Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021

Page created by Alberto Tate
Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021
Scorpion Scoop -                                             Back to School 2021
Sykesville Middle School   ●   7301 Springfield Ave   ●   Sykesville, MD 21784   ●   (410) 751-3545   ●

                               Message from the Principal - August 2021

  Summer is still in full swing, but it won’t be long before the leaves are changing, busses are back on the
  roads, and pumpkin-spiced everything is out in full force! I hope that your family has been enjoying the
  warm weather and the chance to unwind this summer. We are excited to be planning for our return to
  school on Wednesday, September 8th and look forward to seeing our students and staff in the building very

  During the past 18 months, we’ve heard the phrase “We’re all in this together” a lot, but it couldn’t be truer
  as I think about starting off the school year. I am a firm believer school is a community that works at its best
  when everyone is working together – staff, counselors, teachers, administrators, students, and families.
  Supporting our students academically, socially, and emotionally is why we are here, and we look forward to
  working with you to meet the needs of your child. Open lines of communication are important to foster a
  collaborative environment between home and school. If you have any questions or concerns about the
  upcoming school year, please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself or Mr. Hynes. Your child’s counselor is
  also a great resource. We are pleased to share that Ms. Charitonuk, our long-term substitute counselor
  from the end of last school year, will be officially joining the Scorpion family and she will be primarily
  working with students in Grade 6 as well as Grade 7 students with the last name A-L. Ms. Moses will
  continue to work with her students in Grade 8 and those in Grade 7 with the last name M-Z.

  As you prepare for the upcoming school year, please note that school supply lists are available and your
  child’s class schedule will be published on Home Access Center on Monday, August 16th. If you have any
  questions or concerns about your child’s schedule, please reach out to us and we can make any necessary
  adjustments prior to the start of the year. Speaking of supplies for the school year, Carroll County will now
  be one-to-one with devices for our middle school students. Mr. Hynes and our office staff have been busy
  prepping the computers for students. All devices will need to be picked up at school so that a parent or
  guardian can sign the user agreement. These computers will be great resources in the classroom to
  enhance learning opportunities for our students and can be taken home to facilitate homework assignments
  outside of school. More information about these pick-up dates can be found in the newsletter in addition to
  dates for building tours and back-to-school nights.

  We will be sending out at least one more communication in August to review any final updates regarding
  the start of the school year. Returning Sykesville families will remember from last year our weekly update
  emails that will serve as a “bulletin board” of announcements for the week – activities, important dates, etc.
  We will resume those weekly updates on Friday, 9/3.

  I hope everyone enjoys the final weeks of summer and we can’t wait to see you!

  Kristi Reppe

                                                   SMS MISSION STATEMENT
       Sykesville Middle School is an inclusive community that collaborates, builds relationships, and models behaviors
       which develop lifelong learners who are empowered to be positively involved members of our society.
Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021
Student Laptop Distribution Info

We are excited to share that all Sykesville Middle School students will be issued a one-to-
one device (laptop) prior to the start of the school year! These will be invaluable tools in
the classroom and to use while completing homework assignments. Please note the pick-up
times below to get your device. Reminder: A parent / guardian MUST sign the CCPS User
Agreement that comes with the device before issuing. Please make sure a parent /
guardian attends pick-up of the device.

Wednesday, August 18th – Students with last names A – G 10:00 – 12:00
Thursday, August 19th – Students with last names H – O 10:00 – 12:00
Friday, August 20th – Students with last names P – Z 10:00 – 12:00
Thursday, September 2nd – Evening Pick-up Option for Families – 4:00 – 6:00

You may also pick-up computers at one of the building tour dates / times below:
Monday, August 23rd – 12:30
Wednesday, August 25th – 2:00
Wednesday, September 1st – 9:30

After you get your laptop home, please download and read the following documents that
will be helpful to families and students -

Student Laptop Care Guide Best Practices

Student Laptop Latitude 3120 Setup and Specifications
Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021
Sykesville Middle School Daily Schedule
                            Regular Bell Schedule 2021-2022
       6 Grade                7th Grade              8th Grade               Related Arts
       8:25 – 9:25            8:25 – 9:25            8:25 – 9:10             8:25 – 9:10
       Period 1               Period 1               Period 1                Period 1 (8th Grade)
       9:25 – 10:25           9:25 – 10:30           9:10 – 9:55             9:10 – 9:55
       Period 2               Period 2               Period 2                Period 2 (8th Grade)
       10:25 – 11:25          10:30 – 11:15          9:55 – 10:50            9:55 – 10:30
       Period 3               Period 3               Period 3                Planning
       11:25 – 11:55          11:15 – 12:00          10:50 – 11:20           10:30 – 11:15
       Lunch                  Period 4               Lunch                   Period 3 (7th Grade)
       12:00 – 1:00           12:00 – 12:30          11:20 – 12:30           11:15 – 12:00
       Period 4               Lunch                  Period 4                Period 4 (7th Grade)
       1:00 – 1:45            12:30 – 1:30           12:30 – 1:30            12:00 – 12:30
       Period 5               Period 5               Period 5                Lunch
       1:45 – 2:30            1:30 – 2:30            1:30 – 2:30             12:30 – 1:00
       Period 6               Period 6               Period 6                Planning
       2:30 – 3:00            2:30 – 3:00            2:30 – 3:00             1:00 – 1:45
       Focus                  Focus                  Focus                   Period 5 (6th Grade)
                                                                             1:45 – 2:30
                                                                             Period 6 (6th Grade)
                                                                             2:30 – 3:00

      Beginning in October, we will be starting a Flex Wednesday schedule. This will allow for club
      meetings and additional extended learning opportunities during the school day. Parents will
      be notified when we get ready to start the Flex Wednesday schedule below.
                 Flex Wednesday Schedule 2021-2022 (starting Oct. 2021)
       6 Grade                7th Grade              8th Grade               Related Arts
       8:25 – 9:25            8:25 – 9:25            8:25 – 9:05             8:25 – 9:05
       Period 1               Period 1               Period 1                Period 1 (8th Grade)
       9:25 – 10:25           9:25 – 10:20           9:05 – 9:45             9:05 – 9:45
       Period 2               Period 2               Period 2                Period 2 (8th Grade)
       10:25 – 11:25          10:20 – 11:00          9:45 – 10:45            9:45 – 10:20
       Period 3               Period 3               Period 3                Planning
       11:25 – 12:25          11:00 – 11:30          10:45 – 11:40           10:20 – 11:00
       Period 4               Lunch                  Period 4                Period 3 (7th Grade)
       12:25 – 12:55          11:30 – 12:10          11:40 – 12:10           11:00 – 11:30
       Lunch                  Period 4               Lunch                   Lunch
       12:55 – 1:35           12:10 – 1:15           12:10 – 1:15            11:30 – 12:10
       Period 5               Period 5               Period 5                Period 4 (7th Grade)
       1:35 – 2:15            1:15 – 2:15            1:15 – 2:15             12:10 – 12:55
       Period 6               Period 6               Period 6                Planning
       2:15 – 3:00            2:15 – 3:00            2:15 – 3:00             12:55 – 1:35
       Flex                   Flex                   Flex                    Period 5 (6th Grade)
                                                                             1:35 – 2:15
                                                                             Period 6 (6th Grade)
                                                                             2:15 – 3:00

Related Arts classes run on an A Day/B Day Rotation. The first day of school 9/8/2021 will be an A Day.
Snow days are treated like holidays/weekends—they are not in the rotation. For example: Tuesday is a B
Day; Wednesday CCPS is closed for inclement weather; then Thursday will be an A Day. If Wednesday and
Thursday are closed for inclement weather; then Friday will be an A Day.
Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021
Dates and Teacher Information
              Building Tours (all grades)
Monday 8/23 @ 12:30 pm                                       6th Grade BTSN                    7th/8th Grade BTSN
Wednesday 8/25 @ 2:00 pm                                    Tuesday 8/31/21                        Tuesday 9/21/21
Wednesday 9/1 @ 9:30 am                                         6:30 pm                                6:30 pm
RSVP Google Form coming 8/16/21.

                                  Homeroom Teachers and Room Numbers:
                                                 *denotes Team Leader

      Team 1 - 6th Grade:                    Team 2 - 6th Grade:
      203: * Ms. Whitlow - ELA               209: * Ms. Brown - Math
      202: Ms. Mercer - S Studies            204: Ms. Jones - ELA
      233: Ms. McNamara - Science            208: Ms. Zepp - S Studies and ELA
      200: Ms. Cavey - Math                  221: Mr. Lowe - Science and Math
                                             218: Ms. Hiles - Science
                                             223: Ms. Conkling - S Studies

      Team 3 - 7th Grade:                    Team 4 - 7th Grade:                 Team 5 - 7th Grade:
      217: * Ms. Baker - Math                176: * Ms. Calabria - ELA           181: * Ms. M Smith - ELA
      211: Ms. C Smith - ELA                 175: Ms. Sapp - S Studies           169: Ms. Mullinix - S Studies
      216: Ms. Richards - S Studies          171: Mr. Wisner - Math              170: Ms. Snively - Math
      177: Ms. Peno - Science                180: Ms. Rothschild - Science       166: Mr. Levesque - Science

      Team 6 - 8th Grade:                    Team 7 - 8th Grade:                 Team 8 - 8th Grade:
      163: * Ms. Murphy - Science            P01: *Ms. Nievod - S Studies        181: * Ms. M Smith - ELA
      182: Ms. Kimble - ELA                  164: (in process) - Science         169: Ms. Mullinix - S Studies
      P03: Ms. Rhoten - Math                 P02: Mr. Sabad - Math               170: Ms. Snively - Math
      P04: Mr. Howes - S Studies             001: Ms. Davies - ELA               166: Mr. Levesque - Science
                                                                                 181: Ms. Allen (HR only)

                 Related Arts Teachers                                           Resource Teachers
      Teacher                    Subject        Room#              Teacher                   Subject             Room#
* Ms. Schaper         FACS                        152         Ms. Akula          Team 1                           206
Ms. Duda              Art                        158B         Ms. Walston        Team 2 & Team 8                  206
Ms. Zajaczkowski      Spanish                     003         Ms. Holt           Team 3 & Team 4                  165
* Mr. Passen          Instrumental Music          140         * Ms. Bartlett     Team 6 & Team 7                  205
Ms. Collier           Chorus/General Music        025         Ms. Norman         Learning for Independence        002
Ms. Franz             Tech Ed.                 021/022        Ms. Galvin         Reading Specialist               210
* Ms. Boumel          Health                      145         Ms. Easton         Math Specialist                  045
Mr. Beck              P.E.                        133         Ms. Putt           Speech Pathologist               231
Ms. Herget            P.E.                        127         Ms. Piek           Gifted and Talented              168
Ms. Roop              P.E.                        127         Ms. Allen          Interventionist                  222

Ms. Bricca            Media Specialist          Media         Ms. Martinelli     Instructional Assistant
                                                              Ms. Myers          Instructional Assistant
                                                              Ms. Pfarr          Instructional Assistant
                                                              Ms. Whitehead      Instructional Assistant
Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021
                                    Kristi Reppe, Principal
                            Christopher Hynes, Assistant Principal
                                      Phone: 410-751-3545 Fax: 410-751-3573

     Sykesville Middle School Hours                                           2021-2022 Marking Periods*
     STUDENTS ARRIVE:                    8:00 am
                                                                             QUARTER 1:             September 8 - November 10
     HOMEROOM:                           8:00 -8:25 am
     CLASSES:                            8:25 am -3:00 pm                    QUARTER 2:             November 11 - January 25
     DISMISSAL:                          3:00 pm
                                                                             QUARTER 3:             January 26 - April 4
      2 hour, 45 minute early dismissal time is 12:15pm
                                                                             QUARTER 4:             April 5 - June 10
Students arriving after 8:25 am will be marked TARDY.
Morning door opening procedures can be found on the next
                                                                                   *Actual marking periods may be adjusted
                                                                                depending on the use of emergency closing days.

                          If your child is absent, email the school at:
It is your child’s responsibility to obtain any missed assignments; either from a classmate, the online homework website, or from their
teachers upon their return to school. If your child is absent from school for three or more consecutive days, you may make
arrangements for homework by contacting the school. Please give 24 hours notice for this request.

                Homework Website                                                    2021-2022 Food Service
 Daily homework assignments are compiled by Team Leaders                    Breakfast is served at 8:00 am
 and uploaded to OneNote Online. To access the homework,                    Thanks to a grant from the Federal Government ALL students
 visit the Sykesville Middle School homepage http://                        under the age of 18 are eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch and click on “SMS Homework                         during the 2021-2022 school year.
 Hotline" (under Students and Parents), then scroll down the
 menu on the left side and select your Team or subject                      If you have any questions about Food Service, please contact
 area. There is also a homework link on the individual Team and             our Cafeteria Manager, Amanda Binder, at
 subject area pages.                                               .
                                                                            Go here for school menus School Menus ( .

                                                      School Counselors
                                                         Ms. Charitonuk:
                                                   6th Grade (all) and 7th Grade (A-L)
                                                               Ms. Moses:
                                                   7th Grade (M-Z) and 8th Grade (all)

                        Follow Sykesville Middle on Instagram @sykesville_scorpions
Scorpion Scoop - Back to School 2021
Back-to-School Information
             Calendar of Events                                                          Backpacks
AUGUST                                                           All students will be issued a locker to use during the school year.
23 Building Tour - 12:30 pm                                      Families may provide a lock to their child to use on the lockers. In
25 Building Tour - 2:00 pm                                       addition, students may use a bookbag to carry materials to and
31 6th Grade BTSN - 6:30 pm                                      from school as well as to classes. Teams will share more specific
SEPTEMBER                                                        details on these procedures at the start of the year.
 1 Building Tour - 9:30 am
 8 First Day of School
21 7th/8th Grade BTSN - 6:30 pm
14 Student Fall Pictures (re-takes on 11/30/21)
Download the 2021-2022 CCPS calendar here -
Approved2021-2022SchoolCalendar.pdf (

      6th Grade Outdoor School                                                         PE Uniforms
                                                                All students must wear appropriate clothing during Physical
                       WEEKS OF:                                Education class. A Sykesville Middle School uniform is not
                 Dec. 20th to 23rd (4 days)                     mandatory, but clothing must consist of a gray (or white) t-shirt,
                       Jan. 3rd to 7th                          black shorts and gym shoes.
                     Jan. 10th to 14th
                 Jan. 18th to 21st (4 days)                     For your convenience, students will have the opportunity to
                                                                purchase a SMS PE uniform the first week of school through our
  There will be a meeting for 6th Grade Parents
                                                                Physical Education Department.
 sometime in October or November. Watch for
                                                                The cost is $10 for the shirt and $10 for the shorts ($20 for both).
           a School Messenger email.
                                                                Checks should be made payable to SMS. Cash is also accepted.

                                      Cell Phones at Sykesville Middle
Cell phones are not permitted to be out during the school day. All cell phones should be put away either on the student’s person
or in their locker.

                                       Sykesville Middle School Hours
The school’s main entrance is locked until 8:00 am, and students will not be able to enter the building until that time. At 8:00 am
a staff member will be on duty in the front lobby to allow students access to the school building. Students should report directly
to homeroom.
The doors behind the school, nearest the portables, will remain locked until 8:00 am, at which time a staff member will be on duty
to allow students who walk or ride their bikes to enter the building through those doors and report directly to homeroom.
All exterior doors are locked during the school day.

                                                  Invitation to Visit
Sykesville Middle School is open to parents, guardians and other family members at all times. However, for reasons of safety,
visitors are required to report to the Main Office before going anywhere in the building. All visitors need to present a valid
driver’s license to be scanned. They will be given a pass that they must wear the entire time they are in the building. Parents
wishing to make an appointment with individual teachers, counselors, or other staff members should call in advance of their visit.
Back to School Information
                                                         (continued …)

                Change of Address                                                     Emergency Cards
 State and County attendance regulations require the school to
 maintain accurate, up-to-date, enrollment information for            On the first day of school each student will receive one (1)
 each student; therefore, when you have a change of address it        copy of his/her Emergency Card. You will find a great deal of
 is mandatory you provide the school with one of the                  your child’s information preprinted on the card. It is critical
 following:                                                           the preprinted information is carefully reviewed by a parent/
                                                                      guardian. If the card reflects incorrect information you are
 •    SIGNED Lease/Rental Agreement on a home/apartment in            asked to make note of the revisions on the card. All
      which the parent/legal guardian is currently residing           Emergency Cards must be signed by a parent/guardian and
      (expired lease is not acceptable)                               returned to the school within three (3) days.
 •    Current Rent Receipt *
                                                                      The phone number associated with the student for office and
 •    Recent Bill for a service delivered to the residence (e.g.,
                                                                      emergency calls (i.e. school weather closings) will
      BGE, land-line phone, cable, oil, water) *
                                                                      AUTOMATICALLY update to the primary number for Parent/
 •    Mortgage Statement/Bill *
                                                                      Guardian #1. If this is not the number you want called first,
 •    SIGNED Settlement Document
                                                                      then you need to change the emergency card.
 •    Property Tax Bill from the current fiscal year indicating
      “Primary Residence”                                             In addition, it is extremely important for parents to update
 •    Deed (must show house number, street name and name              their child’s information throughout the school year. This can
      of parent/legal guardian)                                       be done using the Home Access Center. A change of
 •    Residence Verification Statement accompanied by an              residence, however, will require proper documentation. This
      acceptable proof of residency for the owner/lessee of the       accurate information will allow the school nurse, guidance
      property                                                        counselors, team leaders, administrators and classroom
 •    Real Property Data Search Report listing parent/guardian        teachers to have the accurate information needed to remain
      name and “principal residence”                                  in close communication with parents and guardians.

 *DATE ON DOCUMENT MUST BE WITHIN 60 DAYS OF                          Thank you!
 ENROLLMENT. If you do not have any of these documents,
 please contact the Student Services Department at (410) 751-
 3120 for further assistance.

                                                    School Messenger
The Carroll County Public School System uses SchoolMessenger to provide parents with information from their child’s school and the
school system. This service enhances the ability of the schools to communicate with parents and members of the school community.
It delivers both e-mail and phone alerts at no charge to parents. Parents may also opt in to receive text messages.

There is no need to sign up for this service. All information is taken from the emergency procedure cards. Parents/guardians are
automatically enrolled in the system. If at any time you need to update your contact information, please call your child’s school

For more information about School Messenger go to School Messenger (
Back-to-School Information
                                                         (continued …)

                                                     Student Agenda
All students will receive an Agenda courtesy of the PTO. This book will contain information specific to Sykesville Middle School
and is a place to write daily assignments. Students must carry this book with them to each class and home each night. If the
agenda is lost, replacements are available for a fee of $4.00. Supplies are limited so students are encouraged to know where
their agenda is at all times. In addition, all students will receive a Sykesville Middle School folder. You will find these useful tools
and very helpful in answering questions about policies and procedures.


                             The bus routes will be posted on the CCPS website in August.

Students riding buses should arrive at their designated bus stops at least five minutes prior to the scheduled pick-up time. One
AM and one PM stop location shall be allowed for each transported student.

Video/Audio cameras are placed on school buses to protect students and staff and to provide a safe and orderly transportation
environment. The privacy of students and the recordings are kept secure and are reviewed only by authorized Carroll County
Public Schools Personnel.

Permission to ride a bus, other than a student’s assigned bus, is only granted in emergency situations. Permission to ride a
different bus can be granted only by the school’s administration. BOTH sets of parents/guardians must submit written requests in
advance. Further, a written request from a parent or guardian is required whenever a student will be traveling home by a means
different than what is typical for that student (i.e. walking home or parent pick-up instead of taking the bus, etc.). These requests
must be sent to the office first thing in the morning for administrative approval.

It is always a good idea for students to walk with a friend, using only the sidewalks and/or paths provided. At no time should
students “cut” across or be on private property without the owner’s permission.

Parent pick-up and drop-off will continue to be along the front sidewalk of the school. For the safety of all students, please be
patient and follow the instructions of the designated school staff at this location.

                                    Send in (or Scan) those Box Tops!!
For each Box Top turned in, Sykesville Middle School gets 10 cents!! Please continue to clip those box tops throughout the
school year and send them in to Mrs. Schaper. For more information click here Home - Box Tops for Education
( .
Back-to-School Information
                                                       (continued …)

                                                Home Access Center
Home Access Center is available for students, parents and legal guardians to login and view information pertaining to their
students. Please follow these directions to login to your account:

    1.   Go to the Carroll County Public Schools website at
    2.   Click on “Home Access Center” (under Students and Parents).
    3.   A new page will open; click the ‘Request Password’ link.
    4.   Enter the email address you provided on your student’s emergency card (it will be the email account where you receive
         School Messenger alerts. You will receive an email to that account with a link to a web page. If the email message does
         not appear within several minutes check your junk mail folder and make sure it wasn’t delivered there. It will come from
    5.   Click the link from the email message and follow the instructions on‐screen. You will be prompted to answer 3 questions
         about one of your students. Once you have answered the questions correctly your password will appear on‐screen. Click
         the link on that page to be taken to the Home Access Center login screen.
    6.   Login using your email address and the password that was displayed on‐screen. After logging in be sure to click ‘Profile’
         in the top right‐hand corner and identify a new password for your account.

Please make sure you review the FAQ/Users Guide here - Home Access User Guide FAQs.pdf ( . It contains
important information and FAQs regarding getting connected and navigating Home Access Center.

                                        Service Learning Information
Procedures for submitting service learning hours at Sykesville Middle School are as follows:

•   Service learning hours may begin to accumulate the first day of summer break prior to entering the 6th grade.
•   Click on this link and compete the online Service Learning Hour Form within one year from the time the service is
    complete .
•   If you choose to use a paper form, completed forms must be returned to the guidance office within one year from the time
    the service is complete.
•   Failure to thoroughly complete the form or follow the appropriate procedures may result in a student not receiving credit for
    hours worked or a delay in receiving those credits.
•   Outdoor school forms must be submitted by October 1st of the 7th grade school year.
•   Completed forms should be submitted as soon as possible following the completion of the activity in order for it to appear in
    the student record.
•   Parents/guardians are able to check their child’s Service Learning Hours via the Home Access Center.
•   Due to the volume of forms received it is always a good idea to make and keep a copy of each thoroughly completed form
    before it is submitted.

For clarification and complete program information please refer to the Carroll County Service Learning Guidelines that are located
on the County website at You can also
download a paper form here.

Visit the CCPS Service Learning Google Site at for guidelines
and project suggestions.

If you have questions or are unsure whether an activity will count towards the Service Learning requirement, please contact the
school’s Service Learning Coordinator, Tracy Baker, at or call the County Coordinator at (410) 751-3454.
School Nurse
The summer is ending and I wanted to communicate information that will smooth the preparation and transition back to school.
Please use the emergency card to document your child’s medical conditions and/or changes to their medications. I will be
available the week before school starts to meet with students and parents to develop medical plans.

Breakfast, breakfast, breakfast … I cannot emphasize how important it is for all family members to have breakfast every morning.
This routine would also give everyone time to touch base before the day starts and maybe eliminate a few extra trips to school
because something is forgotten at home.

With fall comes a new group of pollens and I encourage students with fall allergies, to take their allergy medication daily. The
mile run will take place during the fall, so if your child has asthma please have their inhaler at school ready for use along with a
completed medication form. Students may carry their inhalers if the inhaler release is completed on the medication form.

All medication, for student use during the school day, must be brought in by an adult, in its original container with a completed
medication consent form. The age appropriate doses of Tylenol and Advil/Motrin only need a parent’s signature on the form. If
your child is not 12 years of age, he/she will have to take the children’s form of the above medication, unless your doctor also
signs the medication form. All other over-the-counter and prescription medications must have a parent’s and doctor’s signature
on the medication form. Students may bring the following items to school: water bottles, saline solution for contacts, non-
medicated throat lozenges, sunscreen, hand lotion, lip balm and wrapped anti-bacterial hand wipes. There is a link to all medical
forms on the Sykesville Middle School website - School Nurse ( .

Please be mindful of symptoms of illness and when your child may need to stay home from school due to illness. If your child has
a fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, sore throat, cough, difficulty breathing, diarrhea or vomiting, a new onset of severe headache,
or new loss of taste or smell, please keep your child home from school and consult with your physician.

And, finally, if for any reason your child cannot participate in PE for more than a week, a letter stating such must be completed
by their doctor and brought to school. You will need a release for your child to return to PE if there is not a return date on the
doctor’s note.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Kelly Cook, BSN
Sykesville Middle School Nurse

  In order to begin the school year 2021-2022 all incoming 7th grade students will be required to have:

  1 dose of Tdap vaccine
  1 dose of Meningococcal vaccine

  If your child does not have proof of these vaccinations by the first day of school (September 8, 2021) they will be excluded
  from school. Please check with your physician to schedule these vaccinations prior to the start of the school year. We need
  a copy of the student’s updated immunization record, showing the new shot information, from the physician’s office.
Boys & Girls Club of Westminster

    Boys & Girls Club Leadership Program is coming to
                 Sykesville Middle School!
We are excited to announce Boys & Girls Club will be running a leadership development
program at Sykesville Middle School during the 2021-2022 school year! Starting in October,
Boys & Girls Club (BGC) will meet from 3-6 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays at Sykesville
Middle School. This special leadership development program is reserved for Sykesville Middle
students and spaces are limited to only 50 students! Boys & Girls Club believes that kids are at
their best when they are inspired so the Club has programs for all interests! BGC’s nationally
recognized leadership development program provides opportunities for kids to make a
difference in their community and in the world around them and it even offers homework help
to make sure that kids are successful in school. But most of all, Boys & Girls Club is a fun, safe
place for kids to hang out with their friends and make connections with adult mentors. The
membership fee for the Boys & Girls Club’s Sykesville Middle School program is only $30 for
the entire school year! Members who are 13 and older can also attend Friday teen nights at
the Westminster Club (transportation not provided).              Contact Michael Grogan at for more information or visit the Boys & Girls Club information
table at back to school night!

             VOLUNTEERS - Carroll County Public Schools 2021-2022
Making a Difference Together

Volunteering is an excellent way for parents, family, community members, and business partners to build and strengthen ties
with the Carroll County Public School System. Volunteers offer their time, effort, and/or talents to benefit all students in the
school system.

Volunteer Training is online. Go to the CCPS website at Volunteer Program ( to take the training for 2021-2022.

Reminder - Volunteer training obtained during previous school years is no longer valid.
                                           Safety & Security - Volunteer Requirement
                                   Volunteers MUST present valid ID each time they volunteer,
                                         even when volunteering outside the building.

                  CCPS BOE/LEGAL NOTICES

                                   CCPS Board of Education Meetings
 The complete Board of Education meeting schedule for 2021-2022 can be found on the CCPS website at:

As a requirement of the AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) management plans for all buildings owned or leased
by the Board of Education of Carroll County Public Schools are available for review at the individual Carroll County School locations
and at the Office of Plant Operations located at 191 Schaeffer Avenue, Westminster, MD 21157. Management plans are required
by the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and depict the location, amount, condition, and response action projected for any
asbestos containing materials, if any are located in the school building.
                                                      CONSENT AND RELEASE
Permission to Photograph, Videotape or Audiotape

Throughout the school year, the Carroll County Public School System frequently covers school activities and may use your child’s
photograph, video image, or voice for educational, informational, or public relations purposes, with or without identification by

If you do not wish to have your child’s voice reproduced on tape or to have his/her image appear in such things as a video or a
photograph, or on the school or school system website or social media, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed
that parents and guardians consent to their children being audiotaped, photographed, videotaped, or having their image placed on
a school website or social media by the school system unless such notification is received.

There are also occasions when the media cover certain school events (such as when a government leader visits a school). If you do
not wish to have your child’s name or likeness published by the media, you should address your concerns directly to the school
involved so that the media is so advised. Please be advised that the school system has no control over the media when they are
covering activities such as sporting events and musical programs that are open to the public.

Use of Student Work on Websites or in Publications

There may be times throughout the year when the Carroll County Public School System wishes to display student work on school
websites, social media, or in publications. If you do not wish to have your child’s art, poetry, writing, etc. appear on school
websites, social media, or in publications, please notify the school principal in writing. It is assumed that parents and guardians
consent to their child’s work being displayed on school websites, social media, or in publications unless such notification is

                                                NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION
The Board of Education of Carroll County does not engage in discrimination that is unlawful or contrary to Maryland State
Department of Education guidance on the basis of age, color, genetic information, marital status, mental or physical disability,
ancestry or national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

The Board of Education of Carroll County is firmly committed to creating equal employment and educational opportunities for
all persons by providing an environment that supports optimal academic achievement and productive work and is free from any
form of unlawful discrimination, including access to school facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular activities.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Director of Human
Resources, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157, (410) 751-3070.

                                                 ADA ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT
Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or the provision of services,
programs or activities. Persons needing auxiliary aids and services for communication should contact the Communications
Office at 410-751-3020 or, or write to Carroll County Public Schools, 125 North Court Street,
Westminster, Maryland 21157. Persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, may use Relay or 7-1-1.
Please contact the school system at least one (1) week in advance of the date the special accommodation is needed.

Information concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act is available from the Director of Facilities Management, (410) 751-
3177, or the Communications Officer, (410) 751-3020, 125 North Court Street, Westminster, Maryland 21157.
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