BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

Page created by Johnny Hunter
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration
                       The Official Journal   of the   Central Tibetan Administration
Volume 25 - Issue 2                                                                             March- April 2021

                               News from Tibet and Exile

                Tibetans in Exile Hold Final Elections for CTA President
                                 and Tibetan Parliament



              His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaches the Four Noble Truths
                                 and the Two Truths



            Tibet was Historically Never a Part of China: Webinar on Tibet

BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

News From Tibet and Exile
04         Tibetans in Exile Hold Final Elections for President and
           Tibetan Parliament
                                                                                                     Tibetan Bulletin is an official bi-monthly
05         State Department’s ‘Country Reports on Human Rights Practices’                                 journal of the Central Tibetan
           Refuses to Describe Tibet as “Inalienable Part of China”                                              Administration.

06         Eminent Tibetan Scholar and Writer Go Sherab Gyatso Held in
           Incommunicado Detention

07         China Arrests Two Tibetan Students for Self-designed Football
           Team Flag and Logo

                                                                                                     Signed articles or quotations do not
09         Statement of the President of the Central Tibetan Administration on                       necessarily reflect the views of the Central
           the 62nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day                                 Tibetan Administration.

11         Statement of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the Commemoration of                          Contributions are welcome and may be
           the 62nd Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day                                     addressed to the editor, Tibetan Bulletin.
                                                                                                     However the publisher regrets its inability
                                                                                                     to return unused articles unless they are
                                                                                                     accompanied by a self-addressed envelope
Focus                                                                                                with adequate postage.
15         Tibet was Historically Never a Part of China: Webinar on Tibet
                                                                                                     Tibetan Bulletin is distributed free of
                                                                                                     charge. To subscribe please email the
Feature                                                                                              circulation manager or see back cover.

20         His Holiness the Dalai Lama Teaches the Four Noble Truths and                             Editor
           the Two Truths                                                                            Jamphel Shonu
                                                                                                     Email: tibbul@tibet.net

World Press
                                                                                                     Circulation Manager
26          China’s Techno-Authoritarianism Has Gone Global - Foreign
            Affairs Magazine                                                                         Norbu Wangdue
                                                                                                     Email: circulation@tibet.net
28          China’s Plan for Mega Dam in Tibet Raises Concern in India - AFP                         Tibetan Bulletin is published by:
                                                                                                     Department of Information and
                                                                                                     International Relations,
                                                                                                     Central Tibetan Administration,
Obituary                                                                                             Dharamshala - 176 215 H.P. India
                                                                                                     Tel: +91-1892-222510 / 222457
30         Central Tibetan Administration Mourns Demise of CTA Legal
           Advisor Late Shri J. M Mukhi                                                                           Vol. 25, Issue 2
                                                                                                            MARCH - APRIL 2021

     News From Tibet & Exile ......4
     Contact ......................................31   Quotes ............................32
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

               Can Democracy Sustain Future of the Tibetan Movement?
Tibetan exiles in twenty-six different        dian government and people. Moreover,         number of Tibetans are also voluntarily
countries went to the polls on 11 April       India, as the birthplace of Buddhism          standing for elections to serve the Cen-
to elect their Sikyong and the forty-five     and the source of Tibetan Buddhism’s          tral Tibetan Administration. Irrespec-
members of the Tibetan Parliament-in-         rich philosophical wealth, has an un-         tive of the diversity of opinions that is
Exile. This election comes at a crucial       deniable spiritual and moral role. From       a part of any democratic polity, these
time for Tibet and the Tibetan movement       a security perspective as well, India is      facts help communicate an important
due to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s          home to the Himalayan Buddhist Belt           message that the Tibetan movement
advancing age, and China’s growing            stretching from Ladakh to Arunachal           with its democratic set up will continue
international heft. As such, many have        Pradesh where the Dalai Lamas tradi-          to endure and prosper in the long run.
gone to the polls with one eye on the         tionally enjoy deep spiritual influence
future of Tibet and the other on China.       and share historical and cultural bond.       Although it is difficult to predict the
                                              This makes India an important actor in        future, the coming years could bring
Although there are no immediate con-          determining the next Dalai Lama, and          great challenges for Tibet and the Ti-
cerns with His Holiness the Dalai             no matter what steps China take, with-        betan exile community, perhaps unlike
Lama’s health, His Holiness the Da-           out India’s official endorsement, China’s     anything that Tibetans have ever faced
lai Lama is reaching the advanced age         choice is likely to be ignored globally.      before. However, concerted efforts to
of 86 this upcoming July. As such, the                                                      internally strengthen Tibetan democ-
inevitable issue of succession to the         Meanwhile Tibetans in exile led by His        racy and practices, and ensuring the
next Dalai Lama remains in the back           Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama have al-         continued support of the international
of everyone’s mind, most of all, China.       ways anticipated significant challenges       community could help in alleviating
                                              from China with regard to the succes-         the situation. From that perspective, the
Che Dalha, chairman of the so-called          sion issue. Although China doesn’t            Tibetan people’s deep commitment to
Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), pub-           have any spiritual interest in the Dalai      its democratic institutions, as symbol-
lished an article in the State-run Peo-       Lamas, it is obsessed with the issue to       ized by their ardent participation in the
ple’s Daily on 25 March emphasizing           fulfill their political goal to rule Tibet    Tibetan elections, is a bulwark that will
sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism and          with a Chinese-controlled Dalai Lama.         thwart any possible interventions in sus-
revamping China’s efforts to recog-           This is based on China’s fallacious be-       taining the future Tibetan movement.
nize the next Dalai Lama. This article,       lief that the Tibet issue would eventually
coming on the heels of China’s annual         dissipate once the current Dalai Lama             Reviving Culture and Religion
gathering of its two major political          passes away. With foresight of such
bodies, the Chinese People’s Political        Chinese designs, His Holiness the Dalai       Following the 7th Tibet Work Forum last
Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and           Lama has already taken proactive steps        year, China has intensified its concerted
the National People’s Congress (NPC)          to overcome these challenges to ensure        efforts to homogenize the diverse ethnic
from 4 - 11 March, signal China’s con-        the continued solidarity and unity of the     and cultural nationalities into a mono-
stant attention on the issue of Dalai         Tibetan people. Aware of the importance       lithic communist nation. To achieve this,
Lama succession and paints a poten-           of educating the youth, His Holiness          China has enacted a number of draconi-
tially gloomy picture ahead for Tibetans.     has set up a number of separate Tibetan       an laws hidden behind ambiguous terms
                                              schools to maintain Tibetan culture and       like ethnic unity and social harmony.
Another article that also focused on the      language in exile. He also reestablished      Although these laws seem reasonable
same issue appeared in Bloomberg on           most of the major Tibetan monasteries in      on surface, it’s all directed towards com-
15 April by Sudhir Ranjan Sen. This           exile to preserve Tibetan Buddhism from       pletely annihilating the Tibetan identity.
article discussed how various countries       the onslaught of Chinese Communists
are vying with each other over the next       inside Tibet. However, one of the most        To combat these designs of the Chi-
Dalai Lama. An interesting fact that the      enduring political measures were the          nese government, it is important to
article mentioned was about India’s se-       development of sustainable democratic         maintain the Tibetan freedom struggle
curity officials discussing how New Del-      institutions in exile such as the Central     and preserve the unique Tibetan iden-
hi can influence the choice of the next       Tibetan Administration and strengthen-        tity through a robust democratic culture.
Dalai Lama. Irrespective of the vested        ing of Tibetan political leadership. In       The promotion and preservation of Ti-
interests of the various nations in the is-   the last sixty years, these democratic        betan cultural identity is equally impor-
sue, India does have an important role        institutions have become the vanguard         tant, if not more, than sustaining politi-
to play over the matter. Following his        of the Tibetan movement. According to         cal strength to outlive CCP’s design to
escape from Chinese forces, His Holi-         tibet.net, the recent Tibetan general elec-   completely obliterate the Tibetan nation.
ness the Dalai Lama has spent the ma-         tion saw over 83000 Tibetans exercise
jority of his lifetime in India under the     their franchise to elect the leadership of                             Jamphel Shonu
benevolence and hospitality of the In-        these democratic institutions. Increasing                                      Editor

MARCH - APRIL2021                                                                                          TIBETAN BULLETIN         3
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

Tibetans in Exile Hold                               ers and sisters inside Tibet. By this, we            social media. The post received many
                                                     are sending a message directly to Beijing            likes and comments. In November
  Final Elections for                                that while they do not have democracy                2015, he took to WeChat and shared
                                                     nor grant freedom to Tibetans in Tibet,              videos linked to His Holiness the Dalai
President and Tibetan                                however, under the great leadership of               Lama and Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay.
      Parliament                                     His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we, the Ti-
                                                     betans in exile have been given the gift             As a result, on 16 May 2020, the lo-
                                                     of democracy.”                                       cal authorities detained and inter-
                                                                                                          rogated Tashi Gyal for 15 days, re-
                                                     “A proud day for Tibetans around the                 ported Rights Defenders. The Chinese
                                                     world,” Dr Sangay explained.                         authorities called his actions illegal
                                                                                                          aimed at “splitting the nation” and
                                                        China Jails Tibetan                               “endangering the national security.”
                                                        Nomad for Sharing
                                                                                                          On 12 June, he was officially arrested
    A Tibetan exile casting his ballot for Sikyong
                                                       Tibet-related Content                              and held in custody. On 13 October
                                                                                                          2020, the Golog Prefecture Interme-
     andmembers of the 17th Tibetan Parliament
    at Dharamshala, 11 April 2021. Photo/Tenzin
                                                            on WeChat                                     diate Court sentenced Tashi Gyal to
                     Jigme/CTA                                                                            one year in prison until 30 May 2021.
Tibetan exiles worldwide held the fi-
nal elections for Sikyong (President) of                                                                  The trial was held behind closed doors,
the Central Tibetan Administration and                                                                    and apparently without the knowledge
members of the 17th Tibetan Parliament                                                                    of his family members or friends, a
in Exile on Sunday, 11 April.                                                                             common practice by the Chinese au-
                                                                                                          thorities against Tibetans charged for
Around 83,000 Tibetan exiles scattered                                                                    political acts. Hence, the news of the
across 26 countries participated in the                                                                   51-year-old Tashi Gyal’s sentence got
democratic exercise to elect their politi-                                                                out 10 months after his arrest. At the
                                                         51-year-old Tashi Gyal who faces one-year
cal leaders.                                          imprisonment for sharing Tibet-related informa-     end of the trial, the Chinese authori-
                                                     tion on WeChat is seen standing in a court. Photo/   ties also confiscated his mobile phone.
The two final contestants for the post of                         wqw2010.blogpost.com
Sikyong were Penpa Tsering and Kel-                  A Tibetan nomad has been sentenced
                                                                                                          Tashi Gyal, born on 24 May 1970, is
sang Dorjee Aukartsang. One of the two               to one year in prison on charges of
                                                                                                          from Machen County, Golog (Ch: Guo-
will take over the executive reins of the            “inciting separatism” and “endan-
                                                                                                          lou) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.
Central Tibetan Administration from the              gering national security” by the Go-
two-term Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay                   log Prefecture Intermediate Court in                  Filmmaker and Music
in late May.                                         Tibet’s traditional Amdo province.
                                                                                                             Scholar Ngawang
As many as 93 candidates were also in                According to a report by a Chinese web-                Choephel Appointed
the run for the 45-seat Tibetan Parlia-              site Rights Defender, Tashi Gyal was
ment-in-Exile for the three traditional              arrested on 30 May 2020 for sharing in-                   TIPA Director
provinces of Tibet, the four schools of              formation related to Tibet including His
Tibetan Buddhism and Bon religion,                   Holiness the Dalai Lama and Dr. Lob-
and the Tibetan communities of North                 sang Sangay, Sikyong of Central Tibetan
America, Europe and Australasia.                     Administration on WeChat in 2015.

The 2021 general election is the third di-           In May and October of 2014, Tashi
rect election of Tibetan leadership since            Gyal reportedly posted four pictures of
the complete devolution of political au-             His Holiness the Dalai Lama on We-
thority by His Holiness the Dalai Lama               Chat and shared them with his friends.
in 2011.                                             Then on 1 January 2015, he had posted
                                                                                                           Ngawang Choephel at the press conference on
                                                     and shared pictures of His Holiness the
                                                                                                                        10 April 2021.
Speaking to reporters after casting his              Dalai Lama and Sikyong Dr. Lobsang
                                                                                                          Noted filmmaker and music scholar Nga-
ballot, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay de-                Sangay. During Tibetan Losar, on 1
                                                                                                          wang Choephel is appointed as the new
scribed Tibetan democratic elections as              March 2015, he posted pictures of the
                                                                                                          Director of Tibetan Institute of Perform-
a proud day for Tibetans worldwide. He               Tibetan national flag and called for the
                                                                                                          ing Arts (TIPA), the premier institution
said: “The Tibetan democracy-in-exile                return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
                                                                                                          of Tibetan cultural and performing arts
reflects the true aspirations of our broth-          to Tibet and Tibet’s independence on
                                                                                                          based in exile. The announcement was
4      TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                                         MARCH - APRIL 2021
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

made by Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay at         betans inside Tibet, Panchen Lama is a          such as torture, arbitrary detentions,
a press conference held on Saturday, 10      very very important religious figure but        corruption of the judiciary and elec-
April, at the Lhakpa Tsering Memorial        they are denied this basic right to be with     tions, lack of freedom of association/as-
hall of the Department of Information        you, to seek his blessings, and to receive      sembly/movement/religion, censorship,
and International Relations (DIIR).          teachings from him. Six million Tibet-          forced sterilization, and violence against
                                             ans would like to be with him, to feel          indigenous peoples. The forced disap-
Dr Lobsang Sangay who is the Chair-          him, and to be blessed by him.                  pearance of Gedhun Choekyi Nyima
man of the institute’s governing body                                                        (11th Panchen Lama), Derung Tsering
joined the press conference virtually.       The abduction and disappearance of              Dhundrup (a Tibetan scholar), and Gen
This is in accordance to the health de-      Gedhun Choekyi Nyima is a denial and            Sonam (a senior manager of the Potala
partment’s Covid-19 safety measures          a violation of basic human rights. I de-        Palace) was highlighted. The Tibet sec-
as he has just returned to Dharamshala       mand and urge the United Nations, hu-           tion also mentions the Chinese Com-
from a nationwide farewell tour. Tsering     man rights rapporteurs, and journalists         munist Party’s forced labor program for
Choezom (Ms) and Ngawang Choephel            all over the world to write about him;          approximately 500,000 rural Tibetans,
(Mr), the incumbent and new Director         go to Tibet and ask the Chinese govern-         which was noted last September.
of the institute respectively, joined the    ment for his immediate release so that he
press conference in person.                  could enjoy basic human rights like any         In the Country Reports on Human
                                             other human being.                              Rights Practices’s China section, the
Sikyong in his felicitation of the new Di-                                                   report affirms the Trump Administra-
rector Ngawang Choephel described him        Till then, Tibetans all over the world          tion’s assertion that the Chinese Com-
as an extremely well-qualified appointee     particularly inside Tibet will be with the      munist Party is conducting genocide:
who is a graduate of the Tibetan Institute   11th Panchen Lama. We will work in              “Genocide and crimes against humanity
of Performing Arts in Dharamsala, with       solidarity till he is released, till he could   occurred during the year against the pre-
years of music teaching expertise in Ti-     practice his spiritual duties, till he could    dominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other
betan schools and specialization in film     be the leader that he should be.                ethnic and religious minority groups in
studies and international music from                                                         Xinjiang. These crimes were continuing
the Middlebury College in the United
                                               State Department’s                            and include the arbitrary imprisonment
                                                                                             or other severe deprivation of physical
  Sikyong Appeals for                         ‘Country Reports on                            liberty of more than one million civil-
                                                                                             ians; forced sterilization, coerced abor-
 Immediate Release of                        Human Rights Practic-                           tions, and more restrictive application
 Panchen Lama on his                         es’ Refuses to Describe                         of China’s birth control policies; rape;
                                                                                             torture of a large number of those ar-
     32nd Birthday                            Tibet as “Inalienable                          bitrarily detained; forced labor; and the
Renewing calls for the release of Pan-            Part of China”                             imposition of draconian restrictions on
                                                                                             freedom of religion or belief, freedom of
chen Lama on his birthday that is            The US State Department published its
marked, once again, in absentia, Presi-                                                      expression, and freedom of movement.”
                                             annual “Country Reports on Human
dent of the Central Tibetan Administra-      Rights Practices” report on 30 March.
tion Dr. Lobsang Sangay demanded that                                                        The Biden Administration’s report high-
                                             Organized by the Bureau of Democracy,           lights the concerning mass surveillance
China immediately free him and allow         Human Rights, and Labor, this year’s re-
him to return to his monastery, Tashi                                                        of Tibetans, Uyghurs, dissidents, and
                                             port includes over 50,000 words detail-         religiously affiliated peoples by China’s
Lhunpo in Shigatse, Tibet and assume         ing the US’s assessment of the deterio-
his vital role as Tibet’s second-ranking                                                     Ministry of Public Security. The China
                                             rating human rights in China.                   section details how the Chinese govern-
religious leader.
                                                                                             ment installed surveillance cameras in
                                             This year’s report marks a victory for          monasteries in the Tibetan Autonomous
“On behalf of Tibetans all over the          Tibetans, for the report’s Tibet section
world, I want to wish Panchen Ged-                                                           Region and Tibetan areas, which would
                                             does not describe Tibet as an “inalien-         allow the CCP to cut communication
hun Choekyi Nyima, a very very happy         able part of China”—a departure from
birthday.                                                                                    systems during “major security inci-
                                             past reports. This symbolic yet impor-          dents.” The report cites Human Right
                                             tant gesture has been repeatedly cam-           Watch’s findings that the Ministry of
Normally on anyone’s birthday, your          paigned by the Central Tibetan Admin-
siblings join you, your friends come to-                                                     Public Security has been partnering with
                                             istration, and this change was welcomed         technology companies to create “mass
gether, your neighbours surround you         by the Office of Tibet-DC.
and your parents bless you but sadly for                                                     automated voice recognition and moni-
26 long years, this basic right is denied                                                    toring system,” systems that were creat-
                                             Reminiscent of past briefings, by the           ed to help the Chinese government more
to Panchen lama. Tibetans all over the       CTA and others, the report details the
world, particularly for six million Ti-                                                      easily understand Tibetan and Uyghur
                                             ongoing human rights issues in Tibet,           languages. Fingerprints and DNA pro-
   MARCH - APRIL 2021                                                                                       TIBETAN BULLETIN         5
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

files and other biometric data were also       Officials from the “Tibet Autono-             Budapest Deputy
being stored by the Ministry of Public         mous Region” (TAR) had detained the
Security—this practice is implemented          45-year-old monk from Chengdu, Sich-        Mayor Protests Chinese
for all Uyghurs applying for passports.        uan Province on 26 October 2020. The
                                               news of Go Sherab Gyatso’s arbitrary
                                                                                            Defense Minister’s
The report addresses the racist discrimi-      detention surfaced after five months,          Visit by Raising
natory practices that deprive Tibetans,        as his near ones waited in hope for his
Mongolians, Uyghurs, and other ethnic          quick release. However, there has been      Tibetan National Flag
minority groups of their fair right to lan-    no progress or news about Go Sherab         In protest against the visit of China’s
guage, education, and jobs. The report         Gyatso’s well-being and whereabouts,        Defense Minister, the deputy mayor of
details how Han Chinese benefit from           raising concerns for many over his con-     Budapest’s district I Ference Garencsér
these racist policies, “Government de-         dition in detention.                        hoisted Tibetan National flags on the
velopment programs and job provisions                                                      district town hall on 24 March.
disrupted traditional living patterns of       According to some news reports, Go
minority groups and in some cases in-          Sherab Gyatso was detained by the se-       During the visit of China’s Defense
cluded the forced relocation of persons        curity personnel from TAR, although he      Minister Wei Fenghe, Tibetan National
and the forced settlement of nomads.           is a resident of Ngaba Prefecture.          flags and a protest banner calling for
Han Chinese benefited disproportion-                                                       justice for people suffering under the
ately from government programs and             Sherab Gyatso was born on 9 September       Chinese Communist regime, including
economic growth in minority areas. As          1976 in Khashul (Ch: Kaxiu) village in      people of the Uyghur Muslim communi-
part of its emphasis on building a ‘har-       Ngaba. He became a monk at Kirti Mon-       ty, were placed on Budapest’s I. district
monious society’ and maintaining social        astery at a young age and later continued   town hall.
stability, the government downplayed           his studies in Drepung and Sera Monas-
racism and institutional discrimination        teries in Tibet’s capital, Lhasa.           Expressing disappointment over the
against minorities and cracked down on                                                     Hungarian government move in wel-
peaceful expressions of ethnic culture         According to International Campaign         coming the member of the Communist
and religion.” The State Department            for Tibet, Go Sherab Gyatso has pub-        regime of China, he said there must be
report mentions how Chinese officials          lished several books on Tibetan Bud-        “red lines” for country including the
restrict NGOs that provide assistance to       dhist philosophy, tradition, and culture.   members of the European Union while
Tibetans as well.                              These include commentaries on the           “befriending” with a communist coun-
                                                                                           try. No country can afford to overlook
      Eminent Tibetan                          autobiography of the Tibetan Buddhist
                                               master Tsongkhapa, Sakya Pandita’s          the violations of human rights commit-
    Scholar and Writer Go                      book of advice, and Gedun Choephel’s        ted by China. In order to raise awareness
                                               “The Golden Surface.” He has also writ-     and in protest against the Hungarian
    Sherab Gyatso Held in                      ten critiques about the Tibetan monastic    government “befriending” China, which
      Incommunicado                            education system, calling for the open-     constantly violate human rights, Tibetan
                                                                                           flags and banner were placed on the dis-
                                               ing up of the monastic community’s ex-
          Detention                            posure.                                     trict town hall located in the vicinity of
                                                                                           the Prime Minister Office of Hungary,
                                               Prior to his October 2020 detention, his    explained Deputy mayor of Budapest.
                                               advocacy work for academic freedom in       Deputy mayor Ference Garencsér vis-
                                               the monastic education settings resulted    ited Dharamshala in 2013. Tibetan cul-
                                               in his multiple detention and imprison-     ture, history and suffering under com-
                                               ment as well as a forced exile from his     munist China have made his solidarity
                                               monastery. In an interview with a Tibet     and sympathy stronger, he said.
                                               University student, he states that he un-
                                               derwent “reform through labor” sessions     Despite indifferent attitude by Hungar-
                                               from 30 March 1998 to 30 November           ian government over violations of hu-
    Go Sherab Gyatso. Image sourced from VOA   2001. Then in 2008, he was arrested and     man rights by China and restrictive mea-
                                               imprisoned in Lhasa for a year around       sures in staging political protest against
Chinese authorities have detained an                                                       China, Namgyal, a Tibetan resident of
                                               the time of the mass protests across Ti-
eminent Tibetan Buddhist scholar and                                                       Budapest, commemorated Tibetan Na-
writer Go Sherab Gyatso, also known as                                                     tional Uprising day, in front of Chinese
Gosher, a monk from Ngaba in Tibet’s                                                       Embassy, this year. Similarly, Shambala
                                               In 2011, a report of his arrest surfaced
traditional Amdo Province, incorporated                                                    Tibet Center in Budapest marked the
                                               after a monk of Kirti monastery staged a
into China’s Sichuan Province. The rea-                                                    Tibetan National Uprising Day by orga-
                                               self-immolation protest in Ngaba.
son for his detention is not known at this                                                 nizing Tibet related book reading in the
time.                                                                                      Center.
6      TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                         MARCH - APRIL 2021
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

   China Arrests Two                         Tibetan opposed to flying the Chinese             ing countries from Tibet, to Pakistan,
                                             flag are considered as “splittist” and            Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Malaysia,
  Tibetan Students for                       “threatening national unity” and are met          Indonesia and Sri Lanka comes as no
                                             with unlawful sentences.                          surprise, adding “President Xi Jinping
 Self-designed Football
                                                Sikyong Releases                               has declared socialism with Chinese
  Team Flag and Logo                                                                           characteristics as the vision for China
                                             Human Rights Report                               and the whole world and China’s dream
Chinese authorities in Tsolho (Ch: Hain-
an) in the traditional Amdo province of      of Seven Neighbouring                             is another of his vision based on which
                                                                                               they want to ideologically dominate the
Tibet have charged two Tibetan students
for “inciting separatism” for displaying
                                                Countries of India                             world, specifically on human rights.”
a self-made flag and logo during a foot-
                                                                                               “If you look at the 15 UN agencies, 5
ball match and sharing pictures on social
                                                                                               are headed by Chinese officials because
                                                                                               China happens to be the second-largest
                                                                                               donor to the UN after America by which
Jampa Tsering and Dugkar Tsering were
                                                                                               they can appoint their personnel. China
accused of publicly displaying the “ille-
                                                                                               also happens to be the largest borrower
gal flag and logo” of the football team at
                                                                                               of the World Bank, at least 2 years ago.
the 6th “Holy Lake Cup” football match
                                                                                               They get a loan at a low-interest rate
in Chabcha (Ch: Gonghe) County, in the
                                                                                               from the World Bank, more than a bil-
so-called Tsolho Tibetan Autonomous          Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay along with legal and
                                              human rights experts at the Centre for Democ-    lion or two and they donate 100 million
Prefecture, in Qinghai province. The
                                             racy, Pluralism and Human Rights report launch.   dollars to the UN and they can appoint
two were also charged for sharing “il-                 Photo/Tenzin Wangchuk/CTA               their personnel,” he said explaining how
legal pictures” of the flag and logo on      Dr Lobsang Sangay, Sikyong of the                 China manoeuvres its UN membership
social media platform QQ, which the          Central Tibetan Administration, released          status to redefine human rights and re-
court referred to as an act of “subvert-     a human rights report published by the            structure the UN body.
ing national unity”. Tibetan Centre for
Human Rights and Democracy reported
                                             New Delhi-based Centre for Democra-
                                             cy, Pluralism and Human Rights at the
                                                                                               His Holiness the Dalai
that “photos and videos from the event       Constitution Club of India in Delhi on            Lama Receives Second
were shared on their WeChat Moments          Friday, 2 April.
that were seen by many local Tibetan                                                            Dose of Vaccination
netizens”, which the authorities main-       The Centre for Democracy, Pluralism               Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness
tained created “a bad political impact”.     and Human Rights consists of a robust             the Dalai Lama has received the second
                                             team consisting of university academics,          dose of Covid-19 vaccination at his resi-
According to the source of the news, a       legal experts, community volunteers in-           dence in Mcleod Ganj on Monday, 26
Chinese rights group, on 3 August 2020,      volved in promoting and advocating for            April. The vaccine was administered by
the Hainan Prefecture Intermediate           human rights, basic freedom, equality,            a medical team of Tibetan Delek hospital
Court sentenced Jampa Tsering to one         justice and dignity to all irrespective of        led by Dr Tseten Dorjee, personal physi-
year and six months in prison, suspend-      gender, religion, class or caste.                 cian to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
ed for two years under probation, and
one-year deprivation of political rights,    Experts from the field of legal and hu-           According to Tseten Samdup Chhoeky-
while Dugkar Tsering was exempted            man rights led by Chief Guest, Dr Lob-            apa, Secretary at the Office of His
from criminal punishment as it was his       sang Sangay, President of the Central Ti-         Holiness the Dalai Lama (OHHDL),
first offence.                               betan Administration, Guests of Honour,           the entire staff and security detail of
                                             Justice K.G. Balakrishnan Former Chief            His Holiness, including those living
The details on the exact design of the       Justice of India Former Chairperson,              in the residence, also got vaccinated.
flag and logo are not known but it is sus-   NHRC of India, Prof. Paramjit Singh
pected that they could be linked to the      Jaswal VC, SRM University, Sonepat                His Holiness had taken the first dose of
Tibetan national flag banned in Tibet.       Former VC, RG National University of              the vaccination on 6 March at the local
Tibetans in the past have been criminal-     Law, Punjab, Dr Prerna Malhotra Presi-            government hospital in Dharamshala in
ized and sentenced in connection to the      dent, CDPHR, Dr Ravindra Gupta Prin-              a bid to bolster public confidence in the
Tibetan national flag. While China has       cipal, PGDAV College, Delhi Univer-               vaccine. Taking the jab, His Holiness
made possessing, let alone hoisting, the     sity, Adv. Sandeep Mahapatra Trustee,             encouraged everyone to get the vac-
Tibetan national flag illegal in Tibet, as   CDPHR were present at the launch.                 cine, describing it as “something help-
part of the “Chinese flag flying cam-                                                          ful” for the greater good of humanity.
paign”, the Chinese authorities have reg-    Speaking as the chief guest of the cer-
ulated laws mandating every Tibetans to                                                                For detailed news visit:
                                             emony, Dr Sangay noted how China’s
fly the Chinese flag on their house. Any     presence in most of the neighbour-                          www.tibet.net
   MARCH - APRIL 2021                                                                                         TIBETAN BULLETIN        7
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

16th Tibetan Parliament                              Representative Karma Singey for Aus-        the Tibetan language has been replaced
                                                     tralia, New Zealand and South East          by Mandarin and the self-reliant nomad-
Approves CTA Budget                                  Asia, formally took charge from the out-    ic way of life is destroyed in the name
                                                     going Representative Lhakpa Tshoko in       of poverty alleviation. For these reasons,
 for Fiscal Year 2021-22                             a ceremony on 14 April.                     since 2009, over 155 Tibetans in Tibet
The 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile                                                             have resorted to self-immolation pro-
held its 10th session from 15 to 27 March.           Kasur Chope Tsering bore witness to the     tests, calling for freedom and the return
                                                     handing-taking over of the Represen-        of the Dalai Lama.
The main agendas for the session inl-
cuded the discussion and approval of
                                                     tatives in person. Similarly, Secretary         OOT Canberra
                                                     Karma Choeying of the Department of
the Centeral Tibetan Administration’s                Information and International Relations     Releases Book to Hon-
annual budget followed by Kashag’s                   was witness to the handing taking over
clarification and discussion, review-                ceremony virtually.
                                                                                                 our Australian Govern-
ing of the annual audit report, and
discussions and deliberations on the
                                                                                                    ment and People
                                                     The brief ceremony was attended by
activitities of the CTA departments.                 other Board members of the Tibet Infor-
                                                     mation office as well.
The 12-day session approved a budget
of 2,698.13 million rupees for the fiscal            Representatives and members of various
year 2021-22, of which political cam-                Tibetan community leaders greeted the
paigning received maximum allocation                 outgoing and the new Representative by
of 637.78 million rupees, followed by                offering them traditional scarves.
education with 602.32 million rupees.                                                            Representative Mr Lhakpa Tshoko presenting the
                                                                                                  book to Senator Kimberley Kitching from the
                                                     Representative Karma Singey was the                     Australian Labour Party.
Similarly, 590.23 million rupees was                 former Secretary of the Department of       The Office of Tibet Australia, released a
approved for administrative expenses,                Education while outgoing Representa-        book titled ‘Growing the Tibetan Iden-
506.98 million rupees for welfare ser-               tive Lhakpa Tshoko has been appointed       tity in Australia – Thank You Australia’
vices, 235.41 million rupees for health              the new Secretary of the Department of      to acknowledge and express gratitude to
care services, 62.21 million for leg-                Religion and Culture, Central Tibetan       the government and people of Australia
islature purposes and 60.57 million                  Administration.                             for their generous help towards Tibetan
rupees approved for the preservation
and promotion of religion and culture.               Bring China to Account                      people.

The 10th session also saw the re-
                                                        to End Repressive                        The book covers all the major events
                                                                                                 related to Tibet in Australia and New
placement of the Tibetan Supreme                      Policies in Tibet: UN                      Zealand that has happened in the past
Justice Commission’s Chief Justice                   At the 46th session of the UN Human         60 years, starting from His Holiness the
Commissioner      and the two other                  Rights Council, Kalden Tsomo, UN            Dalai Lama’s visits to Australia and the
chief justices following a floor test.               Advocacy Officer at the Tibet Bureau        formation of the Australian All-party
                                                     Geneva, expressed concerns over dete-       Parliamentary Group for Tibet, to Pan-
The Parliament decided to hold an addi-              riorating human rights situations in Ti-    chen Rinpoche’s historic visit to Austra-
tional session in May before adjourning              bet, in particular, “a double lockdown”     lia in 1986.
on 27 March.                                         repressive situation since the outbreak
Secretary Karma Singey                               of Wuhan originated COVID-19. She           The book was published as part of Thank
                                                     called upon the UN Human Rights             You Australia campaign launched by the
  Assumes Office as                                  Council to urge China to cease all its      Tibet Information Office under the direc-
   Representative of                                 repressive policies against the Tibetan
                                                     people. Furthermore, she urged China to
                                                                                                 tion of the Central Tibetan Administra-
                                                                                                 tion in 2018. It was edited by Dr Anna
    OOT Canberra                                     give unfettered access to UN experts to     Alomes and Jigmey Passang.
                                                     assess the situation of people suppressed
                                                     by the government of China.                 The book was presented to various Aus-
                                                                                                 tralian Members of Parliament along
                                                     While giving an overview of the “lock-      with a copy of the US Tibetan Policy
                                                     down” situation of Tibetan people under     and Support Act (TPSA) 2020. Repre-
                                                     China in the past sixty years, she said     sentative Lhakpa Tshoko and Executive
                                                     photos of His Holiness the Dalai Lama       Secretary Lhawang Gyalpo are accom-
                                                     are banned, Tibetan human rights de-        panied by Jigmey Passang, one of the
 Incoming Representative Karma Singey & outgo-       fenders are criminalized and environ-
ing Representative Lhakpa Tshoko with TIO board                                                  editors of the book.
                                                     mentalists are politicized. Furthermore,
8    TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                                   MARCH - APRIL 2021

                                                  For more details visit: www.tibet.net
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

  Statement of the President of the Central Tibetan Administration on the
         62nd Anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising Day
                                                                                              In its annual report last year, the US
                                                                                              Congressional-Executive Commission
                                                                                              on China (US CECC), reported worsen-
                                                                                              ing human rights and religious freedom
                                                                                              in China. It expressed concern over the
                                                                                              Chinese government’s sinicizing of Ti-
                                                                                              betan identity and over the widespread
                                                                                              arbitrary arrests of Tibetans. In fact,
                                                                                              China’s State Administration of Reli-
                                                                                              gious Affairs last month produced an
                                                                                              order titled “The Administrative Mea-
                                                                                              sures for Religious Personnel,” which
                                                                                              aims to enforce new strictures on re-
                                                                                              ligious gathering, teachings, and reli-
                                                                                              gious activities. The new order set to be
                                                                                              enforced from May 2021 also aims to
                                                                                              eradicate perceived ‘foreign influence.’

                                                                                              One crucial example of the Chinese
                Sikyong addressing the 62nd anniversary of Tibetan Uprising Day.
                                                                                              government’s blatant disregard and in-
Sixty-two years ago, on this day, thou-           lives in the past six decades under Chi-    trusion on the Tibetan people’s religious
sands of Tibetans in Lhasa rose in unison         nese rule. Today, we have come to-          freedom is found in the story of Gendhun
to protest against the rule of communist          gether to collectively mourn this loss.     Choekyi Nyima, the 11th Panchen Lama.
China. The Central Tibetan Administra-            But we are also here to mark the un-        This May will mark the 26th year since
tion remembers and honors the courage             daunted resilience of Tibetans in Tibet.    the abduction and forced disappearance
and spirit of the martyrs. We remem-              Even under the threat of losing their       of Gendhun Choekyi Nyima, his fam-
ber too, Tibetans in Tibet who remain             lives, they continue to protest by pro-     ily and Chadrel Rinpoche, the former
in the clutches of tyranny. Our prayers           tecting and preserving our language,        abbot of the Tashi Lhunpo monastery.
and thoughts are with them and we con-            our religion, our land, and our identity.
tinue to stand in solidarity with them.                                                       For years, the UN Committee on the
                                                  On 19th January this year, 19-year old      Rights of Child and the Working Group
On 10th March 1959, His Holiness the              Tenzin Nyima, a monk from Dza Won-          on Enforced or Involuntary Disap-
14th Dalai Lama was invited to a the-             po monastery in Karze prefecture died       pearances, international organizations,
atrical performance at the Chinese army           of injuries sustained in prison. He had     parliaments and governments, and Ti-
headquarters in Lhasa. A day before the           been brutally tortured. What was his        bet supporters worldwide have passed
event, His Holiness was asked to attend           crime? He had participated in a peace-      resolutions and reports seeking in-
the event unaccompanied by his guards.            ful protest. We cannot help but think       formation and the release of the 11th
When this information reached the                 about the fate of other young monks         Panchen Lama. A month-long global
people, thousands of Tibetans formed              and laypeople who were at the same          advocacy campaign was launched by
a human chain around the Norbulingka              protest in November 2019 and who            the Central Tibetan Administration
palace to protect His Holiness. Seven             were also detained and imprisoned.          through the Offices of Tibet in 2020.
days later, shells of the two mortars fired                                                   We remain steadfast in our advocacy for
from a nearby Chinese army camp fell              Barely a month after the death of Ten-      the release of the 11th Panchen Lama.
outside the palace’s northern gate, and           zin Nyima, another Tibetan political
His Holiness was forced to leave that             prisoner, Kunchok Jinpa, a 51-year-         Despite these joint concerted efforts,
very night. In the early hours of the             old tour guide from Chagtse town-           China continues to parrot lies justifying
20th March, mortars and gun fire rained           ship in Driru county, died of injuries      the abduction of a six-year-old and his
down on the Tibetan people and in the             inflicted while in prison. He had been      enforced disappearance. If there is any
following days thousands were massa-              serving a 21-years sentence in prison       truth to the Chinese government’s deni-
cred. These acts further confirmed that           since 2013 for his alleged role in shar-    als of abduction and harm to the Panchen
China, who had positioned itself as a             ing the news of local environmental         Lama, it must be able to provide evidence
“liberator” since invading Tibet in 1949          and other protests in his region to for-    through recent authenticable photo and
was, in fact, the colonizing oppressor.           eign news outlets. The tragic stories of    video of the 11th Panchen Lama along
                                                  Tenzin Nyima and Kunchok Jinpa help         with his family and Chadrel Rinpoche.
Over a million Tibetans have lost their           illustrate the gruesome reality of Tibet.
MARCH - APRIL 2021                                                                                           TIBETAN BULLETIN        9
BulletiN - Central Tibetan Administration

Censorship and surveillance in Tibet          Shurmo is one of 155 Tibetans who have        Lama and other Tibetan Buddhist lead-
have reached unprecedented levels fur-        self-immolated since 2009. 133 Tibetans       ers are religious matters and all decisions
ther escalating the violation of the Tibet-   have died following their protests. The       pertaining to reincarnations rest solely
an people’s fundamental rights. On 24th       stranglehold of Chinese rule in Tibet has     on the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan people
December 2020, authorities in the so-         driven Tibetans inside Tibet to resort to     and the Tibetan Buddhist community. It
called Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR)          extreme measures to voice their resent-       further warns of sanctions against any
announced criminal prosecutions against       ments against the policies and practices      Chinese authorities who interfere in
individuals who use online communica-         that threaten Tibetan identity, religion,     this matter. The bill formally acknowl-
tion tools to “split the country” and “un-    and culture. Even as they were engulfed       edges the Central Tibetan Administra-
dermine national unity”, which will fur-      in flames, they called for the freedom        tion and recognizes the significance of
ther aid the government in its persecution.   for the Tibetan people and the rightful       the Tibet’s environment and its plateaus.
                                              return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
It is not surprising that China has been      to Tibet. The reality in Tibet is reflected   We thank the United States govern-
listed as the worst internet abuser in the    in the Freedom House’s annual report          ment, Congress and the Senate, and
world in Freedom House’s 2020 report          of 2021, which lists Tibet as the least       especially the bill’s sponsors and co-
on Internet freedom. Similarly, China         free region in the world alongside Syria.     sponsors. We also thank all the orga-
is ranked at the near bottom at 177th                                                       nizations and individuals who sup-
in the 2020 World Press Freedom In-           Today, China’s tentacles have reached         ported in the swift passage of the bill.
dex, compiled by Reporters Without            beyond Tibet by using its growing
Borders (RSF). Every year the Index           economic clout to jeopardize global           We are grateful to the US Secretary
evaluates the situation for journalists       democracy. According to Freedom               of State Anthony Blinken for assur-
working in 180 countries and territories.     House, China conducts the most so-            ing a speedy appointment of the US
                                              phisticated, global, and comprehensive        Special Coordinator for Tibet Issues.
Last December, a 30-year-old Ti-              campaign of transnational repression in       We also urge the Biden Administra-
betan nomad Lhundup Dorjee from               the world.” It highlights the CCP’s ef-       tion for swift appointment of the US
Machin Golog Prefecture was sen-              forts to control and pressure Chinese         Special Coordinator and also for the
tenced to one-year imprisonment for           citizens, political dissidents and mi-        further implementations of key legis-
posting a video of His Holiness’ teach-       nority communities such as Tibetans,          lations such as the Reciprocal Access
ing on Weibo, a micro blogging site.          Uighurs and Hong Kong beyond its              to Tibet Act 2018 and TPSA 2020.
                                              borders. The democracies around the
Heavily fortified in a digital cage, it       globe must come together to thwart            The US CECC has recommended the US
is near impossible to get information         such assaults on global democracy.            Congress and the US Administration to
out of Tibet. This past January, we re-                                                     urge the Chinese government to “cease
ceived news of the self-immolation            On 27th December 2020, then President         treating the Dalai Lama as a security
protest by 26-year-old Shurmo from            of the United States signed into law the      threat” and resume dialogue with the en-
Driru Shagchukha village, five years          Tibetan Policy and Support Act 2020           voys of His Holiness without any precon-
after the event. This sheds light on the      (TPSA). The TPSA significantly updates        ditions. My administration is committed
extent of information control and sur-        US policy and support for Tibet. It firmly    to the Middle Way Approach in seek-
veillance being carried out in Tibet.         asserts that the reincarnation of the Dalai   ing genuine autonomy for all of Tibet.

      His Holiness the Dalai Lama Expresses Condolences Over Taiwan Train Crash

     His Holiness the Dalai Lama has written to Ms. Tsai Ing-wen, President of Taiwan, to express his deep
     sadness on seeing reports of the tragic train crash on 2 April near Hualien.

     “I would like to offer my condolences to Your Excellency,” he wrote “and to those families who have
     lost loved ones as well as others affected by this most unfortunate accident.”

     “The Taiwanese people have long been close to my heart. When incidents like this occur, it is as if a
     calamity has befallen us all.”

10   TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                             MARCH - APRIL 2021

We stand united with our brothers and        Statement of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on
sisters in Tibet, especially with the po-
litical prisoners who remain resolute de-    the Commemoration of the 62nd Anniversary of
spite the inhumane treatment and torture
they suffer in Chinese prisons. We wel-
                                                     Tibetan National Uprising Day
come the recent news of the release of
Tibetan language advocate Tashi Wang-
chuk after a five-year sentence. We call
on the Chinese government to release
all the political prisoners of conscience,
including the 11th Panchen Lama.

As we move to the final round of elec-
tions for the Sikyong and the 17th Parlia-
ment, we urge responsible participation,
especially on social media. We enjoy
the benefits of the democracy bestowed
upon us by our great leader, and we must
exercise this right responsibly. We must
remember to honor the hopes and aspira-
tions of our people in Tibet. We can do so
by strengthening our democracy in exile
and our cause for freedom and justice.
                                              Speaker Pema Jungney delivers 10th March statement of Tibetan Parliament in Exile, 10 March 2021.
We bow in obeisance to His Holiness                                              Photo | Tenzin Jigme | CTA
whose tireless efforts have led to global
                                             Today, the 10th of March 2021, marks               that, during the rule of His Holiness the
support for the Tibet cause and the es-
                                             the completion of 62 years since the Ti-           13th Dalai Lama, Tibet signed a series
tablishment of a resilient Tibetan ad-
                                             betan people revolted against the brutal           of treaties with several countries of the
ministration and community in exile.
                                             imposition of occupation power by the              world as an equal party. What these and
                                             communist Chinese enemy. It was in or-             other evidences show is that the long
My Administration has worked towards
                                             der to be able to regain our freedom that          history of Tibet’s status as an indepen-
furthering our cause and carrying the
                                             the Tibetan people staged a mass upris-            dent country under customary and other
voices of Tibetans in Tibet to the world.
                                             ing on that day. Therefore this is a mo-           aspects of international law can never
At the same time, we have directed our
                                             mentous day worthy of being commem-                be erased by anyone. Nor can anyone
efforts to further the welfare of the Ti-
                                             orated with the solemnity the occasion             cover up the geographical reality of Ti-
betan diaspora. It has been an honor, and
                                             deserves. What we all need to remember             bet’s historical status as an independent
we thank all of you for your support.
                                             and, at the same time, bear in mind, is            country. Even so, ever since they took
                                             our common knowledge that for thou-                political control of the entire territory
Our continued struggle for freedom
                                             sands of years Tibet as a nation was a             of China, the communist Chinese enter-
would not be possible without the sup-
                                             self-governing, independent entity from            tained utterly shameless and viciously
port of our friends from around the
                                             whatever perspective anyone may look               cruel plans to take territories belonging
globe. The Kashag, on behalf of the Ti-
                                             at it. This was so in terms of the outer           to other peoples and put them under their
betans in and outside Tibet, especially
                                             vessel of its geographical configura-              rule. Through the vicissitudes of its his-
thanks the government of India and its
                                             tions that includes its rivers, mountains,         tory, Tibet had a “patron and priest” re-
people for their continued generos-
                                             rocks, snow mountains that encircle it             lationship of diverse kinds and range of
ity and support. We thank leaders, gov-
                                             and so forth. This was also true in terms          closeness with successive emperors of
ernments, parliaments, organizations
                                             of its inner contents mainly of ethnic             China. Making absolutely untrue claims
and individuals who stand for justice,
                                             Tibetan people with Tibetans’ own lan-             about the nature of that relationship, the
equality and freedom and who con-
                                             guage, script, costumes, traditions, reli-         communist Chinese government took to
tinue to support the just cause of Tibet.
                                             gion, and so forth. This is also obvious           keep asserting that Tibet was historically
                                             from the point of view of the fact that for        a part of China. And it has doctored a to-
Lastly, we pray for the long and healthy
                                             over a thousand years Tibet as a country           tally false historical discourse about it. It
life of His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai
                                             was ruled by a succession of kings. It is          was on this basis that from the year 1949
Lama. We pray for the earliest arrival of
                                             also obvious from the history of the suc-          onwards, following its proclamation of
the day when the ray of peace and free-
                                             cession of the reincarnations of His Ho-           the founding of the People’s Republic of
dom will shine upon the Land of Snows.
                                             liness the Dalai Lamas who have con-               China, the communist Chinese govern-
                                             tinued to rule Tibet later on. Apart from          ment launched a succession of territo-
Bhod Gyalo!
MARCH - APRIL 2021                                                                                                TIBETAN BULLETIN            11

rial aggressions against Tibet. Finally,     practice were made targets of criticism       developments. And their pent up feeling
in the Tibetan Iron-Tiger Year in 1950,      and debasement. Religious places and          of anguish from the accumulated chron-
it launched a full-scale invasion of Ti-     people belonging to religious orders          ic affliction from these developments
bet from Chamdo in the east. And in the      were subjected to destruction and plun-       burst forth on the 10th March, 1959.
Tibetan Iron-Rabbit Year in 1951, the        der. Both religious and lay people who        On that day, Tibetans from all strata of
communist Chinese leaders compelled          dared to speak their mind on the Chinese      society in capital Lhasa, being of one
a Tibetan government delegation, whose       invasion were killed or otherwise im-         thought and feeling, rose in an unprec-
members they had kept under a hostage-       prisoned. The general mass of the hap-        edented, spontaneous act of peaceful
like situation, to sign a “17-Point Agree-   less Tibetan public was put to hard la-       protest demonstration against the com-
ment”. This was a document drawn up          bour, as if they were beasts of burden, in    munist Chinese. It was a historic event
entirely by them and contained only          the name of various campaign programs.        whose effect touched the very essence
what the Chinese side wanted to include      By such and numerous other means, the         of its purpose and opened a new chapter
in it.                                       communist government of China sub-            in the history of our Snowland of Tibet.
                                             jected the Tibetan people to multitudes       It is therefore most important that this
Following the signing of this so-called      of inhuman and unimaginable atrocities.       event in the history of our country be
agreement, the communist Chinese lead-       And this remained a continuing state of       remembered for the sacrifices made by
ers sought to charm the Tibetan people       repression in Tibet. In fact, this remains    the patriotic Tibetan men and women of
by claiming in their statements that Ti-     the situation there even today. To sum        outstanding bravery for the sake of Ti-
betans and Chinese were members of           up, throughout the Chinese occupation         betans’ religious heritage and temporal
one big family, and that the Chinese         rule, the Tibetan people remained with-       governance.
people were there only to render service     out even a moment of respite. On the
to the Tibetan people. They sought to        contrary, the Tibetan people at all levels    From that time onwards, the occupy-
reinforce this charm offensive by being      of society were forced to remain in a         ing Chinese government launched a se-
limitless in their spending of money on a    perpetual state of anxiety and insuffer-      ries of campaigns or movements which
number of Tibetan people. By such acts       able anguish. Such was the situation in       included those called “Quelling the
of apparent generosity and numerous          which the government of China took to         Disturbance”, “Democratic Reform”,
other means, the communist Chinese           showing open and outright disdain for         “Class Struggle”, “People’s Commune
leaders set out to win over the Tibetan      Tibetan traditions and habits in general      System”, “Cultural Revolution”, rule by
people. Eventually, however, they un-        and, in particular, on their religious sys-   “Martial Law” and so forth. More than
masked themselves; they bared the            tems and practices. Besides, it continued     one million Tibetan people were killed
ferocity of the dark storm of their true     to plot evil designs that targeted nothing    or caused to die unnaturally under the
face of violent hatred against the Tibetan   less than the personal safety of His Holi-    vagaries of these campaigns and move-
people, untampered by any pretension         ness the Dalai Lama while also schem-         ments. Many thousands of religious
of friendliness. The religiously devoted     ing numerous other stratagems that were       centres were destroyed completely.
monks and nuns were their principal          utterly reprehensible in whatever way         Through such and other campaigns,
targets of hatred. The Buddha and every      one looked at it. The Tibetan people          China subjected the outer vessel of Ti-
individual who engage in any religious       were long aware of and resented these         bet and its inner contents of human and

      His Holiness the Dalai Lama Expresses Condolences on the Passing
                       Away of the Duke of Edinburgh

     Following the announcement of the death of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has
     written to express his condolences to both Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles.

     To the Queen he wrote: “I am sorry to learn the sad news that your husband, H.R.H. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
     has passed away. I will pray for him and offer my condolences to Your Royal Highness and your family at this sad time.

     “As we all remember him, we can rejoice that he lived a meaningful life.”

     In his letter to Prince Charles he declared: “I have written to your mother, Her Majesty the Queen, offering my condo-
     lences at this sad time. As someone who counts you as a dear, respected friend, I would also like to offer my condolences
     to Your Royal Highness and your family.”

     He repeated his appreciation that the Duke lived a full and meaningful life.

12    TIBETAN BULLETIN                                                                                         MARCH - APRIL 2021

natural resources to horrifying degrees       On the 17th of September in 2015, a         put in jail be release as soon as possible
of smashing, looting and destruction.         man named Shurmo who belonged to            without any precondition. We urge that
But more than that, it has remained unre-     Shagkchukha Village in Driru County of      the ongoing evil routine of carrying out
lenting in devising ways and means for        Nagchu Prefecture carried out a protest     torture, persecution and other forms of
its vicious plans to annihilate the very      self-immolation. Chinese police at once     ill-treatment in the prisons in Tibet be
identity of Tibet and its ethnic people by    arrested and rushed him to the local hos-   stopped. Tibetan language activist Tashi
targeting the Tibetan religious heritage,     pital. However, he passed away the same     Wangchuk-la, who was persecuted and
culture, language and so forth. The com-      day. And the sad information about all      jailed for five years, was released on the
munist Chinese government employs             these tragic developments reached the       28th of January this year after complet-
brutal violence to deprive the Tibetan        outside world only towards the end of       ing his sentence. However, even after
people of even the most fundamental of        January 2021. What this reveals with        he was released, it remains difficult to
their human rights and freedoms. The          unmistakable clarity is that the govern-    know what his health situation is and
life of the Tibetan people under such a       ment of China applies such tight control    whether he is free to move about and
policy of relentless atrocity has resem-      on the movement and activities of the       act as he likes. Hence we wish to call
bled that of enduring hell on earth, and      Tibetan people under its brutal policy of   on the government of China to allow
it is a situation which continues to this     violent repression in Tibet that informa-   Tashi Wangchuk-la to fully enjoy his
day. It is a situation of persecution and     tion about what is going on there rarely    basic human rights without any precon-
torture with no end in sight. This sinister   reach the outside world.                    dition. During the period he was previ-
move to Sinicize Tibet and its people has                                                 ously under detention before trial, Tashi
today reached such critical juncture as to    It is a fact all too well known to every-   Wangchuk-la was subjected to beating
warrant a most urgent intervention.           one that it is the desire of His Holiness   and torture. We therefore urge that those
                                              the Dalai Lama and the resolute posi-       who were responsible as leaders in those
The policy of violent repression fol-         tion of the Central Tibetan Administra-     incidents be investigated without being
lowed by the communist Chinese gov-           tion that we should strongly adhere to      left untouched with impunity. Likewise,
ernment in Tibet has long been impos-         the Middle Way Policy and strive to         we intend to strongly press the govern-
sible for the Tibetan people to live with.    revive the Sino-Tibetan dialogue. Un-       ment of China through the good office
In order to make this explicit in a new       fortunately, while we have continued        of the United Nations Organization to
phase of protests, Tibetans began to car-     to try to reach out, the government of      seek information with regard to the true
ry out self-immolations. Since the year       China has not reciprocated in a proper      current situation of Tibetan political
2009, a total of 155 patriotic Tibetan        manner to our gestures thus far. On the     prisoners and former Tibetan political
men and women have displayed great            contrary, it has continued to maintain      prisoners, notably including the situa-
valour in sacrificing their all, includ-      its policy of inflicting an astonishing     tion of the 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun
ing their precious lives, by carrying out     level of religious destruction, violent     Choekyi Nyima.
protest self-immolations. Even so, many       repression, all manners of obstructions
Tibetans are still being killed under         and so forth in Tibet. Not only that, it
China’s policy of violent repression. For     has trampled on the Tibetan people’s
example, take the case of Tenzin Nyima,       freedom of speech, continued to indis-
also known as Tamey, a monk of Dza            criminately arrest and put them on trial,
Wonpo Monastery in Sershul County             subjected them to ethnic discrimination,    “The foundation of the
of Kardze Prefecture, who was arrested        put a large number of them into mili-
on the 19th of November in 2019. He           tary-style vocational trainings and re-     Buddha’s teachings lies in
died on the 19th of January in 2021 as        education through labour programmes.        compassion, and the reason
a result of torture and merciless beating     It has also carried out numerous other
in prison. The same thing happened to         forms of repression and persecution of      for practicing the teachings
a man named Konchok Jinpa, who was            the Tibetan people in a continuing policy   is to wipe out the persis-
arrested on the 8th of November in 2013       of denying them their human rights or       tence of ego, the number-
from Village No. 5 of Chagtse Township        otherwise trampling on them. We there-
of Driru County in Nagchu Prefecture.         fore appeal to the duty-bound United        one enemy of compassion.”
He died on the 6th of February in 2021,       Nations Organization and its top human
also a victim of torture and merciless        rights body, the Human Rights Council,
beating in prison. Likewise, a 36-year-       to take interest and show a much-needed
old woman named Lhamo-la from Driru           concern for protecting the basic human            - His Holiness the 14th
County in Nagchu Prefecture was also          rights of the Tibetan people. We urge                        Dalai Lama
subjected to indiscriminate beating dur-      them to confront or deal with the gov-
ing interrogations after she was arrested     ernment of China in whatever way it is
with false accusations. As a result, she      appropriate and necessary for this pur-
died in August 2020.                          pose. We urge that the large number of
                                              innocent Tibetan people who have been
MARCH - APRIL 2021                                                                                       TIBETAN BULLETIN         13
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