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April, 1973                         Volume      6    Number       2                        Waterloo

THE 1973 ANNUAL MEETINGS                                 BIOLOGICAL COUNCIL OF CANADA
    Members of the CBA/ABC are reminded that the             The Executive of BCC has prepared an
Annual Meeting will be held between June 3rd and         extensive government mailing list to which all
7th at the University of Western Ontario in              future Reports, suitably prepared and covered,
London. Full details of the programme,                   will be sent. It is hoped that this will
accommodation and of field trips were given in           intensify the rather faint image that the BCC
the January issue of the Bulletin. The main              presently has in government circles.
theme of the Conference is Man's Impact on the               The Canadian Committee on Man & the Biosphere
Canadian Flora and a Symposium with this title           will have a membership of about twenty, broadly
is being held on Tuesday June 5th. The invited           covering areas of biology, medicine, technology,
participants    and   the    titles     of   their       sociology and earth sciences.        The BCC has
contributions are as follows:                            provided the Committee with names of
Dr. J.H. McAndrews, Royal Ontario Museum,                Bioscientists as condidates for membership on
Toronto. The Fossil History since the advent of          CCMAB. Dr. Roy L. Taylor (BCC Vice-President)
man.                                                     has been appointed a Corresponding Member of
Dr. R.L. Taylor, University of British Columbia,         CCMAB, and will be responsible for receiving
Van couver. The Canadian Flora since                     information from the Committee as well as
Colonization (1700-1900).                                transmitting BCC input to the Committee.
Dr. J.K. Morton, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo.                Dr. David Munro, Director-General, Inter-
Recent changes in the Canadian flora.                    governmental Affairs (DOE) gave an interesting
Dr. P.B. Cavers, Univ. of Western Ontario,               account of the Stockholm conference and the
London. Man's Impact on weed ecology.                    Stockholm Action Plan. He explained that the
Dr. J.G. Ogden III, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax.            Stockholm conference was primarily a political
The Biology of Fresh Water.                              exercise, which is clearly necessary before any
Dr. N. Pearson, Univ. of        Weste rn Ontario,        large scale inte rn ational exercise can be under-
London. The Impact of Urbanization.                      taken.     However, in spite of its political
Dr. T.C. Hutchinson, Univ. of Toronto, Toronto.          nature, there was considerable biological input.
The Impact of Pollution.                                 A declaration of       26   principles   to guide
    Sectional meetings consisting of contributed         decision- making relating to the preservation of
papers are being arranged for Monday June 4th             the environment, as well as to national
and Thursday June 7th, whilst Wednesday June 6th         development, may well become the basis of
is being devoted to field trips to placed of              inte rnational law concerning the environment. A
botanical interest in Southern Ontario. CBA               total of 109 recommendations - the Stockholm
members are asked to publicize these meetings            Action Plan - are under consideration by the
widely and, if at all possible to attend and             U.N.     It is hoped that a U.N. Council for
contribute to their success.                              Environmental Affairs, with a permanent
    A   registration and field trip sheet is              Secretariat and $100 million for funding, will
included with this issue of the Bulletin.                be set up. The plan will follow up matters of
Members are asked to complete and return it               education, human settlements (there will be a
without delay.                                            conference in Vancouver in 1975 on this
                                                          subject), pollution and pollution control,
SYSTEMATICS AND PHYTOGEOGRAPHY SECTION                   national resource management (with particular
   There has been a very poor response from               emphasis on the cleaning up of rivers) and the
members of this section to the call for papers            maintenance of environmental quality (current
to be presented at the Annual General Meetings.           action is evident with regard to ocean dumping).
It is appreciated that the main theme of the
meetings is very much in line with the section's
own interests and that members may feel it
inappropriate to offer papers over and above             DR JOHN HUTCHINSON 1884-1972
those being presented at the Symposium.                     In the January Bulletin we published a pre-
However, any members of this section who are             liminary note on the death of Dr. Hutchinson.
prepared to present brief papers (15 rains.) are         This note was inadvertently included under items
urged to get in touch with the secretary of the          of Personalia for the Dept. of Biology, U.B.C.
CBA/ABC (Dr. Mary E. Elliott, Plant Research             The following note on Dr. Hutchinson and his
Institute, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa,            career is taken from the Plant Science Bulletin
Ont. K1A 006) without delay.                             of the Botanical Society of America Vol. 18 No.
J.K. Morton (Chairman S. & P. Sect.)                     4.

With the death of Dr. John Hutchinson at the         Saint-Hubert,     Saint- Hilaire, Saint-Lambert,
age of 88 there passes one of the great figures         Verchères,     etc.     Le frère Rolland-Germain,
of British systematic botany. From humble               méthodoque et persévérant, aidait son ami dans
beginnings he rose through the ranks of the             l'identification des plantes. Il fut le
manual gardening staff at Kew, which he entered         veritable initiateur de frère Marie-Victorin
in 1904, to a position of international eminence        auquel il révéla les procédés scientifiques.
in botany, becoming Keeper of the Museums at Kew        Les vacances d'été permettaient aux deux
and a Fellow of the Royal Society. His fame in          botanistes d'explorer des régions de plus en
taxonomic botany rests mainly on his                    plus éloignées, Oka, Saint-Jérôme, Beauport,
outstanding contributions to the study of the           Saint-Ferdinand         d'Halifax,      Sainte-Rose,
classification and evolution of flowering plant         Mont-Laurier, etc., où ils pouvaient bénéficier
families, but also on his works in other fields         de l'hospitalité       dans des collèges       de la
of botany, written in an enviably easy style and        congrégation.
based on a wealth of experience equalled by no              Le frère Marie-Victorin, malgré sa stature
other living botanist.                                  imposante, fut très tôt attaqué dans sa santé et
   During his time at Kew he made major con-            toute sa vie durant dut limiter les efforts
tributions to the Flora of Tropical Africa. He          physiques trop exténuants. Le frère Rolland-
wrote, in conjunction with Dr. J.M. Dalziel, a          Germain prit sur lui la grosse part de la
two-volume account of the Flora of West Tropical        « cuisine » , c'est-à-dire du travail
Africa, a work which by its conciseness and             préliminaire qui consiste à prélever, à presser,
careful planning has served as a model for a            à sécher les spécimens, à les monter, à les
number of later Floras.                                 identifier.
   With the publication in 1926 of the first                Les deux botanistes entreprirent, tantôt
volume of his Families of Flowering Plants,             seuls, tantôt accompagnés de quelques collègues
followed by the second volume in 1934, he gave          ou confrères, l'étude d'entités géographiques
an impetus to the study of plant evolution and          plus éloignées que l'isolement a rendu plus
phylogeny which caused a ferment of interest in          intéressantes au point de vue biologique: l'île
the 1930s and affected all students of phylogeny        aux Coudres, l'ile d'Anticosti, les lies de la
and systematic botany.    His theories, although        Madeleine, la Gaspésie, la baie des Chaleurs, le
controversial, were so far reaching in their             lac Saint-Jean, la Minganie, l'Abitibi, le
effects that even now no one can write on the           Témiscamingue, etc. Ils poussèrent des pointes
general topic of plant phylogeny without to some         au Nouveau-Brunswick et dans la région des
extent being under the influence of "Hutch",             Grands-Lacs dans le but de comparer des florules
even if unknowingly.                                     locales ou de vérifier des          hypothèses sur
   The Genera of Flowering Plants, started in            l'origine de       la   flore   de   la vallée du
1964, was a mammoth undertaking that would have          Saint-Laurent. Toutes ces expéditions exécutées
daunted anyone less confident and enthusiastic           au prix de grands efforts physiques de la part
than Hutchinson.     It was no      less   than a        des deux botanistes, si l'on se rappelle les
descriptive account of all the genera of                 moyens du temps, mais combien fructueuses, se
flowering plants and was undoubtedly inspired by         concrétisèrent par la publication de la Flore
that great classic, the Genera Plantarum, by             laurentienne en 1935.
George Bentham and Sir Joseph Hooker, published             Autour d'une personnalité si puissante que
in the 19th century. It is worth noting that             celle du frère Marie-Victorin des personnalités
Hutchinson was one of the few survivors who knew         assez fortes paraissaient effacées et n'avaient
Hooker personally and indeed the first edition           pas la notoriété qu'elles mériteraient. Le
of the Families of the Flowering Plants bore a           frère Rolland- Germain ne demandait qu'à être le
dedication to Bentham and Hooker, with a floral          collaborateur effacé.      La gloire de son ami et
tribute from Hutchinson's own pen. Two volumes           le plaisir de travailler lui suffisaient.         Ce
of The Genera of Flowering Plants have appeared          n'est pas minimiser l'oeuvre du frère
and further material is in an advanced stage.            Marie-Victorin que de dire que la majeure
As if this were not enough, in 1969 he published         partie de cette oeuvre scientifique est le
a further massive volume on the Evolution and            résultat d'un travail d'équipe. Pendant que le
Phylogeny of Flowering Plants.                           frère Rolland-Germain collectait les spécimens
   To many people all over the world he                  et les observations, triait, identifiait et
represented the embodiment of one of the great           classait, le frère Marie-Victorin organisait les
traditions of British systematic botany. His             expéditions, rédigeait les observations
kindly, pate rnal presence seemed part of Kew and        journalières, échafaudait les hypothèses et
not a few visitors counted it as one of the              rédigeait les textes finals.
important moments of their visit just to have                Pour le frère Rolland-Germain, la botanique
seen John Hutchinson at work.                            était son domaine de prédilection et sur le
                                                         terrain il possédait un flair et un sens
                                                         d'observation très aiguisés. Mais il laisserait
                                                         bien les autres utiliser ses découvertes et
25 octobre 1881- 3 septembre 1972                        récolter des lauriers. Le frère Marie-Victorin
   C'est à Longueuil, en 1905, que le frère              tenta l'impossible pour sortir son compagnon de
Marie- Victorin eut le grand avantage de                 sa timidité foncière. Lui demander un mémoire,
recontrer le frère Rolland-Germain, «celui qui           c'était lui infliger un pensum. Le frère
devait être, en même temps que son ami et son            Marie-Victorin se fit plus insistant et engagea
conseiller, un collaborateur très compétent et           son collaborateur à présenter les fruits de ses
                                                         observations botaniques aux congrès annuels de
très dévoué». Les deux confrères se lièrent
                                                         l'Acfas. De 1933 à 1944, du premier congrès
d'une profonde amitié, devinrent deux compagnons
                                                         jusqu'à l'année de la mort du frère Marie-
inséparables partageant une commune passion pour
                                                         Victorin, le frère Rolland-Germain, présenta un
la botanique. Les jours de congé, ensemble, ils
                                                         total de vingt-neuf communications dont neuf en
herborisèrent dans les environs de Longueuil
                                                         collaboration avec le frère Marie-Victorin.
d'abord, puis ils poussèrent un peu plus loin
                                    Boucherville,            La mémoire        du     frère Rolland-Germain
leurs   excusions: Saint-Bruno,
                                                          subsistera dans      le monde     botanique.    Des
dizaines de milliers      d'exemplaires   de ses         a)   Ontario Hydro's procedure for defining
récoltes sont conservés dans les herbiers du                   corridor alignments;
monde.   Son nom restera attaché à quelques               b) the role of citizen groups in assessing the
plantes qu'il a décrites. Il reçut en 1949 la                  social, aesthetic and environmental impact
médaille Marie-Victorin, réservée à ceux qui                   of new transmission corridors;
contribuent le plus à l'avancement de la                  c) the role of Ontario Hydro's advertising
botanique dans notre pays. L'Université de                     campaign accelerating the demand for
Montréal reconnut à son tour son mérite en lui                 electric power.
décernant le titre de docteur Honoris causa en              Their basic criticism of Hydro's procedure
novembre 1955.                                           for defining corridor alignments was that the
   Nous ne pouvons mieux terminer cette bien             office studies and queries conducted by Hydro
imparfaite biographie qu'en relisant ce que le           were not sensitive enough to reveal the
frère Marie-Victorin, lui-même, écrivait en 1935         intensity of probable ecological impact. It was
dans la préface de sa Flore laurentienne.                their contention, confirmed during the hearing,
   «, ,        Sa pensée va tout d'abord à une           that Hydro's discussions with the Ministry of
collaboration d'un ordre particulier et très             Natural Resources were more concerned with the
intime, qui durant trente années l'a inspiré et          locations of future parks and tree farms than
soutenu dans son labeur scientifique. Homme de           with detailed environmental impact of statements
large culture, botaniste éminent, observateur de         or comparative analyses of the various route
premier ordre, le F. Rolland-Germain, f.e.c., a          alternatives. Therefore, instead of revealing
été associé à toutes les explorations botaniques         sensitive situations, the office study tended to
de l'auteur. Sa résistence physique, son                 suggest that all environments were equal in
dévouement infatigable, sa profonde connaissance         their capacity to withstand the intrusion of a
des identités et son remarquable esprit critique         transmission corridor, and therefore, that
ont contribué largement au succès des travaux            environment need not be a priority concern early
sur le terrain qui ont préparé la publication du         in the planning process.
présent ouvrage.    Nous devons en particulier au           The F.O.N. recommended, therefore, that
F. Rolland-Germain, le plus clair de nos                 detailed field studies be conducted on all the
connaissances actuelles sur la flore de l'Ottawa         broad band alternatives before any decision
inferieur. Si ce livre vaut quel-que chose, le           would be made as to the superiority of one
F. Rolland-Germain doit en partager le merite. »         alte rn ative route over another. They further
Albert Legault                                           recommended that Ontario Hydro be required to
                                                         establish a list of ecologically sensitive areas
                                                         for each of the various broad band alternatives
CLIPPING THE WINGS OF POWER                              in order that future transmission corridors
   Ontario Hydro last year proposed the creation         would transverse environments most capable of
of a 500KV transmission corridor from Nanticoke          accommodating them.
to Pickering. This required a right-of-way 610              The F.O.N. concluded its brief with a fresh
feet wide which would eventually contain five            argument against Ontario Hydro's advertising
towers abreast and pass through the scenic green         campaign. The most recent objection to Hydro's
environments north of Toronto. The principal             promotional efforts was that it encourages the
objections to this corridor related to the large         belief that as long as we rely upon electric
number of towers, its location, probable                 power for our energy needs, then the limits to
environmental impact and lack of public                  growth have been removed and the good life will
consultation.                                            continue to be ours. The F.O.N. criticized
   On June 22, 1972, Premier William Davis               recent advertisements such as Triple Sure which
appointed Dr. Omand      Solandt    as a one-man         attempted to convince the reader that the energy
commission to examine the            controversial       crisis had been solved by nuclear technology and
proposal.                                                that unlimited amounts of power were now
   During the course of the public hearings              available from "strong economic growth and
which resulted, two important admissions were            continuing improvement in the quality of life."
made by Ontario Hydro relating to the probable           They also questioned the assumption in these
environmental impact of the corridor:                    advertisements that the limiting constraint of a
a) that it had no studies or direct evidence to          rising quality of life is the amount of
    present to the Inquiry to justify its claim          available energy by referring to the Club of
    that their route was the best possible               Rome Report and its conclusions concerning the
    corridor between Nanticoke and Pickering.            necessity of achieving       a   state of global
b) that the only consultation Ontario Hydro had          equilibrium. The F.O.N. suggested therefore,
    concerning this corridor with any munici-            that an advertising programme encouraging people
    pality, government department or agency, or          to use less power rather than more, would more
    Conse rvation Authority, consisted of a              realistically respond to the needs of Ontario
    letter from Hydro stating its proposal. At           since such a programme would not provide
    no time prior to July 31 (the beginning of           opposition to the needs of a steady state
    the public hearings) were possible alterna-          economy.
    tive routes mentioned to any municipality,              The Solandt Co mmission Report has been
    government agency, Conse rv ation Authority,         accepted by the Ontario Cabinet. The principal
    or environmental group.                              recommendation of the report was that detailed
These admissions reveal the astonishing lack of          environmental studies must be conducted over the
any detailed examination relating either to              entire study area before any decision is made as
identifying possible sensitive areas or to               to the best possible route for the Nanticoke to
determining ways of minimizing probable environ-         Pickering transmission corridor. This
mental impact.                                           requirement that Ontario Hydro must now prove
   The Federation of Ontario Naturalists, in a           its contention that it has found the route of
submission to the inquiry, examined the three            least environmental impact, not only advances
central aspects of power transmission in                 the quality of future environmental planning by
Ontario:                                                 Hydro, but also ensures that Ontario Hydro will

no longer be allowed to unilaterally decide what           Mycologists may correspond with any member of
the trade offs will be for future transmission          the Secretariat for further information, or to
corridors. That decision will now be made by            contribute opinions on any problems of
the Ontario Government, after close consultation        nomenclature. Those desiring to propose their
with the public-at-large. Abstracted from the           names for membership on Special Committees
F.O.N. Newsletter Vol. 13, No. 6.                       should notify the Chairman of the Secretariat.

THE MACKENZIE HIGHWAY                                      I.M.A. Nomenclature Committee Secretariat:
   The Federation of Ontario Naturalists has
expressed to the Government of Canada the                  R.P. Korf (Chairman), Plant Pathology
unanimous opinion of its Board of Directors with             Herbarium, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
respect to Government activity in northern                   14850, USA
Canada.    In a letter to the Honourable Jean              D.L. Hawksworth, Co mmonwealth Mycological
Chretien, Minister of Indian Affairs and                     Institute, Ferry Lane, Kew, Surrey TW9 3AF,
Northern Development, F.O.N. President John A.               England
Livingston urged the immediate abandonment of              G.L. Hennebert, Lab. Mycologie Syst. et Appl.
the proposed MacKenzie Valley highway, condemned             U. C. L., Parc d'Arenberg, B-3030 Heverlee,
the decision to build such a highway in the                  Belgium
absence of prior environmental impact studies,             Z. Pouzar, Botanical Institute, Academy of
and deplored the difficulties "encountered by                Sciences, 252 43 Pruhonice near Praha,
the Canadian public in its attempts to become                Czechoslovakia
informed     on    Government   planning      and          D.P. Rogers, Department of Botany, University
decision-making with respect to the north."                  of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
    The MacKenzie highway was begun, Livingston            L.K. Weresub, Plant Research Institute,
said, "in the apparent absence of any serious                Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario,
attempt to carefully survey and assess the                   Canada
potential environmental impact of such
construction in advance of the decision to
commence". That decision, he said, was
undertaken "in the absence of any demonstrated          THE CHONDRUS CRISPUS SYMPOSIUM
 (much less publicly evaluated) need" for such a           The symposium on Irish moss which was held at
highway.                                                Dalhousie University during the CBA-CSPP
    The F.O.N. letter to Mr. Chretien emphasized        meetings last June is due to be published this
the need for public information in advance of           spring. The volume, entitled 'Chondrus crispus'
planning decisions for the north. "This process         is edited by M.J. Harvey and J. McLauchlin and
of public information must include general              contains    articles      on     physiology     and
access to the results of all such scientific            biochemistry,    ecology,    biology,    chemistry,
investigations as may already have been                 cytology and genetics, and ultrastructure and
conducted in the arctic and subarctic, and may          histochemistry.     In addition      there   is   a
be proceeding at the moment. Only in this way           comprehensive bibliography. The volume is
can Canadians be assured full and continuing            dedicated to Constance MacFarlane and E.G. Young
participation    in decisions regarding     their       for their contribution to Chondrus crispus in
national heritage".                                     particular and the study of seaweeds in general.
                                                        The book is being published by the Nova Scotian
                                                        Institute of Science as a special supplement to
                                                        their Proceedings. It will contain about 250
MYCOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE                                pages and can be obtained by writing to NSIS,
   Mycologists and lichenologists should note           c/o Science     Library,   Dalhousie University,
that a standing Nomenclature Committee has been         Halifax, N.S.     Price will be $6.00 softback,
established by the International Mycological            $9.00 hardbound.
Association to study specific problems in the
application of the Code of Nomenclature to fungi
(including   lichen-forming species), and      to
                                                         2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PERMAFROST
propose changes in the Code at the 1975
                                                         North American discussions on the Conference
Botanical Congress. Actively interested persons
                                                         took place in Vancouver, B.C., CANADA, where
are encouraged to se rv e on one or more Special
                                                         U.S. and Canadian Planning and Organizing Com-
Committees, each devoted to study of a specific
                                                         mittees met. Seven themes of the Conference,
problem. Five areas of concern have already
                                                         upon which all submitted papers will be based,
been identified at the First Inte rn ational
                                                         are as follows:
Mycological Congress in Exeter in 1971; these
                                                         1. Thermal aspects of permafrost formation and
Special Committees are being organized now, and
mycologists willing to serve on these Committees
                                                         2. Regional distribution and characteristics of
should notify the Nomenclature Secretariat as
soon as possible so that they may be appointed
                                                         3. Genesis, composition, and structure of frozen
as members: (1) Revision of Art. 59 on
                                                         ground and ground ice
pleomorphic fungi; (2) Designation of living
materials as types in fungi; (3) Registry of             4. Physics, physical chemistry, and mechanics of
new names and of proposals for conservation; (4)         frozen ground ice
Unification of starting-point dates and problems         5. Ground water in permafrost regions
of overlap of groups with different starting             6. Surveying and predicting of permafrost con-
dates; (5) Provision for handling infraspecific          ditions
taxa not now covered by the Code. Other                  7. Principles of construction in permafrost
problems that deserve study should be brought to
the attention of the Secretariat, which may then         CONTACT: Dr. Troy Peve, Chairman, Committee for
establish additional Committees to study such            Inte rnational Environmental Programs, 2101 Con-
problems.                                                stitution Avenue, Washington, D.C.20418, U.S.A.

The announcement of this Congress, to be held in        The connection of the British Nature Conservancy
September 1974 was contained in the January Bul-        with the Natural Environment Research Council is
letin. During the IBP General Assembly meeting          being severed, consequent upon the reorganiza-
held in Seattle, Washington, USA, 4-6 September         tion of Government financed scientific research.
1972, topics were announced for the IBP after-          However, the former research branch of the Con-
noon Symposium which will be held in coordina-          servancy is to be retained with N.E.R.C. In
tion with the Congress.                                 addition to personnel, this involves research
IBP afternoon topics will coincide with the five        stations-notably, in Scotland, those at Edin-
morning sessions of the Ecology Congress.               burgh (special concern-wetlands) and at Banchory
                                                        near Aberdeen (special concern-mountains and
Ecology Congress Morning IBP Afternoon Symposium        moorlands). There is much debate amongst ecolo-
                                                        gists both with and outside these organisations
1. Flow of energy and   Freshwater, brackish and        as to the merits of this reorganisation, and as
matter between trophic marine ecosystems-then           to the mechanism whereby in future the Nature
levels                  similarities and differ-        Conservancy will have to contract for the re-
                        ences at all trophic            search required in connection with its roles in
                        levels                          management of Nature Reserves and provision of
2. Comparative prod-    Global geography of bio-        advice for land use and conse rv ation.
uctivity in ecosystems logical productivity
3. Diversity, stabil-   The evolution of eco-           WWF/IUCN
ity and maturity in     systems and its con-            The World Wildlife Fund and the International
natural ecosystems      tribution to biogeo-            Union for Conservation of Nature recently an-
                       graphy and evolutionary          nounced their priorities for world nature con-
                        theory                          servation: 1. Conservation of endangered hab-
4. Diversity, stabil-   Stable and unstable eco-        itats in a number specific regions; 2. Conserva-
ity and maturity in     systems with man as an          tion of threatened groups of animals and plants,
systems influenced by   integral component in           including regulation of trade; 3. Environmental
human activites         different climatic zones        monitoring of biological parameters, environ-
5. Strategies for       Prediction of ecosystem         mental planning and policy, law and administra-
management of natural   response to human inter-        tion; 4. Promotion of programmes of conservation
and man-made eco-       vention                         education; 5. Conservation programmes in key
systems                                                 areas or countries.
                                                           The W.W.F. has established a Special Fund for
Suggested chariman for each of the afternoon            Biotope Acquisition, designed to set aside land
topics are as follows: 1. Kenneth Mann (altern-         in its natural state for conse rvation and for
ate: Gordon Riley), 2. L.E. Robin (alt. John            scientific, cultural, educational, aesthetic and
Steele and P.G. Jarvis), 3. Harold Mooney and           economic purposes.
Max Dunbar, 4. M. Evenari and T. Monod, 5. David
Goodall (alt. F.F. Wielgolaski).      Dr. Frank
Blair, USA was elected chairman of the
organizing committee with Drs. Max Dunbar,             THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA FIELD STATION
CANADA, and A.R. Clapham, UK.                           (DELTA MARSH)
                                                       Activities - Summer 1973
                                                       A full an varied programme is planned including
THE IX,CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR          the following projects:
QUATERNARY RESEARCH (INQUA)                             Dr. T. Booth -
will meet in New Zealand in 1974. Many botan-           "Researches on Aquatic Fungi"
ists will be interested in participating in this       Dr. R. Longton -
meeting. The congress is interdisciplinary in           "An investigation of growth of selected marsh
scope with symposia, contributed paper sessions        species; their role in succession with changing
and field excursions to various parts of New           water levels and productivity with varying en-
Zealand, Australia and New Guinea. The purpose          vironmental conditions"
of the International Union for Quaternary Re-           Dr. D. Punter -
search (INQUA) is to bring together on a world-         "Fungal succession on aerial portions of emerg-
wide basis scientists in all disciplines con-           ent aquatic plants"
cerned with the history of man's environment,           Dr. G.G.C. Robinson -
and with the processes by which environment and        "Investigation of dissolved organic materials in
man's relation to environment have evolved.            Southern Lake Manitoba"
                                                        Four two-week one-half credit courses are being
                                                       July 8 - July 20
FILMS                                                   Introductory Ecology    22.229/1.336
A "Catalogue inte rnational de films sur les           July 22 - August 3
sciences de l'eau" has been prepared by Mr. A.
                                                       Animal Ecology           22.334
J. Drapeau. It includes information on more
                                                       August 7 - August 17
than 600 films in the fields of water pollution,
                                                        Ornithology             22.XXX
water cycle, environment, conservation, re-
                                                       August 7 - August 17
sources, ecology, etc., grouped by alphabetical
                                                        Plant Ecology            1.452
order, title index, and by subjects and themes
                                                       ADULT EDUCATION
(Cerdeau-Films, Genie de l'environnement, Ecole         In conjunction with the Extension Division -
polytechnique, 2500 Marie-Guyard St., Montreal          Community Studies Department, a series of week-
250, P.Q.).                                             end courses are being offered;

May 4 - 6       Wildlife Photography                      These were key points of Quest for the Opti-
Mr. R. Taylor - Museum of Man an d Nature              mum: Research in the Universities of Canada. It
May 18 - 20     Bird Populations                       is the report of a commission established in
Dr. R. Jones - Delta Waterfowl Research Station        1971 by the Association of Colleges and
June 1 - 3      Pond Life                              Universities in C an ada (AUCC) and headed by
Mr. B. Newsom - Department of Zoology                  Louis-Philippe Bonneau, of Laval, and James
June 8 - 10     Painting Wildlife                      Alexander Corry, of Queen's; it is commonly
Mr. J. Carson - Museum of Man and Nature               called "Bonneau/Corry".
August 24 - 26 Aquatic Flowering Plants                   Bonneau/Corry concedes the importance of re-
Dr. T. Booth - Biology Teaching Unit                   search to universities but it urges the develop-
September 21 -23 Marsh Ecology                         ment of "firm coherent research policies" within
Dr. Jennifer Shay - Department of Botany               which individual researchers would have freedom
Further details can be obtained from the Acting        to select their own projects. In developing
Director, Dr. J. Gee, Department of Zoology or         these broad policies, however, each individual
Mr. B. Wallis, University Field Station, c/o De-       university must relate to other universities. .
partment of Botany, University of Manitoba,            .there should be co-ordination of research ef-
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2. Dr. J. Shay is on          fort.
 sabbatical leave at the Department of Botany,         This rationalization will come into effect in
University of Cambridge, England and will return       connection with research at the Ph.D. level.
 September 1, 1973.                                       Thus the report comes down heavily against
                                                       "undue proliferation of PhD programs".
                                                          The report makes a distinction between
MISCELLANY                                             "frontier" research and "reflective inquiry".
Notre Dame University of Nelson, B.C. is to            Frontier research is defined as exploration on
award an Honorary D.Sc. to Dr. V.J. Krajina at         the frontier of knowledge. . .looking for new
it forthcoming convocation on May 6th.                 facts and new phenomena. Reflective inquiry is
                                                       essentially an intellectual activity which seeks
The 1973/74 academic year in the University of         the significance of facts and phenomena already
Alberta Botany Department saw the return of Drs.       known, and the relation of these to human inter-
S.K. Malhotra and G.H. La Roi. Dr. Malhotra had        ests or to a larger understanding of the world.
been working towards the development of the               Frontier research is described as not always
School of Life Sciences in Jawaharlal Nehru
                                                       essential to undergraduate teaching and in fact,
University, New Delhi. Dr. La Roi spent part of                                                activity.
                                                       sometime   in    conflict with this
his sabbatical at Yale (School of Forestry) and                                is, however, vital for
                                                       Reflective    inquiry
part working in Fenno-Scandia; Uppsala, Sweden
                                                       teaching at all levels. The report urges
and Weste rn USSR.
                                                       universities to "remove the premium" (promotions
At present Dr. E.A. Cossins is on sabbatical
                                                       and salary increases) from frontier research.
leave at Institute de Botanique Universite de
                                                       It also notes there should probably be more
Geneve, Switzerland working on regulatory mech-
                                                       applied research within the universities.
anisms in the metabolism of pteroylglutamate
                                                          Major recommendations of Bonneau/Corry may be
derivatives in fungi.
                                                       summarized as follows:
In Novermber 1972, Dr. Cossins was elected to
active membership in the New York Academy of           1. Accordingly, we recommend for at least an
Sciences.                                              experimental period, rather stiffer assessment
Dr. D.H. Vitt has recently been on an N.S.F.           of applications for research grants by the
sponsored expedition to the Subarctic Auckland         federal funding agencies. We think it should be
Islands, studying the Cryptogamic flora of these       an experimental period and not a permanent
islands.                                               change in policy.

Dr. Job Kuijt of the University of Lethbridge
Alberta reports that the Agricultural Research
Council (Gt. Britain), Weed Research Organiza-          2. We recommend that universities recognize
tion, Oxford, England, is organizing a symposium       the distinction we made between frontier
on "Parasitic Weeds", for the European Weed Re-        research and reflective inquiry, an d accept the
search Council, at the Royal University of Malta       consequences which will be described later.
from 11-13th April, 1973. Dr. David R. Dobbins                        *       *      *
(now at Wellesley College, Mass.) and he will be
presenting a paper on their light and electron         3. We believe that each university should set
microscopy work on the haustorium of Castilleja        its own objectives in research (subject to the
(Scrophulariaceae). This work was carried out at       limits on the use of funds impressed with a mis-
the University of Lethbridge over the past two         sion) bearing in mind and exploring with govern-
years.                                                 ments and other universities its obligations to
He will also be presenting a paper on the young        the world of learning, to the diverse interests
primary haustorium of Phthírusa (Loranthaceae)         and needs of students, of the local community,
at the joint meeting (Nijmegen, Holland, Feb. 28       and of the nation.
                                                                       *      *      *
- March 2) of the Royal Botanical Society of the
Netherlands and the Deutsche Botanische Gesells-
chaft.                                                 4. We approve the view widely expressed within
                                                       universities that the main focus of the univer-
                                                       sities in research should be on basic research.
                                                       Despite recent suggestions to the contrary, we
                                                       believe that a very substantial commitment to
RATIONALIZE RESEARCH, UNIVERSITIES TOLD                basic research is vital to the progress and wel-
Canadian universities must rationalize their re-       fare of the country and to the quality of the
search; but the rationalization should not be
                                                       work universities do.
imposed from the top down-it should involve the                        *      *      *
individual faculty member.

5.• In the light of all these considerations re-       councils consider setting aside a small percent-
lating to effective teaching to the problems of        age of their funds to be used as risk capital in
small universities, and to centres of                  the field of research rather than committing it
excellence, we recommend that the universities         all to prudent investment in stocks that give
revise their policies on promotion an d salary         high promise of dividends.
increases to ensure that the same weight is
given to undergraduate teaching and reflective         13. There will have to be special attention
inquiry as is given to frontier research an d          given on a national basis by the federal
teaching and supervision of graduate students.         government to selecting across the country
               *       *      *                        centres of specialization, recognizing, an d
                                                       helping to build up in them, first class
6. Every university should have a fund for sup-        research competence in a limited number of
porting out-of-pocket costs of reflective in-          departments and/or faculties. They cannot be
quiry from which grants would be made on appli-        centres of excellence in the full sense (as
cations for special purchases such as books or         defined above) because of the limited r an ge high
journals urgently needed for a project, for            competence they can achieve in the near future.
short visits to other better equipped libraries,       This is what all middle-sized universities, and
or for short-term research assistance.                 some larger ones, will have to be content with,
               *       *      *                        in the category of frontier        and   regional
                                                       aspirations can be encouraged and nourished at
7.    We recommend that the Canada Council             the same time. It is possible for such centres
continue its support of research in the                of specialization, through careful development,
humanities and social sciences on a program            to reach international stature in limited areas.
which would give greater emphasis to projects in                      *       *       *
reflective inquiry.
                *      *      *                        14. While recognizing that effective work and
                                                       collaboration are often easier when everyone in-
8. Instead, we suggest an effort by the Govern-
                                                       volved is at home in one and the same language,
ment of Canada, in consultation with Canada            we do nevertheless recommend that quite deliber-
Council and SSRC to select experimentally seven
                                                       ately, in pursuit of high national purpose, we
to nine graduate schools across the country that       should attempt to establish in Canada some
have shown really good quality in graduate work        centres of research based on substantial contri-
in at least two of the main social science
                                                       bution from the two main cultural groups.
disciplines. Care would have to be taken that                         *        *      *
all the main disciplines in the social sciences
were represented by strength somewhere in these
                                                       15. In summary, the strategy we recommend for
graduate schools. This would make possible a           rationalization of university research has the
quicker start, would do something like justice         following elements (1) particular universities
to regional aspirations, and would prevent             seeking to articulate policies and objectives
putting too many eggs in too few baskets.              for themselves which keep in mind local, provin-
               *       *       *
                                                       cial an d national problems that research can
                                                       help to solve, (2) time limits set on the dis-
9.   So we recommend that the federal granting
                                                       cussions for this purpose at and between the
agencies make payments to the universities de-         several universities, (3) enough limits on the
signed to cover the indirect costs of the re-          flow of research funds to make it imperative to
search they sponsor, including salaries, that,         plan the best use of scarce resources, and keep
failing a federal-provincial agreement on an           the universities in a locality or region strain-
alternative figure, these be set at 45 per cent        ing to cooperate an d co-ordinate on this basis,
of the amount of each grant, and paid as contri-       (4) provincial governments identifying areas of
butions to the general revenues of the univer-         research of special interest to them, offering
sities. Additional sums to cover those amounts         some inducements to take them up, (5) efforts at
should be added by the federal government to the       the national level by the federal government,
annual votes of funds for the three funding            federal funding agencies, an d discipline asso-
agencies.                                              ciations in the several disciplines to identify
               *       *       *
                                                       areas needing research, to define and list pro-
                                                       jects, to stimulate the competent to undertake
10. We recommend that universities of the middle
                                                       them on terms an d inducements that favor devel-
and larger size should provide themselves with a       opment of centres of excellence an d centres of
research office; it would fix on someone the
continuing responsibility of studying the                              *     *      *
conditions necessary for research work of good
               *       *      *
                                                       16. We recommend that, in co-operation with the
                                                       National Library, an d the National Science Lib-
11. To sum up, we recommend that university in-
stitutions foster all these major moves towards        rary, AUCC make a sustained effort to see to the
co-ordination, which we have just described and        establishment of a national index of on-going
which are already under way, with a view of            research. It would be a very important part of
rationalizing research collections in the uni-         the network of sources of information which the
versity libraries, and that they work together         universities need to rationalize their research
actively for co-ordination at the national             effort effectively.
level.                                                   This article is reprinted from the University
               *       *      *                        of Waterloo GAZETTE Vol. 13, No. Z0.

12. We do recommend, however, that the federal

ORIENTED RESEARCH URGED                                   "centres of strength" to permit the interaction
Oriented basic research-yes. Laissez-faire basic          of personnel and the provision of better facil-
research-no.                                              ities. Admitting that this is contrary to the
    This is the major recommendation of the               educational need for some research at most de-
Science Council of Canada in its report on                partments of all universities, the Council says
Policy Objectives for Basic Research in Canada            that pragmatic solutions must be found, without
(Report No. 18) issued last September.                    discriminating against smaller universities or
    In advocating a concentration of basic                colleges.
research effort towards areas of research of                 This may mean transferring more research from
particular importance to Canada, the authors of           government to universities; concentration
the report, the Science Council Committee on              through multidisciplinary co-operation; setting
Basic Research urge the implementation of both            up leadership and co-ordination,       with team
an internal set of criteria (e.g. "peer" group            members located in various institutions; use of
evaluation) and an external set of criteria               research   opportunities outside universities,
which would relate to special Canadian                    with formal academic recognition of such
requirements.                                             research; an d    giving more recognition to
    If the criteria are applied objectively, the          research aimed at systemization of existing
Council believes the following policy objectives          knowledge rather than discovery.
could be achieved:                                           The report also suggests the possibility of
    Developing Canadian experts who are members           setting up mission oriented interdisciplinary
of the international community of scientists.             institutes as autonomous research bodies located
   Making special contributions to the genera-            on a campus an d retaining university affiliation
tion of basic knowledge in the fields in which            to permit graduate students to be involved.
our particular interests cannot be met to a suf-             The complete report is available from Inform-
ficient degree elsewhere.                                 ation Canada, Ottawa and through booksellers.
    Maintaining the quality of higher education           The price is $1.
and exerting positive influence on R & D activ-
ities in general.
                                                          This article is taken from the University of
    The Council defines basic research as origin-         Waterloo GAZETTE Vol. 13, No. 6.
al investigation undertaken to gain new know-             Dr. Eydt referred to the Science Council Report
ledge with the primary purpose of contributing
                                                          in his article "Biologists Awake!" published in
to the conceptual development of science. In
                                                          the January Issue of this Bulletin.
differentiating between "free" Basic Research
and "oriented" basic research, it regards "free"
                                                          DECLARATION ON THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT
research as that in which the original impluse
                                                          Stockholm, June 16, 1972. The following is the
comes mainly from scientific curiosity whereas
                                                          statement of principles from the Declaration on
in oriented research, the investigation is di-
                                                          the Human Environment adopted by the United Na-
rected towards the definition an d solution of
                                                          tions Conference on the Human Environment:
fundamental technical or scientific problems in
a general area of interest. Applied research is
                                                          1. Man has the fundamental right to freedom,
regarded as original investigation undertaken to
                                                          equality and adequate conditions of life, in an
 gain new scientific knowledge with the primary
                                                          environment of a quality which permits a life of
 purpose of applying it to solve practical or
                                                          dignity and well-being, and bears a solemn re-
 technical problems.
                                                          sponsibility to protect and improve the environ-
    In suggesting a change of emphasis for basic
                                                          ment for present an d future generations. In
 research, the Science Council, however, states
                                                          this respect, policies promoting or perpetuating
 that its earlier recommendations in favor of
                                                          apartheid, racial segregation, discrimination,
more applied research should not be adopted at
                                                          colonial and other forms of oppression and
 the expense of basic research.                           foreign domination stand condemned and must be
     "Research is an indispensible element of a           eliminated.
 university for the development of both teachers
 and students," states the report. "Canada must           2. The natural resources of the earth including
 have its share of highly creative scientists.            the air, water, land, flora and fauna an d espe-
 Canada, by making a fair contribution to inter-          cially representative samples of natural eco-
 national science, acts in her own best                   systems must be safeguarded for the benefit of
 interest."                                               present an d future generations through careful
     The major problem, as seen by the Council, is        planning or management as appropriate.
 to define the "fair share" an d to determine cri-
 teria for selecting the level of support in              3. The capacity of the earth to produce vital
 major fields of activity and for the granting of         renewable resources must be maintained an d wher-
 support to specific projects.                            ever practicable restored or improved.
     In suggesting both internal an d external cri-
 teria, the Council asks that granting policies           4.   Man has a special responsibility to safe-
 be of a broad nature with a minimun of "inter-
                                                          guard and wisely manage the heritage of wildlife
 mediate paper work".                                     and its habitat which are now gravely imperiled
     Universities, as repositories of the nation's        by a combination of adverse factors. Nature
 knowledge, should give priority to advancing
                                                          conse rv ation including wildlife must therefore
 knowledge in directions of particular concern to
                                                          receive importance in planning for economic
 the nation, with special regard to the concerns
 of their region or province, states the report
 in suggesting that universities should be in
                                                          5. The nonrenewable resources of the earth must
 sympathy with the concept of oriented basic re-
                                                          be employed in such a way as to guard against
                                                          the danger of their future exhaustion and to in-
     In discussing the degree of concentration of
                                                          sure that benefits from such employment are
 university research, the report cites a need for
                                                          shared by all mankind.
 concentrating research work in a given field in

6.. The discharge of toxin substances or of              15. Planning must be applied to human settle-
other substances and the release of heat, in             ments and urbanization with a view to avoiding
such quantities of concentrations as to exceed           adverse effects on the environment and obtaining
the capacity of the environment to render them           maximum social economic and environmental bene-
harmless, must be halted in order to insure that         fits for all. In this respect projects which
serious or irreversible damage is not inflicted          are designed for colonialist and racist domina-
upon esosystems.     The just struggle of the            tion must be abandoned.
peoples of    all countries against pollution
should be supported.                                     16. Demographic policies, which are without pre-
                                                         judice to basic human rights and which are deem-
7. States shall take all possible steps to pre-          ed appropriate by government concerned, should
vent pollution of the seas by subst an ces that          be applied in those regions where the rate of
are liable to create hazards to human health, to         population growth or execssive population
harm living resources and marine life, to damage         concentrations are likely to have adverse
amenities or to interfere with other legitimate          effects in the environment or development, or
uses of the sea.                                         where low population density may prevent
                                                         improvement of the human environment and impede
8. Economic and social development is essential          development.
for insuring a favorable living and working en-
vironment for man and for creating conditions on         17. Appropriate national institutions must be
earth that are necessary for the improvement of          entrusted with the task of planning, managing or
the quality of life.                                     controlling the environmental resources of
                                                         states with the view to enhancing environmental
9.   Environmental deficiencies generated by the         quality.
conditions of underdevelopment and natural dis-
asters pose grave problems and c an be remedied          18. Science and technology, as part of their
by accelerated development through the transfer          contribution to economic and social development,
of substantial quantities of financial and tech-         must be applied to identification, avoidance and
nological assistance as a supplement to the do-          control of environmental risks and the solution
mestic effort of the developing countries and            of environmental problems an d for the common
such timely assist an ce as may be required.             good of mankind.

10. For the developing countries, stability of           19. Education in environmental matters, for the
prices and adequate earnings for primary commo-          younger generation as well as adults, giving due
dities and raw material are essential to envi-           consideration to the underprivileged, is essent-
ronment management since economic factors as             ial in order to broaden the basis for an en-
well as ecological processes must be taken into          lightened opinion and responsible conduct by
                                                         individuals, enterprises and communities in pro-
                                                         tecting and improving the environment in its
11. The environmental policies of all states             full human dimension. It is also essential that
should enhance and not adversely affect the pre-
                                                         mass media of communications avoid contributing
sent or future development potential of develop-
                                                         to the deterioration of the environment, but on
ing countries, nor should they hamper the                the contrary, disseminate information of an
attainment living conditions for all, and
                                                         educational nature and the need to protect and
appropriate steps should be taken by states and
                                                         improve the environment in order to enable man
inte rn ational organizations with a view of
                                                         to develop in every respect.
reaching agreement on meeting the possible
national and inte rn ational economic consequences
                                                         20. Scientific research and development in the
resulting from the application of environmental
                                                         context of environment in the context of envi-
                                                         ronmental problems, both national and multina-
                                                         tional, must be promoted in all countries, espe-
12. Resources should be made available to pre-
                                                         cially the developing countries. In this con-
serve an d improve the environment, taking into
                                                         nection, the free flow of up-to-date-scientific
account the circumstances and particular re-
                                                         information and experience must be supported and
quirements of developing countries an d any costs
                                                         assisted, to facilitate the solution of environ-
which may emanate from their incorporating en-
                                                         mental problems: environmental technologies
vironmental safeguards into their development
                                                         should be made available to developing countries
planning an d the need for making available to
                                                         on terms which would encourage their wide dis-
them, upon their request, additional inter-              semination without constituting an economic
national technical and financial assistance for
                                                         burden on the developing countries.
this purpose.
                                                         21. States have, in accordance with the Charter
13. In order to achieve a more rational manage-
                                                         of the United Nations and the principles of in-
ment of resources and thus to improve the envi-
                                                         ternational law, the sovereign right to exploit
ronment, states should adopt an intergrated and
                                                         their own resources pursuant to their own envi-
coordinated approach to their development plan-
                                                         ronmental policies, and the responsibility to
ning so as to insure that development is com-
                                                         insure the activities within their jurisdiction
patible with the need to protect and improve the
                                                         or control do not cause damage to the envi-
human environment for the benefit of their popu-
                                                         ronment of other states or of areas beyond the
                                                         limits of national jurisdiction.
14. Rational planning constitutes an essential
                                                          22. States shall cooperate to develop further
tool for reconciling any conflict between the
                                                          the international law regarding liability and
needs of development and the need to protect an d
                                                          compensation for the victim of pollution and
improve the environment.
                                                          other environmental damage caused by activities

within the jurisdication or control of such              POSITIONS AVAILABLE
states to areas beyond their jurisdiction.               The National Research Council of Canada requires
                                                         a BIOLOGIST to serve as Supervising Editor for
23. Without prejudice to such general principles         Biology Journals.
as may be agreed upon by the international com-          In a program of scientific publishing, the Na-
munity, or to the criteria and minimum levels            tional Research Council of C an ada issues 10 Re-
which will have to be determined nationally, it          search Journals. Manuscripts are assessed for
will be essential in all classes to consider the         scientific merit by a Scientific Editor; those
systems of values prevailing in each country,            accepted are sent for publishing to the Product-
and the extent of the applicability of standards         tion Office (Editorial Department) in Ottawa.
which are valid for the most advanced countries          Under the Editorial Department Manager, three
but which may be inappropriate and of unwarrant-         Supervising Editors are responsible for journal
ed social cost for the developing countries.             production, an d the opening is for a Supervising
                                                         Editor for NRC's Research Journals in Biology.
24. International matters concerning the protec-         Duties:
tion and improvement of the environment should           Responsibility for the production of the Canad-
be handled in a cooperative spirt by all coun-           ian Jou rn al of Botany, Canadian Jou rn al of
tries, big or small, on an equal footing. Co-            Microbiology, and Canadian Journal of Zoology,
operation through multilateral or bilateral              which includes supervision of a small staff of
arrangements or other appropriate means is es-           Publication Assistants, all university graduates
sential to prevent, eliminate or reduce and              in Biology. Their editorial work consists of
effectively control adverse environmental                reading manuscripts for consistency, presentat-
effects resulting from activities conducted in           ion of scientific details, language
all spheres, in such a way that due account is           const ruction, etc.; marking manuscript copy for
taken of the sovereignty and interests of all            the printer;      preparing illustrations     for
states.                                                  engraving;    checking proof; and maintaining
                                                         liaison with the scientific       editors,  with
25. States shall insure that international or-           authors, and with the printer.
ganizations play a coordinated, efficient and            Qualifications:
dynamic role for the protection an d improvement         Ph.D. in one of the major fields of biology;
of the environment.                                      current   awareness of biological literature;
                                                         interest in and aptitude for the art of
26. Man and his environment must be spared the           language; interest in active participation in
effects of nuclear weapons an d all other means          the communication of scientific information in
of mass destruction. States must strive to               biology.
reach prompt agreement, in the relevant inter-              Candidate with five to twelve years post-
national organs, on the elimination and complete         doctorate experience are preferred.
destruction of such weapons.                             Salary:
Reprinted from Intecol Newsletter Vol. 2, No.3.          Commensurate with qualifications.

                                                            Apply in writing giving complete details of
                                                         education and experience to the Employment Offi-
                                                         cer, National Research Council of Canada,
                                                         Ottawa, Ontario, K1A OR6. In reply please quote
                                                         competition RJ-112.
 THE CBA/ABC BULLETIN                                       Canadian citizens will have preference.
 Where to write:
 Change of address; information on membership of         AN APPEAL FOR INFORMATION
 the Canadian Botanical Association; general cor-        During the last couple of years I have tried to
 respondence relating to the Association --              assemble information on species of vascular
    Dr. Mary E. Elliot, Plant Research Institute,        plants which are in danger of extermination in
    Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario,          Canada, either due to human or other activities.
    K1A 006.                                             My efforts have been remarkably unsuccessful and
 Payment of subscriptions:                               it would appear that the Canadian flora is in an
    Dr. G.A. Mulligan, Plant Research Institute,         exceptionally healthy condition - a state of
    Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario,          affairs which I find hard to believe! If any of
    K1A 006.                                             our readers know of a species which is endanger-
 Material for the Bulletin:                              ed in their area I would be very grateful if
    Dr. J.K. Morton, Department of Biology,              they would write to me about it, so that a com-
    University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,           prehensive list of endangered species can be
    N2L 3G1.                                             compiled and kept up-to-date. The existence of
                                                         such a list is of particular import an ce in these
                                                         days when industrialization, urbanization, agri-
                                                         culture an d transport systems are making such
                                                         rapid inroads into our remaining natural habit-
                                                         J.K. Morton, Department of Biology
                                                         University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.

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