Page created by Kirk Hayes

BRIDGES                             PROGRAM

T R O M S Ø N O R WAY 1 - 4 F E B R U A R Y

1 - 4 February 2021


    Arctic family and friends will meet from February 1-4 2021 for the
    15th edition of our annual Arctic Frontiers conference. Registration
    is now open and we are looking forward to welcoming active
    participation from around the globe.

    This year under the banner of Building       Key to making this year a success is you,
    Bridges we have created four thematic        our friends and participants, who we trust
    days that bridge both plenary and science    will engage with us on social media and
    topics:                                      via questions during our sessions. Our dig-
                                                 ital platform will also facilitate networking
    Monday 1 Feb:                                between participants.
    Wellbeing and Societal Health
    Tuesday 2 Feb:
                                                 The pricing this year is easy. Through our
    Building the Future                          conference platform you get access to
                                                 the full program and networking tools all
    Wednesday 3 Feb:                             four days.
    Ocean meets Coast
    Thursday 4 Feb:                              See the updated program here
    Business Solutions                 

    With Tromsø as our backdrop we will invite
    a small number of guests to participate
    live in our Arctic Frontiers studio at UiT
    The Arctic University of Norway and           Buy your access pass here
    welcome other speakers from around the
    world on our digital conference platform.    Regular participant
    The Arctic Frontiers 2021 Plenary program    1000 NOK (ex VAT)
    starts 1 February at 12:00 CET and The
    Arctic Frontiers 2021 Science program        Students, PhD students and postdocs
    starts 1 February at 11:00 CET.              400 NOK (ex VAT)

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                                                                                                         The Arctic is a diverse and vibrant region of people who have lived there since time im-
                                                                                                         memorial and also those who have chosen this beautiful region as home. Healthy Arctic
                                                                                                         societies are threatened by worrying levels of contamination, disruptions of food webs,

                                                                                                         mental illness and suicide. The COVID-19 pandemic poses additional obstacles for Arctic
                                                                                                         communities and businesses. Solutions are complex due to a myriad of challenges left by
                                                                                                         the vestiges of colonialism, including access to health care services and equipment, the
                                                                                                         need for reckoning over racial injustice, southern migration of young people and the mas-
    PLENARY                                                                                              culine character of Arctic communities. This session seeks to shed light on the stories and
    Moderator Eva Bratholm                                                                               strategies required to build bridges to healthier Arctic populations.
    Key note Johannes Labba, Reindeer herder, Saarivuoma cearru/reindeer herding district. Sweden.
              Kristen Tanche, Regional Health and Wellness Coordinator, Decho First Nation. Canada.

    SESSION 1                                          SESSION 2                                         SESSION 3
    ARCTIC RESPONSES TO                                ADDRESSING ADDICTION AND MENTAL                   BUILDING BRIDGES
    COVID-19                                           HEALTH CHALLENGES IN ARCTIC COMMUNITIES           16:30 – 18:00 CET
    12:00 – 13:45 CET                                  14:30 – 15:45 CET
                                                                                                         Our high-level session on wellbeing and societal
    Who could have known that 2020 would               Resilient Arctic communities are at the heart     health will build bridges between cultural
    be defined by a global pandemic? The               of the northern and Arctic Strategies being       perspectives and international borders.
    Arctic has not escaped the impacts of              released by the Arctic States. And many           What are the biggest challenges in addressing
    COVID-19 which has underscored existing            strive towards a real reckoning of past           societal health in northern and Arctic
    vulnerabilities such as remoteness, access         policies with current realities when it comes     communities? Are the strategies in place
    to health services and ushered in eco-             to addressing mental and physical wellbeing       adequately funded to affect real change
    nomic slowdown. How have Arctic com-               in Arctic communities. This session seeks to      for the people most in need? Are resilience
    munities and decision makers responded to          explore the approaches that are empowering        practices in Arctic communities an “export”
    COVID-19? And what does the Arctic have            indigenous peoples and northern inhabitants       that should be shared with the rest of the world?
    to share with the rest of the world in terms       to address societal health challenges in cul-
    of resilience, recovery and re-opening?            turally appropriate and innovative ways.          Speakers
                                                                                                         Mary Simon, FFellow Arctic Institute of North
    Speakers                                           Speakers                                          America. Canada.
    Urmas Reinsalu, Foreign Minister of Estonia.       Kristen Tanche, Regional Health and Wellness      Jenny Gilruth, Minister for Europe and
    Estonia.                                           Coordinator, Decho First Nation. Canada.          International Development, Scottish Government.
    Kirsti Mijnhijmer, Head of Secretariat             Dr. Jóna Margrét Ólafsdóttir, Adjunct Lecturer,   Scotland.
    Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme.           Faculty of Social Work, University of Iceland.    Lisa Murkowski, Senator for Alaska,
    Denmark.                                           Iceland.                                          United States Government. USA.
    Dr. Liza Mack, Director, Aleut International
    Association. USA.                                  Brief Outlook                                     Brief Outlook
                                                       Sunna Nousuniemi, Filmmaker. Finland.             Mikhail Pogodaev, Deputy Minister,
    Brief Outlook                                                                                        Development of the Arctic and the Peoples
    Dr. Kathrine Kristoffersen, Municipal Chief                                                          of the North of the Republic of Sakha. Russia.
    Physician, Tromsø Municipality. Norway.

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    SCIENCE PARALLEL 1                SCIENCE PARALLEL 2                YOUNG                                             YOUNG

    SESSION 1                         SESSION 5                         EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP:                            CLEAR MINDS; CLEAR VISION
    ARCTIC HEALTH AND                 THE COUPLED ARCTIC SYSTEM:        BRIDGES AMONG RESEARCHERS:                        14:30 – 16:00 CET
                                      FROM RECENT INTERNATIONAL         ARCTIC BIOMARKERS SCIENTISTS                      Good Health and Wellbeing feature as one
    11:00 – 12:00 CET                 CAMPAIGNS                         09:00 - 11:00 CET                                 the Sustainable Development Goals (3).
    Welcome & keynote presentations                                                                                       As the saying goes, health is wealth; it has
                                      11:00 – 12:00 CET                 Arctic biogeochemistry is a rapidly develo-       become increasingly important to pay at-
    13:30 – 14:30 CET                 Welcome & keynote presentations   ping field, spurred by ongoing climate change,    tention to different aspects of our health,
    Block of short presentations                                        and its ecological applicability in studying      especially during this COVID-19 pandemic.
                                      13:30 – 14:30 CET                 ecosystem dynamics, ecotoxicology and             How are young people coping with stress?
    15:30 – 16:30 CET                 Block of short presentations      movement ecology shows great promises.            Anxiety, depression and self-harm, have
    Block of short presentations                                                                                          become the ‘trilogy’ affecting many young
                                      15:30 – 16:30 CET                 Such momentum, along with typical chal-           people due to a myriad of reasons. This
    18:00 – 19:00 CET                 Block of short presentations      lenges inherent to interdisciplinary re-          session examines some of the practical
    Panel discussion                                                    search and the increasing need for digital        ways of combating stress, loneliness and
                                                                        operability, calls for a strong and resilient     anxiety among young people. What col-
                                        Detailed description            international collaboration network in            lective action is needed at the global and
      Detailed description
                                                                        which knowledge sharing in an open and            local level to give mental health issues
                                                                        reproducible science framework is pivotal.        among young people much prominence?

                                                                        This workshop therefore aims to bring to-         Speakers
                                                                        gether Arctic biomarkers scientists, from         Ragnhild Dybdahl, Associate Professor of
                                                                        all kinds of specialty and career stage, to       Psychology, Oslo Metropolitan University
                                                                        seek out the collective opinion and knowl-        Amy Rasmussen Waluk, Director,
                                                                        edge to strengthen the network of Arctic          Four Directions Center for Social Health
                                                                        biomarkers scientists.

                                                                        Paul Renaud, Senior Researcher,
                                                                        Clare Eayrs, Research scientist, Association of
                                                                        Polar Early Career Scientists
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                                                                                                          This year Arctic Frontiers will host a panel of young Arctic leaders alongside
                                                                                                          seasoned Arctic influencers who will dive deeper into the opportunities and
                                                                                                          obstacles northern youth face now and in the future. Framed in the context of the UN’s

                                                                                                          Sustainable Development Goals, speakers are invited to discuss the pressing issues they
                                                                                                          stand to inherit such as climate change, societal pressure, migration of young people
                                                                                                          to the south and the question of whether the Arctic is facing its own cultural revolution.
                                                                                                          Today’s session seeks to build bridges between generations, borders and disciplines to find
    PLENARY                                                                                               the best solutions for a resilient Arctic.
    Moderator Eva Bratholm
    Key note Joel Clement, Arctic Initiative Senior Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for
    Science and International Affairs. USA.

    SESSION 1                                             SESSION 2                                       SESSION 3
    CLIMATE COLLABORATION                                 STAYING NORTH – CHALLENGES OF                   BUILDING BRIDGES
    FOR THE FUTURE                                        OUT-MIGRATION                                   16:30 – 18:00 CET
    12:00 – 13:45 CET                                     14:30 – 15:45 CET
                                                                                                          How are young people influencing policy
    Climate change is top of mind for young               Growing up in Arctic communities comes          at the highest level and what we can
    people living in the Arctic as they experi-           with its own set of unique opportunities        expect in the future? This session will host
    ence the impacts on a daily basis. Climate            and challenges. Access to education,            a panel of young Arctic leaders along-
    change threatens to completely reshape                health services, counselling, and early         side seasoned Arctic influencers who will
    the Arctic environment and economic                   career opportunities can be difficult. Our      dive deeper into the opportunities and
    landscape. This session will bridge perspec-          panelists will address these challenges,        obstacles northern youth face now and in
    tives from academia and indigenous com-               but also provide examples of how commu-         the future.
    munities with national decision makers.               nities, business and political leaders are
                                                          working together to meet these obstacles        Key note
    Speakers                                              head-on.                                        Josep Borrell Fontelles, High Representative
    Henrik Asheim, Minister of Research and                                                               of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and
    Higher Education, The Norwegian Government.           Speakers                                        Security Policy / Vice-President of the Europe-
    Norway.                                               David Korgak, Manager of Individual             an Commission. EU/Spain.
    Dr. Mia Bennett, Assistant Professor,                 Advocacy Services, Representative for
    Hong Kong University. USA.                            Children and Youth. Canada.                     Speakers
    Inga Anne Karen Sara, Sámi Reindeer Herder,           Johannes Lundvoll, Youth Leader, Troms and      Ine Marie Eriksen Søreide, Minister of Foreign
    Reindeer grazing district 22 Fiettar. Norway.         Finnmark County Council. Norway.                Affairs, Norway. Norway.
                                                          Mia Chemnitz, Entrepreneur, Qiviut AS. Green-   James DeHart, U.S. Arctic Coordinator,
    Brief Outlook                                         land.                                           United States. USA.
    Anna Ziya Geerling, Student, UiT The Arctic           Semen Yaptune, Chair of RAIPON Youth            Sam Schimmel, Student, Stanford University.
    University of Norway. Holland.                        Council. Russia.                                Canada.
    Ingvild Brox Kielland, Advisor, SpareBank 1
    Nord-Norge. Norway.                                   Brief Outlook
                                                          Daniela Toma, Student, UiT The Arctic
                                                          University of Norway. Greece.

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     SCIENCE PARALLEL 1                SCIENCE PARALLEL 2                YOUNG

     SESSION 1                         SESSION 5                         EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP:
                                       CENT INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGNS      AND RESPONDING TO A TARGETED
     11:00 – 12:00 CET                                                   AUDIENCE
     Welcome & keynote presentations   11:00 – 12:00 CET                 09:00 - 11:00 CET
                                       Welcome & keynote presentations
     13:30 – 14:30 CET                                                   This session is the opportunity to develop,
     Block of short presentations      13:30 – 14:30 CET                 fine-tune and practice your science com-
                                       Block of short presentations      munication skills with the support of a
     15:30 – 16:30 CET                                                   professional science communicator. In
     Block of short presentations      15:30 – 16:30 CET                 this session, we will have presentations
                                       Block of short presentations      and exercises on science communication,
     18:00 – 19:00 CET                                                   particularly in written formats, culminating
     Panel discussion                  18:00 – 19:00 CET                 in the production of a short piece regarding
                                       Panel discussion                  your field of expertise. You will then have
       Detailed description                                              the opportunity work with local school
                                                                         students with regards to your written
                                         Detailed description
                                                                         piece and gain feedback from a young
                                                                         audience, gaining key insight into what is
                                                                         needed to best communicate your work.

                                                                         Matthew Davidson, Consultant, Flow Con-
                                                                         cepts Norway
                                                                         Hanna Kauko, Post-doctoral researcher,
                                                                         Norwegian Polar Institute

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                                                                                                     For centuries Arctic communities have turned to the seas to provide food, safe hav-
                                                                                                     en, transportation, natural resources and energy not just to survive, but to thrive. Once
                                                                                                     considered secondary, traditional activities are now the centrepiece of national policies

                                                                                                     and business since it is no secret that we need our oceans to meet growing demands for
                                                                                                     food, resources, transportation and energy. This reality is balanced by the urgent need to
                                                                                                     sustain healthy oceans to ensure a healthy planet. This session seeks to discuss the op-
                                                                                                     portunities and challenges created by the rapid growth of ocean-based industry and the
     PLENARY                                                                                         societies on the front lines, through the lens of cooperation and innovation.
     Moderator Liv Monica Stubholt
     Key note Ambassador David Balton, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Oceans
     and Fisheries in the Department of State, Wilson Center. USA.

     SESSION 1                                        SESSION 2                                      SESSION 3
     THE PARADOXES OF                                 THE ARCTIC COUNCIL –                           BUILDING BRIDGES
     CO-EXISTENCE                                     25 YEARS OF PEACE AND COOPERATION              16:30 – 18:00 CET
     12:00 – 13:45 CET                                14:30- 15:45 CET
                                                                                                     This session will bring together views on
     This session will shed light on the need         Over the past 25 years, the Arctic Council     how ocean activities are impacting com-
     to balance growing ocean economies               has brought together Arctic States and         munities around the circumpolar region.
     with the commitment by Arctic states to          Indigenous peoples at one table to chart       How are conflicts and the paradoxes
     ensure sustainability and healthy coastal        a path forward for the region. Today, the      of sustainable economic growth and
     communities. Voices of research, Indige-         Council is regarded as the preeminent          environmental protection being resolved?
     nous knowledge and business will address         forum for addressing Arctic issues, for        What are the biggest threats as identified
     how these challenges are being met               maintaining peace in the region, foster-       by government, communities and Indige-
     head-on.                                         ing exceptional cooperation and contrib-       nous peoples?
                                                      uting to the well-being of people across
     Speakers                                         the Arctic. To mark its anniversary, the       Speakers
     Sissel Rogne, Director, Institute of Marine      Arctic Frontiers and the Arctic Council will   The Honourable Daniel Vandal,
     Research, Norway.                                host a high-level dialogue on the Council’s    Minister of Northern Affairs, Canada
     John Goodlad, Chairman, Fisheries Innovation     formation accomplishments, institutional       Thor Sigfusson, Founder and CEO, Iceland
     Scotland.                                        changes and challenges                         Ocean Cluster. Iceland.
                                                      – a conversation that will serve as an
     Brief Outlook                                    invitation to reflect on the Council’s next
     Dr. Minsu Kim, Director / Northern & Polar       25 years.
     Regions Research Department, Korea Maritime
     Institute. South Korea.

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     SCIENCE PARALLEL 1                SCIENCE PARALLEL 2                 YOUNG                                             YOUNG

     SESSION 3                         SESSION 6                          EARLY CAREER WORKSHOP:                            SCIENCE DIPLOMACY IN A
                                       FOR THE ARCTIC AND BEYOND          WEED FARMING AS A CASE STUDY FOR                  14:30 – 16:00 CET
     11:00 – 12:00 CET                                                    STAKEHOLDER COMMUNICATION AND
     Welcome & keynote presentations   11:00 – 12:00 CET                  PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                               This session is a lecture on the topic
                                       Welcome & keynote presentations    09:00 - 11:00 CET                                 of Science Diplomacy. Scientific and
     13:30 – 14:30 CET                                                                                                      technological advancement speaks to
     Block of short presentations      13:30 – 14:30 CET                  Seaweed farming has the potential to              the potency of knowledge in our daily
                                       Block of short presentations       become a major industry in Norway for             lives. This session aims to present the key
     15:30 – 16:30 CET                                                    sustainable feed and food production.             ingredients of the concept of Science Di-
     Block of short presentations      15:30 – 16:30 CET                  Such potential is currently limited by a          plomacy, both in theory and practice. The
                                       Block of short presentations       low level of processing automation and a          session will engage questions of why it is
                                                                          limited demand for seaweed food products.         necessary to build bridges of cooperation
       Detailed description
                                       18:00 – 19:00 CET                  The development of innovative products            in the production and use of scientific
                                       Panel discussion                   containing bioactive seaweed ingredients          knowledge by states.
                                                                          can help to counteract future challenges
                                                                          related to the lack of an efficient system        Speakers
                                         Detailed description
                                                                          for large-scale biomass production.               Bård Ivar Svendsen, Ambassador at the
                                                                          In this session, participants will hear differ-   Royal Norwegian Embassy in the Haag
                                                                          ent perspectives about the stakeholders           Professor Rasmus Gedssø Bertelsen,
                                                                          and challenges involved in developing and         Professor of Northern Studies, Barents Chair in
                                                                          marketing such products.                          Politics, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
                                                                                                                            Ambassador Marie-Anne Coninsx,
                                                                          Speakers                                          Former EU Ambassador for the Arctic
                                                                          Mari Bjordal, Adviser, Bellona
                                                                          Pierrick Stévant, Researcher, Møreforskning

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                                                                                                                Today’s thematic sessions seeks to look at specific solutions to challenges facing Arc-
                                                                                                                tic businesses at the heart of northern communities. Unique competence and expertise
                                                                                                                remain challenged by capacity issues, under-capitalization and infrastructure challenges

                                                                                                                that limits commercialization and scaling for Arctic products and services. Arctic Frontiers
                                                                                                                2021 will draw to a close with our final Building Bridges session hosted by Norwegian Prime
                                                                                                                Minister Erna Solberg. Leaders will discuss how the global economic downturn due to the
                                                                                                                COVID-19 pandemic has also been felt in the Arctic and provide insights into what recov-
     PLENARY                                                                                                    ery will look like for businesses that operate in the region. The second half of the discus-
     Moderator Liv Monica Stubholt                                                                              sion will focus on shifting approaches to geopolitics North of 60.
     Key note B. Scott Minerd, Chairman of Guggenheim Investments and Global Chief Investment Officer. USA.

     SESSION 1                                             SESSION 2                                            SESSION 3
     CIRCULAR ECONOMY                                      CARBON CAPTURE AND MEETING                           BUILDING BRIDGES
     ADVANCES IN THE ARCTIC                                FUTURE ENERGY NEEDS                                  16:30 – 18:00 CET
     12:00 – 13:45 CET                                     14:30 – 15:45 CET
                                                                                                                The last panel of the 2021 Arctic Frontiers
     As the EU and Arctic states step up efforts           The growing need for energy and the                  brings together political leaders from the
     to become carbon neutral, circular                    desire to become carbon neutral offer                Nordic Arctic. Discussion will be split into
     industries and policies will need to take             a unique paradox that require innovation             two topics - COVID recovery and Shifts
     centre stage. This session will discuss               from our business leaders. What are the              in the geo-political Arctic. Our Speakers
     different approaches, challenges and                  opportunities for hydrogen as future                 will pull on green recovery strategies and
     success stories important for the Arctic              source of energy? Are new technologies a             recently released Arctic Strategies during
     green transition.                                     real option for the Arctic?                          this final Building Bridges panel.

     Speakers                                              Speakers                                             Speakers
     Virginijus Sinkevi ius, European Commisioner          Steinar Eikaas, VP-Low Carbon Solutions,             Erna Solberg, Prime Minister, Norway.
     for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Europe-        Equinor. Norway.                                     Stefan Löfven, Prime Minister, Sweden.
     an Union. EU/Lithuania.                               Heidar Gudjonsson, Chairman,                         Sanna Marin, Prime Minister, Finland.
     Justin Sternberg, Program Director, Alaska            Arctic Economic Council. Iceland.
     Ocean Cluster. USA.                                   Yuri Vasiliev, Executive Director of the Institute   Brief Outlook
     Tonje Nermark, Vice-President, Strategic              of Arctic Technologies, Moscow Institute of          Dr. Peter Winsor, Director,
     Communications and Public Affairs,                    Physics and Technology. Russia.                      WWF Arctic Programme. USA.
     Mo Industrial Park, Norway.
                                                           Brief Outlook
     Brief Outlook                                         Jannicke Gerner Bjerkås, Director CSS,
     Marianne Kroglund, AMAP Vice Chair and                Fortum Oslo Varme. Norway.
     Arctic Senior Advisor, Norwegian Environment
     Agency. Norway.

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     SCIENCE PARALLEL 1                SCIENCE PARALLEL 2                YOUNG

     SESSION 4                         SESSION 2                         GROWING TOGETHER –
     ENTERPRISES (SMEs)                THE ARCTIC STORIES?               12:30 – 14:00 CET
     SUSTAINABILITY IN                 11:00 – 12:00 CET                 Over the years, Arctic Frontiers has served
     THE HIGH-NORTH                    Welcome & keynote presentations   as the platform where professionals, politi-
                                                                         cians and promising young leaders meet to
     11:00 – 12:00 CET                 13:30 – 14:30 CET                 exchange ideas on the sustainability of the
     Welcome & keynote presentations   Block of short presentations      Arctic. While we appreciate that creat-
                                                                         ing the opportunity for an inter-general
     13:30 – 14:30 CET                 15:30 – 16:30 CET                 dialogue is indispensable, we also recognize
     Block of short presentations      Block of short presentations      the importance of building bridges among
                                                                         participants of our various young programs.
     15:30 – 16:30 CET
                                         Detailed description            As the participants of Student Forum are in
     Block of short presentations                                        transition; looking to move further into aca-
                                                                         demia, industry or governance, connecting
                                                                         with other young people who are already
       Detailed description
                                                                         walking their intended future paths to share
                                                                         ideas and stories is most valuable. This ses-
                                                                         sion brings young leaders who are alumni of
                                                                         our Emerging Leaders program to engage
                                                                         with bachelor and master students.

                                                                         Maria Høegh Berdahl, Advisor, Science and
                                                                         Earth Observation, Norwegian Space Agency
                                                                         Svetlana Konopleva, Coordinator, Economic
                                                                         and Business Cooperation, Royal Norwegian
                                                                         Consulate General in Murmansk
                                                                         Dr. Alexandra Cherkasheva, Assistant
                                                                         Professor, Department of Geophysics, St.
                                                                         Petersburg State University
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                       ASSOCIATED PARTNERS

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