Page created by Leonard Barnett
TEXIT 2020
“BeLEAVE in Texas”

April 13th Kutztown University of Pennsylvania

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Table of Contents

Welcome letter from the Chair…...…………………………………………………………. 3

Introduction to TEXIT …………………………………………………………….............4-6

Topic A: Domestic Policy ………………………………………………………………...6-11

Topic B: International Policy ……………………………………………………………11-14

Citations ……….……………………………………...……………...………………….. 15-18

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Welcoming Letter from Chair

         I am the Head Chair for the TEXIT 2020 General Assembly. As your chair, I
would like to address a couple of things with you the delegates that are very important.
First and foremost I would like to talk about the committee itself and for problems that
may occur. With the TEXIT committee, we will involve a lot of political situations
happen. Ranging from immigration, border security, civil right, education, religion and
etc., arguments will be brought up that students alike take much pride in. This
committee might bring the best and worst out of everyone in which I would please ask
everyone to be respectful when speaking and or when writing resolutions.
Discriminating will not be tolerated. Action will be taken and consequences will ensue
for inappropriate actions.

         As a future educator in America, I want to help students out no matter what. In
this committee, you will not be looking back at history, but rather, you will be creating
history yourself. I want to help enhance your skills in debating, writing, studying and
communicating. I want the delegates to actually get something out of this committee
rather than just participating in it. I want them to feel proud of what they have
accomplished that you are achieving more than you thought you would. Whether it's a
positive or negative outcome for you, I want you to go out of this committee knowing
what you did and to be able to learn from it! If you have any questions, you can contact
me at Acass799@live.kutztown.edu.

Best wishes,

Austin Cass

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United States History (2016-2020)

 The 2016 election brought forth democratically elected president Donald J. Trump.
This would begin the destruction of the Republican Party and start the rise of the
Democrats in the United States Government. With Donald Trump as President of the
United States, the US Congress began to protest his power. This caused a division within
the government with not only democrats and republicans, but with the Republican Party
itself was starting to divide itself. When the 2018 Elections occurred, the Democrats
took a huge win gaining control of the whole congress. The backlash against Donald
Trump grew rapidly, causing protest and riots throughout the country. With the
downfall of Donald Trump, The rise of Bernie Sanders began and when voters data
starts coming out for showing that Bernie projections showed that he had an eighty-five
of winning the presidency. On November 3rd, 2020. Bernie Sanders wins the Electoral
College vote of 358-180.

                                        Texas History
The history of Texas has a different background than many of its fellow states. Being
apart of Mexico before earning its statehood is one of the many differences that Texas
has. This was one of the main reasons that Texas wanted to secede from the US. Being
the 28th state to be admitted into the United States of America on December 29, 1845,
Texas is the 2nd biggest U.S. state in population and in size. Before all that though,
Texas had to fight for its statehood. The start of the Texan Revolution did not start until
October 2nd, 1835. The most famous event of the Texan Revolution was the Battle of the
Alamo down in San Antonio; this 13-day siege had 180 American rebels, including Davy
Crockett and James Bowie against 4000 Mexican forces. Texas did have to fight Mexico
for its independence and its entry to the U.S. was delayed because of the slavery fight
that was going on in the U.S. at the time. When the Civil War happened in 1861, Texas
along with the other 10 southern states seceded from America. As history tells, The
Union won the civil war and all the states united as one once more. In 1869 however, a
huge court case occurred which today is known as Texas vs. White. This court case came
to the term of how words do not mean action, as just because the Southern States said
they seceded does not truly mean they fully seceded. In a 2009 Rasmussen poll, it was
said that 31% of Texans believe that Texas had the right to secede as a nation, however,
75% opted that they would rather stay in the United States. Texas from a span of 2016-
2020 had suffered more than any other state in America. Illegal Immigration in Texas
was on a rise in the country, Texas has the second highest illegal immigration
population with a staggering 1.4 million known aliens in the country. Texas in 2016 tried
to put in a 1 billion dollar deal that would help strengthen the border hiring more guards

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and equipment, however with Trump preaching about building the wall across the
American-Mexico Border, the Texas government decided not to go forward. However,
Trump's wall was never built and with Bernie pledging to make all the borders open for
all immigrants who want to walk into the country caused issues that were already
happening in Texas. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey savagely distraught the city of Houston,
88 Texans lost their lives and thousands lost their jobs, cars, and homes. The United
States Treasurer, Steve Mnuchin, calculated that repairs to the city would cost up to 180
billion. Though Congress paid, they also told Texas that a deal was to be made in which
would cause Texans to be highly taxed in order to pay the United States government its
debt back. On April 15th, 2018, taxes started to go on the rise causing the Texan
businesses started to slowly crumble. Even the oil industry in Texas started to crumble.
This caused unemployment in Texas to rise from 4% to 15% in a matter of a year. In
2019, 10 years after the Rasmussen poll, they decided to do the poll again with a
different outcome this time. About 69% of the Texas people believed that Texas has its
rights to become its own nation and only 27% believed it should still stay in the United

                           The Birth of the Lone Star Nation
The United States economy has begun one of the biggest declines in recent history. With
Trump implanting a trade war with China, Canada, the European Union and more,
tariffs were raised as a protest to the Donald Trump administration. Gas prices went up
by 4 dollars as a resident in Texas gas went from $2.24 to $5.00 in one night, becoming
known as the great gas crisis of 2019. Items such as clothing, food, and even water prices
started to rise as well. Trump went on national television to address the nation that they
need to start buying American products instead of imported good to fight back against
these tariffs, however American industries couldn't hold up to the supply and demand
causing factories and businesses to foreclose all over. The Texas government, realizing
that the United States power and economy throughout the world was going under,
decided that maybe they should try and fund for their own people instead.

On January 10th, 2020, Governor Greg Abbott addressed to the people of the Lone Star
State what he believe is the answer to all there problems. “Texas must show its strength
against the United States national government, for so long they've been telling us all the
needs we need will be made. President Trump said well have more border security that
we were in the process of funding yet we still have that issue today. We were told that
our business would stand tall and that American Jobs would come back to us, we lost
more than 1/4th of our businesses due to this great recession. I believe that, as a Texan,
that a Texan will help out another Texan more than any other state would do to their
own neighbor.

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For that, I would like to propose a possible bill that would announce to the United States
Government that we would like to TEXIT from the United States.” The United States did
not act so kindly to the words of governor Greg Abbott, causing President Trump to send
the National guard into Texas, making sure no coup or bill causing separation would be
made. On March 22nd, 2020. The great Dallas massacre occurred within Texas, where
after a Pro Texas rally was held in the Art district of Dallas? The rally attendance was
said to be at max 50,000, with more rallies said to be coming through. However, 12
protesters were getting arrested for burning the American flag, the symbol that unites all
Americans. As the protestors were being taken into custody a Texan threw a bottle of
Texas BBQ sauce at one of the National Guards, causing him to be injured. With no
remorse for Human life, the National Guard on patrol for the event attacked the
protestors, causing a total of 100 deaths and 200 injured.

The whole world was in a state of shock at what has occurred in Texas, giving Texas
more leverage for the belief of a Lone Star Nation. In an emergency convention with
every Texan government official from the state and national government decided to vote
if the nation would secede. With a vote from the Texas house of reps and senate, a bill
was made to secede from the United States, with approval from the Governor and
Supreme Court. On April 1st, 2020, the Texas Government secedes from the United

                              Topic A: Domestic Policy

                       1. Texas Congressional Government
Texas has always been viewed as a conservative powerhouse. However, in 2018 Senator
Ted Cruz’s Re-election campaign was made very difficult when progressive candidate
Beto O’Rourke stole the hearts of the nation.

Many disenfranchised Texans began to support O’Rourke. Mr. O’Rourke ran on policies
such as single-payer healthcare, a $15 minimum wage, and antitrust regulations that
break up monopolies, and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants
[Betofortexas.com]. Ted Cruz was re-elected, but congressmen O’Rourke received more
than 4 million votes, and carried over 48% of the vote, sending a strong message to the
rest of the country. In 2020, Donald Trump only narrowly carried the state with 50.1%
of the vote, and a recount. These changes in Texas culture are going to be taken into
account as the New Texas Government attempts to unite a lone star nation.

The state and nation are in the midst of a demographic transformation. The 76 million
babies born between 1946 and 1964, who are predominantly white, are aging, and more
young Americans being born and growing up today are people of color [Houston Public
Media]. In terms of political transformation, the energy we see right now among young

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people who are engaging in immigrant rights movements, Black Lives Matter, and other
struggles for justice has the potential to really upend the way we think of Texas politics.

Within a decade, Hispanics are projected to be one the largest race or ethnic group in
Texas [Houston Public Media, How Texas’s Shifting Demographics May Preview Larger
Changes in America]. Over the next 20 years, more and more Hispanics will move into
labor force ages, prime reproduction years, and ultimately outpace other race or ethnic
groups. This is a development that could shift the States, or now Nations politics. If the
Texas government attempts to build a wall on the southern border or pass tough
legislation on immigration, they will most likely face much bigger backlash than once

                                2. Texas Infrastructure
Another challenge the Texas government will face as they transform into their own
nation is infrastructure. Texas is home to 24 of the nation's primary/commercial service
airports servicing 79.7 million passengers in 2015 [2017 Texas infrastructure report
card]. Texas is the geographically largest continental state, an economic powerhouse
leading the way in wind power energy production, population growth, and some of the
largest infrastructure that has an ever-increasing need for improvement.

This need for improvement became apparent in the 2017 Report Card for Texas
Infrastructure, developed by the Texas Section of the American Society of Civil
Engineers. In this update, though several of the infrastructure categories reviewed show
areas of satisfactory performance, the clear majority indicate that Texas infrastructure
lacks funding, proper maintenance, and is poorly equipped to deal with environmental
change as Texas continues to grow. Overall they gave it a grade of C-. The population of
Texas grows by 100 people per day or roughly one U.S congressional District per year. It
is the ethical responsibility of civil engineers of Texas to provide its fellow citizens with
solid working infrastructure for their daily lives.

In the seven categories of infrastructure that were evaluated, including aviation, bridges,
dams, highways and roads, flood control, drinking water, and wastewater, the highest
mark received was a “B” for bridges followed by a “B-” for aviation [2017 Texas
infrastructure report]. All remaining categories received grades of “D” or lower. These
grades indicate that though bridges and aviation infrastructure is adequate for now, the
remainder of the infrastructure is in poor condition with a strong risk of failure and the
entire current infrastructure needs investment.

One of the most pressing needs is the rapid projected population growth estimating
Texas to grow in the next 50 years, from 29.5 million in 2020 to more than 51 million by
2070. This poses major risks and strains on the water utilities of the region, as well as

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transportation infrastructure. Furthermore, there is a lack of central authority over
flood preparation, floodplain management, and flood prevention, which resulted in the
grade of “D” from flood control [2017 infrastructure report card].

Texas is one of the best states in the country for maintaining its outsized share of
bridges, but rain and flooding in the wake of Hurricane Harvey have begun toppling
them and undermining roads around Houston. The substantial effects of Hurricane
Harvey exposed the flaws of the Texas government.

                                   3. Immigration
Some of the demographic shifts in Texas over the last 50 years have to do with
immigration. Immigration is also widely recognized as a major factor in the population
growth of Texas. Texas passed New York in 1994 as the nation's second most populous
state, according to the Census Bureau. The main question the new Texas government
will need to ask is How do Texans view the current immigration system and what would
they like to see changed?

As the immigration battle in the country heats up, the State of Texas has been the center
of issues of immigration and border security for decades. As Texas becomes its own
nation, there's no doubt the issue of immigration will be on the top of the list of
challenging issues. This includes the conversations about whether or not to build a
border wall, grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, and the levels of funding the issue.
Immigration policy determines who may become a new citizen or enter the country as a
temporary worker, student, refugee, or permanent resident. The federal government is
responsible for setting and enforcing most immigration policy.

The newest immigration and trade challenge for Texas will be the immigration from not
only Mexico but also now the United States. The question we will need to ask is will
there be a flow of immigration from United States citizens who are dissatisfied with the
American Government, and how Texas will handle it. It is our responsibility to ensure
the Department of Homeland Security has the resources it needs to protect our border
and keep us safe.

Of Texas’s total population growth between 2010 and 2016? Migration accounted for
almost exactly half according to [Comptroller.Texas.Gov]. These migrants were not only
from different nations but also from different states in the United States, which
represented 32% of these individuals. This is a piece of evidence that if Texas declared
independence from the United States, many of its citizens would wish to immigrate, and
become a part of the Texas dream.

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4. Terrorist and Cult Activities in America
Texas seceding from the United States did not please everyone. There were a number of
Texas residents who wanted to remain and are unhappy with the decision made. This is
one of many causes of a radical terrorist group forming within Texas, threatening the
sovereignty of the state. This is not the first time the United States has dealt with
terrorism, but rarely have they dealt with a domestic terrorist organization at the levels
of this group.

The cult which has been formed in Texas refers to itself as a social group defined by its
religious, and spiritual beliefs. They hold their values as “American values” and don't
want to see their home state walk away from them. This movement actively encourages
other citizens of Texas to protest the decision to secede, and are willing to die for the
values they believe in.

Combine a charismatic personality with fringe beliefs and an appetite for violence, and
you get some of history's most notorious cult leaders. This description is very accurate of
Texas cult leader Sam Sunger. He is the leader of this new radical movement forming in
Texas. Sunger believes his religious values are threatened by Texas becoming an
independent nation and will take very fringe actions to prevent it from happening. Like
other radical leaders in our history, Sam Sunger has a very large following of Texans in
distress about these developments.

With his strong personality, he is leading a movement which believes the United States
is a Judeo Christian nation, and want to remain part of it. They believe seceding sends a
message that the Texas government, and its people, don’t stand with Judeo Christian
values, and they are willing to die for them. This group has been encouraged to take up
arms against the government, and those who support the secession from the United
States. Texas secretary of state Rolando Pablos has named this a top national security
issue going into 2020, and the number 1 threat facing Texas citizens.

                                  5. Entertainment
With a new nation comes a need for new entertainment. This includes sports leagues,
TV shows, movies, and an entirely new industry. As every developed nation has its own
mass media companies that control the distribution and manufacture of mass media
entertainment, Texas will need to create this too. If anyone knows Texas history, they
live and die for their football.

With the Dallas Cowboys and Houston Texans already in place, it will be up to
politicians, business owners, and entrepreneurs to create extension teams. The average
cost to buy an NFL football team is $2.5 billion, while it costs around $1.36 billion to

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buy an NBA team. Undoubtedly, starting new leagues from scratch may provide lower
up-front costs for potential club owners (as compared to established leagues in the U.S),
but will need time to win fan support and become profitable. Forming new teams will
remain a job for the wealthier among us.

If you thought Texas needed vast improvement on its infrastructure, the same reality
holds true for its public education system. In 2016, Texas fell to number 43 in national
educational ranking, falling from number 39 according to the [El Paso Times]. The State
earned a C- in education, while the country as a whole earned a C. Texas’ subpar public
education system is holding their children back as they graduate High School either
average or below average compared to the rest of the country.

In two of the three categories the report covers, Texas performed below most other
states; School finance and students’ chance for success. In the third category –
kindergarten through 12th-grade achievement, Texas' performance was average. They
ranked 45th in the nation in school finance, earning a D grade based on per pupil

Texas ranked 49th in the country in per-pupil spending, taking into account regional
cost differences, according to the report. Texas spent $7,957 per student, well below the
national average of $11,667 per student, according to the report [El Paso Times]. On top
of the poor grades, an early projection has Texas decreasing state funding to education
in 2019 and using local taxes to fill that void. The Foundation School Program, the main
way of distributing state funds to Texas public schools, includes both state general
revenue and local property tax revenue. Local property values are expected to grow by
about 6.8 percent each year, and the existing statute requires the state to use that money
first before factoring in state funding [The Texas Tribune].

As a state that leans mainly conservative, Texas believes in low taxes, few regulations,
and small government. Though these policies have some benefits for families and
businesses, the consequences include subpar public schools and crumbling
infrastructure that the state government has been slow in addressing.

Your goal in Topic A should be to form a successful nation, which prioritizes peace, and
prosperity for its entire people. The decisions you make depend on which region you
represent. For example, if you represent Austin, it is imperative to keep the capital safe,
and secure. Those who represent Brownsville should be mainly focused on the security
of the Southern border due to its location. Smaller towns like Great Vine and Johnson

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City are to be focused on as well so they do not get left behind like so many small
American towns.
                                Questions to Consider

   1. Immigration is a hot press issue for the state of Texas. Would it be better to have
      a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, or should the state crack down on
      this issue?

   2. As a new nation independent from the grasps of the United States, should Texas
      form an alliance with them, or close themselves off?

   3. With Texas being in the midst of a demographic shift, would the government face
      a backlash for enforcing conservative policies like a border wall, loose gun laws,
      and low regulations on businesses?

   4. Texas receives low grades in several fields, including infrastructure, and public
      education. Are small government, low regulation, and low taxes, (which Texas is
      accustomed to), or is more government intervention necessary to get the
      economy growing again?

                            Topic B: International Policy

                            1. The Threat of the United States
An issue that will be prevalent in this discussion is the threat of United States attacks. As
we said before, the Court Case in 1869 called Texas vs. White where the United States
said that the Southern States never truly seceded meaning that the United States can use
this court case in their favor (Oyez). The United States will be using propaganda against
the newly established Texan Government, trying to get fellow Texans to revolt. The
Texas Government must find ways to fight against the fake news and make propaganda
supporting the Texas Government. Other concerns will be about United States Military
Bases in Texas and how to go about the removal of American army forces. Places like
Fort Worth, Camp Bullis, and Fort Hood will be heavily contested and you must force
the United States Military off the property. This, in fact, won't be easy as the United
States won't leave without a fight. You must make sure that you have a strong military
system and leaders that are ready to fight.

The United States will also find ways to make sure no international support will be given
to the new Country. They'll try to block trading from the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific
Ocean just so supplies can become scarce throughout the Country. Tariffs on goods will
be placed on an American Product, which could cripple the newly configured Texas
Economy. Pro-American Rebellion also might attack Texans communities in order to

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gain control of Texan land. This could have implications of not only the safety of the
Texan people but also the keeping the Lone Star Country together as one.

                                      2. Diplomacy
As said before, the United States is going to do their best to block any chance of having
any relations with other countries. This means that countries that have strong relations
with the United States most likely won't support you unless you have good intentions
and ethics with them. This means you have to work hard to earn their trust with the
Country of Texas, even if it doesn't seem to be more in favor of you. When Texas
annexed themselves back in the 1800’s they, in fact, had diplomatic relations with
countries Belgium, France, Great Britain and funny enough the United States of
America. Opening up the door to communication and the opening the embassy will not
only affect your nation but will give more credibility to the new Lone Star Nation.

With Diplomacy, however, also comes with the threat of wars. As history can tell you,
there were times where nations got thrown into war just because they were allies with
one of the main forces. Nothing can show this more than the events in World War 1
where German and Hungarian-Austrian allies all joined in to help their fellow allies. If
you make allies that our close into coming into war, you must be ready to help supply
the demands and needs of that nation. Whether it's sending food and equipment to your
allies or just joining into the war with them as well. These are some ways to help grow
diplomacy and power throughout the continents.

                                   3. United Nation
The United Nation, after the failure of the League of Nations and World War 2 resulted
in its founding in 1947. 51 founding countries that wanted to bring peace and prosperity
instead of war configured the United Nations. Tackling issues on energy, immigration,
war, and even genocide; the United Nations today has 193 members. Texas being in the
United Nations is a huge deal because it would mean that they would have to say in
world events, as well as develop better relations with other member states. Texas could
use the United Nations in many ways where they can gain support for the Texas cause,
fight about any enemy interference from traveling or imports, and help fight for peace
across the world.

Texas also must be ready to take controversies or negative support towards their cause
as the countries will not be so thrilled with a runaway state in the United Nations. Texas
might endure propaganda against them from American ideologist who wants to claim
Texas back as one of their own. Also, be aware of attacks that may occur in which the
United Nations may need to be involved in to keep peace and tranquility throughout the
Lone Star Nation.

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4. Immigration and Borders
When Donald Trump was elected to the helm of the president in 2016, his biggest
position was to build a wall across the United States border to help maintain the nation
border from illegal migration. When the congress denied Donald Trump request to build
a wall, the state of Texas went into a fury of madness due to Trump big broken promise.
Now as Texas starts to secede from the United States of America, there is going to be
more issues than there ever was before.

With the Mexico border in the picture, Texas must figure out how they want to go about
border security. Does the government want to build a wall across the Texas border from
Mexico, add more border security across the borders instead of a wall, or do they want
to even worry about border control right now? That being said, Texas now has an added
border problem now that they are enclave between 2 nations. American who support the
conservative value of life believes that Texas is the new land for them as America
becomes ever more Progressive. This will cause Americans to try and immigrant into
Texas, legally or not. Texas must find a secure immigration plan that would become the
new Texas immigration protocol for generations to come.

                                         5. Military
Building a military is going to be a vital part of Texas and it will take time to do so.
Though you can borrow the United States ideals of the military, do you really want to
copy off one of your greatest foes? Of course, you're going to need a Coast Guard, Navy,
Air force, Army and Marines but where would the bases be, who will control the
military, how are you going to enlist people into these forces?
You're also going to need to figure out how much you really want to spend on the
military budget. The United States right now has the highest military budget out of any
world power there is. It will take a drastic hit now that Texas has slipped through the
United States hands. You also must decide when the military forming and funding is
done on what are you going to do first with the military. Will you send troops out into
combat to fight off American Ideals? Will you ship troops overseas to allies that are in
need of support? Or will they just stay put in Texas till further notice?

Your goal in topic B is to not only grow as a nation but to grow as a world superpower,
competing against the United States in what could become the next Cold War. You will
want to have as much support from other nations as possible as well as a growing
military that can withstand anything thrown at them. You will also need to figure out
how to control your borders and what needs to be done to protect from enemies hands.

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Questions to Consider

1. With Borders being huge issues before the times of Texas, is it really worth
   building border protection?

2. How would a Military truly affect the outcome of success from the Texan
   Nations? Will, it either be positive or Negative towards their being?

3. How are you going to go about United States propaganda or attacks on Texas

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Character Citations and Resources

1. https://gohmert.house.gov/
   Gohmert, Louie. “U.S. Congressman LOUIE GOHMERT: Proudly Serving the
          First District of Texas.” Committees: U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert,
          2017, gohmert.house.gov/. Supported by Louie Gohmert for Congress

2. https://crenshawforcongress.com/
   Crenshaw, Dan. “Dan Crenshaw for U.S. Congress - Texas CD-2.”
          Crenshawforcongress.com, 2017, crenshawforcongress.com/. Crenshaw
          for Congress

3. “JOIN TEAM TAYLOR TODAY!” Van Taylor for Congress, www.vantaylor.com/. Van
   Taylor Campaign

4. https://ratcliffe.house.gov/
   “U.S. Congressman John Ratcliffe.” Congressman John Ratcliffe,
           ratcliffe.house.gov/. Ratcliffe for Congress supported

5. http://lancegooden.com/
   Lance Gooden, lancegooden.com/. Lance Gooden for Congress Committee

6. https://wright4congress.com/
   “Proven. Conservative. Leader.” Ron Wright for U.S. Congress,

7. https://www.lizziefletcher.com/
   “Lizzie Pannill Fletcher for Congress.” Lizzie Pannill Fletcher for Congress,
           Elizabeth Pannill Fletcher For Congress

8. https://kevinbrady.house.gov/
   “Boldest Step in 20 Years to Redesign IRS.” US Congressman Kelvin
           Brady-Proudly Serving Texas' 8th District, kevinbrady.house.gov/. Brady
           for Congress Committee

9. https://algreen.house.gov/
   “Welcome to Congressman Al Green | Congressman Al Green.” Congressman Al
           Green's Statement on the Introduction of H.R. 5510, The Reentry and

                                                                                   15 | Page
Reunification Act of 2018 | Congressman Al Green, algreen.house.gov/.
           Website paid for by Al Green for Congressman

10. https://mccaul.house.gov/
   “Congressman Michael McCaul.” Congressman Michael McCaul,
           mccaul.house.gov/. Star ACT voted into law.

11. https://conaway.house.gov/
   “U.S. Representative Mike Conaway.” Mike Conaway 11th District of Texas,
           conaway.house.gov/. Mike Conaway for Congress Committee

12. https://kaygranger.house.gov/
   “Congresswoman Kay Granger.” Congresswoman Kay Granger,
           kaygranger.house.gov/. Granger for House

13. https://thornberry.house.gov/
   “U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry.” U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry.
           Serving the People of the 13th District of Texas, thornberry.house.gov/.
           Thornberry for House Committee

14. https://weber.house.gov/
   “United States Congressman Randy Weber Proudly Serving the 14th District of
           Texas.” United States Congress, weber.house.gov/. Weber for House

15. https://gonzalez.house.gov/
   “Congressman Vicente Gonzalez.” Congressman Vicente Gonzalez,
           gonzalez.house.gov/.Gonzalez for House

16. “Representative Veronica Escobar.” Representative Veronica Escobar,
           escobar.house.gov/. Paid for my Escobar for House

17. https://flores.house.gov/
   “Latest News.” Health Care | Congressman Bill Flores, flores.house.gov/. Bill
           Flores for Congress Committee

18. https://jacksonlee.house.gov/
   “Representative Sheila Jackson Lee.” Representative Sheila Jackson Lee,

                                                                                      16 | Page
jacksonlee.house.gov/. Jackson for House Committee

19. https://arrington.house.gov/
    “Homepage.” Jodey Arrington, arrington.house.gov/. Arrington for House

20. https://castro.house.gov/
    “Congressman Joaquin Castro.” Congressman Joaquin Castro,
           castro.house.gov/. Joaquin Castro for House of Representatives
21. https://chiproy.com/
   “Chip Roy - Conservative for the 21st Congressional District of Texas.” Chip Roy
           for Congress, chiproy.com/. Chip Roy for Congress Committee
22. https://olson.house.gov/
   “Congressman Pete Olson.” Congressman Pete Olson, olson.house.gov/.
           Congressman Pete Olson for House

23. https://hurd.house.gov/
   “Congressman Will Hurd.” Congressman Will Hurd, hurd.house.gov/.
           Congressman Will Hurd for House

24. https://marchant.house.gov/
   “MarchantFB.” U.S. Congressman Kenny Marchant, marchant.house.gov/. U.S.
           Congressman Kenny Marchant for House

25. https://williams.house.gov/
   “Congressman Roger Williams.” Congressman Roger Williams,
           williams.house.gov/. Congressman Roger Williams for House

26. https://burgess.house.gov/
   “Michael C. Burgess, M.D.” U.S. House of Representatives, burgess.house.gov/.

27. https://www.cloudforcongress.com/
    “Michael Cloud for U.S. Congress | Texas 27th Congressional District.” Cloud for
           Congress | Michael Cloud, www.cloudforcongress.com/.

28. https://cuellar.house.gov/
   “Rep. Henry Cuellar.” Rep. Henry Cuellar, cuellar.house.gov/.

                                                                                      17 | Page
29. http://sylviaforcongress.com/
   “Sylvia Garcia for Congress.” Sylvia Garcia for Congress, sylviaforcongress.com/.

30. https://ebjohnson.house.gov/
   “Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson.” Congresswoman Eddie Bernice
          Johnson, ebjohnson.house.gov/.

31. https://carter.house.gov/#dialog
   “Congressman John Carter: Home.” Congressman John Carter: Home,

32. https://www.colinallred.com/
   “Colin Allred for Congress | TX-32 | U.S. House Candidate.” Colin Allred for
           Congress | Political Campaign | United States, www.colinallred.com/.
           Supported by ActBlue

33. https://veasey.house.gov/
   “Congressman Marc Veasey.” Congressman Marc Veasey, veasey.house.gov/.
          Congressman Marc Veasey for House

34. https://vela.house.gov/
    “Filemon Vela.” Filemon Vela, vela.house.gov/. Filemon Vela for Congress

35. https://doggett.house.gov/ “Congressman Lloyd Doggett.” Congressman Lloyd Doggett,
   doggett.house.gov/. Congressman Lloyd Doggett for House

36. https://babin.house.gov/
    “U.S. Congressman Brian Babin, D.D.S.” U.S. Representative Brian Babin,
          babin.house.gov/. U.S. Representative Brian Babin for Congress

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