BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow

Page created by Andre King
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
BISSE LL Pet Foundation
         2019 impact report

                                   215,598 pets impacted & counting!
without you, there
 is no tomorrow
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
how we
dear friends,
First of all, I can’t tell you how grateful I am for your generous support. When I started
BISSELL Pet Foundation in 2011, I knew we could make a difference, but honestly, what we

                                                                                                help pets
are accomplishing is more than I ever imagined. With your help, BPF has impacted 215,598
pets and that number increases by the day! Each year, we are learning how to better
support our growing network of 4,783 partner shelters in all 50 states to reduce the homeless
pet population. We continue to reach new areas of the country with our grant funding.
Together, we are helping to change the outlook for deserving animals who otherwise would
not have a chance.
I am so excited about the work BISSELL Pet Foundation is doing! I hope you will enjoy           Millions of pets are in shelters and rescues across the nation. BISSELL Pet
reading about the growth and effectiveness of BPF’s Partner Grants, Empty the Shelters          Foundation is committed to ending pet homelessness and finding a loving
events, Grateful Pet Tour, new Rescue Road pilot program, and more. We have spent years         home for every pet. It’s a big goal, but together we are making it happen.
refining our programs to make the biggest possible impact, and we are seeing meaningful
results that save thousands of lives. During our October nationwide Empty the Shelters
event, 3,585 pets from 26 states found homes in just one day! With your donation, we can
include more shelters in 2020.
While providing help to so many pets is cause for celebration, overpopulation continues

to be a huge problem everywhere. I receive urgent messages daily from partners about

overcrowding in their shelters, dogs needing to be rescued from death row, colonies of cats
that need care, animals who have been victims of neglect, and cases too sad to even share.

My heart breaks over each situation. BPF does our best to respond to as many requests as

we can, but we simply don’t have the financial resources to say ‘yes’ every time.

More than ever before, BPF needs your help. We don’t want to be a band-aid to the pet

homelessness situation in our country—I truly believe BPF can be the solution, but we are

limited by funding. I ask you to put your trust in us with your giving. Our small team thinks

big, knows how to work hard, and is committed to creating a better future for all pets.

Please give to BISSELL Pet Foundation this holiday season to sustain our lifesaving work.
100% of your donation will go directly to pets in shelters and rescues. The animals are
counting on all of us. Let’s not let them down, let’s save them together.
Thank you for believing in BISSELL Pet Foundation and being the solution for pets in need.

Until every pet has a home,








Cathy Bissell                                                                                                 bissell pet foundation grants
Founder, BISSELL Pet Foundation                                                                        adoption . spay & neuter . microchipping . emergency
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
rescue road
                                             pilot program saves 120 pets & makes lasting impact
                                             BISSELL Pet Foundation is embarking on a new initiative to create change in
help bissell pet foundation make an impact

                                             communities where the outlook for homeless pets is bleak. All too often, pet owners
                                             can’t afford or get access to spay and neuter, resulting in unwanted litters.
                                             Consequently, shelters are overflowing, often in places where there is no foot traffic
                                             for adoption. We’ve witnessed this cycle firsthand in our work with St. Landry Parish

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                             Animal Control (SLPAC) in rural Louisiana.

                                             Over the past few years, BPF has been privileged to support and work alongside
                                             Director Stacey Alleman McKnight and the SLPAC team. SLPAC consistently houses
                                             and cares for more than 300 animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits and horses. Every

                                             day, Stacey and her team rescue starving and neglected animals, respond to injuries
                                             and emergencies, and take in surrenders. It never ends. Cathy and the BPF team have
                                             visited SLPAC on several occasions and have been overwhelmed by the need, and
                                             beyond impressed by Stacey’s compassion for every animal in her care.

                                             BPF knew we needed to go deeper than our typical grant funding in places like
                                             SLPAC, and as a result, launched Rescue Road with a goal to relocate, and spay
                                             and neuter for lasting impact.

                                             In September, Cathy and the BPF team headed to SLPAC with a group of trusted
                                             shelter partners to start the program by selecting 120 dogs to relocate for adoption in
                                             Michigan. The Rescue Road team tested for heartworm, vaccinated and microchipped
                                             the pets before transport to Animal Rescue Corps near Nashville, where they were
                                             lovingly cared for while they de-stressed and received a clean bill of health. Many of
                                             the pets have already been adopted, including a beautiful black lab momma and her
                                             12 puppies who spent time at BISSELL Headquarters while they regained health.
                                                                                                                                       One of the most amazing foundations known,
                                             spay and neuter                                                                           BISSELL Pet Foundation. Ms. Cathy Bissell is one
                                             To curb ongoing overpopulation in this part of Louisiana, BPF is launching into           of the hardest working, INVESTED supporters
                                             phase two of the program with grant funding to spay and neuter 1,800 pets owned           of RESCUE...Thank you Ms. Cathy for your
                                             by community members. Six spay/neuter clinics over the next year will support St.         dedication to finding answers. Ms. Cathy is a      teamwork makes the dream work!
                                             Landry Parish and the surrounding area. For the best possible success, each clinic        beacon of hope on the darkest of times. She has    Thanks to Animal Rescue Corps, A Place to Bark, Detroit
                                             will provide access over four days and will offer free sterilization and vaccinations.    created avenues of change and hope for so many     Dog Rescue, Harbor Humane Society, Hearts of Hope Dog
                                                                                                                                       homeless pets (and their supporters)....I thank    Rescue, Humane Society of West Michigan, Little Traverse
                                             With your support, Rescue Road can be a force for change in communities                   you..” Stacey Alleman McKnight, Director, SLPAC    Bay Humane Society, Muskegon Humane Society, and SPCA
                                             across the country.                                                                                                                          of Southwest Michigan for partnering in Rescue Road.
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
reducing pet homelessness
                                            with a large dose of prevention
                                                                                                      in our partners’ words
                                                                                                                                                                   bissell pet foundation 2019 grants
                                                                                                                                                                        projected through december 31st            help us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   say ‘yes’ in
                                                                                                      we wish we could share every story!
                                                                                                      here are two that touched us.
                                                                                                                                                                              Emergency   Adoption   Spay/Neuter

                                            Spay and neuter continues to be the number one
                                            request from BISSELL Pet Foundation’s partners,
                                            and 2019 is shaping up to be our biggest year for                                                        spay/neuter                                                   emergencies
help bissell pet foundation help shelters

                                            supporting these critical procedures. The combined        thanks from                                    $1,109,832
                                            impact of BPF’s Spring Partner Grants, BISSELL            pacific pug rescue, oregon                                                                                   BPF aims to be a dependable resource for our
                                                                                                                                                     adoption                                                      partners when they face emergency situations. We
                                            Blocktail Party Grants and expected impact of Fall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                                                                                      10-year-old Zoe was used as a breeder her      $923,187
                                            Partner Grants will provide an estimated 36,817 spay      entire life but given no health care. She                                                                    help pets endangered by natural disasters, puppy
                                            and neuters in 34 states. Think of all the unwanted       was in terrible condition when she came to     emergency                                                     mills, hoarding cases, and other life-threatening
                                            puppies and kittens that were saved from entering the     Pacific Pug Rescue and had to spend almost     $137,181                                                      events. Shelters of all sizes, in urban and rural areas,
                                            shelter system through these grants—it’s staggering!      a week in ICU with severe liver and kidney                                                                   are desperate for assistance every day and turn to

                                                                                                      issues. Once she recovered, Zoe received                                                                     BPF when the unimaginable happens. Because BPF is
                                            The need is great, and we can’t support all of the        spay surgery and had mammary tumors                                                                          small, we can react quickly in situations requiring an
                                            requests without your help. In 2019, BPF received         removed, which could have been avoided                                              Chart Title              immediate response.
                                            176 grant applications totaling $2,223,330 for            with an earlier spay. The grant from BISSELL
                                            spay and neuter alone! You can be part of the             Pet Foundation allows us to have the funds
                                            solution with your donation.                                                                                                                                             I can honestly say, it is by far worse than anything
                                                                                                      needed for spay and neuter surgeries that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     I could have ever anticipated.”
                                                                                                      help us get our Pugs in adoptable condition
                                            To see more of BPF’s grant impact go to
                                                                                                      to live happy lives in loving homes!”                                                                         Friends Animal Shelter of Cooke County, TN was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    alerted to a devastating hoarding case with 90
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    cats and 3 small dogs struggling to stay alive in
                                              thanks from                                                                                                                                                           a mobile home. The home was wall to wall with
                                              community partners for pets, north carolina                                                                                                                           stacked cages and filled with overflowing litter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    boxes and an overwhelming smell of ammonia.
                                              Our organization came upon a financially challenged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    There were flies, fleas and maggots everywhere.
                                              family in an extremely isolated area. With no
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BPF received an urgent plea for help from this
                                              electricity and running water, the family seemed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    trusted partner, hoping we could assist in saving
                                              barely be getting by. On a visit, we discovered their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    these lives. BPF responded immediately with an
                                              female dog had puppies. Spaying their dog was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    emergency grant to fund the medical care needed
                                              well outside of the family’s financial resources and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to give the animals a second chance.
                                              we could provide the procedure with funds from a
                                              BPF Partner Grant awarded in May 2019. We thank                                                                                                                       “Thank you so much for your time, energy and
                                              BISSELL Pet Foundation for being part of our work                                                                                                                      effort. We love you guys!”
                                              for many years. Without funding, we could not
                                              help these people and pets that so many times feel                                                                                                                     Elisha Henry, Shelter Director,
                                              forgotten, helpless, and hopeless.”                                                                                                                                    Friends Animal Shelter, Tennessee
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
Empty the Shelters = BPF’s reduced-fee adoption events which promote pet adoption with
                                                                                                                     the top priority of helping homeless pets find families who will love and care for them forever.
                                                                                                                     BPF makes adoption affordable for adopters, while supporting participating organizations
                                                                                                                     with reimbursement for each pet adopted.
help bissell pet foundation find forever homes

                                                              we believe every life matters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                                              It’s hard to imagine a better story to show BPF’s
                                                              work coming full circle than Zyler. This beautiful
                                                              dog was going to be euthanized in a Texas shelter.
                                                              His back was covered in horrible 4th-degree burns

                                                              from being left out in the scorching heat, and it
                                                              honestly looked like acid had been poured on him.
                                                              His family dumped him at the shelter where he was
                                                              deemed unadoptable—they felt his burns would
                                                              deter potential adopters and they didn’t have the
                                                              space or money to treat him.

                                                              Cathy received a last-minute message to see if BPF
                                                              could help Zyler and our response was immediate.
                                                              BPF named Zyler a Grateful Pet and pledged to get
                                                              him to Michigan, where we would help him find
                                                              a home. Partners stepped up to transport Zyler to
                                                              Harbor Humane Society and everyone who met
                                                              him along the way fell in love with him—he was
                                                              so gentle, and great with other cats and dogs. The
                                                              morning after he arrived, Zyler came to Empty the
                                                              Shelters at BISSELL Headquarters and he was one
                                                              of the first adoptions of the day! An amazing family
                                                              met him and immediately fell in love. They couldn’t
                                                              stop crying. He was everything they hoped for.

                                                 meet zyler   To think he would have died at the shelter. I can’t
                                                              say it enough. Give a shelter pet a second chance.
                                                              Without you, there is no tomorrow.“ Cathy Bissell
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
helping our partners in the southwest
                                                                                                              BPF’s Empty the Shelters events provide critical support to our partners in the
help bissell pet foundation find forever homes

                                                                                                              Phoenix area where the need is overwhelming. Each year, 35,000 pets enter
                                                                                                              Maricopa County Animal Care and Control (MCACC) alone, in addition to pets
                                                                                                              taken in by other local shelters, and they need space for more pets arriving daily.
                                                                                                              In 2019, BPF funded multiple ETS events helping Arizona Animal Welfare League,
                                                                                                              Arizona Humane Society, and MCACC find homes for a total of 3,200+ pets!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                                                                                              BISSELL Pet Foundation reacts quickly with emergency ETS events when our
                                                                                                              partners have an unexpected need. In September, MCACC needed to make room
                                                                                                              in their West Valley location for pets from their East shelter where an outbreak
                                                                                                              of distemper and parvovirus took place. These contagious, deadly diseases

                                                                                                              created urgency to move healthy pets to safety. MCACC contacted BPF about the
                                                                                                              emergency on a Wednesday and we were able to make an Empty the Shelters
                                                                                                              happen two days later! We want to be there for our trustworthy partners who
                                                                                                              have proven to be working hard to save lives. Your support makes events like
                                                                                                              this possible.

                                                 the one who almost got away                                                                                                                               empty the shelters
                                                 We love witnessing pets and people finding each other during Empty the Shelters. In October,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       second chances since 2016
                                                 Kelley and Todd attended ETS at BISSELL HQ and told us they had been looking for a dog
                                                 on Petfinder for six months. They needed a dog with just the right temperament and size
                                                 because this dog would have a special role. Todd has MS, and they were looking for a forever
                                                                                                                                                                                                    22 events
                                                 friend who could sit on his lap to keep him company, while still being a good walking dog to
                                                 help him keep moving.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    31 states + canada
                                                 In the days leading up to ETS, Kelley and Todd spotted George on Wishbone Pet Rescue’s                                                             237 participating organizations
                                                 website. He was a Chihuahua mix who was everything they wanted, and they couldn’t wait
                                                 to meet him. However, when they arrived at ETS, George was visiting with another couple                                                            26,969
                                                                                                                                                                                                     25,771 total adoptions
                                                                                                                                                                                                             second chances                      Donate & help
                                                 who was considering adopting him. Kelley and Todd were heartbroken. They decided to wait
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 us make every
                                                 just in case, and it was worth it! The other couple chose a different pet, and Kelley and Todd
                                                                                                                                                                                                    53,938 lives saved                              state blue!
                                                 were able to get their dream dog! They were so grateful that BISSELL Pet Foundation made
                                                 the adoption possible. We were thrilled to see George find a forever home, and for Todd to
                                                                                                                                                                             meet george            Adoption saves two lives, your pet and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    one that takes its place in the shelter.
                                                 receive his perfect companion. Empty the Shelters gives pets and people the love they need.
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
the grateful pet tour                                                             grateful pet lives saved class of 2018 & 2019
                                         saving pets who need extra support
                                         Last year, Cathy set out to visit BPF’s partners in
                                         different geographic regions so we could understand
                                         their unique challenges and make a more significant
                                         impact. At each stop, Cathy would ask the shelter to
help bissell pet foundation save lives

                                         identify one special pet who could use extra help to                                   Sully            Oscar            Major           Blu                   Cassie                   Sugar                  Starfish
                                         be adopted. The Grateful Pet Tour was born! Now,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                         Cathy is on the road building relationships with
                                         shelters and saving pets along the way with up to
                                         $2,500 for veterinary or other care needed to make
                                         them adoptable. BPF has provided assistance to               before       after

                                         33 Grateful Pets giving them much-deserved
                                         second chances!
                                                                                                                             Cinnamon             Bella           Lanky        Hey-hey                   Kado                     Cali                    Taxi

                                         get to know a grateful pet
                                         Percible’s story is among the saddest we have known.
                                         This precious dog was found in a plastic bag on
                                         the side of the road where he was left to die. When
                                         Percible was freed from the bag, he was unable to
                                         walk; he was panting heavily, covered with maggots,                                 Tim Purrton         Cruiser         Peanut          Digit                   Keys                     DK                     Paulie
                                         feces, urine, and insects. It was horrifying, but the
                                         rescuers made sure he received immediate treatment.       meet percible
                                         BPF partner, NYC Second Chance Rescue, asked for
                                         help and BPF immediately named Percible a Grateful
                                         Pet to provide funds for his medical treatment.
                                         Percible’s needs were extensive. His limbs had
                                                                                                                               Neron          Fred & Wilma       Percible        Billie                  Dion                    Josie                   Zyler
                                         endured strangulation due to the matting of dirty hair.
                                         He would need amputation to save part of his front
                                         legs and later, prosthetics so he could walk.                                                                                      We’re so grateful to BISSELL Pet Foundation for supporting Billie, helping her
                                                                                                                                                                            transform from the scared, skinny, neglected dog we found abandoned inside a
                                         After a long recovery, Percible has been adopted and                                                                               derelict home to the sweet, loving girl she blossomed into. She definitely had a rough
                                         has found an extraordinary woman to cherish, nurture,                                                                              start, but I’m so happy we could work together to give her the second chance she
                                         and protect him. With his new limbs, he can now walk                                                                               deserves!” Danielle Michael, Michigan Humane Society
                                         and play, and he is loving life!                                                       Myah       Penelope & Mischief   Harvey
                                                                                                                                                                            For more grateful pets stories visit:
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
your support rocked!
                                      BISSELL Blocktail Party, BPF’s biggest fundraiser,
                                                                                                why we give                                                Allison & Matt
                                                                                                                                                           “BISSELL Pet Foundation
                                      plays a vital role in our ability to save thousands                                                                   has a special place in our
                                      of pets in shelters and rescues each year. This year                                                                  hearts. Cathy and the team
                                                                                                                                                            go above and beyond. BPF
                                      was our most successful Blocktail ever—the most
                                                                                                                                                            believes every animal has
                                      partygoers, most dogs in attendance, and most                                                                         value, no matter what their
                                      funds raised! Thanks to the volunteers, sponsors and
who’s helped bissell pet foundation

                                                                                                                                                            breed or background, and
                                      attendees who Rocked their Blocktails, BPF was able                                                                   that is so important to us.

                                                                                                                                                                                            bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                      to impact more than 15,000 pets through grants.                                                                       They reach thousands of
                                                                                                                                                            pets with their programs,
                                      ‘The Best DOG-GONE Party in Town’ featured a rock ‘n’                                                                 helping the pets who seem
                                      roll theme, a costume contest, DJ Adrian “AB” Butler,                                                                 to be forgotten. We know
                                                                                                                                                            when we give to BISSELL
                                      Marvelous Mutts Dog Show, Tito’s Handmade Vodka

                                                                                                                                                            Pet Foundation, we are
                                      with dog-inspired cocktails, Blocktail IPA, delicious                                                                 saving lives.”
                                      food, the best silent auction around, and much more.
                                                                                                                                                           Thanks to Waverly for
                                                                                                                                                           being BPF’s youngest
                                      Save the date for BISSELL Blocktail Party celebrations
                                                                                                                                                           donor with proceeds from
                                      on June 8 and 9, 2020—you’ll want to come. sit. stay!                                                                a lemonade stand!

                                                                                               Norine & Steve Roach
                                                                                                                                                           Monica & Bo Stover
                                                                                               “We love BPF because they walk the walk — they go into
                                                                                                shelters to understand their needs and 100% of the money   “We support BPF because
                                                                                                goes directly to the pets. We love everything they do!”     of the true generosity
                                                                                                                                                            and love behind the
                                                                                                                                                            organization. The genuine
                                                                                                                                                            love and support that
                                                                                                  BISSELL Pet Foundation is truly humbled by your           comes from the BPF Team
                                                                                                  generous support and belief in BPF’s mission to           is incredible and evident
                                                                                                                                                            in so many ways, from the
                                                                                                  help every pet find a loving home. We know
                                                                                                                                                            countless hours at shelters
                                                                                                  many worthy endeavors reach out to you for                in Michigan and around
                                                                                                  donations, and we can’t thank you enough for              the country saving animals’
                                                                                                  making BISSELL Pet Foundation a priority in               lives to the dedication
                                                                                                  your giving. We love hearing from you and                 of ensuring 100% of
                                                                                                                                                            contributions go directly
                                                                                                  knowing that BPF’s work matters.
                                                                                                                                                            to the shelters and rescues
                                                                                                  For a complete listing of BPF donors,                     who need it. We know
                                                                                                  please visit                our support is going to a
                                                                                                                                                            place that is in this for the
                                                                                                                                                            right reasons and makes us
                                                                                                                                                            proud every year.”
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
2019 grant impact year to date                                                                                                                                      2019 grant impact year to date

                                                                                                                                                                       Humane Society of                                                                  Ogemaw County Humane                    South Utah Valley Animal
                                                      adoption                        Cannonsville Critters        MI   19   Eva Burrell Animal Shelter      MI    8
                                                                                                                                                                       Midland County
                                                                                                                                                                                                      MI   64    Lake Humane Society          OH    21
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MI    11
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UT    4               emergency
                                                                                      Capital Area Humane          MI   82   Evanston Animal Shelter                                                             Lakeshore Humane Society     WI    24
                                        organization name              state   pets                                                                          IL    8   Humane Society of Monroe                                                           Oktibbeha County Humane                 SPCA Monterey County           CA   62   organization name               state   pets
                                                                                                                             Association                                                              MI   50                                                                          MS   29
                                                                                                                                                                       County                                                                             Society, Inc.
who bissell pet foundation has helped

                                                                                      Cascades Humane                                                                                                            Lawrence County Humane
                                        Alaqua Animal Refuge            FL       14                                MI   24   Family Paws Rescue              MI    6                                                                          KY    14                                            SPCA of Southwest Michigan     MI   39   A Place to Bark                  TN      56
                                                                                      Society Inc.                                                                     Humane Society of Southern                Society Animal Shelter                   One Tail at a Time           IL   27
                                                                                                                                                                                                      WI   40
                                        Alcona Humane Society           MI        1   Cass County Animal Control   MI    7   Fredericksburg SPCA             VA   12                                             Lenawee Humane Society       MI    38                                            SPCA Ouest                     QC   37   Alaqua Animal Refuge             FL      92
                                                                                                                                                                       Humane Society of The                                                              Orphans of the Storm         IL   48

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                        Almost Home Animal Haven                                                                                                                                      CA    17                                                                                                                             Animal Aid For Vermilion
                                                                        MI       8    CatNap from the Heart Inc.   IL   40   Friends For Animals of                    North Bay                                 Lexington Humane Society     KY   94                                             St Clair County Adoption
                                                                                                                                                             MI   89                                                                                      Otsego County Animal                                                   IL    9                                    LA       all
                                        of Southfield                                                                        Metro Detroit                                                                                                                                             MI    14   Center                                   Area
                                                                                                                                                                       Humane Society of West                                                             Control/Shelter
                                                                                      Cheboygan County Humane                                                                                         MI   127   Little Traverse Bay Humane
                                        Almost Home Animal Rescue       TN      25                                 MI    2   Friends of Cherokee Animals     AR    7   Michigan                                                               MI    10                                            St Clair County Sheriff’s                Animal Rescue Corp               TN      120
                                                                                      Society                                                                                                                    Society                                  Paws For Life Rescue and                                               MI   12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MI     1   Animal Control
                                                                                                                                                                       Humane Society of                                                                  Adoption
                                        Al-Van Humane Society           MI      32    Chenango SPCA                NY   41   Friends of Chicago Animal                                                NY    19   Livingston County Animal                                                                                                  Detroit Dog Rescue               MI       16
                                                                                                                                                             IL   35   Yates County                                                           MI    32                                            Stitch in Time Animal Rescue   CA    1
                                                                                                                             Care and Control                                                                    Control and Shelter                      PAWS Humane Society          IL    10

                                        Animal Ark Rescue, Inc.         GA      50    Cheyenne Animal Shelter      WY   36                                             Huron Humane Society of                                                                                                                                             Friends of the Animal Shelter    TN      50
                                                                                                                             Friends of Detroit Animal                                                MI    17   Louie’s Legacy Animal                                                            Ten Lives Club Cat Adoption
                                                                                                                                                             MI   95   Alpena                                                                 OH   43     Pennsylvania SPCA            PA   55                                   NY   10
                                                                                                                             Care and Control                                                                    Rescue                                                                           Group
                                        Animal Village NM              NM        5    Chicago Canine Rescue        IL    3                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Harbor Humane Society            MI       13
                                                                                                                             Friends of The Alameda                    Iberia Parish Rabies Control   LA    9                                             Pet Angel Adoption &
                                                                                                                                                             CA   15                                             Louisiana SPCA               LA    18                                 MI    5    Texas Humane Heroes            TX   36
                                        Animalkind Inc.                 NY       17   City of Corpus Christi       TX   28   Animal Shelter                                                                                                               Rescue Inc.                                                                      Hearts of Hope Dog Rescue        MI      34
                                                                                                                                                                       IndyHumane                     IN   37    Macomb County Animal                                                             The Muskegon Humane
                                                                                                                             Friends of the Animal Shelter   TN   68                                                                          MI    35    Pet Helpers                  SC   20                                   MI   38   Humane Society of West
                                        Antioch Animal Services         CA       10   City Of Florence Animal                                                                                                    Control                                                                          Society
                                                                                                                   AL   16                                             Ingham County Animal                                                                                                                                                                                 MI        7
                                                                                      Control                                                                                                         MI   28                                                                                                                              Michigan
                                        Arizona Animal Welfare                                                               Geauga Humane Society’s                   Control                                   Maricopa County Animal                   Pets In Need                 CA   26    Tompkins County SPCA           NY   11
                                                                        AZ     306                                                                           OH   14                                                                          AZ   1211                                                                                    Little Traverse Bay
                                                                                      City of Houston- BARC                  Rescue Village                                                                      Care and Control
                                        League                                                                     TX   27                                             Ionia County Animal Shelter    MI   39                                                                                                                                                               MI      20
                                                                                      Animal Shelter & Adoptions                                                                                                                                          Pope County Humane                      Tony La Russa’s Animal                   Humane Society
                                                                                                                             Genesee County Animal                                                               Martina Animal Rescue        CA      1                                MN    16                                  CA   51
                                        Arizona Humane Society          AZ     1242                                                                          MI   19                                                                                      Society                                 Rescue Foundation                        Pound Buddies Animal
                                                                                      Cober’s Canine Rescue        MI    6   Control                                   It’s A Pittie Rescue           IL     1                                                                                                                                                              MI       all
                                        Ashland Animal Rescue                                                                                                                                                    MCPAWS Inc.                  ID     5    Pound Buddies Animal                    True Friends Animal Welfare              Shelter & Adoption Center
                                                                        KY      32                                           Glynn County Animal                                                                                                                                       MI   24                                   PA   23
                                                                                      Companion Cats Inc.          MI   29                                   GA    6   Jackson County Animal                                                              Shelter & Adoption Center               Center Inc.
                                        Fund Inc.                                                                            Control                                                                  MI   29                                                                                                                              SPCA of Southwest Michigan       MI        8
                                                                                                                                                                       Shelter                                   Memphis Animal Services      TN    29
                                        AuCaDo Rescue Mid                             Contra Costa Animal                                                                                                                                                 Quincy Humane Society        IL    41   Ulster County SPCA             NY   35
                                                                        MI       3                                 CA   55   Halifax Humane Society Inc.     FL   39                                                                                                                                                                       St Landry Parish Animal
                                        Michigan                                      Services                                                                         Kalamazoo Animal Rescue        MI   50    Mendocino County Animal                                                                                                                                    LA       all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              CA    31    Ramona Humane Society        CA   105   Unleashed Love Pet Rescue      MI   29   Control & Rescue
                                                                                                                             Happy Hearts Feline Rescue      MI    2                                             Care Services
                                        Austin Humane Society           TX       4    Copper Country Humane                                                            Kanawha-Charleston             WV   127                                                                                                                             The Delta Humane Society
                                                                                                                   MI   51                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LA       all
                                                                                      Society                                                                                                                    Menominee Animal Shelter     MI   20     Rover Rescue Inc.            IL    13   Upper Peninsula Animal
                                                                                                                             Harbor Humane Society           MI   89                                                                                                                                                             MI   31   of Louisiana
                                        Barry County Animal Shelter     MI       2                                                                                     Kansas Humane Society of                                                                                                   Welfare Shelter
                                                                                      Crash’s Landing              MI   17                                                                            KS   90                                                                                                                              The Muskegon Humane
                                                                                                                                                                       Wichita Inc.                              Metro Animal Shelter, Inc.   AL    36    Saginaw County Animal
                                                                                                                             Harris County Pets              TX   35                                                                                                                   MI   29    Valley Humane Society          CA   19                                    MI       15
                                        Bay County Animal Services                                                                                                                                                                                        Care & Control                                                                   Society
                                                                        MI      47    Delta Animal Shelter         MI   63                                             Kent County Animal Shelter     MI   138
                                        & Adoption Center                                                                                                                                                        Michigan Humane Society      MI   246
                                                                                                                             Harrison County Humane                                                                                                       Sanilac County Humane                   Van Buren County Sheriff
                                        Bergen County Animal                                                                                                 IA    6                                                                                                                   MI   43                                   MI    4
                                                                        NJ       12   Detroit Animal Welfare                 Society                                   Kentucky Humane Society        KY    81                                            Society                                 Department Animal Control
                                        Shelter and Adoption Center                                                MI   20                                                                                       Missaukee Humane Society     MI     5
                                                                                                                             Haven Humane Society            CA   44                                                                                      Saving Cats & Kittens In                West Michigan SPCA Dba
                                                                                                                                                                       Labradors and Friends Dog                                                                                       MI    6                                   MI   22
                                        Berkeley Humane Society         CA      30    Detroit Dog Rescue           MI   10                                                                            CA    2    Nashville Humane                         Michigan                                Faithful To Felines
                                                                                                                                                                       Rescue Group, Inc.                                                     TN    71
                                                                                                                             Hawaii Island Humane                                                                Association
                                        Berrien County Animal                                                                                                HI   26                                                                                      Scott County Humane                     Winnebago County Animal
                                                                        MI       8    Do Only Good Animal                    Society                                                                                                                                                   KY    71                                  IL   50
                                                                                                                   MI   31                                                                                       Noah’s Ark Animal                        Society                                 Services
                                        Control                                       Rescue                                                                                                                                                  IL    14
                                                                                                                             Hayward Animal Services         CA   15     We are grateful every day               Sanctuary Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Shiawassee County Humane                Wishbone Pet Rescue
                                        Blue Water Area                               Dorchester PAWS              SC   22                                                                                                                                                             MI    17                                  MI   49
                                        Humane Society
                                                                        MI       13                                                                                      for this grant- thank you for           Northwoods Animal Shelter    MI    29    Society                                 Alliance
                                                                                                                             Heartland Animal Shelter        IL    4
                                                                                      East Bay SPCA                CA   44                                               your hard work in supporting                                                     Sierra’s Haven For New and              Young-Williams Animal
                                        Bottle Babies Rescue            MI      58                                                                                                                               NYC Second Chance Rescue     NY     2                                 OH   23                                   TN   75
                                                                                                                             Heaven Can Wait Animal                      organizations like One Tail!”                                                    Used Pets                               Center of East Tennessee
                                                                                                                                                             MI   84
                                        Bowling Green/Warren                          East County Animal Shelter   CA    3   Haven
                                                                        KY      47                                                                                                                               Oakland Animal Services      CA    12    Solano County Animal                    Yuba County Animal Care
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CA   73                                   CA   19
                                        County Humane Society
                                                                                      East County Animal Shelter             Houston Humane Society          TX   15     Cara Schwalbach, Development                                                     Shelter                                 Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Oakland County
                                        Broome County Humane
                                                                        NY      62    / Alameda County Animal      CA    5                                               Director, One Tail at a Time,                                                    South Suburban Humane
                                                                                                                             Humane Society of                                                                   Animal Control and Pet       MI    61                                 IL   43
                                        Society & Relief Association                  Services                                                               KY   12     Chicago, IL                                                                      Society
                                                                                                                             Henderson County                                                                    Adoption Center
BISSELL Pet Foundation - 2019 impact report - without you, there is no tomorrow
2019 grant impact year to date                                                              we’re small but mighty

                                                                                        Hart County Humane                         Robinson’s Rescue Low Cost
                                                     spay/neuter                        Society Inc.
                                                                                                                       GA   184    Spay/Neuter
                                                                                                                                                                 LA   662

                                        organization name                state   pets   High Plateau Humane                        Rochester Hope for Pets       NY    70
                                                                                                                       CA    171
who bissell pet foundation has helped

                                        All 4 Animals Rescue Inc.         IN      150                                              Rocky Mountain Feline
                                                                                        Hope for Cats, Inc.            NY    50                                  CO   400
                                        Almost Home Animal Rescue
                                                                          NY      90    Humane Animal Rescue           PA   200    Safe Haven Animal
                                        & Adoption Inc.                                                                                                          TN    116

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 bissell pet foundation 2019 impact report
                                                                                                                                   Rescue Program
                                        Almost Home Dog Rescue                          Humane Rescue Alliance         DC   200
                                                                         OH        31                                              San Antonio Pets Alive!       TX    171
                                        of Ohio
                                                                                        Humane Society of West
                                        Al-Van Humane Society             MI     750                                   MI   849    Second Hope Rescue Inc.       MD    60
                                        Animal Control & Welfare                        Independent Cat Society        IN   200    Shores Of The Mitten Animal
                                                                         WV       188                                                                            MI    80

                                        Project, Inc.                                                                              Rescue And Transport
                                        Animal Welfare of The                           Islands Feral Cat Project      GA   150    Spay Neuter Project Los
                                                                          NC      55                                                                             CA    152
                                        Albemarle Region Every Day                                                                 Angeles
                                                                                        Jacksonville Humane Society    FL   400
                                        Bald is Beautiful Hairless and                                                             Spay-Neuter Action Project    CA    171
                                                                          SC      75
                                        Small Breed Rescue, Inc.                        Kent County Animal Shelter     MI   1372
                                                                                                                                   SPCA Florida                  FL   286
                                        Barry County Animal Shelter       MI     400    Kindred Spirits Feral
                                                                                                                       PA   100
                                        Bowling Green/Warren                            Cat Program                                SPCA of Southwest Michigan    MI   1292
                                                                          KY     400
                                        County Humane Society                           Little Orphans Animal
                                                                                                                       WI    125   Suncoast Humane Society       FL   285
                                                                                        Rescue Inc.
                                        Calaveras Humane Society          CA      171
                                                                                        Low Cost Spay/Neuter                       Tabby Tales Rescue            GA    60
                                                                                                                       AZ    142
                                        Cherryland Humane Society         MI      175   Clinic & Foundation
                                                                                                                                   Terre Haute Humane Society    IN   166
                                        CLAWS                            CO      200    Mississippi Spay And Neuter    MS   400

                                                                                        Montgomery County Animal                   The Animal Foundation         NV   150
                                        Coalition to Educate                                                           TN   168
                                        Alternatives to Senseless         FL     100    Care and Control
                                                                                                                                   The Arizona Pet Project       AZ   160
                                        Euthanasia, Inc.                                Natchitoches Animal Control

                                                                                                                                                                             be the solution.
                                                                                                                       LA    90
                                        Community Partnership for                       Shelter                                    The Fix ‘Em Clinic            WV   103
                                                                          NC     343
                                        Pets Inc.                                       National Mill Dog Rescue       CO   285    The Little Red Dog, Inc.      CA    143
                                        Community Spay Neuter
                                        Initiative Partnership
                                                                          MI     1372   One Tail at a Time             IL    115   The Muskegon Humane
                                                                                                                                                                 MI   640    without you, there
                                                                                                                                                                             is no tomorrow.
                                        Crash’s Landing                   MI      25    Operation Paws for Homes       VA    171
                                                                                                                                   True Friends Animal Welfare
                                                                                                                                                                 PA   149
                                        Dixie Adoptables                  MS     180    Pacific Pug Rescue             OR    40    Center Inc.
                                                                                                                                   Wishbone Pet Rescue
                                        Dogs of a Good Society           MN       30    Paris Animal Welfare Society                                             MI   340
                                                                                                                       KY   200    Alliance
                                        EPAR, Inc.                        LA      102   Pay It Forward Animal
                                                                                                                                                                             100% of your donation will go directly to pets in
                                                                                                                       MI   120                                              shelters and rescues. To make a gift online:
                                        Friends of Madison County
                                                                          NC      168
                                                                                                                                    Need a gift for
                                        Animals                                         Pennsylvania SPCA              PA   345     someone special?               
                                        Friends to the Forlorn Pitbull
                                                                          GA      165   Pets Alive                     NY   100     Donate to BPF!                           BISSELL Inc. is matching all donations
                                        Gulf Coast Humane Society         TX      150   Pound Buddies Animal                        We will send a card to the               through January 10, 2020.
                                                                                                                       MI   400
                                                                                        Shelter & Adoption Center                   person (or pet) of honor.
                                        Harbor Humane Society             MI     1372
be the solution.
                                                                               NONPROFIT ORG
                                                                                US POSTAGE
                                                                              GRAND RAPIDS, MI
                                                                               PERMIT NO. 793

donate to bissell                                    2345 Walker Avenue NW

pet foundation.
                                                     Grand Rapids, MI 49544

facebook: Cathy Bissell   & BISSELL Pet Foundation
instagram: @Cathy_Bissell & @BISSELLPets
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