Page created by Hugh Mcdonald
Newsletter no. 3 (24) 2018							                                                                  issn: 228-3390

                                                                               In this issue:
                                                                              • Estonia Opens Memorial in
                                                                                  Remembrance of Victims of
                                                                              • First Summer Course for Estonian
                                                                                  Dance Teachers Abroad
                                                                              • A Book on Lithuanian-Polish
                                                                              • Reflections of the Worldwide
                                                                                  Estonian Societies Festival “Sajaga
                                                                              • The Order for Merits to Lithuania
                                                                              • Lithuanian and Estonian at IU
                                                                              • Discussion on the Preservation of
                                                                                  Lithuanian Identity Abroad
                                                                              • Ruta Karma was nominated for the
BaltHerNet Conference in Tartu to                                                 Languages Award
celebrate 100 years of the Baltic Republics                                   • National Library of Lithuania at the
and 10 years of our organization                                                  World Lithuanian Events in Vilnius

The conference “New Beginnings of Baltic Diaspora” took place at the
Estonian National Museum in Tartu from June 26-29. The conference              Editor-in-Chief: Piret Noorhani
                                                                               Editor: Kristina Lupp
was organized by the NGO Baltic Heritage Network with the help                 Designer: Kristina Lupp
of partners including the Estonian National Museum, the Estonian               The Baltic Heritage Newsletter is
Literary Museum, Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies, and the             distributed quarterly, on-line. The next
National Archives of Estonia.                                                  deadline for submissions is 15 November
                                                                               2018. Please send all related enquiries
The conference celebrated the 100th birthdays of the Republics of              and submissions to Piret Noorhani:
Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The conference was also an opportunity
to examine the current and past experiences diaspora communities               The Non-Profit Association Baltic Heritage
                                                                               Network was founded in Tartu on January
have had opening and closing archives. The conference covered topics           11, 2008. NPA BaltHerNet was established
such as creating new collections, promoting existing collections,              to foster cooperation between national and
questions regarding preservation and accessibility, as well as oral history    private archives, museums, libraries, and
                                                                               institutions of research, public associations
and family stories, writing memoirs, and the importance of passing             and organizations collecting and studying
history on to following generations. Speakers included academic                the cultural heritage of the Baltic diaspora.
researchers, memory institution specialists, in addition to hard-working       It aims to facilitate the preservation and
                                                                               research of the historically valuable cultural
volunteers, and representatives of diaspora community memory                   property of the Baltic diaspora, as well as
institutions.                                                                  to ensure accessibility of these materials to
                                                                               the public.
A total of 24 presentations were made at the Baltic diaspora gathering,
                                                                               NPA BaltHerNet is also committed to
Greetings were given by Anne-Ly Reimaa, the Head of International              the organising of conferences, seminars
Relations on Integration Issues at the Ministry of Culture, the Director       and workshops, and to developing and
of the Estonian National Museum, Alar Karis, and the President of              administrating the electronic information
                                                                               website Baltic Heritage Network, a
BaltHerNet, Piret Noorhani. The conference was opened by Uppsala               multilingual electronic gateway for
University professor Raimo Raag, whose opening speech focused on the           information on the cultural heritage of the
definitions of “new” and “old” in the context of community. Often the          Baltic diaspora.
development of new communities abroad gives previous generations     
within the community reason to consider the next generation to be              ISSN 2228-3390

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new. Similarly, ethnic groups          heritage of the Baltic University      Kolevinskienė), and research
give refugee communities their         that was active in Hamburg             about emigration through the
own names. The 19th century            and Pinneberg, Germany from            educational programs at the
emigration that took place for         1946 to 1949. The establishment        National Library of Lithuania
agrarian reasons was without a         of the Baltic University was           (Jolanta Budriuniene). The rest of
doubt very different from the          incredibly important, as it was        the presentations examined the
migratory wave that took place         very successful in poor conditions     activities of Estonian diaspora
during and following the Second        providing scholars who had left        in Australia (Inno Salasoo, Maie
World War. Each new wave of            the Baltic countries academic          Barrow, Terry Kass/Jüri Voan),
migration has been accompanied         work and simultaneously                in the United States of America
by the renaming of the previous        providing an academic education        (Ave Marie Blithe) and in Canada
wave. Furthermore, the alteration      to young Balts in DP camps. P.         (Piret Noorhani). Lectures
of terminology is also recognizable    Heikkilä presented a lecture about     focusing on Estonian memory
over time (terms used early on,        questions surrounding committees       institution activities surrounding
such as refugee or displaced           fighting to free Estonia and their     diaspora included: the research
persons, change over time or           activities at their peak during        status of Siberian Estonians (Anu
disappear entirely). Therefore,        the 1950s and 1960s, when the          Korb), the accessibility of film
the diaspora lifestyle can be          relationship between the Estonian      heritage on topics of diaspora
considered cyclical. Proferssor        American National Committee            (Ivi Tomingas), the heritage of
Raag found that it is interesting to   and Committee for a Free Estonia       literary scholar Ivar Ivask (Aija
analyze the conference title with      was complicated, including power       Sakova), the life works of author
“beginnings” plural - was there        struggles and attempts to outdo        and artist Gunnar Neeme (Marin
one similar beginning in the Baltic    each other’s actions. K. Beķere        Laak), and the literary relationship
diaspora or rather many different      introduced questions regarding         between the diaspora and the
ones depending on the ethnic           the legal consistency of Baltic        homeland following the Second
group, destinations, period of         countries since the end of Second      World War (Anneli Mihkelev).
migration, or other reasons related    World War until the restoration        Representative of the “Kogu Me
to the field.                          of national continuity at the          Lugu” (Collecting Our Story)
Presentations by academic              beginning of the 1990s. Although       project Michaela Snopkova and
representatives from abroad            representatives of Baltic countries    Tartu University professor and
included Geert Franzenburg             in the free world could not direct     literary scholar Tiina Ann Kirss
from the University of Münster,        USA politics in the direction of       gave overviews of capturing life
Marcus Velke from the University       the Baltic countries, the activities   stories. Tiina reviewed the status
of Bonn, Jüri Kivimäe who has          of diplomats were important for        of the incredible collaborative
been a longtime professor at           the preservation and recognition       project “Minu elu ja armastus:
the University of Toronto, Pauli       of national continuity.                Eesti Vabariik 100” (My Love
Heikkilä from the University of        This time there were 5 presentations   and Life: Estonia 100). The
Helsinki, and Kristīne Beķere          at the conference about Latvian and    first day ended with Helga
from the Latvian Academy               Lithuanian diaspora. Presentations     Merits’ documentary about the
of Sciences. G. Franzenburg            covered an introduction of research    Geislingen DP camp, which
discussed the process of               done on Siberian Latvians              included children’s interviews and
constructive memory, memory            living in Krasnoyarsk region           a thorough introduction from
codes, and culture identity as         based on the Latvian author            the author. A guided tour of the
a dynamic process that has a           Melanija Vanaga’s work (Liene          Estonian National Museum, the
strong sense of belonging. M.          Salmina), today’s composition          opening of the exhibit “Food: A
Velke spoke about the Baltic           of Lithuanians in the ethnically       Treasury of Estonian Heritage.
community in post-war Bonn,            Latvian settlement in the Šventoji     Businesses and Factories in
focusing on two distinguished          region (Krišs Kapenieks), Latvian      Toronto,” a visit to the National
Baltic exile institutions, the         lecturers at the Baltic University     Archives of Estonia, and the
Baltic Institute for Research and      (Baiba Vanaga), the activities of      opening reception of the exhibit
Development and the Baltic             the Lithuanian Authors’ Society        dedicated to Gunnar Neeme at the
Christian Students Union. J.           in the United States of America        Estonian Literary Museum all fit into
Kivimäe gave an overview of the        in the 1950-1970s (Žydronė             the conference program.

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The conference lectures were
available via livestream for all
those who were curious and soon
they will be available on Youtube
(use the keywords Baltic Heritage
Network to search). The NGO
BaltHerNet Annual General
Meeting also took place during
the conference period and it was
decided that the Chief Archivist of
the Museum of Estonians Abroad,
Piret Noorhani, will continue
as the President of BaltHerNet.
                                       victimised? Communist crimes                         Photo: Kaarel Langemets
The Board of Directors was                                                    grandchildren,” the President of
                                       and European memory” was held
elected: Karin Kiisk (secretary,                                              the Republic said.
                                       in Tallinn.
Estonian National Museum),
Vice-Presidents Kristine Bekere        The memorial commemorating             The opening of the Memorial
(Latvian Academy of Sciences)          Estonia’s victims of communism         was followed by the high-level
and Jolanta Budriuniene                is dedicated to all Estonian people    conference “Utopia unachieved
(Martynas Mažvydas National            who suffered under the terror          despite millions victimised?
Library of Lithuania), Board           inflicted by the Soviet Union. The     Communist crimes and European
Members Maarja Merivoo-Parro           names of over 22,000 people who        memory”, organized by the
(Tallinn University) and Birgit        never returned home are inscribed      Estonian Institute of Historical
Kibal (National Archives of            on the memorial’s name plaques.        Memory, supported by the
Estonia). Two honorary members         They were murdered or died due         Estonian Ministry of Justice
were also elected: David Jacobs        to inhumane living conditions          and the Embassy of Germany to
from the Hoover Institute              in imprisonment or forced              Estonia.
Archives and Andris Ķesteris from      resettlement and the remains of        Richard Overy, the Professor of
the Latvian National Federation in     many of them are in unnamed            History at the University of Exeter
Canada.                                graves in unknown locations.           emphasized in his keynote speech
This conference was the 5th,           At the memorial opening Kersti         that despite that Europe is free
as they have been taking place         Kaljulaid, the President of the        from communist regimes, the
every 3 years since 2006. The next     Republic of Estonia said: “Still,      situation in the world is far from
destination is in Vilnius in 2021.     there are those who justify            peaceful. “Few Europeans seem
You are welcome to join us!            totalitarian ideologies on various     willing to acknowledge that China
                                       pretexts, and say that ideally one     is a single-party authoritarian
Birgit Kibal
                                       or the other is actually noble, only   state that abuses human rights
Estonia opens                          implementation has failed so far.      and denies freedom of expression
30,000 sqm memorial                    But every totalitarian ideology is     or association to around one-
in remembrance                         by its nature an enemy of freedom,     quarter of the world’s population.”
                                       and we know its high price from        Through this example Mr Overy
of victims of                          our own historical experience.”        emphasized the fact that freedom
communism                                                                     can not be taken for granted.
                                       “Democratic countries should
On 23 August, the European Day         stand for the fact that hatred         “Historical memory is critical and
of Remembrance for victims of          will never lead the decisions of       it must be kept alive not only by
all totalitarian and authoritarian     anyone. We need to think about         the dedicated work of scholars
regimes, a 30,000 square meter         maintaining and protecting             who expose the gap between
memorial was opened in Tallinn         democracy and European                 totalitarian rhetoric and the
with more than 22,000 names of         moral values – citizens’ rights        brutal reality, but by wider public
Estonia’s victims of communism.        and freedoms – from all forms          engagement with the memory of
On the same day a high-level           of populism and extremism.             victimhood through programmes
international conference “Utopia       Only then we can be sure about         of education, public events and
unachieved despite millions            the future of our children and         sites of remembrance,” said Mr.

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Overy.                                   human rights against both today’s     living abroad, Estonian cultural
Nikita Petrov, the Vice-Chairman         and future threats that arise from    festivals also take place outside of
of the Board of Memorial`s               hostile ideologies,” Reinsalu said.   Estonia.
Scientific Research Centre (Russia)      The government representatives        From August 15-19, the first
agreed with the necessity of a           of the European Union member          summer course for Estonian folk
common culture of remembrance            states, who were present at           dance teachers abroad organized
in Europe. “It is necessary to           the meeting, also invited the         by the Estonian Dance Festival
create an international court for        governments of other countries to     Museum took place in Kihnu and
communist crimes. To talk widely         express their respect for all those   Pärnu. The goals of the five-day
about those crimes through the           who fell victim to the political      course were to create a functional
education system,” said Mr. Petrov.      terror of the totalitarian regimes    web of communication between
He emphasized that it has to be          with the joint statement. At the      the leaders of Estonian folk dance
remembered that communist                same time, the participants of        groups abroad, pass on skills for
ideologies are based on fear and         the meeting expressed their           the heritage and author’s dances,
violence.                                support for the initiative of the     as well as for organizing festivals,
Among the speakers of the                Estonian government to establish      share experiences, and create
conference were internationally          an international museum for           a plan for collaboration. The
renown people, such as writer and        the victims of communism in           summer school program included
playwright Sofi Oksanen, historian       Tallinn. The representatives of       skill-building tips for the main
and Professor of History at the          the ministries of justice and         patterns of movement in folk
University of Toronto Andres             the ministries of foreign affairs     dancing, how to prepare a group,
Kasekamp, historian and Professor        in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania,        and local heritage was introduced.
of History at the University of          Romania, Croatia, Czech               All the leaders of Estonian folk
Exeter Richard Overy, Member             Republic, Poland and Hungary          dancing groups abroad were
of the Board of Trustees of the          joined the joint statement.           invited to participate to make
Platform of European Memory                                                    preparations for the jubilee party
                                         The Estonian Dance
and Conscience Göran Lindblad,                                                 in 2019.
                                         Festival Museum
historian and vice-chairman of                                                 The summer course offered
                                         Organized the First
the Board of Memorial`s Scientific                                             the Estonian Dance Festival
Research Centre Nikita Petrov.           Summer Course for                     organizers the opportunity to
On the same say, at the invitation
                                         Estonian Dance                        survey the needs and wishes of
of Minister of Justice Urmas             Teachers Abroad                       the Estonian folk dance groups
Reinsalu, the government                                                       abroad. Important information
representatives of European                                                    about the repertoire, workshops by
Union countries gathered in                                                    Estonian dance mentors, and tips
Tallinn to adopt a joint statement                                             on how to acquire folk costumes
to commemorate the victims                                                     was shared. A visit to the Kihnu
of communism and to support                                                    Museum took place and a concert
the initiation of the Estonian                                                 by the ensemble Kihnumua at
government to establish an                                                     the Mõnu farm was attended. In
international museum of the                                                    Pärnu, the summer course took
crimes of communism in Tallinn.          Estonian folk dance groups            place in the new auditorium at
                                         abroad have played a large role in    Paikuse Elementary School, where
“It is noteworthy that the                                                     the group met the Anna Raudkats
representatives of eight countries       introducing Estonian culture to
                                         the world. In 2014, 14 groups from    Dance Society and enjoyed their
demand the continuation of                                                     concert. In the evening, the open-
investigations into communism’s          various countries participated in
                                         the Estonian Dance Festival in        air performance “Saja-aastane öö”
crimes. It is clear that investigating                                         (100-Year-Old Night) was enjoyed
totalitarian regimes and                 Tallinn. There are 31 folk dance
                                         groups from 16 different countries    at Vallikääru in Pärnu.
acknowledging their hostility is a
shared responsibility of Europe.         applying to participate in the 2019   The jubilee dance festival and pre-
Together, we can protect the             XX Estonian Dance Festival. In        festival activities were introduced
achieved freedom, democracy, and         collaboration with compatriots        to the course participants by the

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Estonian Folk Dance and Folk         2-3 years. A total of 43 dance           Summary and
Music Chairman Kalev Järvela, the    teachers and group representatives       Reflections of the
Estonian Dance Festival Director     participated in the summer course
                                                                              Worldwide Estonian
Vaike Rajaste, and the leaders       from ten different countries:
of different types of folk dance     Finland, Sweden, USA (Portland),         Societies Festival
groups Erika Põlendik, Agne          Canada, Holland, Ireland,                “Sajaga seltsis” (In
Kurrikoff-Herman, Karin Soosalu,     Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg,            Companionship with
and Rauno Zubko. Folklorist          and the Czech Republic.                  100)
Ingrid Rüütel introduced her         Anne-Ly Reimaa                              In 2018, the Republic of Estonia
publications on Kihnu, Muhu, and                                                 celebrates its 100th birthday
Saaremaa cultural heritage. Anne-    A Book on
                                                                                 and from August 3-4 the
Ly Reimaa from the Estonian          Lithuanian-Polish                           Association of Estonian Cultural
Ministry of Culture discussed the    Relations                                   Societies (EKSÜ) organized
goals of the Compatriots Program                                                 a festival “Sajaga seltsis” (In
and their methods of support                                                     Companionship with 100)
for Estonian cultural collectives                                                to celebrate at the Estonian
abroad. Erika Põlendik held a                                                    National Museum in Tartu. The
master class for the participants                                                festival brought together cultural
on the main dance steps of                                                       people from Latvia, the Suetuk
Estonian folk dancing and tips on                                                region, Krasnoyarsk region, St.
how to teach them. The Estonian                                                  Petersburg, the Crimea, Kiev,
Folk Dance and Folk Music dance                The author Dr. Giedrė Milerytė- London, Toronto, Luxembourg,
mentor Tiiu Pärnits introduced                   Japertienė is signing her book.
                                                                                 Melbourne, Portland, Moscow,
Pärnu county’s heritage dances            Photo: National Library of Lithuania. Minsk, Finland, Tver, and Belarus.
and folk costumes. Additionally,                                                 Tiit Rosenberg opened the first
                                     On July 4, Dr. Giedrė Milerytė-
a handicraft morning took place                                                  discussion group “Societies as the
                                     Japertienė, the head of the
where jewelry artists Kairi Himma                                                Keepers of Estonianness Yesterday,
                                     Lithuanian Studies Unit of the
and Jüri Urb taught participants                                                 Today, and Tomorrow” by giving
                                     Documentary Heritage Research
how to make strings of beads and                                                 an overview of Estonian societies
                                     Department at the National
necklaces to go with folk costumes                                               throughout Estonian history.
                                     Library of Lithuania, presented
and how to consider special                                                      Tiina Kirss, Anne-Ly Reimaa,
                                     her monograph “Imagining
regional features when making                                                    Vera Oinets, and Rein Taagepera
                                     Lithuanian-Polish Relations in
jewelry.                                                                         also presented on topics about
                                     Emigration from 1945 to 1990.”
Estonian folk dance groups           The monograph examines the                  Estonian society activities all over
abroad have played a large role in   fifty-year Lithuanian-Polish                the world.
introducing Estonian culture to      relations in emigration – real              During the first discussion group
the world. In 2014, 14 groups from   contacts as well as ideas, cultivated the book about the Estonian
various countries participated       in private intellectual gatherings,         World Council (ÜEKN) that
in the Estonian Dance Festival       which marked mutual cooperation will be published in September
in Tallinn. There are 31 folk        or provoked hatred. It also                 was introduced along with the
dance groups from 16 different       highlights a wide debate in the             upcoming ESTO festival taking
countries applying to participate    press about the future of Lithuania place in Estonia next year.
in the upcoming Estonian Dance       and Poland, and the attempts to
Festival. Therefore, an important    answer the question: What ideas             In the second discussion group
point of discussion at the summer    and who in particular resulted in           various workshops took place:
course was creating connections      today’s harmonious relationship of Preserving the History of
between Estonian folk dance          the two neighboring countries?              Societies (Kärt Summatavet),
leaders abroad.                                                                  Collaborations Between Societies
                                     The book will be soon published             (Ants Johanson), Estonianness
The goal of the Estonian Dance       in Poland. The monograph was                on This Side and That Side of the
Festival Museum is to bring          financially supported by the                Border (Liina Miks), Estonian
the leaders of Estonian Dance        Research Council of Lithuania and Cultural Heritage – How Do We
groups abroad together and offer     published by the National Library Preserve It (Monika Tomingas),
them additional training every       of Lithuania.
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                                        Country day took place on August          summer language course is the
                                        5, the day when societies from            first chance to get acquainted with
                                        abroad visited our societies. The         Lithuania and its people, since
                                        Muuga MNS Eha hosted the St.              they have only heard about this
                                        Petersburg Estonian Cultural              country from their grandparents
                                        Society (folklore group Neevo)            or great-grandparents. However,
                                        and the Narva-Jõesuu Estonian             there is a substantial group of
                                        Society Kalju hosted the Estonian         students who have been returning
                                        Society Pääsuke (Belarus Estonian         to the summer language course in
Media and Society Activities –          Society ensemble Vaaks).                  Vilnius.
How to Get on Screen (Katrin            Liina Miks                                Lithuanian and
Uuspõld), Funding Society
                                        Discussion on the                         Estonian at IU
Activities and Society Economic
Activities (Kadri Pau). After the       Preservation of                           Bloomington
workshops concluded, the leaders        Lithuanian Identity                       For the third year in a row,
summarized them. The discussion         Abroad                                    an intensive Lithuanian and
groups were moderated by Iivi                                                     Estonian language course
Zajedova from the Czech Estonian                                                  returned to the University of
Club.                                                                             Indiana Bloomington (USA). This
August 4 was the festival party day,                                              summer, eight students enrolled
which began with the opening of                                                   in the course: three in Estonian
exhibits by the Forest University in                                              class and five in Lithuanian class,
Canada and the London Estonian                                                    offered by the Baltic Studies
Society at the Estonian National                                                  Summer Institute (BALSSI).
Museum. This was followed by a                The discussion drew a huge crowd.   BALSSI was founded in 1994
parade to the museum park where           Photo: National Library of Lithuania.   and is currently funded by
an oak tree was planted in honour The debate about emigration, the                a consortium of American
of the activities of societies.      Lithuanian identity crisis and               universities: Indiana University,
Reet Piiri led a presentation of     global Lithuania is still ongoing            Stanford University, University of
folk costumes. The party square      in Lithuania. On August 14, 2018,            California-Berkeley, University of
also had a number of workshops,      the National Library of Lithuania            Illinois, University of Pittsburgh,
a handicraft sale, and society book hosted a discussion about how to              University of Texas, University
stalls. Keepers of the Estonian      preserve Lithuanian identity in the          of Washington, and University of
language and spirit came to          world organized by the Center of             Wisconsin-Madison. At Indiana
perform on the song and dance        Lithuanian Language and Culture.             University, BALSSI is held in
stage from all over the world:                                                    conjunction with the Summer
                                     Every summer in August, the
Estonian Folks and the London                                                     Language Workshop and benefits
                                     Center organizes a month-
Estonian Society Folk Dance                                                       from the Workshop’s long
                                     long Lithuanian language
Group, St. Petersburg folklore                                                    experience as a leader in intensive
                                     and culture course. Almost
group Neevo, Belarus Estonian                                                     summer language instruction and
                                     100 students – from China to
Society ensemble Vaaks, the                                                       programming. In the past, BALSSI
                                     Argentina – participate in this
folklore group Kaval Käsi (Clever    summer’s course. Some students
Hand), character dance group         are of Lithuanian descent, while
Salome, folk dance group Linda,      others, and there are many of
folk song ensemble Liiso, the        them, want to study Lithuanian
Rakke Regi song group, ensembles language because of their deep
Allikabänd and Lüüra, folk dance     interest in Lithuanian culture.
group Kajaks with Kupparimuori       Vilma Leonavičienė, the director
and accordionist Ants Habakukk.      of the Center, noted that every
The day was led by Tiina Kosen       participant has an exciting story
and Ülle Kool played accordion at about his relation to Lithuania                 The Estonian class is learning how to make
the folk party.                                                                                        open-face sandwiches.
                                     to tell. For some students the
                                                                                                    Photo: BALSSI archives.
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was hosted by the IU Summer                                                           in the 1990’s and to return to their
Language Workshop in 1998,                                                            homeland.”
1999, 2005, 2006, 2016, and 2017.                                                     The exhibition is aimed to
Next year BALSSI will celebrate                                                       highlight the life of each of the
its 25th anniversary. The program                                                     three activists. Although, all three
will offer all three languages,                                                       men were concerned with political
Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian,                                                     and social issues, at the same time
and will take place at IU                                                             they were family persons. The
Bloomington.                                  The opening of the exhibition “Three    fight for homeland’s freedom,
                                                  Friends: Damušis, Kazickas and
                                                                                      the most significant moments in
The Order for Merits                                                 Ambrozaitis”
                                                                                      one’s professional and public life,
to Lithuania                                 Photo: National Library of Lithuania.
                                                                                      and most importantly, the great
                                        organized a series of events.
                                                                                      joy of being able to return to free
                                          On June 15, an exhibition “Three            Lithuania, are other important
                                          Friends: Damušis, Kazickas and              milestones of the exhibition.
                                          Ambrozaitis” was opened in the
                                          National Library of Lithuania.              The opening of the exhibition was
                                          One of the main organizers of               followed by a two-day conference
                                          the series, the director of Adolfas         “The Fight for Freedom and
                                          Damušis Democracy Studies                   the Lithuanian Diaspora:
                    Dr. Dalia Cidzikaitė. Centre, Vidmantas Valiušaitis,              Legacy, Present Concerns and
     Photo: National Library of Lithuania noted, “All three were the children         Expectations.”
On July 6, 2018 Dr. Dalia                 of the independent Republic of              RUta Karma was
Cidzikaitė, senior researcher of          Lithuania: during that time, they           nominated for the
the Lithuanian Studies Unit of            were raised, grew up, received
                                          an education, and distinguished
                                                                                      Languages Award
Documentary Heritage Research
                                          themselves. Their youth coincided           In an official ceremony at the
Department at the National
                                                                                      National Library of Latvia on 21
Library of Lithuania, was awarded with the fate of Lithuania, which
                                                                                      August 2018, the Foreign Minister
the Order for Merits to Lithuania. was being devastated by Soviet
                                          and Nazi occupations. Therefore,            of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs,
The award is presented by the
                                          one of the most striking links              together with the Foreign Minister
President of Lithuania. Dalia is
                                          connecting them was the                     of Estonia, Sven Mikser, presented
a former editor-in-chief of the
                                          resistance to the occupation                translator Rūta Karma with the
American-Lithuanian newspaper
                                          regimes of 1940-1944, the                   Latvian and Estonian Languages
“Draugas,” since 2014, she is the
                                          commitment to freedom, and the              Award for her translation of a
representative of the Lithuanian
                                          consistent and enduring struggle            novel “Varjuteater” (Shadow
American Community, Inc. in
                                          for democratic Lithuania in 1944-           Theatre) by Estonian writer Viivi
                                          1990. They were lucky to succeed            Luik.
The Three Friends:                        professionally in the West, to              Edgars Rinkēvičs thanked Rūta
Damušis, Kazickas                         witness Lithuania’s independence            Karma for introducing a number
and Ambrozaitis                                                                       of Estonian literature masterpieces
In commemoration of the                                                               to Latvian readers over the years.
anniversaries of the three                                                            Both ministers unanimously
prominent Lithuanian émigré                                                           agreed that the award has become
activists and freedom fighters,                                                       a well-established tradition
scientist Adolfas Damušis,                                                            which enables both neighbouring
philanthropist Juozas Petras                                                          nations to get to know each other
Kazickas and doctor Kazys                                                             even better. Sven Mikser also
Ambrozaitis, the Martynas                                                             praised the laureate’s important
                                          The participants discussed various topics   contribution to building a bridge
Mažvydas National Library of             related to the Lithuanian diaspora and its
Lithuania, Adolfas Damušis                          relationship with the homeland.
                                                                                      between the cultures of Estonia and
Democracy Studies Centre and                                                          Latvia.
                                             Photo: National Library of Lithuania.
the Kazickas Family Foundation
                                              2018       no   . 3 (24)
Ba lt i c h e r i tag e n e t wo r k                                      8

                                              The National Library                  Magnus University), Marija
                                              of Lithuania at the                   Antanavičiūtė (Lithuanian
                                                                                    Youth Association in the UK),
                                              Lithuanian Events in
                                                                                    Dovas Lietuvninkas (Lithuanian
                                              Vilnius                               American Community, Inc.),
                                              Thousands of Lithuanians              Irena Kowalewska (Lithuanian
                                              living abroad came to Lithuania       Students’ Club Abroad), Rimas
                                              to celebrate country’s 100            Leonavičius (Uruguayan
                                              anniversary of independence this      Lithuanian Community),
The award ceremony took place                 summer. The National Library          Sandra Bernotaitė (editor-in-
during the first joint meeting of the         of Lithuania participated in and      chief of the magazine “The
Latvian and Estonian Governments              organized and hosted several          World Lithuanian”), Dr. Darius
on 21 August in Riga.                         events.                               Udrys (Vilnius University), and
This is the ninth time that the               On July 1, the Lithuanian Studies     Prof. Egidijus Aleksandravičius
Foreign Ministries of Latvia                  Unit of the Documentary               (Vytautas Magnus University)
and Estonia are presenting their              Heritage Research Department          discussed questions: What
award. Over the years, the award              presented its travelling exhibition   defines world Lithuanian youth?
has been received not only for                “Lithuanian Publishing in Post-       Are world Lithuanian youth,
prose and poetry translations,                WWII Europe” as part of the           emigrants and diaspora identical?
but also for academic translations            event “100 Faces of Lithuania         Do students who study abroad
and dictionaries. The aim of the              – Let’s Connect Lithuania” in         constitute diaspora? and etc.
Languages Award is to strengthen              Vilnius City Hall Square. The         Vladas Oleinikovas, the chairman
bilateral cooperation between                 exhibition reflects the situation     of the World Lithuanian Youth
both countries by promoting the               of Lithuanians in the displaced       Association, led the discussion.
learning and use of the Latvian               persons’ camps in Western             On the same day, the National
and Estonian languages, the work              countries after WWII.                 Library of Lithuania hosted
of Latvian-Estonian and Estonian-             On July 9, the representatives of     another event – the presentation
Latvian translators in translating            the World Lithuanian University       of the book “History of Lithuania.
literary, political, scientific and           at Vytautas Magnus University         From Medieval Kingdom to
other texts, and the work of                  and the World Lithuanian              Modern Democracy.” The book
Latvian and Estonian linguists                Youth Association invited             was written and published by
and teachers who contribute                   the members of Lithuanian             American-Lithuanians. The
to the promotion of Latvian in                diaspora and Lithuanians              publication, written in English,
Estonia and Estonian in Latvia.               living in the country to discuss      provides yet another opportunity
The monetary value of the award               the changes in Lithuanian             to introduce the past of Lithuanian
is 3,000 euros, and the award fund            diaspora’s consciousness.             people to a broader audience.
is made up of equal contributions             Manvydas Džiaugys (Vytautas
from the Ministries of Foreign
Affairs of Latvia and Estonia.
The books translated by Rūta
Karma also include the works
of Jaan Kaplinski, Mari Saat,
Mats Traat and other renowned
Estonian authors.
Baltic Heritage Network
congratulates our long-time friend
Rūta on the acknowledgment!
Palju õnne, Ruuta! Apsveicu, Rūta!

   The participants of the discussion about
              the world Lithuanian youth.
     Photo: National Library of Lithuania

                                                    2018    no   . 3 (24)
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