Baltimore Sister Cities 2020 Plan

Page created by Steven Dennis
Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan   p. 1
Baltimore Sister City Committees
Plans for 2020
This document contains the plan for the Baltimore Sister City program as a whole,
and for each of the individual committees.

Baltimore Sister Cities program (consolidated) .............................................................................. 3
Changwon Sister City Committee (BCSCC) ..................................................................................... 6
Gbarnga Sister City Committee (BGSCC) ........................................................................................ 7
Kawasaki Sister City Committee (BKSCC) ....................................................................................... 9
Luxor & Alexandria Sister City Committee (BLASCC) .................................................................... 11
Piraeus Sister City Committee (BPSCC) ........................................................................................ 13
Rotterdam Sister City Committee (BRSCC) ................................................................................... 14
Xiamen Sister City Committee (BXSCC) ........................................................................................ 19


• Economic development
• Educational
• Cultural
• Health/environmental
• Government
• Organizational operations
• Other
Event for multiple sister city committees to engage in (BSC-wide):
Thick blue border on the right
Other type of activity: Thin borders

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                                                      p. 2
Baltimore Sister Cities program (consolidated)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10          BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Conduct annual
•••                 general meeting and host a holiday party at Baltimore City Hall.

JANUARY 29          Board leadership election — Elect executive officers for 2-year terms (2020-
•                   2022). This year, only the president position is up for election.

Q1–Q2               Financial structure, procedures, and planning — Finance Committee to
•                   continue to develop their role and determine whether revisions are needed
                    to BSC’s financial procedures, to be discussed and approved by the BSC
                    board. BSC Internal Grant procedures (developed in 2019) will be
                    implemented, depending on availability of funds for disbursing through
                    internal grants.
Q1                  Strategic planning meeting
•                       • [Bullets to be added, if available]

••                  IAC business open house — Organize and participate in Baltimore Sister
                    Cities International Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC
                    District Export Council. World Trade Center Institute (WTCI) is a potential

•                   Orioles tickets raffle— In coordination with the committees, conduct a raffle
                    to raise funds for BSC and our committees.
MAY 30              Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) Celebration — Hold joint
•••                 event with our Asian committees (BCSCC, BKSCC, BXSCC), MIMA, and other
                    Asian and Asian-American organizations in celebrating APA cultures and the
                    contributions of APAs to Baltimore.
JUNE                SelectUSA Summit 2020 — Support Baltimore Development Corporation
•                   (BDC) and Port of Baltimore with their promotional efforts to international
                    businesses, if requested.
SEPTEMBER           Charm City Night Market — BSC’s Asian Sister City Committees (BCSCC,
••                  BKSCC and BXSCC) may provide food, vending, and cultural activities during
                    this annual street festival near historic Chinatown celebrating Baltimore’s
                    Asian community and businesses, organized by The Chinatown Collective.
OCTOBER             Baltimore Innovation Week — Participate in US Commercial Services’
•                   program about expanding abroad, if it is held again in 2020.

NOVEMBER            Brilliant Baltimore (Light / Book Festival) — Participate in Baltimore Office of
•                   Performing Art’s (BOPA’s) combined city festival, showcasing Baltimore’s

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                         p. 3
worldwide reach through BSC.
NOVEMBER            WTCI State of the Ports and Embassy Wine Tasting — Participate in this
•                   event to grow recognition of BSC and our sister port cities, increase our
                    network of contacts, meet potential sponsors, and recruit new members for
                    our committees.
NOVEMBER            Sister Cities International (SCI) Annual Conference — In 2020, SCI plans to
18–21               merge its annual conference into National League of Cities’ annual City
••••••              Summit. It will be held in Tampa, FL. BSC to send a representative to the
                    conference to share knowledge with and learn from peer organizations.
DECEMBER            WTCI Maryland Global Gala — Participate in this event to grow recognition
••                  of BSC, increase our network of contacts, meet potential sponsors, and
                    recruit new members for our committees.
                            ONGOING ACTIVITIES AND OTHER GOALS

•                   Corporate Membership Program — Refine and fully implement it for both
                    the BSC corporate level as well as at each committee’s level.

••                  WTCI membership
                    • Evaluate whether to continue annual membership in light of their rate
                       raise from $1,000 to $2,500.
                    • Discuss with WTCI whether and how to collaborate in their programs
                       such as “Taste of Business” and AGILE series and their education

•                   Maryland International Education Consortium (MIEC) — Collaborate with
                    institutions that are members of this consortium. (BSC is also a member.)

••                  New Education Committee — Create a BSC-level Education Committee with
                    representatives from across the Sister City Committees, to better coordinate
                    our K-12 and higher education activities.

•                   Google G Suite — Continue fine-tuning, following the 2019 introduction.
                    • Conduct second training workshop.
                    • Begin using G Suite teleconferencing and video-conferencing for board
                       and other meetings.
                    • Expand use of Sister City Committee team drives.
                    • Create SOPs to cover usage protocols, account creation/deletion,
                       password authentication, directory access
                    • Create and maintain BSC-user group to share best practices; encourage
                       peer-to-peer innovation/problem-solving
                    • Research and begin using Google Grants (for Adwords advertising).

•                   Fundraising for Executive Director — Develop fundraising initiatives to fund
                    an Executive Director position in the future.

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                        p. 4
••                  Explore regional SCI conference — Explore the idea of hosting a regional
                    Sister Cities International conference in Baltimore in a future year, in
                    coordination with Maryland Sister States.

•                   Development of existing and future SC relationships:
                    1. In coordination with The Associated: Jewish Community Federation, a new
                    Baltimore-Odessa Sister City Committee is currently being formed under the
                    auspices of BSC to broaden the relationship with Odessa.
                    2. Discussions with representatives from the following cities and countries in
                    the greater Baltimore area will continue, to determine whether a friendship
                    city relationship (leading to potential Sister City status) feasible.
                    •   Quy Nhon, Vietnam
                    •   Kolkatta, India
                    •   Handi, Kenya
                    •   Kingston, Jamaica
                    • Bizerte, Tunisia
                    These efforts will continue to be coordinated with Maryland Sister States and
                    Sister Cities International organizations.
                    3. Piraeus sister city committee will be evaluated, to be converted to
                    Emeritus status if no fresh initiatives and personnel are forthcoming.
                                      RECURRING MEETINGS
                    BSC board meetings — Hold meetings on at least a bi-monthly basis. Planned
                    dates are January 29, March 11, April 22, June 10, July 22, September 2,
                    October 14, December 2.
                    International Advisory Council meetings — Hold in at least a bi-annual basis.
                    We intend to include accomplishments and plans of the IAC in future annual
                    reports and plans.
                    Finance Committee meetings — Hold at least 4 meetings.
                    We intend to include accomplishments and plans of the Finance Committee
                    in future annual reports and plans.

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                        p. 5
Changwon Sister City Committee (BCSCC)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
JANUARY            Korean American Day – Host a community celebration of performances and
•                  food honoring Korean Americans’ contribution to the United States and
                   commemorate the arrival of the first Korean immigrants on January 13, 1903.
Q1                 IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
••                 Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council.

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — Work together with other committees to conduct a
                   raffle and raise funds for BSC and our committees.
MAY 30             Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) Celebration — Partner with
•••                BXSCC, BKSCC, MIMA and other Asian and Asian-American organizations in
                   celebrating APA cultures and the contributions of APAs to Baltimore.
SEPTEMBER          Charm City Night Market — Participate with BSC’s other Asian Sister City
••                 Committees to provide food, vending, and cultural activities during this
                   annual street festival near historic Chinatown celebrating Baltimore’s Asian
                   community and businesses, organized by The Chinatown Collective.

•                  Changwon Citizens Day — Send professional classically trained musicians to
                   Changwon to perform at Changwon’s Citizen Day. Performers to be hosted by
                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS

•                  Collaborations — Collaborate on projects with Howard County, Nam Yangju
                   City in South Korea, and New York consultant.

•                  Fundraising — Connect with more corporate sponsors to secure corporate
                   membership. Create events that generate revenue.

•                  Expand membership – Continue to recruit new committee members to
                   broaden talents/ strengths of our program.

•••••              Delegations — Host delegations from Korea, as needed.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                       p. 6
Gbarnga Sister City Committee (BGSCC)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
Q1                 Strategic work
•                      ● Create job responsibility for each sub-committee chair.
                       ● Beginning of the year strategy retreat.
                       ● Work on Baltimore-Gbarnga Sister City Committee’s 2020 Action Plan.
                       ● Plan upcoming events and activities.
                       ● Orientation for new members.

•                  Education exchange — Obtain high schools in Baltimore and Liberia for the
                   Linkage Program (in conjunction with Maryland Sister States). Identify them
                   by Q2 in order to start the program in fall 2020 semester. Plan the program.

•                  Launch BGSCC committee website

•                  Fundraising
                       •   Create 3-person ad hoc committee to work towards fundraising
                       •   Develop a plan with priority areas for fundraising and list of potential
                           grant organizations.

••                 IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
                   Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council.

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — Work together with other committees to conduct a
                   raffle and raise funds for BSC and our committees.
Q2                 Strategic work
•                      ● Strengthen relationship and support from Liberia/US political leaders
                          including US Ambassador to Liberia, Baltimore & Gbarnga mayors.
                       ● Investigate trade options.
Q2                 Morgan State University (MSU) partnership – Complete the MOU with MSU’s
••                 new Office of Global Health Initiatives (OGHI). Goal is to work together on
                   public health projects with Liberia.
SUMMER             Summer Break Meet & Greet networking event
JULY               Liberia Independence Day:
••                     • Host a Liberia Independence Day event.
                       • Visit the Liberia embassy.

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                          p. 7
AUGUST             AFRAM - Baltimore's African American festival — Participate in the festival.
•                  End-of-summer committee strategy retreat

OCTOBER            Committee elections — Committee officers and representative to BSC board,
•                  for terms starting on January 1, 2021.

NOVEMBER           Community outreach — Volunteer at various organizations in Baltimore, as
••                 an end-of-the-year group volunteer initiative.

DECEMBER           WTCI Maryland Global Gala — Contribute to the joint BSC, Inc. booth
••                 (pending decisions to be made by BSC about participation in this event).

••                 BGSCC holiday soiree

                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS

••                 Exhibit in Baltimore City Hall — Plan an exhibit in City Hall to draw attention
                   to the Gbarnga plaque on the second floor in the Rotunda, and to cultivate
                   interest among possible new members and collaborators.

•                  History tour — Develop a cultural history tour of Baltimore, to include
                   immigrant neighborhood sites and African American sites, as well as sites that
                   are important in the Baltimore African-American community’s early
                   connection to Liberian history (dating back to early 19th century).

•                  Documentary film screenings — Host documentary viewings with guided
                   discussions on the history of Liberia and African-American Baltimore history.

•                  St Vincent de Paul of Baltimore partnership — Continuous engagement with
                   St Vincent de Paul of Baltimore. Discuss ways BGSCC can engage the

•                  Committee structure and membership — Continuous development of GBSCC
                   to function as a working committee. Recruit more committee members;
                   retain existing members.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                         p. 8
Kawasaki Sister City Committee (BKSCC)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
Q1                 IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
••                 Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council.

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — Work together with other committees to conduct a
                   raffle and raise funds for BSC and our committees.
FEBRUARY 11        WTCI Taste of Business in Japan event — Promote this event held in
•                  Baltimore by World Trade Center Institute promote business opportunities in
                   Japan to Maryland firms.
MARCH              Asia North Festival — Contribute to exhibition and artist line-up coordinated
•                  by Asian Art & Culture Center and Joanna Pecore at this annual festival to
                   celebrate Asian arts, food and culture in the Station North district.
APRIL              Hanami Picnic at Middle Branch Park — Hold our annual community picnic in
••                 Middle Branch Park that includes presentations of Japanese food and craft
                   ways, along with fun recreational activities.
MAY 30             Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) Celebration — Partner with
•••                BXSCC, BKSCC, MIMA and other Asian and Asian-American organizations in
                   celebrating APA cultures and the contributions of APAs to Baltimore.
SEPTEMBER          Charm City Night Market — Participate with BSC’s other Asian Sister City
••                 Committees to provide food, vending, and cultural activities during this
                   annual street festival near historic Chinatown celebrating Baltimore’s Asian
                   community and businesses, organized by The Chinatown Collective.
OCTOBER            Baltimore Japan Arts Festival — BKSCC is main supporter of annual fall
•                  festival in partnership with member Rob Perry’s Nippon Motion that hosts a
                   major Japanese illustrator/artist for a 3-day festival in MICA and Station North
                   locations. The festival includes an art exhibit, student workshops and class
                   critiques, panel discussions, film screening, and other events, celebrating
                   Japanese illustration as a dynamic force in modern art that reaches across all
NOVEMBER           Cherry tree planting event at Druid Hill Park — Collaborating with Baltimore
•                  Flowering Tree Trails, plant cherry trees to beautify the park.

DECEMBER           End-of-year Bonenkai party — BKSCC’s year-end Japanese party to review the

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                        p. 9
••                 year’s events and socialize.

                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS

•••                Kawasaki Stone Lantern — Continue to partner with Waterfront Partnership
                   on relocating the Lantern to its new location on the north side of the Inner
                   Harbor, with an authentic landscape design that honors Japanese traditions.
                   The Lantern was gifted to Baltimore by the city of Kawasaki 36 years ago.

•                  Film program and group tours – Continue promoting Japanese culture by
                   featuring Japanese films and organizing group tours and lectures on Japanese

•                  Collaborations — Continue collaborative efforts with Baltimore non-profits
                   such as Baltimore Flowering Tree Trails, Baltimore Recreation & Parks, Table
                   for Two, Tomodachi Project, and other groups, to create new ways of bringing
                   Japanese traditions and concepts to Baltimore.

•                  Develop new exchange programs — Start a focused effort to develop new
                   exchange programs and opportunities to send students and residents from
                   Baltimore to Japan and Kawasaki, in order to promote international
                   understanding and encourage new ventures.

•                  Expand membership – Continue to recruit new committee members to
                   broaden talents/ strengths of our program.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                     p. 10
Luxor & Alexandria Sister City Committee (BLASCC)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
FEBRUARY           Committee leadership — Identify and prepare a successor for BLASCC Chair
•                  position for 2021.

MARCH              Egyptian culinary event – Educational, hands-on workshop and fundraising.
Q1                 IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
••                 Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council.

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — Work together with other committees to conduct a
                   raffle and raise funds for BSC and our committees.
MAY                Maryland Governor’s Commission on Middle East American Affairs – Talk to
••                 Baltimore Xiamen Sister City Committee (BXSCC) about collaborating on a
                   joint public event.
JUNE               Egyptian tourism presentation – Host Egyptologist Zahi Hawass for major
•••                presentation in Baltimore as part of 20-city American tour to promote Egypt’s
                   treasures and travel, including major exposure through national media
SUMMER             History/politics workshop — Hold member workshop on history/politics of
•                  Middle East, led by BLASCC member and George Mason University Professor
                   Heba El-Shazly.
OCTOBER            Bibliotheca Alexandrina annual meeting – Attend 23rd annual meeting of the
••                 International Friends of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (IFBA), Egypt.

•                  Nominate BLASCC Friends of the BA subcommittee — For IFBA Board of
NOVEMBER           Group tour to Egypt – Design, promote, and implement a unique small group
•••                tour to Egypt (fundraiser). Select active, knowledgeable member to escort
                   group to Egypt.
NOVEMBER           World Cultures Day at Woodmoor Elementary School — Presentation to this
••                 Baltimore County school about Egyptian culture.

DECEMBER           WTCI Maryland Global Gala — Contribute to the joint BSC, Inc. booth
                   (pending decisions to be made by BSC about participation in this event).
Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                      p. 11
                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS

•                  Retain at least 16 – 18 active members.

••                 Continue virtual education exchanges with schools in Egypt, Baltimore,
                   Virginia – Add 2 more schools for total of 6 pairs of schools, with 5th & 6th
                   graders. Improve facility with MapWorks Learning/Narrative Atlas platform.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                       p. 12
Piraeus Sister City Committee (BPSCC)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
JANUARY 19         Coffee Hour – Scheduled Coffee Hour at Sts. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox
•                  Church in Frederick, MD to promote The Baltimore-Piraeus Sister City
                   Committee. This is a joint activity with Maryland Greek Independence Day
                   Parade Committee.
Q1                 IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
••                 Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council.

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — BPSCC is taking the lead on organizing the raffle and
                   coordinate with other committees to raise funds for BSC and our committees.
MARCH 29           Maryland Greek Independence Day Parade — Participate in the annual
••                 parade.

APRIL              Hermes International Expo — Annual Greek-American international business
•                  networking trade show in Washington and Philadelphia. BPSCC to represent
                   Baltimore and the State of Maryland, promoting tourism and business and
                   economic development.
OCTOBER            Greek Food & Cultural Festival — Promote this annual Baltimore festival that
••                 celebrates local restaurants and local Greek history.

                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS

•                  Expand membership – Continue to recruit new committee members to
                   broaden talents/ strengths of our program.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                      p. 13
Rotterdam Sister City Committee (BRSCC)
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
JANUARY            Social Impact by Design introductory meeting — We are exploring having
•••                IMG Rebel coordinate a Social Impact by Design project in Baltimore, similar
                   to a new pilot started in the BoTu neighborhood of Rotterdam by IMG Rebel.
                   In January, an introductory meeting will be held with IMG Rebel and
                   Baltimore city government reps to determine whether to pursue this.
JANUARY OR         Rotterdam architecture firm lecture — Help arrange lecture(s) by MVRDV in
MARCH              Baltimore region, if MVRDV decides to visit Baltimore.
Q1 OR Q2           IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
••                 Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council.

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — Work together with other committees to conduct a
                   raffle and raise funds for BSC and our committees.
Q1–Q2              Corporate membership program — Develop and implement it for BRSCC;
•                  recruit corporate members to BRSCC.

                   Sister city sculpture — Design mounting structure & sign for 30th anniversary
                   gift “Sister City Seal” sculpture from Rotterdam to be installed along the
                   waterfront by Baltimore Museum of Industry, do fundraising for it, and plan
                   an installation ceremony. Plan a companion education package for children
                   about the sculpture.
MARCH-APRIL        Architecture school trips — Help Morgan State University School of
••                 Architecture + Planning (MSU SA+P) send students to Rotterdam in March
                   with site visits/tours. Encourage Baltimore architecture firms to also go to
                   Rotterdam at this time. Help raise funds, help with logistics, provide
                   hospitality to visitors, and promote the exchange. If the Rotterdam
                   architecture academy decides to send professors or students to Baltimore,
                   support their trip.

••                 Knowledge exchange about transit — Start using the Baltimore-Rotterdam
                   city relationship for knowledge exchange on transit and mobility. As a first
                   step, invite MSU urban planning faculty/students to Rotterdam as part of the
                   March architecture trip and set up meetings/tours for them.

••                 Lecture by Dutch water management expert — Katie O’Meara (Landscape
                   Architecture faculty at MICA) to host a lecture by a Dutch expert. Likely to be

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                       p. 14
part of American Institute of Architects (AIA) Baltimore spring lecture series.
                   BRSCC to help promote it.
APRIL–MAY          Operation Trash educational programs — Support Kathie diStefano, theatre
•••                artist and educator from Rotterdam-based Avalanche Arts, in conducting a
                   variety of educational programs about trash and recycling in Baltimore in
                   spring semester.
SUMMER             Potential new architecture collaboration with MSU/Ghana/TU Delft —
••                 Support Coleman Jordan at MSU SA+P in exploring a possible 3-way
                   collaboration between MSU, Ghana, and TU Delft (a technical university near
                   Rotterdam), potentially to focus on climate change and environmental design
                   in Ghana. As a first step, Jordan will take MSU students to Ghana in July. MSU
                   is planning to build a campus in Ghana, including an architecture school.

•                  Web site — Redesign BRSCC website.

••                 Joint happy hour “borrel” in Baltimore with DC Dutch organization.

••                 Contacts database — Develop way to keep track of our contacts (CRM) and
                   organize our outreach; could be a potential model for BSC-wide adoption.
FALL               Operation Trash educational programs — Support Kathie diStefano, theatre
•••                artist and educator from Rotterdam-based Avalanche Arts, in conducting a
                   variety of educational programs about trash and recycling in Baltimore in fall

•                  West 8’s Baltimore waterfront redesign — West 8 is a landscape architecture
                   firm from Rotterdam. They won the 2019 design competition to revamp
                   Baltimore’s Middle Branch Waterfront and the execution is now being
                   planned. BRSCC will support them, including hosting a talk for West 8 about
                   their plans for the waterfront.
SEP 28–30          International Solid Waste Management Association (ISWA) Congress 2020
••                 — In 2017, ISWA Congress was held in Baltimore, and Rotterdam sent a high-
                   level delegation to it. In 2020 it will be in Rotterdam and circular economy is a
                   key theme; BRSCC will help Maryland play a role in this edition of the
                   conference (send a delegation, maybe give a talk).
OCTOBER            Baltimore Innovation Week — Participate in US Commercial Services’
•                  program about expanding abroad, if it is held again in 2020.

OCTOBER 7-12       Annual Baltimore Black International Film Festival — Encourage Rotterdam
•                  filmmakers to submit films for consideration.

NOVEMBER           WTCI State of the Ports and Embassy Wine Tasting — Attend this event to
•                  network in support of Baltimore-Rotterdam collaboration on port topics

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                        p. 15
(pending decisions to be made by BSC about participation in this event).
DECEMBER           WTCI Maryland Global Gala — Contribute to the joint BSC, Inc. booth
••                 (pending decisions to be made by BSC about participation in this event).

                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS

•                  Support Maryland-Netherlands soft landing program — This program, set up
                   by Maryland Commerce and InnovationQuarter, provides residencies for
                   companies to get tailored help in expanding to each other’s regions. BRSCC
                   will continue to support the program as it gets expanded from cybersecurity
                   sector to more sectors like life sciences & health, possibly green tech and
                   logistics. Promote the program, encourage companies to apply, and provide
                   hospitality to participating companies.

•••                Social Impact by Design — If Baltimore decides to pursue the concept of
                   having a Social Impact by Design project take place in Baltimore (see January,
                   above), we will be helping with next steps throughout the year.

••                 Flood resilience / climate resilience — As a follow-on to the flood resiliency
                   workshop last year, we will continue to promote knowledge exchanges with
                   Maryland and the Netherlands, including:
                   • Support Annapolis in getting Dutch expertise with their flooding issues.
                   • Support Maryland and Netherlands in setting up networking meeting at
                      International Water Week / Smart Cities expos in Singapore in July 2020.
                   • Investigate possibility to promote knowledge exchange between the
                      Rotterdam and Baltimore ports on climate adaptation.

••                 DC-area Dutch networking happy hour — BRSCC will continue to co-sponsor
                   the periodic ongoing business networking “borrel” organized by the
                   Netherlands Embassy, Netherlands America Chamber of Commerce
                   Washington Metro and other DC-area Dutch organizations.

•••                MICA/WdKA sister academy relationship — Continue to promote the
                   “Unravel the Code” digital fabrication course, co-taught by the art academies
                   in Baltimore and Rotterdam.

••                 International architecture student internships — Help place students in
                   internships in Baltimore and Rotterdam.

•                  Baltimore photographer exhibit in Rotterdam — Support Joe Giordano in
                   finding a venue in Rotterdam for his exhibit about Bethlehem Steel workers
                   after it ends its run at Baltimore Museum of Industry.

••                 New architecture exchange program with TU Delft — Support Coleman
                   Jordan from MSU SA+P in his proposal to TU Delft to start a bilateral
                   architecture student exchange program in the future, where students can

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                       p. 16
choose to spend a year on each other’s campuses.

•                  Investigate how to utilize Baltimore-Rotterdam sister city relationship for:
                      • Urban farms & food deserts
                      • Food waste
                      • Circular economy & equity — To foster circular economy initiatives in
                          Baltimore that increase opportunities and equity for disadvantaged
                      • Circular economy in festivals — To help Baltimore city festivals move
                          towards zero waste; festivals are good places to model sustainable
                          practices to city residents.
                      • Circular economy in construction/building industry — As part of this,
                          consider bringing DiMaio from TU Delft back to Baltimore for a circular
                          economy lecture in the spring or fall.
                      • Health & urban environment — The relationship between public
                          health and the built environment. Could do it via MSU SA+P.
                      • Healthcare innovation — Healthcare delivery, telehealth, etc.

•                  Publication on the 2019 architecture symposium — Support Cristina Murphy
                   from MSU SA+P in her quest to have a publisher publish a book based on the
                   October 10, 2019 “From Exclusion to Inclusion” symposium that BRSCC
                   helped her organize.

••                 Educational programming
                   • Find more people to coordinate Baltimore-Rotterdam K-12 education
                      programs and do fundraising for them.
                   • Discuss BRSCC’s role moving forward for the Operation Trash programs;
                      find steady sources of funding and steady schools in Baltimore and
                      Rotterdam for a virtual exchange program.
                   • Stay alert for opportunities to engage Rotterdam partners in a K-12 level
                      Green Map Exchange in the future; as a standalone project or in
                      conjunction with another program. Could be done as a multi-BSC
                      committee endeavor (e.g. Xiamen, Kawasaki) and could use MapWorks

•                  Expand membership — Recruit more committee members to broaden
                   talents/strengths of our program, including people who can help with
                   operations, help with fundraising, coordinate education & arts projects, and
                   execute our other initiatives. Consider setting up subcommittees for business
                   and education.

•                  Rotterdam-based volunteers — Support and strengthen the new Rotterdam-
                   Baltimore sister city committee, based in Rotterdam; find more volunteers in
                   Rotterdam region to help.

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                     p. 17
•                  Social media — Have more volunteers help maintain our social media
                   channels; expand our social media channels to include Instagram.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                     p. 18
Xiamen Sister City Committee (BXSCC)

2020 PLAN
JANUARY 10         BSC Annual Membership Meeting & Holiday Party — Join other BSC
•••                committees at the annual general meeting and contribute to the holiday
JANUARY 25         Port Discovery Children’s Museum Chinese New Year Celebration —
AND/OR 26          Provide special Chinese New Year’s activities for children at Port Discovery.
Q1                 IAC business open house — Participate in Baltimore Sister Cities International
••                 Advisory Council’s joint open house with Maryland-DC District Export Council

•                  Orioles tickets raffle — Work together with other committees to conduct a
                   raffle and raise funds for BSC and our committees.
MAY                Port Discovery Children’s Museum Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
••                 Celebration — Pending a viability review by the BXSCC, provide special
                   activities such as calligraphy practice as requested by Port Discovery.
MAY 30             Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM) Celebration — Partner with
•••                BXSCC, BKSCC, MIMA and other Asian and Asian-American organizations in
                   celebrating APA cultures and the contributions of APAs to Baltimore.
MAY / JUNE         Baltimore High School students’ Chinese language awards and Chinese
•                  embassy trip — Pending further discussions with the relevant schools, sponsor
                   awards and organize trip(s) for Chinese language students as requested by
                   Baltimore City Public School Chinese language teacher(s).
SUMMER             “Youth Ambassadors” Summer Camp to Xiamen & other Chinese cities —
••                 Pending a viability review by the BXSCC, aim for up to three chaperones and
                   15 to 20 Baltimore-area high school students to travel to China for
                   approximately two weeks. Grants, in-kind donations, and institutional partners
                   would be sought.
SEPTEMBER          September’s Xiamen China International Fair for Investment & Trade (CIFIT)
••                 — Support CIFIT promotion and attendance efforts as requested by the
                   Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Convention & Exhibition Affairs and/or the
                   Xiamen Foreign Affairs Office.

••                 Charm City Night Market — Pending viability reviews by the BXSCC,
                   participate with BSC’s other Asian Sister City Committees to provide food,
                   vending, and cultural activities during this annual street festival near historic
                   Chinatown celebrating Baltimore’s Asian community and businesses,
                   organized by The Chinatown Collective.. Sell merchandise to raise funds for
Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                          p. 19
upcoming programs.
OCTOBER /          14h Annual CHINA Town Hall — As invited by the National Committee for
NOVEMBER           U.S.–China Relations, host this event in conjunction with the Office of the
••                 Mayor. This event would feature high-level speakers both via webcast and in
                   person. Dignitaries from the city and state governments and the Chinese
                   Embassy, as well as the general public, would be invited.
NOVEMBER           Brilliant Baltimore (Light / Book Festival) — Contribute to the joint BSC, Inc.
•                  presence at this festival (pending decisions to be made by BSC about
                   participation in this event).
DECEMBER           BXSCC Holiday Party — Pending a BXSCC vote at the October or November
•                  regular meeting, hold a holiday party for BXSCC members.

                             ONGOING ACTIVITIES & OTHER GOALS
                   35th Anniversary of the Baltimore – Xiamen Sister City Relationship —
                   Collaborate with partners in Xiamen and Baltimore to celebrate the 35th
                   anniversary of this relationship.

••                 Street festivals (TBD) — Pending viability reviews by the BXSCC, participate in
                   several street festivals to promote Sister Cities programs among community
                   members and sell merchandise to raise funds for upcoming programs.

•••                Baltimore Chinatown revival — Continue to work with MIMA and other
                   stakeholders on this effort.

•                  Education exchanges — Continue to work with area schools and educational
                   organizations to promote Chinese language education and exchanges with
                   China — particularly those with a Xiamen connection. Exchanges may include
                   but are not limited to a Baltimore City Public Schools-wide Chinese language
                   education forum that may also involve China-based partners, establishing
                   sister school relationships, and an online forum facilitating Chinese language

•                  Healthcare exchanges — Continue to work with area health and environment-
                   related organizations such as the Chinese American Doctor’s Association
                   (CADA) to expand cooperation with institutions in Xiamen such as the Xiamen
                   Maternity & Child Healthcare Hospital.

•                  Membership & management — Continue to refine and expand BXSCC
                   Corporate Member / Sponsor Program in cooperation with BSC. Actively
                   strengthen and expand individual membership base, including in partnership
                   with area universities, with foci on recruitment, retention, and succession
                   planning. Continue to fill open positions.

••••••             Promotion & outreach, including hosting Xiamen and other Chinese

Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                        p. 20
Delegations as requested — Establish and strengthen ties with other
                   organizations through joint programs and site visits, etc., such as with a
                   potential visit of BXSCC members and friends to the Chinese Embassy. Host or
                   meet with representatives from Xiamen and other parts of China as relevant.

•                  Digital file management and communications — Continue to move key
                   committee records to a shared online platform, including G Suite, in order to
                   better centralize records and disseminate information. Explore
                   videoconferencing and other digital options to work more closely with
                   partners in Xiamen.

•                  Update BXSCC’s documentation of its history.


Baltimore Sister Cities • 2020 Plan                                                      p. 21
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