EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split

Page created by Bernice Steele
EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
        Small Group tours of
       Croatia, Montenegro,
Slovenia and Bosnia & Herzegovina

         W W W. G E C K O - T O U R S . C O
EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
In conjunction with my UK partners, Steven and Thea
Robinson, we established Gecko tours in 2015 from its
offices in central Split, Croatia. Since then, this Anglo/
Croatian partnership, has grown from strength to strength.

In 2019 alone, we hosted over 12,000 guests on our various
tours around Dalmatia, Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
We received wonderful guest feedback once again and we
attribute this to our individualistic approach and ambition
and commitment to remain the best small group tour
operator in Split and the region. This success has inspired
us to offer our fantastic multi-day Balkan Experiences

We are dedicated to showcasing the very best of this
beautiful part of the world – our home – and we now have
pleasure in presenting tours that do just that. We provide
small group guided authentic tours of this region, focusing
on the varied but undeniably rich cultural and gastronomic
traditions that abound. As we tour, in one of our comfortable
tour buses, we visit many of the better-known locations
of the region but we also include a number of other more
secret but equally exquisite locations that visitors may not
otherwise visit on their own. We’ve spent much time fully
exploring all the wonderful places we visit – many a little
off the beaten track - to provide you with an unforgettable
experience - we’ve done all the research.

We stay at some of the best hand-picked hotels – all
****/***** hotels – and visit numerous fantastic tucked
away rural restaurants that serve local cuisine all washed
down with numerous wine-tasting visits throughout.
From truffle hunting and exploring ancient medieval
Venetian castles buried deep in the heart of Istria, Croatia
to a fantastic champagne reception and dinner as we
sail around Dubrovnik, Croatia at sunset - we’ve got it all,
wherever we go …

We look forward to welcoming you on
board on one of our carefully crafted tours
in 2020 – we promise it’s an experience
not to be missed.

Baldo Đanović
Managing Director

Gecko Tours, Split, Croatia

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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
   CROATIA 					                 6-7
   BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA 		       8-9
   MONTENEGRO 			                10 - 11
   SLOVENIA 					                12 - 13

   CROATIA 					                 14 - 15
   CROATIA AND MONTENEGRO        16 - 17
   CROATIA			       		      18 - 19
   SLOVENIA AND CROATIA 		       20 - 21

BOOK NOW				                     BACK PAGE

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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
The Republic of Croatia sits at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe and enjoys a 1,100-mile stunning Adriatic
coastline with over 1,200 islands to explore. From the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Venetians, Ottomans, Austro Hungarians
to the French and Italians – all have left their cultural mark in Croatia. Today, Croatia occupies a land mass of 21,782
square miles with varied topography and distinct regional cultures throughout its length. The capital city of Croatia is
Zagreb with a population of approximately 25% of the total Croatian population of 4.3m people, most of whom are Roman
Catholic. The local currency is the Kuna - approx. 7.5 to the Euro.

                                                                                          Plitvice Lakes
 Motovun          Opatija

                                             BOSNIA AND
                     Plitvice Lakes

                    Krka National Park

                                 Šibenik   Split




                                                                     Opatija                     Motovun

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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
Central Croatia:
                                           to its status as a fashionable holiday       Krka National Park: The top attraction
                                           resort in the 19th century. Its coastal      of the park are its magnificent
Plitvice Lakes: One of Croatia’s most      promenade offers breathtaking views          waterfalls - Skradinski Buk and Roški
popular tourist attractions, it was        of the neighbouring towns and islands.       Slap - which are some of Croatia’s
granted UNESCO World Heritage              Parts of St. Jacobs Church in the            most famous sites. The park allows
status in 1979. It comprises 16 lakes,     centre of Opatija dates back to the          great views over the monastery at
interconnected by a series of waterfalls   16th century.                                Visovac and a wide array of flora and
over a distance of 5 miles and is set      Pula: An important provincial coastal        fauna.
in deep woodland, populated by deer,       center during the latter period of the       Split: The second largest city in Croatia
bears, wolves, wild boar and many bird     Roman empire. The Roman Arena                and the largest city in the region of
species.                                   stands proudly in the middle of              Dalmatia. Home to Roman emperor
Zagreb: Croatia’s north-western capital    modern Pula. One of the six largest          Diocletian’s Palace (a UNESCO
is distinguished by its 18th and 19th      amphitheatres in the world, it was           World Heritage site) it was originally
century Austro-Hungarian architecture      primarily used for gladiator fights          established by the Romans in the 4th
and bustling street markets. At its        in front of 23,000 spectators but            century AD. Now a bustling and lively
centre is the site of the Gothic, twin-    nowadays hosts many concerts,                city thriving amid the atmospheric old
spired Zagreb Cathedral and the 13th       operas and ballets.                          walls.
century St Marks Church with its           Rovinj: Originally settled by the Illyrian   Ston: A small town in the Dubrovnik-
colourfully tiled roof.                    tribes but subsequently captured by          Neretva county of Croatia. It boasts
                                           the Romans, it is a Croatian fishing         the longest continuous preserved
Istria:                                    port on the west coast of Istria. The old
                                           town comprises many restaurants and
                                                                                        wall after the Great Wall of China. The
                                                                                        village is also famed for its production
Motovun: A medieval town perched           hotels with red tiled houses crowded         of sea salt and its local oysters which
some 886 feet high and surrounded          down to the seafront. The Rovinj             can be eaten on the quayside.
by solid defence walls from where you      archipelago comprises 14 islands
can view all four corners of Istria. Its                                                Dubrovnik: Situated at Croatia’s southern
                                           which lie directly off the mainland.         tip, the “Pearl of the Adriatic” according
atmospheric setting makes it an ideal
                                                                                        to Lord Byron, is known for its distinctive
location for the annual International
Motovun Film Festival which hosts          Dalmatia:                                    Old Town, encircled with massive stone
independent and avant-garde films          Šibenik: A hillside City on the Adriatic     walls which were completed in the
from the USA and Europe in late July/      coast on Croatia boasting 4 magnificent      16th century. Its many famous buildings
early August of each year.                 fortresses. In its centre stands the         include the baroque St Blaise Church and
                                           Cathedral of St James – a UNESCO             the Rennaissance Sponza Palace. In more
Opatija: A coastal town on the Adriatic                                                 recent times, the city was featured in many
Sea, with its many Habsburg-era            heritage site - dating back to the 16th
                                           century and famed for its 71 sculpted        legendary Game of Thrones episodes.
villas and hotels, bearing testament

                              Pula                                   Šibenik                    Krka National Park

                              Split                                      Ston                                 Dubrovnik

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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
The Republic of Bosnia & Herzegovina is situated on the Balkan Peninsula in Southeastern Europe and constitutes a
land mass of approx. 20,000 square miles. Its countryside comprises medieval towns, villages, rivers and lakes and the
mountainous Dinaric Alps. It became part of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century before passing through the hands
of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late 19th century before becoming part of Yugoslavia after WW1. The capital city
of Bosnia & Herzegovina is Sarajevo with a population of approx. 275,000 people amongst a total Bosnia & Herzegovina
population of 3.5 m people, about half of whom are Muslim with the other half primarily Christian, split between Orthodox
Catholics and Roman Catholics. The local currency is the Bosnian Convertible Mark - approx. 2.0 to the Euro.

 CROATIA                                                        Trebinje                                         Trebinje

          BOSNIA AND




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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
Sarajevo: A compact capital city on the Miljacka River, surrounded by the Dinaric Alps. Its centre has museums covering
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand together with the more recent conflicts in the 1990s – the city has many
poignant reminders of this more recent conflict. The Ottoman and stone paved Old Town boasts many historic stalls,
shops and coffee shops and restaurants.
Mostar: A city in Southern Bosnia & Herzegovina, straddling the Neretva River. Its known for the iconic Stari Most (Old
Bridge) a reconstructed medieval Ottoman arched bridge. The nearby roads and alleys are full of shops, market stalls,
cafes and restaurants. The nearby Koški Mehmed-Paša Mosque minaret allows panoramic city views.
Počitelj: A historic village, fortress and open-air museum situated on the left bank of the River Neretva, just 20 miles from
Trebinje: The southern-most city in Bosnia & Herzegovina, situated on the banks of the Trebišnjica River. The atmospheric
city’s old town dates back to the 18th century Ottoman period and includes the Arslanagića Bridge, partially destroyed by
the retreating German army in 1945, the bridge is now restored and listed as a national monument of Bosnia & Herzegovina.

                                              Počitelj                                                          Mostar


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EXPERIENCES Croatia, Montenegro, BALKAN - Gecko tours, Split
The Republic of Montenegro is a Balkan country situated in Southeastern Europe, flanked by Croatia and Bosnia &
Herzegovina to its north, Albania to its south and Serbia and Kosovo to its east. It constitutes a land mass of approx. 5,400
square miles. Its countryside comprises medieval villages, rugged terrain and a long Adriatic coastal strip to the west.
Following the defeat of the Turkish army in the late 17th century, Montenegro ceased to be a part of the Ottoman Empire,
variously becoming controlled by both the Venetians and the Austro-Hungarians before the territory became independent
in 1878. Allied with Serbia as part of the former Yugoslavia, the Republic of Montenegro achieved independence from the
Republic of Serbia and Montenegro in 2006.
The capital city of Montenegro is Podgorica with a population of approx. 190,000 people amongst a total Montenegro
population of just 625,000 people, about three quarters of who are Eastern Orthodox Christian with the balance of the
population primarily either Roman Catholic or Muslim. The local currency is the Euro.

              BOSNIA AND


Our Lady of the Rocks
                           Sveti Stefan

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Kotor: A fortified medieval town on Montenegro’s Adriatic coast in a bay near the limestone cliffs of Mount Lovćen. The
town is a warren of winding streets and squares and boasts several Romanesque churches including Kotor Cathedral and
the Maritime museum which explores the long seafaring history of the town.
Our Lady of the Rocks: On one of two islets off the Bay of Kotor is the Roman Catholic church of Our Lady of the Rocks.
Legend has it that the Madonna and Child were seen on this spot by 15th century seamen. Over the centuries, seamen
would cast rocks on this spot in thanks for their safe passage – the islet accordingly grew over the years and is now the
site of this beautiful church.
Budva: Stone walls built by the Venetians surround the narrow street and squares of this small medieval town. The Budva
Riviera has many great beaches and in the summer months boasts a vibrant nightlife. The city’s museum shows artefacts
dating back from as early as Greek and Roman times.
Sveti Stefan: A ***** resort situated just 4 miles from Budva, with 1.2 miles of pink sandy beaches. Once the haunt of
the rich and famous, many famous film stars holidayed here – not least Marilyn Monroe, Sofia Loren and Orson Welles.
During the Cold War it hosted the clash of the Chess Champions, Boris Spassky and Bobby Fischer but more recently, the
wedding of Novak Đoković in 2014.

                                   Our Lady of the Rocks                                             Sveti Stefan


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The republic of Slovenia is a central European country, positioned between Italy and Croatia and known for its beautiful
lakes and mountains. It constitutes a land mass of approx. 7,800 square miles.
The Romans conquered the region in the 1st century BC occupying the region for 5 centuries before abandoning the
territory in the 4th century AD. In the 6th century the Slavs settled the territory – the ancestors of the present-day Slovenians.
Following bouts of independence and in order to repel the Hungarian threat, the territory submitted to Bavarian rule for
much of the 11th-13th century.
From the 1300s, Slovenia was ruled by the Habsburg Empire until its demise in 1918 when it became part of the Kingdom
of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes before being subsumed into the former Yugoslavia after WW2. It was the first of the
former Yugoslavian countries to declare independence in 1989, thus avoiding the conflict that visited many of the other
former Yugoslavian countries.
The capital is Ljubljana with a population of approx. 190,000 people amongst a total Slovenian population of a little over
2m people, nearly all of whom are Roman Catholic.

                       Lake Bled

      Postojna Caves

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Ljubljana: Built on the curving River Ljuljanica, Ljubljana is lined with outdoor cafes and many open park spaces. Notable
sites include Prešeren Square with its many art nouveau buildings, the iconic Tromostovje “triple” bridge and the medieval
Ljubljana Castle which is connected to the city via a funicular railway.
Lake Bled: The 7000ft long lake lies in a picturesque environment, just 34 miles from Ljubljana, and is surrounded by
mountains and lakes. Bled castle stands above the lake on the north shore and has a public museum. The lake surrounds
Bled Island on which stands the 17th century Assumption of Mary Church and its 99 steps. Traditionally it is considered
lucky for a groom to carry his bride up the stairs before ringing the bell and making a wish…
Postojna Cave: The karst cave system is 15 miles long and is made up of four distinct caves, all connected through the
same underground river. The cave has an abundance of stalagmites, stalactites and formations called draperies that
resemble folded curtains. The cave is home to a rare aquatic freshwater pink Salamander – the Olm - the only known
habitat for the Olm in Europe. A permanent exhibition, the largest of its kind in the world, explains the special features of
the karst environment and provides an underground train ride to best view these amazing structures.

                                            Ljubljana                                                     Lake Bled

                                  Postojna Caves

                                                                                                  www.gecko-tours.co | 13
Day 0: Welcome presentation, drinks and snacks.                 Day 7: Guided walking tour of Trogir. Lunch and wine
Day 1: Zagreb city driving and walking tour in the morning.     tasting at the home of Zinfandel wine in Kaštela. Guided
Optional visit in the afternoon to the nearby town of           tour of Klis Fortress, the setting of many Games of
Samobor to enjoy the famous local delicacy “Krempita”           Thrones scenes. Check-in hotel in Split. Free time in Split
- a delicious souffle like cream pie. Free time in Zagreb in    in the evening. (L, WT)
the evening.                                                    Day 8: Guided walking tour of Split in the morning followed
Day 2: The Austro-Hungarian castle of Trakošćan in the          by lunch at Konoba Fetivi in downtown Split – serenaded
morning. Lunch at Grešna Gorica restaurant to enjoy             by local Klapa singers. Free time to wander Split in the
traditional Istrian food. The ethno-village of Kumrovec         afternoon and evening. (L)
(the birthplace of Field Marshall Tito) in the afternoon        Day 9: Tour of the Dalmatian island of Brač - lunch at
before heading to the hotel in Opatija, Istria. (L)             a local restaurant on the island of Brač. Overnight at
Day 3: Motovun, Istria in the morning where we join a           an ethno-hotel in the town of Čitluk near the Bosnia &
truffle hunt demonstration for the local iconic black and       Herzegovina City of Mostar. (L)
white truffles before exploring the exquisite hilltop village   Day 10: Guided walking tour of Mostar, Bosnia &
of Motovun. Lunch and wine tasting at nearby Konoba             Herzegovina. Explore village of Počitelj, Bosnia &
Bani before free time in the town of Pazin in the afternoon.    Herzegovina before heading to Ston, Croatia to taste local
Return to Opatija in late pm for free time and dinner. (L,      Pelješac wine and dinner at Konoba Bakus. Check into
WT)                                                             hotel in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. (WT, D)
Day 4: Walking tour of Pula and amphitheatre in the             Day 11: Guided walking tour of Dubrovnik in the morning
morning. Free time for lunch in Pula. Rovinj in the             and free time to wander Dubrovnik in the afternoon.
afternoon before dinner at Konoba Roč. Return to hotel in       Dubrovnik sunset sail and dinner before returning to hotel
Opatija after dinner. (D)                                       in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. (D)
Day 5: Plitvice lakes - approximately 4 hours. Overnight in     Day 12: Breakfast followed by drop off at Dubrovnik
Šibenik - dinner at Konoba Nostalgija. (D)                      airport.
Day 6: Krka National Park and Waterfalls. Konoba Vinko
for dinner in early evening – return to Šibenik - optional
night walking tour of Šibenik or free time. (D)

14 | www.gecko-tours.co
Plitvice Lakes

 Motovun    Opatija


              Plitvice Lakes

                                               BOSNIA AND

            Krka National Park

                         Šibenik       Split


MIN: 10 people
MAX: 22 people
DATES: Sunday, May 10, 2020 – Friday, 			                                 Postira – Brač
       May 22, 2020
		Sunday, September 13, 2020 – Friday,
		September 25, 2020
The tour commences in Zagreb, Croatia where you transfer
to your pre-booked hotel. We spend 2 nights in Zagreb
before exploring the many delights of the Istrian region of
Croatia, staying 3 nights in the picturesque town of Opatija.
From Istria, we head down the Croatian coastal mainland,
staying in Šibenik for 2 nights before we arrive in the coastal
City of Split, where we also spend 2 nights - an ideal base
from which we explore central Dalmatia and the islands.
From here we head to Southern Dalmatia and take in the
enigmatic City of Mostar, staying in Čitluk for 1 night. Then     Matela winery - Kaštela
we travel to Dubrovnik – the pearl of the Adriatic- enjoying
the city by day and night and staying in nearby Trebinje for
2 nights before transferring you to Dubrovnik airport at the
end of your tour.

Accommodation: 12 nights in ****/***** hotels throughout
Meals: All breakfasts (B), introductory drinks and snacks,
5 lunches (L), 5 dinners (D) and 3 wine tastings (WT)
Excursions: All entrance tickets. All taxes and duties.

                                                                  www.gecko-tours.co | 15
Day 0: Welcome presentation, drinks and snacks.                Day 7: Guided walking tour of Mostar, Bosnia &
Day 1: Zagreb city driving and walking tour in the morning.    Herzegovina before lunch at Konoba Taurus in Mostar.
Optional visit in the afternoon to the nearby town of          Tour of Pocitelj, Bosnia & Herzegovina before checking
Samobor to enjoy the famous local delicacy “Krempita”          into the hotel in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina - dinner at
- a delicious souffle like cream pie. Free time in Zagreb in   Stara Hercegovina in Trebinje. (L, D)
the evening.                                                   Day 8: Guided walking tour of Dubrovnik in the morning
Day 2: Plitvice Lakes - spend approximately 4 hours            and free time to wander Dubrovnik in the afternoon.
wandering the spectacular scenery. In the late afternoon       Dubrovnik sunset sail and dinner before returning to hotel
we travel to the hotel in Šibenik where we enjoy dinner at     in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. (D)
Konoba Nostalgija. (D)                                         Day 9: Pelješac wine tasting in Ston, Croatia and lunch
Day 3: Krka National Park and Waterfalls – full day. In        at Konoba Bakus - taste oysters straight from the sea
the early evening we visit Konoba Vinko for dinner before      and walk the stone walls. Dubrovnik for sundowners and
returning to Šibenik where you can take an optional night      dinner should you wish before returning to the hotel in
walking tour of the City or just have some free time. (D)      Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. (WT, L)

Day 4: Guided Trogir city walking tour. Lunch and wine         Day 10: Bay of Kotor, Montenegro, and Our Lady of the
tasting at the home of Zinfandel wine in Kaštela. Guided       Rocks monastery - lunch at Konoba Ladovina in Kotor.
tour of Klis Fortress, the setting of many Games of            The late afternoon is free to wander Kotor before staying
Thrones scenes, before checking into the hotel in Split.       the night in Kotor. (L)
Free time in Split in the evening. (L, WT)                     Day 11: Tour Budva and Sveti Stefan before lunch at
Day 5: Guided walking tour of Split in the morning followed    Drago restaurant. The afternoon and evening are free in
by lunch at Konoba Fetivi in downtown Split – serenaded        Kotor. (L)
by local Klapa singers. Free time to wander Split in the       Day 12: After breakfast we drop off at Dubrovnik airport.
afternoon and evening. (L)
Day 6: Tour of the Dalmatian island of Brač - lunch at a
local restaurant on the island of Brač . We overnight at
an ethno-hotel in the town of Čitluk near the Bosnian &
Herzegovina City of Mostar. (L)

16 | www.gecko-tours.co
Fishing marina - Brac


           Plitvice Lakes

                                              BOSNIA AND
         Krka National Park
                     Šibenik          Split
                     Island of Brač

                                      Our Lady of the Rocks
                                                                        Sveti Stefan

MIN: 10 people
MAX: 22 people
DATES: Sunday, May 24, 2020 – Friday, 			                                                Restaurant ladovina
       June 5, 2020
  Sunday, September 27, 2020 – Friday,
		October 9, 2020
The tour commences in Zagreb, Croatia where you transfer
to your hotel. We spend 2 nights in Zagreb before visiting
both the beautiful Plitvice Lakes and the Waterfalls at
Krka National park - staying 2 nights in nearby Šibenik.
From Šibenik, we head down the Croatian coastal region,
staying 2 nights in the historical city of Split, exploring the
city and spending a day on the nearby Adriatic island of
Brač. Then we take in the Ottoman city of Mostar, Bosnia
& Herzegovina, staying 1 night in nearby Čitluk. We then
travel to Dubrovnik – the pearl of the Adriatic- enjoying                                    Oysters at Ston
the City by day and night and also visiting Ston - staying in
nearby Trebinje for 3 nights. Then we cross to Montenegro
and stay in stunning Kotor for 2 nights. From Kotor we
take in the main Montenegro scenic coastal towns by day -
transferring you to Dubrovnik airport at the end of your tour.

Accommodation: 12 nights in ****/***** hotels throughout
Meals: All breakfasts (B), introductory drinks and snacks,
7 lunches (L), 4 dinners (D) and 2 wine tastings (WT)
Excursions: All entrance tickets

                                                                                       www.gecko-tours.co | 17
Day 0: Welcome presentation, drinks and snacks.                Day 7: Tour of the Dalmatian island of Brač - lunch at a
Day 1: Sarajevo city walking tour in the morning. Lunch        local restaurant on the island of Brač . We return to the
at Restaurant Avlija. Optional visit in the afternoon to the   hotel in Split in the late afternoon – free time in Split in the
Tunnels of Hope with its poignant reminders of the war in      evening. (L)
the 1990’s. Free time in Sarajevo in the evening. (L)          Day 8: Tour of Klis Fortress, the setting of many Games
Day 2: Guided walking tour of Mostar, Bosnia &                 of Thrones scenes. Lunch and wine tasting at the home
Herzegovina. Lunch at Konoba Taurus. Free time in the          of Zinfandel wine in Kaštela. Guided walking tour of Trogir
afternoon in Mostar before checking into the hotel in          and some free time before checking into the hotel in
Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina in the late afternoon. (L)      Šibenik. Optional walking tour or free time in Šibenik in the
                                                               evening. (WT, L)
Day 3: Tour of Budva, Montenegro - lunch at Konoba
Drago in Sveti Stefan. Tour the stunning Bay of Kotor –        Day 9: Krka National Park – full day tour. Konoba Vinko for
guided walking tour of Kotor and some free time in the         early dinner before returning to Šibenik - free time for the
afternoon before returning to the hotel in Trebinje, Bosnia    evening. (D)
& Herzegovina. (L)                                             Day 10: Plitvice Lakes - spend approximately 4 hours
Day 4: Guided walking tour of Dubrovnik in the morning         wandering the spectacular scenery. Check in hotel in
and free time to wander Dubrovnik in the afternoon.            Zagreb - free for dinner.
Dubrovnik sunset sail and dinner before returning to hotel     Day 11: Zagreb city driving and walking tour in the
in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. (D)                         morning. Optional visit in the afternoon to the nearby town
Day 5: Pelješac wine tasting at Ston, Croatia in the late      of Samobor to enjoy the famous local delicacy “Krempita”
morning before touring the town of Ston - taste oysters        - a delicious souffle like cream pie. Free time in Zagreb in
straight from the sea and walk the stone walls. Dubrovnik      the evening.
for an optional late lunch and some time to relax before       Day 12: After breakfast we drop off at Zagreb airport.
heading to the city of Split in the mid-afternoon where we
check into the hotel. (WT)
Day 6: Guided walking tour of Split in the morning followed
by lunch at Konoba Fetivi in downtown Split – serenaded
by local Klapa singers. Free time to wander Split in the
afternoon and evening. (L)

18 | www.gecko-tours.co
Trogir at night


             Opatija           CROATIA

              Plitvice Lakes

                                                 BOSNIA AND
            Krka National Park                            Sarajevo
                        Šibenik          Split
                        Island of Brač


MIN: 10 people
MAX: 22 people
DATES: Sunday, June 7, 2020 – Friday, 			                                                    Konoba TAURUS
       June 19, 2020
  Sunday, October 11, 2020 – Friday,
		October 23, 2020
The tour commences in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
where you transfer you to your hotel. We spend a full day
and 2 nights in Sarajevo, understanding and exploring the
narrative of this fascinating city. Then we head to Mostar,
checking into the hotel in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina
for the next 3 nights. From our base in Trebinje, we drive to
Montenegro for a full day tour of the beautiful Montenegro
Adriatic coastline and the following day we spend touring
the stunning nearby city of Dubrovnik which needs little
introduction. We then visit the pretty town of Ston, Croatia                                 Old town Mostar
en-route to the historical coastal city of Split where we
spend the next 3 nights. We explore Split itself and from our
base in Split we visit the beautiful and nearby Adriatic island
of Brač for a great day tour of the island. Then we’re off to
Šibenik for 2 nights, from where we take in Krka National
park and Plitvice Lakes, amongst many other local treats.
We spend the final 2 nights and full day in the Croatian
capital city, Zagreb.

Accommodation: 12 nights in ****/***** hotels throughout
Meals: All breakfasts, introductory drinks and snacks, 6
lunches (L), 2 dinners (D) and 2 wine tastings (WT)
Excursions: All entrance tickets

                                                                                        www.gecko-tours.co | 19
Day 0: Transfer from Ljubljana airport to your local hotel –    Day 7: Guided city walking tour of Trogir. Lunch and wine-
welcome presentation, drinks and snacks.                        tasting at Winery Kovač, Kaštela. Tour of Klis Fortress,
Day 1: Tour of Lake Bled. Lunch at local restaurant. Return     the setting of many Games of Thrones scenes, before
to Ljubljana - guided walking tour of the city. Free time in    checking into the hotel in Split. Free time in Split in the
Ljubljana in the evening. (L)                                   evening. (L, WT)

Day 2: Visit Postojna Cave. Visit Motovun, Istria - join a      Day 8: Guided walking tour of Split in the morning followed
“truffle hunt demonstration” for the local iconic black and     by lunch at Konoba Fetivi in downtown Split – serenaded
white truffles before exploring the exquisite hilltop village   by local Klapa singers. Free time to wander Split in the
of Motovun - lunch at a local restaurant. Check into hotel      afternoon and evening. (L)
in Opatija in late pm - free time in Opatija in the evening.    Day 9: Tour of the Dalmatian island of Brač - lunch at a
(L)                                                             local restaurant on the island of Brač . We overnight at
Day 3: Tour Istria, visiting Porec and Rovinj - lunch           an ethno-hotel in the town of Čitluk near the Bosnia &
at Konoba Bani. Return to hotel in Opatija in the late          Herzegovina City of Mostar. (L)
afternoon – free time in Opatija in the evening. (L)            Day 10: Guided walking tour of Mostar, Bosnia &
Day 4: Visit the nearby Brijuni islands by boat- guided tour    Herzegovina - free time in Mostar for lunch. Tour of
of the city of Pula. Mošćenice in the late afternoon - enjoy    Pocitelj, Bosnia & Herzegovina. Tour of Ston, Croatia -
the stunning views over dinner at Konoba Tu i Tamo.             local Pelješac wine tasting and dinner at Konoba Bakus.
Return to the hotel in Opatija. (D)                             Check into hotel in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina.
                                                                (WT, D)
Day 5: Plitvice Lakes - spend approximately 4 hours
wandering the spectacular scenery. In the late afternoon        Day 11: Guided walking tour of Dubrovnik in the morning
we travel to the hotel in Šibenik - dinner at Konoba            and free time to wander Dubrovnik in the afternoon.
Nostalgija. (D)                                                 Dubrovnik sunset sail and dinner before returning to hotel
                                                                in Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina. (D)
Day 6: Krka National Park – all day tour. Konoba Vinko for
dinner before returning to Šibenik - optional night walking     Day 12: After breakfast drop off at Dubrovnik airport.
tour of the City or free time. (D)

20 | www.gecko-tours.co
Lake Bled
                                                                                           Motovun square
           Ljubljana     SLOVENIA
  Postojna Caves
 Motovun                Opatija


                        Plitvice Lakes

                                                           BOSNIA AND
                       Krka National Park

                                  Šibenik          Split
                                  Island of Brač


MIN: 10 people
MAX: 22 people
DATES: Sunday, June 21, 2020 – Friday, 			                                                Konoba Tu i Tamo
		July 3, 2020
  Sunday, October 25, 2020 – Friday,
		November 6, 2020
The tour commences in Ljubljana, Slovenia where we
transfer you to your hotel. We spend 2 nights in Ljubljana,
exploring the city and visiting Lake Bled in the Julian Alps
and the impressive Postojna Cave. Then were off to the
Istrian region of Croatia, staying 3 nights in the picturesque
town of Opatija. We visit the many and beautiful towns of
Istria from our base in Opatija. From Istria, we head down
the Croatian coastal mainland, staying in Šibenik for 2
nights and visiting both the beautiful Plitvice Lakes and
Krka National Park. We drive to Split, via the picturesque city                                Klis Fortress
of Trogir, spending 2 nights getting to know the beautiful
coastal and historical city of Split and spending a day on
the Adriatic island of Brač . From here we head to Southern
Dalmatia and take in the enigmatic City of Mostar, staying in
Čitluk for 1 night. Then we travel to the pretty town of Ston,
Croatia and Dubrovnik – the pearl of the Adriatic- enjoying
the city by day and night and staying in nearby Trebinje for
2 nights before transferring you to Dubrovnik airport at the
end of your tour.

Accommodation: 12 nights in ****/***** hotels throughout
Meals: All breakfasts (B), introductory drinks and snacks,
6 lunches (L), 5 dinners (D) and 2 wine tastings (WT)
Excursions: All entrance tickets

                                                                                      www.gecko-tours.co | 21
The hotels below are our primary hotels in the various cities and towns we visit. Where our primary hotels are unavailable,
for whatsoever reason, we will always book comparable quality hotels in the same vicinity.
All our hotels are personally vetted and offer minimum ****/***** quality and we generally reserve on the basis of two
people sharing a double room.
Where required however, we should be able to arrange triple rooms or singe rooms to suit.

                                                            Čitluk, Bosnia & Herzegovina
                                                            Hotel Etno Herceg **** The hotel complex is styled on an
                                                            authentic traditional Bosnian & Herzegovina village. There is
                                                            a restaurant, chapel, stable with animals, a working watermill
                                                            and a number of traditional Bosnia & Herzegovina shops.

                                                            Kotor, Montenegro
                                                            Hotel Vardar **** The hotel is situated in the heart of Old Town
                                                            Kotor. Hotel Vardar features a terrace and sauna and an on-
                                                            site restaurant.

                                                            Ljubljana, Slovenia
                                                            Hotel Galleria **** The hotel is situated in the historic part of
                                                            Ljubljana and in the foothills of Ljubljana castle hill and the
                                                            banks of Ljubljanica river and its famous Triple bridge square.

                                                            Opatija, Croatia
                                                            Hotel Paris **** The hotel is located in central Opatija, 200 yards
                                                            from Opatija Lido Beach, Hotel Paris provides accommodation
                                                            with a bar, private parking, a casino and a terrace. Among the
                                                            facilities of this property is a great à la carte restaurant

22 | www.gecko-tours.co
Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Hotel Central **** Situated in central Sarajevo, this hotel set
over 3 floors has a luxurious 25 - meter pool and a world-class
health club and fitness centre.

Šibenik, Croatia
Hotel Life palace **** Incorporating elements of the 15th
century Palace Marenci, this exclusive hotel lies in the heart
of Šibenik. The hotel includes a modern wellness centre and
a Finnish sauna. Downstairs, the hotel has a fantastic coffee
shop and wonderful cakes and pastries to enjoy on the large

Split, Croatia
Hotel Apartments Korta **** Situated within a few minutes’
walk from the famous Roman Diocletian’s palace, the luxurious
Korta Hotel Apartments offer high comfort, contemporary
elegance all within the enchanting atmosphere of Split city

Trebinje, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Hotel Central Park **** Situated in the centre of the Old Town,
Trebinje this comfortable traditional Austro-Hungarian style
hotel was built in 1894. The hotel offers a restaurant, café bar
and pastry shop.

Zagreb, Croatia
Hotel Esplanade ***** Situated in the heart of Zagreb, this
iconic hotel, dating back to 1925, offers world class luxury and
all the amenities associated with a ***** hotel.

                                     www.gecko-tours.co | 23
Opening hours: Monday – Saturday: 8am – 8pm

For booking reservations and enquiries:
  +385 99 326 9 658
  Bosanska 5, 21000 Split, Croatia
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