NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian

NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian
The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

FRIDAY,    FEBRUARY 02, 2018                           VOLUME 112, No.05                                        EC$1.50

MOTION SHOT DOWN                                  by DAYLE DA SILVA             proceeded to hand out
                                                                                copies of the amended
                                                  THE NEW DEMOCRATIC            motion, following which
                                                  PARTY (NDP) had its motion of a recommendation was
                                                  No Confidence against the Dr made by the Speaker for
                                                  Ralph Gonsalves led Unity     a break in order that the
                                                  Labour Party Administration,  members of the House
                                                  essentially shot down in      become familiar with the
                                                  Parliament on Wednesday.      new document.
                                                     And following a               At this point,
                                                  protracted and sometimes      Opposition
                                                  heated exchange between       Parliamentary
                                                  members on both sides and Representative for
                                                  the Speaker of the House      Central Kingstown St
                                                  Jomo Thomas, a                Clair Leacock objected.
                                                  recommendation was made          “I am seeking
                                                  to seek guidance from the     clarification; the motion
                                                  Court as it related to the    brought by us was a
                                                  issue of amending No          motion of No
                                                  Confidence motions.           Confidence,” he said.
                                                     Notwithstanding, the          The Prime Minister
                                                  Sitting allowed for an        responded that, based on
                                                  amendment to the initial      the literature, a motion
                                                  motion of No Confidence to    of Confidence and No
                                                  read Confidence.              Confidence is used
                                                     The amendment was          interchangeably, and he
                                                  tabled by Prime Minister      cited the Constitutional
                                                  Dr. Ralph Gonsalves on        Theorist, Erskine May to
                                                  Wednesday, the day set        support his position.
                                                  aside by a decision of the       Speaker Thomas
                                                  House on Monday, for          sided with the Prime
                                                  debate on the No Confidence Minister, explaining
Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves may have       motion.                       that what was proffered
caught the Opposition off-guard when he rose         The Prime Minister         by the Prime Minister
to table an amendment to the original motion of                                                           Speaker of the House Jomo Thomas skillfully
                                                  tabled the amendment and      was that                  managed a barrage of sometimes heated
No Confidence.
                                                                                                          exchanges between members of the House and
                                                                                    Continued on Page 3. himself.

                                                                              Left: Opposition
                                                                              Members of the
                                                                              House left the
                                                                              Sitting and did
                                                                              not return for the
                                                                              debate on the

                                                                              Right: Opposition
                                                                              Senator Kay
                                                                              (right), pictured in
                                                                              conversation with
                                                                              the Clerk of the
                                                                              House, made a
                                                                              spirited and
                                                                              objection to the
                                                                              how and when
                                                                              the amended
                                                                              motion was made
                                                                              and accepted.
NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian


                            Former British
                            sailor returns
                           THE SOUFRIERE eruptions of   many.                           between October 1971 and        government services both
                           1902 and 1979 perhaps           But history has recorded     March 1972.                     here and in Britain, under
                           stand out in the minds of    that there were eruptions          The eruption was             whose colonial rule St
                                                        in 1718 and 1812.               subaqueous, taking place        Vincent and the
                           Mike Goff and his wife          More recently, though,       some 180 metres below the       Grenadines was at the
                           Maria visited with THE       but before that last blast on   crater, resulting in the        time.
                           VINCENTIAN to reminisce      Good Friday morning in          emergence of a dome in the         Fast forward some 47
                           about Mike’s duty in St.     ’79, there was some activity    crater. That dome               years. Fogg, accompanied
                           Vincent in 1971.             recorded at La Soufriere,       blew/burst partially during     by wife Maria, visited the
                                                                                             the 1979 eruption,         land that he had served
                                                                                             spew molten rocks on       before. They arrived in
                                                                                             to those communities       SVG, not as Naval sailors,
                                                                                             immediately in the         but as passengers on the
                                                                                             vicinity of the volcano.   Cruise Liner Brittania
                                                                                                 Mike Fogg              which made a port call
                                                                                             remembers the ’71          (Kingstown), on Friday,
                                                                                             eruption all too well.     January 26.
                                                                                                 He was then a             The couple said that
                                                                                             Petty Officer/Gunner       they walked around
                                                                                             with the Royal Navy        Kingstown, visited the
                                                                                             and stationed on the       Botanical Gardens and, of
                                                                                             HMS Phoebe, which          course, stopped by the
                                                                                             was on patrol duty in      office of THE
                                                                                             the waters of the          VINCENTIAN.
                                                                                             Caribbean, on the              Mike said that he and
                                                                                             lookout for smugglers.     his wife decided
                                                                                                 The Russians were      immediately to take a
                                                                                             also under watch from      cruise, once they heard that
                                                                                             some of the world’s        the vessel was expected to
                                                                                             super powers then, he      make a call in St Vincent.
                                                                                             quipped.                      “I was quite excited
                                                                                                 Mike also served as    about coming back,” he told
                                                                                             the ship’s                 THE VINCENTIAN,
                                                                                             photographer, and          adding that quite a lot had
                                                                                             while on tour in the       changed in the close to five
                                                                                             region, was called to      decades since his first visit.
                                                                                             St Vincent in 1971, to        Mike said that he spent
                                                                                             assist with setting up     a total of 56 years with the
                                                                                             camps for persons          British Navy, having
                                                                                             forced to evacuate         enlisted in 1950.
                                                                                             from the immediate
                                                                                                                           He and his wife now
                                                                                             vicinity of the volcano.
                                                                                                 They were docked       reside in the town of New
                                                                                             for a total of three       Southampton, England.
                                                                                             weeks, with Fogg              For Mike, St. Vincent,
                                                                                             documenting the            especially during the
                                                                                             mission with his           challenges of 1971, would
                                                                                             camera.                    forever be etched in his
                                                                                                 Copies of his work     memories. (DD)
                                                                                             were sent to the

                                                                                             Photograph of the crater of La Soufriere Volcano,
                                                                                             St. Vincent, showing the 1971-1972 dome. (Credit:
NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian
                                                                                                         THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. 3.

                                                News 3
SVG granted debt
THIS COUNTRY HAS, once again,
been the beneficiary of the
                                       Gonsalves added that more
                                    forgiveness was forthcoming.
                                                                    sinking fund and amortized
                                                                    bonds issued, which
kindness of the Government of       Prime Minister Dr Ralph         increased by EC$55.2
the Bolivarian Republic of          Gonsalves and President         million inclusive of a
Venezuela.                          Nicolas Maduro had already      EC$35 million bond issue
   According to the Finance         held discussions for an         applied to the re-purchase
Minister Camillo, the               additional debt forgiveness of  of majority shares in the
Government of President             EC$100 million under the Petro  Bank of St Vincent and the
Nicolas Maduro has granted          Caribe arrangement, he          Grenadines (BOSVG).
debt forgiveness to this country,   disclosed.                         Bonds used to fund the
to the tune of EC$81 million.          The obvious impact of this   implementation of the
   Gonsalves made the               debt forgiveness, said Minister Public Sector Improvement
announcement while delivering       Gonsalves, was a reduction in   Progamme also contributed
the 2018 Estimates of Revenue       the overall external debt and   to the increase.
and Expenditure at Monday’s         the debt to GDP ratio.             Overdraft and liabilities
sitting of Parliament.                                              increased by EC$3.5
    He explained that the           SVG’s debt                      million in the Accountant
EC$81 million debt forgiveness                                      General’s account,
was in relation to a loan toward       As far as this country’s     Gonsalves said.
construction cost of the Argyle     indebtedness is concerned, the     Debt service for 2018
International Airport.              external debt as of September   amounted to EC$221.7
   “For a long time, we held our    30, 2017, according to          million, made up of:
tongue while people talked          Gonsalves, amounted to EC$1.1 interest payments
about debt at the airport. We       billion.                        amounting to EC$62.2
already knew that we were              The overall public debt      million; amortization funds
going to get $81 million debt       amounted to EC$1.68 billion,    of EC$137.5 million; and
forgiveness, but it was not the     which, according to the Finance sinking fund contributions
opportune time to do that,” the     Minister, reflected a marginal  of EC$22 million. (DD)
Minister of Finance said.           increase of .2 percent over the
   As a result of the kind          corresponding period for 2016.
gesture, Gonsalves said that the       Total domestic debt stood at  Right: President Nicolas Maduro
overall amount owed in relation     EC$572.6 million.                and Prime Minister Dr. Ralph
to the construction of the             Gonsalves explained that the Gonsalves have already struck
airport was now EC$320              main changes in the domestic     another deal for debt
million.                            debt were as a result of the     forgiveness to this country.

No Confidence motion shot down
Continued from Front     Senator, Kay Bacchus-         Confidence motion, that      motion,” she said.          motion whenever they        decision ( to accept the
Page.                    Baptiste interjected          the motion was brought          “What you are            want to,” he said.          Confidence motion) had
                         stating that the NDP had      forward and that such        proposing is not               “Our rules are very      been made and at the
there was an amendment submitted a motion              motions were usually         constitutionally correct,   clear on the matter; the    end there would be a
to the motion, and that  under Section 47, and         sought when                  when we are here to         members on this side        vote when the question
although there was an    that if the government        governments were guilty      debate a No Confidence      proposed a motion; what     was put, and that that
amendment to the         side wanted to bring an       of encouraging poor          motion,” Bacchus-           the members on the          question will be in
motion of No Confidence amendment to the               economic conditions and      Baptiste concluded.         other side are prosing is   relation to the
coming from the majority original motion, then         scandals, which drew            The Leader of the        contrary to our             amendment.
party, opposition        under Section 32, it          reaction from the            Opposition Dr. Godwin       motion…this is a motion        Following a two-hour
members could still      cannot be brought and         government side.             Friday added his bit,       for No Confidence in the    suspension of the Sitting,
speak to their motion    negate the No                    “If you want to bring a   saying , “This is not an    government,” Dr. Friday     the members of the
and then have a vote     Confidence motion.            Confidence motion, you       amendment, even the         added.                      government debated and
based on the                She added that it was      have to bring it, (you)      title of the motion has        Prime Minister           adopted the motion of
amendment.               for that very reason, that    cannot bring an              been changed, even the      Gonsalves, however, got     Confidence, in the
   However, recently     of the government was         amendment to negate          clause has been changed.    in the last word, saying    absence of the members
appointed Opposition     trying to negate the No       our No Confidence            They can bring that         that a preliminary          of the opposition. (DD)
NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian
             4. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. THE VINCENTIAN


responds to Connell
Stories by                  opposition New              have been guided by her      Farrell removed from the
HAYDN HUGGINS               Democratic Party (NDP)      “political rudder.”          Mental Health Centre
                            Senator, was responding        Connell had also          where she was sent by
ATTORNEY Kay Bacchus-       to comments made by         accused Bacchus-             the court for two weeks
Baptiste has never been     Farrell’s lawyer - Grant    Baptiste of verbally         observation, but was
involved, or sought to be   Connell who told THE        attacking him in the         ordered to remain there
involved, in the            VINCENTIAN on               media, in relation to his    for an additional week to
Magistrate’s Court matter   Tuesday, that he made a     handling of the matter.      await the court’s ruling
concerning fashion model    decision not to allow          But Bacchus-Baptiste      on legal submissions in
Yugge Farrell.              Bacchus-Baptiste to join    told THE VINCENTIAN          relation to a medical        Attorneys Kay Bacchus-Baptiste and Grant
   In making this clear     his legal team.             that Connell, her friend     report.                      Connell disagree on a certain issue but both insist
she, however, explained        In his view, which he    and colleague for many          That report had           they are still colleagues.
that she was asked by       said he had expressed to    years, never said            concluded that Farrell
Farrell’s family to deal    her in person, it would     anything to her about        was not fit to plead to         In contrast to what       5, and that the Prime
with the human rights       have been perceived that    excluding her from the       the charge of making use     Connell said, the veteran    Minister spoke after.
aspect of the case.         her involvement, as his     legal team,.                 of abusive language, in      lawyer insisted that the        “Anyone who says that
   Bacchus-Baptiste, an     senior in the case, would      Connell, instead, had     circumstances likely to      case cannot be separated     this matter is not
                                                        spoken to the media, she     cause a breach of the        from politics. She noted     political has on blinkers,
                                                        said.                        peace, to which she had      that the complainant,        and is not forthright,”
Veteran attorney                                           Bacchus-Baptiste
                                                        made it clear that,
                                                        having been contacted by
                                                                                     already pleaded not
                                                                                        Bacchus-Baptiste has
                                                                                                                  Karen Duncan-
                                                                                                                  Gonsalvesm, is the wife
                                                                                                                  of Finance Minister
                                                                                                                                               Bacchus-Baptiste aid.
                                                                                                                                                  She also denied
                                                                                                                                               verbally attacking
plays observer role                                     Farrell’s family, her role
                                                        was to secure the
                                                        services of an
                                                                                     repeatedly expressed the
                                                                                     view that Farrell was
                                                                                     wrongly sent to the
                                                                                                                  Camillo Gonsalves who is
                                                                                                                  the subject of a number
                                                                                                                                               Connell, saying that all
                                                                                                                                               she did was to voice her
                                                                                                                                               opposition to Connell’s
VETERAN LAWYER Bayliss Frederick informed               independent qualified                                     of allegations in relation
                                                                                     Mental Health Centre.        to the Yugge Farrell         efforts to have the case
the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court on Monday that         psychiatrist to evaluate     In that light, she
he was asked to observe the proceedings in the                                                                    saga.                        heard in camera, and to
                                                        the defendant.               declared that if she was                                  take Farrell out of the
case of Vincentian fashion model Yugge Farrell,            This was                                                  She further noted that
who is charged with using abusive language in                                        defending Farrell in the     Storm Gonsalves,             country, which she
                                                        accomplished.                court matter, she would                                   thought would not have
circumstances likely to cause a breach of the           Psychiatrist Dr. Hazel                                    Camillo’s brother, was
peace.                                                                               have made an                 the first family member      been in the girl’s best
                                                        Ortello of Trinidad and      application to the High                                   interest.
                         The matter was adjourned       Tobago, did a session                                     to speak on the matter,
                      from January 22 to Monday                                      Court to get Farrell out     when he called to a radio       But the lawyer
                                                        with Farrell on Monday       by day two.                                               insisted, “He (Connell)
                      for Senior Magistrate Rickie      afternoon.                                                programme, some three
                      Burnett to rule on oral                                           ‘There are law cases in   days after Farrell had       remains my colleague,
                                                           Bacchus-Baptiste          the Caribbean to support                                  and I will continue to
                      submissions presented by          added that she was also                                   made her first court
                      Farrell’s lawyer Grant                                         my position,” she            appearance on January        give him advice, if he
                                                        committed to having                                                                    asks for it.”
                      Connell and Director of                                        asserted.
                      Public Prosecutions (DPP)
                      Colin Williams, in relation to
                      a medical report submitted
                      by the Mental Health Centre.
                                                        Barbadian QC leads in YuggeÊs case
                      That report, following two        GRANT CONNELL, one of the             Bacchus-Baptiste, with whom            Gonsalves,
                      week’ observation of Farrell,     lawyers in the case of Vincentian     Connell has a very close working       Senior Crown
                      concluded that she was not fit    fashion model Yugge Farrell, says     relation for many years, was not       Counsel in
                      to plead.                         that Andrew Pilgrim QC of             included in the legal team,            the Attorney
                         As proceedings
                      commenced, Frederick, who         Barbados, now the lead lawyer in      Connell said, “This is not about       General’s
                      was seated at the bar table,      the matter, is a man of integrity     Grant Connell, Andrew Pilgrim,         Chambers,
Bayliss Frederick, rose as a friend of the court,       for whom he holds high esteem.        Kay Bacchus-Baptiste, or any           and is the
an elder among        saying that he was asked by          Connell who was speaking to        other lawyer for that matter. This     wife of
legal practitioners several overseas persons and        THE VINCENTIAN on Tuesday,            is about the healing process of a      Finance
here, explained       associations to observe the       added, “I willingly accepted the      daughter of the soil”                  Minister
that he was           proceedings, in light of the      Queen Counsel’s kind and timely          Connell, however, added, “I         Camillo
requested by          regional and international        offer to assist in this matter.”      have no issue with Kay Bacchus-        Gonsalves,
overseas parties      attention the matter has been        Pilgrim and Connell are            Baptiste. I wish her all the very      son of Prime
to observe the        receiving.                        representing Farrell pro bono.        best in her political career. I have   Minister Dr.      Andrew Pilgrim,
                         But Senior Magistrate
court proceedings Rickie Burnett told him to            Connell introduced Pilgrim to the     warned her about the hostile           Ralph             QC, no stranger
in the matter         wait, and went on to deal         court on Monday.                      territory that she has chosen to       Gonsalves.        to the courts of
involving Yugge       with the matter.                     Farrell has been charged with,     enter, so I could only keep her in        In his         SVG, has joined
Farrell.                 In his ruling, Burnett said    that on January 4, 2018, at           my prayers.”                           ruling on         the legal team of
                      that he was satisfied that the    Granby Street, Kingstown, in             He insisted that, “She is my        Monday, on        Yugge Farrell.
report, signed by district medical officer at the       circumstances likely to cause a       friend and colleague for many          legal
Mental Health Centre, Dr. Sonasree                      breach of the peace, did make use     years. We have worked together         submissions made the week before
Jammulapati, was properly before the court, as he       of abusive language to Karen          in many cases, and my respect for      by Connell and Director of Public
had received documentation which showed that            Duncan-Gonsalves, to wit, “You        her will continue, despite her         Prosecutions (DPP) Colin
the doctor was qualified in the field of psychiatry.    dirty bitch”.                         verbal attacks on me, in media,        Williams, the Senior Magistrate
   Following the ruling, Frederick rose again
saying, “We have provided a qualified                      Senior Magistrate Rickie           for the manner in which I have         said that the court has received
psychiatrist.”                                          Burnett granted Farrell $1,000        been dealing with the case”,           documentation on the
   The lawyer went on to say, “What I am                bail with one surety when she         Connell said.                          qualifications of Dr. Sonasree
concerned about is the integrity of our justice         returned to court on Monday.             Connell thanked Bacchus-            Jummulapati, who signed the
system.”                                                   Bail was granted following         Baptiste for securing the services     medical report, and he was
   Farrell was released on $1,000 bail with one         ruling in which the court accepted    of an independent Psychiatrist Dr.     satisfied that the report was
surety, and the matter was adjourned to                 the findings of a report from the     Hazel Ortello of Trinidad and          properly before the Court, as Dr.
December 17, 2018.                                      Mental Health Centre which            Tobago who, he said, would help        Jammulapati is qualified in the
   Speaking with THE VINCENTIAN later,                  concluded that Farrell was not fit    in ensuring that Farrell be her        field of Psychiatry.
Frederick said, “This whole thing needs a               to plead. The matter has been         best again.                               Burnett made reference to
constitutional solution, so we could know what is
the truth, and to determine what should be the          adjourned to December 17.                The complainant in the Yugge        provisions in the Mental Act to
consequences.”                                             When asked why attorney Kay        Farrell matter is Karen Duncan-        support his decision.
NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian
                                                                                    THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. 5.


Prime Minister and leader of the NNP – Dr. Keith Mitchell addressing party
supporters last Sunday. (Credit: Grenada Advocate)

Grenadians to
vote on
March 13
THE PEOPLE OF GRENADA,              Terry
Carriacou and Petit Martinique will Forrester of
go to the polls on March 13, 2018.  the GPM,
   The date is a significant one.   was a former
It marks 39 years since the         executive
People’s Revolutionary              member of
Government (PRG) took the reins Mitchell’s NNP.
of government on March 13,
1979, when Maurice Bishop’s New
Jewel Movement (NJM) overthrew the
                                        — Dr. Keith Mitchell, said that
Eric Gairy government in an armed
                                        Parliament will be dissolved on
                                        Monday and Nomination Day will be
   Speaking at a rally of his New
                                        Tuesday, February 20.
National Party (NNP) on Sunday,
                                            Dr. Mitchell assured thousands of
leader of the party and Prime Minister
                                        supporters at last Sunday’s rally at
                                        the National Stadium, that he was
                                        confident of the NNP’s return to
                                            In fact, he said, his party had no
                                        intention of losing any of the 15 seats
                                        it won in the 2013 poll.
                                            When general elections were last
                                        held in Grenada on February 19, 2013,
                                        Mitchell’s New National Party (NNP)
                                        won all 15 elected seats for the second
                                        time, ousting the then National
                                        Democratic Congress party led by
                                        Prime Minister Tillman Thomas.
                                            While, up to press time, there was
                                        no comment from the National
                                        Democratic Congress on the date of
                                        elections, Terry Forrester, the political
                                        leader of the Grenada Progressive
                                        Movement (GPM), said, “…it is
                                        insensitive and callous of the prime
                                        minister to mark this date for our
                                        general elections.”
                                            Forrester said further that the state
                                        “..still remains a very hurtful date in
                                        the minds of many Grenadians,
                                        considering the fact that our people
                                        and nation were thrown into political
                                        disarray and chaos, which led to so
                                        much pain, suffering and loss of lives.
                                            It is not the first time that
                                        Grenadians will vote in a general
                                        election on March 13. They did so in
                                        the 1990. (Sources: CMC, Caribbean
                                        News Now, Grenada Advocate)
NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian
                6. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. THE VINCENTIAN


SVG Diaspora
gets new President
Stories and photos                  Diaspora.                           development issues.”                  She represented St.
by NELSON A. KING                      “I am also humbled by the           Additionally, Mason-            Vincent and the;                 confidence that members of the      Haywood said she will continue     Grenadines at the 1998             committee have bestowed on me       to consolidate the work of the     United Nations World
US CORRESPONDENT                    to take on this new leadership      Committee’s cultural and           Youth Forum and the
                                    position,” she added. “It is also   sporting organizations —           Ministers Responsible
SHERRILL-ANN MASON-                 an interesting time as we are       Cultural Association of            for Youth Conference —
HAYWOOD, the widow of the late,     witnessing an upsurge and           Vincentians in the U.S.A. and      both in Portugal, where
prominent Vincentian community      increase in women assuming          SVG-U.S.A. Sports Association —    she met her late
activist Maxwell Haywood, has       key leadership roles in politics,   and connecting the Heritage        husband. She was later
succeeded him in leading the        business and civil society. So, I   Awards to “a process of            awarded an internship
Brooklyn-based St. Vincent and      am more than happy to be a          documenting the legacy of our      with the United Nations
the Grenadines (SVG) Diaspora       part of this cultural shift.        Vincentian icons.”                 Youth Program in New
Committee of New York.                 “I want to ride this wave to        Another major focus will be     York in 2000.
   Mason-Haywood was elected        encourage other women in the        mobilizing the Vincentian             Mason-Haywood
chairperson during the group’s      Vincentian community to             community to acquire a             continued her
annual general meeting, on Jan.     become more involved in             Vincentian-owned Community         involvement in the
20, at the Friends of Crown         leadership roles and to bring       Center that can be used for        community, serving as
Heights Educational Center in       Vincentians together to address     hosting Vincentian functions       president of the
Brooklyn, becoming the second       some of the most pressing issues    and activities, Mason-Haywood      Vincentian Student          Sherrill-Ann Mason-Haywood at the
person to hold the position since   of the day,” Mason-Haywood          said.                              Association of NY in the VincyCares Awards and Honor
the group was formed in 2010.       continued. “One of the things          She is joined in the            early 2000s. Currently,     Ceremony in Brooklyn in early
Her husband was chairperson         that Maxwell really promoted,       leadership of the SVG Diaspora     she serves as chair of the December, where her late husband,
from the inception until his        and I would like to continue to     Committee of NY by Atiba           Board of the Traditional Maxwell Haywood, was honored
death in November, after a          push for is greater unity among     Williams (vice president);         Educational Daycare         posthumously.
seven-month battle with cancer.     Vincentians.”                       Philmore Sprott (general           Centers and as a
   Mason-Haywood previously            She said she would also like     secretary); Theophilus Marshall    member of the Education            Bachelor of Arts (honors) in
served as general secretary,        to work in strengthening the        (treasurer); Francesca Sam         and Youth Committee of             Sociology and Radio
public relations officer and        organization’s structure and        (assistant secretary/treasurer);   Community Board 9 in               Broadcasting from the City
coordinator of the Leadership       embarking on a strategic            Franklyn “Supadex” Richards        Brooklyn.                          University of New York (CUNY)
Development Workshop series         recruitment drive “that will        (public relations officer); and       In 2016, she was appointed      Baccalaureate Program, and a
for the SVG Diaspora                allow the committee to expand       Garnes Byron, Dawn Dopwell         director of the Percy. E. Sutton   Master of Science degree (M.S.)
Committee of NY.                    its reach and scope.                and Terrance Edwards               Search for Education Elevation in Urban Affairs from Hunter
   “This is a bitter-sweet time        “This also means                 (trustees).                        and Knowledge (SEEK)               College (CUNY) with a
for me to assume leadership of      strengthening old alliances and        Mason-Haywood has been          Program at Brooklyn’s              concentration in Community
the organization, since this        forging new partnerships,”          involved in community              predominantly Black Medgar         Development and Social Policy.
follows the passing of my           Mason-Haywood said. “Most           development organizations since    Evers College. Prior to that          In 2008 — 2010, she was
husband, who was the founding       specifically, I would like to       her youth, having served as an     appointment, she served as the awarded a Thurgood Marshall
chairman of the organization,”      refocus the organization on its     officer of the Girls’ Brigade;     Academic Program Manager,          Pathways Fellowship and
she told THE VINCENTIAN in          policy focus and to position the    National Olympic Academy;          adjunct lecturer and advisor. In earned a post-graduate
an exclusive interview.             committee as a major think-         SVG Track and Field                2009, she was recognized as the certificate (2010) in Strengths-
“However, I feel uniquely poised    tank in the Vincentian and          Association; and vice president    college’s Higher Education         based Education from Gallup
to carry on his vision for the      Caribbean Diasporas, especially     of the National Youth Council of   Officer of the Year.               University’s, Clifton Strengths
organization and the Vincentian     focusing on migration and           St. Vincent and the Grenadines.       Mason-Haywood holds a           School.

Haywood remembered by SVG Ex-Teachers
THE ST. VINCENT AND           writer for this magazine     unlocks the power of the     each of us, show clearly         “SVG has lost a good
THE GRENADINES Ex-            for many years, Brother      Diaspora.                    that we will never ever       son, who lived his life in
Teachers Association of       Maxwell Haywood,” said          “Vincentians are a        again forsake unity in the    service of his homeland
New York two Sundays          the group on page 26 of      powerful people, and it      community. Let us all,        and who made tangible
ago, paid tribute to          the journal that was         has been the strong sense    each of us, answer the call   contribution to our beloved
prominent Vincentian          distributed to patrons on    of unity among the people    of our organizations for      nation in several ways,
community activist            the anniversary gala at      that has allowed us to       united action…Forward         including his writings,” he
Maxwell Haywood, who          Grand Prospect Hall in       thrive over the years,” he   ever, backward never!”        added. “The progressive
succumbed to cancer after     Brooklyn. “We grant that     said. “As a people, we did      In his tribute, Dr.        community of SVG is
a seven-month battle. He      perpetual light shine upon   not get this far on a free   Ambris said that Haywood      somewhat dimmer today
was 53.                       you.”                        ride. We struggled hard by   “gave it all he had.”         with the passing of
   The Brooklyn-based            The other — of seven      working together for the        He then read a poem,       Maxwell ‘Iwaki’
group devoted seven full      pages — comprised            progress we have made.”      which states in part: “The    Haywood.”
pages of its 60-page          excerpts from Haywood’s         Haywood said this         clock of life is wound/the       St. Vincent and the
souvenir journal,             final speech on April 1,     unity began a long time      last click, the last          Grenadines New York           Maxwell ‘Iwaki’ Haywood
commemorating its 35th        2017 at the Brooklyn-        ago, stating that “a         click/And time had run        Consul General Howie          was remembered as one
anniversary, to Haywood,      based Friends of Sion Hill   powerful example of this     our course/the next clock     Prince said: “2017 saw        who lived his life in
who, up to his death on       gala; poetry by ex-          was the unity of our great   will be/For those left        great sadness descending      service to his homeland,
Nov. 29, was president of     teachers’ trustee Dr.        ancestors who defended       behind.”                      on the NY Diaspora with       St. Vincent and the
the Brooklyn-                 Herman Ambris; and a         St. Vincent and the             Gordon said it was with    the passing of the giant      Grenadines.
headquartered St. Vincent     tribute by member Samuel     Grenadines (SVG) for         “a heavy heart and a deep     activist, scholar and
and the Grenadines            “Kala” Gordon.               hundreds of years, so that   sense of pain that we, Ex-    mobilizer, brother            will stand as a lasting
Diaspora Committee of            In his address at the     the slave owners and         Teachers, are saying          Maxwell ‘Iwaki’ Haywood.      tribute, recognizing the
New York.                     Sion Hill affair, Haywood    colonists were not able to   farewell to one of the           “Let us band together      legacy of this great son of
   “This paper is dedicated   had urged continued unity    conquer SVG.”                hardest working, genuine      to ensure that 2018 will be   our soil of whom we
in honour of our friend,      among Vincentians, saying       He ended his address      Vincentians here in the       the year when we create a     remain very proud,” said
colleague and ardent          that it was “the key that    by stating: “Let us all,     Diaspora.                     tangible memorial that        Prince in his address in
                                                                                                                                                    the journal.
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                                                                                      THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. 7.


Woman charged
for abandoning
the mother of
eight- month-
Simrique Lavia
who died as a
result of burns
received in a
fire that
occurred in a
house at Upper
New Montrose,
has been
charged for
abandoning the
child, he being
a child under      The ground floor of the building where a fire caused d burns
the age of 2       to three children, resulting in one fatality. (Photo Credit:
years.             SVG TV)
    Lavia is also
charged with having abandoned one-         under control, their job made easier
year-old Simonique Lavia, she being a because of the quick action neighbours
child under the age of 2 years, in         had taken before the arrival of the fire
relation to the fore-mentioned fire.       unit.
    The woman, 28 years old and               The Police also said that
currently unemployed, is the mother of information revealed that the eldest
Simirique and Simonique.                   child ran out of the house to seek help,
    The charges stem from what police      leaving her three siblings behind.
said was a fire that occurred on           Apploniyia and Simonique received
January 26, at around 10:30pm, in the light burns about their bodies, but
ground floor of the two-storey building. Simirique sustained burns to ninety
The ground floor was occupied by           percent of her body, and succumbed to
Lavia and her children: Itika — 6 years his injuries at the Milton Cato
old; Apploniyia — 3 years old; and         Memorial Hospital.
Simonique and Simirique.                      When the mother appeared before
    The police said in a Release this      Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne at
week, that they received information       the Serious Offences Court on Monday,
that the woman left the children at        she was denied bail and remanded
home in a bedroom with a single            until February 18, when she is
candle burning, and went to Heritage       expected to reappear at the said court.
Square, a popular                             The matter has evoked strong
recreational/entertainment spot in         public condemnation of the woman,
Kingstown.                                 with some callers to radio programmes
    The Fire Department was                and user of social murder, wondering
summoned, and the firemen                  whether she would be charged in
dispatched were able to bring the fire     connection with the child’s death.

Homicide No. 2 recorded
THIS COUNTRY HAS            neck and his feet, and
RECORDED its second         his groin showed signs of
homicide for the year.      having been burned.
   Police confirmed that       Millington’s death
they are investigating      aroused deep sentiments
the circumstances           among the football
surrounding the death of    fraternity here.
Omar Millington,               He was an
familiarly known as         outstanding goalkeeper
‘Chiney’, a 32-year-old     for Prospect F.C., and
resident of Lowmans         when he decided to call it
Hill, who was originally    a day from standing
from Glen.                  between the uprights, he
   Millington’s body was    took to refereeing.
discovered around              Up to his death, he
6:30am on Saturday 27th     was an active member of
January at Sion Hill        the SVG Referees             Omar Millington,
beach.                      Association, and one of      colleagues say, had a
   The body lay face        his colleagues told THE      passion for football.
down and showed chop        VINCENTIAN, that he          (Photo: Omar
wounds. A rope, police      had plans to become a        Millington’s facebook
said, was tied around his   FIFA certified referee.      page)
NO CONFIDENCE MOTION SHOT DOWN - The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines - The Vincentian
                8. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. THE VINCENTIAN


             The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

  Managing Editor: Desiree Richards
  Editor: Cyprian Neehall
  Telephone: 784-456-1123 Fax: 784-451-2129
  Mailing Address: The Vincentian Publishing Co. Ltd.,
  P.O. Box 592, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Ethics and morality in
public office                                                              Lloyd Lewis and Glenford Prescott:
IN THE WAKE OF RECENT ALLEGATIONS of ‘moral deviance’ by another
public officer here, one cannot be faulted for asking whether there is a
systemic problem of ethical behaviour and morality defects in public
service agencies, to include government. In fact, one could well be
                                                                           Rest in Peace
moved to broaden the question and ask whether there is a systemic          IN THE CHALLENGING SITUATION
problem of ethical behaviour and morality defects in the society as a      regarding my health, I was served a
whole.                                                                     double whammy in the death
   And in the wake of the recent allegations as played out on social       announcements of two Sion Hill icons,        politics where we generally saw eye-to-
media, in mainstream media and in public discourses, the person at         national heroes in the strictest sense,      eye. Lloyd was a great organiser who,
whom fingers have been pointed, turns to his political party for           Glenford Prescott not yet 60 years, and      with his team of villagers, elders and the
defence. The resulting defence is, as always, that the public officer so
                                                                           the veteran Lloyd Lewis in his eighties.     youth, virtually built the modern Sion Hill
fingered, is being castigated by his political nemeses for some
imagined political interests.                                                 The deaths have contributed to our        with their own hands.
   Whatever the machinations and permutations that have arisen as          present political malaise, both men being       He was an enthusiast for sports,
a result of the latest finger-pointing, we ought to be demanding a         great advocates of progressive SVG, both     particularly cricket. He had been
new focus on leadership criteria — criteria founded, in the main, on       committed body and soul to cultural          instrumental in creating Sion Hill own
moral aptitude. For, if nothing is done to correct the dastardly           emancipation, sport development, with a      cricket field where I had the honour to
behaviour that passes off as ‘we ting’, if nothing is done to improve      particular focus on the youth.               play in the grand-opening match. I made
ethics and morality issues, the public will soon lose all trust and           I take the more recent passing of         the first duck as opening batsman. Arthur
confidence in public service agencies — government.                        Pressy with whom I had no contact for        Williams had been my opening partner.
   Take it or leave it, most of us have an internal ‘moral compass’        nearly three years, on account of my own        I was again connected with the only
that tells us what is right and wrong. Our actions ought to be             problems. Like all of SVG knows, Pressy      project in which Lloyd recorded failure.
determined by that indication leading us, if we chose that which is        had been a sports administrator, a           After registering a series of success, Lloyd
right, to action that maintains our integrity — which for this purpose     carnival adjudicator and a journalist of     went for the big one! His enthusiasms
can be defined as the personal quality of having high moral                class, a real fore-runner of his friend,     about youthful cricket led him to sponsor
principles.                                                                Kenton Chance whose bold journalism          a pair of youngsters to attend the Alf
   Ethical behaviour, that which is founded on integrity, demands          today helps to keep steady a tottering       Gover School of Cricket in England. The
that we use our moral compass to guide us in our interactions with         SVG.                                         project flopped. The disappointed duo
others so as to inspire others to trust us.                                   I have a simple but real remembrance      were Darnley Joseph and my son Adrian!
   Personal moral standards, therefore, have to be impeccable — no         of Glenford. As the person manning the          Otherwise, Lloyd was like King Midas:
more applicable than when one chooses to offer himself for public          Sport Desk at Radio 705, he noted that       everything he touched turned gold. A
service. Ethics in public service, some say, ought to be of the highest    his country had been blessed with a          greater loss was when in 2001 NDP lost
imaginable moral standards.
                                                                           coterie of incisive commentators who         the national elections to ULP, but like me,
   Public officials are given the trust of the public to develop and
carry out policies, and set examples of becoming lifestyles.               contributed voluntarily to broadcasts, and   he attributed the loss to pilferage of votes.
   Lest they forget, living up to this trust has a significant impact on   deserved some token for their efforts. So,      Until the turn of the century, Lloyd ran
the national psyche and impacts attitudes. Thus, public officials          he persuaded Corlita Olliverre to present    a barber shop which was like a People’s
have a moral duty to act in a trustworthy and morally inspiring            the announcers with medals for their         Parliament. Whenever I needed a haircut,
manner.                                                                    splendid contribution.                       Lloyd would put me down last on his list,
   This brings us to the question of how community leaders and                In a letter to the Programme Manager      after 6:00pm, so that we could talk
public officers are identified and assessed and groomed. Are we to         dated May 5 2003, he had said: “I wish to    politics.
rely on what a person says he/she stands for?                              bring to the fore the work of Messrs            Before 2000, Ralph had been a repeated
   Much of a person’s ethical standards are formed through                 Harley Williams, Lennox John, Michael        visitor who was told where to get off, but
upbringing and the value system established within his or her family       Findlay, Winston Baptiste, Frank             persisted until he learnt from Lloyd
environment. Developing a moral compass later in life should be            Thomas, George Phillips, Owen Cuffy, and     what the people disliked about him, then
easy; but its appears, given what we are wont to accept as ‘we ting’,      Dr. Kenneth John who all worked as ball-     armed with this knowledge, he
that it is not at all that easy.                                           by-ball commentators or analysts on both     subsequently used it in good stead.
   Notwithstanding, the public officer is morally bound, just as are       football and cricket matches. ….. It is         Now Lloyd has gone for good, but we
other persons, to tell the truth, to resist using authority for personal   recommended that a small ceremony as a       still have to contend with Ralph, his
aggrandisement and gratification, to keep promises, to respect the         show of appreciation for these men’s         family and his disciples.
person and the property of others, and to abide by the requirements        contribution be held where they would be        As we go to print, the House is locked
of the law.                                                                honoured, and given some form of token       over a No Confidence motion where it
   But the overriding moral obligation of public officers is to follow     for their work”.                             seems that the ULP has bullied the ULP
established procedures and uphold what is good and moral, not to use          It remains the only award I have          Speaker finally, to a ruling which
their power to circumvent those procedures for their own convenience
                                                                           received in SVG which I proudly display      practically dismisses altogether the
or benefit. Power must be used fairly and for the benefit of the public,
not to take advantage of the meek and weak.                                in my office.                                efficacy of all “No Confidence” for all time.
   Taking moral responsibility is a show of high integrity and a sign         Teary-eyed, I now recommend that an          No wonder the people now accept that
of democratic and political maturity among holders of public offices.      appropriate posthumous award granted to      the law is an ass, whereas it is really the
   One who deviates from what is moral and voluntarily steps aside         Pressy, which his family and friends         assininity of misinterpreting lawyer!
is likely to earn more respect from the public than one who does not.      would no doubt revere with proud                And the election petition is still to be
Our leaders should take moral responsibility for their dockets, and        thanksgiving.                                decided and Yugge case settled! Lloyd
stop the culture of defending wrongdoings by public officers in the           Lloyd Lewis is a household name in the    and Pressy have gone to a resting place of
guise of ‘defending our own’.                                              He was a close and abiding friend in         eternal rest and peace: lucky them!
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                                                                                                             THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. 9.


Blacks must implement global power shift
THE US PRESIDENT has labelled African       are receiving in benefits. Despite         themselves to remain at the top and          Black people are surrounded by
nations as ‘shitholes’ and questioned       immigrants and refugees contributing       the black people continue to fund their   wealth; we don’t need the US for
why they (Africans) continue to come to     significantly to propelling the US         own demise.                               anything. Let’s cit ties and forge new
America.                                    economy, the US administration                Black people across the world need     ones. We black people must focus on
   The US president appears to blame        doesn’t want African migrants.             to unite or find themselves back in       getting reparations for the slave trade
black people for having a negative             The UK isn’t talking like the US,       chains. As black people, we must          and take our rightful stand in the
impact on the US economy, whilst in         but in many ways have walked the           accept we are all Africans, and that an   globe.
fact, the US government’s own report        same path, Brexit led the way; the         attack on Africa is an attack on all
shows refugees are paying $6,000,000,       world is taking a global economic shift;   black people. To think otherwise is to    Kadmiel
yes, $6 billion a year more than they       global power structures adjust             be foolish.                               McFee

Clamp down on crime
A FEW YEARS ago,                 Now, I read where         area.                       back to square one and
                                                                                                                     A note to
                                                                                                                     our writers
when Prime Minister           Prime Minister Andrew           You see, when things     worse.
Kamla Persad-Bissessar        Holness in Jamaica has       get bad and you know           If we know where the       EDITOR’S Note: Some
of T&T introduced a           declared a State of          where it coming from,       crime comes from, why         of these letters have
State of Emergency to         Emergency for the north                                                                been edited for length,
                                                           you need to deal with it    not, with the necessary
help stem crime in places     of that island. That is                                                                accuracy and slander.
                                                           directly.                   law behind us, move to        We reserve this right,
like Laventille and           where most of the               That is what should      clamp it out, once and for
Movant, people cried her      tourism is centred.                                                                    and hope that those
                                                           have happened here.         all?                          who choose the pages
down. They claimed that          Funny thing, I didn’t     The Police here                I hope that the recent
an Indian Prime               hear a ‘boo’ about it. In                                                              of THE VINCENTIAN to
                                                           designated certain areas    killing in Sharpes is not     express their views,
Minister had unleashed        fact, I gather that
                                                           as crime spots, moved in    a sign of things to come.     would do so with care
the army on poor Black        Jamaicans support the
Trinidadians. As usual        State of Emergency,          on the residents without                                  and attention for others.
                                                           total backing of the law,   George Chambers
in T&T, everything boil       since there has been a
down to race.                 trail of murders in that     and what happen?. We

Teach the youth morals No to a Gonsalves dynasty                                       THANKS for publishing        Dr. Gonsalves knows          family.
FROM ALL REPORTS,             breakdown of the family.     younger today than they     my piece last week. Now      that he has the majority        The history of Jamaica
last year showed again        Some may say that our        were a few decades ago.     that I have broken the       of black Vincentians         and Antigua is fraught
that much of the violent      teachers are not             Children are raising        ice, I feel I must express   eating out of his hand. In   with examples of what a
crimes in SVG was             assisting with the           children … that can         my take, as a Vincentian,    that situation he can do     political dynasty could
committed by young men        socialization of the young   never be a good thing for   on some things that          as he pleases, when he       mean for a country, i.e.
— those we call young         people, but I maintain       the society down the        bother me.                   pleases and how he           who benefits the most.
adults. If that is the        that a closer look has to    road.                          One of those things       pleases. The days of            Then again, it is all a
case, then it is easy to      be taken at what is going       We as a nation have to   has to do with how Dr.       ‘Massa’ are certainly not    question of who wins at
conclude that our young       on in our family             commit to building an       Ralph Gonsalves thinks       over if that is the case.    the polls. Vincentians
people have become            structure.                   environment that            he can simply bequeath          How can the other         can show their disgust
uncaring, with no regard         There is no doubt that    encourages good values,     the chair of prime           members of the ULP who       for this by voting out the
for their peers and           the lack of proper           and this must start from    minister to his on. He       have been in the             ULP at the next general
others.                       parenting — that is the      the very top — our          thinks (or is it that        trenches far longer than     elections.
   And then there are         teaching of proper           government, our             Vincentians make him         Dr. Gonsalves’ son (not
those who would put the       morals and a sense of        churches, our schools.      so) that he has the right    that he been in the          C Smith
blame for this rise in        cooperation - has fueled        Parents, while they      to literally make way for    trenches at all), stand      New York
crime on bad                  the rush of young people     must not forsake their      his son, by easing him       idly by and allow this to
management of the             into all kinds of immoral    responsibilities, will      into government through      be poured down their
economy, which gives          behavior — sex, drugs,       continue to have a hard     a safe seat. Clearly the     throats? Have they
rise to serious               crime, etc.                  time when those in          plan was hatched a long      become all church mice?
unemployment among               But I am also aware       leadership positions do     time ago! If not, why did    What are they afraid of?
the youth.                    that in many homes,          not uphold good moral       his son not contest in a        It is time that the
   While this may be          those who are parents        standards.                  seat where he would          members of the ULP to           * What’s the
true to a point, I want to    are unable to teach what                                 have had to fight for his    take back the ULP.              latest on the
advance the view that         is right and what is         Lawrence                    life? Why didn’t he, for     There would have been           Buccament Bay
the real cause is the         wrong. Parents are                                       example, contest against     no Ralph Gonsalves              Resort? Thought it
                                                                                       Mr. Eustace in East          without the others who          was to be re-opened

Those boat rides                                                                       Kingstown?
                                                                                          (Someone once told me
                                                                                       that a Gonsalves could
                                                                                       never win a Kingstown
                                                                                                                    ran for government and
                                                                                                                    won. People like Daniel
                                                                                                                    and Caesar will be doing
                                                                                                                    this country a great
                                                                                                                                                    last month?

                                                                                                                                                    * Has the case
                                                                                                                                                    against Mr. David
I SEE THAT the Boat           and back. So a lot of        wonder if there is a list   seat)                        disservice if they stand        Ames been quashed?
Ride business is back on      time is spent on the boat.   of boats registered as         This is not how the       by and accept the
keel. A Boat Ride                My concern is not to      ‘party boats’ with the      change of leadership         passage of leadership           * Can we expect a
dubbed ‘HOTTGAL 6’ is         stop this kind of outing     Marine Department           should work. Then            down through the                revision of some of
advertised for February       but to urge those who        here. Those boats would     again, it must be that       generations of one              those charges that
11, 2018 on board the         are thinking about           have to have certain                                                                     foreign-owned banks
MV Gem Star, sailing          making the ride, to make                                                                                              slap on us?
                                                           safety requirements and
from Kingstown to             sure that the vessel is      special insurance.
Canouan.                                                                                                                                            * What is the
                              properly prepared for the       All I can say to those                                                                Ministry of
   Now I don’t have           use it is being put to,      making the trip is to
anything against these                                                                                                                              Education doing
                              and to get this assurance    party responsibly.                                                                       about the number of
boat rides which are
                              from the promoters. MV       Always remember that                                                                     fights among
really parties on the sea,
since there is usually lots   Gem Star is a good boat      things are different on                                                                  secondary school
to drink and music to         with a good captain, but     the sea from things on                                                                   students here?
party to, as the boat         this Boat Ride business      land. Things take longer                                                                 Then again, is the
makes its way, usually        is not its everyday          to happen at sea but … .                                                                 Ministry aware of
sailing at a not too fast     business.                                                                                                             this?
pace, to its destination         And as I say that, I      Retired Boat Rider
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               10. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 02, 2018. THE VINCENTIAN


Highlights of the 2018 Estimates                                                       No Confidence in the ULP Government
                                                                                       ON MONDAY 29TH JANUARY 2018, the
Introduction                                                                           New Democratic Party (NDP) filed a No
                                                                                       Confidence Motion against the Unity
ON MONDAY, JANUARY 29TH 2018, the                                                      Labour (ULP) government. The motion
new Minister of Finance, Camillo                                                       highlights a number of social and
Gonsalves, made his maiden                                                             economic problems that are affecting
                                                                                       the people of St. Vincent and the           deducted from its six thousand (6000)
presentation in Parliament, when he                                                                                                state employees, from the period
presented the 2018 Estimates of             IV and Teacher V are paid, to fund         Grenadines. The debate will bring to the
expenditure and revenue. Truly, it was an                                              fore the myriads of problems that           April, 2013 to August 2014. In
                                            some of the new Graduate Teachers                                                      addition, the government failed to pay
excellent presentation by the young         that were appointed; and                   confront Vincentians and heighten the
Minister of Finance, as he took the                                                    political consciousness of our people.      to the NIS its 5.5% which it is
                                               b) Trading-off lower grade teaching                                                 obligated to pay. What a disgrace!
House through the various aspects of        positions, such as Teacher I and II           The following is the No Confidence
the Estimates, and clearly outlined the                                                Motion:                                     Then to make matters worse, the
                                            that were vacant, for the additional                                                   Minister of Finance brought a
developmental strategies of the ULP         Graduate Teacher positions.                   WHEREAS the Government of
administration, and how the needs of                                                   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines has        resolution to parliament where the
                                               3) All temporary clerks, a total of                                                 government borrowed $15. million
the country will be met over the next       sixty-four (64), previously paid by the    been failing the people miserably in
twelve months.                                                                         providing a satisfactory quality of life;   from the NIS to pay the NIS.
                                            Service Commission vote, have been                                                        We have also had the issue of
   Camillo Gonsalves presented a            confirmed as Junior Clerks and their          AND WHEREAS the priorities of
picture of the country, buffeted by the                                                the Government in its use of                accountability; where the ULP regime
                                            salaries have been allocated to the                                                    has failed to present to the parliament
global economic winds, affected by the      various Ministries and Departments         taxpayers’ money have produced
many elements of climate change, but                                                   totally inadequate health services and      audited financial statement of the
                                            where they have been employed over                                                     International Airport Development
still keeping its head above water. In      the years.                                 basic maintenance of roads;
the words of Luzette King, the NDP             This decision has not resulted in an       AND WHEREAS the collapse of the          Company. Dr. Friday, in his press
so-called activist, the country is          increase in the number of public           economy has deprived our youth of           conference on 19th April, 2017 stated,
“weathering the storm, and holding          servants and has had a minimal             hope and employment opportunities;          “This matter of accountability is
its own”. Now, as Camillo Gonsalves         immediate impact on costs.                    AND WHEREAS a climate of fear            fundamental and critical, as it goes
outlined in Parliament, we are not yet         4) Apart from the qualitative           through intimidation at all levels of       from the top to the bottom of the
out of the woods, but there is light at     changes mentioned above, a total of        Vincentian society, has become              business of government; it crosses all
the end of the tunnel.                      ninety-eight (98) new positions have       widespread due to the manifest abuse        sectors and it connects to everything
   The Estimates of Revenue and             been created across the public service     of the powers of the State and its          else that happens in the business of
Expenditure total some EC$993.5             to enhance service delivery to the         institutions, which are often employed      ‘running the country’. So, the two
million, an increase of one point seven     citizens of St. Vincent and the            as weapons against citizens, to serve       things we must understand about
percent over the approved figure for        Grenadines.                                the agenda of Government officials,         accountability is that it includes the
2017. The recurrent expenditure,               The government will employ more         their family members and associates;        need to give “full account” of all funds
inclusive of amortization and sinking       constables to meet the needs of the           AND WHEREAS there has been a             received and spent on behalf of the
fund contributions, is EC$776.8             Police Force, and more nurses, to          breakdown in law and order as               public and accountability is not
million, while the capital expenditure      meet the requirements of the new           demonstrated by the incidence of            optional. As specified in the
is EC$216.6 million.                        medical institutions that will become      rampant crime and the failure of the        subsection of the law quoted above:
                                            fully operational this year.               various agencies of law enforcement to      the work of accountability is legally
New Initiatives                                                                        protect the more vulnerable members         and constitutionally required; it must
   The government will introduce four       Compensation of Employees                  of society, including the elderly,          be performed annually, and it is the
new initiatives in the 2018 estimates                                                  women and young persons;                    responsibility of the Minister of
which should be highlighted; as                The 2018 budget for Compensation           BE IT RESOLVED THAT this                 Finance to ensure that it is performed
follows:                                    of Employees is EC$302.6 million, 1.6      Honourable House declares No                annually.” To date, no audited
   1) The Ministerial portfolio changes     percent higher than the estimated          Confidence in this Unity Labour Party       financial statement of the
announced in 2017 are reflected in          wage bill in 2017. There are two           Government of Prime Minister Dr.            International Airport Development
these Estimates.                            principal factors responsible for the      Hon. Ralph Gonsalves.                       Company has been presented to
   a) The Ministry of Economic              movement of this item in this fiscal          Since the ULP gained power in            parliament.
Planning, Sustainable Development,          year. These are:                           2001, the standard of living for most          Moreover, the ULP administration
etc is now subsumed under the                  1. The cost associated with the new     Vincentians has changed drastically.        has been hit with scandal after
Ministry of Finance, Economic               positions mentioned above; and             All of the productive sectors have been     scandal. For instance, a former
Planning, Sustainable Development              2. The automatic salary increments      negatively affected. We have seen a         chairman of the then National
and Information Technology.                 paid each year to public servants          significant decline in the agricultural     Commercial Bank (NCB) was involved
   b) The portfolios of Labour and             Forty-eight cents of every revenue      sector; moreso the demise of the            in a questionable banking transaction
Industry have been transferred to the       dollar collected in 2018 will be spent     banana industry. In its first year in       at the said bank. A senior official at
Ministry of Agriculture, Rural              on the compensation of public service      power, the ULP administration               the Ministry of Tourism was involved
Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries,        employees. This is significant. As a       dismantled the Banana Growers               with a company that was formed to
Industry and Labour.                        Government, the ULP administration         Association, took full control of it, and   market and promote tourism in this
   c) The portfolio of Information now      has consistently implemented               subsequently removed the credit             country. In the Ministry of
falls under the Ministry of Education,      measures to improve the material           system from the farmers. The                Agriculture, under the Agriculture
National Reconciliation and                 condition of all workers, including        government then failed to incorporate       Diversification project, a microphone
Information. A new programme called         public servants. In 2018, all must         the established banana facilities           cable was imported at a cost of US
Public Information Services was             commit to lifting their game. While        overseas to expand the national
established for this portfolio. The API                                                                                            $12.14, ($EC32.73) and was sold to
                                            there are generally excellent              diversification efforts, creating severe    the ministry for EC$1499.76,
and subvention to NBC are                   performers within the ranks of the         hardship for the farmers in the
consolidated under this programme.                                                                                                 (US$555.46). The recall of Deputy
                                            public service, there is still much        process. The end result: most farmers       Consul General, Edson Agustus, from
   d) The responsibility for Postal         room for improvement.                      abandoned their farms and began to
Services has been transferred to the                                                                                               the Consulate in New York; the Sehon
                                               It is your individual and collective    seek employment elsewhere, mainly           Marshall allegation of domestic abuse,
Ministry of Transport, Works, Local         responsibility to raise the level of       as security guards. Indeed, the hard-
Government and Postal Services;                                                                                                    and the ongoing scandal involving
                                            productivity within the public service     working farmers have felt the full          Camillo Gonsalves.
   2) Under the Ministry of Education,      to provide value to the citizens for the   weight of the ULP government.
budgetary provisions have been made         money they pay you.                                                                       Furthermore, a sense of
to pay a total of 103 Graduate                                                            Over the years, Vincentians have         lawlessness pervades the land. The
teachers who have been appointed                                                       been raising concerns about the
                                            Pensions                                   management of National Insurance            country appears to be ungovernable.
across the Primary and Secondary                The amount of $60.0 million has                                                    We have over the years seen a steady
levels, with effect from January 1st                                                   Service (NIS) by the ULP regime.
                                            been budgeted to meet the payment of       Various state agencies, such as             increase in the number of homicides
2018. It must be noted that the             Pensions in 2018. The figure                                                           in the country, to the extent that
implementation of this initiative did                                                  National Properties, International
                                            represents a 7.6 percent or $4.4           Airport Development Company and             forty-two (42) homicides were
not result in an increase in the            million increase over the $56.0 million
number of teachers on the                                                              the National Lotteries have borrowed        recorded in 2017, a record-breaking
                                            provided in the 2017 Estimates for         hundreds of millions of dollars from
establishment or placed an undue            Pensions. This rate of increase                                                        year. Also, the rising incidence of
burden on the budget. In fact, the                                                     the NIS. And the bad investment by          attacks carried out against yachtsmen
                                            outpaces the rate of growth in             the government of NIS funds of $62
total number of teachers within the         budgeted Current Expenditure for                                                       and the continuing incidence of
system declined marginally by                                                          million into the failed British
                                            2018 by 500 basis points. It is            American Insurance and CLICO                praedial larceny have had serious
twenty-two (22), a mere 1.2 percent.        indisputable that this matter of                                                       implications on our tourism and
Similarly, the estimated cost to the                                                   investment. Then there was the
                                            pensions must be tackled and placed        sudden drop in the NIS profit from          agricultural sectors.
consolidated fund for this measure          on a sustainable footing. If we do not,                                                   The time has come for the ULP to
inclusive of increments for all                                                        $27 million in 2008 to $5.5 million in
                                            it will remain a significant threat to     2010. Probably, the most disturbing         go. They do not have the moral
teachers is $1.5 million. This was          the future stability of the public
achieved by doing the following:                                                       news as it relates to the NIS was the       authority to govern St. Vincent and
                                            finances. More will be said on this        disclosure by the Honourable Arnhim
   a) Utilising the savings from            subject, including possible options for                                                Grenadines. We can do better. The
existing budgetary provisions at the        reform, in the 2018 budget address.        Eustace, that the ULP regime was not        NDP will make St. Vincent and the
Grades F and E level, where Teacher                                                    paying to the NIS contributions             Grenadines work for all of us.
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