Page created by Ricardo Gomez
                                                                     2019 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE
Penobscot Bay YMCA                                                   Penobscot Bay YMCA
116 Union Street
Rockport, Maine 04856
Samantha Bragg, Camp Director
207.236.3375 ext. 204

Flanagan Community Center
An Outreach Center of the Penobscot Bay YMCA
61 Limerock Street
Rockland, Maine 04841
Benjie Blake, Camp Director

                                                   PBY: 207.236.3375 | RHY: 207.593.8500 | FCC: 207.594.0321
At our Y summer camps,
       children learn leadership skills                                        Does your child have any medical conditions we should be aware of? Also include anything about
                                                                               your child’s health that will help the YMCA staff to better understand and work with your child, such as hearing/
      and develop self confidence in a                                         vision problems, physical needs or behavioral issues (Please attach letter if necessary.
      safe, accepting, and stimulating                                         ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
        environment. They also build                                           ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
      rockets, go fishing & canoeing,
     take field trips all over our great                                       Disabilities or Physical Restrictions: Please describe any disabilities or physical restrictions of which
                                                                               you want us to be aware and any reasonable adaptations or accommodations that are requested:
      State of Maine, swim, make new                                           ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    friends, and laugh all summer long!                                        ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                               To ensure we can best serve your child, please answer the following questions:
                                                                               Does your child have an IEP?  No                  Yes       If yes, please explain:

                                                                               Is your child attending therapy?  No                   Yes        If yes, please explain:

                                                         NEW!                  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                      HOME BASE                ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                               Is there anything we should know about your child to ensure their success in our program?
                                                    Discovery Camp             ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                 Lincolnville Central School
                                                    Snow Bowl Camp             ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
                                                    Camden Snow Bowl
                                                                               CONSENT AND AUTHORIZATION
                                                   RHY Summer Camp
                                                  Johnson Memorial Park        I approve of my child using his/her own:
                                                   at Chickawaukie Lake        Bug Spray  No              Yes             Sun Screen  No               Yes
Lincolnville Central School                                                    Parent/Guardian Initials: ______________
                                                    Adventure Camp
                                                    Camden Snow Bowl

                                                                                        Registration Form, Payment Policy & Immunization Records must be completed before camper
                                                                                          can be registered. Please drop off or fax all Immunization Records to the Y at 236.8458.
                              Camden Snow Bowl                                  Registration Forms are for Summer Camps & full-day Sports Camps (Karate, Swim & Gymnastics). Basketball &
         Chickawaukie Lake                                                     Soccer Camps do not require a Registration Form. Immunization Records are not required for any Sports Camps.
                                                                                                                                              NEW ADVENTURE!                                           DISCOVERY CAMP
Name of Physician: ________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________                                                                                      Ages 4 - 6*
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________                          DATES                                                 *Campers must meet Fall 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                       kindergarten public school eligibility.
Health Insurance Carrier: ____________________________ ID #: ___________________ Group #: __________________                               Pre-Week: June 17- 21*                                      Discovery Camp is for Grades K - 1.
I hereby give my consent, in the event of a medical emergency when I cannot be contacted,                                                    (RHY Summer Camp Only)
for Y staff to obtain whatever treatment may be deemed necessary for:                                                                        Week 1: June 25-28
______________________________________________________  _______/_______/_______
                                                                                                                                               Week 2: July 1-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                       SNOW BOWL CAMP
Your child’s name                                       Date of birth                                                                                                                                  Presented by the Penobscot Bay YMCA

This authorization includes my consent for the above-named child to receive treatment by a physician in any                                   Week 3: July 8-12                                        Ages 7 - 10
hospital emergency department. I hereby give my authorization for emergency medical treatment as outlined above.
                                                                                                                                             Week 4: July 15-19
Date of last tetanus shot: _______/_______/_______
                                                                                                                                             Week 5: July 22-26                                        ADVENTURE CAMP
Does your child self-administer any medications such as an inhaler or epi-pen? Please list
any medication your child will be taking at camp All medication given to camp director and must come in original
                                                                                                                                         Week 6: July 29 - August 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ages 11-13
bottle with the name of child, medication, dosage, and doctor.
                                                                                                                                             Week 7: August 5-9
                                                                                                                                           Week 8: August 12-16                                        RHY SUMMER CAMP
Please list any medication your child will be taking at camp. All medication must be given to the                                                                                                      Ages 7-12
Camp Director and come in original bottle with the name of child, medication, dosage, and doctor.                                          Week 9: August 19-23

CAMPER MEDICAL HISTORY (Please check all that apply)                                                                           DISCOVERY CAMP & SNOW BOWL CAMP
                                                                                                                               COST: $160/week Members and $165/week* Participants
 Asthma                             Hypertension                       Epilepsy                                                    *Snow Bowl Camp Week 6 will be $170 Members / $175 Participants due to a higher field trip cost
 German measles                     Whooping cough                     Mononucleosis                                        ADVENTURE CAMP
 Measles                            Scarlet fever                      Diabetes                                             COST: $170/week Members and $175/week* Participants
                                                                                                                                      *Adventure Camp Week 6 will be $180 Members / $185 Participants due to a higher field trip cost
 Heart disease                      Convulsions                        Other____________________________________               Before & After Care is available for a flat rate of $27/week (for each)
ALLERGIES (Please check all that apply)                                                                                           Scholarships are available, please inquire at the Y’s Welcome Center
                                                                                                                                  Please visit our website or stop by for complete Summer Camp information
 Animals                            Serious ivy, oak, sumac  Insect bites, stings                                              Samantha Bragg, Penobscot Bay YMCA Camp Director: 236.3375, ext. 204 or
 Penicillin                         Foods                              Medications
 Other_____________________________________
                                                                                                                               ROCKLAND HARBOR YMCA (RHY) SUMMER CAMP
                                                                                                                               COST: $145/week* Member & Participants
                                                                                                                                      *RHY Summer Camp Week 9 will be $155 due to a higher field trip cost
         Registration Form, Payment Policy & Immunization Records must be completed before camper                                 Before Care is available for a rate of $15/week and After Care for a rate of $20/week
           can be registered. Please drop off or fax all Immunization Records to the Y at 236.8458.                               Scholarships are available, please inquire at the RHY OR FCC Welcome Centers
 Registration Forms are for Summer Camps & full-day Sports Camps (Karate, Swim & Gymnastics). Basketball &                        Please visit our website or stop by for complete Summer Camp information
Soccer Camps do not require a Registration Form. Immunization Records are not required for any Sports Camps.                      Benjie Blake, Rockland Harbor YMCA Camp Director: 594.0321 or
(AGES 4-6)
Discovery Camp is designed for first time campers! This all day camp is geared toward children who                            What camp is your child attending?
have completed or are eligible for Kindergarten. Your camper will be excited about new experiences
while having the comfort of a consistent routine. Campers will participate in a variety of arts, crafts                        Discovery Camp (ages 4-6)                                       Snow Bowl Camp (ages 7-10)
and games with weekly adventures to some favorite local spots. We will also participate in                                     Rockland Summer Camp (ages 7-12)                                Adventure Camp (ages 11-13)
Wednesday field trips! Field trips subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances.
                                                                                                                              Sports Camp:         Karate Camp            Swim Camp           Gymnastics Camp
                                                                                                                              What weeks will your child be attending camp? (Please check all that apply)
   Discovery Camp is a Monday - Friday, activity based day camp for children ages 4-6. For children                           Pre-Week (RHY)            Week 1        Week 2         Week 3  Week 4  Week 5                      Week 6
    to enroll, campers must meet Fall 2019 kindergarten public school eligibility and be born before
    10/15/14 (Grades K-1).                                                                                                     Week 7        Week 8         Week 9
   Home Base for Discovery Camp is at the Lincolnville Central School (LCS).
                                                                                                                              CAMPER’S NAME: _______________________________________________________________ Birth date: _______/_______/_______
   Before and After Care are available for this camp at the Camden Snow Bowl for an additional fee.
                                                                                                                              Street/PO Box: _______________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________
   Discovery Camp kids are bused each morning at 8:45 AM from the Camden Snow Bowl to the                                    Town/City: _______________________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip Code: _____________________
    Lincolnville Central School. Parents wishing to drop off their campers at LCS, may arrive by
    9:15 AM. All campers must be checked in by YMCA Camp Staff.                                                               Camper’s T-Shirt Size:  Youth Small  Youth Medium  Youth Large
                                                                                                                                                      Adult Small  Adult Medium  Adult Large  Adult X-Large
   Campers may be picked up at LCS between 3:30 and 3:45 PM. Campers in need
    of After Care will be bused to the Camden Snow Bowl and arrive by 4:00 PM.                                                PARENT/GUARDIAN #1 NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                              Address: _______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________
   Weekly activities include art, indoor/outdoor games, reading and visits to local
    beaches and parks.                                                                                                        Place of Employment: _______________________________________________________ Work Phone: __________________________
                                                                                                                              Cell Phone: ________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________
   On Mondays, campers will spend half of the day at a local library and on
    Thursdays at a local beach or park.                                                                                       What is the best way to reach Parent/Guardian #1? _____________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                              Send all email communication to Parent/Guardian #1?  Yes                      No
   Tuesdays and Fridays will be spent at our LCS home base.
   Each Wednesday, we will take an exciting field trip to destinations all over the                                          PARENT/GUARDIAN #2 NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________________
    State of Maine!                                                                                                           Address: ______________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: __________________________
                                                                                                                              Place of Employment: ______________________________________________________ Work Phone: __________________________
              WEEKLY RATE         MONDAY         TUESDAY      WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                    FRIDAY
                                                                                                                              Cell Phone: ___________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Week 1        Member: $160                                    Boothbay              LCS
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!                                                     Day at LCS!   What is the best way to reach Parent/Guardian #2? ____________________________________________________________
6/24 - 6/28   Participant: $165                               Railway Village       Walker Park
Week 2        Member: $128
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   The Pitch
                                                                                    NO CAMP
                                                                                                                Day at LCS!
                                                                                                                              Send all email communication to Parent/Guardian #2?  Yes                      No
7/1 - 7/5     Participant: $132                                                     4th of July!
Week 3        Member: $160                                                          LCS                                       If we should need to call during the time your child is in our care, which parent/guardian
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   Playland Adventure                                Day at LCS!
7/8 - 7/12    Participant: $165                                                     Laite Beach                               should we try to contact first? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Week 4        Member: $160                                                          LCS
7/15 - 7/19   Participant: $165
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS    Discovery Museum
                                                                                    Coastal Children’s Museum
                                                                                                                Day at LCS!   EMERGENCY CONTACTS (in case a parent/guardian as listed above cannot be reached):
Week 5        Member: $160                                                          LCS
                                                                                                                              Name: ________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Relationship to child: _____________________
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   Fort Knox                                         Day at LCS!
7/22 - 7/26   Participant: $165                                                     Belfast City Park                         Name: ________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Relationship to child: _____________________
Week 6        Member: $160                                                          LCS
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   Maine State Museum                                Day at LCS!   Names of persons who are permitted to remove the child from the program:
7/29 - 8/2    Participant: $165                                                     Lincolnville Beach
Week 7        Member: $160                                                          LCS
                                                                                                                              1. ____________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. _________________________________
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   Boothbay Botanicals                               Day at LCS!
8/5 - 8/9     Participant: $165                                                     Lincolnville Beach
Week 8        Member: $160                                                          LCS                                       *PLEASE NOTE: We must be able to contact someone on this form at any time your child is in our care.
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   Playland Adventure                                Day at LCS!
8/12 - 8/16   Participant: $165                                                     Montessori Playground                     Please inform us in writing if any of your contact information changes or if you wish to add or remove
                                                                                                                              anyone from the pick-up list.
Week 9        Member: $160                                                          LCS
                                  Day at LCS!   Day at LCS!   The Pitch                                         Day at LCS!
8/19 - 8/23   Participant: $165                                                     Aldemere Farm
(AGES 7-10)
PENOBSCOT BAY YMCA CHILD RELEASE FORM AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT                                                                   Get ready for some guaranteed fun this summer at Snow Bowl Camp presented by the Penobscot Bay
IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to utilize the facilities, services and programs of the Penobscot Bay YMCA (or for my children to so                YMCA (formerly known as Camp-A-Homa)! This summer our Y’s camp will be located at the Snow Bowl
participate) for any purpose, including, but not limited to observation or use of facilities or equipment, or participation in any off-site program     in Camden. Campers will experience traditional camp excitement with a cool new twist each week! Our
affiliated with the Penobscot Bay YMCA, the undersigned, for himself or herself and any personal representatives, heirs, and next of kin, hereby
acknowledges, agrees and represents that he or she has, or immediately upon entering or participating will, inspect and carefully consider such         staff are specifically trained to have fun with safety being their #1 priority. Every Camp Counselor is
premises and facilities or the affiliated program. It is further warranted that such entry into the Penobscot Bay YMCA for observation or use of        certified in First Aid, CPR & AED and half are Red Cross Certified Lifeguards. Our staff have been trained
any facilities or equipment or participation in such affiliated program constitutes in acknowledgement that such premises and all facilities and
equipment thereon and such affiliated program have been inspected and carefully considered and that the undersigned finds and accepts same              in bullying prevention as well as sexual abuse and harassment prevention. Don’t forget about our
as being safe and reasonably suited for the purpose of such observation, use or participation.                                                          Wednesday field trips! Field trips subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances,
THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING:                                                                                                         except Week 6, the Funtown trip.
     CONVENANTS NOT TO SUE THE PENOBSCOT BAY YMCA, its directors, officers, employees and agents (hereinafter referred to as “releases”)
     from all liability to the undersigned, or such children and all his personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin for any loss or
     damages, and any claim or demands therefore on account of injury to the person or property resulting in death of the undersigned or
                                                                                                                                                           Snow Bowl Camp, presented by the Penobscot Bay YMCA, is Monday - Friday for kids ages 7-10.
     such children whether caused by negligence of the releases or otherwise while the undersigned or such children, is in, upon, or about the
     premises or any facilities or equipment therein or participating in any program affiliated with the Penobscot Bay YMCA.
                                                                                                                                                           Home Base is now located at the Camden Snow Bowl.
    THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO INDEMNIFY AND SAVE AND HOLD HARMLESS the releasees and each of them from any loss,                                   Before and After Care are available for this camp at the Camden Snow Bowl for an additional fee.
     liability, damage, or cost they may incur due to the presence of the undersigned or such children in, upon or about the Penobscot Bay                  Before Care runs from 7:00 - 8:30 AM. After Care runs from 4:00 - 5:30 PM.
     YMCA premises or in any way observing or using any facilities or equipment of the YMCA or participating in any program affiliated with
     the YMCA whether caused by the negligence or of the releases otherwise.
                                                                                                                                                           Camp begins at 8:30 AM. Parents who do not participate in Before Care may drop their campers
    THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE to the                                     off between 8:30 and 8:45 AM. All campers must be checked in by YMCA Camp Staff.
     undersigned or such children due to negligence of releasee or otherwise while in, about or upon the premises of the Penobscot bay YMCA
     and/or while using the premises or any facilities or equipment thereon or participating in any program affiliated with the YMCA.                      Campers may be picked up at the Snow Bowl between 3:45 and 4:00 PM. Campers in need of After
    THE UNDERSIGNED further agrees that the RELEASE, WAIVER AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT is intended to be as broad and inclusive as                            Care will stay at the Snow Bowl.
     permitted by the law of the State of Maine and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall continue in full
     legal force and effect.                                                                                                                               Each week consists of swimming, field games, arts & crafts, nature hikes, STEM projects, mountain
    THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and                                        biking, paddle-boarding, canoeing and more!
     further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducement apart from foregoing written agreement have been made.
                                                                                                                                                           On Mondays, campers will spend part of their morning at the Y taking swim tests. The rest of their
I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE                                                                                                                                    day will spent at the Snow Bowl along with Thursdays and Fridays.
Date: ___________________________   Signature of Applicant/Parent _______________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                                                                           Tuesdays will be spent at local beaches and parks.
PENOBSCOT BAY YMCA PHOTO RELEASE                                                                                                                           Each Wednesday, we will take an exciting field trip to destinations all over the State of Maine!
I hereby give the Penobscot Bay YMCA and the Council of Young Men’s Christian Associations of the United States of America (YMCA of the                               WEEKLY RATE         MONDAY              TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY       THURSDAY        FRIDAY
USA), and all persons and corporations acting with its permissions or upon its authority, including the photographer, the absolute right and
permission to take, copyright, use and publish photographs, videos, or other digital media (“photo”) of or concerning                                   Week 1        Member: $160        Snow Bowl            Lake St. George                Fort Knox &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl                      Snow Bowl
Camper’s Name_________________________________________________ for the purposes of YMCA art, advertising, education, promotion, or for any other        6/24 - 6/28   Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    State Park                     Observatory
purpose consistent with the YMCA Mission. I agree that the photo becomes the exclusive property of the Penobscot Bay YMCA and I waive all
rights thereto. I waive all rights to inspect and/or approve any printed matter that may be used in conjunction with the photograph and the use         Week 2        Member: $128        Snow Bowl            Playland                       NO CAMP
to which it may be applied.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Snow Bowl                      Snow Bowl
                                                                                                                                                        7/1 - 7/5     Participant: $132   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    Adventures                     4th of July!
I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE                                                                                                                                Week 3        Member: $160        Snow Bowl            Damariscotta                   Maine Wildlife
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl                      Snow Bowl
Date: ___________________________   Signature of Applicant/Parent _______________________________________________________________________               7/8 - 7/12    Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    Lake State Park                Park

                                                                                                                                                        Week 4        Member: $160        Snow Bowl
PENOBSCOT BAY YMCA FIELD TRIP RELEASE                                                                                                                                                                          Lucia Beach        Snow Bowl   Popham Beach       Snow Bowl
                                                                                                                                                        7/15 - 7/19   Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)
I grant permission for (Camper’s Name)_________________________________________________ to participate in all planned camp activities including
                                                                                                                                                        Week 5        Member: $160        Snow Bowl            Lake St. George
transporting campers out of camp to participate in weekly activities. By signing below, I hereby give my permission for my child to be taken                                                                                      Snow Bowl   Aquaboggan         Snow Bowl
off site, supervised, and to take part in programs with the Penobscot Bay YMCA. I hereby grant the Penobscot Bay YMCA full authority to take            7/22 - 7/26   Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    State Park
whatever actions they deem necessary regarding my child’s health and safety, and fully release the Penobscot Bay YMCA from any liability in
connection there within. In the event of an emergency, I understand that prudent attempts will be made to contact the undersigned immediately.          Week 6        Member: $170        Snow Bowl            Swan Lake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Funtown            Snow Bowl
I understand that I will be responsible for payment of all medical and medication bills. I will not hold the Penobscot Bay YMCA, its officials,         7/29 - 8/2    Participant: $175   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    State Park
employees, or volunteers responsible for any injury to my child resulting from transportation to and/or from, and/or attendance in the regular
weekly program or additional field trips. I hereby give permission to the medical personnel selected by the Penobscot Bay YMCA to treat my              Week 7        Member: $160        Snow Bowl
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pemaquid Beach     Snow Bowl   Sea Dogs Game      Snow Bowl
child to the best of their ability, to order X-rays, routine tests, treatment; to release any records necessary for insurance purposes; and to          8/5 - 8/9     Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)
provide or arrange necessary related transportation for me/or my child. In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby give
permission to the physician selected by the Penobscot Bay YMCA to secure and administer treatment, including hospitalization, for my child.             Week 8        Member: $160        Snow Bowl            Damariscotta                   All Play Bowling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl                      Snow Bowl
I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE                                                                                                                                8/12 - 8/16   Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    Lake State Park                & Arcade

Date: ___________________________   Signature of Applicant/Parent _______________________________________________________________________               Week 9        Member: $160        Snow Bowl            Lake St. George
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Hope Air           Snow Bowl
                                                                                                                                                        8/19 - 8/23   Participant: $165   (YMCA-Swim Tests)    State Park
(AGES 7-12)
  Come enjoy summer with the Rockland Harbor YMCA (RHY) Summer Day Camp where                                                         CAMP FEE PAYMENT AND CANCELLATION/CHANGE POLICY AGREEMENT
  campers make new friends and gain self-confidence! Each week campers enjoy activities such
                                                                                                                                      CAMP PAYMENT METHODS
  as sports, games, arts & crafts, reading, swimming and weekly Tuesday field trips! RHY
  Summer Day Camp offers highly trained staff at a low camper-to-staff ratio making our camp                                          Please select one of the camp payment options below. Registration cannot be confirmed until the entire
                                                                                                                                      completed registration packet is returned and payment arrangements are confirmed.
  a perfect choice for parents who need a fun, safe place for their children during summer break
  with safety being their #1 priority. Field trips subject to change due to weather and unforeseen                                    When selecting the automatic bank draft method, there is a $30 non-refundable deposit per week, per
  circumstances, except Week 9, the Funtown trip.                                                                                     camper that must be paid at the time of registration. This includes all of our Summer Camp offerings as
                                                                                                                                      well as Before Care and After Care, if needed (Sports Camps are not included and must be paid in full).
                                                                                                                                      The remaining balance for each week the camper is registered must be drafted no late than June 14, 2019.
  WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT:                                                                                                                Due to the popularity of our camp, we must enforce a strict cancellation policy. Refunds will be given, minus
                                                                                                                                      the non-refundable $30 deposit, if the parent/guardian cancels two weeks or more prior to the camp week
     RHY Summer Camp is a Monday - Friday, activity based day camp for children ages 7-12.                                           start date. If cancelled within one week of the camp start date, no refund or credit will be issued. We are
                                                                                                                                      dedicated to working with all families and are committed to ensuring children enjoy their summer camp
     Campers must be entering 2nd grade through 6th grade.                                                                           experience, please contact the Camp Registrar with questions about payment options. All camp payments
                                                                                                                                      must be processed successfully by June 14, 2019.
     Home Base for RHY Summer Camp is at Johnson Memorial Park at Chickawaukie Pond, Rockland.
                                                                                                                                      PLEASE SELECT PAYMENT METHOD BELOW:
     RHY Summer Camp begins each day at 8:30 AM and ends at 3:30 PM.
                                                                                                                                       I wish to pay my balance due in full. Total Balance Due: $________________. Balances paid in full by check
     Before and After Care are available for this camp at Chickawaukie Pond for an additional fee.                                   or cash will be given a 5% off your total camp cost. To receive this offer, camp balances must be paid by
                                                                                                                                      April 15, 2019.
     Before Care runs from 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM. All campers must be checked in by YMCA Camp Staff.
                                                                                                                                       I have applied for financial assistance (the completed application is enclosed with this registration form).
     Campers in need of After Care will stay at the Home Base with care ending at 5:00 PM.                                           When selecting this option billing information must be completed below. No payment will be drafted prior to
                                                                                                                                      your acceptance of your awarded fee.
     Each week consists of art, indoor/outdoor games, reading and visits to local beaches and parks.
                                                                                                                                       I authorize automatic payments for the amount due, as listed below. I understand I am responsible for
     Each Tuesday we will take an exciting field trip to destinations all over the State of Maine!                                   payment and will be charged an additional $39 NSF charge if any payment is returned or fails to authorize.
                                                                                                                                      These fees are due prior to your child attending camp. Should payment be past due without resolution,
                                                                                                                                      we have the right to restrict the child from further attendance.
                                                                                                                                       Visa         MasterCard
              WEEKLY RATE         MONDAY            TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY         FRIDAY             Name on Credit Card: _______________________________________________ Card Number: _____________________________________________
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                 Day at the Lake
Week 1        Member: $145                                               Day at the Lake, STEM,                                       CVC Number: ______________ Exp Date: __________ /__________ Billing Address: ____________________________________________________
                                   Games, Swimming, Damariscotta Lake                             Lucia Beach      Games, Swimming,
6/24 - 6/28   Participant: $145                                          Games & Swimming
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                                     Auto Draft from Bank Account Name on Account: _______________________________________________________________________
Week 2        Member: $145                           All Play            Day at the Lake, STEM,   NO CAMP
                                   Games, Swimming,                                                                Barrett’s Cove     Routing Number: ______________________________________________ Account Number: _________________________________________________
7/1 - 7/5     Participant: $145                      Bowling & Arcade    Games & Swimming         4th of July!
                                   and Crafts
Week 3        Member: $145
                                   Day at the Lake
                                                     Playland            Day at the Lake, STEM,   Rockland
                                                                                                                   Day at the Lake     I am requesting an extended payment plan. The Camp Registrar will be in touch to confirm set up of the
                                   Games, Swimming,                                                                Games, Swimming,
7/8 - 7/12    Participant: $145                      Adventures          Games & Swimming         Breakwater                          plan and to review the submitted Payment Plan Request Form. Once your completed registration package is
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts
                                                                                                                                      received, our Camp Registrar will process your request and provide you with a Payment Plan Agreement. This
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                 Day at the Lake
Week 4        Member: $145                                               Day at the Lake, STEM,   Owls Head                           agreement must be signed by you and you must provide appropriate payment information before registration
                                   Games, Swimming, Aquaboggan                                                     Games, Swimming,
7/15 - 7/19   Participant: $145                                          Games & Swimming         Lighthouse                          can be CONFIRMED.
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                 Day at the Lake
Week 5        Member: $145
                                   Games, Swimming,
                                                     Portland Sea Dogs   Day at the Lake, STEM,
                                                                                                  Maiden’s Cliff   Games, Swimming,    A State Agency or Independent Agency is assisting with your child’s camp fees.
7/22 - 7/26   Participant: $145                      Baseball Game       Games & Swimming                                             Please provide your Subsidy Award Letter or proof of assistance. Name of Agency:___________________________________
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                 Day at the Lake
Week 6        Member: $145                           The Pitch           Day at the Lake, STEM,   Lake                                CHANGE POLICY
                                   Games, Swimming,                                                                Games, Swimming,
7/29 - 8/2    Participant: $145                      (Inflatables)       Games & Swimming         St. George
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                 Day at the Lake    Fees are based on enrollment, not attendance. Our desire is to enable every child who wants to come to camp
Week 7        Member: $145                           Fort Knox &         Day at the Lake, STEM,   Drift Inn                           the opportunity to do so. Unfortunately, we fill our allotted camper spots early and have to implement a waiting
                                   Games, Swimming,                                                                Games, Swimming,
8/5 - 8/9     Participant: $145                      Observatory         Games & Swimming         Beach                               list. Due to the popularity of our camp, we must enforce a strict Change Policy.
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts
Week 8        Member: $145
                                   Day at the Lake
                                   Games, Swimming,
                                                     Popham Beach        Day at the Lake, STEM,   Beech Hill
                                                                                                                   Day at the Lake
                                                                                                                   Games, Swimming,
                                                                                                                                          If you change your scheduled week(s) of camp, you will be charged a non-refundable fee of $25/week.
8/12 - 8/16   Participant: $145                      State Park          Games & Swimming         Preserve
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts         I have read or had read to me the Fee Policy Agreement and understand and accept its terms.
                                   Day at the Lake                                                                 Day at the Lake    I understand that fees are based on enrollment and not attendance.
Week 9        Member: $155                                               Day at the Lake, STEM,   Barrett’s
                                   Games, Swimming, Funtown                                                        Games, Swimming,
8/19 - 8/23   Participant: $155                                          Games & Swimming         Cove
                                   and Crafts                                                                      and Crafts         Signature: _______________________________________   Print Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________
(AGES 11-13)
 Questions? Please contact:         Summer Camp at the Y is about discovery, exploring nature, finding
 Marcia Roberts                     new talents, and making lasting friendships. Camp is another avenue      Our Adventure Day Camp is geared for Pre-Teens & Teens who love spending time with their
 Development Director               provided by the Y to fulfill our mission of youth development,           friends and are looking for some adventure this summer! This camp is designed to give campers
 207.236.3375 ext. 209              healthy living and the social needs of individuals and families in            the communities we serve. YMCA camps are accessible to
                                                                                                             a new and exciting experience beyond our traditional camp programs. Every day, our campers                 everyone regardless of financial need and we are proud                   will experience exploring the outdoors, hiking, boating, swimming, fishing, climbing and group
                                    to say that no child is turned away.                                     challenges. These older youth will have all of fun of a summer camp in a more mature
                                                                                                             environment. Field trips subject to change due to weather and unforeseen circumstances, except
                                    If you are in need of financial assistance for Summer Camp, it is in     Week 6, the Funtown trip.
                                    your best interest to first apply to the Department of Health and
                                    Human Services (DHHS). If you qualify, you could receive assistance
                                    for all nine weeks of camp as well as vacation camp and snow camp.       WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT:
                                    For more information visit or call         Adventure Camp is a Monday - Friday, trip based, outdoor Day Camp for children ages 11-13.
                                    the Rockland office at 207.596.4200. If you are approved by DHHS,
                                    please contact Lydia Shook: or 236.3375               Home Base is now located at the Camden Snow Bowl. Camp runs from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
                                    x 207. The Y will need a copy of the DHHS letter stating what they
                                    will pay and what your parent fee will be.                                  Before Care is available for this camp at the Camden Snow Bowl for an additional fee. Before Care
                                                                                                                 runs from 7:00 - 8:30 AM (campers are welcome to stay with our program until camp begins at 9 AM.
                                    If you don’t qualify for DHHS assistance, please ask our
                                    Welcome Center folks for a Camp Scholarship Application or                  Parents who do not participate in Before Care may drop off their campers
                                    download from our website at Once the                    between 9:00 - 9:15 AM. All campers must be checked in by YMCA Camp Staff.
                                    scholarship is awarded, you will receive a letter with the scholarship
                                    amount and the remaining balance you are responsible for paying             Bus transportation to the Camden Snow Bowl is available. Campers will be
                                    prior to the weeks of camp awarded. The Y provides two weeks                 picked up each morning at the Teen Center by 8:45 AM.
                                    of scholarship assistance per child.
                                                                                                                Campers may be picked up at the Snow Bowl between 3:00 and 3:15 PM.
                                                                                                                Campers in need of After Care will be bused to the Teen Center between
                                                                                                                 2:45 and 3:00 PM. The Teen Center is a free program for kids in grades 5-12
                                                                                                                 and is open during the summer, Monday - Friday from 12:30 - 5:00 PM.
                                                                                                                Each week consists of outdoor exploration, team building, climbing, fishing, hiking,
                                                                                                                 swimming and ecological education.
                                                                                                                Each Wednesday we will take a long field trip to exciting destinations all over the State of Maine!

                                                                                                                            WEEKLY RATE         MONDAY            TUESDAY     WEDNESDAY   THURSDAY        FRIDAY
                                                                                                             Week 1         Member: $170        Swan Lake
                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl        North Haven
                                                                                                             6/24 - 6/28    Participant: $175   State Park
                                                                                                             Week 2         Member: $170        Pemaquid                                  NO CAMP          Emera Astrology
                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl
                                                                                                             7/1 - 7/5      Participant: $175   Beach                                     4th of July!     Center
                                                                                                             Week 3         Member: $170        Damariscotta                                               Monkey C
                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl
                                                                                                             7/8 - 7/12     Participant: $175   Lake State Park                                            Monkey Do
                                                                                                             Week 4         Member: $170
                                                                                                                                                Hobbitland        Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl        Maine Wildlife Park
                                                                                                             7/15 - 7/19    Participant: $175
                                                                                                             Week 5         Member: $170        Moose Point
                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl        Aquaboggan
                                                                                                             7/22 - 7/26    Participant: $175   State Park
                                                                                                             Week 6         Member: $180
                                                                                                                                                Lucia Beach       Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl        Funtown
                                                                                                             7/29 - 8/2     Participant: $185
                                                                                                             Week 7         Member: $170
                                                                                                                                                Popham Beach      Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Sea Dogs Game    Snow Bowl
                                                                                                             8/5 - 8/9      Participant: $175
                                                                                                             Week 8         Member: $170        Lake St. George                                            Wild Acadia
                                                                                                                                                                  Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl
                                                                                                             8/12 - 8/16    Participant: $175   State Park                                                 Fun Park
                                                                                                             Week 9         Member: $170                                                                   Seacoast
                                                                                                                                                Campers Choice!   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl   Snow Bowl
                                                                                                             8/19 - 8/23    Participant: $175                                                              Adventure
PLEASE NOTE: Registration Forms are only for full-day Sports Camps (Karate, Swim & Gymnastics).
                                                                                                                            Basketball & Soccer Camps do not require a Registration Form. Immunization Records are not required
                                                                                                                            for any Sports Camps.

KARATE CAMP                                                                      TEER BASKETBALL TRAINING CAMP                                                     MID-COAST GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP
Sensei Susan Michaud is a black belt instructor who has been leading classes     Teer Basketball Training Camps will focus on creating lasting changes with        Join Oceanside Varsity Girls Coach Samantha Bragg along with her coaching
at the Penobscot Bay YMCA and the Korean School of Karate oforover15             your abilities and will build up a fundamental foundation with proper habits      staff, and players for a week full of skills, drills, games, and excitement as
years. Our Karate Camp staff have been trained by Susan to provide a             as well as positive thinking and confidence. No player leaves our camp with       they help bring their love of basketball to you! Each evening players will be
quality learning environment that keep students coming back year after year.     anything less of a change in mindset, and a change in abilities!                  introduced to individual and team drills. T-shirts are included in the
Students will learn progressive skills, gain strength and self control through                                                                                     registration fee. To guarantee at shirt, campers must be registered by
multiple karate techniques. Each day will be filled with a combination of        DUTCH SOCCER CAMP                                                                 June 1, 2019.
structure and free play including daily time in our swimming pool.
                                                                                 What to bring: soccer ball, water bottles, healthy snacks, cleats or sneakers,
                                                                                 shin guards, warm clothes for cold/rain and mouth guard (optional). Dutch         SWIM CAMP
NAGA GYMNASITCS CAMP                                                             Soccer Academy believes in creating a fun and exciting soccer atmosphere          What to bring: sneakers, water bottle, towel, swim cap, goggles, lunch,
What to bring: lunch, snacks, bathing suit & towel. Join North Atlantic          for children to play and learn. We teach soccer by creating game situations       towel, and clothes to be active in. Must be able to swim one lap of Freestyle
Gymnastics Academy (NAGA) at the Penobscot Bay YMCA for a week of                and empowering our students to make good soccer decisions. DSA’s                  with rotary breathing and one lap of Backstroke proficiently to sign up.
gymnastics instruction, games, activities, swimming, and more campers            curriculum incorporates the most current European player development              Through these four days of swim camp, Head Swim Team Coach, Morgan
will learn gymnastics skills and progressions in small groups based on           techniques along with a rich history of proven training methods.                  Schreiber, will introduce campers to all 4 strokes -Butterfly, Backstroke,
experience, age, peers and gender. Participants will have the opportunity                                                                                          Breaststroke, and Freestyle. There will be an hour and a half technique
                                                                                                                                                                   session in the morning with some activities outside of the pool in the
 to learn all of the boys and girls equipment including the trampoline,          MID-COAST
                                                                                     COAST BASKETBALL CAMP                                                         afternoon. To finish off our day the campers will be put into groups by their
foam pit, and inflatable tumbling surfaces.                                      The Flanagan Community Center is happy to announce a collaboration with           ability for a workout with a focus on the stroke they worked on that morning.
                                                                                 the Oceanside Boys Basketball Team. Coach Breen, his staff and players will
                                                                                 introduce and develop the core fundamentals of the game of basketball
                                                                                 individual and cooperative drills and games.

                                                    DATE                                 AGES                            SWIM CAMP
                                                                                                                               TIME                               COST                                          LOCATION
                                                                                                                         Items to bring: sneakers, water bottle, towel, swim cap, goggles, lunch, towel,
                                                                                                                         clothes to be active in.
MID-COAST BASKETBALL CAMP                           June 17 - 20                         K - 3rd Grade (Co-Ed)           Campers will5:00  PM - 6:30toPM
                                                                                                                                       be introduced              $35/Player
                                                                                                                                                        all 4 strokes, Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Flanagan Community Center
                                                                                                                         Freestyle, during our week of Swim Camp. There will be an hour and a half technique
MID-COAST BASKETBALL CAMP                           June 17 - 20                         4th - 8th Grade (Co-Ed)                     6:30
                                                                                                                         session in the    PM - 8:00
                                                                                                                                        morning        PM activities
                                                                                                                                                 with some        $35/Player
                                                                                                                                                                       outside of the pool in the afternoon.     Flanagan Community Center
                                                                                                                         To finish our day, campers will be put into groups by their ability for a workout that
KARATE CAMP                                         July 8 - 12                          Ages 6-16 (Co-Ed)               will focus on the AM
                                                                                                                                     9:00  stroke they PM
                                                                                                                                               - 3:00  worked on$170
                                                                                                                                                                   that morning.
                                                                                                                                                                         Members  Campers
                                                                                                                                                                                     / $180must  be able to swim Penobscot Bay YMCA
                                                                                                                         one lap of Freestyle with rotary breathing and one lap of Backstroke proficiently to
                                                                                                                         be registered.
SWIM CAMP                                           July 8 - 11                          Ages 7 and up (Co-Ed)                      9:00 AM - 3:00 PM             $225 Members / $250 Participants              Penobscot Bay YMCA

TEER BASKETBALL TRAINING CAMP                       July 30 - August 2                   Grades 5 - 8 (Co-Ed)                       3:00 PM - 6:00 PM             $150/Player                                   Flanagan Community Center

TEER BASKETBALL TRAINING CAMP                       July 30 - August 2                   Grades 9 - 12 (Co-Ed)                      11:00 AM - 2:00 PM            $150/Player                                   Flanagan Community Center
                                                                                                                                                                  $250 Members / $275 Participants*
GYMNASTICS CAMP                                     July 15 - 19                         Ages 5 & up (Co-Ed)                        9:00 AM - 3:00 PM                                                           Penobscot Bay YMCA
                                                                                                                                                                  *$50 Early Bird Discount by April 15!
                                                                                                                                                                  $250 Members / $275 Participants*
GYMNASTICS CAMP                                     July 22 - 26                         Ages 5 & up (Co-Ed)                        9:00 AM - 3:00 PM                                                           Penobscot Bay YMCA
                                                                                                                                                                  *$50 Early Bird Discount by April 15!
                                                                                                                                                                  $250 Members / $275 Participants*
GYMNASTICS CAMP                                     July 29 - August 2                   Ages 5 & up (Co-Ed)                        9:00 AM - 3:00 PM                                                           Penobscot Bay YMCA
                                                                                                                                                                  *$50 Early Bird Discount by April 15!
                                                                                                                                                                  $250 Members / $275 Participants*
GYMNASTICS CAMP                                     August 5 - 9                         Ages 5 & up (Co-Ed)                        9:00 AM - 3:00 PM                                                           Penobscot Bay YMCA
                                                                                                                                                                  *$50 Early Bird Discount by April 15!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                411 Old County Road
DUTCH SOCCER CAMP                                   August 12 - 16                       K - 6th Grade (Co-Ed)                      5:00 PM - 7:00 PM             $85/Player
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Soccer Fields, Rockland
MID-COAST GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP                     Wednesdays: June 26-July 31          Girls: Grades 3 - 5                        5:00 PM - 6:00 PM             $55/Player                                    Flanagan Community Center

MID-COAST GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMP                     Wednesdays: June 26-July 31          Girls: Grades 6 - 8                        6:15 PM - 7:15 PM             $55/Player                                    Flanagan Community Center
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