FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center

Page created by Stacy Sandoval
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
2018– 2019

    An Educator s Guide to Booking a Group Visit

           Independence Mall   525 Arch Street   Philadelphia, PA 19106

 B O O K
   L D T R
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
INSIDER TIPS                                                                          TABLE OF CONTENTS
FROM THE GROUP SALES TEAM                                                             Welcome from the CEO            3    Scout Days                           15

WELCOME BACK!                                                                         Main Exhibit                   4–5   Young Citizens Scholarship Program   16
The Group Sales team is excited to help you ring in the 2018–2019 school year.                                             Professional Development             17
Below are some insider tips for planning your upcoming field trip to the museum.
                                                                                      Hamilton Exhibit               6–7

                                                                                      Civil War and Reconstruction   8–9   Civic Holidays                       19
   ê   BOOK IN ADVANCE! Spaces do fill quickly, especially in the School Lunchroom.
                                                                                      Interactive Constitution        10   Packages and Programs                20
       We offer discounts and there are no crowds.
                                                                                      Living News                     11   Lunch at the Museum                  21
   ê   Don’t forget the museum has access to a limited number
                                                                                      Themed Package Programs         12   Booking Basics                       23

   ê   Tell us if your school is Title I. You may be eligible for our                 Guided Tours and Workshops      13   Field Trip Checklist                 24

       are a great addition to the general admission experience.

   ê   We offer group packages with LOCAL PHILADELPHIA ATTRACTIONS.                         The staff is always looking to make each visit a
       Let us be your concierge!

The Group Sales team is here to make your booking process worry-free!
Please email or call 215.409.6800 any time.
                                                                                       FUN AND MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE.”
Let us curate the ultimate National Constitution Center experience for you!
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center

                                                                                             WELCOME BACK

                                                                                             DEAR FELLOW EDUCATOR,                                                    Documenting the Nation’s Founding. And learn about the
                                                                                                                                                                      Founding Father behind Broadway’s hit musical in Hamilton:
                                                                                             Greetings from the National Constitution Center! I’m a law               The Constitutional Clashes That Shaped a Nation.
                                                                                             professor and have had the privilege of serving as head of
                                                                                             the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia for the past            After Hours @ the National Constitution Center. Experience the
                                                                                             five years. I’m writing to tell you about some exciting new              National Constitution Center without the crowds — complete with
                                                                                             developments at the Constitution Center and to encourage                 customized packages and educational programming.
                                                                                             you to bring your students to this national treasure, the only           To learn more about the customized itineraries available for
                                                                                             nonpartisan constitutional education center in the United States.        your students and teachers, please contact our Director of
                                                                                             The highlight of our new educational efforts is the Interactive          Group Sales, Gina Romanelli, at
                                                                                             Constitution, which has become America’s leading nonpartisan             or 215.409.6800.
                                                                                             online platform for constitutional education, receiving 19.5             It would be wonderful to welcome your school to the National
                                                                                             million visitors since it launched in September 2015. It is a            Constitution Center, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
                                                                                             centerpiece of the College Board’s new AP U.S. History and
                                                                                             Government courses and is available as a free app for both
                                                                                             iPhone and Android users.                                                		                   With appreciation,

                                                                                             The Interactive Constitution brings together the leading legal
                                                                                             scholars in America, representing a range of constitutional
                                                                                             perspectives, to discuss every clause of the U.S. Constitution—
                                                                                                                                                                      		                   Jeffrey Rosen,
                                                                                             describing areas of agreement and disagreement. To meet the
                                                                                             educational goals of your AP U.S. History and U.S. Government            		                   President and CEO
                                                                                             students, we offer workshops that allow students to explore
                                                                                             the Interactive Constitution, discuss a topic of contemporary
                                                                                             relevance (from drone surveillance to the Second Amendment),                 EDUCATOR MEMBERSHIP –JOIN TODAY!
                                                                                             and preview lesson plans approved by the College Board.
                                                                                             Located in Historic Philadelphia, across from Independence Hall,             As a thank you for partnering with us to inspire active
                                                                                             the National Constitution Center is a private nonprofit education            citizenship in your students, we are proud to offer
                                                                                             center created by Congress to serve as America’s leading                     you a discounted $45 Educator Membership or a $76
                                                                                             platform for nonpartisan constitutional education and debate.                Freedom Family Membership — a savings of $19!
                                                                                             OUR SPECIAL PROGRAMS INCLUDE:
                                                                                                                                                                          An Educator Membership allows you to take advantage
                                                                                             Interactive Constitution Workshops. Students and teachers                    of all of the great benefits of a full priced individual
                                                                                             will discover how to use the Interactive Constitution to build               membership, while directly supporting the Center’s
                                                                                             civic literacy and to help ace the AP exams. Available for                   mission to engage people of all ages and perspectives
                                                                                             middle- and high school-level students. Learn more on page 10.               in constitutional education and civil dialogue.
                                                                                                                                                                          EDUCATOR MEMBER BENEFITS INCLUDE:
                                                                                             Freedom Rising in the Renovated Sidney Kimmel Theater.
                                                                                             Following a multimillion dollar renovation, this live 17-minute                 Exclusive discounts on professional development
                                                                                             performance sets the stage for the student experience at the                    programs and field trips
                                                                                             National Constitution Center. Discover why Justice Sandra Day                   Free unlimited museum admission for you
                                                                                             O’Connor has called it “the best 17-minute civics lesson in                     and a guest, including feature exhibits
                                                                                             the country.”
                                                                                                                                                                             Invitations to Members-only exhibit previews
                                                                                             Exclusive Partnerships. Our ticketing partnerships with
                                                                                                                                                                             and events
                                                                                             Independence Hall, the Museum of the American Revolution,
                                                                                             and One Liberty Observation Deck provide one-stop booking,                      Discounted and complimentary tickets for
                                                                                             customized itineraries, and significant savings.                                America’s Town Hall programs
                                                                                             Immersive Feature Exhibits. Experience exhibits that bring the
                                                                                                                                                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                             Constitution to life for visitors of all ages. Check out one of the
                                                                                             12 surviving drafts of the Bill of Rights in Constituting Liberty:
                                                                                             From the Declaration to the Bill of Rights. Explore five of the rarest       or call 215.409.6767.
                                                                                             early drafts of the U.S. Constitution in American Treasures:

THE FOUNDERS' LIBRARY                    215.409.6800 or                                                                                                                                              3
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
    Five attractions form the National Constitution Center’s          The Story of We the People                                      BALANCE OF POWERS
                                                                                                                                      Fun scale models of iconic federal buildings encourage
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Signers’ Hall
    main exhibit experience: the 17-minute live Freedom
                                                                      RICHARD AND HELEN DEVOS EXHIBIT HALL                            students to explore how the three branches of government             In Signers’ Hall, one of the National Constitution Center’s
    Rising performance, The Story of We the People,
                                                                      Travel through history and discover why the U.S.                keep one another in check.                                           most iconic exhibits, students will step into the final day of
    the iconic Signers’ Hall, Constituting Liberty, and               Constitution is as important today as it was in 1787. The                                                                            the Constitutional Convention and sign the U.S. Constitution
    American Treasures.                                               Story of We the People is filled with hands-on, multimedia                                                                           alongside 42 life-size, bronze statues of George Washington,
                                                                                                                                      SUPREME COURT BENCH
                                                                      activities, and a rotating collection of rare artifacts.                                                                             James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin,
                                                                                                                                      Students will learn how constitutional rights have been
    GENERAL ADMISSION PRICING                                         Students will take the Oath of Office, weigh in on Supreme                                                                           and other Founding Fathers.
                                                                                                                                      interpreted by the highest court in the land as they take a
    For groups of 15 or more                                          Court cases, and discover for themselves the enduring
                                                                                                                                      seat on the Supreme Court bench in the main exhibit and
                                                                      relevance of the U.S. Constitution.
    STUDENTS: $7.50                                                                                                                   issue rulings in landmark cases.
    One free chaperone for every 10 students
    ADDITIONAL CHAPERONES: $7.50                                      AMERICAN NATIONAL TREE
    Pricing includes Freedom Rising, The Story of We the People,      Students will discover 100 Americans — famous
    Signers’ Hall, Constituting Liberty, and American Treasures
                                                                      faces and unsung heroes — who have shaped
                                                                      America’s constitutional history.

    Freedom Rising                                                    ELECTION CENTRAL VOTING BOOTHS
                                                                      Compare your stance on key political issues with those of
    Set the stage for your museum experience in this state-           presidents throughout American history. Then, take a look
    of-the-art, live performance that tells the story of the          at the tabulated votes from thousands of visitors. You might
    U.S. Constitution and the American quest for freedom.             be surprised by the results.
    Freedom Rising is underwritten in part through a generous grant
    from the F. M. Kirby Foundation.                                  JURY BOX
                                                                      Students can get sworn in for jury duty in a genuine,           Constituting Liberty:                                                American Treasures:
                                                                      early-20th-century jury box.
                                                                                                                                      From the Declaration                                                 Documenting the
                                                                      CIVIL WAR EXPERIENCE                                            to the Bill of Rights                                                Nation’s Founding
                                                                      The museum’s Civil War Experience, located inside The           GEORGE H.W. BUSH GALLERY                                             American Treasures: Documenting the Nation’s Founding
                                                                      Story of We the People, features wartime artifacts, including   The National Constitution Center is proud to display a first         illuminates the founding era through the rarest early drafts
                                                                      an oil lamp from General Meade’s Gettysburg headquarters;       edition Stone Engraving of the Declaration of Independence,          of the U.S. Constitution, including Pennsylvania delegate
                                                                      a copy of the Emancipation Proclamation signed by               a rare copy of the first public printing of the U.S. Constitution,   James Wilson’s own handwritten drafts. The exhibit provides
                                                                      President Lincoln; and a leaf from an autograph book            and a reproduction of one of the 12 surviving copies of the          an intimate look at the path the Framers took to create our
                                                                      containing the only known signature of Lincoln from the         Bill of Rights in the George H.W. Bush Gallery. In this exhibit,     founding document. Among the gallery’s many priceless
                                                                      dedication of the Gettysburg Cemetery, where his famous         students will explore the relationships between these three          treasures is the very first handwritten draft of the U.S.
                                                                      address was given.                                              founding documents; learn about major events from 1776               Constitution and a display of rare newspaper printings of the
                                                                      Funding for this project was contributed in part by             to 1791; and understand how, through the 14th Amendment,             text of the Bill of Rights. The drafts showcase how James
                                                                      The McLean Contributionship.                                    the Declaration’s promise of liberty and equality became             Wilson’s original proposals became the U.S. Constitution.
                                                                                                                                      integrated into the U.S. Constitution.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           American Treasures: Documenting the Nation’s Founding was
                                                                                                                                                                                                           created in partnership with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

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FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
                             DECEMBER 31, 2019

                                                                          THE ULTIMATE HAMILTON
                From newspaper wars to dueling grounds, captivate         MUSEUM EXPERIENCE
                your students with a compelling exhibit at the National   The National Constitution Center celebrates Alexander Hamilton:

                                                                          Revolutionary War hero, Constitutional signer, father of modern
                Constitution Center on the rise and fall of Alexander     finance, and inspiration behind a smash Broadway musical! Visitors

  WIT           Hamilton. Hamilton: The Constitutional Clashes That       can learn about this Founding Father with the ultimate Hamilton
          M                                                               museum experience!
                Shaped a Nation explores the personalities and debates

                that shaped America, focusing on Hamilton’s battles of                 Discover the Center’s EXHIBIT which highlights the competing

A D M I S       ideas with James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John
                                                                                       ideas of Alexander Hamilton and his legendary rivals.
                                                                                       Hamilton: The Constitutional Clashes That Shaped a Nation
                                                                                       explores Hamilton’s fraught relationships with James Madison,
                Adams, and Aaron Burr. The exhibit engages visitors                    Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Aaron Burr.
                with rare artifacts, including correspondence from                     View our iconic exhibits through a new lens as we share our favorite
                fellow Federalist Papers essayist James Madison and                    tales of Alexander Hamilton at STORY SPOTS throughout Signers’ Hall
                                                                                       and The Story of We the People.
                handwritten arrangements for Hamilton’s infamous
                                                                                       Stop by the lobby for a riveting, interactive SHOW about Hamilton’s early life.
                duel with Vice President Aaron Burr. The exhibit                       Put your knowledge to the test at our Hamilton TRIVIA.
                provides students with an intimate look into Alexander
                                                                                       A printed MUSEUM EXPERIENCE GUIDE, which accompanies the
                Hamilton’s enduring role in the constitutional                         Hamilton museum experience, is available to all visitors.
                and political arguments that continue to create
                sparks to this day.
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
     The Interactive Constitution is a FREE online tool that delivers scholarship from top constitutional
     experts right to your classroom. It allows students to explore the history behind each article, section, and
     amendment of the U.S. Constitution up to the present day. The Interactive Constitution has received more                                                                     This really made the
     than 18 million hits since it launched in 2015 and has been adopted by the College Board as a centerpiece                                                          CONSTITUTION FEEL ALIVE.
     of the new AP U.S. History exam. The nonpartisan foundation and ideologically balanced opinions help
     teachers and students to have informed, respectful, up-to-date discussion and debate about the U.S.
     Constitution. This tool gives teachers and students nonpartisan and balanced scholarly perspectives on                                Generously supported by:
     the U.S. Constitution. Focusing on constitutional rather than political debates, the essays make clear the                            Ammerman Family Foundation
     central role the U.S. Constitution plays in shaping contemporary discussions at the center of American life.

                                                                                                                                                                         FALL 2018!
     This project is sponsored by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

       WORKSHOPS                                                                                                                                                        LIVING NEWS
        FOR STUDENTS                                                  FOR EDUCATORS                                                                                     Offered Now – December 7, 2018
        Enhance your visit with the Interactive Constitution          Master new tools and techniques for enhancing civics                                               FREE with general admission. Reservations recommended.
        workshop. Guided by the museum’s educators, your              education for 21st-century learners in the Interactive
                                                                                                                                                                        SUITABLE FOR GRADES 5–12
        students will discover how to use the Interactive             Constitution Educator Workshop. Educators will
        Constitution to explore the U.S. Constitution’s history                                                                                                         Today’s headlines are brought to life in this dynamic
                                                                      learn how to use the Interactive Constitution in their
        and contemporary debates. Available for middle- and                                                                                                             performance incorporating video, contemporary music,
                                                                      classrooms to make the U.S. Constitution approachable
        high school-level students, the Interactive Constitution                                                                                                        and recent news broadcasts. Following the performance,
                                                                      and meaningful for a wide range of students.
        workshop topics include Structural Constitution, the                                                                                                            students engage with the cast and a Constitution Center
        Bill of Rights, and the 14th Amendment.                       EDUCATOR WORKSHOP PRICING : $40 per person                                                        educator in a discussion about the current issues
                                                                      DURATION: 3 hours                                                                                 explored in the performance.
        STUDENTS: $14 (includes $7.50 general admission)             The workshop can be scheduled on its own or as a highlight
        For groups of 15 or more                                                                                                                                        TOPICS INCLUDE:
                                                                     of a larger professional development program at the National
        ADDITIONAL CHAPERONES: $14                                   Constitution Center or at your school. The Interactive Constitution                                ê Freedoms of speech and religion (First Amendment)
        One free chaperone for every 10 students                     was made possible by a grant from the John Templeton                                               ê Gun reform (Second Amendment)
                                                                     Foundation and under the advisement of the American
        DURATION: 30 minutes                                         Constitution Society and The Federalist Society.                                                   ê Search and seizure (Fourth Amendment)
                                                                                                                                                                        ê Capital punishment (Eighth Amendment)
                                                                                                                                                                        ê Court cases and current events relevant to students

                                                                                                                                                                        Please note: Topics are changed regularly to ensure the
                                                                                                                                                                        most up-to-date experience.

                                                                                                                                                                        DURATION: 25-minute performance, 15-minute discussion
                                                                                                                                                                        with a National Constitution Center educator

                                                                                                                                                                        * Online activities including lesson plans and video clips
                                                                                                                                                                         are available at
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
THEMED MUSEUM                                                                                                               GUIDED TOURS
     PACKAGES                                                                                                                    & WORKSHOPS
                                                                   SEPARATION OF POWERS
                                                                   Explore the three branches of government and learn how
                                                                   our Constitution limits government by separating power.
     Designed for students of all ages, themed museum
                                                                   This package includes the Separation of Powers workshop.
     packages provide unique ways to learn about the                                                                             GUIDED TOUR AND WORKSHOP PRICING:
                                                                                                                                 For groups of 15 or more
     U.S. Constitution, its history, and its impact on the         RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITIZENSHIP
     American identity. A museum educator will                                                                                   STUDENTS: $14 (includes $7.50 general admission)
                                                                   The Pass the Citizenship Test show is a way for students to   One free chaperone for every 10 students
     facilitate your group’s experience.                           discover whether they are carrying on the constitutional
                                                                                                                                 ADDITIONAL CHAPERONES: $14
                                                                   legacy of civic engagement. Students will learn about
     PACKAGES LAST APPROXIMATELY                                   the rights and responsibilities of American citizenship by    DURATION: 30 minutes
     2 ½ HOURS AND INCLUDE:                                        taking part in an educational gameshow and participating
                                                                                                                                                                                                INTERACTIVE CONSTITUTION WORKSHOP
                                                                                                                                 Guided Tours
     The Constitution Center’s signature attractions:              in activities that illuminate our freedoms.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Enhance your visit with our Interactive Constitution
     ê Freedom Rising                                              THE PRESIDENCY                                                                                                               Workshop for students and educators.

     ê The Story of We the People                                  Learn about presidential elections and campaign platforms     MAIN EXHIBIT TOUR
                                                                   and watch some of the most famous campaign ads of             Explore our main exhibit with a member of our education        HISTORY DETECTIVES WORKSHOP:
     ê Signers’ Hall                                                                                                                                                                            ARTIFACTS FROM THE 1800S AND 1900S
                                                                   all time. This package includes a presidential workshop       staff for an in-depth look at Signers’ Hall, rare artifacts,
     ê Constituting Liberty                                        examining primary sources and the dynamic Destination         and interactive displays.                                      Students become “history detectives” by using
                                                                   White House show.                                                                                                            primary-source documents to discover what life
     PLUS an interactive, high-energy show and an
                                                                                                                                 LEADERSHIP TOUR                                                was like in America during the 1800s and 1900s.
     educational workshop or guided experience                     GROWING UP IN AMERICA
                                                                                                                                 This tour highlights the leadership styles and
                                                                   Students participate in a costume runway show featuring                                                                      DECODING THE DOCUMENT:
                                                                                                                                 winning strategies of influential Americans.
     THEMED PACKAGE PRICING:                                       replicas of traditional-style dress from historical periods                                                                  THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION
     For groups of 15 or more                                      while learning what home, school, and work were like
                                                                                                                                 BILL OF RIGHTS TOUR                                            Take a closer look at the museum’s rare printing of the
                                                                   during those times. This package includes a guided tour
     STUDENTS: $14 (includes $7.50 general admission)                                                                            During this tour of Signers’ Hall and Constituting             Emancipation Proclamation to learn more about its history;
     One free chaperone for every 10 students
                                                                   of The Story of We the People main exhibit.
                                                                                                                                 Liberty, learn about the crafting, creation,                   the Civil War; and the background of the 13th, 14th, and 15th
     ADDITIONAL CHAPERONES: $14                                    Suitable for younger ages                                                                                                    Amendments.
                                                                                                                                 and enduring relevance of the Bill of Rights.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 THE AMERICAN FLAG WORKSHOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Discover the history and symbolism of the American flag
     Take a deep dive into the creation and legacy of the Bill
                                                                                                                                                                                                 during a flag-etiquette workshop.
     of Rights with a game show and get a close look at the
     amendments that protect our liberties in the Examining
     the Bill of Rights workshop.

     All rise! Throughout this engaging day of activities about
     America’s judicial system—which includes a guided
                                                                       ADDITIONAL PACKAGES AVAILABLE!
     experience and a show—students act as the judge and the                visit
     jury, participating in trials as our staff dramatizes cases
     using popular fairy tales.
12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
                                                                At the museum, scouts enjoy an action-packed day        Boy Scout and
                                                                learning about American history and the importance
                                                                of good citizenship — all while meeting badge, patch,
                                                                                                                        Cub Scout Days
                                                                or journey requirements! Scout Days feature tours,      SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2019
                                                                interactive games, flag ceremonies, hands-on artifact   NOTE: On Boy Scout Days, Merit Badge Counselors are
                                                                workshops, activity tables, and more.                   available on a limited basis. If Scouts would like to meet
                                                                                                                        with one of our counselors, please plan accordingly to
                                                                Scout leaders and parents receive a Scout packet        accomodate anticipated wait times.
                                                                and agenda to lead them through the day’s activities
                                                                and events.
                                                                                                                        Girl Scout Days
                                                                Visit for badge and       SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2019
                                                                journey requirements, sample agendas, and more

                                                                SCOUT DAY PRICING:
                                                                SCOUTS: $14 (includes $7.50 general admission)
                                                                One free Scout leader for every 10 Scouts

                                                                ADULTS: $12
                                                                Reservations required

                                                                8:00 A.M. Check-in opens
                                                                8:30 A.M.–3:00 P.M. Programs and activities
                                                                1:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M. Merit Badge Counseling
                                                                                    (Boy Scout Days Only)

                                BOOK YOUR GROUP TODAY!
SCOUT DAY   215.409.6800 or                                                                                                                        15
FIELD TRIP PLANNER An Educator,s Guide to Booking a Group Visit 2018-2019 - National Constitution Center
YOUNG CITIZENS                                         SUPPORT FOR THIS PROGRAM
                                                            IS PROVIDED IN PART BY:            PROFESSIONAL                                                       For additional information, email
                                                                                                                                                         or visit

     SCHOLARSHIP                                            Ammerman Family Foundation         DEVELOPMENT                                              

     PROGRAM                                                CHUBB                                                                                                 Your one-stop civic education destination!
     The National Constitution Center provides eligible
                                                            Herman Goldner
                                                            M&T Bank                                                                                              Subscribe to our educator e-Newsletter
     student and youth groups with free or reduced                                             Available for 10 or more educators, professional
     admission and transportation to the National           Patriarch Family Foundation        development workshops cover content in U.S. history                at
     Constitution Center. The program is made possible by   Philadelphia Insurance Companies   and the Constitution with practical strategies for

                                                                                                                                                                  Town Hall Programs
     the generous support of individual, foundation, and                                       meaningful classroom application. Innovative,
     corporate donors who promote civic education.                                             online teaching tools — including the Interactive
                                                            PNC Foundation                     Constitution — are introduced to help educators                    As America’s Town Hall, the National Constitution Center
                                                            Wells Fargo                        promote nonpartisan civics literacy. Three-hour,                   invites teachers and students to join the conversation
     FOR INFORMATION,                                                                          six-hour, and multiday workshops are available                     with top politicians, scholars, authors, and journalists
     call 215.409.6800 or email                                                                at the National Constitution Center or in your                     from across the political spectrum through a variety of                                                        school. Documentation for reporting professional                   evening and daytime programs.
                                                                                               development hours is provided.
     TO APPLY,                                                                                                                                                    Visit for the          SPECIA
     visit                                                                                                                    most up-to-date Town Hall program lineup.          DISCOU
                                                                                               Interactive Constitution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   FOR ED
                                                                                               Educator Workshop
                                                                                                                                                                  DISCOUNTED ADMISSION                                     RS!
                                                                                                                                                                  for groups of 15 or more
                                                                                               Master new tools and techniques for enhancing                      Advance reservations required for all programs
                                                                                               constitutional literacy in the Interactive Constitution            DURATION: 60 minutes
                                                                                               Educator Workshop. Educators learn how to use the                  Speakers and program times are subject to change.
                                                                                               Interactive Constitution and other free resources from
                                                                                               the National Constitution Center in their classrooms
                                                                                               to make the U.S. Constitution more approachable and
                                                                                               meaningful for a wide range of students. The workshop
                                                                                               can be scheduled on its own or as a highlight of a larger
                                                                                               professional development program at the National
                                                                                               Constitution Center or at your school.

                                                                                               PRICING: $40 per person (includes museum admission,
                                                                                               classroom-ready resources, and all program materials)*
                                                                                               MINIMUM: 10 educators
                                                                                               DURATION: 3 hours

                                                                                               Act 48 Credit is available for Pennsylvania-certified educators.
                                                                                               *additional costs may be incurred for workshops requiring
                                                                                                significant travel to school locations
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                           17
                                                                                     BILL OF RIGHTS DAY
                                                                                     December 15, 2018
                                                                                     Celebrate the anniversary of the ratification of the
                                                                                     Bill of Rights.

                                                                                     MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.                                         MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND
                                                                                     DAY OF SERVICE                                                  May 25–27, 2019
                                                                                     January 21, 2019
                                                                                                                                                     Help honor all members of the military who have given
                                                                                     Celebrate Dr. King’s life and legacy of service and             their lives in defense of the U.S. Constitution and its
                                                                                     help serve the Philadelphia community by participating          legacy of freedom.
                                                                                     in programs.

                                                                                     AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH                                  FLAG DAY &
                                                                                                                                                     PHILADELPHIA STARS AND STRIPES FESTIVAL
                                                                                     February 2019
                                                                                                                                                     June 14, 2019
                                                                                     During February (and all year long) the museum highlights
                                                                                     the stories of remarkable African American individuals          Celebrate the birthdays of the American flag and the U.S.
                                                                                     and significant moments in Constitutional history.              Army. Festivities include a moving flag-raising ceremony
                                                                                                                                                     on the front lawn and a parade featuring the U.S. Army.

                                                                                     PRESIDENTS DAY WEEKEND
                                                                                                                                                     INDEPENDENCE DAY&
                                                                                     February 16–18, 2019
                                                                                                                                                     ALL-AMERICAN CELEBRATION
                                                                                     Learn about the role of the president and what it takes
                                                                                                                                                     July 1–4, 2019
                                                                                     to be Commander in Chief.
                                                                                                                                                     Visit the National Constitution Center on July 1–4 for a
                                                                                                                                                     recreated Revolutionary War encampment, crafts, and
                                                                                     WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH                                           patriotic festivities, and explore our online educational
                                                                                     March 2019                                                      resources for all ages.

                                                                                     Explore extraordinary women throughout history.
                                                                                                                                                     CONSTITUTION DAY
                                                                                     EARTH DAY                                                       September 17, 2019
                                                                                     April 22, 2019                                                  Plan ahead! It’s never too soon to book your field trip
                                                                                                                                                     for next year’s Constitution Day!
                                                                                     Celebrate with a fun-filled day of activities and learn
                                                                                     more about Theodore Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson,               For more information,
                                                                                     and other famous American nature lovers.                        visit

                                                                                     LAW DAY                                                         SUPPORT FOR OUR CIVIC HOLIDAYS IS PROVIDED BY:
                                                                                     May 1, 2019
                                                                                     Celebrate the highest law in the land: the U.S. Constitution.

                                                     BOOK YOUR GROUP TODAY!
CIVIC HOLIDAY CONSTITUTION DAY   215.409.6800 or                                                                                                                               19
     Tour the Museum After Hours
     Give your group an ALL ACCESS pass to the National
     Constitution Center without the crowds and provide
     them with a museum experience they won’t forget!
     Brûlée Catering will serve a buffet-style dinner in
     Delegates’ Cafe. Prix fixe dinner options are available
     at $25 and $35 plus tax per person.

                                                                      Experience the Complete Story:
     AFTER HOURS PRICING: $950 for up to 50 people
     ADDITIONAL PEOPLE: $12 per person
                                                                      FROM THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION                                              LUNCH OPTIONS
     DURATION: 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Subject to availability
                                                                      TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION                                                  Are you having a difficult time finding just the right
                                                                                                                                                lunch spot for your group? Let Brûleé Catering and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lunch Vouchers
                                                                      Take your students on a whirlwind journey from the
     Additional fees apply for groups larger than 50 people                                                                                                                                                  Enjoy fresh, made to order lunch in the Delegates' Cafe
                                                                      American Revolution to the birth of “We the People.” At the               the National Constitution Center give your group the         with your group.
                                                                      Museum of the American Revolution, explore the personal                   ultimate lunch experience. The National Constitution
                                                                      stories of the men and women who fought for America’s                     Center is not only a must-see museum experience in
                                                                                                                                                Philadelphia’s Historic District, it is also the place to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             VOUCHER PRICING: Groups of 15 or more
                                                                      independence. Complete your journey at the National
                                                                      Constitution Center as you discover how 13 newly                          be for lunch. Below are several options for your group.      STANDARD VOUCHER: $6.75 plus tax
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Includes two hot dogs, bag of chips, and a small fountain soda.
                                                                      independent states became one nation of “We the People.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                             PREMIUM VOUCHER: $9.95 plus tax
                                                                                                                                                Boxed Lunches
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Includes choice of chicken fingers or hamburger, french fries,
                                                                      PACKAGE PRICING: Groups of 15 or more                                                                                                  and a small fountain soda.

                                                                      STUDENTS: $15.50 (includes admission to both the                          Boxed Lunches are prepared fresh daily. Groups can           DELUXE VOUCHER: $11.95 plus tax
                                                                      National Constitution Center and the Museum of the American Revolution)   select from five sandwich options: italian hoagie,           Includes choice of salad or cheesesteak, french fries,
                                                                      One free chaperone for every 10 students                                  turkey hoagie, vegetable hoagie, ham and cheese,             and a small fountain soda.
                                                                                                                                                and peanut butter and jelly uncrustables. Each box
                                                                      ADULTS: $17.50
                                                                                                                                                also includes a bag of chips, piece of fresh fruit,
                                                                                                                                                cookie, and bottled water.

                                                                      Experience Philadelphia’s
                                                                      Historic District
                                                                                                                                                BOXED LUNCH PRICING:
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Displayed Buffet Lunch
     See Philadelphia                                                                                                                           $10.50 per box plus tax
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Take your students' lunch experience to the next level
     from the Ground Up
                                                                      Allow the Constitution Center to be your one-stop shop to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             with a displayed buffet lunch in the Delegates' Cafe at the
                                                                      experience everything that Philadelphia’s most historic                   If you are planning to order boxed lunches for your group,   museum. Groups have a choice of grilled chicken breast,
     See all the National Constitution Center has to offer,           square mile has to offer! The Constitution Center now has                 you will need to reserve space in advance in our School      penne with alfredo sauce, or orecchiette pasta with roasted
     including Freedom Rising in the newly renovated Sidney           access to a limited number of Independence Hall tickets                   Lunchroom ($15 nonrefundable flat fee per group).            tomato sauce along with seasonal vegetables, herb roasted
     Kimmel Theater, The Story of We the People main exhibit,         for specified times.                                                      Lunches can be displayed or boxed-to-go. Orders must be      potatoes, cookie, and bottled water.
     and Signers’ Hall, while enjoying a bagged or boxed                                                                                        placed at least 10 days in advance of your visit.
                                                                      Don’t forget to ask your Group Sales
     lunch. Then, take education to new heights, 57 floors
                                                                      Account Executive about ticket availability.                                                                                           BUFFET PRICING: $18 per person plus tax
     above street level to see and learn about Philadelphia                                                                                                                                                  Minimum of 75 people
     as never before at One Liberty Observation Deck.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Please contact Rose Perez from Brûlée Catering at
     PACKAGE PRICING: Groups of 15 or more                                                                                                                                                          or 215.409.6600 x6962 with any
     STUDENTS: $14 (includes admission to both the                                                                                                                                                           questions regarding boxed-lunch, voucher, and buffet options.
     National Constitution Center and One Liberty Observation Deck)
     One free chaperone for every 10 students

     ADULTS: $19.50

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             21
Educators today do not have time to
     wrestle with complicated booking sites and the
National Constitution Center KNOWS

                                                                                                 BOOKING BASICS
                                                                                                 RESERVATIONS                                                  STARS AND STRIPES SCHOOL LUNCHROOM
                                                                                                 Advance reservations are required for all group visits.       Advance reservations are required ($15 nonrefundable flat fee
                                                                                                 We recommend allowing approximately 90 minutes to             per group) for groups choosing to bring bagged lunches.
                                                                                                 enjoy the main exhibit; plan on additional time for feature
                                                                                                 exhibits, tours, and themed packages. A Freedom Rising        NEW! STARBUCKS
                                                                                                 performance time must be chosen when the reservation          Starbucks offers handcrafted beverages, premium teas, and
                                                                                                 is made.                                                      delectable treats. Artfully roasted high-quality arabica coffee
                                                                                                                                                               is brewed and served one cup at a time. Located at the corner
                                                                                                                                                               of 6th & Arch Streets, and accessible from inside the museum
                                                                                                 PAYMENT POLICY
                                                                                                                                                               during normal operating hours.
                                                                                                 A 25% non-refundable deposit is due 10 days after
                                                                                                 reservations are made. Final count and balance are due        MONDAY – FRIDAY            6:30 a.m. – 7 p.m.
                                                                                                 seven days prior to your visit.
                                                                                                                                                               SATURDAY – SUNDAY          8 a.m. – 7 p.m.

                                                                                                 CHAPERONE POLICY                                              BUS PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF
                                                                                                 One chaperone is required for every 10 students. School       Bus unloading and loading will take place at the Independence
                                                                                                 and youth groups receive one complimentary chaperone          Transportation Center (ITC), located adjacent to the National
                                                                                                 ticket for every 10 student/youth tickets purchased.          Constitution Center. Drivers can access the ITC from Race
                                                                                                                                                               Street, between 5th and 6th streets.

                                                                                                 CANCELLATION POLICY
                                                                                                 Please notify the Group Sales Department at least 72          EDUCATOR MEMBERSHIP
                                                                                                 hours in advance if your group must cancel. All payments      An Educator Membership allows you to take advantage of all
                                                                                                 are non-refundable but will be applied to a future visit.     of the great benefits of a full priced individual membership,
                                                                                                                                                               while directly supporting the Center’s mission to engage
                                                                                                                                                               people of all ages and perspectives in constitutional
                                                                                                 ACCESSIBILITY                                                 education and civil dialogue.
                                                                                                 The museum provides access for people with disabilities
                                                                                                 through a wide variety of museum services. Arrangements
                                                                                                 must be made at least two weeks in advance of your visit.     MUSEUM HOURS
                                                                                                                                                               The National Constitution Center welcomes visitors seven days
                                                                                                                                                               a week (except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day).
                                                                                                 MUSEUM STORE                                                  Groups will be admitted as early as 9:15 a.m. from Monday to
                                                                                                 The Museum Store offers an array of gift and exhibit          Saturday and 11:45 a.m. on Sundays.
                                                                                                 merchandise, including books, souvenirs, replicas of
                                                                                                 historic documents, and educational toys and games.           MONDAY – SATURDAY          9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                               SUNDAY                     12 p.m. – 5 p.m.

THE OATH OF OFFICE                           215.409.6800 or                                                                                                                                   23
FIELD TRIP CHECKLIST                                                                                                          Teachers who care about inspiring
     Book your 2018— 2019 Field Trip by DECEMBER 28, 2018 for the chance to win a FREE FIELD TRIP for 40 students.
                                                                                                                             ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP and have an
                                                                                                                              appreciation for the U.S. CONSTITUTION
      BOOK YOUR GROUP TODAY! 215.409.6800 or
                                                                                                                             will want to include the National Constitution Center
     1st Choice: 			                      2nd Choice: 			                   3rd Choice: 			                                                      on their           ITINERARY!
     Preferred time of arrival (Freedom Rising shows begin at 9:30 a.m. and run every half an hour):

     GENERAL ADMISSION 							$7.50 (per student)
           ê   Freedom Rising
           ê   The Story of We the People
           ê   Signers' Hall
           ê   Constituting Liberty
           ê   American Treasures
           ê   Living News (Now – December 7, 2018)
           ê   Hamilton: The Constitutional Clashes that Shaped a Nation
           ê   Civil War & Reconstruction: The Battle for Freedom and Equality (Opening May 9, 2019)


          			                    			                      			                             Add $6.50 (per student)

               Main Exhibit Tour							Add $6.50 (per student)
               Leadership Tour							Add $6.50 (per student)
               Bill of Rights Tour							                                                 Add $6.50 (per student)
               Interactive Constitution Workshop 					Add $6.50 (per student)
               History Detectives Workshop: Artifacts from the 1800s and 1900s		          Add $6.50 (per student)
               Decoding the Document: The Emancipation Proclamation			                    Add $6.50 (per student)
               The American Flag Workshop 						Add $6.50 (per student)

               Tour the Museum After Hours						                                          Add $950 for up to 50 people
               See Philadelphia from the Ground Up 					                                  Contact Group Sales for pricing
               Experience the Complete Story:
               From the American Revolution to the U.S. Constitution 			                  Contact Group Sales for pricing
               Experience Philadelphia’s Historic District 				                           Contact Group Sales for pricing

               Boxed Lunches 								Price varies
               Lunch Vouchers 							Price varies
               Displayed Lunch Buffet 							Price varies
               Bring Your Own Lunch (Reserve space in our School Lunchroom) 		            $15 flat fee                                                                                               BOOK YOUR GROUP TODAY!
24                                                                                                                           RICHARD AND HELEN DEVOS EXHIBIT HALL                215.409.6800 or
Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                                   U.S. Postage
Independence Mall   525 Arch Street   Philadelphia, PA 19106                                      Permit No. 6072
                                                                                                  Philadelphia, PA

      BOOK                                          From SELFIES in Signers’ Hall to pretending
       YOUR P                                                  to be SUPREME COURT JUDGES,
     I E L D TRI
   F           !                                                    our visit was nothing short of

                                           BOOK YOUR FIELD TRIP EXPERIENCE TODAY!
                                              215.409.6800 or
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