Middle School welcome guide 2018/2019 - East Campus - UWCSEA

Page created by Emily Wood
Middle School welcome guide 2018/2019 - East Campus - UWCSEA
Middle School welcome guide 2018/2019
                           East Campus

                                                                                                              Welcome to the
Contents                                                                                                      UWCSEA East Middle School
Welcome to the UWCSEA East Middle School.........................1                                                                      We are thrilled to welcome our new
                                                                                                                                        families to UWCSEA East Middle
Finding your way around the campus.........................................2
                                                                                                                                        School. New students add to the
Who can help?..................................................................................2                                        diverse tapestry of our community
                                                                                                                                        and enrich the learning experiences
What’s going on? Communication..............................................2
                                                                                                                                        for everyone.
Contacting/notifying the school..................................................3
                                                                                                                                         The Middle School staff are
Middle School uniform...................................................................4                                                committed to developing each of
School day.........................................................................................4                                     our students during this unique
                                                                                                                                         time in their lives: adolescence. We
Lunch and snacks.............................................................................5                                           are proud of our holistic approach
Health and well-being of students...............................................6                             to middle level education. As we prepare our students for
                                                                                                              high school and beyond, we pay close attention to both their
Other useful information...............................................................7                      academic and social-emotional development. We strive
A few things about classes.............................................................7                      to provide a rigorous and relevant learning environment.
                                                                                                              Our students forge meaningful relationships; realise their
Technology and laptops..................................................................8                     individual potential; feel a strong sense of belonging; develop
Activities programme......................................................................8                   greater independence and responsibility. Middle school is a
                                                                                                              time of tremendous growth and our students are supported
Sports.................................................................................................9      within a developmentally appropriate learning programme.
Arts......................................................................................................9   Middle schoolers are encouraged to fully engage in College
Service and Global Concerns.........................................................10                        life through active participation in our academic curriculum,
                                                                                                              outdoor education, service, activities, and mentor group
Outdoor Education expeditions and courses.............................10                                      experiences. You will find that UWCSEA East Middle School
Optional trips....................................................................................10          offers a wide variety of opportunities for students to engage
                                                                                                              in learning.
Key events for the start of the school year................................11
                                                                                                              As you transition into the Middle School learning community,
East Middle School contacts.........................................................12
                                                                                                              don’t hesitate to access the many available resources for
                                                                                                              Erin Robinson
                                                                                                              Middle School Principal

Finding your way
around the campus                                                What’s going on? Communication
There is a campus map on the East Campus Orientation             Our school is a busy place with lots of things happening, so
website, and one will be provided for students on their first    we have tools to help you keep organised and up-to-date.
day of school.
                                                                 For students
                                                                 Personal system login and Gmail
Who can help?
                                                                 Each student is issued with a personal login to the College
Mentors                                                          website where you can access the student portal and the
Students see their mentor at the start of school everyday.       Online Learning Platform (see below).
They will keep in touch with you about your child’s overall      All students are also issued a College-linked Gmail account,
progress and general welfare. Your mentor is the first person    which the College uses to communicate directly with you.
you can approach with any concerns.                              You should check your email daily.
Teachers                                                         Online Learning Platform, homework and organisation
If you have any questions about your subjects or assignments,    The College Online Learning Platform (OLP), is where your
it is best to approach your subject teacher for clarification    teachers share resources, set homework and send you and
and guidance.                                                    your classmates messages specific to the class. It’s also where
                                                                 you can post comments and questions about topics and have
Heads of Grade
                                                                 course-related conversations with fellow students.
Your Head of Grade is responsible for ensuring all students
under their care are supporting the school ideals. They liaise   You can access all your courses from this single platform,
closely with mentors, subject teachers and the counsellor        and a calendar with assignments and deadlines that helps
to ensure students are provided with the necessary               to keep you organised. At the beginning of the school year,
encouragement, guidance and support to reach their               teachers will spend time making sure students are set up and
potential. You are always welcome to approach your Head of       connected to the OLP.
Grade with any ideas or concerns.
                                                                 Student portal
Counselling                                                      The student portal is dedicated to providing information you
The Middle School counsellor at East Campus is available to      need such as upcoming events and resources. You will also
all students who wish to talk about personal issues, concerns    access Activities and Service sign ups via the portal.
or anything at all. Students see the counsellor for a wide       The Notices section will tell you what is going on in the
variety of reasons including adjusting to a new school and       school that day that may affect you such as sports try-outs,
new country. When you consult a counsellor, what you speak       music and drama auditions, and Global Concerns events.
about is completely confidential, except in cases of personal    There is also an event calendar for your school section.
risk or harm.
                                                                 For parents
                                                                 Website login and parent portal
                                                                 Each parent is issued with a login to the parent portal via
                                                                 our website where you can view information tailored to your
                                                                 family and about your child(ren). Parent logins will be issued
                                                                 by email prior to the start of school.
                                                                 Access to a number of key systems, daily updated notices and
                                                                 the online calendar are located here, including:
                                                                 • online medical information system
                                                                   (for review and updating)
                                                                 • contact information update system
                                                                   (for review and updating)
                                                                 • student record system
                                                                   (timetable, attendance records, reports and assessments)
                                                                 • notices for parents
                                                                   (you can see the notices sent to students as well)

                                                                    Contacting/notifying the school
UWCSEA App                                                          Absence from school
The UWCSEA App is available for iOS and Android devices.            Please notify the Middle School Office if your child is absent
Search for ‘UWCSEA’ and download the app to access eBrief,          or going to be late to school (see last page for contact details).
the College calendar and term dates, notices for parents, your
child’s timetable (including their activities for each day), the    It is vital that we are informed immediately if your child has
staff directory, directions to school, a campus map, and more.      an illness that is infectious so we can alert other parents to
                                                                    be vigilant for symptoms. In the case of some contagious
You will need your login details to access the App, as the          diseases we have to declare reported cases to the Singapore
information is customised to each user.                             Ministry of Health.
Updating of contact information                                     If your child needs to attend an appointment during school
If there is any change in contact information (i.e., telephone,     hours, you will need to collect your child and obtain a slip to
address or email) it is very important that parents amend           leave the campus from the Middle School Office.
the details the school holds on file. If you need to provide
                                                                    Travel in term time
new contact details before you are issued your login, please
contact the Middle School Office.                                   Taking students out of school during term time can be
                                                                    detrimental to their learning. However, we appreciate that
Once you have your login details, you can update any                there are some situations when this is unavoidable. If your
information by logging in to the parent portal, where all           child has to miss any school, please inform the Middle
relevant departments (school office, clinic, Finance) will be       School Office in writing. For planned absences that are not
notified by one submission.                                         an extended family holiday, students need to complete a
                                                                    Pre-Arranged Absence Approval Form. This is available in the
                                                                    Middle School Office. Please note that we are not able to
There is an up-to-date online calendar on the school website.       provide school work for students who will be absent due to
The College uses Google Calendar, and, depending on the             holiday travel.
calendar system you use, you can import all or some of these
events from Google Calendar to your own calendar to help            Temporary supervision due to both
you keep on top of what’s happening.                                parents being absent from Singapore
                                                                    It is a UWCSEA admission requirement that parents of day
Workshops for parents are scheduled during Term 1 to help
                                                                    students reside in Singapore. If for any reason, both parents
familiarise you with the features of the website portal and
                                                                    are out of Singapore, we must have clear details of the adult
calendars. These will be advertised in the weekly eBrief
                                                                    who will act as a supervisor in their absence so we know
                                                                    whom to contact in case of an emergency.
eBrief and eFlyer                                                   Please complete the Nomination of a Supervisor during
These are weekly email updates for parents, consolidating key       Temporary Parental Absence form, which is available on the
information into two, easy-to-read updates each week.               Parent Portal via the Forms button.
eBrief is sent to all parents every Friday during term time. It     Appointments
contains key information for parents on the upcoming two
                                                                    If your child needs to attend an appointment, for example
weeks. You can expect the first eBrief the Friday before school
                                                                    with a doctor or dentist, we ask that you try to make these
starts to help you get ready for the start of the year. It is not
                                                                    after school hours. If this is not possible, please inform the
sent during school holidays.
                                                                    Middle School Office and class teacher of your plans to
eFlyer is a reminder notice sent on Wednesdays during term          collect and return your child to school.
time advertising a range of events and programmes that are
open to all parents.

Middle School uniform                                                  School day
All Middle School students wear a green short-sleeved polo             The school day has been designed so that all Middle School
shirt with a grey skirt, trousers or shorts. If a t-shirt is worn as   students have breaks at the same time, allowing us to more
a vest or undershirt, it should be plain and white and visible         easily plan whole school events.
only at the neck.
                                                                       Tuesdays and Thursdays have extended mentor time and
You will also need the Physical Education uniform, including           the break times are modified as a result. Where there are
the hat.                                                               two times listed, the first is the Monday/Wednesday/Friday
                                                                       schedule and the second is the Tuesday/Thursday schedule.
Where to purchase?
                                                                       7.30am            Earliest time that students can be dropped
Uniforms can be purchased from the College Shop on campus
                                                                                         at school
during Orientation Week or any weekday.
                                                                       8am               Start of school (students should arrive and
East College Shop
                                                                                         enter classrooms from 7.50am)
8am–12pm; 12.45pm–4pm
Tel: 6305 5344 ext 2924 | eastshopstaff@uwcsea.edu.sg                  9.40/9.55am       Morning break (20 minutes)

Footwear                                                               11.20/11.30am     Transition time (5 minutes)
Shoes should be a practical design and can only be black.              12.15/12.25pm     Lunch (55 minutes)
Shoes should enclose the toes and heel but not cover the               3pm               Classes finish
ankles. Socks should be white, grey or black. The College Shop
sells a selection of black school shoes.                               3.10–4.30pm       Activities session 1
                                                                                         (these are optional; see below)
Non-marking trainers are required for indoor Physical
Education lessons.                                                     4.30–6pm          Activities session 2
                                                                                         (these are optional; see below)
                                                                       Students are asked to leave school at the end of the school
                                                                       day unless they are staying back for activities. Once you have
                                                                       been sent your login details, you can access and print your
                                                                       child’s full timetable via the parent portal.

                                                                       Arriving at school
                                                                       The school day begins at 8am. Students should arrive no later
                                                                       than 7.50am.

                                                                       There are several ways to travel to school:

                                                                       The most common transportation is by the school bus,
                                                                       which goes to most places in Singapore. The Transport Office
                                                                       organises the school bus service—contact details are on the
                                                                       last page if you would like to know more. You can book either
                                                                       a one-way or two-way service.
                                                                       Buses arrive in time for the start of school each day and leave
                                                                       at around 3.10pm. Pick-up and drop-off times are advised
                                                                       when you book the bus service, which is door-to-door.
                                                                       If you have an after-school activity that ends at 4.30pm, you
                                                                       can take the activity bus home which leaves at 4.40pm. You
                                                                       will have to make your own arrangement to get home if the
                                                                       activity ends after this.

                                                                 Lunch and snacks
Public transport                                                 The canteen is run by our partner, Sodexo, and offers a wide
There are a number of public buses that drop off near the        variety of food with influences from all over the world. If you
entrances to the school. Students in Middle School are able to   buy your lunch each day rather than bring it from home, it
use public transport to get to and from school.                  will cost between $3 and $7 per day.
                                                                 Students can purchase snacks and lunch using cash or the
                                                                 (cashless) campus card system, which can be monitored and
If you come to school via private car in the morning then        topped up online by parents. Students are able to utilise the
students should be dropped off at the drop-off point. For        campus card system once they receive their student ID card
afternoon pick up, students can be collected from one of our     in the first few weeks of school. Further information on the
drop-off and pick-up points.                                     campus card system is available on the parent portal on the
Bicycle                                                          College website.
Students are welcome to cycle to school, and there are secure    There are healthy snacks available throughout the day as well
bicycle racks available under cover. Cyclists must wear a        as hot lunch, salad and sandwich options.
safety helmet and obey all road rules.                           Chilled, filtered water is available in water fountains, not
Parking                                                          bottles; students are encouraged to bring a water bottle from
                                                                 home to refill during the day.
There is ample parking on the school site.
                                                                 Break times
Taxi directions
                                                                 There are breaks scheduled every day for staff and students
Ensure you ask the driver to take you to UWCSEA East at
                                                                 to allow time for organisation, travel to class and a time for
Tampines. As we have two campuses, it is important that you
                                                                 short recreation before reengaging in classroom learning.
ask for the correct campus.

Security pass and security check
The security guards check all vehicles and pedestrians
entering the campus. Parents are advised to get a security
pass to facilitate a speedy arrival to school. Photographs for
the passes are taken at Reception during orientation and in
the first weeks of term. If your domestic helper or another
nominated adult will be collecting your child on a regular
basis, they will also need to be issued with a security pass.

Health and well-being of students
Medical care                                                        Food and other allergies
The centrally located Clinic (Block C, Level 2) is staffed by       Once we have a better idea of the requirements of each
trained nurses and is fully equipped to handle minor injuries       student, via the online medical questionnaires, we are able
that occur in school. If a child has been taken to the clinic and   to assess the level of caution we need to adopt in each class.
needs to go home, one of the nurses will contact their parents      If we need to exclude a specific food, or other allergen items,
or the designated supervisor or emergency contacts should           from a class, we will let parents in the class know as soon as
the parents not be contactable.                                     possible.
If your child has any medical condition that may require            If your child has a severe allergy, please make sure that this is
medical treatment, emergency care or that our staff                 indicated on the online medical questionnaire and bring it to
should be aware of, please notify us via the online medical         the mentor teacher’s attention as soon as possible. We also
questionnaire so we have the information necessary to assist        require details of the management plan to be set out for staff.
them if needed.
                                                                    Emergency contacts
Any medication should be given at home or, if it is essential
                                                                    Part of the online medical questionnaire asks parents
that it is administered during the day, then it will be given by
                                                                    to nominate two emergency contacts in Singapore. It is
the nurses at the clinic. Students are not permitted to carry
                                                                    important that these are kept up-to-date. These should be
medication around the school.
                                                                    people that you trust to make medical decisions for your child
If your child shows any signs of illness please do not send         should the unfortunate need arise. We therefore request that
them to school, and if they are taken ill at school we will         you do not nominate your domestic helper.
contact you to arrange for them to be picked up. Please refer
                                                                    Please also note that these contacts are not necessarily the
to the section below on nominating alternative or emergency
                                                                    same as the nominated guardian which we require if both
                                                                    parents are out of Singapore at the same time. This situation
Online medical questionnaire                                        requires separate notification to the school.
There is a comprehensive online medical questionnaire that
we require all parents to complete for each child no later than
orientation day. The form covers pre-existing conditions and
illnesses, as well as related information for activities such as
PE swimming ability and other conditions that may affect
their participation.
If there are any changes in medical information, please amend
the online form.
You will be able to complete this questionnaire once you
receive your parent portal login ID in July.

Other useful information                                          A few things about classes
Calculators                                                       Languages
The Mathematics Department requires students to have a            In Middle School, it is compulsory to learn a second language.
reliable scientific calculator. Grade 8 students may wish to      We offer Chinese, French and Spanish. The exceptions to
purchase a ‘TI-Nspire’ model from the College Shop as it will     studying one of these languages include pull-out learning
be required in High School. As with all other valuable items,     support or the English as an Additional Language (EAL)
students should label their calculator with their name.           programme. Students who need additional academic support
                                                                  through the Learning Support programme take a Study Skills
Lost property                                                     class in place of a second language. Students in the EAL
Please go to Reception to ask about or report lost property       programme are learning English as an additional language
or to hand in something you have found. Found valuables are       through an EAL class.
recorded and kept by the receptionists.
                                                                  For additional or Mother Tongue languages, after-school
Lockers                                                           tuition is available at additional cost to students. Languages
                                                                  offered depend on the requirements of the year group and
Your mentor will allocate you a locker on the first day of        those available will be communicated to parents early in
school. The school will provide you with the lock for your        Term 1.
locker. Keep your locker secure at all times and do not share
your combination with others.                                     Physical Education
Personal devices                                                  Students have two 80-minute blocks per week of Physical
                                                                  Education (PE). The school’s PE uniform must be worn during
Students may have personal devices such as mobile phones,         the lessons, and studded boots are recommended for sports
which they are responsible to look after. Students may secure     such as football and rugby. It is also recommended to bring
their device in their locker during the school day; you are not   your own racket for sports such as badminton.
permitted to use electronic devices (including laptop) during
their break and lunch time.                                       Students need to wear a hat and sun block for outdoor
                                                                  sports and a rash vest during aquatics, over the top of your
                                                                  swimmers. Please bring a towel on PE days as students
                                                                  shower and change after lessons. Don’t forget a water bottle,
                                                                  as it is easy to become dehydrated in the heat and humidity.
                                                                  There is a comprehensive competitive and recreational
                                                                  sporting programme offered through the Activities
                                                                  programme—see later section for details on how to get

Technology and laptops                                           Activities
All Middle School students will be participating in the laptop   There are four activity seasons over the three school terms
scheme.                                                          each year. In Middle School, students are encouraged to
                                                                 participate in at least one extracurricular activity each season.
All new students receive their laptop during a laptop
collection session prior to the start of school. A parent must   The wide range of activities on offer fall into six categories:
be present for laptop roll out sessions.                         Wellness for Life, Mind Matters, Arts and Performance,
                                                                 Dragons Sports, Learn and Lead, and Create and Innovate.
Students are responsible for keeping track of laptops and
personal devices.                                                Activities can take place before school, but are usually after
                                                                 school from 3.10–4.30pm or 4.30–6pm. The ‘activity buses’
More information                                                 leave school at 4.40pm to take you home, but if you have an
For more information on digital technologies at the College,     activity that ends later, you will need to arrange your own
please visit: www.uwcsea.edu.sg/learning/technology              transport. Please check what time and day your activities are
                                                                 scheduled on before you request to sign up, so you can make
                                                                 it to all of them.
                                                                 Many activities are included in your school fees, but some
                                                                 require additional payment to cover equipment, coaching or
                                                                 other costs; this will be noted in the sign-up system when you
                                                                 make your preferences each season, and payment generally
                                                                 needs to be made before the activity commences.

                                                                 Sign up
                                                                 Signing up for activities is done online during the sign-up
                                                                 period. Sign-up opening and closing dates are advertised
                                                                 through student notices, eBrief, the online calendar and
                                                                 generally take place in the first weeks of school following
                                                                 several guidance sessions with your mentor.
                                                                 To register your preferences, students need to log in to the
                                                                 student portal using your User ID and password, and then go
                                                                 to the activities sign up link.
                                                                 Please note: parents can also log in and see the range of
                                                                 activities available, but students must be logged in with their
                                                                 own login details to submit any preferences. Parents are not
                                                                 able to submit activity preferences for their children using
                                                                 their own login details.
                                                                 Some sports, music and drama activities hold trials or
                                                                 auditions to select their team for leagues or upcoming events.
                                                                 Trials are held on separate days, and students are informed
                                                                 about this beforehand via the online notices system on the
                                                                 website portal.

Sports                                                           Arts
Representative sports for the East Campus include:               Middle School students have numerous opportunities to
badminton, basketball, cricket, cross country, football,         express themselves creatively outside the classroom through
gymnastics, netball (girls), rugby (boys), softball, swimming,   a wide variety of artistic activities.
tennis and touch (girls). Representative-level sport is
organised into seasons, with College teams competing in local    Music
school leagues and end-of-season tournaments organised           There are many opportunities for Middle School students
by ACSIS (Athletics Conference of Singapore International        to be involved in music through the Activities programme,
Schools).                                                        including ensembles, bands and choirs. Musicians involved
                                                                 in these activities have the opportunity to perform in termly
Sports teams may have an age group for Middle School
                                                                 concerts. Look for information on auditions in the website
students, although many do enter teams in a range of age
                                                                 notices or contact the Music Department.
divisions. There are also other recreational sports, such as
sailing, offered via the Activities programme.                   Instrumental Teaching Programme
How do I get involved?                                           The Instrumental Teaching Programme (ITP) provides an
                                                                 opportunity for music tuition at the school, but taught by
Information regarding sign up and tryouts will be publicised
                                                                 internal and external music teachers. Tuition is available on a
in the first weeks of school via online notices, eBrief and in
                                                                 range of instruments, such as: violin, clarinet, piano, recorder,
mentor groups.
                                                                 voice, trumpet, guitar (electric, acoustic), classical, bass, oboe,
                                                                 saxophone, trombone, percussion, and flute.
                                                                 Registration forms are available from the Music Department
                                                                 and more information is on the website. Announcements
                                                                 regarding ITP sign ups will be provided in eBrief early in the
                                                                 There is an additional charge for these lessons. They are
                                                                 not considered to be part of the Activities programme and
                                                                 therefore run each term, rather than aligned with the activity

                                                                 Middle School students can participate in numerous drama
                                                                 productions throughout the year. Look for these in the
                                                                 Activities programme, and for information on auditions in the
                                                                 website notices.

                                                                 Visual Arts
                                                                 The Middle School Art department displays work by many
                                                                 talented students to the whole school and the wider
                                                                 community throughout the school year. Work by individuals
                                                                 and groups are displayed around the campus, showcasing a
                                                                 wide variety of materials and techniques.

                                                                     Outdoor Education
Service and Global Concerns                                          expeditions and courses
What is the Service programme?                                       Middle School students go on a series of three school trips
Our Service programme involves students helping people               called expeditions throughout their years in Middle School.
and/or the environment within the College and the wider              All students are expected to participate on these trips, as they
Singapore community. It is an expectation that all students          are part of the school’s learning programme, and there are
participate in service. Students are expected to complete at         links back to almost every area of the academic curriculum.
least one service activity each year in both College and Local       More information is provided on the website.
Service or a Global Concern.
                                                                     Grade 6 – Tioman
What is a Global Concern?                                            The Grade 6 expedition takes place on Tioman Island,
The motto for Global Concerns (GC) is: ‘Turning Ideas into           Malaysia, in Term 3. This is a five-day, four-night programme
Action.’                                                             where the students are involved in a series of activities such
The aims of Global Concerns are to:                                  as kayaking, snorkelling and sailing. The students learn to
                                                                     work as a team while developing new skills. They also get to
• promote desirable values and action among students                 learn about the work of the Juara Turtle Project which works
• raise awareness and educate students about broader issues          to sustain the turtle population in Tioman.
  relating to specific projects
• encourage students to be aware, informed and active                Grade 7 – Kayak training and Sibu
• highlight the values of service and environmental                  The Grade 7 expedition is based upon kayaking skills. In Term
  awareness                                                          1, all students follow a programme in Singapore leading to a
                                                                     One Star Kayaking Award. In Term 1, they spend five days and
• foster amongst the students the sense of belonging to
                                                                     four nights on Sibu Island in Malaysia, which includes further
  an international educational movement with 15 member
                                                                     kayak training and an overnight expedition.
  colleges, each with very definite ethos and mission
UWCSEA currently supports numerous projects worldwide                Grade 8 – Chiang Mai
and provides material support for a wide variety of                  Grade 8 students complete the ten-day Chiang Mai
endeavours through partnerships with non-governmental                Residential Study Programme between October and
organisations (NGOs) who work with specific groups in these          December. The Outdoor Education comprises an ‘Adventure’
countries.                                                           section focused on trekking, caving and rafting combined
                                                                     with an experiential education section focusing on complex
Middle School students can choose from a large number
                                                                     problems in Northern Thailand, through the lens of
of GC projects. Students are actively involved in raising
awareness and funds for any GC they opt to be involved in.
They can also opt to be involved GCs through leadership
meetings and the Middle School GC Executive. Some GCs                Optional trips
also have an overseas service trip. More information will be
                                                                     Some exciting optional trips are offered to Middle School
provided through the eBrief.
                                                                     students throughout the school year. Although the
How to sign up                                                       destinations can change from year to year, all of our school
                                                                     trips are linked to outdoor education or service, and many
Sign up for Service is done via the online Activities sign up.
                                                                     focus on making connections with schools around the world
There is a separate link to select and sign up for your Global
                                                                     that share our ethos and commitment.
Concern (GC) of choice. You are expected to take your
commitment to your selected service very seriously, and              Information nights and opportunities to register interest and
full attendance is expected unless absence is completely             sign up will be publicised in eBrief, and trips will be advertised
unavoidable. All Middle School students are expected to do a         as they are confirmed.
weekly service (commit 1–1 ½ hours each week) for at least
one term each year.

Focus days
Our school organises ‘focus days’ to recognise and highlight
current global or local issues. In the case of a natural disaster,
our response is aimed at informing our community and
possibly to aid humanitarian relief efforts in the affected area.

Key events for the start
of the school year
All new students and their parents are asked to attend the
orientation, where we will cover some key information about
the start of the year. Students will meet other students,
teachers and key management staff and will be provided with
an overview of what to expect of the year ahead.
For further details on the orientation schedule, please see the
East Campus Orientation website.
Students do not need to wear their uniform to school on
orientation day, but should wear it on the first day of school.
Uniforms can be purchased from the College Shop on campus
during orientation.
There will also be an opportunity to explore the school via
guided tours to familiarise yourself with the location of key
In addition, you will be able to speak with representatives
regarding bus service, online medical forms and organise
photos for parent security passes.

Information nights for expeditions
Parents and students are invited to information evenings
covering the grade-level expeditions. Details will be provided
at orientation and in eBrief.

Coffee mornings and other parent gatherings
Opportunities for parents to meet with other parents
at grade-level coffee mornings and other events will be
publicised in the eBrief early in the term. The Parents’
Association on the East Campus is very active and also
organises a welcome function early in Term 1.

East Middle School contacts
Reception and the school offices are open from 7.30am to 4.30pm.
East Campus Reception                                  +65 6305 5344
Middle School Office                                   +65 6305 5344 | ext 2309

Middle School Secretary
Fazilah Comsari (Grade 6)                              fazilah.comsari@uwcsea.edu.sg
Supi Mohd (Grade 7)                                    supiah.mohammadi@uwcsea.edu.sg
Eliana Kamarudin (Grade 8)                             eliana.kamarudin@uwcsea.edu.sg

Heads of Grade
Duff Douglas (Grade 6)                                 duff.douglas@uwcsea.edu.sg
Nadine Mains (Grade 7)                                 nadine.mains@uwcsea.edu.sg
Jabiz Raisdana (Grade 8)                               jabiz.raisdana@uwcsea.edu.sg

Middle School leadership
Dr Erin Robinson, Principal                            erin.robinson@uwcsea.edu.sg
Cameron Hunter, Vice Principal                         cameron.hunter@uwcsea.edu.sg
Richard Nies, Vice Principal                           richard.nies@uwcsea.edu.sg

School services
College Clinic                                         +65 6305 5344 | ext 2994
Transport Office                                       +65 6305 5344 | ext 2830
Library                                                library.uwcsea.edu.sg

Parents’ Association                                   +65 6305 5344 | ext 2080

Online staff directory
All staff contact email addresses can be found on the school website. Please look in the online staff directory for email addresses
for individual staff and in the Campus Contacts section of the website for the emails and telephone numbers for departments such
as Admissions and Finance.

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