Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World

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Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
Building a Smart
Laboratory 2018
  An introduction to the integrated lab

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Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World

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Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
                                                      WELCOME TO THE SMART LABORATORY

                                                                                                                         his year’s edition of Building a Smart
                                                                                                                         Laboratory discusses the importance
                                                                                                                         of developing a robust strategy for
                                                                                                                         the deployment of paperless lab
                                                                                                            technology. As the article on page 6 discusses,
                                                                                                            in order to gain the most insight and value
                                                                                                            from paperless technology there needs to be a
                                                                                                            consistent and comprehensive approach that
                                                                                                            covers the four most important pillars; connect,
                                                                                                            manage, decide, archive.
                                                                                                                 As laboratories seek to drive more value
                                                                                                            and to move from a cost centre to being a value
         An introduction to building                             Knowledge: Document                        proposition for an organisation, it is important
   4     a smart laboratory 2018                         26 management                                      that all knowledge can be used effectively to
                                                                                                            generate the largest return on investment. The
This introduction sets out procedures to help lab      How the smart laboratory contributes to the
                                                       requirements of a knowledge eco-system, and the      only way to truly achieve this is to adopt smart
users implement paperless technologies in the lab
– with a particular focus on data-intensive science    practical consequences of delivering access and      laboratory technology.
and new trends                                         preservation of knowledge that was traditionally          This is a consistent theme throughout
                                                       stored in paper archives                             the entire publication. Building a smart
                                                                                                            laboratory can provide huge benefits to an
         The key layers to a                                                                                organisation in terms of increased productivity
   6     paperless strategy                                                                                 or value generation, but also through collection
                                                         30 Beyond the lab                                  management and archiving of data. However,
Developing a robust strategy is a key concern                                                               in order to make the most of the investment
when deploying paperless laboratory technology,        How the smart laboratory can help to improve
                                                       your business, through greater productivity          in ‘smart’ technologies, it is imperative that a
write Isabel Muñoz Willery and Roberto                                                                      strategy is devised that can look at the needs
Castelonovo of NL42 Consulting                         and efficiency, better integration with existing
                                                       systems, better regulatory compliance, data          to the lab and its users to properly adapt and
                                                       integrity and authenticity                           configure the technology accordingly.
                                                                                                                 Technology will not do the thinking for us,
  10 Dealing with data                                                                                      but if properly constructed a smart laboratory
Informatics providers share their experiences                    Practical considerations in                can add considerable value. While this guide
on the importance of using the latest laboratory         36 specifying and building the                     cannot provide all the answers, it does provide an
technology                                                       smart laboratory                           introduction to everyone that faces the challenge
                                                                                                            of increasing productivity and data integrity for
                                                       This chapter focuses on how to go about building     the modern laboratory workflow.
                                                       a smart laboratory with information relating to
  12 Smart laboratories                                approaches to take, and potential roadblocks
An introduction to the concept of a ‘smart’                                                                 The authors of the guide are:
laboratory, based on the data/information/                                                                  Peter Boogaard
knowledge triangle                                        40 Knowledge: Data analytics                      Industrial Lab Automation
                                                                                                            Siri Segalstad
                                                       Taking the theme of knowledge management             Segalstad Consulting AS
                                                       beyond document handling into the analysis of        Joe Liscouski
  14 Data: Instrumentation                             data to help develop new products or improve         Institute for Laboratory Automation
                                                       existing ones                                        Charlie Sodano
We look at the latest progress towards truly
digital laboratories, with a focus on the types of                                                          John Trigg
laboratory instruments and their capabilities             41 Summary                                        phaseFour Informatics Ltd
                                                                                                            Isabel Muñoz-Willery
                                                        Pulling together the various threads on how to      NL42 Consulting SL
                                                        make the laboratory ‘smart’ this chapter hopes to   Roberto Castelnovo
                                                                                                            NL42 Consulting SL
         Information: Laboratory                        lay out the most important factors that must be
  19     informatics tools                              considered
                                                                                                            Cover image and all other images:
                                                                                                            Building a Smart Laboratory is published by Europa Science, the
An overview of laboratory informatics tools                                                                 publishers of Scientific Computing World (ISSN 1356-7853). ©2018
– LIMS, ELN, LES and – how convergence is                 42 References and further reading                 Europa Science Ltd. 4 Signet Court, Cambridge, CB5 8LA, UK.
                                                                                                            All images
changing the informatics market
                                                                                                            Design: Zöe Andrews
                                                                                                            Tel: +44 (0)1223 221033. Fax: +44 (0)1223 213385.
Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
An introduction to: Building a Smart Laboratory 2018                                                             Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

                                                              AN INTRODUCTION TO

             Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

It’s rare for a company to start with
                                                    sharing, the barriers to implementing successful       Paperless or less paper?
a clean slate when making decisions
                                                    electronic integrated processes often remain a
about laboratory automation
                                                    bridge too far.                                        Data-intensive science is becoming far more

                                                                                                           mainstream; however, going digital in the
                                                    The informatics journey                                laboratory has been a relatively slow process. More
            his chapter serves as an introduction                                                          than 75 per cent of laboratory analysis starts with
            to this guide Building a Smart          The journey starts with data capture, data             a manual process such as weighing; the majority
            Laboratory 2018. We hope to highlight   processing, and laboratory automation. When            of results of these measurements are still written
            the importance of adopting smart        samples are being analysed, several types of           down or re-typed.
laboratory technology but also to guide users       scientific data are being created. They can be             There are exceptions: probably the best
through some of the challenges and pitfalls when    categorised in three different classes.                example of integrated laboratory automation
designing and running the latest technologies in        Raw data refers to all data on which decisions     can be found in how chromatography data
the lab.                                            are based. Raw data is created in real-time from an    handling systems (CDS) operate in modern
    For any laboratory a cost/benefit analysis      instrument or in real-time from a sensor device.       laboratories. The characteristics of such a system
needs to consider the functionality already             Metadata is ‘data about the data’ and it is used   include repeatable, often standardised, automated
provided by legacy applications – as well as        for cataloguing, describing, and tagging data          processes that create a significant amount of raw
business justifications. This guide will help you   resources. It adds basic information, knowledge,       and processed data.
understand what informatics processes are           and meaning. Metadata helps organise electronic             The paper versus paperless discussion is as
needed in laboratories, and why the laboratory      resources, provide digital identification, and         old as the existence of commercial computers. In
should not merely be seen as a necessary cost       helps support archiving and preservation of the        the 1970s, just after the introduction of the first
centre.                                             resource.                                              personal computer, Scelbi (Scientific, Electronic
    Only by becoming smart – as this guide              Secondary or processed data describes how          and Biological), Business Week predicted that
outlines – can lab managers change that mind-set    raw data is transformed by using scientific            computer records would soon completely replace
and generate true value for their organisation.     methodologies to create results. To maintain           paper. It took at least 35 years before paperless
    Many laboratory operations are still            data integrity, altering methods to reprocess will     operations were accepted and successfully adopted
predominantly paper-based. Even with the            require a secured audit trail functionality, data      in many work operations. Although they have
enormous potential to reduce data integrity         and access security. If metadata is not captured,      been accepted in banking, airlines, healthcare, and
for compliance, to make global efficiency gains     the ability to find and re-use previous knowledge      retail, they lag behind in science.
in manufacturing and to increase knowledge          from scientific experiments is eliminated.                 The journey from paper to electronic begins

Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
Building a Smart Laboratory 2018                                                           An introduction to: Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

with the transition from paper to digital, which       changing to a new model based upon a ‘pay-as-        mainstream adoption. The acceptance of tablets
includes both the transfer of paper-based              you-go’ or philosophy (OPEX). CRM applications       and mobile devices will expand exponentially in
processes to ‘glass’ and the identification and        such as started this business         the laboratory.
adoption of information and process standards to       model in the traditional enterprise business             Laboratories will need to manage the
harmonise data exchange.                               software segment. Popular applications such as       challenges presented by new consumers of
                                                       Photoshop, Microsoft Office 365 and Amazon           scientific data outside traditional laboratory
Think exponential                                      are following these trends rapidly. It is expected   operations. Non-invasive, end-to-end strategies
                                                       that scientific software suppliers will be forced    will connect science to operational excellence.
Traditional mainstream LIMS will face challenges.      to follow the same model in the years to come.       Technology will be critical, but our ability
LIMS has been a brilliant tool to manage               Community collaboration and social networking        to change our mind-set to enable this cross-
predictable, repeatable planned sample, test           is changing the value of traditional vendor help     functional collaboration will be the real
and study data flows, creating structured data         desks.                                               challenge. n
generated by laboratories. In R&D environments,
unpredictable workflows creating massive               Reduce and simplify workflow complexities
amounts of unstructured data showed that current       The need to simplify our scientific processes          Adapting to change
LIMS systems lack the capability effectively to        will have a significant impact on reducing data
manage this throughput. ELNs are great tools to        integrity challenges. For example, balance and         Much of the change that drives new
capture and share complex scientific experiments,      titrator instruments may store approved and            processes or methods in the laboratory is
while an underlying scientific data management         pre-validated methods and industry best practice       based on regulation from that aims to more
system (SDMS) is used to manage large volumes          workflows in their firmware.                           tightly control the way in which data is
of data seamlessly.                                                                                           collected, stored and handled.
                                                       Adopt and use industry standards and processes             Many laboratory users will be aware
Data consumer vs data creator examples                 Initiatives such as the Allotrope Foundation are       of previous regulations such as Title 21
                                                       working hard to apply common standards. The            CFR Part 11, part of Title 21 of the Code
For the researcher, the ability to record data, make   Allotrope Foundation is an international not-for-      of Federal Regulations that establishes the
observations, describe procedures, include images,     profit association of biotech and pharmaceutical       United States Food and Drug Administration
drawings and diagrams and collaborate with             companies, building a common laboratory                (FDA) regulations on electronic records and
others to find chemical compounds, biological          information framework for an interoperable             electronic signatures (ERES).[1]
structures – without any limitation – requires a       means of generating, storing, retrieving,                  Part 11, of the document, as it is
flexible user interface. For the QA/QC analyst         transmitting, analysing and archiving laboratory       commonly called, defines the criteria under
or operator, the requirements for an integrated        data and higher-level business objects.                which electronic records and electronic
laboratory are quite different. A simple, natural                                                             signatures are considered trustworthy and
language-based platform to ensure that proper          Consolidation and                                      equivalent to paper records.
procedures are followed will be well received.         harmonisation of systems                                   However new regulation around General
    Product innovation and formulators will                                                                   Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
need the capability to mine data across projects,      Most laboratories already depend on an                 and data integrity are new standards that
analytical methods or formulations to create           informatics hub comprising one or more of the          laboratory users must now familiarise
valuable insights. Transforming unstructured           major tools: laboratory information management         themselves with. For many users GDPR will
scientific experimental data into a structured         systems (LIMS); electronic laboratory notebooks        not be applicable as it only relates patient
equivalent will be mandatory to perform these          (ELN); scientific data management systems              data or companies that hold data of EU
tasks.                                                 (SDMS); chromatography data-handling systems           citizens. However, if in a clinical setting
    Organisations with a strong consumer               (CDS) and laboratory execution systems (LES).          GDPR could have a huge effect on the way
marketing focus deal with data mining techniques       The trend over recent years has been towards           that you store patient data. [2]
providing clear pictures of products sold, price,      convergence, applying best practice industry               In addition to GDPR lab managers must
competition and customer demographics.                 standard processes to harmonise multisite              also familiarise themselves with pending
                                                       deployments. Cost reduction to interface               regulation on Data Integrity (DI) which
New trends                                             harmonised processes to ERP (SAP), MES and             hopes to improve completeness, consistency,
                                                       CAPA results in lower maintenance and validation       and accuracy of data recorded by
The power of life cycle process improvement            costs with a significant overall higher system          laboratories [3]. In simple terms this means
The scientist is no longer in the laboratory, but      availability for end-users.                            abiding by principles such as ALCOA
integrated in the overall quality process. Quality                                                            (attributable, legible, contemporaneous,
should be built into the design throughout the         Mobile computing                                       original, and accurate). However it is advised
specification, design, and verification process.                                                              that lab managers and users explore the
Performance metrics on non-conformance                 While many other industries are implementing           ramifications of this new regulation to see
tracking are mandated and monitored by                 modern tools to connect equipment wirelessly,          how it might affect daily workflows.
regulatory authorities. Integrating laboratory         many laboratories still write scientific results
systems will add significant value by decreasing       on a piece of paper, or re-type them into a            References
non-conformance.                                       computer or tablet. Many modern ELN and
                                                       LES systems allow electronic connection to a                guidances/ucm125067.htm
New budgeting and licensing models                     (wireless) network. However, to integrate simple       2.
Managing operating budgets will be redefined           instruments like a pH balance, titration and                PMC5346164
in the next decade. The days of purchasing             Karl-Fischer instruments to mobile devices, a               ucm495891.pdf
software as a capital investment (CAPEX) are           simpler approach is required in order to achieve                                                                                                                          5
Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
Planning your lab                                                                                              Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

                                                     ‘eConnect, eDecide, eManage, eArchive’

                       The key layers of a laboratory
                            paperless strategy

Isabel Muñoz-Willery and Roberto                     will be discussed in detail at the Paperless Lab     manual transcriptions. The goal is to reduce
Castelnovo, of NL42 Consulting,                      Academy 2018. The annual European event aims         the manual documentation, the risk of human
highlight the importance of developing               to become a learning platform for anyone looking     errors, and more importantly, to maintain the
a robust strategy for the adoption                   to consolidate, integrate or simplify their data     information about the source that has generated
paperless laboratory operations                      management systems.                                  the raw data.
                                                                                                              The raw data may be a critical part of the

                                                     ‘eConnect’: effective workflows based                activities performed in the systems of the upper
                                                     on self-documenting data capture                     layers. Data management and the creation of
     n the new era of the internet of things         strategies                                           meaningful information and decisions should
     and artificial intelligence, the majority of                                                         be always taken with the possibility to go back to
     laboratories still have a long way to move      Even if data integrity is a critical aspect of the   the original data from the system in which it was
     from paper-based processes to paperless         entire data life cycle, data capture requires a      generated.
ones.                                                strong focus from both the inspectors and                Finally, while in this first stage of collecting
    The electronic data life cycle, as it is         auditors. Most lab instruments are now offered       data we should not obviate the ones coming
described in several regulations and documents       with intelligent software embedded into them.        from collaborators. Collaborators are generators
used in paperless projects, can be divided in        Labware and sensors are beginning to embrace         of data and potential sources of information.
four layers of data, information and activities:     the internet of things, ensuring the collection of   If external organisations such as academic
eConnect; eManage; eDecide and eArchive.             the raw data and the related metadata which can      contributors or outsourced services from CRO
    These keywords refer to initial capture of       then be transferred to the next phase of the data    and CMO are generating the data, it can create
data, the data management to create useful           life cycle.                                          immediate security concerns. With the latest
information, the decisions taken based on                 Several laboratories are using instruments      GDPR considerations, we need to incorporate
information and data available in the lower          which are not able to connect the current            data protection assessment at least on the most
layers and, finally, the electronic data archiving   platforms. While searching for the business          vulnerable data. By May 2018, companies
to ensure long-term availability of the              justification for their replacement, intermediate    will need to design their processes and also
information and the related data.                    solutions should be considered to generate digital   include serious considerations on cybersecurity
    Those are the four-main streams that             inputs and reduce paper-based processes and          protection to avoid any risk in losing data.

Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
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Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
Planning your lab                                                                                                       Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

‘eManage’: generation of meaningful                     ‘eDecide’: Rapid decisions taken                           their fingertips. Moreover, these tools are able
information from trusted data                           from meaningful information                                to dig into the underlying systems to view the
                                                                                                                   information and related raw data, when needed.
The ‘translation’ from data to information is the       In the everyday activities of a laboratory, we are             We will finally see one single screen open on
key principle of this layer of activities typically     getting used to perform them very rapidly and              the computers of the managers instead of multiple
performed in the most well-known systems                decisions should be taken in short time. Little            windows jumping from one system to another
The real challenge in the new era of Internet of        remains available for data review, approval of data        in order to desperately collect all the necessary
Lab Things (IoLT) is not about picking up the           and creation of related documents. The request             information required in a given moment for a
right acronym for the lab. The challenge lies           coming from laboratory’s customers, both                   given decision to be taken urgently.
in identifying the right solutions that provide         internal and external is a prompt answer.
answers to a series of requirements: secured                The removal of manual processes, of paper-             ‘eArchive’: essentials to secure long-
connectivity without large investment; usability        based activities and mix of information sitting            term multi-departmental archiving
with limited customisation; ability to share            in different systems is essential for taking faster
information using the newest technologies;              decisions. Only paperless processes shorten                A key objective in operating with efficient
mobile devices and web-access without                   the periods of review of the information and               archival approach is to reduce the challenge of
performing complex platform implementations;            ease rapid decision-making which can then                  finding the right data. Considering the growing
and the possibility to use the software as a service.   be communicated immediately to the relevant                digital universe, archiving can no longer be left
    We are observing a large market                     stakeholders. New approaches like the review by            behind in a project and considered only once it is
transformation in this area. The presence               exception are helping to increase the efficiency of        too late. Nowadays, we often hear about concerns
of systems which are offering a large set of            this process.                                              on legibility and format consistency along the
functionalities and product offerings based on              The laboratories that are able to respond to           time for a given retention time that might end up
new technologies.                                       these requests on time and with the adequate               requiring access to obsolete technologies.
    Multiple software modules adapted to specific       level of quality will transform from cost centers to           Archiving should be approached and
laboratory activities and software platforms allow      value generators.                                          designed to reduce multiple types of risk:
the creation of personalised solutions with no
need to customise but rather configure the system
to the needs of the user.
    This revolution will generate large benefits
for the laboratories because the selection of the                  The removal of manual processes, of paper-based activities
solutions will be based on the needs rather than                and mix of information sitting in different systems is essential for
the capabilities.                                                                   taking faster decisions

    These modules should respond to a few
critical requirements in order to become part of
the ‘solution’: easily connectable to the ‘eConnect’
layer; easily connectable to modules of the
‘eManage’ layer; easily accessible from browsers
and mobile devices; and easily accessible from the          Decisions should be taken according to the             knowledge limited to one critical person, security
‘eDecide’ layer.                                        available information. Today many software                 and loss of data.
                                                        providers offer simple tools presenting the                    A comprehensive archiving protocol should
What is the end goal?                                   information in a graphical view, showing the               eliminate the struggle to find the data to the point
                                                        outliers, highlighting the areas of attention,             of desperately looking for the person owning the
On one hand, the final goal should be to interface      allowing the ‘drill-down’ approach when needed.            knowledge of where it is.
the ‘solution’ with the multiple generators of raw          Fact is that solutions providers, integrators              A corporate master data management and
data in order to enable the review directly at the      and customers are joining efforts in organisations         vocabulary model should support a correct
source at any time. Additionally, the possibility to    like the allotrope foundation, Pistoia Alliance,           management and archival, facilitating a flawless
exchange information between the modules of the         SiLA consortium to consolidate outputs and                 track record of the data.
‘eManage’ layer, in a flawless manner, should allow     tools, that could one day lead to the creation                 During the Paperless Lab Academy 2018,
the access and interpretation of all data to generate   of one single user interface, one single way               several presentations will focus on this item that
meaningful information.                                 of showing the information in a unique and                 too often is approached too late in a ‘paperless’
    The possibility to access the ‘modules’ from        personalised dashboard.                                    project. The archiving strategy requires a clear
any remote location or even from mobile devices             Simple reports created automatically                   definition of the business requirements and, also
in order to manage all the information in the           overnight and available in the ‘eDecide layer’ first       the potential technical challenges.
shortest period of time. The possibility to provide     thing in the morning. A new ‘control room’ of the              The ability to archive and then retrieve
aggregated information to the next layer of             laboratory where decisions are taken to correct            unstructured data is becoming an urgent need
systems where decisions are taken.                      situations not in line with the expectations, where        which must be solved in R&D laboratories.
    Is this real? Absolutely. The technology has        scheduling changes are adjusted to ensure that             Solutions providers are dedicating resources
evolved to the level that all these goals could be      the activities are completed on time, on budget            to this matter and positioning their data
reached.                                                and according to the customer expectations.                management software to address the need for
    Numerous solutions are already                          Is this real? Yes, again. Great reporting and          better archiving and retrieval. Above all, the
implemented in various markets where they are           business intelligence tools are now available              ‘eArchive’ strategy is one that requires stronger
using the newest technologies. The laboratory           to integrate the information coming from                   alignment within the whole company in order
informatics systems will have to be ready for this      different systems and present in a simple and              to build up a reference master data management
new era too.                                            graphical way. All what the managers need at               strategy at an enterprise-level. n

Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
Building a Smart Laboratory 2018 - An introduction to the integrated lab - Scientific Computing World
Dealing with data                                                                              Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

                                 Dealing with data

Informatics experts share their                                                           and they want to know what we could do using
experiences on the implementing new                                                       that layer,’ said Gonzalez. ‘That is the technical
technologies and manging change in                                                        question that we get the most from our existing
the modern laboratory                                                                     users. They don’t tend to ask about cloud because
                                                                                          they have a running system. The IT department
                                                                                          might be interested in moving to the cloud but
                                                                                          since they have the system already running and
                                                                                          they are not likely to want to change that in the
                                                                                          short term,’ Gonzalez added.
                                                                                              Gonzalez noted that mobile technology as a
                                                                                          solution for laboratory users ‘is a solution that
                                      Mark Gonzalez                                       needs to solve real-life problems’.
                                      Technical director at Labware                           ‘What we want to do is solve the right
                                                                                          problems we don’t want to just throw out a bunch
                                                                                          of technology that doesn’t really solve anything of
                                      What technologies are requested by                  any business value.’
                                      laboratory users?                                       One example that he noted was the ability
                                                                                          to use mobile devices in untethered mode. This
                                      Mark highlighted that there are clear divisions     could allow users to perform actions such as
                                      between the two primary groups of existing          entering data without a continuous connection
                                      customers and potential users.                      to the LIMS server. Once the connection is
                                          ‘In terms of technology the question that       re-established the data can be automatically
                                      existing users are asking about most often is       sent to the LIMS system. ‘One value of mobile
                                      mobile. That is not to say that they have a clear   technology is that people could work remotely to
                                      plan on how to use the technology but they have     collect data, even if they don’t have a connection
                                      smart phones and tablets in their personal lives    to the LIMS server,’ concluded Gonzalez

Building a Smart Laboratory 2018                                                                                                       Dealing with data

                                                     and objectives in order to increase efficiency        effort and money, so they aren’t eager to move.
                                                     and productivity and finally it must facilitate       When a Lab needs to be compliant to GMP, GLP,
                                                     collaboration between scientists.                     etc it has many other points to manage: change
                                                         ‘The main issue is to handle data, not only       control, system validation, certification and audits.’
                                                     to store it but also to be able to use that data          All of these aspects can make a move more
                                                     effectively,’ stressed Acker. ‘Laboratories are       challenging, but ultimately choosing not to
                                                     producing and accumulating more and more              upgrade impacts agility – and the speed and
                                                     data from experiments, analysis, bibliography and     quality of further laboratory operations.
                                                     other areas. For instance, one screening campaign         Another aspect that AgiLab was keen to stress
                                                     could generate hundreds of thousands of results, a    was that cloud deployments are increasingly seen
                                                     query on a citation source like Pubmed can report     as a good choice for many laboratories. However,
Renaud Acker                                         thousands of references.                              the move to cloud based informatics requires a
Chief operating officer at Agilab                        ‘The challenge is to centralise data, to manage   user to change their mindset as they move from
                                                     and gather information, to generate knowledge         silos of data to a more fluid model of shared data
                                                     from data – and to keep track of what has been        sets and collaboration.
What are the main challenges that                    done, how it has been done, if it has worked or           ‘Labs are still working in silos,’ added Acker.
your users face when deploying digital               not. Big data technologies will be very useful to     ‘New R&D processes should break this logic in
informatics technology?                              annotate, explore and exploit the whole set of        order not only to exchange data but mostly to
                                                     data generated in labs and gathered from external     anticipate issues by gathering scientists working
Renaud Acker explains that, for many of AgiLab’s     public sources.                                       on a project. Collaboration is essential for R&D
customers, ‘change control’ is the main challenge:       While there are clear benefits to using the       project success. Cloud applications could help to
‘Processes have changed by using a new               latest software, cost of investment can be a big      exchange data and ideas between labs in different
generation of software. Users must be trained,       issue that prevents companies from replacing          locations, between industrial, partners and
standard operating procedures (SOPs) must be         legacy infrastructure – but it is not the only        academics.’
adapted, data handling and traceability must be      reason, as Acker explains.                                Acker concluded that cloud-based laboratory
managed in a different way.                              ‘There are at least two main reasons why labs     informatics is growing due to a number of factors
    ‘This means that lab software should be          don’t move easily to new lab software. Many           including their robust security, the potential for
user-friendly for daily use. Screens must be clear   companies and labs have spent fortunes in their       hosting management of services off-premise and
with adapted vocabulary,’ stated Acker. ‘However,    first generation of lab software. Secondly, they      the use of cloud subscription models that can
it must also be adapted to laboratory processes      have customised these products with considerable      reduce initial investment and running costs.

                                                     that iVention is managing in Europe that is           solution was hosted for the client by iVention.
                                                     consolidating as many as seven individual                 ‘I don’t think there are many of those rollouts
                                                     implementations with their own custom software,       completed successfully with a conventional LIMS
                                                     with additional software connected to it.             system,’ said Kox.
                                                         ‘They cannot upgrade everything all at once,’         ‘They are a big company with their own
                                                     he said.                                              IT department and we are hosting it for them
                                                         The presence of custom software in each           because we have all the technology in place to
                                                     implementation means that each installation is        automate everything, so all the upgrades can be
                                                     essentially a new piece of software.                  done automatically.’ He explained the success of
                                                         ‘Now if you compare this to the capabilities of   this rollout has meant this company is now using
Oscar Kox                                            a web-based system you can rollout to all of those    iVention as a strategic partner for much larger
Business delopment manager at Ivention               sites without custom software – there is a big        rollouts in the future.
                                                     benefit,’ said Kox.                                       Kox said: ‘I have seen organisations with
                                                         ‘If there is a LIMS project that people who are   very old software, which can be costly and time
                                                     now looking for a new LIMS or ELN, the decision       consuming to maintain and upgrade. Some IT
How important are digital technologies               they make now will affect them for the coming         directors would say the upgrade would cost more
to the modern laboratory?                            five to 10 years, because that is the investment      than the original installation, so they either try and
                                                     that you are looking at.’                             run for a few more years or select a new system.’
‘There is a lot of innovation available in the           Kox stressed customers should ask                     He said one of the main challenges when
market but I don’t think many labs are picking it    themselves: will this big conventional LIMS           dealing with legacy LIMS or ELN systems is a lack
up as early adopters,’ said Kox.                     vendor help me to innovate? ‘That is where the        of maintenance and upgradability: ‘The biggest
     ‘People should ask themselves how important     gap comes in. There’s a lot of innovation out         thing I see is customers paying maintenance and
is it adopt new technologies – to innovate in the    there but can I adopt it right now, because of the    they cannot upgrade. Support cannot help them
lab. Having worked in this industry for more than    systems I have in place?’                             because they have an old version and in many
20 years – of course it is important. You want to        He explained that iVention has installed          cases this support money is wasted because the
see new technology getting into the laboratory       systems across very large organisations. He gave      system is too old to be properly supported.
either because you want to reduce FTE, you want      an example of a pharma client who wanted to roll          ‘I would strongly recommend firms look at
to increase throughput or improve quality.’          out a system for 300 users across seven countries,    their maintenance contacts and ask themselves
     Kox gave an example of large implementation     over eight months. Cox also mentioned that this       “what are we getting back from it?”’ n                                                                                                                     11
The smart laboratory                                                                                     Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

                              The smart laboratory

This chapter discusses what we mean
                                                       oday the landscape for laboratory            a common problem facing many laboratories –
by a ‘smart laboratory’ and its role in
                                                       technologies is broad and varied. This       data generated through ‘dumb’ instrumentation
an integrated business. We also look
                                                       is true purely in terms of the variation     such as pH meter or weighing scales. Instruments
at the development of computerised
                                                       of management systems and other              that are not connected directly to a (Laboratory
laboratory data and information
                                          software packages but also due to the proliferation       Informatics Management System) LIMS or
management; the relationships
                                          of additional technology such as cloud, mobile            Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) type
between laboratory instruments
                                          technologies and more recently the IoT.                   management system present opportunities to
and automation (data acquisition);
                                              There is no specific definition of a ‘smart           introduce error through human data entry but
laboratory informatics systems
                                          laboratory’. The term is often used in different          there are multiple ways to solve this problem.
(information management); and higher-
                                          contexts to imply either that a laboratory is                 One would be to buy new scales for example.
level enterprise systems and how they
                                          designed to optimise its physical layout, that it         Purchasing a new instrument with smart
align with knowledge management
                                          incorporates the latest technology to control the         capabilities could feed that data directly into the
                                          laboratory environment, or that the laboratory is         LIMS reducing the chance for error. Another
                                          using the latest technology to manage its scientific      approach would be the use of mobile devices
The progressive ‘digitisation’ of the
                                          activities. For the purposes of this publication, it is   which could be used to capture the data at the
laboratory offers an unprecedented
                                          the latter definition that applies.                       bench another would be to use a raspberry Pi like
opportunity not only to increase
                                              Using technology to manage scientific                 device connected to the internet to take the result
laboratory efficiency and productivity,
                                          endeavours is conceptually a straightforward              and feed it into the LIMS. The choice around
but also to move towards ‘predictive
                                          task but the subtlety lies in choosing the right          whether mobile, IoT or new instruments is one
science’, where accumulated explicit
                                          combination of technologies that can be adapted           that can only be answered on a case by case basis
knowledge and computer algorithms
                                          to suit the use case of a specific laboratory which       – there is no one size fits all solution for every
can be exploited to bring about greater
                                          may be dictated by geography and personnel                laboratory.
understanding of materials, products,
                                          as much as it is driven by the availability of                The introduction of industrial R&D
and processes
                                          technology. As such the right answer to setting           laboratories heralded a new era of innovation and
                                          up a smart laboratory is not to adopt all possible        development dependent on the skills, knowledge
                                          technological features but to identify which              and creativity of individual scientists. The
                                          areas of the laboratory need to be accelerated or         evolution has continued into the ‘information
                                          improved upon.                                            age’ with a growing dependence on information
                                              A simple example of this could be found in            technology, both as an integral part of the

Building a Smart Laboratory 2018                                                                                                     The smart Laboratory

FIG 1                                                                           Information structure                The two primary areas of technology that apply
                                                                                                                to a smart laboratory can be broadly categorised as
                                                                                                                laboratory automation and laboratory informatics.
                                                                                                                In general, laboratory automation refers to the use
                                                                                                                of technology to streamline or substitute manual
                                                                                                                manipulation of equipment and processes. The
                                                                                                                field of laboratory automation comprises many
                                                                                                                different automated laboratory instruments,
                                                 Programmes                                                     devices, software algorithms, and methodologies
                                                                                                                used to enable, expedite, and increase the
                                                                                                                efficiency and effectiveness of scientific research
                                                   Projects                                                     in labs. Laboratory informatics generally refers to
                                             Project management                                                 the application of information technology to the
                                                                                                                handling of laboratory data and information, and
                                                Experiments                                                     optimising laboratory operations.
                                             Laboratory notebook                                                     In practice, it is difficult to define a
                                                                                                                boundary between the two ‘technologies’ but,
                                        Interpreted/processed data                                              in the context of this publication, chapter three
                                                 SDM/LIMS                                                       (Data) will provide an overview of laboratory
                                                                                                                instrumentation and automation, predominantly
                                                 Raw data                                                       data capture.
                                          Laboratory instrumentation                                                 Chapter four (Information) will look at
                                                                                                                the four major multi-user tools that fall into
scientific process, and as a means of managing         model (see Figure 1) that defines the conceptual,        the ‘informatics’ category, identifying their
scientific information and knowledge.                  multi-layered relationship between data,                 similarities, differences and the relationship
    Laboratory information has traditionally           information, and knowledge.                              between them. Chapters three and four, therefore,
been managed on paper, typically in the form               The triangle represents the different layers of      focus on the acquisition and management of
of the paper laboratory notebook, worksheets           abstraction that exist in laboratory workflows.          data and information, whereas chapter five
and reports. This provided a simple and                These are almost always handled by different             (Knowledge) will provide guidance about the
portable means of recording ideas, hypotheses,         systems. The ‘experiment’ level is the focal point       long-term retention and accessibility of laboratory
descriptions of laboratory apparatus and               for cross-disciplinary collaboration: the point          knowledge through online storage and search
laboratory procedures, results, observations, and      at which the scientific work is collated and             algorithms that aim to offer additional benefits
conclusions. As such, the lab notebook served as       traditionally handled by the paper laboratory            through the re-use of existing information, the
both a scientific and business record. However,        notebook.                                                avoidance of repeating work, and enhancing the
the introduction of digital technologies to the            Above the experimental layer is a management         ability to communicate and collaborate.
laboratory has brought about significant change.       context that is handled by established groupware              The underlying purpose of laboratory
    From the basic application of computational        and document management tools at the                     automation and laboratory informatics is to
power to undertake scientific calculations at          ‘programme’ level, and by standard ‘office’ tools        increase productivity, improve data quality, to
unprecedented speeds, to the current situation         at the project level. Below the experiment level         reduce laboratory process cycle times, and to
of extensive and sophisticated laboratory              there is an increasing specialisation of data types      facilitate laboratory data acquisition and data
automation, black box measurement devices,             and tools, typically encompassing laboratory             processing techniques that otherwise would be
and multiuser information management                   instrumentation and multi-user sample and test           impossible. Laboratory work is, however, just one
systems, technology is causing glassware and           management systems. The triangle also represents         step in a broader business process – and therefore,
paper notebooks to become increasingly rare            the transformation of data to knowledge, the             in order to realise full benefit from being ‘smart’,
in the laboratory landscape. The evolution of          journey from data capture to usable and reusable         it is essential that the laboratory workflow is
sophisticated lab instrumentation, data and            knowledge that is at the heart of the smart              consistent with business requirements and is
information management systems, and electronic         laboratory.                                              integrated into the business infrastructure in order
record keeping has brought about a revolution              The introduction of ELNs therefore opens up          for the business to achieve timely progress and
in the process of acquiring and managing               the possibility of a more strategic approach, which,     remain competitive.
laboratory data and information. However, the          in theory at least, offers the opportunity for an             Chapter seven (Beyond the laboratory) will
underlying principles of the scientific method         integrated and ‘smart’ solution.                         examine the relationship between laboratory
are unchanged, supporting the formulation,                 A frequently articulated fear about the              processes and workflows with key business
testing, and modification of hypotheses by             relentless incorporation of technology in                issues such as regulatory compliance and
means of systematic observation, measurement,          scientific processes is the extent to which it can       patent evidence creation, and will also address
and experimentation. In our context, a smart           de-humanise laboratory activities and reduce             productivity and business efficiency.
laboratory seeks to deploy modern tools and            the demand for intellectual input, or indeed, any             Chapter eight (Practical considerations in
technologies to improve the efficiency of              fundamental knowledge about the science and              specifying and building the smart laboratory)
the scientific method by providing seamless            technology processes that are in use. The objective      is therefore devoted to the process of making
integration of systems, searchable repositories        of this publication is to present a basic guide to the   the laboratory ‘smart’, taking into account the
of data of proven integrity, authenticity and          most common components of a ‘smart laboratory’,          functional needs and technology considerations
reliability, and the elimination of mindless and       to give some general background to the benefits          to meet the requirements of the business, and
unproductive paper-based processes.                    they deliver, and to provide some guidance to how        addressing the impact of change on laboratory
    At the heart of the smart laboratory is a simple   to go about building a smart laboratory.                 workers. n                                                                                                                        13
Data: Instrumentation                                                                                     Building a Smart Laboratory 2018



This chapter will consider the

                                              Simple laboratory instruments                          technologies in instrumentation significantly
different classes of instruments and                                                                 improves both their utility and the labs’ workflow.
computerised instrument systems to                          evices such as analytical balances
be found in laboratories and the role                       and pH meters use low-level              Computerised instrument systems
they play in computerised experiments                       processing to carry out basic
and sample processing – and the                             functions that make them easier to       The improvement in workflow becomes more
steady progress towards all-electronic        work with. The tare function on a balance avoids       evident as the level of sophistication of the
laboratories.                                 a subtraction step and makes it much easier to         software increases. It is rare to find commercial
    However, the choice of best-of-breed      weigh out a specific quantity of material.             instrumentation that doesn’t have processing
laboratory instruments and instrument             Connecting them to an electronic lab               capability either within the instruments’
systems can present challenges when           notebook (ELN), a laboratory information               packaging or, through a connection to an
it comes to getting everything to work        management system (LIMS), a lab execution              external computer system.
together in a seamless way. The final         system (LES), or a robot, adds computer-                   The choice of dedicated computer-instrument
part of this chapter will look at the issue   controlled sensing capability that can significantly   combinations vs. multi-user, multi-instrument
of standard data interchange formats,         off-load manual work. Accessing that balance           packages is worth careful consideration. The most
the extent of the challenge, and some of      through an ELN or LES permits direct insertion         common example is chromatography, which has
the initiatives to address them               of the measurement into the database and avoids        options from both instrument vendors and third-
                                              the risk of transcription errors. In addition, the     party suppliers.
                                              informatics software can catch errors and carry            One of the major differences is data access
                                              out calculations that might be needed in later         and management. In a dedicated format, each
                                              steps of the procedure.                                computer’s data system is independent and has
                                                  The connection between the instrument and          to be managed individually, including backups to
                                              computer system may be as simple as an RS-232          servers.
                                              connection or USB. Direct Ethernet connections             It also means that searching for data may
                                              or connections through serial-to-Ethernet              be more difficult. With multi-user/instrument
                                              converters can offer more flexibility by permitting    systems there is only one database that needs to
                                              access to the device from different software           be searched and managed.
                                              systems and users. The inclusion of smart                  If you are considering connecting the systems

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Data: Instrumentation                                                                                                 Building a Smart Laboratory 2018

to a LIMS or ELN, make the connections as             FIG 2                                                                         Analogue data acquisition
simple as possible. If an instrument supported by
the software needs to be replaced, changing the
connection will be simpler.
    Licence costs are also a factor. Dedicated
formats require a licence for each system. Shared-
access systems have more flexible licensing                                        Electrical
considerations. Some have a cost per user and               to be                                                       Control
                                                                                   converting              A/D                                Communications
                                                            measured                                                    processor
connected instrument; others have a cost per                (detector)
                                                                                   properly to
active user/instrument schedules.                                                  voltage
    In the latter case, there are eight instruments
and four analysts, of which only half may be                                                Product                Digital I/0
simultaneously active, licenses for only four                                                                      (switches, LEDs, etc.)
instruments and two users are needed.
    One factor that needs attention is the
education of laboratory staff in the use of
computer-instrument systems.
    While instrument software systems are             Instrument data management                                 are created – and transfer the format to that
capable of doing a great deal, their ability to                                                                  needed by the instrument. Robotic arms – still
function is often governed by user-defined            The issue of instrument data management is                 appropriate for many applications – have been
parameters that affect, at least in chromatography,   a significant one and requires considerable                replaced with components more suitable to the
baseline-corrections, area allocation for             planning. Connecting instruments to a LIMS                 task, particularly where liquid handling is the
unresolved peaks, etc. Carefully adjusted and         or ELN is a common practice, though often                  dominant activity, as in life science applications.
tuned parameters will yield good results, but         not an easy one if the informatics vendor                      Success in automating sample preparation
problems can occur if they are not managed and        hasn’t provided a mechanism for interfacing                depends heavily on thoroughly analysing the
checked for each run.                                 equipment. Depending on how things are set                 process in question and determining:
                                                      up, only a portion of the information in the               n Whether or not the process is well
                                                      instrument data system is transferred to the                  documented and understood (no
 Type of A/D          Capability
                                                      informatics system.                                           undocumented short-cuts or workarounds
 Successive           These are general-                  If the transfer is the result of a worklist               that are critical to success), and whether
 approximation        purpose devices suitable        execution of a quantitative analysis, only the                improvements or changes can be made
                      for a wide range of             final result may be transferred – the reference               without adversely impacting the underlying
                      applications. They
                      have limited resolution,
                                                      data still resides on the instrument system. The              science;
                      but have amplifiers for         result is a distributed data structure. In regulated       n Suitability for automation: whether or not
                      low-level signals, and          environments, this means that links to the backup             there are any significant barriers (equipment,
                      can sequentially access         information have to be maintained within the                  etc.) to automation and whether they can be
                      multiple input channels.        LIMS or ELN, so that it can be traced back to the             resolved;
                      Their resolutions are
                      up to 18 bits (262,144          original analysis.                                         n That the return in investment is acceptable
                      steps) and sampling                 The situation becomes more interesting                    and that automation is superior to other
                      speeds of up to five            when instrument data systems change or are                    alternatives such as outsourcing, particularly
                      million samples per             retired. Access still has to be maintained to                 for shorter-term applications; and
                      second (sps). The higher
                      the resolution, the slower
                                                      the data those systems hold. One approach is               n That the people implementing the project
                      the sampling speed.             virtualising the instrument data system so that the           have the technical and project management
                                                      operating system, instrument support software,                skills appropriate for the work.
 Integrating          Good for low speed              and the data are archived together on a server.            The tools available for successfully implementing
                      sampling (14
                                                      (Virtualisation is, in part, a process of making a         a process are clearly superior to what was
                      bits, single channel            copy of everything on a computer so that it can            available in the past. Rather than having a robot
                      inputs, with good noise         be stored on a server as a file or ‘virtual container’     adapt to equipment that was made for people
                      rejection. Often used in        and then executed on the server without the                to work with, equipment has been designed
                      chromatography.                 need for the original hardware. It can be backed           for automation – a major advance. In the life
 Sigma-Delta          Up to 24 bits of                up or archived, (so that it is protected from loss).       sciences, the adoption of the microplate as a
 A/D                  resolution, single channel      In the smart laboratory, system management is              standard format multi-sample holder (typically
                      input – may not be              a significant function – one that may be new to            96 wells, but can have 384 or 1,536 wells – denser
                      efficient for multi-channel     many facilities. The benefits of doing it smartly          forms have been manufactured) has fostered
                      inputs, low speed, may
                      replace integrating A/Ds.       are significant.                                           the commercial availability of readers, shakers,
                                                                                                                 washers, handlers, stackers, and liquid additions
 Flash                Single channel input,           Computer-controlled experiments and                        systems, which makes the design of preparation
                      8-bit conversion,               sample processing                                          and analysis systems easier. Rather than
                      approximately 1 billion
                      SPS. Good for very                                                                         processing samples one at a time, as was done in
                      high-speed applications,        Adding intelligence to lab operations isn’t limited        early technologies, parallel processing of multiple
                      where low resolution is         to processing instrument data, it extends to an            samples is performed to increase productivity.
                      not a problem. You can          earlier phase of the analysis: sample preparation.             Another area of development is the ability to
                      digitise electrical noise.
                                                      Robotic systems can take samples – as they                 centralise sample preparation and then distribute

Building a Smart Laboratory 2018                                                                                                  Data: Instrumentation

the samples to instrumentation outside the            processed by the instrument would wait until           examples of integration methods that enabled
sample prep area through pneumatic tubes.             the data system told it to go ahead. The LIMS          the user to extend the basic capability and have
This technology offers increased efficiency by        has the expected range for valid results and the       ready access to a third-party market of useful
putting the preparation phase in one place so that    acceptable limits. If a result exceeded the range,     components. It also allowed the computer
solvents and preparation equipment can be             several things could happen:                           vendors to concentrate on their core product and
easily managed, with analysis taking place            n The analyst would be notified;                       satisfy end-user needs through partnerships; each
elsewhere. This is particularly useful if safety is   n The analysis system would be notified that           vendor could concentrate on what they did best
an issue.                                                the test should be repeated;                        and the resulting synergy gave the users what they
     Across the landscape of laboratory types         n If confirmed, standards would be run                 needed.
and industries, the application of sample                to confirm that the system was operating                 Now these traditional methods are being
preparation robotics is patchy at best. Success and      properly; and                                       surpassed by the IOT or wireless connected
commercial interest have favoured areas where         n If the system were not operating according           devices but the argument for connecting devices
standardisation in sample formats has taken              to SOPs, the system would stop to avoid             still remains the same – is the value added worth
place.                                                   wasting material and notify the analyst.            the investment? The answer depends on the
     The development of microplate sample             The introduction of a feedback facility would          instrument, but generally it is more effective to
formats, including variations such as tape systems    significantly improve productivity.                    connect the most widely used instruments such
that maintain the same sample cell organisation           At the end of the analysis, any results that are   as PH meters and weighing scales.
in life sciences, and standard sample vials for       outside expected limits would have been checked              Connections are only part of the issue. The
                                                                                                             more significant factor is the structure of the data
                                                                                                             that is being exchanged: how it is formatted; and
                                                                                                             the organisation of the content. In the examples
          Building a smart laboratory needs to look beyond commonplace                                       above, that is managed by the use of standard
           approaches and make better use of the potential that exists in                                    device drivers or, when called for, specialised
                             informatics technologies                                                        device handlers that are loaded once by the user.

                                                                                                                  In short, hardware and software are
                                                                                                             designed for integration, otherwise vendors find
                                                                                                             themselves at a disadvantage in the marketplace.
                                                                                                                  Laboratory software comes with a different
auto-samplers, are common examples. Standard          and the systems integrity verified. Making this        mindset. Instrument support software was
sample geometries give vendors a basis for            happen depends on connectivity and the ability         designed first and foremost to support the
successful product development if those products      to integrate components.                               vendor’s instrument and provide facilities that
can have wider use rather than being limited to                                                              weren’t part of the device, such as data analysis.
niche markets.                                        Instrument integration                                 Integration with other systems wasn’t a factor.
                                                                                                                  That is changing. The increasing demand
Putting the pieces together                           In order for the example described above to            for higher productivity and better return
                                                      work, components must be connected in a way            on investment has resulted in the need for
It’s not enough to consider in isolation sample       that permits change without rebuilding the             systems integration to get overall better systems
preparation, the introduction of samples into         entire processing train from scratch. Information      performance; part of that measure is to reduce
instruments, the instruments themselves, and          technology has learned those lessons repeatedly        the need for human interaction with the system.
the data systems that support them. Linking           as computing moved from proprietary products           Integration should result in:
them together provides a train of tasks that can      and components to user friendly consumer               Ease-of-use: integrated systems are
lead to an automated sample processin                 systems.                                               expected to take less effort to get things done;
system as shown in Figure 3.                              Consumer level systems aren’t any less capable     Improved productivity, streamlined
    The control/response link is needed to            than the earlier private-brand-only systems, they      operations: the number of steps needed to
synchronise sample introduction and data              are just easier to manage and smarter in design.       accomplish a task should be reduced;
acquisition. Depending on the nature of the               Small Computer Systems Interconnect,               nA  voiding duplicate data: no need to look
work, that link can extend to sample preparation.     Firewire and Universal Serial Bus are a few               in multiple places;
The end result is a system that not only provides
higher productivity than manual methods, but
does so with reduced operating costs (after the
initial development investment).                      FIG 3                                                  An automated sample processing system
     However, building a smart laboratory needs
to look beyond commonplace approaches and                                                                     Control/response
make better use of the potential that exists in
informatics technologies. Extending that train
of elements to include a LIMS, for example, has
additional benefits. The initial diagram above
would result in a worklist of samples with the                                                               Instrument
test results that would be sent to a LIMS for
incorporation into its database.
     Suppose there was a working link between
a LIMS and the data system that would send                   Sample                     Sample                                   Data acquisition, analysis,
sample results individually, and that each sample          preparation               introduction                                 reporting, storage, etc                                                                                                                     17
You can also read