Brief intervention aimed at fetal alcohol syndrome prevention: effectiveness study

Page created by Andre Mueller
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2021; 2: 38–42


                        Brief intervention aimed at fetal alcohol syndrome
                        prevention: effectiveness study

                        Galina L. Isurina, Ekaterina A. Burina, Irina V. Grandilevskaya

                        This article represents the results of the study aimed at the research of psychological effects of a dual-focused
                        brief intervention for prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-exposed pregnancy among childbearing
                        age women in Russia. 280 women took part in the research. The study used the following methods: screen-
                        ing, «Audit», Calendar method, baseline interview, follow-up interviews at 3, 6 and 12 months, the Big Five
                        questionnaire, the method of motivational induction, the method of assessing the level of subjective control.
                        The study measured women’s knowledge about FAS and FASD, their attitudes towards alcohol consumption
                        and in particular alcohol use during pregnancy, their real alcohol consumption level, use of contraception, the
                        risk of alcohol-exposed pregnancy and possibly FAS or FASD, the socio-demographical characteristics and
                        psychological features of women. The results of the study showed the effectiveness of dual-focused brief in-
                        tervention and passive informing that were designed and used for FAS prevention.

                        fetal alcohol syndrome, alcohol-exposed pregnancy, childbearing age women, brief intervention,

INTRODUCTION                                                           mental retardation, behavioral disorders, and
                                                                       problems in the learning process, as well as so-
Currently, brief interventions in connection with                      cial disadaptation [1-9]. The prevalence of FAS
the solution of preventive tasks are becoming                          is from 2 to 7 per 1000 children born and ex-
increasingly important in the practice of psy-                         ceeds the prevalence of such congenital dis-
chologists and other professionals. Howev-                             orders such as Down’s syndrome, etc. [10].
er, there is clearly insufficient attention paid to                    The rather high level of alcohol consumption
the study of their effectiveness. This study fo-                       by women, the erosion of gender differences
cuses on the psychological effects of brief inter-                     in the degree of alcoholism and the nature of
ventions aimed at preventing Fetal Alcohol Syn-                        alcohol use [11-14] do not only inflict damage
drome (FAS) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disor-                          to the physical and mental health of women,
ders (FASD).                                                           but also have negative social consequences, in-
  FAS is one of the most serious consequenc-                           creasing the number of divorces, orphans and
es of alcohol consumption by women during                              delinquencies.
pregnancy. This is one of the main causes of                             Fetal alcohol syndrome is an incurable disease
                                                                       that manifests itself throughout the life of a per-
Galina L. Isurina, Ekaterina A. Burina, Irina V. Grandilevskaya:
                                                                       son. The only way to prevent these violations is
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia            to deny a woman from drinking alcohol during
Correspondence address:                    pregnancy [11, 15]. Therefore, the development
Brief intervention aimed at fetal alcohol syndrome prevention: effectiveness study             39

of programs aimed at preventing FAS is an im-              METHODS
portant task of high social importance.
  The FAS example clearly demonstrates the im-               The dual-focused brief intervention developed
portance of prevention and the crucial role of             in the project represents a method of psychologi-
psychological, behavioral factors and interven-            cal counseling based on the principles of motiva-
tions to prevent even incurable disorders and              tional interviewing, focused on the client’s prob-
the formation of the nation’s health and mental            lems, and aimed at motivating positive chang-
capacity: all violations of the Fetal Alcohol Spec-        es in the way of life. The basic principles of the
trum, including mental retardation, can be com-            brief intervention are as follows:
pletely prevented if the mother does not drink             1.   Educate, that is, provide facts and do not
alcohol while being pregnant.
  The methodology of preventive programs in
                                                           2.   Provide the client with a choice.
the field of health involves conducting research
                                                           3.   Emphasize the responsibility of the client
aimed at identifying the problem, collecting data
                                                                for the choice.
on problem behavior and characteristics of the
                                                           4.   Support and express confidence in the cli-
specific group to which the intervention will
                                                                ent’s ability to change their behavior.
be directed, and developing a new preventive
program on this basis that is empirically test-               This method of brief intervention is dual-
ed [5, 15]. Accordingly, within the framework              focused, since a woman is given a choice
of the scientific project «Prevention of Fetal Al-         between two options of health-saving behavior.
cohol Syndrome and neurodevelopmental disor-               If a woman is pregnant or planning a pregnancy,
ders in Russian children» a prevention program             then any amount of alcohol represents a risk,
was developed. The St. Petersburg State Univer-            and the purpose of the intervention is to stop
sity (Russia), the Nizhny Novgorod State Peda-             using alcohol completely. If a woman irregularly
gogical University (Russia), and the University            uses contraception and can possibly become
of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (USA) took              pregnant, the purpose of the intervention
part in the project. The main preventive meas-             depends on the choice of the woman: prevention
ures of this program are:                                  of pregnancy and / or refusal to drink alcohol.
1)   Directed informing based on screening the                Dual-focused brief intervention is a method
     nature of alcohol consumption by women                consisting of 5 consecutive steps: ask, provide
     of childbearing age and the contraception             feedback, discuss behavior changes, help (dis-
     style.                                                cuss ways to achieve the goal and complexity
2) Dual-focused brief clinical and psychologi-             that a woman may encounter) and track chang-
     cal intervention.                                     es.
  Theoretically, the basis for developing the strat-          The study of the effectiveness of brief interven-
egy and design of the intervention was the model           tions in the field of health requires uniformity in
of health beliefs [13] and the model of the stages         their implementation. Only the standard imple-
of change [7]. Opinions about personal risk and            mentation of the intervention by all specialists
the expected consequences that determine read-             can ensure the reliability of the results. There-
iness for action were considered a mechanism               fore, in this study, special attention was paid to
for changing behavior. The results obtained at             the training of physicians in the standard proce-
the previous stages of the study [4] indicate the          dure of intervention and implementation of re-
willingness of women to change their opinion               liability criteria in the course of its implementa-
under the influence of information coming from             tion by specific physicians.
significant sources. The most significant sources             Training of physicians included: informing
of information, according to the results of the re-        about the FAS, demonstration of the model vid-
search, are scientifically based information ma-           eo and its discussion, distribution of information
terials presented in an accessible form and the            materials and their discussion, training in small
OBGYNs that determined the main elements of                groups, playing in pairs, recording a sample ses-
the prevention program – information brochures             sion, feedback, discussion, and consolidation of
and brief interventions by an OBGYN physician.             acquired skills. In the process of training, physi-
Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2021; 2: 38–42
40                     Galina L. Isurina, Ekaterina A. Burina, Irina V. Grandilevskaya

cians had to master a number of specific actions          months were conducted. All women received
and their sequence: ask about alcohol use, pro-           information materials (a brochure) about the
vide feedback on possible risks, give the advice          alcohol effects on the fetus and fetal alcohol
to refuse/reduce alcohol use, help set a goal and         syndrome. With women of the experimental
implement it, track changes.                              group, after a baseline interview, twice in the
  Training of OBGYNs for a brief intervention             period from 2 weeks to one and a half months,
was carried out according to the same scheme              specially trained OBGYN physicians carried out
using the same materials. After successfully              a dual-focused brief intervention.
completed training, the physician began to im-              The study used methods developed by the
plement the knowledge and skills obtained in              FAS Prevention Study Group (3), as well as three
practical work.                                           psychodiagnostic methods: screening, «Audit»
  In the study, the following reliability plan was        (WHO, 2001, adapted by Balachova, 2005), Cal-
implemented:                                              endar method, baseline interview, follow-up
1)   All the doctors underwent training and as-           interviews at 3, 6 and 12 months, the Big Five
     sessment of their skills to the criterion of         questionnaire (adaptation and standardization
     performing all the intervention components.          by Janichev, 2003), the method of motivational
2)   Systematic monitoring of the intervention            induction by Nutten (Tolstykh adaptation, 2004),
     implementation was done.                             the method of assessing the level of subjective
3)   Audio recordings of the physician’s inter-           control (Bazhin, Golynkina, Etkind, 1984).
     vention were carried out and followed by
     supervisors’ evaluation.
4)   80% of all components of the intervention
     were considered mandatory in at least 95%            The results of the study showed that the majority
     of participants.                                     of women of childbearing age (77%) do not have
5)   Supervisors of the study were psycholo-              any knowledge about fetal alcohol syndrome,
     gists, a gynecologist, and a narcologist, who,       the causes of its occurrence and the possible con-
     if necessary, could evaluate the intervention,       sequences for the child. 89% of women have an
     provide feedback and help in skills training.        opinion that alcohol (especially strong) is harm-
6)   Supervisors monitored the OBGYNs’ prac-              ful to the fetus. While only 69% of women have
     tice by viewing all the Intervention Evalu-          an opinion that during pregnancy, a woman
     ation Forms and listening to audio records           should refrain from drinking alcohol, 28% of re-
     (by two expert supervisors).                         spondents consider it permissible to use alcohol
  The sample of the study consisted of 280                in this period in small doses, and 23% of wom-
women of childbearing age: 140 women                      en consider the use of red wine not only accept-
entered the experimental group and 140 –                  able but also useful during pregnancy.
the control group. The design of the study                  The women of the sample are characterized by
suggested the following selection criteria:               a rather high level of alcohol consumption: there
childbearing age (18-44 years), absence of                are no women who do not drink alcohol; 100%
pregnancy at the time of the study beginning,             of the sample at least once in the last 90 days
the possibility of having children (absence               used alcohol at the risky level (4 or more drinks
of pathology of the reproductive function),               at a time). On average, women use three stand-
absence of alcohol use problems, the presence             ard drinks at an average frequency of 1-2 times
of at least one unprotected sexual intercourse            a week; 70% of women use 1-5 standard drinks
and the use of alcohol in any doses at least              of alcohol at a time, 28% drink 6-10 standard
once in the last 90 days. Respondents were                drinks, 3% of women have 11-15 drinks. Wom-
recruited in 10 women’s consultations in                  en, who plan pregnancy, by the alcohol con-
St. Petersburg and were randomly divided                  sumption level, do not differ from the general
into experimental and control groups. All                 sample.
participants were screened, a basic interview               The level of knowledge about fetal alcohol
and three subsequent interviews at 3, 6, and 12           syndrome in women of childbearing age in-
                                                      Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2021; 2: 38–42
Brief intervention aimed at fetal alcohol syndrome prevention: effectiveness study                     41

creases at the end of the study (after 12 months                (after 3, 6, and 12 months). While women who
since baseline interview) in both groups; howev-                underwent brief interventions significantly low-
er, participants who underwent a dual-focused                   ered the level of alcohol use compared to wom-
brief intervention are more likely to correctly                 en who did not undergo the procedure of in-
answer questions about the concept of FAS, the                  tervention. A dual-focused brief intervention af-
FAS-specific violations, and also about the caus-               fects the risk of a pregnancy that is prone to alco-
es of the syndrome.                                             hol: initially, the entire sample (100% of women)
  Dual-focused brief interventions and passive                  was at risk. After three months after the brief
informing cause positive changes in attitudes to-               intervention, significant differences were found
wards alcohol consumption during pregnancy                      between the experimental and control groups:
and the effect of alcohol on the fetus: a statisti-             47% of the women in the experimental sample
cally significantly larger number of women in                   and 62% in the control group were at risk. After
both groups felt that alcohol consumption dur-                  six months, the differences are found at the level
ing pregnancy was unacceptable by the time the                  of the statistical tendency (45% and 55%, respec-
study ended. The dynamics of the changes in                     tively), and after 12 months no significant differ-
the studied groups was different: in the experi-                ences were revealed (46% and 49%, respective-
mental group, under the influence of brief inter-               ly), which indicates a faster effect achieved with
vention, significant changes in the attitudes were              the brief intervention method.
detected during the first three months, further                   FAS risk was indicated in case a woman had
changes were smoother; in the control group                     at least one unprotected intercourse in the past
changes in attitudes took place smoothly dur-                   90 days and had 4 or more doses of alcohol at
ing all 12 months. In the experimental group,                   a time or 7 or more doses of alcohol per week
under the influence of intervention, there is also              within the last 90 days. The Figure 1 shows
a more explicit rejection of the stereotype of the              the number of women at risk of alcohol-ex-
benefits of red wine.                                           posed pregnancy and possibly FAS during the
  The dynamics of the actual alcohol consump-                   study (4 measures) in experimental and con-
tion by women of childbearing age under the                     trol groups. Comparison statistics are as fol-
influence of dual-focused brief intervention                    lows. Follow-up 3 months: χ2 = 6,355, p
42                          Galina L. Isurina, Ekaterina A. Burina, Irina V. Grandilevskaya

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                                                                   Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 2021; 2: 38–42
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