Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet - CA.gov

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Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet
DF-46 (REV 09/19)

Budget Change Proposal - Cover Sheet
Fiscal Year: 2020-21
Business Unit: 4300
Department: Developmental Services
Priority Number: 2
Budget Request Name: 4300-002-BCP-2020-GB
Program: 4149001 – Program Administration
Subprogram: Click or tap here to enter text.

Budget Request Description: Uniform Fiscal System Modernization

Budget Request Summary: The Department of Developmental Services (Department)
requests $1.4 million ($1.3 million General Fund [GF]) in 2020-21 and $1.6 million ($1.5
million GF) in 2021-22 to plan for the replacement of the Uniform Fiscal Systems (UFS).
The requested resources will allow the Department to move through the State’s required
California Department of Technology (CDT) Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) in
preparation for the project.

Requires Legislation: ☐ Yes ☒ No

Code Section(s) to be Added/Amended/Repealed: Click or tap here to enter text.

Does this BCP contain information technology (IT) components? ☒ Yes ☐ No
If yes, departmental Chief Information Officer must sign.
Department CIO Name: Mike Sakamoto, Deputy Director
Department CIO Signature:
Signed On Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
For IT requests, specify the project number, the most recent project approval document
(FSR, SPR, S1BA, S2AA, S3SD, S4PRA), and the approval date.
Project Number: 4300-061
Project Approval Document: S1BA
Approval Date: October 17, 2019

If proposal affects another department, does other department concur with proposal?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Attach comments of affected department, signed and dated by the department director
or designee.
Prepared By: Mike Sakamoto
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Reviewed By: John Doyle
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Department Director: Nancy Bargmann
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.
Agency Secretary: Mark Ghaly MD, MPH
Date: Click or tap here to enter text.

Department of Finance Use Only

Additional Reviews: Capital Outlay:☐     ITCU:☒       FSCU:☐      OSAE:☐
       Department of Technology:☐
PPBA: Brent Houser
Date submitted to the Legislature: January 10, 2020
A.    Budget Request Summary
The Department requests $1.4 million ($1.3 million GF) in 2020-21 and $1.6 million
($1.5 million GF) in 2021-22, to complete the CDT PAL and plan for the replacement of
the UFS used by the Department and 21 regional centers (RC).

This request includes funding to hire one (1.0) IT Specialist II (ITS II), one (1.0) IT
Specialist I (ITS I) on a two-year limited-term basis, and acquire consultant resources to
support planning for the RC UFS replacement project. The objective is to replace the
RC’s UFS application. UFS is a complex legacy accounting system, developed in 1984,
that tracks: a) operational expenses and service provider authorizations and claims, b)
state funding, and c) consumer financial benefits. The mission-critical UFS environment
requires a high degree of specialized technical knowledge and skills that are required
for this effort to be successful.

B.    Background/History
The Department administers the Lanterman Act, ensuring that individuals with
intellectual and developmental disabilities have access to the services and supports
needed to lead more independent and productive lives. The RCs are nonprofit, private
entities that contract with the Department to provide and coordinate the services and
supports for individuals with developmental disabilities. There are 21 RCs across
California and they currently serve over 350,000 individuals. The RCs are located
throughout the State based on population density and individuals are served by the RC
in their geographic area.

The RCs act as the local entry point for consumers entering into the developmental
services system. Individuals who apply for services at RCs are evaluated for eligibility.
The RCs assist eligible consumers in developing their Individual Program Plan (IPP) to
determine the necessary services for achieving their personal goals. The RCs are
responsible for providing an array of services including: outreach, intake,
diagnosis/assessment, preventative services, placement, individual program planning,
advocacy, monitoring/evaluation, case management, and other services as required to
achieve objectives in the consumer’s IPP. A primary function of these centers is the
purchase of services for consumers from approved service providers or other publicly
funded agencies.

As indicated in the Lanterman Act section 4631, the 21 RCs must all use a uniform
accounting system to ensure continuity and standardization of accounting processes. In
1984, UFS was implemented at each RC and the Department’s headquarters office.
UFS is an extremely complex legacy accounting system that has been modified to meet
RC’s business needs, which include: the turn-around invoice (TAI); the Self-
Determination program; the Intermediate Care Facility State Plan Amendment
(ICF-SPA) program; operating expenses and expenditure tracking; service provider
purchases of services authorizations and claims; and consumer financial benefits
management. UFS interfaces with each RC’s case management system and eBilling,
an online billing software used by community vendors to complete and submit invoices
for services provided to consumers. UFS contains more than 2,948 programs and
736,341 lines of code. Additional modifications have been made to accommodate
unique RC business process; federal funding billing rules; and new business programs.
Data from UFS is transmitted monthly to the Department where it is used for program
monitoring, legislative reporting, and federal reimbursement billing.

The Community Services Program (CSP) acts as a liaison to the RCs, setting purchase
of services policies, monitoring community programs and RC performance. The Federal
Programs Division (Federal Programs) oversees and ensures compliance with reporting
to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for waiver and SPA. Activities
include monitoring RC enrollments and performance in federally funding programs. UFS
data is utilized to ensure compliance with federal programs requirements, monitor
purchases of services, and improve program administration. Federal funding
reimbursements recover approximately $3.0 billion dollars annually. UFS data is used to
complete critical budgeting and estimating activities, ensuring the correct amount of
funding is allocated to each RC contract. The Department, RCs, and the Association of
Regional Center Agencies (ARCA) shall work collaboratively to develop requirements
and evaluation criteria for the new information technology systems.

UFS is a mission critical accounting application, used for consumer purchase of
services authorizations, tracking, and maintenance. The legacy system is unable to
accommodate the RC’s growing needs, including increasingly varied consumer
populations, multiple services delivery models, new program regulations, and additional
program monitoring requirements. In addition, UFS is not able to interface with other
billing systems, which creates laborious invoicing processes for vendors, contributing to
delayed payments and a diminishing pool of available services providers.

Failure to begin planning for the UFS replacement project risks the Department’s ability
to ensure the continuous delivery of services for consumers, which are mandated
through the Lanterman Act. Without a modern solution, the 21 RCs will continue to
struggle with inflexible technology that forces manual workaround processes,
needlessly increasing workloads for their overextended staff and affecting the quality of
services available to consumers.
Resource History

Dollars in thousands
        Program Budget             2014-15     2015-16    2016-17     2017-18    2018-19
 Authorized Expenditures            $4,556      $4,641     $4,791      $5,608     $5,718
 Actual Expenditures                $4,038      $4,330     $4,901      $5,180     $5,699
 Revenues                              N/A         N/A        N/A         N/A        N/A
 Authorized Positions                 60.0        61.0       65.0        69.0       67.0
 Filled Positions                     50.3        53.4       58.4        60.5       63.2
 Vacancies                              9.7         7.6        6.6         8.5        3.8

C.     State Level Considerations
The Department is the state entity responsible for ensuring the provision of services and
supports for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities as an entitlement
mandated by both the Lanterman and the Early Intervention Services Acts. Continued
provision of these services in California is dependent on the ability to process purchase
of services claims. In addition, it is critical that the data is available for federal
reimbursement billing, mandated reporting, and programs administration.

The Department will adhere to the State’s prescribed PAL process for new information
technology projects, collaborating with its partners including: RCs, ARCA, CHHSA’s
Office of Systems Integration, CDT, the Department of Health Care Services, and the
Department of Finance. The Department plans to work collaboratively to ensure the
PAL process is followed and the project receives adequate oversight.

Consistent with California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHSA) and the
Department goals, planning will ensure that the future solution has a standard technical
architecture; facilitates improved business processing efficiencies; supports application
integration; and enhances data collection and sharing for improved services delivery for

D.     Justification
The Department seeks to replace UFS with a modern solution that is user-friendly and
configurable to meet program needs, including State and Federal requirements.
Implementing a new solution will allow the Department to address the following issues:

• Addition of functionality that is not currently available, including budgeting modules
  and improved fiscal reporting.
• Unreliable data that cannot be aggregated to provide meaningful information for
  programs evaluation and predictive analytics.
• Inadequate system security and accounting controls that increase risks to the State.
• Inflexible technology that does not fully meet program needs and federal reporting
  requirements, jeopardizing $3.0 billion dollars in federal reimbursements.
• Inefficient workflows that require laborious manual workarounds and external data
  tracking for RC staff.

Recognizing the severe deficiencies with UFS, the RCs and ARCA contracted with a
third-party vendor to perform an assessment. It was determined that a UFS replacement
project will be a large and complex effort. After reviewing the UFS assessment report,
the State requested additional information regarding project scope, approach, solution
alternatives, and cost. Proposed resources will allow the Department to begin PAL
activities, including: Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis, Stage 3 Solution Development, and
Stage 4 Project Readiness and Approval, while forming a collaborative partnership with
the RCs, determining the best available options for modernization. The current proposal
requests planning funds totaling $3.0 million to complete PAL activities and prepare for
a future project, over a two-year period. Careful planning will ensure the new technical
solution is implemented successfully, providing the RCs with a better fiscal solution,
while ensuring the continuous delivery of high-quality services for consumers and
safeguarding federal funding reimbursements for the State.

Position Justification:
Included in this request is funding the equivalent of 2.0 Information Technology
positions on a two-year limited-term basis that will support the PAL activities.

The Department determined the number of requested positions based on project needs,
CDT’s project management best practices, and recommendations from CHHSA’s Office
of Systems Integration. Each new position will perform specific roles and duties on the
project as detailed in Section H. The Department is unable to redirect existing resources
to implement the new system because current employees are supporting the legacy
system and ongoing maintenance activities.

E.    Outcomes and Accountability
Modernizing the UFS will automate manual processing at the RCs, improving the quality
of the critical data received by Federal Programs and CSP. A modernized accounting
solution will give RCs a better tool for claims processing and data collection, increasing
accuracy, visibility, and improving reporting data used for budgets and estimates.
Program changes and updated data collection requirements will be easier to implement,
improving compliance with federal regulations while minimizing workload impacts for
staff. In addition, a modernized accounting solution will follow standardized and
generally accepted accounting practices, improving information controls to better control
access to sensitive consumer information.
The Department anticipates achieving defined outcomes over the next three fiscal
years. As an information technology effort, the Department must comply with the
State’s Project Approval Lifecycle process. The Department estimates one year for
each project phase, where Stage 2 Alternatives Analysis in 2020-21 and Stage 3
Solution Development in 2021-22. In support of PAL Stage 2, the Department will
release a Request for Information to gather market research on accounting systems
similar to UFS in 2021-22. In 2021-22, the Department will prepare its project
management planning, with the creation of a Project Charter and Scope document,
assess UFS data and prepare a data migration plan, develop project management
plans, and develop the solution vendor Request for Proposal. In 2022-23, the
Department will release the solution vendor Request for Proposal, entering into a formal
solicitation process. The Department will also continue its data analysis and preparation

*Please see Attachment A for the projected outcomes.

F.    Analysis of All Feasible Alternatives
Alternative 1: Approve $3 million ($2.8 million GF), which includes $1.4 million ($1.3
million GF) in 2020-21 and $1.6 million ($1.5 million GF) in 2021-22 for project planning
resources to enable the Department to plan for the replacement of the its legacy RC
accounting system.

• Provides the necessary one-time resources required to proceed with completion
   of the SIMM 19 PAL Stage activities.
• Complete analysis needed to select a future accounting system that provides RCs
  with needed functionality.
• Increases the State’s ability to enhance accommodate future programs.
• Improves budgeting and fiscal reporting capabilities to provide additional oversite
  and improved forecasting.
• Provides consulting resources to help the Department prepare for a solution
  implementation increasing the probability of a successful outcome.

• Budget increase required.

Alternative 2: Defer the budget request to 2021-22.

• No budget increase required.
• The regional centers will continue to struggle with a legacy accounting system
  that does not meet business needs.
• Inability to meet current and future program billing requirements due to system
  limitations and inefficiencies.
• Limited budgeting, reporting, and fiscal forecasting capabilities.
Alternative 3: Approve $2.31 million ($2.31 million GF) over two years for project
consulting resources only.
• Provides the limited, one-time resources required to proceed with completion of the
SIMM 19 Project Approval Lifecycle Stage activities, on a delayed schedule.
• No increase in permanently authorized positions required.
• Without a fully staffed project planning team, overall planning costs will increase due
   to limited resources and a delayed schedule.
• Increased risk of project failure due to inadequately staffed project team.
• State staff will not be available to form a partnership with regional center
  stakeholders required for project success.
• Limited State resources to provide guidance and oversight of consultant activities.
• Regional Centers will unnecessarily continue to struggle with a legacy accounting
  system that does not meet business needs.

G.      Implementation Plan
Upon budget enactment, the Department will begin recruitment and selection processes
to hire qualified staff. The Department will also work collaboratively with the Office of
Systems Integration and CDT to procure interdepartmental and external consulting
services for the project. The Department plans to procure the following external services
using the delegated purchasing authority under the California Multiple Award Schedules
or the Information Technology Master Services Agreement (IT MSA):

•   Business Analysis and Requirements Management
•   Organizational Change Management
•   Legacy Data Documentation and Preparation
•   Business Process Reengineering

Cost estimates are based on Rate Schedules published by CDT and blended rate
calculations of published rates on the IT MSA. The estimate for consulting hours was
determined using prior procurement costing information.
H.     Supplemental Information
The total funding request reflects the Department’s average costs for the standard
position complement of operating expenses and equipment. The mission-critical UFS
environment requires a high degree of specialized technical skills to understand, the
levels defined in the ITS I and ITS II classifications are required for this effort to be

*Please see Attachment B for the workload analysis for the two requested positions.

I.     Recommendation
The Department recommends Alternative 1 - Approve $3.0 million ($2.8 million GF) over
two years, broken down as $1.4 million ($1.3 million GF) for 2020-21 and $1.6 million
($1.5 million GF) for 2021-22. The associated funding is for 2.0 Information Technology
positions and contracts to enable the Department to replace its legacy federal billing
BCP Fiscal Detail Sheet
BCP Title: Uniform Fiscal System Modernization
BR Name: 4300-002-BCP-2020-GB
Budget Request Summary

Personal Services
Salaries and Wages                               0    181    181    0    0

Earnings - Temporary Help
Total Salaries and Wages                         $0   $181   $181   $0   $0
Total Staff Benefits                             0     99     99    0    0
Total Personal Services                          $0   $280   $280   $0   $0
Operating Expenses and Equipment
Operating Expenses and Equipment                         FY20          FY20         FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                                         Current       Budget       BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                                          Year          Year
5301 - General Expense                                             0            4          4           0           0           0
5302 - Printing                                                    0            2          2           0           0           0
5304 - Communications                                              0            2          2           0           0           0
5306 - Postage                                                     0            2          2           0           0           0
5320 - Travel: In-State                                            0            6          6           0           0           0
5322 - Training                                                    0            2          2           0           0           0
5324 - Facilities Operation                                        0          16           16          0           0           0
5340 - Consulting and Professional Services - External             0       832        1,024            0           0           0
5340 - Consulting and Professional Services -
                                                                   0       235         202             0           0           0
5346 - Information Technology                                      0          10           10          0           0           0
539X - Other                                                       0          20           0           0           0           0
Total Operating Expenses and Equipment                          $0       $1,131      $1,270            $0          $0          $0
Total Budget Request
Total Budget Request                     FY20          FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                         Current       Budget      BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                          Year          Year
Total Budget Request                            $0       $1,411     $1,550            $0          $0          $0

Fund Summary
Fund Source

Fund Source                              FY20          FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                         Current       Budget      BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                          Year          Year
State Operations - 0001 - General Fund             0      1,344      1,487            0           0           0
0995 - Reimbursements                              0          67          63          0           0           0
Total State Operations Expenditures             $0       $1,411     $1,550            $0          $0          $0

Total All Funds                                 $0       $1,411     $1,550            $0          $0          $0
Program Summary
Program Funding
Program Funding                    FY20          FY20       FY20      FY20        FY20        FY20
                                   Current       Budget     BY+1      BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                    Year          Year
4149001 - Program Administration             0      1,411     1,550          0           0           0
Total All Programs                        $0       $1,411    $1,550          $0          $0          $0
Personal Services Details
Salaries and Wages
Salaries and Wages                                          FY20          FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                                            Current       Budget      BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                                             Year          Year
5804 - Info Tech Spec I (Eff. 07-01-2020)(LT 06-30-2022)              0          83          83          0           0           0

9450 - Info Tech Spec II (Eff. 07-01-2020)(LT 06-30-2022)             0          98          98          0           0           0
Total Salaries and Wages                                           $0         $181      $181             $0          $0          $0
Staff Benefits
Staff Benefits                                            FY20          FY20         FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                                          Current       Budget       BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                                           Year          Year
5150350 - Health Insurance                                          0          11           11          0           0           0
5150500 - OASDI                                                     0          14           14          0           0           0

5150630 - Retirement - Public Employees - Miscellaneous             0          56           56          0           0           0

5150800 - Workers' Compensation                                     0            1          1           0           0           0

5150820 - Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB)
                                                                    0            2          2           0           0           0
Employer Contributions

5150900 - Staff Benefits - Other                                    0          15           15          0           0           0
Total Staff Benefits                                             $0          $99        $99             $0          $0          $0

Total Personal Services
Total Personal Services                                   FY20          FY20         FY20        FY20        FY20        FY20
                                                          Current       Budget       BY+1        BY+2        BY+3        BY+4
                                                           Year          Year
Total Personal Services                                          $0         $280       $280             $0          $0          $0
Uniform Fiscal System Modernization BCP
                                    Attachment A –
                                  Projected Outcomes

Workload Measure                         2020-21                 2021-22
Request for Information Released   Publicly Released
SIMM 19G Project Approval          Approved by CDT
Lifecycle Stage 2 Alternatives
Analysis Documentation
SIMM 19C Project Approval                              Approved by CDT
Lifecycle Stage 3 Solution
Development Documentation
Project Charter                                        Approved by Project
Project Scope Document                                 Approved by Project
Data Migration Plan                                    Approved by Project
CA-PMF Project Management                              Approved by Project
Documentation                                          Sponsors
Solution Vendor Request for                            Documentation
Proposal                                               Completed
Uniform Fiscal System Modernization BCP
                                     Attachment B –
                                   Workload Analysis

                                        IT Specialist I
                 Working Title                              Project Planning Tasks
Business and Project Support Analyst               •   Complete project management support
                                                   •   Define, clarify, and approve business
                                                       rules, business requirements, and
                                                       workflows specific to waiver processes.
                                                   •   Work with lead analyst to capture and
                                                       document design specifications.
                                                   •   Develop use cases and user stories.
                                                   •   Review and coordinate approval of
                                                       system artifacts (i.e., design concepts,
                                                       design, test scripts, and user
                                                   •   Work with testing teams to develop user
                                                       acceptance criteria and user
                                                       acceptance test scripts.
                                                   •   Report to information technology
                                                       division management and project
                                                       managers on status of assigned work

Task                                                   Annual Hours                FTE
Define, clarify, and approve business rules,
business requirements, and workflows specific
to waiver processes. Liaison with existing
subject matter experts as needed to refine
business documentation. Develop, update, and
maintain project documentation: action items,
risks and issues, mitigation strategies, project
sponsor decisions, project management plans,
memos, etc.                                                          300
Participate in regular staff meetings
(Departmental, Division, Section), project
meetings (weekly status, weekly data
governance, monthly steering committee,
agency/CDT updates), and procurement specific                        250
meetings (RFP development, evaluation and
scoring, confidential discussions and
demonstrations). Prepare for assigned agenda
items and status updates. Assist with and
facilitate project communications via project
meetings, presentations, and status reports.
Work with data governance and conversion
preparation team(s) to define data element
descriptions and business rules specific to
legacy data as well as enterprise-wide data
governance.                                         250
Track and maintain a list of changes, updates,
enhancements, and ad-hoc report requests
made to the existing system and update the as-
is documentation over the course of the
procurement.                                        200
Support procurement activities: respond to
vendor questions, review draft proposals, score
and evaluate final proposals, and attend product
demonstrations. Complete assigned project
activities, such as procurement activities,
adaptive/iterative development assignments,
and testing scripts and testing activities.         450
Work with Organizational Change Management
team to develop materials and communicate
change to stakeholders, including regional
centers and internal departmental staff.            200
Work on program specific findings as noted in
Oversight and Validation & Verification Findings
and Reports.                                         50
Administrative Duties                               100
                          IT Specialist I Total    1,800   1.0
IT Specialist II
                      Working Title                              Project Planning Tasks
Lead Analyst                                                 •   Complete project
                                                                 management support
                                                             •   Capture and document
                                                                 business requirements.
                                                             •   Maintain system
                                                             •   Create, maintain, and update
                                                                 analysis documentation
                                                             •   Decompose legacy system
                                                                 jobs and existing program
                                                                 Facilitate requirements,
                                                                 design, and development

Task                                                         Annual Hours           FTE
Perform duties as business information system lead by
working with program staff and subject matter experts to
capture and document business requirements. Maintain
system documentation. Create, maintain, and update
analysis documentation. Decompose legacy system job
steps and existing program functionality. Create business
process workflows and assist with the creation of system
documentation. Responsible for defining, clarifying and
approving business rules, business requirements, and
workflows specific to waiver processes. Utilize standard
iterative project management and systems development
lifecycle methodologies, such as Agile Scrum, Kanban
product delivery, and iterative development to achieve
project objectives and continuously meet customer needs.                 400
Coordinate and monitor modification to business practices.               240
Advise project team on waiver program
enhancements/changes.                                                     60
Act as an ongoing point of contact and facilitate
communication between business program and technical
staff; externally with DGS and DHCS.                                     120
Work with stakeholders to meet project deliverables and
due dates.                                                                60
Report project risks to Project Manager using standard
project management methodologies.                                         40
As needed, complete project management and
procurement activities including the creation of project
management plans, PAL documents, statements of work,
requirements, minimum qualifications, proposal evaluation
and scoring, vendor demonstration.                            580
Participate in on-going project meetings.                     100
Work with Data Governance on data definitions and data
classifications.                                              100
Administrative Duties                                         100
                                    IT Specialist II Total   1,800   1.0
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