Better Futures 2022 - Kantar

Page created by Anna Murray
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar

      13 years      n=1517*
                    New Zealanders
      monitoring    Nationally representative
       the issues   (age, gender, region)

  New Zealanders
                    Online survey
       care most
                    Fieldwork dates:
    deeply about    December 2021

Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
The current NZ landscape

Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
New Zealanders’
personal commitment
to living sustainably                                                                           Awakening
                                                                                                on plastic
continues an upward




                   25%                                                           25%
           23%                                                                                                      48% Auckland
                                  22%                                                                               24% Below High School Ed

  2011     2012
          2012      2013
                   2013           2014                    2015                   2016    2017      2018      2019      2020           2021

                           Q: Where would you place yourself on our scale in terms
                           of how committed you are to living a sustainable lifestyle?                                                         4
                           (Top 3 box, ranked self 8-10/10) Base: n=1016
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
Concern about the                                    LEVEL OF CONCERN ABOUT ‘THE IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON NZ’

impact of climate
change on NZ has also
rebounded after the
initial shock of the

                                                                                                                          52%           51%
                                            41%                40%

                  33%     34%                                                                                                    38%

   2010   2011
           2011   2012
                   2012   2013              2014                2015               2016                2017        2018   2019   2020   2021

                          Q: How concerned or not are you about the following issues in New Zealand? Base: n=454
                          NB. Each respondent was shown 20 out of 48 concerns at random                                                        5
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
more of us now
appreciate the                                                        Reckon climate
                                                                      change problems
immediacy of                                                          are so far in the future
the problem                                                                      - 5% points from 2020

                 Q: To what extent do you agree with the following statements.
                 People may care about these issues but...                                               6
                 Base: n=193
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
There are encouraging
signs that some sustainable
behaviours are becoming
socially normative and
habitual in NZ
                              are starting
                              to stick!

Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
In NZ, more people are claiming to undertake circular shopping behaviour

                                               YEAR ON YEAR CHANGE IN BEHAVIOUR


                                                       72%                                                                   Dispose of clothing and household
                                                                                                                             items through online community
                    66%                                                                                                      groups (e.g. Facebook. Neighbourly)
                                                                                                 68%                         rather than throwing items out
                    63%                                64%
    59%                                                                                                                      Repair or maintain an item to avoid
                                                                                                                             buying new stuff

                    32%                                                                                                      Buy second-hand rather than new, to
                                                       29%                                                                   avoid buying new stuff
    27%                                                                                           34%
    25%                                                27%

                                                                                                                             Hire or borrow things to avoid buying
                                                                                                                             new stuff

   2018             2019                              2020                                        2021

                           Q: When you have the opportunity, how often do you personally...? Always do this/Mostly do this
                           Base: n=1016                                                                                                                              8
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
“One of the things that
I’d like to be doing but
I’m not doing is we have
a local shop where you
can go and fill your
containers, and that’s a
really gratifying thing
to do.”

Female, 25-34, North Island
(excl. Auckland and Wellington)

       Q: Sometimes it’s easy for us to do our part in addressing the issues that concern society and the planet, but sometimes it’s also difficult!
       Now is your chance to tell us exactly how you feel about sustainability and social impact and what you actually do.
       Give us some examples of when you are able to do something good about it!                                                                       9
       Are there also any situations where you know you are not making the best choices/decisions on sustainability and social impact issues you
       care about? What is it specifically? And how you feel about that?
Better Futures 2022 - Kantar
“Recently it made me
very aware of what is
going on out there.
For me I try to recycle,
upcycle, reuse, fix rather
than throwing things
away or thinking I’m
always going to find
a better option.”

Female, 35-44, North Island
(excl. Auckland and Wellington)

  Q: Sometimes it’s easy for us to do our part in addressing the issues that concern society and the planet, but
  sometimes it’s also difficult!
  Now is your chance to tell us exactly how you feel about sustainability and social impact and what you actually do.
  Give us some examples of when you are able to do something good about it!
  Are there also any situations where you know you are not making the best choices/decisions on sustainability and
  social impact issues you care about? What is it specifically? And how you feel about that?
A ‘flexitarian’ approach                                                          YEAR ON YEAR CHANGE IN BEHAVIOUR
to food is on the
increase with more                  Maintain a plant-based
                                    vegetarian diet (no meat or
people choosing plant-              fish) or vegan diet (no
based options                       animal products)



        2018                                   2019                                                                 2020     2021

                           Q: When you have the opportunity, how often do you personally...? Always do this/Mostly do this
                           Base: n=1016
For New Zealanders, the pandemic has also encouraged us to reconnect with nature and
appreciate the importance of protecting the flora and fauna in our backyard.


                                                                               52%                                        52%           53%
                                                                   50%                           51%         51%
                  49%        48%

                                              2013 Q1 & Q2 ONLY
     46%    44%

   2009    2010   2011        2012                                2014       2015              2016         2017   2018   2019   2020   2021

                                                                    LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY



                                                                                                                                 2020   2021

                               Q: How concerned or not are you about the following issues in New Zealand?
                               NB. Each respondent was shown 20 out of 48 concerns at random                                                   12
                               Effective reach: n=423
However, there is a                           DO YOU FEEL NZ HOUSEHOLDS ARE DOING ENOUGH TO MEET THIS TARGET?
clear call for more to
be done to change                                                                                                               YES                     19% Males
lifestyles to avoid the
increase in global
temperature of more
than 1.5 deg C                                                   NO          41%

                               49% Female
                               44% NZ European

                                                                                                                                     45%            YES, But
                                                                                                                                                    we could
                                                                                                                                                    do more
                                                                                                                                                                    54% Asian
                                                                                                                                                                    53% 66+

                              86%                            think we could do more

                          Current scientific research suggests that humans need to change their lifestyles to avoid an increase in global temperature
                          of more than 1.5 degrees celsius. Do you feel NZ households are doing enough to meet this target?                                                     13
                          Base: n=1016
This is a challenge when
top concerns to New                                                                                                                                    RANK

Zealanders are not
                                                                                                                                                      vs 2020   vs 2020

                                                                                                                The cost of living             68%               +3
explicitly related to
environmental                                                                                        Protection of NZ Children                67%                +4
                                                                                           Availability of affordable housing                66%                 +5
In 2021, five of the top 10
concerns are social/                                                                 Build-up of plastic in the environment                  66%                 +8

wellbeing related and                                                                                         Violence in society            65%                 +7
economic concerns have
intensified.                                                                            Too much waste/rubbish generated               60%                      +10

                                                                                                                      Crime Levels    59%                       +10
                                                               Overpackaging, non-recyclable packaging and landfill                   59%                        +6
    Social sustainability

                                                                                                                      Suicide rates   58%                        +4

    Same position           Moved up
                                                                                                    Mental Wellbeing of Nzers         58%                        +5
    New Top 10 entrant      Moved down

                                         Q: How concerned or not are you about the following issues in New Zealand?
                                         NB. Each respondent was shown 20 out of 48 concerns at random – effective reach n= 423                                           14
And even within a cluster of environmental                         Build-up of plastic in the environment
                                                                   Too much waste / rubbish generated
concerns, it is the visible and ownable                            Not enough waste is recycled
environmental issues of plastic,                                   The impact of climate change on New Zealand
                                                                   Overconsumption and waste (food, clothes, etc.)
waste & recycling that remain                                      Too many carbon emissions (e.g. Pollution from farming, vehicles)

of greater concern to New Zealanders

                                                    63%                                                                                      66%

                                                                                              56%                  57%                       60%
                                                                                              55%                                            57%
                                                                                                                   50%                       51%
                                                                                              52%                                            50%
                           41%     40%                                                                                                       38%
                   34%                                                                        35%
 29%                                                                                                               30%

  2011    2012     2013    2014    2015      2016   2017                 2018                 2019
                                                                                              2019                2020
                                                                                                                   2020                    2021

                                                    Q: How concerned or not are you about the following issues in New Zealand?
                                                    NB. Each respondent was shown 20 out of 48 concerns at random – base range n=316-875           15
Navigating multiple
priorities when thinking                                           54% 35-44
                                                                   52% Postgraduate Education
about the enormous issue                                           48% Female                                        50% Wellington
                                                                                                                     46% 55-65

of climate change                                       44%
                                                                                                                     43% Postgraduate Education

inevitably produces
a range of conflicting
                                                                                                                                                             34% 25-34

Different groups
                                                     Worried                                        Frustrated                                    Helpless
feel different
                                                                                                                   47% 55-65
                                                                                                                   46% Education below High School
                                                                                                                   31% NZ European

                                                                                                                                                             21% Male
                                                                                                                                                     18%     29% 66+

                                                                                                    Hopeful                                   Optimistic

                           Q. Which 3 words from the list below best describe how you feel about Climate Change?
                           Base: n=1016                                                                                                                                  16
Understanding barriers

Despite 86% of New Zealanders thinking we could do more towards
meeting the 1.5 degree target, we think we’re doing relatively well
compared to other countries on a number of sustainability issues
                             5%                       7%                        4%                       5%                        3%                       3%                        4%
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Much better than other
       19%                                                                                                                                                  17%                      15%
                                                                                                                                  21%                                                              countries
                                                                               23%                       22%
                            35%                       31%
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Somewhat better than
                                                                                                                                                                                                   other countries
                                                                                                                                  44%                       56%                      53%
                                                                               52%                       51%                                                                                       About the same as other
                            39%                                                                                                                                                                    countries

       35%                                                                                                                                                                                         Somewhat worse than
                                                                                                                                  27%                                                              other countries
                            15%                                                18%                       17%                                                21%
        6%                   6%                                                                                                                                                       7%           Much worse than other
        2%                                            3%                        4%                       5%                        5%                       4%
  Respecting and         Supporting              Carbon and            Making it easier for        Collaboration           Over-packaging,          Over-consumption            Big businesses
     supporting        smaller and local       Greenhouse gas           businesses to use           between the             non-recyclable          and waste (food,             evading tax
     indigenous          businesses           emissions leading        green / sustainable        government and            packaging and             clothes, etc.)
  communities as                              to global warming        materials and / or          businesses in               landfill
    guardians or                                                            practices               encouraging
 custodians of their                                                                                 sustainable
 lands for the next                                                                                   behaviour

                              Q: Thinking about specific issues related to climate change, how well do you think New Zealand is dealing with the following concerns compared to other countries?
                              Base: n=508                                                                                                                                                                              18
“My priorities have
                                                                                            changed quite a bit
                                                                                            even pre-COVID 19. I’ve
                                                                                            been thinking a lot
                                                                                            about how we’re such
                                                                                            big consumers, …I think
                                                                                            that we are damaging
                                                                                            the planet by using
                                                                                            things like fossil fuels
                                                                                            and I do think that we
                                                                                            need to move away
                                                                                            from that.”
                                                                                            Female, 45-54, North Island
                                                                                            (excl. Auckland and Wellington)

Q: Taking into account your and the world’s experience of COVID-19, what has changed for you in terms of your values and priorities?   19
Also, many of us tend to limit our behaviour to those issues where we feel most
empowered to make a difference i.e. waste, overconsumption and supporting
local businesses.

                                                                            8%                       9%                                        7%                  10%
      15%                                         15%                                                                      13%

                                                                                                    30%                                       30%                  24%
                                                                           36%                                             25%
                                                                                                                                                                                  Most of the time
      52%                 45%
                                                                                                                           24%                                                    Only if I remember, but
                                                                                                    26%                                       30%
                                                                           24%                                                                                                    I mostly forget

                                                  18%                                                                                                              21%            every once in a while
                          16%                                                                                              19%
      17%                                                                                           19%
                                                                           19%                                                                21%
                          14%                     14%
      13%                                                                                                                  20%                                     21%            Never
                                                                           13%                      16%                                       12%
                           7%                      8%
Supporting smaller   Over-packaging,       Over-consumption        Making it easier for       Collaboration            Big businesses      Carbon and        Respecting and
    and local         non-recyclable       and waste (food,         businesses to use          between the              evading tax      Greenhouse gas         supporting
   businesses         packaging and          clothes, etc.)        green / sustainable       government and                             emissions leading       indigenous
                         landfill                                  materials and / or         businesses in                             to global warming    communities as
                                                                        practices              encouraging                                                     guardians or
                                                                                                sustainable                                                 custodians of their
                                                                                                 behaviour                                                  lands for the next

                        Q. ow much do you consider the following when purchasing / deciding on products and services
                        Base: n=508                                                                                                                                                                       20
New Zealanders hold a
strong belief that it is
the government rather
than individuals
should lead the way           Companies

                                                                                                 50%   Government

                              Individuals                               20%

                                                                                                              Note: Don’t Know = 8%

                           Q3D_2019: Who do you believe should lead the way on climate change?                                    21
                           Base: n=1016
Lack of messaging                                                                      CONFUSION LEVELS
clarity from
businesses continues
to have a material
impact upon inaction


   75%              75%       74%                                   75%
           73%                                                                                                            72%


  2011       2012
           2012      2013
                    2013        2014               2015               2016                2017               2018         2019   2020   2021

                            Q: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements? The way businesses talk
                            about their social and environmental commitment is confusing                                                       22
                            Base: n=1016
There are also practical
or systemic barriers to
doing the ‘right thing’

         “The complexity of
         New Zealand’s
         recycling system is a
         key barrier, as there is
         little uniformity across
         the 67 local councils
         dealing with waste
         and recycling.”

         KANTAR PUBLIC Journal 04 (

Finally, there is a range of more everyday, practical barriers for those who have good intentions.
In 2021 ‘Effort” has entered our shared experience as a barrier to sustainable behaviours


       COST              EFFORT                                     CONVENIENCE            COMFORT               KNOWLEDGE
   prioritise saving   better choices                                      can’t be           don’t want         don’t have enough
     money over         require more                                    bothered to try   to take the risk of       information
  saving the planet        effort                                       the sustainable   trying something       about how ethical /
                                                                          alternative        new (or less       sustainable different
                                                                                             efficacious)           products are

     71%                63%                                               57%                50%                    44%
                         Source: Kantar Global Sustainability Foundation study 2021
                         Globescan Radar survey in 2020                                                                                 24
We know that not all
consumers are on the   32%                            +3%                                                                                         20%                    -8%

same sustainable       Actives                                                                                                                    Believers
journey but we         I believe & do                                                                                                             I believe but I
can clearly see the                                                                                                                               don’t do as much
impact of COVID on

                       20%                               +2%                                                                                      28%                    +3%

                       Dismissers                                                                                                                 Considerers
                       I don’t really care                                                                                                        I believe but
                                                                                                                                                  I only do a little

                       NB: Segmentation was created from Q: To what extent do you agree with these statements? (using top 2 box scores from statements 1-7) base n=501         25
Compared to the rest                                                                   SUSTAINABILITY SEGMENTS
of the world segment
sizes are very similar
in all regions bar
MEA highlighting
                                       Actives                                 Believers              Considerers      Dismissers
a difference
of priorities
                Americas                              33%                                    23%             29%          15%

             New Zealand                              32%                                20%                 28%           20%

                    APAC                             30%                                     23%                 32%      15%

                  Europe                             31%                                     24%             30%          15%

                    MEA                         19%                                          24%                 35%        22%

                           Source: Kantar Global Sustainability Sector Index2021
                           Americas n=6,045 , APAC n=9,548 , Europe n=14,113 , MEA n=5,232                                          26
‘Actives’ showed increased levels of private car usage and less
                                  reliance upon sustainability certification or consideration of energy
                                  use as a result of the pandemic
                                                                                                 LESS LIKELY TO

                      -16%                                                                             -9%                                                                      -8%
                   Use your own car,                                                    Buy brand new things, rather                                                Stick with your current electricity
           rather than thinking about using                                           than bothering with second hand                                            supplier, rather than switching to green
            a car share scheme or renting                                                                                                                             energy (e.g. Solar, wind etc.)

                                                                                                MORE LIKELY TO

           10%                                          9%                                              10%                                                 10%                                 9%
   Drive somewhere by car,                   Buy something without                           Buy products that are not                          Keep the heating / lights               Buy new clothes to wear
    rather than walking or                   checking if it's Fairtrade                     certified sustainably sourced                     on and not really think about              to one occasion / event
bothering with public transport                                                            (e.g. Fish, wood, palm oil etc.)                        home energy use

                     We are going to show you some things that other people have admitted that they do, but we recognise can be hard to personally confess to.
                     How often do you also...                                                                                                                                                                  27
                     Base: 2021 n=161, 2020 n=97
'Believers' are currently less likely to invest the time & effort associated
                     with everyday sustainable shopping habits, but COVID has allowed them time
                     to experiment with dietary options and energy suppliers
                                                                                         LESS LIKELY TO

              -15%                                                                             -16%
   Stick with your current electricity                                 Stick to the diet you know, rather than trying
supplier, rather than switching to green                                       the vegetarian or vegan option
     energy (e.g. Solar, wind etc.)

                                                                                        MORE LIKELY TO

          13%                                                                                12%                                                                   12%
   Buy products without checking                                           Buy packaged products, rather than                                            Buy something without checking
   whether they're water intensive                                         bothering with bringing you own refill                                             if it's locally produced
    (cotton, avocados, beer etc.)                                                 containers to the shop

             We are going to show you some things that other people have admitted that they do, but we recognise can be hard to personally confess to.
             How often do you also...                                                                                                                                                     28
             Base: 2021 n=101, 2020 n=77
So what does this
mean for brands?

People are seeking leadership from brands and businesses

       66%                              74%                            87%
     Of people across 20              Of people warn that          Of people would like to be
     markets believe it is          companies placing profits       informed of companies
   important for brands to         before people will lose their     efforts to address the
  be “committed to making                 trust forever             environmental situation
      our society better”

     Kantar, Global Monitor 2021         Edelman Trust Barometer             Forbes

Closer to home, spontaneous
mentions of NZ brands leading
in some form of sustainability
has improved

Sustainability Leadership
Although brands with a clear
sustainable message will continue
to win, others need to work harder
to prove their credentials
                                                                      Brand free zone

              Q How much do you agree that each of the following
              businesses are leaders in any area of sustainability?
              NB. Each respondent was shown 14 out of 57 brands at
              random – effective reach n= 249
“When it comes to buying things from
                  the supermarket, there’s not often a
                  lot of choices that show you all the
                  ‘behind the scenes’…
                  I find it really hard to make choices in
                  my everyday shopping to get
                  something that is sustainable.”
                Female, 30-39 years, Waikato

Q113 - VOX_FS
Sometimes it’s easy for us to do our part in addressing the issues that concern society and the planet, but sometimes it’s also difficult!
Now is your chance to tell us exactly how you feel about sustainability and social impact and what you actually do.
Give us some examples of when you are able to do something good about it!
Are there also any situations where you know you are not making the best choices/decisions on sustainability and social impact issues you
care about? What is it specifically? And how you feel about that?
A number of international brands have managed to successfully factor sustainability in their
strategy…there is plenty to learn from these

                        Source: Kantar Global Sustainability Sector Index 2021                 34
Young people in                  Not at all:                                                                 A great deal:
particular have strong   The causes brands                                                                   I take careful note of the
views on the role of        support are not                                                                  causes brands support when
                             relevant to my                                                                  making purchase decisions
brands when they                                                                                    15%
                         purchase decisions
make decisions...                                                24%                                             23% 18-24
                                 8% 18-24


                                                                           A little bit:
                                                                           I sometimes consider the causes
                                                                           brands support when making
                                                                           purchase decisions

                                        Q: How much does a brand’s involvement in environmental and social
                                        issues influence your likelihood to purchase that brand?
                                        Base: n=501
Summing up

Key takeouts     With social, wellbeing and
                 economic sustainability
                 concerns intensifying
                 amongst NZers - living more
Snapshot of NZ   sustainably (particularly
                 within financial means) will
                 be a big driver of choice.
                 However, concern for climate
                 change has rebounded and
                 NZers desire more action
                 towards the climate goal.
                 Companies need to identify
                 social, economic and
                 environmental issues that are
                 relevant and meaningful to
                 their sector at this point in
                 time and to empower
                 consumers to take action
                 where they can.

Key takeouts   The UN has defined closing the value-action gap as the goal in overcoming
               barriers to sustainable consumption
               With 8 in 10 New Zealanders showing belief in the need to live more sustainably,
Closing the    there are significant opportunities for NZ businesses to solving consumers’
               tensions and making it easier for them to choose your brand.
“Say Do” gap
               Affordability and Effort (exacerbated due to Covid factors) are currently the
               major barriers to consumers making more sustainable choices. Addressing
               barriers is worth it – as seen in some long-term behavioural shifts

                             WILLINGNESS TO TAKE ACTIONS
                                                           Opportunities to              Immediate
                                                            lead change                Need to Address

                                                           Future/longer term
                                                                                       opportunity to
                                                                                        lead change

                                                                         EXTENT OF ACTION

Key takeouts             NZers expect business and
                         brands to lead on sustainability –
                         but they are also sceptical
                         (particularly GenZ).
The role of brands in
communicating powerful   NZ brands leading in
sustainable messages     sustainability are advantaged by
                         having it in their DNA. Other NZ
                         brands are starting to get
                         traction with their sustainable

                         It is possible ‘to reach’ the people
                         who are disengaged by the topic,
                         but also it is possible to not
                         engage with those people who
                         are, if the messaging isn’t right.

                         Successful communication is a
                         balancing act between guilt,
                         hope and inspiring action.

New Zealand has its own unique sustainability
challenges, but we are following the same
trajectory as the rest of the world.
For businesses with international interests, it’s
worth understanding the nuances of different
markets – available through Kantar Sustainability
Sector Index Reports for individual markets.

                                                     35        4
  Get access to Global
  Sustainability Sector
  Index insight from all
  over the world                                    markets   regions

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