there being
                    This session welcomes swimmers of            more competitive fixtures. There will
                    all ability levels, and we will cater the    be opportunities for both Junior and
                    session content to suit your needs – so      Seniorplayers. As well as a specialist
                    whether you are a novice wanting to          coach, we also have some really
                    become more confident in the water or        talented pupils in School who are
                    you are a top performing club swimmer        looking to assist with the development
                    wanting to shave a few seconds off your      of the younger pupils. (All pupils)
                    time, this session will be for you. We
                    aim to re-introduce some fixtures and        Yoga
                    galas later in the school year.              Come and de-stress in these Yoga
                    (All pupils)                                 sessions guided by an external Yoga
                                                                 expert. The sessions will be both
                    Table Tennis                                 ‘dynamic’ and ‘vinyasa flow’ classes
                    Recreational sessions will be run in the     incorporating the spirituality and
                    Sports Hall Gallery during the course        mindfulness of Yoga. (All pupils)
                    of the Autumn and Spring Terms. We
                    may well look to re-introduce sessions
                    within the GCSE PE programme with ex-
                    Hungarian professional Gergeley Urban
                    under Urban Table Tennis Club who has
                    previously worked with several schools
                    in the North London area. The sessions
                    will cater for those preparing for their
                    GCSE PE and performance players.
                    There is likely to be a cost to pupils for
                    these sessions. (All pupils)

                    These sessions are generally aimed
                    at those wishing to play School Team
                    Tennis. Pupils also have the opportunity
                    to play some recreational Tennis during
                    their games sessions. This term there
                    will be Performance Squads available
                    for selected Junior and Senior pupils
                    run by an external Performance Coach.
                    (Invite only)


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