Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Affirmed At 'A-/A-2' Under Revised Criteria; Ratings Removed From UCO; Outlook Stable

Page created by Lynn Robles
Research Update:

Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Affirmed At
'A-/A-2' Under Revised Criteria; Ratings Removed
From UCO; Outlook Stable
July 16, 2019

                                                                                                     PRIMARY CREDIT ANALYST
- On July 1, 2019, we published our revised "Group Rating Methodology" and consequently              Francois Moneger
  placed our ratings on Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) under criteria observation          Paris
  (UCO).                                                                                             (33) 1-4420-6688
- Following our criteria review, we continue to believe BIL is well insulated from parent Legend
  Holdings (LH), meaning we expect any significant credit stress at LH would have a minimal
                                                                                                     SECONDARY CONTACT
  adverse effect on BIL's creditworthiness, if any.
                                                                                                     Philippe Raposo
- We are therefore affirming our 'A-/A-2' ratings on BIL and removing them from UCO.                 Paris
                                                                                                     (33) 1-4420-7377
- The stable outlook reflects our view that BIL's business and financial profiles are unlikely to
  change significantly in the next two years, and that it will maintain a substantial additional
  loss-absorbing capacity (ALAC) buffer that will serve to help protect senior preferred creditors
  in a gone-concern scenario.

Rating Action
On July 16, 2019, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'A-/A-2' issuer credit ratings on Bank
Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL). The outlook is stable.

The affirmation follows our review of BIL's ratings under our revised criteria "Group Rating
Methodology," published July 1, 2019. As a result, we are removing the ratings from under criteria
observation, where we placed them on July 1.

Under the revised criteria, we continue to consider BIL delinked from its parent Hong-Kong-listed
Legend Holdings' (LH, not rated), which acquired 90% of BIL's equity in July 2018. This means the
ratings on the bank are not constrained by LH's ownership, despite LH's leveraged nature and                                                                                          July 16, 2019   1
Research Update: Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Affirmed At 'A-/A-2' Under Revised Criteria; Ratings Removed From UCO; Outlook Stable

lower creditworthiness than BIL, in our view. We take account of BIL's operational and financial
separation from LH and the strong regulatory and governance constraints that together provide
substantial creditor protections.

Primarily supporting this view is BIL's status as a bank, its consequent close monitoring by the
supervisory authorities, and the minimum requirements regarding capital, leverage, and liquidity.
Because it is leading bank in Luxembourg, the regulator considers BIL a Domestic Systemically
Important Institution, and it is therefore regulated by a joint supervisory team of the European
Central Bank and Luxembourg local Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier. We
consider that supervisory bodies would constrain any capital or liquidity upstream that would
jeopardize BIL's creditworthiness and, consequently, the Luxembourgish banking system.

Additionally, we view BIL's unusual board structure, which is heavily biased toward independent
directors, as positive because it tempers any potential negative influence from LH. The board
comprises two LH representatives, two state of Luxembourg representatives, four independent
directors, four staff representatives, and the chairman of the executive committee. While LH owns
a large majority of BIL's shares, we consider its control of cash flows toward its immediate parent
or to other LH group companies limited by independent board members' and the government's

We therefore consider that BIL benefits from governance constraints that severely limit LH's
overall influence, and prevents the parent from enforcing material change of business, dividend
payments, other material cash flows, or bankruptcy filings.

That said, LH has so far supported BIL's creditworthiness by reducing dividend pay-outs to fuel
the bank's growth, and maintaning a stable strategy and management team. We understand that
the bank will not rely on funding support from LH, and will not fund any of LH's other subsidiaries.
Moreover, BIL has no business link and shares no clientele with the LH group. However, we will
monitor to what extent, if any, LH's could cause a shift to a more aggressive strategy after
completing the current strategic plan, or a change in the bank's financial management and policy.

The stable outlook reflects our view that BIL's business and financial profiles are unlikely to
change much in the next two years. In addition, we estimate that BIL will maintain a sufficient
ALAC buffer that will serve to help protect senior preferred creditors in a gone-concern scenario.
We expect core capitalization will erode slightly, with our risk-adjusted capital (RAC) ratio
decreasing to below 10%, along with dynamic loan growth. The stable outlook also reflects our
expectation that BIL will remain de-linked from parent LH thanks to the bank's regulated status
and to the influence of a substantial number of independent board members.

We view an upgrade as remote, because we believe that our current 'A-' issuer credit rating on BIL,
and BIL's 'bbb+' stand-alone credit profile adequately reflect the bank's overall profile in
comparison with peers'. In particular, we consider the operational and legal risks inherent to
wealth management activities, but also the ongoing transition phase resulting from the recent
change in shareholder. Even if the RAC ratio went above 10%, we would be unlikely to raise the
ratings unless we were convinced that it demonstrated a marked improvement in BIL's exposure
to unexpected losses and capacity to absorb them. Any upward revision of the ratings would also
depend on the bank's business development and performance being in line with those of global
peers in the 'a' category.

We could consider a downgrade if BIL's operations deviated from its strategic plan and it
embarked on higher or new types of risks, if we perceived detrimental effects from the change in                                                                                            July 16, 2019     2
Research Update: Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Affirmed At 'A-/A-2' Under Revised Criteria; Ratings Removed From UCO; Outlook Stable

shareholders on the bank's management and governance standards, or if we saw deviated uses,
directed by the parent group, of the bank's liquidity, funding, or capital resources. Although not
our base scenario, any change in the shareholder structure that would shift the balance of power
between LH, Luxembourg, and independent directors, could also lead to a negative rating action.

Ratings Score Snapshot

Issuer Credit Rating      A-/Stable/A-2

SACP                              bbb+

Anchor                              a-

   Business Position      Moderate (-1)

   Capital and Earnings    Adequate (0)

   Risk Position           Adequate (0)

   Funding and             Average and

   Liquidity               Adequate (0)

Support                            (+1)

   ALAC Support                    (+1)

   GRE Support                      (0)

   Group Support                    (0)

   Sovereign Support                (0)

Additional Factors                  (0)

Related Criteria
- General Criteria: Hybrid Capital: Methodology And Assumptions, July 1, 2019

- General Criteria: Group Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019

- Criteria - Financial Institutions - General: Methodology For Assigning Financial Institution
  Resolution Counterparty Ratings, April 19, 2018

- Criteria | Financial Institutions | General: Risk-Adjusted Capital Framework Methodology, July
  20, 2017

- General Criteria: Methodology For Linking Long-Term And Short-Term Ratings, April 7, 2017

- Criteria | Financial Institutions | Banks: Bank Rating Methodology And Assumptions: Additional
  Loss-Absorbing Capacity, April 27, 2015

- Criteria | Financial Institutions | Banks: Quantitative Metrics For Rating Banks Globally:
  Methodology And Assumptions, July 17, 2013

- Criteria | Financial Institutions | Banks: Banks: Rating Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 9,

- Criteria | Financial Institutions | Banks: Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment
  Methodology And Assumptions, Nov. 9, 2011

- General Criteria: Use Of CreditWatch And Outlooks, Sept. 14, 2009                                                                                            July 16, 2019     3
Research Update: Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Affirmed At 'A-/A-2' Under Revised Criteria; Ratings Removed From UCO; Outlook Stable

- Criteria | Financial Institutions | Banks: Commercial Paper I: Banks, March 23, 2004

Related Research
- Banque Internationale a Luxembourg, Dec. 20, 2018

- Banking Industry Country Risk Assessment: Luxembourg, March 29, 2019

Ratings List

Ratings Affirmed

Banque Internationale a Luxembourg

   Issuer Credit Rating               A-/Stable/A-2

   Resolution Counterparty Rating A/--/A-1

   Senior Unsecured                   A-

   Senior Subordinated                BBB

   Subordinated                       BBB-

    Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors,
    have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such
    criteria. Please see Ratings Criteria at for further information. Complete ratings
    information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at All ratings affected by this rating
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    69-33-999-225; Stockholm (46) 8-440-5914; or Moscow 7 (495) 783-4009.                                                                                                July 16, 2019   4
Research Update: Banque Internationale a Luxembourg Affirmed At 'A-/A-2' Under Revised Criteria; Ratings Removed From UCO; Outlook Stable

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