BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village

Page created by Salvador Dunn
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
BCVVOICE                                                                                                               SPRING


Making Connections
It’s How We Make a Difference                                                 for Mississippi children and
                                                                              families. However, connecting
The concept of connecting people to the ministry is how The Baptist           children and their families to the
Children’s Village has been able to impact thousands of children throughout   gospel of Jesus Christ is the most
our 124‑year history. Houseparents work to connect with children. Case        important connection we make. As
Managers connect with families and connect families to resources.             an evangelical arm of local Baptist
                                                                              Churches of Mississippi, we are
Director of Partner Ministries Tim McWilliams works to connect donors         so grateful for the longstanding
and volunteers with a ministry need. Recently we partnered with the           partnership we have with hundreds of
Gulf Coast Baptist Association Missions Strategist Dr. Steve Mooneyham        those churches to reach children and
and his staff to host a “Connecting to The Baptist Children’s Village”        families with the gospel.
luncheon. Area church and community mission leaders were invited to
hear how the BCV can partner with their ministries to serve children          If you would like to host a Connecting
and families.                                                                 luncheon in your area contact Tim
                                                                              McWilliams at tmcwilliams@bcvms.
BCV Director of Programs Dr. Randy Cotton, Ph.D. presented information        com or 601‑952‑2422.
about how these leaders who work with hurting children and families every
day can access the BCV so together
we can change more lives. Attendees
were encouraged to hear there was
a campus in their area and Deanash
Campus Director Charlie Rogers made
several connections at the meeting.
Some attendees wanted to talk about
families they might refer to the BCV,
some wanted to talk about needs they
can perhaps meet. Some present even
wanted to talk about houseparenting
and how to become involved on the
front lines of the ministry.

All of these connections are critical
to the BCV and our ability to care
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
Campus Spotlight
                                                                                                                 The beautiful brick duplex home that sits atop a hill is
                                                                                                                 staffed with loving houseparents and has a capacity
                                                                                                                 for six boys and six girls ages 1‑20 at one time. It
                                                                                                                 also includes an office for Campus Director Lakeisha
                                                                                                                 Broyles and Case Manager Hannah Benton who work
                                                                                                                 with the children and their families.

                                                                                                                 If you would like join Mrs. Broyles, Mrs. Benton and
                                                                                                                 the Powell‑Walley Houseparents in their effort to
                                                                                                                 care for and share the gospel of Jesus with at‑risk
                                                                                                                 children and their families, contact Mrs. Broyles at
                                                                                                                 lbroyles@bcvms.com or 601‑671‑3553.
Powell-Walley Campus                                     were his life‑long passion and there is nothing that
                                                         would have meant anymore to him than having a
                                                         home for children named in his honor; and to have it
The Powell‑Walley Campus is located on Highway
                                                         named in conjunction with Dr. Powell, his partner for
84 just west of Waynesboro. The cottage there
                                                         many years, would make it even more special.”
is named for Doctors W. W. Walley and William
Edwin Powell both of whom served Christ and              The Powell‑Walley campus has enjoyed
the Waynesboro community through their family            unprecedented volunteer and monetary support
medicine practice. Both doctors had a passion for        from the very beginning. Mississippi Baptist
children and invested heavily in them through their      churches gave to purchase land and building
church and community throughout their lives. Dr.         materials; and many supplied skilled volunteer labor
Walley additionally served on the Southern Baptist       to build and furnish the cottage. God continues to
Convention Foreign Mission Board and as President        use His people to provide for the needs of hurting
of the Mississippi Baptist Convention.                   children through The Baptist Children’s Village
Said of Dr. Walley at the campus dedication several      today, just as he did 124 years ago, and the Powell‑
years ago, “Babies and children, as well as missions,    Walley Campus is a perfect example of His provision
                                                         and the generosity of His people.

Staff Spotlight
                                                         BCV. My previous jobs had restrictions about talking    and now are raising four boys, two of which are
                                                         about Christ which was hard for me because He is        their nephews.
                                                         the head of my life. I love empowering children and
                                                         families and giving them hope.”                         Their family enjoys playing games and watching
                                                                                                                 movies together. The boys especially enjoy the
                                                         Broyles has sweet memories of shelling peas and         outside activities they do together. Cornell loves
                                                         cooking with her grandmother who raised her for a       to cook and has a degree from the University
                                                         time. Although there was a season in her mother’s       of Southern Mississippi in Culinary Arts and
                                                         life where she battled overwhelming obstacles,          Lakeisha loves for
                                                         God delivered her and consequently she has been         him to cook for
                                                         a great example of the power of God to heal and         all their special
                                                         restore lives. There were many opportunities for        occasions. Cornell
                                                         life to be devastatingly different for Lakeisha but     and Lakeisha
                                                         the Lord used her mother, grandmother and the           make sure they
                                                         influence of a local church to protect her and teach    allow time for Bible
                                                         her basic life lessons that follow her even today.      study, though,
                                                                                                                 because they know
                                                         She was convinced that an education would be her        how important that
Lakeisha Broyles                                         way to a good life, so she focused her attention on
                                                         that pursuit. She graduated from West Jones High
                                                                                                                 strong foundation
                                                                                                                 is for their boys.
Broyles is the Campus Director for our Powell‑           School and has a master’s degree in Psychology
Walley Campus in Waynesboro, Mississippi. She            from William Carey College. That focus on
first joined the BCV team in 2018 as a case              education, it turns out, was a great choice.
manager. She enjoys working with her team of staff
                                                         She met her husband, Cornell, while still in school.
that includes houseparents and a case manager.
                                                         Broyles recalls, “our first conversation was about
“They work together well to care for our children,”
                                                         Jesus.” The Lord brought them together through
she says. Broyles has a degree from William Carey
                                                         shared tragedies and taught them to lean on Him
University to prepare her for her work but, as is true
                                                         and to find the peace and strength they were
for many of us, life experiences contributed to her
                                                         searching for. He is a blessing in the life they
passion to help hurting children. “I love that I am
                                                         share together. They work with the youth in their
able to talk about Jesus Christ to others here at the
                                                         church. They together raised his younger sister
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
Pray for us, for we are sure       BSU Community Missions
that we have a clear
conscience, desiring to act
                                   Team Changes Lives
                                   “Two girls brought progress reports in today        English Major Caley Stauter has a heart for
honorably in all things.           and they were so happy they had brought up          children and was also grateful Holeman and
                                   their grades tremendously.” This progress was       Patton agreed to take this leap of faith making
              – Hebrews 13:18      possible because three Ole Miss BSU students        this project possible. She explains, “seeing the
                                   spent time every week tutoring them via Zoom.       child’s face light up when she got a good grade
                                                                                       was so encouraging.”
Thank you, prayer warriors, for    Housemother Mandy Daniel is truly thankful they
                                   were able to help. “It meant so much to the         This was the first virtual tutoring experience, but
praying that there will be no      girls,” she shared. “They really connected with     all involved agree that it was a huge success, and
hindrances to sharing the gospel   the kids and did everything they could to help      they intend to pursue more similar opportunities
                                   them succeed.”                                      with more students. Patton is confident she
with our children and families.                                                        will have more participation in the future for
                                   When Ole Miss BSU Assistant Director Liesa          such projects. Welch challenges students not
                                   Holeman heard about the need for tutors she         to discount the value of this blessing for the
                                   contacted Case Manager Shane Ashley about the       children and for themselves. Case Manager
                                   possibility of meeting the need in this somewhat    Ashley agrees the greatest benefit, even beyond
                                   unconventional virtual format. Holeman explains     the improved grades, is the increased self‑
                                   that her students were anxious to do community      esteem for the children as they see their grades
                                   service but in the COVID environment there were     improve and the realization that they are capable
                                   no opportunities for them. She contacted Nicole     settles in. Their lives truly are changed.
                                   Patton, her Community Missions Team Leader,
                                   who spread the word and immediately got a
                                   positive response from several students.

                                   Senior Taylor Welch explains she was eager to get
                                   out and use the gifts and passions the Lord gave
                                   her to serve others. Taylor was instrumental in
                                   helping young girls with their reading.

                                   Jessica Crocker is an Elementary Education
                                   major, but she did not hesitate to step outside
                                   of her field and help one of our teenagers with
                                   chemistry. This BCV resident is so grateful for
                                   her willingness to share screens and offer help;
                                   and Crocker was encouraged by her growth
                                   and improved understanding. Holeman and the
                                   students all agree that the available technology
                                   and the help of the houseparents made this
                                   project possible.

                                   Caley Stouter, Nicole Patton, Jessica Crocker, Taylor Welch (via Zoom)
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
BCV Tribute Gifts
Throughout the year, families memorialize and honor family members              Mr. Tim Bean                            Cindy L. Burton
                                                                                   James and Diane Copeland                Stanton BC
and special friends with a gift to The Baptist Children’s Village. Small           Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh         Harold Byrd
groups honor teachers and the special people in their lives. For each           Donald Bell                                Frances and Douglas Allen
                                                                                   Charles and Myra Dew                    Annie Lee Churchwell
tribute gift received, the donor receives an acknowledgement letter and         Mr. Charles G. Bevil                       Tracy Harry
receipt, and a personal letter is sent to the honoree informing them               Mr. Melvin L. Moore                     Eunice SSC, Hurley BC
of the gift given in their honor. Family members are informed of a gift         Bo Bilbo                                James Byrd
                                                                                   Craig and Brenda Haskins                Daniel and Dianne Smith
given in memory of their loved one. The BCV is herein publishing the list       Mrs. Beverly Bilbo                      Mr. and Mrs. Cortez Byrd
of honorees and donors recently received. We are grateful to the many              Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh            Harold and Kelly Quin
                                                                                Dustin Bishop                           Eddie Calhoun
thoughtful donors who pay tribute to the special people in their lives.            Ms. Linda Anderson                      Charles and Faye Poindexter
                                                                                Henry Franklin (Buddy) Blount              Kenneth and Lenee Poindexter
You can use the enclosed envelope or visit baptistchildrensvillage.com/            Ms. Betty Taylor                     Donna Carr
                                                                                Mr. Vernon Boatman                         Clay and Paula Caston
give to give a gift of honor or memory for your loved one(s) to The                J. D. Henry and Family                  James and Mary Alta Clark
Baptist Children’s Village.                                                     Kay Boleware                            Carl Catania
                                                                                   Eddie and Delia Speights                Buddy and Sharon Durr
                                                                                Jeanette Hogue Bond                     Mrs. Lee Etta Causey
IN HONOR OF                             IN MEMORY OF                               Susan and Tony Kinton                   James and Diane Copeland
                                                                                Grady Carl Boozer                          Mrs. Eva Moree
Bro. Sonny and Jean Adkins              Mrs. Bonnie Adams                          Shirell Betts                        Peggy Chandler
    Michael and Ellen Giles                 Adult 7 SSC., FBC McComb            Ralph D. Borden                            Cynthia and Jimmy Wilkinson
Collinsville Community Club                 Nancy and Ron Craddock                 Bradford Chapel BC                   Ken Churchill
    Mrs. Wanda S. DeLee                     Rudy and Tommy Lou Grenn            Gwendolyn Box                              Charles and Charlene Renfrow
Mike and Sherry Davis                       Mrs. Tena Haskins                      Keri Bailey                          Matt Clark
    Mrs. Rebecca W. Norsworthy              Krandall and Winnie Len Howell         Brandon’s Red Hat Sassy Sisters         Ms. Linda Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Duncan                Mrs. Sylvia Horn Adcock                    Donald and Diane Cargile             Sidney Clark
    Mr. and Mrs. James H. Chase             Ms. Susan Algonas                      Mr. and Mrs. John W. Green              Mr. and Mrs. Brant Godbold
Reed and Adelia Eiland                      Ms. Carol Jo Barnes                    Mr. Harold Harris                    Janis H. Clayton
    Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Rankin            Mrs. Estelle Beard and Family          Ms. Jean Lentz                          Mrs. Linda Perkins
Dr. and Mrs. Randy Hankins                  Jerry & Kristye Horn                   Ronald and Nancy Mayfield            Mike Cobb
    Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Davis           Mistye Heath                           Ms. Donna Purvis                        Jerry and Becky Mitchell
Lynn Harrington                             Faye Wooten                            Mrs. BR (Jean) Taylor                Don Cook
    Glenn and Jennifer Sanders              Ms. Becky Moore                     Rhoda Boyd                                 Ms. Glenda S. Scarbrough
Mrs. Joann Herrington                       Mr. Jimmy Moore                        Ken and Jane Wilkinson               Bobby Cooper
    Rev. and Mrs. Ron Mercer                Jerry and Laura Pope                Katie Ruth Boyte                           Charles and Estelle Owens
Bro. Robert (Bob) and Hilda Hill            Dr. and Mrs. A. David Powell, Jr.      Stanton BC                           Mrs. Estelle Cooper
    Bob and Betty Goodman                   Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sullivan          Mr. Joe Bradford, Jr.                      Ms. Elizabeth A. Ray
Martha Holloway                             Matt and Allison Tatum                 Dr. and Mrs. F. David Rives
                                            Ms. Peggy Threadgill                                                        Delma and May Covington
    Lori Gargus                                                                 Mr. Javus Branch                           Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Grubbs
Rev. George Johnson                     Jerry Alderman                             Daniel and Dianne Smith
                                            Charles and Myra Dew                                                        Mr. Jesse Craft
    Jerry and Mary Helms                                                        Mr. John Brand                             Frances Allen
Mrs. Martha Ann Klaus                   Anne Alexander                             James and Mary Alta Clark               Douglas Allen
    Camille Atwood                          Karen and Johnny Eddleman              Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh            Ms. Wanda Kay Burns
Mrs. Syble B. Lee                       Charlotte Anderson                      Lee Brasfield                              Eunice SSC, Hurley BC
    Mrs. Doris K. Lee                       Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh           Jerry and Ann Smothers                  Annie Lee Churchwell
Jerry McQuirter, Sr.                    Mr. Roger Ashley                        Col. Truitt D. Breazeale                   Todd and Tracy Harry
    Mrs. Karen Barber                       Kaye and Curtis Buchanan               Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Porter             Steve and Michelle Wilkinson
Jean Salyer Phillips                    Pat Atkins                              Mr. Mike Bridges                        Mike Crager
    Percy and Hilda Peeler                  Mrs. Eva Moree                         Whitesand BC                            Arthur and Bettie Bishop
Parker Pierce                           Mrs. Sally Authier                      Mrs. Lois Gill Bridges                  Gerald Creed
    Michael and Ellen Giles                 Bobby and Ann Moody                    Glenn and Jennifer Sanders              Jackie and Carolyn Wooley
Jonathan and Taylor Poe                 Sammy Bailey                            Ms. Betty Rue Bridges                   Mrs. Mary Crowe
    Jennifer and Casey Stockman             Dr. and Mrs. H. Henry Rather           Herman and Sharon Dungan                Gail and Jimmy Bruton
Mrs. Frances Presley                    Dr. Bill Baker                             Whitesand BC                            Libba Currey
    Dian and Eddie Wilemon                  Mike and Meg Hatch                  Gerald Brown                               Scooter and Teresa Henderson
Brian and Emily Rankin                  Mrs. Roberta S. Balch                      Rodney and Linda Bevill                 Jimmy and Bonnie Hollingsworth
    Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Rankin            Lance and Lois Ann Beach            Stewart Michael Brumfield                  Mr. Charles W. Holmes
Houston and Britney Rankin                  Lauren Cumberland                      Tanya and Billy Moore                   John and Candy Morton
    Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Rankin        Donna B. Ballard                        Mr. Stephen Brunt                          Denise Edwards Phillips
John and Michelle Rankin                    Stanton BC                             Edward and Jan Lofton                   Mrs. J. W. Potter
    Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Rankin        Dr. Tad Barham                          David Bryan                             Murray W. Crump
Paul and Aimee Rankin                       Jackson Healthcare for Women           Trinity BC                              Ms. Callie Crump
    Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Rankin        Mason Barnes                            Bro. Hollis Bryant                      Mary Cummings
Mr. Therrell Smith                          Kaye and Curtis Buchanan               Oldtown BC                              Jerry and Ann Smothers
    Ms. Patricia Triplett               Michael Paul Barrett, Sr.               Mrs. Charlotte Buchanan                 Mrs. Ann B. Dale
Mrs. Betty Smith                            Trinity BC                             Kaye and Curtis Buchanan                Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Grubbs
    Ms. Patricia Triplett               Mike Barrett                            Mrs. Lavenia Bullard                    Mrs. Hazle Daniels
Laura Stokes                                Kaye and Curtis Buchanan               Dr. Jim and Judith (Randle) Brewer      Frank and Sheila Hillman
    Miss Mattie Rials                   Jeanette Barron                         Willie Mae Cole Bullock                    Mr. Charles P. Mercer
Mrs. Chrystelle Thames                      Greg and Linda Wall                    Mr. and Mrs. Ray V. Bush             Adam Cole Daughdrill
    Robert and Pat Meaher               Dot Bartlett                            Bobby Burdine                              Mims and Susan Berry
Michael and Neddie Joye Tolleson            Rick and Suzanne Martinchalk           Crape Creek BC                       Edith Davis
    Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Rankin        Mr. Eugene “Gene” Bates                 Mary Miller Burkett                        Nancy and Rufus Warren
Mrs. Cheryl Wells                           James and Diane Copeland               Arlington BC                         Joyce DeAngelo
    Ms. Patricia Triplett                   Mr. Tony Rogers                                                                Gloria (Gee) Green and Family
                                                                                Larry Burris
Dr. & Mrs. Billy R. Williams            Timmy Bayne                                Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh         Mr. William D. (Bill) Dean, Sr.
    Billie J. and Zelma Lofton              Betty Hall                                                                     Phalti BC
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
Mrs. Nell Crowe Dean                    Ms. Gloria Jean Evans                     Kendra Goodman                         Drew Huckaby
    Mr. Michael Cianci                      Martha and Reece Douglas                  Mr. and Mrs. Rob Riley                Larry and Pam Gnemi
    Nat, Traci, & Emily Grubbs          Beverly Fain                              Karan A. Gordon                           Mrs. Janice Moore
    Sharon and David Middleton              Kolola Springs BC                         Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander      Thelma Hughes
    Jack and Charlotte Newell           Alicia Lee Farnham                        Keith Gordon                              Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montague and Family
    Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scoggins            Roy and Gerry Daughdrill                  Michael and Shirell Betts          Mrs. Fern Hutcherson
Andrew Taylor DeLong                        Krandall and Winnie Len Howell        Rev. Dr. Gerald Gordon                    Kaye and Curtis Buchanan
    Frank and Sandra Bryan Crosthwait       Julie and Frank Parsons                   Benny and Bobbie Barber            Gladys Ivey
Mr. Pat Denton                              Ms. Katherine Prentiss                    Ms. Carol Sistrunk                    Hilton and Dee Havard
    Mrs. Sally Pleasant                     Glenn and Jennifer Sanders                Springfield BC                     Mr. James B. Ivy
Mr. Ralph Diaz                          Virginia Sue McWilliams Faulk             Mrs. Pat Gottschalck                      Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Blackledge
    Martha and Reece Douglas                Mr. David Harden                          Charles and Pat Muscio             Mrs. Erma Lee Jackson
Mrs. Marie Dickerson                    Ms. Florice Faust                         Joe Graham, Sr.                           Carolyn Smith
    Jimmy and Jo Jenkins                    Terry and Susan Maxey                     Trinity BC                         Mr. Bob Tom Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Annie Ruth Dillard                 Peggy Feathers                            Mrs. Mary Ann Lowry Graves                Bob Tom and Ellen Johnson
    Leroy and Cathie Addison                Dr. and Mrs. H. Henry Rather              Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Pruitt       Mr. Bubber Johnson
    Louise Anderson                     Brenda Flanagan                               Mr. and Mrs. William D. Seagrove      Jim and Libba Alford
    James and Betty Joe Carraway            Mr. Bob Pyron                         Mrs. Patricia Bradley Graves              Mr. and Mrs. Bill W. Wallace
    Mr. Harold Dillon                   Mrs. Mattie B. Flynt                          Mr. and Mrs. William D. Seagrove   Mrs. Hattie Fern Johnson
    Mike and Janis Goff                     Rose Hill FBC                         Thomas Griffith                           Junior, Hazel, Vernell, Rosaphine, and
    Ms. Evelyn T. Lee                       Lisa and David Seymour                    Dian and Eddie Wilemon                   Katie Lou Kennedy
    Walton and Nell Speed               Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Fortenberry            Earlene Patterson Grissom              Mrs. Katie Johnson
    Ms. Marsha L. Webb                      Glenn and Jennifer Sanders                Shuqualak BC                          Kaye and Curtis Buchanan
    Deborah Partin and Family               Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh          Mr. Shelby M. Grubbs                   Fay Johnston
    Nina Allred and Family              Dr. Harry Frye                                Ms. Maxine B. Grubbs                  Ms. Jane C. Gordon
    Linda Weeks and Family                  Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh          Wayne Hagan                            Charles Jones
Martha Sue Dixon                        Mrs. Glenda C. Fry                            Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh          Mrs. Annie Ruth Millsaps
    Terry’s Creek BC                        Mrs. Martha Busby                     Larry W. Haggard                       Johnny Jones
Mr. Jerry L. Donald, Sr.                    Mrs. Lesah Doerksen                       Moorhead BC                           Jack, Gloria & Jim McAlpin
    Ms. Kaye M. Henderson                   Albert and Mary Jo Dribben            Harrison Hamilton                      Mrs. Dollie Jones
Joe Douglas                                 Carolyn Harlan                            Arthur and Alicia Powell Burnett      Glenn and Jennifer Sanders
    Charles and Myra Dew                    Krandall and Winnie Len Howell        George Hancock                         S. W. Jordan
    Jimmy and Jo Jenkins                    Ms. Katherine Prentiss                    Mr. Jim Barfield                      Mrs. E. J. Grisham, Sr.
Maggie Doussan                              Miss Mattie Rials                         Mr. Bobby Christopher              Gwendolyn Jourdan
    Mrs. Cindy Crain                    Maxwell L. Gainey                             Mr. Ralph Gordon                      Kolola Springs BC
    Bill and Freddie Greer                  Michael Betts                             Mr. Billy Kennedy                  Ms. Cleveland Eugene Jowers
Doug Dubose                                 Mrs. Carol Sistrunk                       Mr. Bill Lea                          Bobby and Ann Moody
    Fellowship BC                           Wendy and Doug Stuart, Lexey & Jett       Freddie Lee                        Mrs. Jo Joy
Bob Dugan                                   Amanda and Nathan Patrick, Peyton         Rainey and Pat Little                 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy W. Hardy
    Marcus and Nelia Anderson                  & Carson                           Melanie Mann Harden                    Jon Paul Kennedy
Margaret H. Durham                      Edwina Galyean                                Mr. David Harden                      JImmie and Margaret Poole
    Paul and Evelyn Beattie                 Mrs. Louise Purvis                    Mr. and Mrs. Al Harrington, Sr.        Wesley Kent
Marion Edwards Durr                     Mrs. Marcy Gann                               Rodney and Stacy Beech                The Kents Men’s SSC, FBC Brookhaven
    Anne and Ed Abel                        Mr. Noel T. Gann                      Charles Harrison                       Mrs. Peggy H. Keyes
Billy Edlin                             James and Loyce Gardner                       Martha and Reece Douglas              Kim R. Keyes
    Dr. and Mrs. H. Henry Rather            Ms. Dale G. Weatherford               Mr. Thomas M. Harrison                 Margaret D. Khayat
Evangeline Ellington                    Jamie Gillentine                              James and Glenda Bounds               Mr. Scott Palmer
    Choctaw Baptist Association             Dian and Eddie Wilemon                Ronald Harry                           Gerald Kidd
John Matthew “Matt” Ellington           Mrs. Barbara Gingrich                         Sean Harry                            Joel and Shirley Hale
    Choctaw Baptist Association             Union BC WMU                          Acy Hartfield, Sr.                     Kent Kinabrew
Lincoln Ellington                       Mrs. Mamie Gray Glass                         Pat H. Stanford and Family            Class of 1960 Reunion
    Choctaw Baptist Association             Ms. Bernice Krise                     Billy Harthcock                        Mrs. Bettye King
Mrs. Betsy Bobo Elliott                 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goff                       Ms. Rose Cordray                      Mrs. Gwen S. Daves
    Mrs. Marjorie Gladden                   Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Goff               Mr. John Harthcock                     Gloria Bays Kiszka
    Mr. Charles W. Holmes                                                             Ms. Rose Cordray                      Clint Weaver
                                                                                  Wayne Hathorn                             Wendy Campbell
                                                                                      Sharon and Herman Dungan              Angela Francis Weaver Family
                                                                                  Winnie Hawks                           Ms. Lucy Jean Bell Knight
                                                                                      Ms. Glenda S. Scarbrough              Jimmy and Jo Jenkins
                                                                                  Laura Collett Hebert                   Henry J. Kothe
                                                                                      Daniel and Dianne Smith               Daphne McLaurin
                                                                                  Shelia Heinaman                        Mrs. Mary F. Ladner
                                                                                      Eldon and Barbara Montague            Carl and Karen Myers
                                                                                  Mr. Glyn Hester                        Mrs. Ethel “Mickey” Hickman Landrum
                                                                                      Mrs. Jane S. Riley                    Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gill
                                                                                  Howard Hill                            Mrs. Joanne Lassiter
                                                                                      Judy and Lee McGinnis                 Arlington BC
                                                                                  Michael Hines                          Sam Latham
                                                                                      Daniel and Dianne Smith               Teresa and Scooter Henderson
                                                                                  Peggy Dickens Hollingsworth            Glenda Lawshe
                                                                                      Martha and Reece Douglas              JoAnn and Jackie Sprayberry
                                                                                  Jerry Holloman                         Mr. Jack Ledbetter
                                                                                      Jim and June Blair                    Carrie S. Evans and Family
                                                                                  Ms. Wendy Champion Hood                Emily Ledgerwood
                                                                                      Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Champion        Gayle Family
                                                                                  Bobby Joe Hough                           Deason Family
                                                                                      Fellowship BC                         Rich Family
                                                                                  Mr. William Earl Houston               Mr. David Nathan Legge
                                                                                      Jerry C. and Judy P. Hardy            Ray Legge and Others
                                                                                      Thomas and Tommie Warnock          Dale Lewis
                                                                                  Tommy Howard                              Charles and Myra Dew
                                                                                      James and Carol Sanders            Mrs. Louise Lindsey
                                                                                  Mr. Lynn L. Howell                        Mr. Charles E. Warren
                                                                                      Jerry and Ann Smothers             Jerry Locke
                                                                                  Pat Howell                                Lee and Terri Thompson
                                                                                      Kolola Springs BC
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
BCV Tribute Gifts (continued)
                                                                                   James Neal                                Percy and Brenda McCaa
                                                                                       Ryan and Whitney Holmes               Sim and Betsy Mosby
                                                                                   Mrs. Evelyn McNair Neely                  Kenneth and Cathy Moss
                                                                                       Martha and Reece Douglas              Kathleen Piller
                                                                                   Brittany Lawrence Nerren                  Charles and Charlene Renfrow
                                                                                       Ken and Jane Wilkinson                Ms. Sandra Dykes Youngblood
                                                                                   Mrs. Theresa Noble                     John Paul Raby
                                                                                       Kaye and Curtis Buchanan              Mickey and Joyce Sandifer
                                                                                       Mr. Charles W. Holmes              Mr. Billy Ragland
                                                                                   Clara Hearn Oakes                         Beulah BC
                                                                                       Larry and Sandi Oakes              Milton Ransburg, Jr.
                                                                                   J. V. and Mary K. Parker                  Dr. Sharon Dungan
                                                                                       Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Parker     Ricky Ratliff
                                                                                   Claudia Payne                             Mr. and Mrs. John R. Epting
                                                                                       Mrs. BR (Jean) Taylor              Lonny Lee Ray
                                                                                   Carolyn Maxwell Perry                     Ms. Pam Hitt
                                                                                       Frank and Sandra B. Crosthwait     Mr. John M. Read, Sr.
                                                                                   Mr. Charles Ray Perry                     Ms. Gail Fults
                                                                                       Bethel BC                          Bob Richards
                                                                                       Mike and Cheryl Peeples               Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Warren
                                                                                       Miss Marlee Russell                Mr. Bobby E. Richardson
                                                                                   Billy Richard Pettway                     Chuck and Cindy Smith
                                                                                       Mary Simmons                       Mrs. Elowese Riley
                                                                                   Kim Pickering                             Jimmy and Jo Jenkins
Mrs. Patsy Longmire                        Peggy McBeth                                Freddie Lee                        Gloria Lenoir Rimes
   Crosby BC                                   Pleasant Hill BC                    Adam Pierce                               James and Mary Alta Clark
   Dunbar and Mary Ann McCurley            Paul McCool                                 Clara Sue Pierce                   Ryan Roberson
Larry Lott                                     Bill and Beverly Baker              Ann Pigott                                James and Lois Mitchell
   Maurice and Jo Ann Ingram               Mrs. Sherry McCormick                       Daniel and Dianne Smith            D. R. Roberts
Mr. Larry Lowery                               Dot Griffin and Family              Jim Pigott                                James and Betty Terrell
   Mrs. Michelle Ashcraft                  Darcy McCoy                                 Krandall and Winnie Len Howell     Mr. Arthur Paul Roberts, Sr.
   E3 Environmental                            Ms. Holly J. Alford                 Mrs. Claudie Pinkard                      Ray and Jeanne Wise & Family
   Teresa, Cooper, and Anna Grace Fulton   Tracy McCullar                              Jimmy and Jo Jenkins               L. B. Robinson
   Mrs. Susan Geiger                           Dian and Eddie Wilemon              Mr. Vernon Sessions Pleasant, Jr.         Fellowship BC
   Hinds Hunting Club                      Hattie McFarland                            Ms. Frances C. Tisdel              Ken Rogers
Mr. Kenneth L. Lundquist                       Eddiceton BC                        Sessions Polk                             Mrs. Joy B. Roberts
   Ms. Janet Clare Smith                       Roger McHenry                           Sharon and Herman Dungan           Shirley Rollins
Mrs. Linda C. Mabry                            Jim and June Blair                  William S. Pollard                        Ms. Sherry Rollins Hatcher
   Ms. Holly J. Alford                     Doris McLendon                              Dr. William S. Pollard, Jr.           Cindy and Chuck Smith
   Aubrey and Genevieve Blalock                Albert Garner                       Carla Pope                             Shay Ross
   Clay and Paula Caston                       Debbie Garner‑Matthews                  Barbara J. Alston                     Dian and Eddie Wilemon
   James and Diane Copeland                Hayes McMahan                               Mrs. Karen Barber                  Patsy Sanders
   Ms. Marquitta Estes                         Rudy and Faye Spears                    Brenda and Robert Burdine             James and Carol Sanders
   Flora Nell Gordon                       Hugh and Reba McWilliams                    Sondra Cain                        Kenneth Sanford
   Marcia McLaurin                             Mr. David Harden                        Jeff and Cindy Dickerson              Ms. Sara Fillingame
   Mike & Debbie Mabry                     Lois Meador                                 The William Lee Garner Family
   Wally and Laura Baird                       Mr. Alton K. Vandevender                Linda Hutchison
   Sam and Marsha Mabry                                                                                                   Traci Sasser
                                           Mr. Carl Mikell                             Eddie and Dawn Ellis                  Barney and Paul Albritton
   Mississippi Valley Title Insurance          Miss Lucy Mikell                        Mr. and Mrs. Frank Montague and
   Company                                                                                                                Elouise Savage
                                           Juanita Bowman Russell Miller               Family                                Mr. and Mrs. Joel Huber
   Julie and Frank Parsons                     Hillary and Thelma Simmons              Presley & Lori Pettit
   Mrs. Brenda Sterling                                                                                                      Steve and Ann Huber
                                           Mrs. Eva Nell Milton                        Jimmy and DeAnna Pickle               Eugene and Mary Sue Trussell
   Mrs. Kelli Sterling                         Mr. Peter Alleman                       Mrs. Irene B. Van Winkle
   Mr. Jimmy Stringer                                                                                                     Mohamad Schuman
                                               American Legion Auxiliary Unit 40       Mr. Randle D. Wright                  Carl and Judy Davis and Family
   Mr. and Mrs. Winbourne Sullivan             Charles and Beverly Calcote         Curtis Posey
   Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh                                                                                           John Schupert
                                               Nancy and Ron Craddock                  Mary Posey                            Joel and Shirley Hale
   Mr. David Wilkinson                         Mike and Janis Goff                 Linda Powell
Bob MacNeil                                                                                                               Mrs. Euna Pearl Scoggins
                                               Becky and Jim Nix                       Arthur and Alicia Powell Burnett      Fellowship BC
   Trinity BC                                  Mr. Ronald Dean Oglesby             Mr. Fred C. Powers
Mr. Dave Madson                                                                                                           Louise Sessums
                                               Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Oglesby         Mrs. Edith M. Aldridge                Ms. Vivian Sessums
   Ms. Linda Bowers Vance                      Mr. Walter Lee Oglesby, Jr.         Mrs. Cindy Price
Melanie Hunsucker Mason Malone                                                                                            Mrs. Tammy Shepherd
                                               Wayne and Cheryl Oglesby                Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh          Kaye and Curtis Buchanan
   “Skeet” and Judy Hurdle                     Ms. Merlene R. Partridge            Richard Price
Mrs. Mary Clytee Manning                                                                                                  Mr. H. N. Shows
                                               Percy and Hilda Peeler                  Mrs. Mary Ruth Hartford               Jim and Dee Lindley
   Ms. Patricia Triplett                       Mr. Steve West                          Mr. Carles F. McComb
Mr. Harold Martin                                                                                                         Evelyn Sills
                                           Jay Moore                               Tommy Prince                              Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Grubbs
   Jimmy and Jo Jenkins                        Carol and Jim Brents                    Kaye and Curtis Buchanan
Bobby Earl Mathews                                                                                                        Al Sims
                                           Mr. Eugene (Gene) Morris                Carol Higginbotham Pruitt                 Trinity BC
   Mrs. Ruby Anne Kincade                      The Ray Wise Family                     Shuqualak BC
   The Kincade Family                                                                                                     Mr. Larry Sistrunk
                                           Richard Moseley                         Mrs. Doris Rutland Puckett                Ms. Carol Sistrunk
   Mrs. Ann N. Meyers                          Bill and Beverly Baker                  Martha and Reece Douglas
   Mr. Darryl Meyers                                                                                                      Mrs. Maurine Sitz
                                               Arthur and Bettie Bishop            Mrs. Lanie R. Purvis
   Mullins Family                                                                                                            Kenneth and Mary Lou Robertson
                                           John Wayne Mosley                           Charles and Myra Dew
   Christ Family                                                                                                          James William Slawson
                                               Mr. and Mrs. David Furr                 Jimmy and Jo Jenkins
   Smith Family                                                                                                              Mrs. Marjorie Gladden
                                               Mr. Charles W. Holmes               Mr. Billy Pyron
   Louis and Mary Weeks                        Ricky and Lurline McCorkle                                                 Tonya Sloan
   John and Lynn Wiggers                                                               Allen Financial Group.                Stanton BC
                                           Mrs. Jean S. Moss                           Mrs. Susie B. Bates
Mrs. Betty May                                 W.O.W. Class, Hardy BC                                                     Mr. Christopher J. Smith
   Arlington BC                                                                        Randy and Ruthie Bicker               John Campbell
                                           Laborn Murphree                             The Ronald Carrozza Family
Mrs. Janet Burch McAlpin                       Mr. Phillip Wayne Galloway                                                 Mrs. Irene K. Smith
                                                                                       Mrs. Betty Sue Dixon                  Ms. Carol Sistrunk
   Bobby and Jo Ann Eure                   Mrs. Dora L. Murray                         Larry and Mary Glass
   Joe and Glenda Rogers                       Ken and Jane Wilkinson                                                     Mrs. Juanita Smith
                                                                                       Charles and Emily Hord                Mrs. Edith M. Aldridge
   Mitch and Castlen Rogers                Josephine Mutzi                             Tommy and Marsha James
   Ms. Kaye S. Williamson                      Larry and Pam Gnemi                     Ms. Joan S. Kiser                  Ricki Smith
Mrs. Leona McAlpin                                                                     Dr. and Mrs. Rory Lee                 Charlie and Pam Morgan
                                           Dr. David Myers
   Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fryery              Daniel and Dianne Smith                 Mrs. Phebe Pyron Martin            Lathan Sowell
   Jack and Gloria McAlpin                                                                                                   Gene and Barbara Hitt
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
David Spain                               Ms. Andrea Tynes                             Mary Eddins Wilkerson                                       H. O. and Linda Holland
    Ann and Jimmy Williamson                 Jackie and Carolyn Wooley                    Patricia Wilkerson and Family                            Ronnie and Steve Massey Families
    Sue and James Culpepper               Luke Ulery                                   Monte Williams                                              Bobby and Ann Moody
Grady Marvin Spears                          Carole, Charles, and Kevin Byram             Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pruitt                                Mr. and Mrs. Tim Pepper
    Mr. Randy Spears                      Max Vickers                                  Mr. Mike Williams                                           Terri and Ronald Stokes
Rosemary Speir                               Ms. Katie H. Butler                          Kaye and Curtis Buchanan                              Charles “Bunky” Winters
    Larry and Judy Berry                     Mrs. Carole Haynes                        Beth Robertson Wilson                                       Mr. and Mrs. David Furr
Bruce Spring                                 Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Henry                   Mrs. Patsy Atherton                                      Teresa and Scooter Henderson
    Mrs. Carol J. Miller                  Mrs. Betty F. Wade                              Jeff and Carol Ann Carter                                Jimmy and Bonnie Hollingsworth
Gaye Starnes                                 Ms. Carol Sistrunk                           James and Cindy Cruise                                   Mr. Charles W. Holmes
    Krandall and Winnie Len Howell        Dorothy Duncan Walcott                          Frank and Fern Fillingim                                 Ricky and Lurline McCorkle
    Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh             Larry and Pam Gnemi                          Gib and Ellen Ford                                    Judy Deason Wooley
Ruth Stevens                              Robert Walker                                   Frances R. Gardner                                       Carla Sanders
    Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh             Ms. Carol C. Smith                           Robert and Jane Hederman                                 Jennifer Walker
Berniece Stevison                         Lena Waller                                     Silas and Leesa McCharen                              Hettie Wright
    Bill and Beverly Baker                   Ms. Sue Dean                                 Bo and Gayle Price                                       Ms. Paula Bond
Ms. Charline Stewart                      Mr. Jabo Ward                                   The Women of Joyful Noise                             Frankie Jean Yeager
    Kolola Springs BC                        Edward and Jan Lofton                        Fonda Townsend                                           Kolola Springs BC
Dr. Herbert Street                        Freddie Watts                                Elgene Wilson                                            Mrs. Mary Louise Young
    Mrs. Joy B. Roberts                      Ever Ready SSC, Pine Grove BC                Pine Forest BC                                           Ryan and Whitney Holmes
Rev. Ed Sudduth                           Mabel Harris Watts                           Mary Frances Wilson                                         WGK, Inc.
    Mrs. Tena Haskins                        Mrs. Helen Watts                             Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cooper                               Sylvia, Norm, Tim, and Katie Young
    Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh          Mrs. Audrey Watts                               Robin and Buddy Fulton
Tricia Sullivan                              The Rogers Family
    Lamar and Donna Gordon                Mr. Laston Webb
Mr. Don Swanberg                             Rev. William B. Webb
    Mrs. Joy B. Roberts                   David O. Weed
Col. Glenn Taylor                            Michael and Shirell Betts
    Mrs. Dura L. Hart                     Vicki Beach Weis
    Mrs. Bessie Saway                        Trinity BC
Jerry Wayne Taylor                        Mrs. Glendon J. Welch
    Mr. and Mrs. James H. Huggins            Mrs. BR (Jean) Taylor
Mrs. Lola Sue West Thames                 Mr. Dan Wells
    Janice Thames                            Sammie Anglin and Family
    James Williamson                         James and Diane Copeland
Peggy Thigpun                             Stanley Wheat
    Kolola Springs BC                        Daniel and Dianne Smith
Mr. Ernest G. Thomas                      Mrs. Jean Whitehead
    Bill and Fredda Hobgood                  Janice and John Martin
Carolyn Tierce                               Dr. Jerry and Jean Stevens
    Steve and Ann Huber                      Taneean Mills
Dr. Donald G. Traxler                     Joshua White
    Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Blackledge          Tri‑County BC
Lynn Troutman                             Mr. Clint White
    Ms. Tina G. Roberts                      Beulah BC
Mrs. Meta Tutterow                        Mrs. Sue White
    Hugh and Tommye Meade                    Glenn and Jennifer Sanders
                                             Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Walsh

                                                                                *Pictures of children are representative of those in the ministry. The identities of BCV children are protected.

Personal Reflection
                                      Early 20th century evangelist, author            against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present
                                        and teacher Oswald Chambers is                 darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
                                      quoted, “Prayer does not fit us for              (Ephesians 6:12) Chambers explains prayer IS the battle. As we pray,
                                        the greater work; prayer is the                we are waging war, we are acknowledging our great need and His
                                                 greater work.”                        extraordinary power and provision to meet our need. Our relationship
                                                                                       with Him is strengthened and we are indeed then made powerfully fit for
                                 As I am writing this article, we are                  the work to which he has called us.
                                 preparing for prayer walks on each                    If you missed us at one of our campus prayer walks this month, download
                                 of our seven campuses scheduled                       a prayer guide and pray (wage war) for us from where you are.
                                 throughout the month of May. For 124
                                 years prayer warriors have been lifting               “Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it, with thanksgiving.
                                 up the needs of The Baptist Children’s                At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for
                                 Village to our Heavenly Father. I have                the word, to declare the mystery of Christ.” Colossians 4:2-3
personally experienced the power of those prayers as a 16‑year‑old
girl at the BCV. God used this ministry and the prayers of His people to
impact my life. Our staff is humbled and encouraged by those who are,
even today, praying for more such victories in the hearts and lives of our
children, their families and our staff. Prayer the greater work? Consider                                                                         Chrystelle Thames
this, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,                                                                         Director of Communications
BCVVOICE - Baptist Children's Village
P.O. Box 27
Clinton, MS 39060-0027

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 We are happy to help you with this. Please contact Tim McWilliams at 601.952.2422 or tmcwilliams@bcvms.com.           Tax Liability!

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