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McKinsey Consumer and Shopper Insights

June 2013

Japan report:
The Godzilla
of luxury set
for another
strong year

Brian Salsberg
Naomi Yamakawa
Nathalie Remy
McKinsey Consumer and Shopper Insights
McKinsey’s Japan report: The Godzilla of luxury set for another strong year                                                                                                    1

Several years ago it seemed that Japan’s days as a premier luxury market were
numbered. The massive earthquake and tsunami of 2011 sapped consumer
confidence and put the brakes on luxury spending. In the face of human tragedy and
massive financial losses, spending on high-end goods seemed extravagant. In 2011,
McKinsey recorded the highest percentage of luxury consumers (25 percent) agreeing
with the statement: “I don’t feel the need to buy luxury brands, since more affordable
(non-luxury) brands also offer good style.”

Today there’s a different mood in Japan,         An executive at a super-premium auto                                        sales are projected to total an estimated
thanks in part to Prime Minister Shinzo          manufacturer told us that his company                                       $6.7 billion this year and $6.8 billion
Abe’s bold economic strategy known as            had achieved its strongest sales on record.                                 in 2014.1 According to McKinsey’s
Abenomics (Exhibit 1). The doubling              And nearly all accessory and apparel                                        proprietary CityScope database, in 2025,
of Japan’s money supply in two years,            players reported that their store traffic and                               three Japanese cities will rank in the top
increased public spending and the                transaction volumes had accelerated to                                      20 markets for luxury women’s apparel:
promised deregulation of the country’s           their highest levels in three years.                                        Tokyo at #2 (Paris comes in at #1), Osaka
notoriously non-entrepreneurial                                                                                              at #7 and Nagoya at #15 (Exhibit 6).
business culture has lifted spirits, at least    Not only is Japan still on the map when                                     Tokyo is also expected to be #2 for luxury
in some sectors of the economy. Over the         it comes to the global market for luxury                                    cosmetics and Osaka #12. This despite
past year, the stock market has soared           goods, it is expected to remain front and                                   a rash of new cities from China entering
more than 60 percent and a devalued yen          center for some time. Japanese luxury                                       the top 50.
has boosted exports and raised corporate
earnings. For the first quarter of 2013,
Japan’s $5 trillion economy grew at a
                                                    Exhibit 1:
brisk annualized rate of 3.5 percent, with          Consumer sentiment has jumped and still rising to its highest in last 3 years,
household consumption accounting for                highlighting “Abenomics” effect
much of that growth.                                 Consumer Confidence Index (all Japan)

To understand just how much consumer                                                                                                                                44.2
                                                        44                                                                                                      43.2
consumption patterns are changing in                    43
Japan, look no further than sales of fancy              42
                                                                                                   41.5                                          40.7 40.5 40.0         +12%
watches, sports cars and handcrafted                    41                           40.6                                                 40.3     40.4
                                                                 40.1                                                              39.9                  40.1 40.1 39.9
leather handbags. In a survey, McKinsey                 40
                                                                                                          38.9                              40.0
asked 40 country managers a series of                   39                                                                  38.1
questions about their outlook for 2013                                                                               36.8
(Exhibit 2). Nearly everyone (95 percent)
revealed that they expect their company’s               35
sales growth to be higher this year than                34                                                   33.4
 last. Some 51percent rated their outlook               33
as “significantly better,” while 44 percent              2010.              Jun                   2011.      Apr. Jun              2012.Mar                      2013
                                                         Jan                                      Jan                              Jan                           Jan
said it was “somewhat better.”
                                                    1 Excluding one-person households
                                                    Source: Economic and Social Research Institute, Cabinet Office

1 Euromonitor International

For the past five years, McKinsey has           Exhibit 2:
                                                What impact will the potential increase in the consumption tax (from 5% to 8% and
surveyed hundreds of Japanese luxury            then 10% by 2015) likely have on luxury goods sales in Japan in 2014-2015?
consumers about what they are buying,
how they think about brands, and what                                                                                                          54%
they expect when they go shopping.                1. No material impact
This year’s survey includes 500+
“current” and “lapsed” Japanese luxury            2. A small negative
consumers, 68 percent of whom are                    impact                                                                                                             21%
female and 32 percent male. We asked
them about their purchases of 76 fashion          3. A significant
brands, 52 leather goods/shoe brands                 negative impact
and 46 watch/jewelry brands.
                                                                                                                           1                        2                     3

As we’ve seen in previous years,                Source: McKinsey Japan luxury executive survey, May 2013

the Japanese luxury shopper is an
increasingly discerning, yet fiercely
loyal consumer who is embracing digital         Exhibit 3:
                                                Impact of March 11, 2011 on luxury consumptions continues to fade into the past…
methods of browsing, price comparing            Which best describes your own attitudes towards shopping for luxury goods since the earthquake and
and purchasing. This year there are             tsunami on March 11?
some new findings as well. In addition          Percent who selected “somewhat less interested”,                                                              Less interested
to a gathering tide of optimism not seen        “less interested” on a scale of 5                                                                             Somewhat less interested
in years (Exhibits 3, 4 and 5), we found
                                                               2012                                                            2013
that the department store channel
continues to dominate and that, despite
the increased use of digital technology,            20s          4.6      5.8     10.4                                         3.5 2.1 5.6

some very old fashioned modes of
marketing influence the way Japanese                30s             7.8                14.6                22.4                         14.6                  3.4 18.0
luxury shoppers think about brands. We
also asked consumers what brands they
are buying, providing us with a list of the         40s             8.2               12.8           21.0                             10.7              6.4      17.1
most popular brands purchased in Japan
within the last 24 months.
                                                    50s+               12.5                     15.7              28.2                       17.1                       9.5     26.6

ƒƒ For fashion goods, the top five brands
   in order of popularity are: Burberry,        Source: McKinsey Japan Luxury Consumer Survey 2012, 2013
   Ralph Lauren, Coach, Paul Smith and
   Louis Vuitton.
ƒƒ Leather goods: Coach, LV, Gucci,           the form of proudly worn and eagerly                                       Reports of the death of department
   Burberry and Loewe                         displayed branded apparel, handbags,                                       stores have been greatly
ƒƒ Jewelry/watch: Tiffany, Cartier,           jewelry, and other accessories.                                            exaggerated: While the department
   Gucci, Hermes and Rolex                    Conformity trumped individual                                              store in Japan no longer monopolizes
ƒƒ Shoes: Ferragamo, Gucci, Bally, YSL        expression. Today, the flaunting of                                        the luxury-goods and fashion apparel
   and Prada                                  luxury goods is no longer in vogue and                                     market like it once did, it is still the
                                              consumers are looking to express a more                                    #1 place Japanese consumers go to
Here are some of this year’s other notable    individual style. Among the consumers                                      buy luxury goods. Eighty percent of
findings:                                     we surveyed, 51 percent agree that                                         consumers say they have purchased
                                              showing off luxury goods is in bad taste,                                  fashion goods at a department store
Say goodbye to status symbols:                up from 24 percent in 2010.                                                within the past 12 months, with 82
Until recently, women in Japan gained                                                                                    percent saying they have purchased
much of their status and confidence in                                                                                   shoes (Exhibit 7). The difference now
McKinsey Consumer and Shopper Insights
McKinsey’s Japan report: The Godzilla of luxury set for another strong year                                                                                                                                       3

  Exhibit 4:                                                                                                                                            Digital luxury: Smart phones are
  Last year we saw a return to trading up, with 2013 showing an even stronger trend
                                                                                                                                                        increasingly becoming an important
  How has your luxury shopping activities changed over last 24 months?
                                                                                                                                                        tool in the purchase process for
   Percent who answered “Yes”, current category                                                                                  2012         2013
   luxury purchasers by category1; n = 1,097
                                                                                                                                                        younger consumers. Sixteen percent
                                                                                                                                                        of shoppers in their 30s, 11 percent in
                                           I am purchasing luxury goods…                         I have switched to buying…
                                                                                                                                                        their 40s and 10 percent in their 20s
                                                 Less                      More                     Cheaper              More high
                                                 often                     often                     brands             end brands                      used their smartphone or tablet PC for
                                                                                                                                                        their last luxury purchase, although
    Fashion apparel                   30                               6                             17                     8                           not necessarily to complete the actual
    n = 99
                                                 17                       8                               12                8                           transaction (Exhibit 8). The most
    Leather goods                           22                        4                                   10           3                                popular use for smartphones and tablets
    n = 121                                                                                                                                             was to compare prices (69 percent of
                                                 15                    6                                       8           7
                                                                                                                                                        smart phone/tablet users went on luxury
    Watch/jewelry                                  14              2                                               5            11
    n = 100                                                                                                                                             web sites to price shop), and more often
                                                           7       2                                               5            13
                                                                                                                                                        than not this happened on a brand’s
    Shoes                                     19                   3                                    13              5                               Japanese web site. Japanese luxury sites
    n = 91                                            12          1                                            6           6                            remain more popular with shoppers
                                                                                                                                                        than brands’ global, non-Japanese sites,
  1 Have purchased luxury good in defined category within last 24 months

  Source: McKinsey Japan Luxury Consumer Survey 2012,2013
                                                                                                                                                        although the use of global sites is on the
                                                                                                                                                        rise compared to last year. Forty-one
                                                                                                                                                        percent of smart phone users said they
is that department stores have to share                                       relics, but an important communication                                    browsed a brand’s global site during a
the stage with brand shops, duty free                                         tool. Consumers gave store windows                                        purchase, up from 20 percent in 2012.
stores, outlets, and online stores. Unlike                                    an 8.5 rating (out of 10) in terms of                                     As a result, the way in which a global
these other channels, department stores                                       helpfulness when buying a luxury brand.                                   site links to and integrates with specific
don’t have much chance of growing their                                       Word of mouth from friends and relatives                                  country sites is becoming increasingly
share of the luxury market. A majority                                        received a 7.1, magazine articles a 7.0,                                  critical. Additionally, it is important to
of luxury executives (61 percent) regard                                      and magazine ads a 6.7.                                                   note that the use of multi-brand web sites
the future of department stores as bleak.                                                                                                               has slowed in favor of single brand sites.
Only 3 percent of executives consider
the outlook of this channel to be good.                                            Exhibit 5:
                                                                                   30s and 40s show greatest increase in spending
Luxury brands need to understand
the important role department stores                                                Percent of respondents who selected agree and strongly agree (top 2 on scale of 6)                                     2012
currently play, especially for women and
                                                                                                                                                     Owning luxury goods
older shoppers, while at the same time                                                                    Average annual spend                       is not as special as it        I would not buy at full
                                                                                                          Thousand Yen                               used to be1                    price2
acknowledging that their heyday lies
in the past and that future growth will                                                   20s                                  160                                   29                         21
reside in other channels.                                                                                                   157                                           38                    21

                                                                                          30s                                        222                                  37                    21
Windows matter: Even as the business                                                                                                          302                    30                          24
of luxury grows increasingly digital, the
                                                                                          40s                                           252                                40                        29
time-tested, analog showpiece of store
                                                                                                                                           271                             40                  19
window displays continues to take top
billing as shopping aid. Among Japanese                                                   50s+                                          260                                41                         30
luxury shoppers, it’s just not true that you                                                                                          244                                      42                24
can’t judge a book by its cover: Shoppers                                                                                            227
look to windows to find out what’s new                                                    average                                       258
and to assess a brand’s style and image.
Companies should regard windows and                                                1 高級ブランドの商品を持つことは以前ほど特別なことではない
                                                                                   2 セールや割引で買うことができる高級ブランドの商品は買う価値があるが、定価では買わない
other store displays not as superficial                                            Source: McKinsey Japan Luxury Consumer Survey 2012,2013

    Exhibit 6:                                                                                                                                          are allocating up to 25 percent of their
    20 largest luxury women RTW markets in 2025
                                                                                                                                                        marketing budget to digital marketing.
                                                                                                                                                        Half say they are spending between 10
        1        Paris                                    8        Los Angeles                              15         Nagoya
                                                                                                                                                        and 25 percent.
        2        Tokyo                                    9        Rome                                     16         Miami
                                                                                                                                                        Vacation shopping: Japanese luxury
        3        Milan                                   10        Seoul                                    17         Sydney
                                                                                                                                                        goods consumers are avid travelers and
        4        London                                  11        Singapore                                18         Mexico                           many of them visit foreign countries
                                                                                                                                                        explicitly to shop and take advantage of
        5        New York                                12        Dallas                                   19         Washington
                                                                                                                                                        favorable exchange rates. Last year, they
        6        Moscow                                  13        Chicago                                  20         Saint-Petersburg                 spent an average of $700 per person on
                                                                                                                                                        goods overseas, with a large chunk of it
        7        Osaka                                   14        Madrid
                                                                                                                                                        in the luxury category.2 In particular,
                                                                                                                                                        luxury shoppers have historically
                                                 3 Japanese cities in top 20                                                                            flocked to South Korea, thanks to a very
    Source: McKinsey's CityScope database                                                                                                               advantageous yen to won exchange rate.
                                                                                                                                                        As that rate has decreased over the past
                                                                                                                                                        year, shoppers appear to be spreading
    Exhibit 7:
    Department stores continue to play crucial role for the category, but three other channels also strong                                              those dollars across other Asian
    Thinking about the past 12 months, what channels did you visit to buy luxury goods? (Multiple answer)                                           6
                                                                                                                                                        countries, such as Singapore, Thailand
                                                                                                                              +5% or more vs 2012
                                                                                                                                                        and Malaysia. Travel spending in Europe
                                                                                                                                                        is also down. Today Hawaii is back as
                                  Depart-                                                         Duty Free             Multi-brand     official
                                                                                                                                                        the top travel destination for Japanese
                                  ment                  Brand shop           Outlet               Shop                  online          online          buying luxury goods. Of course, if Japan
      Fashion goods
                                                                                                                                                        continues its policy of yen devaluation,
      n = 99                              80                       38                     52                38             15              12           the market for vacation shopping will
                                                                                                                                                        likely suffer.
      Leather goods
      n = 121                           56                    19                       43              19                  14              10
                                                                                                                                                        Store locations holding steady:
                                                                                                                                                        In the 2000s, luxury brands in Japan
      n = 100
                                         67                        44           11                           44            14              10           went on a ribbon cutting spree. Multiple
                                                                                                                                                        new locations opened, irrespective of
                                                                                                                                                        company performance, which inevitably
                                          82                       38                29                     38            8                9
      n = 91                                                                                                                                            led to the closure of many of these new
                                                                                                                                                        stores 9 or 10 years later. Today, the
    * 3rd party online decreased heavily in 2013 (-3% for watch/jewelry, -7% in fashion and leather, -12% in shoes);                                    number of luxury goods stores in Japan
      brand online decrease slightly (-2% in each category)
    Source: McKinsey Japan Luxury Consumer Survey 2012, 2013
                                                                                                                                                        seems to be about where it needs to be,
                                                                                                                                                        and despite the growth in online sales,
                                                                                                                                                        luxury executives are not predicting
The trend toward both digital browsing                                            target this new digital behavior, although                            a wave of additional closures. Thirty-
and online sales is unmistakable. Sixty-                                          there remains room for improvement.                                   three percent say that the industry will
nine percent of luxury executives in                                              Fifty-nine percent of luxury executives                               experience a small decline in the number
Japan say that online sales represent a                                           say digital marketing is “very important”                             of physical stores over the next five
meaningful slice (more than 5 percent                                             relative to overall marketing. Thirty-                                years, while 23 percent say there will be
of the total) of their Japanese business.                                         one percent told us it was “somewhat                                  continued modest growth in physical
As a result, many luxury companies                                                important” and just 10 percent declared                               locations. Twenty-one percent say the
have already adjusted their priorities to                                         it to be “not important.” Most companies                              numbers will stay the same.

2    Japan Tourism Marketing Co.
McKinsey Consumer and Shopper Insights
McKinsey’s Japan report: The Godzilla of luxury set for another strong year                                                                                            5

                  * * *                             Exhibit 8:
                                                    Smart phones increasingly becoming important tool in purchase process for younger consumers
                                                    Do you own Smartphone or tablet PC? Did you use these devices on your last luxury purchase?
It remains to be seen whether Abenomics
and the consumer spending it has                     Percent, n = 559
                                                                                                                                             Shopper who used their
inspired are the engines for a sustainable,                                                                           And used it on my      Smartphone or tablet PC
long-haul recovery in Japan or, as some                                 I have Smartphone/PC tablet                   last luxury purchase   on last purchase
skeptics contend, a momentary burst
of euphoria. The outlook of luxury                   20s
                                                     n = 69                                                     84          12                   10
executives polled by McKinsey falls
somewhere in the middle. Nearly half                 30s
                                                                                                           69                     23                 16
say they are somewhat supportive of                  n = 178

the Japanese government’s economic
                                                     40s                                              57                         20                 11
turnaround plan, but aren’t sure how                 n = 179
sustainable it is, while 35 percent say
they are very supportive and that it’s the           50s+                                      45                            15                 7
                                                     n = 132
right thing for Japan.
                                                                                                                             19                 12
In the near term, it’s clear that Japan is
                                                    Source: McKinsey Japan Luxury Consumer Survey 2013
on the road to higher consumer spending.
The luxury goods market tends to be a
leading indicator of good times ahead,
                                                    Exhibit 9:
and the renewed enthusiasm within this              What percentage of the Japan luxury market (apparel, accessories, shoes, watches/ jewelry) market
sector suggests that the Japanese are no            would you estimate is purchased by those 30 or under?
longer as worried about their country’s
economic future as they once were.                                                                                        53%
                                                       1. 20% or less
So although the Japanese luxury
consumer is changing – placing a                       2. 20% to 30%
premium on value over brand name,                      3. 30% to 40%                                            18%
becoming more discerning, embracing
online channels – they remain as among                 4. 40% to 50%                                                                          5%
the most valuable luxury shoppers in                                                                                                                      0%
the world.
                                                       5. More than 50%
                                                                                                                1           2           3       4          5

                                                    Source: McKinsey Japan luxury executive survey, May 2013

Brian Salsberg is a principal in
McKinsey’s Tokyo office and a leader of the
Consumer & Shopper Insights center in
Asia. Naomi Yamakawa is a marketing
expert in Tokyo. Nathalie Remy is a                                                                                                                               9

principal in the Paris office.

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McKinsey Consumer and Shopper Insights
June 2013
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