Better Business Bureau's Top Scams of 2018 - the ...

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Better Business Bureau's Top Scams of 2018 - the ...
Consumer Association of Saskatchewan Inc. ISSN 1184-0005 Volume 35 Issue 2 Summer 2019

        Better Business Bureau’s Top Scams of 2018
                                                          Subscription Scams: Losses unknown.
                                                          Be wary of online advertisements and pop-ups pro-
                                                          moting skincare and cosmetic products, as well as
                                                          weight loss and diet pills. People are enticed by a 'risk
                                                          free trial', but end up falling into subscription traps
                                                          with large monthly charges. Read all terms and condi-
                                                          tions. Be wary of websites where this information is
                                                          not easily accessible. Contact BBB to verify business.
                                                          Advance Fee Loans: Almost $1 million lost.
                                                          Scammers prey on people in a financial bind. In most
Romance Scams: More than $22.5 million lost.              cases, they request an upfront fee. If a company de-
Canadians were victimized financially, emotionally,       mands money to secure a loan, walk away. Be suspi-
psychologically and socially by this scam. Never wire     cious if a company guarantees a loan before doing a
or transfer money to someone you have not met and         credit check, and check BBB for reputable lending
don’t share any personal information.                     organizations.

Income Tax Extortion Scams: $6 million lost.              Tech Support Scams: Almost $1 million lost.
This scam is one of the most prevalent around and         Scammers may call pretending to be computer techs
many still fall victim to it. Canadian Revenue Agency     from well-known companies. Others may send pop-up
does not make threatening phone calls or request per-     messages that warn about computer problems saying
sonal information over the phone or by email.             they have detected viruses on your computer and need
                                                          you to give them remote access to your computer.
Online Purchase Scams: $3.5 million lost.                 Never give control of your computer to a third party
This scam is still one of the most diverse risks, as it   unless you know it is the representative of a computer
ranges from fake websites and free trial traps, to pur-   support team that you contacted. Do not click on links
chasing counterfeit goods and receiving fraudulent        in unfamiliar emails.
cheques. Always shop on legitimate websites and
never wire money to someone you don’t know.               Home Improvement Scams: Losses unknown.
                                                         Door-to-door solicitors offer quick, low-cost repairs
Employment Scams: $4.5 million lost.                     and then take payments without returning, or do shod-
This is an ongoing problem for jobseekers. Scammers dy work and leave projects incomplete. Say no to cash
may send cheques with a large overpayment and re-        only deals, high pressure sales tactics, high upfront
quest that you forward the excess to someone else.       payments, and deals without a contract. Always get a
The cheque is fake, however, and you’ll have to cover written contract with the price, materials, timeline and
the costs. Research the company and look out for un- details about each person's responsibilities. Check
realistic salary offers. A legitimate company will not   BBB to see what others have experienced.
ask you to forward money for any reason.                 To get more details about these scams (and others),
Phishing: Losses unknown.                                with information on how to avoid them and what to do
Fraudulent emails and fake websites are created to       if you’ve been scammed, go to their website:
deceive the public into believing they are authentic. If
you receive a suspicious email, contact the business
directly, don’t share personal info or click any links.
Better Business Bureau's Top Scams of 2018 - the ...
2 SaskWatch

  SaskWatch Summer 2019                            From the President ...
      Published quarterly by:            We at CASK hope you enjoy Sask-         almost five years; we thank him for
Consumer Association of Saskatchewan     Watch as much as we enjoy produc-       his contribution. We have now
                                         ing it for you. Brenda, the Editor,     hired Marc Rousseau, another crea-
Writer / Editor / Production / Design:   does most of the work sourcing          tive guy, and look forward to a
       Brenda Goldsworthy                consumer information and interest-      great relationship. Give him a call
           Contributors:                 ing tidbits to include. However at      with consumer questions or just to
   Ruth Robinson, Marc Rousseau          least once a year we like to let you    say “hi”. His usual office hours are
                                         know what the organization is do-       M-W, noon to 4:00 pm. If you are
 Consumer Association of                 ing, and following the Annual Gen-      dropping by, check first to be sure
Saskatchewan Inc. (CASK)                 eral Meeting seems to be a good         he is there.
     #306 - 220 3rd Avenue South         time to update you.
                                                                                 Annual General Meeting:
      Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 1M1                                                   At our AGM on May 28, Dennis
 Ph: 306.242-4909 Fax: 306.955-5810
                                         Some Highlights of 2018-19:
    Email:       Fast Food Brochure: Along with          Sentes, the Regulatory Affairs Man-
                                         the Saskatoon Open Door Society,        ager at SaskTel, was our guest
         Office Manager:                 we prepared a brochure on healthy       speaker. He talked about nuisance
         Marc Rousseau                   choices in fast food restaurants.       calls, how to avoid email scams, the
                                                                                 proposed Retail Internet Services
           Office Hours                  Consumer Help Directory: It is
        Mon-Wed, noon-4pm                                                        Code, retail sales practices, pay
                                         helpful to use when you need a con-     phones, and how the CRTC is
                                         tact for information or to lodge a      working to protect consumers. He
 CASK Board of Directors                 complaint.                              also had information on where to
            2018-2019                                                            voice concerns and answered many
                                         Information Packages: Materials
     President: Ruth Robinson            have been prepared on Buying a          of our questions. If you would like
   Vice-President: Mary Glauser          Used Car, Avoiding Unhappy Re-          more details about any of these top-
                                         turns and Choosing a Cell Phone.        ics, call our office.
 Secretary/Treasurer: Kathy Brower
                                         They are available on our website           We also had an update from Eric
         Members at Large:
                                         and for use by other organizations.     Greene, Director of the Saskatche-
           Betty Burwell
                                                                                 wan Financial Consumer Affairs
            Laurie Shaw                  Displays: CASK had displays at          Authority, about consumer issues
          Myrt Ryhorchuk                 YXE Connects, Spotlight on Sen-         they have been addressing. We al-
                                         iors, and at a Volunteer Recruitment    ways enjoy hearing from Eric and
     Check us out on Facebook:           Day coordinated by the Council on       we appreciate both the financial and        Aging. We supplied handouts with        moral support they provide for our
                                         consumer information, gave out lots     organization. Thanks Eric.
      Twitter: @ConsumerSK
                                         of copies of SaskWatch, and talked          During the business part of the
  SaskWatch is available online:         to many people about their experi-      AGM, we approved the 2018-19
 www.consumersask .com                   ences in the marketplace.               financial statements and various
                                         Nutrition Labelling on Food             other reports. For a copy of the re-
In This Issue:                           Products: We have done one              ports, contact the office. We were
BBB Top 2018 Scams             1         presentation on this topic and would    very pleased to elect a new board
From the President             2         be happy to do more. Give us a call.    member, Myrt Ryhorchuk, and
Inactivity 4th Largest Killer  3         Staffing Our Office: Dylan Stans-       look forward to her input.
Bits & Pieces                 4/5        field worked in the CASK office for                      ~ Ruth Robinson
Canadian Inventions            6
Cucumbers                      6                                 Office Space for Rent:
How to Store Produce           7         For many years we have sublet half of our office space. Our tenant recent-
Don’t Loose Health Benefits    8         ly left so it’s available again. It’s a great space with a large window in an
Manage Mail While Away         8         easily reached downtown location. It’s 230 square feet with rent at $480
Advisories, Warnings, Recalls 8
                                         per month. Phone the office for more information or to see it. There’s also
                                         more info and photos on Kijiji and our Facebook page.
Better Business Bureau's Top Scams of 2018 - the ...
SaskWatch 3

        Inactivity Fourth Biggest Killer Worldwide
         According to the World Health Organization, physical inactivity is the
                    fourth leading risk factor for death, worldwide,
                       killing more than 5 million people a year.
Canada’s Obesity Rate         In order not to be inactive, and to   the most important aspect. The
Has Doubled Since the ‘70s    reduce health  risks, health authori- minimum number of times you
In 1978, 14% of Canadian adults        ties recommend moderate-intensity    need to interrupt your sitting in
were obese. That number climbed        exercise for 30 minutes a day for    order to counteract its cardiovas-
to 28% in 2014. In 2017, 64% of        five days a week or a total of 2     cular health risks is in the neigh-
Canadians were either overweight       hours and 30 minutes per week.       bourhood of 35 times per day.” In
or obese. Childhood obesity in                                              order to be effective, the activity
                                       Sitting Disease                      needs to be spread out. This helps
Canada has also doubled since the      Lifespan Fitness says, “the sitting
1970s, and obesity in adolescents                                           explain why vigorously exercising
                                       disease is a term used to describe   a few times a week still isn't
has tripled in the past 30 years.      individuals who engage in pro-
    Statistics Canada’s recent study                                        enough to counteract the ill effects
                                       longed periods of sitting or overall of daily prolonged sitting.
indicated that only 17% of adults      inactivity. The average North
met the Canadian Physical Activ-                                                Inactivity raises your risk of
                                       American adult spends about 10       general ill health by 114 percent,
ity Guidelines. According to these     hours or more each day sitting, and Alzheimer’s disease by 82 percent,
guidelines, adults between the ages    research shows you simply cannot and uterine and colon cancer by 66
of 18-64 should be getting at least    offset 10 hours of stillness with
150 minutes of moderate-to-vigor-                                           and 30 percent respectively. Over-
                                       one hour of exercise.”               all, chronic sitting has a mortality
ous-intensity aerobic exercise each        Dr. Joan Vernikos, former di-
week in bouts of 10 minutes or                                              rate similar to smoking. Fortunate-
                                       rector of NASA's Life Sciences       ly, the remedy is simple: Avoid
more. Moderate-intensity exercises     Division and one of the primary
include activities that make you                                            sitting and get more movement
                                       doctors assigned to keep NASA        into your life.
sweat and breathe heavy like brisk     astronauts' health from deteriorat-
walking or bike riding, ideally                                                 By becoming more active, the
                                       ing in space, explains that the hu-  World Health Organization says
coupled with muscle and bone           man body deteriorates at a faster
strengthening activities at least                                           people can easily achieve benefits
                                       speed in anti-gravity situations,    such as improved muscular and
twice a week.                          and sitting for extended periods of cardio-respiratory fitness, better
    The National Population Health     time actually simulates a low-
Surveys of Canada says you are                                              bone health, healthy weight control
                                       gravity environment. The key is to and they can reduce their risk of
considered sedentary or physically     disengage from low anti-gravity
inactive if you expend less than 1.5                                        getting hypertension, heart disease,
                                       situations as much as possible.      stroke, diabetes, depression and
kcal/kg/day in physical activities -       A reasonable goal is to get up
the equivalent of walking a little                                          various types of cancer.
                                       every 15 minutes whenever you
over 1.3 miles or approximately        are engaged in prolonged seated      (;;;
3000 steps. For most people, that                                              lifespanfitness,com;;
                                       activities. She says, “frequency is;;
is a walk of 25 minutes or less.
Better Business Bureau's Top Scams of 2018 - the ...
4 SaskWatch

                                                                Bits & Pieces              BITS & P
What Does SARCAN Do                                        Garage Sale Advisory.
With The Glass They Get?                                   A garage sale is a convenient way to recycle second-
The coloured glass gets shipped to Airdrie, Alberta        hand products, but keep in mind that you’re legally
where it is processed and used in fibreglass insula-       responsible for ensuring that the products you sell are
tion. The clear glass is shipped to Moose Jaw where        safe and meet safety standards. The Hazardous Prod-
they make refractive glass beads to add into highway       ucts Act has safety requirements for certain consumer
and road paint to make the paint visible at night.         products, many of which are intended for children.
There are roughly 5 million pounds of SARCAN re-           Under the law you cannot import, sell, give away or
cycled glass on the highways of Saskatchewan!              distribute products that do not meet the requirements
                                                           of this Act. And if you do, you could be liable in a
                                                           civil court of law. For detailed information and to
Wash Your Recycling.                                       read Facts for Garage Sale Vendors, go to: healthy-
One of the biggest mistakes people still make when it You can also contact
comes to recycling is not washing their containers         Consumer Product Safety, Health Canada at:
before putting them in the blue bin. Not only is there     1.866.662-0666. In Saskatchewan: 306. 975-4028.
a risk of contamination, but it increases the cost of
processing. Everything needs to be washed because it
doesn't get washed at a recycling plant. Recycling         Dried Out Masking Tape.
plants are for sorting the clean, ready to reuse materi-   Just when you need it the most, you realize your old
als like plastic, glass and aluminum that will be sent     roll of masking tape has dried out, leaving it unsticky
to companies that will reuse them. If something like a     and totally unusable. The fast fix: microwave the roll
jar of tomato sauce isn’t washed and it breaks open,       for 10 seconds. The heat will slightly melt the adhe-
everything it touches is contaminated - and none of it     sive, restoring its tacky texture.
can be recycled. So, then, it all has to go to the land-
fill. So in short, wash your recycling - or don’t recy-    Organic vs Conventional Coffee.
cle at all.                                                Conventional coffee is among the most heavily chem-
                                                           ically-treated foods in the world. It is steeped in syn-
Gastronomic Pornography.                                   thetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides,
A new study from the University of Ottawa, commis-         and insecticides. In the third world, where much of it
sioned by Heart & Stroke, found that children see al-      is grown, farmers are exposed to high level of chemi-
most 6,000 food ads a year on social media (Face-          cals, and the surrounding communities are greatly
book, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube), and          impacted through chemical residues in the air and wa-
the majority of these ads promote “low-nutrient, ultra     ter. These pesticides and insecticides end up in the
-processed foods and beverages that are high in fat,       coffee we drink on a daily basis and are incredibly
salt and sugar”. And they see thousands more on tele-      harmful. Organic farmers do not use dangerous or
vision. These ads makes one think of eating and gets       super-toxic chemicals on their coffee crops. Their
one's gastric juices flowing, triggering the release of    coffee is chemical-free and high in antioxidants,
insulin, lowering one's blood sugar, and stimulating       which means you are not putting dangerous pesticides
one's food cravings. It's gastronomic pornography!         or insecticides into your body each morning. When
Children's exposure to ads for unhealthy food prod-        you buy organic coffee, you are supporting farmers in
ucts are a significant risk factor for obesity. Accord-    many third world countries who are committed to the
ing to research, childhood obesity in Canada has dou-      environment and are helping to promote biodiversity.
bled since the 1970s, and obesity in adolescents has       Just as recycling is important, so is your choice of
tripled in the past 30 years, putting kids at a much       coffee. By choosing organic, you are supporting the
greater risk for developing chronic conditions and         environment, and a healthy life for yourself and cof-
illnesses. (;            fee farmers far and away.
SaskWatch 5

PIECES                         Bits & Pieces
  Pets Paws Could Get Burned!                                  Under the Weather means feeling ill or un-
  It might come as a surprise to many pup owners that          well. During the days when ships were powered by
  the very pavement beneath your dog's paws could              sail, the captain’s log documented everything that
  lead to gruesome and painful consequences. For in-           happened during the day. As sickness could spread
  stance, on an 87ºF day, sidewalk and pavement tem-           rapidly on a ship, there were times where the number
  peratures can reach a scorching 140ºF. Even if it’s          of sailors that were ill exceeded the space provided
  only 77ºF the asphalt temperature will be about              in the log to record their names. During those times,
  125ºF. Hot sidewalks and roads also reflect heat onto        the excess names of the sick were recorded in the
  dogs' bodies, increasing their risk of suffering from        next column, which was reserved for the weather
  deadly heatstroke. Always check the surfaces you’ll          conditions of the day. Thus, it was not unusual for an
  be walking on (asphalt, tarmac, artificial grass, etc.)      ill sailor to be listed “under the weather”.
  prior to allowing your pet to walk on them. If it’s too
  hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for them. Here’s a
  five-second rule you should never ignore. If you can-
                                                                      … Did You Know …
  not hold the back of your hand on the walking surface        •   Earth just had its hottest June on record and is on
  for five full seconds, it’s too hot for your pet to walk         track for having the hottest July, as well.
  on. Remember, it takes less than one minute to inflict       •   Jamaica is to ban plastic bags, straws and foam
  serious burns to the paws of your pets.                          containers by January 2020.
                                                               •   Beverly Hills has become the first U.S. city to ban
                                                                   the sale of tobacco products. (
  Remove a Splinter.
                                                               •   Norway has become the first country to ban defor-
  Splinters can sometimes be removed with baking so-
  da and a bandaid. The baking soda helps swell the
                                                               •   Studies link canine cancer to lawn chemicals.
  skin and draw the splinter to the surface. Simply                (
  make a paste of baking soda and water, apply to the          •   Smartphones, tablets, etc. are causing mental
  area, and cover with a bandage. After a few hours, the           health issues in kids as young as 2. (
  splinter should be sticking out enough so that you can       •   To keep cats and dogs out of your flowerbeds,
  pull it out with tweezers. If not, repeat the process.           sprinkle them (the beds not the animals) liberally
                                                                   with black pepper. They dislike the smell and if
  Goosebumps.                                                      they get too close they’ll have sneezing fits keep-
  When you get cold, or experience a strong emotion,               ing them away but not harming them.
  your brain releases a stress hormone, adrenaline, and        •   To help hydrate bees, fill a bowl with marbles and
  sends signals that make your muscles tense up. When              add water. Marbles give the bees a safe place to
  the muscles that are attached to hairs tense up, they            land so they can drink without drowning.
  make the hairs stand up, pulling up your skin, creat-        •   Bees sleep between five and eight hours a day,
  ing goose bumps (or goose pimples) which resemble                sometimes in flowers. Also, they like to sleep with
  the skin of poultry after being plucked. This physio-            other bees and hold each other’s feet.
  logical phenomenon, inherited from our animal an-            •   ‘Abracadabra’ is from the Aramaic phrase Avra
  cestors, is released when the animal is cold or facing           Kehdabra which means I will create what I speak.
  a stressful situation. In animals, this rising of hair ex-   •   You might know the official animal of Canada is
  pands the layer of air that serves as insulation. In ad-         the beaver, but did you know Canada’s second
  dition to cold, the hair will also stand up when they            national animal is the horse?
  feel threatened, making them appear larger and more          •   Canada supplies 70% of the world’s maple syrup.
  frightening. In humans, adrenaline is often released         •   Saskatchewan produces 99% of Canada’s chick-
  when we feel cold or afraid, but also if we are under            peas; 95% of Canada’s lentils; 90% of Canada’s
  stress and feel strong emotions, such as anger or ex-            mustard, 86% of Canada’s durum wheat; and 74%
  citement.                                                        of Canada’s flax.
6 SaskWatch

                                 Canadian Inventions
  Canada has given the world some of its greatest inventions, including:
AM Radio, Alkaline Battery, Basketball, Blackberry, Birthbark Canoe, Caesar, Canada Dry Ginger
Ale, Cardiac Pacemaker, Caulking Gun, Coffee Crisp, Computerized Braille, Egg Carton, Electric
Organ, Electric Oven, Electric Wheelchair, Electron Microscope, Five Pin Bowling, Foghorn, Gas
Mask, Goalie Mask, Ice Hockey, IMAX, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Insulin, Instant Replay, Jolly
Jumper, Keyframe Animation, Lacrosse, Light Bulb, MacIntosh Apples, Nanaimo Bars, Odometer,
Pablum, Pager, Paint Roller, Peanut Butter, Plexiglass, Poutine, Prosthetic Hand, Robertson Screw,
Rotary Snowplow, Snowblower, Snowmobile, Standard Time, Superman, Telephone, Walkie Talkie,
Wonderbra and Trivial Pursuit.

The cucumber is a member of the                                                  Shoes need polishing? Rub a
Cucurbitaceae family, along with                                                 freshly cut cucumber over them. Its
squash and different kinds of mel-                                               chemicals will provide a quick and
on, and commonly thought to be a                                                 durable shine that not only looks
vegetable ~ but actually it’s a fruit.                                           great but also repels water.
Cucumbers are high in nutrients
                                                                                 Out of WD 40 and need to fix a
and antioxidants, and low in calo-
                                                                                 squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber
ries, fat, cholesterol and sodium.
                                                                                 slice and rub it along the problem-
They also contain goods amount of
                                                                                 atic hinge, and voila, the squeak is
water and soluble fibre making
them ideal for promoting hydra-
tion. Salads and pickles are only a      Avoid a hangover. Eat a few cu-         Stressed out? Cut up an entire cu-
few of their many uses.                  cumber slices before going to bed       cumber and place in a boiling pot
Cucumbers contain most of the            and wake up refreshed. Cucumbers        of water. The chemicals and nutri-
vitamins you need every day: vita-       contain enough sugar, B vitamins        ents from the cucumber will react
min B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid,      and electrolytes to replenish essen-    with the boiling water and be re-
vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesi-       tial nutrients the body lost, keeping   leased in the steam, creating a
um, phosphorus, potassium, zinc.         everything in equilibrium, avoiding     soothing, relaxing aroma that has
                                         both a hangover and a headache.         been shown to reduce stress.
For a pick me up, put down the
caffeinated drink and pick up a cu-      Grubs and slugs a problem?              Out of gum or mints? Take a slice
cumber. They’re a good source of         Place a few slices in a aluminum        of cucumber and press it to the roof
B vitamins and carbohydrates             pie tin and your garden will be free    of your mouth with your tongue for
providing a quick pick-me-up that        of these pests. The chemicals in the    30 seconds to eliminate bad breath.
lasts for hours. Put some slices in      cucumbers react with the alumi-         The phytochemicals will kill the
your water bottle, too.                  num to give off a scent undetecta-      bacteria in your mouth responsible
                                         ble to humans which drive garden        for causing bad breath.
Cellulite. Try rubbing cucumber          pests crazy and make them flee.
slices along your problem area for                                               Using a pen and made a mis-
a few minutes. The phytochemicals        Bathroom mirror fog up after a          take? Take the outside of a cucum-
cause the collagen in your skin to       shower? Try rubbing a cucumber          ber and slowly use it to erase the
tighten, firming up the outer layer      slice along the mirror to eliminate     pen marks. Works great on crayons
and reducing the visibility of cellu-    the fog and provide a soothing, spa     and markers, too.
lite. Great on wrinkles too!             -like fragrance.                              (; )
SaskWatch 7

By Marc Rousseau
8 SaskWatch

Don’t Loose Health Benefits                                  Manage Mail While Away
Moving from Saskatchewan. If you are mov-
ing to another province or territory in Canada, your
Saskatchewan Health Card is valid for the remainder
of the month in which you moved, plus the next two
full months. For example, if you move from Sas-
katchewan on September 27, your Saskatchewan
health coverage would end November 30. Contact
eHealth Saskatchewan and give them your new ad-
dress and your moving date. It is recommended that
you register for health benefits in your new home
province immediately upon arrival.
                                                          Canada Post’s Hold Mail service temporarily stops
Moving to Saskatchewan. If you’re moving to               mail delivery to your home when you’re not there to
Saskatchewan, your Saskatchewan health coverage           receive it, keeping your mail safe and secure while
will begin on the first day of the third month follow-    you’re gone. This avoids the overflowing mailbox
ing the date you established residency in Saskatche-      that lets everyone know you’re away and helps pro-
wan. Normally, your home province will cover you          tect you against identity theft and fraud. It also
and your family until your Saskatchewan benefits          avoids damage to your mail from inclement weather.
take effect. For example, if you established residency       If you’re planning to be away for a longer period
in Saskatchewan September 27, then your Saskatche-        of time, Canada Post’s Mail Forwarding for Tempo-
wan health coverage would begin December 1.               rary Relocation service helps ensure essential mail is
If married or common-in law couples are moving to         not missed. Get details of how, when and where to
or from Saskatchewan at different times, the benefit      apply and related costs, at any Post Office. You can
times may differ. Also, benefit times may differ for      phone: 1-866-607-6301 or go online:
some classes of newcomers. Check:

Temporary Absence from Saskatchewan.                       Advisories, Warnings and Recalls
If you are temporarily living outside Saskatchewan,       Health Canada helps protect the public from poten-
but intend on returning and living in Saskatchewan,       tial health hazards by posting advisories, warnings
you need to contact eHealth Saskatchewan to ensure        and recalls about consumer products. Their website
your Health Card remains active and you are eligible      also has information on what to do if you have con-
for health benefits. Notify eHealth, or complete the      cerns about a product and what to do if a product has
Notification of Extended Absence form, if you will be     been recalled.
absent from the province for more than seven months.          For more information, contact Consumer Product
Call: 1.800.667-7551; email:; or go        Safety, Health Canada: 1.866.662-0666, e-mail: cps-
online:                     , or visit

                         Membership / Subscription
   ( ) I'd like a one-year CASK membership (includes a one-year subscription to SaskWatch) $ 25.00
   ( ) I'd like to make a donation of $ _______                                             $ _____
                                                                            Total enclosed: $ _____
   Make cheques payable to Consumer Association of Saskatchewan
   Send to: #306, 220 3rd Ave. S., Saskatoon, Sask. S7K 1M1
 Name: __________________________________________               Making a donation will help us continue to advocate
 Address: ________________________________________                     for fairness in the marketplace and improve
                                                                                    the quality of life for consumers
 Phone: __________ Email: _________________________                              Expiry date at top of address label
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