Ball raises $300,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

Page created by Clarence Byrd
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL
FREE     I     Phone: 5442 6699            I    Email:                I      15 September 2021

Ball raises $300,000 for Cooroy
 support centre
AT the inaugural Mingle           outreach days in Noosa.
                                                                                                        EVEN in uncertain times, we give. Locals have dug deep for an
                                                                                                        invaluable domestic and family violence service.
                                                                                                        BY ALEX PURCELL

with the Mayor Ball, last            “We don’t currently have a
month, around $300,000            walk-in option at this end of
was raised for the charity,       the Coast and the increased
SunnyKids, which provides         Cooroy days plus the two
emergency accommodation           outreach days will enable us
as well as domestic violence      to reach an additional 300-
and referral counselling at       330 individuals and families
their Cooroy Family Support       over the next two years.
Centre.                              “The need for support in
   SunnyKids General              this area is huge and we
Manager, Kathleen Hope,           are at capacity. But now,
told the Cooroy Rag never         this money just changes
in their wildest dreams did       everything. We can employ
they expect this amount of        two full-time counsellors for
money to be raised.               support with this workload.”
   “It is completely over-          Patron of the Mingle with
whelming. The outcome is          the Mayor Ball, Noosa
beyond anyone’s expecta-          Mayor Clare Stewart, said
tions. It’s fabulous.”            the shire is at its best when
   Ms Hope said they would        it gets behind its own.
have been grateful for any          “The community support
amount.                           and business support for
   “We were hoping for            the ball was overwhelm-
$60,000 to $70,000 to             ing, to say the least. It is
extend our hours at the Co-       absolutely apparent that
oroy Family Support Centre.       Noosa cares so much about
We are currently open three       its own, that we want to
days a week and have to           right a wrong and make a
fundraise to fill the gaps to     difference, however great or
make this happen but there        small.
are still two days where the        “At the ball, we spoke up
centre is not open.               and the community stood
                                                                                                                                                              Photo courtesy of Empire Art Photography
   “Our plan was to hope-         up. I have never been
fully raise enough money          prouder.”
to extend our hours to five         For the 150 guests at         Hinter Auctions, Ms Rine-       tained by former The Voice            Ball organiser, Women-        ling service east of Cooroy.
full days but this amount of      Sofitel Noosa Pacific Resort    heart went head-to-head         contestant Luke Kennedy,            Kind Inc Chair Josanne            “We have partnered with
money has far surpassed           on August 28 for the Ball,      with another guest in a         moved to tears by stories           Falla, said the event was       SunnyKids, which has a
that, which is incredible.”       it was a night of glamour,      bidding war for a GhostAir      from survivors Alex Har-            the beginning of a new          long history of delivering ex-
   Ms Hope said the money         excitement and tears.           flight to Makepeace Island      ris and Annie Jones, and            future for the women and        ceptional service in this field
will be used to extend the          Dressed to the nines, Ball    for four guests followed by     educated about the services         families in need of help here   across the Sunshine Coast,
Cooroy Centre’s hours, plus       attendees were awed by          drinks and dinner.              provided by two charities,          in Noosa.                       and we are determined that
provide outreach days for         the appearance of special          After winning the auction    SunnyKids and no more                 “One hundred and fifty        permanent, positive change
other areas on the Coast.         guests Australian mining        with a bid of $50,000, it was   fake smiles.                        people gathered to put a        starts today.”
   “On the night, at the Ball,    magnate and heiress, Gina       revealed that Ms Rine-            MC Kay McGrath and                stop to the status quo in         Ms Falla said the Ball
I was doing the sums and          Rinehart, and former Olym-      heart had purchased the         Ms Hope discussed how               Noosa, where there is no        Organising Committee and
with this money, we can           pian, Dawn Fraser.              experience for Ms Fraser’s      disrupting a period of crisis       permanent place of refuge       Cr Stewart are extremely
provide two full years of           During the live auctions,     grandson for his upcoming       as early as possible, gives         for those fleeing domestic      grateful for the sponsorship
full-time five days a week        hosted by Cooroy auction-       18th birthday.                  survivors the best possible         and family violence situa-      and financial support from
support at Cooroy and two         eer Richard Hansen from            Guests were also enter-      chance of success.                  tions, nor even a counsel-      local businesses.

                                                                                                                                                           Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page    1
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

                               From your                          BOUQUETS & BRICKBATS                                                                        INSIDE THIS
                               editor’s desk
                                                                   BOUQUETS to Noosa Shire Council.
                                                                   Walking my dogs around town, I ob-
                                                                                                               BRICKBATS to the two Noosa District
                                                                                                               State High School girls in uniform in
                                                                   served the repair works on the bridge       the IGA car park, dropping a squat             What do we do with
                               Cooroy Rag editor, Alex Purcell     between the Badminton Club car park         to relieve themselves in full view of
                                                                                                                                                              our well? ............................. 3
                                                                   and the Sports Ground. Their team did       customers.
                                                                   a bang up job. From pre-work warning                                                       Tools taken in break-in....... 4
                                                                   signs showing closure on 23 August
                                                                   to tidying away materials and fencing                                                      Accom plans for Pomona.... 5
                                                                   a short time after completion, it shows
          JODI and I were thrilled to be able to at-               a well thought out and managed job.                                                        Pomona recycling station.... 6
          tend the inaugural Mingle with the Mayor                 Ratepayers’ money is well spent here.
          Ball last month.                                                                                                                                    Joyce to celebrate 95th...... 7
            It was a truly wonderful night for a won-              BOUQUETS by the truckload to you all
          derful cause. And after being cancelled                  [at the Cooroy Rag]! Such a fantastic                                                      Mural idea grows wings...... 8
          two hours before it was supposed to begin                newspaper! - Marg Whitford
          due to the last lockdown, it was clear the                                                                                                          Jane Austen’s chair
                                                                   BOUQUETS for your honesty in picking
          organisers were so relieved it went ahead                                                            BRICKBATS to the idiot(s) who have             for sale ............................... 10
                                                                   up my insulated water bottle at the
          without another hitch, as were guests.                                                               been using the Cooroy Cemetery lawn
                                                                   Cooroy Cemetery on September 1 and                                                         Trail runners head
          The general consensus was being it was                                                               as a race track. So disappointing to
                                                                   placing it in a great position for me to
          fabulous to have a reason (and such a                                                                see.                                           our way............................. 11
                                                                   collect early September 2. Common
          wonderful one) to get really dressed up.                 sense to the locals. - Lyn B                BRICKBATS to people taking multiple
          For this Cinderella, this meant a last-min-                                                                                                         Business...................... 12-13
                                                                                                               copies of current newspapers. If you
          ute mad dash to Sketch in Noosa Junc-                    BOUQUETS to Quick Snips for keep-
                                                                                                               need newspaper, I’m sure you can               What’s on..................... 14-18
          tion for a ball gown. Thanks to long-time                ing an eye on our Cooroy Rag papers
                                                                                                               contact any of the local publications for
          owner, the very talented Gabriel, I walked               at Railway Square.
                                                                                                               old editions.                                  Socials.............................. 19
          out with the first dress she suggested
          three hours and 20 dresses later. Now I                                                                                                             Animals........................ 20-21
          have this beautiful gown (see pic page

                                                                    Can you guess where
          19) I need to get some more miles out of                                                                                                            Community.................. 22-23
          but everyone is slightly horrified when I
          suggest wearing it to every event I go to                                                                                                           Schools........................ 24-26
          from now on. But why not?
            Enjoy this edition. As always, we have
          all put our heart and soul into bringing you
                                                                    this is in Cooroy?                                                                        Your say....................... 27-28

                                                                   CAN you guess where this is in                                                             Sport................................. 29
          a paper that gives our amazing communi-
          ty a voice.
            Your editor,
                                                                   Cooroy? Let us know by emailing
                                                          and the
                                                                   answer to last month’s where is this:            ?                                         Classifieds........................ 31

                                                                                                                                                              Trades directory........... 32-33

                                                                   on the old ANZ Bank building on Maple
                                                                   Street under the Cooroy Shoes sign.                                                        Real estate.................. 34-39

  Weather forecast for Cooroy
  September 15          September 16          September 17       September 18

                                                                                     September 19            September 20       September 21         September 22             September 23

        RAG CONTACTS                       EDITOR                            ADVERTISING                            PRODUCTION                             ADMINISTRATION
        OFFICE                             Alex Purcell                      Judy Painter                           Geoff Crockett                         Jodi Brennan
        Phone: 5442 6699            

  Twice a month, 7500 copies of the Cooroy Rag are distributed throughout our community to Tewantin, Doonan, Eumundi, Noosaville, Boreen Point, Imbil, Gympie, Cooroy and Pomona.

“ We genuinely give a SHED!”

       Wimmers Lane, Cooroy                                             P. 5391 3440                          
Page   2 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

Well, what do we do with it now?
AFTER lifting the lid on the concrete tank
in Apex Park to confirm it is not sewerage
but a century-old well used by the Butter
                                                                                             Your say:                                Liquid gold should be a tourist
                                                                                                                                      attraction and free to all, especially
                                                                                                                                      when the new playground opens
Factory for 40 years, suggestions on what                                                    I find that wonderful discovery          up.
                                                                                             [of the old Butter Factory well]
should be done with it have flooded in.                                                                                               - Deborah Daybell
                                                                                             amazing. Be nice to think it could
   From creating a tourist attraction to a
                                                                                             be a place for the public to fill up     Turn it into a nice area for people to
water station that people can access to fill
                                                                                             their water bottles! - Leisa Gunton      come. Put a nice drink fountain and
their water bottles with the “liquid gold”,
the community has spoken.                                                                                                             park around it. Install a pump and
                                                                                             I hope the people of Cooroy realise
   Cooroy Hire Service owner, Max Abrtho-                                                                                             water purifier just in case.
                                                                                             that they now own this precious
not, who has been saying for 20 years the                                                    find of top grade pure water and         - Neville Jones
tank is not sewerage but “the best tasting                                                   come together to use it wisely.
water”, told the Cooroy Rag he even had                                                                                               Hidden wonderful secret.
                                                                                             - Desley Law
a man say that he’d like to use it to make                                                                                            - Pamela Lickerman
beer.                                                                                        It should have an outlet so that
   “A bloke came into my shop and asked                                                      people can fill their water bottles      Make it into a wishing well.
me to show him where the well is. He said                                                    and hydrate their dogs.                  - Lorna Gardini
he wants to start a brewery in town and                                                      - Kay Lovegrove-Curran
use the water to make beer.”                                                                                                          Perhaps a wishing well! Especially
   During its years of operation, the Butter                                                 Maybe turn it into a wishing well        in these times.... lots of wishes to
Factory used the water from the well to                                                      and the money goes to local              be wished! - Kelly Sweeney
wash the butter and make ice.                                                                charities. - Barbara Richardson
   Former Butter Factory worker and Co-                                                                                               My dad tells me, many many years
oroy local, Alan Kenzler, told the Rag that if                                               Definitely turn it into a water supply   ago, in dry spells local people
                                                                                             for the local community. I’ve seen       use to come into town and fill up
the water is good enough to make ice, it’s
                                                                                             mineral water wells in Kyneton that      containers when their tanks ran
good enough to make beer.
                                                                                             are free for anyone. Absolutely          dry. Open it up for use.
   “We had to chlorinate it for our use back
                                                                                             amazing. - Hayley Maree Brooker
in the day, but it is beautiful soft water.”                                                                                          - Tracy Vecchio
   According to the Wide Bay Co-op. Dairy                                                    Add some yeast and a few other
Association Chairman in 1938, C. M. R.                                                       things and turn it into “Cooroy Well     Install an old hand pump for the
Glover, the water is from springs “principal-                                                Beer”. - Shawn Justice                   public to extract water, some
ly situated at the bottom of the well”.                                                                                               pavement around the outside,
   And regardless of the suggestions, the                                                    A nice big water fountain would          some after-hours lighting, perhaps
                                                                                             be nice and put in nice gardens          some seating and place it on the
outcome is crystal clear: the community
                                                                                             around it. - Iris Tomlinson              Cooroy Heritage Trail. A beautiful
wants to see this well recognised for what
                                                                                                                                      example of cultural history that will
it is, a piece of Cooroy history.                                                            Turn it into an old fashioned handle
                                                 Cooroy Hire Service owner, Max Abrthonot                                             be celebrated for years to come.
                                                                                             pump to share that beautiful,
                                                 with a glass of water from the well
                                                                                             precious water. - Rachel Millman         - Rebecca Moore

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                                                                                                                              Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page         3
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

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                                                                                            Police on the scene at Cooroy Landscape Supplies after the break and enter.

                                                                                            Tools taken in break-in
 TINBEERWAH ART GROUP                                                                       OWNERS of a Cooroy
                                                                                            business are in shock after
                                                                                                                               cut through locks, smashed
                                                                                                                               a window and kicked in the
                                                                                                                                                                 they broke into the office by
                                                                                                                                                                 smashing the window and

                      ART SHOW
                                                                                            a recent break-in.                 door to steal power tools         opened all the drawers and
                                                                                              A thief broke into Cooroy        and other general tools from      cupboards. But no cash is
                                                                                            Landscape Supplies late            the property.                     ever left on site.”
                                                                                            last month and stole a               “One of our cameras               Siona said the incident
                                                                                            “substantial amount” of            caught someone in there,          is now in the hands of the
                                                       TINBEERWAH HALL                      power tools.                       early Sunday morning. It          police and thanked Cooroy
                                Cnr Sunrise & Noosa-Cooroy Rd, Tinbeerwah                     Owner Siona Howard told          is obvious they were also         Police Sergeant Mal Scott,
                                                                                            the Cooroy Rag that they           looking for money because         for responding so quickly.
                                     Friday 17th Sept 11.30am - 5.00pm
                                   Saturday 18th Sept 9.00am - 4.30pm
                                     Sunday 19th Sept 9.30am - 3.00pm                       Woolies consultation still to come
                                                                                            WOOLWORTHS are yet                 as possible.”                     the Cooroy Rag last month
                                     Gold coin door entry donations to                      to confirm dates for their           Consultation with the           that their plans are to build
                                   Katie Rose Cottage Hospice Doonan                        engagement process with            Cooroy community                  a ‘full line’ supermarket with
                                                                                            the Cooroy community in            was expected to begin             drive-through and pick up
                                         COVID 19 Guidelines will apply                     regards to a supermarket on        last month. During the            facilities, specialty retail
                                                                                            Myall Street.                      engagement process,               and car parking on the 6.6
                                                                                              A Woolworths’                    Woolworths aims to meet           hectares of vacant land.
                                                                                            spokesperson told the              with local residents and            “Our vision is to create a
                                           168 Eumundi Rd, Noosaville 4556 | 5442 4899
  NOOSA MATS & RUGS                  noosarugs noosarugs
                                                                                            Cooroy Rag that they are
                                                                                            still finalising the dates.
                                                                                                                               community groups, use pop
                                                                                                                               up information stands and
                                                                                                                                                                 high-quality shopping and
                                                                                                                                                                 community destination that
                                                                                              “Once we have finalised          create a dedicated project        complements the village feel
                                                                                            the dates, we will let the         website with access to the        of Cooroy, while enhancing
                                                                                            Cooroy community know.             project team via phone and        convenience for local
                                                                                            We look forward to speaking        email channels.                   residents.”
                                                                                            to as many local residents           Woolworths confirmed with

                                                                                              Word on
                                                                                                   on the street...
                                                                                                      the street…
                                                                                              THERE was a rumour going around that
                                                                                              McDonald’s had an option on the vacant
                                                                                              block of land in Emerald Street opposite
                                                                                              the Amcal Pharmacy.
                                                                                                The Cooroy Rag can confirm this is not
                                                                                              true. A McDonald’s spokesperson told
                                                                                                                                               Rumours are McDonald’s here.
                                                                                              the Rag, that they do not own the land

          New rug and homeware arrivals!                                                      mentioned or any land in Cooroy for that
                                                                                                “But we are always open to new oppor-
                                                                                                                                               said. Not sure we’d like to see the golden
                                                                                                                                               arches towering over Cooroy anytime
 20% OFF ALL ARTWORKS | DISCOUNTED RUGS                                                       tunities in the region,” the spokesperson        soon. What about you?

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Page   4 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

plans for Pomona
GRAND plans for a function
and accommodation centre
next to Pomona Distilling
Co. have been revealed
exclusively to the Cooroy
  Pomona Distilling Co.
owner and master distiller,
Robin Yates, told the Rag
that while it is still early
days, concepts have been
drawn up for a centre that
they plan to build next
to their Reserve Street
  “The plan is to build
an accommodation and
function centre on the two
blocks of land that we own     Pomona Distilling Co. and the site for the planned accommodation
(20 Reserve Street and         and function centre.
1 School Street) next to
Pomona Distilling Co..         when people drive into           close the venue for private
  “We’re envisaging 12 to      town it’s the first thing        functions as that would
20 rooms, with a kitchen       they see. It would look          shut out the locals who             Exquisite range & new
that serves both the           amazing.”                        have supported us. It will         seasonal colour shades
restaurant next door and         Depending on final             be great to have an area            within our homewares,
a bar and function area        designs and financing,           in the future, big enough         fashion & accessory lines.
for weddings and private       Robin is hoping the centre,      for private functions and
events.”                       which will be in keeping         still have plenty of room for
  Robin said by attracting     with the “new Pomona”, will      locals.
more weddings to the area      open in 2023.                      “So, with locals in mind,         Shop 2/1 Emerald St Cooroy
and creating a place for         “We will carry the theme       we have created a space
people to stay, more money     (wood, copper and bricks)        for private functions that will
                                                                                                     Phone 5302 4044
will be spent in businesses    from the restaurant through      be serviced by a separate
in the local area.             to the centre and it will        container kitchen and will
                                                                                                                                          LOCALLY DESIGNED LINEN CLOTHING
  “Business breeds             be in keeping with the           have toilets and a marquee.                                               LOCALLY MADE SKIN CARE
business.                      new Pomona. It will be             “When we don’t have any                                                 HAND MADE JEWELLERY
  “The function room would     beautiful.”                      private functions, this area                                              VINTAGE CLOTHING
be ideal for weddings and        Robin said the only issue      can be used as an overflow
there would be enough          could be parking.                for the restaurant.”

                                                                                                                                   Upd ate your wardrobe

                                                                                                                                             Spr ing
accommodation for the            “Parking is an issue and         Robin said the new
bridal party and their         we are considering the           container kitchen has been
parents. The rest of the       possibility of an undercover     ordered and the astro-turf is
guests would spill out into
the Noosa Eco Retreat,
                               car park.”
                                 Meanwhile, work has
                                                                on its way.                                                            for
                                                                  “First prize is to have it
Airbnbs and the caravan        begun on a new function          finished for the Melbourne
park.”                         area for Pomona Distilling       Cup, but we are aiming to
  The centre would             Co.’s restaurant.                definitely have it finished for
incorporate a                    The vacant land                Christmas.”
manufacturing distillery (no   behind a neighbouring              What do you think
bottling) and Robin said       business, Pomona                 of Pomona Distilling
he would like to make a        Chinese Restaurant, has          Co.’s grand plans for
display of the copper still.   been fenced and will be          an accommodation and
  “I can see a big window      astro-turfed to provide          function centre in Pomona?
at the front of the centre,    a dedicated space for            Let us know by emailing
with the still and lots of     functions.             
backlighting behind it, so       “Currently, we do not          au.                                   Shop 4/18 Memorial Ave Pomona | Ph. 0408 889 942

                                                                                                                                    Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page   5
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL
BEAUTY | TANNING | NAILS                                                                                               news
                                                                      GET READY
                                                                      FOR SUMMER
                                                               Recognising that beauty is far from skin
                                                               deep, with each MoroccanTan experience,       gains
                                                               so too is reinforced our philosophy of
                                                               the importance of skincare, delivering a
                                                               nourishing treatment with each application.

                                                                      & tanning
                                                                                                             A NEW state-of-the-art
                                                                      1/25 Sunshine Beach Rd,
                                                                                                             container recycling station     Change Exchange General Manager, Jorge Rivera with the new
                                                                      Noosa Junction, Qld 4567
                                                                      p: 07 5455 3666                        has opened in Pomona.           Containers For Change recycling station at Pomona Ag Supplies.
                                                                      e:               The brand-new
                                                                                                             ‘Containers For Change’         General Manager, Jorge            don’t need to separate cans
                                                                                                             has been installed at           Rivera, told the Cooroy Rag       and bottles or remove lids.
                                                                                                             Pomona Ag Supplies at           so far it is working very well.   All they have to do is set
                                                                                                             21 Factory Street, next           “This station is the            up an account and scan
                                                                                                             door to Caltex. Pomona          first one with our new            their QR code to receive
                                                                                                             Ag Supplies owners,             technology, which makes           their label, grab one of the
                                                                                                             Barbara and Stuart were         it as easy as possible for        reusable bags and put their
                                                                                                             instrumental in bringing        customers to use.”                containers in it, scan the
                                                                                                             to town the recycling             The station uses an             QR code again to open the

                   COVID-19 vaccine
                                                                                                             station, which is owned by      account and code system           door and drop their bag of
                                                                                                             a customer of the store,        whereby customers can             containers inside. It’s safe
                                                                                                             another Pomona local.           unlock the door and drop          and clean

                    available here
                                                                                                               Barbara told the Cooroy       unsorted bottles into               “There are designated
                                                                                                             Rag she could see the need      supplied recycled bags            parking bays for drop off
                                                                                                             for ‘Containers For Change’     (stock-feed bags from             and a security camera
                                                                                                             in Pomona when the idea         Pomona Ag) inside the             to make sure no one

                           scan to book your spot                                                            was presented to her.
                                                                                                               “Cooroy, Noosaville and
                                                                                                             Gympie have one, but there
                                                                                                                                             container. Every two days,
                                                                                                                                             Jorge comes and collects
                                                                                                                                             the bags of containers to
                                                                                                                                                                               vandalises the system.
                                                                                                                                                                               There is also a manual
                                                                                                                                                                               procedure in the event
                                                                                                             was a need for one here.        take back to the depot,           of a power or technology
                                                                                                               “After the idea was           where they sort and then          malfunction.
                                                                                                             presented to me, it took six    pay the customer directly           And if anyone has any
                                                                                                             months to make it happen        into their account.               questions, they can ask
                                                                                                             and get up and running.”          “There’s no physical cash       Barbara and her staff at
                                                                                                               The station has only been     involved. Customers are           Pomona Ag Supplies for
                                                                                                             operational for two weeks       paid 10 cents per container       help.
                                                                                                             but already it is being         into their account after we         The new recycling station
                                                                                                             “heavily used”.                 sort it.                          is at Pomona Ag Supplies,
                                                                                                               Change Exchange                 “And the best part is they      21 Factory St, Pomona.

                                                                                                             The search is on for the cutest pup
                                                                                                             WITH dog registrations due        Keep an eye on Council’s        important part of being a

                                     Cooroy                               Pomona
                                                                                                             at the end of the month,        Facebook page for details.        responsible pet owner.”
                                                                                                             Council says it’s the perfect     Mr Furdek said dog                The majority of notices
                                                                                                             time to showcase all the        owners should have                have been issued by email
                                                                                                             adorable dogs of the shire.     received their renewal            this year, with around 2,000
                                                                                                                “We are offering someone     notices. However with the         going via post.
                                                                                                             the chance to have their        COVID payment extensions            “We really encourage
                                                                                                             dog registration paid and       currently in place, there will    people to sign up to
                                        LiveLife Pharmacy Cooroy                                             win a gift card as part of      be no late fee, if paid by        e-renewals for next year
                                26 Maple St, Cooroy: Phone: (07) 5447 6028                                   our fun competition,” said      October 18.                       to avoid the paper fee,” Mr
                                                                                                             Communications Manager,            Council has issued about       Furdek said.
                                       LiveLife Pharmacy Pomona                                              Ken Furdek. “In the current     7,600 renewal notices this          Renewals can be paid at
                              8 Memorial Ave, Pomona: Phone (07) 5485 1270                                   climate, we thought it might    year. “We really encourage        any post office, online with
                                                                                                             be fun to find Noosa’s cutest   all dog owners to register        a credit card via Council’s
                                                                           pup during the registration     their pets because, just like     website, through BPay or in
                                                                                                             period.”                        de-sexing, registration is an     person at Council’s office.

    Page                   6 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

Living treasure to celebrate 95th
WHEN Joyce Cunningham turns                                                                                         the caravan park is) on the banks    factory.
95 next month, she will celebrate                                                                                   of Lake Cootharaba, her family         “Big tankers used to bring in
this milestone with her family at                                                                                   moved to another dairy farm in       the milk and we’d fill 10 vats full,
the Cooroy RSL.                                                                                                     Gympie.                              put in rennet and cut the cheese.
  This Cooroy “living treasure”                                                                                       “I grew up at Canina (a rural      My husband used to separate
has a special affiliation with the                                                                                  locality northeast of Gympie).”      the curds and whey. We’d wrap
Returned and Services League                                                                                          Joyce attended Cootharaba          40-pound blocks of cheese
of Australia (RSL) because she is                                                                                   Road State School, which was in      wrapped in paper and send them
one.                                                                                                                operation from 1894 to 1965 and      to Brisbane.
  In 1943, with three brothers in                                                                                   later had to ride her bike seven       “We lived in a house next to the
the Army, Joyce responded to                                                                                        miles (11.2 km) to attend high       Cheese Factory. It’s still there. We
advertisements by the Australian                                                                                    school in Gympie.                    loved Kenilworth.”
Women’s Land Army (AWLA) to                                                                                           After almost two years in the        But as Joyce’s sister lived in
work on farms, to help plant and                                                                                    AWLA working on farms through-       Cooroy, when it came to retiring,
harvest crops in order to provide                                                                                   out SEQ, Joyce was discharged        they decided to buy a house on
food for the population and the                                                                                     to marry the man she met before
                                                                                                                                                         Emerald Street, where the IGA
armed services.                                                                                                     she joined.
                                                                                                                                                         now is and immersed themselves
  Joyce told the Cooroy Rag there                                                                                     When Joyce was 16 she met
                                                                                                                                                         in the Cooroy community, joining
weren’t many men around to work                                                                                     Clyde, a cane farmer from Bopple
                                                                                                                                                         committees and fundraising for
the land because they were away                                                                                     (Bauple).
fighting the war “to keep our coun-                                                                                   “Clyde cut cane all day, then
                                                                                                                                                           In 1999, Joyce and Clyde moved
try free”, so at the tender age of                                                                                  he’d go to the Bopple Sugar Mill
                                                                                                                    and load sugar at night.”            into a home on Wattle Street,
17, a year under the required age,
she joined the AWLA.                                                                                                  Clyde and Joyce married in         where Joyce still lives after Clyde
                                      Joyce at the 2019 Anzac Day parade in Cooroy. Photo: Jim Picton
  “I was called up in December                                                                                      Gympie in 1945 and moved to a        sadly passed away in 2013.
and had to travel to Brisbane on                                                                                    dairy farm outside of Tiaro.           Reflecting on her time in the
                                      camp at Dalcouth, we had to live         During her deployment, Joyce                                              AWLA, Joyce said she enjoyed
the old steam train and report to                                                                                     Over the next 20 years, the Cun-
                                      with the farmer and his family.”       helped on more farms in Chats-                                              it but it was very hard work for a
the AWLA head office. From there,                                                                                   ninghams welcomed their three
having been told what area the          Joyce and another girl billeted      worth and Aratula, before being        children and worked on a dairy       young woman.
farmers needed workers, I had to      with this family, while they helped    sent to work on a dairy farm in Eu-    farm in Chatsworth and a pineap-       “Also it was hard being away
catch another train to Glen Aplin     on the farm with the growing of        mundi, which wasn’t far removed        ple farm in Amamoor, before end-     from one’s family and friends and
to the Land Army Camp there.”         beans, peas, potatoes and toma-        from how and where she grew up.        ing up in Kenilworth and working     my fiancée Clyde. The saying is
  At the Land Army Camp, Joyce        toes.                                    But working on a farm in the         at the Cheese Factory.               ‘hard work never hurts you’. So, I
joined other girls who slept in         “I can remember all of these         coldest town in Queensland and           “I worked at the Cheese Factory    don’t suppose it really does.”
tents in freezing cold conditions,    tomato plants. There were about        later Aratula, also wasn’t a far cry   for 13 years. Clyde worked there       If you see Joyce at the Cooroy
only to be sent to work on a farm     7000 of them, so we were kept          from Joyce’s upbringing.               as well. One of our sons, now        RSL to celebrate her 95th, make
in Stanthorpe.                        busy picking, planting and chip-         After her birth in an old farm-      73, is a cheesemaker and often       sure you wish her a very happy
  “As there wasn’t a Land Army        ping on the farm.”                     house at Elanda Point (where           supervises cheese making at the      birthday.

                                                                                                                                                    Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page   7
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL
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   Opening hours: Mon- Fri 7am to 5.30pm | Sat 7am to 1pm                          Artist Tia Carrigan and her mural “A Safe Place To Take Flight” at Reserve Street in Pomona.

                                                                                   Mural idea grows wings
                                                                                   A CONCEPT, years in the            (grevillea and banksias) are         “The Pomona & District
                                                                                   making, has grown wings.           local, along with Goddess          Chamber of Commerce was
                                                                                     This Bird Owner, artist Tia      Pomona (the Roman                  also talking about wanting
                                                                                   Carrigan, said her plans for       Goddess of abundance and           to have murals in town to
                                                                                   a mural in Pomona have             orchards). There is a lot in it.   showcase different artists
                                                                                   been in the wings for years.       The more people look, the          in the area and after talks
                                                                                     And now, after weeks of          more they will find, including     with them and the local
                                                                                   painting, a colourful display      Goddess Pomona who is              community, that gave me

                 NEW IDEAS FOR THE
                                                                                   of local birds with a nod to       morphed into a bird.”              the kickstart for this project.”
                                                                                   the Goddess Pomona has               Finished in Tia’s artistic         Wanting to support a
                                                                                   come to nest on the wall of        style of whimsy escapism           fellow local business, Tia

                   NEW SEASON
                                                                                   the building where This Bird       in loads of colour, the mural      went to buy all her paint
                                                                                   resides on Reserve Street.         is eye-catching and already        and materials for the mural
                                                                                     Tia told the Cooroy Rag          attracting a crowd.                from Pomona True Value
                    Lamb Rumps                      $31.99kg                       that she wanted to bring             “A lot of people have            Hardware but they “turned
                                                                                   something to Pomona that           stopped because they’re            the tables” on her.
                    Pork Fillet                     $16.99kg                       was bright, engaging and           intrigued by it, there’s             “All of the paint has been
                                                                                   would make people smile.           been lots of chats and             donated by Leanne and
                                                                                     “Everything I paint comes        engagement. It’s been              Craig Coles at True Value
                    Beef Brisket                    $15.99kg
                                                                                   from a place of joy and I          such a buzz watching the           Hardware.”
                                                                                   hope it brings others joy.         public interact and enjoy            After two weeks of
                    Whole Duck                      $10.99kg                         “I’m coming up to my fifth       the progress and I’m hoping        cleaning, sealing, sketching
                                                                                   year of business here in           the finished piece will be         outlines, and painting before
                    Quail (Tray of 6)               $30.00 each                    Pomona, and this was a             enjoyed for a long time to         and after work and on
                                                                                   project from me to say thank       come.”                             weekends, including one
                                                                                   you to the town for their            This is the second mural         atop a cherry picker, Tia’s
       5447 6641 20C Maple Street, Cooroy                                          support.”                          for Tia, who was asked             beautiful mural is finished.
              Trent & Angela Kirkpatrick - Owner/Operators for 15 years              Tia said the mural, titled       to paint a mural in her              “It’s been a labour of love.”
                                                                                   “A Safe Place To Take              hometown of Goondiwindi              You can see Tia’s mural “A
                                                                                   Flight From” is inspired           for their Lanescape Festival.      Safe Place To Take Flight                 Supplier of Retail & Wholesale     by her experience of the             Tia said the project for a       From” on the wall of This
                                                                                   community.                         mural in Pomona fell into          Bird’s building at 14-16
                                                                                     “All birds and flowers           place after Goondiwindi.           Reserve Street.

       To customised Australian made solar
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Page   8 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

                           1st Annual
                                   PRESENT TO YOU THE

                               in Croy5 OPAL STREET
                           S AT U R D A TH T O B E R
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                                            11AM TO 9PM

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                                                                                         FA M
                                                                                      F R I E N I LY
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                                                                                         F R E E Y,
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                      ∙ FASHION PARADE HOSTED BY ‘LIFELINE’∙
                           “BEST DRESSED COMPETITION”

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                          CARS & COFFEE @ OKTOBERFEST

                    ∙ BYO CLASSIC/SHOW CARS FROM 12pm - 2pm ∙
                           (LOT OPENS @ 11AM FOR SHOW CAR PARKING)
                          FRANK CARROLL TO HAVE SOME
                         UNIQUE CARS ON DISPLAY FROM HIS
                               PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                  IN SUPPORT OF                  SPONSORED BY

                       GERMAN BAKEHOUSE - 0754 461 230 | SAW & MILL - 0754 720 907

                                                                                          Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page               9
Ball raises 0,000 for Cooroy - support centre BY ALEX PURCELL

                                                               Jane Austen’s former
                                                               fiancé’s chair up for sale
                                                               A CHAIR owned by the only                                        one evening in December
                                                               man to ever be engaged                                           1802 at Manydown Park.
                                                               to 18th-century English                                          Unfortunately for Harris,
                                                               novelist, Jane Austen, is for                                    Jane had a change of heart
                                                               sale in Cooroy.                                                  overnight, and the following
                                                                 The chair, believed to                                         day the engagement was
                                                               date from 1680 to 1710,                                          broken off.
                                                               has made its way across                                            “At the time Jane was
                                                               centuries and the sea,                                           26 and Harris 21. Despite
                                                               to end up in the Hinter                                          the broken engagement,
                                                               Auctions room in Cooroy to                                       Jane Austen remained firm
                                                               go under the hammer on                                           friends with the Bigg-Wither
                                                               September 26.                                                    family and never came that
                                                                 Hinter Auctions auctioneer,                                    close to marrying again.”
                                                               Richard Hansen, told the                                           So did Jane Austen once
                                                               Cooroy Rag that the chair is                                     sit in this chair?
                                                               a real piece of history with                                       “Unfortunately, we’ll never
                                                               the best part being its story.                                   know for sure but it is a real
                                                                 “This country chair is a                                       connection to a bygone
                                                               William & Mary, late 17th-                                       age.”
                                                               century walnut armchair                                            The Jane Austen chair,
                                                               with caned panels and            he was the only man ever to     and all other items up
                                                               remarkable provenance.           be engaged to be married,       for auction on Sunday
                                                                 “The vendor is a               however briefly, to the great   26 September, can be
                                                               descendant of Richard            novelist, Jane Austen.          viewed online at www.
                                                               Lovelace Bigg-Wither, who           “Jane Austen was friendly or in
                                                               commanded a fleet air arm        with Harris’ sisters, Althea,   person at Hinter Auctions
                                                               fighter squadron during          Catherine and Elizabeth,        rooms, 15 Diamond Street,
                                                               World War II, and was            and was a frequent visitor to   Cooroy, on Friday 24 and
                                                               awarded a DFC and bar.           their Manydown Park stately     Saturday 25 September,
                                                                 “Richard was the grandson      home in Hampshire, UK in        from 9am to 2pm.
                                                               of Thomas Plantagenet            the early 1800s where the         The auction starts at 10am
                                                               Bigg-Wither, an English          chair is believed to have       on Sunday 26 September
                                                               pioneer and explorer, and        originated from.                and bids can be placed live
                                                               the great-great-grandson of        “Harris Bigg-Wither’s         at the rooms or online on
                                                               Harris Bigg-Wither, whose        proposal was made and           the website as the auction
                                                               main claim to fame was that      accepted by Jane Austen         is being live-streamed.

                  THE LAW FIRM BASED
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Page   10 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021

Ultra Trail                                                                                                                       Happy 90th Judy!
runners head                                                                                                                        LONG-TIME local, Judy
                                                                                                                                  Chipperfield, celebrated
                                                                                                                                                                 She was also very involved
                                                                                                                                                                 at Wallace House for a

our way
                                                                                                                                  her 90th birthday last         number of years.
                                                                                                                                  week.                           Today, Judy is a regular
                                                                                                                                    Judy, who lived in           at the monthly senior
                                                                                                                                  Eumundi and now resides        social event, Sconetime
A NEW and exciting event coming to the                                                                                            in Cooroy, was one of          and is a special pen friend
                                                                                                                                  the “ladies” in the Two        of The Kindness Club,
Noosa Hinterland next year will put the region
                                                                                                                                  Old Ladies Tea Shop in         making the children many
on the world stage.                                                                                                               Pomona, where you could        beautiful gifts.
AS a trail running and           over three days, from March                                                                      go for a delicious high tea.    Happy birthday, Judy!
active lifestyle festival,       23 to March 27 2022, with
Noosa Ultra-Trail, will bring    the main trail running events
thousands of competitors         being held on the Saturday.
and visitors to the region         “There will be six different
to participate in six running    distance options, ranging
events and activities over       from 15km to 100km, with
three days.                      events in the morning and
  At the media launch for        afternoon.”
Noosa Ultra-Trail at Pomona        Up to 1000 runners are
Distilling Co. recently,         expected to participate
promoter Nick Stewart,           in the events, which will
said that this event will be a   traverse the trails of the
showcase for the region.         Noosa Trail Network and
  “There are many                incorporate towns such as
stakeholders in this project,    Tewantin, Cooroy, Kin Kin,
from Queensland Parks            Cooran and Pomona.
& Wildlife Service, Noosa          At the active lifestyle
Council, Tourism Noosa, the      festival, visitors will have
hinterland towns, the trail      the opportunity to enjoy
running community and of         the Noosa lifestyle with
course the local residents.      organised activities
  “We are all passionate and     including yoga, river              including Australian          Harding, and celebrity
knowledgeable about the          cruises, ocean swims,              representative trail runner   chef and trail runner Matt                                             AY
importance of conservation       sunrise and sunset treks,          Kellie Emmerson, three-       Golinski.” The Noosa Ultra-
and sustainability in the        a women’s luncheon                 time IRONMAN World
                                                                                                  Trail will be a qualifying
parks and forests of our         and a few casual runs.             Champion Craig ‘Crowie’
shire and this event will be a   “Four national identities          Alexander, and locals such    event for the new Ultra-Trail
showcase for the region.”        have been secured as               as international yoga and     Mont Blanc (UTMB) World
  The festival will be held      event ambassadors,                 wellness practitioner Kat     Series in France.

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                                                                                                                                                      Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page   11

                                                       Weekdays from 12 noon | Weekends from 3pm   Graham celebrates 20 years
                                                                                                   at Cooroy Service Centre
                                                                                                   COOROY Service Centre
                                                                                                   owner Graham Van Heemst
                                                                                                   is celebrating 20 years of
                                      WINE AND DINE,                                                  Graham told the
                                 CAMP IN THE RV GROUNDS,                                           Cooroy Rag he bought
                                  ENJOY A GAME OF BOWLS                                            the long-standing Cooroy
                                    & PLAY THE POKIES.
                                                                                                   business after working as a
                                 Country hospitality                                               patrol and technician, then
                                                                                                   as manager for another
                                                                                                   service centre for more than
                  Phone: 07 5484 3253 | 4 Bowling Club Rd, Kandanga                                a decade.
                                                              “I’d been the manager of
                                                                                                   RACQ Noosa for about six
                                                                                                   years when the opportunity        goes on and I have seen a        and said, “No, we’re just
                                                                                                   to buy Cooroy Service Cen-        lot of changes in technology     getting on with it.
    THE ANGLICAN                                                                                   tre came up and I thought
                                                                                                   I’d do it for myself.
                                                                                                                                     in vehicles in the past 20
                                                                                                                                                                         “It’s been a wonder-
                                                                                                                                                                      ful journey. We have an
  PARISH COOROORA                                                                                     “Cooroy Service Centre
                                                                                                   has been a RACQ contrac-
                                                                                                                                        Today, Graham along with
                                                                                                                                     12 all-local staff, run the
                                                                                                                                                                      awesome team and great
                  are holding a                                                                    tor since 1949.”                  busy service centre carry-          Watch this space over the
                                                                                                      Graham took over the

 Jumble Sale
                                                                                                                                     ing out most mechanical          next 20 years.
                                                                                                   Diamond Street business in        repairs, servicing and the          Congratulations, Graham!
                                                                                                   September 2001 and said           all-important RACQ road-            Drop in and wish Graham
                                                                                                   he has seen a lot of chang-       side call outs.                  and the team at Cooroy
                                                                                                   es since then.
                                                                                                                                        When asked if Graham          Service Centre a happy 20
                                                                                                      “Technology moves              and his team are celebrating     years at 9 Diamond Street,
                                                                                                   quicker and quicker as time
       Cakes | Slices | Jams | Pickles
                                                             25 SEPT                                                                 this milestone he laughed        Cooroy.

         Pre-Loved Clothing | Craft
        Books | Bric-a-Brac | Plants
        Trash ‘n’ Treasure | Raffles
                                                           7am to NOON at the
                                                               Holy Nativity                       Locals bring 10 years
                                                               Church Hall

                                                            Cnr Miva Street &
                                                                                                   of gas fitting expertise
           See you there                                   Tewantin Rd, Cooroy                     AFTER more than 10
                                                                                                   years in the gas industry,
                                                                                                                                     and specialise in a range
                                                                                                                                     of gas fitting services
                                                                                                   long-time locals Drew and         such as gas hot water
                                                                       &                           Camilla Moses started their       systems, appliance ser-
                                                                           be Soci                 own gas fitting business.         vicing, all gas fitting work
                                                                             gin al                                                                                 Gas Services Qld’s Drew Moses
                                                                                ne gro               Gas Services Qld provides       inspections as well as
                                                                                   rs up           expert gas fitting, repair        service warranty repairs,
                                                                                                                                                                    and his hopeful apprentice.
                                                                                     we s
                                                                                       lco         and installation work in the      commercial work and                extremely seriously.”
                                                                                           me      Noosa region.                     work for industrial sectors.        Gas Services Qld are
                                                                                                     Camilla told the Cooroy           “We work in both LPG and         available after hours for all
                                                                                                   Rag that they pride them-         natural gas supply types           gas emergencies and can
                                                                                                   selves on old fashioned           and are familiar with all leg-
                                                                                                                                                                        handle all aspects of a proj-
                                                                                                   service and good quality          islation and strictly adhere
                                                       •   9 and 18 hole layouts                                                                                        ect ensuring a stress-free
                                                                                                   work.                             to all safety procedures and
                                                       •   Open 7 days a week                        “We are a family-owned          protocols.”                        experience.
                                                       •   Group bookings                          and operated business and           Drew said that safety is his      “We are honest, clear and
                                                                                                   pride ourselves on quality        top priority.                      upfront with pricing. We
  One of the best and most                             •   Men’s Day
                                                                                                   service in a timely manner.”        “Many would be surprised         only charge for the work we
                                                       •   Ladies Day
  beautiful and challenging                            •   Veteran’s Day
                                                                                                     Camilla said their all-local,
                                                                                                   fully licenced team provide
                                                                                                                                     how often I turn up to dan-        do, after having provided a
                                                                                                                                     gerous, non-compliant sites. quote.”
  courses in the Noosa Hinterland.                     •   Special Deals available                 up-to-date services and           Gas installation must be
                                                                                                                                                                         For a free quote or to learn
                                                       •   Hire: 30 GPS Carts,                     have the knowledge and            done safely, adhering to all
  Relax on our deck overlooking the 1st fairway                                                                                                                         more about Gas Services
                                                                                                   specialist training to install    Australian Legislation.
  and enjoy a cold drink or a coffee.                      Clubs and Pull Buggies                  and repair all types of appli-      “Appliance servicing and         Qld, contact Camilla and
                                                                                                   ances.                            gas emergencies are crucial Drew on 0404 657 047 or
  26 Myall Street, Cooroy | Phone 5447 6258 |                                  “We have an extensive           aspects of what we do and          email info@gasservicesqld.
                                                                                                   gas fitting knowledge base,       we take our responsibility

Page   12 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021

   Kids learn life skills
   while having fun

                                                                                                                                                 Wake Up In Your
                                                                                                                                                 Makeup Everyday

                                                                                                   Cosmetic Tattooing for lips and eyes.
                                                                                                 Microblading and feathering for eyebrows.

                                                                                                   Beauty, cosmetic and personal care.
                                                              Kids Ark Founder and Director,
                                                              Shona Edwards.                         25 Sunshine Beach Road,
                                                                                                   Noosa Junction 0429 368 669
THERE’S a local out-of        gratification and more.”           lots of nature-based play,
school-hours care that aims     Shona is a qualified school      caring for our chickens, as
to teach as well as provide   teacher bringing 20 years of       well as sensory water table
nurturing and engaging        experience to this role.           and creek exploration on 28
childcare.                      “My heart is to have a           acres of incredible beauty at
  The before and after        positive impact on future          Noosa Christian College.
school, and vacation          generations, so we help              “On rainy days we
care program, Kids Ark,       our children find their            play card games and a
operates at Cooroy’s Noosa    personality strengths              variety of board games,
Christian College campus.     which we call their ‘super         including money board
Founder and Director,         powers’ (empathy, kindness,
                                                                 games to teach children
Shona Edwards, told the       leadership and problem-
                                                                 about future investing and
Cooroy Rag of her aim to      solving skills).
                                                                 problem-solving strategies,
teach children life lessons     “Acknowledging their
                                                                 something that’s not taught
so they develop and grow      ‘super powers’ increases
as well balanced, healthy     their self-esteem and their        in schools.”
individuals.                  belonging within the Kids            Kids Ark offers an all-
  “My heart is to run         Ark team and as a result           inclusive program for
my business with a set        they feel valued, loved and        working and non-working
of values that allows         connected.”                        families in the local and
children to learn life          Shona said that she aims         surrounding areas.
skills such as how to         to give the children lots of         To learn more, contact                                        SHOP 2, GARNET ST, COOROY 07 5447 7490
self-regulate, teamwork,      old-fashioned experiences.         Shona on 0429 044 118 or
coping strategies, delayed      “The children get to do          email                                     OPEN NOW from 10am - Tues to Sat

                                                                                                                                                 Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page   13
COOROY                                                             what’s on
                                               AUTO WRECKERS
                                               & ENGINE CENTRE
                                                    • NEW & USED PARTS • ENGINE RECOND
                                              • ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS • CYLINDER HEAD REPAIRS
                                                      • FULL FITTING SERVICE AVAILABLE
                                                           • FREE WRECK REMOVAL

                                                                                                MOTOR TRADERS
                                                                                                 ASSN OF QLD

PHONE 5447 6033
178 COOROY MOUNTAIN RD, COOROY                                

                                                                                                                TAG artists Fay White, Mary Zouglakis and Melva Girolami.

                                                                                                                Tinbeerwah Art Group
                                                                                                                Annual Art Show
                                                                                                                KEEP calm and paint on!           Fiona Groome, Dale Leach,        the Tinbeerwah Art Group
                                                                                                                That is the motto of the          Pam Taylor, Pam Miller,          Facebook page.”
                                                                                                                members of the Tinbeerwah         Clare Riddington-Jones,            Owing to COVID-19
                                                                                                                Art Group.                        Tricia Taylor, Anne Yang         restrictions there will be
                                                                                                                  Artists have been busy          and Lizzie Connor. These         no gala opening for the art
                    Family Law                                                                                  all year preparing for their      wonderful tutors have all        show but the exhibition will
                    Sales and Purchases                                                                         annual three-day art show at      encouraged members to            be just as spectacular as
                                                                                                                Tinbeerwah hall from Friday       try new techniques and           previous years.
                    Wills & Enduring Powers of Attorney                                                         17 September to Sunday 19         develop their skills in            “There will be paintings
                    Estate Planning & Administration                                                            September.
                                                                                                                   Tinbeerwah Art Group
                                                                                                                                                  different mediums.
                                                                                                                                                    “We encourage artists of
                                                                                                                                                                                   to suit every taste, all for
                                                                                                                                                                                   sale at reasonable prices.
                    Commercial Leases                                                                           was founded by retired art        all abilities. Our members       Once again this year T.A.G.
                                                                                                                teacher, the late Gwen Blair      range from complete              is donating funds raised
                    Property Development                                                                        in 1994. Gwen wanted to           beginners to award-winning       from gold coin door entry,
                                                                                                                join an art group but she         artists. We paint in a variety   raffle and artists’ donations
                                                                                                                couldn’t find one so she          of mediums: acrylics,            to Katie Rose Cottage
          Personal Professional Service                                                                         started her own and the rest      watercolours, oils, pastels,     Hospice, Doonan, in
                                                                                                                is history. The Tinbeerwah        charcoal and pencil, collage     memory of T.A.G. founder
                                                                                                                Art Group has been meeting        and mixed media. Members         the late Gwen Blair. The
                                                                                                                at Tinbeerwah Hall ever           are encouraged to develop        raffle includes two beautiful
                                                                                                                since.                            their own unique styles.         paintings donated by T.A.G.
                                                                                                                  Sadly, Gwen Blair passed        Check out our work on            member Avril Hare.”
                                                                                                                away in 2013 but her legacy
                                                                                                                lives on. The group has
                                                                                                                grown from a few friends
                                                                                                                                                     WHAT      Tinbeerwah Art Group Annual Art Show
                                                                                                                meeting on a Thursday                WHERE 	Tinbeerwah Hall, corner of Sunrise and
                                                                                                                morning to membership of                       Noosa-Cooroy Rd, Tinbeerwah
                                                                                                                over 70 local artists.
                                                                                                                  Tinbeerwah Art Group               WHEN 	Friday 17 September 12 noon-5pm,  Saturday
                                                                                                                Committee member Jan                           18 September 9am – 4.30pm, Sunday 19
                                                                                                                Cooke said this year’s, art                    September 9.30am – 3.00pm. COVID-19
                                                                                                                show, will be their biggest                    guidelines will apply.
           Damien G. Cogill LLB | Mahoney Neuwirth LLB. | Lindsay Woods LLB. Acc. Spec. (Fam)
                                                                                                                and best ever.
                                                                                                                  “We are indebted to                For further information regarding the Tinbeerwah Art
                      2/22 Mary Street Noosaville QLD 4566                                                      our award-winning guest              Group Art Show please contact:
                                                                                                                tutors, Trevor Purvis, Naida         Jan Cooke on 5473 0235 or 0412 769 351 or email
                     Phone 07 5470 2700 | Fax 07 5455 6679
                                                                                                                Ginnane, Helen Lawson,     

                                            YOUR 1 STOP
                                             Auto Shop
                              9 Diamond Street, Cooroy I 5447 6125

Page   14 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021
what’s on

Boutique-style shopping                                                                                                                       WE
                                                                                                                                             SEW IT
experience at festival                                                                         For expert sewing turn to The Sewing
                                                                                               Project on the Sunshine Coast. Our shop
                                                                                               in Noosaville is where you’ll find the best
                                                                                               advice for all your sewing needs. Open

THE Cooroy Handmade &                                                                          Monday-Friday 9am-4.30pm
Artisan Festival is coming                                                                     • Curtains           • Clothing Alterations
to the Cooroy Memorial Hall
                                                                                               • Soft Furnishings   • Haberdashery
on September 25 and 26
from 9am to 3pm.                                                                               • Upholstery         • Upholstery fabric
                                                                                                                      sold by the metre
  This inaugural festival will
feature over 50 market stalls
and three workshops and all                                                                            Phone: 0433 572 220 Email:
the products will be hand-                                                                                     Address: 1/10 Rene St, Noosaville, 4566, QLD
made by local artists and
crafters, providing the op-
portunity for a boutique-style
shopping experience.
  Marie Shannon and Nicole
Hilton are bringing this fes-
tival to Cooroy after running
a similar event successfully
in Maleny for the past two
  Nicole said that they hope
everyone will come and
support this local event and
  “Keeping funds locally         Festival Facebook page to
circulating will benefit the     see the incredible range of
whole town.”                     artists on show: https://www.
  Keep an eye on the Co-
oroy Handmade & Artisan          madeartisanfestival
                                                                                                 OUR TEAM OF HIGHLY

Orchid Spring                                                                                    EXPERIENCED
Show in Cooroy                                                                                   ARE HERE TO ADVISE AND ASSIST YOU WITH...
                                                                                                 • Conveyancing                         • Estate Planning
NOOSA Orchid & Foliage           and see the public’s                                              Residential and
Society members have             enjoyment and the thrill                                                                               • Probates and Estate
been nurturing their plants      of competing.                                                                                            Administration
in preparation for presen-         The club is an NFP                                            • Wills
tation at the dazzling and       organisation and do-
                                                                                                                                        • Business and
exotic Orchid Spring Show.       nates regularly to local                                        • Enduring Power of                      Commercial Law
   The Noosa Club is part        charities.                                                        Attorney                               including leasing matters
of the Sub Tropical Orchid         The show will be held
Council of Queensland and        at the Memorial Hall in
this is a competition show
                                 Cooroy on Friday 17
with several other orchid
                                 September from 8.30am
clubs from Bribie Island
                                 to 4pm and Saturday                                             OUR NEW ADDRESS
to Gympie able to support
                                 18 September from
Noosa to provide a great
spectacle.                       8.30 am to 2pm with the                                         3/20 MAPLE ST,
   The orchid world is so di-
verse with more than 30,000
                                 presentation of prizes at
species found around the           Entry fee is $4 and                                           Phone     5440 4800
globe. For Nita Bettridge        the raffle $1. Plants will                                      Email
and Lois Walters of Noosav-      be on sale by members            For more information
ille, it is a pleasure to put    and growers. Covid rules         contact Rae McEwan on
their orchids on the table       will apply.                      0400 544 262.

                                                              L A K E R I D G E H E A LT H , B E AU T Y & S K I N C A R E

                                              Organic Treatment $95
                                                                   Neck, back and shoulder massage
                                                                           Mini Inika facial
                                                                            Scalp massage
                                                                           Treatment cream
                                                                      Destressing face massage

                                                      p: 07 5442 6239 e:
                                                                                                                                             Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page   15
what’s on

 SpillDEBeans                                                      OPEN
  Menu changes daily with Fresh Local Produce,   Wed, Thur & Fri: 6.30am-2.00pm
  Specialty Cakes, Cold Pressed Juice                 Saturdays: 6.30am-1.00pm

                                                                                  Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre
        spillDEBeans                               12 Memorial Ave, Pomona

                                                                                  THIS year’s Eclectica Art       Sharples, said the award           This year’s award sees
                                                                                  Awards from the Butter          is growing from strength to      prizes in the following
                                                                                  Factory Friends (BFF’s)         strength.                        categories: Portrait, 2D, 3D,
                                                                                  is set to bring an eclectic       “No other creative space       Ceramic and a People’s
                                                                                  range of paintings, sculp-      on the Coast offers an all-in-   Choice award, voted by the
                                                                                  tures, ceramics, weavings       clusive community exhibi-        public. Cooroy Future Group
                                                                                  and jewellery to the Cooroy     tion for members with prizes     has provided $500 cash
                                                                                  Butter Factory Arts Centre      awarded! We are very             for the people’s favourite
                                                                                  (BFAC) gallery spaces.          lucky to have the continued      artwork.
                                                                                    The Butter Factory Friends    support from local arts busi-      Eclectica Art Awards ex-
                                                                                  (BFFs) were formed in Jan-      nesses such as Create Art,       hibition opens on Friday 17
                                                                                  uary 2016 and since then        The Clay Shed, Yandina Art       September with an opening
                                                                                  their showcase has evolved      and Framing, and Cool Art        event on Saturday 18 Sep-
                                                                                  from a small group exhibi-      Framing Gallery.                 tember from 4pm. Tickets
                                                                                  tion into an Arts Award aptly     “We once again have the        are free but bookings are
                                                                                  called Eclectica.               generous support of Cooroy       essential via the website:
                                                                                    With 72 members entering      Community Bendigo Bank           www.butterfactoryartscen-
                                                                                  the 2021 show and 110 art-      with a $1000 cash for the
                                                                                  works on display, this year’s   best portrait, as well as the    tion.html.
                                                                                  awards are sure to provide      opportunity to have a solo
                                                                                  viewers with a fantastic        art show at Cooroy Bendi-        The exhibition is on show
                                                                                  range of artwork to view and    go Bank Branch and this          until 17th October 2021 at
                                                                                  purchase at BFAC.               generous support of a (BFF)      BFAC, 11A Maple Street,
                                                                                    BFAC Coordinator, Alicia      Butter Factory Friend.”          Cooroy.

         More then just a
              fruit and vege store                                                Ron & Cathie Twaddle                   Carolan Ciot

                                                 d producers
                     supporting local farmers an
               s                                                                  The Art Hub Cooroy                                               Pam Mitchell

                                                                                  NOOSA Open Studios starts         Ron and Cathie Twad-           ing silver artist. Carolan’s
                                                                                  October 1 and runs until Oc-    dle are wicker artists from      jewellery is not only unique
                                                                                  tober 10 and THE ART HUB        Tanawha. They both create        but a work of art.
                                                                                  Cooroy has resident artists     magnificent wicker bas-            This is an exhibition not to
                                                                                  during this period: Pam         kets and ornaments using         be missed. Meet the artists
            GREAT PRODUCTS IN                                                     Mitchell, Ron and Cathie        traditional materials and        on opening night, 24 Sep-
                      STORE FOR SPRING                                            Twaddle and Carolan Ciot.       methods whilst experiment-       tember from 5pm. Art lovers
                                                                                    Pam Mitchell is a Cooroy      ing with colour, texture and     are encouraged to drop in
                                                                                  artist. She has exhibited in    form.                            and pick up a free copy of
                                                                                  solo and joint exhibitions.       Carolan Ciot is from Bud-      the Noosa Open Studio’s
                                                                                  She works in oils, acrylics,    erim. She exhibits regularly     Art Trail from THE ART HUB
                                                                                  pastels and sketches in         at The Buderim Craft Cot-        Cooroy, 3/2 Emerald Street,
 P: 5485 1922 |              4 Memorial Ave Pomona
                                                                                  charcoal.                       tage. Carolan is an amaz-        Cooroy.


 for menu updates

Page   16 - Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021
what’s on
What’s on...
Amamoor 100th
AMAMOOR State School
is turning 100 and inviting
everyone to join them for a
celebration and reunion on
Saturday 16 October from
9am to 3pm at the school.
  To register your interest
or for more information,
contact Dianne Cleary on
54843 057, 0468 494 029
or email amamoorss100y-                    Majestic Theatre Pomona 100th year
Circus Rio spectac-                Grand Finale celebration
                                   THE Grand Finale to celebrate 100 years of the Majestic
ular in Gympie                     Theatre, is on 19 September from 1.30pm to 5pm.It will
                                   feature a short silent film with accompaniment by Ron
WITH a brand-new cast and
                                   West on the 1937 Compton organ, organ and piano re-
a brand-new show, under
                                   citals by Harvey & Harvey and Chris Rose, the birthday
new management, Circus
                                   cake and champagne, closing performance by Arioso
Rio is bringing together a
                                   Chamber Ensemble, and laying of two sidewalk stars.
unique team of internation-
                                   Tickets $30, concession $25. Book online at
ally acclaimed performers to
Gympie from 24 September
   Circus Rio is suitable for     Elvis, Charley and Roy (no      competitions (Pretzel toss,
families, teenagers, singles,     surnames needed), John          relay races, Games on the
and couples alike. The show
features jugglers, aerial-
                                  is a class entertainer with a
                                  great stage presence.
                                                                  Green), giant games, lawn
                                                                  bowls, a fashion parade,
ists, acrobatics, Cyr wheel,
hand-balancing, clowning,
                                    See you at the ACMA Hall
                                  of Fame, 24 Steggalls Road
                                                                  the best dressed hosted by
                                                                  Lifeline, and more.              Eye Care
illusion, and FMX riders with     at 12 noon. Doors open
a finale somersault stunt
15m high through the air
                                  10.30 am. You’ll be enter-
                                  tained with traditional coun-
                                                                  Quiz night and                   Solutions.
above the stage.
   Tickets are strictly limited
                                  try, including more diverse,    silent auction
                                  crowd-pleasing favourites
due to COVID19 restric-           with a great band. Walk-ups     SATURDAY 9 October at
tions, so bookings are                                            6pm at the Cooroy Memo-
essential: https://premier.                                       rial Hall to fundraise for
                                    Raffle and door prizes,                                            the Community Pavilion at
                                  BYO lunch, free tea and
show.aspx?sh=CIRROCK21                                            Cooroy Community Perma-
                                  coffee. Entry $8. Enquiries
                                                                  culture Gardens. $100 for
                                  0437 191004.
Christmas in                        We operate a Covid-safe
                                                                  a table of eight. For more
                                                                  information visit: https://
                                                                                                    We provide guidance to enhance, transform and
                                  system. We are a not-for-                                         preserve your vision through:
Cooroy                            profit organisation and the
SAVE the date of December         proceeds will go towards the
10 for Christmas in Cooroy.       upkeep of the hall.             Social ballroom
It will feature late night
shopping, lighting of the tree    First inaugural                 dancing at Pomona                  Decades                Advanced               Behavioural
(with a very special guest),
entertainment galore and of
                                  Oktoberfest                     EVERY Tuesday evening
                                                                  from 7pm to 9.30pm, Pat
                                                                                                     of clinical            Diagnostic             Optometry
course, the big man himself       THE first inaugural Cooroy      and Norm Young organise a          experience             Equipment              for all Ages
is expected to make a spe-        Oktoberfest is on Saturday      social evening at the Pomo-
cial appearance.                  2 October at Saw & Mill,        na Memorial School of Arts
                                  Cooroy. An initiative of        Hall. The cost is $4 and it is
Yandina Country                   Saw & Mill and The Ger-         a very enjoyable evening as       We are locally owned and operated and use Australian
                                  man Bakehouse, the free
Music                             family-friendly community
                                                                  Pat and Norm provide New
                                                                  Vogue as well as Old Time
                                                                                                    made lenses and Australian designed frames

YANDINA welcomes John             event will have German          Dancing.
Abbott, as a guest artist at      food and beer, gingerbread        Come and be a spectator
the country music concert,        hearts, Oktoberfest music,      and see if you will enjoy
on Sunday 19 September.           traditional outfits, Okto-      it. Everyone is welcome.               optometry@cooroy               a 62 Maple St, Cooroy
                                  berfest sweets, a hotdog        Phone 0407 456 939 for
                                                                                                         Jennifer Currie & Associates   p 5442 5555
Showcasing songs from
artists as diverse as Johnny,     eating competition, kids        more information.                       

                                                                                                                                         Cooroy Rag, 15 September 2021 - Page   17
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