BULGARIA AND EUROPEANA - An overview 20 January 2020 - Europeana Pro

BULGARIA AND EUROPEANA - An overview 20 January 2020 - Europeana Pro
An overview       Българско дружество Червен кръст
                     Регионална библиотека ПЕНЧО
20 January 2020    СЛАВЕЙКОВ - Варна / Public Library
                                              - Varna
BULGARIA AND EUROPEANA - An overview 20 January 2020 - Europeana Pro
Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

Table of contents


   Intro                                   3

   Presidency of the Council of the
   European Union                          4

   Highlights                              5

   Funding and projects                    5

   Professional participation -
   Europeana Network Association           6

   Bulgaria’s culture showcased
   in Europeana Collections                6

   Bulgaria in Europeana Collections       8

   End notes                               10
BULGARIA AND EUROPEANA - An overview 20 January 2020 - Europeana Pro
Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview


    The Europeana Initiative drives digital         available through Europeana Collections.
    transformation and is responsible for           With content from every EU country (and
    Europeana Collections - Europe’s                beyond), an interface available in every
    platform for digital cultural heritage. It is   EU language, and an award-winning
    financed by the European Union’s                series of APIs that give access to its
    Connecting Europe Facility and                  content, Europeana Collections is the
    European Union Member States.                   only place that offers up Europe’s
                                                    treasure trove of cultural heritage to the
    Bulgaria and its cultural heritage              world. By encouraging open licensing,
    institutions are indispensable partners,        the Europeana Initiative makes more
    supporting the Europeana Initiative and         culture available to more people, so it
    Europeana Foundation financially, and           can be used in education, research and
    contributing to the diversity of content        the creative industries.

                       Europeana Collections, Europeana, 2018, Public Domain

BULGARIA AND EUROPEANA - An overview 20 January 2020 - Europeana Pro
Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

Presidency of the Council of the
European Union
   Benefits, challenges and solutions for           Europeana multilingual strategy.
   multilingual digital cultural heritage: a
   report from the Finnish Presidency           The meeting focussed on multilingual
   Europeana meeting October 2019               metadata, content translation and user
                                                interactions. The principal opportunities
   During the Finnish Presidency of the         and challenges for various players were
   Council of the European Union,               identified. Benefits of multilingualism
   Europeana and the Finnish Ministry of        were discussed. And together, delegates
   Education and Culture jointly held a         developed a broad set of solutions and
   meeting - on 24-25 October 2019 in           changes needed to address the identified
   Espoo, Finland - with high-level             challenges and advance multilingualism
   policymakers and experts in                  summarised in ‘next steps for
   multilingualism to discuss the challenges    multilingualism in digital cultural
   and opportunities of multilingualism in      heritage’1.
   digital cultural heritage.
                                                A report summarising the key outcomes
   At the meeting, delegates from the DCHE      of the meeting will be published in
   Expert Group, Ministries of Culture across   February 2020. Europeana is developing
   Europe, and multilingualism experts were     a recommended multilingual strategy
   invited to share their perspectives and      and roadmap paper that builds on the
   experiences with each other through a        output from the meeting in Finland. The
   series of speeches, presentations, case      Europeana multilingual strategy is
   studies, panel discussions and               scheduled for publication in spring 2020.
   workshops. The aim was to:

   • stimulate reflection on multilingualism
      in digital cultural heritage at large
      using Europeana as a case study;
   • develop a deeper understanding of the
      multilingualism problem/opportunity
      space for digital cultural heritage;
   • consider what options can be pursued
      to provoke action at the local level,
      furthering the multilingual
   • provide input and feedback for the

Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

        Pioneers highlights the lives and                          translations also helped popularise foreign
        achievements of 8 remarkable European                      authors in Bulgaria and vice versa. She is
        women in the arts, sciences and society.                   remembered as a writer but was also an
        From groundbreaking women’s rights                         activist, fighting for peace and children’s
        campaigners to brilliant scientists, this                  rights.
        exhibition celebrates the historical
        contribution of innovative women to
        human knowledge and culture.
        Dora Gabe is honoured both in her home
        country and across Europe. Famous not
        only for her poems and stories, her

Funding and projects

           Under the Bulgarian Presidency, Bulgaria               Europeana Initiative projects with partial
           co-funded the Varna meeting in May 2018.               EU funding in Bulgaria since 2008 are
                                                                  listed below. 1 partner from Bulgaria is
           To date, €315,547 from the budget                      currently contributing to an ongoing
           provided by the EU to fund Europeana                   project, which directly support content,
           Initiative projects has contributed to                 knowledge and technology sharing
           activities in Bulgaria.                                between libraries, museums, archives,
                                                                  software agencies, university research
                                                                  departments and the Europeana Initiative.

                PARTNER                                     PROJECT                                       COMPLETED

                                            Europeana Creative, Europeana Food &
Ontotext AD                                                                                 245,293       Completed

Public Library 'Pencho Slaveykov' (Public   Europeana Awareness, Europeana Local,                           Common
Library of Varna)                           Common Culture                                                   Ongoing

Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

Professional participation - Europeana
Network Association
   The Europeana Network Association is a
   strong and democratic community of
   experts working in the field of digital
   heritage, united by a shared mission to
   expand and improve access to Europe’s
   digital cultural heritage.

   Currently, 28 people from Bulgaria are a
   Europeana Network Association
   member, and as such are involved in a
   range of activities, sharing best
   practices, learning and collaborating
   within the cultural heritage sector.

Bulgaria’s culture showcased in
Europeana Collections
   Europeana Collections features over 58     Cultural heritage institutions
   million objects of which 121,108 are
   provided by Bulgarian institutions.        27 cultural heritage institutions in
                                              Bulgaria contribute collections to
   Aggregation                                Europeana. The largest partners are
                                              listed in the following table. A full
   All objects aggregated by Bulgaria can     breakdown of institutions and objects
   be found here2. The main point of          can be found here3.
   contact for Bulgaria is Pencho Slaveykov
   Public Library Varna.

Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

                                                                                                OBJECTS ON EUROPEANA
                                      DATA PARTNERS

Регионална библиотека ПЕНЧО СЛАВЕЙКОВ - Варна / Public Library - Varna                                        56,764

Фондация НАБИС / NALIS Foundation                                                                             16,937

Централна библиотека на БАН / Library of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences                                        15,144

WebFolk Bulgaria                                                                                              13,738

Bulgariana                                                                                                      9,071

Народната библиотека „Св. св.Кирил и Методий“ / National Library of Bulgaria                                    3,673

Регионална библиотека ЛЮБЕН КАРАВЕЛОВ - Русе / Public Library - Rousse                                          1,707

Библиотека РОДИНА - Стара Загора / Library Rodina - Stara Zagora                                                1,139

Националният археологически институт с музей / National Institute of Archaeology
and Museum

Antient Objects                                                                                                  500

Институт за балканистика с Център по тракология / Ban-Institut PO Balkanistika                                   499

Регионална библиотека Дора Габе - Добрич / Public Library - Dobrich                                              288

Регионална библиотека ХРИСТО СМИРНЕНСКИ - Хасково / Public Library - Haskovo                                     272

Bulgaria and the Slavic Peoples - 2                                                                              144

Художествена галерия - Казанлък / Art Gallery of Kazanlak                                                          83

Стара София / Old Sofia                                                                                            69

Институт за литература Българска академия на науките / Institute for Literature                                    50

Институт за български език при БАН / Institute for Bulgarian Language                                              14

Столична община - район “Кремиковци” / Sofia Municipality - Kremikovtsi District                                    6

Националната галерия / National Gallery, Sofia                                                                      4

         Openly licensed data                                  75.5% of the 121,108 objects in
                                                               Europeana provided by Bulgaria are
         Openly licensed material can be                       openly licensed4. 18.2% of these objects
         promoted widely, reaching millions more               are shown with the internationally
         people, and can be used in innovative                 accredited Public Domain mark5, 7.7% is
         products, apps and services that bring                licensed under CC BY6 and 49.7% is
         culture to the classroom, the newsroom,               licensed under CC07.
         the science lab and the kickstarters.

Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

                  Проект за фреско - кино Стамболийски - гр. Стамболийски, IVAN VAZOV Public Library - Plovdiv, Public Domain

Bulgaria in Europeana Collections
                                                               2017                                2018                         2019

Visits to Europeana Collections
                                                                               21,745                44,854                            73,964
from Bulgaria

Total views of objects from Bulgaria
                                                                               45,461               51,5128                            76,909

                                                                                           Задушен заек в                 Задушен заек в
Most-viewed object from Bulgaria
                                                               Пушка кремъклийка9           тенджера под                   тенджера под
                                                                                                налягане                      налягане10

         67% of visits from Bulgaria browsed                            affected by the depublication of datasets
         Europeana Collections in Bulgarian, 32%                        that don’t meet the minimum
         in English and 1% used other languages.                        requirements.

         Objects on thematic Collections:                               We made efforts to mitigate the issue by
         Migration: 43                                                  working on the sitemap, introducing
         1914-1918: 77                                                  more context to the data and making
         Art: 3,850                                                     improvements in the curated content.
         Natural History: 21                                            We’ll continue this work in 2019 and
                                                                        implement a new editorial strategy
         Organic search provides an important                           which will bring more traffic and visibility
         traffic source for Europeana Collections,                      to high-quality content.
         particularly to item pages. The amount
         of organic search traffic we receive                           The engagement and impressions on
         depends largely on the amount of pages                         social media, and the downloads and
         indexed by Google. Through 2018, we                            impressions on third-party platforms
         experienced a drop in the number of                            perform beyond expectations which
         indexed pages which contributed to a                           proves the power of curation and the
         decrease in overall traffic.                                   potential of high-quality material.
         Specific countries may also have been
Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

                                           Фара при Варна
                                     Регионална библиотека
                                  ПЕНЧО СЛАВЕЙКОВ - Варна

Bulgaria and Europeana: an overview

End notes

    https://pro.europeana.eu/post/                 7
                                                     The person who associated a work with
   next-steps-for-multilingualism-in-digi-         this deed has dedicated the work to the
   tal-cultural-heritage                           public domain by waiving all of his or her
                                                   rights to the work worldwide under
    http://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/             copyright law, including all related and
   search?q=*%3A*&f[COUNTRY][]=bul-                neighboring rights, to the extent allowed
   garia                                           by law.
                                                   You can copy, modify, distribute and
    http://www.europeana.eu/portal/en/             perform the work, even for commercial
   search?q=*%3A*&f[COUNTRY][]=bul-                purposes, all without asking permission.
   garia                                           - https://creativecommons.org/publicdo-
    Openly licensed: Open data and con-
   tent can be freely used, modified, and          8
                                                    Due to a technical error in our systems
   shared by anyone for any purpose -              we are unfortunately unable to provide
   http://opendefinition.org/                      data for the period of October 2018 to
                                                   December 2018. The issue has been
     This work has been identified as being        resolved, and we will report accurate
   free of known restrictions under copy-          data from January 2019 onwards
   right law, including all related and
   neighboring rights.                             9
   You can copy, modify, distribute and            record/2048016/LovechRHM_0208.html
   perform the work, even for commercial
   purposes, all without asking permission.        10
   - https://creativecommons.org/publicdo-         record/2059509/resource_cho_88ef-
   main/mark/1.0/                                  0217567527f96112259bfbfeb784.html

    You are free to:
   Share — copy and redistribute the
   material in any medium or format
   Adapt — remix, transform, and build
   upon the material for any purpose, even
   commercially. - https://creativecom-

Europeana is an initiative of the European Union, financed by
the European Union’s Connecting Europe Facility and European
Union Member States. It is operated by a consortium led by
the Europeana Foundation, under a service contract with the
European Commission.

The sole responsibility for this publication lies with the author.
Neither the European Commission, nor any person acting on the
European Commission’s behalf, is responsible or liable for the
accuracy or use of the information in this publication.
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